Quirk is a library used to seamlessly use upsert procedures in Dgraph without going through the hassle yourself.
With the recent update of Dgraph and dgo, Quirk has been versioned to v2.0.0 and is now using the new module tag github.com/damienfamed75/quirk/v2
. If you are using any Dgraph version below 1.1.0 and wish to still use quirk then please go ahead and download quirk v1.
Also Quirk will be updating to utilize further functionality added to dgo to optimize mutations as soon as possible. At the moment please enjoy Quirk v2 though in all its glory!
To download Quirk v2, run this command to download the package.
go get github.com/damienfamed75/quirk/v2
If you wish to download Quirk v1, then run this command instead.
go get github.com/damienfamed75/quirk
Here is a quick example of using a quirk client to insert a single node.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create some data to insert in Dgraph.
person := struct {
// These quirk tags are required.
// It lets the quirk client know that this is the name
// of the predicate in Dgraph.
Name string `quirk:"name"`
SSN string `quirk:"ssn,unique"` // Add unique if it should be upserted.
Policy string `quirk:"policy,unique"`
// As part of Dgraph 1.1.0 you can add types by just using the
// "dgraph.type" tag using a string and Quirk will handle it correctly.
Type string `quirk:"dgraph.type"`
Name: "Damien",
SSN: "123-12-1234",
Policy: "ABCDAMIEN",
Type: "Person",
// Dial with GRPC to Dgraph as usual.
conn, err := grpc.Dial("", grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
// Create the normal dgo client as usual.
dg := dgo.NewDgraphClient(api.NewDgraphClient(conn))
// Add the schema to Dgraph.
// Make sure to mark the unique predicates with the "@upsert" directive.
err = dg.Alter(context.Background(), &api.Operation{
Schema: `
name: string @index(hash) .
ssn: string @index(hash) @upsert .
policy: string @index(hash) @upsert .
if err != nil {
// Create a new quirk client.
q := quirk.NewClient()
// Insert a single node. If we run this file multiple times you will
// see that this node is never added twice.
uids, err := q.InsertNode(context.Background(), dg, &quirk.Operation{
SetSingleStruct: &person,
if err != nil {
// Print out the returned node and its uid.
for n, u := range uids {
fmt.Printf("UIDMap: name[%s] uid[%s]\n", n, u)
Go ahead and create a PR or an issue. I'm always open for new contributions.