- Bump hahomematic to 2024.11.11
- Add TIME_OF_OPERATION to smoke detector
- Enable central link management for HmIP-wired
- Make sysvars eventable
- Reset temporary values before write
- Switch multiplier from int to float
- Use more constants for cover and light
- Add option to receive sysvar changes over mqtt
- Add translations for TIME_OF_OPERATION
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.11.8
- Add missing @service annotations
- Add performance measurement to @service
- Don't re-raise exception on internal services
- Move @service
- Remove @service from abstract methods
- Expand list of unrecorded attributes
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.11.7
- Add basic support for json clients
- Add data_point_path event
- Add getDeviceDescription, getParamsetDescription, listDevices, getValue, setValue, getParamset, putParamset to json_rpc
- Add get_data_point_path to central
- Add interface(id) to performance log message
- Add interfaces_requiring_periodic_refresh to config
- Add option to refresh data by interface
- Add periodic data refresh to CentralUnitChecker for some interfaces
- Add sysvar/program refresh to scheduler
- Add xml_rpc support flag to client
- Allow empty port for some interfaces
- Do reconnect/reload only for affected interfaces
- Extend DP_KEY with interface_id
- Fix returned version of client
- Ignore unknown interfaces
- Improve store tmp value
- Maintain data_cache by interface
- Reduce MAX_CACHE_AGE to 15s
- Remove clients for not available interfaces
- Rename event to data_point_event
- Run periodic tasks with an individual interval
- Store temporary value for polling client data points
- Store temporary value for sysvar data points
- Add mqtt support
- Add new option to UI (but disabled)
- Remove sysvar/program refresh from scheduler
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.11.0
- Improve on_time usage
- Fix copy schedule
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.10.17
- Fire interface event, if data could not be fetched with script from CCU
- Optimize MASTER data load
- Rename model to better distinguish from HA
- Use enum for json/event keys
- Add missing action icons
- Follow backend changes
- Use enum for services
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.10.14
- Use version from module hahomematic
- Add check if Homematic(IP) local uses the expected version of hahomematic
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.10.13
- Add central link methods to click event
- Add create_central_links and remove_central_links to device and central
- Add operation_mode to channel
- Add reportValueUsage, addLink, removeLink and getLinks to client
- Add version to code
- Align method parameters with CCU
- Check if channel has programs before deleting links
- Disable climate temperature validation when turning off
- Fix wrong channel assignment for HmIP-DRBLI4
- Use PRESS_SHORT for reportValueUsage
- Add actions to manage central links
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.10.8
- Add basic climate schedule services
- Add config option for max read workers
- Add services to copy climate schedules
- Add simple climate schedule service to store profiles
- Convert schedule time from minutes to hh:mm
- Disable collector for stop events
- Fix rx_mode lazy_config
- Improve logging when raising exception
- Improve profile validation
- Log exception at the most outer service
- Make DEFAULT and UPDATEABLE optional due to homegear support
- Make validation for climate schedules optional
- Move context var to own module
- Raise exception on set_value, put_paramset
- Remove command queue
- Rename climate enums and constants to better distinguish from HA
- Reuse existing dict types
- Simplify entity imports
- Use regex to identify schedule profiles
- Add action to fetch climate device schedule
- Add action to store climate device schedule (experimental)
- Add action to copy climate schedules
- Add option to config flow/advanced to listen on all ip addresses
- Add OPTIMUM_START_STOP and TEMPERATURE_OFFSET to climate attributes
- Fix issue with duplicate device addresses over multiple backends
- Raise HomeAssistantError on service exception
- Remove periodic master entity update
- Rename service to action in README.md
- Use service put_link_paramset to manipulate direct connections
- Use service get_link_paramset to read direct connections
- Remove customization (it's not a pure dimmer) for ELV-SH-WUA / HmIP-WUA. Remove obsolete entities if necessary
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.9.12
- Add bind_collector to all relevant methods with option to disable it
- Add config option for listen ip address and port
- Add check for link paramsets
- Add getLinkPeers XmlRPC method
- Add missing PayloadMixin
- Add name to channel
- Add paramset_key to entity_key
- Adjust payload and path
- Avoid permanent cache save on remove device
- Catch bind address errors of xml rpc server
- Check rx_mode
- Do not create update entities that are not updatable (manually remove obsolete update entities)
- Ensure only one load/save of cache file at time
- Identify bind_collector annotated methods
- Improve paramset key check
- Load all paramsets
- Mark externally accessed services with service_call if bind_collector is not appropriate
- Mark only level as relevant entity for DALI
- Only try device update refresh if device is updatable
- Refactor device/entity to extract channel
- Refactor get_events, get_new_entities
- Refactor update entity
- Remove CED for ELV-SH-WUA / HmIP-WUA
- Remove unnecessary checks
- Rename value_property to state_property
- Replace device_type by model
- Separate enable/disable sysvar and program scan
- Shorten names
- Small definition fix for DALI
- Switch typing of paramset_key from str to ParamsetKey
- Use TypedDict for device_description
- Use TypedDict for parameter_data
- Use channel instead of channel_addresses
- Use paramset_description from channel
- Use validator for local schema
- Add advanced options to config flow
- Add option to enable/disable program scan to advanced options
- Add services get_link_peers, get_link_paramset, put_link_paramset
- Improve german descriptions by @baxxy13
- Use domain alias
- Use select for paramset_key with actions calls
- Use selector for rx_mode in service description
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.8.13
- Add UN_IGNORE_WILDCARD to get_parameters
- Add additional validation on config parameters
- Avoid excessive memory usage in cache
- Check/convert values of manual executed put_paramset/set_value
- Cleanup DeviceDescriptionCache
- Cleanup ParamsetDescriptionCache
- Make HEATING_COOLING visible for thermostats
- Make load only relevant paramset descriptions configurable
- Refactor folder handling
- Refactor get_parameters for unignore_candidates
- Use only relevant IP for XmlRPC Server listening on
- Add HEATING_COOLING translations
- Clear cache on schema migration
- Keep optional values in config flow
- Load al paramset descriptions into cache
- Make unignore configurable in the UI
- Move mapping access to control config
- Refactor config flow. some options are now on the advanced page.
