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SimpleCrypto is a JavaScript library that simplify the process of encryption and decryption of JavaScript objects, as simple as just calling encrypt() and decrypt() function. This library implements brix's crypto-js library. This library is pure JavaScript library built with TypeScript targeting CommonJS ECMAScript 5 (ES5), so it is compatible with most NodeJS back-end applications or JavaScript front-end (client browser).

Breaking Changes

v2.3.0: New Algorithm

SimpleCrypto v2.3.0 onward will use a new algorithm, because the older one was vulnerable to chosen cipher attack. Any data that encrypted using v2.2.0 and earlier will NOT be able to be decrypted using v2.3.0 onward; vice versa: data encrypted using v2.3.0 onward will NOT be able to be decrypted using v2.2.0 and earlier.

v3.0.0: New Native Crypto Module

SimpleCrypto v3.0.0 onward will use new crypto-js dependency version ^4.0.0. This version of crypto-js replaces Math.random() method with native crypto module. Because of this, SimpleCrypto might not be able to run on some environments without native crypto module support, such as IE 10 (and earlier) or React Native.

Please read more here.

Getting Started

This library is available through jsDelivr CDN and package manager (like npm or yarn).

Vanilla JavaScript + HTML

To get started, add SimpleCrypto script to your HTML page. Only legacy version of SimpleCrypto is supported.

    <!-- Another line -->
    <script src="//"></script>
    <!-- Another line -->

Then, your script section, you may use SimpleCrypto as Class to create a new SimpleCrypto instance.

    <!-- Another line -->
    <script lang="js">
        var simpleCrypto = new SimpleCrypto("a very secret key")
        <!-- Do your cryptographic logic here  -->
    <!-- Another line -->


If you are using NodeJS, add simple-crypto-js as your project dependency.

# If you're using NPM
npm install --save simple-crypto-js

# If you're using Yarn
yarn add simple-crypto-js

Then, include SimpleCrypto your project.

var SimpleCrypto = require("simple-crypto-js").default

If you are using Babel or TypeScript that support import statement, you could go that way.

import SimpleCrypto from "simple-crypto-js"


SimpleCrypto has a very few and simple functions, but powerful. The ful list of all APIs and how to use those APIs are available here.


All these examples work on ECMAScript 5 or newer.

Using encrypt() and decrypt()

To use SimpleCrypto, first create a SimpleCrypto instance with a secret key (password). Secret key parameter MUST be defined when creating a SimpleCrypto instance.

To encrypt and decrypt data, simply use encrypt() and decrypt() function from an instance. This will use AES-CBC encryption algorithm.

// If you would like to generate a random unique key, you may use static function generateRandom() like so
// const _secretKey = SimpleCrypto.generateRandom()
// You may also set the strength of the random key, as example 256 (default is 128)
// const _secretKey = SimpleCrypto.generateRandom(256)
// Or just defined the key by yourself (key is must!)
const secretKey = "some-unique-key"

const simpleCrypto = new SimpleCrypto(secretKey)

const plainText = "Hello World!"
const cipherText = simpleCrypto.encrypt(plainText)
console.log("Encryption process...")
console.log("Plain Text    : " + plainText)
console.log("Cipher Text   : " + cipherText)
const decipherText = simpleCrypto.decrypt(cipherText)
console.log("... and then decryption...")
console.log("Decipher Text : " + decipherText)
console.log("... done.")

Working on Multiple Instances

You could also perform the encryption and decryption process using different SimpleCrypto instances, PROVIDED THAT the secret key ARE STAY THE SAME between the instances. For example:

const secretKey = "some-unique-key"
const anotherSecretKey = "another-unique-key"
const simpleCrypto1 = new SimpleCrypto(secretKey)
const simpleCrypto2 = new SimpleCrypto(secretKey)

const plainText = "Hello World!"
// Encryption using the first instance (simpleCrypto1)
const cipherText = simpleCrypto1.encrypt(plainText)
console.log("Encryption process...")
console.log("Plain Text    : " + plainText)
console.log("Cipher Text   : " + cipherText)
// Decryption using the second instance (simpleCrypto2)
const decipherText = simpleCrypto2.decrypt(cipherText)
console.log("... and then decryption...")
console.log("Decipher Text : " + decipherText)
console.log("... done.")
// Decryption using DIFFERENT secret key
const failedDecipheredText = simpleCrypto2.setSecret(anotherSecretKey)
    .decrypt(cipherText) // Will FAIL because of different secretKey

