From a4facaee044cc843ce2c7c84716e3182ad1d7695 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Augusto Ferroni Cardoso
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 17:53:53 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] posts
Gemfile | 4 +-
Gemfile.lock | 4 +-
_site/404.html | 76 +
_site/assets/css/style.css | 2883 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
_site/css/main.css | 299 +++
_site/exemplo-de-postagem.html | 98 +
_site/feed.xml | 31 +
_site/images/favicon.png | Bin 0 -> 42609 bytes
_site/images/logo_csharpbrasil.png | Bin 0 -> 42609 bytes
_site/index.html | 131 ++
_site/js/main.js | 41 +
_site/primeiro-exemplo.html | 98 +
_site/sobre.html | 89 +
_site/welcome-to-jekyll.html | 108 ++
14 files changed, 3860 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 _site/404.html
create mode 100644 _site/assets/css/style.css
create mode 100644 _site/css/main.css
create mode 100644 _site/exemplo-de-postagem.html
create mode 100644 _site/feed.xml
create mode 100644 _site/images/favicon.png
create mode 100644 _site/images/logo_csharpbrasil.png
create mode 100644 _site/index.html
create mode 100644 _site/js/main.js
create mode 100644 _site/primeiro-exemplo.html
create mode 100644 _site/sobre.html
create mode 100644 _site/welcome-to-jekyll.html
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 6d2cf93..fb01ce1 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ source ""
#gem "minima", "~> 2.5"
# If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and
# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`.
-gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
+gem "github-pages", "~> 231", group: :jekyll_plugins
# If you have any plugins, put them here!
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem "jekyll-paginate-v2"
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ platforms :mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin, :jruby do
gem "tzinfo-data"
+gem "webrick"
# Performance-booster for watching directories on Windows
gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.1", :platforms => [:mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin]
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
index 18424e5..a58314d 100644
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ GEM
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
unicode-display_width (1.8.0)
uri (0.13.0)
+ webrick (1.8.1)
@@ -272,13 +273,14 @@ PLATFORMS
- github-pages
+ github-pages (~> 231)
http_parser.rb (~> 0.6.0)
jekyll-feed (~> 0.12)
tzinfo (>= 1, < 3)
wdm (~> 0.1.1)
+ webrick
diff --git a/_site/404.html b/_site/404.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a568358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/404.html
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ 404 - Página não encontrada
+ 404 - Página não encontrada
+Não foi possível encontrar o URL solicitado. Você pode tentar novamente acessando a página inicial .
diff --git a/_site/assets/css/style.css b/_site/assets/css/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc2033b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/assets/css/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,2883 @@
+/*! normalize.css v4.1.1 | MIT License | */
+/** 1. Change the default font family in all browsers (opinionated). 2. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in IE and iOS. */
+html { font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */ -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ }
+/** Remove the margin in all browsers (opinionated). */
+body { margin: 0; }
+/* HTML5 display definitions ========================================================================== */
+/** Add the correct display in IE 9-. 1. Add the correct display in Edge, IE, and Firefox. 2. Add the correct display in IE. */
+article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, main, menu, nav, section { /* 1 */ display: block; }
+summary { display: list-item; }
+/** Add the correct display in IE 9-. */
+audio, canvas, progress, video { display: inline-block; }
+/** Add the correct display in iOS 4-7. */
+audio:not([controls]) { display: none; height: 0; }
+/** Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. */
+progress { vertical-align: baseline; }
+/** Add the correct display in IE 10-. 1. Add the correct display in IE. */
+template, [hidden] { display: none !important; }
+/* Links ========================================================================== */
+/** Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10. */
+a { background-color: transparent; /* 1 */ }
+/** Remove the outline on focused links when they are also active or hovered in all browsers (opinionated). */
+a:active, a:hover { outline-width: 0; }
+/* Text-level semantics ========================================================================== */
+/** 1. Remove the bottom border in Firefox 39-. 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari. */
+abbr[title] { border-bottom: none; /* 1 */ text-decoration: underline; /* 2 */ text-decoration: underline dotted; /* 2 */ }
+/** Prevent the duplicate application of `bolder` by the next rule in Safari 6. */
+b, strong { font-weight: inherit; }
+/** Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari. */
+b, strong { font-weight: bolder; }
+/** Add the correct font style in Android 4.3-. */
+dfn { font-style: italic; }
+/** Correct the font size and margin on `h1` elements within `section` and `article` contexts in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. */
+h1 { font-size: 2em; margin: 0.67em 0; }
+/** Add the correct background and color in IE 9-. */
+mark { background-color: #ff0; color: #000; }
+/** Add the correct font size in all browsers. */
+small { font-size: 80%; }
+/** Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in all browsers. */
+sub, sup { font-size: 75%; line-height: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; }
+sub { bottom: -0.25em; }
+sup { top: -0.5em; }
+/* Embedded content ========================================================================== */
+/** Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-. */
+img { border-style: none; }
+/** Hide the overflow in IE. */
+svg:not(:root) { overflow: hidden; }
+/* Grouping content ========================================================================== */
+/** 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers. 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers. */
+code, kbd, pre, samp { font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */ font-size: 1em; /* 2 */ }
+/** Add the correct margin in IE 8. */
+figure { margin: 1em 40px; }
+/** 1. Add the correct box sizing in Firefox. 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE. */
+hr { box-sizing: content-box; /* 1 */ height: 0; /* 1 */ overflow: visible; /* 2 */ }
+/* Forms ========================================================================== */
+/** 1. Change font properties to `inherit` in all browsers (opinionated). 2. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari. */
+button, input, select, textarea { font: inherit; /* 1 */ margin: 0; /* 2 */ }
+/** Restore the font weight unset by the previous rule. */
+optgroup { font-weight: bold; }
+/** Show the overflow in IE. 1. Show the overflow in Edge. */
+button, input { /* 1 */ overflow: visible; }
+/** Remove the inheritance of text transform in Edge, Firefox, and IE. 1. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox. */
+button, select { /* 1 */ text-transform: none; }
+/** 1. Prevent a WebKit bug where (2) destroys native `audio` and `video` controls in Android 4. 2. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. */
+button, html [type="button"], [type="reset"], [type="submit"] { -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */ }
+/** Remove the inner border and padding in Firefox. */
+button::-moz-focus-inner, [type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner, [type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner, [type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner { border-style: none; padding: 0; }
+/** Restore the focus styles unset by the previous rule. */
+button:-moz-focusring, [type="button"]:-moz-focusring, [type="reset"]:-moz-focusring, [type="submit"]:-moz-focusring { outline: 1px dotted ButtonText; }
+/** Change the border, margin, and padding in all browsers (opinionated). */
+fieldset { border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; }
+/** 1. Correct the text wrapping in Edge and IE. 2. Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE. 3. Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out `fieldset` elements in all browsers. */
+legend { box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ color: inherit; /* 2 */ display: table; /* 1 */ max-width: 100%; /* 1 */ padding: 0; /* 3 */ white-space: normal; /* 1 */ }
+/** Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE. */
+textarea { overflow: auto; }
+/** 1. Add the correct box sizing in IE 10-. 2. Remove the padding in IE 10-. */
+[type="checkbox"], [type="radio"] { box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ padding: 0; /* 2 */ }
+/** Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Chrome. */
+[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, [type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { height: auto; }
+/** 1. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari. 2. Correct the outline style in Safari. */
+[type="search"] { -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ outline-offset: -2px; /* 2 */ }
+/** Remove the inner padding and cancel buttons in Chrome and Safari on OS X. */
+[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, [type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { -webkit-appearance: none; }
+/** Correct the text style of placeholders in Chrome, Edge, and Safari. */
+::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: inherit; opacity: 0.54; }
+/** 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari. */
+::-webkit-file-upload-button { -webkit-appearance: button; /* 1 */ font: inherit; /* 2 */ }
+* { box-sizing: border-box; }
+input, select, textarea, button { font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; }
+body { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.5; color: #24292e; background-color: #fff; }
+a { color: #0366d6; text-decoration: none; }
+a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
+b, strong { font-weight: 600; }
+hr, .rule { height: 0; margin: 15px 0; overflow: hidden; background: transparent; border: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #dfe2e5; }
+hr::before, .rule::before { display: table; content: ""; }
+hr::after, .rule::after { display: table; clear: both; content: ""; }
+table { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; }
+td, th { padding: 0; }
+button { cursor: pointer; border-radius: 0; }
+[hidden][hidden] { display: none !important; }
+details summary { cursor: pointer; }
+details:not([open]) > *:not(summary) { display: none !important; }
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
+h1 { font-size: 32px; font-weight: 600; }
+h2 { font-size: 24px; font-weight: 600; }
+h3 { font-size: 20px; font-weight: 600; }
+h4 { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; }
+h5 { font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600; }
+h6 { font-size: 12px; font-weight: 600; }
+p { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 10px; }
+small { font-size: 90%; }
+blockquote { margin: 0; }
+ul, ol { padding-left: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
+ol ol, ul ol { list-style-type: lower-roman; }
+ul ul ol, ul ol ol, ol ul ol, ol ol ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; }
+dd { margin-left: 0; }
+tt, code { font-family: "SFMono-Regular", Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace; font-size: 12px; }
+pre { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; font-family: "SFMono-Regular", Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace; font-size: 12px; }
+.octicon { vertical-align: text-bottom; }
+/* Fade in an element */
+.anim-fade-in { animation-name: fade-in; animation-duration: 1s; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; } { animation-duration: 300ms; }
+@keyframes fade-in { 0% { opacity: 0; }
+ 100% { opacity: 1; } }
+/* Fade out an element */
+.anim-fade-out { animation-name: fade-out; animation-duration: 1s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; } { animation-duration: 0.3s; }
+@keyframes fade-out { 0% { opacity: 1; }
+ 100% { opacity: 0; } }
+/* Fade in and slide up an element */
