- Disable browser form validation in resource edit form
- Support for CKAN 2.10.x (tested against 2.10.1)
- Drops support for CKAN below 2.9.x
- Improve accessibility via Rua updates and template/class overrides
- Improve styling/truncation of resource titles
- Improve search result styling
- Fix search icon cut off on iOS
- Improve search filter layout
- Rationalise dates through the datasets/metadata
- Increase truncation length of search results
- Updates for CKAN 2.9.3 and Python 3 compatibility
- Major overhaul of the LESS structure
- Styling changes to suit 2.9.3
- Implement the header & footer using the rua design language
- Hide the rel=alternative link tags that are added to the head from the ckanext-dcat plugin
- Include only RDF for content negotiation
- a11y enhancements
- print styles
- FIX locale attribute to en-nz
- updated IA
- Update the search header layout
- Add one click jump to other search
- Replace add dataset button when logged in to actuall add datasets in CKAN
- Production version (FOSS'd)
- Beta version of module using LESS precompiled CSS