Updating or Appending Plain Data/Cipher Text

With SimpleCrypto version 2.4.0 onward, you are now able to update or append the data buffer, before you start the encryption or decryption process.

const secretKey = "some-unique-key"
const simpleCrypto = new SimpleCrypto(secretKey)

const greeting = "Hello!"
const plainText = "SimpleCrypto is great."
// Calls update() will change the data buffer entirely
simpleCrypto.update(greeting) // dataBuffer = "Hello!"
// Calls append() to append the data buffer 
simpleCrypto.append(" ") // dataBuffer = "Hello! "
simpleCrypto.append(plainText) // dataBuffer = "Hello! SimpleCrypto is great."
// Finally calls encrypt() to do the encryption
const cipherText = simpleCrypto.encrypt()
console.log("Encryption process...")
console.log("Plain Text    : " + plainText)
console.log("Cipher Text   : " + cipherText)

// Cut the cipherText string into to tow pieces
const halfLength = Math.ceil(cipherText.length / 2)
const cipherTexts = [ cipherText.substr(0, halfLength), cipherText.substr(halfLength) ]
// Instead calling the append() and update() one by one, you call also linking call it.
const decipherText = simpleCrypto.update(cipherTexts[0])
console.log("... and then decryption...")
console.log("Decipher Text : " + decipherText)
console.log("... done.")

Change the Secret Key

If you want to change the secret key of a SimpleCrypto instance, call the setSecret() function with the new secret as parameter.

const simpleCrypto = new SimpleCrypto("some-unique-key")

Object, String, Number and Boolean Encryption

Encryption and decryption in JavaScript has never been simpler than this.

Simply use encrypt() and decrypt() functions from an instance, and it will transform your data to its proper type, back and forth without hassle.

const _secretKey = SimpleCrypto.generateRandom()
const simpleCrypto = new SimpleCrypto(_secretKey)

const plainObject = {
  SimpleCrypto: "is great.",
  You: "should try it!"
const plainString = "Hello from SimpleCrypto!"
const plainNumber = 65347
const plainBoolean = false
const encryptedObject = simpleCrypto.encrypt(plainObject)
const encryptedString = simpleCrypto.encrypt(plainString)
const encryptedNumber = simpleCrypto.encrypt(plainNumber)
const encryptedBoolean = simpleCrypto.encrypt(plainBoolean)
console.log("Plain Object     : " + plainObject)
console.log("Encrypted Object : " + encryptedObject)
console.log("Plain String     : " + plainString)
console.log("Encrypted String : " + encryptedString)
console.log("Plain Number     : " + plainNumber)
console.log("Encrypted Number : " + encryptedNumber)
console.log("Plain Boolean    : " + plainBoolean)
console.log("Encrypted Boolean: " + encryptedBoolean)
// decrypt() function will automatically detects and returns data with the proper data type
const decryptedObject = simpleCrypto.decrypt(encryptedObject) 
const decryptedString = simpleCrypto.decrypt(encryptedString) 
const decryptedNumber = simpleCrypto.decrypt(encryptedNumber) 
const decryptedBoolean = simpleCrypto.decrypt(encryptedBoolean) 
console.log("Decrypted Object : " + decryptedObject)
console.log("Type of Object   : " + typeof decryptedObject) // "object"
console.log("Decrypted String : " + decryptedString)
console.log("Type of String   : " + typeof decryptedString) // "string"
console.log("Decrypted Number : " + decryptedNumber)
console.log("Type of Number   : " + typeof decryptedNumber) // "number"
console.log("Decrypted Boolean : " + decryptedBoolean)
console.log("Type of Boolean   : " + typeof decryptedBoolean) // "boolean"

Prior to version 2.0.0, you may use encryptObject() and decryptObject() function. These functions are in deprecation and soon would be gone in future release.

Random Generator

Anywhere, after importing SimpleCrypto, you may use static function generateRandom(), generateRandomString(), or generateRandomWordArray() to produce a random based on the length you have provided on the parameter (default is 128). This is useful if you would like to provide a random key.

const random = SimpleCrypto.generateRandom()
const randomCustomLength = SimpleCrypto.generateRandom(256)
const randomWordArrayCustomLength = SimpleCrypto.generateRandom(256, true)

Yes, and of course it is obvious, because it is a static function, you are not required to create any SimpleCrypto instances.