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ES dev server

A dev server for modern web development workflows.

Without any flags, es-dev-server acts as a simple static file server. Through flags different features can be enabled, such as:

  • reloading the browser on file changes
  • resolve bare module imports using node resolution
  • history API fallback for SPA routing
  • Smart caching to speed up file serving
  • Compatibility mode for older browsers

Compatibility mode enables bundle-free development with modern javascript, es modules and import maps on older browsers, including IE11.

Getting started

We recommend following this guide for a step by step overview of different workflows with es-dev-server.


npm i -D es-dev-server


// package.json
"scripts": {
  "start": "es-dev-server"

// bash
npm run start

// or via npx
npx es-dev-server

Command line flags and Configuration

Server configuration

name type description
port number The port to use, uses a random free port if not set.
hostname string The hostname to use. Default: localhost
open boolean/string Opens the browser on app-index, root dir or a custom path
app-index string The app's index.html file, sets up history API fallback for SPA routing
root-dir string The root directory to serve files from. Default: working directory
base-path string Base path the app is served on. Example: /my-app
config string The file to read configuration from (js or json)
help none See all options

Development help

name type description
watch boolean Reload the browser when files are edited
http2 boolean Serve files over HTTP2. Sets up HTTPS with self-signed certificates

Code transformation

name type description
compatibility string Compatibility mode for older browsers. Can be: esm, modern or all
node-resolve number Resolve bare import imports using node resolve
preserve-symlinks boolean Preserve symlinks when resolving modules. Default false.
module-dirs string/array Directories to resolve modules from. Used by node-resolve
babel boolean Transform served code through babel. Requires .babelrc
file-extensions number/array Extra file extentions to use when transforming code.
babel-exclude number/array Patterns of files to exclude from babel compilation.
babel-modern-exclude number/array Patterns of files to exclude from babel compilation on modern browsers.

Most commands have an alias/shorthand. You can view them by using --help.

Configuration files

We pick up an es-dev-server.config.js file automatically if it is present in the current working directory. You can specify a custom config path using the config flag.

Configuration options are the same as command line flags, using their camelCased names. Example:

module.exports = {
  port: 8080,
  watch: true,
  nodeResolve: true,
  appIndex: 'demo/index.html',
  moduleDirs: ['node_modules', 'custom-modules']

In addition to the command line flags, the configuration file accepts these additional options:

name type description
middlewares array Koa middlewares to add to the server, read more below.
babelConfig object Babel config to run with the server

Folder structure

es-dev-server serves static files using the same structure as your file system. It cannot serve any files outside of the root of the web server. You need to make sure any files requested, including node modules, are accessible for the web server.

Click read more to view different strategies for setting up your project's folder structure.

Read more

index.html in root

The simplest setup where all files are accessible is to place your index.html at the root of your project:


If you run es-dev-server regularly from the root of this project, you can access your app at / or /index.html in the browser.

index.html in a subfoolder

If you move your index.html inside a subfolder:


You can access your app in the browser at /src/ or /src/index.html. You can tell es-dev-server to explicitly open at this path:

# with app-index flag
es-dev-server --app-index src/index.html --open
# without app-index flag
es-dev-server --open src/

You can also change the root directory of the dev server:

es-dev-server --root-dir src --open

Now your index.html is accessible at / or /index.html. However the dev server cannot serve any files outside of the root directory. So if your app uses any node modules, they will no longer because accessible.

If you want your index in a sub folder without this being visible in the browser url, you can set up a file rewrite rule. Read more here


If you are using es-dev-server in a monorepo, your node modules are in two different locations. In the package's folder and the repository root:


You will need make sure the root node_modules folder is accessible to the dev server.

If your working directory is packages/my-package you can use this command:

# with app-index
es-dev-server --root-dir ../../ --app-index packages/my-package/index.html --open
# without app-index
es-dev-server --root-dir ../../ --open packages/my-package/index.html

If your working directory is the root of the repository you can use this command:

es-dev-server --app-index packages/my-package/index.html --open

This is the same approach as serving an index.html in a subdirectory, so the section above applies here as well.

Base element

You can set up a <base href=""> element to modify how files are resolved relatively to your index.html. You can be very useful when your index.html is not in the root of your project.

If you use SPA routing, using a base element is highly recommended. Read more

Advanced usage

Custom middlewares / proxy

You can install custom middlewares, using the middlewares property.

Read more

The middleware should be a standard koa middleware. Read more about koa here.

You can use custom middlewares to set up a proxy, for example:

const proxy = require('koa-proxies');

module.exports = {
  port: 9000,
  middlewares: [
    proxy('/api', {
      target: 'http://localhost:9001',

Rewriting file requests

You can rewrite certain file requests using a simple custom middleware. This can be useful for example to serve your index.html from a different file location.

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Set up a configuration file with a custom middleware:

module.exports = {
  middlewares: [
    function rewriteIndex(context, next) {
      if (context.url === '/' || context.url === '/index.html') {
        context.url = '/src/index.html';

      return next();

This way from the browser you can request / or /index.html and it will serve /src/index.html. This middleware is run before the dev server's own file serving logic, which will use the rewritten url.

