What's Changed
This time there are no warnings.
New features 🆕
- Enabling S3 bucket share by @anushka-singh in #848
- Support For External IDP and External User Pool Provider by @TejasRGitHub in #897
- Added support for GitHub using AWS CodeStarSourceConnection by @asifma in #834
- BYO VPC in MLStudio by @noah-paige in #894
- New share views by @dlpzx in #885
Enhancements 🥇
- Design better module dependency handling by @maryamkhidir and @dlpzx in #852
- Move feature toggle checker to base by @dbalintx in #833
- Add callback and dependency matrix useclient by @noah-paige in #855
- Update EnvironmentCreateForm.js to combine commands for policy creation and bootstrapping by @mourya-33 in #868
- Add Quicksight Validation on Submit Share by @noah-paige in #873
- Add additional checks for dataset importing by @nikpodsh and @dlpzx in #883
- Add SCP error handling in Quicksight identity region checks by @dlpzx in #896
- Update CodeBuild images to Linux2 standard5.0 (node16 to node18) + Update Docker images to use AmazonLinux:2023 (node18 and Python3.9) by @dlpzx in #889 by @noah-paige in #907
- Changed name button + title to be consistent in UI by @grashopper42 in #888
- Upgrade DDK and Resolve Data.all Pipelines by @noah-paige in #866
- KMS explosion fix (policy optimization) by @anushka-singh in #882
Fixes 🪲
- Add the cloudformation:ContinueUpdateRollback permission to the pivotRole, for administration of linked environment accounts. by @rbernotas in #850
- Fix Module Enabled Pipelines by @noah-paige in #874
- Add Athena:UpdateWorkGroup permissions to CDK Exec Policy by @noah-paige in #892
- Add Pagination to Return Full List Cognito Groups by @noah-paige in #891
- Remove unnecessary MANAGE_ORGANIZATIONS check by @dlpzx in #887
- Fix S3DatasetClient upload data by @noah-paige in #909
- Fix Migration Script for New Deployment by @noah-paige in #908
- Create frontend config role regardless of custom auth or not in backend by @noah-paige in #913
- Fix permissions on share workflows by @dlpzx in #914
Documentation 📚
- Documentation for Setting up External Idp by @TejasRGitHub in #903
- Upgrade Athena engine version to v3 by @dlpzx in #886
- Bump axios from 0.26.1 to 1.6.0 in /frontend by @dependabot in #867
- Bump certifi from 2022.12.7 to 2023.7.22 in /deploy/custom_resources/custom_authorizer by @dependabot in #910
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.15 to 1.26.18 in /deploy/custom_resources/custom_authorizer by @dependabot in #911
- Bump requests from 2.29.0 to 2.31.0 in /deploy/custom_resources/custom_authorizer by @dependabot in #912
New Contributors 👨💻 👩💻
- @grashopper42 made their first contribution in #888
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0