resource "azurerm_service_plan" "service_plan" {
for_each = { for app in var.logic_apps : => app if app.app_service_plan_name != null }
name = each.value.app_service_plan_name != null ? each.value.app_service_plan_name : "asp-${}"
resource_group_name = var.rg_name
location = var.location
os_type = each.value.os_type != null ? each.value.os_type : "Linux"
sku_name = each.value.sku_name
app_service_environment_id = each.value.app_service_environment_id != null ? each.value.app_service_environment_id : null
maximum_elastic_worker_count = each.value.maximum_elastic_worker_count != null ? each.value.maximum_elastic_worker_count : null
worker_count = each.value.worker_count != null ? each.value.worker_count : null
zone_balancing_enabled = each.value.zone_balancing_enabled != null ? each.value.zone_balancing_enabled : null
tags = var.tags
resource "azurerm_logic_app_standard" "logic_app" {
depends_on = [azurerm_service_plan.service_plan]
for_each = { for app in var.logic_apps : => app if app.app_service_plan_name != null }
name =
location = var.location
resource_group_name = var.rg_name
tags = var.tags
app_service_plan_id = azurerm_service_plan.service_plan[each.key].id
storage_account_name = each.value.storage_account_name
storage_account_access_key = each.value.storage_account_access_key
use_extension_bundle = each.value.use_extension_bundle != null ? each.value.use_extension_bundle : null
bundle_version = each.value.use_extension_bundle != null ? each.value.bundle_version : null
client_affinity_enabled = each.value.client_affinity_enabled != null ? each.value.client_affinity_enabled : null
client_certificate_mode = each.value.client_certificate_mode != null ? each.value.client_certificate_mode : null
enabled = each.value.enabled != null ? each.value.enabled : true
https_only = each.value.https_only != null ? each.value.https_only : true
version = each.value.version != null ? each.value.version : null
virtual_network_subnet_id = each.value.virtual_network_subnet_id != null ? each.value.virtual_network_subnet_id : null
app_settings = each.value.app_settings != null ? each.value.app_settings : null
dynamic "connection_string" {
for_each = each.value.connection_string != null ? [each.value.connection_string] : []
content {
name =
type = connection_string.value.type
value = connection_string.value.value
dynamic "site_config" {
for_each = each.value.site_config != null ? [each.value.site_config] : []
content {
always_on = site_config.value.always_on != null ? site_config.value.always_on : null
app_scale_limit = site_config.value.app_scale_limit != null ? site_config.value.app_scale_limit : null
elastic_instance_minimum = site_config.value.elastic_instance_minimum != null ? site_config.value.elastic_instance_minimum : null
ftps_state = site_config.value.ftps_state != null ? site_config.value.ftps_state : null
health_check_path = site_config.value.health_check_path != null ? site_config.value.health_check_path : null
http2_enabled = site_config.value.http2_enabled != null ? site_config.value.http2_enabled : null
min_tls_version = site_config.value.min_tls_version != null ? site_config.value.min_tls_version : null
dotnet_framework_version = site_config.value.dotnet_framework_version != null ? site_config.value.dotnet_framework_version : null
scm_type = site_config.value.scm_type != null ? site_config.value.scm_type : null
use_32_bit_worker_process = site_config.value.use_32_bit_worker_process != null ? site_config.value.use_32_bit_worker_process : null
# websockets_enabled = site_config.value.websockets_enabled != null ? site_config.value.websockets_enabled : null
ip_restriction = [for ipr in site_config.value.ip_restriction : {
name =
ip_address = ipr.ip_address
virtual_network_subnet_id = ipr.virtual_network_subnet_id
priority = ipr.priority
action = ipr.action
headers = [for hdr in ipr.headers : {
x_azure_fdid = hdr.x_azure_fdid
x_fd_health_probe = hdr.x_fd_health_probe
x_forwarded_for = hdr.x_forwarded_for
x_forwarded_host = hdr.x_forwarded_host
scm_ip_restriction = [for scmr in site_config.value.scm_ip_restriction : {
name =
ip_address = scmr.ip_address
virtual_network_subnet_id = scmr.virtual_network_subnet_id