+.anim-fade-up { opacity: 0; animation-name: fade-up; animation-duration: 0.3s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-delay: 1s; }
+@keyframes fade-up { 0% { opacity: 0.8; transform: translateY(100%); }
+ 100% { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0); } }
+/* Fade an element out and slide down */
+.anim-fade-down { animation-name: fade-down; animation-duration: 0.3s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-timing-function: ease-in; }
+@keyframes fade-down { 0% { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0); }
+ 100% { opacity: 0.5; transform: translateY(100%); } }
+/* Grow an element width from 0 to 100% */
+.anim-grow-x { width: 0%; animation-name: grow-x; animation-duration: 0.3s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-delay: 0.5s; }
+@keyframes grow-x { to { width: 100%; } }
+/* Shrink an element from 100% to 0% */
+.anim-shrink-x { animation-name: shrink-x; animation-duration: 0.3s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-delay: 0.5s; }
+@keyframes shrink-x { to { width: 0%; } }
+/* Fade in an element and scale it fast */
+.anim-scale-in { animation-name: scale-in; animation-duration: 0.15s; animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.2, 0, 0.13, 1.5); }
+@keyframes scale-in { 0% { opacity: 0; transform: scale(0.5); }
+ 100% { opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); } }
+/* Pulse an element's opacity */
+.anim-pulse { animation-name: pulse; animation-duration: 2s; animation-timing-function: linear; animation-iteration-count: infinite; }
+@keyframes pulse { 0% { opacity: 0.3; }
+ 10% { opacity: 1; }
+ 100% { opacity: 0.3; } }
+/* Pulse in an element */
+.anim-pulse-in { animation-name: pulse-in; animation-duration: 0.5s; }
+@keyframes pulse-in { 0% { transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); }
+ 50% { transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1); }
+ 100% { transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); } }
+/* Increase scale of an element on hover */
+.hover-grow { transition: transform 0.3s; backface-visibility: hidden; }
+.hover-grow:hover { transform: scale(1.025); }
+/* Add a gray border on all sides */
+.border { border: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+/* Add a gray border to the left and right */
+.border-y { border-top: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; border-bottom: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+/* Remove borders from all sides */
+.border-0 { border: 0 !important; }
+.border-dashed { border-style: dashed !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border blue */
+.border-blue { border-color: #0366d6 !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border blue-light */
+.border-blue-light { border-color: #c8e1ff !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border green */
+.border-green { border-color: #34d058 !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border green light */
+.border-green-light { border-color: #a2cbac !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border red */
+.border-red { border-color: #d73a49 !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border red-light */
+.border-red-light { border-color: #cea0a5 !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border purple */
+.border-purple { border-color: #6f42c1 !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border yellow */
+.border-yellow { border-color: #d9d0a5 !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border gray-light */
+.border-gray-light { border-color: #eaecef !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border gray-dark */
+.border-gray-dark { border-color: #d1d5da !important; }
+/* Use with .border to turn the border rgba black 0.15 */
+.border-black-fade { border-color: rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.15) !important; }
+/* Add a gray border */
+/* Add a gray border to the top */
+.border-top { border-top: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+/* Add a gray border to the right */
+.border-right { border-right: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+/* Add a gray border to the bottom */
+.border-bottom { border-bottom: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+/* Add a gray border to the left */
+.border-left { border-left: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+/* Remove the top border */
+.border-top-0 { border-top: 0 !important; }
+/* Remove the right border */
+.border-right-0 { border-right: 0 !important; }
+/* Remove the bottom border */
+.border-bottom-0 { border-bottom: 0 !important; }
+/* Remove the left border */
+.border-left-0 { border-left: 0 !important; }
+/* Remove the border-radius */
+.rounded-0 { border-radius: 0 !important; }
+/* Add a border-radius to all corners */
+.rounded-1 { border-radius: 3px !important; }
+/* Add a 2x border-radius to all corners */
+.rounded-2 { border-radius: 6px !important; }
+.rounded-top-0 { border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; }
+.rounded-top-1 { border-top-left-radius: 3px !important; border-top-right-radius: 3px !important; }
+.rounded-top-2 { border-top-left-radius: 6px !important; border-top-right-radius: 6px !important; }
+.rounded-right-0 { border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; }
+.rounded-right-1 { border-top-right-radius: 3px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important; }
+.rounded-right-2 { border-top-right-radius: 6px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 6px !important; }
+.rounded-bottom-0 { border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; }
+.rounded-bottom-1 { border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px !important; }
+.rounded-bottom-2 { border-bottom-right-radius: 6px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 6px !important; }
+.rounded-left-0 { border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; }
+.rounded-left-1 { border-bottom-left-radius: 3px !important; border-top-left-radius: 3px !important; }
+.rounded-left-2 { border-bottom-left-radius: 6px !important; border-top-left-radius: 6px !important; }
+@media (min-width: 544px) { /* Add a gray border */
+ /* Add a gray border to the top */
+ .border-sm-top { border-top: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the right */
+ .border-sm-right { border-right: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the bottom */
+ .border-sm-bottom { border-bottom: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the left */
+ .border-sm-left { border-left: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Remove the top border */
+ .border-sm-top-0 { border-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the right border */
+ .border-sm-right-0 { border-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the bottom border */
+ .border-sm-bottom-0 { border-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the left border */
+ .border-sm-left-0 { border-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the border-radius */
+ .rounded-sm-0 { border-radius: 0 !important; }
+ /* Add a border-radius to all corners */
+ .rounded-sm-1 { border-radius: 3px !important; }
+ /* Add a 2x border-radius to all corners */
+ .rounded-sm-2 { border-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-top-0 { border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-top-1 { border-top-left-radius: 3px !important; border-top-right-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-top-2 { border-top-left-radius: 6px !important; border-top-right-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-right-0 { border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-right-1 { border-top-right-radius: 3px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-right-2 { border-top-right-radius: 6px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-bottom-0 { border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-bottom-1 { border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-bottom-2 { border-bottom-right-radius: 6px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-left-0 { border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-left-1 { border-bottom-left-radius: 3px !important; border-top-left-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-sm-left-2 { border-bottom-left-radius: 6px !important; border-top-left-radius: 6px !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) { /* Add a gray border */
+ /* Add a gray border to the top */
+ .border-md-top { border-top: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the right */
+ .border-md-right { border-right: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the bottom */
+ .border-md-bottom { border-bottom: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the left */
+ .border-md-left { border-left: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Remove the top border */
+ .border-md-top-0 { border-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the right border */
+ .border-md-right-0 { border-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the bottom border */
+ .border-md-bottom-0 { border-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the left border */
+ .border-md-left-0 { border-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the border-radius */
+ .rounded-md-0 { border-radius: 0 !important; }
+ /* Add a border-radius to all corners */
+ .rounded-md-1 { border-radius: 3px !important; }
+ /* Add a 2x border-radius to all corners */
+ .rounded-md-2 { border-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-md-top-0 { border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-md-top-1 { border-top-left-radius: 3px !important; border-top-right-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-md-top-2 { border-top-left-radius: 6px !important; border-top-right-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-md-right-0 { border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-md-right-1 { border-top-right-radius: 3px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-md-right-2 { border-top-right-radius: 6px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-md-bottom-0 { border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-md-bottom-1 { border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-md-bottom-2 { border-bottom-right-radius: 6px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-md-left-0 { border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-md-left-1 { border-bottom-left-radius: 3px !important; border-top-left-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-md-left-2 { border-bottom-left-radius: 6px !important; border-top-left-radius: 6px !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1012px) { /* Add a gray border */
+ /* Add a gray border to the top */
+ .border-lg-top { border-top: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the right */
+ .border-lg-right { border-right: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the bottom */
+ .border-lg-bottom { border-bottom: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the left */
+ .border-lg-left { border-left: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Remove the top border */
+ .border-lg-top-0 { border-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the right border */
+ .border-lg-right-0 { border-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the bottom border */
+ .border-lg-bottom-0 { border-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the left border */
+ .border-lg-left-0 { border-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the border-radius */
+ .rounded-lg-0 { border-radius: 0 !important; }
+ /* Add a border-radius to all corners */
+ .rounded-lg-1 { border-radius: 3px !important; }
+ /* Add a 2x border-radius to all corners */
+ .rounded-lg-2 { border-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-top-0 { border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-top-1 { border-top-left-radius: 3px !important; border-top-right-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-top-2 { border-top-left-radius: 6px !important; border-top-right-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-right-0 { border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-right-1 { border-top-right-radius: 3px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-right-2 { border-top-right-radius: 6px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-bottom-0 { border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-bottom-1 { border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-bottom-2 { border-bottom-right-radius: 6px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-left-0 { border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-left-1 { border-bottom-left-radius: 3px !important; border-top-left-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-lg-left-2 { border-bottom-left-radius: 6px !important; border-top-left-radius: 6px !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1280px) { /* Add a gray border */
