install virsh on icinga/nagios host
check the nagios user can connect to remote libvirt machine
ex. sudo nagios virsh -c qemu+ssh://[email protected]/system --readonly list
If all looks good put the command into your icinga/nagios
check_libvirt -H libvirt-host -m mode -u user <-t type -w warning -c critical>
-H (libvirt host)
The remote libvirt host
!!! mandatory argument !!!
-u (username)
Username to connect to hypervisor
!!! mandatory argument !!!
-t (connection type)
currently only qemu+ssh supported, this is default
-m (mode):
check virtual machines status (running,paused etc...)
returns WARNING when one ore more VM powerwed off or paused
returns CRITICAL when one or more VM crashed
check definied storage pools
returns warning when inactive pool founded
check all active pool usage
-w (warning)
Warning threshonld in percentage
Default: 80%
-c (critital)
Critical threshold in percentage
Default: 95%
You can donate the plugin via PayPal ([email protected])