Year Ended\\nDecember 31,\\n2022\\nDecember 25,\\n...
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
Did AMD report customer concentration in FY22?
+ "
Yes, one customer accounted for 16% of consoli...
+ "
One customer accounted for 16% of our consolid...
+ "
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " financebench_id doc_name \\\n",
+ "0 financebench_id_00222 AMD_2022_10K \n",
+ "1 financebench_id_00995 AMD_2022_10K \n",
+ "2 financebench_id_01198 AMD_2022_10K \n",
+ "3 financebench_id_00917 AMD_2022_10K \n",
+ "4 financebench_id_01279 AMD_2022_10K \n",
+ "5 financebench_id_00563 AMD_2022_10K \n",
+ "6 financebench_id_00757 AMD_2022_10K \n",
+ "\n",
+ " doc_link doc_period \\\n",
+ "0 2022 \n",
+ "1 2022 \n",
+ "2 2022 \n",
+ "3 2022 \n",
+ "4 2022 \n",
+ "5 2022 \n",
+ "6 2022 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " question_type question \\\n",
+ "0 domain-relevant Does AMD have a reasonably healthy liquidity p... \n",
+ "1 domain-relevant What are the major products and services that ... \n",
+ "2 domain-relevant What drove revenue change as of the FY22 for AMD? \n",
+ "3 domain-relevant What drove operating margin change as of the F... \n",
+ "4 domain-relevant Among operations, investing, and financing act... \n",
+ "5 novel-generated From FY21 to FY22, excluding Embedded, in whic... \n",
+ "6 novel-generated Did AMD report customer concentration in FY22? \n",
+ "\n",
+ " answer \\\n",
+ "0 Yes. The quick ratio is 1.57, calculated as (c... \n",
+ "1 AMD sells server microprocessors (CPUs) and gr... \n",
+ "2 In 2022, AMD reported Higher sales of their EP... \n",
+ "3 The decrease in AMD's operating income was pri... \n",
+ "4 In 2022, AMD brought in the most cashflow from... \n",
+ "5 Data Center \n",
+ "6 Yes, one customer accounted for 16% of consoli... \n",
+ "\n",
+ " evidence_text page_number \n",
+ "0 Consolidated Balance Sheets\\nDecember 31,\\n202... 56 \n",
+ "1 Overview\\nWe are a global semiconductor compan... 4 \n",
+ "2 Net\\nrevenue for 2022 was $23.6 billion, an in... 43 \n",
+ "3 Operating income for 2022 was $1.3 billion com... 43 \n",
+ "4 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\nConsolidated Sta... 58 \n",
+ "5 Year Ended\\nDecember 31,\\n2022\\nDecember 25,\\n... 48 \n",
+ "6 One customer accounted for 16% of our consolid... 12 "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "amd_2022_dataset[\"train\"].to_pandas()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Download the PDF"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Requirement already satisfied: unstructured[pdf] in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (0.13.6)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: chardet in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (5.2.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: filetype in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (1.2.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: python-magic in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (0.4.27)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: lxml in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (5.2.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: nltk in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (3.8.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: tabulate in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (0.9.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: requests in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (2.31.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: beautifulsoup4 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (4.12.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: emoji in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (2.11.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: dataclasses-json in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (0.6.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: python-iso639 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (2024.4.27)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: langdetect in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (1.0.9)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (1.26.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: rapidfuzz in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (3.8.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: backoff in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (2.2.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (4.11.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: unstructured-client in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (0.22.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: wrapt in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (1.16.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: onnx in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (1.16.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pdf2image in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (1.17.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pdfminer.six in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (20231228)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pikepdf in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (8.15.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pillow-heif in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (0.16.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pypdf in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (4.2.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: unstructured-inference==0.7.29 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (0.7.29)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: unstructured.pytesseract>=0.3.12 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (0.3.12)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: google-cloud-vision in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured[pdf]) (3.7.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract] in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.3.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: python-multipart in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.0.9)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: huggingface-hub in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.22.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opencv-python!= in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: onnxruntime>=1.17.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (1.17.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: transformers>=4.25.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (4.40.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=21.3 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured.pytesseract>=0.3.12->unstructured[pdf]) (23.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: Pillow>=8.0.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured.pytesseract>=0.3.12->unstructured[pdf]) (10.3.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: soupsieve>1.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from beautifulsoup4->unstructured[pdf]) (2.5)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: marshmallow<4.0.0,>=3.18.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from dataclasses-json->unstructured[pdf]) (3.21.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: typing-inspect<1,>=0.4.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from dataclasses-json->unstructured[pdf]) (0.9.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: google-api-core!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.1->google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (2.18.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: google-auth!=2.24.0,!=2.25.0,<3.0.0dev,>=2.14.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (2.29.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: proto-plus<2.0.0dev,>=1.22.3 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (1.23.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: protobuf!=3.20.0,!=3.20.1,!=4.21.0,!=4.21.1,!=4.21.2,!=4.21.3,!=4.21.4,!=4.21.5,<5.0.0dev,>=3.19.5 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (4.25.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: six in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from langdetect->unstructured[pdf]) (1.16.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: click in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from nltk->unstructured[pdf]) (8.1.7)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: joblib in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from nltk->unstructured[pdf]) (1.4.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: regex>=2021.8.3 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from nltk->unstructured[pdf]) (2024.4.16)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from nltk->unstructured[pdf]) (4.66.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer>=2.0.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pdfminer.six->unstructured[pdf]) (3.3.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: cryptography>=36.0.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pdfminer.six->unstructured[pdf]) (42.0.5)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: Deprecated in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pikepdf->unstructured[pdf]) (1.2.14)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests->unstructured[pdf]) (3.7)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests->unstructured[pdf]) (2.2.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests->unstructured[pdf]) (2024.2.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: deepdiff>=6.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured-client->unstructured[pdf]) (7.0.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: jsonpath-python>=1.0.6 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured-client->unstructured[pdf]) (1.0.6)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: mypy-extensions>=1.0.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured-client->unstructured[pdf]) (1.0.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from unstructured-client->unstructured[pdf]) (2.9.0.post0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: cffi>=1.12 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from cryptography>=36.0.0->pdfminer.six->unstructured[pdf]) (1.16.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: ordered-set<4.2.0,>=4.1.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from deepdiff>=6.0->unstructured-client->unstructured[pdf]) (4.1.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: googleapis-common-protos<2.0.dev0,>=1.56.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-api-core!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.1->google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.1->google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (1.63.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: grpcio<2.0dev,>=1.33.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.1->google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (1.62.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: grpcio-status<2.0.dev0,>=1.33.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-api-core[grpc]!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.10.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,<3.0.0dev,>=1.34.1->google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (1.62.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: cachetools<6.0,>=2.0.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-auth!=2.24.0,!=2.25.0,<3.0.0dev,>=2.14.1->google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (5.3.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-auth!=2.24.0,!=2.25.0,<3.0.0dev,>=2.14.1->google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (0.4.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: rsa<5,>=3.1.4 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-auth!=2.24.0,!=2.25.0,<3.0.0dev,>=2.14.1->google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (4.9)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: coloredlogs in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from onnxruntime>=1.17.0->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (15.0.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: flatbuffers in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from onnxruntime>=1.17.0->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (24.3.25)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: sympy in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from onnxruntime>=1.17.0->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (1.12)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from transformers>=4.25.1->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (3.14.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from transformers>=4.25.1->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (6.0.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: tokenizers<0.20,>=0.19 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from transformers>=4.25.1->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.19.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: safetensors>=0.4.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from transformers>=4.25.1->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.4.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: fsspec>=2023.5.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from huggingface-hub->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (2024.3.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (1.13.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (2.2.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: iopath in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.1.10)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pdfplumber in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.11.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: torch in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (2.3.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: torchvision in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.18.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: effdet in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.4.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pytesseract in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.3.10)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pycparser in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from cffi>=1.12->cryptography>=36.0.0->pdfminer.six->unstructured[pdf]) (2.22)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pyasn1<0.7.0,>=0.4.6 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1->google-auth!=2.24.0,!=2.25.0,<3.0.0dev,>=2.14.1->google-cloud-vision->unstructured[pdf]) (0.6.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: humanfriendly>=9.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from coloredlogs->onnxruntime>=1.17.0->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (10.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: timm>=0.9.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from effdet->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.9.16)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pycocotools>=2.0.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from effdet->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (2.0.7)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: omegaconf>=2.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from effdet->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (2.3.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: networkx in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from torch->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (3.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from torch->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (3.1.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: portalocker in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from iopath->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (2.8.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pandas->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (2024.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: tzdata>=2022.7 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pandas->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (2024.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pypdfium2>=4.18.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pdfplumber->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (4.29.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from sympy->onnxruntime>=1.17.0->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (1.3.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9.* in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from omegaconf>=2.0->effdet->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (4.9.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib>=2.1.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pycocotools>=2.0.2->effdet->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (3.8.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from jinja2->torch->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (2.1.5)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: contourpy>=1.0.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.1.0->pycocotools>=2.0.2->effdet->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (1.2.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.1.0->pycocotools>=2.0.2->effdet->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (0.12.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.1.0->pycocotools>=2.0.2->effdet->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (4.51.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.3.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.1.0->pycocotools>=2.0.2->effdet->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (1.4.5)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.3.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.1.0->pycocotools>=2.0.2->effdet->layoutparser[layoutmodels,tesseract]->unstructured-inference==0.7.29->unstructured[pdf]) (3.1.2)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\u001b[1m[\u001b[0m\u001b[34;49mnotice\u001b[0m\u001b[1;39;49m]\u001b[0m\u001b[39;49m A new release of pip is available: \u001b[0m\u001b[31;49m23.3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[39;49m -> \u001b[0m\u001b[32;49m24.0\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[1m[\u001b[0m\u001b[34;49mnotice\u001b[0m\u001b[1;39;49m]\u001b[0m\u001b[39;49m To update, run: \u001b[0m\u001b[32;49mpip install --upgrade pip\u001b[0m\n",
+ "Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "%pip install \"unstructured[pdf]\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# Download PDF from URL\n",
+ "import requests\n",
+ "\n",
+ "with requests.get(amd_2022_url) as response:\n",
+ " with open('amd_2022.pdf', 'wb') as f:\n",
+ " f.write(response.content)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
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+ " Document(page_content='TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934. For the transition period from to', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((54.34667835167998, 135.80006108866985), (54.34667835167998, 150.60121350279337), (383.7806586811657, 150.60121350279337), (383.7806586811657, 135.80006108866985)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'c04919e8b3b68abadf0c1b5e27fc1043', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='2485 Augustine Drive Santa Clara, California 95054 (Address of principal executive offices) (408) 749-4000 (Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((231.23012950416086, 251.57785159315029), (231.23012950416086, 294.65135982070365), (381.15515251985715, 294.65135982070365), (381.15515251985715, 251.57785159315029)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': '3ec8fb82ad0042c0f13037b236cc1c92', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((207.47498793337832, 299.6234696267757), (207.47498793337832, 306.8259769426712), (404.91090544666383, 306.8259769426712), (404.91090544666383, 299.6234696267757)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': '3ec8fb82ad0042c0f13037b236cc1c92', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(Title of each class) Common Stock, $0.01 par value per share', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((59.270267337155424, 314.0621171570839), (59.270267337155424, 331.0035009591673), (217.99477717375856, 331.0035009591673), (217.99477717375856, 314.0621171570839)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ce980a492333e8e7a7480eef7fdd13dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(Trading symbol) AMD', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((288.0342820004909, 314.0621171570839), (288.0342820004909, 331.0035009591673), (335.7799145640112, 331.0035009591673), (335.7799145640112, 314.0621171570839)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ce980a492333e8e7a7480eef7fdd13dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(Name of each exchange on which registered) The NASDAQ Global Select Market', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((410.54255122280966, 314.0621171570839), (410.54255122280966, 331.0035009591673), (542.5686808594087, 331.0035009591673), (542.5686808594087, 314.0621171570839)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((207.47498793337832, 336.8364240922359), (207.47498793337832, 352.4418566100095), (404.91090544666383, 352.4418566100095), (404.91090544666383, 336.8364240922359)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes ☑ No ☐', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 354.8000964175915), (23.801670112263704, 361.2745524927372), (403.38078601793933, 361.2745524927372), (403.38078601793933, 354.8000964175915)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act. Yes ☐ No ☑', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 368.0046931633999), (23.801670112263704, 374.47914923854563), (435.72607308518434, 374.47914923854563), (435.72607308518434, 368.0046931633999)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes ☑ No ☐', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 381.2855187721087), (23.801670112263704, 394.8862533002496), (588.5986866066149, 394.8862533002496), (588.5986866066149, 381.2855187721087)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files): Yes ☑ No ☐', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 401.69262283381266), (23.801670112263704, 415.89356630494484), (588.5927075453002, 415.89356630494484), (588.5927075453002, 401.69262283381266)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See definition of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 422.6999358385079), (23.801670112263704, 436.9008793096401), (588.5907877075116, 436.9008793096401), (588.5907877075116, 422.6999358385079)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Large accelerated filer', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 443.70724884320316), (24.598822614674017, 450.10547605544855), (87.88476184454602, 450.10547605544855), (87.88476184454602, 443.70724884320316)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='☑', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((119.00043542952332, 443.6310199803028), (119.00043542952332, 450.0292471925482), (122.83937175687056, 450.0292471925482), (122.83937175687056, 443.6310199803028)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Accelerated filer', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((134.24949688844058, 443.70724884320316), (134.24949688844058, 450.10547605544855), (180.10889848272265, 450.10547605544855), (180.10889848272265, 443.70724884320316)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='☐', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((206.7341020183287, 443.6310199803028), (206.7341020183287, 450.0292471925482), (210.57303834567594, 450.0292471925482), (210.57303834567594, 443.6310199803028)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'e59fd5ab446c87005c19ad4b6624a9fb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Non-accelerated filer', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((221.98316047620125, 443.70724884320316), (221.98316047620125, 450.10547605544855), (280.9967872410857, 450.10547605544855), (280.9967872410857, 443.70724884320316)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ce980a492333e8e7a7480eef7fdd13dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='☐', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((310.75781445050717, 443.6310199803028), (310.75781445050717, 450.0292471925482), (314.5967507778544, 450.0292471925482), (314.5967507778544, 443.6310199803028)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'b14299f9e090b3d134823951dbd1263c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Smaller reporting company', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((326.0068729083797, 443.70724884320316), (326.0068729083797, 450.10547605544855), (402.4380440853601, 450.10547605544855), (402.4380440853601, 443.70724884320316)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ce980a492333e8e7a7480eef7fdd13dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='☐', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((440.54362310868476, 443.6310199803028), (440.54362310868476, 450.0292471925482), (444.382559436032, 450.0292471925482), (444.382559436032, 443.6310199803028)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ff9e06d72a769094d6ffffe80f8c24a9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Emerging growth company', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((455.7926815665573, 443.70724884320316), (455.7926815665573, 450.10547605544855), (531.870949751975, 450.10547605544855), (531.870949751975, 443.70724884320316)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ff9e06d72a769094d6ffffe80f8c24a9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ☐', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 460.51309924695937), (23.801670112263704, 474.71404271809155), (572.2610821673803, 474.71404271809155), (572.2610821673803, 460.51309924695937)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ff9e06d72a769094d6ffffe80f8c24a9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed a report on and attestation to its management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting under Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (15 U.S.C.7262(b)) by the registered public accounting firm that prepared or issued its audit report. ☑', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 480.92020330866336), (23.801670112263704, 495.12114677979554), (588.5908834101893, 495.12114677979554), (588.5908834101893, 480.92020330866336)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ff9e06d72a769094d6ffffe80f8c24a9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If securities are registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act, indicate by check mark whether the financial statements of the registrant included in the filing reflect the correction of an error to previously issued financial statements. ☐', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 501.3273073703673), (23.801670112263704, 514.9280418985081), (588.5905165624836, 514.9280418985081), (588.5905165624836, 501.3273073703673)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ff9e06d72a769094d6ffffe80f8c24a9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Indicate by check mark whether any of those error corrections are restatements that required a recovery analysis of incentive-based compensation received by any of the registrant’s executive officers during the relevant recovery period pursuant to §240.10D-1(b). ☐', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 521.1342024890799), (23.801670112263704, 535.3351459602121), (588.5907657493278, 535.3351459602121), (588.5907657493278, 521.1342024890799)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ff9e06d72a769094d6ffffe80f8c24a9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined by Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes ☐ No ☑', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 541.4650776878836), (23.801670112263704, 547.9395337630293), (394.8363168447258, 547.9395337630293), (394.8363168447258, 541.4650776878836)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ff9e06d72a769094d6ffffe80f8c24a9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='As of June 24, 2022, the aggregate market value of the registrant’s common stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant was approximately $139.8 billion based on the reported closing sale price of $87.08 per share as reported on The NASDAQ Global Select Market (NASDAQ) on June 24, 2022, which was the last business day of the registrant’s most recently completed second fiscal quarter.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 554.1456943536011), (23.801670112263704, 567.746428881742), (580.6582410324387, 567.746428881742), (580.6582410324387, 554.1456943536011)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ff9e06d72a769094d6ffffe80f8c24a9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant’s classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date: 1,611,388,217 shares of common stock, $0.01 par value per share, as of February 22, 2023.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 573.9525894723138), (23.801670112263704, 588.153532943446), (583.8935397446754, 588.153532943446), (583.8935397446754, 573.9525894723138)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ff9e06d72a769094d6ffffe80f8c24a9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='☐', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((574.0244620700631, 443.6310199803028), (574.0244620700631, 450.0292471925482), (577.8633983974104, 450.0292471925482), (577.8633983974104, 443.6310199803028)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 1, 'parent_id': 'ff9e06d72a769094d6ffffe80f8c24a9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926140904831527), (23.801670112263704, 27.128648220727086), (79.85673046881709, 27.128648220727086), (79.85673046881709, 19.926140904831527)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 2, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((223.896326481986, 53.53784171234395), (223.896326481986, 60.74034902823951), (388.49893973690155, 60.74034902823951), (388.49893973690155, 53.53784171234395)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 2, 'parent_id': '6f9735a4f5ebe5508f381908679e6209', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Portions of the registrant’s proxy statement for the 2023 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (2023 Proxy Statement) are incorporated into Part III hereof. The 2023 Proxy Statement will be filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days after the registrant’s fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 66.77607135666949), (23.801670112263704, 80.97701482780167), (579.6095459731267, 80.97701482780167), (579.6095459731267, 66.77607135666949)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 2, 'parent_id': 'ea96e1bc901c6a9b84fc6e03ead27b58', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926122976832175), (23.801670112263704, 27.128630292727735), (79.85673046881709, 27.128630292727735), (79.85673046881709, 19.926122976832175)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 3, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='PART I', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 87.78336643336547), (24.598822614674017, 94.18159364561086), (45.08951848665597, 94.18159364561086), (45.08951848665597, 87.78336643336547)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 3, 'parent_id': 'd9a098774342015766f08920de6f41d4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='Risk Factors', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((125.26511927303966, 109.99109732404327), (125.26511927303966, 116.38932453628865), (160.80326468884527, 116.38932453628865), (160.80326468884527, 109.99109732404327)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 3, 'parent_id': 'd9a098774342015766f08920de6f41d4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Unresolved Staff Comments', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((125.26511927303966, 121.39506724087778), (125.26511927303966, 127.79329445312317), (205.13159281748722, 127.79329445312317), (205.13159281748722, 121.39506724087778)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 3, 'parent_id': 'd9a098774342015766f08920de6f41d4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926201048828943), (23.801670112263704, 27.128708364724503), (79.85673046881709, 27.128708364724503), (79.85673046881709, 19.926201048828943)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='PART I', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((293.37989289900713, 69.71464072278411), (293.37989289900713, 77.71542587283716), (319.0079578657042, 77.71542587283716), (319.0079578657042, 69.71464072278411)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '2ee619a9fe014c86f81226cfa8c2ceb5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 1. BUSINESS', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 86.52049112654038), (23.801670112263704, 94.52127627659343), (103.81587958171224, 94.52127627659343), (103.81587958171224, 86.52049112654038)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '2ee619a9fe014c86f81226cfa8c2ceb5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 103.32634153029665), (23.801670112263704, 111.32712668034969), (261.1556944667364, 111.32712668034969), (261.1556944667364, 103.32634153029665)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '2ee619a9fe014c86f81226cfa8c2ceb5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The statements in this report include forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward- looking statements are based on current expectations and beliefs and involve numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof or as of the dates indicated in the statements and should not be relied upon as predictions of future events, as we cannot assure you that the events or circumstances reflected in these statements will be achieved or will occur. You can identify forward-looking statements by the use of forward-looking terminology including “believes,” “expects,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “seeks,” “intends,” “plans,” “pro forma,” “estimates,” “anticipates,” or the negative of these words and phrases, other variations of these words and phrases or comparable terminology. The forward-looking statements relate to, among other things: possible impact of future accounting rules on AMD’s consolidated financial statements; demand for AMD’s products; the growth, change and competitive landscape of the markets in which AMD participates; international sales will continue to be a significant portion of total sales in the foreseeable future; that AMD’s cash, cash equivalents and short-term investment balances together with the availability under that certain revolving credit facility (the Revolving Credit Agreement) made available to AMD and certain of its subsidiaries, our commercial paper program, and our cash flows from operations will be sufficient to fund AMD’s operations including capital expenditures and purchase commitments over the next 12 months and beyond; AMD’s ability to obtain sufficient external financing on favorable terms, or at all; AMD’s expectation that based on management’s current knowledge, the potential liability related to AMD’s current litigation will not have a material adverse effect on its financial position, results of operation or cash flows; anticipated ongoing and increased costs related to enhancing and implementing information security controls; all unbilled accounts receivables are expected to be billed and collected within 12 months; revenue allocated to remaining performance obligations that are unsatisfied which will be recognized in the next 12 months; and a small number of customers will continue to account for a substantial part of AMD’s revenue in the future. For a discussion of the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements, see “Part I, Item 1A-Risk Factors” and the “Financial Condition” section set forth in “Part II, Item 7-Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,” or MD&A, and such other risks and uncertainties as set forth below in this report or detailed in our other Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reports and filings. We assume no obligation to update forward-looking statements.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 120.13219193405291), (23.801670112263704, 310.59649575345907), (588.598256907858, 310.59649575345907), (588.598256907858, 120.13219193405291)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '2fe4e9c5317bce0c4b52d1f8f8431579', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='References in this Annual Report on Form 10-K to “AMD,” “we,” “us,” “management,” “our” or the “Company” mean Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and our consolidated subsidiaries.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 319.4015610071623), (23.801670112263704, 337.0056892450759), (588.5974242716725, 337.0056892450759), (588.5974242716725, 319.4015610071623)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '2fe4e9c5317bce0c4b52d1f8f8431579', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Overview', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 345.81075449877915), (23.801670112263704, 353.8115396488322), (59.379189644142166, 353.8115396488322), (59.379189644142166, 345.81075449877915)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '2ee619a9fe014c86f81226cfa8c2ceb5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are a global semiconductor company primarily offering:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 362.6166049025354), (23.801670112263704, 370.61739005258846), (232.0393591901151, 370.61739005258846), (232.0393591901151, 362.6166049025354)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '1beb2d97b3cdc381991c32627ba3c164', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 378.8222463633), (38.20668474405474, 386.82303151335304), (41.00774090325106, 386.82303151335304), (41.00774090325106, 378.8222463633)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '1beb2d97b3cdc381991c32627ba3c164', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='server microprocessors (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs), data processing units (DPUs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and Adaptive System-on-Chip (SoC) products for data centers;', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 378.8222463633), (52.61169937584577, 394.62574777223995), (581.6565368476843, 394.62574777223995), (581.6565368476843, 378.8222463633)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '1beb2d97b3cdc381991c32627ba3c164', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 402.83060408295194), (38.20668474405474, 410.831389233005), (41.00774090325106, 410.831389233005), (41.00774090325106, 402.83060408295194)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '1beb2d97b3cdc381991c32627ba3c164', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='CPUs, accelerated processing units (APUs) that integrate CPUs and GPUs, and chipsets for desktop and notebook personal computers;', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 402.83060408295194), (52.61169937584577, 410.831389233005), (535.0607822264467, 410.831389233005), (535.0607822264467, 402.83060408295194)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '1beb2d97b3cdc381991c32627ba3c164', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 419.036245543717), (38.20668474405474, 427.03703069377), (41.00774090325106, 427.03703069377), (41.00774090325106, 419.036245543717)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '1beb2d97b3cdc381991c32627ba3c164', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='discrete GPUs, and semi-custom SoC products and development services; and', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 419.036245543717), (52.61169937584577, 427.03703069377), (333.17487003263847, 427.03703069377), (333.17487003263847, 419.036245543717)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '2ee619a9fe014c86f81226cfa8c2ceb5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 435.24188700448155), (38.20668474405474, 443.2426721545346), (41.00774090325106, 443.2426721545346), (41.00774090325106, 435.24188700448155)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '657f98deb50917cbfe3e332d8be14d53', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='embedded CPUs, GPUs, APUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoC products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 435.24188700448155), (52.61169937584577, 443.2426721545346), (297.60557346990544, 443.2426721545346), (297.60557346990544, 435.24188700448155)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '657f98deb50917cbfe3e332d8be14d53', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='From time to time, we may also sell or license portions of our intellectual property (IP) portfolio.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 452.0477374082378), (23.801670112263704, 460.04852255829087), (358.584992747962, 460.04852255829087), (358.584992747962, 452.0477374082378)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '657f98deb50917cbfe3e332d8be14d53', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='1', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((303.9679507829182, 486.2596471587416), (303.9679507829182, 494.26043230879463), (308.41760616595747, 494.26043230879463), (308.41760616595747, 486.2596471587416)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 4, 'parent_id': '657f98deb50917cbfe3e332d8be14d53', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92627912082594), (23.801670112263704, 27.128786436721498), (79.85673046881709, 27.128786436721498), (79.85673046881709, 19.92627912082594)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Additional Information', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31179359290343), (23.801670112263704, 69.31257874295648), (109.12303051972799, 69.31257874295648), (109.12303051972799, 61.31179359290343)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': 'a212ba914ec443f6c72ed5f3724fe34d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='AMD was incorporated under the laws of Delaware on May 1, 1969 and became a publicly held company in 1972. Our common stock is currently listed on The NASDAQ Global Select Market (NASDAQ) under the symbol “AMD”. Our mailing address and executive offices are located at 2485 Augustine Drive, Santa Clara, California 95054, and our telephone number is (408) 749-4000. For financial information about geographic areas and for segment information with respect to revenues and operating results, refer to the information set forth in Note 4 of our consolidated financial statements. We use a 52- or 53-week fiscal year ending on the last Saturday in December. References in this report to 2022, 2021 and 2020 refer to the fiscal year unless explicitly stated otherwise.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.1176439966597), (23.801670112263704, 124.53180149815557), (588.5971575051376, 124.53180149815557), (588.5971575051376, 78.1176439966597)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': 'db5d2776749ab70aaeaf00b65bb6d54b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD CDNA, AMD Instinct, AMD RDNA, Alveo, Artix, Athlon, CoolRunner, EPYC, FidelityFX, FirePro, FreeSync, Geode, Infinity Fabric, Kinex, Pensando, Radeon, Radeon Instinct, ROCm, Ryzen, Spartan, Threadripper, UltraScale, UltraScale+, V-Cache, Versal, Virtex, Vitis, Vivado, Xilinx, Zynq and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 136.93812040980617), (23.801670112263704, 164.14559173558087), (588.597822555923, 164.14559173558087), (588.597822555923, 136.93812040980617)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': 'db5d2776749ab70aaeaf00b65bb6d54b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Microsoft, Windows, DirectX and Xbox One are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. PCIe is a registered trademark of PCI-SIG Corporation. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. PlayStation is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Inc. Arm is a registered trademark of ARM Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the United States and/or elsewhere. Vulkan and the Vulkan logo are registered trademarks of Khronos Group Inc. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 172.95065698928408), (23.801670112263704, 219.3648144907795), (588.5961669888612, 219.3648144907795), (588.5961669888612, 172.95065698928408)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': 'db5d2776749ab70aaeaf00b65bb6d54b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Other names are for informational purposes only and are used to identify companies and products and may be trademarks of their respective owners.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 231.77113340243056), (23.801670112263704, 239.7719185524836), (552.0574220672667, 239.7719185524836), (552.0574220672667, 231.77113340243056)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': 'db5d2776749ab70aaeaf00b65bb6d54b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Website Access to Our SEC Filings and Corporate Governance Documents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 252.17823746413467), (23.801670112263704, 260.1790226141877), (308.3021364089614, 260.1790226141877), (308.3021364089614, 252.17823746413467)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': 'a212ba914ec443f6c72ed5f3724fe34d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='On the Investor Relations pages of our website,, we post links to our filings with the SEC, our Principles of Corporate Governance, our Code of Ethics for our executive officers, all other senior finance executives and certain representatives from legal and internal audit, our Worldwide Standards of Business Conduct, which applies to our Board of Directors and all of our employees, and the charters of the committees of our Board of Directors. Our filings with the SEC are posted as soon as reasonably practical after they are electronically filed with, or furnished to, the SEC. The SEC website,, contains reports, proxy and information statements, and other information regarding issuers that file electronically with the SEC. You can also obtain copies of these documents by writing to us at: Corporate Secretary, AMD, 7171 Southwest Parkway, M/S B100.T, Austin, Texas 78735, or emailing us at: All of these documents and filings are available free of charge.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 272.5853415258383), (23.801670112263704, 338.20618520305584), (588.5954346739305, 338.20618520305584), (588.5954346739305, 272.5853415258383)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': '6a5a6fd504233c88df8ca5b27dbfb220', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If we make substantive amendments to our Code of Ethics or grant any waiver, including any implicit waiver, to our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, controller or persons performing similar functions, we intend to disclose the nature of such amendment or waiver on our website.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 350.61250411470644), (23.801670112263704, 377.81997544048113), (588.5925154028114, 377.81997544048113), (588.5925154028114, 350.61250411470644)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': '6a5a6fd504233c88df8ca5b27dbfb220', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The information contained on our website is not incorporated by reference in, or considered to be a part of, this report.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 390.22629435213173), (23.801670112263704, 398.2270795021848), (440.4644972228814, 398.2270795021848), (440.4644972228814, 390.22629435213173)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': '6a5a6fd504233c88df8ca5b27dbfb220', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our Industry', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 407.032144755888), (23.801670112263704, 415.03292990594105), (71.80420671762359, 415.03292990594105), (71.80420671762359, 407.032144755888)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': 'a212ba914ec443f6c72ed5f3724fe34d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are a global semiconductor company. Semiconductors are components used in a variety of electronic products and systems. An integrated circuit (IC) is a semiconductor device that consists of many interconnected transistors on a single chip. Since the invention of the transistor in 1948, improvements in IC process and design technologies have led to the development of smaller, more complex and more reliable ICs at a lower cost-per-function.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 427.4392488175921), (23.801670112263704, 454.64672014336634), (588.5960862034195, 454.64672014336634), (588.5960862034195, 427.4392488175921)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': '3e1719f09c4c77c20eb3c876f4946135', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='2', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((303.9679507829182, 480.85784474381705), (303.9679507829182, 488.8586298938701), (308.41760616595747, 488.8586298938701), (308.41760616595747, 480.85784474381705)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 5, 'parent_id': '3e1719f09c4c77c20eb3c876f4946135', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92590119284182), (23.801670112263704, 27.12840850873738), (79.85673046881709, 27.12840850873738), (79.85673046881709, 19.92590119284182)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our Strategy', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.311415664918854), (23.801670112263704, 69.3122008149719), (72.25730330829073, 69.3122008149719), (72.25730330829073, 61.311415664918854)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '512f6557cc1d59e215306f8157ff6f44', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='AMD is focused on high-performance and adaptive computing technology, software and product leadership. Our strategy is to create and deliver the world’s leading high-performance and adaptive computing products across a diverse set of markets including the data center, embedded, client and gaming. Our strategy is focused on five strategic pillars: compute technology leadership, expanding data center leadership, enabling pervasive artificial intelligence (AI), providing software platforms and developer enablement, and designing custom silicon and solutions.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.11726606867512), (23.801670112263704, 114.9280804823104), (588.5969846786428, 114.9280804823104), (588.5969846786428, 78.11726606867512)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We invest in high-performance CPUs for cloud infrastructure, enterprise, edge, supercomputing, and PCs. We invest in high-performance GPUs and software for markets such as gaming, compute, AI, and virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). With the acquisition of Xilinx, Inc. (XIlinx) in February 2022, our product portfolio now includes FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs used in the data center and embedded markets. Also, with the acquisition of Pensando Systems, Inc. in May 2022, we offer high-performance DPUs and next generation data center solutions.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 123.73314573601363), (23.801670112263704, 160.54396014964846), (588.5978276721033, 160.54396014964846), (588.5978276721033, 123.73314573601363)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We leverage our high-performance CPU, GPU, FPGA and DPU product portfolios to deliver solutions that are differentiated at the chip level, such as our semi- custom SoCs, Adaptive SoCs, and APUs, and at the systems level, such as PCs, embedded platforms and servers. To expand our data center presence, we now offer the industry’s strongest portfolio of data center computing solutions based on our CPUs, high-performance GPUs, DPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoCs. We have a broad technology roadmap and products targeting AI training and inference spanning cloud, edge and intelligent endpoints. We achieve this through our family of CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoCs.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 169.34902540335167), (23.801670112263704, 215.76318290484755), (588.5983767432443, 215.76318290484755), (588.5983767432443, 169.34902540335167)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We develop world-class software platforms that are used to enable our high-performance products. Our software platforms include development tools, compilers, and drivers for our CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. We work closely with our customers to define and develop customized solutions to precisely match their requirements. We enable this by combining our broad portfolio of high-performance IP with our leadership design and packaging to deliver world-class customized solutions to our customers. We invest in innovative technology and solutions such as our custom-ready chiplet platform and AMD Infinity Architecture to maintain our leadership position as a custom-design silicon provider of choice.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 224.56824815855077), (23.801670112263704, 270.98240566004665), (588.5984093201854, 270.98240566004665), (588.5984093201854, 224.56824815855077)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our four reportable segments are:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 279.78747091374987), (23.801670112263704, 287.7882560638029), (144.30087520429157, 287.7882560638029), (144.30087520429157, 279.78747091374987)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 297.13099476765825), (38.20668474405474, 306.73433785551896), (41.56879268729194, 306.73433785551896), (41.56879268729194, 297.13099476765825)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='the Data Center segment, which primarily includes server CPUs and GPUs, DPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoC products for data centers;', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 298.39394814647983), (52.61169937584577, 306.3947332965329), (534.5764096480738, 306.3947332965329), (534.5764096480738, 298.39394814647983)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 315.1997985502361), (38.20668474405474, 323.20058370028914), (41.00774090325106, 323.20058370028914), (41.00774090325106, 315.1997985502361)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='the Client segment, which primarily includes CPUs, APUs, and chipsets for desktop and notebook personal computers;', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 315.1997985502361), (52.61169937584577, 323.20058370028914), (472.3601955606057, 323.20058370028914), (472.3601955606057, 315.1997985502361)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 332.00564895399236), (38.20668474405474, 340.0064341040454), (41.00774090325106, 340.0064341040454), (41.00774090325106, 332.00564895399236)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='the Gaming segment, which primarily includes discrete GPUs, semi-custom SoC products and development services; and', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 332.00564895399236), (52.61169937584577, 340.0064341040454), (483.0007453205166, 340.0064341040454), (483.0007453205166, 332.00564895399236)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 348.81149935774863), (38.20668474405474, 356.8122845078017), (41.00774090325106, 356.8122845078017), (41.00774090325106, 348.81149935774863)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='the Embedded segment, which primarily includes embedded CPUs, GPUs, APUs, FPGAs and Adaptive SoC products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 348.81149935774863), (52.61169937584577, 356.8122845078017), (471.4617137437293, 356.8122845078017), (471.4617137437293, 348.81149935774863)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='From time to time, we may also sell or license portions of our IP portfolio.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 365.6173497615049), (23.801670112263704, 373.61813491155795), (281.52177652529906, 373.61813491155795), (281.52177652529906, 365.6173497615049)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition to these reportable segments, we have an All Other category, which is not a reportable segment.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 382.42320016526116), (23.801670112263704, 390.4239853153142), (403.411119948969, 390.4239853153142), (403.411119948969, 382.42320016526116)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '70b346d221b4940d81f132d0fa2f7a07', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Data Center Segment', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 399.2290505690165), (23.801670112263704, 407.22983571906957), (104.70882930157028, 407.22983571906957), (104.70882930157028, 399.2290505690165)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '512f6557cc1d59e215306f8157ff6f44', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Data Center Market', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 416.0349009727728), (23.801670112263704, 424.03568612282584), (96.71307108147745, 424.03568612282584), (96.71307108147745, 416.0349009727728)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '512f6557cc1d59e215306f8157ff6f44', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The Data Center segment primarily includes server CPUs, GPUs, DPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoC products. We leverage our technology to address the computational and visual data processing needs in the data center market. Modern data centers require high performance, energy efficient, scalable and adaptable compute engines to meet the demand driven by the growing amount of data that needs to be stored, accessed, analyzed and managed. Different combinations of CPUs, GPUs, DPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoCs enable the optimization of performance and power for a diverse set of workloads.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 432.84075137652906), (23.801670112263704, 469.6515657901648), (588.5984388397317, 469.6515657901648), (588.5984388397317, 432.84075137652906)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '55b82d50020061f721b3730e953ce174', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='3', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((303.9679507829182, 495.8626903906155), (303.9679507829182, 503.86347554066856), (308.41760616595747, 503.86347554066856), (308.41760616595747, 495.8626903906155)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 6, 'parent_id': '55b82d50020061f721b3730e953ce174', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92588326484224), (23.801670112263704, 27.1283905807378), (79.85673046881709, 27.1283905807378), (79.85673046881709, 19.92588326484224)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Data Center Products', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31139773691973), (23.801670112263704, 69.31218288697278), (105.59576145536302, 69.31218288697278), (105.59576145536302, 61.31139773691973)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '5f59c0daecce037cfa0fca6c745e29b1', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Server CPUs. Our CPUs for server platforms currently include the AMD EPYC™ Series processors – AMD EPYC 9004 Series, AMD EPYC 7003 Series and AMD EPYC 7002 Series. Our 4 Gen AMD EPYC 9004 Series processors are built on the “Zen 4” core and are designed to deliver leadership performance and energy efficiency across multiple market segments and workloads. Our 3 Gen AMD EPYC processors include AMD 3D V-Cache™ technology for leadership performance in technical computing workloads.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.65492159082817), (23.801670112263704, 116.72868938328452), (588.5958849533612, 116.72868938328452), (588.5958849533612, 78.65492159082817)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '8799c5f8a1c58e6cfa4454d387b0b21d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='th', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((135.08415944874312, 89.3482887242941), (135.08415944874312, 94.52208975285816), (139.39726146238064, 94.52208975285816), (139.39726146238064, 89.3482887242941)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '5f59c0daecce037cfa0fca6c745e29b1', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='rd', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((284.9488299018816, 98.95163181215469), (284.9488299018816, 104.12543284071876), (289.5470439478905, 104.12543284071876), (289.5470439478905, 98.95163181215469)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '5f59c0daecce037cfa0fca6c745e29b1', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs. We offer a wide range of FPGAs, Adaptive SoCs and acceleration cards for the data center. Devices include the Virtex™ and Kintex™ FPGA products, as well as Zynq™, Zynq MPSoC, and Versal™ Adaptive SoC products. Our Alveo™ accelerator cards provide a platform for accelerating workloads in the data center, at the edge or the cloud. To make it accessible for developers, Alveo is available on most major OEM server platforms, as well as a growing presence across all major cloud providers who provide FPGA-as-a-Service (FaaS).', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 125.53375463698774), (23.801670112263704, 166.5460316515621), (588.5957326427882, 166.5460316515621), (588.5957326427882, 125.53375463698774)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '8a12ae9d71b16ab032e765db1fe5253c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='DPUs. Our P4 programmable AMD Pensando DPUs are designed to help offload data center infrastructure services from the CPU, and coupled with our comprehensive software stack, help enable cloud and enterprise customers to optimize performance for network, storage, and security services at cloud scale. Designed for minimal latency, jitter and power impact, our DPUs can help large Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud providers improve hosted virtualized and bare-metal workload performance. Our DPUs power the Aruba CX 10000 top-of-rack network switch, designed to enable enterprise customers to adopt the cloud model of distributed services.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 175.3510969052653), (23.801670112263704, 221.76525440676073), (588.5956545304658, 221.76525440676073), (588.5956545304658, 175.3510969052653)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '8a12ae9d71b16ab032e765db1fe5253c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='nd', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((517.8674128414402, 229.77826078239684), (517.8674128414402, 234.97607010865966), (523.6477087731475, 234.97607010865966), (523.6477087731475, 229.77826078239684)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '5f59c0daecce037cfa0fca6c745e29b1', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Data Center GPUs. Our AMD Instinct™ family of GPU accelerator products, including AMD Instinct MI200 Series which is based on 2 Gen AMD CDNA architecture, and are specifically designed to address the growing demand for compute-accelerated data center workloads, including AI training and a range of supercomputing applications where the compute capabilities of GPUs provide additional performance. Combined with our AMD ROCm™ open software platform, our customers can deliver differentiated accelerated platforms to address the next-generation of computing challenges while minimizing power and space needs in the data center. Our visual cloud GPU offerings include products in the Radeon™ PRO V families. Our visual cloud data center GPUs include a range of solutions tailored towards workloads requiring remote visualization, such as Desktop-as-a-Service, Workstation-as-a-Service and Cloud Gaming. AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing or General Purpose GPU (GPGPU) refers to a set of advanced hardware and software technologies that enable our discrete GPUs, working in concert with the CPU, to accelerate computational tasks beyond traditional CPU processing by utilizing the vast number of GPU cores while working with the CPU to process information cooperatively. In addition, computing devices with heterogeneous computing features can run computationally- intensive tasks more efficiently, which we believe provides a superior application experience to the end user. Moreover, heterogeneous computing allows for the elevation of the GPU to the same level as the CPU for memory access, queuing, and execution.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 230.57031966046395), (23.801670112263704, 334.60453568912385), (588.5982927488752, 334.60453568912385), (588.5982927488752, 230.57031966046395)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '03f18166f4104a393166c96bce905b65', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Client Segment', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 343.40960094282707), (23.801670112263704, 351.4103860928801), (82.030087864071, 351.4103860928801), (82.030087864071, 343.40960094282707)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '5f59c0daecce037cfa0fca6c745e29b1', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Client Market', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 360.21545134658334), (23.801670112263704, 368.2162364966364), (74.03432964397818, 368.2162364966364), (74.03432964397818, 360.21545134658334)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '5f59c0daecce037cfa0fca6c745e29b1', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our CPUs are incorporated into computing platforms, which are a collection of technologies that are designed to work together to provide a more complete computing solution. We believe that integrated, balanced computing platforms consisting of CPUs, chipsets and GPUs (either as discrete GPUs or integrated into an APU or SoC) that work together at the system level bring end users improved system stability, increased performance and enhanced power efficiency. In addition, we believe customers also benefit from an all-AMD platform (consisting of an APU or CPU, a discrete GPU, and a chipset when needed), as we are able to optimize interoperability, provide our customers a single point of contact for the key platform components and enable them to bring the platforms to market quickly in a variety of PC and server system form factors. We currently base our CPUs and chipsets on the x86 instruction set architecture and the AMD Infinity Fabric™, which connects an on-chip memory controller and input/output (I/O) channels directly to one or more CPU cores.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 377.0213017503396), (23.801670112263704, 442.6421454275571), (588.5982477959067, 442.6421454275571), (588.5982477959067, 377.0213017503396)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': 'e0848bbfb0e528e147d1505ed69b3798', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Client Products', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 451.44721068126034), (23.801670112263704, 459.4479958313134), (82.91702001786375, 459.4479958313134), (82.91702001786375, 451.44721068126034)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': '5f59c0daecce037cfa0fca6c745e29b1', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Desktop CPUs. Our CPUs for desktop platforms currently include the AMD Ryzen™ and AMD Athlon™ series processors. Our Ryzen 7000 Series desktop processors are based on “Zen 4” architecture and deliver leadership performance for gamers and content creators. Our AMD Ryzen 5000 Series desktop processor family powered by our “Zen 3” core architecture has up to 16 cores and is the first AMD Ryzen processor to feature AMD 3D V-Cache technology to improve gaming performance.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 468.2530610850166), (23.801670112263704, 505.06387549865144), (588.5986507161704, 505.06387549865144), (588.5986507161704, 468.2530610850166)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': 'b780ccd754427cc975ee056adad9c9eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='4', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((303.9679507829182, 531.2750000991022), (303.9679507829182, 539.2757852491552), (308.41760616595747, 539.2757852491552), (308.41760616595747, 531.2750000991022)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 7, 'parent_id': 'b780ccd754427cc975ee056adad9c9eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92603333683587), (23.801670112263704, 27.12854065273143), (79.85673046881709, 27.12854065273143), (79.85673046881709, 19.92603333683587)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Notebook CPUs. Our mobile APUs, including AMD Ryzen and AMD Athlon mobile processors for the commercial and consumer markets, combine both high levels of performance and efficiency for notebook PCs. Our AMD Ryzen 7000 Series processors for mobile applications have up to 16 “Zen 4” architecture cores. We also offer AMD Ryzen 6000 Series mobile processors, built on “Zen 3+” architecture and AMD Ryzen 5000 Series mobile processors, which are powered with our “Zen 3” core architecture.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.84922125906553), (23.801670112263704, 99.92298905152279), (588.5972222188858, 99.92298905152279), (588.5972222188858, 61.84922125906553)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '437bf637184520417c0be63c01b84846', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Commercial CPUs. We offer enterprise-class desktop and mobile PC solutions sold as AMD PRO Mobile and AMD PRO desktop processors with Radeon™ graphics for the commercial market. AMD Ryzen PRO, AMD Threadripper™ PRO and AMD Athlon PRO processors solutions are designed to provide enterprise customers with the performance, security capabilities and business features such as enhanced security and manageability, platform longevity and extended image stability. Our AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5000 WX-Series processors provide full-spectrum performance across multiple workstation workloads due to the performance and efficiency of the “Zen 3” core architecture and increased processor frequencies. We also offer the AMD Ryzen PRO 7030 Series Mobile processors built on “Zen 3” core architecture.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 109.26572775537818), (23.801670112263704, 166.54618172355572), (588.5948979370829, 166.54618172355572), (588.5948979370829, 109.26572775537818)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '437bf637184520417c0be63c01b84846', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Chipsets. We offer a full suite of chipset products to support our AMD Ryzen and Threadripper platforms, including chipsets for the AM5 socket like the X670 chipsets which support PCIe 5.0 (fifth generation Peripheral Component Interconnect Express motherboard interface) designed for enthusiast desktop platforms. In the AM5 platform we also offer B650 chipsets to enable a broader range of solutions in the market. In the AM4 ecosystem for 5000-series processors and prior, we offer the X570, B550 and A520 chipsets for socket AM4 for 3 Gen AMD Ryzen desktop processors and 5000 processors. In addition, we continue to offer the B450 and A320 chipsets that are combined with AMD Ryzen processors for the AM4 desktop platform for the performance and affordable mainstream platforms segments. In the High-End Desktop (HEDT) and Workstation segments, we offer the WRX80 chipsets to support the 3 Gen Ryzen Threadripper PRO platforms offering high speed I/O and platform bandwidth.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 175.8889204274111), (23.801670112263704, 243.37292642644138), (588.6023764504815, 243.37292642644138), (588.6023764504815, 175.8889204274111)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '437bf637184520417c0be63c01b84846', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='®', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((130.68575628942978, 186.58228756087703), (130.68575628942978, 191.7560885894411), (135.9306512094826, 191.7560885894411), (135.9306512094826, 186.58228756087703)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '437bf637184520417c0be63c01b84846', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='rd', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((328.99854235964665, 205.77005313473853), (328.99854235964665, 210.96786246100135), (333.61947781815843, 210.96786246100135), (333.61947781815843, 205.77005313473853)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '437bf637184520417c0be63c01b84846', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Gaming Segment', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 252.1779916801446), (23.801670112263704, 260.17877683019765), (89.58836470942022, 260.17877683019765), (89.58836470942022, 252.1779916801446)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '437bf637184520417c0be63c01b84846', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Gaming Market', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 268.98384208390087), (23.801670112263704, 276.9846272339539), (81.5926064893274, 276.9846272339539), (81.5926064893274, 268.98384208390087)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '437bf637184520417c0be63c01b84846', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Graphics processing is a fundamental component across many of our products and can be found in an APU, GPU, SoC or a combination of a discrete GPU with one of the other foregoing products working in tandem. Our customers generally use our graphics solutions to enable or increase the speed of rendering images, to help improve image resolution and color definition. We develop our graphics products for use in various computing devices and entertainment platforms, including desktop PCs, notebook PCs, All-in-Ones (AIOs), professional workstations, and the data center. With each of our graphics products, we have available drivers and supporting software packages that enable the effective use of these products under a variety of operating systems and applications. We have developed AMD RDNA™ 3, a high performing and power efficient graphics architecture, which is the foundation for next-generation PC gaming graphics. Additionally, our RDNA 2 architecture supports advanced graphics features such as ray tracing, AMD Infinity Cache™ and variable rate shading. The Sony PlayStation 5 and Microsoft Xbox Series S™ and X™ game consoles also feature our RDNA graphics architecture. Our APUs deliver visual processing functionality for value and mainstream PCs by integrating a CPU and a GPU on a single chip, while discrete GPUs (which are also known as dGPUs) offer high-performance graphics processing across all platforms. We leverage our core IP, including our graphics and processing technologies to develop semi- custom solutions. Here, semiconductor suppliers work alongside system designers and manufacturers to enhance the performance and overall user experience for semi-custom customers. We have used this collaborative co-development approach with many of today’s leading game console and handheld PC gaming manufacturers and can also address customer needs in many other markets. We leverage our existing IP to create a variety of products tailored to a specific customer’s needs, including complex fully-customized SoCs to more modest adaptations and integrations of existing CPU, APU or GPU products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 285.78969248765713), (23.801670112263704, 418.6339377798988), (588.5982189831956, 418.6339377798988), (588.5982189831956, 285.78969248765713)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '290be1fc00de2372c060101bcd84b751', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='®', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((84.87293006162776, 352.2399558264739), (84.87293006162776, 357.41375685503795), (88.68507156154863, 357.41375685503795), (88.68507156154863, 352.2399558264739)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '290be1fc00de2372c060101bcd84b751', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='®', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((146.0285973946447, 352.2399558264739), (146.0285973946447, 357.41375685503795), (149.84073889456556, 357.41375685503795), (149.84073889456556, 352.2399558264739)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '290be1fc00de2372c060101bcd84b751', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Gaming Products', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 427.43900303360203), (23.801670112263704, 435.4397881836551), (90.47529686321296, 435.4397881836551), (90.47529686321296, 427.43900303360203)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '437bf637184520417c0be63c01b84846', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Semi-Custom Products. Our semi-custom products are tailored, co-developed, high-performance, customer-specific solutions based on our CPU, GPU and multi-media technologies. We work closely with our customers to define solutions to precisely match the requirements of the device or application. We developed the semi-custom SoC products that power both the Sony PlayStation 5 as well as the Microsoft Xbox Series S and X game consoles. We partnered with Valve to create a semi-custom APU optimized for handheld gaming to power the Steam Deck™.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 444.2448534373583), (23.801670112263704, 481.05566785099313), (588.6022044933005, 481.05566785099313), (588.6022044933005, 444.2448534373583)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '44d430afd7674c2855622b5c4ac3e704', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='5', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((303.9679507829182, 507.26679245144385), (303.9679507829182, 515.2675776014969), (308.41760616595747, 515.2675776014969), (308.41760616595747, 507.26679245144385)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '44d430afd7674c2855622b5c4ac3e704', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='rd', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((566.2217458111763, 224.97673931046063), (566.2217458111763, 230.17454863672344), (570.842681269688, 230.17454863672344), (570.842681269688, 224.97673931046063)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 8, 'parent_id': '437bf637184520417c0be63c01b84846', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92618340883041), (23.801670112263704, 27.12869072472597), (79.85673046881709, 27.12869072472597), (79.85673046881709, 19.92618340883041)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Discrete Desktop and Notebook GPUs. Our AMD Radeon series discrete GPU processors for desktop and notebook PCs support current generation ® application program interfaces (APIs) like DirectX® 12 Ultimate and Vulkan , support high-refresh rate displays using AMD FreeSync™, AMD FreeSync Premium, and AMD FreeSync Premium Pro technologies, and are designed to support VR in PC platforms. Our AMD Radeon Software expands remote gaming functionality and enables new features and customization capabilities. In addition, we also offer tools for game developers such as our AMD FidelityFX™ open-source image quality software toolkit that helps deliver improved visual quality with minimal performance overhead. FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) uses upscaling technologies to help boost frame rates in games. Our FSR 2.0 technology uses temporal data and optimized anti-aliasing to boost frame rates in supported games while delivering similar or better image quality than native resolution without requirement dedicated machine learning hardware.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.3116978809079), (23.801670112263704, 136.53588464598602), (588.5985233142682, 136.53588464598602), (588.5985233142682, 61.3116978809079)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': '8d39308d01d200aa860effb797166d4f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX and Radeon RX 7900 XT graphics cards are built on high-performance, energy-efficient AMD RDNA 3 architecture. AMD Radeon RX 7900 series chiplet design combines 5 nm and 6 nm process nodes, each optimized for specific chips in the GPU. We continue to offer AMD Radeon RX 6000 series discrete graphics, based on our RDNA2 architecture, for high-performance gaming desktops and notebooks. Our AMD Advantage Design™ Framework is a collaboration with our global PC partners, delivering high-performance gaming notebooks by combining our AMD Radeon RX series mobile graphics, AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition, AMD Ryzen series mobile processors and utilizing AMD smart technologies to provide best-in-class gaming experiences. AMD RDNA 3 gaming architecture is included in our newer AMD Radeon RX graphics cards giving process optimizations plus firmware and software enhancements and high-bandwidth, low-latency AMD Infinity Cache technology and GDDR6 memory at up to 20Gbps.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 145.8786233498414), (23.801670112263704, 212.76242040588045), (588.5960499507994, 212.76242040588045), (588.5960499507994, 145.8786233498414)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': '8d39308d01d200aa860effb797166d4f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Professional GPUs. Our AMD Radeon PRO family of professional graphics products includes multi-view graphics cards and GPUs designed for integration in mobile and desktop workstations. AMD Radeon PRO graphics cards are designed for demanding use cases such as design and manufacturing for CAD, and media and entertainment for broadcast and animation pipelines. AMD Radeon PRO supports end users utilizing GPU accelerated visualization for construction, architecture and mechanical design through gaming and visualization engines on high resolution displays. Our AMD Radeon PRO W6000 series workstation graphics include AMD RDNA 2 architecture and AMD Infinity Cache and are designed to reduce latency and power consumption and to optimize design workloads, including 3D rendering, 8K video composition and color correction, complex design and engineering simulations along with image and video editing applications.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 222.10515910973584), (23.801670112263704, 288.9889561657749), (588.5944747624495, 288.9889561657749), (588.5944747624495, 222.10515910973584)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': '8d39308d01d200aa860effb797166d4f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Embedded Segment', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 297.7940214194772), (23.801670112263704, 305.79480656953024), (100.70117788961856, 305.79480656953024), (100.70117788961856, 297.7940214194772)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': '8d39308d01d200aa860effb797166d4f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The Embedded Market', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 314.59987182323346), (23.801670112263704, 322.6006569732865), (109.15005118681394, 322.6006569732865), (109.15005118681394, 314.59987182323346)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': '8d39308d01d200aa860effb797166d4f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The Embedded segment primarily includes embedded CPUs, GPUs, APUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoC products. Embedded products address computing needs in automotive, industrial, test, measurement, emulation, medical, multimedia, aerospace, defense, communications, networking, security, and storage markets as well as thin clients, which are computers that serve as an access device on a network. Typically, our embedded products are used in applications that require varying levels of performance, where key features may include relatively low power, small form factors, and 24x7 operations. High-performance graphics are important in some embedded systems. Support for Linux , Windows and other operating systems as well as for increasingly sophisticated applications are also critical for some customers. Other requirements may include meeting rigid specifications for industrial temperatures, shock, vibration and reliability. The embedded market has moved from developing proprietary, custom designs to leveraging industry-standard instruction set architectures and processors as a way to help reduce costs and speed time to market.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 331.4057222269897), (23.801670112263704, 406.62990899206784), (588.5972222188861, 406.62990899206784), (588.5972222188861, 331.4057222269897)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': 'a28da7fac155de05b155a55494fb0c7a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='®', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((283.20447266131316, 369.6461652452159), (283.20447266131316, 374.81996627378), (287.01661416123403, 374.81996627378), (287.01661416123403, 369.6461652452159)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': 'a28da7fac155de05b155a55494fb0c7a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='®', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((325.31288131804604, 369.6461652452159), (325.31288131804604, 374.81996627378), (329.1250228179669, 374.81996627378), (329.1250228179669, 369.6461652452159)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': 'a28da7fac155de05b155a55494fb0c7a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Embedded Products', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 415.43497424577106), (23.801670112263704, 423.4357593958241), (101.5881100434113, 423.4357593958241), (101.5881100434113, 415.43497424577106)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': '8d39308d01d200aa860effb797166d4f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Embedded CPUs, APUs and GPUs. Our products for embedded platforms include AMD Embedded EPYC CPUs, AMD Embedded Ryzen V-Series APUs, CPUs and SoCs, AMD Embedded Ryzen R-Series APUs, CPUs and SoCs. Our embedded processors and GPUs are designed to support high performance and bandwidth network connectivity and security, high-performance storage requirements for enterprise and cloud infrastructure, 3D graphics performance and 4K multimedia requirements of automotive infotainment systems.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 432.2408246495273), (23.801670112263704, 471.4524748351271), (588.6052555327391, 471.4524748351271), (588.6052555327391, 432.2408246495273)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': '2431fa178d806188a5d30caa017266b0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='6', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((303.9679507829182, 497.6635994355778), (303.9679507829182, 505.66438458563084), (308.41760616595747, 505.66438458563084), (308.41760616595747, 497.6635994355778)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 9, 'parent_id': '2431fa178d806188a5d30caa017266b0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92633348082404), (23.801670112263704, 27.1288407967196), (79.85673046881709, 27.1288407967196), (79.85673046881709, 19.92633348082404)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 10, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content=\"FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs. Our FPGA products are hardware-customizable devices that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each customer, enabling them to differentiate their products and accelerate time-to-market. Our FPGA families include UltraScale+™ (based on 16 nm technology), UltraScale™ (20 nm), 7 Series (28 nm) and older series. Adaptive SoC products include the Zynq SoC and UltraScale+ Multi-Processing System on a Chip (MPSoCs) which combine FPGA technology with a heterogeneous processing system, as well as the industry’s first RFSoC architecture with integrated radio frequency (RF) data converters. The Versal portfolio is composed of software-programmable Adaptive SoCs, with a heterogeneous compute platform that combines Scalar Engines, Adaptable Engines, and Intelligent Engines to achieve dramatic performance improvements over today's fastest FPGA and accelerate applications in a wide variety of markets, including data center, wired network, 5G wireless, automotive, industrial, scientific, medical, aerospace and defense.\", metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31184795290062), (23.801670112263704, 136.53603471797874), (588.5977352174693, 136.53603471797874), (588.5977352174693, 61.31184795290062)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 10, 'parent_id': '12166578aeb4436f10b4efd3ab10b1cb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Development Boards, Kits and Configuration Products. We offer development kits for all our FPGA and Adaptive SoC products that include hardware, development tools, IP and reference designs that are designed to streamline and accelerate the development of domain-specific and market-specific applications.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 145.34109997168196), (23.801670112263704, 172.5485712974562), (588.5958039224719, 172.5485712974562), (588.5958039224719, 145.34109997168196)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 10, 'parent_id': '12166578aeb4436f10b4efd3ab10b1cb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Legacy Product Families. Prior generation high-end Virtex FPGA families include Virtex-6, Virtex-5, Virtex-4, Virtex-II Pro, Virtex-II and the original Virtex family. Prior generation low end Spartan™ FPGA families include Spartan-6, Spartan-3, the Spartan-3E and Spartan-3A, Spartan-IIE, Spartan-II, Spartan XL and the original Spartan family. Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) operate on the lowest end of the programmable logic density spectrum. CPLDs are single-chip, nonvolatile solutions characterized by instant-on and universal interconnect. Prior generations of CPLDs include the CoolRunner™ and XC9500 product families.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 181.3536365511594), (23.801670112263704, 227.76779405265574), (588.5984672923179, 227.76779405265574), (588.5984672923179, 181.3536365511594)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 10, 'parent_id': '12166578aeb4436f10b4efd3ab10b1cb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Design Platforms and Services', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 236.57285930635896), (23.801670112263704, 244.573644456412), (141.17632087620868, 244.573644456412), (141.17632087620868, 236.57285930635896)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 10, 'parent_id': '12166578aeb4436f10b4efd3ab10b1cb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content=\"Adaptable Platforms. We offer two types of platforms that support our customers' designs and reduce their development efforts: FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs. All devices feature adaptable hardware that enables our customers to implement customized, domain-specific architectures. With both hardware-accelerated performance and flexibility beyond what CPUs, GPUs, application-specific standard parts (ASSPs), and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) can offer, customers can introduce new innovations to the market quickly. FPGAs feature reconfigurable hardware as well as integrated memory, digital signal processing, analog mixed signal, high-speed serial transceivers, and networking cores coupled with advanced software for a broad range of applications in all of our end markets. Our Adaptive SoCs feature a heterogeneous processing subsystem with integrated programmable hardware fabric targeting embedded systems needing real-time control, analytics, sensor fusion, and adaptable hardware for differentiation and acceleration. Our Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCs feature integrated high-performance RF data converters targeting wireless, radar, and cable access applications. Enabled by both hardware and software design tools and an extensive operating system, middleware, software stack, and IP ecosystem, SoC platforms target software developers as well as traditional hardware designers. Versal is the most recent addition to the silicon portfolio. Versal combines Scalar Processing Engines, Adaptable Hardware Engines, and Intelligent Engines with leading-edge memory and interfacing technologies to deliver powerful heterogeneous acceleration for any application. This product family is ideally suited to accelerate a broad set of applications in the emerging era of big data and AI. Versal hardware and software can be programmed and optimized by software developers, data scientists, and hardware developers alike, enabled by a host of tools, software, libraries, IP, middleware, and frameworks that enable industry-standard design flows.\", metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 253.37870971011523), (23.801670112263704, 386.2229550023569), (588.5962790993492, 386.2229550023569), (588.5962790993492, 253.37870971011523)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 10, 'parent_id': 'b3e868c097567cb3a002bd6afe19b98b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Software Development Platform. To accommodate hardware and software designers, as well as software developers and AI scientists, we provide design tools and software stacks tailored to each user profile. Our Vivado™ ML Edition provides hardware design teams with the tools and methodology needed to program FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs. Our Vitis™ unified software platform enables the development and deployment of embedded software and accelerated applications, on our FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs. Out Vitis AI unified software platform enables the development and deployment of AI software on our FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 395.02802025606013), (23.801670112263704, 441.44217775755556), (588.5981746304367, 441.44217775755556), (588.5981746304367, 395.02802025606013)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 10, 'parent_id': 'b3e868c097567cb3a002bd6afe19b98b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Sales and Marketing', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 450.2472430112588), (23.801670112263704, 458.2480281613118), (101.15851173461641, 458.2480281613118), (101.15851173461641, 450.2472430112588)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 10, 'parent_id': '12166578aeb4436f10b4efd3ab10b1cb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We sell our products through our direct sales force and through independent distributors and sales representatives in both domestic and international markets. Our sales arrangements generally operate on the basis of product forecasts provided by the particular customer, but do not typically include any commitment or requirement for minimum product purchases. We primarily use product quotes, purchase orders, sales order acknowledgments and contractual agreements as evidence of our sales arrangements. Our agreements typically contain standard terms and conditions covering matters such as payment terms, warranties and indemnities for issues specific to our products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 467.05309341501504), (23.801670112263704, 513.4672509165114), (588.5957937216015, 513.4672509165114), (588.5957937216015, 467.05309341501504)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 10, 'parent_id': '4cfb22b9533d2ec24ca3849c1a11b1b6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='7', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((303.9679507829182, 539.6783755169612), (303.9679507829182, 547.6791606670142), (308.41760616595747, 547.6791606670142), (308.41760616595747, 539.6783755169612)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 10, 'parent_id': '4cfb22b9533d2ec24ca3849c1a11b1b6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.925283552867086), (23.801670112263704, 27.127790868762645), (79.85673046881709, 27.127790868762645), (79.85673046881709, 19.925283552867086)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We generally warrant that our products sold to our customers will conform to our approved specifications and be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and conditions for one year. We offer up to three-year limited warranties for certain product types, and sometimes provide other warranty periods based on negotiated terms with certain customers.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.310798024944575), (23.801670112263704, 88.51826935071881), (588.5985409379546, 88.51826935071881), (588.5985409379546, 61.310798024944575)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We market and sell our latest products under the AMD trademark. Our client processors include: AMD Ryzen, AMD Ryzen PRO, Ryzen Threadripper, Ryzen Threadripper PRO, AMD Athlon, AMD Athlon PRO, and AMD PRO A-Series. These products service desktop and notebook personal computers.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 97.32333460442203), (23.801670112263704, 114.92746284233567), (588.5934124526412, 114.92746284233567), (588.5934124526412, 97.32333460442203)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our product brand for the consumer graphics market is AMD Radeon graphics, and AMD Embedded Radeon graphics is our product brand for the embedded graphics market.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 123.73252809603889), (23.801670112263704, 141.33665633395253), (588.5945115552572, 141.33665633395253), (588.5945115552572, 123.73252809603889)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our product brand for professional graphics products are AMD Radeon PRO graphics.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 150.14172158765575), (23.801670112263704, 158.1425067377088), (328.83217322297673, 158.1425067377088), (328.83217322297673, 150.14172158765575)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our product brands for data center graphics are Radeon Instinct, Radeon PRO V-series, and AMD Instinct accelerators for servers. We also market and sell our chipsets under AMD trademarks.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 166.94757199141202), (23.801670112263704, 184.55170022932566), (588.5895485700064, 184.55170022932566), (588.5895485700064, 166.94757199141202)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our product brand for server microprocessors is AMD EPYC processors.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 193.35676548302888), (23.801670112263704, 201.35755063308193), (280.76382228847496, 201.35755063308193), (280.76382228847496, 193.35676548302888)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We also sell low-power versions of our AMD Athlon, as well as AMD Geode™, AMD Ryzen, AMD EPYC, AMD R-Series and G-Series processors as embedded processor solutions.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 210.16261588678515), (23.801670112263704, 227.7667441246988), (588.5932291488303, 227.7667441246988), (588.5932291488303, 210.16261588678515)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our FPGA product brands are Virtex-6, Virtex-7, Virtex UltraScale+, Kintex-7, Kintex UltraScale, Kintex UltraScale+, Artix-7, Artix UltraScale+, Spartan-6 and Spartan-7.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 236.571809378402), (23.801670112263704, 254.17593761631565), (588.5948775626712, 254.17593761631565), (588.5948775626712, 236.571809378402)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our product brands for Adaptive SoCs are Zynq-7000, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCs, Versal HBM, Versal Premium, Versal Prime, Versal AI Core, Versal AI Edge, Vitis and Vivado.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 262.98100287001887), (23.801670112263704, 280.5851311079325), (588.5927230499675, 280.5851311079325), (588.5927230499675, 262.98100287001887)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our compute and network acceleration board products are sold under the Alveo brand.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 289.39019636163573), (23.801670112263704, 297.3909815116888), (330.1954102090709, 297.3909815116888), (330.1954102090709, 289.39019636163573)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We market our products through direct marketing and co-marketing programs. In addition, we have cooperative advertising and marketing programs with customers and third parties, including market development programs, pursuant to which we may provide product information, training, marketing materials and funds. Under our co-marketing development programs, eligible customers can use market development funds as reimbursement for advertisements and marketing programs related to our products and third-party systems integrating our products, subject to meeting defined criteria.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 306.196046765392), (23.801670112263704, 343.0068611790268), (588.5941816804223, 343.0068611790268), (588.5941816804223, 306.196046765392)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Customers', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 351.81192643273005), (23.801670112263704, 359.8127115827831), (65.58961349150727, 359.8127115827831), (65.58961349150727, 351.81192643273005)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': '251136daef4f77aaf3d45e0786c690c4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our microprocessor customers consist primarily of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), large public cloud service providers, original design manufacturers (ODMs), system integrators and independent distributors in both domestic and international markets. ODMs provide design and/or manufacturing services to branded and unbranded private label resellers, OEMs and system builders. Customers of our microprocessor products also include online and brick and mortar retailers. Our graphics product customers include the foregoing as well as add-in-board manufacturers (AIBs).', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 368.6177768364863), (23.801670112263704, 405.42859125012114), (588.597131789855, 405.42859125012114), (588.597131789855, 368.6177768364863)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': 'adad614269de5adf78c5646df27ed76e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Customers of our chipset products consist primarily of PC OEMs, often through ODMs or other contract manufacturers, who build the OEM motherboards, as well as desktop and server motherboard manufacturers who incorporate chipsets into their channel motherboards. Our FPGA and Adaptive SOC products are sold to customers in a very wide range of markets such as Aerospace and Defense, Test and Measurement, Industrial, Automotive, Consumers, Broadcast, Communication Infrastructure and Data Center. For these products we either sell directly to our customers or through a network of distributors and OEM partners. We are also developing a network of Value Added Resellers (VARs) and Integrated Solution Vendors (ISVs) for our Alveo products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 414.23365650382436), (23.801670112263704, 460.6478140053207), (588.5973027042236, 460.6478140053207), (588.5973027042236, 414.23365650382436)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': 'adad614269de5adf78c5646df27ed76e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We work closely with our customers to define product features, performance and timing of new products so that the products we are developing meet our customers’ needs. We also employ application engineers to assist our customers in designing, testing and qualifying system designs that incorporate our products. We believe that our commitment to customer service and design support improves our customers’ time-to-market and fosters relationships that encourage customers to use the next generation of our products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 469.4528792590239), (23.801670112263704, 506.26369367265875), (588.5965452056553, 506.26369367265875), (588.5965452056553, 469.4528792590239)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': 'adad614269de5adf78c5646df27ed76e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='8', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((303.9679507829182, 532.4748182731095), (303.9679507829182, 540.4756034231625), (308.41760616595747, 540.4756034231625), (308.41760616595747, 532.4748182731095)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 11, 'parent_id': 'adad614269de5adf78c5646df27ed76e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926393624821003), (23.801670112263704, 27.128900940716562), (79.85673046881709, 27.128900940716562), (79.85673046881709, 19.926393624821003)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We also work with our customers to create differentiated products that leverage our CPU, GPU and APU technology. Certain customers pay us non-recurring engineering fees for design and development services and a purchase price for the resulting products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31190809689758), (23.801670112263704, 78.91603633481213), (588.5975888865294, 78.91603633481213), (588.5975888865294, 61.31190809689758)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '39fefacd8677e4d7823531f0651d032d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='One customer accounted for 16% of our consolidated net revenue for the year ended December 31, 2022. Sales to this customer consisted of sales of products from our Gaming segment. A loss of this customer would have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 87.72110158851353), (23.801670112263704, 105.32522982642809), (588.5987050431316, 105.32522982642809), (588.5987050431316, 87.72110158851353)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '39fefacd8677e4d7823531f0651d032d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Original Equipment Manufacturers', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 114.1302950801313), (23.801670112263704, 122.13108023018435), (154.92574534585953, 122.13108023018435), (154.92574534585953, 114.1302950801313)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '39fefacd8677e4d7823531f0651d032d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We focus on three types of OEM partners: multi-nationals, selected regional accounts and selected global and local system integrators, who target commercial and consumer end customers of all sizes. Large multi-nationals and regional accounts are the core of our OEM partners’ business; however, we are increasingly focused on the VAR channel which resells OEM systems to the mid-market and the small and medium business (SMB) segments. Additionally, we have increased our focus on global system integrators, which resell OEM systems, coupled with their software and services solutions into Enterprise, high performance computing (HPC) and Cloud Service Provider Customers. Our OEM customers include numerous foreign and domestic manufacturers of servers and workstations, desktops, notebooks, PC motherboards and game consoles.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 130.93614548388757), (23.801670112263704, 186.9536460732445), (588.595537492404, 186.9536460732445), (588.595537492404, 130.93614548388757)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '49cf494302a4d573d78d18d49a650f73', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Third-Party Distributors', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 195.75871132694772), (23.801670112263704, 203.75949647700077), (114.02901029341713, 203.75949647700077), (114.02901029341713, 195.75871132694772)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '39fefacd8677e4d7823531f0651d032d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our authorized channel distributors resell to sub-distributors and OEMs, ODMs, and other customers. Typically, distributors handle a wide variety of products, and may include products from other manufacturers that compete with our products. Distributors typically maintain an inventory of our products. In most instances, our agreements with distributors protect their inventory of our products against price reductions and provide certain return rights with respect to any product that we have removed from our price book or otherwise subject to discontinuation. In addition, some agreements with our distributors may contain standard stock rotation provisions permitting limited product returns.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 212.56456173070399), (23.801670112263704, 258.9787192321994), (588.5945994338986, 258.9787192321994), (588.5945994338986, 212.56456173070399)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': 'ac5c11d28c3db27217fd428c2faf423e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Add-in-Board (AIB) Manufacturers and System Integrators', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 267.78378448590263), (23.801670112263704, 275.7845696359557), (244.70713422179088, 275.7845696359557), (244.70713422179088, 267.78378448590263)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '39fefacd8677e4d7823531f0651d032d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We offer component-level graphics and chipset products to AIB manufacturers who in turn build and sell board-level products using our technology to system integrators (SIs), retail buyers and sub distributors. Our agreements with AIBs protect their inventory of our products against price reductions. We also sell directly to our SI customers. SIs typically sell from positions of regional or product-based strength in the market. They usually operate on short design cycles and can respond quickly with new technologies. SIs often use discrete graphics solutions as a means to differentiate their products and add value to their customers.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 284.5896348896589), (23.801670112263704, 331.0037923911543), (588.59540557453, 331.0037923911543), (588.59540557453, 284.5896348896589)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': 'd31440a1bfe21ccfe2e595c8a9ecd755', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Competition in Data Center Segment', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 339.80885764485754), (23.801670112263704, 347.8096427949106), (162.9212572026377, 347.8096427949106), (162.9212572026377, 339.80885764485754)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '39fefacd8677e4d7823531f0651d032d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In Data Center, we compete against Intel Corporation (Intel) with our FPGA, Adaptive SoC, CPU and DPU server products and NVIDIA Corporation (NVIDIA) with our CPU, GPU and DPU server products. A variety of companies provide or have developed ARM-based microprocessors and platforms. ARM-based designs are being used in the server market, which could lead to further growth and development of the ARM ecosystem.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 356.6147080486138), (23.801670112263704, 383.82217937438804), (588.5967828059188, 383.82217937438804), (588.5967828059188, 356.6147080486138)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '4fdd209953f1a584e1ce9f9918d996a4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Competition in Client Segment', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 392.62724462809126), (23.801670112263704, 400.6280297781443), (140.24251576513842, 400.6280297781443), (140.24251576513842, 392.62724462809126)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '39fefacd8677e4d7823531f0651d032d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The markets in which we participate are highly competitive. Our primary competitor in the supply of CPUs is Intel. A variety of companies provide or have developed ARM-based microprocessors and platforms. ARM-based designs are being used in the PC market, which could lead to further growth and development of the ARM ecosystem.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 409.43309503184753), (23.801670112263704, 436.64056635762176), (588.6035321434791, 436.64056635762176), (588.6035321434791, 409.43309503184753)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '2ce8282595279b5c91d5411c2bb4fde4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='9', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((303.9679507829182, 462.8516909580725), (303.9679507829182, 470.85247610812553), (308.41760616595747, 470.85247610812553), (308.41760616595747, 462.8516909580725)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 12, 'parent_id': '2ce8282595279b5c91d5411c2bb4fde4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926543696816452), (23.801670112263704, 27.12905101271201), (79.85673046881709, 27.12905101271201), (79.85673046881709, 19.926543696816452)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Competition in Gaming Segment', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31205816889303), (23.801670112263704, 69.31284331894608), (147.80079261048763, 69.31284331894608), (147.80079261048763, 61.31205816889303)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '3bafa0c62595582de1c1f09d5e9b92bf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In the graphics market, our principal competitor in the supply of discrete graphics is NVIDIA who is the market share leader. Intel also manufactures and sells embedded graphics processors and integrated graphics processor (IGP) chipsets. Also, Intel has developed their own gaming-focused discrete GPUs and has entered the market. Other competitors include suppliers of discrete graphics and integrated graphics processor (IGP) chipsets. Some of our competitors are smaller companies, which may have greater flexibility to address specific market needs, but less financial resources to address the growing complexity of graphics processors and the associated research and development costs. With respect to integrated graphics, higher unit shipments of our APUs and Intel’s integrated graphics may drive computer manufacturers to reduce the number of systems they build paired with discrete graphics components, particularly for notebooks, because they may offer satisfactory graphics performance for most mainstream PC users at a lower cost. We are the market share leader in semi- custom game console products, where graphics performance is critical.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.1179085726493), (23.801670112263704, 153.34209533772741), (588.5986873889364, 153.34209533772741), (588.5986873889364, 78.1179085726493)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '3cc9a94ebe0741edcddb07f976fa90eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Competition in Embedded Segment', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 162.14716059143063), (23.801670112263704, 170.14794574148368), (158.91360579068598, 170.14794574148368), (158.91360579068598, 162.14716059143063)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '3bafa0c62595582de1c1f09d5e9b92bf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We expect continued competition from our primary FPGA competitors such as Intel, Lattice Semiconductor Corporation and Microsemi Corporation (Microsemi, acquired by Microchip), from ASSP vendors such as Broadcom Corporation, Marvell Technology Group, Ltd., Analog Devices, Texas Instruments Incorporated and NXP Semiconductors N.V., and from NVIDIA. In addition, we expect continued competition from the ASIC market, which has been ongoing since the inception of FPGAs. Other competitors include manufacturers of:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 178.9530109951869), (23.801670112263704, 215.76382540882082), (588.5965260965537, 215.76382540882082), (588.5965260965537, 178.9530109951869)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '5e831999f2e9302eea3d59b0fe6d71ac', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='• • • • • • • •', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 228.10760882763418), (38.20668474405474, 323.54083076324986), (41.56879268729194, 323.54083076324986), (41.56879268729194, 228.10760882763418)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '5e831999f2e9302eea3d59b0fe6d71ac', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='high-density programmable logic products characterized by FPGA-type architectures; high-volume and low-cost FPGAs as programmable replacements for ASICs and ASSPs; ASICs and ASSPs with incremental amounts of embedded programmable logic; high-speed, low-density complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs); high-performance digital signal processing (DSP) devices; products with embedded processors; products with embedded multi-gigabit transceivers; discrete general-purpose GPUs targeting data center and automotive applications; and other new or emerging programmable logic products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 229.3705622064557), (52.61169937584577, 323.54083076324986), (366.9620543462779, 323.54083076324986), (366.9620543462779, 229.3705622064557)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '5e831999f2e9302eea3d59b0fe6d71ac', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Research and Development', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 332.006291457967), (23.801670112263704, 340.00707660802004), (128.72346970833274, 340.00707660802004), (128.72346970833274, 332.006291457967)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '3bafa0c62595582de1c1f09d5e9b92bf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We focus our research and development (R&D) activities on designing and developing products. Our main area of focus is on delivering the next generation of processors (CPU and GPU), FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs, accelerators (adaptive, graphics and DPU), System on Modules (SOMs) and SmartNICs and associated software. We focus on designing new ICs with improved performance and performance-per-watt in advanced semiconductor manufacturing processes, the design of logic and interface IP, advanced packaging technologies, and heterogeneous integration technologies. We also focus on software as part of the development of our products, including design automation tools for hardware, embedded software, optimized software tools and libraries that extend the reach of our platforms to software and AI developers. Through our R&D efforts, we were able to introduce a number of new products and enhance our IP core offerings and software.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 348.81214186172326), (23.801670112263704, 414.4329855389399), (588.5983212614815, 414.4329855389399), (588.5983212614815, 348.81214186172326)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '198b18c5893a0f590e6d2916695cf735', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We also work with industry leaders on process technology, design tools, intellectual property, software and other industry consortia to conduct early-stage research and development. We are also actively contributing to numerous industry open-source software initiatives across a broad range of technologies. We conduct product and system research and development activities for our products in the United States with additional design and development engineering teams located in various countries who undertake specific activities at the direction of our U.S. headquarters.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 423.2380507926431), (23.801670112263704, 460.04886520627883), (588.5948040370757, 460.04886520627883), (588.5948040370757, 423.2380507926431)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '198b18c5893a0f590e6d2916695cf735', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Manufacturing Arrangements and Assembly and Test Facilities', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 472.45518411792943), (23.801670112263704, 480.4559692679825), (262.21807599990535, 480.4559692679825), (262.21807599990535, 472.45518411792943)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '3bafa0c62595582de1c1f09d5e9b92bf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Third-Party Wafer Foundry Facilities', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 489.2610345216857), (23.801670112263704, 497.26181967173875), (161.4528069875717, 497.26181967173875), (161.4528069875717, 489.2610345216857)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '3bafa0c62595582de1c1f09d5e9b92bf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We have foundry arrangements with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC) for the production of wafers for our HPC, FPGA and Adaptive SoC products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 506.06688492544197), (23.801670112263704, 523.6710131633547), (588.5945843606027, 523.6710131633547), (588.5945843606027, 506.06688492544197)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '253253084ae0a6ca741f119f153edd4c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are also a party to a Wafer Supply Agreement (WSA) with GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. (GF), with respect to wafer purchases for our HPC products at the 12 nm and 14 nm technology nodes.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 532.4760784170579), (23.801670112263704, 550.0802066549725), (588.5937786401175, 550.0802066549725), (588.5937786401175, 532.4760784170579)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '253253084ae0a6ca741f119f153edd4c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='10', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 576.2913312554232), (301.74530504194826, 584.2921164054762), (310.64399456981226, 584.2921164054762), (310.64399456981226, 576.2913312554232)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 13, 'parent_id': '253253084ae0a6ca741f119f153edd4c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926453768819783), (23.801670112263704, 27.128961084715343), (79.85673046881709, 27.128961084715343), (79.85673046881709, 19.926453768819783)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Additionally, we purchase wafers from United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31196824089636), (23.801670112263704, 69.31275339094941), (438.47220225095117, 69.31275339094941), (438.47220225095117, 61.31196824089636)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'a6c546b48e4ed0f1d12458a27121d4eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Other Third-Party Manufacturers', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.11781864465263), (23.801670112263704, 86.11860379470568), (147.37527145685274, 86.11860379470568), (147.37527145685274, 78.11781864465263)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'a6c546b48e4ed0f1d12458a27121d4eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We outsource board-level graphics product manufacturing to third-party manufacturers.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 94.9236690484089), (23.801670112263704, 102.92445419846194), (331.7930853871063, 102.92445419846194), (331.7930853871063, 94.9236690484089)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': '29836fc68a00d2992cc8e7044789d8f1', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Assembly, Test, Mark and Packaging Facilities', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 111.72951945216516), (23.801670112263704, 119.73030460221821), (200.15817858894394, 119.73030460221821), (200.15817858894394, 111.72951945216516)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'a6c546b48e4ed0f1d12458a27121d4eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Wafers for our products are either sorted by the foundry or delivered by the foundry to our assembly, test, mark and packaging (ATMP) partners or subcontractors located in the Asia-Pacific region who package and test our final semiconductor products. We are party to two ATMP joint ventures (collectively, the ATMP JVs) with Tongfu Microelectronics Co., Ltd. The ATMP JVs, Siliconware Precision Industries Ltd. (SPIL) and King Yuan Electronics Company (KYEC) provide ATMP services for our products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 128.53536985592143), (23.801670112263704, 165.34618426955717), (588.5973510461821, 165.34618426955717), (588.5973510461821, 128.53536985592143)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'f078f633191040e0d62f98da9cfe4a63', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Intellectual Property and Licensing', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 174.1512495232604), (23.801670112263704, 182.15203467331344), (156.71481171215748, 182.15203467331344), (156.71481171215748, 174.1512495232604)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'a6c546b48e4ed0f1d12458a27121d4eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We rely on contracts and intellectual property rights to protect our products and technologies from unauthorized third-party copying and use. Intellectual property rights include copyrights, patents, patent applications, trademarks, trade secrets and mask work rights. As of December 31, 2022, we had approximately 8,200 patents in the United States and approximately 2,200 patent applications pending in the United States. In certain cases, we have filed corresponding applications in foreign jurisdictions. Including United States and foreign matters, we have approximately 19,800 patent matters worldwide consisting of approximately 13,200 issued patents and 6,600 patent applications pending. We expect to file future patent applications in both the United States and abroad on significant inventions, as we deem appropriate. We do not believe that any individual patent, or the expiration of any patent, is or would be material to our business. As is typical in the semiconductor industry, we have numerous cross-licensing and technology exchange agreements with other companies under which we both transfer and receive technology and intellectual property rights. We have acquired various licenses from external parties to certain technologies that are implemented in our products, including our IP cores and devices. These licenses support our continuing ability to make and sell our products. We have also acquired licenses to certain proprietary software, open-source software, and related technologies, such as compilers, for our design tools. Continued use of such software and technology is important to the operation of the design tools upon which our customers depend.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 190.95709992701666), (23.801670112263704, 294.99131595567565), (588.5980284195383, 294.99131595567565), (588.5980284195383, 190.95709992701666)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': '253a1a0585fe7ebe6c07eebebf7e8f39', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Backlog', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 303.79638120937886), (23.801670112263704, 311.7971663594319), (54.92215538874173, 311.7971663594319), (54.92215538874173, 303.79638120937886)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'a6c546b48e4ed0f1d12458a27121d4eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Sales are made primarily pursuant to purchase orders for current delivery or agreements covering purchases over a period of time. Although such orders or agreements may provide visibility into future quarters, they may not necessarily be indicative of actual sales for any succeeding period as some of these orders or agreements may be revised or canceled without penalty. With respect to our semi-custom SoC products our orders and agreements are more stringent resulting in meaningful backlog for the coming quarter.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 320.60223161313513), (23.801670112263704, 357.41304602677087), (588.5965333564003, 357.41304602677087), (588.5965333564003, 320.60223161313513)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'e67343616250b2688ab009677dcf1462', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Seasonality', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 366.2181112804741), (23.801670112263704, 374.21889643052714), (68.26528559869799, 374.21889643052714), (68.26528559869799, 366.2181112804741)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'a6c546b48e4ed0f1d12458a27121d4eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our operating results tend to vary seasonally. Historically, our net revenue has been generally higher in the second half of the year than in the first half of the year, although market conditions and product transitions could impact these trends.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 383.02396168423036), (23.801670112263704, 400.6280899221431), (588.5954631265157, 400.6280899221431), (588.5954631265157, 383.02396168423036)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'dd4ed1eae6682c306bd425668c0b8e7b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Human Capital', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 409.4331551758463), (23.801670112263704, 417.43394032589936), (79.80746406561018, 417.43394032589936), (79.80746406561018, 409.4331551758463)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'a6c546b48e4ed0f1d12458a27121d4eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='As of December 31, 2022, we had approximately 25,000 employees in our global workforce. We believe we are at our best when our culture of innovation, creative minds and people from all kinds of backgrounds work together in an engaging and open environment. Areas of focus for us include the following:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 426.2390055796026), (23.801670112263704, 443.8431338175171), (588.5949214352635, 443.8431338175171), (588.5949214352635, 426.2390055796026)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'a3e8268d0207f39582bfca3c1b5cf56b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Mission, Culture, and Engagement', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 452.64819907122035), (23.801670112263704, 460.6489842212734), (154.921597324311, 460.6489842212734), (154.921597324311, 452.64819907122035)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': 'a6c546b48e4ed0f1d12458a27121d4eb', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our History - Founded in 1969 as a Silicon Valley start-up, the AMD journey began with dozens of employees focused on leading-edge semiconductor products. From those modest beginnings, we have grown into a global company achieving many important industry firsts along the way. Today, we develop high-performance and adaptive computing to solve some of the world’s toughest and most interesting challenges.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 469.4540494749766), (23.801670112263704, 496.66152080075085), (588.5963427327217, 496.66152080075085), (588.5963427327217, 469.4540494749766)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': '11e83e8affc9935c85010609aec10922', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our Vision - High performance and adaptive computing is transforming our lives.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 505.46658605445407), (23.801670112263704, 513.4673712045071), (307.7783901212465, 513.4673712045071), (307.7783901212465, 505.46658605445407)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': '11e83e8affc9935c85010609aec10922', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='11', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((302.04540951344393, 539.6784958049578), (302.04540951344393, 547.6792809550109), (310.35029186688166, 547.6792809550109), (310.35029186688166, 539.6784958049578)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 14, 'parent_id': '11e83e8affc9935c85010609aec10922', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926603840813414), (23.801670112263704, 27.129111156708973), (79.85673046881709, 27.129111156708973), (79.85673046881709, 19.926603840813414)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our Mission - Build great products that accelerate next-generation computing experiences. Our employees are driven by this vision and mission. Innovation occurs when creative minds and diverse perspectives from all over the world work together. This is the foundation of our unique culture and the reason why our employees are among the most engaged in our industry.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31211831288999), (23.801670112263704, 88.51958963866423), (588.5966182510833, 88.51958963866423), (588.5966182510833, 61.31211831288999)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': '1e233383beb747cdb610b7df9f415c49', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We conduct a confidential annual survey of our global workforce to measure our culture, engagement, and manager quality. The results are reviewed by our Board of Directors and acted upon by our senior leadership team and individual managers at every level. Results from our 2022 survey reported scores that continued to be among the very best for global companies in the technology industry. Our employees described our culture as inclusive, innovative, open, and respectful, and rated the quality of our managers among the top 10% of our technology industry peers.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 97.32465489236745), (23.801670112263704, 134.1354693060032), (588.5961965818441, 134.1354693060032), (588.5961965818441, 97.32465489236745)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': '1e233383beb747cdb610b7df9f415c49', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Diversity, Belonging and Inclusion', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 142.9405345597064), (23.801670112263704, 150.94131970975945), (154.6289262797884, 150.94131970975945), (154.6289262797884, 142.9405345597064)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': '1e233383beb747cdb610b7df9f415c49', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our diverse and inclusive workforce encourages employees to share their opinions and different perspectives. We believe that building a diverse talent pipeline, encouraging a culture of respect and belonging, and increasing inclusion of unique and underrepresented voices makes our Company stronger. Our Employee Resource Groups encourage employee engagement and play an important role in our culture. In 2022, we were recognized for the sixth consecutive year by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation as a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ equality and were included in Bloomberg’s Gender Equality Index for the fourth consecutive year.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 159.74638496346267), (23.801670112263704, 206.1605424649581), (588.5960502509037, 206.1605424649581), (588.5960502509037, 159.74638496346267)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': '114504126cdee9e1514089025c48780e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are focused on hiring and developing underrepresented groups and women leaders. We are proud to be led by a highly regarded CEO who has won many esteemed awards for her business and leadership prowess. In 2022, Dr. Lisa Su was listed among “Fortune’s Most Powerful Women”. In the last two years, she also received the “Woman Innovation Award” from the Global Semiconductor Alliance and was listed among Barron’s World’s Best CEOs and Forbes’ World’s Most Powerful Women. In addition, Dr. Su continues to support President Biden’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 214.96560771866132), (23.801670112263704, 251.77642213229706), (588.5939403444587, 251.77642213229706), (588.5939403444587, 214.96560771866132)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': '114504126cdee9e1514089025c48780e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total Rewards', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 260.5814873860003), (23.801670112263704, 268.5822725360533), (78.18280055515568, 268.5822725360533), (78.18280055515568, 260.5814873860003)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': '1e233383beb747cdb610b7df9f415c49', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We invest in our workforce by offering competitive salaries, incentives, and benefits to ensure that we continue to attract and retain the industry’s best and brightest. Our rewards are guided by employees’ preferences and the market for talent. We have a strong pay for performance culture that we believe drives superior results. Our employees have benefited from our robust financial results with very strong short-term and long-term incentives. Our rewards programs enabled us to attract, retain and motivate our workforce, including approximately 10,000 new AMDers who were added to the company through acquisitions and direct hiring during fiscal year 2022.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 277.38733778975654), (23.801670112263704, 323.80149529125197), (588.5983357945894, 323.80149529125197), (588.5983357945894, 277.38733778975654)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': '79728a55a2693ef2dc6e57081e9014df', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Development', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 332.6065605449552), (23.801670112263704, 340.60734569500823), (74.03432952393639, 340.60734569500823), (74.03432952393639, 332.6065605449552)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': '1e233383beb747cdb610b7df9f415c49', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We offer our employees opportunities to advance their careers at the Company and the majority of our new leaders are promoted from within. We are focused on leadership progression and encourage our employees to take advantage of new opportunities. Our manager and leadership development programs are highly rated, and we provide specialized development programs for our employees.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 349.41241094871145), (23.801670112263704, 376.6198822744857), (588.5972217387185, 376.6198822744857), (588.5972217387185, 349.41241094871145)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': '58d314c7288d711d5c4a4a67d394e33d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Environmental Regulations', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 385.4249475281889), (23.801670112263704, 393.42573267824196), (127.36830052833118, 393.42573267824196), (127.36830052833118, 385.4249475281889)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': '1e233383beb747cdb610b7df9f415c49', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our operations and properties have in the past been and continue to be subject to various United States and foreign laws and regulations, including those relating to materials used in our products and manufacturing processes, discharge of pollutants into the environment, the treatment, transport, storage and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes and remediation of contamination. These laws and regulations require our suppliers to obtain permits for operations making our products, including the discharge of air pollutants and wastewater. Environmental laws are complex, change frequently and have tended to become more stringent over time. For example, the European Union (EU) and China are two among a growing number of jurisdictions that have enacted restrictions on the use of lead and other materials in electronic products. These regulations affect semiconductor devices and packaging. A number of jurisdictions including the EU, Australia, California and China are developing or have finalized market entry or public procurement regulations for computers and servers based on ENERGY STAR specifications as well as additional energy consumption limits.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 402.2307979319452), (23.801670112263704, 477.4549846970233), (588.5987243017867, 477.4549846970233), (588.5987243017867, 402.2307979319452)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': 'b2d93499d3d51494847f8073a2b48944', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='12', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 503.666109297474), (301.74530504194826, 511.66689444752706), (310.64399456981226, 511.66689444752706), (310.64399456981226, 503.666109297474)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 15, 'parent_id': 'b2d93499d3d51494847f8073a2b48944', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926753912805225), (23.801670112263704, 27.129261228700784), (79.85673046881709, 27.129261228700784), (79.85673046881709, 19.926753912805225)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 16, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Certain environmental laws, including the United States Comprehensive, Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, or the Superfund Act, impose strict or, under certain circumstances, joint and several liability on current and previous owners or operators of real property for the cost of removal or remediation of hazardous substances and impose liability for damages to natural resources. These laws often impose liability even if the owner or operator did not know of, or was not responsible for, the release of such hazardous substances. These environmental laws also assess liability on persons who arrange for hazardous substances to be sent to disposal or treatment facilities when such facilities are found to be contaminated. Such persons can be responsible for cleanup costs even if they never owned or operated the contaminated facility. We have been named as a responsible party on Superfund clean-up orders for three sites in Sunnyvale, California that are on the National Priorities List. Since 1981, we have discovered hazardous material releases to the groundwater from former underground tanks and proceeded to investigate and conduct remediation at these three sites. The chemicals released into the groundwater were commonly used in the semiconductor industry in the United States in the wafer fabrication process prior to 1979.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.312268384881804), (23.801670112263704, 146.13979823782142), (588.5953169156178, 146.13979823782142), (588.5953169156178, 61.312268384881804)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 16, 'parent_id': 'f6877a1131c80b99f4408bbbb5c8e116', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In 1991, we received Final Site Clean-up Requirements Orders from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board relating to the three sites. We have entered into settlement agreements with other responsible parties on two of the orders. During the term of such agreements, other parties have agreed to assume most of the foreseeable costs as well as the primary role in conducting remediation activities under the orders. We remain responsible for additional costs beyond the scope of the agreements as well as all remaining costs in the event that the other parties do not fulfill their obligations under the settlement agreements.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 154.94486349152464), (23.801670112263704, 201.35902099302007), (588.5970111141756, 201.35902099302007), (588.5970111141756, 154.94486349152464)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 16, 'parent_id': 'f6877a1131c80b99f4408bbbb5c8e116', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='To address anticipated future remediation costs under the orders, we have computed and recorded an estimated environmental liability of approximately $3.9 million and have not recorded any potential insurance recoveries in determining the estimated costs of the cleanup. The progress of future remediation efforts cannot be predicted with certainty and these costs may change. We believe that any amount in addition to what has already been accrued would not be material.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 210.1640862467233), (23.801670112263704, 246.97490066035903), (588.5969193534538, 246.97490066035903), (588.5969193534538, 210.1640862467233)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 16, 'parent_id': 'f6877a1131c80b99f4408bbbb5c8e116', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='13', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 273.18602526080974), (301.74530504194826, 281.1868104108628), (310.64399456981226, 281.1868104108628), (310.64399456981226, 273.18602526080974)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 16, 'parent_id': 'f6877a1131c80b99f4408bbbb5c8e116', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926903984800674), (23.801670112263704, 27.129411300696233), (79.85673046881709, 27.129411300696233), (79.85673046881709, 19.926903984800674)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 1A. RISK FACTORS', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31241845687725), (23.801670112263704, 69.3132036069303), (119.21632760087846, 69.3132036069303), (119.21632760087846, 61.31241845687725)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': 'cc7a2598ecdfb2fe82f7da64ad415b6c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The risks and uncertainties described below are not the only ones we face. If any of the following risks actually occurs, our business, financial condition or results of operations could be materially adversely affected. In addition, you should consider the interrelationship and compounding effects of two or more risks occurring simultaneously.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.11826886063352), (23.801670112263704, 105.32574018640958), (588.5933582162093, 105.32574018640958), (588.5933582162093, 78.11826886063352)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '0ac0add43c6fdd6cd739b3a4b19add37', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Risk Factors Summary', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 117.73205909806018), (23.801670112263704, 125.73284424811322), (110.50181191537798, 125.73284424811322), (110.50181191537798, 117.73205909806018)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': 'cc7a2598ecdfb2fe82f7da64ad415b6c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The following is a summary of the principal risks that could adversely affect our business, operations and financial results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 138.13916315976383), (23.801670112263704, 146.13994830981687), (453.18259671067955, 146.13994830981687), (453.18259671067955, 138.13916315976383)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': 'f2693d9f0567c837111fc24e6725f049', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Economic and Strategic Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 158.54626722146747), (38.20668474405474, 166.54705237152052), (152.90566346082986, 166.54705237152052), (152.90566346082986, 158.54626722146747)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': 'cc7a2598ecdfb2fe82f7da64ad415b6c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 178.95337128317112), (38.20668474405474, 186.95415643322417), (41.00774090325106, 186.95415643322417), (41.00774090325106, 178.95337128317112)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '540b7ec1f2edf59ea5c0f34b3af98196', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Intel Corporation’s dominance of the microprocessor market and its aggressive business practices may limit our ability to compete effectively on a level playing field.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 178.95337128317112), (52.61169937584577, 196.55749952108567), (588.5899050004166, 196.55749952108567), (588.5899050004166, 178.95337128317112)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '540b7ec1f2edf59ea5c0f34b3af98196', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Global economic and market uncertainty may adversely impact our business and operating results. •', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 198.1600574588923), (38.20668474405474, 215.76418569680686), (402.1052699002486, 215.76418569680686), (402.1052699002486, 198.1600574588923)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '540b7ec1f2edf59ea5c0f34b3af98196', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The semiconductor industry is highly cyclical and has experienced severe downturns that have materially adversely affected, and may continue to materially adversely affect, our business in the future. The demand for our products depends in part on the market conditions in the industries into which they are sold. Fluctuations in demand for our products or a market decline in any of these industries could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations. The loss of a significant customer may have a material adverse effect on us. The ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. The markets in which our products are sold are highly competitive.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 207.76340054675381), (52.61169937584577, 273.3842442239704), (588.5933216034639, 273.3842442239704), (588.5933216034639, 207.76340054675381)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '540b7ec1f2edf59ea5c0f34b3af98196', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 226.970086722475), (38.20668474405474, 234.97087187252805), (41.00774090325106, 234.97087187252805), (41.00774090325106, 226.970086722475)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '540b7ec1f2edf59ea5c0f34b3af98196', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='• • • Our operating results are subject to quarterly and seasonal sales patterns. •', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 246.1767728981962), (38.20668474405474, 292.5909303996916), (314.96829545017494, 292.5909303996916), (314.96829545017494, 246.1767728981962)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '540b7ec1f2edf59ea5c0f34b3af98196', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If we cannot adequately protect our technology or other intellectual property in the United States and abroad, through patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks and other measures, we may lose a competitive advantage and incur significant expenses. Unfavorable currency exchange rate fluctuations could adversely affect us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 284.59014524963857), (52.61169937584577, 311.7976165754128), (588.5905987304557, 311.7976165754128), (588.5905987304557, 284.59014524963857)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '540b7ec1f2edf59ea5c0f34b3af98196', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 303.79683142535976), (38.20668474405474, 311.7976165754128), (41.00774090325106, 311.7976165754128), (41.00774090325106, 303.79683142535976)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '540b7ec1f2edf59ea5c0f34b3af98196', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Operational and Technology Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 324.2039354870652), (38.20668474405474, 332.20472063711827), (169.190076883461, 332.20472063711827), (169.190076883461, 324.2039354870652)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': 'cc7a2598ecdfb2fe82f7da64ad415b6c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We rely on third parties to manufacture our products, and if they are unable to do so on a timely basis in sufficient quantities and using competitive', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 344.6110395487689), (38.20668474405474, 352.6118246988219), (588.591580614947, 352.6118246988219), (588.591580614947, 344.6110395487689)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 363.81772572449006), (38.20668474405474, 371.8185108745431), (41.00774090325106, 371.8185108745431), (41.00774090325106, 363.81772572449006)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='•', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 383.02441190021125), (38.20668474405474, 400.6285401381258), (41.00774090325106, 400.6285401381258), (41.00774090325106, 383.02441190021125)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='technologies, our business could be materially adversely affected. If essential equipment, materials, substrates or manufacturing processes are not available to manufacture our products, we could be materially adversely affected. Failure to achieve expected manufacturing yields for our products could negatively impact our financial results. The success of our business is dependent upon our ability to introduce products on a timely basis with features and performance levels that provide value to our customers while supporting and coinciding with significant industry transitions.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 354.21438263662856), (52.61169937584577, 410.2318832259855), (588.5926061319472, 410.2318832259855), (588.5926061319472, 354.21438263662856)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our revenue from our semi-custom System-on-Chip (SoC) products is dependent upon our semi-custom SoC products being incorporated into customers’ products and the success of those products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 411.83444116379394), (38.20668474405474, 429.4385694017067), (588.590334821265, 429.4385694017067), (588.590334821265, 411.83444116379394)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our products may be subject to security vulnerabilities that could have a material adverse effect on us. •', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 431.0411273395151), (38.20668474405474, 448.64525557742786), (414.4134363433476, 448.64525557742786), (414.4134363433476, 431.0411273395151)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='IT outages, data loss, data breaches and cyber-attacks could compromise our intellectual property or other sensitive information, be costly to remediate or cause significant damage to our business, reputation and operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 440.6444704273748), (52.61169937584577, 458.24859866528936), (588.592826408629, 458.24859866528936), (588.592826408629, 440.6444704273748)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We may encounter difficulties in upgrading and operating our new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which could materially adversely affect us. Uncertainties involving the ordering and shipment of our products could materially adversely affect us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 459.851156603096), (38.20668474405474, 487.05862792887024), (588.5908917524615, 487.05862792887024), (588.5908917524615, 459.851156603096)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='• Our ability to design and introduce new products in a timely manner includes the use of third-party intellectual property. • We depend on third-party companies for the design, manufacture and supply of motherboards, software, memory and other computer platform', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 479.0578427788172), (38.20668474405474, 506.26531410459324), (588.5908066979821, 506.26531410459324), (588.5908066979821, 479.0578427788172)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 517.4712151302614), (38.20668474405474, 525.4720002803144), (41.00774090325106, 525.4720002803144), (41.00774090325106, 517.4712151302614)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='components to support our business and products. If we lose Microsoft Corporation’s support for our products or other software vendors do not design and develop software to run on our products, our ability to sell our products could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 507.8678720423999), (52.61169937584577, 535.0753433681741), (588.59068374518, 535.0753433681741), (588.59068374518, 507.8678720423999)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='14', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 561.2864679686248), (301.74530504194826, 569.2872531186779), (310.64399456981226, 569.2872531186779), (310.64399456981226, 561.2864679686248)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 17, 'parent_id': '3e7453c4162549fad68a34f65e265473', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92585405684281), (23.801670112263704, 27.128361372738368), (79.85673046881709, 27.128361372738368), (79.85673046881709, 19.92585405684281)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our reliance on third-party distributors and add-in-board (AIB) partners subjects us to certain risks. • Our business is dependent upon the proper functioning of our internal business processes and information systems and modification or interruption of', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 54.108861213024625), (38.20668474405474, 71.71298945093918), (588.5943724841637, 71.71298945093918), (588.5943724841637, 54.108861213024625)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '9ca1634266348704ed1c23c0e178f7e6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='• •', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 82.91889047660732), (38.20668474405474, 110.12636180238155), (41.00774090325106, 110.12636180238155), (41.00774090325106, 82.91889047660732)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '9ca1634266348704ed1c23c0e178f7e6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='such systems may disrupt our business, processes and internal controls. If our products are not compatible with some or all industry-standard software and hardware, we could be materially adversely affected. Costs related to defective products could have a material adverse effect on us. If we fail to maintain the efficiency of our supply chain as we respond to changes in customer demand for our products, our business could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 73.31554738874581), (52.61169937584577, 119.72970489024124), (588.5916900330376, 119.72970489024124), (588.5916900330376, 73.31554738874581)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '9ca1634266348704ed1c23c0e178f7e6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We outsource to third parties certain supply-chain logistics functions, including portions of our product distribution, transportation management and information technology support services.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 121.33226282804969), (38.20668474405474, 138.93639106596424), (588.5909940907682, 138.93639106596424), (588.5909940907682, 121.33226282804969)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '9ca1634266348704ed1c23c0e178f7e6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our inability to effectively control the sales of our products on the gray market could have a material adverse effect on us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 140.53894900377088), (38.20668474405474, 148.53973415382393), (480.9692959555922, 148.53973415382393), (480.9692959555922, 140.53894900377088)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '9ca1634266348704ed1c23c0e178f7e6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Legal and Regulatory Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 160.94605306547453), (38.20668474405474, 168.94683821552758), (143.1209279271586, 168.94683821552758), (143.1209279271586, 160.94605306547453)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '9ca1634266348704ed1c23c0e178f7e6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Government actions and regulations such as export regulations, tariffs, and trade protection measures may limit our ability to export our products to certain customers. If we cannot realize our deferred tax assets, our results of operations could be adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 181.35315712717818), (38.20668474405474, 208.56062845295423), (588.5944378495991, 208.56062845295423), (588.5944378495991, 181.35315712717818)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '33a2c6cc3d8a3e0719fb194b3cb33852', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='• Our business is subject to potential tax liabilities, including as a result of tax regulation changes. • We are party to litigation and may become a party to other claims or litigation that could cause us to incur substantial costs or pay substantial damages or prohibit us from selling our products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 200.55984330290119), (38.20668474405474, 237.3706577165351), (588.5966872607071, 237.3706577165351), (588.5966872607071, 200.55984330290119)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '33a2c6cc3d8a3e0719fb194b3cb33852', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are subject to environmental laws, conflict minerals-related provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act as well as a variety of other laws or regulations that could result in additional costs and liabilities.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 238.97321565434356), (38.20668474405474, 256.5773438922563), (588.596205393691, 256.5773438922563), (588.596205393691, 238.97321565434356)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '33a2c6cc3d8a3e0719fb194b3cb33852', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Merger, Acquisition and Integration Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 268.9836628039087), (38.20668474405474, 276.98444795396176), (195.7084851145953, 276.98444795396176), (195.7084851145953, 268.9836628039087)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '9ca1634266348704ed1c23c0e178f7e6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 289.39076686561236), (38.20668474405474, 297.3915520156654), (41.00774090325106, 297.3915520156654), (41.00774090325106, 289.39076686561236)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': 'c1e8e96e0de88ec690a70208dda767ee', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 308.59745304133355), (38.20668474405474, 316.5982381913866), (41.00774090325106, 316.5982381913866), (41.00774090325106, 308.59745304133355)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': 'c1e8e96e0de88ec690a70208dda767ee', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Acquisitions, joint ventures and/or investments and the failure to integrate acquired businesses could disrupt our business and/or dilute or adversely affect the price of our common stock. Any impairment of the combined company’s tangible, definite-lived intangible or indefinite-lived intangible assets, including goodwill, may adversely impact the combined company’s financial position and results of operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 289.39076686561236), (52.61169937584577, 326.2015812792463), (588.5950394470748, 326.2015812792463), (588.5950394470748, 289.39076686561236)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': 'c1e8e96e0de88ec690a70208dda767ee', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Liquidity and Capital Resources Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 338.6079001908987), (38.20668474405474, 346.60868534095175), (183.57237864851493, 346.60868534095175), (183.57237864851493, 338.6079001908987)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '9ca1634266348704ed1c23c0e178f7e6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 359.01500425260235), (38.20668474405474, 367.0157894026554), (41.00774090325106, 367.0157894026554), (41.00774090325106, 359.01500425260235)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '8367a7fcc560b9ff77a031902d26c731', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The agreements governing our notes, our guarantees of Xilinx’s 2.95% and 2.375% Notes (Assumed Xilinx Notes), and our Revolving Credit Agreement impose restrictions on us that may adversely affect our ability to operate our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((52.61169937584577, 359.01500425260235), (52.61169937584577, 376.6191324905151), (588.5926502446229, 376.6191324905151), (588.5926502446229, 359.01500425260235)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '8367a7fcc560b9ff77a031902d26c731', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our indebtedness could adversely affect our financial position and prevent us from implementing our strategy or fulfilling our contractual obligations. • We may not be able to generate sufficient cash to meet our working capital requirements. Also, if we cannot generate sufficient revenue and operating cash flow, we may face a cash shortfall and be unable to make all of our planned investments in research and development or other strategic investments.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 378.22169042832354), (38.20668474405474, 415.03250484195746), (588.5970755878411, 415.03250484195746), (588.5970755878411, 378.22169042832354)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '8367a7fcc560b9ff77a031902d26c731', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='General Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 427.4388237536099), (38.20668474405474, 435.43960890366293), (91.56837770333532, 435.43960890366293), (91.56837770333532, 427.4388237536099)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': '9ca1634266348704ed1c23c0e178f7e6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our worldwide operations are subject to political, legal and economic risks and natural disasters, which could have a material adverse effect on us. • We may incur future impairments of technology license purchases. • Our inability to continue to attract and retain qualified personnel may hinder our business. • Our stock price is subject to volatility. • Worldwide political conditions may adversely affect demand for our products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((38.20668474405474, 447.84592781531353), (38.20668474405474, 494.26008531680895), (570.4928192240984, 494.26008531680895), (570.4928192240984, 447.84592781531353)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': 'a02e6735525b6e96b69a88992093bc7e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'ListItem'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='For a more complete discussion of the material risks facing our business, see below.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 506.66640422845956), (23.801670112263704, 514.6671893785126), (322.1488956798393, 514.6671893785126), (322.1488956798393, 506.66640422845956)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': 'a02e6735525b6e96b69a88992093bc7e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='15', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 573.2895969004934), (301.74530504194826, 581.2903820505464), (310.64399456981226, 581.2903820505464), (310.64399456981226, 573.2895969004934)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 18, 'parent_id': 'a02e6735525b6e96b69a88992093bc7e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926964128797636), (23.801670112263704, 27.129471444693195), (79.85673046881709, 27.129471444693195), (79.85673046881709, 19.926964128797636)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Economic and Strategic Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10997128497945), (23.801670112263704, 62.1107564350325), (138.50064882903882, 62.1107564350325), (138.50064882903882, 54.10997128497945)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'parent_id': 'd8b35a7b015a7f717ea3efd2bb24aeb6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Intel Corporation’s dominance of the microprocessor market and its aggressive business practices may limit our ability to compete effectively on a level playing field.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 74.5170753466831), (23.801670112263704, 92.12120358459765), (588.5965621090907, 92.12120358459765), (588.5965621090907, 74.5170753466831)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'parent_id': '303aa17ab8228ef2fe517fa977f02555', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Intel Corporation (Intel) has been the market share leader for microprocessors for many years. Intel’s market share, margins and significant financial resources enable it to market its products aggressively, to target our customers and our channel partners with special incentives and to influence customers who do business with us. These aggressive activities have in the past resulted in lower unit sales and a lower average selling price for many of our products and adversely affected our margins and profitability.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 104.52752249624825), (23.801670112263704, 141.338336909884), (588.5965774824909, 141.338336909884), (588.5965774824909, 104.52752249624825)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'parent_id': '303aa17ab8228ef2fe517fa977f02555', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Intel exerts substantial influence over computer manufacturers and their channels of distribution through various brand and other marketing programs. As a result of Intel’s position in the microprocessor market, Intel has been able to control x86 microprocessor and computer system standards and benchmarks and to dictate the type of products the microprocessor market requires of us. Intel also dominates the computer system platform, which includes core logic chipsets, graphics chips, networking devices (wired and wireless), non-volatile storage and other components necessary to assemble a computer system. Additionally, Intel is able to drive de facto standards and specifications for x86 microprocessors that could cause us and other companies to have delayed access to such standards.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 153.7446558215346), (23.801670112263704, 209.76215641089152), (588.5985414181222, 209.76215641089152), (588.5985414181222, 153.7446558215346)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'parent_id': '303aa17ab8228ef2fe517fa977f02555', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='As long as Intel remains in this dominant position, we may be materially adversely affected by Intel’s business practices, including rebating and allocation strategies and pricing actions, designed to limit our market share and margins; product mix and introduction schedules; product bundling, marketing and merchandising strategies; exclusivity payments to its current and potential customers, retailers and channel partners; de facto control over industry standards, and heavy influence on PC manufacturers and other PC industry participants, including motherboard, memory, chipset and basic input/output system (BIOS) suppliers and software companies as well as the graphics interface for Intel platforms; and marketing and advertising expenditures in support of positioning the Intel brand over the brand of its original equipment manufacturer (OEM) customers and retailers.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 222.16847532254212), (23.801670112263704, 278.18597591189905), (588.5967457730272, 278.18597591189905), (588.5967457730272, 222.16847532254212)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'parent_id': '303aa17ab8228ef2fe517fa977f02555', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Intel has substantially greater financial resources than we do and accordingly spends substantially greater amounts on marketing and research and development than we do. We expect Intel to continue to invest heavily in marketing, research and development, new manufacturing facilities and other technology companies. To the extent Intel manufactures a significantly larger portion of its microprocessor products using more advanced process technologies, or introduces competitive new products into the market before we do, we may be more vulnerable to Intel’s aggressive marketing and pricing strategies for microprocessor products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 290.59229482354965), (23.801670112263704, 337.0064523250451), (588.5923696120592, 337.0064523250451), (588.5923696120592, 290.59229482354965)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'parent_id': '303aa17ab8228ef2fe517fa977f02555', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Intel could also take actions that place our discrete graphics processing units (GPUs) at a competitive disadvantage, including giving one or more of our competitors in the graphics market, such as NVIDIA Corporation, preferential access to its proprietary graphics interface or other useful information or restricting access to external companies. Also, Intel has developed and released their own high-end discrete GPUs, including gaming focused discrete GPUs. We also compete with Intel in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and Adaptive SoC products. Intel’s position in the microprocessor, and integrated graphics chipset markets, its introduction of competitive new products, its existing relationships with top-tier OEMs, and its aggressive marketing and pricing strategies could result in lower unit sales and lower average selling prices for our products, which could have a material adverse effect on us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 349.4127712366957), (23.801670112263704, 405.4302718260526), (588.5970903610331, 405.4302718260526), (588.5970903610331, 349.4127712366957)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'parent_id': '303aa17ab8228ef2fe517fa977f02555', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Global economic and market uncertainty may adversely impact our business and operating results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 417.8365907377032), (23.801670112263704, 425.83737588775625), (401.6808661780594, 425.83737588775625), (401.6808661780594, 417.8365907377032)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'parent_id': '303aa17ab8228ef2fe517fa977f02555', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We experienced a decline in our Client segment revenue as a result of weak PC market macroeconomic conditions and inventory correction actions across the PC supply chain in the second half of 2022. Uncertain global economic conditions have and may in the future adversely impact our business. Uncertainty in the worldwide economic environment or other unfavorable changes in economic conditions, such as inflation, interest rates or recession, may negatively impact consumer confidence and spending causing our customers to postpone purchases. In addition, during challenging economic times, our current or potential future customers may experience cash flow problems and as a result may modify, delay or cancel plans to purchase our products. Additionally, if our customers are not successful in generating sufficient revenue or are unable to secure financing, they may not be able to pay, or may delay payment of, accounts receivable that they owe us. The risk related to our customers potentially defaulting on or delaying payments to us is increased because we expect that a small number of customers will continue to account for a substantial part of our revenue. Any inability of our current or potential future customers to pay us for', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 438.24369479940685), (23.801670112263704, 513.467881564485), (588.5964313316141, 513.467881564485), (588.5964313316141, 438.24369479940685)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'parent_id': '303aa17ab8228ef2fe517fa977f02555', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='16', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 539.6790061649357), (301.74530504194826, 547.6797913149887), (310.64399456981226, 547.6797913149887), (310.64399456981226, 539.6790061649357)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 19, 'parent_id': '303aa17ab8228ef2fe517fa977f02555', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.927114200791266), (23.801670112263704, 27.129621516686825), (79.85673046881709, 27.129621516686825), (79.85673046881709, 19.927114200791266)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='our products may adversely affect our earnings and cash flow. Moreover, our key suppliers may reduce their output or become insolvent, thereby adversely impacting our ability to manufacture our products. In addition, uncertain economic conditions may make it more difficult for us to raise funds through borrowings or private or public sales of debt or equity securities.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.11012135697308), (23.801670112263704, 81.31759268274732), (588.5954784398957, 81.31759268274732), (588.5954784398957, 54.11012135697308)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': '9fb86d1764f2125fcbf846fb8f2d82f3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The semiconductor industry is highly cyclical and has experienced severe downturns that have materially adversely affected, and may continue to materially adversely affect, our business in the future.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 93.72391159439974), (23.801670112263704, 111.32803983231247), (588.5970630852073, 111.32803983231247), (588.5970630852073, 93.72391159439974)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': '9fb86d1764f2125fcbf846fb8f2d82f3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The semiconductor industry is highly cyclical and has experienced significant downturns, often in conjunction with constant and rapid technological change, wide fluctuations in supply and demand, continuous new product introductions, price erosion and declines in general economic conditions. We have incurred substantial losses in previous downturns, due to substantial declines in average selling prices; the cyclical nature of supply and demand imbalances in the semiconductor industry; a decline in demand for end-user products (such as PCs) that incorporate our products; and excess inventory levels.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 123.73435874396307), (23.801670112263704, 160.5451731575988), (588.5978448156226, 160.5451731575988), (588.5978448156226, 123.73435874396307)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': '9fb86d1764f2125fcbf846fb8f2d82f3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Industry-wide fluctuations in the computer marketplace have materially adversely affected us in the past and may materially adversely affect us in the future. Global economic uncertainty and weakness have in the past impacted the semiconductor market as consumers and businesses have deferred purchases, which negatively impacted demand for our products. Our financial performance has been, and may in the future be, negatively affected by these downturns. In the second half of 2022, we experienced a decline in our Client segment revenue as a result of weak PC market macroeconomic conditions and inventory correction actions across the PC supply chain.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 172.9514920692494), (23.801670112263704, 219.36564957074484), (588.596929136859, 219.36564957074484), (588.596929136859, 172.9514920692494)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': '9fb86d1764f2125fcbf846fb8f2d82f3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The growth of our business is also dependent on continued demand for our products from high-growth adjacent emerging global markets. Our ability to be successful in such markets depends in part on our ability to establish adequate local infrastructure, as well as our ability to cultivate and maintain local relationships in these markets. If demand from these markets is below our expectations, sales of our products may decrease, which would have a material adverse effect on us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 231.77196848239726), (23.801670112263704, 268.5827828960312), (588.5939983165902, 268.5827828960312), (588.5939983165902, 231.77196848239726)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': '9fb86d1764f2125fcbf846fb8f2d82f3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The demand for our products depends in part on the market conditions in the industries into which they are sold. Fluctuations in demand for our products or a market decline in any of these industries could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 280.9891018076818), (23.801670112263704, 298.59323004559633), (588.5907417973198, 298.59323004559633), (588.5907417973198, 280.9891018076818)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': '9fb86d1764f2125fcbf846fb8f2d82f3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Industry-wide fluctuations in the computer marketplace have materially adversely affected us in the past and may materially adversely affect us in the future. Our Client segment revenue is focused on the consumer desktop and notebook PC segments, which in the second half of 2022 experienced a decline as a result of weak PC market macroeconomic conditions and inventory correction actions across the PC supply chain. In the past, revenues from the Client and Gaming segments have experienced a decline driven by, among other factors, the adoption of smaller and other form factors, increased competition and changes in replacement cycles. The success of our semi-custom SoC products is dependent on securing customers for our semi-custom design pipeline and consumer market conditions, including the success of the Sony PlayStation® 5, Microsoft® Xbox Series S and Microsoft® Xbox Series X game console systems and next generation consoles for Sony and Microsoft, worldwide. In addition, the GPU market has at times seen elevated demand due to the application of GPU products to cryptocurrency mining. For example, our GPU revenue has been affected in part by the volatility of the cryptocurrency mining market. Demand for cryptocurrency has changed and is likely to continue to change quickly. For example, China has banned such activities, and corresponding interest in mining of such currencies are subject to significant fluctuations. Alternatively, countries have created and may continue to create their own cryptocurrencies or equivalents that could also impact interest in mining. If we are unable to manage the risks related to the volatility of the cryptocurrency mining market, our GPU business could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 310.99954895724693), (23.801670112263704, 424.6371080737674), (588.5966874407699, 424.6371080737674), (588.5966874407699, 310.99954895724693)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': '9fb86d1764f2125fcbf846fb8f2d82f3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='TM', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((373.86416084824583, 358.2431261203434), (373.86416084824583, 363.41692714890746), (381.3304504746115, 363.41692714890746), (381.3304504746115, 358.2431261203434)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': '9fb86d1764f2125fcbf846fb8f2d82f3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='TM', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((493.8590551217885, 358.2431261203434), (493.8590551217885, 363.41692714890746), (501.3253447481542, 363.41692714890746), (501.3253447481542, 358.2431261203434)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': '9fb86d1764f2125fcbf846fb8f2d82f3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The loss of a significant customer may have a material adverse effect on us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 437.043426985418), (23.801670112263704, 445.04421213547107), (313.08297073641984, 445.04421213547107), (313.08297073641984, 437.043426985418)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': 'f15a72ceca4e1cae260423a26fb3c8f4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We depend on a small number of customers for a substantial portion of our business and we expect that a small number of customers will continue to account for a significant part of our revenue in the future. If one of our key customers decides to stop buying our products, or if one of these customers materially reduces its operations or its demand for our products, our business would be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 457.4505310471235), (23.801670112263704, 484.6580023728977), (588.5951854779107, 484.6580023728977), (588.5951854779107, 457.4505310471235)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': 'f15a72ceca4e1cae260423a26fb3c8f4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='17', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 532.4766489210346), (301.74530504194826, 540.4774340710876), (310.64399456981226, 540.4774340710876), (310.64399456981226, 532.4766489210346)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 20, 'parent_id': 'f15a72ceca4e1cae260423a26fb3c8f4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92534427286614), (23.801670112263704, 27.1278515887617), (79.85673046881709, 27.1278515887617), (79.85673046881709, 19.92534427286614)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 21, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10835142904796), (23.801670112263704, 62.109136579101005), (579.7477733718142, 62.109136579101005), (579.7477733718142, 54.10835142904796)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 21, 'parent_id': 'd20102fbfac1c5457f644741a76ae5b3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The COVID-19 pandemic has caused government authorities to implement numerous public health measures, including at various times vaccination and testing requirements and recordkeeping, quarantines, business closures, travel bans, and restrictions related to social gathering and mobility, to contain the virus. Various state and federal rules are issued and updated on an ongoing basis, at times in conflict and/or with minimal notice. We have experienced and expect to continue to experience disruptions to our business as these changing measures have, and will continue to have, an effect on our business operations and practices.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 74.5154554907516), (23.801670112263704, 120.92961299224703), (588.5959765452458, 120.92961299224703), (588.5959765452458, 74.5154554907516)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 21, 'parent_id': 'd20102fbfac1c5457f644741a76ae5b3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='While our employees gradually return to office, we continue to monitor our operations and public health measures implemented by governmental authorities in response to COVID-19. Although some public health measures have eased, our efforts to reopen our offices safely may not be successful and could expose our employees to health risks. It is uncertain as to when all health measures put in place to attempt to contain the spread of COVID-19 will be lifted. If there are further waves of the virus, health measures may be reimplemented and we may need to further limit operations or modify our business practices in a manner that may impact our business. If our employees are not able to perform their job duties due to self-isolation, quarantine, lockdown measures, unavailability of COVID 19 tests, travel restrictions or illness, a reluctance or refusal to vaccinate, or are unable to perform them as efficiently at home for an extended period of time, we may not be able to meet our product schedules, roadmaps and customer commitments and we may experience an overall lower productivity of our workforce. Even when COVID-19 health measures are lifted or modified, our employees’ ability or willingness to return to work may delay the return of our full workforce and the resumption of normal business operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 133.33593190389763), (23.801670112263704, 218.16346175683543), (588.5977181339712, 218.16346175683543), (588.5977181339712, 133.33593190389763)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 21, 'parent_id': 'd20102fbfac1c5457f644741a76ae5b3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='COVID-19 continues to impact the global supply chain causing disruptions to service providers, logistics and the flow and availability of supplies and products. We have experienced some disruptions to parts of our supply chain as a result of COVID-19 and we adjust our supply chain requirements based on changing customer needs and demands. We have taken efforts to maintain a stable supply of materials to meet our production requirements through long-term purchase commitments and prepayment arrangements with some of our suppliers. If we are unable to procure a stable supply of equipment, materials or substrates at a reasonable cost, it could have a material adverse effect on our business. We may also assess our product schedules and roadmaps to make any adjustments that may be necessary to support remote working requirements and address the geographic and market demand shifts caused by COVID-19. If the supply of our products to customers is delayed, reduced or canceled due to disruptions encountered by our third-party manufacturers, back-end manufacturers, warehouses, partners, suppliers or vendors as a result of facility closures, border and port restrictions or closures, transportation delays, lockdown measures, labor shortages or workforce mobility limitations, it could have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 230.56978066848785), (23.801670112263704, 315.39731052142565), (588.5970023623498, 315.39731052142565), (588.5970023623498, 230.56978066848785)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 21, 'parent_id': 'd20102fbfac1c5457f644741a76ae5b3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='COVID-19 has in the short-term and may in the long-term adversely impact the global economy, creating uncertainty and potentially leading to an economic downturn. This could negatively impact consumer confidence and spending causing our customers to postpone or cancel purchases, or delay paying or default on payment of outstanding amounts due to us, which may have a material adverse effect on our business. Even in times of strong demand for our products, the worldwide economic environment remains uncertain due to COVID-19 and such demand may not be sustainable over the longer term.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 327.80362943307625), (23.801670112263704, 364.614443846712), (588.5982845286941, 364.614443846712), (588.5982845286941, 327.80362943307625)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 21, 'parent_id': 'd20102fbfac1c5457f644741a76ae5b3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='COVID-19 has also led to a disruption and volatility in the global capital and financial markets. While we believe our cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments along with our Revolving Credit Agreement and cash flows from operations will be sufficient to fund operations, including capital expenditures, and purchase commitments, over the next 12 months and beyond, to the extent we may require additional funding to finance our operations and capital expenditures and such funding may not be available to us as a result of contracting capital and financial markets resulting from COVID-19, it may have an adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 377.0207627583626), (23.801670112263704, 423.434920259858), (588.5987200327494, 423.434920259858), (588.5987200327494, 377.0207627583626)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 21, 'parent_id': 'd20102fbfac1c5457f644741a76ae5b3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The extent to which COVID-19 impacts our business and financial results will depend on future developments, which are unpredictable and highly uncertain, including the continued spread, duration and severity of the outbreak, the appearances of new variants of COVID-19, the breadth and duration of business disruptions related to COVID-19, the availability and distribution of effective treatments and vaccines, and public health measures and actions taken throughout the world to contain COVID-19. The prolonged effect of COVID-19 could materially adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 435.8412391715086), (23.801670112263704, 472.65205358514436), (588.5960941835172, 472.65205358514436), (588.5960941835172, 435.8412391715086)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 21, 'parent_id': 'd20102fbfac1c5457f644741a76ae5b3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='18', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 509.66693915943904), (301.74530504194826, 517.6677243094921), (310.64399456981226, 517.6677243094921), (310.64399456981226, 509.66693915943904)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 21, 'parent_id': 'd20102fbfac1c5457f644741a76ae5b3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.924294344908276), (23.801670112263704, 27.126801660803835), (79.85673046881709, 27.126801660803835), (79.85673046881709, 19.924294344908276)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 22, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The markets in which our products are sold are highly competitive.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10730150109009), (23.801670112263704, 62.10808665114314), (278.5180203064218, 62.10808665114314), (278.5180203064218, 54.10730150109009)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 22, 'parent_id': '4623aaef2870b391cac6cf3cd8b8a6a7', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The markets in which our products are sold are very competitive and delivering the latest and best products to market on a timely basis is critical to achieving revenue growth. We believe that the main factors that determine our product competitiveness are timely product introductions, product quality, product features and capabilities (including enabling state-of-the-art visual and virtual reality (VR) experiences), energy efficiency (including power consumption and battery life), reliability, processor clock speed, performance, size (or form factor), selling price, cost, adherence to industry standards (and the creation of open industry standards), level of integration, software and hardware compatibility, ease of use and functionality of software design tools, completeness of applicable software solutions, security and stability, brand recognition and availability.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 74.51440556279374), (23.801670112263704, 130.53190615215067), (588.5983210213981, 130.53190615215067), (588.5983210213981, 74.51440556279374)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 22, 'parent_id': '4623aaef2870b391cac6cf3cd8b8a6a7', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We expect that competition will continue to be intense due to rapid technological changes, frequent product introductions by our competitors or new competitors of products that may provide better performance/experience or that may include additional features that render our products comparatively less competitive. We may also face aggressive pricing by competitors, especially during challenging economic times. In addition, our competitors have significant marketing and sales resources which could increase the competitive environment in a declining market, leading to lower prices and margins. Some competitors may have greater access or rights to complementary technologies, including interface, processor and memory technical information. For instance, with our APU products and other competing solutions with integrated graphics, we believe that demand for additional discrete graphics chips and cards may decrease in the future due to improvements in the quality and performance of integrated graphics. If competitors introduce competitive new products into the market before us, demand for our products could be adversely impacted and our business could be adversely affected. In addition, Intel is expanding its position in integrated graphics for the PC market with high-end discrete graphics solutions for a broad range of computing segments, which may negatively impact our ability to compete in these computing segments. We also face competition from companies that use competing computing architectures and platforms like the ARM architecture. Increased adoption of ARM-based semiconductor designs could lead to further growth and development of the ARM ecosystem.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 142.93822506380127), (23.801670112263704, 246.97244109246026), (588.5982481560319, 246.97244109246026), (588.5982481560319, 142.93822506380127)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 22, 'parent_id': '4623aaef2870b391cac6cf3cd8b8a6a7', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition, we are entering markets with current and new competitors who may be able to adapt more quickly to customer requirements and emerging technologies. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to compete successfully against current or new competitors who may have stronger positions in these new markets or superior ability to anticipate customer requirements and emerging industry trends. Furthermore, we may face competition from some of our customers who internally develop the same products as us. We may face delays or disruptions in research and development efforts, or we may be required to invest significantly greater resources in research and development than anticipated. Also, the semiconductor industry has seen several mergers and acquisitions over the last number of years. Further consolidation could adversely impact our business due to there being fewer suppliers, customers and partners in the industry.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 259.37876000411086), (23.801670112263704, 326.20002156731175), (588.5972220988441, 326.20002156731175), (588.5972220988441, 259.37876000411086)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 22, 'parent_id': '4623aaef2870b391cac6cf3cd8b8a6a7', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our operating results are subject to quarterly and seasonal sales patterns.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 338.60634047896053), (23.801670112263704, 346.6071256290136), (306.99339959262716, 346.6071256290136), (306.99339959262716, 338.60634047896053)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 22, 'parent_id': '4623aaef2870b391cac6cf3cd8b8a6a7', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The profile of our sales may be weighted differently during the year. A large portion of our quarterly sales have historically been made in the last month of the quarter. This uneven sales pattern makes prediction of revenue for each financial period difficult and increases the risk of unanticipated variations in quarterly results and financial condition. In addition, our operating results tend to vary seasonally with the markets in which our products are sold. For example, historically, our net revenue has been generally higher in the second half of the year than in the first half of the year, although market conditions and product transitions could impact these trends. Many of the factors that create and affect quarterly and seasonal trends are beyond our control.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 359.013444540666), (23.801670112263704, 405.4276020421614), (588.5981382577748, 405.4276020421614), (588.5981382577748, 359.013444540666)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 22, 'parent_id': '4623aaef2870b391cac6cf3cd8b8a6a7', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If we cannot adequately protect our technology or other intellectual property in the United States and abroad, through patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks and other measures, we may lose a competitive advantage and incur significant expenses.