installed packages in following versions:
JDK 21
IntelliJ IDEA
- Open up IntelliJ and click File => New => Project
- On the left panel, select Scala. On the right panel, select IDEA.
- Name the project e.g. ToDelete
- To the right of the Scala SDK field, click the Create button. Select the highest version number and click Download. This might take a few minutes but subsequent projects can use the same SDK. Once the SDK is created and you’re back to the “New Project” window click Finish or discard whole project.
Select File > New > Project from existing sources
Locate folder "exercises-homework": under NPRG014\lecture-scala\exercises-homework
Select Import project from external model
- and select "sbt"
- In next window keep defaults (Only selected item is Download Library sources)

Confirm that hello world under ./src/main/scala/e01 works. (select file in the tree and click Run HelloWorld (Ctrl+Shift+F10))
If that works, your IDEA is configured properly.
In case this setup does not work try to trigger selectors during the import project in sections "Download" and use "sbt shell" as seen in the previous picture
Edit file "./project/" to contain "sbt.version = 1.10.0" (or current latest version this is mainly for future reference since the file has already been changed to contain this version)
To fix errors like: "Error could not find or load main class e01.HelloWorld" in Run/Debug configuration under Use classpath or module choose "NPRG014 Scala"