title |
Local Network - Validator Cluster Build |
::: warning Note This guide is only intended for testing purposes on a local envrionment and should not be used for testnet/mainet envrionments. It has been tested on version 0.5.0 of CudosNode, GravityBridge and CudosBuiders ::: The purpose of this guide is show how to setup a local network consisting of one root validator with one sentry and seed node
This section will take you through preparing the environment on your nodes in preparation for running the Cudos software. You must complete the following two steps on every node that will take part in the Cudos network:
- Install required packages
- Build the node images
You must ensure that you have the following installed:
Docker 20.10.6 or above (latest version recommended) Refer to the Docker installation and upgrade guide for your OS.
Docker Compose 1.29.1 or above (latest version recommended) Refer to the Docker Compose Installation and Upgrade guide for your OS.
Git Refer to the Git installation guide for your OS.
JQ JQ is a command line JSON processor that you will use to extract data from JSON documents. Refer to the JQ installation guide for your OS.
After installing all prerequisites, you can build the Cudos node images.
::: tip This document describes installing the platform as root. It is also possible to install the platform as a non-root user using sudo. :::
- Change to root user and create a directory to use as your workspace (we will assume you call the directory
sudo -i
mkdir /var/lib/cudos
- Make sure that you are in the correct directory
cd /var/lib/cudos
Clone the correct branches from the CudosNode , CudosBuilders, and CudosGravityBridge repositories, renaming the folders CudosNode, CudosBuilders, and CudosGravityBridge:
git clone --depth 1 --branch v0.5.0 https://github.com/CudoVentures/cudos-node.git CudosNode
git clone --depth 1 --branch v0.5.0 https://github.com/CudoVentures/cudos-builders.git CudosBuilders
git clone --depth 1 --branch v0.5.0 https://github.com/CudoVentures/cosmos-gravity-bridge.git CudosGravityBridge
Navigate to the CudosBuilders/docker/binary-builder
cd CudosBuilders/docker/binary-builder
Build the docker image of the binary by running the command:
docker-compose --env-file binary-builder.arg -f binary-builder.yml -p cudos-binary-builder up --build --detach
You have now prepared your node environment and can proceed building a local network.
The Validator Cluster is a cluster of Cudos nodes that can be configured as Validator, Seed, or Sentry nodes.
You will apply basic values to your root Validator’s .env file, initialise and start it
sudo -i
cd /var/lib/cudos/CudosBuilders/docker/root-node
cp root-node.env.example root-node.local.env
- Set the
attribute to your desired name:
- Set the flag
- Populate these other variables as follow:
4. Make sure that you are still in the correct directory /var/lib/cudos/CudosBuilders/docker/root-node
, and Initialize the node by running this command:
sudo docker-compose --env-file root-node.local.arg -f init-root-node.yml -p cudos-init-root-node up --build
If all steps are completed successfully, you should see a newly generated file:
that contains your node ID, consisting of a long string of random characters.
5. Make sure that you are still in the correct directory /var/lib/cudos/CudosBuilders/docker/root-node
, and Start the root validator node by running this command:
docker-compose --env-file ./root-node.local.arg -f ./start-root-node.yml -p cudos-start-root-node up --build --detach
If all steps are completed successfully you should have a running validator node
sudo -i
cd /var/lib/cudos/CudosBuilders/docker/config
touch persistent-peers.local.config
touch seeds.local.config
touch state-sync-rpc-servers.local.config
cp /var/lib/cudos/CudosData/cudos-data-root-node/config/genesis.json /var/lib/cudos/CudosBuilders/docker/config/genesis.local.json
sudo -i
cd /var/lib/cudos/CudosBuilders/docker/sentry-node
cp sentry-node.env.example sentry-node.local01.env
- Set the
(your node’s name on the blockchain) attribute to your desired name:
- Set
- Configure the
list with the node ID of your root validator
example: e4da73c45e1d31ecf92fb2152661ba58a3b548e1@cudos-start-root-node:26656
- Configure the
list with the node ID of your root validator
Save and Exit
4. Make sure that you are still in the correct directory /var/lib/cudos/CudosBuilders/docker/sentry-node
, and Initialize the node by running this command:
docker-compose --env-file ./sentry-node.client.local01.arg -f ./init-sentry-node.yml -p cudos-init-sentry-node-client-local-01 up --build
If all steps are completed successfully, you should see a newly generated file: /var/lib/cudos/CudosData/cudos-data-sentry-node-client-local-01/tendermint.nodeid
that contains your node ID, consisting of a long string of random characters.
docker-compose --env-file ./sentry-node.client.local01.arg -f ./start-sentry-node.yml -p cudos-start-sentry-node-client-local-01 up --build --detach
If all steps are completed successfully, you should have a new container with a running sentry node infront of the root-validator node
sudo -i
cd /var/lib/cudos/CudosBuilders/docker/seed-node
cp seed-node.env.example seed-node.client.local01.env
- Set the
attribute to your desired name:
- Set the flag
- Configure the
list with the node ID of your root validator
example: e4da73c45e1d31ecf92fb2152661ba58a3b548e1@cudos-start-root-node:26656
- Configure the
list with the node ID of your root validator
4. Make sure that you are still in the correct directory /var/lib/cudos/CudosBuilders/docker/seed-node
, and Initialize the node by running this command:
docker-compose --env-file ./seed-node.client.local01.arg -f ./init-seed-node.yml -p cudos-init-seed-node-client-local-01 up --build
If all steps are completed successfully, you should see a newly generated file:
that contains your node ID, consisting of a long string of random characters.
sudo docker-compose --env-file seed-node.client.testnet.public01.arg -f start-seed-node.yml -p cudos-start-seed-node-client-testnet-public-01 up --build --detach
docker-compose --env-file ./seed-node.client.local01.arg -f ./start-seed-node.yml -p cudos-start-seed-node-client-local-01 up --build --detach
If all steps are completed successfully, you should have a running seed node for the root-validator-01