Just run the tests:
npm test
The build will fail if coverage drops below 100%.
The report is in coverage/lcov-report/index.html
See how big it is:
npm run sloc
Make sure it's not too big:
npm run sloccheck
- Single public method per class - makes it easier to translate to functional languages. Also good OO design (single responsibility).
- Loosely coupled. Most classes only require 0 or 1 other classes. None require more than 2.
- Support promises
- Support callbacks
- Support DocStrings and DataTables
- Add feature source to exception backtrace
- Hooks
- Make After Hooks run even if there is a failing pickle step
- Tagged hooks
- Progress formatter
- Summary reporter: all errors and count summary. (skip all errors if using pretty formatter to same stream)
- Pretty formatter (improve so it doesn't print filtered away stuff)
- Reduce size
- Remove toString from bool nodes
- Add Markdown support in Gherkin3 and in pretty formatter
- i18n stepdef API
- --profile - if we do it, do it suites style
- --order
- Filter by line in tag/step/docstring/data table
- Print snippets
- Dry run (who uses that anyway)
- Turn off colour (--no-color)
- --name filter (who needs that when we have line and tags)
- --out - let's use plugin:out format instead
- --i18n - refer to online docs instead
- --fail-fast - nice feature, but not needed in microcuke
- --init
- --exclude - WTF didn't even know we had that
- --no-multiline - more YAGNI
- --strict
- --guess STUPID
- --expand STUPID TOO
- --version
- --help