Description :
This library generating documentation automatically from an XSD. It has been tested deeply only on Venus XSD 2.0 and later.
Status :
All basic features are implemented.
Since : fj-doc 0.8
Native support :
Disabled, this is a utility module not usually needed at runtime, support may not be added.
Quickstart : This module can be used by adapting this sample code :
try ( FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( new File( "target.html" ) ) ) {
String pathToXsd = ...;
XsdParserFacade xsdParserFacade = new XsdParserFacade();
AutodocModel autodocModel = xsdParserFacade.parse( pathToXsd );
autodocModel.setVersion( "version" );
autodocModel.setTitle( "title" );
autodocModel.setXsdPrefix( "xsd:" ); // xsd prefix
autodocModel.setAutodocPrefix( "doc:" ); // my xsd prefix
AutodocDocConfig docConfig = AutodocDocConfig.newConfig();
docConfig.processAutodocHtmlDefault(autodocModel, fos);
} catch (Exception e) {
... error handling ...
Autodoc Detail
The autodoc detail, provides handler specific information on the document format.
It is possible to generate a stub using the test class : TestAutodocDetailFacade, output will be in target/autodoc-detail.xml
Dependencies :
This library currently relies on xmlet/XsdParser