** Figure generating scripts **
Christopher Subich, July 2021
This repository contains the scripts necessary to regenerate the figures and data used in the above-titled paper, submitted to Monthly Weather Review in March 2021.
To generate all data and figures, run:
# Generate data for growth-rate figures (about 72h on a desktop system)
generate_data # produces saved data files
# Generate figures
mkdir paper_figs
The ancillary files are:
-- calculates maximal growth rates of the shallow-water system over a wide range of Courant numbers and topographic wavelengths; parameters are modifiable in their respective preambles. -
-- Helper function to generate finite-difference operators on the set of staggered grids -
-- Helper function to generate a background steady state corresponding to a specific (and provided)$u_0$ ,$\Delta t$ ,$\phi_0$ , and hill profile, via iteration of the linearized steady-state system -
-- Helper function to provide the linearized shallow-water operators for a given background state -
-- Collection of "interesting" points in Courant number / topographic wavenumber space, selected by theCASE
variable -
-- helper functions to compute the semi-Lagrangian operators for a given set of trajectories, using cubic, Fourier (trigonometric), or linear interpolation respectively. -
-- Helper script to associate the eigenvectors of the advection or timestepping operator with a dominant physical mode -
-- Helper script to give a contour plot of maximum growth rate over varying Courant number and hill wavenumbers, using the data produced by*_instab.m
-- Separate script (called bypaper_figs.m
) to calculate and graph growth rates over varying hill amplitudes and off-centering parameters -
-- Main plotting script, which generates all figures in the submitted paper -
-- Helper function to compute (iteratively) semi-Lagrangain departure points corresponding to a given velocity field -
-- Helper script to calculate and plot unstable modes in a particular realization of the shallow water operator -
-- Helper script to define an off-centered shallow water operator and compute its modes -
-- Script to generate a sample stable/unstable comparison, with reference solution (ode45
and Fourier spectral method), from identical initial conditions -
-- script to evaluate a shallow water case over time, to observe any instability growing