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 417.83392095381384), (23.801670112263704, 435.4380491917266), (588.5908473997023, 435.4380491917266), (588.5908473997023, 417.83392095381384)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 22, 'parent_id': '4623aaef2870b391cac6cf3cd8b8a6a7', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We rely on a combination of protections provided by contracts, including confidentiality and nondisclosure agreements, copyrights, patents, trademarks and common law rights, such as trade secrets, to protect our intellectual property. However, we cannot assure you that we will be able to adequately protect our technology or other intellectual property from third-party infringement or from misappropriation in the United States and abroad. Any patent licensed by us or issued to us could be challenged, invalidated, expire, or circumvented or rights granted thereunder may not provide a competitive advantage to us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 447.844368103379), (23.801670112263704, 484.6551825170111), (588.5960327472593, 484.6551825170111), (588.5960327472593, 447.844368103379)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 22, 'parent_id': '4623aaef2870b391cac6cf3cd8b8a6a7', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='19', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 510.86630711746363), (301.74530504194826, 518.8670922675167), (310.64399456981226, 518.8670922675167), (310.64399456981226, 510.86630711746363)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 22, 'parent_id': '4623aaef2870b391cac6cf3cd8b8a6a7', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.925404416863103), (23.801670112263704, 27.127911732758662), (79.85673046881709, 27.127911732758662), (79.85673046881709, 19.925404416863103)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 23, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Furthermore, patent applications that we file may not result in issuance of a patent or, if a patent is issued, the patent may not be issued in a form that is advantageous to us. Despite our efforts to protect our intellectual property rights, others may independently develop similar products, duplicate our products or design around our patents and other rights. In addition, it is difficult to monitor compliance with, and enforce, our intellectual property on a worldwide basis in a cost-effective manner. In jurisdictions where foreign laws provide less intellectual property protection than afforded in the United States and abroad, our technology or other intellectual property may be compromised, and our business would be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10841157304492), (23.801670112263704, 100.52256907454034), (588.5977178938874, 100.52256907454034), (588.5977178938874, 54.10841157304492)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 23, 'parent_id': '2a419bb81170b0a68b29cae98ac2349a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Unfavorable currency exchange rate fluctuations could adversely affect us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 112.92888798619276), (23.801670112263704, 120.92967313624581), (309.5206220219478, 120.92967313624581), (309.5206220219478, 112.92888798619276)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 23, 'parent_id': '2a419bb81170b0a68b29cae98ac2349a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We have costs, assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies. As a consequence, movements in exchange rates could cause our foreign currency denominated expenses to increase as a percentage of revenue, affecting our profitability and cash flows. Whenever we believe appropriate, we hedge a portion of our foreign currency exposure to protect against fluctuations in currency exchange rates. We determine our total foreign currency exposure using projections of long-term expenditures for items such as payroll. We cannot assure you that these activities will be effective in reducing foreign exchange rate exposure. Failure to do so could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flow. In addition, the majority of our product sales are denominated in U.S. dollars. Fluctuations in the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the local currency can cause increases or decreases in the cost of our products in the local currency of such customers. An appreciation of the U.S. dollar relative to the local currency could reduce sales of our products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 133.3359920478946), (23.801670112263704, 208.5601788129727), (588.5990173237929, 208.5601788129727), (588.5990173237929, 133.3359920478946)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 23, 'parent_id': '2a419bb81170b0a68b29cae98ac2349a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Operational and Technology Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 220.96649772462513), (23.801670112263704, 228.96728287467818), (154.78506225166996, 228.96728287467818), (154.78506225166996, 220.96649772462513)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 23, 'parent_id': '2a419bb81170b0a68b29cae98ac2349a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We rely on third parties to manufacture our products, and if they are unable to do so on a timely basis in sufficient quantities and using competitive technologies, our business could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 241.37360178632696), (23.801670112263704, 258.97773002424333), (588.5984671122546, 258.97773002424333), (588.5984671122546, 241.37360178632696)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 23, 'parent_id': '944c478fd5c6d57480f8a61857d8df09', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We utilize third-party wafer foundries to fabricate the silicon wafers for all of our products. We rely on Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC) for the production of all wafers for microprocessor and GPU products at 7 nanometer (nm) or smaller nodes, and we rely primarily on GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. (GF) for wafers for microprocessor and GPU products manufactured at process nodes larger than 7 nm. We also utilize TSMC, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. for our integrated circuits (IC) in the form of programmable logic devices. We also rely on third-party manufacturers to assemble, test, mark and pack (ATMP) our products. Our third-party package assembly partners are responsible for packaging technology used to fabricate our products. It is important to have reliable relationships with all of these third-party manufacturing suppliers to ensure adequate product supply to respond to customer demand.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 271.3840489358921), (23.801670112263704, 337.00489261311054), (588.5986876290204, 337.00489261311054), (588.5986876290204, 271.3840489358921)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 23, 'parent_id': '944c478fd5c6d57480f8a61857d8df09', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We cannot guarantee that these manufacturers or our other third-party manufacturing suppliers will be able to meet our near-term or long-term manufacturing requirements. If we experience supply constraints from our third-party manufacturing suppliers, we may be required to allocate the reduced quantities of affected products amongst our customers, which could have a material adverse effect on our relationships with these customers and on our financial condition. In addition, if we are unable to meet customer demand due to fluctuating or late supply from our manufacturing suppliers, it could result in lost sales and have a material adverse effect on our business. For example, if TSMC is not able to manufacture wafers for our microprocessor and GPU products at 7 nm or smaller nodes and our newest IC products in sufficient quantities to meet customer demand, it could have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 349.4112115247593), (23.801670112263704, 405.42871211411807), (588.5966070620583, 405.42871211411807), (588.5966070620583, 349.4112115247593)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 23, 'parent_id': '944c478fd5c6d57480f8a61857d8df09', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We do not have long-term commitment contracts with some of our third-party manufacturing suppliers. We obtain some of these manufacturing services on a purchase order basis and these manufacturers are not required to provide us with any specified minimum quantity of product beyond the quantities in an existing purchase order. Accordingly, we depend on these suppliers to allocate to us a portion of their manufacturing capacity sufficient to meet our needs, to produce products of acceptable quality and at acceptable manufacturing yields and to deliver those products to us on a timely basis and at acceptable prices. The manufacturers we use also fabricate wafers and ATMP products for other companies, including certain of our competitors. They could choose to prioritize capacity for other customers, increase the prices that they charge us on short notice, require onerous prepayments, or reduce or eliminate deliveries to us, which could have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 417.83503102576685), (23.801670112263704, 483.4558747029853), (588.5953612083554, 483.4558747029853), (588.5953612083554, 417.83503102576685)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 23, 'parent_id': '944c478fd5c6d57480f8a61857d8df09', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='20', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 520.47076027728), (301.74530504194826, 528.471545427333), (310.64399456981226, 528.471545427333), (310.64399456981226, 520.47076027728)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 23, 'parent_id': '944c478fd5c6d57480f8a61857d8df09', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.924594488897355), (23.801670112263704, 27.127101804792915), (79.85673046881709, 27.127101804792915), (79.85673046881709, 19.924594488897355)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 24, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Other risks associated with our dependence on third-party manufacturers include limited control over delivery schedules, yield, cycle times, quality assurance, price increases, lack of capacity in periods of excess demand, misappropriation of our intellectual property, dependence on several subcontractors, and limited ability to manage inventory and parts. Moreover, if any of our third-party manufacturers (or their subcontractors) suffer any damage to facilities, lose benefits under material agreements, experience power outages, lack sufficient capacity to manufacture our products, encounter financial difficulties, are unable to secure necessary raw materials from their suppliers, suffer any other disruption or reduction in efficiency, or experience uncertain social, economic or political circumstances or conditions, we may encounter supply delays or disruptions. If we are unable to secure sufficient or reliable supplies of products, our ability to meet customer demand may be adversely affected and this could materially affect our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10760164507917), (23.801670112263704, 119.7284453222976), (588.5986235755009, 119.7284453222976), (588.5986235755009, 54.10760164507917)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 24, 'parent_id': 'df0c0e563da53bfa63e118bd4d436e62', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If we transition the production of some of our products to new manufacturers, we may experience delayed product introductions, lower yields or poorer performance of our products. If we experience problems with product quality or are unable to secure sufficient capacity from a particular third-party manufacturer, or if we for other reasons cease utilizing one of those manufacturers, we may be unable to timely secure an alternative supply for any specific product. We could experience significant delays in the shipment of our products if we are required to find alternative third-party manufacturers, which could have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 132.13476423395002), (23.801670112263704, 178.54892173544545), (588.5955195085919, 178.54892173544545), (588.5955195085919, 132.13476423395002)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 24, 'parent_id': 'df0c0e563da53bfa63e118bd4d436e62', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are a party to a wafer supply agreement (WSA) with GF that governs the terms by which we purchase products manufactured by GF and this agreement is in place through 2025. In May 2021, we entered into an amendment to the WSA, and in December 2021, we further amended these terms (the Amendment). Under the Amendment, GF will provide a minimum annual capacity allocation to us for years 2022 through 2025 and AMD has corresponding annual wafer purchase targets. If we do not meet the annual wafer purchase target for any of these years, we will be required to pay to GF a portion of the difference between the actual wafer purchases and the wafer purchase target for that year. AMD and GF also have agreed to wafer pricing through 2025, and AMD was obligated in 2022 and is obligated in 2023 to pre-pay GF certain amounts for those wafers. The Amendment no longer includes any exclusivity commitments and provides us with full flexibility to contract with any wafer foundry with respect to all products manufactured at any technology node. If our actual wafer requirements are less than the number of wafers required to meet the applicable annual wafer purchase target, we could have excess inventory or higher inventory unit costs, both of which may adversely impact our gross margin and our results of operations. If GF fails to meet its minimum annual capacity allocation obligations, we could experience significant delays in the shipment of our products, which could have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 190.95524064709423), (23.801670112263704, 285.38611358789535), (588.5968705044975, 285.38611358789535), (588.5968705044975, 190.95524064709423)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 24, 'parent_id': 'df0c0e563da53bfa63e118bd4d436e62', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are party to two ATMP joint ventures (collectively, the ATMP JVs) with affiliates of Tongfu Microelectronics Co., Ltd. The majority of our ATMP services are provided by the ATMP JVs and there is no guarantee that the ATMP JVs will be able to fulfill our long-term ATMP requirements. If we are unable to meet customer demand due to fluctuating or late supply from the ATMP JVs, it could result in lost sales and have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 297.79243249954413), (23.801670112263704, 324.9999038253202), (588.5899391008273, 324.9999038253202), (588.5899391008273, 297.79243249954413)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 24, 'parent_id': 'df0c0e563da53bfa63e118bd4d436e62', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If essential equipment, materials, substrates or manufacturing processes are not available to manufacture our products, we could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 337.4062227369726), (23.801670112263704, 355.01035097488534), (588.5915431619088, 355.01035097488534), (588.5915431619088, 337.4062227369726)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 24, 'parent_id': 'df0c0e563da53bfa63e118bd4d436e62', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We may purchase equipment, materials and substrates for use by our back-end manufacturing service providers from a number of suppliers and our operations depend upon obtaining deliveries of adequate supplies of equipment and materials on a timely basis. Our third-party suppliers also depend on the same timely delivery of adequate quantities of equipment and materials in the manufacture of our products. In addition, as many of our products increase in technical complexity, we rely on our third-party suppliers to update their processes in order to continue meeting our back-end manufacturing needs. Certain equipment and materials that are used in the manufacture of our products are available only from a limited number of suppliers, or in some cases, a sole supplier. We also depend on a limited number of suppliers to provide the majority of certain types of integrated circuit packages for our microprocessors, including our APU products. Similarly, certain non-proprietary materials or components such as memory, printed circuit boards (PCBs), interposers, substrates and capacitors used in the manufacture of our products are currently available from only a limited number of suppliers. If we are unable to procure a stable supply of equipment, materials or substrates on an ongoing basis and at reasonable costs to meet our production requirements, we could experience a shortage in equipment, materials or substrate supply or an increase in production costs, which could have a material adverse effect on our business. We have long-term purchase commitments and prepayment arrangements with some of our suppliers. If the delivery of such supply is delayed or does not occur for any reason, it could materially impact our ability to procure and process the required volume of supply to meet customer demand. Conversely, a decrease in customer demand could result in excess inventory and an increase in our production costs, particularly since we have prepayment arrangements with certain suppliers.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 367.4166698865341), (23.801670112263704, 490.65757209091794), (588.597895901455, 490.65757209091794), (588.597895901455, 367.4166698865341)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 24, 'parent_id': 'df0c0e563da53bfa63e118bd4d436e62', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='21', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 516.8686966913668), (301.74530504194826, 524.8694818414199), (310.64399456981226, 524.8694818414199), (310.64399456981226, 516.8686966913668)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 24, 'parent_id': 'df0c0e563da53bfa63e118bd4d436e62', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.925464560860064), (23.801670112263704, 27.127971876755623), (79.85673046881709, 27.127971876755623), (79.85673046881709, 19.925464560860064)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 25, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Because some of the equipment and materials that we and our third-party manufacturers purchase are complex, it is sometimes difficult to substitute one equipment or materials supplier for another. From time to time, suppliers may extend lead times, limit supply or increase prices due to capacity constraints or other factors. Also, some of these materials and components may be subject to rapid changes in price and availability. Interruption of supply or increased demand in the industry could cause shortages and price increases in various essential materials. Dependence on a sole supplier or a limited number of suppliers exacerbates these risks. If we are unable to procure certain of these materials for our back-end manufacturing operations, or our third-party manufacturers are unable to procure materials for manufacturing our products, our business would be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10847171704188), (23.801670112263704, 110.12597230639699), (588.5976615718321, 110.12597230639699), (588.5976615718321, 54.10847171704188)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 25, 'parent_id': 'a107263ee80b049519ef4e6a9b5f21e3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Failure to achieve expected manufacturing yields for our products could negatively impact our financial results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 122.53229121804941), (23.801670112263704, 130.53307636810246), (448.7766432229679, 130.53307636810246), (448.7766432229679, 122.53229121804941)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 25, 'parent_id': 'a107263ee80b049519ef4e6a9b5f21e3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Semiconductor manufacturing yields are a result of product design, process technology and packaging technology, which is typically proprietary to the manufacturer, and low yields can result from design failures, packaging technology failures, process technology failures or a combination of some or all of these. Our third-party manufacturers are responsible for the process technologies used to fabricate silicon wafers. If our third-party manufacturers experience manufacturing inefficiencies or encounter disruptions, errors or difficulties during production, we may fail to achieve acceptable yields or we may experience product delivery delays. We cannot be certain that our third-party manufacturers will be able to develop, obtain or successfully implement leading-edge process or packaging technologies needed to manufacture future generations of our products profitably or on a timely basis or that our competitors will not develop new technologies, products or processes earlier. Moreover, during periods when our third-party manufacturers are implementing new process or packaging technologies, their manufacturing facilities may not be fully productive. A substantial delay in the technology transitions to smaller process technologies could have a material adverse effect on us, particularly if our competitors transition to more cost effective technologies before us. For example, we are presently focusing our 7 nm and lower product microprocessor and GPU portfolio on TSMC’s processes. If TSMC is not able to manufacture wafers for our products at 7 nm or smaller nodes in sufficient quantities to meet customer demand, it could have a material adverse effect on our business. Moreover, we rely on TSMC, UMC and our other foundries to produce wafers with competitive performance attributes for our IC products. Therefore, the foundries, particularly TSMC which manufactures our newest IC products, must be able to transition to advanced manufacturing process technologies and increased wafer sizes, produce wafers at acceptable yields and deliver them in a timely manner.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 142.93939527975488), (23.801670112263704, 275.78364057199474), (588.5989439182389, 275.78364057199474), (588.5989439182389, 142.93939527975488)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 25, 'parent_id': 'a107263ee80b049519ef4e6a9b5f21e3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Any decrease in manufacturing yields could result in an increase in per unit costs, which would adversely impact our gross margin and/or force us to allocate our reduced product supply amongst our customers, which could harm our relationships and reputation with our customers and materially adversely affect our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 288.18995948364716), (23.801670112263704, 315.3974308094196), (588.5954468232887, 315.3974308094196), (588.5954468232887, 288.18995948364716)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 25, 'parent_id': 'a107263ee80b049519ef4e6a9b5f21e3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The success of our business is dependent upon our ability to introduce products on a timely basis with features and performance levels that provide value to our customers while supporting and coinciding with significant industry transitions.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 327.803749721072), (23.801670112263704, 345.4078779589847), (588.5962878360602, 345.4078779589847), (588.5962878360602, 327.803749721072)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 25, 'parent_id': 'a107263ee80b049519ef4e6a9b5f21e3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our success depends to a significant extent on the development, qualification, implementation and acceptance of new product designs and improvements that provide value to our customers. Our ability to develop, qualify and distribute, and have manufactured, new products and related technologies to meet evolving industry requirements, at prices acceptable to our customers and on a timely basis, are significant factors in determining our competitiveness in our target markets. As consumers have new product feature preferences or have different requirements than those consumers in the PC market, PC sales could be negatively impacted, which could adversely impact our business. We cannot assure you that our efforts to execute our product roadmap will result in innovative products and technologies that provide value to our customers. If we fail to or are delayed in developing, qualifying or shipping new products or technologies that provide value to our customers and address these new trends or if we fail to predict which new form factors consumers will adopt and adjust our business accordingly, we may lose competitive positioning, which could cause us to lose market share and require us to discount the selling prices of our products. Although we make substantial investments in research and development, we cannot be certain that we will be able to develop, obtain or successfully implement new products and technologies on a timely basis or that they will be well-received by our customers. Moreover, our investments in new products and technologies involve certain risks and uncertainties and could disrupt our ongoing business. New investments may not generate sufficient revenue, may incur unanticipated liabilities and may divert our limited resources and distract management from our current operations. We cannot be certain that our ongoing investments in new products and', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 357.81419687063715), (23.801670112263704, 481.0550990750173), (588.5986285164914, 481.0550990750173), (588.5986285164914, 357.81419687063715)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 25, 'parent_id': 'a107263ee80b049519ef4e6a9b5f21e3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='22', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 507.2662236754662), (301.74530504194826, 515.2670088255193), (310.64399456981226, 515.2670088255193), (310.64399456981226, 507.2662236754662)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 25, 'parent_id': 'a107263ee80b049519ef4e6a9b5f21e3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.924654632897955), (23.801670112263704, 27.127161948793514), (79.85673046881709, 27.127161948793514), (79.85673046881709, 19.924654632897955)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 26, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='technologies will be successful, will meet our expectations and will not adversely affect our reputation, financial condition and operating results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10766178907977), (23.801670112263704, 62.10844693913282), (528.3592063533479, 62.10844693913282), (528.3592063533479, 54.10766178907977)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 26, 'parent_id': 'be21e00a99610d0e667fd4c6a9272b9f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Delays in developing, qualifying or shipping new products can also cause us to miss our customers’ product design windows or, in some cases, breach contractual obligations or cause us to pay penalties. If our customers do not include our products in the initial design of their computer systems or products, they will typically not use our products in their systems or products until at least the next design configuration. The process of being qualified for inclusion in a customer’s system or product can be lengthy and could cause us to further miss a cycle in the demand of end-users, which also could result in a loss of market share and harm our business. We also depend on the success and timing of our customers’ platform launches. If our customers delay their product launches or if our customers do not effectively market their platforms with our products, it could result in a delay in bringing our products to market and cause us to miss a cycle in the demand of end-users, which could materially adversely affect our business. In addition, market demand requires that products incorporate new features and performance standards on an industry-wide basis. Over the life of a specific product, the sale price is typically reduced over time. The introduction of new products and enhancements to existing products is necessary to maintain the overall corporate average selling price. If we are unable to introduce new products with sufficiently high sale prices or to increase unit sales volumes capable of offsetting the reductions in the sale prices of existing products over time, our business could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 74.5147658507816), (23.801670112263704, 178.5489818794424), (588.598248096011, 178.5489818794424), (588.598248096011, 74.5147658507816)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 26, 'parent_id': 'be21e00a99610d0e667fd4c6a9272b9f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our revenue from our semi-custom SoC products is dependent upon our semi-custom SoC products being incorporated into customers’ products and the success of those products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 190.9553007910912), (23.801670112263704, 208.55942902900756), (588.594620193076, 208.55942902900756), (588.594620193076, 190.9553007910912)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 26, 'parent_id': 'be21e00a99610d0e667fd4c6a9272b9f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The revenue that we receive from our semi-custom SoC products is in the form of non-recurring engineering fees charged to third parties for design and development services and revenue received in connection with sales of our semi-custom SoC products to these third parties. As a result, our ability to generate revenue from our semi-custom products depends on our ability to secure customers for our semi-custom design pipeline, our customers’ desire to pursue the project and our semi-custom SoC products being incorporated into those customers’ products. Any revenue from sales of our semi-custom SoC products is directly related to sales of the third-party’s products and reflective of their success in the market. Moreover, we have no control over the marketing efforts of these third parties, and we cannot make any assurances that sales of their products will be successful in current or future years. Consequently, the semi- custom SoC product revenue expected by us may not be fully realized and our operating results may be adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 220.96574794065634), (23.801670112263704, 286.5865916178748), (588.5983036978164, 286.5865916178748), (588.5983036978164, 220.96574794065634)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 26, 'parent_id': 'be21e00a99610d0e667fd4c6a9272b9f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our products may be subject to security vulnerabilities that could have a material adverse effect on us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 298.9929105295272), (23.801670112263704, 306.99369567958024), (415.31704628541223, 306.99369567958024), (415.31704628541223, 298.9929105295272)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 26, 'parent_id': 'be21e00a99610d0e667fd4c6a9272b9f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The products that we sell are complex and have been and may in the future be subject to security vulnerabilities that could result in, among other things, the loss, corruption, theft or misuse of confidential data or system performance issues. Our efforts to prevent and address security vulnerabilities may decrease performance, be only partially effective or not successful at all. We may depend on vendors to create mitigations to their technology that we incorporate into our products and they may delay or decline to make such mitigations. We may also depend on third parties, such as customers and end users, to deploy our mitigations alone or as part of their own mitigations, and they may delay, decline or modify the implementation of such mitigations. Our relationships with our customers could be adversely affected as some of our customers may stop purchasing our products, reduce or delay future purchases of our products, or use competing products. Any of these actions by our customers could adversely affect our revenue. We have and may in the future be subject to claims and litigation related to security vulnerabilities. Actual or perceived security vulnerabilities of our products may subject us to adverse publicity, damage to our brand and reputation, and could materially harm our business or financial results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 318.7998056482396), (23.801670112263704, 403.6273355011774), (588.5977174737412, 403.6273355011774), (588.5977174737412, 318.7998056482396)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 26, 'parent_id': 'be21e00a99610d0e667fd4c6a9272b9f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='IT outages, data loss, data breaches and cyber-attacks could compromise our intellectual property or other sensitive information, be costly to remediate or cause significant damage to our business, reputation and operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 416.0336544128262), (23.801670112263704, 433.63778265074257), (588.5961107336774, 433.63778265074257), (588.5961107336774, 416.0336544128262)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 26, 'parent_id': 'be21e00a99610d0e667fd4c6a9272b9f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In the ordinary course of our business, we maintain sensitive data on our information technology (IT) assets, and also may maintain sensitive information on our business partners’ and third-party providers’ IT assets, including our intellectual property and proprietary or confidential business information relating to our business and that of our customers and business partners. The White House, SEC and other regulators have also increased their focus on companies’ cybersecurity vulnerabilities and risks. Maintaining the security of this information is important to our business and reputation. AMD and companies like AMD and our vendors and customers have been increasingly subject to cybersecurity attempts and threats. The increased prevalence of work-from-home arrangements at AMD', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 446.04410156239135), (23.801670112263704, 502.0616021517501), (588.599076043013, 502.0616021517501), (588.599076043013, 446.04410156239135)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 26, 'parent_id': 'be21e00a99610d0e667fd4c6a9272b9f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='23', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 528.272726752199), (301.74530504194826, 536.273511902252), (310.64399456981226, 536.273511902252), (310.64399456981226, 528.272726752199)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 26, 'parent_id': 'be21e00a99610d0e667fd4c6a9272b9f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.925764704847325), (23.801670112263704, 27.128272020742884), (79.85673046881709, 27.128272020742884), (79.85673046881709, 19.925764704847325)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 27, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='and our providers has presented additional operational risks and cybersecurity attack vectors to our IT systems. These threats can come from a variety of sources, all ranging in sophistication from an individual hacker or insider threat to a state-sponsored attack. Cyber threats may be generic, or they may be custom-crafted against our information systems. Cyber threats have and may come into our network through malicious code that is added to widely available open-source software, compromised commercial software or security vulnerabilities in our products or those of a third party that are being used by attackers prior to mitigations being put in place, such as zero-day attacks. Cyber-attacks have and may come into our IT system through the compromise of our users’ access credentials. Users’ access credentials can be compromised by phishing, vishing, smishing, multi-factor authentication (MFA) prompt bombing, hacking, or other social engineering, cybersecurity, or theft activities. Cyber-attacks have become increasingly more prevalent and much harder to detect, defend against or prevent and have and may cause a disruption to our business. Our network and storage applications, as well as those of our customers, business partners, and third-party providers, may be subject to unauthorized access by hackers or breached due to operator error, malfeasance or other system disruptions.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10877186102914), (23.801670112263704, 138.93630171396694), (588.5980721120678, 138.93630171396694), (588.5980721120678, 54.10877186102914)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 27, 'parent_id': 'a5ea6960c36927bc4fb04c8ddddc2560', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='It is often difficult to anticipate or immediately detect such incidents and the damage caused by such incidents. It also may not be possible to determine the root cause of such incidents or mitigate quickly enough to stop an attack. These data breaches and any unauthorized access, misuse or disclosure of our information or intellectual property could compromise our intellectual property and expose sensitive business information or personally identifiable information. Cyber-attacks on us or our customers, business partners or third-party providers could also cause us to incur significant remediation costs, result in product development delays, disrupt key business operations and divert attention of management and key information technology resources. These incidents could also subject us to liability, expose us to significant expense and cause significant harm to our reputation and business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 151.34262062561936), (23.801670112263704, 207.36012121497447), (588.5973397971363, 207.36012121497447), (588.5973397971363, 151.34262062561936)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 27, 'parent_id': 'a5ea6960c36927bc4fb04c8ddddc2560', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We also maintain confidential and personally identifiable information about our workers and consumers. The confidentiality and integrity of our worker and consumer data is important to our business and our workers and consumers have a high expectation that we adequately protect their personal information. In addition, many governments have enacted laws around personally identifiable information, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy Act, and failure to comply or a breach of personally identifiable information could result in sanctions or other actions by the governments or litigation by other entities.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 219.7664401266269), (23.801670112263704, 266.1805976281223), (588.5937789402216, 266.1805976281223), (588.5937789402216, 219.7664401266269)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 27, 'parent_id': 'a5ea6960c36927bc4fb04c8ddddc2560', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We anticipate ongoing and increasing costs related to enhancing and implementing information security controls, including costs related to upgrading application, computer, and network security components; training workers to maintain and monitor our security controls; investigating, responding to and remediating any data security breach, and addressing any related litigation; mitigating reputational harm; and complying with external regulations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 278.58691653977473), (23.801670112263704, 305.79438786554715), (588.5896756718041, 305.79438786554715), (588.5896756718041, 278.58691653977473)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 27, 'parent_id': 'a5ea6960c36927bc4fb04c8ddddc2560', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We often partner with third-party providers for certain worker services and we may provide certain limited worker information to such third parties based on the scope of the services provided to us. We also provide sensitive information to vendors, customers and contractors. If these third parties fail to adopt or adhere to adequate data security practices, or in the event of a breach of their networks, our workers’ data and sensitive information may be improperly accessed, used or disclosed.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 318.20070677719957), (23.801670112263704, 355.0115211908317), (588.5952439302102, 355.0115211908317), (588.5952439302102, 318.20070677719957)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 27, 'parent_id': 'a5ea6960c36927bc4fb04c8ddddc2560', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='A breach of data privacy may cause significant disruption of our business operations. Failure to adequately maintain and update our security systems could materially adversely affect our operations and our ability to maintain worker confidence. Failure to prevent unauthorized access to electronic and other confidential information, IT outages, data loss and data breaches could materially adversely affect our financial condition, our competitive position and operating results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 367.4178401024841), (23.801670112263704, 404.22865451611983), (588.5946772353823, 404.22865451611983), (588.5946772353823, 367.4178401024841)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 27, 'parent_id': 'a5ea6960c36927bc4fb04c8ddddc2560', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We may encounter difficulties in upgrading and operating our new enterprise resource planning system, which could materially adversely affect us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 416.6349734277686), (23.801670112263704, 424.63575857782166), (584.3686203876363, 424.63575857782166), (584.3686203876363, 416.6349734277686)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 27, 'parent_id': 'a5ea6960c36927bc4fb04c8ddddc2560', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are currently upgrading our enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to help us manage our operations and financial reporting. The adoption of a new ERP system is a major undertaking and poses several challenges, both financially and from a management and personnel perspective. Costs and risks inherent in the conversion to our upgraded and new system may include disruptions to business continuity, difficulty in maintaining effective internal controls, administrative and technical problems, interruptions or delays in sales processes, expenditure overruns, and data migration issues. If we do not properly address or mitigate these issues it could result in increased costs and the diversion of management’s attention and resources, negatively impacting our operating results and ability to effectively manage our business. Moreover, once our ERP system is upgraded, it may not operate as we expect it to', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 437.0420774894741), (23.801670112263704, 494.8602049078047), (588.6050535024091, 494.8602049078047), (588.6050535024091, 437.0420774894741)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 27, 'parent_id': 'a5ea6960c36927bc4fb04c8ddddc2560', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='24', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 521.0713295082536), (301.74530504194826, 529.0721146583066), (310.64399456981226, 529.0721146583066), (310.64399456981226, 521.0713295082536)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 27, 'parent_id': 'a5ea6960c36927bc4fb04c8ddddc2560', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.924954776881577), (23.801670112263704, 27.127462092777137), (79.85673046881709, 27.127462092777137), (79.85673046881709, 19.924954776881577)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 28, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='and cause disruption to our operations. There are no assurances that our new ERP system will be successfully implemented and the failure to do so could have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10796193306339), (23.801670112263704, 71.71209017097613), (588.5955007596166, 71.71209017097613), (588.5955007596166, 54.10796193306339)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 28, 'parent_id': '81ef802c60feee6f651d4d9db22962aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Uncertainties involving the ordering and shipment of our products could materially adversely affect us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 84.11840908262491), (23.801670112263704, 92.11919423267796), (415.72324230919065, 92.11919423267796), (415.72324230919065, 84.11840908262491)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 28, 'parent_id': '81ef802c60feee6f651d4d9db22962aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We typically sell our products pursuant to individual purchase orders. We generally do not have long-term supply arrangements with our customers or minimum purchase requirements except that orders generally must be for standard pack quantities. Generally, our customers may cancel orders for standard products more than 30 days prior to shipment without incurring significant fees. We base our inventory levels in part on customers’ estimates of demand for their products, which may not accurately predict the quantity or type of our products that our customers will want in the future or ultimately end up purchasing. Our ability to forecast demand is even further complicated when our products are sold indirectly through downstream channel distributors and customers, as our forecasts for demand are then based on estimates provided by multiple parties throughout the downstream channel. For instance, we have experienced and continue to experience increased demand for our products. To the extent we fail to forecast demand and product mix accurately or are unable to increase production or secure sufficient capacity and there is a mismatch between supply and demand for our products, it could limit our ability to meet customer demand and have a material adverse effect on our business. Many of our markets are characterized by short product lifecycles, which can lead to rapid obsolescence and price erosion. In addition, our customers may change their inventory practices on short notice for any reason. For example, in the second half of 2022, we experienced a decline in our Client segment revenue as a result of weak PC market macroeconomic conditions and inventory correction actions across the PC supply chain. We may build inventories during periods of anticipated growth, and the cancellation or deferral of product orders or overproduction due to failure of anticipated orders to materialize could result in excess or obsolete inventory, which could result in write-downs of inventory and an adverse effect on gross margins. Our customers may also experience a shortage of, or delay in receiving certain components to build their products, which in turn may affect the demand for or the timing of our products. For instance, OEMs have and continue to experience industry-wide challenges securing matched component sets to build their products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 104.52551314433038), (23.801670112263704, 256.57644461229324), (588.5985970799471, 256.57644461229324), (588.5985970799471, 104.52551314433038)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 28, 'parent_id': '81ef802c60feee6f651d4d9db22962aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Excess or obsolete inventory have and may in the future result in write-downs of the value of our inventory. For example, in the third quarter of 2022, we recorded certain charges primarily for inventory, pricing and related reserves in the Gaming and Client segments. Other factors that may result in excess or obsolete inventory include, a reduction in the average selling price, or a reduction in our gross margin include: a sudden or significant decrease in demand for our products; a production or design defect in our products; a higher incidence of inventory obsolescence because of rapidly changing technology and customer requirements; a failure to accurately estimate customer demand for our products, including for our older products as our new products are introduced; or our competitors introducing new products or taking aggressive pricing actions.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 268.98276352394566), (23.801670112263704, 325.0002641133008), (588.598669945313, 325.0002641133008), (588.598669945313, 268.98276352394566)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 28, 'parent_id': '81ef802c60feee6f651d4d9db22962aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our ability to design and introduce new products in a timely manner includes use of third-party intellectual property.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 337.4065830249532), (23.801670112263704, 345.40736817500624), (466.2211681602447, 345.40736817500624), (466.2211681602447, 337.4065830249532)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 28, 'parent_id': '81ef802c60feee6f651d4d9db22962aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In the design and development of new and enhanced products, we rely on third-party intellectual property such as development and testing tools for software and hardware. Furthermore, certain product features may rely on intellectual property acquired from third parties. The design requirements necessary to meet customer demand for more features and greater functionality from semiconductor products may exceed the capabilities of the third-party intellectual property or development or testing tools available to us. If the third-party intellectual property that we use becomes unavailable, is not available with required functionality or performance in the time frame, manufacturing technology, or price point needed for our new products or fails to produce designs that meet customer demands, or laws are adopted that affect our use of third party intellectual property in certain regions or products, our business could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 357.813687086655), (23.801670112263704, 423.43453076387345), (588.5986874489575, 423.43453076387345), (588.5986874489575, 357.813687086655)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 28, 'parent_id': '81ef802c60feee6f651d4d9db22962aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We depend on third-party companies for the design, manufacture and supply of motherboards, software, memory and other computer platform components to support our business and products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 435.8408496755259), (23.801670112263704, 453.4449779134386), (588.5915606923912, 453.4449779134386), (588.5915606923912, 435.8408496755259)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 28, 'parent_id': '81ef802c60feee6f651d4d9db22962aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We depend on third-party companies for the design, manufacture and supply of motherboards, graphics cards, software (e.g., BIOS, operating systems, drivers), memory and other components that we use to design, support and sell, and our customers utilize to support and/or use our product offerings. We also rely on our AIB partners to support our products. In addition, our microprocessors are not designed to function with motherboards and chipsets designed to work with Intel microprocessors. If the designers, manufacturers, AIBs and suppliers of motherboards, graphics cards, software, memory and other components cease or reduce their design, manufacture or production', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 465.8512968250874), (23.801670112263704, 512.2654543265865), (588.5982485161575, 512.2654543265865), (588.5982485161575, 465.8512968250874)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 28, 'parent_id': '81ef802c60feee6f651d4d9db22962aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='25', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 538.4765789270353), (301.74530504194826, 546.4773640770884), (310.64399456981226, 546.4773640770884), (310.64399456981226, 538.4765789270353)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 28, 'parent_id': '81ef802c60feee6f651d4d9db22962aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.925824848844286), (23.801670112263704, 27.128332164739845), (79.85673046881709, 27.128332164739845), (79.85673046881709, 19.925824848844286)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='of current or future products that are based on, utilized in, or support our products, or laws are adopted that result in the same, our business could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.1088320050261), (23.801670112263704, 71.71296024293883), (588.5946727194109, 71.71296024293883), (588.5946727194109, 54.1088320050261)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'parent_id': '07a3698d03b0c032f4cdf8d30cd82f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If we lose Microsoft Corporation’s support for our products or other software vendors do not design and develop software to run on our products, our ability to sell our products could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 84.11927915459125), (23.801670112263704, 101.72340739250399), (588.5982910682894, 101.72340739250399), (588.5982910682894, 84.11927915459125)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'parent_id': '07a3698d03b0c032f4cdf8d30cd82f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our ability to innovate beyond the x86 instruction set controlled by Intel depends partially on Microsoft designing and developing its operating systems to run on or support our x86-based microprocessor products. With respect to our graphics products, we depend in part on Microsoft to design and develop its operating system to run on or support our graphics products. Similarly, the success of our products in the market, such as our APU products, is dependent on independent software providers designing and developing software to run on our products. If Microsoft does not continue to design and develop its operating systems so that they work with our x86 instruction sets or does not continue to develop and maintain their operating systems to support our graphics products, independent software providers may forego designing their software applications to take advantage of our innovations and customers may not purchase PCs with our products. In addition, some software drivers licensed for use with our products are certified by Microsoft. If Microsoft did not certify a driver, or if we otherwise fail to retain the support of Microsoft or other software vendors, our ability to market our products would be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 114.1297263041564), (23.801670112263704, 189.35391306923452), (588.597266091478, 189.35391306923452), (588.597266091478, 114.1297263041564)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'parent_id': '07a3698d03b0c032f4cdf8d30cd82f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our reliance on third-party distributors and AIB partners subjects us to certain risks.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 201.7602319808833), (23.801670112263704, 209.76101713093635), (345.34328544333397, 209.76101713093635), (345.34328544333397, 201.7602319808833)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'parent_id': '07a3698d03b0c032f4cdf8d30cd82f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We market and sell our products directly and through third-party distributors and AIB partners pursuant to agreements that can generally be terminated for convenience by either party upon prior notice to the other party. These agreements are non-exclusive and permit both our distributors and AIB partners to offer our competitors’ products. We are dependent on our distributors and AIB partners to supplement our direct marketing and sales efforts. If any significant distributor or AIB partner or a substantial number of our distributors or AIB partners terminated their relationship with us, decided to market our competitors’ products over our products or decided not to market our products at all, our ability to bring our products to market would be impacted and we would be materially adversely affected. In addition, if we are unable to collect accounts receivable from our significant distributors and/or AIB partners, it could have a material adverse effect on our business. If we are unable to manage the risks related to the use of our third-party distributors and AIB partners or offer appropriate incentives to focus them on the sale of our products, our business could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 222.16733604258877), (23.801670112263704, 297.3915228076669), (588.5946035897451, 297.3915228076669), (588.5946035897451, 222.16733604258877)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'parent_id': '07a3698d03b0c032f4cdf8d30cd82f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Additionally, distributors and AIB partners typically maintain an inventory of our products. In most instances, our agreements with distributors protect their inventory of our products against price reductions, as well as provide return rights for any product that we have removed from our price book that is less than 12 months older than the manufacturing date. Some agreements with our distributors also contain standard stock rotation provisions permitting limited levels of product returns. Our agreements with AIB partners protect their inventory of our products against price reductions. In the event of a significant decline in the price of our products, the price protection rights we offer would materially adversely affect us because our revenue and corresponding gross margin would decline.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 309.7978417193193), (23.801670112263704, 365.8153423086744), (588.5965989619199, 365.8153423086744), (588.5965989619199, 309.7978417193193)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'parent_id': '07a3698d03b0c032f4cdf8d30cd82f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our business is dependent upon the proper functioning of our internal business processes and information systems and modification or interruption of such systems may disrupt our business, processes and internal controls.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 378.2216612203232), (23.801670112263704, 395.82578945823957), (588.5905948061495, 395.82578945823957), (588.5905948061495, 378.2216612203232)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'parent_id': '07a3698d03b0c032f4cdf8d30cd82f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We rely upon a number of internal business processes and information systems to support key business functions, and the efficient operation of these processes and systems is critical to our business. Our business processes and information systems need to be sufficiently scalable to support the growth of our business and may require modifications or upgrades that expose us to a number of operational risks. As such, our information systems will continually evolve and adapt in order to meet our business needs. These changes may be costly and disruptive to our operations and could impose substantial demands on management time.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 408.23210836988835), (23.801670112263704, 454.6462658713838), (588.5950969990604, 454.6462658713838), (588.5950969990604, 408.23210836988835)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'parent_id': '07a3698d03b0c032f4cdf8d30cd82f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='These changes may also require changes in our information systems, modification of internal control procedures and significant training of employees and third- party resources. We continuously work on simplifying our information systems and applications through consolidation and standardization efforts. There can be no assurance that our business and operations will not experience any disruption in connection with this transition. Our information technology systems, and those of third-party information technology providers or business partners, may also be vulnerable to damage or disruption caused by circumstances beyond our control including catastrophic events,', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 467.0525847830362), (23.801670112263704, 513.4667422845316), (588.5989079657235, 513.4667422845316), (588.5989079657235, 467.0525847830362)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'parent_id': '07a3698d03b0c032f4cdf8d30cd82f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='26', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 539.6778668849842), (301.74530504194826, 547.6786520350372), (310.64399456981226, 547.6786520350372), (310.64399456981226, 539.6778668849842)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 29, 'parent_id': '07a3698d03b0c032f4cdf8d30cd82f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92501492087854), (23.801670112263704, 27.127522236774098), (79.85673046881709, 27.127522236774098), (79.85673046881709, 19.92501492087854)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='power anomalies or outages, natural disasters, viruses or malware, cyber-attacks, insider threat attacks, unauthorized system or data modifications, data breaches and computer system or network failures, exposing us to significant cost, reputational harm and disruption or damage to our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.108022077060355), (23.801670112263704, 71.71215031497309), (588.5907745343369, 71.71215031497309), (588.5907745343369, 54.108022077060355)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'parent_id': 'd46f1d36f103f32d3466a2e91abbe38f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition, as our IT environment continues to evolve, we are embracing new ways of communicating and sharing data internally and externally with customers and partners using methods such as mobility and the cloud that can promote business efficiency. However, these practices can also result in a more distributed IT environment, making it more difficult for us to maintain visibility and control over internal and external users, and meet scalability and administrative requirements. If our security controls cannot keep pace with the speed of these changes, or if we are not able to meet regulatory and compliance requirements, our business would be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 84.1184692266255), (23.801670112263704, 130.53262672812093), (588.5986141634456, 130.53262672812093), (588.5986141634456, 84.1184692266255)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'parent_id': 'd46f1d36f103f32d3466a2e91abbe38f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If our products are not compatible with some or all industry-standard software and hardware, we could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 142.9389456397697), (23.801670112263704, 150.93973078982276), (539.765007327605, 150.93973078982276), (539.765007327605, 142.9389456397697)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'parent_id': 'd46f1d36f103f32d3466a2e91abbe38f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our products may not be fully compatible with some or all industry-standard software and hardware. Further, we may be unsuccessful in correcting any such compatibility problems in a timely manner. If our customers are unable to achieve compatibility with software or hardware, we could be materially adversely affected. In addition, the mere announcement of an incompatibility problem relating to our products could have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 163.34604970147518), (23.801670112263704, 190.5535210272476), (588.5944384498085, 190.5535210272476), (588.5944384498085, 163.34604970147518)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'parent_id': 'd46f1d36f103f32d3466a2e91abbe38f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Costs related to defective products could have a material adverse effect on us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 202.95983993890002), (23.801670112263704, 210.96062508895307), (322.8520819910125, 210.96062508895307), (322.8520819910125, 202.95983993890002)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'parent_id': 'd46f1d36f103f32d3466a2e91abbe38f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Products as complex as those we offer may contain defects or failures when first introduced or when new versions or enhancements to existing products are released. We cannot assure you that, despite our testing procedures, errors will not be found in new products or releases after commencement of commercial shipments in the future, which could result in loss of or delay in market acceptance of our products, material recall and replacement costs, loss of revenue, writing down the inventory of defective products, the diversion of the attention of our engineering personnel from product development efforts, defending against litigation related to defective products or related liabilities, including property damage, personal injury, damage to our reputation in the industry and loss of data or intangible property, and could adversely affect our relationships with our customers. In addition, we may have difficulty identifying the end customers of the defective products in the field. As a result, we could incur substantial costs to implement modifications to correct defects. Any of these problems could materially adversely affect our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 223.36694400060549), (23.801670112263704, 298.5911307656836), (588.5964603109717, 298.5911307656836), (588.5964603109717, 223.36694400060549)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'parent_id': 'd46f1d36f103f32d3466a2e91abbe38f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We could be subject to potential product liability claims if one of our products causes, or merely appears to have caused, an injury, whether tangible or intangible. Claims may be made by consumers or others selling our products, and we may be subject to claims against us even if an alleged injury is due to the actions of others. A product liability claim, recall or other claim with respect to uninsured liabilities or for amounts in excess of insured liabilities could have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 310.9974496773324), (23.801670112263704, 347.8082640909681), (588.5967821456892, 347.8082640909681), (588.5967821456892, 310.9974496773324)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'parent_id': 'd46f1d36f103f32d3466a2e91abbe38f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If we fail to maintain the efficiency of our supply chain as we respond to changes in customer demand for our products, our business could be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 360.21458300262054), (23.801670112263704, 377.8187112405333), (588.5922393442622, 377.8187112405333), (588.5922393442622, 360.21458300262054)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'parent_id': 'd46f1d36f103f32d3466a2e91abbe38f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our ability to meet customer demand for our products depends, in part, on our ability to deliver the products our customers want on a timely basis. Accordingly, we rely on our supply chain for the manufacturing, distribution and fulfillment of our products. As we continue to grow our business, expand to high-growth adjacent markets, acquire new customers and strengthen relationships with existing customers, the efficiency of our supply chain will become increasingly important because many of our customers tend to have specific requirements for particular products, geographic requirements, and specific time-frames in which they require delivery of these products. If we are unable to consistently deliver the right products to our customers on a timely basis in the right locations, our customers may reduce the quantities they order from us, which could have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 390.22503015218206), (23.801670112263704, 446.2425307415408), (588.5982626291195, 446.2425307415408), (588.5982626291195, 390.22503015218206)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'parent_id': 'd46f1d36f103f32d3466a2e91abbe38f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='27', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 483.2574163158355), (301.74530504194826, 491.25820146588853), (310.64399456981226, 491.25820146588853), (310.64399456981226, 483.2574163158355)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 30, 'parent_id': 'd46f1d36f103f32d3466a2e91abbe38f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926124992831546), (23.801670112263704, 27.128632308727106), (79.85673046881709, 27.128632308727106), (79.85673046881709, 19.926124992831546)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 31, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We outsource to third parties certain supply-chain logistics functions, including portions of our product distribution, transportation management and information technology support services.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10913214901336), (23.801670112263704, 71.71326038692973), (588.5900969208963, 71.71326038692973), (588.5900969208963, 54.10913214901336)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 31, 'parent_id': 'b0715e7614fa7361b4758af24e985a21', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We rely on third-party providers to operate our regional product distribution centers and to manage the transportation of our work-in-process and finished products among our facilities, to our third-party manufacturers and to our customers. In addition, we rely on third parties to provide certain information technology services to us, including help desk support, desktop application services, business and software support applications, server and storage administration, data center operations, database administration and voice, video and remote access. We cannot guarantee that these providers will fulfill their respective responsibilities in a timely manner in accordance with the contract terms, in which case our internal operations and the distribution of our products to our customers could be materially adversely affected. Also, we cannot guarantee that our contracts with these third-party providers will be renewed, in which case we would have to transition these functions in-house or secure new providers, which could have a material adverse effect on our business if the transition is not executed appropriately.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 84.11957929857851), (23.801670112263704, 159.34376606365663), (588.5988342000438, 159.34376606365663), (588.5988342000438, 84.11957929857851)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 31, 'parent_id': 'b0715e7614fa7361b4758af24e985a21', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our inability to effectively control the sales of our products on the gray market could have a material adverse effect on us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 171.75008497530905), (23.801670112263704, 179.7508701253621), (487.61870514857816, 179.7508701253621), (487.61870514857816, 171.75008497530905)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 31, 'parent_id': 'b0715e7614fa7361b4758af24e985a21', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We market and sell our products directly to OEMs and through authorized third-party distributors. From time to time, our products are diverted from our authorized distribution channels and are sold on the “gray market.” Gray market products result in shadow inventory that is not visible to us, thus making it difficult to forecast demand accurately. Also, when gray market products enter the market, we and our distribution channels compete with these heavily discounted gray market products, which adversely affects demand for our products and negatively impacts our margins. In addition, our inability to control gray market activities could result in customer satisfaction issues because any time products are purchased outside our authorized distribution channels there is a risk that our customers are buying counterfeit or substandard products, including products that may have been altered, mishandled or damaged, or are used products represented as new.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 192.15718903701088), (23.801670112263704, 257.7780327142293), (588.5983946670353, 257.7780327142293), (588.5983946670353, 192.15718903701088)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 31, 'parent_id': 'b0715e7614fa7361b4758af24e985a21', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Legal and Regulatory Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 270.1843516258781), (23.801670112263704, 278.18513677593114), (128.71591329536759, 278.18513677593114), (128.71591329536759, 270.1843516258781)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 31, 'parent_id': 'b0715e7614fa7361b4758af24e985a21', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Government actions and regulations such as export regulations, tariffs, and trade protection measures may limit our ability to export our products to certain customers.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 290.59145568758356), (23.801670112263704, 308.1955839254963), (588.592348822373, 308.1955839254963), (588.592348822373, 290.59145568758356)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 31, 'parent_id': '75ee069a293dad0f9f154eacce1855af', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We have equity interests in two joint ventures (collectively, the THATIC JV) with Higon Information Technology Co., Ltd. (THATIC), a third-party Chinese entity. In June 2019, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the United States Department of Commerce added certain Chinese entities to the Entity List, including THATIC and the THATIC JV. Since that time, the United States administration has called for changes to domestic and foreign policy, including policies with respect to China and Russia. Specifically, United States-China trade relations remain uncertain as the United States continues to add more Chinese companies to the Entity List and more regulations targeted to advanced computing, semiconductor manufacturing, and AI. Further, the United States and other countries and coalitions have issued sanctions and revisions to export control and other regulations against Russia, Belarus or the DNR or LNR regions of Ukraine, due to the conflict in Ukraine. BIS has issued new requirements that prevent us from shipping MI250 and MI250X integrated circuits to China and Russia without a license. BIS may possibly issue new licensing requirements and regulatory controls in the future. A significant trade disruption or the establishment or increase of any tariffs, trade protection measures or restrictions could result in lost sales adversely impacting our reputation and business. There is also a possibility of future tariffs, trade protection measures, import or export regulations or other restrictions imposed on our products or on our customers by the United States, China or other countries that could have a material adverse effect on our business. Export control restrictions may adversely impact the ability of our research and development teams located outside of the United States from executing our product roadmaps in a timely manner or at all.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 320.00169389415566), (23.801670112263704, 435.43987983965167), (588.5982620289105, 435.43987983965167), (588.5982620289105, 320.00169389415566)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 31, 'parent_id': '75ee069a293dad0f9f154eacce1855af', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We may, from time to time, receive technical data from third parties that is subject to the International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR), which are administered by the U.S. Department of State. EAR and ITAR govern the export and re-export of certain AMD products, including FPGAs, and the transfer of related technologies, whether in the U.S. or abroad, and the provision of services. We are required to maintain an internal compliance program and security infrastructure to meet EAR and ITAR requirements. An inability to obtain the required export licenses, or to predict when they will be granted, increases the difficulties of forecasting shipments. In addition, security or compliance program failures that could result in penalties or a loss of export privileges, as well as stringent licensing restrictions that may make our products less attractive to overseas customers, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and/or operating results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 447.8461987513041), (23.801670112263704, 513.5022021188844), (588.5981900638584, 513.5022021188844), (588.5981900638584, 447.8461987513041)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 31, 'parent_id': '75ee069a293dad0f9f154eacce1855af', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='28', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 550.4819280028136), (301.74530504194826, 558.4827131528666), (310.64399456981226, 558.4827131528666), (310.64399456981226, 550.4819280028136)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 31, 'parent_id': '75ee069a293dad0f9f154eacce1855af', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.925315064869437), (23.801670112263704, 27.127822380764997), (79.85673046881709, 27.127822380764997), (79.85673046881709, 19.925315064869437)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='If we cannot realize our deferred tax assets, our results of operations could be adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10832222105125), (23.801670112263704, 62.1091073711043), (395.31394034235836, 62.1091073711043), (395.31394034235836, 54.10832222105125)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our deferred tax assets include net operating losses and tax credit carryforwards that can be used to offset taxable income and reduce income taxes payable in future periods. Each quarter, we consider both positive and negative evidence to determine whether all or a portion of the deferred tax assets are more likely than not to be realized. If we determine that some or all of our deferred tax assets are not realizable, it could result in a material expense in the period in which this determination is made which may have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 74.51542628275308), (23.801670112263704, 111.32624069638882), (588.5976624121251, 111.32624069638882), (588.5976624121251, 74.51542628275308)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition, a significant amount of our deferred tax assets related to net operating losses or tax credits which remain under a valuation allowance could be subject to limitations under Internal Revenue Code Section 382 or 383, separate return loss year rules, or dual consolidated loss rules. The limitations could reduce our ability to utilize the net operating losses or tax credits before the expiration of the tax attributes.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 123.73255960804124), (23.801670112263704, 150.94003093381366), (588.5925698193058, 150.94003093381366), (588.5925698193058, 123.73255960804124)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our business is subject to potential tax liabilities, and exposure to greater-than-anticipated income tax liabilities as a result of changes in tax rules and regulations, changes in interpretation of tax rules and regulations, or unfavorable assessments from tax audits, any of which could affect our effective tax rates, financial condition, and results of operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 163.34634984546608), (23.801670112263704, 190.55382117124213), (588.5983575141015, 190.55382117124213), (588.5983575141015, 163.34634984546608)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are a U.S.-based multinational company subject to income tax, indirect tax or other tax claims in multiple U.S. and foreign tax jurisdictions in which we conduct business. Significant judgment is required in determining our worldwide provision for income taxes. Tax laws are dynamic and subject to change as new laws are passed and new interpretations of the law are issued or applied. Any changes to tax laws could have a material adverse effect on our tax obligations and effective tax rate. Our income tax obligations could be affected by many factors, including, but not limited to, changes to our corporate operating structure, intercompany arrangements, and tax planning strategies.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 202.96014008289092), (23.801670112263704, 249.37429758438634), (588.5982483360949, 249.37429758438634), (588.5982483360949, 202.96014008289092)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our income tax expense is computed based on tax rates at the time of the respective financial period. Our future effective tax rates, financial condition and results from operations could be unfavorably affected by changes in the tax rates in jurisdictions where our income is earned, by changes in the tax rules and regulations or the interpretation of tax rules and regulations in the jurisdictions in which we do business or by changes in the valuation of our deferred tax assets.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 261.78061649603876), (23.801670112263704, 298.5914309096745), (588.5963799456765, 298.5914309096745), (588.5963799456765, 261.78061649603876)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition, we are subject to examinations of our income tax returns by domestic and foreign tax authorities. We regularly assess the likelihood of outcomes resulting from these examinations to determine the adequacy of our provision for income taxes and have reserved for potential adjustments that may result from the current examinations. There can be no assurance that the final determination of any of these examinations will not have an adverse effect on our effective tax rates, financial condition, and results of operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 310.9977498213233), (23.801670112263704, 347.808564234959), (588.5924303880869, 347.808564234959), (588.5924303880869, 310.9977498213233)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In the ordinary course of our business, there are many transactions and calculations where the ultimate income tax, indirect tax, or other tax determination is uncertain. Although we believe our tax estimates are reasonable, we cannot assure that the final determination of any tax audits or litigation will not be materially different from that which is reflected in historical tax provisions and accruals. Should additional taxes be assessed as a result of an audit, assessment or litigation, there could be a material adverse effect on our cash, tax provisions and net income in the period or periods for which that determination is made.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 360.21488314661144), (23.801670112263704, 397.02569756024354), (588.597587986216, 397.02569756024354), (588.597587986216, 360.21488314661144)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are party to litigation and may become a party to other claims or litigation that could cause us to incur substantial costs or pay substantial damages or prohibit us from selling our products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 409.43201647189596), (23.801670112263704, 427.0361447098087), (588.5917334854827, 427.0361447098087), (588.5917334854827, 409.43201647189596)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='From time to time, we are a defendant or plaintiff in various legal actions, as described in Note 17 - Contingencies of the Notes to our Consolidated Financial Statements. For example, we have been subject to certain claims concerning federal securities laws and corporate governance. Our products are purchased by and/or used by consumers, which could increase our exposure to consumer actions such as product liability claims and consumer class action claims. On occasion, we receive claims that individuals were allegedly exposed to substances used in our former semiconductor wafer manufacturing facilities and that this alleged exposure caused harm. Litigation can involve complex factual and legal questions, and its outcome is uncertain. It is possible that if a claim is successfully asserted against us, it could result in the payment of damages that could be material to our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 439.4424636214611), (23.801670112263704, 495.4599642108162), (588.5987022221495, 495.4599642108162), (588.5987022221495, 439.4424636214611)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='29', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 532.4748497851109), (301.74530504194826, 540.475634935164), (310.64399456981226, 540.475634935164), (310.64399456981226, 532.4748497851109)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 32, 'parent_id': '20b5bbe8a65dd57dea10d66ff4094f76', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926185136828508), (23.801670112263704, 27.128692452724067), (79.85673046881709, 27.128692452724067), (79.85673046881709, 19.926185136828508)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 33, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='With respect to intellectual property litigation, from time to time, we have been notified of, or third parties may bring or have brought, actions against us and/or against our customers based on allegations that we are infringing the intellectual property rights of others, contributing to or inducing the infringement of the intellectual property rights of others, improperly claiming ownership of intellectual property or otherwise improperly using the intellectual property of others. If any such claims are asserted, we may seek to obtain a license under the third parties’ intellectual property rights. We cannot assure you that we will be able to obtain all of the necessary licenses on satisfactory terms, if at all. These parties may file lawsuits against us or our customers seeking damages (potentially up to and including treble damages) or an injunction against the sale of products that incorporate allegedly infringed intellectual property or against the operation of our business as presently conducted, which could result in our having to stop the sale of some of our products or to increase the costs of selling some of our products or which could damage our reputation. The award of damages, including material royalty payments, or other types of damages, or the entry of an injunction against the manufacture and sale of some or all of our products could have a material adverse effect on us. We could decide, in the alternative, to redesign our products or to resort to litigation to challenge such claims. Such challenges could be extremely expensive and time-consuming regardless of their merit, could cause delays in product release or shipment and/or could have a material adverse effect on us. We cannot assure you that litigation related to our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others can always be avoided or successfully concluded.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.109192293010324), (23.801670112263704, 167.74675140953082), (588.5985232542473, 167.74675140953082), (588.5985232542473, 54.109192293010324)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 33, 'parent_id': 'ad36ae6678173e2c9f86340ae2f92fd6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Even if we were to prevail, any litigation could be costly and time-consuming and would divert the attention of our management and key personnel from our business operations, which could have a material adverse effect on us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 180.15307032118324), (23.801670112263704, 197.75719855909597), (588.5900973410432, 197.75719855909597), (588.5900973410432, 180.15307032118324)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 33, 'parent_id': 'ad36ae6678173e2c9f86340ae2f92fd6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We are subject to environmental laws, conflict minerals-related provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act as well as a variety of other laws or regulations that could result in additional costs and liabilities.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 210.1635174707484), (23.801670112263704, 227.76764570866112), (588.5959029596295, 227.76764570866112), (588.5959029596295, 210.1635174707484)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 33, 'parent_id': 'ad36ae6678173e2c9f86340ae2f92fd6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our operations and properties have in the past been and continue to be subject to various United States and foreign laws and regulations, including those relating to materials used in our products and manufacturing processes, discharge of pollutants into the environment, the treatment, transport, storage and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes and remediation of contamination. For the manufacturing of our products, these laws and regulations require our suppliers to obtain permits for operations, including the discharge of air pollutants and wastewater. Although our management systems are designed to oversee our suppliers’ compliance, we cannot assure you that our suppliers have been or will be at all times in complete compliance with such laws, regulations and permits. If our suppliers violate or fail to comply with any of them, a range of consequences could result, including fines, suspension of production, alteration of manufacturing processes, import/export restrictions, sales limitations, criminal and civil liabilities or other sanctions. Such non-compliance from our manufacturing suppliers could result in disruptions in supply, higher sourcing costs, and/or reputational damage for us. We could also be held liable for any and all consequences arising out of exposure to hazardous materials used, stored, released, disposed of by us or located at, under or emanating from our current or former facilities or other environmental or natural resource damage. While we have budgeted for foreseeable associated expenditures, we cannot assure you that future environmental legal requirements will not become more stringent or costly in the future. Therefore, we cannot assure you that our costs of complying with current and future environmental and health and safety laws, and our liabilities arising from past and future releases of, or exposure to, hazardous substances will not have a material adverse effect on us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 240.17396462031354), (23.801670112263704, 363.4148668246937), (588.5989074255349, 363.4148668246937), (588.5989074255349, 240.17396462031354)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 33, 'parent_id': 'ad36ae6678173e2c9f86340ae2f92fd6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Environmental laws are complex, change frequently and have tended to become more stringent over time. For example, the European Union (EU) and China are two among a growing number of jurisdictions that have enacted restrictions on the use of lead and other materials in electronic products. These regulations affect semiconductor devices and packaging. As regulations restricting materials in electronic products continue to increase around the world, there is a risk that the cost, quality and manufacturing yields of products that are subject to these restrictions may be less favorable compared to products that are not subject to such restrictions, or that the transition to compliant products may not meet customer roadmaps, or produce sudden changes in demand, which may result in excess inventory. A number of jurisdictions including the EU, Australia, California and China are developing or have finalized market entry or public procurement regulations for computers and servers based on ENERGY STAR specifications as well as additional energy consumption limits. There is the potential for certain of our products being excluded from some of these markets which could materially adversely affect us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 375.82118573634614), (23.801670112263704, 451.04537250142425), (588.5972290585864, 451.04537250142425), (588.5972290585864, 375.82118573634614)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 33, 'parent_id': 'ad36ae6678173e2c9f86340ae2f92fd6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='30', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 488.0602580757153), (301.74530504194826, 496.06104322576834), (310.64399456981226, 496.06104322576834), (310.64399456981226, 488.0602580757153)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 33, 'parent_id': 'ad36ae6678173e2c9f86340ae2f92fd6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.923455208944006), (23.801670112263704, 27.125962524839565), (79.85673046881709, 27.125962524839565), (79.85673046881709, 19.923455208944006)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 34, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Certain environmental laws, including the United States Comprehensive, Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, or the Superfund Act, impose strict or, under certain circumstances, joint and several liability on current and previous owners or operators of real property for the cost of removal or remediation of hazardous substances and impose liability for damages to natural resources. These laws often impose liability even if the owner or operator did not know of, or was not responsible for, the release of such hazardous substances. These environmental laws also assess liability on persons who arrange for hazardous substances to be sent to disposal or treatment facilities when such facilities are found to be contaminated. Such persons can be responsible for cleanup costs even if they never owned or operated the contaminated facility. We have been named as a responsible party at three Superfund sites in Sunnyvale, California. Although we have not been, we could be named a potentially responsible party at other Superfund or contaminated sites in the future. In addition, contamination that has not been identified could exist at our other facilities.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10646236512582), (23.801670112263704, 129.33064913020394), (588.5946579462193, 129.33064913020394), (588.5946579462193, 54.10646236512582)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 34, 'parent_id': '55e634d79bbe97548859eccd6e4c0f8e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the SEC adopted disclosure and reporting requirements for companies that use “conflict” minerals originating from the Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining countries. We continue to incur additional costs associated with complying with these requirements, such as costs related to developing internal controls for the due diligence process, determining the source of any conflict minerals used in our products, auditing the process and reporting to our customers and the SEC. In addition to the SEC regulation, the European Union, China and other jurisdictions are developing new policies focused on conflict minerals that may impact and increase the cost of our compliance program. Customers are increasingly seeking information about the source of minerals used in our supply chain beyond those addressed in laws and regulations. Given the complexity of mineral supply chains, we may face reputational challenges if we are unable to sufficiently verify the origins of the subject minerals. Moreover, we are likely to encounter challenges to satisfy those customers who require that all of the components of our products be certified as “conflict free.” If we cannot satisfy these customers, they may choose a competitor’s products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 141.73696804185272), (23.801670112263704, 226.56449789479416), (588.5981455776424, 226.56449789479416), (588.5981455776424, 141.73696804185272)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 34, 'parent_id': '55e634d79bbe97548859eccd6e4c0f8e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition to our company, customers, governments and authorities continue to be focused on eliminating risks of forced labor in supply chains which may increase the cost of our compliance program. For example, the United States Uyghur Forced Labor Prevent Act prohibits goods mined, produced or manufactured wholly or in part in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China, or by certain entities, from entering the United States under the presumption of being made with forced labor. Germany’s federal procurement office, in collaboration with the Bitkom trade association, has issued supply chain labor requirements. In addition, the United Kingdom, Australia and the State of California have enacted laws that require us to disclose our policy and practices for identifying and eliminating forced labor and human trafficking in our supply chain. Several customers have also issued expectations to eliminate these occurrences, if any, that may impact us. While we have a Human Rights Policy and management systems to identify and avoid these practices in our supply chain, we cannot guarantee that our suppliers will always be in conformance to these laws and expectations. We may face enforcement liability and reputational challenges if we are unable to sufficiently meet these expectations. Moreover, we are likely to encounter challenges with customers if we cannot satisfy their forced and trafficked labor polices and they may choose a competitor’s product.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 238.97081680644294), (23.801670112263704, 333.40168974724406), (588.5985557711675, 333.40168974724406), (588.5985557711675, 238.97081680644294)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 34, 'parent_id': '55e634d79bbe97548859eccd6e4c0f8e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Merger, Acquisition and Integration Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 345.80800865889285), (23.801670112263704, 353.8087938089459), (181.3034704828043, 353.8087938089459), (181.3034704828043, 345.80800865889285)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 34, 'parent_id': '55e634d79bbe97548859eccd6e4c0f8e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Acquisitions, joint ventures and/or investments and the failure to integrate acquired businesses, could disrupt our business and/or dilute or adversely affect the price of our common stock.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 366.2151127205983), (23.801670112263704, 383.81924095851105), (588.5905949261912, 383.81924095851105), (588.5905949261912, 366.2151127205983)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 34, 'parent_id': '58676abfe7de56e2f8cb5bb4a540ed4a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our success will depend, in part, on our ability to expand our product offerings and grow our business in response to changing technologies, customer demands and competitive pressures. In some circumstances, we may pursue growth through the acquisition of complementary businesses, solutions or technologies or through joint ventures or investments rather than through internal development. The identification of suitable acquisition or joint venture candidates can be difficult, time-consuming and costly, and we may not be able to successfully complete identified acquisitions or joint ventures.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 396.22555987016347), (23.801670112263704, 433.0363742837992), (588.5937975691556, 433.0363742837992), (588.5937975691556, 396.22555987016347)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 34, 'parent_id': '58676abfe7de56e2f8cb5bb4a540ed4a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='31', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 470.05125985809025), (301.74530504194826, 478.0520450081433), (310.64399456981226, 478.0520450081433), (310.64399456981226, 470.05125985809025)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 34, 'parent_id': '58676abfe7de56e2f8cb5bb4a540ed4a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.924565280897014), (23.801670112263704, 27.127072596792573), (79.85673046881709, 27.127072596792573), (79.85673046881709, 19.924565280897014)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 35, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='For example, on February 14, 2022, we completed our acquisition of Xilinx and on May 26, 2022, we completed our acquisition of Pensando. While we believe these acquisitions will result in certain benefits, including certain operational synergies and cost efficiencies, and drive product innovations, achieving these anticipated benefits will depend on successfully combining our and the acquired companies’ businesses together. It is not certain that the acquired companies can be successfully integrated with our business in a timely manner or at all, or that any of the anticipated benefits will be realized for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to: our inability to integrate or benefit from acquired technologies or services in a profitable manner; diversion of capital and other resources, including management’s attention from our existing business; unanticipated costs or liabilities associated with the integration; failure to leverage the increased scale of the combined businesses quickly and effectively; coordinating and integrating in countries in which we have not previously operated; the potential impact of the acquisitions on our relationships with employees, vendors, suppliers and customers; the impairment of relationships with, or the loss of, the acquired companies’ employees, vendors, suppliers and customers; adverse changes in general economic conditions in regions in which we and the acquired companies operate; potential litigation associated with the acquisitions; difficulties in the assimilation of employees and culture; difficulties in managing the expanded operations of a larger and more complex company; challenges in attracting and retaining key personnel; and difficulties with integrating and upgrading our and the acquired companies’ financial reporting systems. Many of these factors will be outside of our control and any one of them could result in increased costs, decreases in expected revenues and diversion of management’s time and attention, which could materially impact the combined company. In addition, even if the operations of the businesses are integrated successfully, the full benefits of the acquisitions may not be realized within the anticipated time frame or at all. All of these factors could decrease or delay the expected accretive effect of the acquisitions and negatively impact the combined company. If we cannot successfully integrate our and the acquired companies’ businesses and operations, or if there are delays in combining the businesses, it could negatively impact our ability to develop or sell new products and impair our ability to grow our business, which in turn could adversely affect our financial condition and operating results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10757243707883), (23.801670112263704, 225.3651900807647), (588.5986144635505, 225.3651900807647), (588.5986144635505, 54.10757243707883)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 35, 'parent_id': 'f71b236afae40528ab794bbd7adb0d4a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Acquisitions and joint ventures may also involve the entry into geographic or business markets in which we have little or no prior experience. Consequently, we may not achieve anticipated benefits of acquisitions or joint ventures, which could harm our operating results. In addition, to complete an acquisition, we may issue equity securities, which would dilute our stockholders’ ownership and could adversely affect the price of our common stock, and/or incur debt, assume contingent liabilities or have amortization expenses and write-downs of acquired assets, which could adversely affect our results of operations. Moreover, if such acquisitions or joint ventures require us to seek additional debt or equity financing, we may not be able to obtain such financing on terms favorable to us or at all. Even if we successfully complete an acquisition or joint venture, we may not be able to assimilate and integrate effectively or efficiently the acquired business, technologies, solutions, assets, personnel or operations, particularly if key personnel of the acquired company decide not to work for us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 237.77150899241713), (23.801670112263704, 303.3923526696319), (588.5980277593083, 303.3923526696319), (588.5980277593083, 237.77150899241713)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 35, 'parent_id': 'f71b236afae40528ab794bbd7adb0d4a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Acquisitions and joint ventures may also reduce our cash available for operations and other uses, which could harm our business. Also, any failure on our part to effectively evaluate and execute new business initiatives could adversely affect our business. We may not adequately assess the risks of new business initiatives and subsequent events may arise that alter the risks that were initially considered. Furthermore, we may not achieve the objectives and expectations with respect to future operations, products and services. The majority of our ATMP services are provided by the ATMP JVs, and there is no guarantee that the JVs will be able to fulfill our long-term ATMP requirements. If we are unable to meet customer demand due to fluctuating or late supply from the ATMP JVs, it could result in lost sales and have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 315.79867158128434), (23.801670112263704, 371.81617217063945), (588.5976030595124, 371.81617217063945), (588.5976030595124, 315.79867158128434)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 35, 'parent_id': 'f71b236afae40528ab794bbd7adb0d4a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition, we may not realize the anticipated benefits from our business initiatives. For example, we may not realize the expected benefits from the THATIC JV’s expected future performance, including the receipt of any future milestone payments and any royalties from certain licensed intellectual property. In June 2019, the BIS added certain Chinese entities to the Entity List, including THATIC and the THATIC JV. We are complying with U.S. law pertaining to the Entity List designation.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 384.22249108229187), (23.801670112263704, 421.0333054959276), (588.5940714820607, 421.0333054959276), (588.5940714820607, 384.22249108229187)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 35, 'parent_id': 'f71b236afae40528ab794bbd7adb0d4a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='32', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 458.0481910702223), (301.74530504194826, 466.04897622027534), (310.64399456981226, 466.04897622027534), (310.64399456981226, 458.0481910702223)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 35, 'parent_id': 'f71b236afae40528ab794bbd7adb0d4a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.923755352931266), (23.801670112263704, 27.126262668826826), (79.85673046881709, 27.126262668826826), (79.85673046881709, 19.923755352931266)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 36, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Any impairment of our tangible, definite-lived intangible or indefinite-lived intangible assets, including goodwill, may adversely impact our financial position and results of operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.10676250911308), (23.801670112263704, 71.71089074702581), (588.5952500496592, 71.71089074702581), (588.5952500496592, 54.10676250911308)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 36, 'parent_id': '7287712d48b4633d1360c7ae452cb85c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We account for certain acquisitions, including the Xilinx and Pensando acquisitions, using the acquisition method of accounting under the provisions of ASC 805, Business Combinations, with AMD representing the accounting acquirer under this guidance. We record assets acquired, including identifiable intangible assets, and liabilities assumed, at their respective fair values at the acquisition date. Any excess of the purchase price over the net fair value of such assets and liabilities will be recorded as goodwill. In connection with the Xilinx and Pensando acquisitions, we recorded significant goodwill and other intangible assets on our consolidated balance sheet.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 84.11720965867823), (23.801670112263704, 130.53136716017366), (588.5946580062398, 130.53136716017366), (588.5946580062398, 84.11720965867823)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 36, 'parent_id': '7287712d48b4633d1360c7ae452cb85c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Indefinite-lived intangible assets, including goodwill, are tested for impairment at least annually, and all tangible and intangible assets including goodwill will be tested for impairment when certain indicators are present. If, in the future, we determine that tangible or intangible assets, including goodwill, are impaired, we would record an impairment charge at that time. Impairment testing of goodwill requires significant use of judgment and assumptions, particularly as it relates to the determination of fair value. Subsequent to our annual goodwill impairment analysis, we monitor for any events or changes in circumstances, such as significant adverse changes in business climate or operating results, changes in management’s business strategy, an inability to successfully introduce new products in the marketplace, an inability to successfully achieve internal forecasts or significant declines in our stock price, which may represent an indicator of impairment. A decrease in the long-term economic outlook and future cash flows of our business could significantly impact asset values and potentially result in the impairment of goodwill and may require us to record future goodwill impairment charges, which may have a material adverse impact on our financial position and results of operations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 142.93768607182608), (23.801670112263704, 227.76521592476388), (588.5961239565621, 227.76521592476388), (588.5961239565621, 142.93768607182608)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 36, 'parent_id': '7287712d48b4633d1360c7ae452cb85c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Liquidity and Capital Resources Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 240.17153483641266), (23.801670112263704, 248.1723199864657), (169.1673640167239, 248.1723199864657), (169.1673640167239, 240.17153483641266)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 36, 'parent_id': '7287712d48b4633d1360c7ae452cb85c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The agreements governing our notes, our guarantees of the Assumed Xilinx Notes, and our Revolving Credit Agreement impose restrictions on us that may adversely affect our ability to operate our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 260.57863889811813), (23.801670112263704, 278.18276713603086), (588.5986501759824, 278.18276713603086), (588.5986501759824, 260.57863889811813)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 36, 'parent_id': '67f8461b462aa97feb9f0d556218315f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The indenture governing our 3.924% Senior Notes due 2032 and 4.393% Senior Notes due 2052 contains various covenants that limit our ability to, among other things: create liens on certain assets to secure debt, enter into certain sale and leaseback transactions; and consolidate with, merge into or sell, convey or lease all or substantially all of our assets to any other person.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 290.5890860476833), (23.801670112263704, 317.7965573734557), (588.5925889884279, 317.7965573734557), (588.5925889884279, 290.5890860476833)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 36, 'parent_id': '67f8461b462aa97feb9f0d556218315f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Additionally, in connection with the acquisition of Xilinx, we entered into supplemental indentures for the Assumed Xilinx Notes pursuant to which all obligations of Xilinx under the Assumed Xilinx Notes are unconditionally guaranteed on a senior unsecured basis by us. The indentures governing the Assumed Xilinx Notes also contain various covenants which limit our ability to, among other things, create certain liens on principal property or the capital stock of certain subsidiaries, enter into certain sale and leaseback transactions with respect to principal property, and consolidate or merge with, or convey, transfer or lease all or substantially all our assets, taken as a whole, to another person.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 330.2028762851081), (23.801670112263704, 376.61703378660354), (588.5976032995958, 376.61703378660354), (588.5976032995958, 330.2028762851081)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 36, 'parent_id': '67f8461b462aa97feb9f0d556218315f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We also have a five-year unsecured revolving credit facility in the aggregate principal amount of $3.0 billion (Revolving Credit Agreement). Our Revolving Credit Agreement contains various covenants which limit our ability to, among other things, incur liens and consolidate or merge or sell our assets as an entirety or substantially as an entirety (in each case, except for certain customary exceptions). In addition, our Revolving Credit Agreement requires us to maintain a minimum consolidated interest coverage ratio at the end of each fiscal quarter. The agreements governing our notes and our Revolving Credit Agreement contain cross-default provisions whereby a default under certain agreements with respect to other indebtedness would result in cross defaults under the indentures or the Revolving Credit Agreement. For example, the occurrence of a default with respect to any indebtedness or any failure to repay indebtedness when due in an amount in excess of (i) $50 million would cause a cross default under the indentures (to the extent such default would result in the acceleration of such indebtedness) governing our 2.125% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026 (2.125% Notes), and (ii) $500 million would cause a cross default under the Revolving Credit Agreement (to the extent such default (other than the failure to repay indebtedness) would result in the acceleration of such indebtedness). The occurrence of a default under any of these borrowing arrangements would permit the applicable note holders or the lenders under our Revolving Credit Agreement to declare all amounts outstanding under the indentures or the Revolving Credit Agreement to be immediately due and payable. If the note holders or the trustee under the indentures governing our 2.125% Notes or', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 389.02335269825596), (23.801670112263704, 502.66091181477645), (588.5986144035292, 502.66091181477645), (588.5986144035292, 389.02335269825596)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 36, 'parent_id': '67f8461b462aa97feb9f0d556218315f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='33', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 528.8720364152254), (301.74530504194826, 536.8728215652784), (310.64399456981226, 536.8728215652784), (310.64399456981226, 528.8720364152254)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 36, 'parent_id': '67f8461b462aa97feb9f0d556218315f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926545424816368), (23.801670112263704, 27.129052740711927), (79.85673046881709, 27.129052740711927), (79.85673046881709, 19.926545424816368)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='the lenders under our Revolving Credit Agreement accelerate the repayment of borrowings, we cannot assure you that we will have sufficient assets to repay those borrowings.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.109552580998184), (23.801670112263704, 71.71368081891092), (588.5967972189853, 71.71368081891092), (588.5967972189853, 54.109552580998184)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': '825c03951889aee944100f324cc7780d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our indebtedness could adversely affect our financial position and prevent us from implementing our strategy or fulfilling our contractual obligations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 84.1199997305597), (23.801670112263704, 101.72412796847607), (588.5980343589251, 101.72412796847607), (588.5980343589251, 84.1199997305597)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': '825c03951889aee944100f324cc7780d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our total debt principal amount outstanding as of December 31, 2022 was $2.5 billion. Our indebtedness may make it difficult for us to satisfy our financial obligations, including making scheduled principal and interest payments; limit our ability to borrow additional funds for working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions and general corporate and other purposes; limit our ability to use our cash flow or obtain additional financing for future working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions or other general corporate purposes; require us to use a substantial portion of our cash flow from operations to make debt service payments; place us at a competitive disadvantage compared to our competitors with relatively less debt; and increase our vulnerability to the impact of adverse economic and industry conditions.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 114.66812033027884), (23.801670112263704, 171.94857429845547), (588.5981106969595, 171.94857429845547), (588.5981106969595, 114.66812033027884)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': '825c03951889aee944100f324cc7780d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We enter into sale and factoring arrangements from time to time with respect to certain accounts receivables, which arrangements are non-recourse to us in the event that an account debtor fails to pay for credit-related reasons, and are not included in our indebtedness. We could become obligated to repurchase such accounts receivables or otherwise incur liability to the counterparties under these arrangements under certain circumstances, such as where a commercial dispute arises between us and an account debtor.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 184.3548932101079), (23.801670112263704, 221.16570762374363), (588.5984767043728, 221.16570762374363), (588.5984767043728, 184.3548932101079)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': '825c03951889aee944100f324cc7780d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We may not be able to generate sufficient cash to meet our working capital requirements. Also, if we cannot generate sufficient revenue and operating cash flow, we may face a cash shortfall and be unable to make all of our planned investments in research and development or other strategic investments.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 233.5720265353924), (23.801670112263704, 260.77949786116847), (588.5979224570302, 260.77949786116847), (588.5979224570302, 233.5720265353924)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': '825c03951889aee944100f324cc7780d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our ability to generate sufficient cash to meet our working capital requirements will depend on our financial and operating performance, which may fluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter, and is subject to prevailing economic, financial and business conditions along with other factors, many of which are beyond our control. We cannot assure you that we will be able to generate cash flow in amounts sufficient to enable us to meet our working capital requirements. If we are not able to generate sufficient cash flow from operations, we may be required to sell assets or equity, reduce expenditures, refinance all or a portion of our existing debt or obtain additional financing.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 273.18581677281725), (23.801670112263704, 319.5999742743127), (588.5945847807488, 319.5999742743127), (588.5945847807488, 273.18581677281725)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': '825c03951889aee944100f324cc7780d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition, our ability to fund research and development expenditures depends on generating sufficient revenue and cash flow from operations and the availability of external financing, if necessary. Our research and development expenditures, together with ongoing operating expenses, will be a substantial drain on our cash flow and may decrease our cash balances. If new competitors, technological advances by existing competitors, or other competitive factors require us to invest significantly greater resources than anticipated in our research and development efforts, our operating expenses would increase. If we are required to invest significantly greater resources than anticipated in research and development efforts without an increase in revenue, our operating results could decline.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 332.0062931859651), (23.801670112263704, 388.0237937753202), (588.5972312107955, 388.0237937753202), (588.5972312107955, 332.0062931859651)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': '825c03951889aee944100f324cc7780d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our inability to generate sufficient cash from operations may require us to abandon projects or curtail planned investments in research and development or other strategic initiatives. If we curtail planned investments in research and development or abandon projects, our products may fail to remain competitive and our business would be materially adversely affected.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 400.4301126869726), (23.801670112263704, 427.6375840127487), (588.5927529430546, 427.6375840127487), (588.5927529430546, 400.4301126869726)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': '825c03951889aee944100f324cc7780d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='General Risks', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 440.04390292439746), (23.801670112263704, 448.0446880744505), (77.16336307154431, 448.0446880744505), (77.16336307154431, 440.04390292439746)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': '825c03951889aee944100f324cc7780d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our worldwide operations are subject to political, legal and economic risks and natural disasters, which could have a material adverse effect on us.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 460.4510069861029), (23.801670112263704, 468.451792136156), (583.7984511819908, 468.451792136156), (583.7984511819908, 460.4510069861029)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': 'f4c4823f33efc347e982e86f2337107e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We maintain operations around the world, including in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Latin America and Asia. We rely on third-party wafer foundries in the United States, Europe and Asia. Nearly all product assembly and final testing of our products is performed at manufacturing facilities, operated by third-party manufacturing facilities, in China, Malaysia and Taiwan. We also depend on third-party subcontractors to provide shipment services. We also have international sales operations. International sales, as a percent of net revenue, were 66% for the year ended December 31, 2022. We expect that international sales will continue to be a significant portion of total sales in the foreseeable future.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 480.85811104780475), (23.801670112263704, 527.2722685493002), (588.5982306523874, 527.2722685493002), (588.5982306523874, 480.85811104780475)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': 'f4c4823f33efc347e982e86f2337107e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='34', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 553.4833931497527), (301.74530504194826, 561.4841782998058), (310.64399456981226, 561.4841782998058), (310.64399456981226, 553.4833931497527)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 37, 'parent_id': 'f4c4823f33efc347e982e86f2337107e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.923815496928228), (23.801670112263704, 27.126322812823787), (79.85673046881709, 27.126322812823787), (79.85673046881709, 19.923815496928228)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 38, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The political, legal and economic risks associated with our operations in foreign countries include, without limitation: expropriation; changes in a specific country’s or region’s political or economic conditions; changes in tax laws, trade protection measures and import or export licensing requirements and restrictions; difficulties in protecting our intellectual property; difficulties in managing staffing and exposure to different employment practices and labor laws; changes in foreign currency exchange rates; restrictions on transfers of funds and other assets of our subsidiaries between jurisdictions; changes in freight rates; changes to macroeconomic conditions, including interest rates, inflation and recession; disruption in air transportation between the United States and our overseas facilities; loss or modification of exemptions for taxes and tariffs; and compliance with United States laws and regulations related to international operations, including export control and economic sanctions laws and regulations and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Recently, the United States and other countries and coalitions have issued sanctions and revisions to export control and other regulations against Russia, Belarus or the DNR or LNR regions of Ukraine, due to the conflict in Ukraine. Also, geopolitical changes between China and Taiwan could disrupt the operations of our Taiwan based third-party wafer foundries, manufacturing facilities and subcontractors, and materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and/or operating results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 64.91058362695219), (23.801670112263704, 159.37661625811882), (588.5978521955105, 159.37661625811882), (588.5978521955105, 64.91058362695219)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 38, 'parent_id': '3ba030d5e402702f6ba352f9e60cd99b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition, our worldwide operations (or those of our business partners) could be subject to natural disasters and climate change such as earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, typhoons, droughts, fires, extreme heat and volcanic eruptions that disrupt our operations, or those of our manufacturers, vendors or customers. For example, our Santa Clara and San Jose operations are located near major earthquake fault lines in California. Also, we have operations and employees in regions that have experienced extreme weather such as prolonged heat waves, wildfires and freezing. Extreme weather events can also disrupt the ability of our suppliers to deliver expected manufacturing parts and/or services for periods of time. There may be conflict or uncertainty in the countries in which we operate, including public health issues (for example, an outbreak of a contagious disease such as COVID-19, avian influenza, measles or Ebola), safety issues, natural disasters, fire, disruptions of service from utilities, nuclear power plant accidents or general economic or political factors. For example, governments worldwide have implemented, and continue to implement, measures to slow down the outbreak of COVID-19. We have experienced, and will continue to experience, disruptions to our business as these measures have, and will continue to have, an effect on our business operations and practices.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 171.74777547940573), (23.801670112263704, 256.57530533234353), (588.5980283595171, 256.57530533234353), (588.5980283595171, 171.74777547940573)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 38, 'parent_id': '3ba030d5e402702f6ba352f9e60cd99b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition, many governments have enacted laws around personally identifiable information, such as the European Union’s general Data Protection Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy Act, and the failure to comply could result in sanctions or other actions by the governments. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation imposes significant requirements on how we collect, process and transfer personal data, as well as significant fines for non- compliance.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 268.9816242439923), (23.801670112263704, 305.79243865762805), (588.5958081946889, 305.79243865762805), (588.5958081946889, 268.9816242439923)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 38, 'parent_id': '3ba030d5e402702f6ba352f9e60cd99b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Any of the above risks, should they occur, could result in an increase in the cost of components, production and shipment delays, general business interruptions, the inability to obtain, or delays from difficulties in obtaining export licenses for certain technology, penalties or a loss of export privileges, as well as stringent licensing restrictions that may make our products less attractive to international customers, tariffs and other barriers and restrictions, longer payment cycles, increased taxes, restrictions on the repatriation of funds and the burdens of complying with a variety of foreign laws, any of which could ultimately have a material adverse effect on our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 318.1987575692805), (23.801670112263704, 364.6129150707759), (588.5952585233393, 364.6129150707759), (588.5952585233393, 318.1987575692805)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 38, 'parent_id': '3ba030d5e402702f6ba352f9e60cd99b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We may incur future impairments of our technology license purchases.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 377.0192339824247), (23.801670112263704, 385.0200191324777), (293.9314183137002, 385.0200191324777), (293.9314183137002, 377.0192339824247)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 38, 'parent_id': '3ba030d5e402702f6ba352f9e60cd99b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We license certain third-party technologies and tools for the design and production of our products. We report the value of those licenses as other non-current assets on the balance sheet and we periodically evaluate the carrying value of those licenses based on their future economic benefit to us. Factors such as the life of the assets, changes in competing technologies, and changes to the business strategy may represent an indicator of impairment. The occurrence of any of these events may require us to record future technology license impairment charges.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 397.42633804413015), (23.801670112263704, 434.2371524577659), (588.5949220954928, 434.2371524577659), (588.5949220954928, 397.42633804413015)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 38, 'parent_id': '3ba030d5e402702f6ba352f9e60cd99b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='35', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 471.25203803206057), (301.74530504194826, 479.2528231821136), (310.64399456981226, 479.2528231821136), (310.64399456981226, 471.25203803206057)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 38, 'parent_id': '3ba030d5e402702f6ba352f9e60cd99b', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92684556880363), (23.801670112263704, 27.129352884699188), (79.85673046881709, 27.129352884699188), (79.85673046881709, 19.92684556880363)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our inability to continue to attract and retain qualified personnel may hinder our business.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 54.109852724985444), (23.801670112263704, 62.11063787503849), (367.3932709201371, 62.11063787503849), (367.3932709201371, 54.109852724985444)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'parent_id': 'e09db39c68e09c187ac8749271456628', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Much of our future success depends upon the continued service of numerous qualified engineering, marketing, sales and executive employees. Competition for highly skilled executives and employees in the technology industry is intense and our competitors have targeted individuals in our organization that have desired skills and experience. If we are not able to continue to attract, train and retain our leadership team and our qualified employees necessary for our business, the progress of our product development programs could be hindered, and we could be materially adversely affected. To help attract, retain and motivate our executives and qualified employees, we use share-based incentive awards such as employee stock options and non-vested share units (restricted stock units). If the value of such stock awards does not appreciate as measured by the performance of the price of our common stock, or if our share-based compensation otherwise ceases to be viewed as a valuable benefit, our ability to attract, retain and motivate our executives and employees could be weakened, which could harm our results of operations. Also, if the value of our stock awards increases substantially, this could potentially create great personal wealth for our executives and employees and affect our ability to retain our personnel. In addition, any future restructuring plans may adversely impact our ability to attract and retain key employees.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 74.51695678668727), (23.801670112263704, 168.9478297274884), (588.5964600708882, 168.9478297274884), (588.5964600708882, 74.51695678668727)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'parent_id': 'e09db39c68e09c187ac8749271456628', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our stock price is subject to volatility.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 181.35414863913718), (23.801670112263704, 189.35493378919023), (167.98346633902736, 189.35493378919023), (167.98346633902736, 181.35414863913718)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'parent_id': 'e09db39c68e09c187ac8749271456628', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our stock price has experienced price and volume fluctuations and could be subject to wide fluctuations in the future. The trading price of our stock may fluctuate widely due to various factors including actual or anticipated fluctuations in our financial conditions and operating results, changes in financial estimates by us or financial estimates and ratings by securities analysts, changes in our capital structure, including issuance of additional debt or equity to the public, interest rate changes, inflation, news regarding our products or products of our competitors, and broad market and industry fluctuations. Stock price fluctuations could impact the value of our equity compensation, which could affect our ability to recruit and retain employees. In addition, volatility in our stock price could adversely affect our business and financing opportunities.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 201.76125270084265), (23.801670112263704, 257.77875329019776), (588.5956983564528, 257.77875329019776), (588.5956983564528, 201.76125270084265)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'parent_id': 'e09db39c68e09c187ac8749271456628', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In May 2021, our Board of Directors approved a stock repurchase program of up to $4 billion of our common stock (Existing Repurchase Program). In February 2022, our Board of Directors approved a new stock repurchase program in addition to our Existing Repurchase Program to purchase up to $8 billion of our outstanding common stock in the open market (collectively referred to as the Repurchase Program). The Repurchase Program does not obligate us to acquire any common stock, has no termination date and may be suspended or discontinued at any time. Our stock repurchases could affect the trading price of our stock, the volatility of our stock price, reduce our cash reserves, and may be suspended or discontinued at any time, which may result in a decrease in our stock price.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 270.1850722018502), (23.801670112263704, 326.2025727912053), (588.5959964346183, 326.2025727912053), (588.5959964346183, 270.1850722018502)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'parent_id': 'e09db39c68e09c187ac8749271456628', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Worldwide political conditions may adversely affect demand for our products.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 338.6088917028577), (23.801670112263704, 346.60967685291075), (319.55137227754847, 346.60967685291075), (319.55137227754847, 338.6088917028577)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'parent_id': 'e09db39c68e09c187ac8749271456628', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Worldwide political conditions may create uncertainties that could adversely affect our business. The United States has been and may continue to be involved in armed conflicts that could have a further impact on our sales and our supply chain. The consequences of armed conflict, political instability or civil or military unrest are unpredictable, and we may not be able to foresee events that could have a material adverse effect on us. Terrorist attacks or other hostile acts may negatively affect our operations, or adversely affect demand for our products, and such attacks or related armed conflicts may impact our physical facilities or those of our suppliers or customers. Furthermore, these attacks or hostile acts may make travel and the transportation of our products more difficult and more expensive, which could materially adversely affect us. Any of these events could cause consumer spending to decrease or result in increased volatility in the United States economy and worldwide financial markets.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 359.01599576455953), (23.801670112263704, 424.63683944177797), (588.596929677047, 424.63683944177797), (588.596929677047, 359.01599576455953)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'parent_id': 'e09db39c68e09c187ac8749271456628', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 1B. UNRESOLVED STAFF COMMENTS', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 437.6433672964198), (23.801670112263704, 445.64415244647284), (191.05696753547605, 445.64415244647284), (191.05696753547605, 437.6433672964198)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'parent_id': 'e09db39c68e09c187ac8749271456628', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='None.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 454.4492177001779), (23.801670112263704, 462.45000285023093), (45.148749594746945, 462.45000285023093), (45.148749594746945, 454.4492177001779)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'parent_id': 'e09db39c68e09c187ac8749271456628', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='36', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 488.6611274506798), (301.74530504194826, 496.6619126007329), (310.64399456981226, 496.6619126007329), (310.64399456981226, 488.6611274506798)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 39, 'parent_id': '0b660e167760d01d49f40effcb0699cf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92411564091549), (23.801670112263704, 27.126622956811048), (79.85673046881709, 27.126622956811048), (79.85673046881709, 19.92411564091549)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 40, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 2. PROPERTIES', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 65.5110927139325), (23.801670112263704, 73.51187786398555), (105.59196176627589, 73.51187786398555), (105.59196176627589, 65.5110927139325)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 40, 'parent_id': '8ba7bf2d16640772135d07d42b74a5f2', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='As of December 31, 2022, we have 6 million square feet of space for research and development, engineering, administrative and warehouse use throughout the world. These facilities include 5 million square feet of leased space and 1 million square feet of owned space. Our headquarters are located in Santa Clara, California, and we have significant operations in Austin, Texas; San Jose, California; Shanghai, China; Markham, Ontario, Canada; Longmont, Colorado; Dublin, Ireland; Singapore; and Bangalore and Hyderabad, India. We also have a number of regional sales offices located in commercial centers near customers, principally in the United States, Europe, Asia and Latin America.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 82.31694311769058), (23.801670112263704, 128.731100619186), (588.5963139800316, 128.731100619186), (588.5963139800316, 82.31694311769058)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 40, 'parent_id': 'fa028f9b36567695323b4e017e35888e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We currently do not anticipate difficulty in either retaining occupancy of any of our facilities through lease renewals prior to expiration or through month-to-month occupancy or replacing them with equivalent facilities. We believe that our existing facilities are suitable and adequate for our present purposes and that the productive capacity of such facilities is substantially being utilized or we have plans to utilize such capacity.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 137.5361658728874), (23.801670112263704, 164.74363719866346), (588.59766211202, 164.74363719866346), (588.59766211202, 137.5361658728874)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 40, 'parent_id': 'fa028f9b36567695323b4e017e35888e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 177.14995611031225), (23.801670112263704, 185.1507412603653), (142.33259614904279, 185.1507412603653), (142.33259614904279, 177.14995611031225)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 40, 'parent_id': '8ba7bf2d16640772135d07d42b74a5f2', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='For a discussion of our legal proceedings, refer to Note 17 – Contingencies of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10- K).', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 193.95580651407033), (23.801670112263704, 211.55993475198306), (588.587019769688, 211.55993475198306), (588.587019769688, 193.95580651407033)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 40, 'parent_id': 'd386fe57a9bb00cfdbe5c4f9107205b5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 4. MINE SAFETY DISCLOSURES', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 224.5664626066249), (23.801670112263704, 232.56724775667794), (167.66746539002665, 232.56724775667794), (167.66746539002665, 224.5664626066249)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 40, 'parent_id': '8ba7bf2d16640772135d07d42b74a5f2', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Not Applicable.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 241.37231301038298), (23.801670112263704, 249.37309816043603), (77.1668964388891, 249.37309816043603), (77.1668964388891, 241.37231301038298)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 40, 'parent_id': '8ba7bf2d16640772135d07d42b74a5f2', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='37', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 275.5842227608849), (301.74530504194826, 283.585007910938), (310.64399456981226, 283.585007910938), (310.64399456981226, 275.5842227608849)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 40, 'parent_id': '7cda87eb4aba9a702d0365642144e91f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.923065712959442), (23.801670112263704, 27.125573028855), (79.85673046881709, 27.125573028855), (79.85673046881709, 19.923065712959442)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='PART II', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((292.27325766036694, 54.10607286914126), (292.27325766036694, 62.106858019194306), (320.1238889603908, 62.106858019194306), (320.1238889603908, 54.10607286914126)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '02869ab94152b00d7e7b335ee0d00f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 5. MARKET FOR REGISTRANT’S COMMON EQUITY, RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS AND ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECURITIES', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 70.9119232728957), (23.801670112263704, 78.91270842294875), (584.7004529205433, 78.91270842294875), (584.7004529205433, 70.9119232728957)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '3c204b5a0c5e042df4fe569e03916a54', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our common stock is listed on The NASDAQ Global Select Market (NASDAQ) under the symbol “AMD”. On February 22, 2023, there were 5,014 registered holders of our common stock, and the closing price of our common stock was $76.61 per share as reported on NASDAQ.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 87.71777367665379), (23.801670112263704, 105.32190191456652), (588.5926797775847, 105.32190191456652), (588.5926797775847, 87.71777367665379)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '3c204b5a0c5e042df4fe569e03916a54', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 114.12696716827156), (23.801670112263704, 122.12775231832461), (166.96431425745013, 122.12775231832461), (166.96431425745013, 114.12696716827156)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '02869ab94152b00d7e7b335ee0d00f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In May 2021, our Board of Directors approved a stock repurchase program of up to $4 billion of our common stock (Existing Repurchase Program). In February 2022, our Board of Directors approved a new stock repurchase program in addition to the Existing Repurchase Program to purchase up to additional $8 billion of our outstanding common stock in the open market (collectively referred to as the “Repurchase Program”). We expect to fund repurchases through cash generated from operations which have been strengthened by our strong operational results. Our Repurchase Program does not obligate us to acquire any common stock, has no termination date and may be suspended or discontinued at any time.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 130.932817572026), (23.801670112263704, 177.34697507352143), (588.5983946670348, 177.34697507352143), (588.5983946670348, 130.932817572026)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '20088879412da9663ad532f2f928979a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The following table provides information relating to our repurchase of common stock for the year ended December 31, 2022:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 186.15204032722647), (23.801670112263704, 194.15282547727952), (462.69010551698887, 194.15282547727952), (462.69010551698887, 186.15204032722647)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '20088879412da9663ad532f2f928979a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total Number of Shares Repurchased', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((269.85920494553585, 217.42544085560962), (269.85920494553585, 230.42596644076036), (341.53083176368074, 230.42596644076036), (341.53083176368074, 217.42544085560962)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '02869ab94152b00d7e7b335ee0d00f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Average Price Paid per Share', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((351.3469442202934, 217.42544085560962), (351.3469442202934, 230.42596644076036), (420.7915533722857, 230.42596644076036), (420.7915533722857, 217.42544085560962)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '02869ab94152b00d7e7b335ee0d00f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total Number of Shares Repurchased as Part of Publicly Announced Program', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((430.6026624903915, 204.8210530527956), (430.6026624903915, 230.42596644076036), (502.27428930853637, 230.42596644076036), (502.27428930853637, 204.8210530527956)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '02869ab94152b00d7e7b335ee0d00f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Maximum Dollar Value of Shares That May Yet be Purchased Under the Program', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((511.9591060588697, 204.8210530527956), (511.9591060588697, 230.42596644076036), (581.8657156372446, 230.42596644076036), (581.8657156372446, 204.8210530527956)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '06474f8623b1f8b78f721ee8bbf2cbc4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(In millions)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((528.9712782867792, 233.63108231637466), (528.9712782867792, 240.02930952862005), (564.8588278889529, 240.02930952862005), (564.8588278889529, 233.63108231637466)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '02869ab94152b00d7e7b335ee0d00f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Repurchases during each fiscal quarter of 2022: December 26, 2021 - March 26, 2022 March 27, 2022 - June 25, 2022 June 26, 2022 - September 24, 2022 September 25, 2022 - December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 241.97147202541635), (24.598822614674017, 291.98688318485915), (194.9162858338053, 291.98688318485915), (194.9162858338053, 241.97147202541635)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '380e86274ce65bfcd6e9854b7e178e82', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='15,785,806 $ 10,159,900 $ 6,895,972 $ 3,484,459 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((299.7946259772266, 252.7752329992585), (299.7946259772266, 291.98688318485915), (353.8740583338584, 291.98688318485915), (353.8740583338584, 252.7752329992585)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '380e86274ce65bfcd6e9854b7e178e82', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='121.03 90.58 89.52 71.75', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((395.6311102953697, 252.7752329992585), (395.6311102953697, 291.98688318485915), (422.3217217326533, 291.98688318485915), (422.3217217326533, 252.7752329992585)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '380e86274ce65bfcd6e9854b7e178e82', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='15,785,806 $ 10,159,900 $ 6,895,972 $ 3,484,459 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((460.5380835220822, 252.7752329992585), (460.5380835220822, 291.98688318485915), (514.617515878714, 291.98688318485915), (514.617515878714, 252.7752329992585)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '380e86274ce65bfcd6e9854b7e178e82', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='8,327 7,407 6,790 6,540', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((560.923029237376, 252.7752329992585), (560.923029237376, 291.98688318485915), (583.1646065298348, 291.98688318485915), (583.1646065298348, 252.7752329992585)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '380e86274ce65bfcd6e9854b7e178e82', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='36,326,137', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((299.7946259772266, 294.78985900864825), (299.7946259772266, 302.7906441587013), (342.0549061823112, 302.7906441587013), (342.0549061823112, 294.78985900864825)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '380e86274ce65bfcd6e9854b7e178e82', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='36,326,137', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((460.5380835220822, 294.78985900864825), (460.5380835220822, 302.7906441587013), (502.7983637271668, 302.7906441587013), (502.7983637271668, 294.78985900864825)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '380e86274ce65bfcd6e9854b7e178e82', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Repurchases during last fiscal quarter of 2022: September 25, 2022 - October 29, 2022 October 30, 2022 - November 26, 2022 November 27, 2022 - December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 317.59779884231864), (24.598822614674017, 356.8094490279193), (190.01804751332958, 356.8094490279193), (190.01804751332958, 317.59779884231864)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '380e86274ce65bfcd6e9854b7e178e82', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 360.81284273769086), (24.598822614674017, 368.8136278877439), (41.496686260542326, 368.8136278877439), (41.496686260542326, 360.81284273769086)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '02869ab94152b00d7e7b335ee0d00f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='— $ 1,455,994 $ 2,028,465 $ 3,484,459', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((304.24929872494533, 327.8013508731714), (304.24929872494533, 367.61321000176144), (353.8740583338584, 367.61321000176144), (353.8740583338584, 327.8013508731714)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': 'cc27553dcdfd90d9cd57f7e462f22fa2', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='— 70.65 72.54', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((400.076407779399, 327.8013508731714), (400.076407779399, 356.8094490279193), (422.32187736683227, 356.8094490279193), (422.32187736683227, 327.8013508731714)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': 'cc27553dcdfd90d9cd57f7e462f22fa2', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='— $ 1,455,994 $ 2,028,465 $ 3,484,459', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((464.992756269801, 327.8013508731714), (464.992756269801, 367.61321000176144), (514.617515878714, 367.61321000176144), (514.617515878714, 327.8013508731714)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': 'cc27553dcdfd90d9cd57f7e462f22fa2', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='6,790 6,687 6,540', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((560.923029237376, 327.8013508731714), (560.923029237376, 356.8094490279193), (583.1646065298348, 356.8094490279193), (583.1646065298348, 327.8013508731714)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': 'cc27553dcdfd90d9cd57f7e462f22fa2', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Equity Award Share Withholding', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 383.0205736283682), (23.801670112263704, 391.02135877842125), (147.28542430124105, 391.02135877842125), (147.28542430124105, 383.0205736283682)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '02869ab94152b00d7e7b335ee0d00f87', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Shares of common stock withheld as payment of withholding taxes in connection with the vesting or exercise of equity awards are also treated as common stock repurchases. Those withheld shares of common stock are not considered common stock repurchases under an authorized common stock repurchase plan. During fiscal year 2022, we withheld 5 million shares as payment of withholding taxes in connection with the vesting and exercise of equity awards.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 399.8264240321263), (23.801670112263704, 427.0338953578987), (588.5930828178898, 427.0338953578987), (588.5930828178898, 399.8264240321263)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '6811c271fcaf4f863203afd7f7e2a2ce', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='For information about our equity compensation plans, see Part III, Item 11, below.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 435.83896061160374), (23.801670112263704, 443.8397457616568), (311.352497889246, 443.8397457616568), (311.352497889246, 435.83896061160374)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '6811c271fcaf4f863203afd7f7e2a2ce', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='38', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 470.0508703621057), (301.74530504194826, 478.05165551215873), (310.64399456981226, 478.05165551215873), (310.64399456981226, 470.0508703621057)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 41, 'parent_id': '6811c271fcaf4f863203afd7f7e2a2ce', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926095784834843), (23.801670112263704, 27.128603100730402), (79.85673046881709, 27.128603100730402), (79.85673046881709, 19.926095784834843)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Performance Graph', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((268.8557276179276, 64.31265497186939), (268.8557276179276, 72.31344012192244), (343.5447092126079, 72.31344012192244), (343.5447092126079, 64.31265497186939)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '13e584b14f216242c42f379d85cf8e6d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Returns Advanced Micro Devices, S&P 500 Index and S&P 500 Semiconductor Index', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((162.29050844381504, 77.5172517176801), (162.29050844381504, 95.12137995559283), (450.0916476611684, 95.12137995559283), (450.0916476611684, 77.5172517176801)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': 'f24c060afd83dab06d247842b9ff9fdf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The following graph shows a five-year comparison of cumulative total return on our common stock, the S&P 500 Index and the S&P 500 Semiconductor Index from December 30, 2017 through December 31, 2022. The past performance of our common stock is no indication of future performance.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 103.92644520929423), (23.801670112263704, 121.5305734472106), (588.5972002592912, 121.5305734472106), (588.5972002592912, 103.92644520929423)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': 'f24c060afd83dab06d247842b9ff9fdf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Company / Index Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. S&P 500 Index S&P 500 Semiconductors Index', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 347.07360261360895), (24.598822614674017, 386.22271730637044), (144.4889638838564, 386.22271730637044), (144.4889638838564, 347.07360261360895)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': 'f24c060afd83dab06d247842b9ff9fdf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Base Period 12/30/2017 100 100 100', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((241.04917568195376, 338.67067741173173), (241.04917568195376, 386.22271730637044), (278.0210437844698, 386.22271730637044), (278.0210437844698, 338.67067741173173)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': 'f24c060afd83dab06d247842b9ff9fdf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='12/29/2018', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((307.37226388249167, 347.07360261360895), (307.37226388249167, 353.47182982585434), (339.3846286336902, 353.47182982585434), (339.3846286336902, 347.07360261360895)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': 'f24c060afd83dab06d247842b9ff9fdf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='173 95 93', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((335.90094520404654, 357.2146191516225), (335.90094520404654, 386.22271730637044), (351.4765606212479, 386.22271730637044), (351.4765606212479, 357.2146191516225)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': 'f24c060afd83dab06d247842b9ff9fdf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='12/28/2019', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((366.7085418549768, 347.07360261360895), (366.7085418549768, 353.47182982585434), (398.7209066061754, 353.47182982585434), (398.7209066061754, 347.07360261360895)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': 'f24c060afd83dab06d247842b9ff9fdf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='449 126 138', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((395.64986682483817, 357.2146191516225), (395.64986682483817, 386.22271730637044), (411.21984363914555, 386.22271730637044), (411.21984363914555, 357.2146191516225)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': 'f24c060afd83dab06d247842b9ff9fdf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Years Ended 12/26/2020', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((422.0590603164551, 338.67067741173173), (422.0590603164551, 353.47182982585434), (460.45490438934377, 353.47182982585434), (460.45490438934377, 338.67067741173173)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '13e584b14f216242c42f379d85cf8e6d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='893 147 193', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((452.96044561681714, 357.2146191516225), (452.96044561681714, 386.22271730637044), (468.5304224311245, 386.22271730637044), (468.5304224311245, 357.2146191516225)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '0fb64a9b25833311cb20fcd8d2c7aec4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='12/25/2021', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((483.3272668262829, 347.07360261360895), (483.3272668262829, 353.47182982585434), (515.3396315774814, 353.47182982585434), (515.3396315774814, 347.07360261360895)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '0fb64a9b25833311cb20fcd8d2c7aec4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='1,422 190 296', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((505.22551197968613, 357.2146191516225), (505.22551197968613, 386.22271730637044), (527.467089272145, 386.22271730637044), (527.467089272145, 357.2146191516225)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '0fb64a9b25833311cb20fcd8d2c7aec4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 410.0330061348544), (23.801670112263704, 418.03379128490747), (173.1788983603905, 418.03379128490747), (173.1788983603905, 410.0330061348544)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '13e584b14f216242c42f379d85cf8e6d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='On January 3, 2023, we issued warrants to purchase 300,260 shares of our common stock to a commercial partner pursuant to a strategic arrangement executed in 2018 with such partner. The warrants have an exercise price of $25.4994 per share and expire on January 3, 2026. The warrants were issued pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 426.8388565386125), (23.801670112263704, 454.0463278643849), (588.5978089231276, 454.0463278643849), (588.5978089231276, 426.8388565386125)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '5748c0769d083bdda6ef0827ca2985cc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='On February 9, 2023, we issued 27,230 shares of AMD’s common stock pursuant to an exercise in full by a commercial partner of warrants to purchase up to 42,260 shares of AMD’s common stock at an exercise price of $25.4994 per share (the Warrants). As a result, the Warrants are no longer outstanding. The commercial partner acquired the Warrants on March 30, 2020 and June 29, 2020 pursuant to a strategic arrangement with such partner. The shares of common stock were issued pursuant to Section 3(a)(9) of the Securities Act of 1933.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 462.85139311808996), (23.801670112263704, 499.66220753172206), (588.5972953843564, 499.66220753172206), (588.5972953843564, 462.85139311808996)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '5748c0769d083bdda6ef0827ca2985cc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 6. [RESERVED]', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 512.0685264433745), (23.801670112263704, 520.0693115934275), (103.22056086989305, 520.0693115934275), (103.22056086989305, 512.0685264433745)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '5748c0769d083bdda6ef0827ca2985cc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='39', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 564.286704483617), (301.74530504194826, 572.28748963367), (310.64399456981226, 572.28748963367), (310.64399456981226, 564.286704483617)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '5748c0769d083bdda6ef0827ca2985cc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='12/31/2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((542.672926064547, 347.07360261360895), (542.672926064547, 353.47182982585434), (574.6852908157455, 353.47182982585434), (574.6852908157455, 347.07360261360895)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '5748c0769d083bdda6ef0827ca2985cc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='630 157 185', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((571.5861132391609, 357.2146191516225), (571.5861132391609, 386.22271730637044), (587.1560900534683, 386.22271730637044), (587.1560900534683, 357.2146191516225)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 42, 'parent_id': '5748c0769d083bdda6ef0827ca2985cc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.925285856869095), (23.801670112263704, 27.127793172764655), (79.85673046881709, 27.127793172764655), (79.85673046881709, 19.925285856869095)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 7. MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 65.5122629298861), (23.801670112263704, 73.51304807993915), (464.3970253212765, 73.51304807993915), (464.3970253212765, 65.5122629298861)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'parent_id': '9532007d663086f9f3ef80f03a10e837', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021 and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2022 and related notes, which are included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K as well as with the other sections of this Annual Report on Form 10-K, “Part II, Item 8: Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.”', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 82.31811333364055), (23.801670112263704, 109.52558465941661), (588.5987238216196, 109.52558465941661), (588.5987238216196, 82.31811333364055)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'parent_id': '9532007d663086f9f3ef80f03a10e837', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Introduction', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 118.33064991311801), (23.801670112263704, 126.33143506317106), (70.45666475695484, 126.33143506317106), (70.45666475695484, 118.33064991311801)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'parent_id': '9532007d663086f9f3ef80f03a10e837', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In this section, we will describe the general financial condition and the results of operations of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively, “us,” “our” or “AMD”), including a discussion of our results of operations for 2022 compared to 2021, an analysis of changes in our financial condition and a discussion of our off-balance sheet arrangements. Discussions of 2020 items and year-to-year comparisons between 2021 and 2020 that are not included in this Form 10-K can be found in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in Part II, Item 7 of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 25, 2021.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 135.1365003168761), (23.801670112263704, 181.55065781837152), (588.595472358509, 181.55065781837152), (588.595472358509, 135.1365003168761)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'parent_id': 'bf15264beb5c48fcd4eeeee31d80da41', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Overview', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 190.35572307207292), (23.801670112263704, 198.35650822212597), (59.379189644142166, 198.35650822212597), (59.379189644142166, 190.35572307207292)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'parent_id': '9532007d663086f9f3ef80f03a10e837', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='2022 was a transformative year for AMD as we took several major steps that scaled and reshaped our business. In February 2022, we completed our strategic acquisition of Xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx) which expanded our technology and product portfolio to include adaptable hardware platforms that enable hardware acceleration and rapid innovation across a variety of technologies and established AMD in multiple embedded markets where we have traditionally not had a significant presence. We now offer Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Adaptive SoCs, and Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP) products. With the acquisition of Xilinx, we have access to a new set of markets and customers, further strengthening and diversifying our business model. In May 2022, we expanded our data center solutions capabilities with the acquisition of Pensando Systems, Inc. (Pensando). We now offer high-performance data processing units (DPUs) and a software stack that complements our existing products. With the Xilinx and Pensando acquisitions, we are well positioned to provide the industry’s broadest set of leadership compute engines and accelerators to help enable best performance, security, flexibility and total cost of ownership for leading-edge data centers.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 207.161573475831), (23.801670112263704, 291.9891033287688), (588.5984826657179, 291.9891033287688), (588.5984826657179, 207.161573475831)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'parent_id': '7662836ea9d6f98a69b17d312b4a609d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our 2022 financial results reflect the strength of our diversified business model despite the challenging PC market conditions in the second half of 2022. Net revenue for 2022 was $23.6 billion, an increase of 44% compared to 2021 net revenue of $16.4 billion. The increase in net revenue was driven by a 64% increase in Data Center segment revenue primarily due to higher sales of our EPYC™ server processors, a 21% increase in Gaming segment revenue primarily due to higher semi-custom product sales, and a significant increase in Embedded segment revenue from the prior year period driven by the inclusion of Xilinx embedded product sales. This growth was partially offset by a 10% decrease in Client segment revenue primarily due to lower processor shipments driven by a weak PC market and significant inventory correction actions across the PC supply chain. Gross margin, as a percentage of net revenue for 2022, was 45%, compared to 48% in 2021. The decrease in gross margin was primarily due to amortization of intangible assets associated with the Xilinx acquisition. Operating income for 2022 was $1.3 billion compared to operating income of $3.6 billion for 2021. The decrease in operating income was primarily driven by amortization of intangible assets associated with the Xilinx acquisition. Net income for 2022 was $1.3 billion compared to $3.2 billion in the prior year. The decrease in net income was primarily driven by lower operating income.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 300.79416858247384), (23.801670112263704, 395.22504152327133), (588.5982918485615, 395.22504152327133), (588.5982918485615, 300.79416858247384)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'parent_id': '7662836ea9d6f98a69b17d312b4a609d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments as of December 31, 2022 were $5.9 billion, compared to $3.6 billion at the end of 2021. Our aggregate principal amount of total debt as of December 31, 2022 was $2.5 billion, compared to $313 million as of December 25, 2021.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 404.03010677697273), (23.801670112263704, 421.6342350148891), (588.5960864435029, 421.6342350148891), (588.5960864435029, 404.03010677697273)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'parent_id': '7662836ea9d6f98a69b17d312b4a609d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We took several actions in 2022 to strengthen our financial position. In June 2022, we issued $1.0 billion in aggregate principal amount of senior notes, consisting of $500 million in aggregate principal amount of 3.924% Senior Notes due 2032 (3.924% Notes) and $500 million in aggregate principal amount of 4.393% Senior Notes due 2052 (4.393% Notes). The 3.924% Notes will mature on June 1, 2032 and bear interest at a rate of 3.924% per annum, and the 4.393% Notes will mature on June 1, 2052 and bear interest at a rate of 4.393% per annum. The 3.924% Notes and the 4.393% Notes are senior unsecured obligations.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 430.4393002685905), (23.801670112263704, 476.8534577700859), (588.5949585281755, 476.8534577700859), (588.5949585281755, 430.4393002685905)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'parent_id': '7662836ea9d6f98a69b17d312b4a609d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='40', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 503.06458237053846), (301.74530504194826, 511.0653675205915), (310.64399456981226, 511.0653675205915), (310.64399456981226, 503.06458237053846)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 43, 'parent_id': '7662836ea9d6f98a69b17d312b4a609d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926155928828166), (23.801670112263704, 27.128663244723725), (79.85673046881709, 27.128663244723725), (79.85673046881709, 19.926155928828166)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 44, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We also entered into a revolving credit agreement in June 2022. The agreement provides for a five-year unsecured revolving credit facility in the aggregate principal amount of $3.0 billion. There were no funds drawn from this facility during the year ended December 31, 2022. In November 2022, we established a new commercial paper program, under which we may issue unsecured commercial paper notes up to a maximum principal amount outstanding at any time of $3.0 billion with a maturity of up to 397 days from the date of issue. The commercial paper will be sold at a discount from par or, alternatively, will be sold at par and bear interest at rates that will vary based on market conditions at the time of issuance. As of December 31, 2022, we had no commercial paper outstanding.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.311670400904745), (23.801670112263704, 117.32917099026349), (588.5975227408219, 117.32917099026349), (588.5975227408219, 61.311670400904745)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 44, 'parent_id': 'b0c635f73a108fd5fb42f311f4d8717c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='During the twelve months ended December 31, 2022, we returned a total of $3.7 billion to shareholders through the repurchase of 36.3 million shares of common stock under our stock repurchase program. As of December 31, 2022, $6.5 billion remained available for future stock repurchases under this program. The repurchase program does not obligate us to acquire any common stock, has no termination date and may be suspended or discontinued at any time.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 126.13423624396489), (23.801670112263704, 153.34170756974459), (588.5976690717622, 153.34170756974459), (588.5976690717622, 126.13423624396489)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 44, 'parent_id': 'b0c635f73a108fd5fb42f311f4d8717c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We continued executing our product technology roadmap by delivering a number of new leadership products and technologies during 2022. For Data Center, we launched our 4th Gen AMD EPYC™ processors with next-generation architecture, technology and features, and designed to deliver optimizations across market segments and applications, while helping businesses free data center resources to create additional workload processing and accelerate output. We also unveiled our 3rd Gen AMD EPYC processors with AMD 3D V-Cache technology for leadership performance in technical computing workloads. We introduced the 7 nm Versal™ ACAP VCK5000 development card designed to offer leadership AI inference performance. We announced the availability of the AMD Instinct™ ecosystem, the new AMD Instinct MI210 accelerator and ROCm™ 5 software. Together the AMD Instinct and ROCm ecosystem offers exascale-class technology to a broad base of high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) customers, designed to address the demand for compute-accelerated data center workloads and reduce the time to insights and discoveries.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 162.14677282344599), (23.801670112263704, 237.3709595885241), (588.5985184981919, 237.3709595885241), (588.5985184981919, 162.14677282344599)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 44, 'parent_id': 'b0c635f73a108fd5fb42f311f4d8717c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In the Embedded segment, we introduced the AMD Ryzen™ Embedded R2000 Series, second-generation mid-range system-on-chip processors optimized for a wide range of industrial and robotics systems, machine vision, IoT (Internet of Things) and thin-client equipment. We also introduced the Kria™ KR260 Robotics Starter Kit, the latest addition to the Kria portfolio. The kit enables rapid development of hardware-accelerated applications for robotics, machine vision and industrial communication and control.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 246.1760248422255), (23.801670112263704, 282.9868392558576), (588.596471860122, 282.9868392558576), (588.596471860122, 246.1760248422255)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 44, 'parent_id': 'b0c635f73a108fd5fb42f311f4d8717c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='For the Client segment, we introduced the Ryzen 7000 Series Desktop processors powered by the new “Zen 4” architecture for gamers, enthusiasts, and content creators. Along with the introduction of the Ryzen 7000 Series Desktop processors, we also unveiled the new Socket AM5 platform featuring four new chipsets. These new desktop processors are designed for gamers, enthusiasts, and content creators. We introduced AMD Ryzen 7000 Mobile processors with up to 16 “Zen 4” architecture cores. We also introduced the AMD Ryzen 6000 Series Mobile processors, built on “Zen 3+” architecture and includes AMD RDNA™ 2 architecture based on integrated graphics. We launched the AMD Ryzen 5000 C-Series processors bringing “Zen 3” architecture to premium Chrome OS devices for work and collaboration. The processors offer up to eight high performance x86 cores. For workstations, we introduced the new AMD Ryzen Threadripper™ PRO 5000 WX-Series workstation processors designed for professionals to run demanding workstation applications. We also introduced the AMD Ryzen PRO 7030 Series Mobile processors built on “Zen 3” core architecture.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 291.7919045095663), (23.801670112263704, 367.0160912746444), (588.5980863584872, 367.0160912746444), (588.5980863584872, 291.7919045095663)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 44, 'parent_id': 'b0c635f73a108fd5fb42f311f4d8717c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In the Gaming segment, we unveiled the AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX and the Radeon RX 7900 XT gaming graphics cards that are built on next-generation high performance, energy-efficient AMD RDNA™ 3 architecture. We announced new graphics cards to the AMD Radeon RX 6000 Series product line: the AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT, the AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT and the AMD Radeon RX 6650 XT. These new graphics cards are built on AMD RDNA 2 gaming architecture and GDDR6 memory at up to 18Gbps. We launched the new AMD Radeon PRO GPUs including the introduction of the AMD Radeon PRO W6400 graphics card built on AMD RDNA 2 architecture.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 375.8211565283458), (23.801670112263704, 422.2353140298376), (588.5939253311831, 422.2353140298376), (588.5939253311831, 375.8211565283458)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 44, 'parent_id': 'b0c635f73a108fd5fb42f311f4d8717c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Although the current COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our business operations and practices, we experienced limited disruptions during 2022. We continue to monitor our operations and public health measures implemented by governmental authorities in response to the pandemic.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 431.04037928354626), (23.801670112263704, 448.644507521459), (588.5972223989486, 448.644507521459), (588.5972223989486, 431.04037928354626)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 44, 'parent_id': 'b0c635f73a108fd5fb42f311f4d8717c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We intend the discussion of our financial condition and results of operations that follows to provide information that will assist in understanding our financial statements, the changes in certain key items in those financial statements from period to period, the primary factors that resulted in those changes, and how certain accounting principles, policies and estimates affect our financial statements.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 456.849363832171), (23.801670112263704, 482.8564172719646), (588.5948127288804, 482.8564172719646), (588.5948127288804, 456.849363832171)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 44, 'parent_id': 'b0c635f73a108fd5fb42f311f4d8717c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='41', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 509.06754187240983), (301.74530504194826, 517.0683270224629), (310.64399456981226, 517.0683270224629), (310.64399456981226, 509.06754187240983)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 44, 'parent_id': 'b0c635f73a108fd5fb42f311f4d8717c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92726600078481), (23.801670112263704, 27.12977331668037), (79.85673046881709, 27.12977331668037), (79.85673046881709, 19.92726600078481)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Critical Accounting Estimates', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31278047286139), (23.801670112263704, 69.31356562291444), (136.86004790781848, 69.31356562291444), (136.86004790781848, 61.31278047286139)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '2c721140749e2ba2d5c95ee98f4cc067', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (U.S. GAAP). The preparation of our financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts in our consolidated financial statements. We evaluate our estimates on an on-going basis, including those related to our revenue, inventories, business combination, goodwill, long-lived and intangible assets, and income taxes. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities. Although actual results have historically been reasonably consistent with management’s expectations, the actual results may differ from these estimates or our estimates may be affected by different assumptions or conditions.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.11863087661584), (23.801670112263704, 143.73947455383427), (588.597900237364, 143.73947455383427), (588.597900237364, 78.11863087661584)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '13d5ba23ef117afaff2f4898edc6fd6a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Management believes the following critical accounting estimates are the most significant to the presentation of our financial statements and require the most difficult, subjective and complex judgments.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 152.54453980753567), (23.801670112263704, 170.14866804545568), (588.5908192472216, 170.14866804545568), (588.5908192472216, 152.54453980753567)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '13d5ba23ef117afaff2f4898edc6fd6a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Revenue Allowances. Revenue contracts with our customers include variable amounts which we evaluate under ASC 606-10-32-8 through 14 in order to determine the net amount of consideration to which we are entitled and which we recognize as revenue. We determine the net amount of consideration to which we are entitled by estimating the most likely amount of consideration we expect to receive from the customer after adjustments to the contract price for rights of return and rebates to our original equipment manufacturers (OEM) customers and rights of return, rebates and price protection on unsold merchandise to our distributor customers.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 178.95373329915708), (23.801670112263704, 225.36789080064887), (588.5978088631068, 225.36789080064887), (588.5978088631068, 178.95373329915708)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '13d5ba23ef117afaff2f4898edc6fd6a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We base our determination of necessary adjustments to the contract price by reference to actual historical activity and experience, including actual historical returns, rebates and credits issued to OEM and distributor customers adjusted, as applicable, to include adjustments, if any, for known events or current economic conditions, or both.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 234.17295605435754), (23.801670112263704, 261.38042738012996), (588.598181590179, 261.38042738012996), (588.598181590179, 234.17295605435754)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '13d5ba23ef117afaff2f4898edc6fd6a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our estimates of necessary adjustments for distributor price incentives and price protection on unsold products held by distributors are based on actual historical incentives provided to distributor customers and known future price movements based on our internal and external market data analysis.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 270.18549263383136), (23.801670112263704, 287.7896208717441), (588.5898309946532, 287.7896208717441), (588.5898309946532, 270.18549263383136)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '13d5ba23ef117afaff2f4898edc6fd6a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our estimates of necessary adjustments for OEM price incentives utilize, in addition to known pricing agreements, actual historical rebate attainment rates and estimates of future OEM rebate program attainment based on internal and external market data analysis.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 296.5946861254455), (23.801670112263704, 314.1988143633655), (588.5963427927422, 314.1988143633655), (588.5963427927422, 296.5946861254455)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '13d5ba23ef117afaff2f4898edc6fd6a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We offer incentive programs through cooperative advertising and marketing promotions. Where funds provided for such programs can be estimated, we recognize a reduction to revenue at the time the related revenue is recognized; otherwise, we recognize such reduction to revenue at the later of when: i) the related revenue transaction occurs; or ii) the program is offered. For transactions where we reimburse a customer for a portion of the customer’s cost to perform specific product advertising or marketing and promotional activities, such amounts are recognized as a reduction to revenue unless they qualify for expense recognition.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 323.0038796170669), (23.801670112263704, 369.4180371185587), (588.5964483619414, 369.4180371185587), (588.5964483619414, 323.0038796170669)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '13d5ba23ef117afaff2f4898edc6fd6a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We also provide limited product return rights to certain OEMs and to most distribution customers. These return rights are generally limited to a contractual percentage of the customer’s prior quarter shipments, although, from time to time we may approve additional product returns beyond the contractual arrangements based on the applicable facts and circumstances. In order to estimate adjustments to revenue to account for these returns, including product restocking rights provided to distributor and OEM customers, we utilize relevant, trended actual historical product return rate information gathered, adjusted for actual known information or events, as applicable.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 378.22310237226736), (23.801670112263704, 424.63725987375915), (588.593858945392, 424.63725987375915), (588.593858945392, 378.22310237226736)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '13d5ba23ef117afaff2f4898edc6fd6a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Overall, our estimates of adjustments to contract price due to variable consideration under our contracts with OEM and distributor customers, based on our assumptions and include adjustments, if any, for known events, have been materially consistent with actual results; however, these estimates are subject to management’s judgment and actual provisions could be different from our estimates and current provisions, resulting in future adjustments to our revenue and operating results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 433.44232512746055), (23.801670112263704, 470.2531395410999), (588.5971313096875, 470.2531395410999), (588.5971313096875, 433.44232512746055)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '13d5ba23ef117afaff2f4898edc6fd6a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='42', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 496.46426414155246), (301.74530504194826, 504.4650492916055), (310.64399456981226, 504.4650492916055), (310.64399456981226, 496.46426414155246)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 45, 'parent_id': '13d5ba23ef117afaff2f4898edc6fd6a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.928136072754796), (23.801670112263704, 27.130643388650356), (79.85673046881709, 27.130643388650356), (79.85673046881709, 19.928136072754796)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 46, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Inventory Valuation. We value inventory at standard cost, adjusted to approximate the lower of actual cost or estimated net realizable value using assumptions about future demand and market conditions. Material assumptions we use to estimate necessary inventory carrying value adjustments can be unique to each product and are based on specific facts and circumstances. In determining excess or obsolescence reserves for products, we consider assumptions such as changes in business and economic conditions, other-than-temporary decreases in demand for our products, and changes in technology or customer requirements. In determining the lower of cost or net realizable value reserves, we consider assumptions such as recent historical sales activity and selling prices, as well as estimates of future selling prices. If in any period we anticipate a change in assumptions such as future demand or market conditions to be less favorable than our previous estimates, additional inventory write-downs may be required and would be reflected in cost of sales, resulting in a negative impact to our gross margin in that period. If in any period we are able to sell inventories that had been written down to a level below the ultimate realized selling price in a previous period, related revenue would be recorded with a lower or no offsetting charge to cost of sales resulting in a net benefit to our gross margin in that period. Overall, our estimates of inventory carrying value adjustments have been materially consistent with actual results.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.313650544831376), (23.801670112263704, 155.74452348562886), (588.6024388829447, 155.74452348562886), (588.6024388829447, 61.313650544831376)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 46, 'parent_id': '014f9d0f8ec7eda6c7b8e208d7976742', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Business Combinations. We allocate the fair value of purchase consideration to the tangible assets acquired, liabilities assumed, and intangible assets acquired based on their estimated fair values. The excess of the fair value of purchase consideration over the fair values of these identifiable assets and liabilities is recorded as goodwill. Such valuations require management to make significant estimates and assumptions, especially with respect to intangible assets. Significant estimates in valuing developed technology, in-process research and development, customer relationships and other identifiable intangible assets include, but are not limited to, expected future revenue growth rates and margins, future changes in technology, time to recreate customer relationships, useful lives, and discount rates.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 164.54958873933026), (23.801670112263704, 220.567089328689), (588.5969439700717, 220.567089328689), (588.5969439700717, 164.54958873933026)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 46, 'parent_id': '014f9d0f8ec7eda6c7b8e208d7976742', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content=\"Management's estimates of fair value are based upon assumptions believed to be reasonable, but which are inherently uncertain and unpredictable and, as a result, actual results may differ from estimates. Allocation of purchase consideration to identifiable assets and liabilities affects our amortization expense, as acquired finite-lived intangible assets are amortized over the useful life, whereas any indefinite lived intangible assets, including goodwill, are not amortized. During the measurement period, which is not to exceed one year from the acquisition date, we may record adjustments to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, with the corresponding offset to goodwill. Upon the conclusion of the measurement period, any subsequent adjustments are recorded to earnings.\", metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 229.3721545823904), (23.801670112263704, 275.78631208388947), (588.5986880491663, 275.78631208388947), (588.5986880491663, 229.3721545823904)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 46, 'parent_id': '014f9d0f8ec7eda6c7b8e208d7976742', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Goodwill. Goodwill is the excess of the aggregate of the consideration transferred over the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed in connection with business combinations. Our reporting units are at the operating segment level. Our goodwill is contained within three reporting units: Data Center, Gaming and Embedded.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 288.1926309955419), (23.801670112263704, 315.4001023213143), (588.5912880130876, 315.4001023213143), (588.5912880130876, 288.1926309955419)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 46, 'parent_id': '014f9d0f8ec7eda6c7b8e208d7976742', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We perform our goodwill impairment analysis as of the first day of the fourth quarter of each year and, if certain events or circumstances indicate that an impairment loss may have been incurred, on a more frequent basis. The analysis may include both qualitative and quantitative factors to assess the likelihood of an impairment, which occurs when the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value. Significant judgment is required in estimating the fair value of our reporting units to determine if the fair values of those units exceed their carrying values and an impairment to goodwill is required when a quantitative goodwill impairment test is performed. We typically obtain the assistance of third-party valuation specialists to help in determining the fair value of our reporting units. The fair values of our reporting units are estimated using a combination of the income approach, which requires estimating the present value of expected future cash flows of a reporting unit, and the market approach, which uses financial ratios of comparable companies to arrive at an estimated value for the reporting unit. Significant estimates and assumptions used in the income approach include assessments of macroeconomic conditions, growth rates of our reporting units in the near- and long-term, expectations of our ability to execute on our roadmap and projections, and the discount rate applied to cash flows. Significant estimates used in the market approach include the identification of comparable companies for each reporting unit, the determination of an appropriate control premium that a market participant would apply to a reporting unit, and the determination of appropriate multiples to apply to a reporting unit based on adjustments and consideration of specific attributes of that reporting unit.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 327.8064212329667), (23.801670112263704, 441.4439803494836), (588.5982480960115, 441.4439803494836), (588.5982480960115, 327.8064212329667)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 46, 'parent_id': '014f9d0f8ec7eda6c7b8e208d7976742', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='43', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 467.6551049499361), (301.74530504194826, 475.65589009998916), (310.64399456981226, 475.65589009998916), (310.64399456981226, 467.6551049499361)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 46, 'parent_id': '014f9d0f8ec7eda6c7b8e208d7976742', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.925406144866656), (23.801670112263704, 27.127913460762215), (79.85673046881709, 27.127913460762215), (79.85673046881709, 19.925406144866656)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 47, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The most significant assumptions utilized in the determination of the estimated fair values of our reporting units are the sales and earnings growth rates (including long-term growth rates) and discount rates. Long-term growth rates are dependent on overall market growth rates, the competitive environment and inflation. As a result, long-term growth rates could be adversely impacted by a sustained deceleration in category growth or an increased competitive environment. Discount rates, which are consistent with a weighted average cost of capital that is likely to be expected by a market participant, are based upon industry required rates of return, including consideration of both debt and equity components of the capital structure. Our discount rates may be impacted by adverse changes in the macroeconomic environment, prolonged and continuing inflationary pressures, volatility in the equity and debt markets and other factors that otherwise create or exacerbate risks in our reporting units. Changes in operating plans or adverse changes in the business or in the macroeconomic environment in the future could reduce the underlying cash flows used to estimate fair values and could result in a decline in fair value that would trigger future impairment charges of our reporting units’ goodwill. Based on our annual impairment testing, the fair values of all of our reporting units exceeded their carrying values.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.310920616943235), (23.801670112263704, 155.74179355774072), (588.5967454729223, 155.74179355774072), (588.5967454729223, 61.310920616943235)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 47, 'parent_id': 'ec8d319f7d267d8d7f3bc1be7dd5865f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Long-Lived and Intangible Assets. Long-lived and intangible assets to be held and used are reviewed for impairment if indicators of potential impairment exist and at least annually for indefinite-lived intangible assets. Impairment indicators are reviewed on a quarterly basis. Assets are grouped and evaluated for impairment at the lowest level of identifiable cash flows. When indicators of impairment exist and assets are held for use, we estimate future undiscounted cash flows attributable to the related asset groups. In the event such cash flows are not expected to be sufficient to recover the recorded value of the assets, the assets are written down to their estimated fair values based on the expected discounted future cash flows attributable to the asset group or based on appraisals. Factors affecting impairment of assets held for use include the ability of the specific assets to generate separately identifiable positive cash flows. When assets are removed from operations and held for sale, we estimate impairment losses as the excess of the carrying value of the assets over their fair value. Market conditions are among the factors affecting impairment of assets held for sale. Changes in any of these factors could necessitate impairment recognition in future periods for assets held for use or assets held for sale.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 164.54685881144212), (23.801670112263704, 249.37438866437992), (588.6012988953656, 249.37438866437992), (588.6012988953656, 164.54685881144212)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 47, 'parent_id': 'ec8d319f7d267d8d7f3bc1be7dd5865f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Income Taxes. In determining taxable income for financial statement reporting purposes, we must make certain estimates and judgments. These estimates and judgments are applied in the calculation of certain tax liabilities and in the determination of the recoverability of deferred tax assets which arise from temporary differences between the recognition of assets and liabilities for tax and financial statement reporting purposes.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 258.1794539180813), (23.801670112263704, 285.386925243861), (588.5984677724847, 285.386925243861), (588.5984677724847, 258.1794539180813)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 47, 'parent_id': 'ec8d319f7d267d8d7f3bc1be7dd5865f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We regularly assess the likelihood that we will be able to recover our deferred tax assets. Unless recovery is considered more-likely-than-not (a probability level of more than 50%), we will record a charge to income tax expense in the form of a valuation allowance for the deferred tax assets that we estimate will not ultimately be recoverable or maintain the valuation allowance recorded in prior periods. When considering all available evidence, if we determine it is more- likely-than-not we will realize our deferred tax assets, we will reverse some or all of the existing valuation allowance, which would result in a credit to income tax expense and the establishment of an asset in the period of reversal.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 294.1919904975624), (23.801670112263704, 340.6061479990615), (588.5952524419519, 340.6061479990615), (588.5952524419519, 294.1919904975624)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 47, 'parent_id': 'ec8d319f7d267d8d7f3bc1be7dd5865f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In determining the need to establish or maintain a valuation allowance, we consider the four sources of jurisdictional taxable income: (i) carryback of net operating losses to prior years; (ii) future reversals of existing taxable temporary differences; (iii) viable and prudent tax planning strategies; and (iv) future taxable income exclusive of reversing temporary differences and carryforwards.