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Continuous-Valued Guitar Transcription (FretNet)

Code for the paper "FretNet: Continuous-Valued Pitch Contour Streaming for Polyphonic Guitar Tablature Transcription". This repository contains scripts which do the following (and more):

  • Implement the proposed continuous-valued (relative) pitch estimation output layer
  • Implement the FretNet model and obtain continuous-valued multi-pitch estimates as described in the paper
  • Compute note and continuous-valued multi-pitch metrics at the string-level using mir_eval
  • Perform cluster-based note and pitch contour grouping to cope with noisy ground-truth pitch annotations
  • Perform six-fold cross-validation experiments on GuitarSet
  • Exemplify how to use FretNet for inference and visualize note-contour grouping

The repository utilizes amt-tools, a more general music transcription repository, and guitar-transcription-with-inhibition, a repository built for previous research on reformulating and applying inhibition to the tablature output layer of TabCNN.


Clone the repository, install the requirements, then install the package:

git clone
pip install -r guitar-transcription-continuous/requirements.txt
pip install -e guitar-transcription-continuous/




Six-Fold Cross-Validation on GuitarSet

The scripts and under six_fold_cv_scripts are available as a more complete example of how to train and evaluate the proposed model under the six-fold cross-validation schema using amt-tools.

Generated Files

Execution of six_fold_cv_scripts/ will generate the following under <root_dir> (defined at the top of the script):

  • n/ - folder (beginning at n = 1)1 containing sacred experiment files:
    • config.json - parameter values used for the experiment
    • cout.txt - contains any text printed to console
    • metrics.json - evaluation results for final model checkpoints
    • run.json - system and experiment information
    • six-fold-*.json - final six-fold cross-validation results for various criteria (generated by six_fold_cv_scripts/
  • models/ - folder containing saved model and optimizer state at each checkpoint, as well as an events file (for each execution) readable by tensorboard
  • results/ - folder containing separate evaluation results at final model checkpoints for each track within the test set
  • _sources/ - folder containing copies of scripts at the time(s) execution

Additionally, ground-truth and features will be saved under the path specified by gset_cache, unless save_data=False.

1An additional folder (n += 1) containing similar files is created for each execution with the same experiment name <EX_NAME>.


During training, losses and various validation metrics can be analyzed in real-time by running:

tensorboard --logdir=<root_dir>/models --port=<port>

Here we assume the current working directory contains <root_dir>, and <port> is an integer corresponding to an available port (port = 6006 if unspecified).

After running the above command, navigate to http://localhost:<port> with an internet browser to view any reported training or validation observations within the tensorboard interface.


ICASSP 2023 Paper (Link)
  title     = {FretNet: Continuous-Valued Pitch Contour Streaming for Polyphonic Guitar Tablature Transcription},
  author    = {Cwitkowitz, Frank and Hirvonen, Toni and Klapuri, Anssi},
  year      = 2023,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}