Sample spreadsheet:
- Identifier
- Definition: identifier assigned to the recipe in the transcription document.
- Sample value: "p004r_1"
- heading
- The verbatim heading for the recipe in the translation
- Sample value: "Lavendar spike oil varnish"
- image_url
- The URL of the image of the manuscript folio on which the recipe occurs
- ""
- folio_start
- The zero-padded number assigned to the folio on the recipe begins
- Sample value: "034"
- Note: must be stored in the spreadsheet as text not a number
- folio_start_r_or_v
- indicates that folio_start is either recto or verso
- sample value: "r"
- Note: valid values are "r" and "v" only
- folio_end
- The zero-padded number assigned to the folio on the recipe ends
- Sample value: "034"
- Note: must be stored in the spreadsheet as text not a number
- folio_end_r_or_v
- indicates that folio_start is either recto or verso
- sample value: "r"
- Note: valid values are "r" and "v" only
- activity
- one or more terms describing activities discussed in the recipe
- Sample value: "varnish making"
- Note: Multiple values are permitted. Use semicolons to delimit individual terms. Avoid punctuation in terms.
- ingredients
- one or more terms describing ingredients discussed in the recipe
- Sample value: "lavendar spike oil; sandarac gum"
- Note: Multiple values are permitted. Use semicolons to delimit individual terms. Avoid
- number_of_ingredients
- a number indicating the total count of ingredients discussed in the recipe
- Sample value: "2"
- annotation1_title
- the title of an annotation discussing the recipe
- Sample value: "Spike lavender and lavender spikes"
- annotation1_url
- the URL of the annotation described by annotation1_title above
- Sample value:
- annotation2_title
- the title of a second annotation discussing the recipe
- Sample value: "Spike lavender and lavender spikes"
- annotation2_url
- the URL of the annotation described by annotation1_title above
- Sample value: see annotation1_url above
- annotation3_title
- the title of a third annotation discussing the recipe
- Sample value: "Spike lavender and lavender spikes"
- annotation3_url
- the URL of a third annotation described by annotation3_title above
- Sample value: see annotation1_url above
- place_names
- Geographic names mentioned in the recipe
- Sample value: "Armenia"
- Note: May be empty. Multiple values are permitted. Use semicolons to delimit individual names. Avoid punctuation in terms.
- person_names
- Names of persons mentioned in the recipe
- Sample value: "Cicero"
- Note: May be empty. Multiple values are permitted. Use semicolons to delimit individual names. Avoid punctuation in terms.
- product
- the intended end product of the recipe
- Sample value: "varnish"
- foreign_language
- foreign languages used in the text of the recipe
- Sample value: "latin"
- Note: May be empty. Multiple values are permitted. Use semicolons to delimit individual languages. Avoid punctuation in terms.