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 349.4112132527629), (23.801670112263704, 376.6186845785353), (588.5985489180513, 376.6186845785353), (588.5985489180513, 349.4112132527629)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 47, 'parent_id': 'ec8d319f7d267d8d7f3bc1be7dd5865f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Through the end of 2022, we continue to maintain a valuation allowance of approximately $2.1 billion for certain federal, state, and foreign tax attributes. The federal valuation allowance maintained is due to limitations, under Internal Revenue Code Section 382 or 383, separate return loss year rules, or dual consolidated loss rules. Certain state and foreign valuation allowances are maintained due to a lack of sufficient sources of future taxable income.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 385.4237498322367), (23.801670112263704, 412.6312211580164), (588.593632369198, 412.6312211580164), (588.593632369198, 385.4237498322367)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 47, 'parent_id': 'ec8d319f7d267d8d7f3bc1be7dd5865f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In addition, the calculation of our tax liabilities involves addressing uncertainties in the application of complex, multi-jurisdictional tax rules and the potential for future adjustment of our uncertain tax positions by the Internal Revenue Service or other taxing authorities.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 421.4362864117178), (23.801670112263704, 439.0404146496305), (588.5890722441891, 439.0404146496305), (588.5890722441891, 421.4362864117178)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 47, 'parent_id': 'ec8d319f7d267d8d7f3bc1be7dd5865f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='44', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 465.25153925008306), (301.74530504194826, 473.2523244001361), (310.64399456981226, 473.2523244001361), (310.64399456981226, 465.25153925008306)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 47, 'parent_id': 'ec8d319f7d267d8d7f3bc1be7dd5865f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926516216816026), (23.801670112263704, 27.129023532711585), (79.85673046881709, 27.129023532711585), (79.85673046881709, 19.926516216816026)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Results of Operations', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.312030688892605), (23.801670112263704, 69.31281583894565), (106.92383922193186, 69.31281583894565), (106.92383922193186, 61.312030688892605)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'd9727e387669495773a8c40619c31dd3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='During the second quarter of fiscal year 2022, we changed our reporting segments to align our financial reporting with how we manage our business in strategic end markets. This is consistent with how our Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM) assesses our financial performance and allocates resources. As a result, we report our financial performance based on the following four reportable segments: Data Center, Client, Gaming, and Embedded.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.11788109265433), (23.801670112263704, 105.32535241842675), (588.595771942069, 105.32535241842675), (588.595771942069, 78.11788109265433)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '850bfdfe05ddf33c23e17bad97238095', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Additional information on our reportable segments is contained in Note 4 – Segment Reporting of the Notes to Financial Statements (Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10-K).', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 114.13041767212815), (23.801670112263704, 131.73454591004088), (588.5869231060374, 131.73454591004088), (588.5869231060374, 114.13041767212815)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '850bfdfe05ddf33c23e17bad97238095', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our operating results tend to vary seasonally. Historically, our net revenue has been generally higher in the second half of the year than in the first half of the year, although market conditions and product transitions could impact these trends.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 140.53961116374956), (23.801670112263704, 158.1437394016623), (588.5954631265157, 158.1437394016623), (588.5954631265157, 140.53961116374956)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '850bfdfe05ddf33c23e17bad97238095', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The following table provides a summary of net revenue and operating income (loss) by segment for 2022 and 2021:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 166.9488046553637), (23.801670112263704, 174.94958980541674), (432.0194799080193, 174.94958980541674), (432.0194799080193, 166.9488046553637)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '850bfdfe05ddf33c23e17bad97238095', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Year Ended', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((476.6218045402573, 185.61781738092918), (476.6218045402573, 192.01604459317457), (511.4605112728424, 192.01604459317457), (511.4605112728424, 185.61781738092918)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'd9727e387669495773a8c40619c31dd3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((424.6099483241681, 195.22116046879614), (424.6099483241681, 207.6214771109502), (466.20940541670313, 207.6214771109502), (466.20940541670313, 195.22116046879614)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'd9727e387669495773a8c40619c31dd3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 25, 2021', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((521.8531783545366, 195.22116046879614), (521.8531783545366, 207.6214771109502), (563.4526354470715, 207.6214771109502), (563.4526354470715, 195.22116046879614)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'd9727e387669495773a8c40619c31dd3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(In millions)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((476.0966217151399, 210.8265929865645), (476.0966217151399, 217.22482019880988), (511.98417131731367, 217.22482019880988), (511.98417131731367, 210.8265929865645)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'd9727e387669495773a8c40619c31dd3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net revenue:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 219.76719163859923), (24.598822614674017, 227.76797678865228), (70.4019163537004, 227.76797678865228), (70.4019163537004, 219.76719163859923)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'd9727e387669495773a8c40619c31dd3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Data Center Client Gaming Embedded', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((39.00383724646505, 229.97074366944832), (39.00383724646505, 269.1823938550526), (82.13523624802052, 269.1823938550526), (82.13523624802052, 229.97074366944832)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'd9727e387669495773a8c40619c31dd3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total net revenue Operating income (loss):', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 273.1857875648242), (24.598822614674017, 291.99033368871574), (111.74003443912031, 291.99033368871574), (111.74003443912031, 273.1857875648242)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '7648cc9635609f41e0e223132ce7884d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((400.29211086933117, 229.97074366944832), (400.29211086933117, 237.97152881950137), (404.74176625237044, 237.97152881950137), (404.74176625237044, 229.97074366944832)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '7648cc9635609f41e0e223132ce7884d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((400.29211086933117, 271.9853696788381), (400.29211086933117, 279.98615482889113), (404.74176625237044, 279.98615482889113), (404.74176625237044, 271.9853696788381)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '7648cc9635609f41e0e223132ce7884d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='6,043 $ 6,201 6,805 4,552 23,601 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((463.4453455896963, 229.97074366944832), (463.4453455896963, 279.98615482889113), (501.95685848749144, 279.98615482889113), (501.95685848749144, 229.97074366944832)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '7648cc9635609f41e0e223132ce7884d', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Data Center Client Gaming Embedded All Other', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((39.00383724646505, 294.19310056951906), (39.00383724646505, 344.20851172896187), (82.13523624802052, 344.20851172896187), (82.13523624802052, 294.19310056951906)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'd9727e387669495773a8c40619c31dd3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total operating income (loss)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 348.2119054387334), (24.598822614674017, 356.2126905887865), (126.86435719949411, 356.2126905887865), (126.86435719949411, 348.2119054387334)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '18d839121b7197cef476c7ff14df4da9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((400.29211086933117, 294.19310056951906), (400.29211086933117, 302.1938857195721), (404.74176625237044, 302.1938857195721), (404.74176625237044, 294.19310056951906)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '18d839121b7197cef476c7ff14df4da9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((400.29211086933117, 347.0114875527546), (400.29211086933117, 355.01227270280765), (404.74176625237044, 355.01227270280765), (404.74176625237044, 347.0114875527546)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '18d839121b7197cef476c7ff14df4da9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='1,848 $ 1,190 953 2,252 (4,979) 1,264 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((464.7864344456478, 294.19310056951906), (464.7864344456478, 355.01227270280765), (501.95685848749144, 355.01227270280765), (501.95685848749144, 294.19310056951906)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '18d839121b7197cef476c7ff14df4da9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Data Center', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 370.4196363294144), (23.801670112263704, 378.42042147946745), (68.70257920245481, 378.42042147946745), (68.70257920245481, 370.4196363294144)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'd9727e387669495773a8c40619c31dd3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Data Center net revenue of $6 billion in 2022 increased by 64%, compared to net revenue of $3.7 billion in 2021. The increase was primarily driven by higher sales of our EPYC server processors.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 387.22548673316885), (23.801670112263704, 404.8296149710816), (588.5909039018206, 404.8296149710816), (588.5909039018206, 387.22548673316885)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '5d863c86a91c8215acb3a50baa252cb3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Data Center operating income was $1.8 billion in 2022, compared to operating income of $991 million in 2021. The increase in operating income was primarily driven by higher revenue, partially offset by higher operating expenses. Operating expenses increased for the reasons outlined under “Expenses” below.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 413.634680224783), (23.801670112263704, 431.2388084626957), (588.5894710686273, 431.2388084626957), (588.5894710686273, 413.634680224783)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': '5d863c86a91c8215acb3a50baa252cb3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Client', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 440.0438737164044), (23.801670112263704, 448.04465886645744), (46.023779052585894, 448.04465886645744), (46.023779052585894, 440.0438737164044)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'd9727e387669495773a8c40619c31dd3', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Client net revenue of $6.2 billion in 2022 decreased by 10%, compared to net revenue of $6.9 billion in 2021, primarily driven by a 24% decrease in unit shipment, partially offset by a 19% increase in average selling price. The decrease in unit shipments was due to challenging PC market conditions and significant inventory correction across the PC supply chain experienced during the second half of 2022. The increase in average selling price was primarily driven by a richer mix of Ryzen mobile processor sales.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 456.84972412015884), (23.801670112263704, 493.66053853379094), (588.5992374204121, 493.66053853379094), (588.5992374204121, 456.84972412015884)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'abf3670b50cb8149b7763fade4cfeb04', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Client operating income was $1.2 billion in 2022, compared to operating income of $2.1 billion in 2021. The decrease in operating income was primarily driven by lower revenue and higher operating expenses. Operating expenses increased for the reasons outlined under “Expenses” below.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 502.4656037874996), (23.801670112263704, 520.0697320254123), (588.5931193706143, 520.0697320254123), (588.5931193706143, 502.4656037874996)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'abf3670b50cb8149b7763fade4cfeb04', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='45', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 546.2808566258576), (301.74530504194826, 554.2816417759107), (310.64399456981226, 554.2816417759107), (310.64399456981226, 546.2808566258576)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'abf3670b50cb8149b7763fade4cfeb04', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='3,694 6,887 5,607 246 16,434', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((560.6698130885068, 229.97074366944832), (560.6698130885068, 279.98615482889113), (587.3604245257904, 279.98615482889113), (587.3604245257904, 229.97074366944832)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'abf3670b50cb8149b7763fade4cfeb04', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='991 2,088 934 44 (409) 3,648', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((565.1151105725361, 294.19310056951906), (565.1151105725361, 355.01227270280765), (587.3586752168261, 355.01227270280765), (587.3586752168261, 294.19310056951906)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 48, 'parent_id': 'abf3670b50cb8149b7763fade4cfeb04', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92762628877267), (23.801670112263704, 27.13013360466823), (79.85673046881709, 27.13013360466823), (79.85673046881709, 19.92762628877267)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Gaming', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31314076084925), (23.801670112263704, 69.3139259109023), (53.58236400446234, 69.3139259109023), (53.58236400446234, 61.31314076084925)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '75910d1d56ebb97303eb000e630a3ba5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Gaming net revenue of $6.8 billion in 2022 increased by 21%, compared to net revenue of $5.6 billion in 2021. The increase in net revenue was driven by higher semi-custom product sales due to higher demand for gaming console SoCs, partially offset by lower gaming graphics sales due to a decrease in unit shipments driven by soft consumer demand given weakened macroeconomic conditions experienced in the second half of 2022.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.1189911646037), (23.801670112263704, 105.32646249038339), (588.5980792652872, 105.32646249038339), (588.5980792652872, 78.1189911646037)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': 'b025cbfc7eafdfbafa3329f302cf9397', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Gaming operating income was $953 million in 2022, compared to operating income of $934 million in 2021. The increase in operating income was primarily driven by higher revenue, partially offset by higher operating expenses. Operating expenses increased for the reasons outlined under “Expenses” below.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 114.13152774408479), (23.801670112263704, 131.73565598199752), (588.5923285433628, 131.73565598199752), (588.5923285433628, 114.13152774408479)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': 'b025cbfc7eafdfbafa3329f302cf9397', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Embedded', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 140.54072123569892), (23.801670112263704, 148.54150638575197), (64.6951771846607, 148.54150638575197), (64.6951771846607, 140.54072123569892)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '75910d1d56ebb97303eb000e630a3ba5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Embedded net revenue of $4.6 billion in 2022 increased significantly, compared to net revenue of $246 million in 2021. The significant increase in net revenue was primarily driven by the inclusion of Xilinx embedded product revenue as a result of the acquisition of Xilinx in February 2022.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 157.34657163946065), (23.801670112263704, 174.95069987737338), (588.592459801007, 174.95069987737338), (588.592459801007, 157.34657163946065)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '324863d8416043da5bb65503db5612b4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Embedded operating income was $2.3 billion in 2022, compared to operating income of $44 million in 2021. The significant increase in operating income was primarily driven by the inclusion of Xilinx embedded product revenue.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 183.75576513107478), (23.801670112263704, 201.3598933689875), (588.5902035035999, 201.3598933689875), (588.5902035035999, 183.75576513107478)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '324863d8416043da5bb65503db5612b4', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='All Other', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 210.1649586226889), (23.801670112263704, 218.16574377274196), (57.58195376267539, 218.16574377274196), (57.58195376267539, 210.1649586226889)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '75910d1d56ebb97303eb000e630a3ba5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='All Other operating loss of $5.0 billion in 2022 primarily consisted of $3.5 billion of amortization of acquisition-related intangibles, $1.1 billion of stock-based compensation expense, and $452 million of acquisition-related costs, which primarily include transaction costs, amortization of Xilinx inventory fair value step- up adjustment, and depreciation related to the Xilinx fixed assets fair value step-up adjustment, certain compensation charges related to the acquisitions of Xilinx and Pensando, and licensing gain. All Other operating loss of $409 million in 2021 primarily consisted of $379 million of stock-based compensation expense and $42 million of acquisition-related costs.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 226.97080902645064), (23.801670112263704, 273.3849665279424), (588.5980276392667, 273.3849665279424), (588.5980276392667, 226.97080902645064)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': 'ca5b8bf045c6d85866e3f20298ee9af6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Comparison of Gross Margin, Expenses, Licensing Gain, Interest Expense, Other Income (Expense) and Income Taxes', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 282.1900317816438), (23.801670112263704, 290.1908169316969), (473.5375626048771, 290.1908169316969), (473.5375626048771, 282.1900317816438)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': 'ca5b8bf045c6d85866e3f20298ee9af6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The following is a summary of certain consolidated statement of operations data for 2022 and 2021:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 298.99588218540555), (23.801670112263704, 306.9966673354586), (375.99449561345733, 306.9966673354586), (375.99449561345733, 298.99588218540555)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': 'ca5b8bf045c6d85866e3f20298ee9af6', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((371.35078589946977, 314.6638501960167), (371.35078589946977, 321.0620774082621), (428.95642592720964, 321.0620774082621), (428.95642592720964, 314.6638501960167)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '75910d1d56ebb97303eb000e630a3ba5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 25, 2021', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((498.78264710830865, 314.6638501960167), (498.78264710830865, 321.0620774082621), (556.3882871360485, 321.0620774082621), (556.3882871360485, 314.6638501960167)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '75910d1d56ebb97303eb000e630a3ba5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(In millions, except for percentages)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((409.1545680421423, 323.666984340887), (409.1545680421423, 330.0652115531324), (518.6239552595854, 330.0652115531324), (518.6239552595854, 323.666984340887)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '75910d1d56ebb97303eb000e630a3ba5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net revenue Cost of sales Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles Gross profit Gross margin Research and development Marketing, general and administrative Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles Licensing gain Interest expense Other income, net Income tax provision (benefit)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 332.60758299291444), (24.598822614674017, 455.24827625430885), (185.56927711104805, 455.24827625430885), (185.56927711104805, 332.60758299291444)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '16b1298b17044fd27d18d318212f6e5c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((339.98048736239576, 332.60758299291444), (339.98048736239576, 340.6083681429675), (344.43014274543503, 340.6083681429675), (344.43014274543503, 332.60758299291444)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '16b1298b17044fd27d18d318212f6e5c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='23,601 11,550 1,448 10,603', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((426.45746947785784, 332.60758299291444), (426.45746947785784, 371.81923317851874), (453.14808091514146, 371.81923317851874), (453.14808091514146, 332.60758299291444)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '16b1298b17044fd27d18d318212f6e5c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='45 %', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((442.0253889366945, 374.0220000593148), (442.0253889366945, 382.02278520936784), (460.32763516774367, 382.02278520936784), (460.32763516774367, 374.0220000593148)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '16b1298b17044fd27d18d318212f6e5c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='5,005 2,336 2,100 (102) (88) 8 (122)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((430.90276696188715, 384.8257610331606), (430.90276696188715, 455.24827625430885), (453.1475217856284, 455.24827625430885), (453.1475217856284, 384.8257610331606)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '16b1298b17044fd27d18d318212f6e5c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((467.3842167780767, 332.60758299291444), (467.3842167780767, 340.6083681429675), (471.83387216111595, 340.6083681429675), (471.83387216111595, 332.60758299291444)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '16b1298b17044fd27d18d318212f6e5c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Gross Margin', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 468.2548041089507), (23.801670112263704, 476.2555892590037), (75.36661681518284, 476.2555892590037), (75.36661681518284, 468.2548041089507)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '75910d1d56ebb97303eb000e630a3ba5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Gross margin as a percentage of net revenue was 45% in 2022 compared to 48% in 2021. The decrease in gross margin was primarily due to amortization of intangible assets associated with the Xilinx acquisition.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 485.0606545127051), (23.801670112263704, 502.66478275061786), (588.5919179897124, 502.66478275061786), (588.5919179897124, 485.0606545127051)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '8f61b73b58b78aacecf777bae0c684e0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='46', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 528.8759073510704), (301.74530504194826, 536.8766925011234), (310.64399456981226, 536.8766925011234), (310.64399456981226, 528.8759073510704)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '8f61b73b58b78aacecf777bae0c684e0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='16,434 8,505 — 7,929', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((553.8705741572282, 332.60758299291444), (553.8705741572282, 371.81923317851874), (580.5613412286908, 371.81923317851874), (580.5613412286908, 332.60758299291444)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '8f61b73b58b78aacecf777bae0c684e0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='48 %', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((569.438493616065, 374.0220000593148), (569.438493616065, 382.02278520936784), (587.7970094355195, 382.02278520936784), (587.7970094355195, 374.0220000593148)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '8f61b73b58b78aacecf777bae0c684e0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='2,845 1,448 — (12) (34) 55 513', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((558.3158716412576, 384.8257610331606), (558.3158716412576, 455.24827625430885), (580.5613412286908, 455.24827625430885), (580.5613412286908, 384.8257610331606)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 49, 'parent_id': '8f61b73b58b78aacecf777bae0c684e0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92849636073538), (23.801670112263704, 27.13100367663094), (79.85673046881709, 27.13100367663094), (79.85673046881709, 19.92849636073538)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Expenses', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31401083281196), (23.801670112263704, 69.31479598286501), (61.156203685781996, 69.31479598286501), (61.156203685781996, 61.31401083281196)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '6bbfd829ec404d14bc48cd7630c174f0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Research and Development Expenses', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.11986123656641), (23.801670112263704, 86.12064638661946), (168.30019492034054, 86.12064638661946), (168.30019492034054, 78.11986123656641)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '6bbfd829ec404d14bc48cd7630c174f0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Research and development expenses of $5.0 billion in 2022 increased by $2.2 billion, or 76%, compared to $2.8 billion in 2021. The increase was primarily driven by strategic investments across all of our segments, including an increase in headcount through acquisitions and organic growth.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 94.92571164032086), (23.801670112263704, 112.52983987824086), (588.5965774824909, 112.52983987824086), (588.5965774824909, 94.92571164032086)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': 'a3f0912837ab64f95b008aaead924771', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Marketing, General and Administrative Expenses', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 121.33490513194226), (23.801670112263704, 129.3356902819953), (209.33752159512957, 129.3356902819953), (209.33752159512957, 121.33490513194226)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '6bbfd829ec404d14bc48cd7630c174f0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Marketing, general and administrative expenses of $2.3 billion in 2022 increased by $888 million, or 61%, compared to $1.4 billion in 2021. The increase was primarily due to an increase in headcount through acquisitions and organic growth, go-to-market activities, and acquisition-related costs.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 138.1407555356967), (23.801670112263704, 155.74488377360944), (588.595624830857, 155.74488377360944), (588.595624830857, 138.1407555356967)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '6b0da0b7674b66e164ed65f8b74d739c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Amortization of Acquisition-Related Intangibles', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 164.54994902731084), (23.801670112263704, 172.5507341773639), (203.94710755987577, 172.5507341773639), (203.94710755987577, 164.54994902731084)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '6bbfd829ec404d14bc48cd7630c174f0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='In 2022, cost of sales and operating expense included $1.4 billion and $2.1 billion, respectively, of amortization expense from intangible assets acquired as a result of the acquisitions of Xilinx and Pensando.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 181.35579943107257), (23.801670112263704, 198.9599276689853), (588.5981018851124, 198.9599276689853), (588.5981018851124, 181.35579943107257)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': 'ad8a91cee2b316419ae04d278f174bc5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Licensing Gain', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 207.7649929226867), (23.801670112263704, 215.76577807273975), (81.14372866655556, 215.76577807273975), (81.14372866655556, 207.7649929226867)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '6bbfd829ec404d14bc48cd7630c174f0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='During 2022, we recognized $102 million of licensing gain from milestone achievement and royalty income associated with the licensed IP to the THATIC JV, our two joint ventures with Higon Information Technology Co., Ltd., a third-party Chinese entity. We recognized a licensing gain from royalty income of $12 million for the year ended December 25, 2021.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 224.57084332644115), (23.801670112263704, 251.77831465222084), (588.5947315318352, 251.77831465222084), (588.5947315318352, 224.57084332644115)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '0b784a7443f4185526ca73711e674709', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Interest Expense', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 260.58337990592224), (23.801670112263704, 268.5841650559753), (87.82697207609174, 268.5841650559753), (87.82697207609174, 260.58337990592224)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '6bbfd829ec404d14bc48cd7630c174f0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Interest expense of $88 million in 2022 increased by $54 million compared to $34 million in 2021, primarily due to interest expense from the 2.95% Senior Notes due 2024 and the 2.375% Senior Notes due 2030 (together, the Assumed Xilinx Notes) and the 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes issued in 2022.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 277.3892303096767), (23.801670112263704, 294.9933585475894), (588.5895120172818, 294.9933585475894), (588.5895120172818, 277.3892303096767)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '5243695ac80d0e07e6c6b15fe722fbe0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Other Income (Expense), net', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 303.7984238012908), (23.801670112263704, 311.79920895134387), (132.26628330229545, 311.79920895134387), (132.26628330229545, 303.7984238012908)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '6bbfd829ec404d14bc48cd7630c174f0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Other income (expense), net is primarily comprised of interest income from short-term investments, changes in valuation of equity investments and foreign currency transaction gains and losses.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 320.60427420505255), (23.801670112263704, 338.2084024429653), (588.5934859182158, 338.2084024429653), (588.5934859182158, 320.60427420505255)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '22beb9081ab51b45549e4fc188a0ddcd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Other income, net was $8 million in 2022 compared to $55 million of Other income, net in 2021. The change was primarily due to a $62 million decrease in the fair value of equity investments in 2022 compared to an increase in fair value of $56 million from equity investments in 2021, partially offset by $65 million of interest income driven mainly by rising interest rates in 2022 compared to losses from conversion of our convertible debt of $7 million in 2021.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 347.0134676966667), (23.801670112263704, 374.2209390224391), (588.5960861433987, 374.2209390224391), (588.5960861433987, 347.0134676966667)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '22beb9081ab51b45549e4fc188a0ddcd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Income Tax Provision (Benefit)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 383.0260042761478), (23.801670112263704, 391.0267894262008), (140.55883073978728, 391.0267894262008), (140.55883073978728, 383.0260042761478)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '6bbfd829ec404d14bc48cd7630c174f0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We recorded an income tax benefit of $122 million in 2022 and an income tax provision of $513 million in 2021, representing effective tax rates of (10%) and 14%, respectively. The reduction in income tax expense in 2022 was primarily due to the lower pre-tax income coupled with a $261 million foreign-derived intangible income tax benefit and $241 million of research and development tax credits.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 402.83289939485655), (23.801670112263704, 428.83995283465015), (588.596709820511, 428.83995283465015), (588.596709820511, 402.83289939485655)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '3f00971d1fae4a30057077f152da4544', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Through the end of fiscal year 2022, we continued to maintain a valuation allowance of approximately $2.1 billion for certain federal, state, and foreign tax attributes. The federal valuation allowance maintained is due to limitations under Internal Revenue Code Section 382 or 383, separate return loss year rules, or dual consolidated loss rules. Certain state and foreign valuation allowance maintained is due to lack of sufficient sources of future taxable income.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 437.64501808835155), (23.801670112263704, 464.85248941412397), (588.5963625020524, 464.85248941412397), (588.5963625020524, 437.64501808835155)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '3f00971d1fae4a30057077f152da4544', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='International Sales', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 473.65755466783264), (23.801670112263704, 481.6583398178857), (94.93215245081556, 481.6583398178857), (94.93215245081556, 473.65755466783264)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '6bbfd829ec404d14bc48cd7630c174f0', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='International sales as a percentage of net revenue were 66% in 2022 and 72% in 2021. We expect that international sales will continue to be a significant portion of total sales in the foreseeable future. Substantially all of our sales transactions are denominated in U.S. dollars.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 490.4634050715871), (23.801670112263704, 508.0675333094998), (588.5906747769288, 508.0675333094998), (588.5906747769288, 490.4634050715871)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '54d945fe33e1ca3be2f0d31b6591ff6f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='47', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 534.2786579099524), (301.74530504194826, 542.2794430600054), (310.64399456981226, 542.2794430600054), (310.64399456981226, 534.2786579099524)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 50, 'parent_id': '54d945fe33e1ca3be2f0d31b6591ff6f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92576643284724), (23.801670112263704, 27.1282737487428), (79.85673046881709, 27.1282737487428), (79.85673046881709, 19.92576643284724)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='FINANCIAL CONDITION', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.31128090492382), (23.801670112263704, 69.31206605497687), (113.86902497857373, 69.31206605497687), (113.86902497857373, 61.31128090492382)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': '6607ab6e9da274f0d4a3e63cef78568e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Liquidity and Capital Resources', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.11713130867827), (23.801670112263704, 86.11791645873132), (145.59802624742025, 86.11791645873132), (145.59802624742025, 78.11713130867827)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': '6607ab6e9da274f0d4a3e63cef78568e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='As of December 31, 2022, our cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments were $5.9 billion compared to $3.6 billion as of December 25, 2021. The increase in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments was primarily driven by the $2.4 billion of cash and $1.6 billion of short-term investments acquired from the Xilinx acquisition, $1.0 billion from the debt issuance of our 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes, and cash flows from operations, partially offset by stock repurchases and cash paid for the acquisition of Pensando. The percentage of cash and cash equivalents held domestically was 73% as of December 31, 2022, and 91% as of December 25, 2021.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 94.92298171243272), (23.801670112263704, 141.33713921393178), (588.597595966313, 141.33713921393178), (588.597595966313, 94.92298171243272)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'e0a5f70734a996b3f70b339fd1561810', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our operating, investing and financing cash flow activities for 2022 and 2021 were as follows:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 150.14220446763318), (23.801670112263704, 158.14298961768623), (353.3118435145899, 158.14298961768623), (353.3118435145899, 150.14220446763318)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'e0a5f70734a996b3f70b339fd1561810', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((423.92533799961336, 161.6087098773039), (423.92533799961336, 168.0069370895493), (481.5309780273532, 168.0069370895493), (481.5309780273532, 161.6087098773039)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': '6607ab6e9da274f0d4a3e63cef78568e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 25, 2021', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((516.2824891023986, 161.6087098773039), (516.2824891023986, 168.0069370895493), (573.8881291301384, 168.0069370895493), (573.8881291301384, 161.6087098773039)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': '6607ab6e9da274f0d4a3e63cef78568e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(In millions)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((480.98270064272316, 171.81226190816028), (480.98270064272316, 178.21048912040567), (516.870250244897, 178.21048912040567), (516.870250244897, 171.81226190816028)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': '6607ab6e9da274f0d4a3e63cef78568e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net cash provided by (used in): Operating activities Investing activities Financing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 180.15265161719833), (24.598822614674017, 231.36848066262723), (174.4603469225855, 231.36848066262723), (174.4603469225855, 180.15265161719833)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'fca89972a83f88f5b16678cb758bb7fd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((410.05488145662923, 190.35620364804743), (410.05488145662923, 198.35698879810047), (414.5045368396685, 198.35698879810047), (414.5045368396685, 190.35620364804743)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'fca89972a83f88f5b16678cb758bb7fd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((410.05488145662923, 222.1672776265881), (410.05488145662923, 230.16806277664114), (414.5045368396685, 230.16806277664114), (414.5045368396685, 222.1672776265881)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'fca89972a83f88f5b16678cb758bb7fd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='3,565 $ 1,999 (3,264) 2,300 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((469.62561904851503, 190.35620364804743), (469.62561904851503, 230.16806277664114), (506.8335561492957, 230.16806277664114), (506.8335561492957, 190.35620364804743)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'fca89972a83f88f5b16678cb758bb7fd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='3,521 (686) (1,895) 940', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((561.9733948876108, 190.35620364804743), (561.9733948876108, 230.16806277664114), (587.3203709875987, 230.16806277664114), (587.3203709875987, 190.35620364804743)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'fca89972a83f88f5b16678cb758bb7fd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our aggregate principal debt obligations were $2.5 billion as of December 31, 2022, which consisted primarily of $1.5 billion of the Xilinx Notes assumed as part of the Xilinx acquisition and $1.0 billion of 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes issued during the year, compared to $313 million as of December 25, 2021, respectively. We repaid $312 million of our 7.50% Senior Notes that matured in August 2022.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 245.5754264032479), (23.801670112263704, 272.7828977290203), (588.5978886882149, 272.7828977290203), (588.5978886882149, 245.5754264032479)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'fca89972a83f88f5b16678cb758bb7fd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='On April 29, 2022, we entered into a revolving credit agreement (Revolving Credit Agreement) with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as administrative agent and other banks identified therein as lenders. The Revolving Credit Agreement provides for a five-year unsecured revolving credit facility in the aggregate principal amount of $3.0 billion. There were no funds drawn from this facility during the year ended December 31, 2022.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 281.587962982729), (23.801670112263704, 308.7954343085014), (588.5983304934745, 308.7954343085014), (588.5983304934745, 281.587962982729)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'fca89972a83f88f5b16678cb758bb7fd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='On November 3, 2022, we established a new commercial paper program where we may issue unsecured commercial paper notes up to a maximum principal amount outstanding at any time of $3.0 billion with a maturity of up to 397 days from the date of issue. The commercial paper will be sold at a discount from par or, alternatively, will be sold at par and bear interest at rates that will vary based on market conditions at the time of issuance. As of December 31, 2022, we had no commercial paper outstanding.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 317.6004995622028), (23.801670112263704, 354.4113139758422), (588.5984034788816, 354.4113139758422), (588.5984034788816, 317.6004995622028)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'fca89972a83f88f5b16678cb758bb7fd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='As of December 31, 2022, we had unconditional purchase commitments of approximately $8.6 billion, of which $6.5 billion are in fiscal year 2023. On an ongoing basis, we work with our suppliers on the timing of payments and deliveries of purchase commitments, taking into account business conditions.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 363.2163792295436), (23.801670112263704, 380.8205074674563), (588.5909946309566, 380.8205074674563), (588.5909946309566, 363.2163792295436)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'fca89972a83f88f5b16678cb758bb7fd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We believe our cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments and cash flows from operations along with our Revolving Credit Facility and commercial paper program will be sufficient to fund operations, including capital expenditures and purchase commitments, over the next 12 months and beyond. We believe we will be able to access the capital markets should we require additional funds. However, we cannot assure that such funds will be available on favorable terms, or at all.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 389.6255727211577), (23.801670112263704, 426.4363871347971), (588.5952435700848, 426.4363871347971), (588.5952435700848, 389.6255727211577)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'fca89972a83f88f5b16678cb758bb7fd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Operating Activities', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 435.2414523884985), (23.801670112263704, 443.24223753855154), (99.0764663373104, 443.24223753855154), (99.0764663373104, 435.2414523884985)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': '6607ab6e9da274f0d4a3e63cef78568e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Our working capital cash inflows and outflows from operations consist primarily of cash collections from our customers, payments for inventory purchases and payments for employee-related expenditures.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 452.04730279225294), (23.801670112263704, 469.65143103016567), (588.5933390470874, 469.65143103016567), (588.5933390470874, 452.04730279225294)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'd010150defe70ec76a16d8cf07b27562', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='48', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 495.8625556306182), (301.74530504194826, 503.86334078067125), (310.64399456981226, 503.86334078067125), (310.64399456981226, 495.8625556306182)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 51, 'parent_id': 'd010150defe70ec76a16d8cf07b27562', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92687650479661), (23.801670112263704, 27.12938382069217), (79.85673046881709, 27.12938382069217), (79.85673046881709, 19.92687650479661)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net cash provided by operating activities was $3.6 billion in 2022, primarily due to our net income of $1.3 billion in 2022, adjusted for non-cash adjustments of $4.1 billion and net cash outflows of $1.8 billion from changes in our operating assets and liabilities. The primary drivers of the changes in operating assets and liabilities included a $1.4 billion increase in inventories driven primarily by build of advanced process nodes to support the ramp of new products, a $1.1 billion increase in accounts receivable driven primarily by higher revenue in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the fourth quarter of 2021, and a $1.2 billion increase in prepaid expenses and other assets due primarily to prepayments under long-term supply agreements in 2022, offset by an $931 million increase in accounts payable primarily due to timing of payments to our suppliers, and a $546 million increase in accrued liabilities and other driven mainly by higher customer-related accruals.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.312390976880465), (23.801670112263704, 126.93323465409162), (588.5975157210593, 126.93323465409162), (588.5975157210593, 61.312390976880465)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': '455109dfbc9efb46f82046fef1ffc80f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net cash provided by operating activities was $3.5 billion in 2021, primarily due to our higher net income of $3.2 billion in 2021, adjusted for non-cash adjustments of $1.1 billion and net cash outflows of $774 million from changes in our operating assets and liabilities. The primary drivers of the changes in operating assets and liabilities included a $640 million increase in accounts receivable driven primarily by $1.6 billion higher revenue in the fourth quarter of 2021 compared to the fourth quarter of 2020, a $556 million increase in inventories driven by our continued increase in product build in support of customer demand, and a $920 million increase in prepaid expenses and other assets due primarily to prepayments under long-term supply agreements in 2021, offset by an $801 million increase in accounts payable primarily due to timing of payments to our suppliers, and a $526 million increase in accrued liabilities and other, both of which were driven mainly by higher marketing accruals, and higher accrued annual employee incentives due to improved financial performance.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 135.7382999078003), (23.801670112263704, 201.35914358501145), (588.5983649540105, 201.35914358501145), (588.5983649540105, 135.7382999078003)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': '455109dfbc9efb46f82046fef1ffc80f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Investing Activities', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 210.16420883872013), (23.801670112263704, 218.16499398877318), (96.41251715106883, 218.16499398877318), (96.41251715106883, 210.16420883872013)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': '455109dfbc9efb46f82046fef1ffc80f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net cash provided by investing activities was $2 billion in 2022, which primarily consisted of higher cash provided by maturities of short-term investments of $4.3 billion and cash acquired as part of the acquisition of Xilinx of $2.4 billion, partially offset by higher cash used for purchases of short-term investments of $2.7 billion, cash used in the acquisition of Pensando of $1.5 billion and $450 million for purchases of property and equipment.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 226.97005924247458), (23.801670112263704, 254.177530568247), (588.5949953810045, 254.177530568247), (588.5949953810045, 226.97005924247458)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': '26afd0ef8c343e19baf4635b30b6faf9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net cash used in investing activities was $686 million in 2021, which primarily consisted of higher cash used for purchases of short-term investments of $2.1 billion and $301 million for purchases of property and equipment, partially offset by higher cash provided by maturities of short-term investments of $1.7 billion.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 262.9825958219484), (23.801670112263704, 290.1900671477281), (588.5952884030105, 290.1900671477281), (588.5952884030105, 262.9825958219484)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': '26afd0ef8c343e19baf4635b30b6faf9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Financing Activities', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 298.9951324014295), (23.801670112263704, 306.99591755148253), (99.07256479911827, 306.99591755148253), (99.07256479911827, 298.9951324014295)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': '455109dfbc9efb46f82046fef1ffc80f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net cash used in financing activities was $3.3 billion in 2022, which primarily consisted of common stock repurchases of $3.7 billion under the Repurchase Program, higher repurchases to cover tax withholding on employee equity plans of $406 million and repayment of debt of $312 million, partially offset by proceeds from the issuance of debt of $991 million and higher proceeds from the issuance of common stock under our employee equity plans of $167 million.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 315.80098280518393), (23.801670112263704, 343.00845413095635), (588.5935587235604, 343.00845413095635), (588.5935587235604, 315.80098280518393)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': 'fd6c09679483244993e156a2bcd32301', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net cash used in financing activities was $1.9 billion in 2021, which primarily consisted of common stock repurchases of $1.8 billion under the Repurchase Program and higher repurchases to cover tax withholding on employee equity plans of $237 million, partially offset by higher proceeds from the issuance of common stock under our employee equity plans of $104 million.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 351.813519384665), (23.801670112263704, 379.02099071043745), (588.5935587235604, 379.02099071043745), (588.5935587235604, 351.813519384665)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': 'fd6c09679483244993e156a2bcd32301', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 387.82605596413885), (23.801670112263704, 395.8268411141919), (148.86734977481652, 395.8268411141919), (148.86734977481652, 387.82605596413885)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': '455109dfbc9efb46f82046fef1ffc80f', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='As of December 31, 2022, we had no off-balance sheet arrangements.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 404.6319063678933), (23.801670112263704, 412.63269151794634), (273.13145337040885, 412.63269151794634), (273.13145337040885, 404.6319063678933)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': '82a753d28ec297fbf44622bd24abe41e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='49', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 446.04632343429364), (301.74530504194826, 454.0471085843467), (310.64399456981226, 454.0471085843467), (310.64399456981226, 446.04632343429364)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 52, 'parent_id': '82a753d28ec297fbf44622bd24abe41e', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.927986576753256), (23.801670112263704, 27.130493892648815), (79.85673046881709, 27.130493892648815), (79.85673046881709, 19.927986576753256)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 7A. QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURE ABOUT MARKET RISK', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 61.313501048829835), (23.801670112263704, 69.31428619888288), (343.0460867892208, 69.31428619888288), (343.0460867892208, 61.313501048829835)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content=\"Interest Rate Risk. Our exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to our investment portfolio and long-term debt. We usually invest our cash in investments with short maturities or with frequent interest reset terms. Accordingly, our interest income fluctuates with short-term market conditions. As of December 31, 2022, our investment portfolio consisted of fixed income instruments, time deposits and commercial paper. Our primary aim with our investment portfolio is to invest available cash while preserving principal and meeting liquidity needs. In accordance with our investment policy, we place investments with high credit quality issuers and limit the amount of credit exposure to any one issuer based upon the issuer's credit rating. These securities are subject to interest rate risk and will decrease in value if market interest rates increase. A hypothetical 50 basis-point (half percentage point) increase or decrease in interest rates compared to rates at December 31, 2022 would have affected the fair value of our cash equivalent and investment portfolio by approximately $2.9 million.\", metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 78.11935145259156), (23.801670112263704, 153.34353821766967), (588.5956292868077, 153.34353821766967), (588.5956292868077, 78.11935145259156)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': 'c59855f7cd1ec2f96f4ac32200e86b15', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='As of December 31, 2022, all of our outstanding long-term debt had fixed interest rates. Consequently, our exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates on reported interest expense and corresponding cash flows is minimal.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 162.14860347137108), (23.801670112263704, 179.7527317092838), (588.5925839922893, 179.7527317092838), (588.5925839922893, 162.14860347137108)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': 'c59855f7cd1ec2f96f4ac32200e86b15', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We will continue to monitor our exposure to interest rate risk.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 188.5577969629852), (23.801670112263704, 196.55858211303826), (238.40635837134923, 196.55858211303826), (238.40635837134923, 188.5577969629852)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': 'c59855f7cd1ec2f96f4ac32200e86b15', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Default Risk. We mitigate default risk in our investment portfolio by investing in only high credit quality securities and by constantly positioning our portfolio to respond to a significant reduction in a credit rating of any investment issuer or guarantor. Our portfolio includes investments in marketable debt securities with active secondary or resale markets to ensure portfolio liquidity. We are averse to principal loss and strive to preserve our invested funds by limiting default risk and market risk.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 205.36364736673966), (23.801670112263704, 242.17446178037903), (588.5987243618076, 242.17446178037903), (588.5987243618076, 205.36364736673966)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': 'c59855f7cd1ec2f96f4ac32200e86b15', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We actively monitor market conditions and developments specific to the securities and security classes in which we invest. We believe that we take a conservative approach to investing our funds in that we invest only in highly-rated debt securities with relatively short maturities and do not invest in securities which we believe involve a higher degree of risk. As of December 31, 2022, substantially all of our investments in debt securities were A-rated by at least one of the rating agencies. While we believe we take prudent measures to mitigate investment-related risks, such risks cannot be fully eliminated as there are circumstances outside of our control.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 250.97952703408043), (23.801670112263704, 297.3936845355795), (588.5984675924221, 297.3936845355795), (588.5984675924221, 250.97952703408043)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': 'c59855f7cd1ec2f96f4ac32200e86b15', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Foreign Exchange Risk. As a result of our foreign operations, we incur costs and we carry assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies, while sales of products are primarily denominated in U.S. dollars.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 306.1987497892809), (23.801670112263704, 323.80287802719363), (588.6000507608688, 323.80287802719363), (588.6000507608688, 306.1987497892809)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': 'c59855f7cd1ec2f96f4ac32200e86b15', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='We maintain a foreign currency hedging strategy which uses derivative financial instruments to mitigate the risks associated with changes in foreign currency exchange rates. This strategy takes into consideration all of our exposures. We do not use derivative financial instruments for trading or speculative purposes.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 332.60794328089503), (23.801670112263704, 350.21207151880776), (588.5977135579781, 350.21207151880776), (588.5977135579781, 332.60794328089503)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': 'c59855f7cd1ec2f96f4ac32200e86b15', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='The following table provides information about our foreign currency forward contracts as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021. All of our foreign currency forward contracts mature within 18 months.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 359.01713677251644), (23.801670112263704, 376.62126501042917), (588.5954642068917, 376.62126501042917), (588.5954642068917, 359.01713677251644)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': 'c59855f7cd1ec2f96f4ac32200e86b15', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((270.0373889744417, 387.2894925859416), (270.0373889744417, 393.687719798187), (327.64302900218155, 393.687719798187), (327.64302900218155, 387.2894925859416)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 25, 2021', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((464.8895983587691, 387.2894925859416), (464.8895983587691, 393.687719798187), (522.495238386509, 393.687719798187), (522.495238386509, 387.2894925859416)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Notional Amount', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((220.72647300181325, 402.89492510371724), (220.72647300181325, 415.895450688868), (246.3078814778586, 415.895450688868), (246.3078814778586, 402.89492510371724)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Average Contract Rate', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((284.50805446041704, 396.8928356738013), (284.50805446041704, 415.895450688868), (310.80476218661556, 415.895450688868), (310.80476218661556, 396.8928356738013)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Estimated Fair Value Gain (Loss)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((345.39174911509633, 396.8928356738013), (345.39174911509633, 415.895450688868), (380.5734926741235, 415.895450688868), (380.5734926741235, 396.8928356738013)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Notional Amount', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((415.316090973582, 402.89492510371724), (415.316090973582, 415.895450688868), (440.8974994496274, 415.895450688868), (440.8974994496274, 402.89492510371724)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Average Contract Rate', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((479.08829116640686, 396.8928356738013), (479.08829116640686, 415.895450688868), (505.3849988926054, 415.895450688868), (505.3849988926054, 396.8928356738013)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(In millions except contract rates)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((345.39174911509633, 419.1005665644823), (345.39174911509633, 425.49879377672767), (447.40020467471373, 425.49879377672767), (447.40020467471373, 419.1005665644823)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Foreign currency forward contracts:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 427.4409562735203), (24.598822614674017, 435.4417414235734), (150.41810475644894, 435.4417414235734), (150.41810475644894, 427.4409562735203)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Chinese Renminbi Canadian Dollar Indian Rupee Taiwan Dollar Singapore Dollar Euro Pound Sterling Japanese Yen Australian Dollar', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((39.00383724646505, 438.2447172473661), (39.00383724646505, 529.6745454732093), (104.36855485254928, 529.6745454732093), (104.36855485254928, 438.2447172473661)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '9946ce396f03b0e500f19dfe1c21f292', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='599 607 516 207 259 142 88 2 1 2,421', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((239.38921982294875, 438.2447172473661), (239.38921982294875, 540.4783064470478), (261.6346924114268, 540.4783064470478), (261.6346924114268, 438.2447172473661)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '9946ce396f03b0e500f19dfe1c21f292', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='(3) $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((382.3421121679978, 438.2447172473661), (382.3421121679978, 446.24550239741916), (404.03839339625785, 446.24550239741916), (404.03839339625785, 438.2447172473661)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '9946ce396f03b0e500f19dfe1c21f292', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='360 416 162 122 71 47 6 1 — 1,185', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((433.9788377947175, 438.2447172473661), (433.9788377947175, 540.4783064470478), (456.2243073821508, 540.4783064470478), (456.2243073821508, 438.2447172473661)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '9946ce396f03b0e500f19dfe1c21f292', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='Total', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 533.6779391829808), (24.598822614674017, 541.6787243330339), (43.11390425030478, 541.6787243330339), (43.11390425030478, 533.6779391829808)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='Estimated Fair Value Gain (Loss)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((540.225195967866, 396.8928356738013), (540.225195967866, 415.895450688868), (575.406939526893, 415.895450688868), (575.406939526893, 396.8928356738013)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 53, 'parent_id': '153e5ef5942e8762aefff1bacefd6eaf', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92501664888573), (23.801670112263704, 27.12752396478129), (79.85673046881709, 27.12752396478129), (79.85673046881709, 19.92501664888573)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ITEM 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 65.51199372190274), (23.801670112263704, 73.51277887195579), (267.49881225322787, 73.51277887195579), (267.49881225322787, 65.51199372190274)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '94a02225cd66a2335bf3f23ea1644c97', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((249.9491459137018, 82.31784412565719), (249.9491459137018, 90.31862927571024), (362.4330757314167, 90.31862927571024), (362.4330757314167, 82.31784412565719)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '94a02225cd66a2335bf3f23ea1644c97', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Consolidated Statements of Operations', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((231.08007726841305, 99.12369452941164), (231.08007726841305, 107.12447967946468), (381.3166348637724, 107.12447967946468), (381.3166348637724, 99.12369452941164)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '94a02225cd66a2335bf3f23ea1644c97', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Year Ended', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((443.76036491148403, 118.99312514096323), (443.76036491148403, 125.39135235320862), (478.59907164406906, 125.39135235320862), (478.59907164406906, 118.99312514096323)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '94a02225cd66a2335bf3f23ea1644c97', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((353.02565660876684, 128.5964682288302), (353.02565660876684, 140.99678487098424), (394.6251137013019, 140.99678487098424), (394.6251137013019, 128.5964682288302)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '94a02225cd66a2335bf3f23ea1644c97', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 25, 2021', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((439.3900935453287, 128.5964682288302), (439.3900935453287, 140.99678487098424), (480.9895506378638, 140.99678487098424), (480.9895506378638, 128.5964682288302)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '94a02225cd66a2335bf3f23ea1644c97', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(In millions, except per share amounts)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((401.82076501996744, 145.40231863258464), (401.82076501996744, 151.80054584483003), (520.5312140689741, 151.80054584483003), (520.5312140689741, 145.40231863258464)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '94a02225cd66a2335bf3f23ea1644c97', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net revenue Cost of sales Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles Total cost of sales Gross profit', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 154.3429172846121), (24.598822614674017, 204.9585373870516), (185.56927711104805, 204.9585373870516), (185.56927711104805, 154.3429172846121)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '5e8902ebd498ad7c72caec065194ed85', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((334.55985034600565, 154.3429172846121), (334.55985034600565, 162.34370243466515), (339.0095057290449, 162.34370243466515), (339.0095057290449, 154.3429172846121)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '5e8902ebd498ad7c72caec065194ed85', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='23,601 $ 11,550 1,448 12,998 10,603', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((385.9714976191036, 154.3429172846121), (385.9714976191036, 204.9585373870516), (424.55803663477263, 204.9585373870516), (424.55803663477263, 154.3429172846121)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '5e8902ebd498ad7c72caec065194ed85', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='16,434 $ 8,505 — 8,505 7,929', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((473.1518465885889, 154.3429172846121), (473.1518465885889, 204.9585373870516), (511.738385604258, 204.9585373870516), (511.738385604258, 154.3429172846121)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '5e8902ebd498ad7c72caec065194ed85', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Research and development Marketing, general and administrative Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles Licensing gain Operating income', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 218.56527418468283), (24.598822614674017, 268.58068534412564), (185.56927711104805, 268.58068534412564), (185.56927711104805, 218.56527418468283)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '5e8902ebd498ad7c72caec065194ed85', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='5,005 2,336 2,100 (102) 1,264', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((390.41679510313287, 218.56527418468283), (390.41679510313287, 268.58068534412564), (412.66226769161085, 268.58068534412564), (412.66226769161085, 218.56527418468283)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '5e8902ebd498ad7c72caec065194ed85', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='2,845 1,448 — (12) 3,648', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((477.59714407261816, 218.56527418468283), (477.59714407261816, 268.58068534412564), (499.84261666109614, 268.58068534412564), (499.84261666109614, 218.56527418468283)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '5e8902ebd498ad7c72caec065194ed85', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Interest expense Other income (expense), net Income before income taxes and equity income', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 282.1874221417569), (24.598822614674017, 311.7957292395015), (192.24090861194998, 311.7957292395015), (192.24090861194998, 282.1874221417569)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '5e8902ebd498ad7c72caec065194ed85', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(88) 8 1,184', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((390.41679510313287, 282.1874221417569), (390.41679510313287, 311.7957292395015), (412.66226769161085, 311.7957292395015), (412.66226769161085, 282.1874221417569)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '5e8902ebd498ad7c72caec065194ed85', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='Income tax provision (benefit) Equity income in investee', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 325.40246603713274), (24.598822614674017, 344.20701216103157), (129.53233618857894, 344.20701216103157), (129.53233618857894, 325.40246603713274)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '94a02225cd66a2335bf3f23ea1644c97', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net income', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 348.21040587080313), (24.598822614674017, 356.2111910208562), (65.05869759060822, 356.2111910208562), (65.05869759060822, 348.21040587080313)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '94a02225cd66a2335bf3f23ea1644c97', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='513 6 3,162 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((477.59714407261816, 325.40246603713274), (477.59714407261816, 355.0107731348701), (511.738385604258, 355.0107731348701), (511.738385604258, 325.40246603713274)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '7061e226fa888dd9d487457dc1483f79', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Earnings per share Basic Diluted Shares used in per share calculation Basic Diluted', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 369.8179278184874), (24.598822614674017, 429.4366820657899), (154.00422120755704, 429.4366820657899), (154.00422120755704, 369.8179278184874)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '7061e226fa888dd9d487457dc1483f79', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='0.85 $ 0.84 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((394.8620925871621, 380.0214798493365), (394.8620925871621, 398.22581703024593), (424.55803663477263, 398.22581703024593), (424.55803663477263, 380.0214798493365)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '7061e226fa888dd9d487457dc1483f79', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='1,561 1,571', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((390.41679510313287, 411.23234488488777), (390.41679510313287, 429.4366820657899), (412.66226769161085, 429.4366820657899), (412.66226769161085, 411.23234488488777)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '7061e226fa888dd9d487457dc1483f79', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='2.61 $ 2.57 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((482.0424415566474, 380.0214798493365), (482.0424415566474, 398.22581703024593), (511.738385604258, 398.22581703024593), (511.738385604258, 380.0214798493365)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '7061e226fa888dd9d487457dc1483f79', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='1,213 1,229', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((477.59714407261816, 411.23234488488777), (477.59714407261816, 429.4366820657899), (499.84261666109614, 429.4366820657899), (499.84261666109614, 411.23234488488777)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '7061e226fa888dd9d487457dc1483f79', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((195.68650616139524, 446.04446357838276), (195.68650616139524, 454.0452487284358), (416.70110998164006, 454.0452487284358), (416.70110998164006, 446.04446357838276)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '7061e226fa888dd9d487457dc1483f79', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='51', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 480.25637332888834), (301.74530504194826, 488.2571584789414), (310.64399456981226, 488.2571584789414), (310.64399456981226, 480.25637332888834)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '7061e226fa888dd9d487457dc1483f79', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 26, 2020', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((526.7392512800303, 128.5964682288302), (526.7392512800303, 140.99678487098424), (568.3387083725653, 140.99678487098424), (568.3387083725653, 128.5964682288302)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': '94a02225cd66a2335bf3f23ea1644c97', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='9,763 5,416 — 5,416 4,347', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((564.9838148662567, 154.3429172846121), (564.9838148662567, 204.9585373870516), (587.2292874547347, 204.9585373870516), (587.2292874547347, 154.3429172846121)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': 'cb33e9e59b0dd76e99b0e4cb5e3e42d9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='(47) (47) 1,275', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((564.9838148662567, 282.1874221417569), (564.9838148662567, 311.7957292395015), (587.2292874547347, 311.7957292395015), (587.2292874547347, 282.1874221417569)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': 'cb33e9e59b0dd76e99b0e4cb5e3e42d9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(1,210) 5 2,490', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((561.8608557107999, 325.40246603713274), (561.8608557107999, 355.0107731348701), (587.2292874547347, 355.0107731348701), (587.2292874547347, 325.40246603713274)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': 'cb33e9e59b0dd76e99b0e4cb5e3e42d9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='2.10 2.06', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((569.429112350286, 380.0214798493365), (569.429112350286, 398.22581703024593), (587.2292874547347, 398.22581703024593), (587.2292874547347, 380.0214798493365)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': 'cb33e9e59b0dd76e99b0e4cb5e3e42d9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='1,184 1,207', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((564.9838148662567, 411.23234488488777), (564.9838148662567, 429.4366820657899), (587.2292874547347, 429.4366820657899), (587.2292874547347, 411.23234488488777)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 54, 'parent_id': 'cb33e9e59b0dd76e99b0e4cb5e3e42d9', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92588672084844), (23.801670112263704, 27.128394036743998), (79.85673046881709, 27.128394036743998), (79.85673046881709, 19.92588672084844)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((249.9491459137018, 61.31140119292502), (249.9491459137018, 69.31218634297807), (362.4330757314167, 69.31218634297807), (362.4330757314167, 61.31140119292502)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '8ee195b9ae150dfe2f45e05af585e1dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((207.07171954876134, 78.11725159667947), (207.07171954876134, 86.11803674673251), (405.32581673032365, 86.11803674673251), (405.32581673032365, 78.11725159667947)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '8ee195b9ae150dfe2f45e05af585e1dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((353.41016246182596, 106.38960741011192), (353.41016246182596, 118.78992405226597), (395.00961955436105, 118.78992405226597), (395.00961955436105, 106.38960741011192)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '8ee195b9ae150dfe2f45e05af585e1dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net income Other comprehensive income (loss)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 130.935638579915), (24.598822614674017, 149.13997576081715), (150.86345579588678, 149.13997576081715), (150.86345579588678, 130.935638579915)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '8ee195b9ae150dfe2f45e05af585e1dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((334.94436220115415, 130.935638579915), (334.94436220115415, 138.93642372996806), (339.3940175841934, 138.93642372996806), (339.3940175841934, 130.935638579915)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '61f496d6a8876f46f1f05749ed65eb23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='1,320 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((390.79192569250245, 130.935638579915), (390.79192569250245, 138.93642372996806), (424.8862789015157, 138.93642372996806), (424.8862789015157, 130.935638579915)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '61f496d6a8876f46f1f05749ed65eb23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net change in unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedges', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((34.2021657025347, 151.9429515846099), (34.2021657025347, 159.94373673466293), (249.4321094544735, 159.94373673466293), (249.4321094544735, 151.9429515846099)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '8ee195b9ae150dfe2f45e05af585e1dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total comprehensive income', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 163.9471304444345), (24.598822614674017, 171.94791559448754), (125.97790888923826, 171.94791559448754), (125.97790888923826, 163.9471304444345)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '8ee195b9ae150dfe2f45e05af585e1dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((334.94436220115415, 162.74671255845567), (334.94436220115415, 170.74749770850872), (339.3940175841934, 170.74749770850872), (339.3940175841934, 162.74671255845567)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '08a3dc694891d1e12323e1408a000eaa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(38) 1,282 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((390.79192569250245, 151.34274264162048), (390.79192569250245, 170.74749770850872), (424.8862789015157, 170.74749770850872), (424.8862789015157, 151.34274264162048)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '08a3dc694891d1e12323e1408a000eaa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((195.68650616139524, 189.1559060500698), (195.68650616139524, 197.15669120012285), (416.70110998164006, 197.15669120012285), (416.70110998164006, 189.1559060500698)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '08a3dc694891d1e12323e1408a000eaa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='52', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 223.36781580057539), (301.74530504194826, 231.36860095062843), (310.64399456981226, 231.36860095062843), (310.64399456981226, 223.36781580057539)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '08a3dc694891d1e12323e1408a000eaa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Year Ended', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((443.9479302061688, 96.78626432225224), (443.9479302061688, 103.18449153449762), (478.7866369387539, 103.18449153449762), (478.7866369387539, 96.78626432225224)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '8ee195b9ae150dfe2f45e05af585e1dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 25, 2021', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((439.71833581207176, 106.38960741011192), (439.71833581207176, 118.78992405226597), (481.31779290460685, 118.78992405226597), (481.31779290460685, 106.38960741011192)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '8ee195b9ae150dfe2f45e05af585e1dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(In millions)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((443.4227473810514, 121.99503992788027), (443.4227473810514, 128.39326714012566), (479.31029698322516, 128.39326714012566), (479.31029698322516, 121.99503992788027)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '8ee195b9ae150dfe2f45e05af585e1dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='3,162 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((477.9160050735823, 130.935638579915), (477.9160050735823, 138.93642372996806), (512.0103582825956, 138.93642372996806), (512.0103582825956, 130.935638579915)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '86619cbb2f524b750117d581f5a06209', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(20) 3,142 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((477.9160050735823, 151.34274264162048), (477.9160050735823, 170.74749770850872), (512.0103582825956, 170.74749770850872), (512.0103582825956, 151.34274264162048)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '86619cbb2f524b750117d581f5a06209', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 26, 2020', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((526.8799282520886, 106.38960741011192), (526.8799282520886, 118.78992405226597), (568.4793853446236, 118.78992405226597), (568.4793853446236, 106.38960741011192)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '8ee195b9ae150dfe2f45e05af585e1dc', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='2,490', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((565.0682222499096, 130.935638579915), (565.0682222499096, 138.93642372996806), (587.3136888362982, 138.93642372996806), (587.3136888362982, 130.935638579915)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '3ca248eeaa28ee3a552665e33668ea5a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='17 2,507', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((565.0682222499096, 151.34274264162048), (565.0682222499096, 170.74749770850872), (587.3136888362982, 170.74749770850872), (587.3136888362982, 151.34274264162048)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 55, 'parent_id': '3ca248eeaa28ee3a552665e33668ea5a', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.924356792908156), (23.801670112263704, 27.126864108803716), (79.85673046881709, 27.126864108803716), (79.85673046881709, 19.924356792908156)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((249.9491459137018, 61.309871264984736), (249.9491459137018, 69.31065641503778), (362.4330757314167, 69.31065641503778), (362.4330757314167, 61.309871264984736)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Consolidated Balance Sheets', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((250.1836055331025, 78.11572166873918), (250.1836055331025, 86.11650681879223), (362.2108229240967, 86.11650681879223), (362.2108229240967, 78.11572166873918)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='ASSETS', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((194.07344462710614, 126.13243710804488), (194.07344462710614, 134.13322225809793), (226.0806557399338, 134.13322225809793), (226.0806557399338, 126.13243710804488)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Current assets:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 136.33598913889398), (24.598822614674017, 144.33677428894703), (83.28425680171331, 144.33677428894703), (83.28425680171331, 136.33598913889398)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Accounts receivable, net Inventories Receivables from related parties Prepaid expenses and other current assets', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((39.00383724646505, 147.13975011273976), (39.00383724646505, 206.75850436004225), (191.53320315563428, 206.75850436004225), (191.53320315563428, 147.13975011273976)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '499dd8920400af9dcbeebec42ca543ff', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total current assets', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((72.61553805397746, 209.561480183835), (72.61553805397746, 217.56226533388804), (148.0465409372316, 217.56226533388804), (148.0465409372316, 209.561480183835)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Property and equipment, net Operating lease right-of-use assets Goodwill Acquisition-related intangibles Investment: equity method Deferred tax assets Other non-current assets', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 220.3652411576735), (24.598822614674017, 290.78775637882177), (149.10202283656923, 290.78775637882177), (149.10202283656923, 220.3652411576735)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '0736026e0544fae31457bc3134f2e0e5', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total assets', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 294.7911500885933), (24.598822614674017, 302.7919352386464), (70.24590374572593, 302.7919352386464), (70.24590374572593, 294.7911500885933)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((126.07165004018421, 304.9947021194497), (126.07165004018421, 312.99548726950275), (294.07697053924795, 312.99548726950275), (294.07697053924795, 304.9947021194497)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Current liabilities:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 315.7984630932882), (24.598822614674017, 323.79924824334125), (92.60810203159271, 323.79924824334125), (92.60810203159271, 315.7984630932882)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Accounts payable Payables to related parties Accrued liabilities Current portion of long-term debt, net Other current liabilities', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((39.00383724646505, 326.0020151241446), (39.00383724646505, 376.0174262835874), (170.6236953278628, 376.0174262835874), (170.6236953278628, 326.0020151241446)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total current liabilities Long-term debt, net of current portion Long-term operating lease liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Other long-term liabilities Commitments and Contingencies (see Notes 16 and 17) Stockholders’ equity: Capital stock: Common stock, par value $0.01; shares authorized: 2,250; shares issued: 1,645 and 1,232; shares outstanding: 1,612 and 1,207 Additional paid-in capital Treasury stock, at cost (shares held: 33 and 25) Accumulated deficit', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 378.82040210737284), (24.598822614674017, 509.2638116276514), (389.0128070208857, 509.2638116276514), (389.0128070208857, 378.82040210737284)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Accumulated other comprehensive loss', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 512.0667874514442), (24.598822614674017, 520.0675726014972), (164.2185582809158, 520.0675726014972), (164.2185582809158, 512.0667874514442)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total stockholders’ equity', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((73.21574699696875, 522.8705484252899), (73.21574699696875, 530.871333575343), (171.30591052131228, 530.871333575343), (171.30591052131228, 522.8705484252899)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 534.8747272851145), (24.598822614674017, 542.8755124351676), (175.5891491898981, 542.8755124351676), (175.5891491898981, 534.8747272851145)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((195.68650616139524, 560.0835028907499), (195.68650616139524, 568.0842880408029), (416.70110998164006, 568.0842880408029), (416.70110998164006, 560.0835028907499)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='53', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 594.2954126412482), (301.74530504194826, 602.2961977913012), (310.64399456981226, 602.2961977913012), (310.64399456981226, 594.2954126412482)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((397.1503891823164, 147.13975011273976), (397.1503891823164, 155.1405352627928), (401.6000445653557, 155.1405352627928), (401.6000445653557, 147.13975011273976)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((397.1503891823164, 293.5907322026145), (397.1503891823164, 301.59151735266755), (401.6000445653557, 301.59151735266755), (401.6000445653557, 293.5907322026145)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((397.1503891823164, 326.0020151241446), (397.1503891823164, 334.0028002741976), (401.6000445653557, 334.0028002741976), (401.6000445653557, 326.0020151241446)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((397.1503891823164, 533.6743093991284), (397.1503891823164, 541.6750945491815), (401.6000445653557, 541.6750945491815), (401.6000445653557, 533.6743093991284)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': 'ce963fe247cf61bf0d8071c6b79eea22', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((422.25600687691883, 100.3859880522557), (422.25600687691883, 113.38651363740644), (463.85546396945387, 113.38651363740644), (463.85546396945387, 100.3859880522557)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 25, 2021', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((521.0654041168605, 100.3859880522557), (521.0654041168605, 113.38651363740644), (562.6648612093954, 113.38651363740644), (562.6648612093954, 100.3859880522557)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(In millions, except par value amounts)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((433.4724114990686, 117.19183845601015), (433.4724114990686, 123.59006566825553), (551.4708084905843, 123.59006566825553), (551.4708084905843, 117.19183845601015)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '1fdce3ef8abbf92df51834c33206d268', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='4,835 $ 1,020 4,126 3,771 2 1,265 15,019 1,513 460 24,177 24,118 83 58 2,152 67,580 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((461.8791723780337, 147.13975011273976), (461.8791723780337, 301.59151735266755), (500.39068527582884, 301.59151735266755), (500.39068527582884, 147.13975011273976)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '6d3afb7549c829d02ac7bd4c079b0328', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='16 58,005 (3,099) (131) (41) 54,750 67,580 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((461.8791723780337, 470.0521614420544), (461.8791723780337, 541.6750945491815), (500.39068527582884, 541.6750945491815), (500.39068527582884, 470.0521614420544)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '6d3afb7549c829d02ac7bd4c079b0328', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='2,535 1,073 2,706 1,955 2 312 8,583 702 367 289 — 69 931 1,478 12,419', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((560.6791943542858, 147.13975011273976), (560.6791943542858, 301.59151735266755), (587.3699584247036, 301.59151735266755), (587.3699584247036, 147.13975011273976)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '6d3afb7549c829d02ac7bd4c079b0328', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='1,321 85 2,424 312 98 4,240 1 348 12 321', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((565.1244918383151, 326.0020151241446), (565.1244918383151, 428.23560432382624), (587.3699584247036, 428.23560432382624), (587.3699584247036, 326.0020151241446)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '6d3afb7549c829d02ac7bd4c079b0328', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='12 11,069 (2,130) (1,451) (3) 7,497 12,419', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((560.6791943542858, 470.0521614420544), (560.6791943542858, 541.6750945491815), (587.3699584247036, 541.6750945491815), (587.3699584247036, 470.0521614420544)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 56, 'parent_id': '6d3afb7549c829d02ac7bd4c079b0328', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.92762686476658), (23.801670112263704, 27.13013418066214), (79.85673046881709, 27.13013418066214), (79.85673046881709, 19.92762686476658)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((249.9491459137018, 61.31314133684316), (249.9491459137018, 69.31392648689621), (362.4330757314167, 69.31392648689621), (362.4330757314167, 61.31314133684316)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'cddcdba7a1fba3f63ab503a36a56e7aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((212.63303353720974, 78.11899174060488), (212.63303353720974, 86.11977689065793), (399.7664503598743, 86.11977689065793), (399.7664503598743, 78.11899174060488)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'cddcdba7a1fba3f63ab503a36a56e7aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((364.91729629178184, 107.59176544001616), (364.91729629178184, 120.5922910251669), (406.5167533843169, 120.5922910251669), (406.5167533843169, 107.59176544001616)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'cddcdba7a1fba3f63ab503a36a56e7aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Capital stock Common stock', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 132.13779660981925), (24.598822614674017, 150.3421337907214), (77.94480523296556, 150.3421337907214), (77.94480523296556, 132.13779660981925)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'cddcdba7a1fba3f63ab503a36a56e7aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Balance, beginning of period Issuance of common stock as consideration for acquisition Balance, end of period Additional paid-in capital', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 153.14510961451413), (24.598822614674017, 192.95696874310784), (240.96372311640596, 192.95696874310784), (240.96372311640596, 153.14510961451413)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '4dbf4a2e6f922df0264c110946b75119', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((348.1020646222467, 153.14510961451413), (348.1020646222467, 161.14589476456717), (352.551720005286, 161.14589476456717), (352.551720005286, 153.14510961451413)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '4dbf4a2e6f922df0264c110946b75119', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='12 $ 4 16 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((411.80861996297665, 153.14510961451413), (411.80861996297665, 182.15320776926205), (434.74283213615615, 182.15320776926205), (434.74283213615615, 153.14510961451413)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '4dbf4a2e6f922df0264c110946b75119', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Balance, beginning of period Common stock issued under employee equity plans Stock-based compensation Issuance of common stock to settle convertible debt Issuance of common stock as consideration for acquisition Fair value of replacement share-based awards related to acquisition Issuance of common stock warrants Balance, end of period', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((34.2021657025347, 195.15973562390388), (34.2021657025347, 276.98622076188735), (274.7670556341919, 276.98622076188735), (274.7670556341919, 195.15973562390388)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '4dbf4a2e6f922df0264c110946b75119', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((348.1020646222467, 195.15973562390388), (348.1020646222467, 203.16052077395693), (352.551720005286, 203.16052077395693), (352.551720005286, 195.15973562390388)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '4dbf4a2e6f922df0264c110946b75119', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='11,069 $ 167 1,080 — 45,372 275 42 58,005 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((396.24070050413997, 195.15973562390388), (396.24070050413997, 276.38601181889794), (434.74283213615615, 276.38601181889794), (434.74283213615615, 195.15973562390388)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '4dbf4a2e6f922df0264c110946b75119', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='Treasury stock', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 279.1889876426834), (24.598822614674017, 287.18977279273645), (76.75730990554646, 287.18977279273645), (76.75730990554646, 279.1889876426834)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'cddcdba7a1fba3f63ab503a36a56e7aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Balance, beginning of period Repurchases of common stock Reissuance of treasury stock as consideration for acquisition Common stock repurchases for tax withholding on employee equity plans Balance, end of period', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((34.2021657025347, 289.3925396735398), (34.2021657025347, 340.008159775972), (293.438023225167, 340.008159775972), (293.438023225167, 289.3925396735398)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((348.1020646222467, 289.3925396735398), (348.1020646222467, 297.3933248235928), (352.551720005286, 297.3933248235928), (352.551720005286, 289.3925396735398)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((348.1020646222467, 331.40716568292953), (348.1020646222467, 339.4079508329826), (352.551720005286, 339.4079508329826), (352.551720005286, 331.40716568292953)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(2,130) $ (3,702) 3,138 (405) (3,099) $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((397.56303283062294, 289.3925396735398), (397.56303283062294, 339.4079508329826), (434.74283213615615, 339.4079508329826), (434.74283213615615, 289.3925396735398)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Accumulated deficit', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 353.61489657360323), (24.598822614674017, 361.6156817236563), (100.61166332806978, 361.6156817236563), (100.61166332806978, 353.61489657360323)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Balance, beginning of period Cumulative effect of adoption of accounting standard Net income Balance, end of period', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((34.2021657025347, 363.8184486044596), (34.2021657025347, 404.2305166760427), (220.8356408269497, 404.2305166760427), (220.8356408269497, 363.8184486044596)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((348.1020646222467, 363.8184486044596), (348.1020646222467, 371.81923375451265), (352.551720005286, 371.81923375451265), (352.551720005286, 363.8184486044596)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((348.1020646222467, 395.629522582993), (348.1020646222467, 403.63030773304604), (352.551720005286, 403.63030773304604), (352.551720005286, 395.629522582993)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(1,451) $ — 1,320 (131) $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((397.56303283062294, 363.8184486044596), (397.56303283062294, 403.63030773304604), (434.74283213615615, 403.63030773304604), (434.74283213615615, 363.8184486044596)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 417.83725347367397), (24.598822614674017, 425.838038623727), (211.7516011199201, 425.838038623727), (211.7516011199201, 417.83725347367397)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Balance, beginning of period Other comprehensive income (loss) Balance, end of period', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((34.2021657025347, 428.04080550452306), (34.2021657025347, 457.6491126022677), (160.46679888374746, 457.6491126022677), (160.46679888374746, 428.04080550452306)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='(38) (41) $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((408.6856548054303, 438.24435753537944), (408.6856548054303, 457.6491126022677), (434.74283213615615, 457.6491126022677), (434.74283213615615, 438.24435753537944)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '67b611653d960d2e0e9916be2c44dc23', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content=\"Total stockholders' equity\", metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 472.456267285885), (24.598822614674017, 480.45705243593807), (122.81013423273954, 480.45705243593807), (122.81013423273954, 472.456267285885)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'cddcdba7a1fba3f63ab503a36a56e7aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((348.1020646222467, 471.2558493998989), (348.1020646222467, 479.25663454995197), (352.551720005286, 479.25663454995197), (352.551720005286, 471.2558493998989)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '8874237dc1cd9265de9273999a909735', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='54,750 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((396.24070050413997, 471.2558493998989), (396.24070050413997, 479.25663454995197), (434.74283213615615, 479.25663454995197), (434.74283213615615, 471.2558493998989)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '8874237dc1cd9265de9273999a909735', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((195.68650616139524, 497.66504289151305), (195.68650616139524, 505.6658280415661), (416.70110998164006, 505.6658280415661), (416.70110998164006, 497.66504289151305)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '8874237dc1cd9265de9273999a909735', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='54', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 531.8769526420186), (301.74530504194826, 539.8777377920717), (310.64399456981226, 539.8777377920717), (310.64399456981226, 531.8769526420186)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '8874237dc1cd9265de9273999a909735', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Year Ended', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((450.53147204960453, 97.98842235215648), (450.53147204960453, 104.38664956440186), (485.3701787821896, 104.38664956440186), (485.3701787821896, 97.98842235215648)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'cddcdba7a1fba3f63ab503a36a56e7aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 25, 2021 (In millions)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((447.108408422652, 107.59176544001616), (447.108408422652, 129.59542517003717), (488.7078655151871, 129.59542517003717), (488.7078655151871, 107.59176544001616)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'cddcdba7a1fba3f63ab503a36a56e7aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='(131) $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((486.42209418858175, 289.3925396735398), (486.42209418858175, 297.3933248235928), (516.9339442670264, 297.3933248235928), (516.9339442670264, 289.3925396735398)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': '48c1819c5b41ad811674b85fb1d27478', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='December 26, 2020', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((529.3370336124592, 107.59176544001616), (529.3370336124592, 120.5922910251669), (570.9364907049942, 120.5922910251669), (570.9364907049942, 107.59176544001616)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'cddcdba7a1fba3f63ab503a36a56e7aa', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='12 — 12', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((576.218976017875, 153.14510961451413), (576.218976017875, 182.15320776926205), (587.3418266315456, 182.15320776926205), (587.3418266315456, 153.14510961451413)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'c3282ed76d644e12163925153ca0d5ea', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='(53) — — (78) (131)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((568.6413381126099, 289.3925396735398), (568.6413381126099, 339.4079508329826), (587.3418266315456, 339.4079508329826), (587.3418266315456, 289.3925396735398)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'c3282ed76d644e12163925153ca0d5ea', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(7,095) — 2,490 (4,605)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((561.9733948876108, 363.8184486044596), (561.9733948876108, 403.63030773304604), (587.3418266315456, 403.63030773304604), (587.3418266315456, 363.8184486044596)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 57, 'parent_id': 'c3282ed76d644e12163925153ca0d5ea', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='Table of Contents', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((23.801670112263704, 19.926096936833574), (23.801670112263704, 27.128604252729133), (79.85673046881709, 27.128604252729133), (79.85673046881709, 19.926096936833574)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Header'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((249.9491459137018, 61.31161140891015), (249.9491459137018, 69.3123965589632), (362.4330757314167, 69.3123965589632), (362.4330757314167, 61.31161140891015)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'c1a748ec7f4dab4b8ab3dc65b94a3106', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((229.9640667660833, 78.1174618126646), (229.9640667660833, 86.11824696271765), (382.4231906947694, 86.11824696271765), (382.4231906947694, 78.1174618126646)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'c1a748ec7f4dab4b8ab3dc65b94a3106', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Cash flows from operating activities:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 127.3345951379564), (24.598822614674017, 135.33538028800945), (152.64460005751653, 135.33538028800945), (152.64460005751653, 127.3345951379564)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '94875de017a7a436e28f97f9e32bf7da', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net income Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((39.00383724646505, 138.1383561117949), (39.00383724646505, 156.34269329270433), (323.1446951346488, 156.34269329270433), (323.1446951346488, 138.1383561117949)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '94875de017a7a436e28f97f9e32bf7da', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Depreciation and amortization Stock-based compensation Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs Amortization of operating lease right-of-use assets Amortization of inventory fair value adjustment Loss on debt redemption, repurchase and conversion Loss on sale or disposal of property and equipment Deferred income taxes (Gains) losses on equity investments, net Other', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((48.006971391334446, 158.54546017350037), (48.006971391334446, 260.1788404301926), (237.00752419594593, 260.1788404301926), (237.00752419594593, 158.54546017350037)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '94875de017a7a436e28f97f9e32bf7da', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Changes in operating assets and liabilities:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((39.00383724646505, 262.98181625398536), (39.00383724646505, 270.9826014040384), (190.6463087217939, 270.9826014040384), (190.6463087217939, 262.98181625398536)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'c1a748ec7f4dab4b8ab3dc65b94a3106', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Accounts receivable, net Inventories Receivables from related parties Prepaid expenses and other assets Payables to related parties Accounts payable Accrued liabilities and other Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 273.18536828484173), (24.598822614674017, 365.2154054536743), (173.41637379769804, 365.2154054536743), (173.41637379769804, 273.18536828484173)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4a170daead4bd7b36714d977c17dd81c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Purchases of property and equipment Purchases of short-term investments Proceeds from maturity of short-term investments Cash received from acquisition of Xilinx Acquisition of Pensando, net of cash acquired Other', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((33.60195675954341, 367.41817233447034), (33.60195675954341, 427.6371355247695), (208.75927142441134, 427.6371355247695), (208.75927142441134, 367.41817233447034)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4a170daead4bd7b36714d977c17dd81c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities:', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 431.04032029155167), (24.598822614674017, 449.2446574724538), (199.78744075681735, 449.2446574724538), (199.78744075681735, 431.04032029155167)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4a170daead4bd7b36714d977c17dd81c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Proceeds from debt, net of issuance costs Repayment of debt Proceeds from sales of common stock through employee equity plans Repurchases of common stock', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((33.60195675954341, 451.44742435324986), (33.60195675954341, 491.25928348184357), (280.3812806299154, 491.25928348184357), (280.3812806299154, 451.44742435324986)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4a170daead4bd7b36714d977c17dd81c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Common stock repurchases for tax withholding on employee equity plans Other', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((33.60195675954341, 495.2626771916151), (33.60195675954341, 514.6674322585034), (292.8378142821757, 514.6674322585034), (292.8378142821757, 495.2626771916151)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4a170daead4bd7b36714d977c17dd81c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((24.598822614674017, 517.4704080822961), (24.598822614674017, 558.4826850968686), (200.23664499248918, 558.4826850968686), (200.23664499248918, 517.4704080822961)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4a170daead4bd7b36714d977c17dd81c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'NarrativeText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='55', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((301.74530504194826, 588.8952722982616), (301.74530504194826, 596.8960574483147), (310.64399456981226, 596.8960574483147), (310.64399456981226, 588.8952722982616)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4a170daead4bd7b36714d977c17dd81c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((372.4949341970469, 138.1383561117949), (372.4949341970469, 146.13914126184795), (376.9445895800862, 146.13914126184795), (376.9445895800862, 138.1383561117949)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4a170daead4bd7b36714d977c17dd81c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='$', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((372.4949341970469, 549.2814820608295), (372.4949341970469, 557.2822672108825), (376.9445895800862, 557.2822672108825), (376.9445895800862, 549.2814820608295)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4a170daead4bd7b36714d977c17dd81c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='December 31, 2022', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((385.23999296983294, 102.78856396815331), (385.23999296983294, 115.78908955329678), (426.83945006236803, 115.78908955329678), (426.83945006236803, 102.78856396815331)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'c1a748ec7f4dab4b8ab3dc65b94a3106', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='1,320 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((416.9010147126237, 138.1383561117949), (416.9010147126237, 146.13914126184795), (451.0047431853265, 146.13914126184795), (451.0047431853265, 138.1383561117949)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'a99461b932959ccf2116671fc151a528', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='4,174 1,081 — 88 189 — 16 (1,505) 62 (14)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((413.7780555571668, 158.54546017350037), (413.7780555571668, 260.1788404301926), (439.1464873011017, 260.1788404301926), (439.1464873011017, 158.54546017350037)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'a99461b932959ccf2116671fc151a528', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(1,091) (1,401) (13) (1,197) 379 931 546 3,565', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((413.7780555571668, 273.18536828484173), (413.7780555571668, 354.4116444798285), (439.1464873011017, 354.4116444798285), (439.1464873011017, 273.18536828484173)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'a99461b932959ccf2116671fc151a528', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(450) (2,667) 4,310 2,366 (1,544) (16) 1,999', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((413.7780555571668, 367.41817233447034), (413.7780555571668, 438.440896498608), (439.1464873011017, 438.440896498608), (439.1464873011017, 367.41817233447034)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'a99461b932959ccf2116671fc151a528', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='991 (312) 167 (3,702)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((413.7780555571668, 451.44742435324986), (413.7780555571668, 491.859492424833), (439.1464873011017, 491.859492424833), (439.1464873011017, 451.44742435324986)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'a99461b932959ccf2116671fc151a528', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(406) (2) (3,264) 2,300 2,535 4,835 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((413.7780555571668, 495.86288613460454), (413.7780555571668, 557.2822672108825), (451.0047431853265, 557.2822672108825), (451.0047431853265, 495.86288613460454)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'a99461b932959ccf2116671fc151a528', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='Year Ended December 25, 2021', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((459.3001525771627, 93.78542982328304), (459.3001525771627, 115.78908955329678), (500.8996096696978, 115.78908955329678), (500.8996096696978, 93.78542982328304)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'c1a748ec7f4dab4b8ab3dc65b94a3106', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(In millions)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((462.1980333789978, 118.99420542891835), (462.1980333789978, 125.39243264116374), (498.08558298117157, 125.39243264116374), (498.08558298117157, 118.99420542891835)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'c1a748ec7f4dab4b8ab3dc65b94a3106', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='3,162 $', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((490.9611743199534, 138.1383561117949), (490.9611743199534, 146.13914126184795), (525.0649027926563, 146.13914126184795), (525.0649027926563, 138.1383561117949)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '483d30b675899196dee6c149e941fccd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='407 379 5 56 — 7 34 308 (56) (7)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((497.6291175449526, 158.54546017350037), (497.6291175449526, 260.1788404301926), (513.2066409063419, 260.1788404301926), (513.2066409063419, 158.54546017350037)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '483d30b675899196dee6c149e941fccd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(640) (556) 8 (920) 7 801 526 3,521', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((490.9611743199534, 273.18536828484173), (490.9611743199534, 354.4116444798285), (513.2066409063419, 354.4116444798285), (513.2066409063419, 273.18536828484173)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '483d30b675899196dee6c149e941fccd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='— — 104 (1,762)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((487.8382091624071, 451.44742435324986), (487.8382091624071, 491.859492424833), (513.2066409063419, 491.859492424833), (513.2066409063419, 451.44742435324986)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '483d30b675899196dee6c149e941fccd', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='December 26, 2020', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((533.4072005071189, 102.78856396815331), (533.4072005071189, 115.78908955329678), (575.0066575996539, 115.78908955329678), (575.0066575996539, 102.78856396815331)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': 'c1a748ec7f4dab4b8ab3dc65b94a3106', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'Title'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='2,490', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((565.0400844546622, 138.1383561117949), (565.0400844546622, 146.13914126184795), (587.2855570431402, 146.13914126184795), (587.2855570431402, 138.1383561117949)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4048fba03060a558f6c0d17e016db18c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ " Document(page_content='(219) (417) 10 (231) (135) (513) 574 1,071', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((565.0400844546622, 273.18536828484173), (565.0400844546622, 354.4116444798285), (587.2855570431402, 354.4116444798285), (587.2855570431402, 273.18536828484173)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4048fba03060a558f6c0d17e016db18c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='(294) (850) 192 — — — (952)', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((568.5850685242045, 367.41817233447034), (568.5850685242045, 438.440896498608), (587.2855570431402, 438.440896498608), (587.2855570431402, 367.41817233447034)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4048fba03060a558f6c0d17e016db18c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
+ " Document(page_content='200 (200) 85 —', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'coordinates': {'points': ((568.5850685242045, 451.44742435324986), (568.5850685242045, 491.859492424833), (587.2855570431402, 491.859492424833), (587.2855570431402, 451.44742435324986)), 'system': 'PixelSpace', 'layout_width': 612.0, 'layout_height': 792.0}, 'filename': 'amd_2022.pdf', 'languages': ['eng'], 'last_modified': '2024-05-03T07:57:27', 'page_number': 58, 'parent_id': '4048fba03060a558f6c0d17e016db18c', 'filetype': 'application/pdf', 'category': 'UncategorizedText'}),\n",
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+ "[Document(page_content='Table of Contents\\n\\nUNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549\\n\\nFORM 10-K\\n\\n(Mark One)\\n\\n☒\\n\\nANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022\\n\\nOR\\n\\n☐\\n\\nTRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934. For the transition period from to\\n\\nCommission File Number 001-07882\\n\\nADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC.\\n\\n(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)\\n\\nDelaware (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)\\n\\n94-1692300 (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)\\n\\n2485 Augustine Drive Santa Clara, California 95054 (Address of principal executive offices) (408) 749-4000 (Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)\\n\\nSecurities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:\\n\\n(Title of each class) Common Stock, $0.01 par value per share\\n\\n(Trading symbol) AMD\\n\\n(Name of each exchange on which registered) The NASDAQ Global Select Market\\n\\nSecurities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None\\n\\nIndicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes ☑ No ☐\\n\\nIndicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act. Yes ☐ No ☑\\n\\nIndicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes ☑ No ☐\\n\\nIndicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files): Yes ☑ No ☐\\n\\nIndicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See definition of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.\\n\\nLarge accelerated filer\\n\\n☑\\n\\nAccelerated filer\\n\\n☐\\n\\nNon-accelerated filer\\n\\n☐\\n\\nSmaller reporting company\\n\\n☐\\n\\nEmerging growth company\\n\\nIf an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ☐\\n\\nIndicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed a report on and attestation to its management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting under Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (15 U.S.C.7262(b)) by the registered public accounting firm that prepared or issued its audit report. ☑\\n\\nIf securities are registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act, indicate by check mark whether the financial statements of the registrant included in the filing reflect the correction of an error to previously issued financial statements. ☐\\n\\nIndicate by check mark whether any of those error corrections are restatements that required a recovery analysis of incentive-based compensation received by any of the registrant’s executive officers during the relevant recovery period pursuant to §240.10D-1(b). ☐\\n\\nIndicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined by Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes ☐ No ☑\\n\\nAs of June 24, 2022, the aggregate market value of the registrant’s common stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant was approximately $139.8 billion based on the reported closing sale price of $87.08 per share as reported on The NASDAQ Global Select Market (NASDAQ) on June 24, 2022, which was the last business day of the registrant’s most recently completed second fiscal quarter.\\n\\nIndicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant’s classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date: 1,611,388,217 shares of common stock, $0.01 par value per share, as of February 22, 2023.\\n\\n☐\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nDOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE\\n\\nPortions of the registrant’s proxy statement for the 2023 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (2023 Proxy Statement) are incorporated into Part III hereof. The 2023 Proxy Statement will be filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days after the registrant’s fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nPART I\\n\\nITEM 1.\\n\\nITEM 1A.\\n\\nITEM 1B.\\n\\nITEM 2.\\n\\nITEM 3.\\n\\nITEM 4.\\n\\nPART II\\n\\nITEM 5.\\n\\nITEM 6.\\n\\nITEM 7.\\n\\nITEM 7A.\\n\\nITEM 8.\\n\\nITEM 9.\\n\\nITEM 9A.\\n\\nITEM 9B.\\n\\nITEM 9C.\\n\\nPART III\\n\\nITEM 10.\\n\\nITEM 11.\\n\\nITEM 12.\\n\\nITEM 13.\\n\\nITEM 14.\\n\\nPART IV\\n\\nITEM 15.\\n\\nITEM 16.\\n\\nSIGNATURES.\\n\\nINDEX\\n\\nBusiness\\n\\nRisk Factors\\n\\nUnresolved Staff Comments\\n\\nProperties\\n\\nLegal Proceedings\\n\\nMine Safety Disclosures\\n\\nMarket for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities\\n\\n[Reserved]\\n\\nManagement’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations\\n\\nQuantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk\\n\\nFinancial Statements and Supplementary Data\\n\\nChanges in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure\\n\\nControls and Procedures\\n\\nOther Information\\n\\nDisclosures Regarding Foreign Jurisdictions that Prevent Inspections\\n\\nDirectors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance\\n\\nExecutive Compensation\\n\\nSecurity Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters\\n\\nCertain Relationships and Related Transactions and Director Independence\\n\\nPrincipal Accounting Fees and Services\\n\\nExhibits, Financial Statements Schedules\\n\\nForm 10-K Summary\\n\\n1\\n\\n1\\n\\n14\\n\\n36\\n\\n37\\n\\n37\\n\\n37\\n\\n38\\n\\n38\\n\\n39\\n\\n40\\n\\n50\\n\\n51\\n\\n95\\n\\n95\\n\\n96\\n\\n96\\n\\n97\\n\\n97\\n\\n97\\n\\n97\\n\\n97\\n\\n97\\n\\n98\\n\\n98\\n\\n104\\n\\n105\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nPART I\\n\\nITEM 1. BUSINESS\\n\\nCautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements\\n\\nThe statements in this report include forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward- looking statements are based on current expectations and beliefs and involve numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof or as of the dates indicated in the statements and should not be relied upon as predictions of future events, as we cannot assure you that the events or circumstances reflected in these statements will be achieved or will occur. You can identify forward-looking statements by the use of forward-looking terminology including “believes,” “expects,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “seeks,” “intends,” “plans,” “pro forma,” “estimates,” “anticipates,” or the negative of these words and phrases, other variations of these words and phrases or comparable terminology. The forward-looking statements relate to, among other things: possible impact of future accounting rules on AMD’s consolidated financial statements; demand for AMD’s products; the growth, change and competitive landscape of the markets in which AMD participates; international sales will continue to be a significant portion of total sales in the foreseeable future; that AMD’s cash, cash equivalents and short-term investment balances together with the availability under that certain revolving credit facility (the Revolving Credit Agreement) made available to AMD and certain of its subsidiaries, our commercial paper program, and our cash flows from operations will be sufficient to fund AMD’s operations including capital expenditures and purchase commitments over the next 12 months and beyond; AMD’s ability to obtain sufficient external financing on favorable terms, or at all; AMD’s expectation that based on management’s current knowledge, the potential liability related to AMD’s current litigation will not have a material adverse effect on its financial position, results of operation or cash flows; anticipated ongoing and increased costs related to enhancing and implementing information security controls; all unbilled accounts receivables are expected to be billed and collected within 12 months; revenue allocated to remaining performance obligations that are unsatisfied which will be recognized in the next 12 months; and a small number of customers will continue to account for a substantial part of AMD’s revenue in the future. For a discussion of the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements, see “Part I, Item 1A-Risk Factors” and the “Financial Condition” section set forth in “Part II, Item 7-Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,” or MD&A, and such other risks and uncertainties as set forth below in this report or detailed in our other Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reports and filings. We assume no obligation to update forward-looking statements.\\n\\nReferences in this Annual Report on Form 10-K to “AMD,” “we,” “us,” “management,” “our” or the “Company” mean Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and our consolidated subsidiaries.\\n\\nOverview\\n\\nWe are a global semiconductor company primarily offering:\\n\\n\\n\\nserver microprocessors (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs), data processing units (DPUs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and Adaptive System-on-Chip (SoC) products for data centers;\\n\\n\\n\\nCPUs, accelerated processing units (APUs) that integrate CPUs and GPUs, and chipsets for desktop and notebook personal computers;\\n\\n\\n\\ndiscrete GPUs, and semi-custom SoC products and development services; and\\n\\n\\n\\nembedded CPUs, GPUs, APUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoC products.\\n\\nFrom time to time, we may also sell or license portions of our intellectual property (IP) portfolio.\\n\\n1\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAdditional Information\\n\\nAMD was incorporated under the laws of Delaware on May 1, 1969 and became a publicly held company in 1972. Our common stock is currently listed on The NASDAQ Global Select Market (NASDAQ) under the symbol “AMD”. Our mailing address and executive offices are located at 2485 Augustine Drive, Santa Clara, California 95054, and our telephone number is (408) 749-4000. For financial information about geographic areas and for segment information with respect to revenues and operating results, refer to the information set forth in Note 4 of our consolidated financial statements. We use a 52- or 53-week fiscal year ending on the last Saturday in December. References in this report to 2022, 2021 and 2020 refer to the fiscal year unless explicitly stated otherwise.\\n\\nAMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD CDNA, AMD Instinct, AMD RDNA, Alveo, Artix, Athlon, CoolRunner, EPYC, FidelityFX, FirePro, FreeSync, Geode, Infinity Fabric, Kinex, Pensando, Radeon, Radeon Instinct, ROCm, Ryzen, Spartan, Threadripper, UltraScale, UltraScale+, V-Cache, Versal, Virtex, Vitis, Vivado, Xilinx, Zynq and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\n\\nMicrosoft, Windows, DirectX and Xbox One are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. PCIe is a registered trademark of PCI-SIG Corporation. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. PlayStation is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Inc. Arm is a registered trademark of ARM Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the United States and/or elsewhere. Vulkan and the Vulkan logo are registered trademarks of Khronos Group Inc. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.\\n\\nOther names are for informational purposes only and are used to identify companies and products and may be trademarks of their respective owners.\\n\\nWebsite Access to Our SEC Filings and Corporate Governance Documents\\n\\nOn the Investor Relations pages of our website,, we post links to our filings with the SEC, our Principles of Corporate Governance, our Code of Ethics for our executive officers, all other senior finance executives and certain representatives from legal and internal audit, our Worldwide Standards of Business Conduct, which applies to our Board of Directors and all of our employees, and the charters of the committees of our Board of Directors. Our filings with the SEC are posted as soon as reasonably practical after they are electronically filed with, or furnished to, the SEC. The SEC website,, contains reports, proxy and information statements, and other information regarding issuers that file electronically with the SEC. You can also obtain copies of these documents by writing to us at: Corporate Secretary, AMD, 7171 Southwest Parkway, M/S B100.T, Austin, Texas 78735, or emailing us at: All of these documents and filings are available free of charge.\\n\\nIf we make substantive amendments to our Code of Ethics or grant any waiver, including any implicit waiver, to our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, controller or persons performing similar functions, we intend to disclose the nature of such amendment or waiver on our website.\\n\\nThe information contained on our website is not incorporated by reference in, or considered to be a part of, this report.\\n\\nOur Industry\\n\\nWe are a global semiconductor company. Semiconductors are components used in a variety of electronic products and systems. An integrated circuit (IC) is a semiconductor device that consists of many interconnected transistors on a single chip. Since the invention of the transistor in 1948, improvements in IC process and design technologies have led to the development of smaller, more complex and more reliable ICs at a lower cost-per-function.\\n\\n2\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nOur Strategy\\n\\nAMD is focused on high-performance and adaptive computing technology, software and product leadership. Our strategy is to create and deliver the world’s leading high-performance and adaptive computing products across a diverse set of markets including the data center, embedded, client and gaming. Our strategy is focused on five strategic pillars: compute technology leadership, expanding data center leadership, enabling pervasive artificial intelligence (AI), providing software platforms and developer enablement, and designing custom silicon and solutions.\\n\\nWe invest in high-performance CPUs for cloud infrastructure, enterprise, edge, supercomputing, and PCs. We invest in high-performance GPUs and software for markets such as gaming, compute, AI, and virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). With the acquisition of Xilinx, Inc. (XIlinx) in February 2022, our product portfolio now includes FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs used in the data center and embedded markets. Also, with the acquisition of Pensando Systems, Inc. in May 2022, we offer high-performance DPUs and next generation data center solutions.\\n\\nWe leverage our high-performance CPU, GPU, FPGA and DPU product portfolios to deliver solutions that are differentiated at the chip level, such as our semi- custom SoCs, Adaptive SoCs, and APUs, and at the systems level, such as PCs, embedded platforms and servers. To expand our data center presence, we now offer the industry’s strongest portfolio of data center computing solutions based on our CPUs, high-performance GPUs, DPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoCs. We have a broad technology roadmap and products targeting AI training and inference spanning cloud, edge and intelligent endpoints. We achieve this through our family of CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoCs.\\n\\nWe develop world-class software platforms that are used to enable our high-performance products. Our software platforms include development tools, compilers, and drivers for our CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. We work closely with our customers to define and develop customized solutions to precisely match their requirements. We enable this by combining our broad portfolio of high-performance IP with our leadership design and packaging to deliver world-class customized solutions to our customers. We invest in innovative technology and solutions such as our custom-ready chiplet platform and AMD Infinity Architecture to maintain our leadership position as a custom-design silicon provider of choice.\\n\\nOur four reportable segments are:\\n\\n\\n\\nthe Data Center segment, which primarily includes server CPUs and GPUs, DPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoC products for data centers;\\n\\n\\n\\nthe Client segment, which primarily includes CPUs, APUs, and chipsets for desktop and notebook personal computers;\\n\\n\\n\\nthe Gaming segment, which primarily includes discrete GPUs, semi-custom SoC products and development services; and\\n\\n\\n\\nthe Embedded segment, which primarily includes embedded CPUs, GPUs, APUs, FPGAs and Adaptive SoC products.\\n\\nFrom time to time, we may also sell or license portions of our IP portfolio.\\n\\nIn addition to these reportable segments, we have an All Other category, which is not a reportable segment.\\n\\nData Center Segment\\n\\nData Center Market\\n\\nThe Data Center segment primarily includes server CPUs, GPUs, DPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoC products. We leverage our technology to address the computational and visual data processing needs in the data center market. Modern data centers require high performance, energy efficient, scalable and adaptable compute engines to meet the demand driven by the growing amount of data that needs to be stored, accessed, analyzed and managed. Different combinations of CPUs, GPUs, DPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoCs enable the optimization of performance and power for a diverse set of workloads.\\n\\n3\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nData Center Products\\n\\nServer CPUs. Our CPUs for server platforms currently include the AMD EPYC™ Series processors – AMD EPYC 9004 Series, AMD EPYC 7003 Series and AMD EPYC 7002 Series. Our 4 Gen AMD EPYC 9004 Series processors are built on the “Zen 4” core and are designed to deliver leadership performance and energy efficiency across multiple market segments and workloads. Our 3 Gen AMD EPYC processors include AMD 3D V-Cache™ technology for leadership performance in technical computing workloads.\\n\\nth\\n\\nrd\\n\\nFPGAs and Adaptive SoCs. We offer a wide range of FPGAs, Adaptive SoCs and acceleration cards for the data center. Devices include the Virtex™ and Kintex™ FPGA products, as well as Zynq™, Zynq MPSoC, and Versal™ Adaptive SoC products. Our Alveo™ accelerator cards provide a platform for accelerating workloads in the data center, at the edge or the cloud. To make it accessible for developers, Alveo is available on most major OEM server platforms, as well as a growing presence across all major cloud providers who provide FPGA-as-a-Service (FaaS).\\n\\nDPUs. Our P4 programmable AMD Pensando DPUs are designed to help offload data center infrastructure services from the CPU, and coupled with our comprehensive software stack, help enable cloud and enterprise customers to optimize performance for network, storage, and security services at cloud scale. Designed for minimal latency, jitter and power impact, our DPUs can help large Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud providers improve hosted virtualized and bare-metal workload performance. Our DPUs power the Aruba CX 10000 top-of-rack network switch, designed to enable enterprise customers to adopt the cloud model of distributed services.\\n\\nnd\\n\\nData Center GPUs. Our AMD Instinct™ family of GPU accelerator products, including AMD Instinct MI200 Series which is based on 2 Gen AMD CDNA architecture, and are specifically designed to address the growing demand for compute-accelerated data center workloads, including AI training and a range of supercomputing applications where the compute capabilities of GPUs provide additional performance. Combined with our AMD ROCm™ open software platform, our customers can deliver differentiated accelerated platforms to address the next-generation of computing challenges while minimizing power and space needs in the data center. Our visual cloud GPU offerings include products in the Radeon™ PRO V families. Our visual cloud data center GPUs include a range of solutions tailored towards workloads requiring remote visualization, such as Desktop-as-a-Service, Workstation-as-a-Service and Cloud Gaming. AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing or General Purpose GPU (GPGPU) refers to a set of advanced hardware and software technologies that enable our discrete GPUs, working in concert with the CPU, to accelerate computational tasks beyond traditional CPU processing by utilizing the vast number of GPU cores while working with the CPU to process information cooperatively. In addition, computing devices with heterogeneous computing features can run computationally- intensive tasks more efficiently, which we believe provides a superior application experience to the end user. Moreover, heterogeneous computing allows for the elevation of the GPU to the same level as the CPU for memory access, queuing, and execution.\\n\\nClient Segment\\n\\nClient Market\\n\\nOur CPUs are incorporated into computing platforms, which are a collection of technologies that are designed to work together to provide a more complete computing solution. We believe that integrated, balanced computing platforms consisting of CPUs, chipsets and GPUs (either as discrete GPUs or integrated into an APU or SoC) that work together at the system level bring end users improved system stability, increased performance and enhanced power efficiency. In addition, we believe customers also benefit from an all-AMD platform (consisting of an APU or CPU, a discrete GPU, and a chipset when needed), as we are able to optimize interoperability, provide our customers a single point of contact for the key platform components and enable them to bring the platforms to market quickly in a variety of PC and server system form factors. We currently base our CPUs and chipsets on the x86 instruction set architecture and the AMD Infinity Fabric™, which connects an on-chip memory controller and input/output (I/O) channels directly to one or more CPU cores.\\n\\nClient Products\\n\\nDesktop CPUs. Our CPUs for desktop platforms currently include the AMD Ryzen™ and AMD Athlon™ series processors. Our Ryzen 7000 Series desktop processors are based on “Zen 4” architecture and deliver leadership performance for gamers and content creators. Our AMD Ryzen 5000 Series desktop processor family powered by our “Zen 3” core architecture has up to 16 cores and is the first AMD Ryzen processor to feature AMD 3D V-Cache technology to improve gaming performance.\\n\\n4\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nNotebook CPUs. Our mobile APUs, including AMD Ryzen and AMD Athlon mobile processors for the commercial and consumer markets, combine both high levels of performance and efficiency for notebook PCs. Our AMD Ryzen 7000 Series processors for mobile applications have up to 16 “Zen 4” architecture cores. We also offer AMD Ryzen 6000 Series mobile processors, built on “Zen 3+” architecture and AMD Ryzen 5000 Series mobile processors, which are powered with our “Zen 3” core architecture.\\n\\nCommercial CPUs. We offer enterprise-class desktop and mobile PC solutions sold as AMD PRO Mobile and AMD PRO desktop processors with Radeon™ graphics for the commercial market. AMD Ryzen PRO, AMD Threadripper™ PRO and AMD Athlon PRO processors solutions are designed to provide enterprise customers with the performance, security capabilities and business features such as enhanced security and manageability, platform longevity and extended image stability. Our AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5000 WX-Series processors provide full-spectrum performance across multiple workstation workloads due to the performance and efficiency of the “Zen 3” core architecture and increased processor frequencies. We also offer the AMD Ryzen PRO 7030 Series Mobile processors built on “Zen 3” core architecture.\\n\\nChipsets. We offer a full suite of chipset products to support our AMD Ryzen and Threadripper platforms, including chipsets for the AM5 socket like the X670 chipsets which support PCIe 5.0 (fifth generation Peripheral Component Interconnect Express motherboard interface) designed for enthusiast desktop platforms. In the AM5 platform we also offer B650 chipsets to enable a broader range of solutions in the market. In the AM4 ecosystem for 5000-series processors and prior, we offer the X570, B550 and A520 chipsets for socket AM4 for 3 Gen AMD Ryzen desktop processors and 5000 processors. In addition, we continue to offer the B450 and A320 chipsets that are combined with AMD Ryzen processors for the AM4 desktop platform for the performance and affordable mainstream platforms segments. In the High-End Desktop (HEDT) and Workstation segments, we offer the WRX80 chipsets to support the 3 Gen Ryzen Threadripper PRO platforms offering high speed I/O and platform bandwidth.\\n\\n®\\n\\nrd\\n\\nGaming Segment\\n\\nGaming Market\\n\\nGraphics processing is a fundamental component across many of our products and can be found in an APU, GPU, SoC or a combination of a discrete GPU with one of the other foregoing products working in tandem. Our customers generally use our graphics solutions to enable or increase the speed of rendering images, to help improve image resolution and color definition. We develop our graphics products for use in various computing devices and entertainment platforms, including desktop PCs, notebook PCs, All-in-Ones (AIOs), professional workstations, and the data center. With each of our graphics products, we have available drivers and supporting software packages that enable the effective use of these products under a variety of operating systems and applications. We have developed AMD RDNA™ 3, a high performing and power efficient graphics architecture, which is the foundation for next-generation PC gaming graphics. Additionally, our RDNA 2 architecture supports advanced graphics features such as ray tracing, AMD Infinity Cache™ and variable rate shading. The Sony PlayStation 5 and Microsoft Xbox Series S™ and X™ game consoles also feature our RDNA graphics architecture. Our APUs deliver visual processing functionality for value and mainstream PCs by integrating a CPU and a GPU on a single chip, while discrete GPUs (which are also known as dGPUs) offer high-performance graphics processing across all platforms. We leverage our core IP, including our graphics and processing technologies to develop semi- custom solutions. Here, semiconductor suppliers work alongside system designers and manufacturers to enhance the performance and overall user experience for semi-custom customers. We have used this collaborative co-development approach with many of today’s leading game console and handheld PC gaming manufacturers and can also address customer needs in many other markets. We leverage our existing IP to create a variety of products tailored to a specific customer’s needs, including complex fully-customized SoCs to more modest adaptations and integrations of existing CPU, APU or GPU products.\\n\\n®\\n\\n®\\n\\nGaming Products\\n\\nSemi-Custom Products. Our semi-custom products are tailored, co-developed, high-performance, customer-specific solutions based on our CPU, GPU and multi-media technologies. We work closely with our customers to define solutions to precisely match the requirements of the device or application. We developed the semi-custom SoC products that power both the Sony PlayStation 5 as well as the Microsoft Xbox Series S and X game consoles. We partnered with Valve to create a semi-custom APU optimized for handheld gaming to power the Steam Deck™.\\n\\n5\\n\\nrd\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nDiscrete Desktop and Notebook GPUs. Our AMD Radeon series discrete GPU processors for desktop and notebook PCs support current generation ® application program interfaces (APIs) like DirectX® 12 Ultimate and Vulkan , support high-refresh rate displays using AMD FreeSync™, AMD FreeSync Premium, and AMD FreeSync Premium Pro technologies, and are designed to support VR in PC platforms. Our AMD Radeon Software expands remote gaming functionality and enables new features and customization capabilities. In addition, we also offer tools for game developers such as our AMD FidelityFX™ open-source image quality software toolkit that helps deliver improved visual quality with minimal performance overhead. FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) uses upscaling technologies to help boost frame rates in games. Our FSR 2.0 technology uses temporal data and optimized anti-aliasing to boost frame rates in supported games while delivering similar or better image quality than native resolution without requirement dedicated machine learning hardware.\\n\\nOur AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX and Radeon RX 7900 XT graphics cards are built on high-performance, energy-efficient AMD RDNA 3 architecture. AMD Radeon RX 7900 series chiplet design combines 5 nm and 6 nm process nodes, each optimized for specific chips in the GPU. We continue to offer AMD Radeon RX 6000 series discrete graphics, based on our RDNA2 architecture, for high-performance gaming desktops and notebooks. Our AMD Advantage Design™ Framework is a collaboration with our global PC partners, delivering high-performance gaming notebooks by combining our AMD Radeon RX series mobile graphics, AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition, AMD Ryzen series mobile processors and utilizing AMD smart technologies to provide best-in-class gaming experiences. AMD RDNA 3 gaming architecture is included in our newer AMD Radeon RX graphics cards giving process optimizations plus firmware and software enhancements and high-bandwidth, low-latency AMD Infinity Cache technology and GDDR6 memory at up to 20Gbps.\\n\\nProfessional GPUs. Our AMD Radeon PRO family of professional graphics products includes multi-view graphics cards and GPUs designed for integration in mobile and desktop workstations. AMD Radeon PRO graphics cards are designed for demanding use cases such as design and manufacturing for CAD, and media and entertainment for broadcast and animation pipelines. AMD Radeon PRO supports end users utilizing GPU accelerated visualization for construction, architecture and mechanical design through gaming and visualization engines on high resolution displays. Our AMD Radeon PRO W6000 series workstation graphics include AMD RDNA 2 architecture and AMD Infinity Cache and are designed to reduce latency and power consumption and to optimize design workloads, including 3D rendering, 8K video composition and color correction, complex design and engineering simulations along with image and video editing applications.\\n\\nEmbedded Segment\\n\\nThe Embedded Market\\n\\nThe Embedded segment primarily includes embedded CPUs, GPUs, APUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoC products. Embedded products address computing needs in automotive, industrial, test, measurement, emulation, medical, multimedia, aerospace, defense, communications, networking, security, and storage markets as well as thin clients, which are computers that serve as an access device on a network. Typically, our embedded products are used in applications that require varying levels of performance, where key features may include relatively low power, small form factors, and 24x7 operations. High-performance graphics are important in some embedded systems. Support for Linux , Windows and other operating systems as well as for increasingly sophisticated applications are also critical for some customers. Other requirements may include meeting rigid specifications for industrial temperatures, shock, vibration and reliability. The embedded market has moved from developing proprietary, custom designs to leveraging industry-standard instruction set architectures and processors as a way to help reduce costs and speed time to market.\\n\\n®\\n\\n®\\n\\nEmbedded Products\\n\\nEmbedded CPUs, APUs and GPUs. Our products for embedded platforms include AMD Embedded EPYC CPUs, AMD Embedded Ryzen V-Series APUs, CPUs and SoCs, AMD Embedded Ryzen R-Series APUs, CPUs and SoCs. Our embedded processors and GPUs are designed to support high performance and bandwidth network connectivity and security, high-performance storage requirements for enterprise and cloud infrastructure, 3D graphics performance and 4K multimedia requirements of automotive infotainment systems.\\n\\n6\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nFPGAs and Adaptive SoCs. Our FPGA products are hardware-customizable devices that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each customer, enabling them to differentiate their products and accelerate time-to-market. Our FPGA families include UltraScale+™ (based on 16 nm technology), UltraScale™ (20 nm), 7 Series (28 nm) and older series. Adaptive SoC products include the Zynq SoC and UltraScale+ Multi-Processing System on a Chip (MPSoCs) which combine FPGA technology with a heterogeneous processing system, as well as the industry’s first RFSoC architecture with integrated radio frequency (RF) data converters. The Versal portfolio is composed of software-programmable Adaptive SoCs, with a heterogeneous compute platform that combines Scalar Engines, Adaptable Engines, and Intelligent Engines to achieve dramatic performance improvements over today\\'s fastest FPGA and accelerate applications in a wide variety of markets, including data center, wired network, 5G wireless, automotive, industrial, scientific, medical, aerospace and defense.\\n\\nDevelopment Boards, Kits and Configuration Products. We offer development kits for all our FPGA and Adaptive SoC products that include hardware, development tools, IP and reference designs that are designed to streamline and accelerate the development of domain-specific and market-specific applications.\\n\\nLegacy Product Families. Prior generation high-end Virtex FPGA families include Virtex-6, Virtex-5, Virtex-4, Virtex-II Pro, Virtex-II and the original Virtex family. Prior generation low end Spartan™ FPGA families include Spartan-6, Spartan-3, the Spartan-3E and Spartan-3A, Spartan-IIE, Spartan-II, Spartan XL and the original Spartan family. Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) operate on the lowest end of the programmable logic density spectrum. CPLDs are single-chip, nonvolatile solutions characterized by instant-on and universal interconnect. Prior generations of CPLDs include the CoolRunner™ and XC9500 product families.\\n\\nDesign Platforms and Services\\n\\nAdaptable Platforms. We offer two types of platforms that support our customers\\' designs and reduce their development efforts: FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs. All devices feature adaptable hardware that enables our customers to implement customized, domain-specific architectures. With both hardware-accelerated performance and flexibility beyond what CPUs, GPUs, application-specific standard parts (ASSPs), and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) can offer, customers can introduce new innovations to the market quickly. FPGAs feature reconfigurable hardware as well as integrated memory, digital signal processing, analog mixed signal, high-speed serial transceivers, and networking cores coupled with advanced software for a broad range of applications in all of our end markets. Our Adaptive SoCs feature a heterogeneous processing subsystem with integrated programmable hardware fabric targeting embedded systems needing real-time control, analytics, sensor fusion, and adaptable hardware for differentiation and acceleration. Our Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCs feature integrated high-performance RF data converters targeting wireless, radar, and cable access applications. Enabled by both hardware and software design tools and an extensive operating system, middleware, software stack, and IP ecosystem, SoC platforms target software developers as well as traditional hardware designers. Versal is the most recent addition to the silicon portfolio. Versal combines Scalar Processing Engines, Adaptable Hardware Engines, and Intelligent Engines with leading-edge memory and interfacing technologies to deliver powerful heterogeneous acceleration for any application. This product family is ideally suited to accelerate a broad set of applications in the emerging era of big data and AI. Versal hardware and software can be programmed and optimized by software developers, data scientists, and hardware developers alike, enabled by a host of tools, software, libraries, IP, middleware, and frameworks that enable industry-standard design flows.\\n\\nSoftware Development Platform. To accommodate hardware and software designers, as well as software developers and AI scientists, we provide design tools and software stacks tailored to each user profile. Our Vivado™ ML Edition provides hardware design teams with the tools and methodology needed to program FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs. Our Vitis™ unified software platform enables the development and deployment of embedded software and accelerated applications, on our FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs. Out Vitis AI unified software platform enables the development and deployment of AI software on our FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs.\\n\\nSales and Marketing\\n\\nWe sell our products through our direct sales force and through independent distributors and sales representatives in both domestic and international markets. Our sales arrangements generally operate on the basis of product forecasts provided by the particular customer, but do not typically include any commitment or requirement for minimum product purchases. We primarily use product quotes, purchase orders, sales order acknowledgments and contractual agreements as evidence of our sales arrangements. Our agreements typically contain standard terms and conditions covering matters such as payment terms, warranties and indemnities for issues specific to our products.\\n\\n7\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nWe generally warrant that our products sold to our customers will conform to our approved specifications and be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and conditions for one year. We offer up to three-year limited warranties for certain product types, and sometimes provide other warranty periods based on negotiated terms with certain customers.\\n\\nWe market and sell our latest products under the AMD trademark. Our client processors include: AMD Ryzen, AMD Ryzen PRO, Ryzen Threadripper, Ryzen Threadripper PRO, AMD Athlon, AMD Athlon PRO, and AMD PRO A-Series. These products service desktop and notebook personal computers.\\n\\nOur product brand for the consumer graphics market is AMD Radeon graphics, and AMD Embedded Radeon graphics is our product brand for the embedded graphics market.\\n\\nOur product brand for professional graphics products are AMD Radeon PRO graphics.\\n\\nOur product brands for data center graphics are Radeon Instinct, Radeon PRO V-series, and AMD Instinct accelerators for servers. We also market and sell our chipsets under AMD trademarks.\\n\\nOur product brand for server microprocessors is AMD EPYC processors.\\n\\nWe also sell low-power versions of our AMD Athlon, as well as AMD Geode™, AMD Ryzen, AMD EPYC, AMD R-Series and G-Series processors as embedded processor solutions.\\n\\nOur FPGA product brands are Virtex-6, Virtex-7, Virtex UltraScale+, Kintex-7, Kintex UltraScale, Kintex UltraScale+, Artix-7, Artix UltraScale+, Spartan-6 and Spartan-7.\\n\\nOur product brands for Adaptive SoCs are Zynq-7000, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCs, Versal HBM, Versal Premium, Versal Prime, Versal AI Core, Versal AI Edge, Vitis and Vivado.\\n\\nOur compute and network acceleration board products are sold under the Alveo brand.\\n\\nWe market our products through direct marketing and co-marketing programs. In addition, we have cooperative advertising and marketing programs with customers and third parties, including market development programs, pursuant to which we may provide product information, training, marketing materials and funds. Under our co-marketing development programs, eligible customers can use market development funds as reimbursement for advertisements and marketing programs related to our products and third-party systems integrating our products, subject to meeting defined criteria.\\n\\nCustomers\\n\\nOur microprocessor customers consist primarily of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), large public cloud service providers, original design manufacturers (ODMs), system integrators and independent distributors in both domestic and international markets. ODMs provide design and/or manufacturing services to branded and unbranded private label resellers, OEMs and system builders. Customers of our microprocessor products also include online and brick and mortar retailers. Our graphics product customers include the foregoing as well as add-in-board manufacturers (AIBs).\\n\\nCustomers of our chipset products consist primarily of PC OEMs, often through ODMs or other contract manufacturers, who build the OEM motherboards, as well as desktop and server motherboard manufacturers who incorporate chipsets into their channel motherboards. Our FPGA and Adaptive SOC products are sold to customers in a very wide range of markets such as Aerospace and Defense, Test and Measurement, Industrial, Automotive, Consumers, Broadcast, Communication Infrastructure and Data Center. For these products we either sell directly to our customers or through a network of distributors and OEM partners. We are also developing a network of Value Added Resellers (VARs) and Integrated Solution Vendors (ISVs) for our Alveo products.\\n\\nWe work closely with our customers to define product features, performance and timing of new products so that the products we are developing meet our customers’ needs. We also employ application engineers to assist our customers in designing, testing and qualifying system designs that incorporate our products. We believe that our commitment to customer service and design support improves our customers’ time-to-market and fosters relationships that encourage customers to use the next generation of our products.\\n\\n8\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nWe also work with our customers to create differentiated products that leverage our CPU, GPU and APU technology. Certain customers pay us non-recurring engineering fees for design and development services and a purchase price for the resulting products.\\n\\nOne customer accounted for 16% of our consolidated net revenue for the year ended December 31, 2022. Sales to this customer consisted of sales of products from our Gaming segment. A loss of this customer would have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nOriginal Equipment Manufacturers\\n\\nWe focus on three types of OEM partners: multi-nationals, selected regional accounts and selected global and local system integrators, who target commercial and consumer end customers of all sizes. Large multi-nationals and regional accounts are the core of our OEM partners’ business; however, we are increasingly focused on the VAR channel which resells OEM systems to the mid-market and the small and medium business (SMB) segments. Additionally, we have increased our focus on global system integrators, which resell OEM systems, coupled with their software and services solutions into Enterprise, high performance computing (HPC) and Cloud Service Provider Customers. Our OEM customers include numerous foreign and domestic manufacturers of servers and workstations, desktops, notebooks, PC motherboards and game consoles.\\n\\nThird-Party Distributors\\n\\nOur authorized channel distributors resell to sub-distributors and OEMs, ODMs, and other customers. Typically, distributors handle a wide variety of products, and may include products from other manufacturers that compete with our products. Distributors typically maintain an inventory of our products. In most instances, our agreements with distributors protect their inventory of our products against price reductions and provide certain return rights with respect to any product that we have removed from our price book or otherwise subject to discontinuation. In addition, some agreements with our distributors may contain standard stock rotation provisions permitting limited product returns.\\n\\nAdd-in-Board (AIB) Manufacturers and System Integrators\\n\\nWe offer component-level graphics and chipset products to AIB manufacturers who in turn build and sell board-level products using our technology to system integrators (SIs), retail buyers and sub distributors. Our agreements with AIBs protect their inventory of our products against price reductions. We also sell directly to our SI customers. SIs typically sell from positions of regional or product-based strength in the market. They usually operate on short design cycles and can respond quickly with new technologies. SIs often use discrete graphics solutions as a means to differentiate their products and add value to their customers.\\n\\nCompetition in Data Center Segment\\n\\nIn Data Center, we compete against Intel Corporation (Intel) with our FPGA, Adaptive SoC, CPU and DPU server products and NVIDIA Corporation (NVIDIA) with our CPU, GPU and DPU server products. A variety of companies provide or have developed ARM-based microprocessors and platforms. ARM-based designs are being used in the server market, which could lead to further growth and development of the ARM ecosystem.\\n\\nCompetition in Client Segment\\n\\nThe markets in which we participate are highly competitive. Our primary competitor in the supply of CPUs is Intel. A variety of companies provide or have developed ARM-based microprocessors and platforms. ARM-based designs are being used in the PC market, which could lead to further growth and development of the ARM ecosystem.\\n\\n9\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nCompetition in Gaming Segment\\n\\nIn the graphics market, our principal competitor in the supply of discrete graphics is NVIDIA who is the market share leader. Intel also manufactures and sells embedded graphics processors and integrated graphics processor (IGP) chipsets. Also, Intel has developed their own gaming-focused discrete GPUs and has entered the market. Other competitors include suppliers of discrete graphics and integrated graphics processor (IGP) chipsets. Some of our competitors are smaller companies, which may have greater flexibility to address specific market needs, but less financial resources to address the growing complexity of graphics processors and the associated research and development costs. With respect to integrated graphics, higher unit shipments of our APUs and Intel’s integrated graphics may drive computer manufacturers to reduce the number of systems they build paired with discrete graphics components, particularly for notebooks, because they may offer satisfactory graphics performance for most mainstream PC users at a lower cost. We are the market share leader in semi- custom game console products, where graphics performance is critical.\\n\\nCompetition in Embedded Segment\\n\\nWe expect continued competition from our primary FPGA competitors such as Intel, Lattice Semiconductor Corporation and Microsemi Corporation (Microsemi, acquired by Microchip), from ASSP vendors such as Broadcom Corporation, Marvell Technology Group, Ltd., Analog Devices, Texas Instruments Incorporated and NXP Semiconductors N.V., and from NVIDIA. In addition, we expect continued competition from the ASIC market, which has been ongoing since the inception of FPGAs. Other competitors include manufacturers of:\\n\\n• • • • • • • •\\n\\nhigh-density programmable logic products characterized by FPGA-type architectures; high-volume and low-cost FPGAs as programmable replacements for ASICs and ASSPs; ASICs and ASSPs with incremental amounts of embedded programmable logic; high-speed, low-density complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs); high-performance digital signal processing (DSP) devices; products with embedded processors; products with embedded multi-gigabit transceivers; discrete general-purpose GPUs targeting data center and automotive applications; and other new or emerging programmable logic products.\\n\\nResearch and Development\\n\\nWe focus our research and development (R&D) activities on designing and developing products. Our main area of focus is on delivering the next generation of processors (CPU and GPU), FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs, accelerators (adaptive, graphics and DPU), System on Modules (SOMs) and SmartNICs and associated software. We focus on designing new ICs with improved performance and performance-per-watt in advanced semiconductor manufacturing processes, the design of logic and interface IP, advanced packaging technologies, and heterogeneous integration technologies. We also focus on software as part of the development of our products, including design automation tools for hardware, embedded software, optimized software tools and libraries that extend the reach of our platforms to software and AI developers. Through our R&D efforts, we were able to introduce a number of new products and enhance our IP core offerings and software.\\n\\nWe also work with industry leaders on process technology, design tools, intellectual property, software and other industry consortia to conduct early-stage research and development. We are also actively contributing to numerous industry open-source software initiatives across a broad range of technologies. We conduct product and system research and development activities for our products in the United States with additional design and development engineering teams located in various countries who undertake specific activities at the direction of our U.S. headquarters.\\n\\nManufacturing Arrangements and Assembly and Test Facilities\\n\\nThird-Party Wafer Foundry Facilities\\n\\nWe have foundry arrangements with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC) for the production of wafers for our HPC, FPGA and Adaptive SoC products.\\n\\nWe are also a party to a Wafer Supply Agreement (WSA) with GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. (GF), with respect to wafer purchases for our HPC products at the 12 nm and 14 nm technology nodes.\\n\\n10\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAdditionally, we purchase wafers from United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.\\n\\nOther Third-Party Manufacturers\\n\\nWe outsource board-level graphics product manufacturing to third-party manufacturers.\\n\\nAssembly, Test, Mark and Packaging Facilities\\n\\nWafers for our products are either sorted by the foundry or delivered by the foundry to our assembly, test, mark and packaging (ATMP) partners or subcontractors located in the Asia-Pacific region who package and test our final semiconductor products. We are party to two ATMP joint ventures (collectively, the ATMP JVs) with Tongfu Microelectronics Co., Ltd. The ATMP JVs, Siliconware Precision Industries Ltd. (SPIL) and King Yuan Electronics Company (KYEC) provide ATMP services for our products.\\n\\nIntellectual Property and Licensing\\n\\nWe rely on contracts and intellectual property rights to protect our products and technologies from unauthorized third-party copying and use. Intellectual property rights include copyrights, patents, patent applications, trademarks, trade secrets and mask work rights. As of December 31, 2022, we had approximately 8,200 patents in the United States and approximately 2,200 patent applications pending in the United States. In certain cases, we have filed corresponding applications in foreign jurisdictions. Including United States and foreign matters, we have approximately 19,800 patent matters worldwide consisting of approximately 13,200 issued patents and 6,600 patent applications pending. We expect to file future patent applications in both the United States and abroad on significant inventions, as we deem appropriate. We do not believe that any individual patent, or the expiration of any patent, is or would be material to our business. As is typical in the semiconductor industry, we have numerous cross-licensing and technology exchange agreements with other companies under which we both transfer and receive technology and intellectual property rights. We have acquired various licenses from external parties to certain technologies that are implemented in our products, including our IP cores and devices. These licenses support our continuing ability to make and sell our products. We have also acquired licenses to certain proprietary software, open-source software, and related technologies, such as compilers, for our design tools. Continued use of such software and technology is important to the operation of the design tools upon which our customers depend.\\n\\nBacklog\\n\\nSales are made primarily pursuant to purchase orders for current delivery or agreements covering purchases over a period of time. Although such orders or agreements may provide visibility into future quarters, they may not necessarily be indicative of actual sales for any succeeding period as some of these orders or agreements may be revised or canceled without penalty. With respect to our semi-custom SoC products our orders and agreements are more stringent resulting in meaningful backlog for the coming quarter.\\n\\nSeasonality\\n\\nOur operating results tend to vary seasonally. Historically, our net revenue has been generally higher in the second half of the year than in the first half of the year, although market conditions and product transitions could impact these trends.\\n\\nHuman Capital\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, we had approximately 25,000 employees in our global workforce. We believe we are at our best when our culture of innovation, creative minds and people from all kinds of backgrounds work together in an engaging and open environment. Areas of focus for us include the following:\\n\\nMission, Culture, and Engagement\\n\\nOur History - Founded in 1969 as a Silicon Valley start-up, the AMD journey began with dozens of employees focused on leading-edge semiconductor products. From those modest beginnings, we have grown into a global company achieving many important industry firsts along the way. Today, we develop high-performance and adaptive computing to solve some of the world’s toughest and most interesting challenges.\\n\\nOur Vision - High performance and adaptive computing is transforming our lives.\\n\\n11\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nOur Mission - Build great products that accelerate next-generation computing experiences. Our employees are driven by this vision and mission. Innovation occurs when creative minds and diverse perspectives from all over the world work together. This is the foundation of our unique culture and the reason why our employees are among the most engaged in our industry.\\n\\nWe conduct a confidential annual survey of our global workforce to measure our culture, engagement, and manager quality. The results are reviewed by our Board of Directors and acted upon by our senior leadership team and individual managers at every level. Results from our 2022 survey reported scores that continued to be among the very best for global companies in the technology industry. Our employees described our culture as inclusive, innovative, open, and respectful, and rated the quality of our managers among the top 10% of our technology industry peers.\\n\\nDiversity, Belonging and Inclusion\\n\\nOur diverse and inclusive workforce encourages employees to share their opinions and different perspectives. We believe that building a diverse talent pipeline, encouraging a culture of respect and belonging, and increasing inclusion of unique and underrepresented voices makes our Company stronger. Our Employee Resource Groups encourage employee engagement and play an important role in our culture. In 2022, we were recognized for the sixth consecutive year by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation as a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ equality and were included in Bloomberg’s Gender Equality Index for the fourth consecutive year.\\n\\nWe are focused on hiring and developing underrepresented groups and women leaders. We are proud to be led by a highly regarded CEO who has won many esteemed awards for her business and leadership prowess. In 2022, Dr. Lisa Su was listed among “Fortune’s Most Powerful Women”. In the last two years, she also received the “Woman Innovation Award” from the Global Semiconductor Alliance and was listed among Barron’s World’s Best CEOs and Forbes’ World’s Most Powerful Women. In addition, Dr. Su continues to support President Biden’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.\\n\\nTotal Rewards\\n\\nWe invest in our workforce by offering competitive salaries, incentives, and benefits to ensure that we continue to attract and retain the industry’s best and brightest. Our rewards are guided by employees’ preferences and the market for talent. We have a strong pay for performance culture that we believe drives superior results. Our employees have benefited from our robust financial results with very strong short-term and long-term incentives. Our rewards programs enabled us to attract, retain and motivate our workforce, including approximately 10,000 new AMDers who were added to the company through acquisitions and direct hiring during fiscal year 2022.\\n\\nDevelopment\\n\\nWe offer our employees opportunities to advance their careers at the Company and the majority of our new leaders are promoted from within. We are focused on leadership progression and encourage our employees to take advantage of new opportunities. Our manager and leadership development programs are highly rated, and we provide specialized development programs for our employees.\\n\\nEnvironmental Regulations\\n\\nOur operations and properties have in the past been and continue to be subject to various United States and foreign laws and regulations, including those relating to materials used in our products and manufacturing processes, discharge of pollutants into the environment, the treatment, transport, storage and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes and remediation of contamination. These laws and regulations require our suppliers to obtain permits for operations making our products, including the discharge of air pollutants and wastewater. Environmental laws are complex, change frequently and have tended to become more stringent over time. For example, the European Union (EU) and China are two among a growing number of jurisdictions that have enacted restrictions on the use of lead and other materials in electronic products. These regulations affect semiconductor devices and packaging. A number of jurisdictions including the EU, Australia, California and China are developing or have finalized market entry or public procurement regulations for computers and servers based on ENERGY STAR specifications as well as additional energy consumption limits.\\n\\n12\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nCertain environmental laws, including the United States Comprehensive, Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, or the Superfund Act, impose strict or, under certain circumstances, joint and several liability on current and previous owners or operators of real property for the cost of removal or remediation of hazardous substances and impose liability for damages to natural resources. These laws often impose liability even if the owner or operator did not know of, or was not responsible for, the release of such hazardous substances. These environmental laws also assess liability on persons who arrange for hazardous substances to be sent to disposal or treatment facilities when such facilities are found to be contaminated. Such persons can be responsible for cleanup costs even if they never owned or operated the contaminated facility. We have been named as a responsible party on Superfund clean-up orders for three sites in Sunnyvale, California that are on the National Priorities List. Since 1981, we have discovered hazardous material releases to the groundwater from former underground tanks and proceeded to investigate and conduct remediation at these three sites. The chemicals released into the groundwater were commonly used in the semiconductor industry in the United States in the wafer fabrication process prior to 1979.\\n\\nIn 1991, we received Final Site Clean-up Requirements Orders from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board relating to the three sites. We have entered into settlement agreements with other responsible parties on two of the orders. During the term of such agreements, other parties have agreed to assume most of the foreseeable costs as well as the primary role in conducting remediation activities under the orders. We remain responsible for additional costs beyond the scope of the agreements as well as all remaining costs in the event that the other parties do not fulfill their obligations under the settlement agreements.\\n\\nTo address anticipated future remediation costs under the orders, we have computed and recorded an estimated environmental liability of approximately $3.9 million and have not recorded any potential insurance recoveries in determining the estimated costs of the cleanup. The progress of future remediation efforts cannot be predicted with certainty and these costs may change. We believe that any amount in addition to what has already been accrued would not be material.\\n\\n13\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nITEM 1A. RISK FACTORS\\n\\nThe risks and uncertainties described below are not the only ones we face. If any of the following risks actually occurs, our business, financial condition or results of operations could be materially adversely affected. In addition, you should consider the interrelationship and compounding effects of two or more risks occurring simultaneously.\\n\\nRisk Factors Summary\\n\\nThe following is a summary of the principal risks that could adversely affect our business, operations and financial results.\\n\\nEconomic and Strategic Risks\\n\\n\\n\\nIntel Corporation’s dominance of the microprocessor market and its aggressive business practices may limit our ability to compete effectively on a level playing field.\\n\\nGlobal economic and market uncertainty may adversely impact our business and operating results. •\\n\\nThe semiconductor industry is highly cyclical and has experienced severe downturns that have materially adversely affected, and may continue to materially adversely affect, our business in the future. The demand for our products depends in part on the market conditions in the industries into which they are sold. Fluctuations in demand for our products or a market decline in any of these industries could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations. The loss of a significant customer may have a material adverse effect on us. The ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. The markets in which our products are sold are highly competitive.\\n\\n\\n\\n• • • Our operating results are subject to quarterly and seasonal sales patterns. •\\n\\nIf we cannot adequately protect our technology or other intellectual property in the United States and abroad, through patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks and other measures, we may lose a competitive advantage and incur significant expenses. Unfavorable currency exchange rate fluctuations could adversely affect us.\\n\\n\\n\\nOperational and Technology Risks\\n\\nWe rely on third parties to manufacture our products, and if they are unable to do so on a timely basis in sufficient quantities and using competitive\\n\\n\\n\\n•\\n\\ntechnologies, our business could be materially adversely affected. If essential equipment, materials, substrates or manufacturing processes are not available to manufacture our products, we could be materially adversely affected. Failure to achieve expected manufacturing yields for our products could negatively impact our financial results. The success of our business is dependent upon our ability to introduce products on a timely basis with features and performance levels that provide value to our customers while supporting and coinciding with significant industry transitions.\\n\\nOur revenue from our semi-custom System-on-Chip (SoC) products is dependent upon our semi-custom SoC products being incorporated into customers’ products and the success of those products.\\n\\nOur products may be subject to security vulnerabilities that could have a material adverse effect on us. •\\n\\nIT outages, data loss, data breaches and cyber-attacks could compromise our intellectual property or other sensitive information, be costly to remediate or cause significant damage to our business, reputation and operations.\\n\\nWe may encounter difficulties in upgrading and operating our new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which could materially adversely affect us. Uncertainties involving the ordering and shipment of our products could materially adversely affect us.\\n\\n• Our ability to design and introduce new products in a timely manner includes the use of third-party intellectual property. • We depend on third-party companies for the design, manufacture and supply of motherboards, software, memory and other computer platform\\n\\n\\n\\ncomponents to support our business and products. If we lose Microsoft Corporation’s support for our products or other software vendors do not design and develop software to run on our products, our ability to sell our products could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\n14\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nOur reliance on third-party distributors and add-in-board (AIB) partners subjects us to certain risks. • Our business is dependent upon the proper functioning of our internal business processes and information systems and modification or interruption of\\n\\n• •\\n\\nsuch systems may disrupt our business, processes and internal controls. If our products are not compatible with some or all industry-standard software and hardware, we could be materially adversely affected. Costs related to defective products could have a material adverse effect on us. If we fail to maintain the efficiency of our supply chain as we respond to changes in customer demand for our products, our business could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nWe outsource to third parties certain supply-chain logistics functions, including portions of our product distribution, transportation management and information technology support services.\\n\\nOur inability to effectively control the sales of our products on the gray market could have a material adverse effect on us.\\n\\nLegal and Regulatory Risks\\n\\nGovernment actions and regulations such as export regulations, tariffs, and trade protection measures may limit our ability to export our products to certain customers. If we cannot realize our deferred tax assets, our results of operations could be adversely affected.\\n\\n• Our business is subject to potential tax liabilities, including as a result of tax regulation changes. • We are party to litigation and may become a party to other claims or litigation that could cause us to incur substantial costs or pay substantial damages or prohibit us from selling our products.\\n\\nWe are subject to environmental laws, conflict minerals-related provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act as well as a variety of other laws or regulations that could result in additional costs and liabilities.\\n\\nMerger, Acquisition and Integration Risks\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nAcquisitions, joint ventures and/or investments and the failure to integrate acquired businesses could disrupt our business and/or dilute or adversely affect the price of our common stock. Any impairment of the combined company’s tangible, definite-lived intangible or indefinite-lived intangible assets, including goodwill, may adversely impact the combined company’s financial position and results of operations.\\n\\nLiquidity and Capital Resources Risks\\n\\n\\n\\nThe agreements governing our notes, our guarantees of Xilinx’s 2.95% and 2.375% Notes (Assumed Xilinx Notes), and our Revolving Credit Agreement impose restrictions on us that may adversely affect our ability to operate our business.\\n\\nOur indebtedness could adversely affect our financial position and prevent us from implementing our strategy or fulfilling our contractual obligations. • We may not be able to generate sufficient cash to meet our working capital requirements. Also, if we cannot generate sufficient revenue and operating cash flow, we may face a cash shortfall and be unable to make all of our planned investments in research and development or other strategic investments.\\n\\nGeneral Risks\\n\\nOur worldwide operations are subject to political, legal and economic risks and natural disasters, which could have a material adverse effect on us. • We may incur future impairments of technology license purchases. • Our inability to continue to attract and retain qualified personnel may hinder our business. • Our stock price is subject to volatility. • Worldwide political conditions may adversely affect demand for our products.\\n\\nFor a more complete discussion of the material risks facing our business, see below.\\n\\n15\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nEconomic and Strategic Risks\\n\\nIntel Corporation’s dominance of the microprocessor market and its aggressive business practices may limit our ability to compete effectively on a level playing field.\\n\\nIntel Corporation (Intel) has been the market share leader for microprocessors for many years. Intel’s market share, margins and significant financial resources enable it to market its products aggressively, to target our customers and our channel partners with special incentives and to influence customers who do business with us. These aggressive activities have in the past resulted in lower unit sales and a lower average selling price for many of our products and adversely affected our margins and profitability.\\n\\nIntel exerts substantial influence over computer manufacturers and their channels of distribution through various brand and other marketing programs. As a result of Intel’s position in the microprocessor market, Intel has been able to control x86 microprocessor and computer system standards and benchmarks and to dictate the type of products the microprocessor market requires of us. Intel also dominates the computer system platform, which includes core logic chipsets, graphics chips, networking devices (wired and wireless), non-volatile storage and other components necessary to assemble a computer system. Additionally, Intel is able to drive de facto standards and specifications for x86 microprocessors that could cause us and other companies to have delayed access to such standards.\\n\\nAs long as Intel remains in this dominant position, we may be materially adversely affected by Intel’s business practices, including rebating and allocation strategies and pricing actions, designed to limit our market share and margins; product mix and introduction schedules; product bundling, marketing and merchandising strategies; exclusivity payments to its current and potential customers, retailers and channel partners; de facto control over industry standards, and heavy influence on PC manufacturers and other PC industry participants, including motherboard, memory, chipset and basic input/output system (BIOS) suppliers and software companies as well as the graphics interface for Intel platforms; and marketing and advertising expenditures in support of positioning the Intel brand over the brand of its original equipment manufacturer (OEM) customers and retailers.\\n\\nIntel has substantially greater financial resources than we do and accordingly spends substantially greater amounts on marketing and research and development than we do. We expect Intel to continue to invest heavily in marketing, research and development, new manufacturing facilities and other technology companies. To the extent Intel manufactures a significantly larger portion of its microprocessor products using more advanced process technologies, or introduces competitive new products into the market before we do, we may be more vulnerable to Intel’s aggressive marketing and pricing strategies for microprocessor products.\\n\\nIntel could also take actions that place our discrete graphics processing units (GPUs) at a competitive disadvantage, including giving one or more of our competitors in the graphics market, such as NVIDIA Corporation, preferential access to its proprietary graphics interface or other useful information or restricting access to external companies. Also, Intel has developed and released their own high-end discrete GPUs, including gaming focused discrete GPUs. We also compete with Intel in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and Adaptive SoC products. Intel’s position in the microprocessor, and integrated graphics chipset markets, its introduction of competitive new products, its existing relationships with top-tier OEMs, and its aggressive marketing and pricing strategies could result in lower unit sales and lower average selling prices for our products, which could have a material adverse effect on us.\\n\\nGlobal economic and market uncertainty may adversely impact our business and operating results.\\n\\nWe experienced a decline in our Client segment revenue as a result of weak PC market macroeconomic conditions and inventory correction actions across the PC supply chain in the second half of 2022. Uncertain global economic conditions have and may in the future adversely impact our business. Uncertainty in the worldwide economic environment or other unfavorable changes in economic conditions, such as inflation, interest rates or recession, may negatively impact consumer confidence and spending causing our customers to postpone purchases. In addition, during challenging economic times, our current or potential future customers may experience cash flow problems and as a result may modify, delay or cancel plans to purchase our products. Additionally, if our customers are not successful in generating sufficient revenue or are unable to secure financing, they may not be able to pay, or may delay payment of, accounts receivable that they owe us. The risk related to our customers potentially defaulting on or delaying payments to us is increased because we expect that a small number of customers will continue to account for a substantial part of our revenue. Any inability of our current or potential future customers to pay us for\\n\\n16\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nour products may adversely affect our earnings and cash flow. Moreover, our key suppliers may reduce their output or become insolvent, thereby adversely impacting our ability to manufacture our products. In addition, uncertain economic conditions may make it more difficult for us to raise funds through borrowings or private or public sales of debt or equity securities.\\n\\nThe semiconductor industry is highly cyclical and has experienced severe downturns that have materially adversely affected, and may continue to materially adversely affect, our business in the future.\\n\\nThe semiconductor industry is highly cyclical and has experienced significant downturns, often in conjunction with constant and rapid technological change, wide fluctuations in supply and demand, continuous new product introductions, price erosion and declines in general economic conditions. We have incurred substantial losses in previous downturns, due to substantial declines in average selling prices; the cyclical nature of supply and demand imbalances in the semiconductor industry; a decline in demand for end-user products (such as PCs) that incorporate our products; and excess inventory levels.\\n\\nIndustry-wide fluctuations in the computer marketplace have materially adversely affected us in the past and may materially adversely affect us in the future. Global economic uncertainty and weakness have in the past impacted the semiconductor market as consumers and businesses have deferred purchases, which negatively impacted demand for our products. Our financial performance has been, and may in the future be, negatively affected by these downturns. In the second half of 2022, we experienced a decline in our Client segment revenue as a result of weak PC market macroeconomic conditions and inventory correction actions across the PC supply chain.\\n\\nThe growth of our business is also dependent on continued demand for our products from high-growth adjacent emerging global markets. Our ability to be successful in such markets depends in part on our ability to establish adequate local infrastructure, as well as our ability to cultivate and maintain local relationships in these markets. If demand from these markets is below our expectations, sales of our products may decrease, which would have a material adverse effect on us.\\n\\nThe demand for our products depends in part on the market conditions in the industries into which they are sold. Fluctuations in demand for our products or a market decline in any of these industries could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations.\\n\\nIndustry-wide fluctuations in the computer marketplace have materially adversely affected us in the past and may materially adversely affect us in the future. Our Client segment revenue is focused on the consumer desktop and notebook PC segments, which in the second half of 2022 experienced a decline as a result of weak PC market macroeconomic conditions and inventory correction actions across the PC supply chain. In the past, revenues from the Client and Gaming segments have experienced a decline driven by, among other factors, the adoption of smaller and other form factors, increased competition and changes in replacement cycles. The success of our semi-custom SoC products is dependent on securing customers for our semi-custom design pipeline and consumer market conditions, including the success of the Sony PlayStation® 5, Microsoft® Xbox Series S and Microsoft® Xbox Series X game console systems and next generation consoles for Sony and Microsoft, worldwide. In addition, the GPU market has at times seen elevated demand due to the application of GPU products to cryptocurrency mining. For example, our GPU revenue has been affected in part by the volatility of the cryptocurrency mining market. Demand for cryptocurrency has changed and is likely to continue to change quickly. For example, China has banned such activities, and corresponding interest in mining of such currencies are subject to significant fluctuations. Alternatively, countries have created and may continue to create their own cryptocurrencies or equivalents that could also impact interest in mining. If we are unable to manage the risks related to the volatility of the cryptocurrency mining market, our GPU business could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nTM\\n\\nTM\\n\\nThe loss of a significant customer may have a material adverse effect on us.\\n\\nWe depend on a small number of customers for a substantial portion of our business and we expect that a small number of customers will continue to account for a significant part of our revenue in the future. If one of our key customers decides to stop buying our products, or if one of these customers materially reduces its operations or its demand for our products, our business would be materially adversely affected.\\n\\n17\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.\\n\\nThe COVID-19 pandemic has caused government authorities to implement numerous public health measures, including at various times vaccination and testing requirements and recordkeeping, quarantines, business closures, travel bans, and restrictions related to social gathering and mobility, to contain the virus. Various state and federal rules are issued and updated on an ongoing basis, at times in conflict and/or with minimal notice. We have experienced and expect to continue to experience disruptions to our business as these changing measures have, and will continue to have, an effect on our business operations and practices.\\n\\nWhile our employees gradually return to office, we continue to monitor our operations and public health measures implemented by governmental authorities in response to COVID-19. Although some public health measures have eased, our efforts to reopen our offices safely may not be successful and could expose our employees to health risks. It is uncertain as to when all health measures put in place to attempt to contain the spread of COVID-19 will be lifted. If there are further waves of the virus, health measures may be reimplemented and we may need to further limit operations or modify our business practices in a manner that may impact our business. If our employees are not able to perform their job duties due to self-isolation, quarantine, lockdown measures, unavailability of COVID 19 tests, travel restrictions or illness, a reluctance or refusal to vaccinate, or are unable to perform them as efficiently at home for an extended period of time, we may not be able to meet our product schedules, roadmaps and customer commitments and we may experience an overall lower productivity of our workforce. Even when COVID-19 health measures are lifted or modified, our employees’ ability or willingness to return to work may delay the return of our full workforce and the resumption of normal business operations.