Your brand-new Golang collections implementation with generics. Go version >= 1.18. If facing compiler issue, please upgrade to 1.19.
go get<version>
Implementation\Interface | Stack | List | Queue | Deque | Set | Map | MultiMap | Graph |
arrayStack |
✔️ | |||||||
circularArray |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ||||
linkedList |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ||||
binaryHeap |
✔️ | |||||||
rbTree |
✔️ | ✔️ | ||||||
hashTable |
✔️ | ✔️ | ||||||
linkedHashTable |
✔️ | ✔️ | ||||||
enumMap |
✔️ | |||||||
enumSet |
✔️ | |||||||
multiMap |
✔️ | ✔️ | ||||||
treeAdjacencyList |
✔️ |
Top interface Collection
contains general methods, sub-interfaces like ArrayList
, SortedSet
, SortedMap
provide more rich functionalities.
All interface definitions can be found: here
- fixed length first-in-last-out array based stack. Backing upStack
- variable length/cap array with fast add/remove at head or tail and random access with index. Backing upStack
- doubly linked list with fast add/remove. Backing upStack
- binary heap based min or max priority queue. Backing upQueue
- recursion-free red black tree implementation. Backing upSortedSet
- variable length/cap array based hash table, hash collision is handled by linked nodes. Backing upSet
hashTable preserving inserting or configurable access order. Can serve as anLRU cache
. Backing upLinkedSet
fast array based map and set withInteger
as the key. ImplementingSortedMap
multimap implementation witharrayListMultiMap
a treeMap based graph implementation with directional edge properties. It has typical O(log(n)) time complexity for adding, searching, and removing vertices. Backing upGraph
import ""
list := collections.NewLinkedListOf(1, 2, 3) // List[int]
list := collections.NewArrayListOf(1, 2, 3) // List[int]
queue := collections.NewLinkedListQueue[int]() // Queue[int]
queue := collections.NewArrayListQueue[int]() // Queue[int]
hashMap := collections.NewHashMapOf[string, int](funcs.NewStrHash(), funcs.ValueEqual[string]) // Map[string, int]
hashMap := collections.NewHashMapOfStrKey[int](EntryOf("Earth", 3), EntryOf("Mars", 4)) // Map[string, int]
cache := collections.NewLRUCacheOfStrKey[int](40, collections.PutOrder + collections.GetOrder) // LRU cache[string, int] of size limit 40
// more...
Client implementation of constraint interfaces to simplify collection creation:
type myStruct struct {...}
func (s *myStruct) Hash() uint {...}
func (s *myStruct) Equal(other *myStruct) bool {...}
hashSet := collections.NewHashSetC[*myStruct]()
import ""
c := collections.NewArrayListOf(1, 3, 4)
l := collections.NewLinkedListOf[string]()
transform.MapTo[int, string](c, l, func(elem int) string { return fmt.Sprint(elem) }) // l ["1", "2", "3"]
listOfList := ... // List[List[int]] [[1, 3], [2, 4]]
list := NewArrayListOf[int]()
transform.FlattenTo[types.List[int], int](listOfList, list) // list [1, 3, 2, 4]
c := collections.NewArrayListOf(1, 3, 4)
transform.Reduce[int, string](c, "", func(acc string, next int) string { return acc + strconv.Itoa(next) }) // "134"
c := []int{1, 3, 4}
transform.CountSlice[int](c, func(elem int) bool {return elem > 2}) // 2, yeah for slices, also has Count for Collection
// more...
import ""
list := collections.NewArrayListOf(1, 3, 2) // ArrayList 1, 3, 2
list.Sort(funcs.ValueLess[int]) // ArrayList 1, 2, 3
utils.StringFrom(list) // [1, 2, 3]
utils.SliceFrom(list) // []int{1, 2, 3}
m := // Map [1->"a", 2->"b"]
utils.KeysFrom(m) // [1, 2]
// functions:
import ""
funcs.NewStrHash() // func(s string) uint, create a string hash function based on 64bit or 32bit platform
funcs.ValueEqual // (a, b comparable) bool
// HOFs:
funcs.CompToEq // func(comp Compare[T]) Equal[T]
funcs.InverseComp // func(comp Compare[T]) Compare[T]
// more...
Iteration behavior is based on which interface type is constructed.
list := collections.NewLinkedListOf[int]() // interface List[int], implementation linkedList[int]
list.Each(func (i, v int) {fmt.Print(v)}) // 123
stack := collections.NewLinkedListStack[int]() // interface Stack[int], implementation linkedList[int]
stack.Each(func (i, v int) {fmt.Print(v)}) // 321
Run test:
go test --tags=test ./...
Cause Chung([email protected])