+ /* Add a gray border to the top */
+ .border-xl-top { border-top: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the right */
+ .border-xl-right { border-right: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the bottom */
+ .border-xl-bottom { border-bottom: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Add a gray border to the left */
+ .border-xl-left { border-left: 1px #e1e4e8 solid !important; }
+ /* Remove the top border */
+ .border-xl-top-0 { border-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the right border */
+ .border-xl-right-0 { border-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the bottom border */
+ .border-xl-bottom-0 { border-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the left border */
+ .border-xl-left-0 { border-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Remove the border-radius */
+ .rounded-xl-0 { border-radius: 0 !important; }
+ /* Add a border-radius to all corners */
+ .rounded-xl-1 { border-radius: 3px !important; }
+ /* Add a 2x border-radius to all corners */
+ .rounded-xl-2 { border-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-top-0 { border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-top-1 { border-top-left-radius: 3px !important; border-top-right-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-top-2 { border-top-left-radius: 6px !important; border-top-right-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-right-0 { border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-right-1 { border-top-right-radius: 3px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-right-2 { border-top-right-radius: 6px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-bottom-0 { border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-bottom-1 { border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-bottom-2 { border-bottom-right-radius: 6px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 6px !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-left-0 { border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-left-1 { border-bottom-left-radius: 3px !important; border-top-left-radius: 3px !important; }
+ .rounded-xl-left-2 { border-bottom-left-radius: 6px !important; border-top-left-radius: 6px !important; } }
+/* Add a 50% border-radius to make something into a circle */ { border-radius: 50% !important; }
+ { box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.1) !important; }
+ { box-shadow: 0 1px 5px rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.15) !important; }
+ { box-shadow: 0 1px 15px rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.15) !important; }
+ { box-shadow: 0 10px 50px rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.07) !important; }
+ { box-shadow: none !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-white */ { background-color: #fff !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-blue */ { background-color: #0366d6 !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-blue-light */ { background-color: #f1f8ff !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-gray-dark */ { background-color: #24292e !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-gray */ { background-color: #f6f8fa !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-gray-light */ { background-color: #fafbfc !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-green */ { background-color: #28a745 !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-green-light */ { background-color: #dcffe4 !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-red */ { background-color: #d73a49 !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-red-light */ { background-color: #ffdce0 !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-yellow */ { background-color: #ffd33d !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-yellow-light */ { background-color: #fff5b1 !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-purple */ { background-color: #6f42c1 !important; }
+/* Set the background to $bg-purple-light */ { background-color: #f5f0ff !important; }
+ { background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.065), rgba(27, 31, 35, 0)) !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; background-size: 100% 200px !important; }
+/* Set the text color to $text-blue */
+.text-blue { color: #0366d6 !important; }
+/* Set the text color to $text-red */
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+/* Set the text color to $text-gray-light */
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+/* Set the text color to $text-gray */
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+/* Set the text color to $text-gray-dark */
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+/* Set the text color to $text-green */
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+/* Set the text color to $text-orange */
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+/* Set the text color to $text-orange-light */
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+/* Set the text color to $text-white */
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+/* Set the text color to inherit */
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+.text-pending { color: #b08800 !important; }
+ { color: #dbab09 !important; }
+ { color: #586069 !important; } { color: #0366d6 !important; }
+ { color: #24292e !important; } { color: #0366d6 !important; }
+/* Set the link color to $text-blue on hover Useful when you want only part of a link to turn blue on hover */ { color: #0366d6 !important; }
+/* Make a link $text-gray, then $text-blue on hover and removes the underline */
+.muted-link { color: #586069 !important; }
+.muted-link:hover { color: #0366d6 !important; text-decoration: none; }
+.details-overlay[open] > summary::before { position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 80; display: block; cursor: default; content: " "; background: transparent; }
+.details-overlay-dark[open] > summary::before { z-index: 99; background: rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.5); }
+.flex-row { flex-direction: row !important; }
+.flex-row-reverse { flex-direction: row-reverse !important; }
+.flex-column { flex-direction: column !important; }
+.flex-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap !important; }
+.flex-nowrap { flex-wrap: nowrap !important; }
+.flex-justify-start { justify-content: flex-start !important; }
+.flex-justify-end { justify-content: flex-end !important; }
+.flex-justify-center { justify-content: center !important; }
+.flex-justify-between { justify-content: space-between !important; }
+.flex-justify-around { justify-content: space-around !important; }
+.flex-items-start { align-items: flex-start !important; }
+.flex-items-end { align-items: flex-end !important; }
+.flex-items-center { align-items: center !important; }
+.flex-items-baseline { align-items: baseline !important; }
+.flex-items-stretch { align-items: stretch !important; }
+.flex-content-start { align-content: flex-start !important; }
+.flex-content-end { align-content: flex-end !important; }
+.flex-content-center { align-content: center !important; }
+.flex-content-between { align-content: space-between !important; }
+.flex-content-around { align-content: space-around !important; }
+.flex-content-stretch { align-content: stretch !important; }
+.flex-auto { flex: 1 1 auto !important; }
+.flex-shrink-0 { flex-shrink: 0 !important; }
+.flex-self-auto { align-self: auto !important; }
+.flex-self-start { align-self: flex-start !important; }
+.flex-self-end { align-self: flex-end !important; }
+.flex-self-center { align-self: center !important; }
+.flex-self-baseline { align-self: baseline !important; }
+.flex-self-stretch { align-self: stretch !important; }
+.flex-item-equal { flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 0; }
+@media (min-width: 544px) { .flex-sm-row { flex-direction: row !important; }
+ .flex-sm-row-reverse { flex-direction: row-reverse !important; }
+ .flex-sm-column { flex-direction: column !important; }
+ .flex-sm-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap !important; }
+ .flex-sm-nowrap { flex-wrap: nowrap !important; }
+ .flex-sm-justify-start { justify-content: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-sm-justify-end { justify-content: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-sm-justify-center { justify-content: center !important; }
+ .flex-sm-justify-between { justify-content: space-between !important; }
+ .flex-sm-justify-around { justify-content: space-around !important; }
+ .flex-sm-items-start { align-items: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-sm-items-end { align-items: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-sm-items-center { align-items: center !important; }
+ .flex-sm-items-baseline { align-items: baseline !important; }
+ .flex-sm-items-stretch { align-items: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-sm-content-start { align-content: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-sm-content-end { align-content: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-sm-content-center { align-content: center !important; }
+ .flex-sm-content-between { align-content: space-between !important; }
+ .flex-sm-content-around { align-content: space-around !important; }
+ .flex-sm-content-stretch { align-content: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-sm-auto { flex: 1 1 auto !important; }
+ .flex-sm-shrink-0 { flex-shrink: 0 !important; }
+ .flex-sm-self-auto { align-self: auto !important; }
+ .flex-sm-self-start { align-self: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-sm-self-end { align-self: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-sm-self-center { align-self: center !important; }
+ .flex-sm-self-baseline { align-self: baseline !important; }
+ .flex-sm-self-stretch { align-self: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-sm-item-equal { flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 0; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) { .flex-md-row { flex-direction: row !important; }
+ .flex-md-row-reverse { flex-direction: row-reverse !important; }
+ .flex-md-column { flex-direction: column !important; }
+ .flex-md-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap !important; }
+ .flex-md-nowrap { flex-wrap: nowrap !important; }
+ .flex-md-justify-start { justify-content: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-md-justify-end { justify-content: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-md-justify-center { justify-content: center !important; }
+ .flex-md-justify-between { justify-content: space-between !important; }
+ .flex-md-justify-around { justify-content: space-around !important; }
+ .flex-md-items-start { align-items: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-md-items-end { align-items: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-md-items-center { align-items: center !important; }
+ .flex-md-items-baseline { align-items: baseline !important; }
+ .flex-md-items-stretch { align-items: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-md-content-start { align-content: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-md-content-end { align-content: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-md-content-center { align-content: center !important; }
+ .flex-md-content-between { align-content: space-between !important; }
+ .flex-md-content-around { align-content: space-around !important; }
+ .flex-md-content-stretch { align-content: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-md-auto { flex: 1 1 auto !important; }
+ .flex-md-shrink-0 { flex-shrink: 0 !important; }
+ .flex-md-self-auto { align-self: auto !important; }
+ .flex-md-self-start { align-self: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-md-self-end { align-self: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-md-self-center { align-self: center !important; }
+ .flex-md-self-baseline { align-self: baseline !important; }
+ .flex-md-self-stretch { align-self: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-md-item-equal { flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 0; } }