\\n\\nCOVID-19 continues to impact the global supply chain causing disruptions to service providers, logistics and the flow and availability of supplies and products. We have experienced some disruptions to parts of our supply chain as a result of COVID-19 and we adjust our supply chain requirements based on changing customer needs and demands. We have taken efforts to maintain a stable supply of materials to meet our production requirements through long-term purchase commitments and prepayment arrangements with some of our suppliers. If we are unable to procure a stable supply of equipment, materials or substrates at a reasonable cost, it could have a material adverse effect on our business. We may also assess our product schedules and roadmaps to make any adjustments that may be necessary to support remote working requirements and address the geographic and market demand shifts caused by COVID-19. If the supply of our products to customers is delayed, reduced or canceled due to disruptions encountered by our third-party manufacturers, back-end manufacturers, warehouses, partners, suppliers or vendors as a result of facility closures, border and port restrictions or closures, transportation delays, lockdown measures, labor shortages or workforce mobility limitations, it could have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nCOVID-19 has in the short-term and may in the long-term adversely impact the global economy, creating uncertainty and potentially leading to an economic downturn. This could negatively impact consumer confidence and spending causing our customers to postpone or cancel purchases, or delay paying or default on payment of outstanding amounts due to us, which may have a material adverse effect on our business. Even in times of strong demand for our products, the worldwide economic environment remains uncertain due to COVID-19 and such demand may not be sustainable over the longer term.\\n\\nCOVID-19 has also led to a disruption and volatility in the global capital and financial markets. While we believe our cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments along with our Revolving Credit Agreement and cash flows from operations will be sufficient to fund operations, including capital expenditures, and purchase commitments, over the next 12 months and beyond, to the extent we may require additional funding to finance our operations and capital expenditures and such funding may not be available to us as a result of contracting capital and financial markets resulting from COVID-19, it may have an adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nThe extent to which COVID-19 impacts our business and financial results will depend on future developments, which are unpredictable and highly uncertain, including the continued spread, duration and severity of the outbreak, the appearances of new variants of COVID-19, the breadth and duration of business disruptions related to COVID-19, the availability and distribution of effective treatments and vaccines, and public health measures and actions taken throughout the world to contain COVID-19. The prolonged effect of COVID-19 could materially adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operations.\\n\\n18\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe markets in which our products are sold are highly competitive.\\n\\nThe markets in which our products are sold are very competitive and delivering the latest and best products to market on a timely basis is critical to achieving revenue growth. We believe that the main factors that determine our product competitiveness are timely product introductions, product quality, product features and capabilities (including enabling state-of-the-art visual and virtual reality (VR) experiences), energy efficiency (including power consumption and battery life), reliability, processor clock speed, performance, size (or form factor), selling price, cost, adherence to industry standards (and the creation of open industry standards), level of integration, software and hardware compatibility, ease of use and functionality of software design tools, completeness of applicable software solutions, security and stability, brand recognition and availability.\\n\\nWe expect that competition will continue to be intense due to rapid technological changes, frequent product introductions by our competitors or new competitors of products that may provide better performance/experience or that may include additional features that render our products comparatively less competitive. We may also face aggressive pricing by competitors, especially during challenging economic times. In addition, our competitors have significant marketing and sales resources which could increase the competitive environment in a declining market, leading to lower prices and margins. Some competitors may have greater access or rights to complementary technologies, including interface, processor and memory technical information. For instance, with our APU products and other competing solutions with integrated graphics, we believe that demand for additional discrete graphics chips and cards may decrease in the future due to improvements in the quality and performance of integrated graphics. If competitors introduce competitive new products into the market before us, demand for our products could be adversely impacted and our business could be adversely affected. In addition, Intel is expanding its position in integrated graphics for the PC market with high-end discrete graphics solutions for a broad range of computing segments, which may negatively impact our ability to compete in these computing segments. We also face competition from companies that use competing computing architectures and platforms like the ARM architecture. Increased adoption of ARM-based semiconductor designs could lead to further growth and development of the ARM ecosystem.\\n\\nIn addition, we are entering markets with current and new competitors who may be able to adapt more quickly to customer requirements and emerging technologies. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to compete successfully against current or new competitors who may have stronger positions in these new markets or superior ability to anticipate customer requirements and emerging industry trends. Furthermore, we may face competition from some of our customers who internally develop the same products as us. We may face delays or disruptions in research and development efforts, or we may be required to invest significantly greater resources in research and development than anticipated. Also, the semiconductor industry has seen several mergers and acquisitions over the last number of years. Further consolidation could adversely impact our business due to there being fewer suppliers, customers and partners in the industry.\\n\\nOur operating results are subject to quarterly and seasonal sales patterns.\\n\\nThe profile of our sales may be weighted differently during the year. A large portion of our quarterly sales have historically been made in the last month of the quarter. This uneven sales pattern makes prediction of revenue for each financial period difficult and increases the risk of unanticipated variations in quarterly results and financial condition. In addition, our operating results tend to vary seasonally with the markets in which our products are sold. For example, historically, our net revenue has been generally higher in the second half of the year than in the first half of the year, although market conditions and product transitions could impact these trends. Many of the factors that create and affect quarterly and seasonal trends are beyond our control.\\n\\nIf we cannot adequately protect our technology or other intellectual property in the United States and abroad, through patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks and other measures, we may lose a competitive advantage and incur significant expenses.\\n\\nWe rely on a combination of protections provided by contracts, including confidentiality and nondisclosure agreements, copyrights, patents, trademarks and common law rights, such as trade secrets, to protect our intellectual property. However, we cannot assure you that we will be able to adequately protect our technology or other intellectual property from third-party infringement or from misappropriation in the United States and abroad. Any patent licensed by us or issued to us could be challenged, invalidated, expire, or circumvented or rights granted thereunder may not provide a competitive advantage to us.\\n\\n19\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nFurthermore, patent applications that we file may not result in issuance of a patent or, if a patent is issued, the patent may not be issued in a form that is advantageous to us. Despite our efforts to protect our intellectual property rights, others may independently develop similar products, duplicate our products or design around our patents and other rights. In addition, it is difficult to monitor compliance with, and enforce, our intellectual property on a worldwide basis in a cost-effective manner. In jurisdictions where foreign laws provide less intellectual property protection than afforded in the United States and abroad, our technology or other intellectual property may be compromised, and our business would be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nUnfavorable currency exchange rate fluctuations could adversely affect us.\\n\\nWe have costs, assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies. As a consequence, movements in exchange rates could cause our foreign currency denominated expenses to increase as a percentage of revenue, affecting our profitability and cash flows. Whenever we believe appropriate, we hedge a portion of our foreign currency exposure to protect against fluctuations in currency exchange rates. We determine our total foreign currency exposure using projections of long-term expenditures for items such as payroll. We cannot assure you that these activities will be effective in reducing foreign exchange rate exposure. Failure to do so could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flow. In addition, the majority of our product sales are denominated in U.S. dollars. Fluctuations in the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the local currency can cause increases or decreases in the cost of our products in the local currency of such customers. An appreciation of the U.S. dollar relative to the local currency could reduce sales of our products.\\n\\nOperational and Technology Risks\\n\\nWe rely on third parties to manufacture our products, and if they are unable to do so on a timely basis in sufficient quantities and using competitive technologies, our business could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nWe utilize third-party wafer foundries to fabricate the silicon wafers for all of our products. We rely on Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC) for the production of all wafers for microprocessor and GPU products at 7 nanometer (nm) or smaller nodes, and we rely primarily on GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. (GF) for wafers for microprocessor and GPU products manufactured at process nodes larger than 7 nm. We also utilize TSMC, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. for our integrated circuits (IC) in the form of programmable logic devices. We also rely on third-party manufacturers to assemble, test, mark and pack (ATMP) our products. Our third-party package assembly partners are responsible for packaging technology used to fabricate our products. It is important to have reliable relationships with all of these third-party manufacturing suppliers to ensure adequate product supply to respond to customer demand.\\n\\nWe cannot guarantee that these manufacturers or our other third-party manufacturing suppliers will be able to meet our near-term or long-term manufacturing requirements. If we experience supply constraints from our third-party manufacturing suppliers, we may be required to allocate the reduced quantities of affected products amongst our customers, which could have a material adverse effect on our relationships with these customers and on our financial condition. In addition, if we are unable to meet customer demand due to fluctuating or late supply from our manufacturing suppliers, it could result in lost sales and have a material adverse effect on our business. For example, if TSMC is not able to manufacture wafers for our microprocessor and GPU products at 7 nm or smaller nodes and our newest IC products in sufficient quantities to meet customer demand, it could have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nWe do not have long-term commitment contracts with some of our third-party manufacturing suppliers. We obtain some of these manufacturing services on a purchase order basis and these manufacturers are not required to provide us with any specified minimum quantity of product beyond the quantities in an existing purchase order. Accordingly, we depend on these suppliers to allocate to us a portion of their manufacturing capacity sufficient to meet our needs, to produce products of acceptable quality and at acceptable manufacturing yields and to deliver those products to us on a timely basis and at acceptable prices. The manufacturers we use also fabricate wafers and ATMP products for other companies, including certain of our competitors. They could choose to prioritize capacity for other customers, increase the prices that they charge us on short notice, require onerous prepayments, or reduce or eliminate deliveries to us, which could have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\n20\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nOther risks associated with our dependence on third-party manufacturers include limited control over delivery schedules, yield, cycle times, quality assurance, price increases, lack of capacity in periods of excess demand, misappropriation of our intellectual property, dependence on several subcontractors, and limited ability to manage inventory and parts. Moreover, if any of our third-party manufacturers (or their subcontractors) suffer any damage to facilities, lose benefits under material agreements, experience power outages, lack sufficient capacity to manufacture our products, encounter financial difficulties, are unable to secure necessary raw materials from their suppliers, suffer any other disruption or reduction in efficiency, or experience uncertain social, economic or political circumstances or conditions, we may encounter supply delays or disruptions. If we are unable to secure sufficient or reliable supplies of products, our ability to meet customer demand may be adversely affected and this could materially affect our business.\\n\\nIf we transition the production of some of our products to new manufacturers, we may experience delayed product introductions, lower yields or poorer performance of our products. If we experience problems with product quality or are unable to secure sufficient capacity from a particular third-party manufacturer, or if we for other reasons cease utilizing one of those manufacturers, we may be unable to timely secure an alternative supply for any specific product. We could experience significant delays in the shipment of our products if we are required to find alternative third-party manufacturers, which could have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nWe are a party to a wafer supply agreement (WSA) with GF that governs the terms by which we purchase products manufactured by GF and this agreement is in place through 2025. In May 2021, we entered into an amendment to the WSA, and in December 2021, we further amended these terms (the Amendment). Under the Amendment, GF will provide a minimum annual capacity allocation to us for years 2022 through 2025 and AMD has corresponding annual wafer purchase targets. If we do not meet the annual wafer purchase target for any of these years, we will be required to pay to GF a portion of the difference between the actual wafer purchases and the wafer purchase target for that year. AMD and GF also have agreed to wafer pricing through 2025, and AMD was obligated in 2022 and is obligated in 2023 to pre-pay GF certain amounts for those wafers. The Amendment no longer includes any exclusivity commitments and provides us with full flexibility to contract with any wafer foundry with respect to all products manufactured at any technology node. If our actual wafer requirements are less than the number of wafers required to meet the applicable annual wafer purchase target, we could have excess inventory or higher inventory unit costs, both of which may adversely impact our gross margin and our results of operations. If GF fails to meet its minimum annual capacity allocation obligations, we could experience significant delays in the shipment of our products, which could have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nWe are party to two ATMP joint ventures (collectively, the ATMP JVs) with affiliates of Tongfu Microelectronics Co., Ltd. The majority of our ATMP services are provided by the ATMP JVs and there is no guarantee that the ATMP JVs will be able to fulfill our long-term ATMP requirements. If we are unable to meet customer demand due to fluctuating or late supply from the ATMP JVs, it could result in lost sales and have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nIf essential equipment, materials, substrates or manufacturing processes are not available to manufacture our products, we could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nWe may purchase equipment, materials and substrates for use by our back-end manufacturing service providers from a number of suppliers and our operations depend upon obtaining deliveries of adequate supplies of equipment and materials on a timely basis. Our third-party suppliers also depend on the same timely delivery of adequate quantities of equipment and materials in the manufacture of our products. In addition, as many of our products increase in technical complexity, we rely on our third-party suppliers to update their processes in order to continue meeting our back-end manufacturing needs. Certain equipment and materials that are used in the manufacture of our products are available only from a limited number of suppliers, or in some cases, a sole supplier. We also depend on a limited number of suppliers to provide the majority of certain types of integrated circuit packages for our microprocessors, including our APU products. Similarly, certain non-proprietary materials or components such as memory, printed circuit boards (PCBs), interposers, substrates and capacitors used in the manufacture of our products are currently available from only a limited number of suppliers. If we are unable to procure a stable supply of equipment, materials or substrates on an ongoing basis and at reasonable costs to meet our production requirements, we could experience a shortage in equipment, materials or substrate supply or an increase in production costs, which could have a material adverse effect on our business. We have long-term purchase commitments and prepayment arrangements with some of our suppliers. If the delivery of such supply is delayed or does not occur for any reason, it could materially impact our ability to procure and process the required volume of supply to meet customer demand. Conversely, a decrease in customer demand could result in excess inventory and an increase in our production costs, particularly since we have prepayment arrangements with certain suppliers.\\n\\n21\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nBecause some of the equipment and materials that we and our third-party manufacturers purchase are complex, it is sometimes difficult to substitute one equipment or materials supplier for another. From time to time, suppliers may extend lead times, limit supply or increase prices due to capacity constraints or other factors. Also, some of these materials and components may be subject to rapid changes in price and availability. Interruption of supply or increased demand in the industry could cause shortages and price increases in various essential materials. Dependence on a sole supplier or a limited number of suppliers exacerbates these risks. If we are unable to procure certain of these materials for our back-end manufacturing operations, or our third-party manufacturers are unable to procure materials for manufacturing our products, our business would be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nFailure to achieve expected manufacturing yields for our products could negatively impact our financial results.\\n\\nSemiconductor manufacturing yields are a result of product design, process technology and packaging technology, which is typically proprietary to the manufacturer, and low yields can result from design failures, packaging technology failures, process technology failures or a combination of some or all of these. Our third-party manufacturers are responsible for the process technologies used to fabricate silicon wafers. If our third-party manufacturers experience manufacturing inefficiencies or encounter disruptions, errors or difficulties during production, we may fail to achieve acceptable yields or we may experience product delivery delays. We cannot be certain that our third-party manufacturers will be able to develop, obtain or successfully implement leading-edge process or packaging technologies needed to manufacture future generations of our products profitably or on a timely basis or that our competitors will not develop new technologies, products or processes earlier. Moreover, during periods when our third-party manufacturers are implementing new process or packaging technologies, their manufacturing facilities may not be fully productive. A substantial delay in the technology transitions to smaller process technologies could have a material adverse effect on us, particularly if our competitors transition to more cost effective technologies before us. For example, we are presently focusing our 7 nm and lower product microprocessor and GPU portfolio on TSMC’s processes. If TSMC is not able to manufacture wafers for our products at 7 nm or smaller nodes in sufficient quantities to meet customer demand, it could have a material adverse effect on our business. Moreover, we rely on TSMC, UMC and our other foundries to produce wafers with competitive performance attributes for our IC products. Therefore, the foundries, particularly TSMC which manufactures our newest IC products, must be able to transition to advanced manufacturing process technologies and increased wafer sizes, produce wafers at acceptable yields and deliver them in a timely manner.\\n\\nAny decrease in manufacturing yields could result in an increase in per unit costs, which would adversely impact our gross margin and/or force us to allocate our reduced product supply amongst our customers, which could harm our relationships and reputation with our customers and materially adversely affect our business.\\n\\nThe success of our business is dependent upon our ability to introduce products on a timely basis with features and performance levels that provide value to our customers while supporting and coinciding with significant industry transitions.\\n\\nOur success depends to a significant extent on the development, qualification, implementation and acceptance of new product designs and improvements that provide value to our customers. Our ability to develop, qualify and distribute, and have manufactured, new products and related technologies to meet evolving industry requirements, at prices acceptable to our customers and on a timely basis, are significant factors in determining our competitiveness in our target markets. As consumers have new product feature preferences or have different requirements than those consumers in the PC market, PC sales could be negatively impacted, which could adversely impact our business. We cannot assure you that our efforts to execute our product roadmap will result in innovative products and technologies that provide value to our customers. If we fail to or are delayed in developing, qualifying or shipping new products or technologies that provide value to our customers and address these new trends or if we fail to predict which new form factors consumers will adopt and adjust our business accordingly, we may lose competitive positioning, which could cause us to lose market share and require us to discount the selling prices of our products. Although we make substantial investments in research and development, we cannot be certain that we will be able to develop, obtain or successfully implement new products and technologies on a timely basis or that they will be well-received by our customers. Moreover, our investments in new products and technologies involve certain risks and uncertainties and could disrupt our ongoing business. New investments may not generate sufficient revenue, may incur unanticipated liabilities and may divert our limited resources and distract management from our current operations. We cannot be certain that our ongoing investments in new products and\\n\\n22\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\ntechnologies will be successful, will meet our expectations and will not adversely affect our reputation, financial condition and operating results.\\n\\nDelays in developing, qualifying or shipping new products can also cause us to miss our customers’ product design windows or, in some cases, breach contractual obligations or cause us to pay penalties. If our customers do not include our products in the initial design of their computer systems or products, they will typically not use our products in their systems or products until at least the next design configuration. The process of being qualified for inclusion in a customer’s system or product can be lengthy and could cause us to further miss a cycle in the demand of end-users, which also could result in a loss of market share and harm our business. We also depend on the success and timing of our customers’ platform launches. If our customers delay their product launches or if our customers do not effectively market their platforms with our products, it could result in a delay in bringing our products to market and cause us to miss a cycle in the demand of end-users, which could materially adversely affect our business. In addition, market demand requires that products incorporate new features and performance standards on an industry-wide basis. Over the life of a specific product, the sale price is typically reduced over time. The introduction of new products and enhancements to existing products is necessary to maintain the overall corporate average selling price. If we are unable to introduce new products with sufficiently high sale prices or to increase unit sales volumes capable of offsetting the reductions in the sale prices of existing products over time, our business could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nOur revenue from our semi-custom SoC products is dependent upon our semi-custom SoC products being incorporated into customers’ products and the success of those products.\\n\\nThe revenue that we receive from our semi-custom SoC products is in the form of non-recurring engineering fees charged to third parties for design and development services and revenue received in connection with sales of our semi-custom SoC products to these third parties. As a result, our ability to generate revenue from our semi-custom products depends on our ability to secure customers for our semi-custom design pipeline, our customers’ desire to pursue the project and our semi-custom SoC products being incorporated into those customers’ products. Any revenue from sales of our semi-custom SoC products is directly related to sales of the third-party’s products and reflective of their success in the market. Moreover, we have no control over the marketing efforts of these third parties, and we cannot make any assurances that sales of their products will be successful in current or future years. Consequently, the semi- custom SoC product revenue expected by us may not be fully realized and our operating results may be adversely affected.\\n\\nOur products may be subject to security vulnerabilities that could have a material adverse effect on us.\\n\\nThe products that we sell are complex and have been and may in the future be subject to security vulnerabilities that could result in, among other things, the loss, corruption, theft or misuse of confidential data or system performance issues. Our efforts to prevent and address security vulnerabilities may decrease performance, be only partially effective or not successful at all. We may depend on vendors to create mitigations to their technology that we incorporate into our products and they may delay or decline to make such mitigations. We may also depend on third parties, such as customers and end users, to deploy our mitigations alone or as part of their own mitigations, and they may delay, decline or modify the implementation of such mitigations. Our relationships with our customers could be adversely affected as some of our customers may stop purchasing our products, reduce or delay future purchases of our products, or use competing products. Any of these actions by our customers could adversely affect our revenue. We have and may in the future be subject to claims and litigation related to security vulnerabilities. Actual or perceived security vulnerabilities of our products may subject us to adverse publicity, damage to our brand and reputation, and could materially harm our business or financial results.\\n\\nIT outages, data loss, data breaches and cyber-attacks could compromise our intellectual property or other sensitive information, be costly to remediate or cause significant damage to our business, reputation and operations.\\n\\nIn the ordinary course of our business, we maintain sensitive data on our information technology (IT) assets, and also may maintain sensitive information on our business partners’ and third-party providers’ IT assets, including our intellectual property and proprietary or confidential business information relating to our business and that of our customers and business partners. The White House, SEC and other regulators have also increased their focus on companies’ cybersecurity vulnerabilities and risks. Maintaining the security of this information is important to our business and reputation. AMD and companies like AMD and our vendors and customers have been increasingly subject to cybersecurity attempts and threats. The increased prevalence of work-from-home arrangements at AMD\\n\\n23\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nand our providers has presented additional operational risks and cybersecurity attack vectors to our IT systems. These threats can come from a variety of sources, all ranging in sophistication from an individual hacker or insider threat to a state-sponsored attack. Cyber threats may be generic, or they may be custom-crafted against our information systems. Cyber threats have and may come into our network through malicious code that is added to widely available open-source software, compromised commercial software or security vulnerabilities in our products or those of a third party that are being used by attackers prior to mitigations being put in place, such as zero-day attacks. Cyber-attacks have and may come into our IT system through the compromise of our users’ access credentials. Users’ access credentials can be compromised by phishing, vishing, smishing, multi-factor authentication (MFA) prompt bombing, hacking, or other social engineering, cybersecurity, or theft activities. Cyber-attacks have become increasingly more prevalent and much harder to detect, defend against or prevent and have and may cause a disruption to our business. Our network and storage applications, as well as those of our customers, business partners, and third-party providers, may be subject to unauthorized access by hackers or breached due to operator error, malfeasance or other system disruptions.\\n\\nIt is often difficult to anticipate or immediately detect such incidents and the damage caused by such incidents. It also may not be possible to determine the root cause of such incidents or mitigate quickly enough to stop an attack. These data breaches and any unauthorized access, misuse or disclosure of our information or intellectual property could compromise our intellectual property and expose sensitive business information or personally identifiable information. Cyber-attacks on us or our customers, business partners or third-party providers could also cause us to incur significant remediation costs, result in product development delays, disrupt key business operations and divert attention of management and key information technology resources. These incidents could also subject us to liability, expose us to significant expense and cause significant harm to our reputation and business.\\n\\nWe also maintain confidential and personally identifiable information about our workers and consumers. The confidentiality and integrity of our worker and consumer data is important to our business and our workers and consumers have a high expectation that we adequately protect their personal information. In addition, many governments have enacted laws around personally identifiable information, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy Act, and failure to comply or a breach of personally identifiable information could result in sanctions or other actions by the governments or litigation by other entities.\\n\\nWe anticipate ongoing and increasing costs related to enhancing and implementing information security controls, including costs related to upgrading application, computer, and network security components; training workers to maintain and monitor our security controls; investigating, responding to and remediating any data security breach, and addressing any related litigation; mitigating reputational harm; and complying with external regulations.\\n\\nWe often partner with third-party providers for certain worker services and we may provide certain limited worker information to such third parties based on the scope of the services provided to us. We also provide sensitive information to vendors, customers and contractors. If these third parties fail to adopt or adhere to adequate data security practices, or in the event of a breach of their networks, our workers’ data and sensitive information may be improperly accessed, used or disclosed.\\n\\nA breach of data privacy may cause significant disruption of our business operations. Failure to adequately maintain and update our security systems could materially adversely affect our operations and our ability to maintain worker confidence. Failure to prevent unauthorized access to electronic and other confidential information, IT outages, data loss and data breaches could materially adversely affect our financial condition, our competitive position and operating results.\\n\\nWe may encounter difficulties in upgrading and operating our new enterprise resource planning system, which could materially adversely affect us.\\n\\nWe are currently upgrading our enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to help us manage our operations and financial reporting. The adoption of a new ERP system is a major undertaking and poses several challenges, both financially and from a management and personnel perspective. Costs and risks inherent in the conversion to our upgraded and new system may include disruptions to business continuity, difficulty in maintaining effective internal controls, administrative and technical problems, interruptions or delays in sales processes, expenditure overruns, and data migration issues. If we do not properly address or mitigate these issues it could result in increased costs and the diversion of management’s attention and resources, negatively impacting our operating results and ability to effectively manage our business. Moreover, once our ERP system is upgraded, it may not operate as we expect it to\\n\\n24\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nand cause disruption to our operations. There are no assurances that our new ERP system will be successfully implemented and the failure to do so could have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nUncertainties involving the ordering and shipment of our products could materially adversely affect us.\\n\\nWe typically sell our products pursuant to individual purchase orders. We generally do not have long-term supply arrangements with our customers or minimum purchase requirements except that orders generally must be for standard pack quantities. Generally, our customers may cancel orders for standard products more than 30 days prior to shipment without incurring significant fees. We base our inventory levels in part on customers’ estimates of demand for their products, which may not accurately predict the quantity or type of our products that our customers will want in the future or ultimately end up purchasing. Our ability to forecast demand is even further complicated when our products are sold indirectly through downstream channel distributors and customers, as our forecasts for demand are then based on estimates provided by multiple parties throughout the downstream channel. For instance, we have experienced and continue to experience increased demand for our products. To the extent we fail to forecast demand and product mix accurately or are unable to increase production or secure sufficient capacity and there is a mismatch between supply and demand for our products, it could limit our ability to meet customer demand and have a material adverse effect on our business. Many of our markets are characterized by short product lifecycles, which can lead to rapid obsolescence and price erosion. In addition, our customers may change their inventory practices on short notice for any reason. For example, in the second half of 2022, we experienced a decline in our Client segment revenue as a result of weak PC market macroeconomic conditions and inventory correction actions across the PC supply chain. We may build inventories during periods of anticipated growth, and the cancellation or deferral of product orders or overproduction due to failure of anticipated orders to materialize could result in excess or obsolete inventory, which could result in write-downs of inventory and an adverse effect on gross margins. Our customers may also experience a shortage of, or delay in receiving certain components to build their products, which in turn may affect the demand for or the timing of our products. For instance, OEMs have and continue to experience industry-wide challenges securing matched component sets to build their products.\\n\\nExcess or obsolete inventory have and may in the future result in write-downs of the value of our inventory. For example, in the third quarter of 2022, we recorded certain charges primarily for inventory, pricing and related reserves in the Gaming and Client segments. Other factors that may result in excess or obsolete inventory include, a reduction in the average selling price, or a reduction in our gross margin include: a sudden or significant decrease in demand for our products; a production or design defect in our products; a higher incidence of inventory obsolescence because of rapidly changing technology and customer requirements; a failure to accurately estimate customer demand for our products, including for our older products as our new products are introduced; or our competitors introducing new products or taking aggressive pricing actions.\\n\\nOur ability to design and introduce new products in a timely manner includes use of third-party intellectual property.\\n\\nIn the design and development of new and enhanced products, we rely on third-party intellectual property such as development and testing tools for software and hardware. Furthermore, certain product features may rely on intellectual property acquired from third parties. The design requirements necessary to meet customer demand for more features and greater functionality from semiconductor products may exceed the capabilities of the third-party intellectual property or development or testing tools available to us. If the third-party intellectual property that we use becomes unavailable, is not available with required functionality or performance in the time frame, manufacturing technology, or price point needed for our new products or fails to produce designs that meet customer demands, or laws are adopted that affect our use of third party intellectual property in certain regions or products, our business could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nWe depend on third-party companies for the design, manufacture and supply of motherboards, software, memory and other computer platform components to support our business and products.\\n\\nWe depend on third-party companies for the design, manufacture and supply of motherboards, graphics cards, software (e.g., BIOS, operating systems, drivers), memory and other components that we use to design, support and sell, and our customers utilize to support and/or use our product offerings. We also rely on our AIB partners to support our products. In addition, our microprocessors are not designed to function with motherboards and chipsets designed to work with Intel microprocessors. If the designers, manufacturers, AIBs and suppliers of motherboards, graphics cards, software, memory and other components cease or reduce their design, manufacture or production\\n\\n25\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nof current or future products that are based on, utilized in, or support our products, or laws are adopted that result in the same, our business could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nIf we lose Microsoft Corporation’s support for our products or other software vendors do not design and develop software to run on our products, our ability to sell our products could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nOur ability to innovate beyond the x86 instruction set controlled by Intel depends partially on Microsoft designing and developing its operating systems to run on or support our x86-based microprocessor products. With respect to our graphics products, we depend in part on Microsoft to design and develop its operating system to run on or support our graphics products. Similarly, the success of our products in the market, such as our APU products, is dependent on independent software providers designing and developing software to run on our products. If Microsoft does not continue to design and develop its operating systems so that they work with our x86 instruction sets or does not continue to develop and maintain their operating systems to support our graphics products, independent software providers may forego designing their software applications to take advantage of our innovations and customers may not purchase PCs with our products. In addition, some software drivers licensed for use with our products are certified by Microsoft. If Microsoft did not certify a driver, or if we otherwise fail to retain the support of Microsoft or other software vendors, our ability to market our products would be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nOur reliance on third-party distributors and AIB partners subjects us to certain risks.\\n\\nWe market and sell our products directly and through third-party distributors and AIB partners pursuant to agreements that can generally be terminated for convenience by either party upon prior notice to the other party. These agreements are non-exclusive and permit both our distributors and AIB partners to offer our competitors’ products. We are dependent on our distributors and AIB partners to supplement our direct marketing and sales efforts. If any significant distributor or AIB partner or a substantial number of our distributors or AIB partners terminated their relationship with us, decided to market our competitors’ products over our products or decided not to market our products at all, our ability to bring our products to market would be impacted and we would be materially adversely affected. In addition, if we are unable to collect accounts receivable from our significant distributors and/or AIB partners, it could have a material adverse effect on our business. If we are unable to manage the risks related to the use of our third-party distributors and AIB partners or offer appropriate incentives to focus them on the sale of our products, our business could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nAdditionally, distributors and AIB partners typically maintain an inventory of our products. In most instances, our agreements with distributors protect their inventory of our products against price reductions, as well as provide return rights for any product that we have removed from our price book that is less than 12 months older than the manufacturing date. Some agreements with our distributors also contain standard stock rotation provisions permitting limited levels of product returns. Our agreements with AIB partners protect their inventory of our products against price reductions. In the event of a significant decline in the price of our products, the price protection rights we offer would materially adversely affect us because our revenue and corresponding gross margin would decline.\\n\\nOur business is dependent upon the proper functioning of our internal business processes and information systems and modification or interruption of such systems may disrupt our business, processes and internal controls.\\n\\nWe rely upon a number of internal business processes and information systems to support key business functions, and the efficient operation of these processes and systems is critical to our business. Our business processes and information systems need to be sufficiently scalable to support the growth of our business and may require modifications or upgrades that expose us to a number of operational risks. As such, our information systems will continually evolve and adapt in order to meet our business needs. These changes may be costly and disruptive to our operations and could impose substantial demands on management time.\\n\\nThese changes may also require changes in our information systems, modification of internal control procedures and significant training of employees and third- party resources. We continuously work on simplifying our information systems and applications through consolidation and standardization efforts. There can be no assurance that our business and operations will not experience any disruption in connection with this transition. Our information technology systems, and those of third-party information technology providers or business partners, may also be vulnerable to damage or disruption caused by circumstances beyond our control including catastrophic events,\\n\\n26\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\npower anomalies or outages, natural disasters, viruses or malware, cyber-attacks, insider threat attacks, unauthorized system or data modifications, data breaches and computer system or network failures, exposing us to significant cost, reputational harm and disruption or damage to our business.\\n\\nIn addition, as our IT environment continues to evolve, we are embracing new ways of communicating and sharing data internally and externally with customers and partners using methods such as mobility and the cloud that can promote business efficiency. However, these practices can also result in a more distributed IT environment, making it more difficult for us to maintain visibility and control over internal and external users, and meet scalability and administrative requirements. If our security controls cannot keep pace with the speed of these changes, or if we are not able to meet regulatory and compliance requirements, our business would be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nIf our products are not compatible with some or all industry-standard software and hardware, we could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nOur products may not be fully compatible with some or all industry-standard software and hardware. Further, we may be unsuccessful in correcting any such compatibility problems in a timely manner. If our customers are unable to achieve compatibility with software or hardware, we could be materially adversely affected. In addition, the mere announcement of an incompatibility problem relating to our products could have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nCosts related to defective products could have a material adverse effect on us.\\n\\nProducts as complex as those we offer may contain defects or failures when first introduced or when new versions or enhancements to existing products are released. We cannot assure you that, despite our testing procedures, errors will not be found in new products or releases after commencement of commercial shipments in the future, which could result in loss of or delay in market acceptance of our products, material recall and replacement costs, loss of revenue, writing down the inventory of defective products, the diversion of the attention of our engineering personnel from product development efforts, defending against litigation related to defective products or related liabilities, including property damage, personal injury, damage to our reputation in the industry and loss of data or intangible property, and could adversely affect our relationships with our customers. In addition, we may have difficulty identifying the end customers of the defective products in the field. As a result, we could incur substantial costs to implement modifications to correct defects. Any of these problems could materially adversely affect our business.\\n\\nWe could be subject to potential product liability claims if one of our products causes, or merely appears to have caused, an injury, whether tangible or intangible. Claims may be made by consumers or others selling our products, and we may be subject to claims against us even if an alleged injury is due to the actions of others. A product liability claim, recall or other claim with respect to uninsured liabilities or for amounts in excess of insured liabilities could have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nIf we fail to maintain the efficiency of our supply chain as we respond to changes in customer demand for our products, our business could be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nOur ability to meet customer demand for our products depends, in part, on our ability to deliver the products our customers want on a timely basis. Accordingly, we rely on our supply chain for the manufacturing, distribution and fulfillment of our products. As we continue to grow our business, expand to high-growth adjacent markets, acquire new customers and strengthen relationships with existing customers, the efficiency of our supply chain will become increasingly important because many of our customers tend to have specific requirements for particular products, geographic requirements, and specific time-frames in which they require delivery of these products. If we are unable to consistently deliver the right products to our customers on a timely basis in the right locations, our customers may reduce the quantities they order from us, which could have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\n27\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nWe outsource to third parties certain supply-chain logistics functions, including portions of our product distribution, transportation management and information technology support services.\\n\\nWe rely on third-party providers to operate our regional product distribution centers and to manage the transportation of our work-in-process and finished products among our facilities, to our third-party manufacturers and to our customers. In addition, we rely on third parties to provide certain information technology services to us, including help desk support, desktop application services, business and software support applications, server and storage administration, data center operations, database administration and voice, video and remote access. We cannot guarantee that these providers will fulfill their respective responsibilities in a timely manner in accordance with the contract terms, in which case our internal operations and the distribution of our products to our customers could be materially adversely affected. Also, we cannot guarantee that our contracts with these third-party providers will be renewed, in which case we would have to transition these functions in-house or secure new providers, which could have a material adverse effect on our business if the transition is not executed appropriately.\\n\\nOur inability to effectively control the sales of our products on the gray market could have a material adverse effect on us.\\n\\nWe market and sell our products directly to OEMs and through authorized third-party distributors. From time to time, our products are diverted from our authorized distribution channels and are sold on the “gray market.” Gray market products result in shadow inventory that is not visible to us, thus making it difficult to forecast demand accurately. Also, when gray market products enter the market, we and our distribution channels compete with these heavily discounted gray market products, which adversely affects demand for our products and negatively impacts our margins. In addition, our inability to control gray market activities could result in customer satisfaction issues because any time products are purchased outside our authorized distribution channels there is a risk that our customers are buying counterfeit or substandard products, including products that may have been altered, mishandled or damaged, or are used products represented as new.\\n\\nLegal and Regulatory Risks\\n\\nGovernment actions and regulations such as export regulations, tariffs, and trade protection measures may limit our ability to export our products to certain customers.\\n\\nWe have equity interests in two joint ventures (collectively, the THATIC JV) with Higon Information Technology Co., Ltd. (THATIC), a third-party Chinese entity. In June 2019, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the United States Department of Commerce added certain Chinese entities to the Entity List, including THATIC and the THATIC JV. Since that time, the United States administration has called for changes to domestic and foreign policy, including policies with respect to China and Russia. Specifically, United States-China trade relations remain uncertain as the United States continues to add more Chinese companies to the Entity List and more regulations targeted to advanced computing, semiconductor manufacturing, and AI. Further, the United States and other countries and coalitions have issued sanctions and revisions to export control and other regulations against Russia, Belarus or the DNR or LNR regions of Ukraine, due to the conflict in Ukraine. BIS has issued new requirements that prevent us from shipping MI250 and MI250X integrated circuits to China and Russia without a license. BIS may possibly issue new licensing requirements and regulatory controls in the future. A significant trade disruption or the establishment or increase of any tariffs, trade protection measures or restrictions could result in lost sales adversely impacting our reputation and business. There is also a possibility of future tariffs, trade protection measures, import or export regulations or other restrictions imposed on our products or on our customers by the United States, China or other countries that could have a material adverse effect on our business. Export control restrictions may adversely impact the ability of our research and development teams located outside of the United States from executing our product roadmaps in a timely manner or at all.\\n\\nWe may, from time to time, receive technical data from third parties that is subject to the International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR), which are administered by the U.S. Department of State. EAR and ITAR govern the export and re-export of certain AMD products, including FPGAs, and the transfer of related technologies, whether in the U.S. or abroad, and the provision of services. We are required to maintain an internal compliance program and security infrastructure to meet EAR and ITAR requirements. An inability to obtain the required export licenses, or to predict when they will be granted, increases the difficulties of forecasting shipments. In addition, security or compliance program failures that could result in penalties or a loss of export privileges, as well as stringent licensing restrictions that may make our products less attractive to overseas customers, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and/or operating results.\\n\\n28\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nIf we cannot realize our deferred tax assets, our results of operations could be adversely affected.\\n\\nOur deferred tax assets include net operating losses and tax credit carryforwards that can be used to offset taxable income and reduce income taxes payable in future periods. Each quarter, we consider both positive and negative evidence to determine whether all or a portion of the deferred tax assets are more likely than not to be realized. If we determine that some or all of our deferred tax assets are not realizable, it could result in a material expense in the period in which this determination is made which may have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.\\n\\nIn addition, a significant amount of our deferred tax assets related to net operating losses or tax credits which remain under a valuation allowance could be subject to limitations under Internal Revenue Code Section 382 or 383, separate return loss year rules, or dual consolidated loss rules. The limitations could reduce our ability to utilize the net operating losses or tax credits before the expiration of the tax attributes.\\n\\nOur business is subject to potential tax liabilities, and exposure to greater-than-anticipated income tax liabilities as a result of changes in tax rules and regulations, changes in interpretation of tax rules and regulations, or unfavorable assessments from tax audits, any of which could affect our effective tax rates, financial condition, and results of operations.\\n\\nWe are a U.S.-based multinational company subject to income tax, indirect tax or other tax claims in multiple U.S. and foreign tax jurisdictions in which we conduct business. Significant judgment is required in determining our worldwide provision for income taxes. Tax laws are dynamic and subject to change as new laws are passed and new interpretations of the law are issued or applied. Any changes to tax laws could have a material adverse effect on our tax obligations and effective tax rate. Our income tax obligations could be affected by many factors, including, but not limited to, changes to our corporate operating structure, intercompany arrangements, and tax planning strategies.\\n\\nOur income tax expense is computed based on tax rates at the time of the respective financial period. Our future effective tax rates, financial condition and results from operations could be unfavorably affected by changes in the tax rates in jurisdictions where our income is earned, by changes in the tax rules and regulations or the interpretation of tax rules and regulations in the jurisdictions in which we do business or by changes in the valuation of our deferred tax assets.\\n\\nIn addition, we are subject to examinations of our income tax returns by domestic and foreign tax authorities. We regularly assess the likelihood of outcomes resulting from these examinations to determine the adequacy of our provision for income taxes and have reserved for potential adjustments that may result from the current examinations. There can be no assurance that the final determination of any of these examinations will not have an adverse effect on our effective tax rates, financial condition, and results of operations.\\n\\nIn the ordinary course of our business, there are many transactions and calculations where the ultimate income tax, indirect tax, or other tax determination is uncertain. Although we believe our tax estimates are reasonable, we cannot assure that the final determination of any tax audits or litigation will not be materially different from that which is reflected in historical tax provisions and accruals. Should additional taxes be assessed as a result of an audit, assessment or litigation, there could be a material adverse effect on our cash, tax provisions and net income in the period or periods for which that determination is made.\\n\\nWe are party to litigation and may become a party to other claims or litigation that could cause us to incur substantial costs or pay substantial damages or prohibit us from selling our products.\\n\\nFrom time to time, we are a defendant or plaintiff in various legal actions, as described in Note 17 - Contingencies of the Notes to our Consolidated Financial Statements. For example, we have been subject to certain claims concerning federal securities laws and corporate governance. Our products are purchased by and/or used by consumers, which could increase our exposure to consumer actions such as product liability claims and consumer class action claims. On occasion, we receive claims that individuals were allegedly exposed to substances used in our former semiconductor wafer manufacturing facilities and that this alleged exposure caused harm. Litigation can involve complex factual and legal questions, and its outcome is uncertain. It is possible that if a claim is successfully asserted against us, it could result in the payment of damages that could be material to our business.\\n\\n29\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nWith respect to intellectual property litigation, from time to time, we have been notified of, or third parties may bring or have brought, actions against us and/or against our customers based on allegations that we are infringing the intellectual property rights of others, contributing to or inducing the infringement of the intellectual property rights of others, improperly claiming ownership of intellectual property or otherwise improperly using the intellectual property of others. If any such claims are asserted, we may seek to obtain a license under the third parties’ intellectual property rights. We cannot assure you that we will be able to obtain all of the necessary licenses on satisfactory terms, if at all. These parties may file lawsuits against us or our customers seeking damages (potentially up to and including treble damages) or an injunction against the sale of products that incorporate allegedly infringed intellectual property or against the operation of our business as presently conducted, which could result in our having to stop the sale of some of our products or to increase the costs of selling some of our products or which could damage our reputation. The award of damages, including material royalty payments, or other types of damages, or the entry of an injunction against the manufacture and sale of some or all of our products could have a material adverse effect on us. We could decide, in the alternative, to redesign our products or to resort to litigation to challenge such claims. Such challenges could be extremely expensive and time-consuming regardless of their merit, could cause delays in product release or shipment and/or could have a material adverse effect on us. We cannot assure you that litigation related to our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others can always be avoided or successfully concluded.\\n\\nEven if we were to prevail, any litigation could be costly and time-consuming and would divert the attention of our management and key personnel from our business operations, which could have a material adverse effect on us.\\n\\nWe are subject to environmental laws, conflict minerals-related provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act as well as a variety of other laws or regulations that could result in additional costs and liabilities.\\n\\nOur operations and properties have in the past been and continue to be subject to various United States and foreign laws and regulations, including those relating to materials used in our products and manufacturing processes, discharge of pollutants into the environment, the treatment, transport, storage and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes and remediation of contamination. For the manufacturing of our products, these laws and regulations require our suppliers to obtain permits for operations, including the discharge of air pollutants and wastewater. Although our management systems are designed to oversee our suppliers’ compliance, we cannot assure you that our suppliers have been or will be at all times in complete compliance with such laws, regulations and permits. If our suppliers violate or fail to comply with any of them, a range of consequences could result, including fines, suspension of production, alteration of manufacturing processes, import/export restrictions, sales limitations, criminal and civil liabilities or other sanctions. Such non-compliance from our manufacturing suppliers could result in disruptions in supply, higher sourcing costs, and/or reputational damage for us. We could also be held liable for any and all consequences arising out of exposure to hazardous materials used, stored, released, disposed of by us or located at, under or emanating from our current or former facilities or other environmental or natural resource damage. While we have budgeted for foreseeable associated expenditures, we cannot assure you that future environmental legal requirements will not become more stringent or costly in the future. Therefore, we cannot assure you that our costs of complying with current and future environmental and health and safety laws, and our liabilities arising from past and future releases of, or exposure to, hazardous substances will not have a material adverse effect on us.\\n\\nEnvironmental laws are complex, change frequently and have tended to become more stringent over time. For example, the European Union (EU) and China are two among a growing number of jurisdictions that have enacted restrictions on the use of lead and other materials in electronic products. These regulations affect semiconductor devices and packaging. As regulations restricting materials in electronic products continue to increase around the world, there is a risk that the cost, quality and manufacturing yields of products that are subject to these restrictions may be less favorable compared to products that are not subject to such restrictions, or that the transition to compliant products may not meet customer roadmaps, or produce sudden changes in demand, which may result in excess inventory. A number of jurisdictions including the EU, Australia, California and China are developing or have finalized market entry or public procurement regulations for computers and servers based on ENERGY STAR specifications as well as additional energy consumption limits. There is the potential for certain of our products being excluded from some of these markets which could materially adversely affect us.\\n\\n30\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nCertain environmental laws, including the United States Comprehensive, Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, or the Superfund Act, impose strict or, under certain circumstances, joint and several liability on current and previous owners or operators of real property for the cost of removal or remediation of hazardous substances and impose liability for damages to natural resources. These laws often impose liability even if the owner or operator did not know of, or was not responsible for, the release of such hazardous substances. These environmental laws also assess liability on persons who arrange for hazardous substances to be sent to disposal or treatment facilities when such facilities are found to be contaminated. Such persons can be responsible for cleanup costs even if they never owned or operated the contaminated facility. We have been named as a responsible party at three Superfund sites in Sunnyvale, California. Although we have not been, we could be named a potentially responsible party at other Superfund or contaminated sites in the future. In addition, contamination that has not been identified could exist at our other facilities.\\n\\nUnder the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the SEC adopted disclosure and reporting requirements for companies that use “conflict” minerals originating from the Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining countries. We continue to incur additional costs associated with complying with these requirements, such as costs related to developing internal controls for the due diligence process, determining the source of any conflict minerals used in our products, auditing the process and reporting to our customers and the SEC. In addition to the SEC regulation, the European Union, China and other jurisdictions are developing new policies focused on conflict minerals that may impact and increase the cost of our compliance program. Customers are increasingly seeking information about the source of minerals used in our supply chain beyond those addressed in laws and regulations. Given the complexity of mineral supply chains, we may face reputational challenges if we are unable to sufficiently verify the origins of the subject minerals. Moreover, we are likely to encounter challenges to satisfy those customers who require that all of the components of our products be certified as “conflict free.” If we cannot satisfy these customers, they may choose a competitor’s products.\\n\\nIn addition to our company, customers, governments and authorities continue to be focused on eliminating risks of forced labor in supply chains which may increase the cost of our compliance program. For example, the United States Uyghur Forced Labor Prevent Act prohibits goods mined, produced or manufactured wholly or in part in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China, or by certain entities, from entering the United States under the presumption of being made with forced labor. Germany’s federal procurement office, in collaboration with the Bitkom trade association, has issued supply chain labor requirements. In addition, the United Kingdom, Australia and the State of California have enacted laws that require us to disclose our policy and practices for identifying and eliminating forced labor and human trafficking in our supply chain. Several customers have also issued expectations to eliminate these occurrences, if any, that may impact us. While we have a Human Rights Policy and management systems to identify and avoid these practices in our supply chain, we cannot guarantee that our suppliers will always be in conformance to these laws and expectations. We may face enforcement liability and reputational challenges if we are unable to sufficiently meet these expectations. Moreover, we are likely to encounter challenges with customers if we cannot satisfy their forced and trafficked labor polices and they may choose a competitor’s product.\\n\\nMerger, Acquisition and Integration Risks\\n\\nAcquisitions, joint ventures and/or investments and the failure to integrate acquired businesses, could disrupt our business and/or dilute or adversely affect the price of our common stock.\\n\\nOur success will depend, in part, on our ability to expand our product offerings and grow our business in response to changing technologies, customer demands and competitive pressures. In some circumstances, we may pursue growth through the acquisition of complementary businesses, solutions or technologies or through joint ventures or investments rather than through internal development. The identification of suitable acquisition or joint venture candidates can be difficult, time-consuming and costly, and we may not be able to successfully complete identified acquisitions or joint ventures.\\n\\n31\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nFor example, on February 14, 2022, we completed our acquisition of Xilinx and on May 26, 2022, we completed our acquisition of Pensando. While we believe these acquisitions will result in certain benefits, including certain operational synergies and cost efficiencies, and drive product innovations, achieving these anticipated benefits will depend on successfully combining our and the acquired companies’ businesses together. It is not certain that the acquired companies can be successfully integrated with our business in a timely manner or at all, or that any of the anticipated benefits will be realized for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to: our inability to integrate or benefit from acquired technologies or services in a profitable manner; diversion of capital and other resources, including management’s attention from our existing business; unanticipated costs or liabilities associated with the integration; failure to leverage the increased scale of the combined businesses quickly and effectively; coordinating and integrating in countries in which we have not previously operated; the potential impact of the acquisitions on our relationships with employees, vendors, suppliers and customers; the impairment of relationships with, or the loss of, the acquired companies’ employees, vendors, suppliers and customers; adverse changes in general economic conditions in regions in which we and the acquired companies operate; potential litigation associated with the acquisitions; difficulties in the assimilation of employees and culture; difficulties in managing the expanded operations of a larger and more complex company; challenges in attracting and retaining key personnel; and difficulties with integrating and upgrading our and the acquired companies’ financial reporting systems. Many of these factors will be outside of our control and any one of them could result in increased costs, decreases in expected revenues and diversion of management’s time and attention, which could materially impact the combined company. In addition, even if the operations of the businesses are integrated successfully, the full benefits of the acquisitions may not be realized within the anticipated time frame or at all. All of these factors could decrease or delay the expected accretive effect of the acquisitions and negatively impact the combined company. If we cannot successfully integrate our and the acquired companies’ businesses and operations, or if there are delays in combining the businesses, it could negatively impact our ability to develop or sell new products and impair our ability to grow our business, which in turn could adversely affect our financial condition and operating results.\\n\\nAcquisitions and joint ventures may also involve the entry into geographic or business markets in which we have little or no prior experience. Consequently, we may not achieve anticipated benefits of acquisitions or joint ventures, which could harm our operating results. In addition, to complete an acquisition, we may issue equity securities, which would dilute our stockholders’ ownership and could adversely affect the price of our common stock, and/or incur debt, assume contingent liabilities or have amortization expenses and write-downs of acquired assets, which could adversely affect our results of operations. Moreover, if such acquisitions or joint ventures require us to seek additional debt or equity financing, we may not be able to obtain such financing on terms favorable to us or at all. Even if we successfully complete an acquisition or joint venture, we may not be able to assimilate and integrate effectively or efficiently the acquired business, technologies, solutions, assets, personnel or operations, particularly if key personnel of the acquired company decide not to work for us.\\n\\nAcquisitions and joint ventures may also reduce our cash available for operations and other uses, which could harm our business. Also, any failure on our part to effectively evaluate and execute new business initiatives could adversely affect our business. We may not adequately assess the risks of new business initiatives and subsequent events may arise that alter the risks that were initially considered. Furthermore, we may not achieve the objectives and expectations with respect to future operations, products and services. The majority of our ATMP services are provided by the ATMP JVs, and there is no guarantee that the JVs will be able to fulfill our long-term ATMP requirements. If we are unable to meet customer demand due to fluctuating or late supply from the ATMP JVs, it could result in lost sales and have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nIn addition, we may not realize the anticipated benefits from our business initiatives. For example, we may not realize the expected benefits from the THATIC JV’s expected future performance, including the receipt of any future milestone payments and any royalties from certain licensed intellectual property. In June 2019, the BIS added certain Chinese entities to the Entity List, including THATIC and the THATIC JV. We are complying with U.S. law pertaining to the Entity List designation.\\n\\n32\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAny impairment of our tangible, definite-lived intangible or indefinite-lived intangible assets, including goodwill, may adversely impact our financial position and results of operations.\\n\\nWe account for certain acquisitions, including the Xilinx and Pensando acquisitions, using the acquisition method of accounting under the provisions of ASC 805, Business Combinations, with AMD representing the accounting acquirer under this guidance. We record assets acquired, including identifiable intangible assets, and liabilities assumed, at their respective fair values at the acquisition date. Any excess of the purchase price over the net fair value of such assets and liabilities will be recorded as goodwill. In connection with the Xilinx and Pensando acquisitions, we recorded significant goodwill and other intangible assets on our consolidated balance sheet.\\n\\nIndefinite-lived intangible assets, including goodwill, are tested for impairment at least annually, and all tangible and intangible assets including goodwill will be tested for impairment when certain indicators are present. If, in the future, we determine that tangible or intangible assets, including goodwill, are impaired, we would record an impairment charge at that time. Impairment testing of goodwill requires significant use of judgment and assumptions, particularly as it relates to the determination of fair value. Subsequent to our annual goodwill impairment analysis, we monitor for any events or changes in circumstances, such as significant adverse changes in business climate or operating results, changes in management’s business strategy, an inability to successfully introduce new products in the marketplace, an inability to successfully achieve internal forecasts or significant declines in our stock price, which may represent an indicator of impairment. A decrease in the long-term economic outlook and future cash flows of our business could significantly impact asset values and potentially result in the impairment of goodwill and may require us to record future goodwill impairment charges, which may have a material adverse impact on our financial position and results of operations.\\n\\nLiquidity and Capital Resources Risks\\n\\nThe agreements governing our notes, our guarantees of the Assumed Xilinx Notes, and our Revolving Credit Agreement impose restrictions on us that may adversely affect our ability to operate our business.\\n\\nThe indenture governing our 3.924% Senior Notes due 2032 and 4.393% Senior Notes due 2052 contains various covenants that limit our ability to, among other things: create liens on certain assets to secure debt, enter into certain sale and leaseback transactions; and consolidate with, merge into or sell, convey or lease all or substantially all of our assets to any other person.\\n\\nAdditionally, in connection with the acquisition of Xilinx, we entered into supplemental indentures for the Assumed Xilinx Notes pursuant to which all obligations of Xilinx under the Assumed Xilinx Notes are unconditionally guaranteed on a senior unsecured basis by us. The indentures governing the Assumed Xilinx Notes also contain various covenants which limit our ability to, among other things, create certain liens on principal property or the capital stock of certain subsidiaries, enter into certain sale and leaseback transactions with respect to principal property, and consolidate or merge with, or convey, transfer or lease all or substantially all our assets, taken as a whole, to another person.\\n\\nWe also have a five-year unsecured revolving credit facility in the aggregate principal amount of $3.0 billion (Revolving Credit Agreement). Our Revolving Credit Agreement contains various covenants which limit our ability to, among other things, incur liens and consolidate or merge or sell our assets as an entirety or substantially as an entirety (in each case, except for certain customary exceptions). In addition, our Revolving Credit Agreement requires us to maintain a minimum consolidated interest coverage ratio at the end of each fiscal quarter. The agreements governing our notes and our Revolving Credit Agreement contain cross-default provisions whereby a default under certain agreements with respect to other indebtedness would result in cross defaults under the indentures or the Revolving Credit Agreement. For example, the occurrence of a default with respect to any indebtedness or any failure to repay indebtedness when due in an amount in excess of (i) $50 million would cause a cross default under the indentures (to the extent such default would result in the acceleration of such indebtedness) governing our 2.125% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026 (2.125% Notes), and (ii) $500 million would cause a cross default under the Revolving Credit Agreement (to the extent such default (other than the failure to repay indebtedness) would result in the acceleration of such indebtedness). The occurrence of a default under any of these borrowing arrangements would permit the applicable note holders or the lenders under our Revolving Credit Agreement to declare all amounts outstanding under the indentures or the Revolving Credit Agreement to be immediately due and payable. If the note holders or the trustee under the indentures governing our 2.125% Notes or\\n\\n33\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nthe lenders under our Revolving Credit Agreement accelerate the repayment of borrowings, we cannot assure you that we will have sufficient assets to repay those borrowings.\\n\\nOur indebtedness could adversely affect our financial position and prevent us from implementing our strategy or fulfilling our contractual obligations.\\n\\nOur total debt principal amount outstanding as of December 31, 2022 was $2.5 billion. Our indebtedness may make it difficult for us to satisfy our financial obligations, including making scheduled principal and interest payments; limit our ability to borrow additional funds for working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions and general corporate and other purposes; limit our ability to use our cash flow or obtain additional financing for future working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions or other general corporate purposes; require us to use a substantial portion of our cash flow from operations to make debt service payments; place us at a competitive disadvantage compared to our competitors with relatively less debt; and increase our vulnerability to the impact of adverse economic and industry conditions.\\n\\nWe enter into sale and factoring arrangements from time to time with respect to certain accounts receivables, which arrangements are non-recourse to us in the event that an account debtor fails to pay for credit-related reasons, and are not included in our indebtedness. We could become obligated to repurchase such accounts receivables or otherwise incur liability to the counterparties under these arrangements under certain circumstances, such as where a commercial dispute arises between us and an account debtor.\\n\\nWe may not be able to generate sufficient cash to meet our working capital requirements. Also, if we cannot generate sufficient revenue and operating cash flow, we may face a cash shortfall and be unable to make all of our planned investments in research and development or other strategic investments.\\n\\nOur ability to generate sufficient cash to meet our working capital requirements will depend on our financial and operating performance, which may fluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter, and is subject to prevailing economic, financial and business conditions along with other factors, many of which are beyond our control. We cannot assure you that we will be able to generate cash flow in amounts sufficient to enable us to meet our working capital requirements. If we are not able to generate sufficient cash flow from operations, we may be required to sell assets or equity, reduce expenditures, refinance all or a portion of our existing debt or obtain additional financing.\\n\\nIn addition, our ability to fund research and development expenditures depends on generating sufficient revenue and cash flow from operations and the availability of external financing, if necessary. Our research and development expenditures, together with ongoing operating expenses, will be a substantial drain on our cash flow and may decrease our cash balances. If new competitors, technological advances by existing competitors, or other competitive factors require us to invest significantly greater resources than anticipated in our research and development efforts, our operating expenses would increase. If we are required to invest significantly greater resources than anticipated in research and development efforts without an increase in revenue, our operating results could decline.\\n\\nOur inability to generate sufficient cash from operations may require us to abandon projects or curtail planned investments in research and development or other strategic initiatives. If we curtail planned investments in research and development or abandon projects, our products may fail to remain competitive and our business would be materially adversely affected.\\n\\nGeneral Risks\\n\\nOur worldwide operations are subject to political, legal and economic risks and natural disasters, which could have a material adverse effect on us.\\n\\nWe maintain operations around the world, including in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Latin America and Asia. We rely on third-party wafer foundries in the United States, Europe and Asia. Nearly all product assembly and final testing of our products is performed at manufacturing facilities, operated by third-party manufacturing facilities, in China, Malaysia and Taiwan. We also depend on third-party subcontractors to provide shipment services. We also have international sales operations. International sales, as a percent of net revenue, were 66% for the year ended December 31, 2022. We expect that international sales will continue to be a significant portion of total sales in the foreseeable future.\\n\\n34\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe political, legal and economic risks associated with our operations in foreign countries include, without limitation: expropriation; changes in a specific country’s or region’s political or economic conditions; changes in tax laws, trade protection measures and import or export licensing requirements and restrictions; difficulties in protecting our intellectual property; difficulties in managing staffing and exposure to different employment practices and labor laws; changes in foreign currency exchange rates; restrictions on transfers of funds and other assets of our subsidiaries between jurisdictions; changes in freight rates; changes to macroeconomic conditions, including interest rates, inflation and recession; disruption in air transportation between the United States and our overseas facilities; loss or modification of exemptions for taxes and tariffs; and compliance with United States laws and regulations related to international operations, including export control and economic sanctions laws and regulations and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Recently, the United States and other countries and coalitions have issued sanctions and revisions to export control and other regulations against Russia, Belarus or the DNR or LNR regions of Ukraine, due to the conflict in Ukraine. Also, geopolitical changes between China and Taiwan could disrupt the operations of our Taiwan based third-party wafer foundries, manufacturing facilities and subcontractors, and materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and/or operating results.\\n\\nIn addition, our worldwide operations (or those of our business partners) could be subject to natural disasters and climate change such as earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, typhoons, droughts, fires, extreme heat and volcanic eruptions that disrupt our operations, or those of our manufacturers, vendors or customers. For example, our Santa Clara and San Jose operations are located near major earthquake fault lines in California. Also, we have operations and employees in regions that have experienced extreme weather such as prolonged heat waves, wildfires and freezing. Extreme weather events can also disrupt the ability of our suppliers to deliver expected manufacturing parts and/or services for periods of time. There may be conflict or uncertainty in the countries in which we operate, including public health issues (for example, an outbreak of a contagious disease such as COVID-19, avian influenza, measles or Ebola), safety issues, natural disasters, fire, disruptions of service from utilities, nuclear power plant accidents or general economic or political factors. For example, governments worldwide have implemented, and continue to implement, measures to slow down the outbreak of COVID-19. We have experienced, and will continue to experience, disruptions to our business as these measures have, and will continue to have, an effect on our business operations and practices.\\n\\nIn addition, many governments have enacted laws around personally identifiable information, such as the European Union’s general Data Protection Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy Act, and the failure to comply could result in sanctions or other actions by the governments. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation imposes significant requirements on how we collect, process and transfer personal data, as well as significant fines for non- compliance.\\n\\nAny of the above risks, should they occur, could result in an increase in the cost of components, production and shipment delays, general business interruptions, the inability to obtain, or delays from difficulties in obtaining export licenses for certain technology, penalties or a loss of export privileges, as well as stringent licensing restrictions that may make our products less attractive to international customers, tariffs and other barriers and restrictions, longer payment cycles, increased taxes, restrictions on the repatriation of funds and the burdens of complying with a variety of foreign laws, any of which could ultimately have a material adverse effect on our business.\\n\\nWe may incur future impairments of our technology license purchases.\\n\\nWe license certain third-party technologies and tools for the design and production of our products. We report the value of those licenses as other non-current assets on the balance sheet and we periodically evaluate the carrying value of those licenses based on their future economic benefit to us. Factors such as the life of the assets, changes in competing technologies, and changes to the business strategy may represent an indicator of impairment. The occurrence of any of these events may require us to record future technology license impairment charges.\\n\\n35\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nOur inability to continue to attract and retain qualified personnel may hinder our business.\\n\\nMuch of our future success depends upon the continued service of numerous qualified engineering, marketing, sales and executive employees. Competition for highly skilled executives and employees in the technology industry is intense and our competitors have targeted individuals in our organization that have desired skills and experience. If we are not able to continue to attract, train and retain our leadership team and our qualified employees necessary for our business, the progress of our product development programs could be hindered, and we could be materially adversely affected. To help attract, retain and motivate our executives and qualified employees, we use share-based incentive awards such as employee stock options and non-vested share units (restricted stock units). If the value of such stock awards does not appreciate as measured by the performance of the price of our common stock, or if our share-based compensation otherwise ceases to be viewed as a valuable benefit, our ability to attract, retain and motivate our executives and employees could be weakened, which could harm our results of operations. Also, if the value of our stock awards increases substantially, this could potentially create great personal wealth for our executives and employees and affect our ability to retain our personnel. In addition, any future restructuring plans may adversely impact our ability to attract and retain key employees.\\n\\nOur stock price is subject to volatility.\\n\\nOur stock price has experienced price and volume fluctuations and could be subject to wide fluctuations in the future. The trading price of our stock may fluctuate widely due to various factors including actual or anticipated fluctuations in our financial conditions and operating results, changes in financial estimates by us or financial estimates and ratings by securities analysts, changes in our capital structure, including issuance of additional debt or equity to the public, interest rate changes, inflation, news regarding our products or products of our competitors, and broad market and industry fluctuations. Stock price fluctuations could impact the value of our equity compensation, which could affect our ability to recruit and retain employees. In addition, volatility in our stock price could adversely affect our business and financing opportunities.\\n\\nIn May 2021, our Board of Directors approved a stock repurchase program of up to $4 billion of our common stock (Existing Repurchase Program). In February 2022, our Board of Directors approved a new stock repurchase program in addition to our Existing Repurchase Program to purchase up to $8 billion of our outstanding common stock in the open market (collectively referred to as the Repurchase Program). The Repurchase Program does not obligate us to acquire any common stock, has no termination date and may be suspended or discontinued at any time. Our stock repurchases could affect the trading price of our stock, the volatility of our stock price, reduce our cash reserves, and may be suspended or discontinued at any time, which may result in a decrease in our stock price.\\n\\nWorldwide political conditions may adversely affect demand for our products.\\n\\nWorldwide political conditions may create uncertainties that could adversely affect our business. The United States has been and may continue to be involved in armed conflicts that could have a further impact on our sales and our supply chain. The consequences of armed conflict, political instability or civil or military unrest are unpredictable, and we may not be able to foresee events that could have a material adverse effect on us. Terrorist attacks or other hostile acts may negatively affect our operations, or adversely affect demand for our products, and such attacks or related armed conflicts may impact our physical facilities or those of our suppliers or customers. Furthermore, these attacks or hostile acts may make travel and the transportation of our products more difficult and more expensive, which could materially adversely affect us. Any of these events could cause consumer spending to decrease or result in increased volatility in the United States economy and worldwide financial markets.\\n\\nITEM 1B. UNRESOLVED STAFF COMMENTS\\n\\nNone.\\n\\n36\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nITEM 2. PROPERTIES\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, we have 6 million square feet of space for research and development, engineering, administrative and warehouse use throughout the world. These facilities include 5 million square feet of leased space and 1 million square feet of owned space. Our headquarters are located in Santa Clara, California, and we have significant operations in Austin, Texas; San Jose, California; Shanghai, China; Markham, Ontario, Canada; Longmont, Colorado; Dublin, Ireland; Singapore; and Bangalore and Hyderabad, India. We also have a number of regional sales offices located in commercial centers near customers, principally in the United States, Europe, Asia and Latin America.\\n\\nWe currently do not anticipate difficulty in either retaining occupancy of any of our facilities through lease renewals prior to expiration or through month-to-month occupancy or replacing them with equivalent facilities. We believe that our existing facilities are suitable and adequate for our present purposes and that the productive capacity of such facilities is substantially being utilized or we have plans to utilize such capacity.\\n\\nITEM 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS\\n\\nFor a discussion of our legal proceedings, refer to Note 17 – Contingencies of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10- K).\\n\\nITEM 4. MINE SAFETY DISCLOSURES\\n\\nNot Applicable.\\n\\n37\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nPART II\\n\\nITEM 5. MARKET FOR REGISTRANT’S COMMON EQUITY, RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS AND ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECURITIES\\n\\nOur common stock is listed on The NASDAQ Global Select Market (NASDAQ) under the symbol “AMD”. On February 22, 2023, there were 5,014 registered holders of our common stock, and the closing price of our common stock was $76.61 per share as reported on NASDAQ.\\n\\nIssuer Purchases of Equity Securities\\n\\nIn May 2021, our Board of Directors approved a stock repurchase program of up to $4 billion of our common stock (Existing Repurchase Program). In February 2022, our Board of Directors approved a new stock repurchase program in addition to the Existing Repurchase Program to purchase up to additional $8 billion of our outstanding common stock in the open market (collectively referred to as the “Repurchase Program”). We expect to fund repurchases through cash generated from operations which have been strengthened by our strong operational results. Our Repurchase Program does not obligate us to acquire any common stock, has no termination date and may be suspended or discontinued at any time.\\n\\nThe following table provides information relating to our repurchase of common stock for the year ended December 31, 2022:\\n\\nTotal Number of Shares Repurchased\\n\\nAverage Price Paid per Share\\n\\nTotal Number of Shares Repurchased as Part of Publicly Announced Program\\n\\nMaximum Dollar Value of Shares That May Yet be Purchased Under the Program\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nRepurchases during each fiscal quarter of 2022: December 26, 2021 - March 26, 2022 March 27, 2022 - June 25, 2022 June 26, 2022 - September 24, 2022 September 25, 2022 - December 31, 2022\\n\\n15,785,806 $ 10,159,900 $ 6,895,972 $ 3,484,459 $\\n\\n121.03 90.58 89.52 71.75\\n\\n15,785,806 $ 10,159,900 $ 6,895,972 $ 3,484,459 $\\n\\n8,327 7,407 6,790 6,540\\n\\n36,326,137\\n\\n36,326,137\\n\\nRepurchases during last fiscal quarter of 2022: September 25, 2022 - October 29, 2022 October 30, 2022 - November 26, 2022 November 27, 2022 - December 31, 2022\\n\\nTotal\\n\\n— $ 1,455,994 $ 2,028,465 $ 3,484,459\\n\\n— 70.65 72.54\\n\\n— $ 1,455,994 $ 2,028,465 $ 3,484,459\\n\\n6,790 6,687 6,540\\n\\nEquity Award Share Withholding\\n\\nShares of common stock withheld as payment of withholding taxes in connection with the vesting or exercise of equity awards are also treated as common stock repurchases. Those withheld shares of common stock are not considered common stock repurchases under an authorized common stock repurchase plan. During fiscal year 2022, we withheld 5 million shares as payment of withholding taxes in connection with the vesting and exercise of equity awards.\\n\\nFor information about our equity compensation plans, see Part III, Item 11, below.\\n\\n38\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nPerformance Graph\\n\\nComparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Returns Advanced Micro Devices, S&P 500 Index and S&P 500 Semiconductor Index\\n\\nThe following graph shows a five-year comparison of cumulative total return on our common stock, the S&P 500 Index and the S&P 500 Semiconductor Index from December 30, 2017 through December 31, 2022. The past performance of our common stock is no indication of future performance.\\n\\nCompany / Index Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. S&P 500 Index S&P 500 Semiconductors Index\\n\\nBase Period 12/30/2017 100 100 100\\n\\n12/29/2018\\n\\n173 95 93\\n\\n12/28/2019\\n\\n449 126 138\\n\\nYears Ended 12/26/2020\\n\\n893 147 193\\n\\n12/25/2021\\n\\n1,422 190 296\\n\\nUnregistered Sales of Equity Securities\\n\\nOn January 3, 2023, we issued warrants to purchase 300,260 shares of our common stock to a commercial partner pursuant to a strategic arrangement executed in 2018 with such partner. The warrants have an exercise price of $25.4994 per share and expire on January 3, 2026. The warrants were issued pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933.\\n\\nOn February 9, 2023, we issued 27,230 shares of AMD’s common stock pursuant to an exercise in full by a commercial partner of warrants to purchase up to 42,260 shares of AMD’s common stock at an exercise price of $25.4994 per share (the Warrants). As a result, the Warrants are no longer outstanding. The commercial partner acquired the Warrants on March 30, 2020 and June 29, 2020 pursuant to a strategic arrangement with such partner. The shares of common stock were issued pursuant to Section 3(a)(9) of the Securities Act of 1933.\\n\\nITEM 6. [RESERVED]\\n\\n39\\n\\n12/31/2022\\n\\n630 157 185\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nITEM 7. MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\\n\\nThe following discussion should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021 and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2022 and related notes, which are included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K as well as with the other sections of this Annual Report on Form 10-K, “Part II, Item 8: Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.”\\n\\nIntroduction\\n\\nIn this section, we will describe the general financial condition and the results of operations of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively, “us,” “our” or “AMD”), including a discussion of our results of operations for 2022 compared to 2021, an analysis of changes in our financial condition and a discussion of our off-balance sheet arrangements. Discussions of 2020 items and year-to-year comparisons between 2021 and 2020 that are not included in this Form 10-K can be found in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in Part II, Item 7 of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 25, 2021.\\n\\nOverview\\n\\n2022 was a transformative year for AMD as we took several major steps that scaled and reshaped our business. In February 2022, we completed our strategic acquisition of Xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx) which expanded our technology and product portfolio to include adaptable hardware platforms that enable hardware acceleration and rapid innovation across a variety of technologies and established AMD in multiple embedded markets where we have traditionally not had a significant presence. We now offer Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Adaptive SoCs, and Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP) products. With the acquisition of Xilinx, we have access to a new set of markets and customers, further strengthening and diversifying our business model. In May 2022, we expanded our data center solutions capabilities with the acquisition of Pensando Systems, Inc. (Pensando). We now offer high-performance data processing units (DPUs) and a software stack that complements our existing products. With the Xilinx and Pensando acquisitions, we are well positioned to provide the industry’s broadest set of leadership compute engines and accelerators to help enable best performance, security, flexibility and total cost of ownership for leading-edge data centers.\\n\\nOur 2022 financial results reflect the strength of our diversified business model despite the challenging PC market conditions in the second half of 2022. Net revenue for 2022 was $23.6 billion, an increase of 44% compared to 2021 net revenue of $16.4 billion. The increase in net revenue was driven by a 64% increase in Data Center segment revenue primarily due to higher sales of our EPYC™ server processors, a 21% increase in Gaming segment revenue primarily due to higher semi-custom product sales, and a significant increase in Embedded segment revenue from the prior year period driven by the inclusion of Xilinx embedded product sales. This growth was partially offset by a 10% decrease in Client segment revenue primarily due to lower processor shipments driven by a weak PC market and significant inventory correction actions across the PC supply chain. Gross margin, as a percentage of net revenue for 2022, was 45%, compared to 48% in 2021. The decrease in gross margin was primarily due to amortization of intangible assets associated with the Xilinx acquisition. Operating income for 2022 was $1.3 billion compared to operating income of $3.6 billion for 2021. The decrease in operating income was primarily driven by amortization of intangible assets associated with the Xilinx acquisition. Net income for 2022 was $1.3 billion compared to $3.2 billion in the prior year. The decrease in net income was primarily driven by lower operating income.\\n\\nCash, cash equivalents and short-term investments as of December 31, 2022 were $5.9 billion, compared to $3.6 billion at the end of 2021. Our aggregate principal amount of total debt as of December 31, 2022 was $2.5 billion, compared to $313 million as of December 25, 2021.\\n\\nWe took several actions in 2022 to strengthen our financial position. In June 2022, we issued $1.0 billion in aggregate principal amount of senior notes, consisting of $500 million in aggregate principal amount of 3.924% Senior Notes due 2032 (3.924% Notes) and $500 million in aggregate principal amount of 4.393% Senior Notes due 2052 (4.393% Notes). The 3.924% Notes will mature on June 1, 2032 and bear interest at a rate of 3.924% per annum, and the 4.393% Notes will mature on June 1, 2052 and bear interest at a rate of 4.393% per annum. The 3.924% Notes and the 4.393% Notes are senior unsecured obligations.\\n\\n40\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nWe also entered into a revolving credit agreement in June 2022. The agreement provides for a five-year unsecured revolving credit facility in the aggregate principal amount of $3.0 billion. There were no funds drawn from this facility during the year ended December 31, 2022. In November 2022, we established a new commercial paper program, under which we may issue unsecured commercial paper notes up to a maximum principal amount outstanding at any time of $3.0 billion with a maturity of up to 397 days from the date of issue. The commercial paper will be sold at a discount from par or, alternatively, will be sold at par and bear interest at rates that will vary based on market conditions at the time of issuance. As of December 31, 2022, we had no commercial paper outstanding.\\n\\nDuring the twelve months ended December 31, 2022, we returned a total of $3.7 billion to shareholders through the repurchase of 36.3 million shares of common stock under our stock repurchase program. As of December 31, 2022, $6.5 billion remained available for future stock repurchases under this program. The repurchase program does not obligate us to acquire any common stock, has no termination date and may be suspended or discontinued at any time.\\n\\nWe continued executing our product technology roadmap by delivering a number of new leadership products and technologies during 2022. For Data Center, we launched our 4th Gen AMD EPYC™ processors with next-generation architecture, technology and features, and designed to deliver optimizations across market segments and applications, while helping businesses free data center resources to create additional workload processing and accelerate output. We also unveiled our 3rd Gen AMD EPYC processors with AMD 3D V-Cache technology for leadership performance in technical computing workloads. We introduced the 7 nm Versal™ ACAP VCK5000 development card designed to offer leadership AI inference performance. We announced the availability of the AMD Instinct™ ecosystem, the new AMD Instinct MI210 accelerator and ROCm™ 5 software. Together the AMD Instinct and ROCm ecosystem offers exascale-class technology to a broad base of high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) customers, designed to address the demand for compute-accelerated data center workloads and reduce the time to insights and discoveries.\\n\\nIn the Embedded segment, we introduced the AMD Ryzen™ Embedded R2000 Series, second-generation mid-range system-on-chip processors optimized for a wide range of industrial and robotics systems, machine vision, IoT (Internet of Things) and thin-client equipment. We also introduced the Kria™ KR260 Robotics Starter Kit, the latest addition to the Kria portfolio. The kit enables rapid development of hardware-accelerated applications for robotics, machine vision and industrial communication and control.\\n\\nFor the Client segment, we introduced the Ryzen 7000 Series Desktop processors powered by the new “Zen 4” architecture for gamers, enthusiasts, and content creators. Along with the introduction of the Ryzen 7000 Series Desktop processors, we also unveiled the new Socket AM5 platform featuring four new chipsets. These new desktop processors are designed for gamers, enthusiasts, and content creators. We introduced AMD Ryzen 7000 Mobile processors with up to 16 “Zen 4” architecture cores. We also introduced the AMD Ryzen 6000 Series Mobile processors, built on “Zen 3+” architecture and includes AMD RDNA™ 2 architecture based on integrated graphics. We launched the AMD Ryzen 5000 C-Series processors bringing “Zen 3” architecture to premium Chrome OS devices for work and collaboration. The processors offer up to eight high performance x86 cores. For workstations, we introduced the new AMD Ryzen Threadripper™ PRO 5000 WX-Series workstation processors designed for professionals to run demanding workstation applications. We also introduced the AMD Ryzen PRO 7030 Series Mobile processors built on “Zen 3” core architecture.\\n\\nIn the Gaming segment, we unveiled the AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX and the Radeon RX 7900 XT gaming graphics cards that are built on next-generation high performance, energy-efficient AMD RDNA™ 3 architecture. We announced new graphics cards to the AMD Radeon RX 6000 Series product line: the AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT, the AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT and the AMD Radeon RX 6650 XT. These new graphics cards are built on AMD RDNA 2 gaming architecture and GDDR6 memory at up to 18Gbps. We launched the new AMD Radeon PRO GPUs including the introduction of the AMD Radeon PRO W6400 graphics card built on AMD RDNA 2 architecture.\\n\\nAlthough the current COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our business operations and practices, we experienced limited disruptions during 2022. We continue to monitor our operations and public health measures implemented by governmental authorities in response to the pandemic.\\n\\nWe intend the discussion of our financial condition and results of operations that follows to provide information that will assist in understanding our financial statements, the changes in certain key items in those financial statements from period to period, the primary factors that resulted in those changes, and how certain accounting principles, policies and estimates affect our financial statements.\\n\\n41\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nCritical Accounting Estimates\\n\\nOur discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (U.S. GAAP). The preparation of our financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts in our consolidated financial statements. We evaluate our estimates on an on-going basis, including those related to our revenue, inventories, business combination, goodwill, long-lived and intangible assets, and income taxes. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities. Although actual results have historically been reasonably consistent with management’s expectations, the actual results may differ from these estimates or our estimates may be affected by different assumptions or conditions.\\n\\nManagement believes the following critical accounting estimates are the most significant to the presentation of our financial statements and require the most difficult, subjective and complex judgments.\\n\\nRevenue Allowances. Revenue contracts with our customers include variable amounts which we evaluate under ASC 606-10-32-8 through 14 in order to determine the net amount of consideration to which we are entitled and which we recognize as revenue. We determine the net amount of consideration to which we are entitled by estimating the most likely amount of consideration we expect to receive from the customer after adjustments to the contract price for rights of return and rebates to our original equipment manufacturers (OEM) customers and rights of return, rebates and price protection on unsold merchandise to our distributor customers.\\n\\nWe base our determination of necessary adjustments to the contract price by reference to actual historical activity and experience, including actual historical returns, rebates and credits issued to OEM and distributor customers adjusted, as applicable, to include adjustments, if any, for known events or current economic conditions, or both.\\n\\nOur estimates of necessary adjustments for distributor price incentives and price protection on unsold products held by distributors are based on actual historical incentives provided to distributor customers and known future price movements based on our internal and external market data analysis.\\n\\nOur estimates of necessary adjustments for OEM price incentives utilize, in addition to known pricing agreements, actual historical rebate attainment rates and estimates of future OEM rebate program attainment based on internal and external market data analysis.\\n\\nWe offer incentive programs through cooperative advertising and marketing promotions. Where funds provided for such programs can be estimated, we recognize a reduction to revenue at the time the related revenue is recognized; otherwise, we recognize such reduction to revenue at the later of when: i) the related revenue transaction occurs; or ii) the program is offered. For transactions where we reimburse a customer for a portion of the customer’s cost to perform specific product advertising or marketing and promotional activities, such amounts are recognized as a reduction to revenue unless they qualify for expense recognition.\\n\\nWe also provide limited product return rights to certain OEMs and to most distribution customers. These return rights are generally limited to a contractual percentage of the customer’s prior quarter shipments, although, from time to time we may approve additional product returns beyond the contractual arrangements based on the applicable facts and circumstances. In order to estimate adjustments to revenue to account for these returns, including product restocking rights provided to distributor and OEM customers, we utilize relevant, trended actual historical product return rate information gathered, adjusted for actual known information or events, as applicable.\\n\\nOverall, our estimates of adjustments to contract price due to variable consideration under our contracts with OEM and distributor customers, based on our assumptions and include adjustments, if any, for known events, have been materially consistent with actual results; however, these estimates are subject to management’s judgment and actual provisions could be different from our estimates and current provisions, resulting in future adjustments to our revenue and operating results.\\n\\n42\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nInventory Valuation. We value inventory at standard cost, adjusted to approximate the lower of actual cost or estimated net realizable value using assumptions about future demand and market conditions. Material assumptions we use to estimate necessary inventory carrying value adjustments can be unique to each product and are based on specific facts and circumstances. In determining excess or obsolescence reserves for products, we consider assumptions such as changes in business and economic conditions, other-than-temporary decreases in demand for our products, and changes in technology or customer requirements. In determining the lower of cost or net realizable value reserves, we consider assumptions such as recent historical sales activity and selling prices, as well as estimates of future selling prices. If in any period we anticipate a change in assumptions such as future demand or market conditions to be less favorable than our previous estimates, additional inventory write-downs may be required and would be reflected in cost of sales, resulting in a negative impact to our gross margin in that period. If in any period we are able to sell inventories that had been written down to a level below the ultimate realized selling price in a previous period, related revenue would be recorded with a lower or no offsetting charge to cost of sales resulting in a net benefit to our gross margin in that period. Overall, our estimates of inventory carrying value adjustments have been materially consistent with actual results.\\n\\nBusiness Combinations. We allocate the fair value of purchase consideration to the tangible assets acquired, liabilities assumed, and intangible assets acquired based on their estimated fair values. The excess of the fair value of purchase consideration over the fair values of these identifiable assets and liabilities is recorded as goodwill. Such valuations require management to make significant estimates and assumptions, especially with respect to intangible assets. Significant estimates in valuing developed technology, in-process research and development, customer relationships and other identifiable intangible assets include, but are not limited to, expected future revenue growth rates and margins, future changes in technology, time to recreate customer relationships, useful lives, and discount rates.\\n\\nManagement\\'s estimates of fair value are based upon assumptions believed to be reasonable, but which are inherently uncertain and unpredictable and, as a result, actual results may differ from estimates. Allocation of purchase consideration to identifiable assets and liabilities affects our amortization expense, as acquired finite-lived intangible assets are amortized over the useful life, whereas any indefinite lived intangible assets, including goodwill, are not amortized. During the measurement period, which is not to exceed one year from the acquisition date, we may record adjustments to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, with the corresponding offset to goodwill. Upon the conclusion of the measurement period, any subsequent adjustments are recorded to earnings.\\n\\nGoodwill. Goodwill is the excess of the aggregate of the consideration transferred over the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed in connection with business combinations. Our reporting units are at the operating segment level. Our goodwill is contained within three reporting units: Data Center, Gaming and Embedded.\\n\\nWe perform our goodwill impairment analysis as of the first day of the fourth quarter of each year and, if certain events or circumstances indicate that an impairment loss may have been incurred, on a more frequent basis. The analysis may include both qualitative and quantitative factors to assess the likelihood of an impairment, which occurs when the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value. Significant judgment is required in estimating the fair value of our reporting units to determine if the fair values of those units exceed their carrying values and an impairment to goodwill is required when a quantitative goodwill impairment test is performed. We typically obtain the assistance of third-party valuation specialists to help in determining the fair value of our reporting units. The fair values of our reporting units are estimated using a combination of the income approach, which requires estimating the present value of expected future cash flows of a reporting unit, and the market approach, which uses financial ratios of comparable companies to arrive at an estimated value for the reporting unit. Significant estimates and assumptions used in the income approach include assessments of macroeconomic conditions, growth rates of our reporting units in the near- and long-term, expectations of our ability to execute on our roadmap and projections, and the discount rate applied to cash flows. Significant estimates used in the market approach include the identification of comparable companies for each reporting unit, the determination of an appropriate control premium that a market participant would apply to a reporting unit, and the determination of appropriate multiples to apply to a reporting unit based on adjustments and consideration of specific attributes of that reporting unit.\\n\\n43\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe most significant assumptions utilized in the determination of the estimated fair values of our reporting units are the sales and earnings growth rates (including long-term growth rates) and discount rates. Long-term growth rates are dependent on overall market growth rates, the competitive environment and inflation. As a result, long-term growth rates could be adversely impacted by a sustained deceleration in category growth or an increased competitive environment. Discount rates, which are consistent with a weighted average cost of capital that is likely to be expected by a market participant, are based upon industry required rates of return, including consideration of both debt and equity components of the capital structure. Our discount rates may be impacted by adverse changes in the macroeconomic environment, prolonged and continuing inflationary pressures, volatility in the equity and debt markets and other factors that otherwise create or exacerbate risks in our reporting units. Changes in operating plans or adverse changes in the business or in the macroeconomic environment in the future could reduce the underlying cash flows used to estimate fair values and could result in a decline in fair value that would trigger future impairment charges of our reporting units’ goodwill. Based on our annual impairment testing, the fair values of all of our reporting units exceeded their carrying values.\\n\\nLong-Lived and Intangible Assets. Long-lived and intangible assets to be held and used are reviewed for impairment if indicators of potential impairment exist and at least annually for indefinite-lived intangible assets. Impairment indicators are reviewed on a quarterly basis. Assets are grouped and evaluated for impairment at the lowest level of identifiable cash flows. When indicators of impairment exist and assets are held for use, we estimate future undiscounted cash flows attributable to the related asset groups. In the event such cash flows are not expected to be sufficient to recover the recorded value of the assets, the assets are written down to their estimated fair values based on the expected discounted future cash flows attributable to the asset group or based on appraisals. Factors affecting impairment of assets held for use include the ability of the specific assets to generate separately identifiable positive cash flows. When assets are removed from operations and held for sale, we estimate impairment losses as the excess of the carrying value of the assets over their fair value. Market conditions are among the factors affecting impairment of assets held for sale. Changes in any of these factors could necessitate impairment recognition in future periods for assets held for use or assets held for sale.\\n\\nIncome Taxes. In determining taxable income for financial statement reporting purposes, we must make certain estimates and judgments. These estimates and judgments are applied in the calculation of certain tax liabilities and in the determination of the recoverability of deferred tax assets which arise from temporary differences between the recognition of assets and liabilities for tax and financial statement reporting purposes.\\n\\nWe regularly assess the likelihood that we will be able to recover our deferred tax assets. Unless recovery is considered more-likely-than-not (a probability level of more than 50%), we will record a charge to income tax expense in the form of a valuation allowance for the deferred tax assets that we estimate will not ultimately be recoverable or maintain the valuation allowance recorded in prior periods. When considering all available evidence, if we determine it is more- likely-than-not we will realize our deferred tax assets, we will reverse some or all of the existing valuation allowance, which would result in a credit to income tax expense and the establishment of an asset in the period of reversal.\\n\\nIn determining the need to establish or maintain a valuation allowance, we consider the four sources of jurisdictional taxable income: (i) carryback of net operating losses to prior years; (ii) future reversals of existing taxable temporary differences; (iii) viable and prudent tax planning strategies; and (iv) future taxable income exclusive of reversing temporary differences and carryforwards.\\n\\nThrough the end of 2022, we continue to maintain a valuation allowance of approximately $2.1 billion for certain federal, state, and foreign tax attributes. The federal valuation allowance maintained is due to limitations, under Internal Revenue Code Section 382 or 383, separate return loss year rules, or dual consolidated loss rules. Certain state and foreign valuation allowances are maintained due to a lack of sufficient sources of future taxable income.\\n\\nIn addition, the calculation of our tax liabilities involves addressing uncertainties in the application of complex, multi-jurisdictional tax rules and the potential for future adjustment of our uncertain tax positions by the Internal Revenue Service or other taxing authorities.\\n\\n44\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nResults of Operations\\n\\nDuring the second quarter of fiscal year 2022, we changed our reporting segments to align our financial reporting with how we manage our business in strategic end markets. This is consistent with how our Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM) assesses our financial performance and allocates resources. As a result, we report our financial performance based on the following four reportable segments: Data Center, Client, Gaming, and Embedded.\\n\\nAdditional information on our reportable segments is contained in Note 4 – Segment Reporting of the Notes to Financial Statements (Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10-K).\\n\\nOur operating results tend to vary seasonally. Historically, our net revenue has been generally higher in the second half of the year than in the first half of the year, although market conditions and product transitions could impact these trends.\\n\\nThe following table provides a summary of net revenue and operating income (loss) by segment for 2022 and 2021:\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nNet revenue:\\n\\nData Center Client Gaming Embedded\\n\\nTotal net revenue Operating income (loss):\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n6,043 $ 6,201 6,805 4,552 23,601 $\\n\\nData Center Client Gaming Embedded All Other\\n\\nTotal operating income (loss)\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,848 $ 1,190 953 2,252 (4,979) 1,264 $\\n\\nData Center\\n\\nData Center net revenue of $6 billion in 2022 increased by 64%, compared to net revenue of $3.7 billion in 2021. The increase was primarily driven by higher sales of our EPYC server processors.\\n\\nData Center operating income was $1.8 billion in 2022, compared to operating income of $991 million in 2021. The increase in operating income was primarily driven by higher revenue, partially offset by higher operating expenses. Operating expenses increased for the reasons outlined under “Expenses” below.\\n\\nClient\\n\\nClient net revenue of $6.2 billion in 2022 decreased by 10%, compared to net revenue of $6.9 billion in 2021, primarily driven by a 24% decrease in unit shipment, partially offset by a 19% increase in average selling price. The decrease in unit shipments was due to challenging PC market conditions and significant inventory correction across the PC supply chain experienced during the second half of 2022. The increase in average selling price was primarily driven by a richer mix of Ryzen mobile processor sales.\\n\\nClient operating income was $1.2 billion in 2022, compared to operating income of $2.1 billion in 2021. The decrease in operating income was primarily driven by lower revenue and higher operating expenses. Operating expenses increased for the reasons outlined under “Expenses” below.\\n\\n45\\n\\n3,694 6,887 5,607 246 16,434\\n\\n991 2,088 934 44 (409) 3,648\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nGaming\\n\\nGaming net revenue of $6.8 billion in 2022 increased by 21%, compared to net revenue of $5.6 billion in 2021. The increase in net revenue was driven by higher semi-custom product sales due to higher demand for gaming console SoCs, partially offset by lower gaming graphics sales due to a decrease in unit shipments driven by soft consumer demand given weakened macroeconomic conditions experienced in the second half of 2022.\\n\\nGaming operating income was $953 million in 2022, compared to operating income of $934 million in 2021. The increase in operating income was primarily driven by higher revenue, partially offset by higher operating expenses. Operating expenses increased for the reasons outlined under “Expenses” below.\\n\\nEmbedded\\n\\nEmbedded net revenue of $4.6 billion in 2022 increased significantly, compared to net revenue of $246 million in 2021. The significant increase in net revenue was primarily driven by the inclusion of Xilinx embedded product revenue as a result of the acquisition of Xilinx in February 2022.\\n\\nEmbedded operating income was $2.3 billion in 2022, compared to operating income of $44 million in 2021. The significant increase in operating income was primarily driven by the inclusion of Xilinx embedded product revenue.\\n\\nAll Other\\n\\nAll Other operating loss of $5.0 billion in 2022 primarily consisted of $3.5 billion of amortization of acquisition-related intangibles, $1.1 billion of stock-based compensation expense, and $452 million of acquisition-related costs, which primarily include transaction costs, amortization of Xilinx inventory fair value step- up adjustment, and depreciation related to the Xilinx fixed assets fair value step-up adjustment, certain compensation charges related to the acquisitions of Xilinx and Pensando, and licensing gain. All Other operating loss of $409 million in 2021 primarily consisted of $379 million of stock-based compensation expense and $42 million of acquisition-related costs.\\n\\nComparison of Gross Margin, Expenses, Licensing Gain, Interest Expense, Other Income (Expense) and Income Taxes\\n\\nThe following is a summary of certain consolidated statement of operations data for 2022 and 2021:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions, except for percentages)\\n\\nNet revenue Cost of sales Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles Gross profit Gross margin Research and development Marketing, general and administrative Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles Licensing gain Interest expense Other income, net Income tax provision (benefit)\\n\\n$\\n\\n23,601 11,550 1,448 10,603\\n\\n45 %\\n\\n5,005 2,336 2,100 (102) (88) 8 (122)\\n\\n$\\n\\nGross Margin\\n\\nGross margin as a percentage of net revenue was 45% in 2022 compared to 48% in 2021. The decrease in gross margin was primarily due to amortization of intangible assets associated with the Xilinx acquisition.\\n\\n46\\n\\n16,434 8,505 — 7,929\\n\\n48 %\\n\\n2,845 1,448 — (12) (34) 55 513\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nExpenses\\n\\nResearch and Development Expenses\\n\\nResearch and development expenses of $5.0 billion in 2022 increased by $2.2 billion, or 76%, compared to $2.8 billion in 2021. The increase was primarily driven by strategic investments across all of our segments, including an increase in headcount through acquisitions and organic growth.\\n\\nMarketing, General and Administrative Expenses\\n\\nMarketing, general and administrative expenses of $2.3 billion in 2022 increased by $888 million, or 61%, compared to $1.4 billion in 2021. The increase was primarily due to an increase in headcount through acquisitions and organic growth, go-to-market activities, and acquisition-related costs.\\n\\nAmortization of Acquisition-Related Intangibles\\n\\nIn 2022, cost of sales and operating expense included $1.4 billion and $2.1 billion, respectively, of amortization expense from intangible assets acquired as a result of the acquisitions of Xilinx and Pensando.\\n\\nLicensing Gain\\n\\nDuring 2022, we recognized $102 million of licensing gain from milestone achievement and royalty income associated with the licensed IP to the THATIC JV, our two joint ventures with Higon Information Technology Co., Ltd., a third-party Chinese entity. We recognized a licensing gain from royalty income of $12 million for the year ended December 25, 2021.\\n\\nInterest Expense\\n\\nInterest expense of $88 million in 2022 increased by $54 million compared to $34 million in 2021, primarily due to interest expense from the 2.95% Senior Notes due 2024 and the 2.375% Senior Notes due 2030 (together, the Assumed Xilinx Notes) and the 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes issued in 2022.\\n\\nOther Income (Expense), net\\n\\nOther income (expense), net is primarily comprised of interest income from short-term investments, changes in valuation of equity investments and foreign currency transaction gains and losses.\\n\\nOther income, net was $8 million in 2022 compared to $55 million of Other income, net in 2021. The change was primarily due to a $62 million decrease in the fair value of equity investments in 2022 compared to an increase in fair value of $56 million from equity investments in 2021, partially offset by $65 million of interest income driven mainly by rising interest rates in 2022 compared to losses from conversion of our convertible debt of $7 million in 2021.\\n\\nIncome Tax Provision (Benefit)\\n\\nWe recorded an income tax benefit of $122 million in 2022 and an income tax provision of $513 million in 2021, representing effective tax rates of (10%) and 14%, respectively. The reduction in income tax expense in 2022 was primarily due to the lower pre-tax income coupled with a $261 million foreign-derived intangible income tax benefit and $241 million of research and development tax credits.\\n\\nThrough the end of fiscal year 2022, we continued to maintain a valuation allowance of approximately $2.1 billion for certain federal, state, and foreign tax attributes. The federal valuation allowance maintained is due to limitations under Internal Revenue Code Section 382 or 383, separate return loss year rules, or dual consolidated loss rules. Certain state and foreign valuation allowance maintained is due to lack of sufficient sources of future taxable income.\\n\\nInternational Sales\\n\\nInternational sales as a percentage of net revenue were 66% in 2022 and 72% in 2021. We expect that international sales will continue to be a significant portion of total sales in the foreseeable future. Substantially all of our sales transactions are denominated in U.S. dollars.\\n\\n47\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nFINANCIAL CONDITION\\n\\nLiquidity and Capital Resources\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, our cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments were $5.9 billion compared to $3.6 billion as of December 25, 2021. The increase in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments was primarily driven by the $2.4 billion of cash and $1.6 billion of short-term investments acquired from the Xilinx acquisition, $1.0 billion from the debt issuance of our 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes, and cash flows from operations, partially offset by stock repurchases and cash paid for the acquisition of Pensando. The percentage of cash and cash equivalents held domestically was 73% as of December 31, 2022, and 91% as of December 25, 2021.\\n\\nOur operating, investing and financing cash flow activities for 2022 and 2021 were as follows:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nNet cash provided by (used in): Operating activities Investing activities Financing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n3,565 $ 1,999 (3,264) 2,300 $\\n\\n3,521 (686) (1,895) 940\\n\\nOur aggregate principal debt obligations were $2.5 billion as of December 31, 2022, which consisted primarily of $1.5 billion of the Xilinx Notes assumed as part of the Xilinx acquisition and $1.0 billion of 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes issued during the year, compared to $313 million as of December 25, 2021, respectively. We repaid $312 million of our 7.50% Senior Notes that matured in August 2022.\\n\\nOn April 29, 2022, we entered into a revolving credit agreement (Revolving Credit Agreement) with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as administrative agent and other banks identified therein as lenders. The Revolving Credit Agreement provides for a five-year unsecured revolving credit facility in the aggregate principal amount of $3.0 billion. There were no funds drawn from this facility during the year ended December 31, 2022.\\n\\nOn November 3, 2022, we established a new commercial paper program where we may issue unsecured commercial paper notes up to a maximum principal amount outstanding at any time of $3.0 billion with a maturity of up to 397 days from the date of issue. The commercial paper will be sold at a discount from par or, alternatively, will be sold at par and bear interest at rates that will vary based on market conditions at the time of issuance. As of December 31, 2022, we had no commercial paper outstanding.\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, we had unconditional purchase commitments of approximately $8.6 billion, of which $6.5 billion are in fiscal year 2023. On an ongoing basis, we work with our suppliers on the timing of payments and deliveries of purchase commitments, taking into account business conditions.\\n\\nWe believe our cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments and cash flows from operations along with our Revolving Credit Facility and commercial paper program will be sufficient to fund operations, including capital expenditures and purchase commitments, over the next 12 months and beyond. We believe we will be able to access the capital markets should we require additional funds. However, we cannot assure that such funds will be available on favorable terms, or at all.\\n\\nOperating Activities\\n\\nOur working capital cash inflows and outflows from operations consist primarily of cash collections from our customers, payments for inventory purchases and payments for employee-related expenditures.\\n\\n48\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nNet cash provided by operating activities was $3.6 billion in 2022, primarily due to our net income of $1.3 billion in 2022, adjusted for non-cash adjustments of $4.1 billion and net cash outflows of $1.8 billion from changes in our operating assets and liabilities. The primary drivers of the changes in operating assets and liabilities included a $1.4 billion increase in inventories driven primarily by build of advanced process nodes to support the ramp of new products, a $1.1 billion increase in accounts receivable driven primarily by higher revenue in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the fourth quarter of 2021, and a $1.2 billion increase in prepaid expenses and other assets due primarily to prepayments under long-term supply agreements in 2022, offset by an $931 million increase in accounts payable primarily due to timing of payments to our suppliers, and a $546 million increase in accrued liabilities and other driven mainly by higher customer-related accruals.\\n\\nNet cash provided by operating activities was $3.5 billion in 2021, primarily due to our higher net income of $3.2 billion in 2021, adjusted for non-cash adjustments of $1.1 billion and net cash outflows of $774 million from changes in our operating assets and liabilities. The primary drivers of the changes in operating assets and liabilities included a $640 million increase in accounts receivable driven primarily by $1.6 billion higher revenue in the fourth quarter of 2021 compared to the fourth quarter of 2020, a $556 million increase in inventories driven by our continued increase in product build in support of customer demand, and a $920 million increase in prepaid expenses and other assets due primarily to prepayments under long-term supply agreements in 2021, offset by an $801 million increase in accounts payable primarily due to timing of payments to our suppliers, and a $526 million increase in accrued liabilities and other, both of which were driven mainly by higher marketing accruals, and higher accrued annual employee incentives due to improved financial performance.\\n\\nInvesting Activities\\n\\nNet cash provided by investing activities was $2 billion in 2022, which primarily consisted of higher cash provided by maturities of short-term investments of $4.3 billion and cash acquired as part of the acquisition of Xilinx of $2.4 billion, partially offset by higher cash used for purchases of short-term investments of $2.7 billion, cash used in the acquisition of Pensando of $1.5 billion and $450 million for purchases of property and equipment.\\n\\nNet cash used in investing activities was $686 million in 2021, which primarily consisted of higher cash used for purchases of short-term investments of $2.1 billion and $301 million for purchases of property and equipment, partially offset by higher cash provided by maturities of short-term investments of $1.7 billion.\\n\\nFinancing Activities\\n\\nNet cash used in financing activities was $3.3 billion in 2022, which primarily consisted of common stock repurchases of $3.7 billion under the Repurchase Program, higher repurchases to cover tax withholding on employee equity plans of $406 million and repayment of debt of $312 million, partially offset by proceeds from the issuance of debt of $991 million and higher proceeds from the issuance of common stock under our employee equity plans of $167 million.\\n\\nNet cash used in financing activities was $1.9 billion in 2021, which primarily consisted of common stock repurchases of $1.8 billion under the Repurchase Program and higher repurchases to cover tax withholding on employee equity plans of $237 million, partially offset by higher proceeds from the issuance of common stock under our employee equity plans of $104 million.\\n\\nOff-Balance Sheet Arrangements\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, we had no off-balance sheet arrangements.\\n\\n49\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nITEM 7A. QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURE ABOUT MARKET RISK\\n\\nInterest Rate Risk. Our exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to our investment portfolio and long-term debt. We usually invest our cash in investments with short maturities or with frequent interest reset terms. Accordingly, our interest income fluctuates with short-term market conditions. As of December 31, 2022, our investment portfolio consisted of fixed income instruments, time deposits and commercial paper. Our primary aim with our investment portfolio is to invest available cash while preserving principal and meeting liquidity needs. In accordance with our investment policy, we place investments with high credit quality issuers and limit the amount of credit exposure to any one issuer based upon the issuer\\'s credit rating. These securities are subject to interest rate risk and will decrease in value if market interest rates increase. A hypothetical 50 basis-point (half percentage point) increase or decrease in interest rates compared to rates at December 31, 2022 would have affected the fair value of our cash equivalent and investment portfolio by approximately $2.9 million.\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, all of our outstanding long-term debt had fixed interest rates. Consequently, our exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates on reported interest expense and corresponding cash flows is minimal.\\n\\nWe will continue to monitor our exposure to interest rate risk.\\n\\nDefault Risk. We mitigate default risk in our investment portfolio by investing in only high credit quality securities and by constantly positioning our portfolio to respond to a significant reduction in a credit rating of any investment issuer or guarantor. Our portfolio includes investments in marketable debt securities with active secondary or resale markets to ensure portfolio liquidity. We are averse to principal loss and strive to preserve our invested funds by limiting default risk and market risk.\\n\\nWe actively monitor market conditions and developments specific to the securities and security classes in which we invest. We believe that we take a conservative approach to investing our funds in that we invest only in highly-rated debt securities with relatively short maturities and do not invest in securities which we believe involve a higher degree of risk. As of December 31, 2022, substantially all of our investments in debt securities were A-rated by at least one of the rating agencies. While we believe we take prudent measures to mitigate investment-related risks, such risks cannot be fully eliminated as there are circumstances outside of our control.\\n\\nForeign Exchange Risk. As a result of our foreign operations, we incur costs and we carry assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies, while sales of products are primarily denominated in U.S. dollars.\\n\\nWe maintain a foreign currency hedging strategy which uses derivative financial instruments to mitigate the risks associated with changes in foreign currency exchange rates. This strategy takes into consideration all of our exposures. We do not use derivative financial instruments for trading or speculative purposes.\\n\\nThe following table provides information about our foreign currency forward contracts as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021. All of our foreign currency forward contracts mature within 18 months.\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nNotional Amount\\n\\nAverage Contract Rate\\n\\nEstimated Fair Value Gain (Loss)\\n\\nNotional Amount\\n\\nAverage Contract Rate\\n\\n(In millions except contract rates)\\n\\nForeign currency forward contracts:\\n\\nChinese Renminbi Canadian Dollar Indian Rupee Taiwan Dollar Singapore Dollar Euro Pound Sterling Japanese Yen Australian Dollar\\n\\n$\\n\\n599 607 516 207 259 142 88 2 1 2,421\\n\\n6.7848 $ 1.3137 82.1493 29.1231 1.3600 0.9334 0.8204 133.7593 1.4689\\n\\n(3) $\\n\\n(16) (9) (4) 4 1 (1) — — (28) $\\n\\n360 416 162 122 71 47 6 1 — 1,185\\n\\n6.5693 $ 1.2646 77.3309 27.2725 1.3489 0.8444 0.7317 114.3214 1.3809\\n\\nTotal\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n50\\n\\nEstimated Fair Value Gain (Loss)\\n\\n6 (6) 1 (1) — (2) — — — (2)\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nITEM 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA\\n\\nAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\n\\nConsolidated Statements of Operations\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions, except per share amounts)\\n\\nNet revenue Cost of sales Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles Total cost of sales Gross profit\\n\\n$\\n\\n23,601 $ 11,550 1,448 12,998 10,603\\n\\n16,434 $ 8,505 — 8,505 7,929\\n\\nResearch and development Marketing, general and administrative Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles Licensing gain Operating income\\n\\n5,005 2,336 2,100 (102) 1,264\\n\\n2,845 1,448 — (12) 3,648\\n\\nInterest expense Other income (expense), net Income before income taxes and equity income\\n\\n(88) 8 1,184\\n\\n(34) 55 3,669\\n\\nIncome tax provision (benefit) Equity income in investee\\n\\nNet income\\n\\n$\\n\\n(122) 14 1,320 $\\n\\n513 6 3,162 $\\n\\nEarnings per share Basic Diluted Shares used in per share calculation Basic Diluted\\n\\n$ $\\n\\n0.85 $ 0.84 $\\n\\n1,561 1,571\\n\\n2.61 $ 2.57 $\\n\\n1,213 1,229\\n\\nSee accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.\\n\\n51\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n9,763 5,416 — 5,416 4,347\\n\\n1,983 995 — — 1,369\\n\\n(47) (47) 1,275\\n\\n(1,210) 5 2,490\\n\\n2.10 2.06\\n\\n1,184 1,207\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\n\\nConsolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nNet income Other comprehensive income (loss)\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,320 $\\n\\nNet change in unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedges\\n\\nTotal comprehensive income\\n\\n$\\n\\n(38) 1,282 $\\n\\nSee accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.\\n\\n52\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\n3,162 $\\n\\n(20) 3,142 $\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n2,490\\n\\n17 2,507\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\n\\nConsolidated Balance Sheets\\n\\nASSETS\\n\\nCurrent assets:\\n\\nCash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Accounts receivable, net Inventories Receivables from related parties Prepaid expenses and other current assets\\n\\nTotal current assets\\n\\nProperty and equipment, net Operating lease right-of-use assets Goodwill Acquisition-related intangibles Investment: equity method Deferred tax assets Other non-current assets\\n\\nTotal assets\\n\\nLIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY\\n\\nCurrent liabilities:\\n\\nAccounts payable Payables to related parties Accrued liabilities Current portion of long-term debt, net Other current liabilities\\n\\nTotal current liabilities Long-term debt, net of current portion Long-term operating lease liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Other long-term liabilities Commitments and Contingencies (see Notes 16 and 17) Stockholders’ equity: Capital stock: Common stock, par value $0.01; shares authorized: 2,250; shares issued: 1,645 and 1,232; shares outstanding: 1,612 and 1,207 Additional paid-in capital Treasury stock, at cost (shares held: 33 and 25) Accumulated deficit\\n\\nAccumulated other comprehensive loss\\n\\nTotal stockholders’ equity\\n\\nTotal liabilities and stockholders’ equity\\n\\nSee accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.\\n\\n53\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions, except par value amounts)\\n\\n4,835 $ 1,020 4,126 3,771 2 1,265 15,019 1,513 460 24,177 24,118 83 58 2,152 67,580 $\\n\\n2,493 $ 463 3,077 — 336 6,369 2,467 396 1,934 1,664\\n\\n16 58,005 (3,099) (131) (41) 54,750 67,580 $\\n\\n2,535 1,073 2,706 1,955 2 312 8,583 702 367 289 — 69 931 1,478 12,419\\n\\n1,321 85 2,424 312 98 4,240 1 348 12 321\\n\\n12 11,069 (2,130) (1,451) (3) 7,497 12,419\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\n\\nConsolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nCapital stock Common stock\\n\\nBalance, beginning of period Issuance of common stock as consideration for acquisition Balance, end of period Additional paid-in capital\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n12 $ 4 16 $\\n\\nBalance, beginning of period Common stock issued under employee equity plans Stock-based compensation Issuance of common stock to settle convertible debt Issuance of common stock as consideration for acquisition Fair value of replacement share-based awards related to acquisition Issuance of common stock warrants Balance, end of period\\n\\n$\\n\\n11,069 $ 167 1,080 — 45,372 275 42 58,005 $\\n\\n$\\n\\nTreasury stock\\n\\nBalance, beginning of period Repurchases of common stock Reissuance of treasury stock as consideration for acquisition Common stock repurchases for tax withholding on employee equity plans Balance, end of period\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n(2,130) $ (3,702) 3,138 (405) (3,099) $\\n\\nAccumulated deficit\\n\\nBalance, beginning of period Cumulative effect of adoption of accounting standard Net income Balance, end of period\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n(1,451) $ — 1,320 (131) $\\n\\nAccumulated other comprehensive income (loss)\\n\\nBalance, beginning of period Other comprehensive income (loss) Balance, end of period\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n(3) $\\n\\n(38) (41) $\\n\\nTotal stockholders\\' equity\\n\\n$\\n\\n54,750 $\\n\\nSee accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.\\n\\n54\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021 (In millions)\\n\\n12 $ — 12 $\\n\\n10,544 $ 104 379 25 — — 17 11,069 $\\n\\n(131) $\\n\\n(1,762) — (237) (2,130) $\\n\\n(4,605) $ (8) 3,162 (1,451) $\\n\\n17 $ (20)\\n\\n(3) $\\n\\n7,497 $\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n12 — 12\\n\\n9,963 85 274 217 — — 5 10,544\\n\\n(53) — — (78) (131)\\n\\n(7,095) — 2,490 (4,605)\\n\\n— 17 17\\n\\n5,837\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\n\\nConsolidated Statements of Cash Flows\\n\\nCash flows from operating activities:\\n\\nNet income Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:\\n\\nDepreciation and amortization Stock-based compensation Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs Amortization of operating lease right-of-use assets Amortization of inventory fair value adjustment Loss on debt redemption, repurchase and conversion Loss on sale or disposal of property and equipment Deferred income taxes (Gains) losses on equity investments, net Other\\n\\nChanges in operating assets and liabilities:\\n\\nAccounts receivable, net Inventories Receivables from related parties Prepaid expenses and other assets Payables to related parties Accounts payable Accrued liabilities and other Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities:\\n\\nPurchases of property and equipment Purchases of short-term investments Proceeds from maturity of short-term investments Cash received from acquisition of Xilinx Acquisition of Pensando, net of cash acquired Other\\n\\nNet cash provided by (used in) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities:\\n\\nProceeds from debt, net of issuance costs Repayment of debt Proceeds from sales of common stock through employee equity plans Repurchases of common stock\\n\\nCommon stock repurchases for tax withholding on employee equity plans Other\\n\\nNet cash (used in) provided by financing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year\\n\\n55\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\n1,320 $\\n\\n4,174 1,081 — 88 189 — 16 (1,505) 62 (14)\\n\\n(1,091) (1,401) (13) (1,197) 379 931 546 3,565\\n\\n(450) (2,667) 4,310 2,366 (1,544) (16) 1,999\\n\\n991 (312) 167 (3,702)\\n\\n(406) (2) (3,264) 2,300 2,535 4,835 $\\n\\nYear Ended December 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\n3,162 $\\n\\n407 379 5 56 — 7 34 308 (56) (7)\\n\\n(640) (556) 8 (920) 7 801 526 3,521\\n\\n(301) (2,056) 1,678 — — (7) (686)\\n\\n— — 104 (1,762)\\n\\n(237) — (1,895) 940 1,595 2,535 $\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n2,490\\n\\n312 274 14 42 — 54 33 (1,223) (2) 8\\n\\n(219) (417) 10 (231) (135) (513) 574 1,071\\n\\n(294) (850) 192 — — — (952)\\n\\n200 (200) 85 —\\n\\n(78) (1) 6 125 1,470 1,595\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\n\\nConsolidated Statements of Cash Flows\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nSupplemental cash flow information: Cash paid during the year for:\\n\\nInterest Income taxes, net of refund\\n\\n$ $\\n\\n85 $ 685 $\\n\\nNon-cash investing and financing activities:\\n\\nPurchases of property and equipment, accrued but not paid Issuance of common stock to settle convertible debt Issuance of common stock and treasury stock for the acquisition of Xilinx Fair value of replacement share-based awards related to acquisition of Xilinx Transfer of assets for the acquisition of property and equipment\\n\\n$ $ $ $ $\\n\\n157 $ — $ 48,514 $ 275 $ 13 $\\n\\nNon-cash activities for leases:\\n\\nOperating lease right-of-use assets acquired by assuming related liabilities\\n\\n$\\n\\n115 $\\n\\nSee accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.\\n\\n56\\n\\nYear Ended December 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\n25 $ 35 $\\n\\n72 $ 25 $ — $ — $ 37 $\\n\\n227 $\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n31 8\\n\\n31 217 — — 111\\n\\n45\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\n\\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\\n\\nNOTE 1 – The Company\\n\\nAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc. is a global semiconductor company. References herein to AMD or the Company mean Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries. AMD’s products include x86 microprocessors (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs), as standalone devices or as incorporated into accelerated processing units (APUs), chipsets, data center and professional GPUs, embedded processors, semi-custom System-on-Chip (SoC) products, microprocessor and SoC development services and technology, data processing units (DPUs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and Adaptive SoC products. From time to time, the Company may also sell or license portions of its intellectual property (IP) portfolio.\\n\\nOn February 14, 2022 (the Xilinx Acquisition Date), the Company completed the acquisition of Xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx). On May 26, 2022 (the Pensando Acquisition Date), the Company completed the acquisition of Pensando Systems, Inc. (Pensando). See Note 5 - Business Combinations for additional information on these acquisitions.\\n\\nNOTE 2 – Basis of Presentation and Significant Accounting Policies\\n\\nFiscal Year. The Company uses a 52- or 53-week fiscal year ending on the last Saturday in December. Fiscal 2022, 2021 and 2020 ended on December 31, 2022, December 25, 2021 and December 26, 2020, respectively. Fiscal 2022 consisted of 53 weeks, and fiscal 2021 and 2020 each consisted of 52 weeks.\\n\\nPrinciples of Consolidation. The consolidated financial statements include the Company’s accounts and those of its wholly-owned subsidiaries. Upon consolidation, all inter-company accounts and transactions have been eliminated.\\n\\nReclassification. Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to current period presentation.\\n\\nUse of Estimates. The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (U.S. GAAP) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of commitments and contingencies at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results are likely to differ from those estimates, and such differences may be material to the financial statements. Areas where management uses subjective judgment include, but are not limited to, revenue allowances, inventory valuation, valuation of goodwill and long-lived and intangible assets, and income taxes.\\n\\nRevenue Recognition\\n\\nRevenue is recognized when a customer obtains control of promised goods or services and is recognized in an amount that reflects the consideration which the Company expects to receive in exchange for those goods or services. Sales, value-added, and other taxes collected concurrently with the provision of goods or services are excluded from revenue. Shipping and handling costs associated with product sales are included in cost of sales. Substantially all the Company’s revenue is derived from product sales, representing a single performance obligation.\\n\\nCustomers are generally required to pay for products and services within the Company’s standard contractual terms, which are typically net 30 to 60 days. The Company has determined that it does not have significant financing components in its contracts with customers.\\n\\nNon-custom products\\n\\nThe Company transfers control and recognizes revenue when non-custom products are shipped to customers, which includes original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and distributors, in accordance with the shipping terms of the sale. Non-custom product arrangements generally comprise a single performance obligation. Certain OEMs may be entitled to rights of return and rebates under OEM agreements. The Company also sells to distributors under terms allowing the majority of distributors certain rights of return and price protection on unsold merchandise held by them. The Company estimates the amount of variable consideration under OEM and distributor arrangements and, accordingly, records a provision for product returns, allowances for price protection and rebates based on actual historical experience and any known events.\\n\\n57\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe Company offers incentive programs to certain customers, including cooperative advertising, marketing promotions, volume-based incentives and special pricing arrangements. Where funds provided for such programs can be estimated, the Company recognizes a reduction to revenue at the time the related revenue is recognized; otherwise, the Company recognizes such reduction to revenue at the later of when: i) the related revenue transaction occurs; or ii) the program is offered. For transactions where the Company reimburses a customer for a portion of the customer’s cost to perform specific product advertising or marketing and promotional activities, such amounts are recognized as a reduction to revenue unless they qualify for expense recognition.\\n\\nConstraints of variable consideration have not been material.\\n\\nCustom products\\n\\nCustom products which are associated with the Company’s Gaming segment (semi-custom products), sold under non-cancellable purchases orders, for which the Company has an enforceable right to payment, and which have no alternative use to the Company at contract inception, are recognized as revenue, over the time of production of the products by the Company. The Company utilizes a cost-based input method, calculated as cost incurred plus estimated margin, to determine the amount of revenue to recognize for in-process, but incomplete, customer orders at a reporting date. The Company believes that a cost-based input method is the most appropriate manner to measure how the Company satisfies its performance obligations to customers because the effort and costs incurred best depict the Company’s satisfaction of its performance obligation.\\n\\nSales of semi-custom products are not subject to a right of return. Custom products arrangements generally involve a single performance obligation. There are no variable consideration estimates associated with custom products.\\n\\nDevelopment and intellectual property licensing agreements\\n\\nFrom time to time, the Company may enter into arrangements with customers that combine the provision of development services and a license to the right to use the Company’s IP. These arrangements are deemed to be single or multiple performance obligations based upon the nature of the arrangements. Revenue is recognized upon the transfer of control, over time or at a point in time, depending on the nature of the arrangements. The Company evaluates whether the licensing component is distinct. A licensing component is distinct if it is both (i) capable of being distinct and (ii) distinct in the context of the arrangement. If the license is not distinct, it is combined with the development services as a single performance obligation and recognized over time. If the license is distinct, revenue is recognized at a point in time when the customer has the ability to benefit from the license.\\n\\nFrom time to time, the Company may enter into arrangements with customers that solely involve the sale or licensing of its patents or IP. Generally, there are no performance obligations beyond transferring the designated license to the Company’s patents or IP. Accordingly, revenue is recognized at a point in time when the customer has the ability to benefit from the license.\\n\\nThere are no variable consideration estimates associated with either combined development and IP arrangements or for standalone arrangements involving either the sale or licensing of IP.\\n\\nInventories\\n\\nThe Company values inventory at standard cost, adjusted to approximate the lower of actual cost or estimated net realizable value using assumptions about future demand and market conditions. In determining excess or obsolescence reserves for its products, the Company considers assumptions such as changes in business and economic conditions, other-than-temporary decreases in demand for its products, and changes in technology or customer requirements. In determining the lower of cost or net realizable value reserves, the Company considers assumptions such as recent historical sales activity and selling prices, as well as estimates of future selling prices. The Company fully reserves for inventories and non-cancellable purchase orders for inventory deemed obsolete. The Company performs periodic reviews of inventory items to identify excess inventories on hand by comparing on-hand balances and non-cancellable purchase orders to anticipated usage using recent historical activity as well as anticipated or forecasted demand. If estimates of customer demand diminish further or market conditions become less favorable than those projected by the Company, additional inventory carrying value adjustments may be required.\\n\\n58\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nBusiness Combinations\\n\\nThe Company is required to use the acquisition method of accounting for business combinations. The acquisition method of accounting requires the Company to allocate the purchase consideration to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed from the acquiree based on their respective fair values as of the acquisition date. The excess of the fair value of purchase consideration over the fair value of these assets acquired and liabilities assumed is recorded as goodwill. When determining the fair values of assets acquired and liabilities assumed, management makes significant estimates and assumptions, especially with respect to intangible assets. Critical estimates in valuing intangible assets include, but are not limited to, expected future revenue growth rates and margins, future changes in technology, time to recreate customer relationships, useful lives, and discount rates. Fair value estimates are based on the assumptions that management believes a market participant would use in pricing the asset or liability. These estimates are inherently uncertain and, therefore, actual results may differ from the estimates made. As a result, during the measurement period of up to one year from the acquisition date, the Company may record adjustments to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed with the corresponding offset to goodwill. Upon the conclusion of the measurement period or final determination of the fair value of the purchase price of an acquisition, whichever comes first, any subsequent adjustments are recorded in the Consolidated Statements of Operations.\\n\\nGoodwill\\n\\nThe Company performs its goodwill impairment analysis as of the first day of the fourth quarter of each year and, if certain events or circumstances indicate that an impairment loss may have been incurred, on a more frequent basis. The analysis may include both qualitative and quantitative factors to assess the likelihood of an impairment.\\n\\nThe Company has the option to first perform qualitative testing to determine if it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit exceeds its carrying amount. Qualitative factors include industry and market considerations, overall financial performance, share price trends and market capitalization and Company-specific events. If the Company concludes it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit exceeds its carrying amount, the Company does not proceed to perform a quantitative impairment test.\\n\\nIf the Company concludes it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying value or elects to bypass the qualitative test, a quantitative goodwill impairment test will be performed by comparing the fair value of each reporting unit to its carrying value. The Company’s quantitative impairment analysis uses a combination of the income approach, which requires estimates of the present value of expected future cash flows of a reporting unit, and the market approach, which uses financial ratios of comparable companies to arrive at an estimated value for the reporting units. Significant estimates and assumptions used in the income approach include assessments of macroeconomic conditions, growth rates of reporting units in the near- and long-term, expectations of the Company’s ability to execute on roadmaps and projections, and the discount rate applied to cash flows. Significant estimates used in the market approach include the identification of comparable companies for each reporting unit, and the determination of the appropriate multiples to apply to a reporting unit based on adjustments and consideration of specific attributes of that reporting unit. If a reporting unit’s fair value is determined to be less than its carrying value, a goodwill impairment charge is recognized for the amount by which the reporting unit’s fair value is less than its carrying value, not to exceed the total amount of goodwill allocated to that reporting unit.\\n\\nLong-Lived and Intangible Assets\\n\\nLong-lived and intangible assets to be held and used are reviewed for impairment if indicators of potential impairment exist and at least annually for indefinite- lived intangible assets. Impairment indicators are reviewed on a quarterly basis. Assets are grouped and evaluated for impairment at the lowest level of identifiable cash flows.\\n\\nWhen indicators of impairment exist and assets are held for use, the Company estimates future undiscounted cash flows attributable to the related asset groups. In the event such cash flows are not expected to be sufficient to recover the recorded value of the assets, the assets are written down to their estimated fair values based on the expected discounted future cash flows attributable to the asset group or based on appraisals. Factors affecting impairment of assets held for use include the ability of the specific assets to generate separately identifiable positive cash flows.\\n\\nWhen assets are removed from operations and held for sale, the Company estimates impairment losses as the excess of the carrying value of the assets over their fair value. Market conditions are among the factors affecting impairment of assets held for sale. Changes in any of these factors could necessitate impairment recognition in future periods for assets held for use or assets held for sale.\\n\\n59\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nCash Equivalents\\n\\nCash equivalents consist of financial instruments that are readily convertible into cash and have original maturities of three months or less at the time of purchase.\\n\\nAccounts Receivable\\n\\nAccounts receivable are primarily comprised of trade receivables presented net of rebates, price protection and an allowance for credit loss. Accounts receivable also include unbilled receivables, which primarily represent work completed on development services recognized as revenue but not yet invoiced to customers and semi-custom products under non-cancellable purchase orders that have no alternative use to the Company at contract inception, for which revenue has been recognized but not yet invoiced to customers. All unbilled accounts receivables are expected to be billed and collected within twelve months.\\n\\nThe Company manages its exposure to customer credit risk through credit limits, credit lines, ongoing monitoring procedures and credit approvals. Furthermore, the Company performs in-depth credit evaluations of all new customers and, at intervals, for existing customers. From this, the Company may require letters of credit, bank or corporate guarantees or advance payments if deemed necessary. The Company maintains an allowance for credit loss, consisting of known specific troubled accounts as well as an amount based on overall estimated potential uncollectible accounts receivable based on historical experience and review of their current credit quality. The Company does not believe the receivable balance from its customers represents a significant credit risk.\\n\\nInvestments\\n\\nAvailable for Sale Debt Securities. The Company classifies its investments in debt securities at the date of acquisition as available-for-sale. Available-for-sale debt securities are reported at fair value with the related unrealized gains and losses included, net of tax, in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), a component of stockholders’ equity. If an available-for-sale debt security’s fair value is less than its amortized cost basis, then the Company evaluates whether the decline is the result of a credit loss, in which case an impairment is recorded through an allowance for credit losses. Unrealized gains and losses not attributable to credit losses are included, net of tax, in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), a component of stockholders’ equity. Classification of available-for-sale debt securities as current or non-current is based on the Company’s intent and belief in its ability to sell these securities and use the proceeds from sale in operations within 12 months.\\n\\nNon-marketable Securities. The Company’s investments in non-marketable securities of privately-held companies are accounted for under the measurement alternative, defined as cost, less impairments, adjusted for subsequent observable price changes and are periodically assessed for impairment when events or circumstances indicate that a decline in value may have occurred. The Company\\'s periodic assessment of impairment is made by considering available evidence, including the investee’s general market and industry conditions and product development status. The Company also assesses the investee’s ability to meet business milestones, its financial condition, and near-term prospects, including the rate at which the investee is using its cash, the investee’s need for possible additional funding at a lower valuation and any bona fide offer to purchase the investee.\\n\\nFair Value Measurements\\n\\nThe Company’s financial instruments are measured and recorded at fair value on a recurring basis, except for non-marketable equity investments in privately- held companies, which are generally accounted for under the measurement alternative.\\n\\nFair Value Hierarchy\\n\\nThe fair value framework requires the categorization of assets and liabilities into three levels based upon the assumptions (inputs) used to price the assets or liabilities. The guidance for fair value measurements requires that assets and liabilities carried at fair value be classified and disclosed in one of the following categories:\\n\\nLevel 1 — Quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.\\n\\nLevel 2 — Observable inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1, such as quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active; or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data for substantially the full term of the asset or liability.\\n\\n60\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nLevel 3 — Unobservable inputs to the valuation methodology that are supported by little or no market activity and that are significant to the measurement of the fair value of the assets or liabilities. Level 3 assets and liabilities include those whose fair value measurements are determined using pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies or similar valuation techniques, as well as significant management judgment or estimation.\\n\\nProperty and Equipment\\n\\nProperty and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation and amortization are provided on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of one to 15 years for equipment, 34 to 44 years for buildings, and leasehold improvements are measured by the shorter of the remaining terms of the leases or the estimated useful economic lives of the improvements.\\n\\nLeases\\n\\nOperating and finance leases are recorded as right-of-use (ROU) assets and lease liabilities on the Company’s balance sheet. ROU assets represent the Company’s right to use an underlying asset for the lease term and lease liabilities represent the Company’s obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease. Operating and finance lease ROU assets and liabilities are initially recognized based on the present value of lease payments over the lease term. In determining the present value of lease payments, the Company uses the implicit interest rate if readily determinable. When the implicit interest rate is not readily determinable, the Company uses its incremental borrowing rate, which is based on its collateralized borrowing capabilities over a similar term of the lease payments. The Company utilizes the consolidated group incremental borrowing rate for all leases as the Company has centralized treasury operations. Lease expense for operating lease payments is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The Company has elected the accounting policy to not recognize ROU assets and lease liabilities that arise from short-term (12 months or less) leases for any class of underlying asset. Operating leases are included in operating lease ROU assets, other current liabilities, and long-term operating lease liabilities on the Company’s consolidated balance sheets. The Company’s finance leases are immaterial.\\n\\nForeign Currency Translation/Transactions\\n\\nThe functional currency of the majority of the Company’s foreign subsidiaries is the U.S. dollar. For certain foreign subsidiaries where the local currency is the functional currency, assets and liabilities are translated from foreign currencies into U.S. dollars. Gains or losses arising from translation of foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities (i.e., cumulative translation adjustment) are included as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) in stockholders\\' equity.\\n\\nAssets and liabilities denominated in non-U.S. dollars have been remeasured into U.S. dollars at current exchange rates for monetary assets and liabilities and historical exchange rates for non-monetary assets and liabilities. Non-U.S. dollar denominated transactions have been remeasured at average exchange rates in effect during each period, except for those cost of sales and expense transactions related to non-monetary balance sheet amounts which have been remeasured at historical exchange rates. The gains or losses from foreign currency remeasurement are included in earnings.\\n\\nMarketing and Advertising Expenses\\n\\nAdvertising costs are expensed as incurred. In addition, the Company’s marketing and advertising expenses include certain cooperative advertising funding obligations under customer incentive programs, which costs are recorded upon agreement with customers and vendor partners. Cooperative advertising expenses are recorded as marketing, general and administrative expense to the extent the cash paid does not exceed the estimated fair value of the advertising benefit received. Any excess of cash paid over the estimated fair value of the advertising benefit received is recorded as a reduction of revenue. Total marketing and advertising expenses for 2022, 2021 and 2020 were approximately $683 million, $578 million and $314 million, respectively.\\n\\n61\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nStock-Based Compensation\\n\\nThe Company estimates stock-based compensation cost for stock options at the grant date based on the option’s fair value as calculated by the Black-Scholes model. For time-based restricted stock units (RSUs), fair value is based on the closing price of the Company’s common stock on the grant date. The Company estimates the grant-date fair value of RSUs that involve a market condition using the Monte Carlo simulation model. The Company estimates the grant-date fair value of stock to be issued under the Company’s Employee Stock Purchase plan (ESPP) using the Black-Scholes model. Compensation expense is recognized over the vesting period of the applicable award using the straight-line method, except for the compensation expense related to RSUs with performance or market conditions (PRSUs), which are recognized ratably for each vesting tranche from the service inception date to the end of the requisite service period. Forfeiture rates are estimated at the time of grant and revised, if necessary, in subsequent periods if actual forfeitures differ from those estimates.\\n\\nContingencies\\n\\nFrom time to time the Company is a defendant or plaintiff in various legal actions that arise in the normal course of business. The Company is also subject to income tax, indirect tax or other tax claims by tax agencies in jurisdictions in which it conducts business. In addition, the Company is a party to environmental matters including local, regional, state and federal government clean-up activities at or near locations where the Company currently or has in the past conducted business. The Company is required to assess the likelihood of any adverse judgments or outcomes to these matters as well as potential ranges of reasonably possible losses. A determination of the amount of reserves required for these commitments and contingencies that would be charged to earnings, if any, includes assessing the probability of adverse outcomes and estimating the amount of potential losses. The required reserves, if any, may change due to new developments in each matter or changes in circumstances such as a change in settlement strategy.\\n\\nIncome Taxes\\n\\nThe Company computes the provision for income taxes using the liability method and recognizes deferred tax assets and liabilities for temporary differences between financial statement and income tax bases of assets and liabilities, as well as for operating loss and tax credit carryforwards. The Company measures deferred tax assets and liabilities using tax rates applicable to taxable income in effect for the years in which those tax assets are expected to be realized or settled and provides a valuation allowance against deferred tax assets when it cannot conclude that it is more likely than not that some or all deferred tax assets will be realized. The assessment requires significant judgment and is performed in each of the applicable taxing jurisdictions. In addition, the Company recognizes tax benefits from uncertain tax positions only if it is more likely than not that they will be sustained, based on the technical merits of the positions, on examination by the jurisdictional tax authority.\\n\\nGlobal Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI). In 2022, the Company elected to change its method of accounting for the United States GILTI tax from recording the tax impact in the period it is incurred to recognizing deferred taxes for temporary tax basis differences expected to reverse as GILTI tax in future years. The change is considered preferable based on the Company’s facts and circumstances as it provides better and more timely information of expected future income tax liabilities arising from temporary tax differences primarily associated with the Xilinx acquisition. As a result of the acquisition, the Company recorded $27.3 billion of identified intangible assets (refer to Note 5 - Business Combinations), of which $16.9 billion are related to foreign operations which will be amortized to income from operations over the assets’ estimated useful lives, but for which the Company will not receive a tax deduction under GILTI. This accounting policy change resulted in the recording of $857 million of deferred tax liabilities in connection with the Xilinx acquisition as disclosed in Note 14 - Income Taxes. In addition, for the year ended December 31, 2022, it resulted in a decrease in the income tax provision with a corresponding increase to net income of $296 million and an increase in basic and diluted earnings per share of $0.19, as compared to the computation under the previous accounting policy. This accounting policy change had no material impact on the Company’s historical consolidated financial statements.\\n\\n62\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAccrued Interest on Unrecognized Tax Benefits. Prior to 2022, the Company reported any interest expense related to unrecognized tax benefits as a component of Interest expense and reported any related penalties as a component of Income tax provision (benefit). In 2022, the Company elected to change its method of accounting for tax interest expense from Interest expense to the Income tax provision (benefit) line in the Consolidated Statements of Operations. This change in classification is considered preferable as it i) better aligns classification of tax interest with the substance of the underlying tax positions, which are managed inclusive of interest, ii) allows for greater visibility to the cost of the Company’s debt and other financing activities, and iii) better aligns with common industry practice and provides increased comparability. This accounting policy change resulted in a decrease in Interest expense and corresponding increase to i) Income before income taxes and equity income and ii) Income tax provision (benefit) as reported on the Consolidated Statements of Operations of $11 million in 2022. This accounting policy change had an immaterial effect on the Consolidated Statements of Operations in 2021 and 2020, and the Company did not revise its previously issued consolidated financial statements for these fiscal years. This accounting policy change had no impact to net income or basic and diluted earnings per share, or to financial statements besides the Consolidated Statements of Operations, for any period, as compared to the computation under the previous accounting policy.\\n\\nNOTE 3 – Supplemental Financial Statement Information\\n\\nAccounts Receivable, net\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, Accounts receivable, net included unbilled accounts receivable of $1.1 billion and $329 million, respectively. Unbilled accounts receivables primarily represent work completed for development services and on custom products for which revenue has been recognized but not yet invoiced. All unbilled accounts receivable are expected to be billed and collected within 12 months.\\n\\nInventories\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nRaw materials Work in process Finished goods\\n\\nTotal inventories\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n(In millions) 231 $\\n\\n2,648 892 3,771 $\\n\\nProperty and Equipment, net\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nLand Building and leasehold improvements Equipment Construction in progress Property and equipment, gross Accumulated depreciation\\n\\nTotal property and equipment, net\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n(In millions) 120 $ 594 2,163 143 3,020 (1,507) 1,513 $\\n\\nDepreciation expense for 2022, 2021 and 2020 was $439 million, $296 million and $217 million, respectively.\\n\\nOther Non-current Assets\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nPrepaid long-term supply agreements Software and technology licenses, net Other\\n\\nTotal other non-current assets\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,252 $ 362 538 2,152 $\\n\\nPrepaid long-term supply agreements relate to payments made to vendors to secure long-term supply capacity.\\n\\n63\\n\\n82 1,676 197 1,955\\n\\n— 206 1,534 96 1,836 (1,134) 702\\n\\n916 323 239 1,478\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAccrued Liabilities\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nAccrued marketing programs Accrued compensation and benefits Customer program liabilities Other accrued and current liabilities\\n\\nTotal accrued liabilities\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n(In millions) 876 $ 701 859 641 3,077 $\\n\\nRevenue\\n\\nRevenue allocated to remaining performance obligations that are unsatisfied (or partially unsatisfied) include amounts received from customers and amounts that will be invoiced and recognized as revenue in future periods for development services, IP licensing and product revenue. As of December 31, 2022, the aggregate transaction price allocated to remaining performance obligations under contracts with an original expected duration of more than one year was $247 million, of which $213 million is expected to be recognized in the next 12 months. The revenue allocated to remaining performance obligations does not include amounts which have an original expected duration of one year or less.\\n\\nRevenue recognized over time associated with custom products and development services accounted for approximately 24%, 23% and 18% of the Company’s revenue in 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively.\\n\\nNOTE 4 – Segment Reporting\\n\\nManagement, including the Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM), who is the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, reviews and assesses operating performance using segment net revenue and operating income (loss). These performance measures include the allocation of expenses to the reportable segments based on management’s judgment. In the second quarter of fiscal year 2022, the Company updated its segment reporting structure to align financial reporting with the manner in which the Company manages its business in strategic end markets. The Company’s disclosed measure of segment operating results has been updated consistent with the revised manner in which the Company’s CODM assesses the company’s financial performance and allocates resources. All prior-period segment data have been retrospectively adjusted.\\n\\nThe Company’s four reportable segments are:\\n\\n\\n\\nthe Data Center segment, which primarily includes server CPUs and GPUs, DPUs, FPGAs and Adaptive SoC products for data centers;\\n\\n\\n\\nthe Client segment, which primarily includes CPUs, accelerated processing units that integrate microprocessors and GPUs (APUs), and chipsets for desktop and notebook personal computers;\\n\\n\\n\\nthe Gaming segment, which primarily includes discrete GPUs, semi-custom SoC products and development services; and\\n\\n\\n\\nthe Embedded segment, which primarily includes embedded CPUs and GPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoC products.\\n\\nFrom time to time, the Company may also sell or license portions of its IP portfolio.\\n\\nIn addition to these reportable segments, the Company has an All Other category, which is not a reportable segment. This category primarily includes certain expenses and credits that are not allocated to any of the reportable segments because the CODM does not consider these expenses and credits in evaluating the performance of the reportable segments. This category primarily includes amortization of acquisition-related intangibles, employee stock-based compensation expense, acquisition-related costs and licensing gain.\\n\\n64\\n\\n933 705 314 472 2,424\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe\\n\\nfollowing\\n\\ntable provides a summary of net\\n\\nrevenue and operating\\n\\nincome\\n\\n(loss) by segment\\n\\nfor 2022, 2021 and 2020.\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nNet revenue:\\n\\nData Center Client Gaming Embedded\\n\\nTotal net revenue Operating income (loss):\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n6,043 $ 6,201 6,805 4,552 23,601 $\\n\\n3,694 $ 6,887 5,607 246 16,434 $\\n\\n1,685 5,189 2,746 143 9,763\\n\\nData Center Client Gaming Embedded All Other\\n\\nTotal operating income (loss)\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,848 $ 1,190 953 2,252 (4,979) 1,264 $\\n\\n991 $\\n\\n2,088 934 44 (409) 3,648 $\\n\\n198 1,608 (138) (11) (288) 1,369\\n\\nThe following table provides items included in All Other category:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nYear Ended December 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nOperating loss:\\n\\nStock-based compensation expense Acquisition-related costs Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles Licensing gain\\n\\nTotal operating loss\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,081 $ 452 3,548 (102) 4,979 $\\n\\n379 $ 42 — (12) 409 $\\n\\n274 14 — — 288\\n\\nThe Company does not discretely allocate assets to its operating segments, nor does management evaluate operating segments using discrete asset information.\\n\\nThe following table summarizes sales to external customers by geographic regions based on billing location of the customer:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nYear Ended December 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nUnited States China (including Hong Kong) Japan Europe Taiwan Singapore Other countries\\n\\n$\\n\\n8,049 $ 5,207 4,177 1,773 2,369 1,380 646 23,601 $\\n\\n4,656 $ 4,096 2,381 1,249 2,091 1,389 572 16,434 $\\n\\n2,294 2,329 1,033 1,108 1,187 1,096 716 9,763\\n\\nTotal sales to external customers\\n\\n$\\n\\n65\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe following table summarizes sales to major customers that accounted for at least 10% of the Company’s consolidated net revenue for the respective years:\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\nCustomer A Customer B\\n\\n16 % *\\n\\n14 % 11 %\\n\\n\\n\\nLess than 10%\\n\\nSales to customers A and B consisted of sales of products from the Gaming and Client segments, respectively.\\n\\nThe following table summarizes Property and equipment, net by geographic areas:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nUnited States Canada China Singapore India Ireland Other countries\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,102 $ 80 42 132 67 48 42 1,513 $\\n\\nTotal property and equipment, net\\n\\n$\\n\\nNOTE 5 – Business Combinations\\n\\nPensando Acquisition\\n\\nOn May 26, 2022, the Company completed the acquisition of all issued and outstanding shares of Pensando, a leader in next-generation distributed computing, for a transaction valued at approximately $1.9 billion. The recorded purchase consideration of $1.7 billion is net of deferred cash compensation requiring future services and other customary closing adjustments. The acquisition of Pensando and its leading distributed services platform expands the Company’s ability to offer leadership solutions for cloud, enterprise, and edge customers.\\n\\n66\\n\\n*\\n\\n486 105 35 35 11 — 30 702\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe purchase consideration was preliminarily allocated as follows:\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nCash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Inventory Prepaid expenses and other current assets Property and equipment Deferred tax assets Acquisition-related intangibles Total Assets Accounts payable Accrued and other liabilities Total Liabilities Fair value of net assets acquired Goodwill\\n\\n$\\n\\nTotal purchase consideration\\n\\n$\\n\\nThe Company allocated the purchase price to tangible and identified intangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on the preliminary estimates of their fair values, which were determined using generally accepted valuation techniques based on estimates and assumptions made by management. The fair values are subject to adjustment for up to one year after the close of the transaction as additional information is obtained. Any adjustments to the preliminary purchase price allocation identified during the measurement period are recognized in the period in which the adjustments are determined. Adjustments to the preliminary purchase price allocation since the completion of the acquisition resulted in an immaterial decrease to goodwill.\\n\\nGoodwill arising from the Pensando acquisition was assigned to the Company’s Data Center segment. Goodwill was primarily attributed to expanded market opportunities expected to be achieved from the integration of Pensando. Goodwill is not expected to be deductible for income tax purposes.\\n\\n67\\n\\n111 31 66 43 11 22 349 633 15 61 76 557 1,098 1,655\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nFollowing are details of the purchase consideration allocated to acquired intangible assets:\\n\\n(1)\\n\\nDeveloped technology Customer relationships Customer backlog Product trademarks Identified intangible assets subject to amortization In-process research and development (IPR&D) not subject to amortization\\n\\n(2)\\n\\n(3)\\n\\n(4)\\n\\nTotal identified intangible assets acquired\\n\\n(5)\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\nFair Value (In millions)\\n\\n60 34 16 19 129 220 349\\n\\nWeighted-average estimated useful life (In years) 4 years 3 years 1 year 5 years\\n\\nN/A\\n\\n1. The fair value of developed technology was determined using the income approach, specifically the multi-period excess earnings method. 2. Customer relationships represent the fair value of existing contractual relationships and customer loyalty determined based on existing relationships using the income approach, specifically the with and without method.\\n\\n3. Customer backlog represents the fair value of non-cancellable customer contract orders using the income approach, specifically the multi-period excess earnings method.\\n\\n4. Product trademarks primarily relate to the Pensando product-related trademarks, and the fair value was determined by applying the income approach, specifically the relief from royalty method.\\n\\n5. The fair value of IPR&D was determined using the income approach, specifically the multi-period excess earnings method.\\n\\nThe fair value of the identified intangible assets subject to amortization are amortized over the assets’ estimated useful lives based on the pattern in which the economic benefits are expected to be received to cost of sales and operating expenses.\\n\\nIPR&D consists of projects that have not yet reached technological feasibility as of the acquisition date. Accordingly, the Company recorded an indefinite-lived intangible asset of $220 million for the fair value of these projects, which will initially not be amortized. Instead, these projects will be tested for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that these projects may be impaired. Once the project reaches technological feasibility, the Company will begin to amortize the intangible assets over their estimated useful lives.\\n\\nFrom the Pensando Acquisition Date to December 31, 2022, the Consolidated Statements of Operations include immaterial revenue and operating results attributable to Pensando, which are reported under the Data Center segment.\\n\\nIn 2022, Pensando acquisition-related costs of $102 million was recorded under Cost of sales, Research and development, and Marketing, general and administrative expenses on the Company’s Consolidated Statements of Operations. Acquisition-related costs are primarily comprised of direct transaction costs, fair value adjustments for acquired inventory and certain compensation charges. The Company may incur additional acquisition-related costs in the future related to the acquisition.