- Use SELECTORs in config flow
- Validate put_paramset/set_value against device descriptions
- Write optional parameters in Config Flow only when filled
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.8.1
- Add button lock CE
- Reduce data load, if only device description is updated
- Allow undefined generic entities besides CE
- Remove service delete_device. Use delete on the device entry instead
- Fix triggers and action when using meta integrations
- Add translation to button lock
- Add device class to RSSI
- Use entry.runtime_data instead of hass.data
- Use HassKey for hass.data
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.6.0
- Fix address for bidcos wired virtual device
- Catch TypeError on SysVar import
- Add time units to HmIP-RGBW calls
- Add entity registry migration for fixed hmw entries
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.5.4
- Improve callback register/unregister
- Move command_queue handling from device to channel
- Add level sensors to cover/blind
- Allow changing level or tilt while blind is moving by @sleiner
- Fix value assignment to lock enums
- Set open tilt level back to 100%
- Use PEP 695 typing
- Enable CE visible entities by default
- Add individual translations for LEVEL
- Adjust entity activation
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.5.0
- Make some items from value_property to property
- Rename callbacks
- Fix Homegear reconnect
- Ensure unload of platform services
- Add missing parameter for set_cover_combined_position
- tilt level is set to 50% to be open instead of 100%
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.4.12
- Rename loop_safe to loop_check
- Reduce loop_check to minimum
- Update ruff rules / requirements
- Make entity event async
- Extract looper from central and reuse for json/xml_rpc
- Move loop_check to async_support
- Record last value send
- Decompose combined parameter
- Return affected entity keys for service calls
- Add callback to unregister on register return
- Add option to wait for set_value/put_paramset callback
- Add wait_for_callback to collector
- Wait for target value in wait_for_state_change_or_timeout
- Add command queue
- Move open/close from IpBlind to Blind
- Use central_client_factory fixture
- Ensure central.stop() is called in tests
- Fix missing param in unregister_entity_updated_callback
- Set open tilt level to 50%
- Add option to services to wait for set_value/put_paramset callback
- Add wait_for_callback to set_cover_combined_position
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.4.6
- Remove support for python 3.11
- Use more list comprehension
- Customize HmIP-DRG-DALI
- Fix register refreshed entity
- Refactor callback naming
- Restructure check_connection
- Make xml_rpc event async
- Block central stop until tasks are finished
- Unify entity update/refresh events
- Remove unused callback from tests
- Add loop_safe annotation
- Remove entity_data_event_callback
- Make system_event_callback loop aware
- Use more list comprehension
- Add icons to services
- Use ConfigFlowResult
- Use thread-safe method schedule_update_ha_state to write ha state
- Add missing callback annotations
- Add async prefix to callback annotated methods
- Move state classes from total to total_increasing
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.3.1
- Add additional parameter to HBW-LC4-IN4-DR
- Fix return zero value for sysvar number
- Fix device_class for GAS_FLOW
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.3.0
- Add HBW-LC4-IN4-DR
- Remove unnecessary async
- Add GAS_* parameters of HmIP-ESI
- Avoid some HA deprecation warnings
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.2.4
- Add option to un ignore mechanism to ignore the automatic creation of custom entities by device type
- Fix mapping for HBW-LC-RGBWW-IN6-DR
- Fix mapping of HmIP-HDM
- Group entities to sub devices / base channels
- Add mapping for fixed color channel
- Refactor entity name data
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.2.1
- Store old_value in entity model
- Move product group identification to client
- Add new pattern for unignore (parameter:paramset_key@device_type:channel_no)
- Allow all as unignore parameter for device_type and channel_no
- Remove old complex format for unignore
- Remove deprecation warnings for py3.12
- Fix/improve unignore search
- Accept float as input for int numbers
- Use state_class total instead of total_increasing for sensors
- Add required ClimateEntityFeature TURN_OFF/TURN_ON for HA2024.2
- Replace icon_fn by icon translations for HA 2024.2
- Fix via_device in device_info
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.1.7
- Fix unignore doc and improve unignore tests
- Move unignore check to entity
- Reload master data after config pending event
- Allow direct_call without cache wait time
- Remove whitespace from name end
- Bump hahomematic to 2024.1.5
- Add duration=111600 when ramp_time used for HmIP-RGBW
- Allow ordered execution of collector paramsets
- Only consider relevant entities for HmIP-RGBW
- Remove effects from HmIP-RGBW when in PWM mode
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.12.4
- Add HB-LC-Bl1-Velux to cover
- Avoid mutating entity descriptions
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.12.3
- Save all rooms to entity model
- Set attributes of dataclasses
- Add another reason to ping pong mismatch
- Fix entity names without translations
- Add some descriptions to config flow
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.12.1
- Add support for away_mode and classic homematic thermostats
- Collect config validation errors
- Add validator to instance name (@ is not allowed)
- Use collected config validation errors
- Catch more generic connection exceptions
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.11.4
- Use last_refreshed for validation check
- Improve ping/pong mechanism. Fire event, if mismatch is 15 within 5 Minutes
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.10.14
- Add class method default_platform
- Cleanup cover
- Fix service enable_away_mode_by_calendar
- Rename fire events
- Replace last_updated by last_refreshed
- Switch formatting from black to ruff-format
- Add device address to device info
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.10.12
- Add filter options to device.get_entity*
- Align method signatures
- Fix register_update_callback for update
- Ignore switch to sensor if un ignored
- Register external sources with custom identifier
- Remove WrapperEntity
- Remove get_update_entities
- Remove subscribed_entity_unique_identifiers
- Rename custom_identifier to custom_id
- Rename unique_identifier to unique_id
- Send relevant entities instead of devices in callback
- Update un ignore documentation
- Improve typing within async_setup_entry
- Merge dicts to collect active entities
- Move statistics collection to diagnostics module
- Use backend methods instead of local wrappers
- Use filtering backend methods
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.10.7
- Adjust typing after move to more enums
- Add measure_execution_time to writing methods
- Fix send sysvar #1249
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.10.6
- Add started property to central
- Rename:
- value_list -> values
- effect_list -> effects
- Add more checks to get/set value from/tp values
- Use more tuple instead of list
- Cleanup code
- Collect subscribed entities in central
- Add faultCode and faultString to xmlrpc.client.Fault
- Use Mapping/Set for readonly access
- Use enum for CE fields
- Use Parameter for ED
- Follow backend changes
- Make default values configurable in ControlConfig
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.10.4
- Code cleanup
- Remove Hm prefix from enums
- Use enum for parameters
- Use more existing constants
- Use enum for JsonRPC and XmlRPC methods
- Get supported JsonRPC and XmlRPC methods and check against used methods
- Cleanup exception handling
- Catch 'internal error' on get_auth_enabled. Relevant for for CCU2 users
- Code cleanup
- Follow backend changes
- Remove recorder platform
- Add test for recorder _unrecorded_attributes