+@media (min-width: 1012px) { .flex-lg-row { flex-direction: row !important; }
+ .flex-lg-row-reverse { flex-direction: row-reverse !important; }
+ .flex-lg-column { flex-direction: column !important; }
+ .flex-lg-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap !important; }
+ .flex-lg-nowrap { flex-wrap: nowrap !important; }
+ .flex-lg-justify-start { justify-content: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-lg-justify-end { justify-content: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-lg-justify-center { justify-content: center !important; }
+ .flex-lg-justify-between { justify-content: space-between !important; }
+ .flex-lg-justify-around { justify-content: space-around !important; }
+ .flex-lg-items-start { align-items: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-lg-items-end { align-items: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-lg-items-center { align-items: center !important; }
+ .flex-lg-items-baseline { align-items: baseline !important; }
+ .flex-lg-items-stretch { align-items: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-lg-content-start { align-content: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-lg-content-end { align-content: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-lg-content-center { align-content: center !important; }
+ .flex-lg-content-between { align-content: space-between !important; }
+ .flex-lg-content-around { align-content: space-around !important; }
+ .flex-lg-content-stretch { align-content: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-lg-auto { flex: 1 1 auto !important; }
+ .flex-lg-shrink-0 { flex-shrink: 0 !important; }
+ .flex-lg-self-auto { align-self: auto !important; }
+ .flex-lg-self-start { align-self: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-lg-self-end { align-self: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-lg-self-center { align-self: center !important; }
+ .flex-lg-self-baseline { align-self: baseline !important; }
+ .flex-lg-self-stretch { align-self: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-lg-item-equal { flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 0; } }
+@media (min-width: 1280px) { .flex-xl-row { flex-direction: row !important; }
+ .flex-xl-row-reverse { flex-direction: row-reverse !important; }
+ .flex-xl-column { flex-direction: column !important; }
+ .flex-xl-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap !important; }
+ .flex-xl-nowrap { flex-wrap: nowrap !important; }
+ .flex-xl-justify-start { justify-content: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-xl-justify-end { justify-content: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-xl-justify-center { justify-content: center !important; }
+ .flex-xl-justify-between { justify-content: space-between !important; }
+ .flex-xl-justify-around { justify-content: space-around !important; }
+ .flex-xl-items-start { align-items: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-xl-items-end { align-items: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-xl-items-center { align-items: center !important; }
+ .flex-xl-items-baseline { align-items: baseline !important; }
+ .flex-xl-items-stretch { align-items: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-xl-content-start { align-content: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-xl-content-end { align-content: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-xl-content-center { align-content: center !important; }
+ .flex-xl-content-between { align-content: space-between !important; }
+ .flex-xl-content-around { align-content: space-around !important; }
+ .flex-xl-content-stretch { align-content: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-xl-auto { flex: 1 1 auto !important; }
+ .flex-xl-shrink-0 { flex-shrink: 0 !important; }
+ .flex-xl-self-auto { align-self: auto !important; }
+ .flex-xl-self-start { align-self: flex-start !important; }
+ .flex-xl-self-end { align-self: flex-end !important; }
+ .flex-xl-self-center { align-self: center !important; }
+ .flex-xl-self-baseline { align-self: baseline !important; }
+ .flex-xl-self-stretch { align-self: stretch !important; }
+ .flex-xl-item-equal { flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 0; } }
+/* Set position to static */
+.position-static { position: static !important; }
+/* Set position to relative */
+.position-relative { position: relative !important; }
+/* Set position to absolute */
+.position-absolute { position: absolute !important; }
+/* Set position to fixed */
+.position-fixed { position: fixed !important; }
+/* Set top 0 */ { top: 0 !important; }
+/* Set right 0 */
+.right-0 { right: 0 !important; }
+/* Set bottom 0 */
+.bottom-0 { bottom: 0 !important; }
+/* Set left 0 */
+.left-0 { left: 0 !important; }
+/* Vertical align middle */
+.v-align-middle { vertical-align: middle !important; }
+/* Vertical align top */
+.v-align-top { vertical-align: top !important; }
+/* Vertical align bottom */
+.v-align-bottom { vertical-align: bottom !important; }
+/* Vertical align to the top of the text */
+.v-align-text-top { vertical-align: text-top !important; }
+/* Vertical align to the bottom of the text */
+.v-align-text-bottom { vertical-align: text-bottom !important; }
+/* Vertical align to the parent's baseline */
+.v-align-baseline { vertical-align: baseline !important; }
+/* Set the overflow hidden */
+.overflow-hidden { overflow: hidden !important; }
+/* Set the overflow scroll */
+.overflow-scroll { overflow: scroll !important; }
+/* Set the overflow auto */
+.overflow-auto { overflow: auto !important; }
+/* Clear floats around the element */
+.clearfix::before { display: table; content: ""; }
+.clearfix::after { display: table; clear: both; content: ""; }
+/* Float to the left */
+.float-left { float: left !important; }
+/* Float to the right */
+.float-right { float: right !important; }
+/* No float */
+.float-none { float: none !important; }
+@media (min-width: 544px) { /* Float to the left */
+ .float-sm-left { float: left !important; }
+ /* Float to the right */
+ .float-sm-right { float: right !important; }
+ /* No float */
+ .float-sm-none { float: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) { /* Float to the left */
+ .float-md-left { float: left !important; }
+ /* Float to the right */
+ .float-md-right { float: right !important; }
+ /* No float */
+ .float-md-none { float: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1012px) { /* Float to the left */
+ .float-lg-left { float: left !important; }
+ /* Float to the right */
+ .float-lg-right { float: right !important; }
+ /* No float */
+ .float-lg-none { float: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1280px) { /* Float to the left */
+ .float-xl-left { float: left !important; }
+ /* Float to the right */
+ .float-xl-right { float: right !important; }
+ /* No float */
+ .float-xl-none { float: none !important; } }
+/* Max width 100% */
+.width-fit { max-width: 100% !important; }
+/* Set the width to 100% */
+.width-full { width: 100% !important; }
+/* Max height 100% */
+.height-fit { max-height: 100% !important; }
+/* Set the height to 100% */
+.height-full { height: 100% !important; }
+/* Remove min-width from element */
+.min-width-0 { min-width: 0 !important; }
+/* Set the direction to rtl */
+.direction-rtl { direction: rtl !important; }
+/* Set the direction to ltr */
+.direction-ltr { direction: ltr !important; }
+@media (min-width: 544px) { /* Set the direction to rtl */
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+ /* Set the direction to ltr */
+ .direction-sm-ltr { direction: ltr !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) { /* Set the direction to rtl */
+ .direction-md-rtl { direction: rtl !important; }
+ /* Set the direction to ltr */
+ .direction-md-ltr { direction: ltr !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1012px) { /* Set the direction to rtl */
+ .direction-lg-rtl { direction: rtl !important; }
+ /* Set the direction to ltr */
+ .direction-lg-ltr { direction: ltr !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1280px) { /* Set the direction to rtl */
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+ /* Set the direction to ltr */
+ .direction-xl-ltr { direction: ltr !important; } }
+/* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.m-0 { margin: 0 !important; }
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+/* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-0 { margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.m-1 { margin: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-1 { margin-bottom: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: -4px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: -4px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-n1 { margin-bottom: -4px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: -4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 4px !important; margin-left: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 4px !important; margin-bottom: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.m-2 { margin: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-2 { margin-bottom: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: -8px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: -8px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-n2 { margin-bottom: -8px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: -8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 8px !important; margin-left: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 8px !important; margin-bottom: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.m-3 { margin: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-3 { margin-bottom: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: -16px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: -16px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-n3 { margin-bottom: -16px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: -16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 16px !important; margin-left: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 16px !important; margin-bottom: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.m-4 { margin: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-4 { margin-bottom: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: -24px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: -24px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-n4 { margin-bottom: -24px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: -24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 24px !important; margin-left: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 24px !important; margin-bottom: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.m-5 { margin: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-5 { margin-bottom: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: -32px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: -32px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-n5 { margin-bottom: -32px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: -32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 32px !important; margin-left: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 32px !important; margin-bottom: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.m-6 { margin: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-6 { margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: -40px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: -40px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.mb-n6 { margin-bottom: -40px !important; }
+/* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */ { margin-left: -40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */ { margin-right: 40px !important; margin-left: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { margin-top: 40px !important; margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
+/* responsive horizontal auto margins */ { margin-right: auto !important; margin-left: auto !important; }