\\n\\nXilinx Acquisition\\n\\nOn February 14, 2022, the Company completed the acquisition of all issued and outstanding shares of Xilinx, a leading provider of adaptive computing solutions, for a total purchase consideration of $48.8 billion ($46.4 billion, net of cash acquired of $2.4 billion). The acquisition of Xilinx expands the Company’s product portfolio to include adaptable hardware platforms that enable hardware acceleration and rapid innovation across a variety of technologies. With the acquisition of Xilinx, the Company now offers FPGAs, Adaptive SoC products and ACAP products. The purchase consideration consisted of $48.5 billion of fair value of 429 million shares of the Company’s common stock issued to Xilinx stockholders and $275 million of fair value of replacement equity awards attributable to services rendered pre-combination. As the transaction closed prior to the opening of markets on the Xilinx Acquisition Date, the fair value of the common stock issued to Xilinx stockholders was based on the closing price of the Company’s common stock on February 11, 2022 of $113.18 per share.\\n\\nThe financial results of Xilinx are included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements from the Xilinx Acquisition Date to December 31, 2022 and are reported under the Embedded and Data Center segments.\\n\\n68\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe purchase consideration was allocated as follows:\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nCash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Accounts receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses and other current assets Property and equipment Operating lease right-of-use assets Acquisition-related intangibles Deferred tax assets Other non-current assets Total Assets Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Other current liabilities Long-term debt Long-term operating lease liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Other long-term liabilities Total Liabilities Fair value of net assets acquired Goodwill\\n\\n$\\n\\n2,366 1,582 299 539 61 692 61 27,308 15 418 33,341 116 634 185 1,474 45 4,346 532 7,332 26,009 22,784 48,793\\n\\nTotal purchase consideration\\n\\n$\\n\\nThe Company allocated the purchase price to tangible and identified intangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on the estimates of their fair values, which were determined using generally accepted valuation techniques based on estimates and assumptions made by management.\\n\\nGoodwill arising from the acquisition of Xilinx was assigned to the Embedded and Data Center segments. Goodwill was primarily attributed to increased synergies expected to be achieved from the integration of Xilinx. Goodwill is not expected to be deductible for income tax purposes.\\n\\nFollowing are details of the purchase consideration allocated to acquired intangible assets:\\n\\nFair Value\\n\\nWeighted-average estimated useful life\\n\\n(1)\\n\\nDeveloped technology Customer relationships Customer backlog Corporate trade name (4) Product trademarks Identified intangible assets subject to amortization In-process research and development (IPR&D) not subject to amortization\\n\\n(2)\\n\\n(3)\\n\\n(4)\\n\\n(5)\\n\\n$\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\n12,295 12,290 793 65 895 26,338 970 27,308\\n\\n(In years) 16 years 14 years 1 year 1 year 12 years\\n\\nN/A\\n\\nTotal identified intangible assets acquired\\n\\n$\\n\\n1. The fair value of developed technology was determined using the income approach, specifically, the multi-period excess earnings method.\\n\\n2. Customer relationships represent the fair value of existing contractual relationships and customer loyalty determined based on existing relationships using the income approach, specifically the with and without method.\\n\\n69\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n3. Customer backlog represents the fair value of non-cancellable customer contract orders using the income approach, specifically the multi-period excess earnings method.\\n\\n4. Corporate trade name and product trademarks primarily relate to the Xilinx brand and product-related trademarks, respectively, and the fair values were determined by applying the income approach, specifically the relief from royalty method.\\n\\n5. The fair value of IPR&D was determined using the income approach, specifically the multi-period excess earnings method.\\n\\nThe fair value of the identified intangible assets subject to amortization are amortized over the assets’ estimated useful lives based on the pattern in which the economic benefits are expected to be received to cost of sales and operating expenses.\\n\\nIPR&D consists of projects that have not yet reached technological feasibility as of the acquisition date. Accordingly, the Company recorded an indefinite-lived intangible asset of $970 million for the fair value of these projects, which will initially not be amortized. Instead, these projects are tested for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that these projects may be impaired. Once the project reaches technological feasibility, the Company will begin to amortize the intangible assets over their estimated useful life.\\n\\nThe Company also assumed unvested restricted stock units with estimated fair value of $1.2 billion, of which $275 million was included as a component of the purchase consideration and $951 million will be recognized as expense subsequent to the acquisition.\\n\\nThe Consolidated Statements of Operations include the following revenue and operating income attributable to Xilinx in 2022:\\n\\n2022\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nNet revenue Operating income\\n\\n$ $\\n\\nOperating income attributable to Xilinx recorded under the Embedded and Data Center segments does not include $4.2 billion of amortization of acquisition- related intangibles, employee stock-based compensation expense and acquisition-related costs, which are recorded under the “All Other” segment.\\n\\nIn 2022, Xilinx acquisition-related costs of $350 million were recorded under Cost of sales, Research and development, and Marketing, general and administrative expenses on the Company’s Consolidated Statements of Operations. Acquisition-related costs are primarily comprised of direct transaction costs, fair value adjustments for acquired inventory and certain compensation charges. The Company may incur additional acquisition-related costs in the future related to the Xilinx acquisition.\\n\\nSupplemental Unaudited Pro Forma Information\\n\\nFollowing are the supplemental consolidated financial results of the Company, Xilinx and Pensando on an unaudited pro forma basis, as if the acquisitions had been consummated as of the beginning of the fiscal year 2021 (i.e., December 27, 2020).\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n(in millions)\\n\\nNet revenue Net income\\n\\n$ $\\n\\n24,117 $ 2,311 $\\n\\n70\\n\\n4,612 2,247\\n\\n20,150 8\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe Company’s fiscal year ends on the last Saturday in December of each year, Xilinx’s fiscal year ended on the Saturday nearest March 31 of each year and Pensando’s fiscal year ended on January 31 of each year. The unaudited pro forma information above is presented on the basis of the Company’s fiscal year and combines the historical results of the fiscal periods of the Company with the following historical results of Xilinx and Pensando: the twelve months ended December 31, 2022 includes Xilinx results for the twelve-month period beginning January 2, 2022 through December 31, 2022 and Pensando results for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022; and the twelve months ended December 25, 2021 includes Xilinx results for the twelve months ended January 1, 2022 and Pensando results for the twelve months ended December 31, 2021.\\n\\nThe unaudited pro forma financial information presented is for informational purposes only and is not necessarily indicative of the results of operations that would have been achieved if the Xilinx and Pensando acquisitions were completed at the beginning of fiscal year 2021 and are not indicative of the future operating results of the combined company. The pro forma results include adjustments related to purchase accounting, primarily amortization of acquisition- related intangible assets, fixed asset depreciation expense and expense from assumed stock-based compensation awards. The pro forma results also include amortization expense of acquired Xilinx inventory fair value step-up of $184 million in fiscal year 2021 and no Xilinx inventory fair value step-up expense in fiscal year 2022.\\n\\nNOTE 6 – Acquisition-related Intangible Assets and Goodwill\\n\\nAcquisition-related Intangible Assets\\n\\nAcquisition-related intangibles as of December 31, 2022 were as follows:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nWeighted-average Remaining Useful Life\\n\\nGross Carrying Amount\\n\\nAccumulated Amortization\\n\\nNet Carrying Amount\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nDeveloped technology Customer relationships Customer backlog Corporate trade name Product trademarks Identified intangible assets subject to amortization IPR&D not subject to amortization\\n\\nTotal acquisition-related intangible assets\\n\\n15 years 13 years 1 month 1 month 11 years\\n\\nN/A\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n12,360 $ 12,324 809 65 914 26,472 1,194 27,666 $\\n\\n(738) $\\n\\n(1,973) (712) (57) (68) (3,548) — (3,548) $\\n\\n11,622 10,351 97 8 846 22,924 1,194 24,118\\n\\nAcquisition-related intangible asset balance as of December 25, 2021 was not material.\\n\\nAcquisition-related intangible amortization expense was $3.5 billion in fiscal year 2022.\\n\\nBased on the carrying value of acquisition-related intangibles recorded as of December 31, 2022, and assuming no subsequent impairment of the underlying assets, the estimated annual amortization expense for acquisition-related intangibles is expected to be as follows:\\n\\nFiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 and thereafter\\n\\nTotal\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\n2,804 2,286 2,061 1,951 1,844 11,978 22,924\\n\\n71\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nGoodwill\\n\\nIn the second quarter of fiscal year 2022, the Company reassigned goodwill balances among the updated reportable segments to reflect changes in its segment reporting structure. The Company performed a goodwill impairment test immediately prior to and after the segment change and determined that no indicators of impairment to goodwill existed.\\n\\nThe carrying amount of goodwill as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021 was $24.2 billion and $289 million, respectively, and was assigned to reporting units within the following reportable segments:\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nAcquisitions\\n\\nAdjustments and Reassignment due to segment change\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nReportable segments before segment change:\\n\\nEnterprise, Embedded and Semi-Custom Xilinx\\n\\n$\\n\\n289 $ —\\n\\n— $\\n\\n22,794\\n\\n(289) $\\n\\n(22,794)\\n\\n— —\\n\\nReportable segments after segment change:\\n\\nData Center Gaming Embedded\\n\\nTotal\\n\\n$\\n\\n— — — 289 $\\n\\n1,094 — — 23,888 $\\n\\n1,790 238 21,055\\n\\n— $\\n\\n2,884 238 21,055 24,177\\n\\nDuring the fourth quarter of fiscal years 2022 and 2021, the Company conducted its annual impairment tests of goodwill and concluded that there was no goodwill impairment with respect to its reporting units.\\n\\nNOTE 7 – Related Parties—Equity Joint Ventures\\n\\nATMP Joint Ventures\\n\\nThe Company holds a 15% equity interest in two joint ventures (collectively, the ATMP JV) with affiliates of Tongfu Microelectronics Co., Ltd, a Chinese joint stock company. The Company has no obligation to fund the ATMP JV. The Company accounts for its equity interests in the ATMP JV under the equity method of accounting due to its significant influence over the ATMP JV.\\n\\nThe ATMP JV provides assembly, test, mark and packaging (ATMP) services to the Company. The Company assists the ATMP JV in its management of certain raw material inventory. The purchases from and resales to the ATMP JV of inventory under the Company’s inventory management program are reported within purchases and resales with the ATMP JV and do not impact the Company’s consolidated statement of operations.\\n\\nThe Company’s purchases from the ATMP JV during 2022 and 2021 amounted to $1.7 billion and $1.1 billion, respectively. As of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, the amounts payable to the ATMP JV were $463 million and $85 million, respectively, and are included in Payables to related parties on the Company’s consolidated balance sheets. The Company’s resales to the ATMP JV during 2022 and 2021 amounted to $15 million and $28 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, the Company had receivables from ATMP JV of $2 million for each year, included in Receivables from related parties on the Company’s consolidated balance sheets.\\n\\nDuring 2022, 2021 and 2020, the Company recorded gains of $14 million, $6 million and $5 million in Equity income in investee on its consolidated statement of operations, respectively. As of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, the carrying value of the Company’s investment in the ATMP JV was approximately $83 million and $69 million, respectively.\\n\\nTHATIC Joint Ventures\\n\\nThe Company holds equity interests in two joint ventures (collectively, the THATIC JV) with Higon Information Technology Co., Ltd. (THATIC), a third-party Chinese entity. As of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, the carrying value of the investment was zero.\\n\\n72\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nIn February 2016, the Company licensed certain of its intellectual property (Licensed IP) to the THATIC JV, payable over several years upon achievement of certain milestones. The Company also receives a royalty based on the sales of the THATIC JV’s products developed on the basis of such Licensed IP. The Company classifies Licensed IP and royalty income associated with the February 2016 agreement as Licensing gain within operating income. During 2022 and 2021, the Company recognized $102 million in licensing gain from a milestone achievement and royalty income and $12 million of licensing gain from royalty income under the agreement, respectively. As of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, the Company had no receivables from the THATIC JV.\\n\\nIn June 2019, the Bureau of Industry and Security of the United States Department of Commerce added certain Chinese entities to the Entity List, including THATIC and the THATIC JV. The Company is complying with U.S. law pertaining to the Entity List designation.\\n\\nNOTE 8 – Debt and Revolving Credit Facility\\n\\nDebt\\n\\nThe Company’s total debt as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021 consisted of:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n7.50% Senior Notes Due August 2022 (7.50% Notes) 2.950% Senior Notes Due 2024 (Xilinx 2024 Notes) 2.125% Convertible Senior Notes Due 2026 (2.125% Notes) 2.375% Senior Notes Due 2030 (Xilinx 2030 Notes) 3.924% Senior Notes Due 2032 (3.924% Notes) 4.393% Senior Notes Due 2052 (4.393% Notes) Total debt (principal amount) Unamortized debt discount and issuance costs Total debt (net)\\n\\nLess: current portion of long-term debt\\n\\n$\\n\\n(In millions) — $\\n\\n750 1 750 500 500 2,501 (34) 2,467 — 2,467 $\\n\\nTotal long-term debt\\n\\n$\\n\\nIn August 2022, the Company repaid its $312 million 7.50% Senior Notes.\\n\\nAssumed Xilinx Notes\\n\\nIn connection with the acquisition of Xilinx, the Company assumed $1.5 billion in aggregate principal of Xilinx’s 2.95% Notes and 2.375% Notes (together, the Assumed Xilinx Notes) which were recorded at fair value as of the Xilinx Acquisition Date. The difference between the fair value at the Xilinx Acquisition Date and the principal outstanding of the Assumed Xilinx Notes is being amortized through interest expense over the remaining term of the debt. The Assumed Xilinx Notes are general unsecured senior obligations of the Company with semi-annual fixed interest payments due on June 1 and December 1. The indentures governing the Assumed Xilinx Notes contain various covenants which limit the Company’s ability to, among other things, create certain liens on principal property or the capital stock of certain subsidiaries, enter into certain sale and leaseback transactions with respect to principal property, and consolidate or merge with, or convey, transfer or lease all or substantially all of the Company’s assets to another person.\\n\\n3.924% Senior Notes Due 2032 and 4.393% Senior Notes Due 2052\\n\\nOn June 9, 2022, the Company issued $1.0 billion in aggregate principal amount of 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes. The 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes are general unsecured senior obligations of the Company. The interest is payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1 of each year, commencing on December 1, 2022. The 3.924% and 4.393% Notes are governed by the terms of an indenture dated June 9, 2022 between the Company and US Bank Trust Company, National Association as trustee. As of December 31, 2022, the outstanding aggregate principal amount of the 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes was $1.0 billion.\\n\\n73\\n\\n312 — 1 — — — 313 — 313 (312) 1\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe Company may redeem some or all of the 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes prior to March 1, 2032 and December 1, 2051, respectively, at a price equal to the greater of the present value of the principal amount and future interest through the maturity of the 3.924% Notes or 4.393% Notes or 100% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest. Holders have the right to require the Company to repurchase all or a portion of the 3.924% Notes or 4.393% Notes in the event that the Company undergoes a change of control as defined in the indenture, at a repurchase price of 101% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest. Additionally, an event of default may result in the acceleration of the maturity of the 3.924% Notes and 4.393% Notes.\\n\\n2.125% Notes\\n\\nDuring 2022, activity on the 2.125% Notes was immaterial.\\n\\n7.50% Senior Notes Due 2022\\n\\nOn August 15, 2012, the Company issued $500 million of its 7.50% Senior Notes due 2022 (7.50% Notes). These notes matured on August 15, 2022.\\n\\nFuture Payments on Total Debt\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, the Company’s future debt payment obligations were as follows:\\n\\nTerm Debt (Principal only)\\n\\nYear 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 and thereafter\\n\\n$\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nTotal\\n\\n$\\n\\nRevolving Credit Facility\\n\\nOn April 29, 2022, the Company entered into a Credit Agreement (Revolving Credit Agreement) with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as administrative agent and the other banks identified therein as lenders. The Revolving Credit Agreement provides for a five-year revolving credit facility in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3.0 billion (subject to certain terms and conditions).\\n\\nRevolving loans under the Revolving Credit Agreement can be Secure Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) Loans or Base Rate Loans (each as defined in the Revolving Credit Agreement) at the Company\\'s option. Each SOFR Loan will bear interest at a rate per annum equal to the applicable SOFR Rate plus a margin based on the Company\\'s Debt Ratings (as defined in the Revolving Credit Agreement) from time to time of between 0.625% and 1.250%. Each Base Rate Loan will bear interest at a rate per annum equal to the Base Rate (as defined in the Revolving Credit Agreement) plus a margin based on the Company\\'s Debt Ratings from time to time of between 0.000% and 0.250%. In addition, the Company has agreed to pay a commitment fee based on the Company\\'s Debt Ratings from time to time of between 0.050% and 0.125% (as defined in the Revolving Credit Agreement). The Revolving Credit Agreement also contains a sustainability-linked pricing component which provides for interest rate and facility fee reductions or increases based on the Company meeting or missing targets related to environmental sustainability, specifically greenhouse gas emissions.\\n\\nThe Revolving Credit Agreement contains customary representations and warranties, and affirmative and negative covenants and events of default applicable to the Company and its subsidiaries. As of December 31, 2022, the Company was in compliance with these covenants.\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, the Company had no outstanding borrowings under this revolving credit facility but may borrow in the future and use the proceeds for payment of expenses in connection with working capital and general corporate expenses.\\n\\n74\\n\\n— 750 — 1 — 1,750 2,501\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nCommercial Paper\\n\\nOn November 3, 2022, the Company established a new commercial paper program, under which the Company may issue unsecured commercial paper notes up to a maximum principal amount outstanding at any time of $3 billion with a maturity of up to 397 days from the date of issue. The commercial paper will be sold at a discount from par or, alternatively, will be sold at par and bear interest at rates that will vary based on market conditions at the time of issuance. As of December 31, 2022, the Company had no commercial paper outstanding.\\n\\nNOTE 9 – Financial Instruments\\n\\nFinancial Instruments Recorded at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis\\n\\n(In millions) Cash equivalents\\n\\nLevel 1\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022 Level 2\\n\\nTotal\\n\\nLevel 1\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021 Level 2\\n\\nTotal\\n\\nMoney market funds Commercial paper Time deposits and certificates of deposits\\n\\n$\\n\\n3,017 $ — —\\n\\n— $\\n\\n224 159\\n\\n3,017 $ 224 159\\n\\n4 $ — —\\n\\n— $ 45 —\\n\\n4 45 —\\n\\nShort-term investments Commercial paper Time deposits and certificates of deposits Asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities U.S. Treasury and agency securities Foreign government and agency securities\\n\\n— — — 466 —\\n\\n441 — 39 — 74\\n\\n441 — 39 466 74\\n\\n— — — — —\\n\\n880 193 — — —\\n\\n880 193 — — —\\n\\nOther non-current assets\\n\\nTime deposits and certificates of deposits Equity investments Deferred compensation plan investments\\n\\nTotal assets measured at fair value\\n\\n$\\n\\n— 8 90 3,581 $\\n\\n9 — — 945 $\\n\\n9 8 90 4,526 $\\n\\n— 66 72 142 $\\n\\n— — — 1,118 $\\n\\n— 66 72 1,260\\n\\nThe Company did not have any financial instruments measured at fair value on a recurring basis within Level 3 fair value measurements as of December 31, 2022 or December 25, 2021.\\n\\nDeferred compensation plan investments are primarily mutual fund investments held in a Rabbi trust established to maintain the Company’s executive deferred compensation plan.\\n\\nThe following is a summary of cash equivalents and short-term investments:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nCost/ Amortized Cost\\n\\nGross Unrealized Gains\\n\\nGross Unrealized Losses\\n\\nEstimated Fair Value\\n\\nAsset-backed and mortgage-backed securities Commercial paper Money market funds Time deposits and certificates of deposits U.S. Treasury and agency securities Foreign government and agency securities\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n42 $\\n\\n669 3,017 159 471 74 4,432 $\\n\\n(in millions) — $ — — — — — — $\\n\\n(3) $ (4) —\\n\\n(5) — (12) $\\n\\n39 665 3,017 159 466 74 4,420\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, the Company did not have material available-for-sale debt securities which had been in a continuous unrealized loss position of more than twelve months.\\n\\n75\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe contractual maturities of investments classified as available-for-sale are as follows:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nAmortized Cost\\n\\nFair Value\\n\\nAmortized Cost\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nDue within 1 year Due in 1 year through 5 years Due in 5 years and later\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,224 $ 159 41 1,424 $\\n\\n1,218 $ 156 38 1,412 $\\n\\n1,118 $ — — 1,118 $\\n\\nFinancial Instruments Not Recorded at Fair Value\\n\\nThe carrying amounts and estimated fair values of the Company’s long-term debt are as follows:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nCarrying Amount\\n\\nEstimated Fair Value\\n\\nCarrying Amount\\n\\nCurrent portion of long-term debt, net Long-term debt, net of current portion\\n\\n$\\n\\n— $\\n\\n2,467\\n\\n(In millions) — $\\n\\n2,281\\n\\n312 $ 1\\n\\nThe estimated fair value of the Company’s long-term debt is based on Level 2 inputs of quoted prices for the Company’s debt and comparable instruments in inactive markets.\\n\\nThe fair value of the Company’s accounts receivable, accounts payable and other short-term obligations approximate their carrying value based on existing terms.\\n\\nFinancial Instruments Measured at Fair Value on a Non-Recurring Basis\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, the Company had non-marketable securities in privately-held companies of $137 million. The balance of non-marketable securities in privately-held companies as of December 25, 2021 was not material.\\n\\nHedging Transactions and Derivative Financial Instruments\\n\\nForeign Currency Forward Contracts Designated as Accounting Hedges\\n\\nThe Company enters into foreign currency forward contracts to hedge its exposure to foreign currency exchange rate risk related to future forecasted transactions denominated in currencies other than the U.S. Dollar. These contracts generally mature within 24 months and are designated as accounting hedges. As of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, the notional value of the Company’s outstanding foreign currency forward contracts designated as cash flow hedges was $1.9 billion and $894 million, respectively. The fair value of these contracts, recorded as a liability, was $27 million as of December 31, 2022. The fair value of these contracts as of December 25, 2021 was not material.\\n\\nForeign Currency Forward Contracts Not Designated as Accounting Hedges\\n\\nThe Company also enters into foreign currency forward contracts to reduce the short-term effects of foreign currency fluctuations on certain receivables or payables denominated in currencies other than the U.S. Dollar. These forward contracts generally mature within 3 months and are not designated as accounting hedges. As of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, the notional value of these outstanding contracts was $485 million and $291 million, respectively. The fair value of these contracts was not material as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021.\\n\\nThe cash flows associated with derivative instruments as cash flow hedging instruments are classified in the same category in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows as the cash flows of the related items.\\n\\n76\\n\\nFair Value\\n\\nEstimated Fair Value\\n\\n1,118 — — 1,118\\n\\n326 15\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nNOTE 10 – Concentrations of Credit Risk\\n\\nFinancial instruments that potentially subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of investments in time deposits, available-for-sale debt securities and trade receivables.\\n\\nThe Company places its investments with high credit quality financial institutions. At the time an investment is made, investments in commercial paper of industrial firms and financial institutions are rated A1, P1, F1 or better. The Company invests in bonds that are rated A, A2 or better and repurchase agreements, each of which have securities of the type and quality listed above as collateral.\\n\\nThe Company believes that concentrations of credit risk with respect to trade receivables are limited because a large number of geographically diverse customers make up the Company’s customer base, thus diluting the trade credit risk. One customer accounted for approximately 18% of the total consolidated accounts receivable balance as of December 31, 2022. Two customers each accounted for approximately 20% and 15% of the total consolidated accounts receivable balance as of December 25, 2021. However, the Company does not believe the receivable balance from these customers represents a significant credit risk based on past collection experience and review of their current credit quality.\\n\\nThe Company is exposed to credit losses from nonperformance by counterparties on foreign currency hedge contracts. These counterparties are large global institutions, and to date, no such counterparty has failed to meet its financial obligations to the Company.\\n\\nNOTE 11 – Earnings Per Share\\n\\nBasic earnings per share is computed based on the weighted-average number of shares outstanding.\\n\\nDiluted earnings per share is computed based on the weighted-average number of shares outstanding plus potentially dilutive shares outstanding during the period. Potentially dilutive shares are determined by applying the treasury stock method to the Company’s stock options, RSUs (including PRSUs), common stock to be issued under the ESPP and warrants. Potentially dilutive shares issuable upon conversion of the 2.125% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026 (2.125% Notes) are calculated using the if-converted method.\\n\\nThe following table sets forth the components of basic and diluted earnings per share:\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n(In millions, except per share amounts)\\n\\nNumerator\\n\\nNet income for basic earnings per share Effect of potentially dilutive shares:\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,320 $\\n\\n3,162 $\\n\\n2,490\\n\\nInterest expense related to the 2.125% Notes\\n\\nNet income for diluted earnings per share\\n\\n$\\n\\n— 1,320 $\\n\\n— 3,162 $\\n\\n1 2,491\\n\\nDenominator\\n\\nBasic weighted-average shares Effect of potentially dilutive shares:\\n\\n1,561\\n\\n1,213\\n\\n1,184\\n\\nEmployee equity plans and warrants 2.125% Notes\\n\\nDiluted weighted-average shares\\n\\n10 — 1,571\\n\\n16 — 1,229\\n\\n20 3 1,207\\n\\nEarnings per share:\\n\\nBasic Diluted\\n\\n$ $\\n\\n0.85 $ 0.84 $\\n\\n2.61 $ 2.57 $\\n\\n2.10 2.06\\n\\nPotential shares from employee equity plans and the impact from the conversion of the 2.125% Notes up to the conversion date, totaling 16 million and 2 million shares for 2022 and 2021, respectively, were not included in the earnings per share calculation because their inclusion would have been anti-dilutive.\\n\\n77\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nNOTE 12 – Common Stock and Stock-Based Compensation\\n\\nCommon Stock\\n\\nShares of common stock outstanding were as follows:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nYear Ended December 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nBalance, beginning of period Common stock issued in the acquisition of Xilinx Common stock issued under employee equity plans Repurchases of common stock Common stock repurchases for tax withholding on equity awards Issuance of common stock to settle convertible debt\\n\\n1,207 429 17 (36) (5) — 1,612\\n\\n1,211 — 12 (17) (2) 3 1,207\\n\\nBalance, end of period\\n\\nStock Repurchase Program\\n\\nIn May 2021, the Company’s Board of Directors approved a stock repurchase program authorizing up to $4 billion of the Company’s common stock (Existing Repurchase Program). In February 2022, the Company’s Board of Directors approved a new stock repurchase program in addition to the Existing Repurchase Program to purchase up to $8 billion of outstanding common stock in the open market (collectively referred to as the “Repurchase Program”).\\n\\nDuring the year ended December 31, 2022, the Company repurchased 36.3 million shares of its common stock under the Repurchase Program for $3.7 billion. As of December 31, 2022, $6.5 billion remained available for future stock repurchases under this program. This Repurchase Program does not obligate the Company to acquire any common stock, has no termination date and may be suspended or discontinued at any time.\\n\\nStock-Based Compensation\\n\\nThe Company’s employee equity programs are intended to attract, retain and motivate highly qualified employees. On April 29, 2004, the Company’s stockholders approved the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended and restated (the 2004 Plan). In the fourth quarter of 2017, the Company introduced the 2017 ESPP, as amended and restated (the 2017 Plan).\\n\\nUnder the 2004 Plan, stock options generally vest and become exercisable over a three-year period from the date of grant and expire within seven years after the grant date. Unvested shares that are reacquired by the Company from forfeited outstanding equity awards become available for grant and may be reissued as new awards.\\n\\nUnder the 2004 Plan, the Company can grant (i) stock options, and (ii) RSUs, including time-based RSUs and PRSUs.\\n\\nStock Options. Under the 2004 Plan, nonstatutory and incentive stock options may be granted. The exercise price of the shares subject to each nonstatutory stock option and incentive stock option cannot be less than 100% of the fair market value of the Company’s common stock on the date of the grant. The exercise price of each option granted under the 2004 Plan must be paid in full at the time of the exercise.\\n\\nTime-based RSUs. Time-based RSUs are awards that can be granted to any employee, director or consultant and that obligate the Company to issue a specific number of shares of the Company’s common stock in the future if the vesting terms and conditions are satisfied.\\n\\nPRSUs. PRSUs can be granted to certain of the Company’s senior executives. The performance metrics can be financial performance, non-financial performance and/or market conditions. Each PRSU award reflects a target number of shares (Target Shares) that may be issued to an award recipient before adjusting based on the Company’s financial performance, non-financial performance and/or market conditions. The actual number of shares that a grant recipient receives at the end of the period may range from 0% to 250% of the Target Shares granted, depending upon the degree of achievement of the performance target designated by each individual award.\\n\\n78\\n\\n1,170 — 14 — (1) 28 1,211\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nESPP. Under the 2017 Plan, eligible employees who participate in an offering period may have up to 15% of their eligible earnings withheld, up to certain limitations, to purchase shares of common stock at 85% of the lower of the fair market value on the first or the last business day of the six-month offering period. The offering periods commence in May and November each year.\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, the Company had 32 million shares of common stock that were available for future grants and 28 million shares reserved for issuance upon the exercise of outstanding stock options or the vesting of unvested RSUs, including PRSUs, under the 2004 Plan. In addition, the Company had 36 million shares of common stock that were available for issuance under the 2017 plan. With the acquisition of Xilinx, the Company assumed the Xilinx, Inc. 2007 Equity Incentive Plan (2007 Plan) and may grant stock options and awards under this plan. As of December 31, 2022, the Company had 18 million shares of common stock that were available for future grants under the 2007 Plan.\\n\\nValuation and Expense\\n\\nStock-based compensation expense was allocated in the consolidated statements of operations as follows:\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021 (In millions)\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\nCost of sales Research and development Marketing, general, and administrative Total stock-based compensation expense before income taxes Income tax benefit\\n\\nTotal stock-based compensation expense, net of income taxes\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n29 $\\n\\n697 355 1,081 (179) 902 $\\n\\n5 $\\n\\n246 128 379 (58) 321 $\\n\\n6 173 95 274 (42) 232\\n\\nStock Options. The weighted-average estimated fair value of employee stock options granted during 2022, 2021 and 2020 was $44.35, $46.07 and $38.49 per share, respectively, using the following assumptions:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\nExpected volatility Risk-free interest rate Expected dividends Expected life (in years)\\n\\n51.28 % 3.00 % — % 4.75\\n\\n51.77 % 0.69 % — % 4.55\\n\\n57.87 % 0.18 % — % 4.30\\n\\nThe Company uses a combination of the historical volatility of its common stock and the implied volatility for publicly traded options on the Company’s common stock as the expected volatility assumption. The risk-free interest rate is based on the rate for a U.S. Treasury zero-coupon yield curve with a term that approximates the expected life of the option grant at the date closest to the option grant date. The expected dividend yield is zero as the Company does not expect to pay dividends in the near future. The expected term of employee stock options represents the weighted-average period the stock options are expected to remain outstanding.\\n\\nThe following table summarizes stock option activity and related information:\\n\\nOutstanding Number of Shares\\n\\nWeighted- Average Exercise Price\\n\\nAggregate Intrinsic Value\\n\\nWeighted-Average Remaining Contractual Life (in years)\\n\\n(In millions, except share price)\\n\\nBalance as of December 25, 2021\\n\\nGranted Exercised\\n\\nBalance as of December 31, 2022\\n\\nExercisable December 31, 2022\\n\\n5 $ 1 $ (2) $ 4 $ 3 $\\n\\n23.98 95.54 4.27 42.35 $\\n\\n25.67 $\\n\\n130\\n\\n130\\n\\n3.17\\n\\n2.27\\n\\nThe total intrinsic value of stock options exercised for 2022, 2021 and 2020 was $139 million, $277 million and $180 million, respectively.\\n\\n79\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, the Company had $35 million of total unrecognized compensation expense related to stock options, which will be recognized over the weighted-average period of 2.74 years.\\n\\nTime-based RSUs. The weighted-average grant date fair values of time-based RSUs granted during 2022, 2021 and 2020 were $92.92, $78.59 and $32.52 per share, respectively.\\n\\nThe following table summarizes time-based RSU activity and related information:\\n\\nNumber of Shares\\n\\nWeighted- Average Grant Date Fair Value\\n\\nAggregate Intrinsic Value\\n\\nWeighted-Average Remaining Contractual Life (in years)\\n\\n(In millions except share price)\\n\\nUnvested shares as of December 25, 2021\\n\\nAssumed with acquisition of Xilinx Granted Forfeited Vested\\n\\nUnvested shares as of December 31, 2022\\n\\n10 $ 12 $ 17 $ (2) $ (9) $ 28 $\\n\\n79.03 103.35 92.92 98.06 86.27\\n\\n95.49 $\\n\\n1,810\\n\\n1.67\\n\\nThe total fair value of time-based RSUs vested during 2022, 2021 and 2020 was $889 million, $678 million and $642 million, respectively.\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, the Company had $2.0 billion of total unrecognized compensation expense related to time-based RSUs, which will be recognized over the weighted-average period of 1.67 years.\\n\\nPRSUs. The weighted-average grant date fair values of PRSUs granted during 2022, 2021 and 2020 were $121.12, $153.89 and $122.95, respectively, using the following assumptions:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\nExpected volatility Risk-free interest rate Expected dividends Expected term (in years)\\n\\n50.65% - 53.51% 1.14% - 3.17% — % 2.07 - 3.07\\n\\n57.75 % 0.43 % — % 3.00\\n\\n55.74% - 60.10% 0.14% - 1.41% — % 2.48 - 3.00\\n\\nThe Company uses the historical volatility of its common stock and risk-free interest rate based on the rate for a U.S. Treasury zero-coupon yield curve with a term that approximates the expected life of the PRSUs grant at the date closest to the grant date. The expected dividend yield is zero as the Company does not expect to pay dividends in the near future. The expected term of PRSUs represents the requisite service periods of these PRSUs.\\n\\nThe following table summarizes PRSU activity and related information:\\n\\nNumber of Shares\\n\\nWeighted-Average Grant Date Fair Value\\n\\nAggregate Intrinsic Value\\n\\nWeighted-Average Remaining Contractual Life (in years)\\n\\n(In millions except share price)\\n\\nUnvested shares as of December 25, 2021\\n\\nGranted Forfeited Vested\\n\\nUnvested shares as of December 31, 2022\\n\\n2 $ 1 $ — $ (1) $ 2 $\\n\\n78.59 121.12 — 51.77\\n\\n110.31 $\\n\\n118\\n\\n1.76\\n\\nThe total fair value of PRSUs vested during 2022, 2021 and 2020 was $254 million, $98 million and $76 million, respectively.\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, the Company had $101 million of total unrecognized compensation expense related to PRSUs, which will be recognized over the weighted-average period of 1.76 years.\\n\\n80\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nESPP. The weighted-average grant date fair value for the ESPP during 2022, 2021 and 2020 was $24.71, $27.27 and $20.97 per share, respectively, using the following assumptions:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 28, 2020\\n\\nExpected volatility Risk-free interest rate Expected dividends Expected term (in years)\\n\\n58.15% - 63.76% 1.43% - 4.52% — % 0.50\\n\\n36.90% - 39.39% 0.04% - 0.07% — % 0.50\\n\\n55.16% - 66.53% 0.11% - 0.15% — % 0.50\\n\\nThe Company uses the historical volatility of its common stock and the risk-free interest rate based on the rate for a U.S. Treasury zero-coupon yield curve with a term that approximates the expected life of the ESPP grant at the date closest to the ESPP grant date. The expected dividend yield is zero as the Company does not expect to pay dividends in the near future. The expected term of the ESPP represents the six-month offering period.\\n\\nDuring 2022, 3 million shares of common stock were purchased under the ESPP at a purchase price of $59.29 resulting in aggregate cash proceeds of $160 million. As of December 31, 2022, the Company had $37 million of total unrecognized compensation expense related to the ESPP, which will be recognized over the weighted-average period of 0.36 years.\\n\\nXilinx Replacement Awards\\n\\nIn connection with the acquisition of Xilinx, the Company issued equity awards as replacement for assumed equity awards to Xilinx employees. The replacement awards include restricted stock units of approximately 12 million shares with a weighted average fair value of $103.35 per share and have terms that are substantially the same as the assumed Xilinx awards. The fair value of replacement awards related to services rendered up to the Xilinx Acquisition Date was recognized as a component of the total purchase consideration while the remaining fair value of replacement awards attributable to post-combination services is being recognized as stock-based compensation expense over the remaining post-acquisition vesting period.\\n\\nNOTE 13 – Retirement Benefit Plans\\n\\nThe Company provides retirement benefit plans in the United States and certain foreign countries. The Company has a 401(k) retirement plan that allows participating employees in the United States to contribute as defined by the plan and subject to Internal Revenue Service limitations. The Company matches 75% of employees’ contributions up to 6% of their eligible compensation. The Company’s contributions to the 401(k) plan for 2022, 2021 and 2020 were approximately $47 million, $35 million and $29 million, respectively.\\n\\nNOTE 14 – Income Taxes\\n\\nIncome before income taxes consists of the following:\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021 (In millions)\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\nU.S. Non-U.S.\\n\\nTotal pre-tax income including equity income in investee\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n2,093 $ (895) 1,198 $\\n\\n3,528 $ 147 3,675 $\\n\\n1,213 67 1,280\\n\\n81\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe income tax provision (benefit) consists of:\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021 (In millions)\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\nCurrent:\\n\\nU.S. federal U.S. state and local Non-U.S. Total\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,191 $ 31 161 1,383\\n\\n112 $ 11 82 205\\n\\n— 5 8 13\\n\\nDeferred:\\n\\nU.S. federal U.S. state and local Non-U.S. Total\\n\\nIncome tax provision (benefit)\\n\\n$\\n\\n(1,365) (26) (114) (1,505)\\n\\n(122) $\\n\\n320 (7) (5) 308 513 $\\n\\n(1,193) (28) (2) (1,223) (1,210)\\n\\nThe table below displays the reconciliation between statutory federal income taxes and the total income tax provision (benefit).\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nStatutory federal income tax expense at 21% State taxes (benefit) Foreign rate detriment (benefit) GILTI and other foreign inclusion Foreign-Derived Intangible Income (FDII) deduction Research credits Stock-based and non-deductible compensation Valuation allowance change Other\\n\\n$\\n\\n252 $ (3) 195 (105) (261) (241) 10 — 31 (122) $\\n\\n772 $ 1 71 — (147) (78) (125) 3 16 513 $\\n\\n269 (6) (3) — — (57) (116) (1,301) 4 (1,210)\\n\\nIncome tax provision (benefit)\\n\\n$\\n\\nThe Company recorded an income tax benefit of $122 million in 2022 and an income tax provision of $513 million in 2021, representing effective tax rates of (10%) and 14%, respectively. The reduction in income tax expense in 2022 was primarily due to the lower pre-tax income coupled with a $261 million FDII tax benefit and $241 million of research and development (R&D) tax credits.\\n\\nBeginning in 2022, provisions in the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 require the Company to capitalize and amortize R&D expenditures rather than deducting the costs as incurred. The capitalization resulted in an increase in 2022 taxable income which also increased the income eligible for the FDII tax benefit. Additionally, there was a pre-tax loss incurred outside of the U.S. primarily due to the GAAP amortization of Xilinx acquisition-related items and therefore, the Company recorded a corresponding tax benefit associated with the reversal of the previously established GILTI deferred tax liability.\\n\\nAs a part of the Xilinx acquisition and as a result of certain employment and operational commitments the Company has made in Singapore, the Company has been granted a Development and Expansion Incentive (DEI) that is effective through 2031. The DEI reduces the local tax on Singapore income from a statutory rate of 17% to 5% through 2031. Due to the current year pre-tax loss, the Company did not receive any income tax or EPS benefit.\\n\\n82\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe Company recorded an income tax provision of $513 million in 2021 and an income tax benefit of $1.2 billion in 2020, representing effective tax rates of 14% and (95)% respectively. The income tax provision in 2021 was a result of higher income in the U.S. and increase in foreign taxes, partially offset by $147 million of FDII benefit, $78 million of R&D tax credits, and $125 million of excess tax benefit for stock-based compensation net of non-deductible officers’ compensation.\\n\\nThe income tax benefit in 2020 was primarily due to $1.3 billion of tax benefit from the valuation allowance release in the U.S. This benefit was partially offset by approximately $10 million of withholding tax expense related to cross-border transactions, $13 million of state and foreign taxes and $75 million increase in valuation allowance against certain state and foreign tax credits, which are reflected as part of the state taxes and foreign rate benefit in the reconciliation table above.\\n\\nDeferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of tax carryovers and temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the balances for income tax purposes. Significant components of the Company’s deferred tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021 were as follows:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nDeferred tax assets:\\n\\nNet operating loss carryovers Accruals and reserves not currently deductible Employee benefits not currently deductible Federal and state tax credit carryovers Foreign R&D and investment tax credits Capitalized costs Lease liability Capitalized R&D Other\\n\\nTotal deferred tax assets\\n\\nLess: valuation allowance\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,031 $ 835 214 631 578 65 161 943 85 4,543 (2,078) 2,465\\n\\nTotal deferred tax assets, net of valuation allowance\\n\\nDeferred tax liabilities:\\n\\nAcquired intangibles Right-of-use assets Undistributed foreign earnings GILTI Other\\n\\nTotal deferred tax liabilities Net deferred tax assets (liabilities)\\n\\n$\\n\\n(3,430) (151) (35) (633) (92) (4,341) (1,876) $\\n\\nAs a result of the acquisition of Xilinx, the Company recorded $4.3 billion of net deferred tax liabilities primarily on the excess of book basis over the tax basis of the acquired intangible assets, including $857 million of GILTI net deferred tax liability.\\n\\nAdditionally, as the result of the new R&D capitalization tax law effective in 2022, the capitalized amounts resulted in increased current year taxable income, but which are deductible as amortized in future periods. Therefore, the Company recorded a deferred tax asset for the capitalized R&D expenditures.\\n\\n83\\n\\n920 631 164 319 547 121 124 — 27 2,853 (1,735) 1,118\\n\\n(50) (110) (24) — (15) (199) 919\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nThe movement in the deferred tax valuation allowance was as follows:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nBalance at beginning of year Charges (reductions) to income tax expense and other accounts* Acquisition-related Net recoveries\\n\\n+\\n\\nBalance at end of year\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n1,735 $ 112 231 — 2,078 $\\n\\n1,576 $ 3 — 156 1,735 $\\n\\n2,867 (1,301) — 10 1,576\\n\\n\\n\\n+\\n\\nAmounts recorded in 2020 reflect release of valuation allowances. The net recoveries for all were primarily related to net originating deferred tax assets and newly generated tax credits.\\n\\nUnder current U.S. tax law, the impact of future distributions of undistributed earnings that are indefinitely reinvested are anticipated to be subject to withholding taxes from local jurisdictions and non-conforming U.S. state jurisdictions. The amount of cumulative undistributed earnings that are permanently reinvested that could be subject to withholding taxes are $460 million as of December 31, 2022.\\n\\nThrough the end of fiscal year 2022, the Company continued to maintain a valuation allowance of approximately $2.1 billion for certain federal, state, and foreign tax attributes. The federal valuation allowance maintained is due to limitations under Internal Revenue Code Section 382 or 383, separate return loss year rules, or dual consolidated loss rules. Certain state and foreign valuation allowance maintained is due to lack of sufficient sources of future taxable income.\\n\\nThe Company’s U.S. federal and state net operating losses carryforwards as of December 31, 2022, were $435 million and $476 million, respectively. Net operating losses (NOLs) may be subject to limitations by the Internal Revenue Code and similar provisions. $71 million of U.S. federal NOLs will expire between 2023 and 2037, and $364 million of federal NOLs have no expiration date, and the state NOLs will expire at various dates through 2042. The difference between the amount of federal NOLs which are recorded on the Company’s balance sheet as deferred tax assets and their related valuation allowance, and the amounts reported on the Company’s tax returns are the result of uncertain tax positions the Company has taken during the current year and for which an income tax reserve has been recorded. The federal tax credits of $12 million will expire at various dates between 2023 and 2042. The state tax credits of $722 million will expire at various dates between 2023 through 2038 except for California R&D credit, which does not expire. The Company also has $595 million of credit carryforward in Canada that will expire between 2026 and 2040.\\n\\nThe Company also recorded $142 million of current tax payable as of the Xilinx acquisition date. Additionally, the Company assumed $203 million of long-term liabilities for uncertain tax positions, including $12 million of interest, as well as $321 million of long-term liabilities for transition tax payable over three years. Included in the assumed liabilities for uncertain tax positions is a tax position with respect to whether stock-based compensation from Xilinx’s cost sharing arrangement should be shared among cost share participants. The Company has concluded that the law was unsettled and believes the current uncertain tax position liability is sufficient and will continue to monitor developments in relevant tax court cases.\\n\\n84\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nA reconciliation of the Company\\'s gross unrecognized tax benefits was as follows:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nBalance at beginning of year Increases for tax positions taken in the current year Increases for tax positions taken in prior years Decreases for tax positions taken in prior years Increases to tax positions taken in prior years through acquisitions Decreases for settlements with taxing authorities and statute of limitation lapses\\n\\nBalance at end of year\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n275 $ 748 104 (12) 252 (6) 1,361 $\\n\\n119 $ 156 14 (9) — (5) 275 $\\n\\nThe amount of unrecognized tax benefits that would impact the effective tax rate if recognized was $1.2 billion, $215 million and $77 million as of December 31, 2022, December 25, 2021 and December 26, 2020, respectively. The Company’s policy is to include interest and penalties related to income tax liabilities within the provision for income taxes on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. The Company had $81.3 million of accrued penalties and interest related to unrecognized tax benefits as of December 31, 2022 including $12 million assumed from the Xilinx acquisition. The Company had no material amounts of accrued interest and accrued penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as of December 25, 2021 and December 26, 2020. As of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, the Company had long-term income tax liabilities of $1.3 billion and $189 million, respectively, recorded under Other long-term liabilities in the Consolidated Balance Sheets.\\n\\nThe Company is subject to taxation in the U.S. and foreign jurisdictions. Earnings from non-U.S. activities are subject to local country income tax. The material jurisdiction in which the Company is subject to potential examination by the taxing authority is the United States, where tax years from 2008 are open for audit. Pre-acquisition Xilinx U.S. tax returns for fiscal years 2018 and 2019 are currently under audit by the IRS.\\n\\nIt is possible the Company may have tax audits close in the next 12 months that could materially change the balance of the uncertain tax benefits; however, the timing of tax audit closures and settlements are highly uncertain. The Company and its subsidiaries have several foreign and U.S. state audits in process at any one point in time.\\n\\nNOTE 15 – Other Income (Expense), Net\\n\\nThe following table summarizes the components of Other income (expense), net:\\n\\nYear Ended\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nDecember 26, 2020\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nInterest income Loss on debt redemption, repurchase and conversion Gains (losses) on equity investments, net Other income (expense) Other income (expense), net\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n65 $ — (62) 5 8 $\\n\\n8 $ (7) 56 (2) 55 $\\n\\nNOTE 16 – Commitments and Guarantees\\n\\nOperating Leases\\n\\nThe Company has entered into operating and finance leases for its corporate offices, data centers, research and development facilities and certain equipment. The leases expire at various dates through 2031, some of which include options to extend the lease for up to ten years.\\n\\n85\\n\\n65 30 41 (15) — (2) 119\\n\\n8 (54) 2 (3) (47)\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nFor 2022, 2021 and 2020, the Company recorded $118 million, $71 million and $59 million, respectively, of operating lease expense, including short-term lease expense. For 2022 and 2021, the Company recorded $40 million and $26 million, respectively, of variable lease expense, which primarily included operating expenses and property taxes associated with the usage of facilities under the operating leases. For 2022 and 2021, cash paid for operating leases included in operating cash flows was $108 million and $67 million, respectively. The Company’s finance and short-term leases are immaterial to the Company’s consolidated financial statements.\\n\\nSupplemental information related to leases is as follows:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nWeighted-average remaining lease term in years – operating leases Weighted-average discount rate – operating leases\\n\\nFuture minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating lease liabilities as of December 31, 2022 are as follows:\\n\\nYear 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 and thereafter Total minimum lease payments Less: interest Present value of net minimum lease payments Less: current portion\\n\\n$\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nTotal long-term operating lease liabilities\\n\\n$\\n\\nCertain other operating leases contain provisions for escalating lease payments subject to changes in the consumer price index.\\n\\nCommitments\\n\\nThe Company’s purchase commitments primarily include the Company’s obligations to purchase wafers and substrates from third parties and future payments related to certain software and technology licenses and IP licenses. Purchase commitments include obligations made under noncancellable purchase orders and contractual obligations requiring minimum purchases or for which cancellation would lead to significant penalties.\\n\\nTotal future unconditional purchase commitments as of December 31, 2022 were as follows:\\n\\nYear 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 and thereafter\\n\\n$\\n\\n(In millions)\\n\\nTotal unconditional purchase commitments\\n\\n$\\n\\nOn an ongoing basis, the Company works with suppliers on the timing of payments and deliveries of purchase commitments, taking into account business conditions.\\n\\n86\\n\\n5.98 3.83 %\\n\\n109 99 88 77 59 113 545 (56) 489 (93) 396\\n\\n6,489 1,434 271 129 85 202 8,610\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nWarranties and Indemnities\\n\\nThe Company generally warrants that its products sold to its customers will conform to its approved specifications and be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and conditions for one year. The Company may also offer one to three-year limited warranties based on product type and negotiated warranty terms with certain customers. The Company accrues warranty costs to Cost of sales at the time of sale of warranted products.\\n\\nChanges in the Company’s estimated liability for product warranty during 2022 and 2021 are as follows:\\n\\nDecember 31, 2022\\n\\nDecember 25, 2021\\n\\nBeginning balance Provisions during the period Settlements during the period Ending balance\\n\\n$\\n\\n$\\n\\n(In millions) 51 $ 115 (101)\\n\\n65 $\\n\\nIn addition to product warranties, the Company from time to time in its normal course of business indemnifies other parties with whom it enters into contractual relationships, including customers, lessors and parties to other transactions with the Company, with respect to certain matters. In these limited matters, the Company has agreed to hold certain third parties harmless against specific types of claims or losses such as those arising from a breach of representations or covenants, third-party claims that the Company’s products when used for their intended purpose(s) and under specific conditions infringe the intellectual property rights of a third party, or other specified claims made against the indemnified party. It is not possible to determine the maximum potential amount of liability under these indemnification obligations due to the unique facts and circumstances that are likely to be involved in each particular claim and indemnification provision. Historically, payments made by the Company under these obligations have not been material. In addition, the impact from changes in estimates for pre-existing warranties has been immaterial.\\n\\nNOTE 17 – Contingencies\\n\\nQuarterhill Inc. Litigation\\n\\nOn July 2, 2018, three entities named Aquila Innovations, Inc. (Aquila), Collabo Innovations, Inc. (Collabo), and Polaris Innovations, Ltd. (Polaris), filed separate patent infringement complaints against the Company in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas. Aquila alleges that the Company infringes two patents (6,239,614 and 6,895,519) relating to power management; Collabo alleges that the Company infringes one patent (7,930,575) related to power management; and Polaris alleges that the Company infringes two patents (6,728,144 and 8,117,526) relating to control or use of dynamic random- access memory, or DRAM. Each of the three complaints seeks unspecified monetary damages, interest, fees, expenses, and costs against the Company; Aquila and Collabo also seek enhanced damages. Aquila, Collabo, and Polaris each appear to be related to a patent assertion entity named Quarterhill Inc. (formerly WiLAN Inc.).\\n\\nOn May 14, 2020, at the request of Polaris, the Court dismissed all claims related to one of the two patents in suite in the Polaris case. On June 10, 2020, the Court granted AMD’s motions to stay the Polaris and Aquila cases pending the completion of inter partes review of each of the patents-in-suit in those cases by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. On February 22, 2021, February 26, 2021, and March 10, 2021, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board issued final written decisions in inter partes reviews invalidating all asserted claims of the remaining Polaris and Aquila patents.\\n\\nOn May 10, 2021, Aquila filed a notice of appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit for the IPR decision regarding U.S. Patent No. 6,895,519. On April 30, 2021, Polaris filed a notice of appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit for the IPR decision regarding U.S. Patent No. 8,117,526. On May 14, 2021, AMD filed a notice of cross-appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit for the IPR decision regarding U.S. Patent No. 8,117,526. On July 18, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s decision.\\n\\n87\\n\\n37 106 (92) 51\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nOn February 8, 2022, Polaris filed a lawsuit against Xilinx, Inc. alleging infringement of four patents related to memory chips and memory interfaces. On February 22, 2022, the Company was served with the complaint. On April 14, 2022, the Company filed a motion to dismiss the complaint. On April 28, 2022, Polaris filed an amended complaint. On May 12, 2022, the Company filed an answer to the amended complaint.\\n\\nOn June 1, 2022, Polaris filed two lawsuits against the Company and Hewlett-Packard GmbH, HP Deutschland GmbH in the Hamburg and Munich Courts in Germany, alleging infringement of two patents related to memory chips and memory interfaces. On July 15, 2022, Polaris filed a lawsuit against the Company, ASUSTeK Computer Inc., and ASUS Computer GmbH, alleging infringement of a patent related to memory chips and memory interfaces.\\n\\nBased upon information presently known to management, the Company believes that the potential liability of the above listed legal proceeding, if any, will not have a material adverse effect on its financial condition, cash flows or results of operations.\\n\\nMonterey Research Litigation\\n\\nOn November 15, 2019, Monterey Research, LLC (Monterey) filed a patent infringement complaint against the Company in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware. Monterey alleges that the Company infringes six U.S. patents: 6,534,805 (related to SRAM cell design); 6,629,226 (related to read interface protocols); 6,651,134 (related to memory devices); 6,765,407 (related to programmable digital circuits); 6,961,807 (related to integrated circuits and associated memory systems); and 8,373,455 (related to output buffer circuits). On August 12, 2021, Monterey filed two patent infringement complaints in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas. In the first complaint, Monterey alleges that the Company infringes two patents (8,694,776 and 9,767,303) related to memory controllers, three patents (8,572,297, 7,609,799, and 7,899,145) related to circuit designs, and one patent (6,979,640) related to semiconductor processing. In the second complaint, Monterey alleges that the Company infringes one patent (6,680,516) related to semiconductor processing. On March 31, 2022, the Company entered into an agreement which will provide the Company a license to the Monterey Research patents. The agreement did not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition, cash flows, or results of operation.\\n\\nAnalog Devices Litigation\\n\\nOn December 5, 2019, Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) filed a lawsuit against Xilinx alleging infringement of eight patents related to switching circuits, comparators, analog to digital convertors, signal conditioners, and switched capacitors. On January 21, 2020, Xilinx filed its answer and counterclaims alleging infringement by ADI of eight patents related to digital to analog converters, serializing data paths, transceivers, networks on chip, termination circuits, and data transmitters. In November 2022, the Company and Analog Devices, Inc. resolved all ongoing patent litigations, based on mutually agreed upon terms. As part of this resolution, the two companies have committed to pursue technology collaborations to bring next generation solutions to their communications and data center customers. The agreement did not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition, cash flows, or results of operations.\\n\\nFuture Link Systems Litigation\\n\\nOn December 21, 2020, Future Link Systems, LLC (Future Link) filed a patent infringement complaint against the Company in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas. Future Link alleges that the Company infringes three U.S. patents: 7,983,888 (related to simulated PCI express circuitry); 6,363,466 (related to out of order data transactions); and 6,622,108 (related to interconnect testing). On December 21, 2021, Future Link filed a lawsuit alleging infringement of two U.S. patents (8,099,614 and 7,685,439) related to power management. On December 28, 2021, Future Link filed a complaint at the United States International Trade Commission alleging infringement of the same two power management patents. Several of the Company’s customers were also named as respondents. On March 31, 2022, the Company entered into an agreement which will provide the Company a license to the Future Link patents. The agreement did not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition, cash flows, or results of operations.\\n\\n88\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nEnvironmental Matters\\n\\nThe Company is named as a responsible party on Superfund clean-up orders for three sites in Sunnyvale, California that are on the National Priorities List. Since 1981, the Company has discovered hazardous material releases to the groundwater from former underground tanks and proceeded to investigate and conduct remediation at these three sites. The chemicals released into the groundwater were commonly used in the semiconductor industry in the United States in the wafer fabrication process prior to 1979.\\n\\nIn 1991, the Company received Final Site Clean-up Requirements Orders from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board relating to the three sites. The Company has entered into settlement agreements with other responsible parties on two of the orders. During the term of such agreements, other parties have agreed to assume most of the foreseeable costs as well as the primary role in conducting remediation activities under the orders. The Company remains responsible for additional costs beyond the scope of the agreements as well as all remaining costs in the event that the other parties do not fulfill their obligations under the settlement agreements.\\n\\nTo address anticipated future remediation costs under the orders, the Company has computed and recorded an estimated environmental liability of approximately $3.9 million and has not recorded any potential insurance recoveries in determining the estimated costs of the cleanup. The progress of future remediation efforts cannot be predicted with certainty and these costs may change. The Company believes that any amount in addition to what has already been accrued would not be material.\\n\\nOther Legal Matters\\n\\nThe Company is a defendant or plaintiff in various actions that arose in the normal course of business. With respect to these matters, based on the management’s current knowledge, the Company believes that the amount or range of reasonably possible loss, if any, will not, either individually or in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.\\n\\n89\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nReport of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm\\n\\nTo the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\n\\nOpinion on the Financial Statements\\n\\nWe have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (the Company) as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, the related consolidated statements of operations, comprehensive income, stockholders’ equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2022, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2022, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.\\n\\nWe also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2022, based on criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework) and our report dated February 27, 2023 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.\\n\\nChange in Accounting Principle\\n\\nAs discussed in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company has elected to change its method of accounting for the United States Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) tax to recognize deferred taxes for temporary tax basis differences expected to reverse as GILTI tax in future years.\\n\\nBasis for Opinion\\n\\nThese financial statements are the responsibility of the Company\\'s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.\\n\\nWe conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.\\n\\n90\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nCritical Audit Matters\\n\\nThe critical audit matters communicated below are matters arising from the current period audit of the financial statements that were communicated or required to be communicated to the audit committee and that: (1) relate to accounts or disclosures that are material to the financial statements and (2) involved our especially challenging, subjective or complex judgments. The communication of critical audit matters does not alter in any way our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are not, by communicating the critical audit matters below, providing separate opinions on the critical audit matters or on the accounts or disclosures to which they relate.\\n\\nInventory Valuation\\n\\nDescription of the Matter\\n\\nAt December 31, 2022, the Company’s net inventory balance was $3,771 million. As discussed in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company adjusts the inventory carrying value to the lower of actual cost or the estimated net realizable value after completing ongoing reviews of on-hand inventory quantities exceeding forecasted demand and by considering recent historical activity as well as anticipated demand. Auditing management’s inventory carrying value adjustments involved significant judgment because the estimates are based on several factors that are affected by market, industry, and competitive conditions outside the Company\\'s control. In estimating inventory carrying value adjustments, management developed assumptions such as forecasts of future sales quantities and the selling prices, which are sensitive to the competitiveness of product offerings, customer requirements, and product life cycles. These significant assumptions are forward-looking and could be affected by future economic and market conditions.\\n\\nHow We Addressed the Matter in Our Audit\\n\\nWe obtained an understanding, evaluated the design and tested the operating effectiveness of internal controls over the Company\\'s inventory carrying value adjustment determination process, including the basis for developing the above-described assumptions and management’s judgments.\\n\\nOur audit procedures included, among others, testing the reasonableness of management’s key assumptions and judgments and testing the accuracy and completeness of the underlying data used to determine the amount of inventory carrying value adjustments. For instance, we compared the quantities and carrying value of on-hand inventories to related unit sales, both historical and forecasted, assessed the reasonableness of management’s estimates of future sales prices by analyzing historical sales and evaluating any factors that may impact sales prices, and evaluated the appropriateness and adequacy of management’s adjustments to such sales forecasts by analyzing potential technological changes in line with product life cycles. We also assessed the accuracy of forecasts underlying management\\'s estimates by comparing management’s historical forecasts to actual results, evaluated industry and market factors and performed sensitivity analyses over the significant assumptions used by management to evaluate necessary changes in the inventory carrying value adjustments.\\n\\n91\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nBusiness Combination\\n\\nDescription of the Matter\\n\\nDuring fiscal year 2022, the Company completed the acquisition of Xilinx, Inc. (“Xilinx”) for consideration of $48.8 billion, as disclosed in Note 5 to the consolidated financial statements. The transaction was accounted for as a business combination.\\n\\nAuditing the Company\\'s accounting for its acquisition of Xilinx was complex due to the significant estimation uncertainty in the Company’s determination of the fair value of certain identified intangible assets, principally consisting of developed technology and customer relationships. The significant estimation uncertainty was primarily due to the sensitivity of the respective fair values to underlying assumptions about the future performance of the acquired business. The Company used a discounted cash flow model to measure the developed technology and customer relationship intangible assets. The significant assumptions used to estimate the value of these intangible assets included certain assumptions that form the basis of the forecasted results, specifically, revenue growth rates, technology migration curves, and time to recreate customer relationships. These significant assumptions are forward looking and could be affected by future economic and market conditions.\\n\\nHow We Addressed the Matter in Our Audit\\n\\nWe obtained an understanding, evaluated the design and tested the operating effectiveness of controls over the Company’s accounting for the acquisition. This included testing controls over the estimation process supporting the recognition and measurement of the developed technology and customer relationships intangible assets, including the valuation models and underlying assumptions used to develop such estimates.\\n\\nTo test the estimated fair value of the developed technology and customer relationships intangible assets, we performed audit procedures that included, among others, evaluating the Company\\'s selection of the valuation methodology, evaluating the methods and significant assumptions used by the Company, and evaluating the completeness and accuracy of the underlying data supporting the significant assumptions and estimates. For example, we compared the significant assumptions to current industry, market and economic trends and to the Company\\'s budgets and forecasts, and Xilinx’s historical operating results. We involved our valuation specialists to assist with our evaluation of the methodology used by the Company and significant assumptions included in the fair value estimates. Our valuation specialists’ procedures included, among others, developing a range of independent estimates for the discount rates used in the valuation models and comparing those to the discount rates selected by management.\\n\\n/s/ Ernst & Young LLP\\n\\nWe have served as the Company’s auditor since 1970.\\n\\nSan Jose, California\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\n92\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nReport of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm\\n\\nTo the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.\\n\\nOpinion on Internal Control over Financial Reporting\\n\\nWe have audited Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2022, based on criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework) (the COSO criteria). In our opinion, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (the Company) maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2022, based on the COSO criteria.\\n\\nWe also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the consolidated balance sheets of the Company as of December 31, 2022 and December 25, 2021, the related consolidated statements of operations, comprehensive income, stockholders’ equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2022, and the related notes and our report dated February 27, 2023 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.\\n\\nBasis for Opinion\\n\\nThe Company’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.\\n\\nWe conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects.\\n\\nOur audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.\\n\\nDefinition and Limitations of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting\\n\\nA company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.\\n\\n93\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nBecause of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.\\n\\n/s/ Ernst & Young LLP\\n\\nSan Jose, California\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\n94\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nITEM 9. CHANGES IN AND DISAGREEMENTS WITH ACCOUNTANTS ON ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE\\n\\nNone.\\n\\nITEM 9A. CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES\\n\\nDisclosure Controls and Procedures\\n\\nWe maintain disclosure controls and procedures that are designed with the objective of providing reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed in our reports filed under the Exchange Act, such as this Annual Report on Form 10-K is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms, and that such information is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. In designing and evaluating our disclosure controls and procedures, our management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving the desired control objectives, and our management is required to apply its judgment in evaluating the cost-benefit relationship of possible controls and procedures.\\n\\nAs of December 31, 2022, the end of the period covered by this report, we carried out an evaluation, under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures pursuant to Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e). This type of evaluation is performed on a quarterly basis so that conclusions of management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, concerning the effectiveness of the disclosure controls can be reported in our periodic reports on Form 10-Q and Form 10-K. The overall goals of these evaluation activities are to monitor our disclosure controls and to modify them as necessary. We intend to maintain the disclosure controls as dynamic systems that we adjust as circumstances merit. Based on the foregoing, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective at the reasonable assurance level as of the end of the period covered by this report.\\n\\nManagement’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting\\n\\nInternal control over financial reporting refers to the process designed by, or under the supervision of, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, and effected by our Board of Directors, management and other personnel, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, and includes those policies and procedures that:\\n\\n1. Pertain to the maintenance of records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Company;\\n\\n2. Provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the Company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the Company; and\\n\\n3. Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the Company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements. Internal control over financial reporting cannot provide absolute assurance of achieving financial reporting objectives because of its inherent limitations.\\n\\nInternal control over financial reporting is a process that involves human diligence and compliance and is subject to lapses in judgment and breakdowns resulting from human failures. Internal control over financial reporting also can be circumvented by collusion or improper management override. Because of such limitations, there is a risk that material misstatements may not be prevented or detected on a timely basis by internal control over financial reporting. However, these inherent limitations are known features of the financial reporting process. Therefore, it is possible to design into the process safeguards to reduce, though not eliminate, this risk. Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting for the Company.\\n\\n95\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nManagement has used the 2013 framework set forth in the report entitled “Internal Control—Integrated Framework” published by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission to evaluate the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Management has concluded that the Company’s internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2022 at the reasonable assurance level. Our independent registered public accounting firm, Ernst & Young LLP, has issued an attestation report on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2022, which is included in Part II, Item 8, above.\\n\\nChanges in Internal Control over Financial Reporting\\n\\nThere has been no change in our internal controls over financial reporting during our most recently completed fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal controls over financial reporting. We are currently in the process of integrating the Xilinx and Pensando operations, control processes and information systems into our systems and control environment. We believe that we have taken the necessary steps to monitor and maintain appropriate internal controls over financial reporting during this integration.\\n\\nITEM 9B. OTHER INFORMATION\\n\\nThe U.S. government has designated the Russian Federal Security Service (the FSB) as a blocked party under Executive Order 13382. In addition, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued General License No. 1B (the OFAC General License), which generally authorizes certain licensing, permitting, certification, notification, and related transactions with the FSB as may be required for the importation, distribution, or use of information technology products in the Russian Federation.\\n\\nAs previously disclosed in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended March 26, 2022, Xilinx, which we acquired on February 14, 2022, previously authorized prior to such acquisition certain third-party resellers in Russia to periodically file notifications with, or apply for import licenses and permits from, the FSB on its behalf in connection with the importation of its products into the Russian Federation, as permitted under the OFAC General License. Subsequent to February 14, 2022, but during the fiscal quarter ended March 26, 2022, third-party resellers filed additional notifications with and/or applied for import licenses and permits from the FSB on behalf of Xilinx. During the fiscal quarter ended March 26, 2022, we and our subsidiaries, including Xilinx, suspended shipments to the Russian Federation.\\n\\nThere was no gross revenue or net profits of ours or any of our subsidiaries directly associated with these filing activities. We and our subsidiaries do not sell products or provide services to the FSB.\\n\\nITEM 9C. DISCLOSURE REGARDING FOREIGN JURISDICTIONS THAT PREVENT INSPECTIONS\\n\\nNot applicable.\\n\\n96\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nPART III\\n\\nITEM 10. DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE\\n\\nThe information under the captions “Item 1—Election of Directors” (including “Consideration of Stockholder Nominees for Director”), “Corporate Governance,” “Meetings and Committees of the Board of Directors,” “Executive Officers” and “Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance” in our proxy statement for our 2023 annual meeting of stockholders (our 2023 Proxy Statement) is incorporated herein by reference. There were no material changes to the procedures by which stockholders may recommend nominees to our board of directors. See also, “Part 1, Item 1-Website Access to Company Reports and Corporate Governance Documents,” above.\\n\\nITEM 11. EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION\\n\\nThe information under the captions “Directors’ Compensation and Benefits” (including “2022 Non-Employee Director Compensation”), “Compensation Discussion and Analysis,” “Compensation Policies and Practices,” “Executive Compensation” (including “2022 Summary Compensation Table,” “2022 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation,” “Outstanding Equity Awards at 2022 Fiscal Year-End,” “Grants of Plan-Based Awards in 2022” and “Option Exercises and Stock Vested in 2022) and “Severance and Change in Control Arrangements” in our 2023 Proxy Statement is incorporated herein by reference.\\n\\nITEM 12. SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT AND\\n\\nRELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS\\n\\nThe information under the captions “Principal Stockholders,” “Security Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers” and “Equity Compensation Plan Information” in our 2023 Proxy Statement is incorporated herein by reference.\\n\\nITEM 13. CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS AND DIRECTOR INDEPENDENCE\\n\\nThe information under the captions “Corporate Governance—Independence of Directors” and “Certain Relationships and Related Transactions” in our 2023 Proxy Statement is incorporated herein by reference.\\n\\nITEM 14. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING FEES AND SERVICES\\n\\nThe information under the captions “Item 2—Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm—Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm’s Fees” in our 2023 Proxy Statement is incorporated herein by reference.\\n\\nWith the exception of the information specifically incorporated by reference in Part III of this Annual Report on Form 10-K from our 2023 Proxy Statement, our 2023 Proxy Statement will not be deemed to be filed as part of this report. Without limiting the foregoing, the information under the captions “Compensation Committee Report” and “Audit Committee Report” in our 2023 Proxy Statement is not incorporated by reference in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.\\n\\n97\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nPART IV\\n\\nITEM 15. EXHIBITS, FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES\\n\\n1. Financial Statements\\n\\nThe financial statements of AMD are set forth in Item 8 of this Annual Report on Form 10-K, as indexed below.\\n\\nIndex to Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Statements of Operations Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income Consolidated Balance Sheets Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Reports of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm (PCAOB ID: 42)\\n\\nAll schedules have been omitted because the information is not required, is not applicable, or is included in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.\\n\\n2. Exhibits\\n\\nThe exhibits listed in the accompanying Index to Exhibits are filed as part of, or incorporated by reference into, this Annual Report on Form 10-K. The following is a list of such Exhibits:\\n\\nExhibit\\n\\nDescription of Exhibits\\n\\n2.1 Agreement and Plan of Merger by and among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Thrones Merger Sub, Inc., and Xilinx, Inc.\\n\\ndated October 26, 2020, filed as exhibit 2.1 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated October 26, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n3.1 Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., dated May 2, 2018, filed as Exhibit\\n\\n3.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended June 30, 2018, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n3.2 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Amended and Restated Bylaws, as amended on January 29, 2021.\\n\\n4.1 Description of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Common Stock, filed as Exhibit 4.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q\\n\\nfor the period ended June 25, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n4.2\\n\\nIndenture by and among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Wells Fargo Bank N.A., dated September 14, 2016, filed as Exhibit 4.1 to AMD\\'s Current Report on Form 8-K dated September 14, 2016, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n4.3\\n\\nFirst Supplemental Indenture governing 2.125% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026, including Form of 2.125% Note, between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. dated September 14, 2016, filed as Exhibit 4.2 to AMD\\'s Current Report on Form 8-K dated September 14, 2016, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n4.4\\n\\nFirst Supplemental Indenture by and among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Wells Fargo Bank N.A., dated September 23, 2016, filed as Exhibit 4.1 to AMD\\'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 24, 2016, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n98\\n\\n51 52 53 54 55 57 90\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n4.5\\n\\nFourth Supplemental Indenture governing the Xilinx 2.950% Senior Notes Due 2024, by and among Xilinx, Inc., Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association, dated February 14, 2022, filed as Exhibit 4.1 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 14, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n4.6 Second Supplemental Indenture governing the Xilinx 2.2375% Senior Notes due 2030, by and among Xilinx, Inc.,\\n\\nAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc. and U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association, dated February 14, 2022, filed as Exhibit 4.2 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 14, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n4.7\\n\\nIndenture, dated as of June 9, 2022, by and between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association, as trustee, filed as exhibit 4.1 to AMD’s Current Report o Form 8-K dated June 9, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n4.8\\n\\nFirst Supplemental Indenture, dated as of June 9, 2022, by and between the Company and U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association, as trustee, including the Form of 2032 Note and Form of 2052 Note, filed as exhibit 4.2 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated June 9, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.1\\n\\n2011 Executive Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended April 2, 2011, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.2 AMD Executive Severance Plan and Summary Plan Description for Senior Vice Presidents, effective June 1, 2013, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated June 7, 2013, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.3 AMD Deferred Income Account Plan, as amended and restated, effective January 1, 2008, filed as Exhibit 10.18 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2007, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.4 Amendment No. 1 to the AMD Deferred Income Account Plan, as amended and restated, effective July 1, 2012, filed as Exhibit 10.16(a) to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended December 29, 2012, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.5\\n\\nForm of Indemnity Agreement, between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and its officers and directors, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated October 6, 2008, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.6\\n\\nForm of Management Continuity Agreement, as amended and restated, filed as Exhibit 10.13(b) to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2007, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.7\\n\\nForm of Change in Control Agreement, filed as Exhibit 10.11 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 26, 2009, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.8 Amended and Restated Management Continuity Agreement, between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Devinder Kumar, filed as Exhibit 10.3 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended September 29, 2012, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.9 Offer Letter, between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Mark D. Papermaster, dated October 7, 2011, filed as Exhibit 10.63 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2011, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.10\\n\\nSettlement Agreement, between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Intel Corporation, dated November 11, 2009, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated November 11, 2009, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n**10.11 Patent Cross License Agreement, between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Intel Corporation filed, dated November 11, 2009, as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated November 17, 2009, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.12 Sublease Agreement, between Lantana HP, LTD and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., dated March 26, 2013, filed as Exhibit\\n\\n10.2 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 30, 2013, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n99\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n10.13 Master Landlord’s Consent to Sublease, between 7171 Southwest Parkway Holdings, L.P., Lantana HP, Ltd. and Advanced\\n\\nMicro Devices, Inc., dated March 26, 2013, filed as Exhibit 10.3 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 30, 2013, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.14\\n\\nLease Agreement, between 7171 Southwest Parkway Holdings, L.P. and Lantana HP, Ltd., dated March 26, 2013, filed as Exhibit 10.4 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 30, 2013, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.15 Employment Agreement by and between Lisa T. Su and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. effective October 8, 2014, filed as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K/A dated October 14, 2014, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.16\\n\\nForm of Stock Option Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 27, 2014, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.17 Offer Letter, between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Forrest E. Norrod, dated October 20, 2014, filed as Exhibit 10.66 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 27, 2014, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.18 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Severance Plan and Summary Plan Description for Senior Vice Presidents effective December 31, 2014, filed as Exhibit 10.68 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 27, 2014, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.19\\n\\nForm of Stock Option Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 26, 2015, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.20\\n\\nEquity Interest Purchase Agreement by and between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Nantong Fujitsu Microelectronics Co., Ltd. dated as of October 15, 2015, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated October 15, 2015, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.21\\n\\nForm of Stock Option Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.78 to AMD\\'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 26, 2015, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.22\\n\\nForm of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.79 to AMD\\'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 26, 2015, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.23\\n\\nForm of Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.80 to AMD\\'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 26, 2015, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.24\\n\\nForm of Stock Option Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.88 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.25\\n\\nForm of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.89 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.26\\n\\nForm of Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.90 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.27\\n\\nForm of Stock Option Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended April 4, 2017, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.28 Amended and Restated 2017 Employee Stock Purchase Plan dated August 23, 2018, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD\\'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 29, 2018, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n100\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n10.29\\n\\n2017 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended and restated October 12, 2017, filed as Exhibit 10.98 to AMD\\'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 30, 2017, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.30\\n\\nForm of Stock Option Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.99 to AMD\\'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 30, 2017, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.31\\n\\nForm of Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.100 to AMD\\'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 30, 2017, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.32\\n\\nForm of Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan filed as Exhibit 10.101 to AMD\\'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 30, 2017, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.33 Amendment to Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Incentive Plan dated as of February 8, 2018, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD\\'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2018, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.34\\n\\nForm of Stock Option Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive plan, filed as Exhibit 10.103 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2018, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.35\\n\\nForm of Performance-based Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.104 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2018, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.36\\n\\nForm of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.105 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2018, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.37 Offer Letter between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Rick Bergman dated August 1, 2019, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2019, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.38 Sign-On Bonus Letter between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Rick Bergman dated August 1, 2019, filed as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2019, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.39 Value Creation Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit Grant Notice between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Lisa T. Su, dated August 9, 2019, filed as Exhibit 10.3 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2019, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.40 Value Creation Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit Grant Notice between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Mark Papermaster, dated August 9, 2019, filed as Exhibit 10.4 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2019, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.41 Amendment to Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Executive Incentive Plan dated as of August 21, 2019, filed as Exhibit 10.6 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2019, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.42\\n\\n2004 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended and restated, dated August 21, 2019, filed as Exhibit 10.7 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 28, 2019, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.43\\n\\nForm of Performance-based Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 27, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n101\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n10.44\\n\\nForm of Stock Option Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive plan, filed as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 27, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.45\\n\\nForm of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.3 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 27, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n***10.46 Wafer Supply Agreement, among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., The Foundry Company and AMD Fab Technologies US,\\n\\nInc., dated March 2, 2009, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 26, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n***10.47 Wafer Supply Agreement Amendment No. 1, among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc.,\\n\\nGLOBALFOUNDRIES U.S. Inc. and GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore. Pte. Ltd., dated March 29, 2011, filed as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 26, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n***10.48 Wafer Supply Agreement Amendment No. 2, among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc.,\\n\\nGLOBALFOUNDRIES U.S. Inc., Advanced Technology Investment Company LLC and ATIC International Investment Company LLC, dated March 4, 2012, filed as Exhibit 10.3 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 26October 28, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n***10.49 Wafer Supply Agreement Amendment No. 3, among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. and\\n\\nGLOBALFOUNDRIES U.S. Inc., dated December 6, 2012, filed as Exhibit 10.4 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 26October 28, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n***10.50 Wafer Supply Agreement Amendment No. 4, among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. and\\n\\nGLOBALFOUNDRIES U.S. Inc., dated March 30, 2014, filed as Exhibit 10.5 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 26October 28, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n***10.51 Wafer Supply Agreement Amendment No. 5, among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. and\\n\\nGLOBALFOUNDRIES U.S. Inc., dated as of April 16, 2015, filed as Exhibit 10.6 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 26October 28, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n***10.52 Wafer Supply Agreement Amendment No. 6, among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Inc. and\\n\\nGLOBALFOUNDRIES U.S., Inc., dated August 30, 2016, filed as Exhibit 10.7 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 26October 28, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n**10.53 Wafer Supply Agreement Amendment No. 7, among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc. and\\n\\nGLOBALFOUNDRIES U.S. Inc., dated January 28, 2019, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended March 30, 2019, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.54 Company-Provided Business Aircraft Usage and Commercial Travel by Personal Guests Policy revised as of January 25, 2021, filed as Exhibit 10.58 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 26, 2020, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.55\\n\\nForm of Performance-based Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 26, 2021, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.56\\n\\nForm of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 26, 2021, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.57\\n\\nForm of Stock Option Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the 2004 Equity Incentive plan, filed as Exhibit 10.3 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 26, 2021, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n102\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n***10.58 Amended and Restated Wafer Supply Agreement Amendment No. 7, among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.,\\n\\nGLOBALFOUNDRIES, Inc. and GLOBALFOUNDRIES U.S. Inc., dated as of May 12, 2021, filed as Exhibit 10.4 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 26, 2021, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n***10.59\\n\\nFirst Amendment to Amended and Restated Wafer Supply Agreement No. 7, among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Inc. and GLOBALFOUNDRIES U.S. Inc., dated December 23, 2021, filed as Exhibit 10.63 to AMD’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 25, 2021, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.60 Credit Agreement dated as of April 29, 2022 by and among Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. as borrower, the lenders referred\\n\\nto therein, as lenders, and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as administrative agent, swingline lender and an issuing lender, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated April 29, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.61 Xilinx, Inc. 2007 Equity Incentive Plan, effective as of January 1, 2007, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended March 26, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.62\\n\\n2004 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended and restated, filed as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended March 26, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.63 Offer Letter between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Victor Peng dated March 8, 2022, filed as Exhibit 10.3 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended March 26, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.64\\n\\nForm of Performance-based Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the Xilinx, Inc. 2007 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 25, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.65\\n\\nForm of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement for Senior Vice Presidents and Above under the Xilinx, Inc. 2007 Equity Incentive Plan, filed as Exhibit 10.3 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 25, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.66 Outside Director Equity Compensation Policy, as amended and restated, dated as of August 10, 2022, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 24, 2022, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.67 Offer Letter between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Jean Hu, dated as of January 6, 2023, filed as Exhibit 10.1 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated January 8, 2023, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n10.68 Sign-On Bonus Agreement between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Jean Hu, dated as of January 8, 2023, filed as Exhibit 10.2 to AMD’s Current Report on Form 8-K dated January 8, 2023, is hereby incorporated by reference.\\n\\n18.1\\n\\nPreferability Letter from Ernst & Young LLP dated February 27, 2023.\\n\\n21\\n\\nList of AMD subsidiaries.\\n\\n23 Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.\\n\\n24\\n\\nPower of Attorney.\\n\\n31.1 Certification of the Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.\\n\\n31.2 Certification of the Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.\\n\\n32.1 Certification of the Principal Executive Officer pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.\\n\\n103\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\n32.2 Certification of the Principal Financial Officer pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.\\n\\n101.INS XBRL Instance Document -the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are\\n\\nembedded within the Inline XBRL document\\n\\n101.SCH XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document\\n\\n101.CAL XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document\\n\\n101.DEF XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document\\n\\n101.LAB XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document\\n\\n101.PRE XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document\\n\\n104 Cover Page Interactive Data File -the Cover Page Interactive Data File does not appear in the Interactive Data File\\n\\nbecause its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document\\n\\n_____________________ * Management contracts and compensatory plans or arrangements. ** Portions of this exhibit have been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment, which has been granted. These portions have been filed separately with the SEC. *** Portions of this exhibit have been omitted because they are both (i) not material and (ii) would be competitively harmful if publicly disclosed.\\n\\nAMD will furnish a copy of any exhibit on request and payment of AMD’s reasonable expenses of furnishing such exhibit.\\n\\nITEM 16. FORM 10-K SUMMARY\\n\\nNot applicable.\\n\\n104\\n\\nTable of Contents\\n\\nSIGNATURES\\n\\nPursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC.\\n\\nBy:\\n\\n/s/ Lisa T. Su Lisa T. Su Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer\\n\\nPursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons, on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.\\n\\nSignature\\n\\nTitle\\n\\nDate\\n\\n/s/Lisa T. Su Lisa T. Su\\n\\nPresident and Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer), Director\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\n/s/Jean Hu Jean Hu\\n\\nExecutive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer (Principal Financial Officer)\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\n/s/Darla Smith Darla Smith\\n\\nCorporate Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer (Principal Accounting Officer)\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nNora M. Denzel\\n\\nLead Independent Director\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nMark Durcan\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nMike P. Gregoire\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nJoe A. Householder\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\n\\n\\nJohn W. Marren\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nJon A. Olson\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nAbhi Y. Talwalkar\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\n\\n\\nBeth W. Vanderslice\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nBy:\\n\\n/s/Lisa T. Su Lisa T. Su, Attorney-in-Fact\\n\\n105\\n\\nExhibit 18.1\\n\\nBoard of Directors Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2485 Augustine Drive Santa Clara, California 95054\\n\\nLadies and Gentlemen:\\n\\nNote 2 of Notes to the consolidated financial statements of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. included in its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022 describes a change in the method of accounting for tax interest expense from Interest expense to the Income tax provision (benefit) line in the Consolidated Statements of Operations. There are no authoritative criteria for determining a ‘preferable’ method for classifying interest expense associated with unrecognized tax benefits based on the particular circumstances; however, we conclude that such change in the method of accounting is to an acceptable alternative method which, based on your business judgment to make this change and for the stated reasons, is preferable in your circumstances.\\n\\nVery truly yours,\\n\\n/s/ Ernst & Young LLP\\n\\nSan Jose, California\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nDomestic Subsidiaries\\n\\n(*)\\n\\nAdvanced Micro Ltd. AMD Corporation Auviz Systems Inc Xilinx Development Corporation HiAlgo Inc. AMD Advanced Research, LLC AMD (EMEA) LTD. AMD Far East Ltd. AMD International Sales & Service, Ltd. AMD Latin America Ltd. (2) Level 5 Networks, Inc. Midgard Acquisition LLC NGCodec Inc. Pensando Systems, Inc. SeaMicro, Inc. Xilinx, Inc. Silexica, Inc. Solarflare Communications, Inc.\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(*)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\nForeign Subsidiaries\\n\\nXilinx Armenia LLC ATI International SRL (20) Xilinx Benelux B.V. ATI Technologies (Bermuda) Limited Advanced Micro Devices Belgium N.V. AMD South America LTDA. 1252986 Alberta ULC ATI Technologies ULC Xilinx Canada Co. Xilinx Deephi Technology Co. Ltd. Advanced Micro Devices (China) Co., Ltd. Advanced Micro Devices (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Advanced Micro Devices Products (China) Co., Ltd Chengdu Haiguang Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. Xilinx Technology Beijing Limited Xilinx Technology Shanghai Limited Advanced Micro Devices SAS Xilinx SARL Advanced Micro Devices GmbH (12) Silexica GmbH Xilinx Dresden GmbH Xilinx GmbH Xilinx Hong Kong Limited AMD India Private Limited Pensando Systems India Private Limited\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(*) (3)\\n\\n(3)\\n\\n(4)\\n\\n(5)\\n\\n(6)\\n\\n(7)\\n\\n(8)(**)\\n\\n(9)\\n\\n(9)\\n\\n(11)\\n\\n(7)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(7)\\n\\n(13)\\n\\n(23)\\n\\n(10)\\n\\nADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC. LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES As of December 31, 2022\\n\\nExhibit 21\\n\\nState or Jurisdiction Which Incorporated or Organized California California California California California Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware\\n\\nArmenia Barbados Belgium Bermuda Belgium Brazil Canada Canada Canada Cayman Islands China China China China China China France France Germany Germany Germany Germany Hong Kong SAR, China India India\\n\\n(22)\\n\\nSolarflare India Private Limited Xilinx India Technology Services Private Limited Xilinx Finance Ireland Limited Xilinx Ireland Unlimited Company Xilinx Israel Limited Advanced Micro Devices S.p.A. AMD Japan Ltd. Silexica Japan KK Xilinx K.K. Advanced Micro Devices Sdn. Bhd. Advanced Micro Devices Global Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. (*)(15) ATI Technologies (L) Inc. Advanced Micro Devices Malaysia Ltd. Xilinx NL B.V. Advanced Micro Devices (Poland) sp. z o.o. AMD Advanced Micro Devices (ROU) S.R.L. Advanced Micro Devices RS d.o.o. Advanced Micro Devices (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Xilinx Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Xilinx Sales International Pte. Ltd. Xilinx Singapore Holding Pte. Ltd. Xilinx Holding Three Pte. Ltd. Advanced Micro Devices, AB Xilinx AB Advanced Micro Devices (U.K.) Limited Xilinx Limited Xilinx NI Limited Xilinx Technology Ltd.\\n\\n(21)\\n\\n(14)\\n\\n(14)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(12)(**)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(16)\\n\\n(17)\\n\\n(14)\\n\\n(14)\\n\\n(14)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(1)\\n\\n(19)\\n\\n(11)\\n\\n(18)\\n\\nIndia India Ireland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Japan Japan Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Netherlands Poland Romania Serbia Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Sweden Sweden United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom\\n\\nExhibit 21\\n\\n(*) (**) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23)\\n\\nInactive In the process of being dissolved. 100% owned by Xilinx, Inc. Subsidiary of Solarflare Communications, Inc. 100% owned by ATI Technologies ULC 99.9952% owned by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., .0048% owned by AMD International Sales & Service, Ltd. 99.9% owned by AMD International Sales & Service, Ltd., 0.1% owned by AMD Far East Ltd. Subsidiary of 1252986 Alberta ULC. Subsidiary of Xilinx Development Corporation Subsidiary of Xilinx Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Subsidiary of Advanced Micro Devices (China) Co., Ltd. 51% owned by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Subsidiary of Xilinx Singapore Holding Pte. Ltd. Subsidiary of Silexica, Inc. 47.18% owned by ATI Technologies ULC, 52.82% owned by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., less than 0.01% owned by 1252986 Alberta ULC and AMD Far East Ltd. Subsidiary of Xilinx Holding Three Pte. Ltd. Subsidiary of ATI Technologies (Bermuda) Limited Subsidiary of ATI Technologies (L) Inc. Subsidiary of Xilinx Finance Ireland Ltd. Subsidiary of Level 5 Networks, Inc. 99.9% owned by Xilinx, Inc., 0.1% owned by Xilinx Development Corporation 99.867% owned by Xilinx, Inc., 0.133% owned by Xilinx Development Corporation 99.9% owned by Xilinx Development Corporation, 0.1% owned by Xilinx Canada Co. 99.99% owned by Solarflare Communications, Inc., 0.01% owned by Level 5 Networks, Inc. 99.99% owned by Pensando Systems, Inc., 0.01% owned by Anthony Prabhu\\n\\nExhibit 21\\n\\nConsent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm\\n\\nWe consent to the incorporation by reference in the following Registration Statements of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.:\\n\\n•\\n\\n• • • • • • •\\n\\n\\n\\n• •\\n\\nRegistration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-115474) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-134853) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan and the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2000 Employee Stock Purchase Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-159367) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333- 166616) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-181451) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333- 190039) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-195984) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333- 204166) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-211438) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan; Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-204166) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-217784) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan and 2017 Employee Stock Purchase Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-232922) pertaining to the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2004 Equity Incentive Plan; Registration Statement on Form S-4/A (No. 333-251119) pertaining to the proposed merger between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Xilinx, Inc.; Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed pursuant to Rule 462(b) (No.333-262498) pertaining to the proposed merger between Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and Xilinx, Inc.; Registration Statement on Form S-3 (No. 333-265433); and Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-262698) pertaining to the Xilinx, Inc. 2007 Equity Incentive Plan\\n\\n•\\n\\nof our reports dated February 27, 2023, with respect to the consolidated financial statements of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. included in this Annual Report (Form 10-K) for the year ended December 31, 2022.\\n\\n/s/ Ernst & Young LLP\\n\\nSan Jose, California\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nExhibit 23\\n\\nPOWER OF ATTORNEY\\n\\nKNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that each person whose signature appears below constitutes and appoints Lisa T. Su, Jean Hu and Harry A. Wolin, and each of\\n\\nthem, his true and lawful attorneys-in-fact and agents, with full power of substitution and re-substitution, for him or her and in his or her name, place and stead, in any and all capacities, to sign Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, and any and all amendments thereto, and to file the same, with all exhibits thereto, and other documents in connection therewith, with the Securities and Exchange Commission, granting unto said attorneys-in-fact and agents, and each of them, full power and authority to do and perform each and every act and thing requisite and necessary to be done in connection therewith, as fully to all intents and purposes as he or she might or could do in person, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorneys-in-fact and agents, or any of them, or their or his or her substitute or substitutes, may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.\\n\\nSignature\\n\\nTitle\\n\\nDate\\n\\n/s/Lisa T. Su\\n\\nPresident and Chief Executive Officer, Director\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nLisa T. Su\\n\\n/s/Jean Hu\\n\\nExecutive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nJean Hu\\n\\n/s/Darla Smith\\n\\nCorporate Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer\\n\\nFebruary 27, 2023\\n\\nDarla Smith\\n\\n/s/Nora M. Denzel\\n\\nLead Independent Director\\n\\nFebruary 9, 2023\\n\\nNora M. Denzel\\n\\n/s/Mark Durcan\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nFebruary 10, 2023\\n\\nMark Durcan\\n\\n/s/Mike P. Gregoire\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nFebruary 3, 2023\\n\\nMike P. Gregoire\\n\\nExhibit 24\\n\\n/s/Joe A. Householder\\n\\nJoe A. Householder\\n\\n/s/John W. Marren\\n\\nJohn W. Marren\\n\\n/s/Jon A. Olson\\n\\nJon A. Olson\\n\\n/s/Abhi Y. Talwalkar\\n\\nAbhi Y. Talwalkar\\n\\n/s/Beth W. Vanderslice\\n\\nBeth W. Vanderslice\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nDirector\\n\\nFebruary 9, 2023\\n\\nFebruary 10, 2023\\n\\nFebruary 9, 2023\\n\\nFebruary 4, 2023\\n\\nFebruary 10, 2023\\n\\nCertification of Chief Executive Officer Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002\\n\\nI, Lisa T. Su, certify that:\\n\\n1. I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (the “Company”);\\n\\n2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;\\n\\n3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;\\n\\n4. The Company’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the Company and have: a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the Company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;\\n\\nb) designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;\\n\\nc) evaluated the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and\\n\\nd) disclosed in this report any change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the Company’s most recent fiscal quarter (the Company’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting;\\n\\n5. The Company’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the Company’s auditors and the audit committee of the Company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):\\n\\nExhibit 31.1\\n\\na) all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and\\n\\nb) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.\\n\\nDate: February 27, 2023\\n\\n/s/Lisa T. Su Lisa T. Su Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer)\\n\\nCertification of Chief Financial Officer Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002\\n\\nI, Jean Hu, certify that:\\n\\n1. I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (the “Company”);\\n\\n2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;\\n\\n3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;\\n\\n4. The Company’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the Company and have: a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the Company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;\\n\\nb) designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;\\n\\nc) evaluated the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and\\n\\nd) disclosed in this report any change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the Company’s most recent fiscal quarter (the Company’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting;\\n\\n5. The Company’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the Company’s auditors and the audit committee of the Company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):\\n\\nExhibit 31.2\\n\\na) all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and\\n\\nb) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.\\n\\nDate: February 27, 2023\\n\\n/s/Jean Hu Jean Hu Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer (Principal Financial Officer)\\n\\nCertification of Principal Executive Officer Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002\\n\\nPursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the undersigned officer of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (the \"Company\") hereby certifies, to such officer\\'s knowledge, that:\\n\\n(i.)\\n\\n(ii.)\\n\\nthe Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Company for the period ended December 31, 2022 (the \"Report\") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or Section 15(d), as applicable, of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; and the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.\\n\\nDate: February 27, 2023\\n\\n/s/Lisa T. Su Lisa T. Su Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer)\\n\\nExhibit 32.1\\n\\nCertification of Principal Financial Officer Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002\\n\\nPursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the undersigned officer of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (the \"Company\") hereby certifies, to such officer\\'s knowledge, that:\\n\\n(i.)\\n\\nthe Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Company for the period ended December 31, 2022 (the \"Report\") fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or Section 15(d), as applicable, of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; and\\n\\n(ii.)\\n\\nthe information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.\\n\\nDate: February 27, 2023\\n\\n/s/Jean Hu Jean Hu Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer (Principal Financial Officer)\\n\\nExhibit 32.2', metadata={'source': 'amd_2022.pdf'})]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "loader = UnstructuredPDFLoader('amd_2022.pdf')\n",
+ "document = loader.load()\n",
+ "document"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Baseline RAG"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 29,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Requirement already satisfied: langchain-chroma in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (0.1.0)\n",
+ "Collecting langchainhub\n",
+ " Using cached langchainhub-0.1.15-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (621 bytes)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from langchain-chroma) (0.4.24)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: fastapi<1,>=0.95.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from langchain-chroma) (0.110.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: langchain-core<0.2.0,>=0.1.40 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from langchain-chroma) (0.1.44)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: numpy<2,>=1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from langchain-chroma) (1.26.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: requests<3,>=2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from langchainhub) (2.31.0)\n",
+ "Collecting types-requests<,>= (from langchainhub)\n",
+ " Downloading types_requests- (1.8 kB)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: build>=1.0.3 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.2.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pydantic>=1.9 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (2.7.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: chroma-hnswlib==0.7.3 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.7.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: uvicorn>=0.18.3 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from uvicorn[standard]>=0.18.3->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.29.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: posthog>=2.4.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (3.5.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=4.5.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (4.11.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pulsar-client>=3.1.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (3.5.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: onnxruntime>=1.14.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.17.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opentelemetry-api>=1.2.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.24.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc>=1.2.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.24.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi>=0.41b0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.45b0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opentelemetry-sdk>=1.2.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.24.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: tokenizers>=0.13.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.19.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pypika>=0.48.9 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.48.9)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.65.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (4.66.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: overrides>=7.3.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (7.7.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: importlib-resources in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (6.4.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: grpcio>=1.58.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.62.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: bcrypt>=4.0.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (4.1.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: typer>=0.9.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.12.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: kubernetes>=28.1.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (29.0.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: tenacity>=8.2.3 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (8.2.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=6.0.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (6.0.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: mmh3>=4.0.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (4.1.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: orjson>=3.9.12 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (3.10.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: starlette<0.38.0,>=0.37.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from fastapi<1,>=0.95.2->langchain-chroma) (0.37.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: jsonpatch<2.0,>=1.33 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from langchain-core<0.2.0,>=0.1.40->langchain-chroma) (1.33)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: langsmith<0.2.0,>=0.1.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from langchain-core<0.2.0,>=0.1.40->langchain-chroma) (0.1.49)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: packaging<24.0,>=23.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from langchain-core<0.2.0,>=0.1.40->langchain-chroma) (23.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests<3,>=2->langchainhub) (3.3.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests<3,>=2->langchainhub) (3.7)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests<3,>=2->langchainhub) (2.2.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests<3,>=2->langchainhub) (2024.2.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pyproject_hooks in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from build>=1.0.3->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.1.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: jsonpointer>=1.9 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from jsonpatch<2.0,>=1.33->langchain-core<0.2.0,>=0.1.40->langchain-chroma) (2.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.9.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from kubernetes>=28.1.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.16.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.5.3 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from kubernetes>=28.1.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (2.9.0.post0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: google-auth>=1.0.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from kubernetes>=28.1.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (2.29.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: websocket-client!=0.40.0,!=0.41.*,!=0.42.*,>=0.32.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from kubernetes>=28.1.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.7.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: requests-oauthlib in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from kubernetes>=28.1.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (2.0.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: oauthlib>=3.2.2 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from kubernetes>=28.1.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (3.2.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: coloredlogs in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from onnxruntime>=1.14.1->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (15.0.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: flatbuffers in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from onnxruntime>=1.14.1->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (24.3.25)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: protobuf in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from onnxruntime>=1.14.1->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (4.25.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: sympy in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from onnxruntime>=1.14.1->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.12)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: deprecated>=1.2.6 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-api>=1.2.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.2.14)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: importlib-metadata<=7.0,>=6.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-api>=1.2.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (7.0.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: googleapis-common-protos~=1.52 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc>=1.2.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.63.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common==1.24.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc>=1.2.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.24.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opentelemetry-proto==1.24.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc>=1.2.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.24.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opentelemetry-instrumentation-asgi==0.45b0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi>=0.41b0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.45b0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opentelemetry-instrumentation==0.45b0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi>=0.41b0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.45b0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opentelemetry-semantic-conventions==0.45b0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi>=0.41b0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.45b0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: opentelemetry-util-http==0.45b0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi>=0.41b0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.45b0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=16.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-instrumentation==0.45b0->opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi>=0.41b0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (68.2.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: wrapt<2.0.0,>=1.0.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-instrumentation==0.45b0->opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi>=0.41b0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.16.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: asgiref~=3.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from opentelemetry-instrumentation-asgi==0.45b0->opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi>=0.41b0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (3.8.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: monotonic>=1.5 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from posthog>=2.4.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.6)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: backoff>=1.10.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from posthog>=2.4.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (2.2.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: annotated-types>=0.4.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pydantic>=1.9->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.6.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pydantic-core==2.18.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pydantic>=1.9->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (2.18.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: anyio<5,>=3.4.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from starlette<0.38.0,>=0.37.2->fastapi<1,>=0.95.2->langchain-chroma) (4.3.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.16.4 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from tokenizers>=0.13.2->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.22.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: click>=8.0.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from typer>=0.9.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (8.1.7)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: shellingham>=1.3.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from typer>=0.9.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.5.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: rich>=10.11.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from typer>=0.9.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (13.7.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: h11>=0.8 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from uvicorn>=0.18.3->uvicorn[standard]>=0.18.3->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.14.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: httptools>=0.5.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from uvicorn[standard]>=0.18.3->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.6.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: python-dotenv>=0.13 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from uvicorn[standard]>=0.18.3->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.0.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: uvloop!=0.15.0,!=0.15.1,>=0.14.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from uvicorn[standard]>=0.18.3->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.19.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: watchfiles>=0.13 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from uvicorn[standard]>=0.18.3->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.21.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: websockets>=10.4 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from uvicorn[standard]>=0.18.3->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (12.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: sniffio>=1.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from anyio<5,>=3.4.0->starlette<0.38.0,>=0.37.2->fastapi<1,>=0.95.2->langchain-chroma) (1.3.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: cachetools<6.0,>=2.0.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-auth>=1.0.1->kubernetes>=28.1.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (5.3.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-auth>=1.0.1->kubernetes>=28.1.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.4.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: rsa<5,>=3.1.4 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from google-auth>=1.0.1->kubernetes>=28.1.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (4.9)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.16.4->tokenizers>=0.13.2->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (3.14.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: fsspec>=2023.5.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.16.4->tokenizers>=0.13.2->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (2024.3.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=0.5 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from importlib-metadata<=7.0,>=6.0->opentelemetry-api>=1.2.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (3.18.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: markdown-it-py>=2.2.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from rich>=10.11.0->typer>=0.9.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (3.0.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pygments<3.0.0,>=2.13.0 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from rich>=10.11.0->typer>=0.9.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (2.17.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: humanfriendly>=9.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from coloredlogs->onnxruntime>=1.14.1->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (10.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from sympy->onnxruntime>=1.14.1->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (1.3.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: mdurl~=0.1 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from markdown-it-py>=2.2.0->rich>=10.11.0->typer>=0.9.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.1.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pyasn1<0.7.0,>=0.4.6 in /Users/benjamin.chambers/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1->google-auth>=1.0.1->kubernetes>=28.1.0->chromadb<0.5.0,>=0.4.0->langchain-chroma) (0.6.0)\n",
+ "Using cached langchainhub-0.1.15-py3-none-any.whl (4.6 kB)\n",
+ "Downloading types_requests- (15 kB)\n",
+ "Installing collected packages: types-requests, langchainhub\n",
+ "Successfully installed langchainhub-0.1.15 types-requests-\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\u001b[1m[\u001b[0m\u001b[34;49mnotice\u001b[0m\u001b[1;39;49m]\u001b[0m\u001b[39;49m A new release of pip is available: \u001b[0m\u001b[31;49m23.3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[39;49m -> \u001b[0m\u001b[32;49m24.0\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[1m[\u001b[0m\u001b[34;49mnotice\u001b[0m\u001b[1;39;49m]\u001b[0m\u001b[39;49m To update, run: \u001b[0m\u001b[32;49mpip install --upgrade pip\u001b[0m\n",
+ "Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "%pip install langchain-chroma langchainhub"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI\n",
+ "\n",
+ "llm = ChatOpenAI(model=\"gpt-4-turbo\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 30,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from langchain import hub\n",
+ "from langchain_chroma import Chroma\n",
+ "from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser\n",
+ "from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough\n",
+ "from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings\n",
+ "from langchain_community.vectorstores.utils import filter_complex_metadata\n",
+ "\n",
+ "filtered_elements = filter_complex_metadata(elements)\n",
+ "vectorstore = Chroma.from_documents(documents=filtered_elements, embedding=OpenAIEmbeddings())\n",
+ "\n",
+ "retriever = vectorstore.as_retriever()\n",
+ "prompt = hub.pull(\"rlm/rag-prompt\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def format_docs(docs):\n",
+ " return \"\\n\\n\".join(doc.page_content for doc in docs)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "rag_chain = (\n",
+ " {\"context\": retriever | format_docs, \"question\": RunnablePassthrough()}\n",
+ " | prompt\n",
+ " | llm\n",
+ " | StrOutputParser()\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 35,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Question: Does AMD have a reasonably healthy liquidity profile based on its quick ratio for FY22? If the quick ratio is not relevant to measure liquidity, please state that and explain why.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "\"I don't have the specific information on AMD's quick ratio for FY22 to determine its liquidity profile.\""
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 35,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "question = amd_2022_dataset[\"train\"][0][\"question\"]\n",
+ "print(f\"Question: {question}\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "rag_chain.invoke(question)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Basic Graph RAG"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from langchain_experimental.graph_transformers import LLMGraphTransformer\n",
+ "llm_transformer = LLMGraphTransformer(llm=llm)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Note: This operates sequentially on chunks. It takes a long time.\n",
+ "graph_documents = llm_transformer.convert_to_graph_documents(document)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from knowledge_graph.render import render_graph_documents\n",
+ "render_graph_documents(graph_documents)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Graph RAG With Knowledge Schema"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from knowledge_graph.schema_inference import KnowledgeSchemaInferer\n",
+ "from knowledge_graph.render import render_knowledge_schema\n",
+ "\n",
+ "inferer = KnowledgeSchemaInferer(llm)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "suggested_schemas = inferer.infer_schemas_from(elements)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 22,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Schema 0:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a generic document, such as a book, report, or article.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured group or entity such as companies, institutions, or regulatory\n",
+ " bodies.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A physical place or geographic area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization is established or situated within a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is a legally recognized organization involved in commercial,\n",
+ " industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A period used for calculating annual financial statements in businesses\n",
+ " and other organizations.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: A written or printed paper that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has created and submitted a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: files\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document pertains to or provides information about\n",
+ " a specific fiscal year.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 3:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 4:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A graphical or typographical symbol used to represent a concept or\n",
+ " object.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 5:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written record or report, often formal and pertaining to official\n",
+ " records or legal matters.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A group of people organized for a specific purpose, such as a business,\n",
+ " government, or society.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, often expressed as a year, month, and day.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization is responsible for publishing the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: published_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period that the document pertains to.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 6:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a specific purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place or area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening, typically marked by a specific\n",
+ " time.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides\n",
+ " information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical item or artifact.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization, event, or object is located within\n",
+ " a specific geographical area.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or event is associated with or organized\n",
+ " by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 7:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A special character or graphical symbol.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 8:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written record or report, often formal and pertaining to official\n",
+ " or business matters.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes\n",
+ " as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of\n",
+ " penalties.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: A group of people identified by a shared purpose or objective, often\n",
+ " structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific segment of time with defined boundaries, often used to describe\n",
+ " durations in historical, legal, or operational contexts.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is relevant to or concerned with a specific\n",
+ " law.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is published or released by a specific\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the document discusses or is relevant for a specific time\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 9:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or file.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A unique identifier used to indicate a specific document or entity.\n",
+ " type: identifier\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is identified by a specific identifier.\n",
+ " edge_type: identified_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - identifier\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 10:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A corporate or institutional entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 11:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity officially registered in accordance with legal or regulatory\n",
+ " requirements.\n",
+ " type: registrant\n",
+ "- description: A formal document defining the constitution, rights, and objectives\n",
+ " of an entity, typically used for organizations or corporations.\n",
+ " type: charter\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the registrant's information, such as the exact name,\n",
+ " is defined or specified in a charter.\n",
+ " edge_type: specified_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - registrant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - charter\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 12:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A political entity defined by geographic boundaries, governance, and\n",
+ " sovereignty.\n",
+ " type: State\n",
+ "- description: A range of authority or control, often related to legal or governmental\n",
+ " oversight.\n",
+ " type: Jurisdiction\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that some states are also jurisdictions regarding certain\n",
+ " legal or organizational contexts.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - State\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Jurisdiction\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 13:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unique identifier such as an Employer Identification Number\n",
+ " (EIN).\n",
+ " type: identifier\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization possesses a specific identifier.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_identifier\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - identifier\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 14:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the location of a principal executive office.\n",
+ " type: address\n",
+ "- description: Represents a telephone contact number, including area code, for an\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " type: telephone_number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity has a specific address.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_address\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - address\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity has a specific telephone number.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_telephone_number\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - telephone_number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 15:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument representing ownership in stocks (equity securities)\n",
+ " or a debt agreement (debt securities).\n",
+ " type: security\n",
+ "- description: A formal decision or legislation enacted by a government or authoritative\n",
+ " body.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a security is registered under a specific act, complying\n",
+ " with its regulations.\n",
+ " edge_type: registered_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 16:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of equity security that signifies ownership in a\n",
+ " corporation and represents a claim on part of the corporation's assets and earnings.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is legally recognized as a separate legal entity from\n",
+ " its owners, with its own rights and responsibilities.\n",
+ " type: corporation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a stock is issued by a specific corporation.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - corporation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 17:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a stock or financial trading symbol.\n",
+ " type: TradingSymbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 18:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial exchange where stocks and other securities are\n",
+ " traded.\n",
+ " type: exchange\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a company's securities are listed\n",
+ " on a specific exchange.\n",
+ " edge_type: listed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - exchange\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 19:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument representing some type of financial value, commonly\n",
+ " stocks or bonds.\n",
+ " type: security\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a legal or governmental regulation.\n",
+ " type: regulation_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a security is registered under a specific section of\n",
+ " a regulation.\n",
+ " edge_type: registered_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulation_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 20:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A term or phrase with a specific legal definition or implication.\n",
+ " type: legal_term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the status of a checkbox, whether it is checked or unchecked.\n",
+ " type: checkbox_status\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section contains legal terms or checkbox\n",
+ " statuses.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_term\n",
+ " - checkbox_status\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a legal term is defined within a specific section of\n",
+ " a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: defined_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 21:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business, government, or another type of structured\n",
+ " group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A rule or law that entities must follow.\n",
+ " type: legal_requirement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization possesses or is associated with a specific\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_document\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is subject to a specific legal requirement.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_requirement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the status or compliance of a document with respect to a\n",
+ " legal requirement.\n",
+ " edge_type: document_status\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_requirement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 22:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity required to file reports under financial regulations.\n",
+ " type: registrant\n",
+ "- description: A document that entities are required to file under certain financial\n",
+ " regulations.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "- description: A specific rule or law that mandates certain actions from entities,\n",
+ " such as filing reports.\n",
+ " type: regulatory_requirement\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration of time that is relevant to compliance or regulatory\n",
+ " requirements.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the registrant has filed a report during a specified\n",
+ " time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_report\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - registrant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the registrant was subject to a specific regulatory\n",
+ " requirement during a specified time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - registrant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulatory_requirement\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the registrant complies with specific regulatory requirements\n",
+ " during a specified time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: complies_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - registrant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulatory_requirement\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 23:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that is registered or incorporated, such as a company\n",
+ " or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority, often governmental.\n",
+ " type: regulation\n",
+ "- description: A digital file or set of files that are submitted electronically, in\n",
+ " accordance with specific regulations.\n",
+ " type: electronic_submission\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or span of time.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has submitted an electronic file.\n",
+ " edge_type: submits\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - electronic_submission\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the submission of an electronic file is mandated by\n",
+ " a specific regulation.\n",
+ " edge_type: required_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - electronic_submission\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the electronic submission pertains to a specific time\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - electronic_submission\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 24:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the status of a registrant in terms of filing requirements\n",
+ " under the Exchange Act.\n",
+ " type: FilerStatus\n",
+ "- description: A specific regulation or guideline within a legal framework.\n",
+ " type: Rule\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the status of a filer is defined by a specific rule\n",
+ " or regulation.\n",
+ " edge_type: defined_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - FilerStatus\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Rule\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 25:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the status of a filer based on size and market presence.\n",
+ " type: filer_status\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 26:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a text or source of information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 27:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the status of a filer in the context of financial regulations.\n",
+ " type: FilingStatus\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 28:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or geographical area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, typically significant in nature.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: The belonging of a person to a specific nation, often relating to citizenship.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: A job or profession carried out by a person.\n",
+ " type: occupation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the organization a person is employed by or works with.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a person's involvement in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an organization or event is based or took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: nationality_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 29:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the classification or status of a filer in a regulatory\n",
+ " or financial context.\n",
+ " type: filer_status\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 30:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, typically named or identifiable.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of organized group, including companies, universities,\n",
+ " or governmental bodies.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place, such as a city or country.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence, typically occurring at a specific\n",
+ " time and place.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal recognition or honor given to individuals or organizations.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or work published, such as a book, article, or\n",
+ " research paper.\n",
+ " type: publication\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_member\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization or event is situated within a specific\n",
+ " geographical location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization has received a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person attended a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a publication was authored by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - publication\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event occurred at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 31:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific classification or type for an organization.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 32:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A single character or graphical sign used to represent an object, function,\n",
+ " or process.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 33:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business entity involved in commercial, industrial, or\n",
+ " professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents the developmental stage of a company, such as startup, emerging,\n",
+ " mature, or declining.\n",
+ " type: growth_stage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the growth stage of a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_growth_stage\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - growth_stage\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 34:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A rule or guideline for financial accounting.\n",
+ " type: financial_accounting_standard\n",
+ "- description: A specific time frame during which a company must comply with certain\n",
+ " regulations or standards.\n",
+ " type: compliance_period\n",
+ "- description: A specific section of a regulatory act or law that outlines requirements\n",
+ " or provisions.\n",
+ " type: regulatory_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has chosen to follow a specific compliance\n",
+ " period for regulations.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_elected\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - compliance_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is under the obligation of a specific section\n",
+ " of a regulatory act.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulatory_section\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that a section of a law or act governs certain financial\n",
+ " accounting standards.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - regulatory_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_accounting_standard\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 35:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business or institutional activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal written, printed, or digital piece of information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A detailed document providing information about a specific topic, often\n",
+ " used for compliance or assessment.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "- description: Legal statutes or regulations that govern behavior and practices.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: A company that provides audit and financial management services.\n",
+ " type: accounting_firm\n",
+ "- description: Evaluation or analysis of a specific aspect, such as internal controls\n",
+ " or systems.\n",
+ " type: assessment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization officially submits a report as required or for documentation\n",
+ " purposes.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ "- description: A report or assessment is directly connected or mandated by a specific\n",
+ " law.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " - assessment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: A report has been created or issued by an accounting firm.\n",
+ " edge_type: prepared_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_firm\n",
+ "- description: An evaluation focusing on the effectiveness of an organization's internal\n",
+ " control systems.\n",
+ " edge_type: assess_internal_controls\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - assessment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 36:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument that represents an ownership position in a publicly-traded\n",
+ " corporation (stock), a creditor relationship with a governmental body or a corporation\n",
+ " (bond), or rights to ownership as represented by an option.\n",
+ " type: security\n",
+ "- description: A formal decision or law made by a legislature, government, or other\n",
+ " official body.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A mistake in the financial statements that requires correction.\n",
+ " type: error\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a security is registered under a specific act.\n",
+ " edge_type: registered_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial statement includes corrections from previously\n",
+ " issued statements due to errors.\n",
+ " edge_type: reflects_correction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - error\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 37:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific document containing information or questions.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Modification made to correct an error in a document or statement.\n",
+ " type: error_correction\n",
+ "- description: A revised statement that corrects or clarifies a previous statement.\n",
+ " type: restatement\n",
+ "- description: An analysis conducted to reassess incentive-based compensation received\n",
+ " by executives during a specified period.\n",
+ " type: recovery_analysis\n",
+ "- description: Compensation that is awarded based on performance or achievement criteria.\n",
+ " type: incentive_based_compensation\n",
+ "- description: A high-ranking officer in an organization, typically involved in management\n",
+ " or corporate decision-making.\n",
+ " type: executive_officer\n",
+ "- description: The time frame during which recovery of funds or corrections of payments\n",
+ " are considered.\n",
+ " type: recovery_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A restatement necessitates a recovery analysis.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - restatement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - recovery_analysis\n",
+ "- description: An executive officer received compensation during a specified recovery\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - executive_officer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - recovery_period\n",
+ "- description: The recovery analysis is concerned with incentive-based compensation.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - recovery_analysis\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - incentive_based_compensation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 38:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is registering, typically in the context of legal or\n",
+ " financial filings.\n",
+ " type: registrant\n",
+ "- description: A type of company defined specifically by legal or regulatory standards,\n",
+ " often lacking significant operations or assets.\n",
+ " type: shell_company\n",
+ "- description: A specific regulation or standard established by an authority.\n",
+ " type: rule\n",
+ "- description: The answer or selection made in response to a question or statement.\n",
+ " type: response\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the concept of a shell company is defined by a specific\n",
+ " rule.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_defined_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - shell_company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - rule\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the registrant's response to a question or statement regarding\n",
+ " their status.\n",
+ " edge_type: responds\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - registrant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - response\n",
+ "- description: Associates a response with a specific status or category, such as being\n",
+ " or not being a shell company.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - response\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - shell_company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 39:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents the total market value of a certain stock or asset.\n",
+ " type: market_value\n",
+ "- description: Represents an equity security that offers ownership in a corporation.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: Indicates whether an entity is affiliated or non-affiliated with another\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " type: affiliate_status\n",
+ "- description: The price of a single share of stock.\n",
+ " type: share_price\n",
+ "- description: A specific stock exchange where stocks are bought and sold.\n",
+ " type: stock_market\n",
+ "- description: A division of a fiscal year, used for financial reporting by a company.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_quarter\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the market value of stock held by either affiliates or non-affiliates.\n",
+ " edge_type: held_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - affiliate_status\n",
+ "- description: Associates a market value or share price with a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_value\n",
+ " - share_price\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Associates a market value with a specific share price.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_share_price\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - share_price\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where the stock is traded.\n",
+ " edge_type: traded_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_market\n",
+ "- description: Associates a share price with the stock market on which it was reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: closing_price_reported_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - share_price\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a date marks the end of a fiscal quarter.\n",
+ " edge_type: at_end_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_quarter\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 40:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents the total number of shares outstanding.\n",
+ " type: share_quantity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a class of common stock.\n",
+ " type: stock_class\n",
+ "- description: Represents the nominal value of a share of stock.\n",
+ " type: par_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the number of shares outstanding for a class of stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_shares\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_class\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - share_quantity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which the shares quantity is reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_class\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the par value of a class of stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_par_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_class\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - par_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 41:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening, planned or unplanned.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or area, real or imagined.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity formed to achieve a particular purpose, ranging from\n",
+ " businesses to non-profits.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A physical or abstract item that can be interacted with or affected.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or a broad category of things.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person, event, organization, or object is located\n",
+ " or takes place.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member or part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates ownership of an object by a person or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: Indicates active involvement of a person or organization in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: A concept is represented by or manifested in an object, event, person,\n",
+ " organization, or location.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 42:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents sections of a document such as chapters, subchapters, appendices,\n",
+ " etc.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or publication.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 43:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written, printed, or digital record that provides information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A mention or citation of a source used in a document.\n",
+ " type: reference\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A document includes or integrates references within it.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reference\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 44:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A text entity such as a report, statement, or any written content.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A group such as a company, regulatory body, or any institutional entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or organized happening, such as a meeting or fiscal year\n",
+ " ending.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: One document includes content from another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: A document is officially submitted to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: A document is related to or is relevant during a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 45:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured set of information, such as a book, report, or article.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: A division within a document, typically representing a specific topic\n",
+ " or theme.\n",
+ " type: Section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 46:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_part\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 47:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item or object, typically a physical or tangible entity.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 48:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a label or identifier for a section of a document, such\n",
+ " as a title or number.\n",
+ " type: section_label\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section is identified or labeled by a specific\n",
+ " section label.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_label\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section_label\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 49:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific section of a document, labeled by a title or identifier.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one section of a document contains another, nested section.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 50:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific item, usually in a list or document.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 51:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item or object mentioned in a document.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 52:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document or report.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the specific content or subject matter covered within a\n",
+ " document section.\n",
+ " type: content\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric identifier or value associated with a section\n",
+ " or content.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section contains specific content or subject\n",
+ " matter.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section is identified or labeled with a specific\n",
+ " numeric value.\n",
+ " edge_type: identified_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 53:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or division within a document or text.\n",
+ " type: part\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 54:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 55:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item, which can be a document, object, or any other discrete\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 56:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document, identified by a unique\n",
+ " identifier or title.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 57:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains a specific section.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 58:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section of a document or report.\n",
+ " type: Document_Section\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 59:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or a significant portion of it.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more specific sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 60:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 61:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or a part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document as a whole.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section is part of a larger document.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 62:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document section is part of another, larger document\n",
+ " section.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 63:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific part of a document, such as a chapter or section.\n",
+ " type: document_part\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 64:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section within a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section is part of a larger document.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_section_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 65:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a distinct item, specified by a unique identifier or number.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 66:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 67:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific item in a list, often linked to a detailed description\n",
+ " or specifics related to a document or set of regulations.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 68:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document, identified by a number\n",
+ " or title.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 69:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_part\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 70:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 71:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific item, entity, or document section identified\n",
+ " by a number or title.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 72:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A representation of a person's name written in a unique way usually\n",
+ " on documents.\n",
+ " type: signature\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 73:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or a book.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific subject, theme, or area of knowledge covered\n",
+ " in documents.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section, chapter, or any subdivision within a document\n",
+ " used to organize content.\n",
+ " type: organizational_unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more organizational units.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organizational_unit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organizational unit covers or discusses a specific\n",
+ " topic.\n",
+ " edge_type: addresses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organizational_unit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 74:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or commercial entity.\n",
+ " type: Business\n",
+ "- description: An item or service offered by a business.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: An individual or human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A geographical place, such as a country, city, or address.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business provides a particular product or service.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the geographic location of a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a person who established the business.\n",
+ " edge_type: founded_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is employed by or works within a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 75:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A potential source of danger or harm that increases the likelihood\n",
+ " of an adverse event.\n",
+ " type: Risk Factor\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 76:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents comments or observations made by staff regarding a specific\n",
+ " issue.\n",
+ " type: Staff_Comment\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific issue or concern that needs to be addressed.\n",
+ " type: Issue\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a staff comment is related to a specific issue.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Staff_Comment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Issue\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 77:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A characteristic or attribute of an entity.\n",
+ " type: property\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 78:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific instance of legal dispute or judicial action.\n",
+ " type: legal_case\n",
+ "- description: Individuals involved or mentioned in legal proceedings.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Groups, companies, or other entities involved in legal proceedings.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Legal documents or evidence submitted during legal proceedings.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: The judicial entity where legal proceedings are held.\n",
+ " type: court\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization is involved in a legal case.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_case\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is submitted to a court as part of legal\n",
+ " proceedings.\n",
+ " edge_type: submitted_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a court is responsible for adjudicating a legal case.\n",
+ " edge_type: adjudicates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_case\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 79:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or electronic text providing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A subject or theme of a document.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "- description: Information that reveals safety practices, regulations, or conditions,\n",
+ " typically in a specific sector.\n",
+ " type: safety_disclosure\n",
+ "- description: A category of businesses or organizations involved in a particular\n",
+ " type of economic activity.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the subject or theme that the document addresses.\n",
+ " edge_type: concerns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the topic includes information about safety disclosures.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - safety_disclosure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the industry associated with the specific safety disclosures.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - safety_disclosure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 80:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured system for the exchange of goods, services, or securities.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: An entity that completes registration for a regulatory or legal purpose.\n",
+ " type: registrant\n",
+ "- description: A form of corporate equity ownership, typically represented by stock.\n",
+ " type: common equity\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that owns shares of stock in a company.\n",
+ " type: stockholder\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that develops, registers and sells securities to finance\n",
+ " its operations.\n",
+ " type: issuer\n",
+ "- description: A type of security representing ownership in a corporation, such as\n",
+ " stocks.\n",
+ " type: equity security\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Relationship where a registrant has a specific market for its securities.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_market\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - registrant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Generic relationship indicating a connection or relevance between entities.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stockholder\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - registrant\n",
+ " - issuer\n",
+ " - equity security\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an issuer buys back its own equity securities.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - issuer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity security\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 81:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, often significant in context.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A specific geographical place or area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose or activity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A written or electronic record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A physical item or material thing.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or general notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that an event took place at a specific location and/or date.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization took part in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one location is situated within another.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is related to a specific event, person, organization,\n",
+ " object, or concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization legally possesses an object.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document provides a detailed account of an event,\n",
+ " person, organization, location, object, or concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: describes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 82:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity that performs or engages in commercial, professional,\n",
+ " charitable, or similar activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An entity's financial stability, status, or health, reflecting its\n",
+ " ability to generate cash flows, meet financial obligations, and sustain operations.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: Activities, practices, or operations involved in managing an organization's\n",
+ " finances, including revenue generation, expenditure, investments, and financial\n",
+ " planning.\n",
+ " type: financial_operation\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A written, drawn, presented, or memorialized representation of thought,\n",
+ " often pertaining to administrative matters and evidence of activities or obligations.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Relationship where an individual has a managerial or administrative\n",
+ " role over an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a document or person elaborates or explains\n",
+ " details about financial conditions or operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - financial_operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 83:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A statement or document revealing information about a specific topic.\n",
+ " type: Disclosure\n",
+ "- description: The risk of losses in financial markets due to factors like price changes,\n",
+ " interest rates, or currency exchange rates.\n",
+ " type: Market_Risk\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the disclosure is specifically about the market risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Disclosure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Market_Risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 84:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document that provides an overview of a company's financial performance\n",
+ " and position.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Additional information provided alongside financial statements to give\n",
+ " more context or detail about the financial condition.\n",
+ " type: supplementary_data\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that supplementary data is provided alongside a financial\n",
+ " statement to offer additional context or detail.\n",
+ " edge_type: accompanies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplementary_data\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 85:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A professional responsible for managing and auditing financial records\n",
+ " and preparing financial reports.\n",
+ " type: Accountant\n",
+ "- description: The process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions\n",
+ " to provide an accurate and fair view of business operations.\n",
+ " type: Accounting\n",
+ "- description: The release of all relevant financial information pertaining to a company\n",
+ " that is required to be disclosed according to law or company rules.\n",
+ " type: Financial Disclosure\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the alterations or modifications a professional accountant\n",
+ " makes in the processes or systems of accounting or financial disclosure.\n",
+ " edge_type: changes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Accountant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Accounting\n",
+ " - Financial Disclosure\n",
+ "- description: Represents the conflicts or differing opinions an accountant has with\n",
+ " methods or practices in accounting or financial disclosure.\n",
+ " edge_type: disagreements_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Accountant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Accounting\n",
+ " - Financial Disclosure\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 86:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A method or procedure designed to manage risks and ensure the reliability\n",
+ " of financial reporting.\n",
+ " type: control\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner to achieve\n",
+ " a desired result or comply with certain standards.\n",
+ " type: procedure\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a control or procedure is a part of or included within\n",
+ " another procedure or control, respectively.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 87:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various types of information or data.\n",
+ " type: Information\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 88:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A sovereign state or territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A specific area or region governed by a set of legal regulations, often\n",
+ " coinciding with a country but can also refer to subdivisions or specialized zones.\n",
+ " type: jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: A formal evaluation or examination of certain conditions, processes,\n",
+ " or materials conducted by a designated authority.\n",
+ " type: inspection\n",
+ "- description: The action of making new or secret information known.\n",
+ " type: disclosure\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific area or region falls under the governance\n",
+ " or administrative scope of a country.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_jurisdiction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that local laws or regulations in a jurisdiction hinder or\n",
+ " disallow the conduct of inspections.\n",
+ " edge_type: prevents_inspection\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - jurisdiction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inspection\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the disclosure pertains to information about inspections.\n",
+ " edge_type: regarding\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - disclosure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inspection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 89:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may hold a position or role within an organization.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government department.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific position or duty within an organization that a person can\n",
+ " hold.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "- description: Connects a role to the organization in which it is held, indicating\n",
+ " the organizational context of the role.\n",
+ " edge_type: role_in_organization\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Describes the governance framework or structure within which an organization\n",
+ " operates.\n",
+ " edge_type: governance_structure\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 90:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual, often involved in professional or social roles.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a collective goal, such as a company\n",
+ " or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A form of payment or reward given to an individual, typically for their\n",
+ " professional services.\n",
+ " type: compensation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is employed by or is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a person receives some form of compensation, such as salary,\n",
+ " bonus, or other incentives, from their professional role.\n",
+ " edge_type: receives_compensation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - compensation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds an executive role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_executive_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 91:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company, institution, or group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A type of security that represents ownership in a corporation and signifies\n",
+ " a claim on part of the corporation's assets and earnings.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization holds ownership of a stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has a management role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relevant connection or relation between persons and/or\n",
+ " organizations, such as familial or corporate ties.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 92:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A bond or connection between entities, representing various interactions\n",
+ " or associations.\n",
+ " type: relationship\n",
+ "- description: An exchange or transfer of goods, services, or funds between parties.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A person who is a member of the board of directors of an organization,\n",
+ " responsible for overseeing the management and governance of the organization.\n",
+ " type: director\n",
+ "- description: The state of being free from outside control or influence, particularly\n",
+ " in the context of a director's relationship to the organization they govern.\n",
+ " type: independence\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular relationship involves specific transactions.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_transaction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - relationship\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a director maintains a state of independence from the\n",
+ " organization they oversee.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_independence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - director\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - independence\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 93:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of professional assistance or work provided.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: An organization or individual providing or receiving services.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An entity provides a specific service.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: An entity receives a specific service.\n",
