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Customization & Optimization

Muah edited this page May 13, 2018 · 65 revisions


to change the sidebar location from "right > left" or vise versa

add __stack-files-reverse class to the manager wrapping div

to change the breadcrumb bar location from "top > bottom" or vise versa

add __stack-reverse class to the manager wrapping div


if you don't care about the animation for ( loading files / ajax call failed / no files found / no search items found )

you can simply comment out this line events & remove bodymovin

if you don't care about the numbers animation

inside _manager.blade.php, remove any element with bounty tag and use the inner value directly, ex.

// before
<bounty :value="allItemsCount" />

// after
@{{ allItemsCount }}

to keep the package as small as possible, the upload panel bg "patterns" folder now have only one image

other images are moved to patterns branch.

you can also download & add as many more as you want to your setup inside "public/assets/vendor/MediaManager/patterns" and the manager will pick them up.

when changing the storage disk

make sure to clear both local storage & IndexedDb in the browser storage to avoid errors of previously visited folders which won't be available. "long pressing the manager refresh button does that for you"

when using the manager with a cloud storage

you may get a timeout because of nginx/apache execution time which max to 30 seconds, so to avoid that make sure to change the timeout value to something like 300 which is equal to 5 mins, or more if your connection is slow.

text selection

hammerjs disable this but if you still need it, then go to the <v-touch> tag & change it to

<v-touch :options="{cssProps: {userSelectString: true }}