- Bing API call code cleanup and allow return mode to work correctly
- Reports - bug fix for sorting
- Reports - increased execution time to 5 minutes for large exhaustive queries/reports
- Reports - Added granularity for reports by day, week, month, or year
- Reports - Pull report by a predefined timeframe like past 7 days, past 30 days, etc.
- Reports - Quick Links functionality that allow saving of a report to easily pull up the same report.
- Created DB table structure for quick links
- A parse query parameters method was added to the Core class
- A reporting class was added to handle funtions in the reports
- A link to upgrade scripts on the home page
- An upgrade script to migrate to version 2.2.0
- Robots.txt file to discourage bots from crawling this site (only necessary if hosted on a publically accessible server, but added by default to all installs)
- Moved the organic-search-analytics.sql file out of the site files
- Moved the installation instructions from the readme.txt to the wiki
- Reports - first domain is checked by default
- Reports - added query match type (exact or broad)
- jQuery and jQuery UI added to the code repository as opposed to loading from 3rd party servers
- jqPlot library
- Reports - Graph added
- Reports - Sort by
- Reports - Sort Direction
- Upgrade notice was not working right
- Bing API was failing under some hosting environments.
- Bing Webmaster Tools integration.
- Import Bing Search Keywords to the database. Bing groups their keyword data on a weekly basis.
- An alternate method of returning Google and Bing data is avaiable by setting a query paramater (mode=return) on the data-capture-run.php request.
- Ability to customize the request to the Google API via query paramters on the data-capture-run.php request. groupBy needs to be implemented yet, else all other API features are available.
- Text file with version number.
- The type (data source) needs to be specified in the request to data-capture-run.php to indicate if data is to be captured from Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster tools. This is automatically set when using the GUI, but when making a manual request to data-capture-run.php the query parameter type needs to be set to either googleSearchAnalytics or bingSearchKeywords.
- Basic code cleanup where needed.
- Class descriptions cleanup where needed.
- Configuration settings can be set via the website under the Settings page as opposed manually creating/editing a file on the server.
- README has been updated to reflect these changes.
- Alert boxes were added for messages upon saving, etc.
- The list of domains on the report page uses the sites pulled from Google Search Console instead of the settings table.
- Instead of manually adding sites in the Settings page, it now pulls in the list of sites that have API access from Google Search Console.
- The import all button swithces from "Stop" to "Run" once all of the imports have been completed.
- The link to the Data Capture page on the homepage was incorrect.
- A quick links file has been added to the reporting page. At this time it is very rudimentary - this is a file where you can hard-code in any quick links for reports you may want to access on a routine basis.
- Basic reporting features added.
- JS for the settings page was not loading, which created issues when updating and saving settings.
- Import all button to import all days with data missing at once.
- Initial release of repository with basic functionality.
- Add sites in settings <<<<<<< HEAD
- Import data from Google Search Analytics for each site =======
- Import data from Google Search Analytics for each site