+ " edge_type: receives\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 94:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any written or electronic documentation.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more specific sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 95:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of document that contains financial information about a company,\n",
+ " such as annual reports, balance sheets, income statements, etc.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Document\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is a commercial business or firm.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A specific time interval covered by financial documents, such as fiscal\n",
+ " years, quarters, etc.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial document provides information on this\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " edge_type: reports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial document covers this specific financial\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 96:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 97:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 98:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A whole number with no fractional part.\n",
+ " type: integer\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 99:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a specific quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 100:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A place where events occur or are located.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, typically notable in nature.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose or aim.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: An idea or principle.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A written, printed, or digital record that provides information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event, organization, or person is situated within\n",
+ " a particular location.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person authored a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: wrote\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document addresses or is about an event, concept,\n",
+ " or object.\n",
+ " edge_type: concerns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization has legal possession of an\n",
+ " object.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 101:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An institution of higher learning.\n",
+ " type: university\n",
+ "- description: A legal relationship between an individual and a state, typically indicating\n",
+ " citizenship.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: A recognition given to an individual for their achievements or excellence.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents that a person has studied at a university.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - university\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has been given an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 102:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 103:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 104:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 105:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 106:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 107:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 108:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 109:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 110:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 111:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 112:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 113:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 114:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 115:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 116:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value, integer or decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 117:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 118:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 119:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 120:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 121:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical entity or value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 122:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 123:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a structured collection of information or data,\n",
+ " often composed of multiple sections.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: A specific subdivision of a document, usually designated by titles\n",
+ " or numbers, organized to separate and categorize content.\n",
+ " type: Section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a document includes one or more sections\n",
+ " within its structure.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 124:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a book, identified usually\n",
+ " by a roman numeral or a title.\n",
+ " type: book_part\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 125:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Represents a discrete, individually distinct component or piece of\n",
+ " information.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that details about the business are described within the\n",
+ " item.\n",
+ " edge_type: described_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 126:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A text containing information or statements.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific claim or assertion made within a document.\n",
+ " type: statement\n",
+ "- description: A statement intended to warn or advise, particularly about potential\n",
+ " future events or risks.\n",
+ " type: cautionary_statement\n",
+ "- description: A statement that involves predictions or expectations about future\n",
+ " events.\n",
+ " type: forward_looking_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that a statement is of a particular type, either cautionary\n",
+ " or forward-looking.\n",
+ " edge_type: type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cautionary_statement\n",
+ " - forward_looking_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 127:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific document containing textual information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific assertion or declaration made within a document.\n",
+ " type: statement\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or range of time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Potential for loss or negative outcome associated with a statement\n",
+ " or event.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or action that is significant within the context of a\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Specific terms or phrases used within a document.\n",
+ " type: terminology\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: An item or service offered by a business.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A defined area or domain where business transactions occur.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Legal proceedings or disputes.\n",
+ " type: litigation\n",
+ "- description: Measures implemented to protect data and maintain privacy.\n",
+ " type: security_control\n",
+ "- description: Activities related to the management of financial resources in a business.\n",
+ " type: financial_operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A document contains one or more statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ "- description: A statement or prediction is based on a specific date or time.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: A statement involves certain risks or uncertainties.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: A document utilizes specific terms or phrases.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - terminology\n",
+ "- description: A statement is related to or predicts a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: A statement is related to or affects financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A statement is related to or affects products.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: A statement is related to or affects markets.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: A statement is related to or affects litigation.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - litigation\n",
+ "- description: A statement is related to or affects security controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security_control\n",
+ "- description: A statement is related to or affects financial operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 128:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any business or corporate entity, such as companies and\n",
+ " their subsidiaries.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any formal written work, like reports, books, or forms.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents pronouns used in reference to an entity, including first-person\n",
+ " pronouns like 'we', 'us', 'our'.\n",
+ " type: pronoun\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a pronoun is used to refer to a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: referred_to_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - pronoun\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is mentioned or referenced in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 129:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual document or article.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 130:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any formal group or company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any item or service produced by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization produces or provides a specific product\n",
+ " or service.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 131:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or geographical area.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, typically significant in nature.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity comprising multiple people, typically structured\n",
+ " and purpose-driven.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "- description: A written, printed, or digital record that provides information.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: The status of belonging to a particular nation.\n",
+ " type: Nationality\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A person was born in a location.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: A person took part in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "- description: A location is situated within another location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: A person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: An event took place on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "- description: A document was authored by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: written_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ "- description: A person holds a particular nationality.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Nationality\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 132:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a hardware component used in various technologies.\n",
+ " type: component\n",
+ "- description: Represents the area or field where a component is applied or used.\n",
+ " type: application\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a component is used within a specific application or\n",
+ " field.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - application\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 133:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual, either real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A geographical place or area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An organization founded for a specific purpose, such as education or\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A physical item or artifact.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or general notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Describes an employment or professional association between a person\n",
+ " and an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the location where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates possession or ownership of an object by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: Links a concept to a variety of entities to which it can be relevant\n",
+ " or applied.\n",
+ " edge_type: concept_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 134:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general type for hardware components in computing devices.\n",
+ " type: Component\n",
+ "- description: A type representing computing devices such as desktops and notebooks.\n",
+ " type: Device\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a component is part of a device.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_component_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Device\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one component integrates or includes another component\n",
+ " within itself.\n",
+ " edge_type: integrates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Component\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 135:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a collective purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening that involves people and/or organizations.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place or a specific location.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of, or belongs to, an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an event takes place.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event is planned or executed by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: organized_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 136:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a commercial or technological product, such as GPUs or SoC\n",
+ " devices.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a service provided by a company or entity, such as development\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company provides a certain product or service.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 137:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An organization founded for a specific purpose, such as education or\n",
+ " research.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position, often geographical.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A specific academic or professional discipline.\n",
+ " type: field_of_study\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the location where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person is employed or conducts their professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the academic or professional discipline a person is focused\n",
+ " on.\n",
+ " edge_type: specializes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - field_of_study\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 138:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents types of hardware products, such as CPUs, GPUs, etc.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 139:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in business or corporate activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Legal rights to inventions, designs, and artistic works.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization sells or licenses intellectual property to another\n",
+ " party.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells_or_licenses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 140:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An organization for education or research.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A specific area or discipline of academic focus.\n",
+ " type: field_of_study\n",
+ "- description: A nation recognized as a distinct entity in political geography.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: An honor or recognition given for excellence in a certain field.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person has pursued education.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the country where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the field in which a person is professionally involved.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_in_field\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - field_of_study\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has been honored with an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 141:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A collection of organized information, typically structured into sections\n",
+ " or chapters.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A subdivision of a document, usually denoted by titles or numbers,\n",
+ " covering specific topics or themes.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: The name or heading given to a document or a section within a document.\n",
+ " type: title\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or section is named or headed by a specific\n",
+ " title.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - title\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 142:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents supplementary information or details that expand on the\n",
+ " main content.\n",
+ " type: Additional_Information\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 143:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal business entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographic location, such as a city or an address.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document containing financial information regarding a\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Represents a period used for calculating annual financial statements\n",
+ " in businesses and other organizations.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where the company was legally incorporated.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where the company's stock is listed.\n",
+ " edge_type: listed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the location of the company's office.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_office_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the company possesses or publishes a financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_statement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the fiscal years covered by a financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 144:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business entity or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legally recognized exclusive right to a particular product,\n",
+ " service, or technology.\n",
+ " type: trademark\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company holds the legal rights to a trademark.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - trademark\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 145:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally registered name, symbol, or phrase representing a product\n",
+ " or company.\n",
+ " type: trademark\n",
+ "- description: An organization involved in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a trademark is legally owned or registered by a specific\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_trademark_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - trademark\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the countries in which a trademark is legally registered.\n",
+ " edge_type: registered_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - trademark\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 146:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business or commercial organization.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or service offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as\n",
+ " representing a company or product.\n",
+ " type: trademark\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company or product has a legally registered or established\n",
+ " trademark.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_trademark\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - trademark\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 147:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An online location or platform where information is stored and accessed.\n",
+ " type: website\n",
+ "- description: A written, drawn, presented, or recorded piece of information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a website contains or provides access to documents.\n",
+ " edge_type: hosts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - website\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 148:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represent an organized entity such as a company or government body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represent texts such as reports, codes, principles, and filings.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represent an online site where information can be accessed.\n",
+ " type: website\n",
+ "- description: Represent a physical location or mailing address.\n",
+ " type: address\n",
+ "- description: Represent an electronic mail address for communication.\n",
+ " type: email\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has an official website.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_website\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - website\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a website or organization provides access to specific\n",
+ " documents.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_document\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - website\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the physical location or mailing address of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - address\n",
+ "- description: Represents the contact email of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: can_be_contacted_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - email\n",
+ "- description: Indicates documents that pertain to specific organizational procedures\n",
+ " or governance.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 149:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document containing the statement or policy.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution that has policies or ethical\n",
+ " codes.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A position or job title within an organization.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "- description: A change or modification, especially in a document or policy.\n",
+ " type: amendment\n",
+ "- description: An exemption or release from a standard or requirement, typically granted\n",
+ " by an authority.\n",
+ " type: waiver\n",
+ "- description: A digital platform or location where information is published or displayed.\n",
+ " type: website\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has a specific policy or document.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_policy\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document mentions a specific role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentions_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization makes an amendment to a policy or document.\n",
+ " edge_type: makes_amendment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amendment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization grants a waiver related to its policies\n",
+ " or requirements.\n",
+ " edge_type: grants_waiver\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - waiver\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization discloses information on a specific\n",
+ " website.\n",
+ " edge_type: discloses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - website\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 150:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A digital location that hosts a collection of related web pages and\n",
+ " content.\n",
+ " type: website\n",
+ "- description: A document or file that provides information or analysis on a particular\n",
+ " subject.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the information on a website is not included by reference\n",
+ " in a report.\n",
+ " edge_type: not_incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - website\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the information on a website is not considered part\n",
+ " of a report.\n",
+ " edge_type: not_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - website\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 151:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A broad category that describes a specific sector of the economy involved\n",
+ " in the production of goods or services.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 152:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government department.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Any item created through manufacturing or natural process, intended\n",
+ " for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A part that combines with other parts to form something bigger, especially\n",
+ " in manufacturing and engineering.\n",
+ " type: component\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular\n",
+ " end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially\n",
+ " in industry.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: A thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece\n",
+ " of mechanical or electronic equipment.\n",
+ " type: device\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, particularly one of significance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization creates or manufactures a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is a specific type of component.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a device is made up of several components.\n",
+ " edge_type: consists_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - device\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a process leads to the development or enhancement of\n",
+ " a technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event significantly contributed to the development\n",
+ " or advancement of a technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: led_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 153:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual document or piece of content.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a general subject or area covered within a document.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document discusses or deals with a specific topic.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 154:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A collection of written or printed pages bound together and providing\n",
+ " information on a particular subject or group of subjects.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part of a document or text, usually dealing with a single\n",
+ " theme.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 155:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A plan or set of actions intended to achieve a specific goal.\n",
+ " type: Strategy\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 156:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a corporate entity or business organization.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of technologies, such as computing technology\n",
+ " or software.\n",
+ " type: technology_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents various market sectors or industries.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Represents main strategic focuses or objectives of a company.\n",
+ " type: strategic_pillar\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company specializes or concentrates its efforts on\n",
+ " particular technologies, markets, or strategic objectives.\n",
+ " edge_type: focuses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology_type\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " - strategic_pillar\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 157:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of product or technology.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific market or industry segment.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Represents the acquisition of one company by another.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date or time point.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization invests in certain products or markets.\n",
+ " edge_type: invests_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization offers specific products or technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization acquired another on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 158:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various types of technology products such as CPUs, GPUs,\n",
+ " FPGAs, and SoCs.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Refers to comprehensive offerings that address specific needs at various\n",
+ " levels, such as chip or systems level.\n",
+ " type: solution\n",
+ "- description: Broad fields or domains within technology, such as data center computing\n",
+ " or AI training and inference.\n",
+ " type: technology_area\n",
+ "- description: Generic locations within the technology infrastructure, including cloud,\n",
+ " edge, and intelligent endpoints.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a product is used to provide a specific solution.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - solution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a product or solution is designed to address needs within\n",
+ " a specific technology area.\n",
+ " edge_type: targets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - solution\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology_area\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology area operates within a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology_area\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 159:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the final goods or services offered by a company, such as\n",
+ " software platforms, CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, or custom-ready chiplet platforms.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Individual parts or features of a product, like development tools,\n",
+ " compilers, drivers, or AMD Infinity Architecture.\n",
+ " type: component\n",
+ "- description: An entity, such as a company, that develops, produces, or invests in\n",
+ " products and solutions.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Entities or individuals who purchase or use the products and solutions\n",
+ " provided by an organization.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Advanced methods, techniques, or features integrated into products,\n",
+ " such as chiplet platforms or specific architectures.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Customized or general solutions developed to meet customer requirements,\n",
+ " involving products, technologies, and services.\n",
+ " type: solution\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization creates or enhances products, components,\n",
+ " technologies, or solutions.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - solution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product contains specific components.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an organization collaborates or engages with customers for\n",
+ " product or solution development.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization allocates resources to develop or enhance\n",
+ " specific technologies or solutions.\n",
+ " edge_type: invests_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - solution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization offers specific products or solutions\n",
+ " to its customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - solution\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 160:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part or branch of a company's operations, usually defined\n",
+ " for financial reporting purposes.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 161:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographic area or place.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or establishment dedicated to education\n",
+ " or specific activities.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening, typically significant in historical\n",
+ " or social context.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a written, printed, or digital piece of information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person studied or was trained at an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event is recorded or reported in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documented_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 162:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A broad category or division within a company that focuses on specific\n",
+ " types of products or services.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: Specific types of products within a segment.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a segment includes various types of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 163:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A geographical place or a specific location.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, specifically organized or notable.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity comprising multiple people with a specific purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is or was a member of a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when an event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: happened_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization or location is situated within another\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 164:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific market segment targeted by various products.\n",
+ " type: product segment\n",
+ "- description: A category of products, typically defined by their functionality or\n",
+ " use cases.\n",
+ " type: product type\n",
+ "- description: An item or a technology developed and sold by companies, often fitting\n",
+ " into specific types and segments.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents that a product segment encompasses various product types\n",
+ " or specific products.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product type\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 165:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a common purpose or activity.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, especially one of significance.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "- description: A written, drawn, or printed piece of information.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of or belongs to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event occurred on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: happened_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was written or created by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document cites or refers to another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 166:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific operational area or focus within a business, such as gaming\n",
+ " or technology.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: An item or service that is produced or provided by a business.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a segment of a business includes specific products or\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 167:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening, usually at a particular\n",
+ " time and place.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity such as a company, institution, or any other group\n",
+ " that has a collective goal.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographic place, which can be as large as a country or\n",
+ " as specific as an address.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time or a period.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a person is or was a part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Connects an event or an organization to a geographic location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Connects an event to the specific date or period it occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 168:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category that groups various products based on their functionality\n",
+ " or usage.\n",
+ " type: product_category\n",
+ "- description: An individual item or technology that falls under a specific product\n",
+ " category.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product category contains specific products.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_category\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 169:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Creative works or inventions considered to be owned by an individual\n",
+ " or organization.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization sells or licenses its intellectual property to another\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells_or_licenses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 170:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part or category within a structure or system, often used\n",
+ " in business or organizational contexts to define areas of operation or responsibility.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: A classification or grouping based on shared characteristics or attributes,\n",
+ " often used to organize items, concepts, or entities into manageable groups.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a segment does not qualify as a reportable entity within\n",
+ " a larger category.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_not_reportable\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a segment qualifies as a reportable entity within a\n",
+ " larger category.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_reportable\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 171:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A facility used to house computer systems and associated components.\n",
+ " type: data_center\n",
+ "- description: A section or part of a data center, designated for specific tasks or\n",
+ " operations.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a data center includes one or more specific segments.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_segment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - data_center\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 172:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A domain or sector of commercial activity.\n",
+ " type: Market\n",
+ "- description: A facility used to house computer systems and associated components.\n",
+ " type: Data_Center\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a data center operates within the context of a broader\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Data_Center\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Market\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 173:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of products such as CPUs, GPUs, DPUs, FPGAs,\n",
+ " and Adaptive SoCs.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the technological capabilities used in products or systems.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: A specific area or domain where products and services are sold, such\n",
+ " as the data center market.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Characteristics or aspects of performance like high performance, energy\n",
+ " efficiency, scalability, and adaptability.\n",
+ " type: performance_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Represents the information or computational data processed and managed\n",
+ " within systems.\n",
+ " type: data\n",
+ "- description: A type of task or set of tasks that a system or technology needs to\n",
+ " handle.\n",
+ " type: workload\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology caters to the needs of a specific market.\n",
+ " edge_type: addresses_needs_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a market demands certain performance aspects.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product type is utilized to achieve certain performance\n",
+ " aspects.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that different combinations of product types facilitate the\n",
+ " optimization of performance and power for handling various workloads.\n",
+ " edge_type: enables_optimization\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - workload\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology processes data.\n",
+ " edge_type: processes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 174:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values and quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 175:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or a book.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific topic or subject matter discussed in a section\n",
+ " of a document.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section discusses one or more topics.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 176:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a product, typically a physical or software item.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a data center, a facility used to house computer systems\n",
+ " and associated components.\n",
+ " type: data_center\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a data center houses or uses specific products.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - data_center\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 177:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A central processing unit designed for server platforms.\n",
+ " type: CPU\n",
+ "- description: A series of CPUs grouped by their generation and characteristics.\n",
+ " type: CPU Series\n",
+ "- description: A specific generation within a CPU series, indicating technological\n",
+ " advancements or updates.\n",
+ " type: CPU Generation\n",
+ "- description: Specific technologies used within CPUs to enhance performance or efficiency.\n",
+ " type: Technology\n",
+ "- description: The foundational technology used in a CPU series.\n",
+ " type: Core Technology\n",
+ "- description: A segment of the market targeted by specific CPU models, typically\n",
+ " defined by specific use-cases or applications.\n",
+ " type: Market Segment\n",
+ "- description: The type of tasks or operations a CPU is optimized to handle.\n",
+ " type: Workload\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a CPU is part of a specific CPU series.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - CPU\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - CPU Series\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a CPU series includes specific generations.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_generation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - CPU Series\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - CPU Generation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a CPU generation includes specific technology enhancements.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes_technology\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - CPU Generation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a CPU series is built on a specific core technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - CPU Series\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Core Technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a CPU is designed to meet the needs of a specific market\n",
+ " segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: targets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - CPU\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Market Segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a CPU is optimized for handling specific types of workloads.\n",
+ " edge_type: optimized_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - CPU\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Workload\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 178:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a location or geographic entity.\n",
+ " type: place\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a group or body formed for a specific purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical item or artifact.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, event, organization, or object is situated\n",
+ " within a specific place.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - place\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of or belongs to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place in a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - place\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization holds ownership of an object.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 179:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a specific purpose, such\n",
+ " as a company, university, or government.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area or place, such as a country, city, or\n",
+ " building.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening, which can involve people, organizations,\n",
+ " and locations.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization or event is located within a specific\n",
+ " geographical area.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person took part in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 180:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any product, such as FPGAs, SoCs, or acceleration cards.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents services provided, such as cloud services or FPGA-as-a-Service.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of technology or component associated with products.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Entities that provide services or platforms, such as cloud providers\n",
+ " or OEM server platforms.\n",
+ " type: provider\n",
+ "- description: Platforms where products are available or used, including physical\n",
+ " and cloud platforms.\n",
+ " type: platform\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product includes specific technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is available on a specific platform.\n",
+ " edge_type: available_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a service is provided by a specific provider.\n",
+ " edge_type: provided_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - provider\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 181:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or software product.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents an offered service or functionality.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: Represents a user or buyer of products or services.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific aspects of performance like speed, efficiency,\n",
+ " or reliability.\n",
+ " type: performance_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Represents a part or component of a hardware product.\n",
+ " type: hardware_component\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is specifically designed to support or improve\n",
+ " a service.\n",
+ " edge_type: designed_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product or service enhances certain performance aspects.\n",
+ " edge_type: optimize\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product provides the operational power for a hardware\n",
+ " component.\n",
+ " edge_type: power\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - hardware_component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the intended or primary customer for a product or service.\n",
+ " edge_type: target_customer\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 182:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area or place.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or establishment involved in educational\n",
+ " or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents the belonging of a person to a particular nation.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the institution where a person is employed.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: nationality_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an institution is situated within a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 183:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product or product line.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific technology or technological concept.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific application or use-case of technology.\n",
+ " type: application\n",
+ "- description: A specific component used in computing, such as a CPU or GPU.\n",
+ " type: computing_component\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is based on a specific technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is specifically designed for a certain application\n",
+ " or use-case.\n",
+ " edge_type: designed_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - application\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product includes a specific computing component.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - computing_component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology enables a specific application or use-case.\n",
+ " edge_type: enables\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - application\n",
+ "- description: Represents the cooperative working relationship between different computing\n",
+ " components.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - computing_component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - computing_component\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 184:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A categorization of clients based on specific criteria such as demographics,\n",
+ " behavior, needs, or other attributes.\n",
+ " type: Client Segment\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 185:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases or is interested in purchasing goods or services.\n",
+ " type: Client\n",
+ "- description: An area or environment in which commercial dealings are conducted.\n",
+ " type: Market\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a client is part of or operates within a specific market.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Client\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Market\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 186:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A basic element or part of a larger system, such as CPUs, GPUs, chipsets,\n",
+ " etc.\n",
+ " type: component\n",
+ "- description: A collection of technologies designed to work together to provide a\n",
+ " computing solution.\n",
+ " type: platform\n",
+ "- description: A method or process involved in creating or supporting computing solutions,\n",
+ " such as instruction set architecture.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in the production or design of components, platforms,\n",
+ " or technologies.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A characteristic or feature of a system, like stability, performance,\n",
+ " or efficiency.\n",
+ " type: system_attribute\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a component is part of a larger platform.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company optimizes a platform for better interoperability\n",
+ " and performance.\n",
+ " edge_type: optimizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company provides a platform, detailing the components\n",
+ " and attributes of the platform.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a platform utilizes a specific technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a platform improves a specific system attribute like\n",
+ " performance or efficiency.\n",
+ " edge_type: enhances\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - system_attribute\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 187:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual or entity that purchases or uses services\n",
+ " or products.\n",
+ " type: client\n",
+ "- description: Represents a good or service offered by a business or organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a client buys or acquires a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - client\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 188:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product, such as a desktop CPU or a series of\n",
+ " processors.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or brand that manufactures or develops products.\n",
+ " type: brand\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific technology or architectural design used in products.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific feature or capability of a product.\n",
+ " type: feature\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific aspect of performance that a product aims to\n",
+ " enhance, such as gaming or content creation.\n",
+ " type: performance_aspect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a brand includes specific products in its lineup.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - brand\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is based on a specific technology or architecture.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product delivers enhanced performance in a specific\n",
+ " aspect.\n",
+ " edge_type: delivers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is powered by a specific technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: powered_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has a specific feature.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_feature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - feature\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 189:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together\n",
+ " along one side and bound in covers.\n",
+ " type: book\n",
+ "- description: A recognition given to individuals or entities for their achievements.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: An institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching\n",
+ " and research and authorized to grant academic degrees.\n",
+ " type: university\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A particular branch of academic or scientific knowledge.\n",
+ " type: field_of_study\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has written a book.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - book\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has received an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: won\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person studied at a specific university.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - university\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person was born in a specific country.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person specializes in a specific field of study.\n",
+ " edge_type: specializes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - field_of_study\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 190:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or text.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: Content Section\n",
+ "- description: The title or heading of a document or content section.\n",
+ " type: Title\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains a specific section.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Content Section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or content section has a specific title.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " - Content Section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Title\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 191:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product, such as a CPU or APU.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a commercial brand or entity that manufactures or offers\n",
+ " products.\n",
+ " type: brand\n",
+ "- description: Describes a specific architecture used in processors, such as 'Zen\n",
+ " 4'.\n",
+ " type: processor_architecture\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific segment of the market, such as 'commercial' or\n",
+ " 'consumer'.\n",
+ " type: market_segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a brand produces a particular product.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - brand\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is designed specifically for a certain market\n",
+ " segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: designed_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product uses a specific processor architecture.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_architecture\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - processor_architecture\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 192:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of CPU or microprocessor used in computers.\n",
+ " type: processor\n",
+ "- description: A specific series or line of processors under a brand.\n",
+ " type: processor_series\n",
+ "- description: Features and capabilities of a processor, such as security or performance.\n",
+ " type: processor_feature\n",
+ "- description: The design and technological architecture of a processor.\n",
+ " type: processor_architecture\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a processor belongs to a specific series or model line.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of_series\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - processor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - processor_series\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a processor possesses certain features or capabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_feature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - processor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - processor_feature\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the core architecture on which a processor is built.\n",
+ " edge_type: built_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - processor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - processor_architecture\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 193:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a product, such as a chipset or processor.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a platform for which products like chipsets are designed,\n",
+ " such as AMD Ryzen or Threadripper.\n",
+ " type: Platform\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific socket type for chipsets, such as AM5 or AM4.\n",
+ " type: Socket\n",
+ "- description: Represents a generation of technology, such as PCIe 5.0 or 3rd Gen\n",
+ " AMD Ryzen.\n",
+ " type: Generation\n",
+ "- description: Represents a market or product segment, such as HEDT, Workstation,\n",
+ " or mainstream platforms.\n",
+ " type: Segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product supports a specific platform, socket, or generation.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Platform\n",
+ " - Socket\n",
+ " - Generation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is specifically designed for a market or product\n",
+ " segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: designed_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 194:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents textual or graphical symbols.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 195:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a common purpose or function.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, especially one of significance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A material thing that can be seen and touched.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or a mental symbol.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a person is affiliated with an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affiliation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Describes that an organization, event, or object is situated at a specific\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Describes a person's involvement in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization owns an object.\n",
+ " edge_type: ownership\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: An object or event represents a concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: representation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 196:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific portion of time or content dedicated to gaming activities.\n",
+ " type: Gaming Segment\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 197:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business entity involved in the gaming industry.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or software developed and sold by companies, specifically in\n",
+ " the gaming sector.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Technological tools, platforms, or innovations used within the gaming\n",
+ " industry.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: A medium through which games are accessed or played, such as consoles,\n",
+ " PCs, or mobile devices.\n",
+ " type: platform\n",
+ "- description: Individuals or entities that use gaming products and platforms.\n",
+ " type: user\n",
+ "- description: Patterns or movements observed in the gaming market that indicate general\n",
+ " behavior or changes.\n",
+ " type: market_trend\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company creates or produces a gaming product.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a user operates or engages with a gaming product or\n",
+ " platform.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - user\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific technology supports or enhances the functionality\n",
+ " of a gaming platform.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how a market trend influences or is represented in the usage\n",
+ " or development of products and platforms.\n",
+ " edge_type: reflects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_trend\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 198:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A tangible or intangible commodity produced for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of\n",
+ " goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Computer programs and other operating information used by a computer.\n",
+ " type: software\n",
+ "- description: A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting\n",
+ " network.\n",
+ " type: system\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed of people engaged in commercial or industrial\n",
+ " enterprise.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A distinctive attribute or aspect of something.\n",
+ " type: feature\n",
+ "- description: A regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions,\n",
+ " livestock, and other goods.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: An individual or a business that purchases goods or services produced\n",
+ " by a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic\n",
+ " or logical operations automatically via computer programming.\n",
+ " type: computing_device\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is responsible for creating or developing\n",
+ " a product or technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a product or technology provides support or is compatible\n",
+ " with certain features.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - feature\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product or technology is utilized within a system.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product or software is available for use with a specific\n",
+ " computing device.\n",
+ " edge_type: available_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - computing_device\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company addresses or targets a specific market.\n",
+ " edge_type: addresses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product meets the needs or requirements of a customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: satisfies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 199:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols or special characters.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 200:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol or special character.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 201:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item that is manufactured or refined for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A class or division of products or items that share common characteristics.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "- description: A type of business that manufactures or sells products under a registered\n",
+ " trade name.\n",
+ " type: brand\n",
+ "- description: Distinct attributes or aspects of a product that provide benefits or\n",
+ " advantages.\n",
+ " type: feature\n",
+ "- description: Application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially\n",
+ " in industry.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: The specific date when a product was officially made available to the\n",
+ " public.\n",
+ " type: release_date\n",
+ "- description: A formal assessment or examination of something with the possibility\n",
+ " of instituting change if necessary.\n",
+ " type: review\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is a member of a specific category.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is created and supplied by a specific brand.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactured_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - brand\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product contains a specific feature.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_feature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - feature\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product incorporates a specific type of technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_technology\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date a product was released to the public.\n",
+ " edge_type: released_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - release_date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a review discusses and evaluates a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: reviewed_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - review\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 202:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of product, whether it's a complete device or a component\n",
+ " of a device.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents various technologies such as CPU, GPU, and multimedia technologies.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents companies involved in the development, manufacturing, or\n",
+ " utilization of products and technologies.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents electronic devices such as game consoles, computers, or\n",
+ " other multimedia devices.\n",
+ " type: device\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is developed based on certain technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a collaboration between two companies to develop or enhance\n",
+ " a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: partnered_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company developed a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: developed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is specifically tailored or optimized for\n",
+ " use in a particular device.\n",
+ " edge_type: optimized_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - device\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 203:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 204:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity formed for a specific purpose, often involving multiple\n",
+ " individuals.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, typically notable or organized.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or geographical area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information\n",
+ " or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the geographical location of an event or the headquarters\n",
+ " of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date on which an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is the author of a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: author_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 205:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A list of topics, sections, or chapters in a document, typically used\n",
+ " to provide an organized overview or navigation aid.\n",
+ " type: table_of_contents\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 206:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product, such as GPUs, software, or technology\n",
+ " solutions.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: Represents broad technological concepts or specific technologies like\n",
+ " APIs, display technologies, or image quality technologies.\n",
+ " type: Technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents features or functionalities provided by a product or technology,\n",
+ " such as support for high refresh rates or remote gaming functionality.\n",
+ " type: Feature\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product supports a specific technology or feature.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Technology\n",
+ " - Feature\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product, such as software, offers another product,\n",
+ " like a toolkit, as part of its functionality.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 207:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product, usually a hardware or software component.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific technology or architectural design used in products.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company that designs, manufactures, or sells products.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific features aimed at enhancing performance, such as\n",
+ " process optimizations, firmware, or specific technological enhancements.\n",
+ " type: performance_feature\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific types of memory technology used in products.\n",
+ " type: memory_technology\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is built using a specific technology or architecture.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_built_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology includes certain performance features or\n",
+ " memory technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_feature\n",
+ " - memory_technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company offers a specific product in the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product utilizes specific performance features or\n",
+ " memory technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: utilizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_feature\n",
+ " - memory_technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a partnership or collaboration between companies.\n",
+ " edge_type: collaborates_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 208:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A group of related products under a common brand or specification.\n",
+ " type: Product Family\n",
+ "- description: A specific item or technology produced and sold.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: A specific scenario or application for which a product is designed.\n",
+ " type: Use Case\n",
+ "- description: Specific technologies or innovations used in products.\n",
+ " type: Technology\n",
+ "- description: Characteristics or functionalities of a product that provide benefits\n",
+ " for specific use cases.\n",
+ " type: Feature\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is part of a specific product family.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product Family\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is specifically designed for a particular\n",
+ " use or application.\n",
+ " edge_type: designed_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Use Case\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product incorporates a specific technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes_technology\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has a specific feature.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_feature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Feature\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 209:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A section or part of a document or media that is integrated into another,\n",
+ " usually as a quote or an excerpt.\n",
+ " type: embedded_segment\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 210:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific sector or domain of economic activity.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 211:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of technical products such as CPUs, GPUs,\n",
+ " APUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive SoC.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific market areas where products are used, such as automotive,\n",
+ " industrial, or medical.\n",
+ " type: market_segment\n",
+ "- description: Characteristics or attributes of products, e.g., low power, small form\n",
+ " factors, and high-performance graphics.\n",
+ " type: product_feature\n",
+ "- description: Operating systems supported by products, such as Linux or Windows.\n",
+ " type: operating_system\n",
+ "- description: Specific uses or purposes of a product, such as computing or multimedia.\n",
+ " type: application\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product type is used within a specific market segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_used_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product type possesses certain features or characteristics.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_feature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_feature\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product type supports specific operating systems.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports_os\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operating_system\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product type is designed for a specific application\n",
+ " or use.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_designed_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - application\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 212:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol or special character in the content.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 213:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol, character, or glyph.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 214:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A tangible or digital item created and offered for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A grouping or classification of products based on common characteristics\n",
+ " or uses.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is classified under a specific category.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 215:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any product, such as CPUs, GPUs, APUs, or specific models.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific features or capabilities of a product, such as\n",
+ " performance, connectivity, or security.\n",
+ " type: feature\n",
+ "- description: Represents industries or sectors where products are applied, such as\n",
+ " automotive or cloud infrastructure.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product supports or provides a specific feature.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports_feature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - feature\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is used in a specific industry or sector.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_in_industry\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 216:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 217:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or a chapter in a document or book.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or book.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 218:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a product or technology developed or offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific technology or technological concept.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sector or field in which technology or products are applied.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific market or area where products are applied or\n",
+ " sold.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is a type of technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates which industry a product or technology belongs to.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the markets a product specifically targets or serves.\n",
+ " edge_type: targets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product includes or is based on a specific technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes_technology\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 219:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a product, such as development kits, FPGAs, or SoCs.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents physical components or equipment included in products.\n",
+ " type: hardware\n",
+ "- description: Tools used for the development of applications, including software\n",
+ " and other utilities.\n",
+ " type: development_tool\n",
+ "- description: Represents intellectual properties such as IPs used in development\n",
+ " kits.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Blueprints or guidelines included in development kits to aid in application\n",
+ " development.\n",
+ " type: reference_design\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific areas or markets for which applications are developed,\n",
+ " like domain-specific or market-specific applications.\n",
+ " type: application_domain\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product includes certain components or tools.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - hardware\n",
+ " - development_tool\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " - reference_design\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is specifically designed for use in a particular\n",
+ " domain or market.\n",
+ " edge_type: designed_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - application_domain\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 220:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a group of related products, usually belonging to the same\n",
+ " category or series.\n",
+ " type: product_family\n",
+ "- description: Represents a category of products that share common characteristics\n",
+ " or purposes.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific attributes or characteristics of a product that\n",
+ " define its use or capabilities.\n",
+ " type: product_feature\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product family belongs to a certain type of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_family\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a type of product possesses a certain feature.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_feature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_feature\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one product family is the predecessor of another in\n",
+ " the same series.\n",
+ " edge_type: previous_generation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_family\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_family\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 221:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A tool or software used for creating and managing designs.\n",
+ " type: design_platform\n",
+ "- description: A provision of assistance or work performed by one party for another.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a design platform provides specific services.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - design_platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 222:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of technology or system that supports specific functionalities\n",
+ " or operations, such as FPGAs or SoCs.\n",
+ " type: platform\n",
+ "- description: Specific characteristics or components of hardware, such as reconfigurable\n",
+ " hardware, integrated memory, or high-speed serial transceivers.\n",
+ " type: hardware_feature\n",
+ "- description: Tools and systems used in the development, design, or optimization\n",
+ " of platforms, including design tools, middleware, and software stacks.\n",
+ " type: software_tool\n",
+ "- description: Specific uses or functions that platforms are designed for, such as\n",
+ " wireless communication, radar, or big data processing.\n",
+ " type: application\n",
+ "- description: A group of related products that share common features and are marketed\n",
+ " under a single name, such as Versal.\n",
+ " type: product_family\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a platform is designed to facilitate or enable a specific\n",
+ " application.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - application\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a platform includes specific hardware features.\n",
+ " edge_type: features\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - hardware_feature\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the operation or design of a platform is facilitated\n",
+ " by specific software tools.\n",
+ " edge_type: enabled_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - software_tool\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a platform is part of a specific product family.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_family\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 223:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A platform that facilitates the development, deployment, and management\n",
+ " of software applications.\n",
+ " type: software_platform\n",
+ "- description: A classification representing different roles or types of users, each\n",
+ " with specific needs and requirements.\n",
+ " type: user_profile\n",
+ "- description: Tools and technologies provided to design and develop hardware or software.\n",
+ " type: design_tool\n",
+ "- description: Physical devices and components involved in computing, such as FPGAs\n",
+ " and SoCs.\n",
+ " type: hardware\n",
+ "- description: Programs and other operational information used by a computer.\n",
+ " type: software\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a software platform provides support tailored to specific\n",
+ " user profiles.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - software_platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - user_profile\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a software platform offers specific tools and methodologies\n",
+ " for design and development.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - software_platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - design_tool\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that specific design tools are utilized for programming or\n",
+ " configuring hardware devices.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - design_tool\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - hardware\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a software platform facilitates the development and\n",
+ " deployment of specific types of software.\n",
+ " edge_type: enables\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - software_platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 224:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A division or unit within an organization that focuses on specific\n",
+ " tasks or responsibilities.\n",
+ " type: department\n",
+ "- description: Actions or operations that are carried out by individuals or departments\n",
+ " within an organization.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the main activities or operations that a department is responsible\n",
+ " for.\n",
+ " edge_type: department_focus\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - department\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 225:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A method or avenue through which products are sold, which can be direct\n",
+ " or through intermediaries.\n",
+ " type: sales_channel\n",
+ "- description: A region or sector in which products are sold, including both domestic\n",
+ " and international markets.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: A specific setup or agreement for selling products, often based on\n",
+ " customer forecasts and lacking minimum purchase requirements.\n",
+ " type: sales_arrangement\n",
+ "- description: A formal piece of written evidence or agreement related to sales, such\n",
+ " as quotes, purchase orders, or contracts.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Specific clauses or conditions in a contract, such as payment terms,\n",
+ " warranties, and indemnities.\n",
+ " type: contract_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the method and region through which products are sold.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells_through\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - sales_channel\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the sales arrangement operates based on specific documents.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - sales_arrangement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains specific contractual terms.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 226:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 227:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document that contains the table of contents.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a distinct section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the title of a section or chapter in a document.\n",
+ " type: title\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains a section or chapter.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section or chapter has a specific title.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - title\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 228:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item produced and sold by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A guarantee provided by a company regarding the performance and quality\n",
+ " of a product.\n",
+ " type: warranty\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that purchases or uses products or services\n",
+ " from a company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: The substance or substances from which something is made.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: The skill and quality employed in the making of a product.\n",
+ " type: workmanship\n",
+ "- description: A detailed description of the requirements, dimensions, and characteristics\n",
+ " of a product.\n",
+ " type: specification\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a product has an associated warranty.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_warranty\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - warranty\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a warranty covers defects related to materials\n",
+ " and workmanship.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_defects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - warranty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " - workmanship\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a product meets the approved specifications.\n",
+ " edge_type: conforms_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - specification\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a customer buys a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 229:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business entity that markets and sells products.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents individual goods or services produced or offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a group of related products marketed under a common brand\n",
+ " or series.\n",
+ " type: product_line\n",
+ "- description: Represents a registered trademark under which products are marketed.\n",
+ " type: trademark\n",
+ "- description: Represents a category or type of products, like desktops or notebooks.\n",
+ " type: product_category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company sells a particular product.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company owns a trademark under which it markets products.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns_trademark\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - trademark\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product or product line is part of a larger product\n",
+ " line or is marketed under a specific trademark.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - product_line\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_line\n",
+ " - trademark\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product belongs to a specific category, such as desktop\n",
+ " or notebook personal computers.\n",
+ " edge_type: categorized_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 230:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific brand of a product, associated with a particular\n",
+ " market or usage.\n",
+ " type: product_brand\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sector or domain where products are sold or used, such\n",
+ " as consumer graphics or embedded graphics.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product brand is specifically associated with a particular\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_brand\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 231:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a commercial good or service.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that identifies\n",
+ " one seller’s product distinct from those of other sellers.\n",
+ " type: brand\n",
+ "- description: Represents a class or group of products that share common characteristics.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is associated with a specific brand.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_brand\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - brand\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is part of a specific category.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 232:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific brand of a product, which can be a part of a\n",
+ " product category.\n",
+ " type: product_brand\n",
+ "- description: A category that groups similar types of products.\n",
+ " type: product_category\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that manufactures, markets, or sells products or services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product brand is a part of a specific product category.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to_category\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_brand\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_category\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company owns a specific product brand.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns_brand\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_brand\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 233:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the specific brand name of a product.\n",
+ " type: product_brand\n",
+ "- description: Represents the broader category or type of product.\n",
+ " type: product_category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product brand belongs to a broader product category.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_brand\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 234:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product or model, such as a processor or other\n",
+ " technological item.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a category of products, typically grouped by function or\n",
+ " common use.\n",
+ " type: product_category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product belongs to a particular product category,\n",
+ " such as a processor being part of 'embedded processor solutions'.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 235:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific brand or model of a product, particularly in\n",
+ " technology and electronics.\n",
+ " type: product_brand\n",
+ "- description: Represents a category or type of product, such as FPGA.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular brand or model is a specific type of product.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_brand\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 236:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a brand name of a product.\n",
+ " type: product_brand\n",
+ "- description: Represents a category of products, such as SoCs, MPSoC, RFSoCs, etc.\n",
+ " type: product_category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product brand is a type of a specific product category.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_brand\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 237:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or digital product.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a brand under which products are sold or marketed.\n",
+ " type: brand\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is sold or marketed under a specific brand.\n",
+ " edge_type: sold_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - brand\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 238:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An item or service offered by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A structured plan or initiative, often related to marketing or development.\n",
+ " type: program\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that purchases or uses products and services\n",
+ " from an organization.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: An entity external to the primary organization involved, often collaborating\n",
+ " in marketing or development efforts.\n",
+ " type: third_party\n",
+ "- description: A public notice promoting a product, service, or event.\n",
+ " type: advertisement\n",
+ "- description: A set of standards or conditions that must be met.\n",
+ " type: criteria\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization uses a program to promote or sell its products.\n",
+ " edge_type: markets_through\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - program\n",
+ "- description: An organization has established or offers a specific program.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_program\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - program\n",
+ "- description: A program offers resources or benefits to customers or third parties.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ "- description: A product is incorporated into systems or services provided by a third\n",
+ " party.\n",
+ " edge_type: integrates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ "- description: A customer engages with or participates in a program.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - program\n",
+ "- description: A program's participation or benefits are contingent upon meeting certain\n",
+ " criteria.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - criteria\n",
+ "- description: An advertisement is used to promote a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: promotes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - advertisement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 239:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that purchases goods or services.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 240:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of organization, including companies, service providers,\n",
+ " or manufacturers.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of products, like microprocessors or graphics\n",
+ " products.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of markets, such as domestic or international\n",
+ " markets.\n",
+ " type: market_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents various types of services provided by organizations, such\n",
+ " as design or manufacturing services.\n",
+ " type: service_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents types of retailers, including online and brick and mortar\n",
+ " stores.\n",
+ " type: retailer_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization is a customer of another organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_customer\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization provides a specific type of service.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_service\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization operates in a specific market, either\n",
+ " domestic or international.\n",
+ " edge_type: operates_in_market\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization sells a specific type of product.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells_product\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a specific type of retailer, either\n",
+ " online or brick and mortar.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - retailer_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 241:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business entity involved in commercial, industrial, or\n",
+ " professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents goods produced for sale or specific services offered by\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a defined area or sector in which commercial dealings are\n",
+ " conducted.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or entity that purchases goods or services with\n",
+ " the intention of selling them rather than consuming or using them.\n",
+ " type: reseller\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or entity that sells goods or services.\n",
+ " type: vendor\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or entity involved in supplying goods to various\n",
+ " businesses or customers.\n",
+ " type: distributor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company selling products or services to another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company conducting business within a specific market or\n",
+ " sector.\n",
+ " edge_type: operates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collaboration or partnership between two companies for\n",
+ " business purposes.\n",
+ " edge_type: partners_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company developing a network involving resellers or vendors.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops_network\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reseller\n",
+ " - vendor\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 242:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases or uses products and services.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A good or service developed or sold by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A characteristic or aspect of a product.\n",
+ " type: feature\n",
+ "- description: The efficiency or effectiveness of a product.\n",
+ " type: performance\n",
+ "- description: The schedule or plan for releasing a product.\n",
+ " type: timing\n",
+ "- description: A professional skilled in designing and managing projects, especially\n",
+ " in technical fields.\n",
+ " type: engineer\n",
+ "- description: A plan or blueprint of an organized and structured set of components.\n",
+ " type: system_design\n",
+ "- description: Assistance or resources provided to enhance or facilitate design processes.\n",
+ " type: design_support\n",
+ "- description: A connection or association between entities, such as companies and\n",
+ " customers.\n",
+ " type: relationship\n",
+ "- description: A new or improved version of a product.\n",
+ " type: next_generation_product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Customers specify or influence the aspects of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: defines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - feature\n",
+ " - performance\n",
+ " - timing\n",
+ "- description: Customers hire engineers for technical assistance.\n",
+ " edge_type: employs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - engineer\n",
+ "- description: Engineers help customers with technical tasks like designing and testing.\n",
+ " edge_type: assists\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - engineer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: System designs include or integrate specific products.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - system_design\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Design support enhances the performance of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: improves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - design_support\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance\n",
+ "- description: Relationships encourage or promote continued customer engagement.\n",
+ " edge_type: fosters\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - relationship\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Relationships promote the use of newer product versions.\n",
+ " edge_type: encourages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - relationship\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - next_generation_product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 243:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A recognition or honor given for achievement.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: An institution for higher education and research.\n",
+ " type: university\n",
+ "- description: A particular branch of academic or scientific knowledge.\n",
+ " type: field_of_study\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the country where the person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the university where the person worked.\n",
+ " edge_type: worked_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - university\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the university where the person studied.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - university\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the person has won a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: won_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the field of study the person specializes in.\n",
+ " edge_type: specializes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - field_of_study\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 244:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter in a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or book.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 245:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that interacts with the company for products or services.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A result of the company's design and development, often incorporating\n",
+ " specific technologies like CPU, GPU, or APU.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Activities like design and development provided by the company to create\n",
+ " products.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: Tools and systems such as CPU, GPU, and APU used in product creation.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Monetary compensation received by the company for providing services.\n",
+ " type: fee\n",
+ "- description: Monetary amount paid by the customer for the products.\n",
+ " type: price\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where the customer collaborates with the company to\n",
+ " create a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: creates_product\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where the customer provides monetary compensation for\n",
+ " services or products.\n",
+ " edge_type: pays_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fee\n",
+ " - price\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a product incorporates specific technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_technology\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where the company offers services like design and development.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_service\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where services lead to the creation of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 246:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a customer entity that purchases goods or services.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Represents the total income generated from the sale of goods or services.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product or type of product sold by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific division or segment within a company that focuses\n",
+ " on a particular type of product or service.\n",
+ " type: business_segment\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year during which financial activities are reported.\n",
+ " type: financial_year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer was responsible for a certain percentage\n",
+ " of the revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: accounted_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ "- description: Links revenue to the specific products and business segments from which\n",
+ " the revenue was derived.\n",
+ " edge_type: product_sales\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the risk posed to a business segment by the potential loss\n",
+ " of a customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: risk_of_loss\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 247:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An item or software produced by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization produces a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 248:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different categories of OEM partners involved.\n",
+ " type: partner_type\n",
+ "- description: Identifies specific segments of end customers targeted by partners.\n",
+ " type: customer_segment\n",
+ "- description: Represents various types of products that are manufactured by OEM customers.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates particular areas or channels of business focus.\n",
+ " type: business_focus\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates which customer segment is targeted by a specific type of\n",
+ " partner.\n",
+ " edge_type: targets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - partner_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer_segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a partner type resells certain products.\n",
+ " edge_type: resells\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - partner_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business focus area includes specific types of partners.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_focus\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - partner_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a partner type manufactures certain products.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - partner_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 249:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, institution, group, or structured body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any item, software, or service created for distribution\n",
+ " or sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents any geographical or demographic area where products and\n",
+ " services are sold.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Represents a nation or state.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization distributes a product to a market or\n",
+ " generally distributes various products.\n",
+ " edge_type: distributes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the geographical location of an organization or a market\n",
+ " within a country.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 250:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general type representing any entity, such as a distributor, OEM,\n",
+ " or ODM.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A type representing any product, including those manufactured by various\n",
+ " entities.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A legal or formal arrangement between entities regarding products or\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one entity resells products or services to another entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: resells_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity deals with or manages a variety of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: handles_products\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity keeps a stock or inventory of specific products.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintains_inventory_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: An agreement that provides protection against certain conditions such\n",
+ " as price reductions for a product's inventory.\n",
+ " edge_type: protects_inventory\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: An agreement that grants the right to return products under specific\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_return_rights\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an agreement includes specific provisions or clauses\n",
+ " related to the product, such as stock rotation provisions.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains_provision\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 251:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that produces goods or components, often on a large scale.\n",
+ " type: manufacturer\n",
+ "- description: A company that specializes in bringing together various subsystems\n",
+ " to function as a whole.\n",
+ " type: system_integrator\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collaborative relationship between manufacturers and system\n",
+ " integrators.\n",
+ " edge_type: collaborates_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturer\n",
+ " - system_integrator\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturer\n",
+ " - system_integrator\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 252:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that manufactures, sells, or buys products or services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or technology that a company manufactures, sells, or utilizes.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement between companies regarding business practices\n",
+ " or transactions.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: A system or arena in which commercial dealings are conducted.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Innovative tools or systems that can be used or marketed by companies.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company sells products or services to another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: A company utilizes a specific product or technology in its operations\n",
+ " or offerings.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: A company secures an agreement to safeguard its interests, such as\n",
+ " protecting inventory against price reductions.\n",
+ " edge_type: protects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: A company functions within a specific market, focusing on particular\n",
+ " regional or product-based strengths.\n",
+ " edge_type: operates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 253:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific area of the economy or industry.\n",
+ " type: sector\n",
+ "- description: Represents rivalry between entities in the same sector aiming to achieve\n",
+ " a goal such as higher sales or market share.\n",
+ " type: competition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a sector experiences competition among its entities.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_competition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - sector\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - competition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 254:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or technology developed and sold by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A sector or area where products and services are sold or exchanged.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of technology or technological concept.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where one company is in competition with another in\n",
+ " the same or similar market.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company provides or sells a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a product is designed for or aimed at a specific\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " edge_type: targets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a specific technology is utilized or prominent\n",
+ " within a market.\n",
+ " edge_type: employs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that the use or development of one technology\n",
+ " could foster growth or further development of another technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: leads_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 255:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specified division or group of clients categorized based on certain\n",
+ " criteria.\n",
+ " type: Client_Segment\n",
+ "- description: A scenario or event where entities are in rivalry to achieve a specific\n",
+ " objective.\n",
+ " type: Competition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular client segment is involved in a competition.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_competition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Client_Segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Competition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 256:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A sector or field where commercial buying and selling activities occur.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or service offered for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A group of companies producing similar products or services.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company participates in a specific market.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company is the main competitor to another in a certain\n",
+ " market or product.\n",
+ " edge_type: primary_competitor\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company provides a specific product to the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: supplies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has developed a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_developed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an industry is experiencing growth, potentially affecting\n",
+ " another related industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: growth_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 257:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical place or geographic area.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or establishment, especially educational\n",
+ " or governmental.\n",
+ " type: Institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents a man-made object or item of cultural or historical interest.\n",
+ " type: Artifact\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a theoretical construct.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person was involved in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event, institution, or artifact is situated within\n",
+ " a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ " - Artifact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is associated or engaged with an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: affiliated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an artifact symbolizes or exemplifies a concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Artifact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 258:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document or article.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a major section within the document, typically defined by\n",
+ " a chapter or major heading.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within a section, typically defined by subheadings.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section includes one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 259:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A distinct subset or category within the broader gaming industry, focused\n",
+ " on specific genres, platforms, or markets.\n",
+ " type: gaming_segment\n",
+ "- description: A contest or rivalry among participants, aiming to establish superiority\n",
+ " in a particular field or activity.\n",
+ " type: competition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular gaming segment experiences competitive\n",
+ " activity among participants.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_competition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - gaming_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - competition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 260:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that manufactures, develops, and sells products or services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A category of products that share common characteristics or functions.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: A specific area or domain where products or services are sold and competition\n",
+ " occurs.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: A specific product developed and sold by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is a competitor within a specific market.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company produces a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product belongs to a specific product type.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company holds the leading market share in a specific\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " edge_type: leads_market\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how a product influences the dynamics of a market, such as\n",
+ " driving changes in manufacturing decisions or consumer preferences.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_market\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 261:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific area or sector within a broader domain or industry.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: An event or situation where entities compete against each other in\n",
+ " a specific domain.\n",
+ " type: competition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a competition is occurring within a specific segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: competition_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - competition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 262:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business or organization involved in commercial,\n",
+ " industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A category of products that share common characteristics or functions.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a competitive relationship between two companies.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company produces or is associated with a certain type\n",
+ " of product.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 263:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a generic or specific symbol.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 264:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various products, particularly in the field of electronics\n",
+ " and computing.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Describes specific features or characteristics of products.\n",
+ " type: product_feature\n",
+ "- description: Classifies products into various types based on their function or design.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Describes the application or use case of a product.\n",
+ " type: product_application\n",
+ "- description: Represents a broad area or field of technology.\n",
+ " type: technology_area\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product possesses a specific feature or characteristic.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_feature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_feature\n",
+ "- description: Represents the classification of a product into a specific type.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the application or primary use case of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_application\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product type belongs to a broader technology area.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology_area\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 265:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various activities or processes.\n",
+ " type: Activity\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 266:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Specific items or services produced by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Technological concepts or components used in products.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Software products, tools, or libraries.\n",
+ " type: software\n",
+ "- description: Procedures or methods used in manufacturing or development.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: Areas or domains where an organization concentrates its efforts.\n",
+ " type: field_of_focus\n",
+ "- description: Metrics or standards used to measure the performance of products.\n",
+ " type: performance_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the primary areas or technologies an organization concentrates\n",
+ " on.\n",
+ " edge_type: focuses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - field_of_focus\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the products or software developed and released by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ "- description: Describes the technologies, processes, or software an organization\n",
+ " uses in its operations or product development.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the goals or targets an organization has set for improving\n",
+ " specific performance metrics.\n",
+ " edge_type: aims_to_improve\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 267:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, institution, or formal group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sovereign state or a distinct geographic location.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: Represents areas of technical knowledge or innovation.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents items or services produced for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents computer programs or systems.\n",
+ " type: software\n",
+ "- description: Represents creations of the mind, such as inventions, designs, symbols,\n",
+ " names, and images used in commerce.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Represents activities aimed at discovering new knowledge about products,\n",
+ " services, or processes, and applying that knowledge.\n",
+ " type: research_and_development\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that an organization performs research and development activities.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - research_and_development\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that an organization contributes to software projects or\n",
+ " initiatives.\n",
+ " edge_type: contributes_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization or part of it is based in a specific\n",
+ " country.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization's efforts are centered on specific technologies\n",
+ " or intellectual properties.\n",
+ " edge_type: focuses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 268:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific setup or agreement related to the manufacturing\n",
+ " process.\n",
+ " type: manufacturing_arrangement\n",
+ "- description: A physical location or infrastructure designed for specific activities\n",
+ " such as assembly or testing.\n",
+ " type: facility\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a manufacturing arrangement includes specific facilities\n",
+ " such as assembly or test facilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturing_arrangement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 269:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A location or infrastructure where specific activities or operations\n",
+ " are carried out.\n",
+ " type: facility\n",
+ "- description: A group or institution formed for a specific purpose, typically involving\n",
+ " multiple individuals.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization manages or runs a facility.\n",
+ " edge_type: operates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 270:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or entity involved in business operations.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product or item produced by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a category or type of products.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company has a contractual or business arrangement\n",
+ " with another company for manufacturing or production purposes.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_foundry_arrangement_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is responsible for the manufacturing or creation\n",
+ " of a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product belongs to a specific category or type.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 271:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An established group or company involved in business or other activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal written agreement, contract, or similar legal instrument.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A good or service produced by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A specific technology level or characteristic, often stated in nanometers\n",
+ " (nm), used in manufacturing.\n",
+ " type: technology_node\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a signatory or a participant in a\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: party_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a connection or relevance between two entities, such as a\n",
+ " product being associated with a specific organization or technology node.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology_node\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 272:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 273:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured collection of organized information, typically composed\n",
+ " of multiple sections.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A part of a document, usually focusing on a specific topic or theme.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 274:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized group formed for a particular purpose, such as\n",
+ " a business or government.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An item produced for sale or use, often resulting from manufacturing\n",
+ " or production.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization buys or obtains a product from another organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 275:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that produces goods or provides services but is not owned\n",
+ " by the primary company or brand that markets or sells those goods or services.\n",
+ " type: third_party_manufacturer\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 276:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents companies, firms, or institutions.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A manufactured good or item that is produced for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A sequence of operations or methods used to produce a product.\n",
+ " type: manufacturing_process\n",
+ "- description: An external entity or organization that is involved in a transaction\n",
+ " or process but is not one of the principal parties.\n",
+ " type: third_party\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the act of an organization delegating a task or service,\n",
+ " typically manufacturing, to an external party.\n",
+ " edge_type: outsources\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturing_process\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific manufacturing process is employed to produce\n",
+ " a particular product.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturing_process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 277:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A location or building designated for a specific type of industrial\n",
+ " or manufacturing process.\n",
+ " type: facility\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end in an\n",
+ " industrial or manufacturing context.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a facility is designated for performing a specific process.\n",
+ " edge_type: performs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 278:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business or corporation involved in commercial\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A geographical area defined by specific boundaries.\n",
+ " type: region\n",
+ "- description: Activities provided by a business or organization to facilitate specific\n",
+ " needs of customers.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: Goods or items created through processes and offered for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A business entity created by two or more parties, typically characterized\n",
+ " by shared ownership, returns, and governance.\n",
+ " type: joint_venture\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company operates or has a physical presence within\n",
+ " a specific geographical region.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - region\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company offers specific services to customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a partnership or collaboration between two companies.\n",
+ " edge_type: partners_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company is a member or participant of a joint venture.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company sends or transports products or services\n",
+ " to other companies or regions.\n",
+ " edge_type: delivers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - region\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company performs packaging and testing on products.\n",
+ " edge_type: package_and_test\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 279:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal right granted to the creator of original works such as inventions,\n",
+ " designs, and artistic works.\n",
+ " type: Intellectual_Property\n",
+ "- description: A legal permission granted by the holder of intellectual property to\n",
+ " another party, allowing specific uses of the intellectual property.\n",
+ " type: License\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An intellectual property holder grants a license to another party for\n",
+ " specific uses of the intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: grants\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Intellectual_Property\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - License\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 280:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general entity representing any object, concept, or party involved.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A node representing the various forms of intellectual property rights.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: A legal agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: Technological products, inventions, or methodologies.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: A legal permit to use or operate something owned by another entity.\n",
+ " type: license\n",
+ "- description: Programs and other operating information used by a computer.\n",
+ " type: software\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity legally owns an intellectual property or technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology is protected by a certain form of intellectual\n",
+ " property.\n",
+ " edge_type: protected_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that software is a component of a broader technological entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity uses a license to legally operate or sell\n",
+ " a technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - license\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a contract includes terms that govern the use or operation\n",
+ " of a license.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - license\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 281:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents individual tasks or items that need to be completed.\n",
+ " type: Task\n",
+ "- description: A collection of tasks that are pending and need to be addressed in\n",
+ " a project or workflow.\n",
+ " type: Backlog\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a backlog includes specific tasks.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Backlog\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Task\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 282:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the commercial transactions where goods or services are\n",
+ " exchanged for monetary value.\n",
+ " type: sales\n",
+ "- description: A formal document issued by a buyer committing to pay the seller for\n",
+ " the supply of specific goods or services.\n",
+ " type: purchase_order\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement between two parties, often legally binding, detailing\n",
+ " terms for a particular arrangement.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: A semi-customized system-on-chip product tailored to specific customer\n",
+ " requirements.\n",
+ " type: semi-custom_SoC_product\n",
+ "- description: A cumulative list of orders that have been placed but are not yet completed\n",
+ " or delivered.\n",
+ " type: backlog\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that sales are directly derived from or dependent on these\n",
+ " documents.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - sales\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_order\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: Shows potential influence on sales by these documents being revised\n",
+ " or canceled.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_order\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sales\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that orders for semi-custom SoC products lead to the accumulation\n",
+ " of backlog.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - semi-custom_SoC_product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - backlog\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 283:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a general idea or abstract principle.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one concept possesses a specific characteristic or attribute\n",
+ " inherent to another concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_property\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 284:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific segment of time, such as a year, half-year, or quarter.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "- description: A measure used to evaluate the financial performance of a company,\n",
+ " such as net revenue.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Conditions influencing the market, including economic factors, competition,\n",
+ " and consumer preferences.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "- description: Changes or developments in the products offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product_transition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one time period has a higher value of a financial metric\n",
+ " compared to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_higher\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that market conditions or product transitions affect a financial\n",
+ " metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ " - product_transition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 285:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A theoretical construct representing the aggregate skills, knowledge,\n",
+ " and experience possessed by an individual or population, considered in terms of\n",
+ " their value or cost to an organization or society.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 286:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a company or institutional body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, usually representing when an event occurred\n",
+ " or a status was relevant.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A numeral value, representing quantities or numeric values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Individuals who work for an organization, contributing to its goals\n",
+ " and operations.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: Qualities or characteristics that define the culture or ethos of an\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " type: cultural_attribute\n",
+ "- description: The setting or conditions under which employees of an organization\n",
+ " operate.\n",
+ " type: work_environment\n",
+ "- description: The specific subjects or topics that an organization prioritizes or\n",
+ " emphasizes in its strategy or operations.\n",
+ " type: focus_area\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: The number of employees an organization has at a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_employees\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: The cultural attributes or values that an organization upholds or considers\n",
+ " important.\n",
+ " edge_type: values\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cultural_attribute\n",
+ "- description: The type of work environment an organization maintains for its employees.\n",
+ " edge_type: operates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - work_environment\n",
+ "- description: The areas of strategic focus or priority for an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: prioritizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - focus_area\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 287:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the purpose or main goal of an entity.\n",
+ " type: mission\n",
+ "- description: Represents the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices\n",
+ " that characterizes an institution, organization or group.\n",
+ " type: culture\n",
+ "- description: Represents the involvement or commitment of individuals within an organization\n",
+ " or group.\n",
+ " type: engagement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization defines its mission or culture.\n",
+ " edge_type: defines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - mission\n",
+ " - culture\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the culture of an organization enhances the engagement\n",
+ " of its members.\n",
+ " edge_type: enhances\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - culture\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - engagement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the mission of an organization focuses on enhancing\n",
+ " the engagement of its members.\n",
+ " edge_type: focuses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - mission\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - engagement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 288:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal or informal group such as a company or startup.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents items or services offered by organizations.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents geographical areas, from small locales to entire countries.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents areas of technological development and innovation.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific problems or issues that are being addressed or\n",
+ " solved.\n",
+ " type: challenge\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an organization was established.\n",
+ " edge_type: founded_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the primary products or services an organization focuses\n",
+ " on.\n",
+ " edge_type: focus_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the technology or products an organization develops.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the challenges an organization aims to solve or address with\n",
+ " their products or technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: address_challenges\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - challenge\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 289:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A broad or abstract idea, which can be a vision, a field, or a transformative\n",
+ " effect.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one concept is causing transformation or significant\n",
+ " change in another concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: transforms\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: Represents the focus or subject matter of a concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_about\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 290:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 291:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or content containing a structure.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a part of a document, typically defining a specific area\n",
+ " or topic.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 292:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the products developed by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents the mission of a company.\n",
+ " type: mission\n",
+ "- description: Represents the vision of a company.\n",
+ " type: vision\n",
+ "- description: Represents individuals working for a company.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: Represents new or creative ideas implemented by a company.\n",
+ " type: innovation\n",
+ "- description: Represents the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors within a company.\n",
+ " type: culture\n",
+ "- description: Represents the level of involvement and enthusiasm of employees within\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " type: engagement\n",
+ "- description: Represents a variety of perspectives and backgrounds within a company.\n",
+ " type: diversity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that employees are motivated or guided by the company's mission\n",
+ " or vision.\n",
+ " edge_type: driven_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - mission\n",
+ " - vision\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that innovation leads to the development of new products.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - innovation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company's culture encourages or promotes innovation.\n",
+ " edge_type: fosters\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - culture\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - innovation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that diversity is an integral part of the company's culture.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - culture\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - diversity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that diversity contributes to the generation of new ideas\n",
+ " or innovations.\n",
+ " edge_type: contributes_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - diversity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - innovation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company's culture leads to high employee engagement.\n",
+ " edge_type: leads_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - culture\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - engagement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 293:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A tool used for collecting data from respondents about various topics.\n",
+ " type: survey\n",
+ "- description: The outcome or findings from processes such as surveys or studies.\n",
+ " type: result\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar period, typically used to denote time in annual\n",
+ " reports or historical data.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Characteristics or qualities that define or describe something, such\n",
+ " as culture or management quality.\n",
+ " type: attribute\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that an organization carries out a survey.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - survey\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity, like a board of directors within an organization,\n",
+ " examines and evaluates results.\n",
+ " edge_type: reviews\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - result\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization takes action based on the results of\n",
+ " a survey or study.\n",
+ " edge_type: acts_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - result\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a survey produces certain results or findings.\n",
+ " edge_type: reports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - survey\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - result\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a survey gives a description or assessment of certain\n",
+ " attributes.\n",
+ " edge_type: describes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - survey\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - attribute\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 294:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or general notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a general or abstract relationship between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 295:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal group such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual who works for an organization.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: A collection of individuals or items.\n",
+ " type: group\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar period of 365 days.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A recognition or accolade given by one party to another, often for\n",
+ " achievements or excellence.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: A statistical measure or indicator.\n",
+ " type: index\n",
+ "- description: A planned set of activities aimed at achieving specific goals.\n",
+ " type: campaign\n",
+ "- description: An organization established to support certain goals or causes.\n",
+ " type: foundation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an employee is a part of an organization or group.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - group\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has received an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is part of a specific index.\n",
+ " edge_type: included_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - index\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a foundation supports a specific campaign.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - foundation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - campaign\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 296:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual, typically noted for their roles or achievements.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose or focus, such\n",
+ " as a company or alliance.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A recognition given to individuals or groups for their achievements\n",
+ " and excellence.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: An advisory or governing body that offers guidance or governance, often\n",
+ " in specific areas like science or technology.\n",
+ " type: council\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is in a leadership role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: leads\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has been honored with an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of a council or advisory body.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - council\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has been recognized in a publication or list\n",
+ " curated by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: listed_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 297:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company, institution, or any other formal\n",
+ " group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A program designed by an organization to offer benefits, incentives,\n",
+ " or rewards.\n",
+ " type: reward_program\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where an organization provides a reward program.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reward_program\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 298:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of organization such as companies, institutions,\n",
+ " or groups.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual who works for an organization.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: Refers to various forms of rewards or compensations provided to employees.\n",
+ " type: incentive\n",
+ "- description: Represents the financial outcomes or results of an organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_result\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific period used for calculating annual financial\n",
+ " statements in businesses and other organizations.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has employees.\n",
+ " edge_type: employs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization provides incentives to its employees.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - incentive\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization achieved certain financial results.\n",
+ " edge_type: achieved\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_result\n",
+ "- description: Connects financial results to the specific fiscal year they were reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_result\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 299:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the process of growth, change, or improvement over time in\n",
+ " various contexts such as social, economic, technological, or personal.\n",
+ " type: development\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 300:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a company or business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual working for an organization.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: A structured plan or set of activities designed to achieve specific\n",
+ " goals.\n",
+ " type: program\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization has employees working for it.\n",
+ " edge_type: employs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ "- description: An organization provides or sponsors programs.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers_program\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - program\n",
+ "- description: An employee takes part in a program.\n",
+ " edge_type: participates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - program\n",
+ "- description: An organization advances an employee into a new position or role, typically\n",
+ " as a leader or manager.\n",
+ " edge_type: promotes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 301:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A rule or standard that governs environmental management practices.\n",
+ " type: environmental_regulation\n",
+ "- description: Organizations or bodies that implement or are governed by environmental\n",
+ " regulations.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Any change to the environment, positive or negative, resulting from\n",
+ " an entity's activities.\n",
+ " type: environmental_impact\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an environmental regulation controls or influences the\n",
+ " actions of an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - environmental_regulation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: Describes the outcome of an entity's activities on the environment.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - environmental_impact\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 302:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general entity representing various concepts such as countries, organizations,\n",
+ " laws, materials, pollutants, processes, etc.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A geographical area such as a country, state, or region.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A legal rule or directive that governs actions and decisions.\n",
+ " type: regulation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is governed or affected by a regulation.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is situated within a specific geographical\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a regulation impacts or influences an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 303:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 304:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or a part of a document, such as chapters or subsections\n",
+ " in a table of contents.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or publication.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 305:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific legal regulation or statute.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: Represents a chemical or material, especially those hazardous in nature.\n",
+ " type: substance\n",
+ "- description: Represents a piece of real estate or location.\n",
+ " type: property\n",
+ "- description: Represents legal responsibility for something, typically related to\n",
+ " damage or environmental cleanup.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: Represents an official directive or mandate to clean up or remediate\n",
+ " a site.\n",
+ " type: cleanup_order\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific location or area, especially in the context of\n",
+ " environmental issues or properties.\n",
+ " type: site\n",
+ "- description: Represents a method or procedure, especially related to industrial\n",
+ " or manufacturing activities.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a law establishes legal responsibility.\n",
+ " edge_type: imposes_liability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates association or involvement with something, such as a property\n",
+ " or substance.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " - cleanup_order\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - property\n",
+ " - substance\n",
+ " - site\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a process utilizes or involves a particular substance.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - substance\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a cleanup or remediation order is directed at a specific\n",
+ " site.\n",
+ " edge_type: ordered_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cleanup_order\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - site\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 306:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company, government agency, or other institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or area, such as a city, site, or region.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Documents that establish agreements, obligations, or orders, such as\n",
+ " contracts or legal orders.\n",
+ " type: legal_document\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or action, such as an agreement or obligation.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Financial implications or expenditures associated with an event or\n",
+ " action.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization receiving a legal document, such as an order or agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: received\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_document\n",
+ "- description: A legal document that is connected to a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: An organization entering into a legal agreement or settlement.\n",
+ " edge_type: entered_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_document\n",
+ "- description: An organization agreeing to assume responsibilities or costs as part\n",
+ " of an event like a settlement.\n",
+ " edge_type: agreed_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: An organization remains responsible for specific costs, often beyond\n",
+ " an initial agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: remains_responsible_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 307:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents monetary amounts or financial figures relevant to the context.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: A financial obligation or responsibility that a company needs to settle.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: An amount that may be recovered through insurance claims.\n",
+ " type: insurance_recovery\n",
+ "- description: Activities or actions taken to correct, amend, or improve a situation,\n",
+ " especially environmental clean-up.\n",
+ " type: remediation_effort\n",
+ "- description: Costs associated with remediation efforts.\n",
+ " type: remediation_cost\n",
+ "- description: An event or occurrence expected to happen in the future.\n",
+ " type: future_event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a liability has been quantified in monetary terms and\n",
+ " recorded.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_recorded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that potential recoveries from insurance were not considered\n",
+ " in the financial recording of a liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: excludes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - insurance_recovery\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that costs are directly related to specific remediation efforts.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - remediation_cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - remediation_effort\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the results or outcomes of remediation efforts are uncertain\n",
+ " and cannot be clearly predicted.\n",
+ " edge_type: uncertainty\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - remediation_effort\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - future_event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the costs associated with remediation may vary in the\n",
+ " future.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_change\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - remediation_cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - future_event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 308:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 309:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or text, such as a book, article, or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section within a document, which could include chapters,\n",
+ " parts, or other subdivisions.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within a section of a document, detailing more\n",
+ " specific content or topics.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 310:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a potential risk that could impact the subject of the document.\n",
+ " type: risk_factor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section includes specific risk factors.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk_factor\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 311:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a potential threat or challenge that could impact an entity\n",
+ " adversely.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: Represents any business, organization, or operational unit that can\n",
+ " be affected by risks.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents the financial status or health of an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: Represents the outcome or results of business operations.\n",
+ " type: operation_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes how a risk can adversely affect an entity, its financial\n",
+ " condition, or its operational results.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - operation_result\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the need to consider how multiple risks might interact or\n",
+ " compound when occurring simultaneously.\n",
+ " edge_type: consider_interaction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 312:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific risk factor that might impact an entity or process.\n",
+ " type: risk_factor\n",
+ "- description: Represents any entity that can be affected by risk factors, such as\n",
+ " companies, individuals, or projects.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents any kind of process that can be influenced by risk factors,\n",
+ " such as business operations, manufacturing processes, or decision-making processes.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a risk factor has the potential to impact an entity\n",
+ " or process.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk_factor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 313:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A potential or actual factor that could negatively impact the business,\n",
+ " operations, or financial results.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: An organized entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: The ongoing activities conducted by a business to achieve its objectives.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: The outcome of a business's financial activities, including profits,\n",
+ " losses, and overall financial health.\n",
+ " type: financial_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a potential or actual risk impacts a business,\n",
+ " its operations, or financial results negatively.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " - financial_result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 314:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A potential or actual risk that affects economic stability or growth.\n",
+ " type: Economic_Risk\n",
+ "- description: A potential or actual risk associated with the implementation of strategies\n",
+ " that could affect an organization's goals.\n",
+ " type: Strategic_Risk\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 315:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual, such as a researcher, teacher, or student.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An organization for education or research, like a university or research\n",
+ " institute.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A documented output of research, such as a journal article or book.\n",
+ " type: publication\n",
+ "- description: A specific subject of study or research.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person works at an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: employed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has studied at an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has written or contributed to a publication.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - publication\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the main subject or research area of a publication or the\n",
+ " research interest of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: focuses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - publication\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 316:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally constituted group such as a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A system or environment in which commercial dealings are conducted.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: A method, strategy, or procedure used by companies in conducting their\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " type: business_practice\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization's control or major influence over a market.\n",
+ " edge_type: dominates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization uses specific business practices.\n",
+ " edge_type: employs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_practice\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the use of a certain business practice by one organization\n",
+ " may restrict the competitive capabilities of another organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: limits_competition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_practice\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 317:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the state of the economy that can be global or specific\n",
+ " to a region.\n",
+ " type: economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: Represents the conditions of financial markets, impacting businesses\n",
+ " and investments.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "- description: An organization or entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Outcome of business operations, including financial performance and\n",
+ " productivity.\n",
+ " type: operating_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a change in economic or market conditions may influence\n",
+ " a business or its operating results.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_impact\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " - operating_result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 318:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category of businesses that produce or sell similar products or services.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "- description: Items or services produced for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: The overall economic, social, and political factors affecting the buying\n",
+ " and selling activities in a market.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "- description: The total demand for products or services within a specific industry.\n",
+ " type: industry_demand\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases goods or services from another entity.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease that affects global\n",
+ " or regional health.\n",
+ " type: pandemic\n",
+ "- description: The result or effect of business activities, often measured by financial\n",
+ " performance or market position.\n",
+ " type: business_outcome\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has a specific level of demand within an industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_demand\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry_demand\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a factor like market conditions or a pandemic affects\n",
+ " business outcomes.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ " - pandemic\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_outcome\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is purchased by a customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_customer\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is sold within a competitive industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 319:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or geographical area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An organization founded for a religious, educational, professional,\n",
+ " or social purpose.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or general notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: A physical item or thing.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where the person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where the person died.\n",
+ " edge_type: died_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the institution, event, or object is located in a specific\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the person is a member of the institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the location where the event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship or association between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 320:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the financial performance outcomes of an organization.\n",
+ " type: operating_result\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific intervals or durations of time, such as quarters\n",
+ " or seasons.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the operating results are influenced or determined by\n",
+ " the time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operating_result\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 321:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A sovereign state or territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: Applications of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially\n",
+ " in industry.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Intangible creations of the human intellect, including copyrights,\n",
+ " patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: A condition or circumstance that puts a company in a favorable or superior\n",
+ " business position.\n",
+ " type: competitive_advantage\n",
+ "- description: Money spent or cost incurred in an entity's efforts to generate revenue,\n",
+ " representing the cost of doing business.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "- description: The value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another.\n",
+ " type: currency_exchange_rate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An action by which a country safeguards intellectual property rights\n",
+ " within its jurisdiction.\n",
+ " edge_type: protect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Losing a competitive advantage due to inadequate protection of technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: lose\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - competitive_advantage\n",
+ "- description: To experience or suffer expenses as a result of actions or events related\n",
+ " to technology or intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: incur\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: How fluctuations in currency exchange rates can impact the economic\n",
+ " conditions of a country.\n",
+ " edge_type: affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_exchange_rate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 322:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A geographic place or area.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: An institution of higher education and research.\n",
+ " type: University\n",
+ "- description: A specific area of academic or professional interest.\n",
+ " type: Field_of_Study\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where the person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the university where the person works.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - University\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the university or field of study the person is associated\n",
+ " with through education.\n",
+ " edge_type: studies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - University\n",
+ " - Field_of_Study\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 323:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a potential danger or problem that could affect operations\n",
+ " or systems.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: A classification or grouping for organizing various entities or elements.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a risk belongs to a specific category.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 324:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business or company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An item or service produced by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An external entity separate from the primary organization, involved\n",
+ " in business or manufacturing processes.\n",
+ " type: third_party\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a third party manufactures the product.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization relies on a third party for certain\n",
+ " services or products.\n",
+ " edge_type: relies_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 325:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific geographical area or place.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a specific purpose.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a written or digital piece of information.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization or event is based in a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event is recorded or described in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documented_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 326:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place or location.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or establishment dedicated to education\n",
+ " or research.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal relationship between an individual and a state that\n",
+ " confers certain rights and obligations.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the location where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a person received education or training\n",
+ " at an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person was present at a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Defines the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 327:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various technologies used in manufacturing and product development.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Items or services produced by a business for consumer use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Tools or machinery used for specific tasks, particularly in manufacturing.\n",
+ " type: equipment\n",
+ "- description: Substances or components used in the creation of products.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: A series of operations involving the fabrication or assembly of products.\n",
+ " type: manufacturing_process\n",
+ "- description: Individuals or entities that purchase or use products and services\n",
+ " from a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Significant changes or evolutions in the methods, technologies, or\n",
+ " dynamics within an industry.\n",
+ " type: industry_transition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the availability or functionality of the source can\n",
+ " materially affect the business.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " - manufacturing_process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "- description: Shows that the success or operation of the business is reliant on the\n",
+ " source.\n",
+ " edge_type: dependent_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " - manufacturing_process\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the product offers usefulness or benefits to the customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_value_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the product aligns with or promotes significant changes\n",
+ " in the industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry_transition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 328:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to any product or item that can be manufactured or sold.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Refers to any entity or individual that purchases or uses products.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the income generated from selling goods or services.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one product is integrated or used as a component in\n",
+ " another product.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the reliance of revenue on specific products or customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: dependent_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the successful adoption or performance of a product by a\n",
+ " customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: success_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 329:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A good or service offered by a business.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A weakness in a system that can be exploited to compromise security.\n",
+ " type: security_vulnerability\n",
+ "- description: A significant negative impact on the operation or value of a business.\n",
+ " type: material_adverse_effect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is vulnerable to a specific security issue.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security_vulnerability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that exploiting a security vulnerability could lead to a\n",
+ " significant negative impact.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_effect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security_vulnerability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - material_adverse_effect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 330:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents incidents or occurrences such as IT outages, data loss,\n",
+ " data breaches, and cyber-attacks.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents the outcomes or effects of events such as costs, damage\n",
+ " or compromise of information.\n",
+ " type: consequence\n",
+ "- description: Represents abstract entities like intellectual property, sensitive\n",
+ " information, business, reputation, and operations.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event leads to a particular consequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - consequence\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a consequence has an impact on an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - consequence\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 331:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A set of interrelated components working together towards a common\n",
+ " goal, such as an ERP system.\n",
+ " type: system\n",
+ "- description: Goods or services offered by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: The actions and processes involved in running a system or producing\n",
+ " products.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: Problems or challenges that might impact the functioning of an organization,\n",
+ " system, or product.\n",
+ " type: issue\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization utilizes a particular system.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_system\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization offers specific products.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_product\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization, system, or product is experiencing\n",
+ " a particular issue.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_issue\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - issue\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an issue has a negative impact on an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_negatively\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - issue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 332:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any product, either tangible or intangible.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An organized group of people that forms a business, corporation, or\n",
+ " enterprise.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Legal rights to inventions, designs, and other creations of the mind.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular\n",
+ " end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: A part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine\n",
+ " or system.\n",
+ " type: component\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company utilizes intellectual property owned by another\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company relies on another company for services or\n",
+ " products.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is responsible for creating the design of\n",
+ " a product or component.\n",
+ " edge_type: designs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company produces a specific component.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company provides specific components necessary for\n",
+ " another company or process.\n",
+ " edge_type: supplies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 333:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place or area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collective group of people with a common purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or piece of media formally published.\n",
+ " type: publication\n",
+ "- description: Represents tools, machines, or methods driven by scientific knowledge.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, organization, or event is situated at a specific\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of or belongs to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a link or relation between entities and a specific concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - publication\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a publication was released by a person or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: published_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - publication\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization employs a specific technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or event is a component or segment of a larger\n",
+ " event or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 334:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company that designs and develops software.\n",
+ " type: software_vendor\n",
+ "- description: Represents a piece of software designed to operate on various products.\n",
+ " type: software\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization provides support for a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a software vendor designs and develops a specific software.\n",
+ " edge_type: designs_and_develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - software_vendor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a software is designed to operate on a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: runs_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that actions or lack of support from an organization can\n",
+ " materially affect the sales of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_sales\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 335:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 336:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a major division or segment within a document, typically\n",
+ " identified by a title or number.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one section contains another, used to represent hierarchical\n",
+ " structure in documents such as books, reports, or articles.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 337:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company or business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A collection of structured activities or tasks that produce a specific\n",
+ " service or product for a customer.\n",
+ " type: business_process\n",
+ "- description: A system used for managing data and information, typically involving\n",
+ " computer technology.\n",
+ " type: information_system\n",
+ "- description: A potential issue or event that could negatively affect the organization.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: A separate company that distributes products or services for another\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " type: third_party_distributor\n",
+ "- description: A partner company that provides additional components or services,\n",
+ " often related to technology or manufacturing.\n",
+ " type: add_in_board_partner\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization is exposed to a specific risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization depends on another company for distribution\n",
+ " or additional services.\n",
+ " edge_type: relies_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - third_party_distributor\n",
+ " - add_in_board_partner\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization's operations are reliant on specific\n",
+ " processes or systems.\n",
+ " edge_type: dependent_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_process\n",
+ " - information_system\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 338:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a generic symbol or graphical element.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 339:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entity of a company or corporation involved in commercial,\n",
+ " industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end in a\n",
+ " business or other operational environment.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: Mechanisms, rules, and procedures implemented by a business to ensure\n",
+ " the integrity of financial and accounting information, promote accountability,\n",
+ " and prevent fraud.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "- description: Any item or service produced by a business for consumer use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A set of criteria within an industry relating to the quality and compatibility\n",
+ " of products and services.\n",
+ " type: industry_standard\n",
+ "- description: Physical components of a computer system or other technological devices.\n",
+ " type: hardware\n",
+ "- description: Programs and other operating information used by a computer or other\n",
+ " technological devices.\n",
+ " type: software\n",
+ "- description: A shortcoming, imperfection, or lack in a product that impairs its\n",
+ " usability.\n",
+ " type: defect\n",
+ "- description: The expenditure or price of money, time, or resources spent on a specific\n",
+ " activity, item, or service.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "- description: The sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution\n",
+ " of a commodity.\n",
+ " type: supply_chain\n",
+ "- description: The desire of purchasers, consumers, or clients for a particular product\n",
+ " or service.\n",
+ " type: customer_demand\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents how products, defects, or supply chain issues can impact\n",
+ " a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " - supply_chain\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "- description: Describes the action of a business keeping their supply chain efficient\n",
+ " in response to changes in customer demand.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintain\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - supply_chain\n",
+ "- description: Describes the compatibility or relation of a product with industry\n",
+ " standards, software, or hardware.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry_standard\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ " - hardware\n",
+ "- description: Describes how defects in products can lead to costs.\n",
+ " edge_type: cause\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 340:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific operational task or activity within a business, such as\n",
+ " supply-chain logistics, product distribution, or information technology support.\n",
+ " type: business_function\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization delegates a business function to another\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: outsources\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_function\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 341:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A system or environment where goods and services are exchanged.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Any item or service produced for sale or exchange.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has the ability to regulate or influence\n",
+ " a market or the sales of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_control_over\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that changes or conditions in the market have an impact on\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 342:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A potential issue or threat that could impact an entity or process\n",
+ " negatively.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: A distinct unit such as a company, organization, or individual that\n",
+ " can be impacted by risks.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular\n",
+ " end, which can be impacted by risks.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a risk poses a potential negative impact on an\n",
+ " entity or process.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 343:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Actions or regulations implemented by the government.\n",
+ " type: government_action\n",
+ "- description: Consequences or effects on a business due to external or internal factors.\n",
+ " type: business_impact\n",
+ "- description: Activities or processes involved in the running of a business.\n",
+ " type: business_operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A government action that restricts the ability of a business to perform\n",
+ " certain operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: limits_ability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - government_action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_operation\n",
+ "- description: An impact that negatively or positively influences business operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_impact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 344:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A commercial entity or company.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Potential financial obligations related to taxes.\n",
+ " type: tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Rules and laws governing taxation.\n",
+ " type: tax_regulation\n",
+ "- description: A legal process involving lawsuits or legal disputes.\n",
+ " type: litigation\n",
+ "- description: A demand or assertion for something as due.\n",
+ " type: claim\n",
+ "- description: An expenditure or amount of money required to pay for something.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "- description: Financial compensation or reparations required after a lawsuit or claim.\n",
+ " type: damage\n",
+ "- description: Goods or services offered by a business.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business has potential financial obligations.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tax liability arises as a result of tax regulations.\n",
+ " edge_type: result_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_regulation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business is involved in a lawsuit or legal process.\n",
+ " edge_type: party_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - litigation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business may potentially become involved in a claim\n",
+ " or litigation.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_become_party_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - claim\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that involvement in litigation or a claim causes a business\n",
+ " to incur costs or pay damages.\n",
+ " edge_type: cause_to_incur\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - litigation\n",
+ " - claim\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " - damage\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a litigation may result in a prohibition on selling\n",
+ " a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: prohibit_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - litigation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 345:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal statute or regulation that governs actions and outcomes in\n",
+ " specific contexts.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: A formal decision or legislation enacted by a government or authoritative\n",
+ " body.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "- description: An amount that must be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "- description: A company's legal financial debts or obligations that arise during\n",
+ " the course of business operations.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one law or act is governed or influenced by another\n",
+ " law or act.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that adherence to a law or act leads to financial implications\n",
+ " such as costs or liabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 346:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or action, such as a merger, acquisition,\n",
+ " or integration.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Potential negative outcomes or hazards associated with an event.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event has potential risks associated with it.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 347:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a collective goal.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening, often involving multiple\n",
+ " people or organizations.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a written, printed, or digital record.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a category of information.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event or concept is recorded in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documented_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one location is situated within another location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 348:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual, typically distinguished by name or other characteristics.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Organizations or establishments dedicated to education, research, or\n",
+ " other specific purposes.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A legal relationship between an individual and a country, often determining\n",
+ " the person's citizenship.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: A field of academic study or area of professional expertise.\n",
+ " type: subject\n",
+ "- description: A formal recognition given to an individual or group for their achievements\n",
+ " or excellence in a specific field.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has studied or received education at a particular\n",
+ " institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality or citizenship of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: nationality_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has expertise or focuses on a particular academic\n",
+ " or professional subject.\n",
+ " edge_type: specializes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subject\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has been formally recognized with an award\n",
+ " for their achievements or excellence in a specific field.\n",
+ " edge_type: awarded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 349:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business_entity\n",
+ "- description: A plan of action or policy designed to achieve specific commercial\n",
+ " goals.\n",
+ " type: business_strategy\n",
+ "- description: A financial interaction or agreement between businesses, such as acquisitions\n",
+ " or investments.\n",
+ " type: business_transaction\n",
+ "- description: A concept related to the financial aspects of a business, such as stock\n",
+ " prices or asset impairment.\n",
+ " type: financial_concept\n",
+ "- description: The outcome or consequence of business activities on its financial\n",
+ " position and operations.\n",
+ " type: financial_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A business entity conducting financial transactions like acquisitions\n",
+ " or investments.\n",
+ " edge_type: engages_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_transaction\n",
+ "- description: A business entity implements or follows a particular business strategy.\n",
+ " edge_type: utilizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_strategy\n",
+ "- description: Business transactions or strategies impacting financial concepts like\n",
+ " stock prices.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_transaction\n",
+ " - business_strategy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ "- description: A business transaction leading to a specific financial outcome for\n",
+ " the business.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_result\n",
+ "- description: A financial concept such as asset impairment negatively affecting the\n",
+ " business's financial results.\n",
+ " edge_type: adversely_impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 350:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category or type of risk that an entity or project may face.\n",