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.9.8
- Improve caching
- Cleanup cache naming
- Remove max_age from most method signatures
- Simplify data cache
- Rename some cache methods
- Remove attr prefix
- Improve caching
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.9.7
- Cleanup light code
- Use more enums for climate, cover, lock
- Use TypedDict for light, siren args
- Update ReGa-Script fetch_all_device_data.fn by @Baxxy13
- Parameterize call to fetch_all_device_data.fn
- Simplify json rpc post code
- Improve for ConnectionProblemIssuer json rpc
- Improve handle_exception_log
- Avoid repeated logs
- Add check to BaseHomematicException
- Reduce log level to 'warning' for get_all_device_data 'JSONDecodeError' exceptions
- Align isort setup with hass
- Remove recorder platform
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.9.4
- Re add channel 7 for HmIPW-WRC6
- Reduce log level for exceptions in fetch_paramset_description
- Refactor get_paramset_description
- Filter SSLErrors by code
- Cleanup logger
- Refactor client and central modules
- Adopt changes in HA 2023.9
- Use more shorthand attributes
- Add _unrecorded_attributes
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.8.3 - 2023.9.0
- Add SSLError to XmlRpcProxy and JsonRpcAioHttpClient
- Add decorator to measure function execution time
- Add ping pong tests
- Align sslcontext creation with Home Assistant
- Convert StrEnum and IntEnum in proxy
- Extend HmIPW-WRC6 implementation
- Fix get_all_system_variables return value
- Improve testing
- Make integration more robust against json result failures
- Make start_direct a config option
- Optimize get readable entities for MASTER
- Reduce visibility of local constants
- Refactor cover api
- Refactor to more enum usage
- Remove obsolete comments
- Remove use_caches and load_un_ignore from central config
- Restructure test helper
- Update project setup
- Improve custom component testing
- Add Github flows for pylint and tests
- Add infrastructure for platform tests
- Increase config flow coverage
- Make homematic entities mockable
- Avoid init_central
- Cleanup scheduler code
- Increase master scan interval to 1h
- Make tilt_postion optional for set_cover_combined_position
- Rename some methods for consistency
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.8.1
- Prepare backend for HA issue usage
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.8.2
- Improve exception and log handling
- Fix DE service name translation
- Use issues instead of persistent notifications for interface events
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.7.4
- Add identifier to device
- Ignore click events on plugs
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.7.5
- Add SystemInformation to client api
- Send credentials on XmlRPC api only when authentication is enabled in CCU
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.7.6
- Refactor Json error handling / logging
- Use ping pong only for CCU
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.8.0
- Remove only the starting device name from entity name
- Remove title from program and sysvar names
- Remove support for python 3.10
- Add available_interfaces to SystemInformation
- Use identifier from device
- Add event entities
- Remove unmaintained NL translation
- Add service translations
- Remove click_events from logbook
- Add SystemInformation to diagnostics
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.7.3
- Fire interface event about ping/pong mismatch
- Add message to fire_interface_event
- Refactor event usage
- Add option to config flow to control system notifications (controls CALLBACK and PINGPONG notifications)
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.7.1
- Log an error about the ping/pong count mismatch
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.7.2
- Add new Events PRESS_LOCK and PRESS_UNLOCK for HmIP-WKP
- Add entity descriptions and translations for HmIP-WKP
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.7.0
- Project file maintenance
- Add services that return data:
- get_device_value
- get_paramset
- Fix entity state translations
- Guard against failure due to future HA api changes related to CC specific usage
- Make entity name translation more verbose
- Fix error with names before HA 2023.7 pt2
- Fix error with names before HA 2023.7
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.6.1
- Fix tunable white support for hmIP-RGBW
- Avoid creating entities that are not usable in selected device operation mode for hmIP-RGBW
- Update requirements
- Add missing comma, to fix entity description
- Remove device class from percentage entity description
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.6.0
- Update requirements
- Do not create update entities for virtual remotes
- Fix latest version of update entity
- Use VALVE_STATE entity description only for Bidcos devices
- Display updates only if update is ready for installation on device
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.5.2
- Refactor device description cache handling
- Add device firmware update handling
- Add device firmware update entity
- Add 'Update device firmware data' service
- Add 6h schedule for device firmware data refresh
- Avoid overriding hostname by ssdp data
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.5.0
- Remove unsupported on_time / refactor HmIP-RGBW
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.4.5
- Update requirements
- Fix supported_color_modes for light
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.4.2
- Update requirements
- Fix cover (HDM2) no longer working
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.4.0
- Update requirements
- Add log message to negative password check
- Use positional args
- Fix
Cannot parse hex-string value
- Add service "set cover combined position"
- Add name translation
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.3.1
- Add name to tasks
- Improve typing
- Move callback calls into exception block
- Remove avoidable usage of deepcopy
- Add dependabot
- Update requirements
- Drop pyupgrade, autoflake, flake8 in favor of ruff
- Refactor cover, add set_combined_position
- Update minimum required version
- Add service "set cover combined position"
- Add name translation
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.3.0
- Update ruff, adjust module aliases
- Fix spamming CCU logs with errors (#981)
- Fix import
- Update minimum required version
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.2.11
- Update ruff, fix comments
- Switch to orjson
- Fix climate: compare set temperature to target temperature
-Remove set_device_value_raw
: use set_device_value
instead (See changelog release 1.27.1)
- Enable HmIP-SMSD as siren
Bump hahomematic to 2023.2.10
- Use sets for central callbacks
- Add get_all_entities for device
Enable HmIP-SMSD as siren
Add pre-commit checks and cleanup repo
Remove set_device_value_raw
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.2.9
- Fix property types
- Ensure modules for platforms are loaded
- Use local dicts for device lists
- Clear central data cache if identified as outdated
- Avoid redundant cache loads within init phase
- Extract value preparation from send_value
- Differentiate between input and default parameter type
- Fix asyncio-dangling-task (RUF006)
- Add typed dict for light and siren
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.2.8
- Add project setup script
- Add entity_data event
- Add payload mixin
- Cleanup module dependencies
- Use cache decorators for some high-traffic methods
- Allow that channel_no could be None
- Add and use get_channel_address
- Add
as siren
- Add device_class to doorbell if binary behavior is set
- Align packages to backend lib
- Align to siren backend changes
- Used typed dicts for light and siren
- Update translation keys
- Remove
for Concentration of HmIP-SCTH230
This change is necessary because native_precision
has been swapped for suggested_display_precision
without a deprecation period in the HA core. Before switching to HA 2023.3, all CC users who use version 1.28.0 (or greater) must therefore update.
