Alert Logic AWS Based API Poll (PAWS) Log Collector templates.
This folder contains CloudFormation templates (CFT) for deploying a PAWS log collector in an AWS account which will collect and forward logs to the Alert Logic CloudInsight backend services.
Before you start installing a new collector, you need to get an access key and a secret key from AIMS.
Windows systems also require PowerShell version 3.0 or later. If you have an earlier version of PowerShell, we suggest you upgrade it to version 3.0 or later.
Please follow the instructions below to get AIMS keys for your Alert Logic customer.
Log into the Cloud Insight console as an administrator here to verify administrator permissions:
- In the Cloud Insight console, click the user name at the top-right corner.
- In the drop-down menu, click Users.
- Select the user in
section. Note: you can start typing a name in the search box to find the appropriate user. - Verify the
user role
as listed underEdit an AIMS User
has theAdministrator
role selected.
Use the instructions below that match your operating system: Unix (MacOS, Linux) or Windows.
The following procedure assumes a Unix-based local machine using curl and jq.
From the bash command line, type the following commands, where <email address>
is the Alert Logic Cloud Insight email address you use to log in. Enter your password when prompted.
export AL_USERNAME='<email address>'
auth=$(curl -X POST -s -u $AL_USERNAME; export AL_ERROR=$(echo $auth | jq -r '.error // ""'); export AL_ACCOUNT_ID=$(echo $auth | jq -r ''); export AL_USER_ID=$(echo $auth | jq -r ''); export AL_TOKEN=$(echo $auth | jq -r '.authentication.token'); if [ -n "$AL_ERROR" -o -z "$AL_TOKEN" ]; then echo "Authentication failure - $AL_ERROR "; else roles=$(curl -s -X GET -H "x-aims-auth-token: $AL_TOKEN"$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/roles | jq -r '.roles[].name'); if [ "$roles" != "Administrator" ]; then echo "The $AL_USERNAME doesn’t have Administrator role. Assigned role is '$roles'"; else curl -s -X POST -H "x-aims-auth-token: $AL_TOKEN"$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys | jq .; fi; fi; unset AL_USERNAME;
An example of a successful response is:
"access_key_id": "712c0b413eef41f6",
"secret_key": "1234567890b3eea8880d292fb31aa96902242a076d3d0e320cc036eb51bf25ad"
Make a note of the access_key_id
and secret_key
values, which you need to deploy the CloudFormation template to your AWS account.
Necessary role error
If the command returns an error about not having the necessary role, please verify your Alert Logic account has administrator permissions. Click here for more information about AIMS APIs.
"Limit exceeded" error
Each user can create only five access keys. If a "limit exceeded" response appears, you must delete one or more access keys before you can create new keys.
- Type the following command to list access keys:
curl -s -X GET -H "x-aims-auth-token: $AL_TOKEN"$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys | jq
- Use the selected access_key_id in the following command to delete the key:
curl -X DELETE -H "x-aims-auth-token: $AL_TOKEN"$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys/<ACCESS_KEY_ID_HERE>
Note: These instructions require PowerShell 3.0 or later.
In the PowerShell console, please type the following commands. Enter your Alert Logic Cloud Insight email address and password when prompted.
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; $creds = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter your Alert Logic Cloud Insight email address and password"; $unsecureCreds = $creds.GetNetworkCredential(); $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $unsecureCreds.UserName,$unsecureCreds.Password))); Remove-Variable unsecureCreds; $AUTH = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers @{"Authorization"=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -Uri ; Remove-Variable base64AuthInfo; $AL_ACCOUNT_ID = $; $AL_USER_ID = $; $AL_TOKEN = $AUTH.authentication.token; if (!$AL_TOKEN) { Write-Host "Authentication failure"} else { $ROLES_RESP = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers @{"x-aims-auth-token"=$AL_TOKEN} -Uri$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/roles ; $ROLES = $; if ($ROLES -ne "Administrator" ) { Write-Host "Your user doesn’t have Administrator role. Assigned role is '$ROLES'" } else { $ACCESS_KEY = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers @{"x-aims-auth-token"=$AL_TOKEN} -Uri$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys ; Write-Host $ACCESS_KEY } }
An example of a successful response is:
@{access_key_id=712c0b413eef41f6; secret_key=1234567890b3eea8880d292fb31aa96902242a076d3d0e320cc036eb51bf25ad}
Make a note of the access_key_id
and secret_key
values, which you need to deploy the CloudFormation template to your AWS account.
Necessary role error
If the command returns an error about not having the necessary role, please verify your Alert Logic account has administrator permissions. Click here for more information about AIMS APIs.
"Limit exceeded" error
Each user can create only five access keys. If a "limit exceeded" response appears, you must delete one or more access keys before you can create new keys.
- Type the following command to list access keys:
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers @{"x-aims-auth-token"=$AL_TOKEN} -Uri$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys
- Use the selected
in the following command to delete the key:Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Headers @{"x-aims-auth-token"=$AL_TOKEN} -Uri$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys/<ACCESS_KEY_ID_HERE>