- Model - The data model
- Repository - The interaction with the database or external services.
- Service - This is 'business' logic that works with the repository defined.
- net - Network services that are built on top i.e. http server for API
Functionality be packaged by what you're dealing with, so we avoid top level models/ services/ repositories/ instead you work with the specific areas i.e. Events, Users etc
- internal - Reserved by golang, but is where everything specific to app lives, i.e. nothing third parties could import
- app - Main package for all application code
- cmd - The main access to the functionality, different applications can be built depending on usecases using the internal code.
- docker - Docker related build files
- data - Additional data that is required by applications e.g. COUNTER Robots list
Recording of Metric events, these are submitted and stored into a Clickhouse database
An event is made up of the metric name, the identifier for repository we're tracking, user id, session ids, the url of the request and the unique identifier for resource i.e. a PID (DOI).
Session ID's are created according to COUNTER requirements but they consist of a "timestamp date + hour time slice + user id"
User ID's are generated based on a unique salted hash, the data comes from the original client ip, the useragent used, a unique identifier (repo id) and the original host domain of the site recording the event.
The original client IP and useragent are not stored after generation
Statistics API builds queries over the metric events stored in clickhouse.
- total_views - Total count for metric type 'view', duplicated events within 30 seconds removed.
- total_downloads - Total count for metric type 'download', duplicated events within 30 seconds removed.
- unique_views - Unique count for metric type 'view', filtered for unique by session_id
- unique_downloads - Unique count for metric type 'download', filtered for unique by session_id
Time Periods are relative to a date, the date by default is the current day.
- day - A full day based on date
- 7d - Last 7 days relative to date
- 30d - Last 30 days relative to date
- custom - To provide a custom period using date parameter
Custom date ranges are set by specifying two ISO8601 timestamp on the date parameter For example the month of January 2022: ?period=custom&date=2022-01-01,2022-01-31.
Over a time period return an aggregate by metric types. This is useful to get an overview, defaults to total_views,total_downloads.
- repo_id (Required) - The repository identifier that your tracker is recording against.
- period - The period of time you want to aggregate over. Default 30d
{ "results": { "unique_views": 5 "total_views": 10 "unique_downloads": 10 "total_downloads": 40 } }
Over a period of time show a breakdown over a time period.
- repo_id (Required) - The repository identifier that your tracker is recording against.
- period - The period of time you want to aggregate over. Default 30d
- interval - Valid interval periods are "day", "month", "hour" - Defaults to day
{ "results": [ { "date": "2022-01-01", "total_views": 10, "total_downloads: "5", "unique_views: "5" "unique_downloads: "5" }, { "date": "2022-01-02", "total_views": 10, "total_downloads: "5", "unique_views: "5" "unique_downloads: "5" }, { "date": "2022-01-03", "total_views": 10, "total_downloads: "5", "unique_views: "5" "unique_downloads: "5" }, { "date": "2022-01-04", "total_views": 10, "total_downloads: "5", "unique_views: "5" "unique_downloads: "5" }, { "date": "2022-01-05", "total_views": 10, "total_downloads: "5", "unique_views: "5" "unique_downloads: "5" }, { "date": "2022-01-06", "total_views": 10, "total_downloads: "5", "unique_views: "5" "unique_downloads: "5" }, { "date": "2022-01-07", "total_views": 10, "total_downloads: "5", "unique_views: "5" "unique_downloads: "5" } ] }
Breakdown of metrics by PID
- repo_id (Required) - The repository identifier that your tracker is recording against.
- period - The time range you want to aggregate over. Default 30d
- pageSize - Limit of results to return, maxium 1000. Can be combined with page for pagination of results.
- page - Which page of results to look at, starts at 1.
{ "results": [ { "pid": "10.5072/12345" "total_views": 2 "total_downloads": 10 }, { "pid": "10.5072/56789" "total_views": 5 "total_downloads": 15 } ] }
The main aim of the reports API is to generate a valid COUNTER Usage report to track investigations (views) and requests (downloads).
All the data comes from the stats API using the breakdown by a PID functionality.
A valid SUSHI report can be generated that contains all the statistics data, note should admit warnings for missing data.