+ " type: risk_type\n",
+ "- description: A specific financial concept or component relevant to an entity's operation\n",
+ " or project.\n",
+ " type: financial_aspect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a specific risk type is associated with or impacts a particular\n",
+ " financial aspect.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_aspect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 351:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual, human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An organization founded for a specific purpose such as education or\n",
+ " research.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A recognition or honor given for an achievement.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: An academic or professional area of concentration.\n",
+ " type: field_of_study\n",
+ "- description: The status of belonging to a particular nation.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person received education at an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is legally recognized as a member of a nation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person primarily operates or is employed in a specific\n",
+ " field of study.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - field_of_study\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an institution or person has granted an award to another\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: awarded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 352:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or formal arrangement between parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: An organization involved in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: A limitation or constraint imposed by an agreement or regulation.\n",
+ " type: restriction\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An agreement that imposes certain restrictions.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - restriction\n",
+ "- description: A restriction that impacts the operations or activities of a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - restriction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 353:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized entity that conducts business or other activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A state describing the financial health and stability of an organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_position\n",
+ "- description: A plan or method chosen by an organization to achieve certain goals\n",
+ " or objectives.\n",
+ " type: strategy\n",
+ "- description: An agreement enforceable by law that an organization is required to\n",
+ " fulfill.\n",
+ " type: contractual_obligation\n",
+ "- description: Money in the form of coins or banknotes, especially that owned by an\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " type: cash\n",
+ "- description: The funds an organization uses to finance its day-to-day operations.\n",
+ " type: working_capital\n",
+ "- description: The total amount of money received by an organization for goods sold\n",
+ " or services provided during a specific time period.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: The cash generated from the normal operations of an organization.\n",
+ " type: operating_cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: The action or process of investing money for profit.\n",
+ " type: investment\n",
+ "- description: Activities in an organization directed toward the innovation, introduction,\n",
+ " and improvement of products and services.\n",
+ " type: research_and_development\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where indebtedness negatively impacts the financial\n",
+ " position, strategy, or contractual obligations of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: adversely_affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - indebtedness\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_position\n",
+ " - strategy\n",
+ " - contractual_obligation\n",
+ "- description: A process where an organization produces cash, revenue, or operating\n",
+ " cash flow.\n",
+ " edge_type: generate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " - operating_cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: A situation where an organization needs cash or working capital to\n",
+ " operate or continue its operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: require\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash\n",
+ " - working_capital\n",
+ "- description: A process where an organization allocates resources to investments.\n",
+ " edge_type: make\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ "- description: A process where an organization allocates resources specifically to\n",
+ " research and development activities.\n",
+ " edge_type: invest\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - research_and_development\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 354:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A potential or actual factor or situation that could lead to a negative\n",
+ " impact.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: The effect or consequence of a risk occurring.\n",
+ " type: impact\n",
+ "- description: A category that defines the nature of a risk.\n",
+ " type: risk_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the effect or consequence if a risk occurs.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_impact\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - impact\n",
+ "- description: Assigns a risk to a specific category that defines its nature.\n",
+ " edge_type: categorized_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 355:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Potential for adverse effects on an organization.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: A natural event that could cause damage or disruption.\n",
+ " type: natural_disaster\n",
+ "- description: Technological tools, systems, or innovations.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Staff or employees of an organization.\n",
+ " type: personnel\n",
+ "- description: The financial value of a company's shares.\n",
+ " type: stock_price\n",
+ "- description: Goods or services offered by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: The state of political affairs that can influence various aspects of\n",
+ " society and business.\n",
+ " type: political_condition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Organization is affected by risks or natural disasters.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " - natural_disaster\n",
+ "- description: Organization may face specific adverse effects.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_incur\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: Organization's failure to keep its staff.\n",
+ " edge_type: inability_to_retain\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - personnel\n",
+ "- description: The financial or political factors impacting the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_price\n",
+ " - political_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Negative impact of political conditions on product demand.\n",
+ " edge_type: adversely_affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - political_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 356:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A commercial organization or enterprise.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: A risk that is significant and relevant to a business, potentially\n",
+ " impacting its operations or profitability.\n",
+ " type: material_risk\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business is exposed to a specific material risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: faces_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - material_risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 357:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 358:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document containing the Table of Contents.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter listed in the Table of Contents.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific topic covered within a section or chapter.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains specific sections or chapters.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section or chapter covers specific topics.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 359:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A potential scenario or factor that could lead to negative consequences\n",
+ " for an entity.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: A broad category that can include individuals, organizations, or countries,\n",
+ " involved or affected by risks.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a risk is relevant to or can affect a particular entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 360:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized group, such as a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A system or arena in which commercial dealings are conducted.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: A method, strategy, or manner of conducting business operations.\n",
+ " type: business_practice\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization holds a controlling or leading position\n",
+ " in a market.\n",
+ " edge_type: dominates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization follows a particular method or strategy\n",
+ " in its business operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_business_practice\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_practice\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization or its business practices restrict the\n",
+ " competitive abilities of another organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: limits_competition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - business_practice\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 361:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity registered as a business.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A good or service offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A measure used to evaluate the financial health or performance of a\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: An action taken by a company to promote or sell its products, or to\n",
+ " influence stakeholders.\n",
+ " type: business_activity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company has been the leader in market share over\n",
+ " another.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_market_share_leader\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company offers certain products to the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: One company influences the business activities of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: influences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Associates a company with a specific financial performance or health\n",
+ " measure.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is involved in a specific business activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 362:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or service produced by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A system or domain where entities engage in buying, selling, or exchanging\n",
+ " goods and services.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: A level of quality or achievement, especially one that is accepted\n",
+ " as a norm or by which actual attainments are judged.\n",
+ " type: standard\n",
+ "- description: A part or element of a larger whole, especially in a machine or system.\n",
+ " type: component\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: One entity has a significant impact or control over another entity\n",
+ " or domain.\n",
+ " edge_type: influences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: One entity holds a major controlling position or advantage in a market\n",
+ " or over a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: dominates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: One entity directs or determines the characteristics or requirements\n",
+ " of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: dictates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: One entity puts together various components to create a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: assembles\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: One entity promotes or advances the adoption of a certain standard.\n",
+ " edge_type: drives\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - standard\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 363:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a corporate entity or business.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a strategy or action taken by a company to conduct its business.\n",
+ " type: business_practice\n",
+ "- description: Represents the portion of a market controlled by a particular company.\n",
+ " type: market_share\n",
+ "- description: Represents goods or services offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents established norms and guidelines that are widely accepted\n",
+ " within a particular industry.\n",
+ " type: industry_standard\n",
+ "- description: Represents entities involved in a given industry, such as manufacturers,\n",
+ " suppliers, and other stakeholders.\n",
+ " type: industry_participant\n",
+ "- description: Represents approaches used by a company to promote and sell its products\n",
+ " or brand.\n",
+ " type: marketing_strategy\n",
+ "- description: Represents promotional content aimed at publicizing a product, service,\n",
+ " or brand.\n",
+ " type: advertisement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company employs specific business practices.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_business_practice\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_practice\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business practice influences a company's portion of\n",
+ " the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_market_share\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_practice\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_share\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company provides specific products to the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers_product\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has significant influence in establishing\n",
+ " norms and guidelines within an industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: sets_industry_standard\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry_standard\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company exerts influence over other entities within\n",
+ " the same industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: influences_industry_participant\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry_participant\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company utilizes specific marketing strategies to\n",
+ " promote its products or brand.\n",
+ " edge_type: employs_marketing_strategy\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - marketing_strategy\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company carries out advertising activities to promote\n",
+ " its brand or products.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts_advertisement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - advertisement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 364:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An asset or material that is used to operate, produce, or improve.\n",
+ " type: resource\n",
+ "- description: A process or action that is carried out as part of business or operational\n",
+ " strategies.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "- description: An item or service produced by a company for commercial purposes.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Scientific or industrial methods and the use of such knowledge to achieve\n",
+ " practical goals.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.\n",
+ " type: strategy\n",
+ "- description: A quality or state that leaves one open to attack or damage.\n",
+ " type: vulnerability\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company has more resources than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_more\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - resource\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company allocates financial or other resources to\n",
+ " a particular activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: spends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company allocates resources towards activities, other\n",
+ " companies, or technological advancements.\n",
+ " edge_type: invests_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company produces a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company utilizes certain technologies in its operations\n",
+ " or products.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company launches a new product into the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: introduces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is susceptible to the strategies of another\n",
+ " company, potentially affecting its market position.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_vulnerable_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - strategy\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 365:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business or corporation involved in commercial,\n",
+ " industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or service created through industrial processes or innovation.\n",
+ " This includes physical items, software, and technologies.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A system or environment in which commercial transactions occur, typically\n",
+ " defined by a particular category of goods, services, or interests.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of tool or system developed to solve problems or enhance\n",
+ " capabilities in various fields.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: A plan of action designed to achieve a specific goal or set of objectives,\n",
+ " often within a competitive context.\n",
+ " type: strategy\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company's involvement in competition within a specific\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company's action of providing a specific product to the\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company's adoption or use of particular technologies or\n",
+ " strategies in its operations or offerings.\n",
+ " edge_type: utilizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - strategy\n",
+ "- description: Represents actions taken by one company that could potentially harm\n",
+ " the competitive position of another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: disadvantages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 366:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the state of the economy, including aspects like market\n",
+ " stability, growth rate, and overall economic health.\n",
+ " type: economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Outcomes or outputs that show how effectively a business is being run,\n",
+ " including financial performance, productivity, and efficiency.\n",
+ " type: operating_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a negative state of the economy or market can negatively\n",
+ " affect businesses or their operational outcomes.\n",
+ " edge_type: adversely_impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " - operating_result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 367:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents general economic states or conditions such as recession,\n",
+ " inflation, or interest rates.\n",
+ " type: economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: A specific part of a market that a company targets as part of its business.\n",
+ " type: market_segment\n",
+ "- description: The income generated from normal business operations.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that purchases goods or services from a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Items or services offered for sale by a business.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: The total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: A strategy or decision by a business or customer to buy products or\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " type: purchase_plan\n",
+ "- description: Money owed to a business by its customers for goods or services delivered\n",
+ " but not yet paid for.\n",
+ " type: accounts_receivable\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes how economic conditions affect various aspects of business\n",
+ " and customer behavior.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ " - purchase_plan\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a market segment is a part of the overall business structure.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "- description: Describes the process of generating revenue or cash flow by a business\n",
+ " or a customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: generates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer buys a product from a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer has a financial obligation towards a business\n",
+ " in the form of accounts receivable.\n",
+ " edge_type: owes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounts_receivable\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer postpones the payment owed to a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: delays\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - payment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a change or adjustment in a customer's plan to purchase products\n",
+ " or services.\n",
+ " edge_type: modifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_plan\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer decides to terminate their plan to purchase\n",
+ " products or services.\n",
+ " edge_type: cancels\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_plan\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 368:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 369:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the overall document or book.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: Section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 370:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A manufactured or created good offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An entity that provides products or services to another entity.\n",
+ " type: supplier\n",
+ "- description: The state of the economy which can influence business operations and\n",
+ " financial stability.\n",
+ " type: economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: Methods through which a company can acquire financial resources.\n",
+ " type: fund_raising_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one product's performance or issues adversely affect\n",
+ " another product or the same product's financial metrics.\n",
+ " edge_type: adversely_affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a supplier is producing less, which can impact the supply\n",
+ " chain.\n",
+ " edge_type: reduces_output\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a supplier has gone bankrupt or is unable to meet its\n",
+ " financial obligations.\n",
+ " edge_type: becomes_insolvent\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how the actions or conditions of a supplier affect the manufacturing\n",
+ " of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how economic conditions make it harder to successfully employ\n",
+ " certain fund-raising methods.\n",
+ " edge_type: makes_difficult\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fund_raising_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 371:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A sector of the economy involving businesses that produce goods or\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening that affects real-world entities.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an industry experiences regular upward and downward\n",
+ " trends.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_cyclical_nature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event has an impact on an industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 372:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A sector of the economy that produces certain goods or services.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "- description: General state of an economic system including factors like growth,\n",
+ " employment, inflation, and market conditions.\n",
+ " type: economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: An item or service produced for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: The quantity of goods that a company holds, which are either in stock\n",
+ " or in process of manufacture.\n",
+ " type: inventory\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an industry undergoes certain economic conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: experiences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: Shows how economic conditions influence products or inventory levels.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - inventory\n",
+ "- description: Represents the connection between an industry and the products it produces\n",
+ " or involves.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 373:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening, typically with a specific impact\n",
+ " or consequence.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A specific part of a market which can be defined by its unique characteristics\n",
+ " or focus, such as 'Client segment' in a company.\n",
+ " type: Market_Segment\n",
+ "- description: Macro or micro economic factors that affect businesses and markets,\n",
+ " like 'global economic uncertainty' or 'weak PC market conditions'.\n",
+ " type: Economic_Condition\n",
+ "- description: Items or services produced for sale or use, often related to specific\n",
+ " industries like semiconductors or PCs.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: The financial results and status of a business, including its revenue,\n",
+ " profit, losses, etc.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Performance\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event or an economic condition has had an impact\n",
+ " on financial performance, market segments, or products.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Economic_Condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Performance\n",
+ " - Market_Segment\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a decrease in a specific market segment's performance or\n",
+ " size due to an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_decline\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Market_Segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 374:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a commercial enterprise or company.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Any item or service created for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A geographic or demographic area where goods and services are bought\n",
+ " and sold.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: The basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation\n",
+ " of a society or enterprise.\n",
+ " type: infrastructure\n",
+ "- description: Connections or associations between entities, typically involving some\n",
+ " form of interaction or interdependence.\n",
+ " type: relationship\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the need or desire for products within a market.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_demand\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the success or operation of a business is contingent\n",
+ " upon certain factors like infrastructure or relationships.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - infrastructure\n",
+ " - relationship\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the impact of product sales or market conditions on a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 375:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a product or good produced by a company.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: A category of businesses that share a common focus or product.\n",
+ " type: Industry\n",
+ "- description: Conditions that affect the demand and supply in a market, such as economic\n",
+ " factors, competition, and consumer preferences.\n",
+ " type: Market Condition\n",
+ "- description: Changes in the level of demand for products or services.\n",
+ " type: Demand Fluctuation\n",
+ "- description: A decrease in the economic performance or demand within a specific\n",
+ " market or industry.\n",
+ " type: Market Decline\n",
+ "- description: Outcomes or results of a company's business operations, including financial\n",
+ " performance.\n",
+ " type: Operational Result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is sold within a specific industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: sold_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Industry\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the fluctuations in demand are influenced by market\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Demand Fluctuation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Market Condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a decline in the market adversely impacts operational\n",
+ " results.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Market Decline\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Operational Result\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that fluctuations in demand or market declines can cause\n",
+ " adverse effects on operational results.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Demand Fluctuation\n",
+ " - Market Decline\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Operational Result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 376:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category representing a broad field of production or service in the\n",
+ " economy.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "- description: A division within a company focused on a specific part of the business\n",
+ " or market.\n",
+ " type: company_segment\n",
+ "- description: An item or service that is created or sold by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A general state or environment of the economy that affects businesses\n",
+ " and markets.\n",
+ " type: economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: A specific area or region in the world.\n",
+ " type: geographic_location\n",
+ "- description: A potential for loss or adverse effect on a company or industry.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an economic condition or risk has an impact on an industry,\n",
+ " company segment, or product.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ " - company_segment\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the success or operation of a company segment is reliant\n",
+ " on certain products or economic conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: dependent_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company segment undergoes specific economic conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: experiences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an industry or company segment operates within a particular\n",
+ " geographic location.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ " - company_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - geographic_location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 377:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area or a specific place.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a specific purpose, such\n",
+ " as a company, institution, or association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening, generally of significance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a broad subject of knowledge.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization, event, or person is situated within\n",
+ " or associated with a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of or affiliated with an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization possesses an object.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person took part in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship or connection between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 378:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A recognized sign, design, or expression which identifies products\n",
+ " or services of a particular source from those of others\n",
+ " type: Trademark\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory\n",
+ " type: Country\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the country in which a trademark is registered\n",
+ " edge_type: registered_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Trademark\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 379:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases goods or services from a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: An organization engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: A negative impact or consequence.\n",
+ " type: adverse_effect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a customer's loss may negatively impact a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_have_adverse_effect_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 380:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases products or services from a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: An organization involved in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Items or services offered by a business for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business relies on a customer for a significant part\n",
+ " of its operations or revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer purchases a product from a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: buys\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an action that negatively impacts a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: adversely_affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer lessens its business activities or operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: reduces_operations\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer decreases its need or request for a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: reduces_demand\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 381:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 382:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of text-based resource, such as a book, article, or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document, typically marked by a title\n",
+ " or heading.\n",
+ " type: content_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more specific sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 383:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any significant occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A generic entity that could refer to a business, organization, or similar\n",
+ " institution.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Any financial element related to an entity, such as revenue, profit,\n",
+ " financial condition, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Any non-financial aspect of a business or entity, such as operations,\n",
+ " strategy, employee relations, etc.\n",
+ " type: business_aspect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event has an impact on an entity or specific aspects\n",
+ " of it.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " - financial_aspect\n",
+ " - business_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the potential negative impact of an event on financial or\n",
+ " business aspects of an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: could_adversely_affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_aspect\n",
+ " - business_aspect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 384:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A generic type representing any specific entity, such as a government\n",
+ " authority or a business.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A type representing any significant occurrence, such as a pandemic\n",
+ " or the implementation of public health measures.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A type representing actions taken by entities, like implementing measures,\n",
+ " issuing rules, or experiencing disruptions.\n",
+ " type: action\n",
+ "- description: A type representing abstract ideas or policies, such as public health\n",
+ " measures, business operations, or travel bans.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity implementing an action.\n",
+ " edge_type: implements\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ "- description: Represents an action having an effect on an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents an action involving a specific concept or policy.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity updating rules or measures related to a concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: updates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: Represents one policy or rule being in conflict with another.\n",
+ " edge_type: conflicts_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 385:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business or company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual who works for an organization.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: Actions or policies implemented to improve or protect public health.\n",
+ " type: health_measure\n",
+ "- description: A government body or agency responsible for regulating or overseeing\n",
+ " specific areas of public life.\n",
+ " type: government_authority\n",
+ "- description: Business activities or processes carried out by an organization.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: Standard methods or techniques used in the conduct of business activities.\n",
+ " type: business_practice\n",
+ "- description: A planned timeline for the development and release of a product.\n",
+ " type: product_schedule\n",
+ "- description: A strategic plan that outlines the goals and steps to achieve them.\n",
+ " type: roadmap\n",
+ "- description: Obligations or promises made by an organization to its customers.\n",
+ " type: customer_commitment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization keeps track of its operations and health measures.\n",
+ " edge_type: monitors\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " - health_measure\n",
+ "- description: An organization puts health measures into practice.\n",
+ " edge_type: implements\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - health_measure\n",
+ "- description: Health measures impact the health or behavior of employees.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - health_measure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ "- description: Health measures are controlled or mandated by a government authority.\n",
+ " edge_type: regulated_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - health_measure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - government_authority\n",
+ "- description: An organization changes its operations or business practices.\n",
+ " edge_type: modifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " - business_practice\n",
+ "- description: Changes in operations or business practices affect the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " - business_practice\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: An employee's inability to work prevents meeting product schedules,\n",
+ " roadmaps, or customer commitments.\n",
+ " edge_type: prevents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_schedule\n",
+ " - roadmap\n",
+ " - customer_commitment\n",
+ "- description: An employee's reluctance or inability to return to work delays the\n",
+ " organization's return to full operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: delays\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 386:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, often significant in nature.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position, such as a country, city, or facility.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Substances or components used in the production of goods.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: Items or goods produced by a company, intended for trade or sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Activities provided by a business to fulfill customer needs.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: A system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources\n",
+ " involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer.\n",
+ " type: supply_chain\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how an event impacts various entities or systems.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - supply_chain\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: Describes how an organization controls or administers aspects of its\n",
+ " operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - supply_chain\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the need of an organization for specific materials or resources\n",
+ " to fulfill its functions.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the geographical placement of an organization or elements\n",
+ " of a supply chain.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - supply_chain\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Describes the output of goods or products by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization offers specific services.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 387:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents significant occurrences or incidents, such as a pandemic\n",
+ " or economic downturn.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents abstract ideas or phenomena, such as consumer confidence\n",
+ " or economic uncertainty.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: Represents organizations, businesses, or other groups that can be affected\n",
+ " by events or concepts.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the impact or influence one event or concept has on another\n",
+ " event, concept, or entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a direct causative relationship between events or concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: Represents an association where an event is linked with a concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 388:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening, usually having a specific impact\n",
+ " or resulting from specific conditions.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Tools or types of investments used in financial markets, including\n",
+ " various forms of debt and equity.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Activities, processes, or functions typically conducted by a company\n",
+ " to achieve its business goals.\n",
+ " type: business_operation\n",
+ "- description: Economic resources or assets like cash, credits, and investments that\n",
+ " are utilized by a business to support its operations.\n",
+ " type: financial_resource\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or span of time marked by particular events or\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the influence or effect an event has on various aspects such\n",
+ " as financial instruments, business operations, or financial resources.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_impact_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " - business_operation\n",
+ " - financial_resource\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial resource aids or sustains a business operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_resource\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_operation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business operation necessitates or demands certain\n",
+ " financial resources.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_resource\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial resource is adequate to cover the needs\n",
+ " of a business operation over a specified time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_sufficient_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_resource\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_operation\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Suggests a potential need for additional financial resources to support\n",
+ " a business operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_require\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_resource\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 389:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an illness or medical condition.\n",
+ " type: disease\n",
+ "- description: Represents the effects on business activities, financial conditions,\n",
+ " or operational outcomes.\n",
+ " type: business_impact\n",
+ "- description: Represents occurrences or incidents, especially significant in historical,\n",
+ " social, or political contexts.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents strategies or actions implemented to protect public health.\n",
+ " type: public_health_measure\n",
+ "- description: Represents medical interventions or procedures aimed at curing or managing\n",
+ " diseases.\n",
+ " type: treatment\n",
+ "- description: Represents a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity\n",
+ " to a particular disease.\n",
+ " type: vaccine\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a disease has an impact on business activities, financial\n",
+ " conditions, or operational outcomes.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - disease\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_impact\n",
+ "- description: Connects a disease to various events related to its spread, severity,\n",
+ " and management.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - disease\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the effects of a disease or its impact on business are\n",
+ " lessened by public health measures, treatments, or vaccines.\n",
+ " edge_type: mitigated_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - disease\n",
+ " - business_impact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - public_health_measure\n",
+ " - treatment\n",
+ " - vaccine\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 390:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 391:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the main document or material being indexed or summarized.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter of a document.\n",
+ " type: Section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific subsection within a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: Subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 392:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A place or system where commercial transactions occur, especially for\n",
+ " specific goods or services.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: An item or service created through an economic activity, offered for\n",
+ " exchange or sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a product is sold within a specific\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " edge_type: sold_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 393:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item produced for sale, encompassing all types of goods.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: A context or environment in which products are sold, often characterized\n",
+ " by competition.\n",
+ " type: Market\n",
+ "- description: Specific attributes or characteristics of a product that contribute\n",
+ " to its competitiveness and desirability.\n",
+ " type: Product_Feature\n",
+ "- description: Norms and specifications that are widely adopted and recognized within\n",
+ " an industry.\n",
+ " type: Industry_Standard\n",
+ "- description: A software product or set of software tools designed to address specific\n",
+ " user needs or problems.\n",
+ " type: Software_Solution\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the market where the product is sold.\n",
+ " edge_type: sold_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Market\n",
+ "- description: Links a product to its specific features or characteristics.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_feature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product_Feature\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product complies with or supports established industry\n",
+ " standards.\n",
+ " edge_type: adheres_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Industry_Standard\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a product encompasses or is complemented by specific software\n",
+ " solutions.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes_software\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Software_Solution\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 394:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: An item or service created through an economic activity, offered for\n",
+ " sale.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: Scientific or industrial methods and the machinery or equipment developed\n",
+ " from these methods.\n",
+ " type: Technology\n",
+ "- description: A regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions,\n",
+ " livestock, and other goods.\n",
+ " type: Market\n",
+ "- description: A general direction in which an economy is moving.\n",
+ " type: Economic_Trend\n",
+ "- description: Specific parts or elements of technology such as processors, memory\n",
+ " units, or graphics.\n",
+ " type: Technology_Component\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company participates in competition within a specific\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company provides specific products to the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company or product is influenced by prevailing economic\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: affected_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Economic_Trend\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product or company utilizes certain technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product includes specific technological components.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_component\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Technology_Component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one product is in direct competition with another.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company poses a competitive threat to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: challenges\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 395:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A business entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A defined area or domain where commercial dealings occur, involving\n",
+ " the exchange and trade of products or services.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Any entity that competes in the same industry or market as another\n",
+ " entity, offering similar or alternative products or services.\n",
+ " type: competitor\n",
+ "- description: An individual or organization that purchases goods or services from\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A tangible or intangible item produced for sale or use, often resulting\n",
+ " from a process of manufacturing or development.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A specific sector of the economy characterized by a particular type\n",
+ " of activity or commerce.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "- description: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially\n",
+ " in industry.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is a participant in a market competition.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company faces competition from another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_competitor\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - competitor\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company or competitor is involved in the creation\n",
+ " or enhancement of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - competitor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer purchases products or services from a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: buys_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity operates within a specific industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: in_industry\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - competitor\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company or competitor employs specific technologies\n",
+ " in their operations or products.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_technology\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - competitor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 396:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the outcomes or results of a company's operations.\n",
+ " type: operating_result\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific pattern or trend in sales over a defined time\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " type: sales_pattern\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the operating results are influenced or determined by\n",
+ " sales patterns.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operating_result\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sales_pattern\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 397:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific period of time, such as a month, quarter, or\n",
+ " half of a year.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "- description: Represents the distribution or timing pattern of sales within a specific\n",
+ " time period.\n",
+ " type: sales_pattern\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial metric, such as revenue or results.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents the conditions and trends in the market which can affect\n",
+ " business metrics.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "- description: Represents changes or updates to a company's products.\n",
+ " type: product_transition\n",
+ "- description: Represents factors outside a company's control that affect its business\n",
+ " operations.\n",
+ " type: external_factor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific time period has a particular sales pattern.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_sales_pattern\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sales_pattern\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that some factor or condition affects a financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - sales_pattern\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ " - product_transition\n",
+ " - external_factor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric varies according to the season or\n",
+ " time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: varies_seasonally\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric is higher in one time period compared\n",
+ " to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: higher_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an external factor affects market conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - external_factor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 398:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially\n",
+ " in industry.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Legal rights that result from intellectual activity in the industrial,\n",
+ " scientific, literary, or artistic fields.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: Methods or actions taken to defend or safeguard something.\n",
+ " type: protection_measure\n",
+ "- description: The cost incurred in or required for something.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "- description: A condition or circumstance that puts a company in a favorable or superior\n",
+ " business position.\n",
+ " type: competitive_advantage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A country where intellectual property or technology is legally safeguarded.\n",
+ " edge_type: protects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Intellectual property that is defended by specific measures.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - protection_measure\n",
+ "- description: A competitive advantage that leads to or results in certain expenses.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - competitive_advantage\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 399:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents methods and legal agreements used to safeguard intellectual\n",
+ " properties.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property_protection\n",
+ "- description: Represents the creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary\n",
+ " and artistic works, designs, symbols, names, and images used in commerce.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Represents legal disputes or challenges related to intellectual property.\n",
+ " type: legal_challenge\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific area or region where intellectual property protection\n",
+ " applies or is enforced.\n",
+ " type: geographical_region\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an intellectual property is safeguarded by specific\n",
+ " protections.\n",
+ " edge_type: protected_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property_protection\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an intellectual property is potentially or actually\n",
+ " involved in legal disputes or challenges.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_challenge\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where specific intellectual property protections are enforced\n",
+ " or applicable.\n",
+ " edge_type: applies_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property_protection\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - geographical_region\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 400:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 401:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any structured or unstructured document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 402:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal request for the grant of a patent for an invention.\n",
+ " type: patent_application\n",
+ "- description: A government authority or license conferring a right or title for a\n",
+ " set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or\n",
+ " selling an invention.\n",
+ " type: patent\n",
+ "- description: Legally recognized exclusive rights to creations of the mind.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Any good or service produced for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: The official power to make legal decisions and judgments.\n",
+ " type: jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: An organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial,\n",
+ " or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A patent application resulting in the issuance of a patent.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - patent_application\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: Products developed or altered to challenge existing patents.\n",
+ " edge_type: challenges\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: A country providing legal protection for intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: protects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: A country's laws or conditions affecting a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 403:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Changes in the value of one currency relative to another.\n",
+ " type: Currency_Exchange_Rate_Fluctuation\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Business\n",
+ "- description: A negative impact or consequence.\n",
+ " type: Adverse_Effect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes how changes in currency values can impact a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Currency_Exchange_Rate_Fluctuation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ "- description: Describes the potential negative outcome of currency exchange rate\n",
+ " fluctuations.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_consequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Currency_Exchange_Rate_Fluctuation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Adverse_Effect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 404:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of monetary unit, such as U.S. dollars or another national currency.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Costs incurred by a business.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "- description: The income generated from normal business operations.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: A measure of the efficiency and financial performance of a business.\n",
+ " type: profitability\n",
+ "- description: The total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: Actions taken to limit or manage financial risk, such as currency exchange\n",
+ " fluctuations.\n",
+ " type: hedging_activity\n",
+ "- description: The amount of risk that a company is exposed to, often in financial\n",
+ " terms.\n",
+ " type: exposure\n",
+ "- description: Goods produced or services offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: The transactions of selling products or services.\n",
+ " type: sales\n",
+ "- description: Results or consequences of business operations, including financial\n",
+ " conditions and operational results.\n",
+ " type: business_outcome\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the currency in which business financial figures such as\n",
+ " expenses, revenues, or sales are measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " - sales\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that changes in one entity (such as expenses or currency\n",
+ " value) influence another (like profitability or cash flows).\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - profitability\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: Describes actions taken to control or mitigate risks.\n",
+ " edge_type: manage_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - hedging_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - exposure\n",
+ "- description: Describes the impact of business outcomes on cash flows.\n",
+ " edge_type: result_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_outcome\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how fluctuations in currency values can lead to changes in\n",
+ " costs or sales.\n",
+ " edge_type: cause_change\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " - sales\n",
+ "- description: Describes a decrease in sales as a result of changes in currency value.\n",
+ " edge_type: reduce\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sales\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 405:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A potential source of harm or negative outcome.\n",
+ " type: Risk\n",
+ "- description: A class or division of concepts that share common characteristics.\n",
+ " type: Category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a risk belongs to a specific category of risks.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 406:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized group or entity that engages in business or other\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An external entity engaged by another entity, typically for services\n",
+ " or production.\n",
+ " type: third_party\n",
+ "- description: A tangible or intangible item produced for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Tools, systems, or methods that solve problems or improve processes.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: An effect or influence on business operations and outcomes.\n",
+ " type: business_impact\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization depends on a third party for services or production.\n",
+ " edge_type: relies_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ "- description: A third party produces products for an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: A third party employs specific technologies in their production or\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Technologies or products have an influence on the business outcomes.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_impact\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 407:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business or corporation involved in commercial,\n",
+ " industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A category that describes a specific class of products, such as microprocessors,\n",
+ " GPUs, or integrated circuits.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Scientific or industrial methods and the application of such methods\n",
+ " towards production, assembly, or packaging.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: A method or series of actions taken by a company to create or produce\n",
+ " a specific product or component.\n",
+ " type: manufacturing_process\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relation where a company is involved in the creation or production\n",
+ " of a specific type of product.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a company employs a particular technology\n",
+ " or method in their operations or production.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_technology\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where one company depends on another for services, products,\n",
+ " or resources.\n",
+ " edge_type: relies_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 408:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured group or entity that functions as a single unit, such\n",
+ " as a company or manufacturer.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An item or service produced by a company or organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An individual or organization that purchases or uses products or services\n",
+ " from a company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A significant negative impact on an organization's business, operations,\n",
+ " or financial condition.\n",
+ " type: material_adverse_effect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization that produces a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: An organization supplies products or services to a customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_customer\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: An organization faces limitations or challenges in supplying a specific\n",
+ " product.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_supply_constraint\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: A negative impact that influences an organization or its customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - material_adverse_effect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 409:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized entity involved in business or enterprise.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An item or service produced by a company or entity.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Activities or tasks performed by one party for another, often in exchange\n",
+ " for payment.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: A request or instruction to supply products or services, typically\n",
+ " formalized in a document.\n",
+ " type: order\n",
+ "- description: A party that provides goods or services to another entity, typically\n",
+ " in a business context.\n",
+ " type: supplier\n",
+ "- description: The maximum amount that something can contain or produce.\n",
+ " type: capacity\n",
+ "- description: The amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something.\n",
+ " type: price\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization has a formal agreement with a supplier.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_contract_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ "- description: A supplier provides products or services to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: supplies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: A supplier manufactures or creates products.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: A supplier sets a cost for their goods or services.\n",
+ " edge_type: charges\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - price\n",
+ "- description: An organization needs specific services to operate.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: A supplier offers services to another party.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: An organization utilizes products in its operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: A supplier gives preferential treatment or resources to a particular\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: prioritizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: A supplier designates a portion of its capacity to a specific purpose\n",
+ " or entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - capacity\n",
+ "- description: A supplier sets the price for goods or services.\n",
+ " edge_type: determines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - price\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 410:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 411:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the whole document or a larger body of work.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the title of a document or section.\n",
+ " type: title\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or section has a specific title.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - title\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 412:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A potential or actual factor that may cause adverse outcomes for a\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: An external entity responsible for producing goods or components for\n",
+ " another company.\n",
+ " type: third-party_manufacturer\n",
+ "- description: A third-party entity hired by a primary contractor to perform a portion\n",
+ " of the contractual obligations.\n",
+ " type: subcontractor\n",
+ "- description: Physical locations where manufacturing, storage, or other business\n",
+ " operations are conducted.\n",
+ " type: facility\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement between two or more parties with specified terms\n",
+ " and conditions.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: Basic materials used in the production of goods.\n",
+ " type: raw_material\n",
+ "- description: Finished goods that are produced and intended for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a third-party manufacturer faces a specific business\n",
+ " risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third-party_manufacturer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a third-party manufacturer utilizes one or more subcontractors.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_subcontractor\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third-party_manufacturer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subcontractor\n",
+ "- description: Indicates dependency of a third-party manufacturer on raw materials\n",
+ " or subcontractors.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third-party_manufacturer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - raw_material\n",
+ " - subcontractor\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a facility has suffered damage resulting in business risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: suffers_damage\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a manufacturer or subcontractor is bound by an agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: under_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third-party_manufacturer\n",
+ " - subcontractor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a third-party manufacturer produces specific products.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third-party_manufacturer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 413:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item produced by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A company or entity responsible for producing products.\n",
+ " type: manufacturer\n",
+ "- description: A commercial organization involved in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates which manufacturer produces a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: produced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is experiencing issues such as lower yields,\n",
+ " poor performance, or delays in production.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_problem\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product requires an alternative manufacturer due to\n",
+ " issues with the current manufacturer.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires_alternative\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that issues with product production, such as delays or quality\n",
+ " problems, have an impact on the business.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 414:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company or business group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement between two or more parties that is enforceable\n",
+ " by law.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: Items or goods that are manufactured or refined for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An obligation that a party has agreed to fulfill.\n",
+ " type: commitment\n",
+ "- description: A legal obligation to make payment.\n",
+ " type: financial_obligation\n",
+ "- description: Goods and materials that a business holds for the ultimate goal of\n",
+ " resale.\n",
+ " type: inventory\n",
+ "- description: Specific technology milestones or development stages in product manufacturing.\n",
+ " type: technology_node\n",
+ "- description: A thin slice of semiconductor material used in electronics for the\n",
+ " fabrication of integrated circuits.\n",
+ " type: wafer\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is part of an agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one agreement modifies or revises another agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: amends\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization supplies or offers a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has a commitment to do something.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_commitment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - commitment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has a financial obligation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_obligation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_obligation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization holds inventory.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_inventory\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is manufactured using a specific technology\n",
+ " node.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_technology_node\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology_node\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization manufactures wafers.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - wafer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 415:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, corporation, or other business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A business entity formed by two or more parties, usually characterized\n",
+ " by shared ownership, risks, and returns.\n",
+ " type: joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: Activities that fulfill a particular need, often in a commercial context.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: Potential events or conditions that can negatively impact the business\n",
+ " operation or profitability.\n",
+ " type: business_risk\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a partner in a joint venture.\n",
+ " edge_type: partnership\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the joint venture provides certain services.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that deficiencies in service provision pose a risk to business\n",
+ " operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: risk_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 416:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to tools or machinery used for specific purposes.\n",
+ " type: equipment\n",
+ "- description: Substances or components used in the production or manufacturing of\n",
+ " products.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: A surface or material upon which a process occurs, particularly in\n",
+ " manufacturing or technology contexts.\n",
+ " type: substrate\n",
+ "- description: A method or series of actions taken to produce something in an industrial\n",
+ " setting.\n",
+ " type: manufacturing_process\n",
+ "- description: Items or goods produced by a manufacturing or production process.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A negative impact or outcome.\n",
+ " type: adverse_effect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is necessary for the creation or function\n",
+ " of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: essential_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " - substrate\n",
+ " - manufacturing_process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the absence or failure of an entity results in a negative\n",
+ " outcome.\n",
+ " edge_type: leads_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " - substrate\n",
+ " - manufacturing_process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - adverse_effect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 417:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity conducting business or operations.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An entity that provides goods or services to another entity.\n",
+ " type: supplier\n",
+ "- description: A manufactured or refined good that is available for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Substances or components used in the production of goods.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: Tools or machinery used for specific tasks, particularly in production\n",
+ " or manufacturing.\n",
+ " type: equipment\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: The total amount of goods or services available for use or purchase.\n",
+ " type: supply\n",
+ "- description: The expenditure required to acquire or produce something.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a supplier provides products or services to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: supplies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization or product relies on something for operation\n",
+ " or production.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ " - supply\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that materials, equipment, or processes are utilized in the\n",
+ " operations or production of products by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that changes in supply or cost have an impact on the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supply\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 418:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or a quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 419:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A major or minor section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one section is a part of another, larger section.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 420:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the tools and machinery used in manufacturing processes.\n",
+ " type: equipment\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the substances or components used in the production of goods.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: An entity that provides equipment or materials necessary for manufacturing\n",
+ " processes.\n",
+ " type: supplier\n",
+ "- description: An entity that produces goods using equipment and materials.\n",
+ " type: manufacturer\n",
+ "- description: An organization engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a supplier provides equipment or materials to another\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: supplies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a manufacturer acquires equipment or materials for use\n",
+ " in production.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a manufacturer uses materials to produce goods.\n",
+ " edge_type: manufactures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that issues related to equipment or materials can have an\n",
+ " impact on business operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 421:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening that impacts a system or organization.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A good produced by a manufacturing process.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: The outcome of financial activities for an organization, expressed\n",
+ " in financial terms.\n",
+ " type: financial_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event has a direct influence on a financial result.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_result\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a connection or association between an event and a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 422:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to items such as microprocessors and GPUs that are manufactured\n",
+ " using specific technologies.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Refers to methodologies and equipment used in the manufacturing process,\n",
+ " such as process technology and packaging technology.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Entities responsible for creating products, including third-party entities\n",
+ " that manufacture on behalf of others.\n",
+ " type: manufacturer\n",
+ "- description: Events or conditions that prevent a technology or product from performing\n",
+ " as expected, such as design failures or process failures.\n",
+ " type: failure\n",
+ "- description: Events that interrupt normal manufacturing operations, potentially\n",
+ " leading to inefficiencies or delays.\n",
+ " type: disruption\n",
+ "- description: The shift from one set of manufacturing technologies to another, often\n",
+ " to smaller or more advanced process technologies.\n",
+ " type: transition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a manufacturer utilizes certain technologies to produce\n",
+ " products.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a manufacturer encounters certain problems or interruptions\n",
+ " during the manufacturing process.\n",
+ " edge_type: experiences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - failure\n",
+ " - disruption\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a manufacturer is adopting a new set of technologies\n",
+ " or processes.\n",
+ " edge_type: implements\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - manufacturer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transition\n",
+ "- description: Describes how failures or disruptions impact the performance or delivery\n",
+ " of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - failure\n",
+ " - disruption\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 423:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: The production efficiency or output in manufacturing processes.\n",
+ " type: Manufacturing_yield\n",
+ "- description: The cost incurred to produce a single unit of product.\n",
+ " type: Unit_cost\n",
+ "- description: The difference between revenue and cost of goods sold, divided by revenue,\n",
+ " expressed as a percentage.\n",
+ " type: Gross_margin\n",
+ "- description: The total amount of products available from a company for distribution\n",
+ " or sale.\n",
+ " type: Product_supply\n",
+ "- description: The interactions and engagements a company has with its customers.\n",
+ " type: Customer_relationship\n",
+ "- description: The collective opinions or judgments held by the public or a specific\n",
+ " group about a business.\n",
+ " type: Business_reputation\n",
+ "- description: An organizational entity involved in the provision of goods, services,\n",
+ " or both to consumers.\n",
+ " type: Business\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A decline in manufacturing yields leads to an increase in per unit\n",
+ " costs and/or a reduction in product supply.\n",
+ " edge_type: decrease_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Manufacturing_yield\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Unit_cost\n",
+ " - Product_supply\n",
+ "- description: An increase in unit costs results in a negative impact on the gross\n",
+ " margin.\n",
+ " edge_type: increase_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Unit_cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Gross_margin\n",
+ "- description: Allocation of reduced product supply can affect customer relationships.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocation_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product_supply\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Customer_relationship\n",
+ "- description: Harming relationships with customers can negatively affect the business's\n",
+ " reputation.\n",
+ " edge_type: harm_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Customer_relationship\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Business_reputation\n",
+ "- description: Negatively impacting gross margin or business reputation can adversely\n",
+ " affect the business overall.\n",
+ " edge_type: adverse_effect_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Gross_margin\n",
+ " - Business_reputation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 424:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: An item or service created through an economic process or manufacturing.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that purchases goods or services from a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Significant changes or developments within an industry that impact\n",
+ " businesses and market dynamics.\n",
+ " type: industry_transition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the success of a business relies on specific products\n",
+ " or industry conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - industry_transition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product offers benefits or utility to a customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_value_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the introduction of a product aligns or corresponds\n",
+ " with significant changes in the industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: coincides_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry_transition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 425:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a product, which could include new designs, improvements,\n",
+ " and technologies.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents end users or buyers of products.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific area or domain where products are sold and compete.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization involved in the commercial, industrial,\n",
+ " or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Represents advancements or innovations that can be applied in products\n",
+ " or services.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents evolving preferences, behaviors, or demands in the market.\n",
+ " type: trend\n",
+ "- description: Represents the allocation of resources towards a particular business\n",
+ " activity or product development.\n",
+ " type: investment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product offers benefits or value to a customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_value_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is part of competition within a specific market.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product or trend affects a market or business.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - trend\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business is involved in the creation or implementation\n",
+ " of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: executes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an investment is directed towards the development or\n",
+ " enhancement of a product or technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product caters to or is designed in response to a\n",
+ " market trend.\n",
+ " edge_type: addresses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - trend\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an investment leads to the generation of revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: generates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 426:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 427:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structural division in a document, often titled, that organizes content\n",
+ " into topics or themes.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one section of the document includes another, typically\n",
+ " in a hierarchical organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 428:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various forms of technologies.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents expectations related to outcomes.\n",
+ " type: expectation\n",
+ "- description: Represents the public or professional standing of a person, organization,\n",
+ " or entity.\n",
+ " type: reputation\n",
+ "- description: Represents the financial status of a person, organization, or entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: Represents the outcomes of operations in business or organizational\n",
+ " contexts.\n",
+ " type: operating_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology meets the expectations set for it.\n",
+ " edge_type: meets_expectations\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expectation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology has an impact on the reputation of an entity,\n",
+ " which can be positive or negative.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_reputation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reputation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology influences the financial condition of an\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_financial_condition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology influences the operating results of a business\n",
+ " or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_operating_results\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operating_result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 429:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a business organization.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or service produced by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases or uses products or services from a company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: The total demand for a specific product or service in the market.\n",
+ " type: market_demand\n",
+ "- description: A coordinated release of a new platform or major update by a company.\n",
+ " type: platform_launch\n",
+ "- description: The plan or blueprint for the creation of a new product.\n",
+ " type: product_design\n",
+ "- description: A specific timeframe during which a product design must be completed\n",
+ " to meet market or production schedules.\n",
+ " type: design_window\n",
+ "- description: The official release of a new product into the market.\n",
+ " type: product_launch\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company manufactures or creates a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer buys or uses a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer has a specific timeframe for product design\n",
+ " that a company must meet.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_design_window\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - design_window\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that events such as design windows, platform launches, and\n",
+ " product launches can affect a company's performance.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - design_window\n",
+ " - platform_launch\n",
+ " - product_launch\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that market demand or product design requires specific features\n",
+ " or standards in a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_demand\n",
+ " - product_design\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product launch results in the product being available\n",
+ " in the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: leads_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_launch\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company's success is dependent on the timing and success\n",
+ " of its customers' platform launches.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - platform_launch\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that over time, the sale price of a product is typically\n",
+ " reduced.\n",
+ " edge_type: reduces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company introduces new products or enhancements to\n",
+ " existing products to maintain or increase its average selling price.\n",
+ " edge_type: introduces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 430:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A product created or used by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases or uses products or services from a company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Shows that the success of one product is dependent on the use of another\n",
+ " product.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is integrated into a customer's product.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 431:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A tangible or intangible good that is produced or manufactured.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: The income generated from business activities, typically from the sale\n",
+ " of goods or services.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: External parties or entities that are involved in business transactions\n",
+ " but are not the primary operating company.\n",
+ " type: third_party\n",
+ "- description: An individual or organization that purchases goods or services from\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A measure of the performance and acceptance of a product or service\n",
+ " in the market.\n",
+ " type: market_success\n",
+ "- description: Financial outcomes resulting from the normal operations of a company.\n",
+ " type: operating_results\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A product or service incurs fees that are paid by third parties.\n",
+ " edge_type: charges_fees\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ "- description: Revenue generation that depends on securing and maintaining customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: The relationship between the revenue generated and the market success\n",
+ " of related products.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_success\n",
+ "- description: The impact of a product's market success on the operating results of\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_success\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operating_results\n",
+ "- description: A scenario where a third party does not have control over the marketing\n",
+ " or other aspects of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: lacks_control\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 432:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item or service created by a business or organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A weakness in a system that can be exploited to compromise system security.\n",
+ " type: security_vulnerability\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product may be affected or compromised by a security\n",
+ " vulnerability.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security_vulnerability\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a security vulnerability can have an impact on a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_effect_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security_vulnerability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 433:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a good or service offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A weakness in a system that can be exploited to compromise system security.\n",
+ " type: security_vulnerability\n",
+ "- description: A company or individual that supplies goods or services to another\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " type: vendor\n",
+ "- description: An external entity involved in interactions with the primary business\n",
+ " but not directly part of it.\n",
+ " type: third_party\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that purchases goods or services from a company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: The income generated from normal business operations.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: A demand or assertion for something due to legal rights.\n",
+ " type: claim\n",
+ "- description: A legal action involving a court process to resolve disputes.\n",
+ " type: litigation\n",
+ "- description: The notice or attention given to someone or something by the media.\n",
+ " type: publicity\n",
+ "- description: A unique design, sign, symbol, or words, or a combination of these,\n",
+ " used to create an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its\n",
+ " competitors.\n",
+ " type: brand\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has specific security vulnerabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_security_vulnerability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security_vulnerability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product's development or functionality depends on\n",
+ " external vendors or third parties.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - vendor\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the impact of a security vulnerability on a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security_vulnerability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates potential legal actions that may result from a security vulnerability.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_result_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security_vulnerability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - claim\n",
+ " - litigation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the negative impact of a security vulnerability on various\n",
+ " aspects of a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: adversely_affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security_vulnerability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " - publicity\n",
+ " - brand\n",
+ "- description: Represents a customer's decision to buy, stop buying, or reduce buying\n",
+ " a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchase_decision\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 434:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents occurrences or incidents such as IT outages, data loss,\n",
+ " cyber-attacks, etc.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents the outcomes or effects of events, such as costs, damage\n",
+ " to reputation, or operational impacts.\n",
+ " type: Consequence\n",
+ "- description: Refers to businesses, organizations, or other entities that can be\n",
+ " affected by events.\n",
+ " type: Entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event leads to a specific consequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Consequence\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event has an impact on an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Entity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a consequence impacts an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_consequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Consequence\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 435:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Entities that are structured groups such as companies, government bodies,\n",
+ " or any formal business entities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Data or knowledge that organizations or individuals possess, including\n",
+ " sensitive data, intellectual property, or confidential business information.\n",
+ " type: information\n",
+ "- description: Bodies or entities responsible for overseeing and regulating certain\n",
+ " practices or industries.\n",
+ " type: regulator\n",
+ "- description: Potential threats or vulnerabilities related to the security of information\n",
+ " technology systems and data.\n",
+ " type: cybersecurity_risk\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization possessing or managing information.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - information\n",
+ "- description: A regulator directing attention or resources towards observing or mitigating\n",
+ " cybersecurity risks.\n",
+ " edge_type: focuses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - regulator\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cybersecurity_risk\n",
+ "- description: An organization being exposed to or affected by cybersecurity risks.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cybersecurity_risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 436:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 437:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document such as a book, report, or article.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: sub_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section includes one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sub_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 438:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a potential security risk or attack to IT systems.\n",
+ " type: cyber_threat\n",
+ "- description: Represents methods or pathways through which cyber threats can manifest.\n",
+ " type: cyber_attack_vector\n",
+ "- description: Refers to programs, applications, or platforms that can be compromised\n",
+ " or exploited.\n",
+ " type: software\n",
+ "- description: Represents the digital infrastructure over which data is transmitted\n",
+ " and systems are interconnected.\n",
+ " type: network\n",
+ "- description: Individuals who utilize IT systems and may have access credentials\n",
+ " that can be compromised.\n",
+ " type: user\n",
+ "- description: Authentication details used by users to gain access to IT systems.\n",
+ " type: access_credential\n",
+ "- description: Weaknesses in software, networks, or systems that can be exploited\n",
+ " by cyber threats.\n",
+ " type: security_vulnerability\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Software solutions used for storing digital data.\n",
+ " type: storage_application\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a cyber threat originates from in terms of attack methods\n",
+ " or pathways.\n",
+ " edge_type: originates_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cyber_threat\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cyber_attack_vector\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the target of a cyber threat or attack.\n",
+ " edge_type: targets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cyber_threat\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ " - network\n",
+ " - user\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " - storage_application\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the exploitation of a security vulnerability by a cyber threat.\n",
+ " edge_type: exploits\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cyber_threat\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security_vulnerability\n",
+ "- description: Describes the action of compromising user access credentials through\n",
+ " various cyber attack vectors.\n",
+ " edge_type: compromises\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cyber_attack_vector\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - access_credential\n",
+ "- description: Indicates possession of access credentials by a user.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - user\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - access_credential\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the association of a business with specific networks or storage\n",
+ " applications.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - network\n",
+ " - storage_application\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 439:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an event or occurrence that poses a challenge or problem,\n",
+ " often unexpected.\n",
+ " type: incident\n",
+ "- description: Represents harm or negative impact caused by an incident.\n",
+ " type: damage\n",
+ "- description: Represents the origin or reason behind an incident.\n",
+ " type: cause\n",
+ "- description: Actions taken to reduce the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of\n",
+ " something.\n",
+ " type: mitigation\n",
+ "- description: An incident where information security is compromised, resulting in\n",
+ " unauthorized access to data.\n",
+ " type: data_breach\n",
+ "- description: Access to data, systems, or resources without permission.\n",
+ " type: unauthorized_access\n",
+ "- description: Improper, wrongful, or fraudulent use of something.\n",
+ " type: misuse\n",
+ "- description: The action of making new or secret information known.\n",
+ " type: disclosure\n",
+ "- description: Legal rights to inventions, designs, and artistic works.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Information related to the operation and management of a business.\n",
+ " type: business_information\n",
+ "- description: Information that can be used on its own or with other information to\n",
+ " identify, contact, or locate a single person.\n",
+ " type: personally_identifiable_information\n",
+ "- description: An attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system.\n",
+ " type: cyber_attack\n",
+ "- description: Expenses associated with correcting or mitigating a problem.\n",
+ " type: remediation_cost\n",
+ "- description: The process of bringing a new product or update to market.\n",
+ " type: product_development\n",
+ "- description: Activities involved in the daily running of a business for the purpose\n",
+ " of producing value for the stakeholders.\n",
+ " type: business_operation\n",
+ "- description: The process of dealing with or controlling things or people.\n",
+ " type: management\n",
+ "- description: Technological resources and assets used to manage information within\n",
+ " an enterprise.\n",
+ " type: information_technology_resource\n",
+ "- description: The state of being responsible, especially by law, for something.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: The cost incurred in or required for something.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "- description: The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.\n",
+ " type: reputation\n",
+ "- description: An organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial,\n",
+ " or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an incident leads to certain outcomes or necessitates\n",
+ " certain actions.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - incident\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - damage\n",
+ " - cause\n",
+ " - mitigation\n",
+ " - data_breach\n",
+ " - unauthorized_access\n",
+ " - misuse\n",
+ " - disclosure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an action negatively impacts or exposes sensitive information.\n",
+ " edge_type: compromises\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - data_breach\n",
+ " - unauthorized_access\n",
+ " - misuse\n",
+ " - disclosure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " - business_information\n",
+ " - personally_identifiable_information\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the consequences or outcomes of a cyber attack on various\n",
+ " aspects of a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cyber_attack\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - remediation_cost\n",
+ " - product_development\n",
+ " - business_operation\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ " - information_technology_resource\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " - reputation\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 440:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured group or entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual, including aspects such as a consumer or worker.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Data or knowledge, especially confidential or personally identifiable.\n",
+ " type: information\n",
+ "- description: A governing body or authority at any level, such as federal, state,\n",
+ " or local.\n",
+ " type: government\n",
+ "- description: Legal statute or regulation, specifically regarding data protection\n",
+ " and privacy.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: Consequences or measures taken by governments, organizations, or other\n",
+ " entities.\n",
+ " type: action\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization holds or controls certain information.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - information\n",
+ "- description: An individual expects an organization to safeguard their personal data.\n",
+ " edge_type: expects_protection\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: A government body creates or establishes a law.\n",
+ " edge_type: enacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - government\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: An action or event leads to consequences involving a government or\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - government\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 441:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific part of a system or a piece of hardware/software used in\n",
+ " information security.\n",
+ " type: component\n",
+ "- description: A process or action taken to enhance, implement, or maintain security\n",
+ " measures.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "- description: A result or effect that follows from specific activities or incidents\n",
+ " in the context of information security.\n",
+ " type: outcome\n",
+ "- description: External rules or standards that an organization must comply with regarding\n",
+ " information security.\n",
+ " type: regulation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an activity aimed at improving a component in terms of functionality\n",
+ " or security.\n",
+ " edge_type: enhance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the process of preparing workers to operate and monitor a\n",
+ " component.\n",
+ " edge_type: train\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates activities taken in response to a particular outcome, such\n",
+ " as a security breach or reputational harm.\n",
+ " edge_type: respond_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - outcome\n",
+ "- description: Indicates actions taken to adhere to specific regulations.\n",
+ " edge_type: comply_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 442:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents external organizations or groups that provide specialized\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " type: third-party-provider\n",
+ "- description: Represents an employee or laborer within an organization.\n",
+ " type: worker\n",
+ "- description: Represents data or details about entities, which can be categorized\n",
+ " into general and sensitive.\n",
+ " type: information\n",
+ "- description: Represents the methods or protocols used to secure data against unauthorized\n",
+ " access or breaches.\n",
+ " type: data_security_practice\n",
+ "- description: Represents an incident where security measures are bypassed, resulting\n",
+ " in unauthorized access to a network.\n",
+ " type: network_breach\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization collaborates with a third-party provider\n",
+ " for services.\n",
+ " edge_type: partners_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - third-party-provider\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization shares information with a third-party\n",
+ " provider.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_information_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - third-party-provider\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a worker has associated information.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_information\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - worker\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - information\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a third-party provider fails to adopt adequate data\n",
+ " security practices.\n",
+ " edge_type: fails_to_adopt\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third-party-provider\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - data_security_practice\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a third-party provider experiences a network breach.\n",
+ " edge_type: experiences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third-party-provider\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - network_breach\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that information is accessed, used, or disclosed due to a\n",
+ " network breach.\n",
+ " edge_type: accessed_used_disclosed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - network_breach\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 443:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any interruption or disturbance to regular activities or\n",
+ " operations.\n",
+ " type: disruption\n",
+ "- description: Activities or tasks related to the conduct of business.\n",
+ " type: business_operation\n",
+ "- description: Systems designed to protect data, networks, and computers from unauthorized\n",
+ " access, attacks, or damage.\n",
+ " type: security_system\n",
+ "- description: The trust and assurance workers have in the security and operations\n",
+ " of their workplace.\n",
+ " type: worker_confidence\n",
+ "- description: Access to systems, data, or resources that has not been granted permission.\n",
+ " type: unauthorized_access\n",
+ "- description: A disruption in the normal functioning of information technology systems.\n",
+ " type: IT_outage\n",
+ "- description: The loss of data due to various factors like hardware failure, corruption,\n",
+ " or unauthorized removal.\n",
+ " type: data_loss\n",
+ "- description: An incident where confidential, sensitive, or protected data is accessed\n",
+ " or disclosed without authorization.\n",
+ " type: data_breach\n",
+ "- description: The financial status or health of a business.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: A business's standing or rank in the competitive market.\n",
+ " type: competitive_position\n",
+ "- description: Outcomes or outputs of business operations, including financial performance.\n",
+ " type: operating_results\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event leads to a disruption.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - data_breach\n",
+ " - unauthorized_access\n",
+ " - IT_outage\n",
+ " - data_loss\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - disruption\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event negatively impacts an aspect of business operations\n",
+ " or conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_adversely\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security_system\n",
+ " - data_breach\n",
+ " - data_loss\n",
+ " - unauthorized_access\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_operation\n",
+ " - worker_confidence\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - competitive_position\n",
+ " - operating_results\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 444:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a business or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Refers to a set of procedures, methods, or techniques forming a complex\n",
+ " network for a specific purpose.\n",
+ " type: system\n",
+ "- description: Challenges or obstacles that may impede progress or performance.\n",
+ " type: difficulty\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization faces challenges or obstacles.\n",
+ " edge_type: encounter_difficulties\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - difficulty\n",
+ "- description: An organization uses or manages a system.\n",
+ " edge_type: operate_system\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ "- description: Challenges or difficulties have a negative impact on an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: adversely_affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - difficulty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 445:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A generic representation of a system, which can be technical, administrative,\n",
+ " or operational in nature.\n",
+ " type: system\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution that manages various functions\n",
+ " and processes.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Any obstacle or difficulty faced by an organization in achieving its\n",
+ " goals.\n",
+ " type: challenge\n",
+ "- description: Financial expenditures or losses associated with an organization's\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "- description: Potential negative outcomes or dangers associated with certain actions\n",
+ " or decisions.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: The effect or influence of an event, action, or decision on an organization\n",
+ " or system.\n",
+ " type: impact\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization administrates or oversees a system.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ "- description: An organization encounters a challenge.\n",
+ " edge_type: faces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - challenge\n",
+ "- description: An organization experiences or suffers a cost.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ "- description: An organization possesses or is subject to a risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: A challenge, cost, or risk influences or impacts an organization or\n",
+ " system.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - challenge\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ "- description: A challenge or risk leads to a cost or an impact.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - challenge\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " - impact\n",
+ "- description: An organization or system undergoes an impact.\n",
+ " edge_type: experiences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - impact\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 446:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 447:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a distinct section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sub-part or component of a section in a document.\n",
+ " type: sub-section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the overall document or book containing sections and sub-sections.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or section includes one or more sections\n",
+ " or sub-sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - sub-section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a sub-section is a part of a specific section.\n",
+ " edge_type: parent_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - sub-section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 448:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A commercial or industrial enterprise or entity.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: An enterprise resource planning system designed to manage and integrate\n",
+ " the main parts of a business.\n",
+ " type: ERP_system\n",
+ "- description: The ongoing activities conducted by a business to achieve its objectives.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business conducts certain operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_operation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business is attempting to implement an ERP system.\n",
+ " edge_type: implements\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - ERP_system\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one operation causes disruption to another operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: disruption\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business failed to successfully implement an ERP system.\n",
+ " edge_type: failure_to_implement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - ERP_system\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a negative impact on the business due to the failure to implement\n",
+ " an ERP system.\n",
+ " edge_type: adverse_effect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - failure_to_implement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 449:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A state or condition where the outcome is not predictable or is unknown.\n",
+ " type: uncertainty\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular\n",
+ " end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: Items that are manufactured or refined for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business or\n",
+ " government.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the impact of an uncertainty on an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - uncertainty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a particular uncertainty is related to a specific process.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - uncertainty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a process is related to a product, typically involving\n",
+ " production, distribution, or sale.\n",
+ " edge_type: concerns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 450:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item or service offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases or is intended to purchase products from a\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A formal request by a customer to buy products from a company.\n",
+ " type: purchase_order\n",
+ "- description: An action taken by a customer to nullify a previously placed order.\n",
+ " type: order_cancellation\n",
+ "- description: The quantity of products a company holds in stock.\n",
+ " type: inventory_level\n",
+ "- description: A prediction or expectation regarding the future demand for products.\n",
+ " type: demand_estimate\n",
+ "- description: An agreement or plan regarding the provision or delivery of products.\n",
+ " type: supply_arrangement\n",
+ "- description: The maximum amount a company can produce within a given time frame.\n",
+ " type: production_capacity\n",
+ "- description: Economic or sector-specific circumstances that affect the business\n",
+ " environment.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "- description: Adjustments made to inventory levels to align with actual demand or\n",
+ " market conditions.\n",
+ " type: inventory_correction\n",
+ "- description: A lack of necessary parts required to manufacture or assemble products.\n",
+ " type: component_shortage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A customer initiates a purchase order.\n",
+ " edge_type: places\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_order\n",
+ "- description: A customer cancels an existing order.\n",
+ " edge_type: cancels\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - order_cancellation\n",
+ "- description: A company maintains inventory levels, production capacities, and supply\n",
+ " arrangements.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory_level\n",
+ " - production_capacity\n",
+ " - supply_arrangement\n",
+ "- description: External conditions or actions that impact the company's operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ " - inventory_correction\n",
+ " - component_shortage\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Inventory levels are determined based on demand estimates.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - inventory_level\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - demand_estimate\n",
+ "- description: Order cancellations lead to adjustments in inventory.\n",
+ " edge_type: leads_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - order_cancellation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory_correction\n",
+ "- description: Component shortages result in inventory adjustments.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - component_shortage\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory_correction\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 451:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents items or products held for sale.\n",
+ " type: inventory\n",
+ "- description: Represents issues related to inventory such as excess, obsolescence,\n",
+ " or write-downs.\n",
+ " type: inventory_issue\n",
+ "- description: Represents a division or part of a company that focuses on a specific\n",
+ " business area.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: Represents goods produced by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific occurrences or actions that affect the company\n",
+ " or its operations.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents the technological aspects of products or services.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents competitive actions or entities in the business environment.\n",
+ " type: competition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has issues with its inventory.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_inventory_issue\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory_issue\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company recorded an event, such as a financial adjustment.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a segment is a part of a larger company.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event affects the inventory status.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that changes in technology or competitive actions cause inventory\n",
+ " issues.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - competition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory_issue\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 452:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: An item that is created through a manufacturing process and offered\n",
+ " in the market.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a manuscript\n",
+ " or a design, to which one has rights and which one can protect.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: An entity other than the primary parties involved in a transaction\n",
+ " or agreement.\n",
+ " type: third_party\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A process that results in the creation of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: designs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: The process incorporates or makes use of the intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: The intellectual property is supplied by the third party.\n",
+ " edge_type: provided_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - third_party\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 453:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of product, which can include software, hardware,\n",
+ " or semiconductor products.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Refers to creations of the mind such as inventions; literary and artistic\n",
+ " works; designs; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Tools used for the development of products, particularly software or\n",
+ " hardware.\n",
+ " type: development_tool\n",
+ "- description: Tools used for testing products, particularly software or hardware.\n",
+ " type: testing_tool\n",
+ "- description: Individuals or entities that purchase or use products.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Law or regulation that affects the operation or product usage.\n",
+ " type: legal_requirement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product's design or functionality depends on an external\n",
+ " tool or intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: relies_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " - development_tool\n",
+ " - testing_tool\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the requirements for a product surpass what the available\n",
+ " tools or intellectual property can provide.\n",
+ " edge_type: exceeds_capability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " - development_tool\n",
+ " - testing_tool\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a legal regulation directly impacts how a product can\n",
+ " be used or produced.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_requirement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 454:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that operates in a commercial context, providing goods or\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Specific parts or elements that are used in the creation or operation\n",
+ " of a product, such as motherboards, software, or memory.\n",
+ " type: product_component\n",
+ "- description: Activities or sets of activities that fulfill particular business functions,\n",
+ " such as design, manufacturing, or supply.\n",
+ " type: business_process\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company relies on another company for operational\n",
+ " support or resources.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company manufactures or supplies specific components\n",
+ " or elements for products.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is engaged in specific business processes\n",
+ " such as design, manufacturing, or supply.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_process\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 455:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or service created through economic activity, often for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A part or element that combines with others to form a larger item or\n",
+ " system.\n",
+ " type: component\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents reliance by one company on another for goods or services.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company provides assistance or enhancement for a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one product does not function properly or at all with\n",
+ " another product.\n",
+ " edge_type: incompatible_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 456:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical data or values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 457:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a distinct section within a document, such as chapters,\n",
+ " parts, or other divisions.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or book being referred to.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains various sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 458:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item or service created for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A system of rules recognized by a country or community to regulate\n",
+ " behavior.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: A commercial organization or activity.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one product supports or enhances the functionality of\n",
+ " another product.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Describes how laws or products can have an impact on a business, either\n",
+ " positively or negatively.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 459:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that produces, sells, or provides services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or software created by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A company or entity that designs and develops software.\n",
+ " type: software_vendor\n",
+ "- description: Assistance or backing provided by a company or entity.\n",
+ " type: support\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company provides support for a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_support\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: A software vendor designs and develops software for a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: designs_software_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - software_vendor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: The availability or absence of support or software affects the sales\n",
+ " of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_sales\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - support\n",
+ " - software_vendor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 460:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a commercial business or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or service created by a company, often designed for sale or\n",
+ " use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Programs and other operating information used by a computer.\n",
+ " type: software\n",
+ "- description: Entities that design, develop, or maintain software.\n",
+ " type: software_provider\n",
+ "- description: A type of software that manages computer hardware and software resources\n",
+ " and provides common services for computer programs.\n",
+ " type: operating_system\n",
+ "- description: Physical parts of a computer or any other electronic device.\n",
+ " type: hardware_component\n",
+ "- description: Official approval or a guarantee that a product, service, or organization\n",
+ " meets certain standards.\n",
+ " type: certification\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company relies on another company or a software\n",
+ " provider for certain services or support.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - software_provider\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company or software provider is responsible for creating\n",
+ " or enhancing software or operating systems.\n",
+ " edge_type: designs_and_develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - software_provider\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operating_system\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that software or operating systems are compatible with and\n",
+ " can operate or enhance a product or hardware component.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operating_system\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - hardware_component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product must be certified to meet certain standards\n",
+ " or receive official approval.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires_certification\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - certification\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 461:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a collective goal, such as a company\n",
+ " or partnership.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A potential negative impact or threat due to external or internal vulnerabilities.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that an organization is exposed to a specific risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 462:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that markets and sells products or services.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A good or service that is marketed or sold.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement between parties regarding the commercial relationship\n",
+ " or other mutual engagements.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in a cooperative relationship with another entity\n",
+ " for business purposes.\n",
+ " type: partner\n",
+ "- description: An entity that distributes products or services for another organization.\n",
+ " type: distributor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization promotes or sells a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: markets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: An organization conducts the sale of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: An organization is engaged in a cooperative business relationship with\n",
+ " a partner.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_partnership_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - partner\n",
+ "- description: An organization or partner enters into a formal agreement with another\n",
+ " party.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_agreement_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - partner\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: A distributor manages the distribution process of a product for an\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: distributes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - distributor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: One product is in competition with another product in the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 463:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of goods or services offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A company or entity that distributes products for a manufacturer.\n",
+ " type: distributor\n",
+ "- description: A company that collaborates closely with another company, typically\n",
+ " in the technology or manufacturing sector.\n",
+ " type: AIB_partner\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement or contract between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: The total income generated from business activities.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: The difference between revenue and the cost of goods sold, indicating\n",
+ " the financial health and profitability of a company's core activities.\n",
+ " type: gross_margin\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity keeps a stock of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintains_inventory\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - distributor\n",
+ " - AIB_partner\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: An agreement that includes clauses to guard against price reductions\n",
+ " of the product.\n",
+ " edge_type: protects_inventory\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: An agreement that allows for the return of products under specified\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_return_rights\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that specific rights or provisions can impact the financial\n",
+ " metrics like revenue and gross margin.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - price_protection_rights\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " - gross_margin\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity has entered into a formal agreement with another\n",
+ " party.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - distributor\n",
+ " - AIB_partner\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 464:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: A collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce\n",
+ " a specific service or product for a business.\n",
+ " type: business_process\n",
+ "- description: A system that provides the organization and communication of information.\n",
+ " type: information_system\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the business's functionality or success depends on the\n",
+ " proper functioning of another entity or system.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_process\n",
+ " - information_system\n",
+ "- description: Describes an action affecting a system or process that may cause disruption\n",
+ " to the business.\n",
+ " edge_type: modify_or_interrupt\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_process\n",
+ " - information_system\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 465:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A series of steps or operations conducted by a business to achieve\n",
+ " specific goals.\n",
+ " type: business_process\n",
+ "- description: The organized collection of hardware, software, infrastructure, and\n",
+ " trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination, and\n",
+ " decision making in an organization.\n",
+ " type: information_system\n",
+ "- description: An organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial,\n",
+ " or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes,\n",
+ " people, and systems, or from external events.\n",
+ " type: operational_risk\n",
+ "- description: The group of individuals who make decisions about how a business is\n",
+ " run.\n",
+ " type: management\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that business processes or information systems support the\n",
+ " operation of a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_process\n",
+ " - information_system\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that business processes or information systems may require\n",
+ " modifications to support the growth of a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires_modification\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_process\n",
+ " - information_system\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business is exposed to operational risks due to necessary\n",
+ " modifications or upgrades of its processes or systems.\n",
+ " edge_type: exposes_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operational_risk\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that information systems evolve and adapt to meet business\n",
+ " needs.\n",
+ " edge_type: evolves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - information_system\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that changes in business processes or information systems\n",
+ " impose substantial demands on management time.\n",
+ " edge_type: demands_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 466:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents both physical and digital systems used for various purposes.\n",
+ " type: system\n",
+ "- description: A set procedure or method designed to achieve specific outcomes.\n",
+ " type: procedure\n",
+ "- description: Educational or training activities designed to improve skills or knowledge.\n",
+ " type: training\n",
+ "- description: Human or material assets used in various processes.\n",
+ " type: resource\n",
+ "- description: Specific occurrences or actions, particularly those that are significant\n",
+ " or unusual.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in a cooperative relationship or agreement with another\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " type: partner\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a procedure necessitates changes to a system.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires_modification\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that effective operation or use of a system necessitates\n",
+ " training of resources.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires_training\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - resource\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a system is susceptible to disruption or damage from\n",
+ " a specific type of event.\n",
+ " edge_type: vulnerable_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a partnership or cooperative relationship involving the use\n",
+ " of a system.\n",
+ " edge_type: partner_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - partner\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - system\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 467:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 468:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part of a document or book, usually titled to indicate the\n",
+ " content.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one section encompasses another sub-section within the\n",
+ " document or book.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 469:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or action that impacts an organization.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: The result or effect of an event on an organization.\n",
+ " type: consequence\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the impact of an event on an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Describes the outcome of an event for an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - consequence\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 470:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A method or technique used within a business or organization, such\n",
+ " as communication or data sharing.\n",
+ " type: practice\n",
+ "- description: Tools or platforms that enable practices, including mobility and cloud\n",
+ " computing.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Specific operational aspects of a business, such as efficiency, visibility,\n",
+ " control, scalability, and administrative requirements.\n",
+ " type: business_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Individuals or groups interacting with the business, including internal\n",
+ " users, external users, customers, and partners.\n",
+ " type: stakeholder\n",
+ "- description: Aspects related to the compliance and regulatory requirements that\n",
+ " a business needs to meet.\n",
+ " type: regulatory_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Potential threats or negative impacts to the business, such as being\n",
+ " adversely affected materially.\n",
+ " type: business_risk\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a practice employs specific technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - practice\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Describes how technologies or practices impact various aspects of the\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - practice\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Indicates stakeholders involved in a particular practice.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - practice\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stakeholder\n",
+ "- description: Describes challenges posed by technologies or practices to meeting\n",
+ " regulatory aspects.\n",
+ " edge_type: challenges\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - practice\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulatory_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how technologies, practices, or regulatory aspects can pose\n",
+ " risks to the business.\n",
+ " edge_type: threatens\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - practice\n",
+ " - regulatory_aspect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 471:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A good or service produced for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Software that is widely accepted or approved by a professional association\n",
+ " or industry group.\n",
+ " type: industry_standard_software\n",
+ "- description: Hardware that is widely accepted or approved by a professional association\n",
+ " or industry group.\n",
+ " type: industry_standard_hardware\n",
+ "- description: The ability of one product, service, or system to work with another\n",
+ " without special effort on the part of the customer.\n",
+ " type: compatibility\n",
+ "- description: A negative impact or consequence that occurs as a result of an action\n",
+ " or event.\n",
+ " type: adverse_effect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product does not work with certain standard software\n",
+ " or hardware.\n",
+ " edge_type: incompatible_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry_standard_software\n",
+ " - industry_standard_hardware\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an incompatibility results in a negative impact.\n",
+ " edge_type: leads_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - incompatibility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - adverse_effect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 472:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item or service offered by a business.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Programs and other operating information used by a computing device.\n",
+ " type: software\n",
+ "- description: The physical components of a computing device.\n",
+ " type: hardware\n",
+ "- description: An organization involved in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that purchases goods or services from a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product may not work well with certain software or\n",
+ " hardware.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_not_be_compatible_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - software\n",
+ " - hardware\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business has reported an issue with one of its products\n",
+ " not being compatible.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_compatibility_issue\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the impact on customers from product issues, such as compatibility.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an incompatibility issue has a negative impact on a\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " edge_type: adversely_affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - incompatibility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 473:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial expenses incurred.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "- description: Represents any item or service produced for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a change or consequence due to a cause.\n",
+ " type: effect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates financial expenses incurred due to a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial expense causes a specific change or consequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_effect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - effect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 474:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item or service offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A failure or flaw in a product that affects its functionality or performance.\n",
+ " type: defect\n",
+ "- description: A specific iteration or release of a product, which may include new\n",
+ " features or enhancements.\n",
+ " type: version\n",
+ "- description: A systematic process to evaluate the functionality and performance\n",
+ " of a product before it is released.\n",
+ " type: testing procedure\n",
+ "- description: The process of sending products to customers for sale.\n",
+ " type: commercial shipment\n",
+ "- description: The degree to which a new product is accepted and used by customers\n",
+ " in the market.\n",
+ " type: market acceptance\n",
+ "- description: The process of retrieving defective products from customers due to\n",
+ " safety concerns or defects.\n",
+ " type: recall\n",
+ "- description: The expense associated with replacing or repairing a defective product.\n",
+ " type: replacement cost\n",
+ "- description: The income generated from business activities, such as selling products.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: The stock of goods or materials that a company holds for the purpose\n",
+ " of resale or production.\n",
+ " type: inventory\n",
+ "- description: Professionals involved in the development and maintenance of products.\n",
+ " type: engineering personnel\n",
+ "- description: The process of taking legal action in court.\n",
+ " type: litigation\n",
+ "- description: A legal obligation or responsibility, often involving compensation\n",
+ " for damages or injuries.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: Harm or injury caused to property, people, or reputation.\n",
+ " type: damage\n",
+ "- description: The overall perception or esteem in which an entity or individual is\n",
+ " held by others.\n",
+ " type: reputation\n",
+ "- description: Information processed or stored digitally.\n",
+ " type: data\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases or uses the company's products or services.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Changes made to a product to improve it or fix defects.\n",
+ " type: modification\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product contains a defect or failure.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_defect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a new version or enhancement of a product has been released.\n",
+ " edge_type: released_version\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - version\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has undergone testing to ensure its quality\n",
+ " and performance.\n",
+ " edge_type: undergoes_testing\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - testing procedure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the commencement of commercial shipment of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: starts_commercial_shipment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - commercial shipment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how defects in a product can affect its acceptance in the\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_market_acceptance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market acceptance\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has been recalled due to defects.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurs_recall\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - recall\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that replacing or repairing a defective product has incurred\n",
+ " costs.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurs_replacement_cost\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - replacement cost\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how defects in a product can affect the company's revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_revenue\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that defective products have led to a write-down of inventory.\n",
+ " edge_type: writes_down_inventory\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that dealing with defects has diverted the attention of engineering\n",
+ " personnel from other product development efforts.\n",
+ " edge_type: diverts_engineering_effort\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - engineering personnel\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is involved in legal actions due to its defects.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in_litigation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - litigation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that defects in a product have resulted in legal liabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes_liability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that defects in a product have caused damage to property,\n",
+ " individuals, or reputation.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes_damage\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - damage\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that defects in a product have harmed the company's reputation.\n",
+ " edge_type: harms_reputation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reputation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that defects in a product have resulted in the loss of data\n",
+ " or intangible property.\n",
+ " edge_type: loses_data\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - data\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that defects in a product have affected the company's relationships\n",
+ " with its customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_relationship_with_customers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - defect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that modifications have been made to a product to correct\n",
+ " defects.\n",
+ " edge_type: implements_modification\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - modification\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 475:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item created or sold by a business.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An organization involved in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: An individual who purchases and uses products or services.\n",
+ " type: consumer\n",
+ "- description: A legal responsibility that a business may have, typically involving\n",
+ " financial or reputational risks.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: A formal assertion, often legal in nature, that a party has suffered\n",
+ " harm or damage and seeks redress or compensation.\n",
+ " type: claim\n",
+ "- description: A change that is a direct result of an action or other cause.\n",
+ " type: effect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has led to a legal or formal assertion of\n",
+ " harm or damage.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - claim\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a claim has impacted a business, typically negatively.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_effect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - claim\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business offers a product for sale.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a consumer has made a formal assertion of harm or damage.\n",
+ " edge_type: makes_claim\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - consumer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - claim\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 476:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources\n",
+ " involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer.\n",
+ " type: supply_chain\n",
+ "- description: The desire of purchasers, consumers, or clients for a company's goods\n",
+ " or services.\n",
+ " type: customer_demand\n",
+ "- description: An effect, either positive or negative, on the business's performance\n",
+ " or operations.\n",
+ " type: business_impact\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how the supply chain reacts or adapts to variations in customer\n",
+ " demand.\n",
+ " edge_type: responds_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supply_chain\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer_demand\n",
+ "- description: Describes how the supply chain's performance influences the business\n",
+ " in various aspects.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supply_chain\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_impact\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 477:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item or service produced for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An individual or organization that purchases or uses products or services.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: The network of all the individuals, organizations, resources, activities,\n",
+ " and technology involved in the creation and sale of a product, from the delivery\n",
+ " of source materials from the supplier to the manufacturer, and to the end user.\n",
+ " type: supply_chain\n",
+ "- description: An area or arena in which commercial dealings are conducted.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: A need or expectation that is specified or imposed.\n",
+ " type: requirement\n",
+ "- description: A particular place or position.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A period of time during which something occurs or is expected to occur.\n",
+ " type: time_frame\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a customer needs or expects specific products\n",
+ " or services.\n",
+ " edge_type: demands\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - requirement\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating how the supply chain impacts the distribution,\n",
+ " timing, and location of product delivery to customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supply_chain\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - time_frame\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating growth or extension of business activities\n",
+ " from one market to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: expands_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a customer possesses specific needs or conditions\n",
+ " for products, including geographic and timing requirements.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - requirement\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating the process of making products available\n",
+ " to a specific location within a designated time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: delivers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supply_chain\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " - time_frame\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 478:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 479:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or division of a book, usually denoted by a number\n",
+ " or title.\n",
+ " type: Chapter\n",
+ "- description: A written work or composition that has been published - typically printed\n",
+ " on pages bound together.\n",
+ " type: Book\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a book includes one or more chapters within it.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Book\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Chapter\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 480:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal group such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific role, activity, or service performed by or within an organization.\n",
+ " type: function\n",
+ "- description: A type of support or operational assistance provided by an organization\n",
+ " or system.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization delegates certain functions or services\n",
+ " to external parties.\n",
+ " edge_type: outsources\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - function\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular function encompasses one or more specific\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - function\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 481:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that operates and manages business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An external entity that provides services or goods to another entity\n",
+ " under a contract.\n",
+ " type: third-party provider\n",
+ "- description: A good that is manufactured or refined for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Assistance or activities provided by one entity to aid another.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: Business or technical tasks and procedures performed by a company.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: Technical services related to the operation and management of IT systems\n",
+ " and infrastructure.\n",
+ " type: information technology service\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A third-party provider takes responsibility for operating certain business\n",
+ " functions or managing products for another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third-party provider\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: A third-party provider furnishes services to another company under\n",
+ " a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - third-party provider\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: A company depends on third-party providers or services for certain\n",
+ " business operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: relies_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - third-party provider\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: Operations or services have an impact on a company's business, either\n",
+ " positively or negatively.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Operations or service delivery are regulated or controlled by a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: governed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ "- description: A contract is extended or continued with the same or modified terms.\n",
+ " edge_type: renewed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 482:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A system or environment where commercial buying and selling of goods\n",
+ " or services occurs.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Items or services produced for sale or consumption.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.\n",
+ " type: effect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the result or consequence (effect) negatively impacts\n",
+ " the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_adverse_effect_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - effect\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization manages or regulates sales activities\n",
+ " within a market.\n",
+ " edge_type: controls_sales_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization is unable to manage or regulate activities\n",
+ " within a market.\n",
+ " edge_type: fails_to_control\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the product is involved or available in a specific market.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 483:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that markets and sells products.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An item that is marketed and sold by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A method or pathway through which products are sold to customers.\n",
+ " type: distribution_channel\n",
+ "- description: A system or environment where products are bought and sold.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: The total quantity of products held by an organization.\n",
+ " type: inventory\n",
+ "- description: An end user or buyer of products.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization markets and sells products to customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: An organization sells products through a specific distribution channel.\n",
+ " edge_type: through\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - distribution_channel\n",
+ "- description: Products enter the market through various channels.\n",
+ " edge_type: enters\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: The presence of certain products in the market affects overall market\n",
+ " dynamics.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: One product competes with another in the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: competes_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: The sale or distribution of products results in changes to inventory\n",
+ " levels.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory\n",
+ "- description: Customers purchase products from organizations or markets.\n",
+ " edge_type: buys\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 484:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of risk that can be identified in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: A class or division that a risk can belong to, based on shared characteristics\n",
+ " or attributes.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a risk is categorized under a specific category.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 485:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents actions or measures taken by governmental bodies.\n",
+ " type: government_action\n",
+ "- description: Specific rules or laws established by a government.\n",
+ " type: regulation\n",
+ "- description: A good or service created by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An individual or organization that purchases goods or services.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a government action or regulation restricts or constrains\n",
+ " the availability or delivery of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: limits\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - government_action\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an influence that a government action or regulation has on\n",
+ " a customer, potentially limiting their access to certain products.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - government_action\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 486:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company, agency, or coalition involved in business\n",
+ " or regulatory activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A nation or state recognized as a territorial entity.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: Items or services produced by organizations, including technologies\n",
+ " such as integrated circuits.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Rules or laws established by an organization or government affecting\n",
+ " business operations.\n",
+ " type: regulation\n",
+ "- description: Significant occurrences or actions that impact organizations, such\n",
+ " as policy changes or trade disruptions.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Specific geographical areas within countries.\n",
+ " type: region\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization holds an equity or other interest in another organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: An entity or event is associated with a specific country or region.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " - region\n",
+ "- description: A country or organization enforces a regulation.\n",
+ " edge_type: imposes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ "- description: A regulation or event has an impact on an organization or its products.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: An organization manufactures or creates a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 487:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a set of legal rules or guidelines that govern specific\n",
+ " activities or behaviors.\n",
+ " type: regulation\n",
+ "- description: Represents tangible or digital goods produced by a business or entity.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the practical application of scientific knowledge, particularly\n",
+ " in industry and commerce.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A commercial organization involved in trade of goods, services, or\n",
+ " both to consumers.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Activities provided by a business or organization to facilitate specific\n",
+ " outcomes or benefits to its customers.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: A structured set of internal policies and procedures implemented by\n",
+ " a company to adhere to legal and regulatory standards.\n",
+ " type: compliance_program\n",
+ "- description: Systems and processes designed to protect an organization from cyber\n",
+ " threats, unauthorized access, and other vulnerabilities.\n",
+ " type: security_infrastructure\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes how products, technologies, or services are regulated by\n",
+ " specific legal guidelines.\n",
+ " edge_type: governed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ "- description: Describes the obligation of a business to maintain certain programs\n",
+ " or infrastructures.\n",
+ " edge_type: requirement_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - compliance_program\n",
+ " - security_infrastructure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the country in which a business is based or operates.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Describes how compliance programs, security infrastructures, and regulations\n",
+ " can impact the operations and success of a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: can_affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - compliance_program\n",
+ " - security_infrastructure\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 488:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 489:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a chapter in a book or document.\n",
+ " type: chapter\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section within a chapter of a book or document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the main body of text described in each section or chapter.\n",
+ " type: content\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a chapter contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - chapter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section includes specific content.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 490:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A tax-related financial asset that may be used to offset future tax\n",
+ " liabilities.\n",
+ " type: deferred tax asset\n",
+ "- description: The outcomes or performance of business operations, typically reported\n",
+ " as financial results.\n",
+ " type: operation result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the realization or non-realization of deferred tax assets\n",
+ " can impact the results of operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - deferred tax asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 491:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents deferred tax assets, which include elements like net operating\n",
+ " losses and tax credit carryforwards that can be used to offset future taxable\n",
+ " income.\n",
+ " type: deferred_tax_asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents the overall financial status of an entity, including assets,\n",
+ " liabilities, and overall financial health.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: Represents the outcomes of an entity's operating activities, typically\n",
+ " reflecting financial performance over a specific period.\n",
+ " type: results_of_operations\n",
+ "- description: Represents a significant expense that has a substantial impact on financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " type: material_expense\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Reflects the evaluation of deferred tax assets and their impact on\n",
+ " financial condition and results of operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - deferred_tax_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - results_of_operations\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the non-realization of deferred tax assets may lead\n",
+ " to a significant financial expense.\n",
+ " edge_type: leads_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - deferred_tax_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - material_expense\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a material expense can have an adverse effect on the\n",
+ " financial condition and results of operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - material_expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - results_of_operations\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 492:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a deferred tax asset, which can include net operating losses\n",
+ " or tax credits.\n",
+ " type: tax_asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents limitations that can affect the utilization of tax assets,\n",
+ " including specific rules and code sections.\n",
+ " type: tax_limitation\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific tax attributes that may expire, such as net operating\n",
+ " losses or tax credits.\n",
+ " type: tax_attribute\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tax asset is subject to certain limitations.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_limitation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tax limitation reduces the ability to utilize a tax\n",
+ " asset before the expiration of related tax attributes.\n",
+ " edge_type: reduce_ability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_limitation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tax asset has tax attributes that may expire.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_expiration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_attribute\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 493:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Financial obligations in the form of taxes owed to governmental authorities.\n",
+ " type: tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Laws or regulations that dictate the calculation, payment, and management\n",
+ " of taxes.\n",
+ " type: tax_rule\n",
+ "- description: A formal examination of an organization's or individual's accounts\n",
+ " or financial situation by tax authorities to ensure tax compliance.\n",
+ " type: tax_audit\n",
+ "- description: The status of the financial health of a business, including assets,\n",
+ " liabilities, and equity.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: The outcome of business activities, usually reflected in financial\n",
+ " statements like profit and loss accounts.\n",
+ " type: operation_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business is liable for certain financial obligations.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Describes how tax liabilities, rules, or audits impact a business's\n",
+ " financial condition or operational results.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ " - tax_rule\n",
+ " - tax_audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - operation_result\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tax liability is the outcome of a tax audit.\n",
+ " edge_type: result_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Describes a modification in tax rules that leads to a change in tax\n",
+ " liabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: change_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rule\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 494:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A region or area with defined authority to impose taxes on individuals,\n",
+ " businesses, or other entities within its boundaries.\n",
+ " type: tax_jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: A compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed upon\n",
+ " a taxpayer by a governmental organization.\n",
+ " type: tax\n",
+ "- description: Legislation that determines the rules for tax collection, obligations,\n",
+ " and benefits.\n",
+ " type: tax_law\n",
+ "- description: A circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or\n",
+ " outcome.\n",
+ " type: factor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company conducts business within a specific tax jurisdiction.\n",
+ " edge_type: operates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is obligated to pay certain types of taxes.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the nature and amount of a tax are determined or affected\n",
+ " by specific tax laws.\n",
+ " edge_type: influenced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_law\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that changes in tax law can have an impact on a company's\n",
+ " tax obligations and effective tax rate.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_law\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company's operations, including tax obligations, can\n",
+ " be influenced by various factors.\n",
+ " edge_type: affected_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - factor\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 495:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the tax expense incurred by an entity.\n",
+ " type: tax_expense\n",
+ "- description: Represents the rate at which taxes are charged.\n",
+ " type: tax_rate\n",
+ "- description: A specific period of time that relates to financial activities and\n",
+ " reporting.\n",
+ " type: financial_period\n",
+ "- description: The average rate at which an entity's income is taxed.\n",
+ " type: effective_tax_rate\n",
+ "- description: The state of the financial health of an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: The outcome of an entity's operational activities, typically financial.\n",
+ " type: operation_result\n",
+ "- description: A geographic or political area where legal authority is exercised.\n",
+ " type: jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: A specific guideline or law governing taxation.\n",
+ " type: tax_rule\n",
+ "- description: A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority related to\n",
+ " tax.\n",
+ " type: tax_regulation\n",
+ "- description: The action of explaining the meaning of something, such as a rule or\n",
+ " law.\n",
+ " type: interpretation\n",
+ "- description: A tax reduction asset that reflects the effects of taxes paid in advance\n",
+ " and can be used to offset future tax liabilities.\n",
+ " type: deferred_tax_asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the computation of the tax expense is based on the tax\n",
+ " rate and the financial period.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rate\n",
+ " - financial_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that changes in tax rates, rules, regulations, their interpretations,\n",
+ " or valuation of assets affect various financial aspects of an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rate\n",
+ " - tax_rule\n",
+ " - tax_regulation\n",
+ " - interpretation\n",
+ " - deferred_tax_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - effective_tax_rate\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - operation_result\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that tax rates, rules, regulations, and deferred tax assets\n",
+ " are associated with specific jurisdictions.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rate\n",
+ " - tax_rule\n",
+ " - tax_regulation\n",
+ " - deferred_tax_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - jurisdiction\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 496:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a collective goal, such as a company\n",
+ " or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Governmental or official bodies responsible for tax collection and\n",
+ " regulation.\n",
+ " type: tax_authority\n",
+ "- description: A formal inspection or review, typically of financial or tax-related\n",
+ " documents.\n",
+ " type: examination\n",
+ "- description: A document filed with tax authorities detailing income earned and taxes\n",
+ " due.\n",
+ " type: income_tax_return\n",
+ "- description: Financial reserves set aside by an organization to cover expected tax\n",
+ " liabilities.\n",
+ " type: provision_for_income_taxes\n",
+ "- description: The result or consequence of a particular action or event.\n",
+ " type: outcome\n",
+ "- description: A change or modification, often applied to financial records.\n",
+ " type: adjustment\n",
+ "- description: The average rate at which an organization's income is taxed.\n",
+ " type: effective_tax_rate\n",
+ "- description: A measure of the financial stability and health of an organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: Overall performance outcomes of a business, including profitability\n",
+ " and other key metrics.\n",
+ " type: results_of_operations\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization is under the scrutiny or review of\n",
+ " an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - examination\n",
+ "- description: Describes who performs or oversees the examination.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_authority\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - examination\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the subject matter or documents involved in the examination.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - examination\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - income_tax_return\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization evaluates or judges the results or\n",
+ " consequences.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - outcome\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the decision-making process regarding financial reserves\n",
+ " for taxes.\n",
+ " edge_type: determines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - provision_for_income_taxes\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization has set aside resources or provisions\n",
+ " in anticipation of changes.\n",
+ " edge_type: reserves_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates potential impacts of the adjustments on various aspects of\n",
+ " the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - effective_tax_rate\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - results_of_operations\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 497:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A commercial, industrial, or professional operation.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: An instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A mathematical determination of the amount or number of something.\n",
+ " type: calculation\n",
+ "- description: A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government\n",
+ " on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services,\n",
+ " and transactions.\n",
+ " type: tax\n",
+ "- description: An approximation or educated guess regarding the amount of tax owed.\n",
+ " type: tax_estimate\n",
+ "- description: An official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts\n",
+ " by authorities, especially to assess tax liabilities.\n",
+ " type: tax_audit\n",
+ "- description: Legal proceedings regarding tax disputes.\n",
+ " type: tax_litigation\n",
+ "- description: A financial accounting term referring to setting aside money for future\n",
+ " tax payments.\n",
+ " type: tax_provision\n",
+ "- description: Money in coins or notes, as distinct from checks, money orders, or\n",
+ " credit.\n",
+ " type: cash\n",
+ "- description: The total earnings or profit of a company after accounting for all\n",
+ " expenses and taxes.\n",
+ " type: net_income\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that the outcome of the transaction or calculation\n",
+ " with respect to tax is uncertain.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_uncertain_outcome\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " - calculation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that an estimate has been made for the tax.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_estimate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_estimate\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that the tax estimate is subject to audit\n",
+ " or litigation.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_audit\n",
+ " - tax_litigation\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that the tax audit or litigation results\n",
+ " in tax provisions.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_audit\n",
+ " - tax_litigation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_provision\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that changes in tax provisions affect the\n",
+ " cash and net income of the business.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_provision\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash\n",
+ " - net_income\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 498:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A group or company involved in certain activities or processes.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A legal process involving lawsuits or claims.\n",
+ " type: litigation\n",
+ "- description: An item or service produced or offered by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Expenses incurred by an organization or individual.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "- description: Financial loss or penalties incurred by an organization or individual.\n",
+ " type: damage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is involved in a litigation.\n",
+ " edge_type: party_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - litigation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization might become involved in future litigations.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_become_party_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - litigation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization incurs costs or damages.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " - damage\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a litigation could prevent the sale of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: prohibits_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - litigation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 499:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general type representing any identifiable group, organization, or\n",
+ " other identifiable collective concept like a company or a legal entity.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A type representing any form of documented information or records,\n",
+ " such as legal documents, financial statements, or notes.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents occurrences or actions, particularly those that are significant\n",
+ " within legal, corporate, or consumer contexts, such as lawsuits, claims, or manufacturing\n",
+ " processes.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents any chemical, material, or compound used in processes or\n",
+ " products, specifically in industrial or manufacturing contexts.\n",
+ " type: substance\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event or action is detailed or recorded within a\n",
+ " specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: described_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Represents relationships where an entity is involved in an event, either\n",
+ " as a participant or as a target, such as a defendant or plaintiff in a lawsuit.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a substance or event leads to another event, particularly\n",
+ " in contexts like exposure leading to health issues.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - substance\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 500:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An integer or decimal value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 501:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or book.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 502:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general entity, such as a company or an organization, involved in\n",
+ " intellectual property disputes.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic\n",
+ " works, designs, symbols, names, and images used in commerce.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Actions taken in a court of law related to disputes, claims, or infringements.\n",
+ " type: legal_action\n",
+ "- description: Goods or services offered by a company that might be involved in intellectual\n",
+ " property disputes.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is involved or implicated in a legal action.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_action\n",
+ "- description: An entity is accused of infringing on intellectual property rights.\n",
+ " edge_type: claims_infringement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: An entity attempts to obtain a license to use certain intellectual\n",
+ " property.\n",
+ " edge_type: seeks_license\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: The outcome of a legal action has a specific impact on an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: The legal action impacts a product, either by stopping its sale or\n",
+ " affecting its costs.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: An entity disputes or contests claims related to intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: challenges\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 503:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or action that can be specific or general.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular\n",
+ " end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: A thing with distinct and independent existence, often used to represent\n",
+ " organizations, companies, or groups.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: The result or consequence of an event or process.\n",
+ " type: outcome\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one event leads to the occurrence of a process or an\n",
+ " outcome.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " - outcome\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a process incurs some form of cost, which could be financial,\n",
+ " temporal, or diversion of resources.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_cost\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - outcome\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a process diverts resources or attention from an entity's\n",
+ " usual operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: diverts_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an outcome has an effect, positive or negative, on an\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - outcome\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 504:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal statute or regulation that governs actions and outcomes in\n",
+ " specific areas.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: An official document or legislation enacted by a government or authoritative\n",
+ " body.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "- description: An expenditure or payment required for a specific purpose or result.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "- description: A legal responsibility or obligation that may result in a financial\n",
+ " burden.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that compliance with a law or act may result in liabilities\n",
+ " or costs.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 505:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that manufactures products and is subject to regulations.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Legal stipulations or regulations that organizations must comply with.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: Substances used in the manufacturing process that may be regulated.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: Steps or procedures involved in manufacturing, including handling of\n",
+ " materials and wastes.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: Materials that require disposal after manufacturing processes.\n",
+ " type: waste\n",
+ "- description: Official authorization required for specific operations in manufacturing.\n",
+ " type: permit\n",
+ "- description: Entities providing materials or services needed for manufacturing.\n",
+ " type: supplier\n",
+ "- description: Results or effects due to actions or violations, such as fines or production\n",
+ " suspension.\n",
+ " type: consequence\n",
+ "- description: Negative impact on an organization's public image or trustworthiness.\n",
+ " type: reputational_damage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization operates under the restrictions or requirements of\n",
+ " a law.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: A law necessitates obtaining a permit for specific operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: require\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - permit\n",
+ "- description: An organization utilizes a material in its processes.\n",
+ " edge_type: use\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ "- description: Manufacturing processes produce waste.\n",
+ " edge_type: generate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - waste\n",
+ "- description: An organization oversees suppliers to ensure compliance with regulations.\n",
+ " edge_type: manage\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ "- description: Non-compliance by a supplier leads to specific consequences for the\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: cause\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplier\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - consequence\n",
+ "- description: Specific consequences may lead to reputational damage for an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: result_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - consequence\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reputational_damage\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 506:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A defined area or region that has the authority to enforce laws and\n",
+ " regulations.\n",
+ " type: jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority to regulate\n",
+ " a specific area or behavior.\n",
+ " type: regulation\n",
+ "- description: Substances or components used in the creation of products.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: A manufactured or refined item that is marketed and sold.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An established norm or requirement typically used as a basis for comparison\n",
+ " or compliance.\n",
+ " type: standard\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a jurisdiction has created and enforced a regulation.\n",
+ " edge_type: enacts_regulation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - jurisdiction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a regulation limits or prohibits the use of certain\n",
+ " materials.\n",
+ " edge_type: restricts_use_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a regulation impacts the production, quality, or distribution\n",
+ " of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a regulation is developed based on a particular standard.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - standard\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 507:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 508:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written composition or piece of information, such as a book, article,\n",
+ " or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part or subdivision of a document, usually marked by a title\n",
+ " or heading.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: The heading or caption of a section or document that describes its\n",
+ " content or theme.\n",