Rounding support for Concentration of HmIP-SCTH230 will be re-added with HA 2023.3
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.2.7
- Disable validation of state change for action and button
- Check if entity is writable on send
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.2.6
- Add missing bind_collector
- Add more
typing - Add option to collector to disable put_paramset
- Add on_time Mixin to temporary store on_time
- Align to backend lib
- Add virtual channels for HmIP cover/blind
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.2.5
- Add comments to parameter_visibility
- Use
only when there is more than one parameter to sent - Use only one implementation for garage doors (HO/TM)
- Avoid backend calls if value/state doesn't change
- If an entity (e.g.
) has only one parameter that represents its state, then a call to the backend will be made, if the parameter value sent is not identical to the current state. - If an entity (e.g.
) has multiple parameters that represent its state, then a call to the backend will be made, if one of these parameter values sent is not identical to its current state. - Not covered by this approach:
- platforms: lock and siren.
- services:
- system variables
- If an entity (e.g.
- Add virtual channels for HmIP cover/blind:
- Channel no as examples from HmIP-BROLL. The implementation of the first actor channel (4) remains unchanged, which means that this channel (4) shows the correct cover position from sensor channel (3). The other actor channels (5+6) are generated as initially deactivated and only use the cover position from their own channel after activation.
- Fix channel 0 not working for put_paramset
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.2.1
- Separate check for parameter is un_ignored based on if it should be hidden or not
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.2.0
- Log validation exceptions in central
- Add typing to decorators
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.1.8
- Ensure the signal handler gets called at most once by @mtdcr
- Fix stop central, if another central is active on the same XmlRPC server
- JsonRpcAioHttpClient: Allow empty password by @mtdcr
- Remove
from HmIPW-FALMOT-C12 - Remove put_paramset from custom_entity
- Remove set_value, put_paramset from central
- Remove support for python 3.9
- Remove to int converter for HmIP-SCTH230
- Replace old-style union syntax
- Validate password with regex (warning only!)
- Add
- Check password on config flow validation
- Limit services to own integration
- Replace old-style union syntax
- Use exception types from backend
- Use kwargs in callbacks
- Remove device class
from GAS_POWER (limitation of HA) - Replace
- Fix put_paramset for HM MASTER paramset
- Add additional parameter
to services
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.1.7
- Add a new custom entity type for windows drive
- Return True if sending service calls succeed
- Aggregate calls to backend
- Fix HmIP-MOD-TM: inverted direction
- Add additional parameter
to services:force_device_availability
- Deprecate service
. Will be removed with HA 2023-03. Seitch to serviceset_device_value
instead. - Follow garage changes from backend
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.1.5
- Remove LOWBAT from HM-LC-Sw1-DR
- Sort lists in parameter_visibility.py
- Replace custom entity config data structure by CustomConfig
- Allow multiple CustomConfigs for a hm device
- Add ExtendedConfig to custom entities
- Cleanup test imports
- Increase the line length to 99
- Add ExtendedConfig and use for additional_entities
- Remove obsolete ED_ADDITIONAL_ENTITIES_BY_DEVICE_TYPE from entity_definition
- Fix: SysVars enabled (should be disabled) on initial setup
- Add model and version to service information
- Remove duplicate logbook entry for device_availability
- Use old value of SYSVAR_SCAN_ENABLED in options flow
- Fix display of logbook events
- Update color_conversion threshold (HmIP-BSL) by @guillempages
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.1.4
- Remove obsolete parse_ccu_sys_var
- Add helper, central tests
- Add more tests and test based refactorings
- Reduce backend calls and logging during lost connection
- Update color_conversion threshold by @guillempages
- Fix name in homematic.key_press events
- Add device availability and error to logbook
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.1.3
- Unify event parameters
- Refactor entity.py for better event support
- Fix wrong warning after set_system_variable
- Add validation to event_data
- Reassign event parameters in control_unit
- Add device availability and error to logbook
- Remove LOWBAT from HM-LC-Sw1-Pl, HM-LC-Sw2-FM
- Use actions and buttons for device actions
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.1.2
- No longer create ClientSession in json_rpc_client for tests
- Add backend tests
- Use mocked local client to check method_calls
- Remove sleep after connection_checker stops
- Remove LOWBAT from HM-LC-Sw1-Pl, HM-LC-Sw2-FM
- Simplify entity de-/registration
- Refactor add/delete device and add tests
- Add un_ignore_list to test config
- Allow unignore for DEVICE_ERROR_EVENTS
- Remove loop from test signature
- Cleanup ignore/unignore handling and add tests
- Move delete device logic to central
- Use actions and buttons for device actions
- Rename climate presets from 'Profile ' to 'weekprogram': HA now allows translations of custom preset modes. The internal preset mode has been renamed from 'Profile ' to 'weekprogram'. If service climate.set_preset_mode was used with values like "Proflle 1", these automations and scripts need to be edited and use "week_program_1" instead. This preset mode is now displayed as "WP 1" to better accommodate the available space in the UI.
- Make sysvar_scan_interval configurable The integration can now be reconfigured to use a shorter or longer interval between sysvar scans. The sysvar scan can also be disabled, if not needed.
- Bump hahomematic to 2023.1.0
- Remove empty unit for numeric sysvars
- Fix native device units
- Rename climate presets from 'Profile ' to 'weekprogram'
- Add un_ignore list to central config
- Fix entity_definition schema
- Rename cache_dict to persistent_cache
- Reduce access to internal complex objects for custom_component
- Allow to disable cache
- Allow to disable un_ignore load
- Add local client
- Use local client in tests
- Move event() code to central_unit
- Move listDevices() code to central_unit
- Align custom_component to HA 2023.01
- Align translations to new schema
- Remove wrong device_classes
- Use more UnitOf enums
- Add options for enum sensors. Makes state values selectable in triggers.
- Reformat code / check with flake 8
- Add SensorStateClass.TOTALINCREASING to svEnergyCounter* sysvars
- Add SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT to numeric sysvars
- Add SwitchDeviceClass.OUTLET to HmIP plugs
- Reorg entity helper
- Make sysvar_scan_interval configurable
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.12.8
- Reformat code
- Refactor entity inheritance
- Follow backend: Refactor entity inheritance
- Add value_list to sensor attributes
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.12.7
- Send ERROR_* parameters as homematic.device_error event
- Fire homematic.device_error event
- Add blueprint to display device error as persistent notification
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.12.6
- Add additional checks for custom entities
- Fix entity_helper for LEVEL
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.12.5
- Code Cleanup
- Remove sub_type from model to simplify code
- Remove obsolete methods
- Refactor binary_sensor check
- Convert value_list to tuple
- Use tuple for immutable lists
- Remove sub_types for device selection
- Convert frozenset to tuple in entity helper
- Use device class tamper for sabotage parameter
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.12.4
- Fix disable away_mode in climate. Now goes back to the origin control_mode.