+@media (min-width: 544px) { /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-sm-0 { margin: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-0 { margin-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-0 { margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-0 { margin-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-sm-0 { margin-right: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-sm-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-sm-1 { margin: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-1 { margin-top: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-1 { margin-right: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-1 { margin-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-1 { margin-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-n1 { margin-top: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-n1 { margin-right: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-n1 { margin-bottom: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-n1 { margin-left: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-sm-1 { margin-right: 4px !important; margin-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-sm-1 { margin-top: 4px !important; margin-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-sm-2 { margin: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-2 { margin-top: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-2 { margin-right: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-2 { margin-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-2 { margin-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-n2 { margin-top: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-n2 { margin-right: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-n2 { margin-bottom: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-n2 { margin-left: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-sm-2 { margin-right: 8px !important; margin-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-sm-2 { margin-top: 8px !important; margin-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-sm-3 { margin: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-3 { margin-top: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-3 { margin-right: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-3 { margin-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-3 { margin-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-n3 { margin-top: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-n3 { margin-right: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-n3 { margin-bottom: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-n3 { margin-left: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-sm-3 { margin-right: 16px !important; margin-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-sm-3 { margin-top: 16px !important; margin-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-sm-4 { margin: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-4 { margin-top: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-4 { margin-right: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-4 { margin-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-4 { margin-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-n4 { margin-top: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-n4 { margin-right: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-n4 { margin-bottom: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-n4 { margin-left: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-sm-4 { margin-right: 24px !important; margin-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-sm-4 { margin-top: 24px !important; margin-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-sm-5 { margin: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-5 { margin-top: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-5 { margin-right: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-5 { margin-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-5 { margin-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-n5 { margin-top: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-n5 { margin-right: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-n5 { margin-bottom: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-n5 { margin-left: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-sm-5 { margin-right: 32px !important; margin-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-sm-5 { margin-top: 32px !important; margin-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-sm-6 { margin: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-6 { margin-top: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-6 { margin-right: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-6 { margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-6 { margin-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-sm-n6 { margin-top: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-sm-n6 { margin-right: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-sm-n6 { margin-bottom: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-sm-n6 { margin-left: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-sm-6 { margin-right: 40px !important; margin-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-sm-6 { margin-top: 40px !important; margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* responsive horizontal auto margins */
+ .mx-sm-auto { margin-right: auto !important; margin-left: auto !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) { /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-md-0 { margin: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-0 { margin-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-0 { margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-0 { margin-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-md-0 { margin-right: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-md-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-md-1 { margin: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-1 { margin-top: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-1 { margin-right: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-1 { margin-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-1 { margin-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-n1 { margin-top: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-n1 { margin-right: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-n1 { margin-bottom: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-n1 { margin-left: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-md-1 { margin-right: 4px !important; margin-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-md-1 { margin-top: 4px !important; margin-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-md-2 { margin: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-2 { margin-top: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-2 { margin-right: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-2 { margin-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-2 { margin-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-n2 { margin-top: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-n2 { margin-right: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-n2 { margin-bottom: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-n2 { margin-left: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-md-2 { margin-right: 8px !important; margin-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-md-2 { margin-top: 8px !important; margin-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-md-3 { margin: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-3 { margin-top: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-3 { margin-right: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-3 { margin-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-3 { margin-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-n3 { margin-top: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-n3 { margin-right: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-n3 { margin-bottom: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-n3 { margin-left: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-md-3 { margin-right: 16px !important; margin-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-md-3 { margin-top: 16px !important; margin-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-md-4 { margin: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-4 { margin-top: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-4 { margin-right: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-4 { margin-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-4 { margin-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-n4 { margin-top: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-n4 { margin-right: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-n4 { margin-bottom: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-n4 { margin-left: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-md-4 { margin-right: 24px !important; margin-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-md-4 { margin-top: 24px !important; margin-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-md-5 { margin: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-5 { margin-top: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-5 { margin-right: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-5 { margin-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-5 { margin-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-n5 { margin-top: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-n5 { margin-right: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-n5 { margin-bottom: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-n5 { margin-left: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-md-5 { margin-right: 32px !important; margin-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-md-5 { margin-top: 32px !important; margin-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-md-6 { margin: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-6 { margin-top: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-6 { margin-right: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-6 { margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-6 { margin-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-md-n6 { margin-top: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-md-n6 { margin-right: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-md-n6 { margin-bottom: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-md-n6 { margin-left: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-md-6 { margin-right: 40px !important; margin-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-md-6 { margin-top: 40px !important; margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* responsive horizontal auto margins */
+ .mx-md-auto { margin-right: auto !important; margin-left: auto !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1012px) { /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-lg-0 { margin: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-0 { margin-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-0 { margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-0 { margin-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-lg-0 { margin-right: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-lg-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-lg-1 { margin: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-1 { margin-top: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-1 { margin-right: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-1 { margin-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-1 { margin-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-n1 { margin-top: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-n1 { margin-right: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-n1 { margin-bottom: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-n1 { margin-left: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-lg-1 { margin-right: 4px !important; margin-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-lg-1 { margin-top: 4px !important; margin-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-lg-2 { margin: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-2 { margin-top: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-2 { margin-right: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-2 { margin-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-2 { margin-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-n2 { margin-top: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-n2 { margin-right: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-n2 { margin-bottom: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-n2 { margin-left: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-lg-2 { margin-right: 8px !important; margin-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-lg-2 { margin-top: 8px !important; margin-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-lg-3 { margin: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-3 { margin-top: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-3 { margin-right: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-3 { margin-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-3 { margin-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-n3 { margin-top: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-n3 { margin-right: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-n3 { margin-bottom: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-n3 { margin-left: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-lg-3 { margin-right: 16px !important; margin-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-lg-3 { margin-top: 16px !important; margin-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-lg-4 { margin: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-4 { margin-top: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-4 { margin-right: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-4 { margin-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-4 { margin-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-n4 { margin-top: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-n4 { margin-right: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-n4 { margin-bottom: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-n4 { margin-left: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-lg-4 { margin-right: 24px !important; margin-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-lg-4 { margin-top: 24px !important; margin-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-lg-5 { margin: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-5 { margin-top: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-5 { margin-right: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-5 { margin-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-5 { margin-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-n5 { margin-top: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-n5 { margin-right: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-n5 { margin-bottom: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-n5 { margin-left: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-lg-5 { margin-right: 32px !important; margin-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-lg-5 { margin-top: 32px !important; margin-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-lg-6 { margin: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-6 { margin-top: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-6 { margin-right: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-6 { margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-6 { margin-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-lg-n6 { margin-top: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-lg-n6 { margin-right: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-lg-n6 { margin-bottom: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-lg-n6 { margin-left: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-lg-6 { margin-right: 40px !important; margin-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-lg-6 { margin-top: 40px !important; margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* responsive horizontal auto margins */
+ .mx-lg-auto { margin-right: auto !important; margin-left: auto !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1280px) { /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-xl-0 { margin: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-0 { margin-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-0 { margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-0 { margin-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-xl-0 { margin-right: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-xl-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-xl-1 { margin: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-1 { margin-top: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-1 { margin-right: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-1 { margin-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-1 { margin-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-n1 { margin-top: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-n1 { margin-right: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-n1 { margin-bottom: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-n1 { margin-left: -4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-xl-1 { margin-right: 4px !important; margin-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-xl-1 { margin-top: 4px !important; margin-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-xl-2 { margin: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-2 { margin-top: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-2 { margin-right: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-2 { margin-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-2 { margin-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-n2 { margin-top: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-n2 { margin-right: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-n2 { margin-bottom: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-n2 { margin-left: -8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-xl-2 { margin-right: 8px !important; margin-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-xl-2 { margin-top: 8px !important; margin-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-xl-3 { margin: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-3 { margin-top: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-3 { margin-right: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-3 { margin-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-3 { margin-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-n3 { margin-top: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-n3 { margin-right: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-n3 { margin-bottom: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-n3 { margin-left: -16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-xl-3 { margin-right: 16px !important; margin-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-xl-3 { margin-top: 16px !important; margin-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-xl-4 { margin: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-4 { margin-top: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-4 { margin-right: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-4 { margin-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-4 { margin-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-n4 { margin-top: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-n4 { margin-right: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-n4 { margin-bottom: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-n4 { margin-left: -24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-xl-4 { margin-right: 24px !important; margin-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-xl-4 { margin-top: 24px !important; margin-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-xl-5 { margin: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-5 { margin-top: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-5 { margin-right: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-5 { margin-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-5 { margin-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-n5 { margin-top: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-n5 { margin-right: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-n5 { margin-bottom: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-n5 { margin-left: -32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-xl-5 { margin-right: 32px !important; margin-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-xl-5 { margin-top: 32px !important; margin-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .m-xl-6 { margin: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-6 { margin-top: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-6 { margin-right: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-6 { margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-6 { margin-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on top at $breakpoint */
+ .mt-xl-n6 { margin-top: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the right at $breakpoint */
+ .mr-xl-n6 { margin-right: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .mb-xl-n6 { margin-bottom: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a negative $size margin on the left at $breakpoint */
+ .ml-xl-n6 { margin-left: -40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .mx-xl-6 { margin-right: 40px !important; margin-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size margin on the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .my-xl-6 { margin-top: 40px !important; margin-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* responsive horizontal auto margins */
+ .mx-xl-auto { margin-right: auto !important; margin-left: auto !important; } }
+/* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.p-0 { padding: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */ { padding-right: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.pb-0 { padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */ { padding-left: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+.px-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.p-1 { padding: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */ { padding-right: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.pb-1 { padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */ { padding-left: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+.px-1 { padding-right: 4px !important; padding-left: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 4px !important; padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.p-2 { padding: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */ { padding-right: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.pb-2 { padding-bottom: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */ { padding-left: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+.px-2 { padding-right: 8px !important; padding-left: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 8px !important; padding-bottom: 8px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.p-3 { padding: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */ { padding-right: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.pb-3 { padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */ { padding-left: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+.px-3 { padding-right: 16px !important; padding-left: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 16px !important; padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.p-4 { padding: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */ { padding-right: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.pb-4 { padding-bottom: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */ { padding-left: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+.px-4 { padding-right: 24px !important; padding-left: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 24px !important; padding-bottom: 24px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.p-5 { padding: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */ { padding-right: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.pb-5 { padding-bottom: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */ { padding-left: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+.px-5 { padding-right: 32px !important; padding-left: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 32px !important; padding-bottom: 32px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+.p-6 { padding: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */ { padding-right: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+.pb-6 { padding-bottom: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */ { padding-left: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+.px-6 { padding-right: 40px !important; padding-left: 40px !important; }
+/* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */ { padding-top: 40px !important; padding-bottom: 40px !important; }
