Install docker, docker-compose and if you're using defaults, just copy env.template to .env
docker-compose up -d db
dbmate up
sample output: Applying: 20221110141229_linux_user.sql Writing: ./db/schema.sql
make build
go generate
sample output:
2022/11/23 17:36:12 Generate swagger docs....
2022/11/23 17:36:12 Generate general API Info, search dir:./
2022/11/23 17:36:14 Generating models.LinuxUser
2022/11/23 17:36:14 create docs.go at api/docs.go
2022/11/23 17:36:14 create swagger.json at api/swagger.json
2022/11/23 17:36:14 create swagger.yaml at api/swagger.yaml
go build -o www_svc
update conf/golog.yaml as appropriate then simply run: ./www_svc
All endpoints should be documented under http://localhost:3000/swaggerui/