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Releases: darkbitio/gcp-iam-role-permissions

Release 2022-07-10-13-11-56

10 Jul 13:11
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GCP IAM Update 2022-07-10-13-11-56

 gcp_roles_cai.json                                 | 13 +++++--------
 roles/editor                                       |  8 --------
 roles/iam.securityAdmin                            |  1 -
 roles/iam.securityReviewer                         |  1 -
 roles/owner                                        |  8 --------
 roles/securedlandingzone.overwatchActivator (gone) | 13 -------------
 roles/securedlandingzone.overwatchAdmin (gone)     | 19 -------------------
 roles/securedlandingzone.overwatchViewer (gone)    | 14 --------------
 roles/viewer                                       |  3 ---
 9 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

Release 2022-07-09-13-14-02

09 Jul 13:14
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GCP IAM Update 2022-07-09-13-14-02

 gcp_roles_cai.json                                | 13 ++++++++-----
 roles/editor                                      |  8 ++++++++
 roles/iam.securityAdmin                           |  1 +
 roles/iam.securityReviewer                        |  1 +
 roles/owner                                       |  8 ++++++++
 roles/securedlandingzone.overwatchActivator (new) | 13 +++++++++++++
 roles/securedlandingzone.overwatchAdmin (new)     | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 roles/securedlandingzone.overwatchViewer (new)    | 14 ++++++++++++++
 roles/viewer                                      |  3 +++
 9 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

Release 2022-07-07-01-25-41

07 Jul 01:25
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GCP IAM Update 2022-07-07-01-25-41

 gcp_roles_cai.json                     | 18 +++++++++---------
 roles/certificatemanager.editor        |  2 +-
 roles/certificatemanager.owner         |  2 +-
 roles/certificatemanager.viewer        |  2 +-
 roles/dataform.admin                   |  2 +-
 roles/dataform.editor                  |  2 +-
 roles/dataform.viewer                  |  2 +-
 roles/gkehub.gatewayEditor             |  2 +-
 roles/gkehub.serviceAgent              |  1 +
 roles/workloadcertificate.serviceAgent |  3 ++-
 10 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

Release 2022-07-06-01-27-49

06 Jul 01:27
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GCP IAM Update 2022-07-06-01-27-49

 gcp_roles_cai.json                                | 35 +++++++++------
 roles/aiplatform.admin                            |  1 +
 roles/aiplatform.customCodeServiceAgent           |  1 +
 roles/aiplatform.entityTypeOwner                  |  1 +
 roles/aiplatform.featurestoreAdmin                |  1 +
 roles/aiplatform.featurestoreDataWriter           |  1 +
 roles/aiplatform.featurestoreUser                 |  1 +
 roles/aiplatform.serviceAgent                     |  1 +
 roles/aiplatform.user                             |  1 +
 roles/beyondcorp.admin (new)                      | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 roles/beyondcorp.clientConnectorAdmin (new)       | 24 +++++++++++
 roles/beyondcorp.clientConnectorServiceUser (new) | 10 +++++
 roles/beyondcorp.clientConnectorViewer (new)      | 17 ++++++++
 roles/beyondcorp.viewer (new)                     | 30 +++++++++++++
 roles/editor                                      | 37 ++++++++++++++++
 roles/iam.securityAdmin                           | 17 ++++++++
 roles/iam.securityReviewer                        | 12 ++++++
 roles/iap.tunnelDestGroupEditor (new)             | 14 ++++++
 roles/iap.tunnelDestGroupViewer (new)             | 11 +++++
 roles/owner                                       | 42 ++++++++++++++++++
 roles/viewer                                      | 19 +++++++++
 roles/visualinspection.serviceAgent               |  1 +
 22 files changed, 315 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

Release 2022-07-03-01-27-33

03 Jul 01:27
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GCP IAM Update 2022-07-03-01-27-33

 gcp_roles_cai.json                               | 35 +++++++----
 roles/appengine.serviceAgent (new)               | 23 +++++++
 roles/editor                                     | 38 +++++++++++
 roles/iam.securityAdmin                          |  8 +++
 roles/iam.securityReviewer                       |  8 +++
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationAdminRole    | 37 +++++++++++
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationDeployerRole |  6 ++
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationEditorRole   | 27 ++++++++
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationInvokerRole  |  7 +++
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationsViewer      | 11 ++++
 roles/integrations.apigeeSuspensionResolver      |  3 +
 roles/integrations.certificateViewer (new)       | 12 ++++
 roles/integrations.integrationAdmin (new)        | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 roles/integrations.integrationDeployer (new)     | 21 +++++++
 roles/integrations.integrationEditor (new)       | 63 +++++++++++++++++++
 roles/integrations.integrationInvoker (new)      | 23 +++++++
 roles/integrations.integrationViewer (new)       | 29 +++++++++
 roles/integrations.serviceAgent                  |  1 +
 roles/integrations.sfdcInstanceAdmin (new)       | 21 +++++++
 roles/integrations.sfdcInstanceEditor (new)      | 19 ++++++
 roles/integrations.sfdcInstanceViewer (new)      | 15 +++++
 roles/integrations.suspensionResolver (new)      | 17 +++++
 roles/owner                                      | 38 +++++++++++
 roles/viewer                                     | 17 +++++
 24 files changed, 547 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

