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This document is about building OpenOrienteering Mapper from source code.

The general build process prerequisites are:

  • A supported platform:
    • Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite). Mac OS X 10.7 or newer may work.
    • Linux. Ubuntu 14.04 is known to work.
  • The OpenOrienteering Mapper source code.
  • CMake >= 2.8.12. CMake is available from
  • A supported C++ compiler toolchain.

See below for platform-specific details and build instructions.

Qt Library

This program uses the Qt library from which is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3. The program is known to work with 5.2 and not to compile with Qt 4.8 or earlier. Qt 5.5.1 is the recommended version. By default CMake build settings for OS X and Windows, a special OpenOrienteering source package of Qt 5.5.1 will be downloaded and built as part of the build process. You can change the cmake option Mapper_BUILD_QT to adjust this.

Clipper Library

The program uses the clipper code library from / which is released under the terms of the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. The program is known to work with release 6.1.3a and not compile with releases 5.x.x or earlier. By default build settings, clipper 6.1.3a will be downloaded and built as part of the build process. You can change the cmake option Mapper_BUILD_CLIPPER to adjust this.

PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections Library

The program uses the PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections Library from which is released under permissive license terms. The program is known to work with the releases 4.8.0 (as contained in Ubuntu 14.04), 4.9.1 and 4.9.2. By default build settings, proj 4.8.0 will be downloaded and built as part of the build process. On Linux, default settings will use the installed proj library. You can change the cmake option Mapper_BUILD_PROJ to adjust this.

Getting the Source

Download a tarball from

and unpack it, or checkout the source code with git:

git clone

The directory created by unpacking or checkout will be referred to as the source directory (SOURCE_DIR).

Compiling on Linux

The standard g++ compiler from a recent distribution should work. The Ubuntu 14.04 g++ is known to work. Make sure that the development packages of the PROJ.4 library and of CUPS are installed. For a Ubuntu or Debian system, installlibproj-dev and libcups2-dev. To create a DEB package from CMake, fakeroot must be installed. For using the Qt libraries provided by the repositories, the following packages need to be installed: qt5-default (>= 5), qttools5-dev, qttools5-dev-tools, libqt5sql5-sqlite

Open a terminal, and create a build directory, e.g. as subdirectory build in the source directory, and change to that directory. From the build directory, configure and build like this:


Now you may start the build process by running


and generate a DEB package by

make deb

(The deb target works around some issues with CMake's DEB generator.)

Compiling on OS X

The supported compiler is clang from the Command Line Tools for Xcode. XCode 7.0.1 and the accompanying command line tools are known to work.

Now create a build directory, e.g. as subdirectory build in the source directory, and change to that directory. In the build directory, configure and build like this:


Now you may start the build process by running


and generate a DragNDrop package by

make package

Cross-Compiling on Linux for Windows

Some linux distributions may offer cross compiler packages based on MinGW or MinGW-w64 (for Ubuntu: g++-mingw-w64 et al.), and even NSIS/makensis is available.

For MinGW-w64 i686 (32 bit) builds, configure the build with

cmake PATH/TO/SOURCE_DIR -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=PATH/TO/SOURCE_DIR/cmake/toolchain/i686-w64-mingw32

and proceed with

make package

Cross-Compiling on Linux for Android

In addition to the general build process prerequisites, you need:

  • the Android SDK
  • the Android NDK
  • Qt 5.5.1 for Android which includes Qt Creator

When downloading packages for specific Android API levels, keep in mind that Qt5 requires at least API Level 9 to work, and apps built for the armeabi-v7a ABI require at least an emulator image of API level 14 to work with the emulator.

The build of OpenOrienteering Mapper for Android is controlled by qmake and the file. The easist way to do the build is using Qt Creator where you can define different "kits" representing different types of target devices. Qt Creator takes care of switching between debug and release configurations. For setting up the kits, see the Qt Creator documentation:

Mapper's dependencies, such as the PROJ.4 library, are build by cmake, based on the exisiting CMakeList.txt files and Qt Creator's kit settings.

For development, you may use the Android Qt kits which come with Qt Creator. For official releases, you need to build the Qt libraries from the sources. This can be done by loading 3rd-party/qt5/ in Qt Creator, and building it using a kit for Android. The resulting Qt kit can be added to Qt Creator as another Qt version via Tools > Options... > Build & Run > Qt Versions. Qt Creator will automatically create a kit for this, and then you can use this kit to build official OpenOrienteering releases. For general Qt5 for Android build instructions, see:

Binary Package Distribution

Distributing binary code under open source licenses creates certain legal obligations, such as the distribution of the corresponding source code and build instructions for GPL licensed binaries. This is how to do this correctly for Mapper.

Official release packages need to be build from an official source code archive. This is to make sure that every user can indeed get all required sources for the binary release.

Release packages will include the Qt libraries and the Qt assistant executable. That is why release packages need to build the Qt components from the Qt source code in the particular version which we distribute along with our source. The Mapper default build configuration will normally take care of this.

The same principle applies to the other third party components (PROJ.4, Clipper). If the compiler requires distribution of additional libraries, such as a libstdc++ DLL, these binaries' licenses must be respected as well, which may add additional source code and build instruction distribution requirements.

The build shall start from a fresh build directory. The build shall be in release mode, i.e. with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release. Synopsis:

tar xvzf openorienteering-mapper_X.Y.Z-src.tgz
cd openorienteering-mapper_X.Y.Z
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make package

#Speeding up with parallel build jobs

The build can make use of multiple processor cores. Add the option


to the call to make (or mingw32-make), where N is the number of cores to be used.

Making a source package

Start from a clean git working directory. Run

make Mapper_Source