priority = scmr.priority
action = scmr.action
headers = [for hdr in scmr.headers : {
x_azure_fdid = hdr.x_azure_fdid
x_fd_health_probe = hdr.x_fd_health_probe
x_forwarded_for = hdr.x_forwarded_for
x_forwarded_host = hdr.x_forwarded_host
dynamic "cors" {
for_each = site_config.value.cors != null ? [site_config.value.cors] : []
content {
allowed_origins = cors.value.allowed_origins
support_credentials = cors.value.support_credentials != null ? cors.value.support_credentials : null
dynamic "identity" {
for_each = each.value.identity_type == "SystemAssigned" ? [each.value.identity_type] : []
content {
type = each.value.identity_type
dynamic "identity" {
for_each = each.value.identity_type == "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" ? [each.value.identity_type] : []
content {
type = each.value.identity_type
identity_ids = try(each.value.identity_ids, [])
dynamic "identity" {
for_each = each.value.identity_type == "UserAssigned" ? [each.value.identity_type] : []
content {
type = each.value.identity_type
identity_ids = length(try(each.value.identity_ids, [])) > 0 ? each.value.identity_ids : []
No requirements.
No modules.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Default |
Required |
location |
The location for this resource to be put in |
string |
n/a |
yes |
logic_apps |
The logic app blocks |
list(object({ name = string app_service_plan_name = optional(string) os_type = string sku_name = string app_service_environment_id = optional(string, null) maximum_elastic_worker_count = optional(number, null) worker_count = optional(number, null) zone_balancing_enabled = optional(bool, null) storage_account_name = string storage_account_access_key = optional(string) use_extension_bundle = optional(bool) bundle_version = optional(string) client_affinity_enabled = optional(bool) client_certificate_mode = optional(string) enabled = optional(bool) https_only = optional(bool, true) version = optional(string) virtual_network_subnet_id = optional(string) identity_type = optional(string) identity_ids = optional(list(string)) app_settings = optional(map(string))
connection_string = optional(object({ name = string type = string value = string }))
site_config = optional(object({ always_on = optional(bool) app_scale_limit = optional(number) dotnet_framework_version = optional(string) elastic_instance_minimum = optional(number) ftps_state = optional(string) health_check_path = optional(string) http2_enabled = optional(bool, false) scm_use_main_ip_restriction = optional(bool, false) scm_min_tls_version = optional(string, "1.2") scm_type = optional(string) linux_fx_version = optional(string) min_tls_version = optional(string, "1.2") pre_warmed_instance_count = optional(number) public_network_enabled = optional(bool, false) runtime_scale_monitoring_enabled = optional(bool, false) use_32_bit_worker_process = optional(bool) vnet_route_all_enabled = optional(bool) websocket_enabled = optional(bool)
ip_restriction = optional(list(object({ name = optional(string) ip_address = optional(string) service_tag = optional(string) virtual_network_subnet_id = optional(string) priority = optional(number) action = optional(string) headers = optional(object({ x_azure_fdid = optional(string) x_fd_health_probe = optional(string) x_forwarded_for = optional(string) x_forwarded_host = optional(string) })) })), [])
scm_ip_restriction = optional(list(object({ name = optional(string) ip_address = optional(string) service_tag = optional(string) virtual_network_subnet_id = optional(string) priority = optional(number) action = optional(string) headers = optional(object({ x_azure_fdid = optional(string) x_fd_health_probe = optional(string) x_forwarded_for = optional(string) x_forwarded_host = optional(string) })) })), [])
cors = optional(object({ allowed_origins = optional(set(string)) support_credentials = optional(bool) })) })) })) |
null |
no |
rg_name |
The name of the resource group, this module does not create a resource group, it is expecting the value of a resource group already exists |
string |
n/a |
yes |
tags |
A map of the tags to use on the resources that are deployed with this module. |
map(string) |
n/a |
yes |