Release 2022-07-01-13-19-53

01 Jul 13:19
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GCP IAM Update 2022-07-01-13-19-53

 gcp_roles_cai.json                     | 18 +++++++++---------
 roles/certificatemanager.editor        |  2 +-
 roles/certificatemanager.owner         |  2 +-
 roles/certificatemanager.viewer        |  2 +-
 roles/dataform.admin                   |  2 +-
 roles/dataform.editor                  |  2 +-
 roles/dataform.viewer                  |  2 +-
 roles/gkehub.gatewayEditor             |  2 +-
 roles/gkehub.serviceAgent              |  1 -
 roles/workloadcertificate.serviceAgent |  3 +--
 10 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

Release 2022-07-01-01-26-49

01 Jul 01:26
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GCP IAM Update 2022-07-01-01-26-49

 gcp_roles_cai.json                               | 35 ++++-------
 roles/appengine.serviceAgent (gone)              | 23 -------
 roles/editor                                     | 38 -----------
 roles/iam.securityAdmin                          |  8 ---
 roles/iam.securityReviewer                       |  8 ---
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationAdminRole    | 37 -----------
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationDeployerRole |  6 --
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationEditorRole   | 27 --------
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationInvokerRole  |  7 ---
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationsViewer      | 11 ----
 roles/integrations.apigeeSuspensionResolver      |  3 -
 roles/integrations.certificateViewer (gone)      | 12 ----
 roles/integrations.integrationAdmin (gone)       | 80 ------------------------
 roles/integrations.integrationDeployer (gone)    | 21 -------
 roles/integrations.integrationEditor (gone)      | 63 -------------------
 roles/integrations.integrationInvoker (gone)     | 23 -------
 roles/integrations.integrationViewer (gone)      | 29 ---------
 roles/integrations.serviceAgent                  |  1 -
 roles/integrations.sfdcInstanceAdmin (gone)      | 21 -------
 roles/integrations.sfdcInstanceEditor (gone)     | 19 ------
 roles/integrations.sfdcInstanceViewer (gone)     | 15 -----
 roles/integrations.suspensionResolver (gone)     | 17 -----
 roles/owner                                      | 38 -----------
 roles/viewer                                     | 17 -----
 24 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 547 deletions(-)

Release 2022-06-30-13-16-51

30 Jun 13:16
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GCP IAM Update 2022-06-30-13-16-51

 gcp_roles_cai.json                               | 35 +++++++----
 roles/appengine.serviceAgent (new)               | 23 +++++++
 roles/editor                                     | 38 +++++++++++
 roles/iam.securityAdmin                          |  8 +++
 roles/iam.securityReviewer                       |  8 +++
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationAdminRole    | 37 +++++++++++
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationDeployerRole |  6 ++
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationEditorRole   | 27 ++++++++
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationInvokerRole  |  7 +++
 roles/integrations.apigeeIntegrationsViewer      | 11 ++++
 roles/integrations.apigeeSuspensionResolver      |  3 +
 roles/integrations.certificateViewer (new)       | 12 ++++
 roles/integrations.integrationAdmin (new)        | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 roles/integrations.integrationDeployer (new)     | 21 +++++++
 roles/integrations.integrationEditor (new)       | 63 +++++++++++++++++++
 roles/integrations.integrationInvoker (new)      | 23 +++++++
 roles/integrations.integrationViewer (new)       | 29 +++++++++
 roles/integrations.serviceAgent                  |  1 +
 roles/integrations.sfdcInstanceAdmin (new)       | 21 +++++++
 roles/integrations.sfdcInstanceEditor (new)      | 19 ++++++
 roles/integrations.sfdcInstanceViewer (new)      | 15 +++++
 roles/integrations.suspensionResolver (new)      | 17 +++++
 roles/owner                                      | 38 +++++++++++
 roles/viewer                                     | 17 +++++
 24 files changed, 547 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

Release 2022-06-30-01-27-25

30 Jun 01:27
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GCP IAM Update 2022-06-30-01-27-25

 gcp_roles_cai.json                     | 6 +++---
 roles/certificatemanager.owner         | 2 +-
 roles/dataform.viewer                  | 2 +-
 roles/workloadcertificate.serviceAgent | 3 ++-
 4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

Release 2022-06-29-13-17-21

29 Jun 13:17
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GCP IAM Update 2022-06-29-13-17-21

 gcp_roles_cai.json              | 6 +++---
 roles/certificatemanager.editor | 2 +-
 roles/dataform.editor           | 2 +-
 roles/dataform.viewer           | 2 +-
 4 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)