+@media (min-width: 544px) { /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-sm-0 { padding: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-sm-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-sm-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-sm-0 { padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-sm-0 { padding-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-sm-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-sm-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-sm-1 { padding: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-sm-1 { padding-top: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-sm-1 { padding-right: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-sm-1 { padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-sm-1 { padding-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-sm-1 { padding-right: 4px !important; padding-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-sm-1 { padding-top: 4px !important; padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-sm-2 { padding: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-sm-2 { padding-top: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-sm-2 { padding-right: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-sm-2 { padding-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-sm-2 { padding-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-sm-2 { padding-right: 8px !important; padding-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-sm-2 { padding-top: 8px !important; padding-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-sm-3 { padding: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-sm-3 { padding-top: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-sm-3 { padding-right: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-sm-3 { padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-sm-3 { padding-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-sm-3 { padding-right: 16px !important; padding-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-sm-3 { padding-top: 16px !important; padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-sm-4 { padding: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-sm-4 { padding-top: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-sm-4 { padding-right: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-sm-4 { padding-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-sm-4 { padding-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-sm-4 { padding-right: 24px !important; padding-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-sm-4 { padding-top: 24px !important; padding-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-sm-5 { padding: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-sm-5 { padding-top: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-sm-5 { padding-right: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-sm-5 { padding-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-sm-5 { padding-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-sm-5 { padding-right: 32px !important; padding-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-sm-5 { padding-top: 32px !important; padding-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-sm-6 { padding: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-sm-6 { padding-top: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-sm-6 { padding-right: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-sm-6 { padding-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-sm-6 { padding-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-sm-6 { padding-right: 40px !important; padding-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-sm-6 { padding-top: 40px !important; padding-bottom: 40px !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) { /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-md-0 { padding: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-md-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-md-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-md-0 { padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-md-0 { padding-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-md-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-md-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-md-1 { padding: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-md-1 { padding-top: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-md-1 { padding-right: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-md-1 { padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-md-1 { padding-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-md-1 { padding-right: 4px !important; padding-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-md-1 { padding-top: 4px !important; padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-md-2 { padding: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-md-2 { padding-top: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-md-2 { padding-right: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-md-2 { padding-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-md-2 { padding-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-md-2 { padding-right: 8px !important; padding-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-md-2 { padding-top: 8px !important; padding-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-md-3 { padding: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-md-3 { padding-top: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-md-3 { padding-right: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-md-3 { padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-md-3 { padding-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-md-3 { padding-right: 16px !important; padding-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-md-3 { padding-top: 16px !important; padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-md-4 { padding: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-md-4 { padding-top: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-md-4 { padding-right: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-md-4 { padding-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-md-4 { padding-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-md-4 { padding-right: 24px !important; padding-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-md-4 { padding-top: 24px !important; padding-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-md-5 { padding: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-md-5 { padding-top: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-md-5 { padding-right: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-md-5 { padding-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-md-5 { padding-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-md-5 { padding-right: 32px !important; padding-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-md-5 { padding-top: 32px !important; padding-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-md-6 { padding: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-md-6 { padding-top: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-md-6 { padding-right: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-md-6 { padding-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-md-6 { padding-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-md-6 { padding-right: 40px !important; padding-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-md-6 { padding-top: 40px !important; padding-bottom: 40px !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1012px) { /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-lg-0 { padding: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-lg-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-lg-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-lg-0 { padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-lg-0 { padding-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-lg-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-lg-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-lg-1 { padding: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-lg-1 { padding-top: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-lg-1 { padding-right: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-lg-1 { padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-lg-1 { padding-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-lg-1 { padding-right: 4px !important; padding-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-lg-1 { padding-top: 4px !important; padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-lg-2 { padding: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-lg-2 { padding-top: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-lg-2 { padding-right: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-lg-2 { padding-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-lg-2 { padding-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-lg-2 { padding-right: 8px !important; padding-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-lg-2 { padding-top: 8px !important; padding-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-lg-3 { padding: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-lg-3 { padding-top: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-lg-3 { padding-right: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-lg-3 { padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-lg-3 { padding-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-lg-3 { padding-right: 16px !important; padding-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-lg-3 { padding-top: 16px !important; padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-lg-4 { padding: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-lg-4 { padding-top: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-lg-4 { padding-right: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-lg-4 { padding-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-lg-4 { padding-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-lg-4 { padding-right: 24px !important; padding-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-lg-4 { padding-top: 24px !important; padding-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-lg-5 { padding: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-lg-5 { padding-top: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-lg-5 { padding-right: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-lg-5 { padding-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-lg-5 { padding-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-lg-5 { padding-right: 32px !important; padding-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-lg-5 { padding-top: 32px !important; padding-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-lg-6 { padding: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-lg-6 { padding-top: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-lg-6 { padding-right: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-lg-6 { padding-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-lg-6 { padding-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-lg-6 { padding-right: 40px !important; padding-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-lg-6 { padding-top: 40px !important; padding-bottom: 40px !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1280px) { /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-xl-0 { padding: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-xl-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-xl-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-xl-0 { padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-xl-0 { padding-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-xl-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-xl-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-xl-1 { padding: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-xl-1 { padding-top: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-xl-1 { padding-right: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-xl-1 { padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-xl-1 { padding-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-xl-1 { padding-right: 4px !important; padding-left: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-xl-1 { padding-top: 4px !important; padding-bottom: 4px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-xl-2 { padding: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-xl-2 { padding-top: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-xl-2 { padding-right: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-xl-2 { padding-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-xl-2 { padding-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-xl-2 { padding-right: 8px !important; padding-left: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-xl-2 { padding-top: 8px !important; padding-bottom: 8px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-xl-3 { padding: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-xl-3 { padding-top: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-xl-3 { padding-right: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-xl-3 { padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-xl-3 { padding-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-xl-3 { padding-right: 16px !important; padding-left: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-xl-3 { padding-top: 16px !important; padding-bottom: 16px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-xl-4 { padding: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-xl-4 { padding-top: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-xl-4 { padding-right: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-xl-4 { padding-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-xl-4 { padding-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-xl-4 { padding-right: 24px !important; padding-left: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-xl-4 { padding-top: 24px !important; padding-bottom: 24px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-xl-5 { padding: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-xl-5 { padding-top: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-xl-5 { padding-right: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-xl-5 { padding-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-xl-5 { padding-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-xl-5 { padding-right: 32px !important; padding-left: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-xl-5 { padding-top: 32px !important; padding-bottom: 32px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to all sides at $breakpoint */
