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Quick Reference

Quick Reference


Term Meaning
combinator A function intended to be combined with other functions via composition.
pipe An array of synchronous functions (that will be composed using pipe).
flow An array of (possibly) asynchronous functions (that will be composed using flow).
input(s) A value (or values) passed into combinator.
component A Web Component or Custom Element.
handle An object that encapsulates a component.

Handle Class


Name Description
root If the component is a Web Component, refers to shadow, otherwise refers to dom.
dom A reference to the component itself.
shadow A reference to the component’s shadow DOM, if applicable. May be defined using the shadow initialization combinator.
html Reflects the component’s innerHTML property. The diff initialization combinator redefines this to perform a diff instead of setting innerHTML directly.


Name Arguments Description
on name, handler Define an event handler using addEventListener for the named event.
dispatch name, detail Dispatch the named event using dispatchEvent for the named event, with optional detail property.

Mixin Combinators

Mixin combinators are “top-level” combinators that “mixin” features into the Handle. You can use the mixin function for this:

class extends Handle
  c.mixin @, [
    c.tag "x-greeting"
    # ... more mixins ...

(Handles may be anonymous classes since they’re only instantiated by a Custom Element, never directly.)

Name Arguments Description
connect pipe Define the handler for the connectedCallback.
diff - Defines (or overrides) the html property that updates the DOM using a diff algorithm.
disconnect pipe Define the handler for the disconnectedCallback. [Not yet implemented.]
initialize pipe Defines the handler for the handle construction. Called once during the component lifecycle.
tag name Defines the custom element class and registers it with the tag name.

Initialize Combinators

Initialize combinators can be used with the initialize or connect mixin combinators. Iniitalize combinators are always synchronous.

Name Arguments Description
activate flow Defines a handler for activation, when the component becomes visible in the viewport.
click selector, flow Defines a handler for a click event targeting the given selector. Convenience combinator.
deactivate flow Defines a handler for deactivation, when the component is no longer visible in the viewport.
describe flow Defines a handler for changes to the component's dataset. The component’s description (an object corresponding to the component’s dataset) is passed into the flow.
event name, pipe Defines a handler for the named event, ex: click. Uses event delegation.
navigate name, flow Define a handler for window navigation (popstate events).
observe name, flow Defines and observes the named property in the handle. Defines a handler for changes.
ready - Defines a handler for when initialization is complete. Useful for adding asynchronous actions into initialization, such as render.
shadow - Create a shadowRoot for the component, accessible via the handle shadow property.
submit select, flow

Action Combinators

Action combinators are typically used within flows in response to events. Action combinators may be synchronous or asynchronous. The event loop yields after each action regardless. However, synchronous combinators may be used as initializers.

Name Arguments Type Description
assign name sync Assign (via Object.assign the input to the named property.
call function async Call the function, with this bound to the handle.
description - sync Returns the component description (an object corresponding to the component’s dataset).
disable - sync Disable all enabled form inputs.
dispatch name sync Dispatch an event from the component.
enable - sync Enable all disabled form inputs.
form - sync Returns an object corresponding to the component FormData.
get name async Returns the value of the named property.
render template async Render the element to the DOM using the given template. The template takes the handle instance and returns an HTML string.
reset - sync Resets the component form inputs.
set name sync Sets the named property to the input.
sheet dictionary, css sync Applies a dictionary of named stylesheets (CSS or Stylesheet objects) to the component. (Named stylesheets allow you to add and remove stylesheets in without recompling them.)

Event Combinators

Event combinators are used to compose event handlers. A common pattern is to test if the event target is contained by an element with a given selector and run a flow.

c.event "click", [
  c.within "h1", [
	  c.intercept ->
      @greeting = if @greeting == "Hello" then "Goodbye" else "Hello"
Name Arguments Description
intercept - Convenience combinator for prevent and stop.
matches selector, pipe Invokes the given flow only if the target matches the selector.
within selector, pipe Invokes the given flow only if an ancestor of the target matches the selector.
prevent - Calls preventDefault on the input event.
stop - Calls stopPropagation on the input event.
target - Returns the event target.