Typescript support

es-dev-server is based around developing without any build tools, however you can make it work with typescript as well.

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The easiest way to use the server with typescript is to compile your typescript to javascript before running the server. Just run tsc in watch mode and include the compiled js files from your index.html.

You can also configure the dev server to consume your typescript files directly. This is done by running the server with a babel plugin to compile your typescript files to javascript.

Note that when compiling typescript with babel it does not do any type checking or special typescript compilation such as decorators, class fields and enums. You can configure babel to cover most of these, but not all. Read more about babel typescript here.

  1. Install the preset:
npm i --save-dev @babel/preset-typescript
  1. Add a babel.config.js or .babelrc to your project:
  "presets": [
  1. Import a typescript file from your index.html

    <script type="module" src="./my-app.ts"></script>
  1. Run es-dev-server with these flags:
es-dev-server --file-extensions .ts --node-resolve --babel --open

To add support for experimental features which are normally handled by the typescript compiler, you can add extra babel plugins. Because typescript implements the legacy decorators proposal, you need to add the legacy flag and add class properties in loose mode:

  1. Install the plugins:
npm i --save-dev @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
  1. Update your babel configuration:
  "plugins": [
    ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "legacy": true }],
    ["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", { "loose": true }]
  "presets": [

Compatibility mode

Compatibility mode enables bundle-free development with features such as es modules and import maps on older browsers, including IE11.

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If you want to make use of import maps, you can provide an import map in your index.html. To generate an import map, you can check out our package import-maps-generate, or alternatively you can add one manually.

There are three modes that can be enabled:


esm mode adds es-module-shims to enable new module features such as dynamic imports and import maps.

This mode has a neglible performance impact, and is great when working on modern browsers.


modern mode expands esm mode, adding a babel transform and a polyfill loader.

The babel transform uses the present-env plugin. This transforms standard syntax which isn't yet supported by all browsers. By default it targets latest two versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge. This can be configured with a browserslist configuration.

The polyfill loader does lightweight feature detection to determine which polyills to load. By default it loads polyfills for webcomponents, these can be turned off or custom polyfills can be added in the configuration.

This mode has a moderate performance impact. Use this when using new javascript syntax that is not yet supported on all browsers.


all mode expands modern mode by making your code compatible with browsers which don't yet support modules.

In addition to the web component polyfills, it loads the general core-js polyfills and a polyfill for fetch

When loading your application it detects module support. If it is not supported, your app is loaded through system-js and your code is transformed to es5.

The es5 transformation is only done for browsers which don't support modules, so you can safely use this mode on modern browsers where it acts the same way as modern mode.

all mode has the same moderate impact as modern mode on browsers that support modules. On browsers which don't support modules it has a heavier impact. Use this mode if you want to verify if your code runs correctly on older browsers without having to run a build.

Using es-dev-server programmatically

You can use different components from es-dev-server as a library and integrate it with other tools:

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When using the server from javascript you are going to need a config object to tell the server what options to turn on and off. It's best to use createConfig for this as this converts the public API to an internal config structure and sets up default values.

By default all options besides static file serving is turned off, so it's easy to configure based on your own requirements.

The config structure is the same as the configuration explained in the configuration files section

import { createConfig } from 'es-dev-server';

const config = createConfig({
  http2: true,
  babel: true,
  open: true,


createMiddlewares creates the dev server's middlewares based on your configuration. You can use this to hook them up to your own koa server.

Returns an array of koa middleware functions.

import Koa from 'koa';
import { createConfig, createMiddlewares } from 'es-dev-server';

const config = createConfig({ });
const middlewares = createMiddlewares(config);

const app = new Koa();
middlewares.forEach(middleware => {


createServer creates an instance of the dev server including all middlewares, but without starting the server. This is useful if you want to be in control of starting the server yourself.

Returns the koa app and a node http or http2 server.

import Koa from 'koa';
import { createConfig, createServer } from 'es-dev-server';

const config = createConfig({ ... });
const { app, server } = createServer(config);

watch mode

createMiddlewares and createServer requires a chokidar fileWatcher if watch mode is enabled. You need to pass this separately because the watcher needs to be killed explicitly when the server closes.

import Koa from 'koa';
import chokidar from 'chokidar';
import { createConfig, createMiddlewares, createServer } from 'es-dev-server';

const config = createConfig({ ... });
const fileWatcher =[]);

// if using createMiddlewares
createMiddlewares(config, fileWatcher);
// if using createServer
createServer(config, fileWatcher);

// close filewatcher when no longer necessary


startServer creates and starts the server, listening on the configured port. It opens the browser if configured and logs a startup message.

Returns the koa app and a node http or http2 server.

import Koa from 'koa';
import { createConfig, startServer } from 'es-dev-server';

const config = createConfig({ ... });
const { app, server } = startServer(config, fileWatcher);
<script> export default { mounted() { const editLink = document.querySelector('.edit-link a'); if (editLink) { const url = editLink.href; editLink.href = url.substr(0, url.indexOf('/master/')) + '/master/packages/es-dev-server/'; } } } </script>