+ .p-xl-6 { padding: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top at $breakpoint */
+ .pt-xl-6 { padding-top: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the right at $breakpoint */
+ .pr-xl-6 { padding-right: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .pb-xl-6 { padding-bottom: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left at $breakpoint */
+ .pl-xl-6 { padding-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the left & right at $breakpoint */
+ .px-xl-6 { padding-right: 40px !important; padding-left: 40px !important; }
+ /* Set a $size padding to the top & bottom at $breakpoint */
+ .py-xl-6 { padding-top: 40px !important; padding-bottom: 40px !important; } }
+.p-responsive { padding-right: 16px !important; padding-left: 16px !important; }
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+.highlight .kc { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; }
+.highlight .kd { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; }
+.highlight .kn { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; }
+.highlight .kp { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; }
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+.highlight .kt { color: #445588; font-weight: bold; }
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+.highlight .mh { color: #009999; }
+.highlight .il { color: #009999; }
+.highlight .mi { color: #009999; }
+.highlight .mo { color: #009999; }
+.highlight .m, .highlight .mb, .highlight .mx { color: #009999; }
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+.highlight .sc { color: #d14; }
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+.highlight .s1 { color: #d14; }
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+.highlight .s { color: #d14; }
+.highlight .na { color: #008080; }
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
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+/* Icon menu */
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+/* Footer */
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+/* A Github stylesheet to highlight code snippet */
+.lineno { color: #bdbdbd; margin-right: 1em; }
+.highlight .c { color: #999988; font-style: italic; }
+/* Comment */
+.highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2; }
+/* Error */
+.highlight .k { font-weight: bold; }
+/* Keyword */
+.highlight .o { font-weight: bold; }
+/* Operator */
+.highlight .cm { color: #999988; font-style: italic; }
+/* Comment.Multiline */
+.highlight .cp { color: #999999; font-weight: bold; }
+/* Comment.Preproc */
+.highlight .c1 { color: #999988; font-style: italic; }
+/* Comment.Single */
+.highlight .cs { color: #999999; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; }
+/* Comment.Special */
+.highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd; }
+/* Generic.Deleted */
+.highlight .gd .x { color: #000000; background-color: #ffaaaa; }
+/* Generic.Deleted.Specific */
+.highlight .ge { font-style: italic; }
+/* Generic.Emph */
+.highlight .gr { color: #aa0000; }
+/* Generic.Error */
+.highlight .gh { color: #999999; }
+/* Generic.Heading */
+.highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd; }
+/* Generic.Inserted */
+.highlight .gi .x { color: #000000; background-color: #aaffaa; }
+/* Generic.Inserted.Specific */
+.highlight .go { color: #888888; }
+/* Generic.Output */
+.highlight .gp { color: #555555; }
+/* Generic.Prompt */
+.highlight .gs { font-weight: bold; }
+/* Generic.Strong */
+.highlight .gu { color: #aaaaaa; }
+/* Generic.Subheading */
+.highlight .gt { color: #aa0000; }
+/* Generic.Traceback */
+.highlight .kc { font-weight: bold; }
+/* Keyword.Constant */
+.highlight .kd { font-weight: bold; }
+/* Keyword.Declaration */
+.highlight .kp { font-weight: bold; }
+/* Keyword.Pseudo */
+.highlight .kr { font-weight: bold; }
+/* Keyword.Reserved */
+.highlight .kt { color: #445588; font-weight: bold; }
+/* Keyword.Type */
+.highlight .m { color: #009999; }
+/* Literal.Number */
+.highlight .s { color: #d14; }
+/* Literal.String */
+.highlight .na { color: #008080; }
+/* Name.Attribute */
+.highlight .nb { color: #0086B3; }
+/* Name.Builtin */
+.highlight .nc { color: #445588; font-weight: bold; }
+/* Name.Class */
+.highlight .no { color: #008080; }
+/* Name.Constant */
+.highlight .ni { color: #800080; }
+/* Name.Entity */
+.highlight .ne { color: #990000; font-weight: bold; }
+/* Name.Exception */
+.highlight .nf { color: #990000; font-weight: bold; }
+/* Name.Function */
+.highlight .nn { color: #555555; }
+/* Name.Namespace */
+.highlight .nt { color: #000080; }
+/* Name.Tag */
+.highlight .nv { color: #008080; }
+/* Name.Variable */
+.highlight .ow { font-weight: bold; }
+/* Operator.Word */
+.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb; }
+/* Text.Whitespace */
+.highlight .mf { color: #009999; }
+/* Literal.Number.Float */
+.highlight .mh { color: #009999; }
+/* Literal.Number.Hex */
+.highlight .mi { color: #009999; }
+/* Literal.Number.Integer */
+.highlight .mo { color: #009999; }
+/* Literal.Number.Oct */
+.highlight .sb { color: #d14; }
+/* Literal.String.Backtick */
+.highlight .sc { color: #d14; }
+/* Literal.String.Char */
+.highlight .sd { color: #d14; }
+/* Literal.String.Doc */
+.highlight .s2 { color: #d14; }
+/* Literal.String.Double */
+.highlight .se { color: #d14; }
+/* Literal.String.Escape */
+.highlight .sh { color: #d14; }
+/* Literal.String.Heredoc */
+.highlight .si { color: #d14; }
+/* Literal.String.Interpol */
+.highlight .sx { color: #d14; }
+/* Literal.String.Other */
+.highlight .sr { color: #009926; }
+/* Literal.String.Regex */
+.highlight .s1 { color: #d14; }
+/* Literal.String.Single */
+.highlight .ss { color: #990073; }
+/* Literal.String.Symbol */
+.highlight .bp { color: #999999; }
+/* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
+.highlight .vc { color: #008080; }
+/* Name.Variable.Class */
+.highlight .vg { color: #008080; }
+/* Name.Variable.Global */
+.highlight .vi { color: #008080; }
+/* Name.Variable.Instance */
+.highlight .il { color: #009999; }
+/* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
+/*- Custom style -*/
diff --git a/_site/exemplo-de-postagem.html b/_site/exemplo-de-postagem.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e93a5ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/exemplo-de-postagem.html
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ Exemplo de postagem
+ Exemplo de postagem
+ 26
+ Maio
+ 2024
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Totam quasi maxime quas repudiandae nam id temporibus, at et non officiis consectetur voluptate deserunt officia minima placeat tempore illum asperiores quo assumenda praesentium? Facilis libero error ratione doloribus debitis delectus asperiores minima ab velit quam. Natus ea, vero totam recusandae autem, corporis minima, animi eos perferendis omnis ut asperiores magni tempore. Repellendus aliquam saepe perspiciatis laborum, excepturi sit libero dignissimos debitis eaque itaque quos, accusantium sed amet tempora temporibus perferendis possimus, quisquam minus fuga! Laudantium, tenetur, consectetur! Quas itaque hic consequatur accusamus consectetur, quia odio eos amet quasi pariatur! Ratione, similique.
public class Teste
+ public void Teste1 (){
+ Console . WriteLine ( "Teste 1" );
+ }
diff --git a/_site/feed.xml b/_site/feed.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..635acc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/feed.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Jekyll 2024-05-27T17:52:56-03:00 http://localhost:4000/feed.xml C# Brasil | Unindo paixão e código O blog do C# Brasil sobre Tecnologia e desenvolvimento Raphael Cardoso Exemplo de postagem 2024-05-26T16:01:58-03:00 2024-05-26T16:01:58-03:00 http://localhost:4000/exemplo-de-postagem Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Totam quasi maxime quas repudiandae nam id temporibus, at et non officiis consectetur voluptate deserunt officia minima placeat tempore illum asperiores quo assumenda praesentium? Facilis libero error ratione doloribus debitis delectus asperiores minima ab velit quam. Natus ea, vero totam recusandae autem, corporis minima, animi eos perferendis omnis ut asperiores magni tempore. Repellendus aliquam saepe perspiciatis laborum, excepturi sit libero dignissimos debitis eaque itaque quos, accusantium sed amet tempora temporibus perferendis possimus, quisquam minus fuga! Laudantium, tenetur, consectetur! Quas itaque hic consequatur accusamus consectetur, quia odio eos amet quasi pariatur! Ratione, similique.
+public class Teste
+ public void Teste1 (){
+ Console . WriteLine ( "Teste 1" );
+ }
]]>Raphael Cardoso Welcome to Jekyll! 2024-05-25T16:01:58-03:00 2024-05-25T16:01:58-03:00 http://localhost:4000/welcome-to-jekyll You’ll find this post in your _posts
directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve
, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.
+Jekyll requires blog post files to be named according to the following format:
+Where YEAR
is a four-digit number, MONTH
and DAY
are both two-digit numbers, and MARKUP
is the file extension representing the format used in the file. After that, include the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works.
+Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets:
+def print_hi ( name )
+ puts "Hi, #{ name } "
+print_hi ( 'Tom' )
+#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.
+Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at Jekyll’s GitHub repo . If you have questions, you can ask them on Jekyll Talk .
]]> Raphael Cardoso Primeiro Exemplo 2024-05-23T16:01:58-03:00 2024-05-23T16:01:58-03:00 http://localhost:4000/primeiro-exemplo Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Totam quasi maxime quas repudiandae nam id temporibus, at et non officiis consectetur voluptate deserunt officia minima placeat tempore illum asperiores quo assumenda praesentium? Facilis libero error ratione doloribus debitis delectus asperiores minima ab velit quam. Natus ea, vero totam recusandae autem, corporis minima, animi eos perferendis omnis ut asperiores magni tempore. Repellendus aliquam saepe perspiciatis laborum, excepturi sit libero dignissimos debitis eaque itaque quos, accusantium sed amet tempora temporibus perferendis possimus, quisquam minus fuga! Laudantium, tenetur, consectetur! Quas itaque hic consequatur accusamus consectetur, quia odio eos amet quasi pariatur! Ratione, similique.
+public class Teste
+ public void Teste1 (){
+ Console . WriteLine ( "Teste 1" );
+ }
]]> Raphael Cardoso
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_site/images/favicon.png b/_site/images/favicon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04b6d738c30e330356d0661ed631c4c4e5dec150
GIT binary patch
literal 42609