- Deployment Apps
- Splunk Setup
- Server certificate
- UF Client Certificate
- Could not create Splunk settings directory
- OpenSSH Client Configuration
- 1-deploymentserver: Configure the deployment clients (universal forwarders) to point to the deployment server using deploymentclient.conf.
- 1-indexserver: Configure the universal forwarders to send logs to indexing server(s) using outputs.conf.
- 100_splunkcloud: Similar to 1-indexserver, but send logs to Splunk Cloud instead.
prepare.py assumes the following folder structure:
├── deployment-apps
│ ├── 100_splunkcloud
│ ├── 1-deploymentserver
│ └── 1-indexserver
└── setup
└── prepare.py
- Download the latest Splunk Enterprise with a Splunk.com account.
- Copy splunk-cert.key, splunk-cert.pem & splunk-cert-web.pem to "certs/" folder.
- Run prepare.py.
scp splunk-setup-all.tar.gz splunkhostname:/home/admin_user/splunk-setup-all.tar.gz
Splunk Host:
- (from your workstation)
ssh admin_user@splunkhostname
tar xzf splunk-setup-all.tar.gz
sh setup.sh
sudo sh setup-root.sh
sudo sh splunk-setup.sh
splunk-cert.crt: Server certificate splunk-cert.key: Encrypted private key (stored in keepass) splunk-cert.pem (Deployment server port 8089 & Indexing server port 9997): splunk-cert.crt + splunk-cert.key + splunk-cert-web.pem splunk-cert-web.pem (Splunk Web port 443): splunk-cert.crt + enterprise_intermediate_cacert.crt + enterprise_root_cacert.crt
Recommends generating TLS certificates using OpenSSL 3.0+ which uses the more secure PKCS#8 (AES + HMAC + SHA256) by default, and avoid Splunk-bundled OpenSSL 1.0.2 which uses the traditional PKCS#1/SSLeay (AES + MD5) format by default even though it supports PKCS#8. Ideally, private key should be encrypted using AES + scrypt, but scrypt is only supported in OpenSSL 1.1.1+.
Generate root CA.
# create root CA private key
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 | openssl pkey -outform PEM -out splunkuf-ca.key -aes256
# create CA
openssl req -new -x509 -key splunkuf-ca.key -out splunkuf-ca.crt -days 1000 -config splunkuf-ca_openssl.conf
# verify
openssl x509 -noout -text -in splunkuf-ca.crt
Generate client cert.
# create client private key
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 | openssl pkey -outform PEM -out splunkuf.key -aes256
# generate CSR
openssl req -new -key splunkuf.key -out splunkuf.csr -config splunkuf_openssl.conf
# verify
openssl req -noout -text -in splunkuf.csr
# sign it with root CA
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in splunkuf.csr -CA splunkuf-ca.crt -CAkey splunkuf-ca.key -out splunkuf.crt -sha384 -copy_extensions=copyall
# verify
openssl x509 -noout -text -in splunkuf.crt
# cert chain
cat splunkuf.crt splunkuf.key splunkuf-ca.crt > splunkuf.pem
splunkcloud_client.pem: client certificate + (host-specific private) intermediate CA + (host-specific private) root CA + public GlobalSign CA
When trying to reload deployment server, you may get An error occurred: Could not create Splunk settings directory at '$HOME/.splunk'.
mkdir -p "$HOME/.splunk"
sudo chown splunk:splunk "$HOME/.splunk"
# should run fine
sudo -E splunk reload deploy-server -timeout 300
The following message is expected, WARNING: Server Certificate Hostname Validation is disabled. Please see server.conf/[sslConfig]/cliVerifyServerName for details.
. "cliVerifyServerName" is disabled by default. If it is enabled, splunk reload deploy-server
will fail because the server certificate's subject alternative name does not include In order to use splunk CLI with "cliVerifyServerName", you would need splunk reload deploy-server -uri https://splunkhostname:8089
# Windows
$strUserName = ((Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).username -replace '^\w+\\(\D{5})\d{0,2}$', '$1').ToLower()
$sshConfig = "$home\.ssh\config"
$sshAlias = "Host splunk`n HostName`n User $($strUserName)@domain.example"
$knownHosts = "$home\.ssh\known_hosts"
$serverFingerprint = " $(get-content -path 'splunk_host_ed25519_key.pub')"
if ((test-path -path $sshConfig) -eq $false) {
$sshfolder = split-path -path $sshConfig -Parent
new-item -Path $sshfolder -ItemType Directory -force | out-null
new-item -path $sshConfig -ItemType File -force | out-null
if ((test-path -path $knownHosts) -eq $false) {
new-item -path $sshConfig -ItemType File -force | out-null
if ($null -eq (get-content -path $sshConfig) -or (get-content -raw -path $sshConfig | select-string -pattern $sshAlias -simplematch -Quiet) -ne $true) {
add-content -path $sshConfig -value $sshAlias
if ($null -eq (get-content -path $knownHosts) -or (get-content -raw -path $knownHosts | select-string -pattern $serverFingerprint -simplematch -Quiet) -ne $true) {
add-content -path $knownHosts -value $serverFingerprint
write-host "To SSH into splunkhostname, simply ``ssh splunk```n"
write-host "To copy a file to splunkhostname, ``scp local.zip splunk:/tmp/remote.zip`` or `n``scp local.zip splunk:/home/$($strUserName)@domain.example/remote.zip```n"
write-host "To download a file from splunkhostname, ``scp splunk:/home/$($strUserName)@domain.example/remote.zip local.zip``"
# WSL/Linux
server_fingerprint=" $(cat 'splunk_host_ed25519_key.pub')"
read -p 'Windows username (5-letter): ' win_user
win_user=$(echo "$win_user" | cut -c1-5 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
ssh_alias="Host splunk\n HostName\n User ${win_user}@domain.example"
grep -q "$ssh_alias" "$ssh_config" || not_exist="$?"
if [ -n "$not_exist" ]; then
mkdir -p "$ssh_folder"
chmod 700 "$ssh_folder"
echo "$ssh_alias" >> "$ssh_config"
grep -q "$server_fingerprint" "$known_hosts" || not_exist="$?"
if [ -n "$not_exist" ]; then
echo "$server_fingerprint" >> "$known_hosts"
echo "To SSH into splunkhostname, simply \`ssh splunk\`\n"
echo "To copy a file to splunkhostname, \`scp local.zip splunk:/tmp/remote.zip\` or \n\`scp local.zip splunk:/home/${win_user}@domain.example/remote.zip\`\n"
echo "To download a file from splunkhostname, \`scp splunk:/home/${win_user}@domain.example/remote.zip local.zip\`"