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A multitask teacher-student framework for perceptual audio quality assessment

This folder contains the python implementation (referred to as smaq_cli) for the following publication:

Chih-Wei Wu, Phillip A. Williams, William Wolcott, 
"A multitask teacher-student framework for perceptual audio quality assessment",
in Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2021


Step 0: Create a virtual environment with Python 3.7

We highly recommend setting up a clean environment using virtualenv in order to avoid dependency conflicts.

For instance:

>> virtualenv -p python3.7 .venv

Note that Python 3.7 is a requirement for this package. If you don't have Python 3.7 and the above command failed, you could try the followings:

>> brew install [email protected]

and create your virtual environment with (please change the path to your python3.7 accordingly):

>> virtualenv -p /usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin/python3.7 .venv

Step 1: Activate your virtual environment

Please run the following command to activate your virtual environment:

>> source .venv/bin/activate

Step 2: Install smaq_cli package locally

Please navigate to /code/ folder and run the following commands (be careful with the .):

(.venv) >> pip install --upgrade pip
(.venv) >> pip install -e .


To confirm the installation of the package, please try the following commands:

1) Get help information

(.venv) >> smaq-cli -h

2) Run on test files

(.venv) >> smaq-cli -t ./smaq_cli/data/tar.wav -r ./smaq_cli/data/ref.wav

a successful execution of the above command should return:

SMAQ score = 3.567335844039917
raw score = [[0.7426951  0.50892043 0.69940025 0.6419548 ]]
raw features = [  0.89797038 -13.08229699   0.93788654   0.86328718]

3) Import smaq_cli in Python

from smaq_cli.smaq_predictor import SmaqPredictor

smaq = SmaqPredictor()
[smaq_score, raw_scores, raw_features] = smaq.predict(smaq.RESOURCE_TAR, smaq.RESOURCE_REF)

4) Import smaq_cli as a feature extractor in Python

from smaq_cli.feature_extractor import SmaqFeatureExtractor

smaq_feat = SmaqFeatureExtractor()
feature_vec = smaq_feat(tar_sig, ref_sig, fs)  # first define your signals & sampling rate


To cite this work, please use the following:

  title={A multitask teacher-student framework for perceptual audio quality assessment},
  author={Wu, Chih-Wei and Williams, Phillip A and Wolcott, William},
  booktitle={European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)},


Chih-Wei Wu