- Add start date and time for service homematicip_local.enable_away_mode_by_calendar and use date and time pickers
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.12.3
- Add separate off_temperature for HM heating group HM-CC-VG-1
Bump hahomematic to 2022.12.2
- Add HM-LC-AO-SM as light
Change device_class of weather wind speed sensor to new device class wind_speed
Remove hub sensor
Breaking Changes:
- Due to changes in HA, the following services now have to use config entry_id (selectable in UI) instead of hub sensor:
- clear_cache
- fetch_system_variables
- set_variable_value
- The number of service messages is now a sysvar, due to the removal of the hub sensor
- Replace bluepring homematicip_local_persistent_notification.yaml by current version
- selection of hub sensor no longer needed
- Due to changes in HA, the following services now have to use config entry_id (selectable in UI) instead of hub sensor:
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.12.1
- Improve naming of modules
- Add new platform for text sysvars
- Remove support for old hub entities with homematicip_local.*
- Raise min HA # Version to 2022.12
- Use EntityFeature return type for climate/light supported features
- Add text platform for character string sysvars (extended). See docs.
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.12.0
- Add transition to light turn_off
- Remove min brightness of 10 for lights
- Raise hour limit for away mode to 999 hours
- Add multiplier 100 to LEVEL
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.11.2
- Generalize some collection helpers
- Rename attribute COLOR_NAME to COLOR
- Simplify # Version check
- Switch LEVEL sensor on creation from hidden to deactivated
- hide LEVEL sensor on creation
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.11.1
- Use generic property implementation
- Code cleanup
- Add option to wrap entities to a different platform
- Wrap LEVEL of HmIP-TRV*, HmIP-HEATING to sensor
- Use UnitOf* enums
- Add EntityDescription for LEVEL of HmIP-TRV*, HmIP-HEATING as sensor
- Make async_signal_new_hm_entity a function
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.10
- Refactor central_config
- Allow update of min/max temp of climate device
- Code cleanup
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.9
- Fix: don't hide unignored parameters
- Refactor MASTER polling
- Add generic option to modify icon based on state
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.8
- Add semaphore to fetch sysvar and programs from backend
- Add service to fetch system variables on demand from backend independent from default 30s schedule.
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.7
- Accept some existing prefix for sysvars and programs to avoid additional prefixing
- Read min/max temperature for climate devices
- Min set temperature for thermostats is now 5.0 degree. 4.5. degree is only off
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.6
- Use HmHvacMode HEAT instead of AUTO for simple thermostats
- Add HUMIDITY and ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE to heating groups
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.5
- Set HM Thermostat to manual mode before switching off
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.4
- Allow entity creation for some internal parameters
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.3
- Fix HM Blind/Cover custom entity types
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.2
- Make connection checker more resilient
- Simplify manufacturer selection
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.1
- Differentiate manufacturer in device_info
- Use device_class speed
- Update state translations
- Add warning if hub sensor is disabled
- Avoid hub sensor update before full initialized
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.10.0
- Rename hub event
- Remove Servicemeldungen from sysvars. It's already included in the hub_entity (sensor.{instance_name}) (See README)
- Split hub between scheduler and entity
- Convert hub entity to sensor
- Reorg device_info for ControlUnit
- Deprecation warning: The entity homematicip_local.{instance_name} must be replaced by sensor.{instance_name} in service calls (set_variable_value) till HA 11.2022.
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.9.1
- Improve XmlServer shutdown
- Add name to threads and executors
- Improve ThreadPoolExecutor shutdown
- Replace deprecated AutomationActionType
- Add blueprint for HB-RC-12-EP-C by @djusHa
- Fix sysvar binary_sensors
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.9.0
- Exclude value from event_data if None
- Remove unneeded _attr
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.15
- Fix select entity detection
- Fix targets for entity services
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.14
- Exclude STRING sysvar from extended check
- Improve # Version check
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.13
- Allow three states for a forced availability of a device
- Fix device availability wording
- Fix wording in homematicip_local_persistent_notification.yaml
- Added blueprints:
- homematicip_local_reactivate_device_by_type.yaml - Reactivate a device by device type
- homematicip_local_reactivate_device_full.yaml - Reactivate every device
- homematicip_local_reactivate_single_device.yaml - Reactivate a single device
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.12
- Add device_type to device availability event
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.11
- Adjust logging (level and message)
- Remove service homematicip_local.update_entity. Use service homeassistant.update_entity instead.
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.10
- Add click events to logbook
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.9
- Create all XmlRpc server by requested port(s)
- Use a default callback port if not configured
- Restructure hass storage of control units
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.7
- Fix hs_color for CeColorDimmer(HM-LC-RGBW-WM)
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.6
- Reduce api calls for light
- Fix color for HM-LC-RGBW-WM
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.5
- Add cache for rega script files
- Cleanup entity_helper
- Fix entity_helper after #286
- Refactor service set_device_valueXXX
- Add entity_description for HB percentage and pressure
- Add service set_device_value_raw
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.4
- Add platform as field and remove obsolete constructors
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.3
- Rename HM unique_id to unique_identifier
- Remove domain from model
- Remove should_poll from model
- Refactor entity_description handling
- Specify should_poll in CC
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.2
- Code cleanup
- Add program buttons
- Add Service to update a single entity's value (only required for edge cases). See README.
- Add CCU programs as buttons
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.8.0
- Remove device_info from model
- Remove attributes from model
- Code Cleanup
- Refactor DeviceInfo
- Refactor Attributes
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.7.14
- Add HmIP-BS2 to custom entities
- Add call_source to load_entity_value calls
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.7.13
- Cleanup API
- Clean up accessing event helpers via hass
- Remove empty device_class for binary_sensor STATE
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.7.12
- Add ELV-SH-BS2 to custom entities
- Remove unneeded validity check for color_mode
- Block start of custom component if HA # Version is too old.
