Based on
This is a modification of the original binary file to English.
Since there is only a binary file, I have made a ugly script that simply replaces all (or most) German text with English translations, and recalculates the checksums.
- Download
- Unzip
- Modify WLAN_local_SSID and WLAN_local_password to match your WIFI's SSID and password in src/mspitzelAPconnect.ino
- Modify http_username and http_password to what you want
- Load it in the Arduino IDE with the following
* Board: LOLIN D32 PRO* Upload Speed: 921600
* Flash Frequency: 80MHz
* Partition Scheme: Minimal SPIFFS (Large APPS with OTA)
* Core Debug Level: None
* PSRAM: Enabled
* Port : where your LOLIN is connected
or compile and install with using "pio run --target upload"
- When the ESP32 connects to you WiFi, go to http://:8080
- Upload my modified binary file: mspitzel.ino.d32_pro_en.bin
- Wait! it takes about 2 full minutes before it returns "OK"
- If you get "Fehler" just try again.
- Go to http://
- Go to the Configuration tab and input your robots bluetooth name under "SSID" and the mainboard serial number under "Mainboard SN"
- Now it should connect to your robot and show all kinds of data.
Copy robomow.yaml to config/packages/robomow.yaml
make dir config/packages if non existent
Add this to config/configuration.yaml
packages: !include_dir_named packages
You need a ESP32 with PSRAM, so called WROVER module.
I bought a LOLIN as mentioned from Aliexpress but I guess any with PSRAM would work.
I didn't wanted GPS to begin with, but since it works so well and the GPS module is so cheap I also got this
I guess it would be better with a module that works with all 5 possitioning systems: GPS (US), QZSS (Japan), BEIDOU (China), GALILEO (EU), and GLONASS (Russia), but I wasn't sure the protocol is compatible (all though the NMEA 0183 protocol seems to be universal).