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base repository: dariosalvi78/cordova-plugin-health
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base: 3.0.0
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head repository: dariosalvi78/cordova-plugin-health
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compare: master
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215 changes: 143 additions & 72 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,102 +1,66 @@
Log of changes

## v 1.0.4
### v3.2.4

* updated README with better documentation
* minor bug fixes

## v 1.0.5

* updated README
* added `filtered` flag to steps also for iOS (but only in aggregatedQuery)
* added `appleExerciseTime` in datatypes (store and query) only on iOS
* added support for blood pressure store and query on both Android and iOS

### v1.1.0
* added aggregated heart rate and variants
* added blood pressure
* updated documentation
* bugfixes

* support for latest Google Fit auth mechanism for health data
* added support for 'limit' in query() on Android too
* Android and iOS return the same object when queried for activity
### v3.2.3

### v1.1.1
* included blood_pressure
* added body_position and location to blood_glucose on Android
* more complete support for nutrition on Android (not 100% of nutrients covered yet)
* updated version of HealthConnect SDK

* do not ask for read permission when storing workouts on iOS
* added heart rate variability (iOS only)
* added stairs (iOS only)
### v3.2.2

### v1.1.2
* include route and heart rate in workouts, on iOS only
* partial support for nutrition on iOS and Android

* minor bugfix
### v3.2.1

### v1.1.3
* bugfixes

* some bugfixes
* Google services version locked to specific version but changeable
### v3.2.0

### v1.1.4
* added support for aggregate heart rate in iOS
* added function to open the Health app in both Android and iOS
* [Breaking change] removed setPrivacyPolicyURL in Android. Now the URL is placed in a resource xml file.

* added mindfulness, heart_rate.resting, resp_rate, vo2max, temperature, iOS only for now
### v3.1.1

### v1.1.5
* [Breaking change] removed permissions for AndroidManifest.xml from plugin.xml, now permissions must be set in config.xml
* better explained how to setup Android project, particularly gradle
* added heart_rate in Android

* allows longer durations of buckets in Android
* remove Java annotations
### v3.1.0

### v2.0.0
* added support for sleep in Android
* refactoring of Android plugin: data types support split into separate files
* [Breaking change] the blood glucose meal should be now fasting_MEAL, where MEAL can be lunch, dinner, etc. By default fasting_ should go with unknown: fasting_unknown.

* BREAKS API: the date of birth and gender have been removed from GoogleFit custom datatypes, you need to store these using your app's persistent mechanism
* BREAKS API: sourceName has been removed from GoogleFit
* bumped Google Fit API version to 19.0.0
* fixed bug with water consumption unit in Android

### v2.0.1
### v3.0.4

* added read scope to write scope in Android
* added packages queries for Android
* updated README
* added support for total calories

### v2.0.2
### v3.0.3

* increased Google APIs to Play: 19.0.0 and Fit: 20.0.0
* added support for blood_glucose, distance and height
* redocumented support for gender, date_of_birth, bmi, mindfulness and UVexposure on iOS

### v2.0.3

* added separate sleep data from Google Fit
* updated activity types in iOS (removed depecrated ones and added new ones)
* fixed energy in activity when > 1000 Kcal

### v2.0.4

* added oxygen saturation for Android and iOS
* added weight circumference for iOS
* added blood pressure for iOS
* added BMI for iOS
* enable HealthKit automatically in iOS

### v2.0.5
### v3.0.2

* bugfixes

### v2.1.0

* bumped version of Google Play APIs
* added separate sleep datatype for Android and iOS (**API change**)
* added sleep sessions in simple query for "sleep" data type for Android
* distance and calories are optional when querying activity (**API change**)
* bugfixing

### v2.1.1

* added duration in activities when present (iOS)
* added flag `filterOutUserInput` on iOS
* oxygen saturation on Android
* body temeprature on Android
### v3.0.1

* bugfixes
* return ISO8601 when parsing dates from HealthKit

### v3.0.0

@@ -167,3 +131,110 @@ Log of changes
* windsurfing
* zumba

### v2.1.1

* added duration in activities when present (iOS)
* added flag `filterOutUserInput` on iOS
* oxygen saturation on Android
* body temeprature on Android

### v2.1.0

* bumped version of Google Play APIs
* added separate sleep datatype for Android and iOS (**API change**)
* added sleep sessions in simple query for "sleep" data type for Android
* distance and calories are optional when querying activity (**API change**)
* bugfixing

### v2.0.5

* bugfixes

### v2.0.4

* added oxygen saturation for Android and iOS
* added weight circumference for iOS
* added blood pressure for iOS
* added BMI for iOS
* enable HealthKit automatically in iOS

### v2.0.3

* added separate sleep data from Google Fit
* updated activity types in iOS (removed depecrated ones and added new ones)
* fixed energy in activity when > 1000 Kcal

### v2.0.2

* increased Google APIs to Play: 19.0.0 and Fit: 20.0.0

### v2.0.1

* added read scope to write scope in Android
* added packages queries for Android
* updated README

### v2.0.0

* [Breaking change]: the date of birth and gender have been removed from GoogleFit custom datatypes, you need to store these using your app's persistent mechanism
* [Breaking change]: sourceName has been removed from GoogleFit
* bumped Google Fit API version to 19.0.0
* fixed bug with water consumption unit in Android

### v1.1.5

* allows longer durations of buckets in Android
* remove Java annotations

### v1.1.4

* added mindfulness, heart_rate.resting, resp_rate, vo2max, temperature, iOS only for now

### v1.1.3

* some bugfixes
* Google services version locked to specific version but changeable

### v1.1.2

* minor bugfix

### v1.1.1

* do not ask for read permission when storing workouts on iOS
* added heart rate variability (iOS only)
* added stairs (iOS only)

### v1.1.0

* support for latest Google Fit auth mechanism for health data
* added support for 'limit' in query() on Android too
* Android and iOS return the same object when queried for activity

### v 1.0.5

* updated README
* added `filtered` flag to steps also for iOS (but only in aggregatedQuery)
* added `appleExerciseTime` in datatypes (store and query) only on iOS
* added support for blood pressure store and query on both Android and iOS

### v 1.0.4

* updated README with better documentation
* minor bug fixes