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Camunda External Task Client (Java) Example

In this tutorial you will learn how to use the External Task client for Java.

In a nutshell you will be guided through the following steps:

  • Starting the Camunda Platform Runtime
  • Modeling and Deploying a process with the Camunda Modeler
  • Bootstrapping the External Task client
  • Monitor the process in Camunda Cockpit


First, make sure you have downloaded and installed all the necessary prerequisites, and the running platform is compatible with the client version.

Start the Camunda Platform Runtime

  • Microsoft Windows users need to run the start-camunda.bat file
  • Users of Unix based operating systems need to run the file

Deploy a Process

Next, we want to deploy a model to the Camunda Platform Runtime with the following steps:

  • Download the BPMN 2.0 XML of that model here.
  • Open the model in the Camunda Modeler.
  • Click on the "Deploy" icon Camunda Modeler – Deploy Button.
  • Select "Deploy Current Diagram".
  • Select a deployment name of your choice.

To complete the deployment, click on the "Deploy" button. Your model is now ready to be executed by the Camunda Platform Process Engine. Start an instance of it in Camunda Tasklist and choose the data format to use in the new user task on the left hand side.

Monitor the Process in Camunda Cockpit

Open Camunda Cockpit click in the top navigation on "Processes" and then on the process "Dataformat demo". You should see the process with the activity instances.

Set Up a Project

In this step we will set up the External Task client.

You can create a new Maven project using your IDE, or run the following command:

mvn archetype:generate \
    -DgroupId=org.camunda.bpm \
    -DartifactId=dataformat \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart \

Add the camunda-external-task-client dependency to the project's pom.xml:


Create a main class and add the following lines:

  public static void main(String... args) throws JAXBException {
    ExternalTaskClient client = ExternalTaskClient.create()
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    Marshaller customerMarshaller = JAXBContext.newInstance(Customer.class).createMarshaller();
    customerMarshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
    TopicSubscriptionBuilder xmlSubscriptionBuilder = client.subscribe("xmlCustomerCreation")
      .handler((externalTask, externalTaskService) -> {
        Customer customer = createCustomerFromVariables(externalTask);
        try {
          StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
          customerMarshaller.marshal(customer, stringWriter);
          String customerXml = stringWriter.toString();
          VariableMap variables = Variables.createVariables().putValue("customer", ClientValues.xmlValue(customerXml));
          externalTaskService.complete(externalTask, variables);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
    TopicSubscriptionBuilder jsonSubscriptionBuilder = client.subscribe("jsonCustomerCreation")
      .handler((externalTask, externlTaskService) -> {
        Customer customer = createCustomerFromVariables(externalTask);
        try {
          String customerJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(customer);
          VariableMap variables = Variables.createVariables().putValue("customer", ClientValues.jsonValue(customerJson));
          externlTaskService.complete(externalTask, variables);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
    TopicSubscriptionBuilder readSubscrptionBuilder = client.subscribe("customerReading")
      .handler((externalTask, externalTaskService) -> {
        String dataformat = externalTask.getVariable("dataFormat");
        if ("json".equals(dataformat)) {
          JsonValue jsonCustomer = externalTask.getVariableTyped("customer");
          System.out.println("Customer json: " + jsonCustomer.getValue());
        } else if ("xml".equals(dataformat)) {
          XmlValue xmlCustomer = externalTask.getVariableTyped("customer");
          System.out.println("Customer xml: " + xmlCustomer.getValue());

  private static Customer createCustomerFromVariables(ExternalTask externalTask) {
    Customer customer = new Customer();
    Long age = externalTask.getVariable("age");
    return customer;

Create a Customer class and add the following lines:

public class Customer {

  private String firstName;
  private String lastName;
  private String gender;
  private Integer age;
  private Boolean isValid;
  private Date validationDate;

  public String getFirstName() {
    return firstName;
  public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
  public String getLastName() {
    return lastName;
  public void setLastName(String lastName) {
    this.lastName = lastName;
  public String getGender() {
    return gender;
  public void setGender(String gender) {
    this.gender = gender;
  public Integer getAge() {
    return age;
  public void setAge(Integer age) {
    this.age = age;
  public Boolean getIsValid() {
    return isValid;
  public void setIsValid(Boolean isValid) {
    this.isValid = isValid;
  public Date getValidationDate() {
    return validationDate;
  public void setValidationDate(Date validationDate) {
    this.validationDate = validationDate;

Now, just run your application. The client starts to continuously fetch and lock for External Task instances.

If you chose to create XML in the process instance, you should see a similar result in your console window:

Customer xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

If you chose to create JSON in the process instance, you should see a similar result in your console window:

Customer json: {"firstName":"first","lastName":"last","gender":"female","age":33,"isValid":true,"validationDate":"2021-09-14T22:00:00.000+00:00"}