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.7.11
- Fix _check_connection for Homegear/CCU
- Add community blueprint for 4-button flush mount device by @andyboeh
- Add HVACAction.IDLE to dict
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.7.9
- Remove state_uncertain from default attributes
- Make entity state restorable after HA restart
- Do not use CALLBACK_HOST for XmRPCServer
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.7.8
- Fix entity update
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.7.7
- Ignore further parameters by device (CURRENT_ILLUMINATION for HmIP-SMI, HmIP-SMO, HmIP-SPI)
- Align entity naming to HA entity name
- Use new HA entity name: The entity name now only represents the entity part, and no longer includes the device name. The entity_id is untouched, as long as you don't reinstall the integration. The displayed name of an entity might change, depending on the used HA card. See HA dev docs for further information
- Fix hub creation
- Use entity is_valid for state Entities are now shown as unknown, as long as HA has not received any events from the CCU, or was not able to fetch data initially. Old behaviour was to display a DEFAULT value. As soon as events have been received from the CCU the state will switch to the correct state. This should be relevant, if HA has been restarted shortly after the CCU has been restart. See Readme for further information.
- Add attribute state_uncertain There is now an extra attribute at each entity, that shows is the state of the entity might be uncertain due to a CCU restart. This should be relevant, if the CCU has been restarted and HA is still running.
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.7.1
- Better distinguish between NO_CACHE_ENTRY and None
- Bump hahomematic to 2022.7.0
- Fix/Cleanup Device/Entity/Sysvar removal
- Use new attributes for number entities
- Revert: Make OPENING the default device_class for binary_sensor STATE (#249)
- Bump hahomematic to 1.9.4
- Load MASTER data on initial load
- Make OPENING the default device_class for binary_sensor STATE
- Bump hahomematic to 1.9.3
- Fix export of device definitions
- Bump hahomematic to 1.9.2
- Re-add HmIPW-FIO6 to custom device handling
- Disable device trigger based on event usage
- Bump hahomematic to 1.9.1
- Add button to virtual remote
- Remove HmIPW-FIO6 from custom device handling
- Remove dummies for unit_of_measurement
- Bump hahomematic to 1.8.6
- Code cleanup
- Fix sysvar creation for delayed platform setups on some environments
- Bump hahomematic to 1.8.5
- Remove sysvars if deleted from CCU
- Add check for sysvar type in sensor
- Remove unused sysvar attributes
- Cleanup HA when deleting sysvars
- Bump hahomematic to 1.8.4
- Refactor all sysvar script
- Bump hahomematic to 1.8.3
- Refactor sysvar creation eventing
- Adopt sysvar creation eventing
- Bump hahomematic to 1.8.2
- Fix build
- Bump hahomematic to 1.8.1
- Use Marker in sysvar description for extended sysvars
- Bump hahomematic to 1.8.0
- Enable additional sysvar entity types
- Create sysvars with new types. See
- Bump hahomematic to 1.7.3
- Add more debug logging
- Bump hahomematic to 1.7.2
- Better differentiate between float and int for sysvars
- Switch from # as unit placeholder for sysvars to ' '
- Bump hahomematic to 1.7.1
- Rename parameter channel_address to address for put/get_paramset
- Make channel optional for homematicip_local.put_paramset
- Bump hahomematic to 1.7.0
- Refactor system variables
- Align integration to match sysvar refactoring
- Add more types for sysvar entities
- Bump hahomematic to 1.6.2
- Add more options for boolean conversions
- Update readme. See new options for homematicip_local.set_variable_value.
- Bump hahomematic to 1.6.1
- Fix entity definition for HMIP-HEATING
- Fix config flow: select/deselect interfaces
- Bump hahomematic to 1.6.0
- Add impulse event
- Add LEVEL and STATE to HmIP-Heating group to display hvac_action
- Add device_type as model to attributes
- Adjust typing to match updated HA defaults
- Exclude model from recorder
- Bump hahomematic to 1.5.4
- Add function attribute only if set
- Bump hahomematic to 1.5.3
- Rename subsection to function
- Bump hahomematic to 1.5.2
- Add subsection to attributes
- Exclude subsection from recorder
- Bump hahomematic to 1.5.0
- Limit sysvar length to 255 chars due to HA limitations
- Add name to HA event
- Bump hahomematic to 1.4.0
- Block parameters by device_type that should not create entities in HA
- Fix: Strings and enums with custom device class must be lowercase to be translatable
- Fix entity assignment for service clear_cache
- Bump hahomematic to 1.3.1
- Increase connection timeout(30s->60s) and reconnect interval(90s->120s) to better support slower hardware
- Bump hahomematic to 1.3.0
- Use unit for vars, if available
- Remove special handling for pydevccu
- Remove set boost mode to false, when preset is none for bidcos climate entities
- Fix climate preset
- Use enums provided by 2022.5
- Add hassfest job for custom components
- Fixes after adding hassfest action
- Bump hahomematic to 1.2.2
- Fix light channel for multi dimmer
- Bump hahomematic to 1.2.1
- Fix callback alive check
- Add persistent notification for missing callback events
- Add recorder platform to avoid writing static attributes
- Bump hahomematic to 1.2.0
- Reorg light attributes
- Add on_time to light and switch
- Add service
- Add service
- Reload integration on configuration change
- Fix triggers, if device has multiple config_entries from different domains
- Bump hahomematic to 1.1.4
- Use min as default if default is unset for parameter_data
- This fixes Homegear support
- Bump hahomematic to 1.1.3
- Add CeColorDimmer
- Fix hub_sensor, hub_binary_sensor dispatcher
- Bump hahomematic to 1.1.2
- Add set_system_variable with string value
- Bump hahomematic to 1.1.1
- Read # Version and serial in get_client
- Bump hahomematic to 1.1.0
- Migrate device_info to dataclass
- Add rega script (provided by @baxxy13) to get serial from CCU
- Add Entity_Description to BATTERY_STATE
- Make device_info more independent from backend
- Clean up cache dirs on instance removal
Bump hahomematic to 1.0.6
- Revert to XmlRPC getValue and getParamset for CCU
Use Rf-Modul serial for unique_id in config_flow
Remove deprecated light const
- Bump hahomematic to 1.0.5
- Limit hub_state to ccu only
- Remove deprecated light const
- Remove defaults in OptionsFlow for not optional values (callback_ip, callback_port, json_port)
- Fix device_type list in diagnostics overview
- Add blueprint for 4-button device (e.g. HmIP-KRCA)
- Bump hahomematic to 1.0.4
- Use max # Version of interfaces for backend version
- API refactoring
- Split control unit
- Bump hahomematic to 1.0.3
- Revert to XmlRPC get# Version for CCU
- Bump hahomematic to 1.0.2
- Cleanup json code
- Use previously configured interfaces by default in config flow
- Rename hahm to homematicip_local
- Bump hahomematic to 0.38.5
- Add support for color temp dimmer
- Bump hahomematic to 0.38.4
- Fix interface name for BidCos-Wired
- Bump hahomematic to 0.38.3
- Add check for available API method to identify BidCos Wired
- Bump hahomematic to 0.38.2
- Catch SysVar parsing exceptions
- Bump hahomematic to 0.38.1
- Fix initial config
- Bump hahomematic to 0.38.0
- Add central validation
- Improve validation in config flow
- Bump hahomematic to 0.37.7
- Add additional system_listMethods to avoid errors on CCU
- Bump hahomematic to 0.37.6
- Add JsonRPC.Session.logout before central stop to avoid warn logs at CCU.
