This quickstart contains a process with only one usertask. When the usertask is assigned, an email will be sent to the assignee:
Subject: Task assigned: Do something
Body: Please complete: [LINK TO USERTASK FORM]
Sometimes process participants don't want to watch their task list all day. In those cases, a push notification via email may be convenient.
You don't want to see my important parts, but here's what's interesting for developers:
When the user task is assigned, an event listener is triggered: org.camunda.bpm.quickstart.TaskAssignmentListener
This listener will retrieve the email address of the user that has been assigned and then send the email notification.
- Set Properties according to your mail server in TaskAssignmentListener
- Set an email address for User 'demo' using Camunda Platform User Management
- Build the project with maven
- Deploy the project to your server (tested in the Camunda Platform distribution for WildFly)
- Start the Process "Task Assignment Email" from Camunda Tasklist
- Watch your inbox!
Alternatively to steps 2 to 5, you can also run the Test Case TaskAssignmentEmailTest (please set your email address in the the test class before you execute it).