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Ansible Modules for Network Automation

And even get structured data back from CLI devices!




Gets config data from devices that don't have an API


This module offers structured data for CLI enabled devices by using the TextFSM library for templating and netmiko for SSH connectivity.

platform Naming Convention

The platform parameter given to the modules should be of the form:<netmiko_device_type>[-<hardware_type>]. In plain English, that means it should start with a supported netmiko device type, followed by an optional hyphen and arbitrary hardware specific identifier.

Valid platform names:


Invalid platform names:



Parameter required default choices comments
username no
    Username used to login to the target device
    platform yes ssh
      Platform FROM the index file
      template_dir no ntc_templates
        path where TextFSM templates are stored. Default path is ntc with ntc in the same working dir as the playbook being run
        host no
          IP Address or hostname (resolvable by Ansible control host)
          connection no ssh
          • ssh
          • offline
          connect to device using netmiko or read from offline file for testing
          command yes
            Command to execute on target device
            file no
              If using connection=offline, this is the file (with path) of a file that contains raw text output, i.e. 'show command' and then the contents of the file will be rendered with the the TextFSM template
              password no
                Password used to login to the target device
                index_file no index
                  name of index file. file location must be relative to the template_dir
                  port no 22
                    specify an alternative ssh port
                    delay no 1
                      wait for command output from a target device


                      # get vlan data
                      - ntc_show_command:
                          command='show vlan'
                          host={{ inventory_hostname }}
                          username={{ username }}
                          password={{ password }}


                      Writes config data to devices that don't have an API


                      This module writes configuration data to non-API enabled devices, via CLI, using netmiko for SSH connectivity.


                      Parameter Required Default Choices Comments
                      username no Username used to login to the target device
                      password no Password used to login to the target device
                      secret no Specify the administrative password to allow ntc_config_command to make changes. On cisco devices, this is the equivalent to the enable password.
                      connection no ssh ssh Connect to device using netmiko
                      port no 22 Specify the port for netmiko to SSH to. The default is 22.
                      platform yes Required by netmiko in order to use the proper connection module for the type of device. It follows the same naming scheme as the ntc_show_command
                      host yes IP Address or hostname (resolvable by Ansible control host)
                      commands no Commands should be in a list format. config t isn't needed, as netmiko will automatically enter config mode to execute commands
                      commands_file no the commands_file option can be very useful if you generate commands based upon the results of a ntc_show_command play.


                      Example using the commands option

                      # write vlan data
                      - ntc_config_command:
                          connection: ssh
                          platform: cisco_ios
                            - vlan 10
                            - name vlan_10
                            - end
                          host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
                          username: "{{ username }}"
                          password: "{{ password }}"
                          secret: "{{ secret }}"

                      Example using the commands_file option

                      # write config from file
                      - ntc_config_command:
                          connection: ssh
                          platform: cisco_ios
                          commands_file: "dynamically_created_config.txt"
                          host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
                          username: "{{ username }}"
                          password: "{{ password }}"
                          secret: "{{ secret }}"

                      Created by Network to Code, LLC For: 2015