- index
- Use github interface to push csv directly
- use dropdown component for download csv
- download or push to github
- Use N-Step for pushing to Github
- UI when user is not logged in
- explanation
- explanation text under commit message and pr title
fix no github push panel problem
- use dropdown component for download csv
- machine translate
- render translation to review
make deploy
command - static resource processing
- Remind user for untranslated sentences
- service worker
- share_target
- share
- web push
- load setting: if specified a json path, priority to load localstorage history
- remind user if to history mode
- comments(giscus)
- splitted story comments and translation comments
- Refactor: Use pages folder
- Edit: insert "\n" to cursor
- Refactor: file loading process
- new end line for push process
- update browser extension
- fix browser extension installation
- Util bar hiding
- use vue-md-loader/ vite-plugin-naive-ui-md
- recover review-story-in-new-page button user js
- modal font
- tips
- optimize chapter jumping logic
- original translation dir
- list filter with icon
- force branch update
- perf: CSV display for complex csv name
- test: direct location redirect
- confirm button redirect (https://github.com/ShinyGroup/SCTranslationData/blob/master/data/story/283%E6%B4%BB%E5%8A%A8%E5%89%A7%E6%83%85/%23%EF%BC%92%EF%BC%98%EF%BC%93%E3%82%92%E3%81%B2%E3%82%8D%E3%81%92%E3%82%88%E3%81%86/%E7%AC%AC1%E8%A9%B1-MEETING.csv)
- file name edit
- file name suggest
- file name input
- force select file name when first save / download
- pretranslation
- pretranslation tag off
- batch size control
- BUG FIX: reversed translations
- BUG FIX: birthday index
unit test - ready for open source
- use .env for some const
- implementation refactoring
- license
- documents
- fix local_trans bug
- change trans and save
- go to next chapter and back
- reset reviewing status when switch to other place
- PWA support
- badge for switch button
- raw.githubcontents proxy
- font source switch
home page
- localstorage
- remove specific item
- remove all
- localstorage
Error process for remote json files
Check select label
p's voice (sound effect/tts)
Hide preview until login
i18n for voice searching七草にちか/【あっかい】七草にちか/1%20ポップ'n%20pop.csv
- https://github.com/ShinyGroup/SCTranslationData/blob/master/data/story/283活动剧情/#283をひろげよう/第1話-MEETING.csv
- load a file
- load a history
- load a