- Bump hahomematic to 0.37.5
- Send event if interface is not available
- Don't block available interfaces, if another interface is no available
- Bump hahomematic to 0.37.4
- Fix reload paramset
- Fix value converter
- Bump hahomematic to 0.37.3
- Cleanup caching code
- Use homematic script to fetch initial data for CCU/HM
- Bump hahomematic to 0.37.1
- Avoid unnecessary prefetches
- Fix JsonRPC Session handling
- Rename NamesCache to DeviceDetailsCache
- Move RoomCache to DeviceDetailsCache
- Move hm value converter to helpers
- Use JSON RPC for get_value, get_paramset, get_paramset_description
- Use default for binary_sensor
- Add semaphore(1) to improve cache usage (less api calls)
- Update unit for IEC sensor
- Bump hahomematic to 0.36.3
- Use callback when hub is created
- Bump hahomematic to 0.36.2
- Make more devices custom_entities
- Fix LEVEL display
- Bump hahomematic to 0.36.0
- Remove HA constants
- Use enums own constants
- Use more HA constants based on hahomematic enums
- Bump hahomematic to 0.35.3
- Move xmlrpc credentials to header
- Bump hahomematic to 0.35.2
- Remove password from Exceptions
- Bump hahomematic to 0.35.1
- Fix IpBlind
- Bump hahomematic to 0.35.0
- Fix CF tests
- Bump hahomematic to 0.34.2
- Add is_locking/is_unlocking to lock
- Bump hahomematic to 0.34.1
- Add own service to turn_on a siren (acoustically/optically)
- Bump hahomematic to 0.34.0
- Add new platform siren
- Bump hahomematic to 0.33.0
- Add hvac_action to IP Thermostats
- Add hvac_action to some HM Thermostats
- Add hvac_action to climate
- Bump hahomematic to 0.32.4
- add opening/closing to IPGarage
- Add translation for DOOR_STATE
- Bump hahomematic to 0.32.3
- Prioritize detection of device for custom entities
- Add HmIPW-FIO6 as CE
- Add state(ch2) to HmIP-MOD-HO
- Fix translations
- Add diagnostics
- Add multiplier to sensor and number entities. This fixes percentage related sensors
- Add more EntityDefinitions (device_class, state_class, ...)
- Bump hahomematic to 0.31.2
- Add HmIP-HDM2 to cover
- Fix unignore filename
- Bump hahomematic to 0.31.1
- Add multiplier to entity
- Substitute device_type of HB devices for usage in custom_entities
- Aggregate entity_helper
- Bump hahomematic to 0.31.0
- use should_poll from hahomematic
- Bump hahomematic to 0.30.2
- Remove INHIBIT from ignore parameter list
- Add support for unignore file
- Add DIRECTION & ACTIVITY_STATE to cover (is_opening, is_closing)
- Update translations, device_classes form Win-Matic/Key-Matic
- replace availability PN by blueprint
- Bump hahomematic to 0.30.1
- Start hub earlier
- Add service to clear the caches
- Add event about device availability
- Bump hahomematic to 0.30.0
- Fix DLD lock_state
- Add is_jammed to locks
- Re-disable RSSI by default
- React on channel_operation_mode for cover/blind on HmIP(W)-DRBL4
- Bump hahomematic to 0.29.2
- Add HmIP-STH to climate custom entities
- Add more HM-Devices to EntityDescription
- Switch device_class of HmIP-SCI from safety to opening
- Enhance entity_helper with sets for entity_descriptions by_param and by_device
- Add more HM-Devices to EntityDescription
- Bump hahomematic to 0.29.1
- Check if interface callback is alive
- Add class for HomeamaticIP Blinds
- Enhance entity_helper with sets for entity_descriptions
- Fix missing device_id in keypress events
- Bump hahomematic to 0.29.0
- Make device availability dependent on the client
- Fire event about interface availability
- Display persistent notification, if interface is not available
- Bump hahomematic to 0.28.7
- Add additional check to reconnect
- Listen on HA stop event to stop the central
- Bump hahomematic to 0.28.6
- Switch value caching from getParamset to getValue That should fix loading of VirtualDevices and HmRF
- Bump hahomematic to 0.28.4
- Limit read proxy workers to 1
- Bump hahomematic to 0.28.2
- Make names cache non-persistent.
- Fix hub init
- Bump hahomematic to 0.28.1
- Cleanup central API
- Use dedicated proxy for mass read operations, to avoid blocking of connection checker
- Fix MyPy
- Bump hahomematic to 0.28.0
- Create client after init failure
- Reduce CCU calls
- Bump hahomematic to 0.27.2
- optimize initial data load
- Bump hahomematic to 0.27.0
- Add hmcli.py as command line script
- Add name/host to discovered config flow
- Add upnp discovery to config flow
- Fix initial setup: Integration will completely setup after initial config flow. A reload of the integration or a restart of HA is no longer necessary.
- Cleanup integration init.
- Bump hahomematic to 0.26.0
- Add additional params for HM-SEC-Win and HM-SEC-Key
- Assign secondary channels for HM dimmers
- Fix spelling bidos -> bidcos in ConfigFlow
- Add translation for new params
- Enable wildcard search for device_type in entity_helper
- Bump hahomematic to 0.25.0
- Mark unreachable devices as unavailable on startup
- Bump hahomematic to 0.24.4
- Improve logging
- Generic schema for entities is name(str):channel(int), everything else is custom.
- Bump hahomematic to 0.24.3
- improve exception handling
- fix unique_id for system variables This is a breaking change. Solution: Activate the old sysvars, restart HA and delete the old sysvars.
