- Implement two-player game theory lane chaning with python, and visulaize with MATLAB Automated Driving Toolbox.
- The predinfined routes are extracted from NGSIM dataset, and refer to Multi-Player Dynamic Game-Based Automatic Lane-Changing Decision Model under Mixed Autonomous Vehicle and Human-Driven Vehicle Environment.
- The game theory model and payoff functions refer to Modeling Lane-Changing Behavior in a Connected Environment: A Game Theory Approach.
- Genrate game theoretic simulation trajectory file.
# 'trajectory_post.csv' contains predefined routes of vehicles, and are extracted from NGSIM dataset
# use simulation.py to simulate the trajectory of vehicles
# where the target vehicle interacted with the lag vehicle with the predifined two-player game when performing lane channging
# output 'trajectory_A.csv' for further visualization using MATLAB
python simulation.py
- Visualize the trajectory file.
compile and run simulation_traj.m
- Analyze the lane changing trajectory
compile and run plot_3d.m, plot_traj.m
- In
directory, there are driving scenarios files that can be visualized by MATLAB automated driving toolbox.
: Vehicle A based on rule-based lane changing, and fails because of safety distancedata_based.mat
: The visualization of real world data from NGSIM data, vehicle A fails to change lane.game_theory.mat
: Vehicle A succeed to change lane via game with Vehicle B, while considering safety distance.
- In
directory, there are videos of the visualization of the three driving scenario files.