- Bump hahomematic to 0.24.2
- improve exception handling
- Bump hahomematic to 0.24.0
- improve exception handling
- Bump hahomematic to 0.23.3
- Make ["DRY", "RAIN"] sensor a binary_sensor
- Add converter to sensor value
- Fix RSSI (experimental)
- raise connection_checker interval to 60s
- Add sleep interval(120s) to wait with reconnect after successful connection check
- Fix unit of RSSI params
- Add device class to HM-Sen-RD-O
- Bump hahomematic to 0.22.2
- Bump hahomematic to 0.22.1
- Add VALVE_STATE for hm climate
- Add entity_type to attributes
- Accept LOWBAT only on channel 0
- Bump hahomematic to 0.22.0
- Add rooms to device
- Add area to device_info. This works, if a homematic device is assigned to a single room in CCU. Multiple channels can be assigned to the same room. If the device is assigned to multiple rooms, or nothing is set, then the area in HA will stay empty
- Bump hahomematic to 0.21.1
- Fix event identification and generation
- Remove Alarm Events (not needed)
- Bump hahomematic to 0.21.0
- Don't exclude Servicemeldungen from sysvars
- Use Servicemeldungen sysvar for hub state
- Bump hahomematic to 0.20.0
- Fix number entities so they can handle percentages
- Fix set_variable_value
- Bump hahomematic to 0.19.0
- Mark secondary channels name with a V --> Vch
- Remove option to enable virtual channels. Virtual channels are now created but disabled by default.
- Bump hahomematic to 0.18.1
- Fix callback to notify un_reach
- Bump hahomematic to 0.18.0
- Set entity enabled default by entity usage enum
- Remove enable_sensors_for_system_variables from config flow
- Bool SysVars are now binary sensors
- All Sysvars are now disabled by default
- Add instance name to system variable name
- Bump hahomematic to 0.17.1
- Fix naming for multi channel custom entities
- Bump hahomematic to 0.17.0
- Adopt change changes from hahomematic
- Bump hahomematic to 0.16.1
- Add logging to show usage of unique_id in name
- Add HmIPW-WRC6 to custom entities
- Add HmIP-SCTH230 to custom entities
- Bump hahomematic to 0.16.0
- Return unique_id if name is not in cache
- Remove no longer needed press_virtual_remote_key
- Bump hahomematic to 0.15.2
- Identify virtual remote by device type
- Fix Device Exporter / format output
- Add devices to CustomEntity
- Identify virtual remote by device type
- Cleanup DeviceTrigger/Action
- Add more EntityDescriptions
- Bump hahomematic to 0.15.0
- Remove Virtual Remotes from buttons (BREAKING CHANGE) Solution: obsolete entities (buttons) can be deleted in entities overview.
- Update integration name in comments
- Add device actions to call actions on virtual remotes
- Add device(service) for virtual remote
- Bump hahomematic to 0.14.0
- Switch some HM-LC-Bl1 to cover
- Don't exclude DutyCycle, needed for old rf-modules
- Don't exclude Watchdog from SV sensor
- Bump hahomematic to 0.13.3
- HM cover fix: check level for None
- Fix: max_temp issue for hm thermostats
- Fix: hm const are str instead of int
- Fix: duplicate remove exception after delete_device
- Bump hahomematic to 0.13.2
- Fix cover state
- Add method to delete a single device to central
- Add a service to delete a homematic device from HM (No delete in CCU!)
- Fix read of previous device options
- Bump hahomematic to 0.13.1
- Fix unique_id for heating_groups (Breaking Change) Solution: remove greyed-put climate entity, rename entity_id of new entity afterwards.
- Remove dedicated json tls option
- Use generic climate profiles list
- Adopt changes from hahomematic
- Redesign ConfigFlow and OptionsFlow
- Username and Password are mandatory
- OptionsFlow allows Reconfiguration of Setup (requires restart)
- Bump hahomematic to 0.12.0
- Split number to integer and float
- Adopt changes from hahomematic
- Rename integration
- Bump hahomematic to 0.11.2
- Precise entity definitions
- Improve detection of multi channel devices
- Bump hahomematic to 0.11.0
- Add transition to dimmer
- Remove channel no, if channel is the only_primary_channel
- Adopt change from hahomematic
- Update docstrings
- Add transition to dimmer
- Add Github Basics
- Add button entity_description
- Fix unload issue
- Fix device description_strategy
- Adopt async changes from hahomematic
- Bump hahomematic to 0.9.1:
- Extend naming strategy to use device name if channel name is not customized
- Update blueprints
- Make events translatable This is a breaking change for device triggers. Please check your automations and fix the device trigger.
- Add service to export device definition
- Fix service load
- Use entity services for climate
- Restart ConfigFlow on Error
- Display error messages in config flow
- Add selector to service disable_away_mode
- Bump hahomematic to 0.6.1:
- Display profiles only when hvac_mode auto is enabled
- Fix binary sensor state update for hmip 2-state sensors
- Remove away mode start date
- Add climate services for away mode (experimental)
- Bump hahomematic to 0.6.0:
- Fix HVAC_MODE_OFF for climate
- Bump hahomematic to 0.5.1:
- Fix hm_light turn_off
- Bump hahomematic to 0.5.0:
- Separate device_address and channel_address
- Bump hahomematic to 0.4.0:
- Add ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE as separate entity by @towo
- Add HEATING_COOLING to IPThermostat and Group
- Add ()HUMIDITY and ()TEMPERATURE as separate entities for Bidcos thermostats
- use ACTIVE_PROFILE in climate presets
- Make HmIP-BSM a switch (only dimable devices should be lights). thanks to @itn3rd77
- Add EntityDescription for Number: Level, Active Profile
- Use device selector for services
- Remove virtual_key service
- Update dutch translation
- Sort and use more enums for EntityCategory
- Cleanup device_info
- Add configuration_url to service device
- Move parameters in internal config
- Fix #80 broken config_flow
Version 0.1.2 (2021-12-21)
- Refactor device_info and identifier handling
Version 0.1.1 (2021-12-21)
- Rename async methods and @callback methods to async_*
- Update device identifier with interface_id
- Bump # Version to 0.1.0
- Update EntityDescriptions
- Add initial tests for config_flow
- Add Sensor Descriptions
- Add DE translation
- Update NL translation
- Fix resolve names for all given ports incl. tls (update hahomematic)
- Rename attributes to match eQ-3 naming
- Don't use title() for instance_name
- Fix Hub init
- Add some blueprints for automation in GIT repo
- Simplify light turn_on
- Fix HmIP-BSL
- Use attr for entities
- Add device name to persistent notification
- rearrange config flow
- Fix EntityDescriptions
- Fix OptionFlow
- Rename helper to entity_helper
- Add UNREACH to persistent notifications
- Add type hints based on HA mypy config
- Rename impulse to special event
- Add persistent notification
Add translation for HmIP-SRH states
Code quality:
- Use Enums from HaHomematic
- Add more type hints (fix mypy errors)
- Use assignment expressions
- Move services to own file
- Initial release