+ " type: title\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or a section has a specific title.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - title\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 509:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific laws or acts related to various domains.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of legal liabilities.\n",
+ " type: liability_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents real estate or real property.\n",
+ " type: property\n",
+ "- description: Represents various substances, particularly those that are hazardous\n",
+ " or contaminating.\n",
+ " type: substance\n",
+ "- description: Represents facilities where operations or processes take place, such\n",
+ " as disposal or treatment.\n",
+ " type: facility\n",
+ "- description: Represents geographical locations or sites.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents companies, organizations, or parties involved in legal or\n",
+ " operational contexts.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a law imposes a specific type of liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: imposes_liability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a liability is associated with a specific property or\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - property\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a facility is contaminated by a specific substance.\n",
+ " edge_type: contaminated_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - substance\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a facility or property is located in a specific geographical\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " - property\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is named responsible at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: named_as_responsible\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 510:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or regulatory act established by a government or authoritative\n",
+ " body.\n",
+ " type: Act\n",
+ "- description: A commercial or industrial business entity.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.\n",
+ " type: Country\n",
+ "- description: A solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance.\n",
+ " type: Mineral\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that purchases goods or services from a company.\n",
+ " type: Customer\n",
+ "- description: The official power to make legal decisions and judgments, often tied\n",
+ " to a specific geographic area.\n",
+ " type: Jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: Goods that are manufactured or refined for sale.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company utilizes a specific mineral in the production\n",
+ " of goods.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Mineral\n",
+ "- description: Describes the geographical origin of a mineral.\n",
+ " edge_type: originates_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Mineral\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an act or jurisdiction imposes regulations on a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: regulates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Act\n",
+ " - Jurisdiction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ "- description: Describes the occurrence of additional costs for a company due to specific\n",
+ " circumstances or requirements.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurs_cost\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer demands specific characteristics or certifications\n",
+ " for products they intend to purchase.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a jurisdiction is in the process of creating new policies\n",
+ " or regulations.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops_policy\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Jurisdiction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Act\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 511:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity like a company, government body, or trade association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A nation recognized as a distinct entity in political geography.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A region that is part of a country, having its own government.\n",
+ " type: state\n",
+ "- description: A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization\n",
+ " or individual.\n",
+ " type: policy\n",
+ "- description: Legal rules established by governmental authority.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: Practices related to the workforce, including forced labor and human\n",
+ " trafficking.\n",
+ " type: labor_practice\n",
+ "- description: A program designed to ensure adherence to laws, regulations, and expectations.\n",
+ " type: compliance_program\n",
+ "- description: Legal responsibility or obligation.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: Governmental or other authoritative actions to enforce compliance with\n",
+ " laws or regulations.\n",
+ " type: enforcement_action\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a state is geographically and administratively within\n",
+ " a country.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - state\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: An organization issuing a policy or law.\n",
+ " edge_type: issues\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - policy\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: An organization enforcing a law.\n",
+ " edge_type: enforces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: A law that mandates an organization to comply with certain standards\n",
+ " or practices.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires_compliance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: An organization has a specific policy.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_policy\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - policy\n",
+ "- description: An organization focuses on addressing specific labor practices.\n",
+ " edge_type: focuses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - labor_practice\n",
+ "- description: An organization implements a compliance program.\n",
+ " edge_type: implements\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - compliance_program\n",
+ "- description: An organization is subject to liability or enforcement actions.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " - enforcement_action\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 512:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of action or series of actions aimed at achieving a specific\n",
+ " outcome.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: A potential negative outcome or threat that may arise from a specific\n",
+ " situation or action.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific process is linked to a particular risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 513:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an action or event involving business operations such as\n",
+ " acquisitions, joint ventures, and investments.\n",
+ " type: business_activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents possible outcomes or impacts of business activities, including\n",
+ " disruption, dilution, and stock price effects.\n",
+ " type: business_outcome\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business activity leads to a particular business outcome.\n",
+ " edge_type: leads_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_outcome\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 514:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business or economic activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An item or service offered by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Tools, systems, or methods that utilize scientific knowledge for practical\n",
+ " purposes.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: The needs or desires of consumers that drive business decisions.\n",
+ " type: customer_demand\n",
+ "- description: An approach or plan implemented by an organization to achieve specific\n",
+ " goals.\n",
+ " type: business_strategy\n",
+ "- description: Activities or operations that an organization engages in for economic\n",
+ " or strategic purposes.\n",
+ " type: business_activity\n",
+ "- description: A commercial enterprise undertaken jointly by two or more parties which\n",
+ " otherwise retain their distinct identities.\n",
+ " type: joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: The action or process of investing money for profit or material result.\n",
+ " type: investment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization broadens its range of products or technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: expands\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: An organization reacts or adapts to changes in technology or customer\n",
+ " needs.\n",
+ " edge_type: responds_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - customer_demand\n",
+ "- description: An organization faces competition within its market.\n",
+ " edge_type: experiences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - competitive_pressure\n",
+ "- description: An organization actively follows or engages in a specific strategy\n",
+ " to achieve its objectives.\n",
+ " edge_type: pursues\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_strategy\n",
+ "- description: A business strategy that includes specific business activities such\n",
+ " as acquisitions, joint ventures, or internal development.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_strategy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_activity\n",
+ "- description: An organization takes part in joint ventures or makes investments.\n",
+ " edge_type: participates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ "- description: An organization recognizes and selects business activities or strategies\n",
+ " as potential opportunities.\n",
+ " edge_type: identifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 515:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values or quantities in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 516:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the whole document or a substantial text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a division of content within a document, typically titled\n",
+ " and serving a specific purpose or topic.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a smaller division within a section, often titled and more\n",
+ " specific than the section.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or section includes one or more sections\n",
+ " or subsections within it.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 517:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized entity that engages in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A process where one company purchases most or all of another company's\n",
+ " shares to gain control of that company.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: An advantage or profit gained from something.\n",
+ " type: benefit\n",
+ "- description: A difficulty that needs to be overcome.\n",
+ " type: challenge\n",
+ "- description: The result or effect of an action, situation, or event.\n",
+ " type: outcome\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: When one company purchases control over another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: When a company anticipates certain advantages or profits from its actions\n",
+ " or decisions.\n",
+ " edge_type: expects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - benefit\n",
+ "- description: When a company encounters difficulties or obstacles.\n",
+ " edge_type: faces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - challenge\n",
+ "- description: The effect or consequence of an action or event.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - outcome\n",
+ "- description: The effect that a difficulty or obstacle has on a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - challenge\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 518:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A commercial entity engaged in activities such as acquisitions, joint\n",
+ " ventures, and operations.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: A defined area for commercial dealings, which can be geographic or\n",
+ " business sector-based.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument representing ownership in a company, such as\n",
+ " common stock.\n",
+ " type: equity_security\n",
+ "- description: A sum of money that is owed or due.\n",
+ " type: debt\n",
+ "- description: A company's financial debt or obligations that arise during the course\n",
+ " of its business operations.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: An item of property owned by a person or company, regarded as having\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Employees or staff of a company.\n",
+ " type: personnel\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A business starts operating in a new market.\n",
+ " edge_type: enters_market\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: A business issues equity securities to complete an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: issues_equity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_security\n",
+ "- description: A business takes on debt.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurs_debt\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - debt\n",
+ "- description: A business takes on new liabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: assumes_liability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "- description: A business incurs expenses through asset amortization or write-downs.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_expenses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: A business looks for additional debt or equity financing.\n",
+ " edge_type: seeks_financing\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - debt\n",
+ " - equity_security\n",
+ "- description: A business assimilates and integrates acquired assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: integrates_assets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: A business integrates personnel from an acquired company.\n",
+ " edge_type: integrates_personnel\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - personnel\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 519:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: Business\n",
+ "- description: Refers to new projects or strategies initiated by a business.\n",
+ " type: Business_Initiative\n",
+ "- description: Goals or targets that a business aims to achieve.\n",
+ " type: Objective\n",
+ "- description: Products or services offered by a business.\n",
+ " type: Product_Service\n",
+ "- description: A joint venture, a business entity formed by two or more parties to\n",
+ " undertake economic activity together.\n",
+ " type: JV\n",
+ "- description: Advanced therapy medicinal product services provided by a business\n",
+ " or joint venture.\n",
+ " type: ATMP_Service\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business has taken on a new project or strategy.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_business_initiative\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Business_Initiative\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the goals or targets a business aims to achieve.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_objective\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Objective\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the products or services offered by a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product_Service\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business is involved in a joint venture.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_jv\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - JV\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a joint venture provides advanced therapy medicinal\n",
+ " product services.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_atmp_service\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - JV\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - ATMP_Service\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 520:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Entities that are recognized as structured groups, such as companies,\n",
+ " institutions, or governmental bodies.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A plan or strategy intended to resolve a problem or improve a situation,\n",
+ " a fresh approach to something.\n",
+ " type: initiative\n",
+ "- description: Legal rights that result from intellectual activity in the industrial,\n",
+ " scientific, literary, or artistic fields.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: A system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental\n",
+ " institutions to regulate behavior.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: A particular point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization carries out or is involved in an initiative.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_initiative\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - initiative\n",
+ "- description: An organization owns or is licensed to use certain intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_intellectual_property\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: An organization adheres to or follows a specific law.\n",
+ " edge_type: complies_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: Records the date an organization was added to a specific regulatory\n",
+ " list.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_entity_list_status\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 521:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 522:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of document such as a book, article, or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structural part of a document that divides the content into segments.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A smaller part of a section, further dividing the content for detail\n",
+ " and organization.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section includes one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 523:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents both tangible and intangible assets, including specific\n",
+ " types like goodwill.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents the financial status or stability of an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_position\n",
+ "- description: Represents the outcome or performance of business operations.\n",
+ " type: operation_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that impairment of an asset can negatively affect the financial\n",
+ " position and results of operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: impairment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_position\n",
+ " - operation_result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 524:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An incorporated entity such as a company or other legal entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A systematic process used to manage financial information and transactions,\n",
+ " such as the acquisition method.\n",
+ " type: accounting_method\n",
+ "- description: A concept or term used in finance, like goodwill, liabilities, or intangible\n",
+ " assets.\n",
+ " type: financial_concept\n",
+ "- description: A formal written record, such as a balance sheet or acquisition agreement.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization applies a specific accounting method to manage financial\n",
+ " transactions.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_accounting_method\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_method\n",
+ "- description: An organization documents financial information and transactions in\n",
+ " a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: records_in_document\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: An organization or document includes or is associated with a financial\n",
+ " concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_concept\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 525:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Entities that represent resources owned by a company, which can be\n",
+ " tangible or intangible.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Occurrences or changes in circumstances that can impact the value or\n",
+ " functionality of assets.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Planned actions or approaches designed to achieve specific business\n",
+ " objectives.\n",
+ " type: business_strategy\n",
+ "- description: Goods or services offered by a company in the marketplace.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Metrics or values that indicate the financial health or performance\n",
+ " of a company.\n",
+ " type: financial_indicator\n",
+ "- description: The general economic and market conditions that affect the operation\n",
+ " and success of businesses.\n",
+ " type: business_climate\n",
+ "- description: Outcomes of a company's operations, usually reflected in financial\n",
+ " performance.\n",
+ " type: operating_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes how occurrences or changes affect the value or functionality\n",
+ " of assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Describes the necessity for specific strategies or products to maintain\n",
+ " or enhance the value of an asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_strategy\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Describes how financial metrics or values reflect on the value or performance\n",
+ " of assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: indicates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_indicator\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Describes how general economic and market conditions influence assets\n",
+ " or business strategies.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_climate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - business_strategy\n",
+ "- description: Describes how the outcomes of business operations impact the value\n",
+ " or functionality of assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operating_result\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 526:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of risk in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: Classifies risks into different groups or categories.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific risk is part of a broader category.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 527:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal arrangement between parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: Represents a limitation or condition that restricts actions or operations.\n",
+ " type: restriction\n",
+ "- description: Represents a commercial, industrial, or professional operation.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an agreement places some type of limitation or condition.\n",
+ " edge_type: impose\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - restriction\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a restriction has an influence or impact on a business\n",
+ " operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - restriction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 528:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or official paper detailing specific agreements or obligations.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement or promise in a legal document that restricts or\n",
+ " dictates certain actions.\n",
+ " type: covenant\n",
+ "- description: An amount of money borrowed by one party from another under the condition\n",
+ " of future repayment.\n",
+ " type: debt\n",
+ "- description: A resource with economic value that an individual, corporation, or\n",
+ " country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide future benefit.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: An instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes specific covenants.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - covenant\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a covenant limits certain transactions or the use of\n",
+ " assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: restrict\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - covenant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a transaction involves assets, persons, or debts.\n",
+ " edge_type: involve\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - debt\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 529:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a corporate or legal organization entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A legal, official, or formal written item, such as contracts, notes,\n",
+ " or agreements.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement between parties detailing specific obligations\n",
+ " or actions.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents one organization acquiring another.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization entering into a formal agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: entered_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an agreement includes specific documents, such as terms\n",
+ " or conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization guarantees the obligations outlined\n",
+ " in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: guaranteed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an agreement restricts certain capacities or actions\n",
+ " of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: limits_ability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 530:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal or financial agreement such as loans, credit facilities,\n",
+ " or bond issuances.\n",
+ " type: financial_agreement\n",
+ "- description: Conditions or covenants specified within a financial agreement that\n",
+ " dictate certain actions or restrictions.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: Entities such as companies, institutions, or groups involved in financial\n",
+ " activities or agreements.\n",
+ " type: financial_entity\n",
+ "- description: Events related to financial operations such as defaults or repayments.\n",
+ " type: financial_event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific monetary amount mentioned in a financial context.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial agreement includes specific conditions or\n",
+ " covenants.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial condition imposes certain restrictions or\n",
+ " requirements on a financial entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: imposes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_entity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the occurrence of a financial event triggers specific\n",
+ " clauses or actions within a financial agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: triggers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ "- description: Associates a financial event with a specific monetary value which may\n",
+ " trigger further financial actions.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 531:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 532:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or any written material.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a part of a document, typically divided based on content\n",
+ " or topic.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subdivision of a section in a document, focusing on more\n",
+ " specific details within the section.\n",
+ " type: sub_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Represents that a section includes one or more sub-sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sub_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 533:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general type representing any entity, such as a company, organization,\n",
+ " or financial institution involved in the context.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents any kind of financial agreement or contract, including loans,\n",
+ " credit agreements, or other financial instruments.\n",
+ " type: financial_agreement\n",
+ "- description: Actions related to financial operations, such as borrowing, repaying,\n",
+ " or accelerating payments.\n",
+ " type: financial_action\n",
+ "- description: Represents resources owned by entities, which can include money, property,\n",
+ " or other valuables.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is involved in a financial agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial agreement includes terms for accelerating\n",
+ " the repayment of financial obligations.\n",
+ " edge_type: accelerate_repayment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_action\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity possesses certain assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_assets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity uses its assets to repay financial obligations.\n",
+ " edge_type: repay_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 534:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: The status of the financial health of an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_position\n",
+ "- description: A plan designed to achieve specific goals or objectives.\n",
+ " type: strategy\n",
+ "- description: A commitment that must be met as per the terms of a contract.\n",
+ " type: contractual_obligation\n",
+ "- description: The state of owing money.\n",
+ " type: indebtedness\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indebtedness alters or influences the financial position of an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - indebtedness\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_position\n",
+ "- description: Indebtedness hinders or stops an entity from implementing a strategy\n",
+ " or fulfilling a contractual obligation.\n",
+ " edge_type: prevents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - indebtedness\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - strategy\n",
+ " - contractual_obligation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 535:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial value or measure, such as debt amounts,\n",
+ " cash flow, and other monetary metrics.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Refers to duties or responsibilities, especially in financial contexts,\n",
+ " such as payments or service requirements.\n",
+ " type: obligation\n",
+ "- description: Activities related to the management and use of money, including borrowing,\n",
+ " spending, and financing.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Conditions or situations affecting a business, including economic and\n",
+ " industry factors.\n",
+ " type: business_condition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric was reported on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric may influence a business's ability\n",
+ " to meet financial obligations.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - obligation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric restricts certain business activities,\n",
+ " such as borrowing or spending.\n",
+ " edge_type: limits\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric necessitates certain obligations,\n",
+ " like debt service payments.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - obligation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric puts the business at a disadvantage\n",
+ " compared to others in similar conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: places_at_disadvantage\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric increases susceptibility to adverse\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: increases_vulnerability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_condition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 536:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that can enter into contracts and agreements.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: Money owed to an organization for goods or services that have been\n",
+ " delivered or used, but not yet paid for.\n",
+ " type: account_receivable\n",
+ "- description: An entity that owes money to another entity, typically under terms\n",
+ " agreed in an agreement.\n",
+ " type: account_debtor\n",
+ "- description: A company's legal financial debts or obligations that arise during\n",
+ " the course of business operations.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization formally agrees to a set of terms under an agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: enters_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: An agreement that includes specific accounts receivable.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - account_receivable\n",
+ "- description: An agreement that contains specific conditions under which liabilities\n",
+ " may arise.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_condition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "- description: An account debtor has a financial obligation to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: owes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - account_debtor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 537:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: The movement of money into and out of a business, used for operational\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: Current assets minus current liabilities, representing short-term financial\n",
+ " health of a business.\n",
+ " type: working_capital\n",
+ "- description: Income generated from normal business operations.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: The allocation of resources, usually financial, into something expecting\n",
+ " a future benefit.\n",
+ " type: investment\n",
+ "- description: Activities related to the innovation and improvement of services or\n",
+ " products.\n",
+ " type: research_and_development\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: The organization does not have enough financial resources or operational\n",
+ " cash flow.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_insufficient\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ " - working_capital\n",
+ "- description: The organization produces financial outcomes from its operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: generates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: The organization encounters challenges with its financial resources.\n",
+ " edge_type: faces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: The organization is not in a position to allocate resources for future\n",
+ " benefits.\n",
+ " edge_type: unable_to_invest\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ "- description: The organization allocates resources towards innovation and product\n",
+ " development.\n",
+ " edge_type: invests_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - research_and_development\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 538:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the financial results and operations of an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_performance\n",
+ "- description: Represents the state of the economy that can affect businesses and\n",
+ " financial performance.\n",
+ " type: economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: Represents the state of the market or industry specific conditions\n",
+ " that can influence business operations.\n",
+ " type: business_condition\n",
+ "- description: Represents the movement of money into and out of a business, particularly\n",
+ " in terms of liquidity and ability to meet financial obligations.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: Represents the funding needed to continue daily operations and maintain\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " type: working_capital_requirement\n",
+ "- description: Represents items of value owned by a company.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents ownership value in a company.\n",
+ " type: equity\n",
+ "- description: Represents the spending or costs incurred by a business.\n",
+ " type: expenditure\n",
+ "- description: Represents money borrowed by a business that must be repaid.\n",
+ " type: debt\n",
+ "- description: Represents the process of providing funds for business activities,\n",
+ " making purchases, or investing.\n",
+ " type: financing\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the ability to meet working capital requirements is\n",
+ " dependent on financial performance.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - working_capital_requirement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_performance\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that financial performance is affected by economic and business\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: influenced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_performance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ " - business_condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that cash flow is impacted by the financial performance of\n",
+ " a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: influenced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_performance\n",
+ "- description: Describes potential actions that may be required if cash flow is insufficient\n",
+ " to meet needs, such as selling assets or obtaining financing.\n",
+ " edge_type: failure_consequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - equity\n",
+ " - expenditure\n",
+ " - debt\n",
+ " - financing\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that cash flow helps to fulfill working capital requirements.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - working_capital_requirement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 539:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts operations and activities, such as a company\n",
+ " or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Aspects related to financial performance, operations, and conditions,\n",
+ " such as revenue, cash flow, or operating expenses.\n",
+ " type: financial_aspect\n",
+ "- description: A type of action or process, such as research and development or external\n",
+ " financing.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "- description: Factors outside an organization's control that affect its operations,\n",
+ " such as competitors or technological advances.\n",
+ " type: external_factor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization's operation or project is contingent\n",
+ " upon certain financial aspects or activities.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_aspect\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "- description: Shows how financial aspects or external factors influence the state\n",
+ " or performance of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_aspect\n",
+ " - external_factor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization needs to engage in a certain activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an activity might lead to a reduction in a certain financial\n",
+ " aspect.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_reduce\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Shows that an activity or external factor leads to an increase in a\n",
+ " certain financial aspect.\n",
+ " edge_type: increases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " - external_factor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_aspect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 540:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company, institution, or any form of organized\n",
+ " group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific initiative or plan undertaken by an organization.\n",
+ " type: project\n",
+ "- description: Financial or other resources allocated for a particular purpose, such\n",
+ " as research and development.\n",
+ " type: investment\n",
+ "- description: A good or service developed and offered by an organization.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An effect or consequence that an event, action, or condition has on\n",
+ " the business operations and outcomes.\n",
+ " type: business_impact\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization oversees or administers projects or investments.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - project\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ "- description: An organization ceases or discontinues a project.\n",
+ " edge_type: abandons\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - project\n",
+ "- description: An organization reduces or limits an investment.\n",
+ " edge_type: curtails\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ "- description: An organization creates or enhances a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Projects or investments influence the development or quality of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - project\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: The performance or state of a product influences business outcomes.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_impact\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 541:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A potential issue that could lead to negative outcomes.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: A broad classification or grouping of related items.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a risk is classified under a specific category.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 542:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity such as a company or business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Potential for exposure to losses or negative events.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or incident, typically one that is noteworthy.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization is exposed to a risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: An organization is affected or governed by an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 543:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity that conducts operations, such as a company or\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a political and geographic entity recognized as a country.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: Represents one of the Earth's major landmasses.\n",
+ " type: continent\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific business functions or activities, such as manufacturing,\n",
+ " sales, or services.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical location where business activities such as manufacturing\n",
+ " or testing occur.\n",
+ " type: facility\n",
+ "- description: Represents business services like shipment.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial income generated by an organization.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has business operations in a specific\n",
+ " country or continent.\n",
+ " edge_type: operates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " - continent\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization relies on specific facilities or services\n",
+ " for its operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: depends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a specific business operation like manufacturing or\n",
+ " testing is conducted.\n",
+ " edge_type: performs_operation_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization provides specific services, such as\n",
+ " shipment.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_service\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the revenue percentage attributed to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_revenue_percentage\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 544:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 545:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a complete document or book.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or a chapter in a document or book.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the title of a document, section, or subsection.\n",
+ " type: title\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or section has a specific title.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - title\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 546:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A nation or territory considered as an organized political community.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A defined area within a country or spanning multiple countries, often\n",
+ " with common political or economic features.\n",
+ " type: region\n",
+ "- description: Potential negative impacts or threats to an organization's operations.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: Rules and regulations that are recognized by a particular country or\n",
+ " region.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: The state of the economy in a specific area, which can include aspects\n",
+ " like inflation, recession, and exchange rates.\n",
+ " type: economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: The state of the political environment in a specific area, including\n",
+ " stability, governance, and policy changes.\n",
+ " type: political_condition\n",
+ "- description: Activities involved in the running of a business for the purpose of\n",
+ " producing value for the stakeholders.\n",
+ " type: business_operation\n",
+ "- description: Penalties or other measures imposed by one or more countries against\n",
+ " another to enforce international laws or objectives.\n",
+ " type: sanction\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Associates risks with specific countries or regions.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " - region\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: Associates a country or region with changes in laws, economic conditions,\n",
+ " and political conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: undergoes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " - region\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ " - political_condition\n",
+ "- description: Describes how specific risks impact business operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_operation\n",
+ "- description: Describes the act of one country imposing sanctions on another.\n",
+ " edge_type: imposes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sanction\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 547:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured body such as a company or institution that performs operations\n",
+ " or services.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific geographical area or place.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An event such as an earthquake, tsunami, flood, typhoon, drought, fire,\n",
+ " extreme heat, or volcanic eruption that affects the environment and human activities.\n",
+ " type: natural_disaster\n",
+ "- description: Weather conditions like heat waves, wildfires, or freezing that impact\n",
+ " the environment and human activities.\n",
+ " type: climate_condition\n",
+ "- description: An interruption or disturbance to regular activities, often caused\n",
+ " by external events or conditions.\n",
+ " type: operation_disruption\n",
+ "- description: Health-related events or conditions that affect the public such as\n",
+ " diseases or epidemics.\n",
+ " type: public_health_issue\n",
+ "- description: Issues that pose risks or dangers to safety, including accidents or\n",
+ " hazardous events.\n",
+ " type: safety_issue\n",
+ "- description: Conditions or events that affect the economic environment, such as\n",
+ " economic downturns or political instability.\n",
+ " type: economic_factor\n",
+ "- description: Political events or conditions that can affect operations or stability\n",
+ " in a region.\n",
+ " type: political_factor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization is situated in a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: An organization experiences or is affected by various external conditions\n",
+ " or events.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - natural_disaster\n",
+ " - climate_condition\n",
+ " - operation_disruption\n",
+ " - public_health_issue\n",
+ " - safety_issue\n",
+ " - economic_factor\n",
+ " - political_factor\n",
+ "- description: Natural disasters or climate conditions cause disruptions in operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - natural_disaster\n",
+ " - climate_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation_disruption\n",
+ "- description: Public health issues lead to interruptions in normal operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - public_health_issue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation_disruption\n",
+ "- description: An organization takes actions or measures in response to a public health\n",
+ " issue.\n",
+ " edge_type: implement_measures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - public_health_issue\n",
+ "- description: An organization undergoes disturbances in its operations due to various\n",
+ " reasons.\n",
+ " edge_type: experience_disruption\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation_disruption\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 548:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A body governing a specific geographic area, responsible for creating\n",
+ " and enforcing laws.\n",
+ " type: government\n",
+ "- description: A rule established by a government or other authority, regulating actions\n",
+ " and enforceable by the imposition of penalties.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of law focused on detailed directives or requirements\n",
+ " in particular areas.\n",
+ " type: regulation\n",
+ "- description: Penalties or other measures imposed for non-compliance with laws or\n",
+ " regulations.\n",
+ " type: sanction\n",
+ "- description: Measures or steps taken by an entity, often a government, in response\n",
+ " to events or conditions.\n",
+ " type: action\n",
+ "- description: Information, often personal, that can be collected, processed, or transferred.\n",
+ " type: data\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A government creates and implements a law or regulation.\n",
+ " edge_type: enacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - government\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ "- description: Failure to comply with certain requirements leads to penalties or other\n",
+ " actions.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - failure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sanction\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ "- description: A law or regulation specifies penalties for non-compliance.\n",
+ " edge_type: imposes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sanction\n",
+ "- description: A regulation provides directives on how to handle specific types of\n",
+ " data.\n",
+ " edge_type: regulates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 549:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A potential or actual threat that could negatively impact business\n",
+ " processes or outcomes.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: A structured set of activities designed to achieve a specific organizational\n",
+ " goal.\n",
+ " type: business_process\n",
+ "- description: The result or effect of business activities, often measured in terms\n",
+ " of profit, loss, or market share.\n",
+ " type: business_outcome\n",
+ "- description: A legal permission granted by an authority to engage in a regulated\n",
+ " activity.\n",
+ " type: license\n",
+ "- description: A good or service offered by a business.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases goods or services from a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental\n",
+ " institutions to regulate behavior.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A risk leading to a higher cost in a business process.\n",
+ " edge_type: increases_cost_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_process\n",
+ "- description: A risk causing a delay in a business process.\n",
+ " edge_type: causes_delay\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_process\n",
+ "- description: A risk that leads to an interruption in business processes.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in_interruption\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_process\n",
+ "- description: A risk affecting the ability to obtain a license.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts_obtaining\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - license\n",
+ "- description: A risk that makes a product less attractive to customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_attractiveness\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: A risk that imposes restrictions or barriers to customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: imposes_restrictions\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: A risk that increases the obligation or need to comply with various\n",
+ " laws.\n",
+ " edge_type: increases_obligation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: A risk that has a material adverse effect on business outcomes.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_effect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_outcome\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 550:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A legal agreement granting rights to use specific technology.\n",
+ " type: technology_license\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization may experience a reduction in the value\n",
+ " of a technology license.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_incur_impairment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology_license\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 551:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents items of value owned by a company, such as licenses for\n",
+ " third-party technologies.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents occurrences or actions that may affect the company, such\n",
+ " as changes in technology or business strategies.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial entries in a company's books, like asset values\n",
+ " and impairment charges.\n",
+ " type: financial_record\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the process of assessing the value of an asset in financial\n",
+ " records.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_record\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset or financial record is influenced by an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: affected_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - financial_record\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 552:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 553:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written work or a collection of written works.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part of a document, typically marked by a title or number.\n",
+ " type: Section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 554:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal group with a specific purpose, such as a company or business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific difficulty or issue faced by a business that could impact\n",
+ " its operations or success.\n",
+ " type: business_challenge\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is facing a specific business challenge.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_challenge\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_challenge\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is employed by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: employ\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization aims to attract and retain a person\n",
+ " as an employee.\n",
+ " edge_type: attract_and_retain\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 555:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company or similar institution involved\n",
+ " in business activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual who is employed by an organization.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: A high-level manager or leader within an organization, who has significant\n",
+ " decision-making powers.\n",
+ " type: executive\n",
+ "- description: An ability or expertise that an employee or executive possesses, which\n",
+ " is required for specific tasks or roles within an organization.\n",
+ " type: skill\n",
+ "- description: A structured plan or initiative within an organization aimed at developing\n",
+ " new products or improving existing ones.\n",
+ " type: product_development_program\n",
+ "- description: Financial compensation given to employees or executives in the form\n",
+ " of equity in the organization, such as stock options or restricted stock units.\n",
+ " type: stock_award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an employee or executive works for an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: employs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " - executive\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular skill is necessary for roles or tasks within\n",
+ " the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires_skill\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - skill\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the progress or outcome of a product development program\n",
+ " or the value of stock awards can impact the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_development_program\n",
+ " - stock_award\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization provides stock awards as a form of compensation\n",
+ " to its employees or executives.\n",
+ " edge_type: compensates_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 556:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument representing ownership in a company.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: The cost or value of something in monetary terms.\n",
+ " type: price\n",
+ "- description: A statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for a given security\n",
+ " or market index.\n",
+ " type: volatility\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the price of something is influenced or affected by\n",
+ " volatility.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - price\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - volatility\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 557:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company's traded equity.\n",
+ " type: Stock\n",
+ "- description: Represents the financial status of a company, including assets, liabilities,\n",
+ " revenue, and expenses.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Condition\n",
+ "- description: Represents the outcomes of a company's operations such as profits or\n",
+ " losses.\n",
+ " type: Operating_Results\n",
+ "- description: Represents projections or predictions about a company's future financial\n",
+ " performance.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Estimate\n",
+ "- description: A professional who evaluates and reports on the financial condition\n",
+ " of publicly traded companies.\n",
+ " type: Securities_Analyst\n",
+ "- description: The composition of a company's liabilities and equity, including debt\n",
+ " and share capital.\n",
+ " type: Capital_Structure\n",
+ "- description: The amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender\n",
+ " to a borrower for the use of assets.\n",
+ " type: Interest_Rate\n",
+ "- description: The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services\n",
+ " is rising, eroding purchasing power.\n",
+ " type: Inflation\n",
+ "- description: Goods or services offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: A group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service.\n",
+ " type: Market\n",
+ "- description: A category of companies that produce or sell similar products or services.\n",
+ " type: Industry\n",
+ "- description: Compensation that includes forms of payment other than cash, such as\n",
+ " stock options or shares.\n",
+ " type: Equity_Compensation\n",
+ "- description: An individual who works part-time or full-time under a contract of\n",
+ " employment, whether oral or written, express or implied, and has recognized rights\n",
+ " and duties.\n",
+ " type: Employee\n",
+ "- description: A commercial, industrial, or professional activity conducted for the\n",
+ " purpose of revenue generation.\n",
+ " type: Business\n",
+ "- description: Opportunities for a company to raise funds through various means like\n",
+ " issuing debt or equity.\n",
+ " type: Financing_Opportunity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the stock price is affected by various factors including\n",
+ " financial conditions, operating results, and market changes.\n",
+ " edge_type: fluctuates_due_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Condition\n",
+ " - Operating_Results\n",
+ " - Financial_Estimate\n",
+ " - Capital_Structure\n",
+ " - Interest_Rate\n",
+ " - Inflation\n",
+ " - Market\n",
+ " - Industry\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the stock is evaluated by a securities analyst for financial\n",
+ " condition and potential.\n",
+ " edge_type: analyzed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Securities_Analyst\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that fluctuations in stock price can affect the company's\n",
+ " products, either directly or indirectly.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that fluctuations in stock price can impact the value of\n",
+ " equity compensation.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Equity_Compensation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the value of equity compensation affects the company's\n",
+ " ability to recruit and retain employees.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_recruitment_and_retention\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Equity_Compensation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Employee\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that volatility in stock price has a negative effect on the\n",
+ " business and financing opportunities.\n",
+ " edge_type: adversely_affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ " - Financing_Opportunity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 558:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A program by an organization to buy back its own shares from the marketplace.\n",
+ " type: stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A monetary value.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization approves a stock repurchase program.\n",
+ " edge_type: approved_program\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ "- description: A stock repurchase program is approved on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: A stock repurchase program has a specified monetary value to purchase\n",
+ " back stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: A stock repurchase program can affect the financial or operational\n",
+ " aspects of the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 559:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the state or conditions of political environments globally\n",
+ " or in specific regions.\n",
+ " type: political_condition\n",
+ "- description: Represents the level of demand or consumer interest in products.\n",
+ " type: product_demand\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the state of political conditions impacts the demand\n",
+ " for products.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - political_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_demand\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 560:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A sovereign state recognized internationally, such as the United States.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, especially one of significance, such as\n",
+ " armed conflict, terrorist attack, or political instability.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A commercial organization or entity engaged in professional, commercial,\n",
+ " or industrial activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: The sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution\n",
+ " of a commodity.\n",
+ " type: supply_chain\n",
+ "- description: Goods or services offered by a business.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Physical buildings or infrastructures owned or used by a business or\n",
+ " its suppliers or customers.\n",
+ " type: facility\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event has an impact on a business, supply chain,\n",
+ " product, or facility.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " - supply_chain\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a country is involved in a significant event such as\n",
+ " an armed conflict or political instability.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event increases the production or distribution costs\n",
+ " of a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: increases_cost_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event leads to a decrease in consumer spending affecting\n",
+ " a business.\n",
+ " edge_type: decreases_consumer_spending\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 561:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An observation or remark made by an individual or group, often reflecting\n",
+ " a point of view or a specific issue.\n",
+ " type: comment\n",
+ "- description: An employee or member of an organization, often involved in administrative\n",
+ " or operational roles.\n",
+ " type: staff_member\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization has a comment, typically reflecting unresolved issues\n",
+ " or feedback from staff or external entities.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_comment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - comment\n",
+ "- description: A staff member makes a comment, usually reflecting their professional\n",
+ " observations or concerns.\n",
+ " edge_type: made_comment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - staff_member\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - comment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 562:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An organization dedicated to education or research.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A legal relationship between an individual and a country.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: A recognition given to individuals or groups for their achievements.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the education of a person at an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_national_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has received a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 563:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 564:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or digital document containing text, images,\n",
+ " or other media.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document, identified by a title or\n",
+ " heading.\n",
+ " type: content_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more specific sections or\n",
+ " parts.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 565:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Defines the specifics or details of an item within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: properties\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 566:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a location used for various purposes such as research and\n",
+ " development, engineering, administrative, and warehouse operations.\n",
+ " type: facility\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place, could be a city, state, country or\n",
+ " a region.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a corporate entity that owns facilities and conducts operations\n",
+ " in various locations.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a facility is situated within a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates ownership of facilities by a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company leases a facility.\n",
+ " edge_type: leases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has operational activities in a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_operations_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a company's headquarters are located.\n",
+ " edge_type: headquartered_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 567:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A building or space used for a specific purpose, often in a business\n",
+ " or organizational context.\n",
+ " type: facility\n",
+ "- description: A contract by which one party conveys a property, facility, or equipment\n",
+ " to another party for a specified period in return for payment.\n",
+ " type: lease\n",
+ "- description: The state or condition of being occupied, used, or inhabited.\n",
+ " type: occupancy\n",
+ "- description: The maximum output or productivity that a facility or equipment can\n",
+ " achieve.\n",
+ " type: productive_capacity\n",
+ "- description: A detailed proposal for achieving specific goals.\n",
+ " type: plan\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A facility is associated with a lease that governs its use.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_lease\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ "- description: A facility is in a state of occupancy, being used or inhabited.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_occupancy\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - occupancy\n",
+ "- description: A facility has a productive capacity, representing its maximum potential\n",
+ " output.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_productive_capacity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - productive_capacity\n",
+ "- description: A productive capacity has associated plans detailing how it will be\n",
+ " utilized.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_plan\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - productive_capacity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 568:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal action or judicial proceeding involving a law suit.\n",
+ " type: legal_proceeding\n",
+ "- description: A company, organization, or individual that may be involved in a legal\n",
+ " proceeding.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A specific statute, regulation, or legal principle relevant to a legal\n",
+ " proceeding.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: Legal documents or records related to a legal proceeding.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is involved in a legal proceeding.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_proceeding\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a legal proceeding is governed or regulated by a specific\n",
+ " law.\n",
+ " edge_type: governed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_proceeding\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a legal proceeding has associated legal documents or\n",
+ " records.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_document\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_proceeding\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 569:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any legal action or lawsuit.\n",
+ " type: legal_proceeding\n",
+ "- description: Reference to a specific document or section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_reference\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where information about a legal proceeding can be found in\n",
+ " a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: discussed_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_proceeding\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_reference\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document reference is a part of a larger financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_reference\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 570:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Protocols and measures intended to ensure safety, particularly in hazardous\n",
+ " environments.\n",
+ " type: safety_protocol\n",
+ "- description: A specific sector of the economy focused on a certain type of activity\n",
+ " or production.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section includes information about specific\n",
+ " safety protocols.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - safety_protocol\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section primarily deals with issues pertinent\n",
+ " to a specific industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: focuses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 571:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area or specific place.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a common purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a general notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization or event is situated within a particular\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is employed or holds a position at an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person took part in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship or connection between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 572:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 573:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document or text containing structured or unstructured content.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A major division within a document, typically representing a specific\n",
+ " topic or theme.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A division within a section, representing a more detailed aspect of\n",
+ " the section's topic.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections or subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a subsection is a part of a larger section.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 574:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a segment or division within a structured series or document.\n",
+ " type: part\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 575:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or item in a document, typically identified by\n",
+ " a number or title.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument that represents an ownership position in a publicly-traded\n",
+ " corporation (stock), a creditor relationship with a governmental body or a corporation\n",
+ " (bond), or rights to ownership as represented by an option.\n",
+ " type: security\n",
+ "- description: An organization or company that issues securities and is involved in\n",
+ " trading.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A space or system in which securities are bought and sold.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: An individual or organization that owns shares in a company.\n",
+ " type: stockholder\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the item in the document discusses these entities or\n",
+ " concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ " - stockholder\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the entity is involved in trading within the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: trades_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates ownership of securities by a stockholder.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stockholder\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the entity issues the securities.\n",
+ " edge_type: issues\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 576:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a stock exchange where securities are bought and sold.\n",
+ " type: stock_market\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unique symbol assigned to a publicly traded company's\n",
+ " stock.\n",
+ " type: stock_symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents the number of registered holders of a specific stock.\n",
+ " type: stock_holder_count\n",
+ "- description: Represents the closing price of a stock on a given date.\n",
+ " type: stock_price\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the listing of an organization's stock on a specific stock\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " edge_type: listed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_market\n",
+ "- description: Represents the use of a specific stock symbol by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_symbol\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents the number of registered stock holders of an organization\n",
+ " on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: holders_on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_holder_count\n",
+ "- description: Represents the closing stock price of an organization on a specific\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: price_on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_price\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 577:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that issues financial securities.\n",
+ " type: issuer\n",
+ "- description: A type of security representing ownership in a corporation, such as\n",
+ " stocks.\n",
+ " type: equity_security\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the action of an issuer buying back equity securities.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - issuer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_security\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 578:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that performs or engages in business, government, or other\n",
+ " structured activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A structured plan involving financial activities such as investments,\n",
+ " repurchases, or funding.\n",
+ " type: financial_program\n",
+ "- description: A type of security that signifies ownership in a corporation and represents\n",
+ " a claim on part of the corporation's assets and earnings.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: A system of money in general use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has formally agreed or sanctioned a\n",
+ " financial program.\n",
+ " edge_type: approved_program\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the stock targeted by a financial repurchase program.\n",
+ " edge_type: program_purpose\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the source of funding for a financial program, typically\n",
+ " involving money.\n",
+ " edge_type: funding_source\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial program has been modified, suspended, or\n",
+ " discontinued.\n",
+ " edge_type: program_modification\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 579:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Any activity involving financial transactions, such as sales, purchases,\n",
+ " loans, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: A specific interval of time, which can be a year, month, day, etc.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "- description: A document that records financial transactions, plans, or statements.\n",
+ " type: financial_document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization carries out a financial activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducted\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: A financial activity that takes place within a specific time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: A financial activity that is recorded in a financial document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documented_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ "- description: A financial document that represents information from a specific time\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 580:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific transaction or activity, such as a financial operation or\n",
+ " purchase.\n",
+ " type: action\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value or amount associated with an entity or action.\n",
+ " type: quantity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an action has a specific numerical quantity associated\n",
+ " with it.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_quantity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - quantity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 581:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value.\n",
+ " type: price\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of stock or equity in a company.\n",
+ " type: share\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the monetary value paid for each unit of share.\n",
+ " edge_type: price_paid_per\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - price\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - share\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 582:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or institution that may announce a share repurchase\n",
+ " program.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A program announced by an organization to repurchase its own shares\n",
+ " from the market.\n",
+ " type: share_repurchase_program\n",
+ "- description: The total number of shares that are repurchased as part of a share\n",
+ " repurchase program.\n",
+ " type: number_of_shares\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has publicly announced a share repurchase\n",
+ " program.\n",
+ " edge_type: announced\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - share_repurchase_program\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the total number of shares repurchased as part of a share\n",
+ " repurchase program.\n",
+ " edge_type: repurchased\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - share_repurchase_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number_of_shares\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 583:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A concept or term used in finance, such as an investment program or\n",
+ " financial metric.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A specific amount of money, typically expressed in a currency.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the highest monetary value that can be allocated or permitted\n",
+ " for a particular financial term or program.\n",
+ " edge_type: maximum_allowable_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 584:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A unit indicating the scale or magnitude of a measurement.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 585:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a fiscal quarter within a year.\n",
+ " type: quarter\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific range of dates.\n",
+ " type: date_range\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date range that a fiscal quarter covers.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_date_range\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - quarter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date_range\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 586:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing an amount, typically related to financial\n",
+ " or statistical data.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another, establishing a hierarchy\n",
+ " or order among numerical values.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 587:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 588:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a currency symbol, used for monetary values.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated with a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 589:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 590:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 591:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 592:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific range of dates.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "- description: A fiscal quarter of the year, typically a three-month period used for\n",
+ " financial reporting and forecasting.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_quarter\n",
+ "- description: A calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a fiscal quarter encompasses specific time periods.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_quarter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a fiscal quarter occurs within a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_quarter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 593:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value or amount.\n",
+ " type: quantity\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 594:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical entity, typically used for quantities, amounts,\n",
+ " or identifiers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 595:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, such as a measurement or statistic.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a comparative relationship between two numbers, such as greater\n",
+ " than, less than, or equal to.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 596:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific amount of money in a particular currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one currency amount is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 597:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values in the context.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 598:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a grant of equity in a company, such as stock options or\n",
+ " shares.\n",
+ " type: equity_award\n",
+ "- description: Represents the act of retaining part of a financial transaction, typically\n",
+ " for tax or other legal purposes.\n",
+ " type: withholding\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the connection where a portion of an equity award is withheld,\n",
+ " usually for taxes.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equity_award\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - withholding\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 599:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to shares of common stock in a company.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: Represents an event related to financial transactions or corporate\n",
+ " actions.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A specific period used for accounting purposes and preparing financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that shares of stock were withheld to cover tax liabilities\n",
+ " due to specific events like vesting or exercise of equity awards.\n",
+ " edge_type: withheld_for_taxes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place during a specific fiscal year.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial transaction or corporate action involves\n",
+ " a certain amount of stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 600:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a reference to a specific section or part within a document.\n",
+ " type: document_reference\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document reference points to a specific document section.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_reference\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 601:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 602:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part or chapter of a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A smaller, specific part of a section in a document.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains sections or a section contains subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the sequential order of sections or subsections within a\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 603:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a visualization of performance metrics over time or scenarios.\n",
+ " type: PerformanceGraph\n",
+ "- description: A quantifiable measurement used in performance assessment.\n",
+ " type: Metric\n",
+ "- description: A specific moment or period in which performance is measured.\n",
+ " type: Time\n",
+ "- description: A specific set of conditions under which performance is evaluated.\n",
+ " type: Scenario\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the graph includes and visualizes the specified metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: measures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - PerformanceGraph\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the graph spans over certain time points or periods.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_time\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - PerformanceGraph\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Time\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the graph assesses performance under specific scenarios.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates_scenario\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - PerformanceGraph\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Scenario\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 604:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A statistical measure used in finance to track the performance or value\n",
+ " of an asset, index, or other financial entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A commercial organization engaged in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An index that represents a segment of the stock market, used to observe\n",
+ " market trends and performance.\n",
+ " type: stock_index\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two financial metrics are compared for analysis or evaluation\n",
+ " purposes.\n",
+ " edge_type: compared_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company or stock index is associated with a specific\n",
+ " financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - stock_index\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 605:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on a calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of stock or share in a corporation.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: Represents a stock market index, which is a measurement of a section\n",
+ " of the stock market.\n",
+ " type: index\n",
+ "- description: Represents the performance metrics or outcomes related to stocks or\n",
+ " indexes.\n",
+ " type: performance\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the performance of stocks or indexes are compared over\n",
+ " a period.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ " - index\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance\n",
+ "- description: Links performance metrics to specific time periods, indicating the\n",
+ " duration over which the performance is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: time_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - performance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 606:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A statistical measure that represents the value of a group of stocks\n",
+ " or other financial instruments.\n",
+ " type: index\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is a part of or listed in a specific index.\n",
+ " edge_type: included_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - index\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 607:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values such as quantities, scores, or other numeric\n",
+ " data.\n",
+ " type: numeric_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific date is associated with certain numeric values.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - numeric_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 608:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 609:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one numerical value is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one numerical value is less than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numerical values are equal.\n",
+ " edge_type: equal_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 610:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 611:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 612:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 613:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 614:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 615:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numeric value representing data or a quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one numeric value is related or connected to another,\n",
+ " often in a sequence or series.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 616:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of document that describes transactions or events related to\n",
+ " financial securities.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A type of financial security representing ownership in a company, such\n",
+ " as stocks.\n",
+ " type: equity_security\n",
+ "- description: An event where financial securities are bought or sold.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: The legal status of a financial security regarding whether it is registered\n",
+ " or unregistered with regulatory authorities.\n",
+ " type: registration_status\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document provides details about a specific transaction.\n",
+ " edge_type: describes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a transaction involves equity securities.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_security\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the registration status of an equity security.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_status\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equity_security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - registration_status\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 617:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument that gives the holder the right to purchase\n",
+ " shares.\n",
+ " type: warrant\n",
+ "- description: Unit of stock in a company.\n",
+ " type: share\n",
+ "- description: A company or commercial entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A structured agreement or plan between parties.\n",
+ " type: arrangement\n",
+ "- description: Monetary value assigned to a product or service.\n",
+ " type: price\n",
+ "- description: A law or statute.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: When a warrant was issued.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - warrant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Warrant gives the right to purchase specific shares.\n",
+ " edge_type: to_purchase_shares\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - warrant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - share\n",
+ "- description: An arrangement involves a commercial partner.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_partner\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - arrangement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: The exercise price of the warrant.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_price\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - warrant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - price\n",
+ "- description: Expiration date of a warrant.\n",
+ " edge_type: expires_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - warrant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that something was issued or executed in accordance with\n",
+ " a specific act.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_pursuant_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - warrant\n",
+ " - arrangement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 618:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, institution, or group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents shares of a company's common stock.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument that confers the right to purchase a specific\n",
+ " number of shares at a predetermined price.\n",
+ " type: warrant\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement between two organizations aimed at achieving specific\n",
+ " strategic goals.\n",
+ " type: strategic arrangement\n",
+ "- description: A law or regulation governing the issuance and trading of securities.\n",
+ " type: securities act\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has issued shares of its stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: issues_stock\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has exercised its rights under a warrant\n",
+ " to acquire stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: exercises_warrant\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - warrant\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has acquired warrants under a specific\n",
+ " arrangement.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquires_warrant\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - warrant\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the issuance of stock is governed by a specific securities\n",
+ " act.\n",
+ " edge_type: governed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - securities act\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has established a strategic arrangement\n",
+ " with another entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: establishes_arrangement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - strategic arrangement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 619:\n",
+ "nodes: []\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 620:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 621:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 622:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 623:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A defined set of information or content grouped together for reference\n",
+ " or reading.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific division of a document, often marked by a heading.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 624:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific section of a document, characterized by its title and content.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: The state of a company's finances, including assets, liabilities, and\n",
+ " equity.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: The outcomes and performance of a company's operations, including revenue,\n",
+ " expenses, and profits.\n",
+ " type: operation_results\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section covers topics related to the financial\n",
+ " condition or results of operations of a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - operation_results\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 625:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any document, such as an annual report, financial statement,\n",
+ " or supplementary data.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date or year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document, such as an item or chapter.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains another document or a specific section\n",
+ " of it.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document should be read and considered together\n",
+ " with another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: discussed_in_conjunction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period covered by a financial document or report.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 626:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area or place.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organized entity such as a school, university, company,\n",
+ " or government agency.\n",
+ " type: Institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening, specifically organized events\n",
+ " such as conferences, seminars, or historical events.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a written, printed, or digital piece of information.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: Object\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, event, or institution is located at a specific\n",
+ " geographical location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member or part of an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event has taken place at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event or object is documented or recorded in a specific\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documented_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or institution owns a specific object.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Object\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 627:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally constituted group that operates as a single entity such as\n",
+ " a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A period of time consisting of 12 months.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization creates or issues a document or financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: publishes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A document contains information or analysis about a specific year or\n",
+ " financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A document provides a comparison between different years.\n",
+ " edge_type: compares\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 628:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual, identifiable by unique attributes like name or\n",
+ " role.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A specific geographical area or place, defined by name or coordinates.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: An organization or establishment dedicated to a particular purpose,\n",
+ " such as education or research.\n",
+ " type: Institution\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, usually located in time and space.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the birthplace of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person works or has worked for an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: employed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the geographical location of an institution or event.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 629:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that produces goods or provides services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An item or service produced by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A context or area where goods and services are exchanged.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially\n",
+ " in industry.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: A category or kind of product.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: The act of one company purchasing most or all of another company's\n",
+ " shares to gain control of that company.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: A specific date on which an event occurred.\n",
+ " type: event_date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: When one company purchases and gains control of another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: When a company provides or sells a product.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: When a company extends its operations or influence into a new market.\n",
+ " edge_type: expanded_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: When a company creates or enhances technologies.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: When a product is categorized under a specific type of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "- description: Associates an acquisition event with the specific date it occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event_date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 630:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A financial metric such as revenue, gross margin, net income, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A specific division or segment within a business, such as Data Center,\n",
+ " Gaming, or Client segments.\n",
+ " type: business_segment\n",
+ "- description: A specific product or type of product, such as server processors or\n",
+ " semi-custom products.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An event or action taken by a company, such as an acquisition or inventory\n",
+ " correction.\n",
+ " type: company_event\n",
+ "- description: Conditions or trends in the market that affect business operations,\n",
+ " such as market strength or weakness.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates financial metrics reported for a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an increase in a financial metric from one period to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: increase\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a decrease in a financial metric from one period to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: decrease\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one entity or metric is influenced or driven by another.\n",
+ " edge_type: driven_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - company_event\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a comparison of financial metrics between different periods.\n",
+ " edge_type: compared_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric or company event is related to or\n",
+ " caused by another company event.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " - company_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company_event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 631:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial record or summary, including assets and liabilities.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, typically used for events or statuses.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a financial statement was reported or recorded.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Connects financial statements to their respective monetary values or\n",
+ " quantities.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 632:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized entity that operates as a single unit.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a contract or security, such as bonds or notes, that has\n",
+ " monetary value.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, usually expressed in terms of day, month,\n",
+ " and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization issued a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a financial instrument reaches its maturity.\n",
+ " edge_type: matures_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the interest rate associated with a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 633:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 634:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or text, such as a book, article, or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sectional division within a document, indicating a specific\n",
+ " topic or theme.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections within its\n",
+ " structure.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 635:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of financial agreement, such as loans, credit facilities,\n",
+ " or commercial paper programs.\n",
+ " type: financial_agreement\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial instrument or product, such as commercial paper,\n",
+ " bonds, or stocks.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date or time period.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value or financial amount.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when the financial agreement was established or entered into.\n",
+ " edge_type: established_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the principal or maximum amount associated with a financial\n",
+ " agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the maturity date or duration of a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_maturity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the interest rate or discount rate applicable to a financial\n",
+ " instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 636:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, especially a day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A quantity of money expressed in dollars or other currency.\n",
+ " type: financial_amount\n",
+ "- description: A plan or strategy implemented by an organization to buy back its own\n",
+ " shares from the marketplace.\n",
+ " type: stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ "- description: A type of equity security that represents ownership in a corporation,\n",
+ " with rights to dividends and voting.\n",
+ " type: common_stock\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization returns a specific amount of money to its shareholders.\n",
+ " edge_type: returned_to_shareholders\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_amount\n",
+ "- description: A specific financial amount is allocated or utilized under a designated\n",
+ " program.\n",
+ " edge_type: under_program\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ "- description: A stock repurchase program does not legally bind the organization to\n",
+ " acquire common stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_no_obligation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - common_stock\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a stock repurchase program does not have a fixed end\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_no_termination_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a stock repurchase program can be paused or discontinued\n",
+ " at any time.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_be_suspended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 637:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product, technology, or software developed or\n",
+ " launched by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An entity that designs, produces, and markets products or services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of technology or feature that is part of a product.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: A specific part of the market targeted by a product or technology.\n",
+ " type: market_segment\n",
+ "- description: End-use or function of a product or technology in various domains.\n",
+ " type: application\n",
+ "- description: Specific aspects of product or technology performance such as processing\n",
+ " speed, efficiency, or capability.\n",
+ " type: performance_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Specific area of computing like high performance computing (HPC) or\n",
+ " artificial intelligence (AI).\n",
+ " type: computing_domain\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has introduced a new product into the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: launched\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product includes certain technologies or features.\n",
+ " edge_type: features\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product or technology is designed to serve specific\n",
+ " market segments or applications.\n",
+ " edge_type: targets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_segment\n",
+ " - application\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product or technology delivers certain performance\n",
+ " aspects.\n",
+ " edge_type: delivers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_aspect\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is designed to cater to specific domains in\n",
+ " computing like HPC or AI.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - computing_domain\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 638:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product, system, or kit.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific field of application or technology.\n",
+ " type: field\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or brand name.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company introduced a new product or system.\n",
+ " edge_type: introduced\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is optimized for specific applications or\n",
+ " fields.\n",
+ " edge_type: optimized_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - field\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product enables certain capabilities or applications\n",
+ " in a field.\n",
+ " edge_type: enables\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - field\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 639:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product, typically a technology or hardware item.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A group of related products that share common features or are marketed\n",
+ " under a common brand.\n",
+ " type: product_family\n",
+ "- description: The underlying structure and design principle of a product, typically\n",
+ " referring to processors and software systems.\n",
+ " type: architecture\n",
+ "- description: A base of technologies or standards on which other technologies or\n",
+ " processes are built.\n",
+ " type: platform\n",
+ "- description: A specific group of consumers or users targeted by a product or service.\n",
+ " type: market_segment\n",
+ "- description: A specific use or function that a product is designed or suited for.\n",
+ " type: application\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is part of a larger product family.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_family\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is built using a specific technology architecture.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_architecture\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - architecture\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is designed to meet the needs of a specific\n",
+ " market segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: targets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_segment\n",
+ "- description: Shows that a product provides functionality or support for certain\n",
+ " applications.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - application\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is compatible with a specific platform, allowing\n",
+ " it to operate or integrate with it.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_compatible_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 640:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product, such as a graphics card or GPU.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific technology or architecture used in products.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents a series of related products, grouped under a common branding\n",
+ " or functionality.\n",
+ " type: product_series\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific attributes or features of a product, such as memory\n",
+ " type or speed.\n",
+ " type: product_attribute\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is part of a larger product series.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to_series\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_series\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is constructed using a specific technology\n",
+ " or architecture.\n",
+ " edge_type: built_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a product has specific attributes, such as memory type or\n",
+ " speed.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_attribute\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_attribute\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 641:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an event or occurrence, such as a pandemic or a business\n",
+ " operation.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business or governmental authority.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event has affected an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is observing or overseeing an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: monitors\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has put measures or actions in place\n",
+ " in response to an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: implements\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period during which an event takes place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 642:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial statement detailing the financial condition\n",
+ " and results of operations.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A rule or guideline used to manage and report financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: A specific approach or method used in managing and reporting financial\n",
+ " transactions.\n",
+ " type: accounting_policy\n",
+ "- description: An approximation used within financial reporting, often necessary where\n",
+ " precise data is unavailable.\n",
+ " type: accounting_estimate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes how accounting rules, methods, or approximations impact the\n",
+ " financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_principle\n",
+ " - accounting_policy\n",
+ " - accounting_estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Describes changes in key items from one financial statement to another\n",
+ " across different periods.\n",
+ " edge_type: changes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Describes the primary factors leading to changes observed in the financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: result_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 643:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 644:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A collection of written or printed material organized into sections.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A part of a document, typically defined by a heading or chapter number.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A title or label for a section within a document.\n",
+ " type: heading\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section is defined or labeled by a specific heading.\n",
+ " edge_type: titled\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - heading\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 645:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A projection or approximation regarding financial figures used in accounting,\n",
+ " which involves uncertainty and requires judgment.\n",
+ " type: accounting_estimate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that an accounting estimate is considered\n",
+ " critical due to its significance and potential impact on financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_critical\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_estimate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 646:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the formal records of the financial activities and position\n",
+ " of a business, person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A set of standards and rules that govern how financial statements are\n",
+ " prepared and reported.\n",
+ " type: accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: A rough calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or\n",
+ " extent of something.\n",
+ " type: estimate\n",
+ "- description: A description or analysis of the financial status of a business.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: Activities involved in managing the financial activities of a business\n",
+ " including earnings, expenditures, and profit calculations.\n",
+ " type: financial_operation\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is formed and administered as per commercial law in\n",
+ " order to engage in business activities, usually for sale of a product or a service.\n",
+ " type: business_entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial statement has been prepared following specific\n",
+ " accounting principles.\n",
+ " edge_type: prepared_in_accordance_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: Describes how estimates influence the reported amounts in financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Describes the process of a business entity reviewing and assessing\n",
+ " its estimates.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the estimates are founded upon the historical financial\n",
+ " condition and operations of the business.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - financial_operation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the possibility that actual results may vary from estimated\n",
+ " values.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_differ\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 647:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: An approximation in the financial statements that may involve complex\n",
+ " and subjective judgments.\n",
+ " type: accounting_estimate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization believes in the significance of certain accounting\n",
+ " estimates.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_belief\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_estimate\n",
+ "- description: An accounting estimate is significant to the presentation of a financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_significant_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: An accounting estimate requires judgment for presentation in a financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires_judgment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 648:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial adjustment made to the revenue from contracts with customers,\n",
+ " considering variable amounts.\n",
+ " type: revenue_allowance\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement between two or more parties that defines the terms\n",
+ " and obligations of each party.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: An individual or organization that purchases goods or services from\n",
+ " a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Types of adjustments applied to contract prices, such as rights of\n",
+ " return, rebates, or price protection.\n",
+ " type: adjustment_type\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity involved in a legal agreement or transaction.\n",
+ " type: party\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A contract includes specific revenue allowances.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue_allowance\n",
+ "- description: A contract has one or more specified customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_customer\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: A contract applies certain types of financial adjustments.\n",
+ " edge_type: applies_adjustment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment_type\n",
+ "- description: A contract involves different parties, which can include customers\n",
+ " or other entities.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - party\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 649:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal agreement between two or more parties, especially one involving\n",
+ " a sale or service.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: A change in the price of a product or service, usually based on specific\n",
+ " conditions or agreements.\n",
+ " type: price_adjustment\n",
+ "- description: Past actions or operations related to a business or economic event.\n",
+ " type: historical_activity\n",
+ "- description: Past instances of goods or money being returned, reflecting previous\n",
+ " transactions.\n",
+ " type: historical_returns\n",
+ "- description: A partial refund to someone who has paid too much for tax, rent, or\n",
+ " a utility.\n",
+ " type: rebate\n",
+ "- description: An acknowledgment of a reduction in the amount that needs to be paid\n",
+ " by a customer.\n",
+ " type: credit\n",
+ "- description: Original Equipment Manufacturer, a company that produces parts and\n",
+ " equipment that may be marketed by another manufacturer.\n",
+ " type: OEM\n",
+ "- description: An agent who supplies goods to stores and other businesses that sell\n",
+ " to consumers.\n",
+ " type: distributor\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, particularly one of importance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: The state of the economy at a particular time, influencing business\n",
+ " decisions and financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: economic_condition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the price adjustment is based on historical activities.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - price_adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - historical_activity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that historical activities include returns, rebates, and\n",
+ " credits.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - historical_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - historical_returns\n",
+ " - rebate\n",
+ " - credit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that rebates and credits are issued to OEMs and distributors.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - rebate\n",
+ " - credit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - OEM\n",
+ " - distributor\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the price adjustment is specifically altered to account\n",
+ " for particular events or economic conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: adjusted_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - price_adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 650:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A calculated approximation or judgement of value, number, quantity,\n",
+ " or extent of something.\n",
+ " type: estimate\n",
+ "- description: An alteration or modification made to achieve accuracy or suit a particular\n",
+ " purpose.\n",
+ " type: adjustment\n",
+ "- description: A thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something.\n",
+ " type: incentive\n",
+ "- description: A policy or measure to maintain the price of a product or service against\n",
+ " unwanted changes.\n",
+ " type: price protection\n",
+ "- description: An article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An agent who supplies goods to stores and other businesses that sell\n",
+ " to consumers.\n",
+ " type: distributor\n",
+ "- description: Information pertaining to the prices and trading of goods in a specific\n",
+ " market.\n",
+ " type: market data\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an estimate accounts for specific adjustments.\n",
+ " edge_type: adjusts_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an adjustment is connected to specific policies or measures\n",
+ " like incentives or price protection.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - incentive\n",
+ " - price protection\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that products are in possession of distributors.\n",
+ " edge_type: held_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - distributor\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an estimate is founded on specific data or analysis\n",
+ " from the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 651:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A calculated approximation or judgment of value, number, quantity,\n",
+ " or extent of something.\n",
+ " type: estimate\n",
+ "- description: A small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance,\n",
+ " or result.\n",
+ " type: adjustment\n",
+ "- description: Original Equipment Manufacturer, the company that makes a part or subsystem\n",
+ " that is used in another company's end product.\n",
+ " type: OEM\n",
+ "- description: A financial discount or benefit given to motivate purchasing behavior\n",
+ " or to reduce the cost of an item.\n",
+ " type: price incentive\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement determining the price for goods or services between\n",
+ " parties.\n",
+ " type: pricing agreement\n",
+ "- description: A partial refund to someone who has paid too much money for tax, rent,\n",
+ " or a utility.\n",
+ " type: rebate\n",
+ "- description: Information related to market prices, demand, supply, or trends that\n",
+ " is used for analysis or decision-making.\n",
+ " type: market data\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an estimate makes use of specific types of data or agreements.\n",
+ " edge_type: utilizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - pricing agreement\n",
+ " - rebate\n",
+ " - market data\n",
+ "- description: Shows that an estimate is founded on specific types of data.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 652:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A program designed to promote sales or marketing activities, often\n",
+ " involving financial support or discounts.\n",
+ " type: incentive_program\n",
+ "- description: An instance of commercial interaction, typically involving the exchange\n",
+ " of goods, services, or funds.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases or uses goods and services offered by a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: The total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services\n",
+ " related to a company's primary operations.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: The cost incurred in the process of generating revenue, including costs\n",
+ " of goods sold and operational expenses.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a business provides an incentive program.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - incentive_program\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where an incentive program is linked to specific transactions.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - incentive_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a customer is involved in a transaction.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that an incentive program leads to a reduction\n",
+ " in revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: reduces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - incentive_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where certain transactions qualify for recognition as\n",
+ " expenses rather than revenue reductions.\n",
+ " edge_type: qualifies_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 653:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general entity that can be any specific concept or object.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Rights granted for the return of products under specific conditions.\n",
+ " type: product_return_right\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases or uses services or products.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: The act of sending goods or cargo from one place to another.\n",
+ " type: shipment\n",
+ "- description: A formal or legal agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: The frequency or proportion of products returned by customers.\n",
+ " type: return_rate\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or incident that can affect circumstances or outcomes.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Changes or modifications made to account or measure something more\n",
+ " accurately.\n",
+ " type: adjustment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A customer possesses specific rights.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_right\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_return_right\n",
+ "- description: The product return rights are based on contractual terms.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_return_right\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ "- description: The extent of product return rights is limited by a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: limited_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_return_right\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ "- description: An event can influence an adjustment.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ "- description: An adjustment uses the return rate to account for or measure something\n",
+ " more accurately.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - return_rate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 654:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An approximate calculation or judgment of a value, number, quantity,\n",
+ " or extent.\n",
+ " type: estimate\n",
+ "- description: A formal or legally binding agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: A small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance,\n",
+ " or result.\n",
+ " type: adjustment\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, especially one of significance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: The outcome or consequence of an action, situation, or event.\n",
+ " type: result\n",
+ "- description: The process of dealing with or controlling things or people, often\n",
+ " in a business context.\n",
+ " type: management\n",
+ "- description: A supply of goods, resources, or conditions included in an agreement\n",
+ " or plan.\n",
+ " type: provision\n",
+ "- description: The income generated from normal business operations.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: The financial outcome of a company's regular, core business operations.\n",
+ " type: operating_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An estimate leads to adjustments in a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: adjusts_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ "- description: An adjustment is based on an estimate.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ "- description: An adjustment includes considerations for events.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: An estimate is materially consistent with actual results.\n",
+ " edge_type: consistent_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - result\n",
+ "- description: An estimate is subject to management's judgment.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ "- description: A provision could be different from an estimate.\n",
+ " edge_type: differs_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - provision\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ "- description: An adjustment results in changes to revenue and operating results.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " - operating_result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 655:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 656:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or a substantial body of work.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains specific sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 657:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the goods and materials a company holds for the purpose\n",
+ " of resale or production.\n",
+ " type: Inventory\n",
+ "- description: Represents the amount of money spent on producing or purchasing an\n",
+ " item.\n",
+ " type: Cost\n",
+ "- description: Represents the method or criteria used to assess the value of inventory.\n",
+ " type: Valuation_Method\n",
+ "- description: Represents the underlying beliefs or considerations made to estimate\n",
+ " values or make decisions.\n",
+ " type: Assumption\n",
+ "- description: Represents changes made to financial figures or estimates based on\n",
+ " new information or assessments.\n",
+ " type: Adjustment\n",
+ "- description: Represents the effect of accounting actions on financial statements,\n",
+ " such as gross margin.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Impact\n",
+ "- description: Represents the state of the economy or market that affects business\n",
+ " operations and decisions.\n",
+ " type: Economic_Condition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that inventory is valued using a specific method.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Inventory\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Valuation_Method\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that cost is modified by specific adjustments.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_adjusted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Adjustment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that adjustments or valuation methods are based on certain\n",
+ " assumptions.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Adjustment\n",
+ " - Valuation_Method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Assumption\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the financial effects of adjustments on financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Impact\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that assumptions are influenced by economic conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: influences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Assumption\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Economic_Condition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 658:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial transaction where one company acquires assets and liabilities\n",
+ " of another company.\n",
+ " type: Business_Combination\n",
+ "- description: Physical assets that are acquired in a business transaction.\n",
+ " type: Tangible_Asset\n",
+ "- description: Financial obligations assumed in a business transaction.\n",
+ " type: Liability\n",
+ "- description: Non-physical assets acquired in a business transaction.\n",
+ " type: Intangible_Asset\n",
+ "- description: An intangible asset that represents the excess of purchase consideration\n",
+ " over the fair value of net assets acquired in a business combination.\n",
+ " type: Goodwill\n",
+ "- description: An approximate calculation or judgment of the value of an asset, made\n",
+ " by management using significant estimates and assumptions.\n",
+ " type: Valuation_Estimate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the distribution of purchase consideration to various assets\n",
+ " and liabilities in a business combination.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business_Combination\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Tangible_Asset\n",
+ " - Liability\n",
+ " - Intangible_Asset\n",
+ "- description: Shows that the fair value of purchase consideration exceeds the combined\n",
+ " fair values of tangible and intangible assets, and liabilities, resulting in the\n",
+ " recording of goodwill.\n",
+ " edge_type: exceeds_to_record\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business_Combination\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Goodwill\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business combination necessitates the creation of\n",
+ " valuation estimates to allocate fair values.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business_Combination\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Valuation_Estimate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 659:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general or abstract idea, such as 'fair value', 'goodwill', or 'amortization\n",
+ " expense'.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: An action or series of actions occurring over time, like 'allocation\n",
+ " of purchase consideration' or 'recording adjustments'.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: A span of time, such as 'measurement period' or 'useful life'.\n",
+ " type: period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes how a process impacts or influences a concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a process takes place during a specific period.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that a period has a specified length or limit.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_duration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 660:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general idea or understanding that represents entities, processes,\n",
+ " or attributes.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: A division or segment of a company responsible for certain operations\n",
+ " or products.\n",
+ " type: business_unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business unit encompasses or has a specific concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_unit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a conceptual relationship or connection between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 661:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: An object or concept that exists in the world.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something.\n",
+ " type: method\n",
+ "- description: Something that happens, typically a significant occurrence.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A particular state of being that affects circumstances or outcomes.\n",
+ " type: condition\n",
+ "- description: A way of dealing with something, a method or technique.\n",
+ " type: approach\n",
+ "- description: A detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically\n",
+ " for purposes of interpretation or decision making.\n",
+ " type: analysis\n",
+ "- description: A circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or\n",
+ " outcome.\n",
+ " type: factor\n",
+ "- description: The importance, worth, or usefulness of something.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "- description: A length or portion of time.\n",
+ " type: period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An entity carries out a process.\n",
+ " edge_type: performs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: An event takes place within a specific time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ "- description: A process needs an entity for its execution.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: An analysis evaluates or examines a factor.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - analysis\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - factor\n",
+ "- description: One value surpasses another in amount, number, or degree.\n",
+ " edge_type: exceeds\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "- description: A process incorporates a method to achieve its goals.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - method\n",
+ "- description: An entity approximates or judges the value of something.\n",
+ " edge_type: estimates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "- description: A process incorporates or involves a factor.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - factor\n",
+ "- description: An entity establishes or ascertains the value of something.\n",
+ " edge_type: determines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "- description: An entity utilizes an approach in a process or activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: applies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - approach\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 662:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 663:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document that contains structured content like a table\n",
+ " of contents.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or a chapter in a document, as listed in the table\n",
+ " of contents.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sub-section within a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: sub-section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections or sub-sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - sub-section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a sub-section is part of a larger section in the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - sub-section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 664:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A quantitative measure used in financial analysis, such as sales, earnings\n",
+ " growth rates, and discount rates.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: An external factor that influences financial metrics, including market\n",
+ " growth rates, competitive environment, inflation, and macroeconomic conditions.\n",
+ " type: economic_factor\n",
+ "- description: Parts of a company's capital structure, specifically debt and equity.\n",
+ " type: capital_component\n",
+ "- description: Activities related to managing and evaluating financial health, like\n",
+ " impairment testing and estimating fair values.\n",
+ " type: financial_process\n",
+ "- description: Results or impacts from financial processes, such as exceeding carrying\n",
+ " values or potential impairment charges.\n",
+ " type: financial_outcome\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An economic factor that directly affects a financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: influences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - economic_factor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A financial metric that includes elements like debt and equity from\n",
+ " the capital structure.\n",
+ " edge_type: consists_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - capital_component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A financial process that leads to a specific financial outcome.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_outcome\n",
+ "- description: An economic factor that impacts a financial process.\n",
+ " edge_type: affected_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - economic_factor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_process\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 665:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents both tangible and intangible assets.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents the stream of cash generated by an asset.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: Represents the estimated market value of an asset.\n",
+ " type: fair_value\n",
+ "- description: Signals that an asset might be losing value.\n",
+ " type: impairment_indicator\n",
+ "- description: Conditions in the market that affect asset values.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset has signs of potential loss in value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_impairment_indicator\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - impairment_indicator\n",
+ "- description: An asset is evaluated for impairment by comparing its cash flows.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluated_for_impairment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: An asset's value is reduced to its fair value due to impairment.\n",
+ " edge_type: written_down_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fair_value\n",
+ "- description: An asset's value or impairment is influenced by market conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: affected_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 666:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Income subject to tax calculations for reporting purposes.\n",
+ " type: taxable_income\n",
+ "- description: A calculated approximation used in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: estimate\n",
+ "- description: A decision based on evaluation in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: judgment\n",
+ "- description: Financial obligation related to taxes owed.\n",
+ " type: tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Tax reductions available in the future due to temporary differences\n",
+ " in asset and liability recognition.\n",
+ " type: deferred_tax_asset\n",
+ "- description: A disparity in the recognition of assets or liabilities for different\n",
+ " reporting purposes.\n",
+ " type: temporary_difference\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Taxable income calculations require estimates and judgments.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - taxable_income\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " - judgment\n",
+ "- description: Estimates and judgments are involved in calculating tax liabilities\n",
+ " and deferred tax assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " - judgment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ " - deferred_tax_asset\n",
+ "- description: Deferred tax assets arise from temporary differences.\n",
+ " edge_type: arises_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - deferred_tax_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - temporary_difference\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 667:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Items or resources owned by an organization, such as deferred tax assets.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: The process of evaluating or estimating the value, nature, or importance\n",
+ " of something.\n",
+ " type: assessment\n",
+ "- description: A financial accounting procedure that recognizes a decrease in the\n",
+ " value of an asset.\n",
+ " type: valuation_allowance\n",
+ "- description: The cost related to taxes on income that an organization must pay.\n",
+ " type: income_tax_expense\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An entity evaluates or estimates the value or status of something.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - assessment\n",
+ "- description: An organization possesses or is associated with an asset, a valuation\n",
+ " allowance, or an income tax expense.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ " - income_tax_expense\n",
+ "- description: An organization officially notes a financial action or adjustment.\n",
+ " edge_type: records\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ " - income_tax_expense\n",
+ "- description: An organization continues to uphold or keep in place a financial adjustment\n",
+ " or procedure.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ "- description: An organization negates or annuls a previously made financial adjustment.\n",
+ " edge_type: reverses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ "- description: The action of negating a financial adjustment leads to a change in\n",
+ " income tax expense or the establishment of an asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - reverses\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - income_tax_expense\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 668:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial assessment to determine the need for a reserve against\n",
+ " deferred tax assets.\n",
+ " type: Valuation Allowance\n",
+ "- description: A source of taxable income relevant to a particular jurisdiction.\n",
+ " type: Jurisdictional Taxable Income Source\n",
+ "- description: A financial situation where tax-deductible expenses exceed taxable\n",
+ " revenues.\n",
+ " type: Net Operating Loss\n",
+ "- description: A difference between the tax basis of an asset or liability and its\n",
+ " carrying amount in financial statements, which will result in taxable amounts\n",
+ " in future.\n",
+ " type: Taxable Temporary Difference\n",
+ "- description: Strategic actions undertaken to minimize tax liability.\n",
+ " type: Tax Planning Strategy\n",
+ "- description: Income subject to tax by governmental authorities.\n",
+ " type: Taxable Income\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the valuation allowance takes into account various sources\n",
+ " of jurisdictional taxable income.\n",
+ " edge_type: considers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Valuation Allowance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Jurisdictional Taxable Income Source\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that these entities form different sources of jurisdictional\n",
+ " taxable income.\n",
+ " edge_type: source_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Net Operating Loss\n",
+ " - Taxable Temporary Difference\n",
+ " - Tax Planning Strategy\n",
+ " - Taxable Income\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Jurisdictional Taxable Income Source\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 669:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial reserve set aside by a company to account for potential\n",
+ " future tax liabilities.\n",
+ " type: valuation_allowance\n",
+ "- description: Characteristics of a tax system or policy, such as deductions, credits,\n",
+ " or losses, that affect the amount of tax owed.\n",
+ " type: tax_attribute\n",
+ "- description: A geographic region or political entity where specific tax laws and\n",
+ " regulations are applied, such as federal, state, or foreign entities.\n",
+ " type: tax_jurisdiction\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a tax jurisdiction maintains a valuation allowance\n",
+ " for certain tax attributes.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_allowance_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_jurisdiction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that the maintenance of a valuation allowance is due to certain\n",
+ " tax attributes.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_due_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_attribute\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 670:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the financial obligation in terms of taxes that an entity\n",
+ " is responsible for.\n",
+ " type: tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Represents the laws and guidelines governing taxation in various jurisdictions.\n",
+ " type: tax_rule\n",
+ "- description: Represents an official organization responsible for tax collection\n",
+ " and enforcement, such as the Internal Revenue Service.\n",
+ " type: tax_authority\n",
+ "- description: Represents an unclear or ambiguous situation, often related to the\n",
+ " interpretation or application of rules.\n",
+ " type: uncertainty\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that handling a tax liability involves dealing with uncertainties.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - uncertainty\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tax liability is regulated by specific tax rules.\n",
+ " edge_type: governed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rule\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tax liability can be modified or reviewed by a tax\n",
+ " authority.\n",
+ " edge_type: adjusted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_authority\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an uncertainty is related to specific tax rules or authorities.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - uncertainty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rule\n",
+ " - tax_authority\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 671:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 672:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the main document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter within the document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within a section of the document.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_subsection\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 673:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific action or set of actions, often part of a larger process\n",
+ " or business activity.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: The outcome or effect of an operation, which can be quantified or qualified.\n",
+ " type: result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an operation leads to a specific result.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 674:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific duration of time, such as a fiscal year or quarter.\n",
+ " type: Time_Period\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity such as a company or business.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: A division or part of an organization, often used in financial and\n",
+ " strategic planning.\n",
+ " type: Segment\n",
+ "- description: An individual, particularly in roles or titles relevant to business\n",
+ " or management.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents the financial outcomes or status of an organization, often\n",
+ " measured in terms of revenue, profit, or other economic indicators.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Performance\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an organization has restructured or redefined its segments\n",
+ " for reporting or strategic purposes.\n",
+ " edge_type: changed_reporting_segments\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how an organization manages or oversees its segments.\n",
+ " edge_type: manage_segments\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Segment\n",
+ "- description: Represents how a person, typically in a key decision-making role, evaluates\n",
+ " the financial results of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: assess_financial_performance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Performance\n",
+ "- description: Describes how a person, typically in a managerial or decision-making\n",
+ " capacity, distributes or assigns resources among different segments of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocates_resources\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a segment's financial performance is being reported\n",
+ " or disclosed.\n",
+ " edge_type: reports_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Performance\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event or action related to an organization or its\n",
+ " segments occurred within a designated time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Time_Period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " - Segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 675:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document or report, such as a Form 10-K.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A detailed or explanatory note within a document, providing specific\n",
+ " information or clarification.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes certain sections or notes.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific section of a document is directly related\n",
+ " to a particular note.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 676:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific period within a year, like 'first half' or 'second half'.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "- description: A measure used to evaluate a company's financial performance, such\n",
+ " as 'net revenue'.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A factor that can affect a business, including 'market conditions'\n",
+ " or 'product transitions'.\n",
+ " type: business_condition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one time period has a higher value of a specific financial\n",
+ " metric compared to another time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_higher_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business condition can affect the value or trend of\n",
+ " a financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 677:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific division or part of a company that has identifiable financial\n",
+ " figures like revenue or operating income.\n",
+ " type: financial_segment\n",
+ "- description: A specific financial value, such as revenue or operating income, related\n",
+ " to a company or one of its segments.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: A calendar year during which financial activities are recorded.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific financial segment of a company has a recorded\n",
+ " financial figure.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_figure\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial figure is associated with a specific calendar\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to_year\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 678:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, often marked by a specific date\n",
+ " or time.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one event happens on the same date or time as another\n",
+ " event.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 679:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 680:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 681:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, especially those pertaining to amounts\n",
+ " or sizes.\n",
+ " type: quantity\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 682:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial measurement, such as net revenue, profit,\n",
+ " etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 683:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A broad category representing a particular sector of the economy or\n",
+ " a type of business.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "- description: A specific area of focus within technology, representing specialized\n",
+ " fields or application domains.\n",
+ " type: technology_area\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific technology area is part of, or belongs to,\n",
+ " a broader industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology_area\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 684:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial metric or indicator relevant to a business\n",
+ " or organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial metric is a specific type or category\n",
+ " of another financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 685:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A recognition or honor given to individuals or groups for their achievements.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: The legal relationship between an individual and a country.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: An organized group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A significant happening, occurrence, or an organized gathering.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An institution for higher education and research.\n",
+ " type: university\n",
+ "- description: A document that disseminates information or research findings.\n",
+ " type: publication\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has won a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_won\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person attended a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event, organization, university, or publication is\n",
+ " located at a specific place.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - university\n",
+ " - publication\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person studied at a university.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - university\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person authored a publication.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - publication\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 686:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical or special symbols used in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 687:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_larger_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 688:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific market or focus area of a business.\n",
+ " type: business_segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Used to categorize businesses or industries into specific segments\n",
+ " or categories.\n",
+ " edge_type: categorizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 689:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial measurement related to the performance\n",
+ " of a business.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business has a specific financial metric which quantifies\n",
+ " some aspect of its financial performance.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 690:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of money used in a specific country or region.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 691:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of recognition or achievement given to a person.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: Represents the belonging of a person to a specific nation.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization dedicated to education or research.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has been given an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a person's nationality.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has studied at an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 692:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the currency symbol, such as the dollar sign.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated with a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 693:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A facility used to house computer systems and associated components,\n",
+ " such as telecommunications and storage systems.\n",
+ " type: Data Center\n",
+ "- description: A specific place where something is situated or occurs.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or government.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Physical devices or machinery used for a specific task.\n",
+ " type: Equipment\n",
+ "- description: A system supplying a public need such as transport, communications,\n",
+ " or utilities.\n",
+ " type: Service\n",
+ "- description: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially\n",
+ " in industry.\n",
+ " type: Technology\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where the data center is situated.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Data Center\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Shows which organization owns or operates the data center.\n",
+ " edge_type: owned_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Data Center\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the equipment housed within the data center.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Data Center\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Equipment\n",
+ "- description: Details the services provided by the data center.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Data Center\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Service\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the technology used in the data center.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Data Center\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Technology\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 694:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general type representing specific entities like companies, data\n",
+ " centers, or products.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A type representing financial metrics such as revenue or sales.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A type representing specific periods of time, such as years.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity has a specific financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_revenue\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric has increased by a certain percentage\n",
+ " from one time period to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: increased_by_percentage\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial metric to the specific time period it refers to.\n",
+ " edge_type: time_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a change in a financial metric was primarily driven\n",
+ " by another entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: driven_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 695:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents entities related to financial data, such as 'Data Center'.\n",
+ " type: financial_entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific financial figures, amounts, or values.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial metrics such as operating income, revenue, operating\n",
+ " expenses.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents reasons or factors contributing to a financial change.\n",
+ " type: reason\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the operating income reported by a financial entity for a\n",
+ " specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_income\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Describes the change in a specific financial metric for a financial\n",
+ " entity from one year to another, including the amount of change.\n",
+ " edge_type: income_change\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Describes the reason for the change in a specific financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: change_reason\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reason\n",
+ "- description: Describes the change in operating expenses, including reasons for the\n",
+ " change.\n",
+ " edge_type: expense_change\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reason\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 696:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or a human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: An entity, usually a person, who receives services or goods from another\n",
+ " entity, typically in a business or professional context.\n",
+ " type: Client\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the client is receiving a service from a person, usually\n",
+ " in a professional or business context.\n",
+ " edge_type: receives_service_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Client\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 697:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A financial measurement, such as revenue or shipment units.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A percentage indicating the increase or decrease of a financial metric.\n",
+ " type: percentage_change\n",
+ "- description: Conditions or events affecting the market.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "- description: A specific product or category of products, such as processors.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the percentage change of a financial metric from one period\n",
+ " to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_change\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage_change\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a change in a financial metric or its percentage change\n",
+ " is influenced or driven by market conditions or specific products.\n",
+ " edge_type: influenced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - percentage_change\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a comparison between two different years in terms of financial\n",
+ " metrics or events.\n",
+ " edge_type: compared_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 698:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A business or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A numeric value representing a financial metric, such as income, revenue,\n",
+ " or expenses.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: A calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A type of financial performance indicator, such as operating income,\n",
+ " revenue, or expenses.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A description or reason explaining a phenomenon or change.\n",
+ " type: explanation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization has a specific amount of income in a financial context.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_income\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: A financial figure pertaining to income is associated with a specific\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " edge_type: income_in_year\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: A change in income is driven by specific factors explained in an explanation.\n",
+ " edge_type: income_change_driven_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - explanation\n",
+ "- description: An increase in expenses is described or explained by another explanation.\n",
+ " edge_type: expenses_increase\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - explanation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - explanation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 699:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a quantity or amount.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 700:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 701:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 702:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a whole document or a distinct section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific subject or thematic element covered within a\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains a specific topic or another document\n",
+ " (or section). This relationship helps in structuring documents hierarchically.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 703:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific game, typically an electronic or video game.\n",
+ " type: game\n",
+ "- description: An individual who participates in playing games.\n",
+ " type: player\n",
+ "- description: A system or service that hosts and runs games, such as a console, PC,\n",
+ " or online service.\n",
+ " type: platform\n",
+ "- description: A category that defines the style and gameplay mechanics of a game,\n",
+ " such as action, strategy, or simulation.\n",
+ " type: genre\n",
+ "- description: An organized occurrence related to gaming, such as tournaments, launches,\n",
+ " or conferences.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: An entity responsible for the production and distribution of games.\n",
+ " type: publisher\n",
+ "- description: An entity or individual responsible for creating or developing games.\n",
+ " type: developer\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a developer has created or significantly contributed\n",
+ " to the development of a game.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - developer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - game\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a publisher has released or distributed a game.\n",
+ " edge_type: publishes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - publisher\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - game\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a player engages in playing a specific game.\n",
+ " edge_type: plays\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - player\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - game\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a platform can host and run a specific game.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - platform\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - game\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the genre classification of a game.\n",
+ " edge_type: categorized_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - game\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - genre\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event features a specific game, such as in tournaments\n",
+ " or showcases.\n",
+ " edge_type: hosts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - game\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 704:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value in a specific currency.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a category or type of product.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents a factor influencing business performance such as demand,\n",
+ " market conditions, etc.\n",
+ " type: business_factor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the net revenue reported for a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_revenue\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the percentage change in revenue between two different financial\n",
+ " figures.\n",
+ " edge_type: change_in_revenue\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial figure was influenced by a specific business\n",
+ " factor.\n",
+ " edge_type: driven_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_factor\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product type's sales were influenced by a specific\n",
+ " business factor such as increased or decreased demand.\n",
+ " edge_type: product_demand\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_factor\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how one business factor impacts another, such as market conditions\n",
+ " affecting consumer demand.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_factor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_factor\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 705:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial metrics such as operating income, revenue, and\n",
+ " expenses.\n",
+ " type: FinancialMetric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: Year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric was reported for a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - FinancialMetric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a comparison between two financial metrics across different\n",
+ " times or conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: compared_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - FinancialMetric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - FinancialMetric\n",
+ "- description: Represents how one financial metric influences another, such as higher\n",
+ " revenue leading to higher operating income.\n",
+ " edge_type: influenced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - FinancialMetric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - FinancialMetric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 706:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a piece of software or firmware that can be embedded into\n",
+ " other systems or devices.\n",
+ " type: SoftwareComponent\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical device or system which can incorporate embedded\n",
+ " software components.\n",
+ " type: Device\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a software component is embedded within a device.\n",
+ " edge_type: embedded_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - SoftwareComponent\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Device\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 707:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a quantifiable financial metric such as revenue or profit.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a significant occurrence or happening, especially in a business\n",
+ " context.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year in which a financial metric was reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial metric is significantly higher than another,\n",
+ " comparing different times or conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: increased_compared_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric is a direct or indirect result of\n",
+ " a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: consequence_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year when an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company was involved in a particular event, such as\n",
+ " an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 708:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial measurement e.g., operating income, revenue.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product or product line.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric was reported for a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a comparison between two financial metrics.\n",
+ " edge_type: compared_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an increase in a financial metric was primarily due\n",
+ " to a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: increase_due_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is part of a company's offerings.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 709:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a group or entity formed for a specific purpose, such as\n",
+ " a business, government, or charity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening, often of significance,\n",
+ " which involves multiple participants.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific place or geographical area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical item, artifact, or tangible thing.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a theoretical construct.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of or belongs to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization has possession or ownership\n",
+ " of an object.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship or connection between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 710:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any financial entity, including specific costs or expenses.\n",
+ " type: financial_entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the total operating loss experienced by an entity in a given\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_loss\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_entity\n",
+ "- description: Describes what components make up a financial entity, such as total\n",
+ " loss being made up of various expenses.\n",
+ " edge_type: consists_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_entity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 711:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category representing different types of financial metrics or figures\n",
+ " relevant to a business.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Different aspects or dimensions along which financial metrics might\n",
+ " be compared.\n",
+ " type: comparison_aspect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric is being compared based on a specific\n",
+ " aspect or dimension.\n",
+ " edge_type: compared_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - comparison_aspect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 712:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a summary or a detailed account of financial activities\n",
+ " for a specific period.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial statement data is relevant or applicable\n",
+ " to a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 713:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 714:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 715:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A measure or standard used for quantification of data.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "- description: The type of data, such as numerical values or percentages.\n",
+ " type: data_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit associated with a particular type of data.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_unit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - data_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 716:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial metric or accounting element.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is related to or associated with\n",
+ " another in typical accounting or financial reporting.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 717:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A mathematical or special symbol used in various domains.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 718:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 719:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a percentage value.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a percentage is a specific type of number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 720:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, either positive or negative.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the addition of two numbers, resulting in another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: addition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction of one number from another, resulting in\n",
+ " another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 721:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical place or geographic location.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a group, institution, company, or any other organized body\n",
+ " of people.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence, happening, or specific noteworthy incident.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a man-made object or item of cultural or historical interest.\n",
+ " type: artifact\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a general notion that does not have\n",
+ " physical existence.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, organization, event, or artifact is positioned\n",
+ " or found at a particular location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - artifact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member or part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization took part or was involved in\n",
+ " an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization possesses or holds ownership\n",
+ " of an artifact.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - artifact\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship or a link between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 722:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial metric used in business and economics.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 723:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A measurable figure representing financial performance, such as gross\n",
+ " margin or net revenue.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value expressed as a fraction of 100, representing a portion\n",
+ " of a whole.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "- description: A calendar period of 12 months.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening, such as an acquisition.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: An explanation or cause for an event or result.\n",
+ " type: reason\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the numerical percentage value associated with a financial\n",
+ " metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year when an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event was caused by a specific reason.\n",
+ " edge_type: caused_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reason\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 724:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 725:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents an operation performed on numbers.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the result of a mathematical operation performed on two\n",
+ " numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: operation_result\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - mathematical_operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 726:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a percentage value.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a percentage value is a specific type of numerical value.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 727:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value, integer or decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is smaller than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_smaller_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 728:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document or text being analyzed.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: content_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the title of a document or section.\n",
+ " type: title\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content_section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section of a document has a specific title.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - content_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - title\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 729:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial outlay or cost incurred by an individual, organization,\n",
+ " or entity.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 730:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an expense or cost associated with an activity or entity.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific action or series of actions, typically associated\n",
+ " with a business or organization.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an expense is related to a specific activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 731:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial costs or expenditures.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents an increase in value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: increase\n",
+ "- description: Represents the cause or reason behind an event or change.\n",
+ " type: cause\n",
+ "- description: Represents the allocation of resources for future benefits.\n",
+ " type: investment\n",
+ "- description: Represents a part or division within a larger entity or structure.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: Represents the act of obtaining control of another company or asset.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: Represents an increase in size, number, value, or strength.\n",
+ " type: growth\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when an expense or increase occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " - increase\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the financial amount of an increase as compared to another\n",
+ " expense.\n",
+ " edge_type: amounted_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - increase\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an increase was caused by a specific reason.\n",
+ " edge_type: driven_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - increase\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cause\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an investment or acquisition is a part of a specific\n",
+ " segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an investment or acquisition resulted in growth.\n",
+ " edge_type: resulted_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - growth\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 732:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various categories of expenses in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: expense_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents different functions or departments within a business.\n",
+ " type: business_function\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific expense category is part of a broader business\n",
+ " function.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_category_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_function\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 733:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category for classifying types of expenses, such as marketing, general,\n",
+ " and administrative.\n",
+ " type: expense_category\n",
+ "- description: A specific monetary figure associated with financial data.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A type of action or event, such as an acquisition or growth initiative.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular year had a certain amount of expense in\n",
+ " a specific category.\n",
+ " edge_type: had_expense\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the increase amount between two financial figures from different\n",
+ " years.\n",
+ " edge_type: increase_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an expense category had increased costs due to specific\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " edge_type: due_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense_category\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a comparison between two financial figures from different\n",
+ " years.\n",
+ " edge_type: compared_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 734:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in finance and accounting that represents specific concepts\n",
+ " or practices.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: The act of obtaining or gaining possession of something, usually referring\n",
+ " to business or assets.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: Assets that do not have physical substance but have value in a business\n",
+ " context, such as copyrights, patents, or goodwill.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial term is related to or involves the acquisition\n",
+ " or intangible assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 735:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value in billions.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of expense or cost, such as amortization or operating\n",
+ " expense.\n",
+ " type: expense_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of asset, such as intangible assets.\n",
+ " type: asset_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents an event, specifically acquisitions in this context.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year in which a financial figure is recorded.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial figure is associated with a specific type\n",
+ " of expense.\n",
+ " edge_type: amount_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an expense type arose as a result of a particular event.\n",
+ " edge_type: result_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the companies involved in an event, such as an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a type of expense originates from a specific type of\n",
+ " asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: from_assets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 736:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a gain or advantage obtained through the licensing of intellectual\n",
+ " property or other licensable assets.\n",
+ " type: Licensing_Gain\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 737:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial transaction or event involving money, such as\n",
+ " a gain or income.\n",
+ " type: financial_event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business arrangement where two or more parties agree to\n",
+ " pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task.\n",
+ " type: joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: Represents a calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company recognized a financial gain from a specific\n",
+ " event or transaction.\n",
+ " edge_type: recognized_gain\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial event is associated with a specific joint\n",
+ " venture or company.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year in which a financial event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 738:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific concept or entity related to finance, such as\n",
+ " an expense, revenue, asset, or liability.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a specific instance or category\n",
+ " of another, more general financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 739:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific monetary value or financial metric, such as interest\n",
+ " expenses, revenues, or debt amounts.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: A document or note with financial significance, such as bonds or financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " type: financial_document\n",
+ "- description: A specific year or date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial figure has increased by the amount of\n",
+ " another.\n",
+ " edge_type: increased_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the maturity or due date of a financial document.\n",
+ " edge_type: due\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial figure to a specific financial document or note.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 740:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific term or concept used in financial reporting or\n",
+ " accounting.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, more general financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 741:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of income and expense items in financial\n",
+ " documents.\n",
+ " type: income_expense_item\n",
+ "- description: Different types of investments such as equity investments or short-term\n",
+ " investments.\n",
+ " type: investment_type\n",
+ "- description: Financial metrics or changes that affect income or expenses, like foreign\n",
+ " currency transaction gains or losses.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an income or expense item includes investments or financial\n",
+ " metrics as its components.\n",
+ " edge_type: comprised_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - income_expense_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - investment_type\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 742:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term that relates to financial operations, conditions, or instruments.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A specific amount of money.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "- description: A change in financial value or condition over time.\n",
+ " type: financial_change\n",
+ "- description: A cause or reason for a financial change.\n",
+ " type: financial_cause\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the financial performance of a specific term during a particular\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " edge_type: financial_performance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Compares two monetary values to illustrate a change or difference.\n",
+ " edge_type: compared_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial change to its cause or contributing factors.\n",
+ " edge_type: cause_of_change\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_cause\n",
+ "- description: Describes how a financial term or value has changed over time.\n",
+ " edge_type: temporal_change\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_change\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 743:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or entity related to financial or economic vocabulary.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A text or written work that contains information about various topics.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is discussed or mentioned within a\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 744:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A numerical representation of a financial value, such as income or\n",
+ " expense.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: The percentage rate at which income is taxed.\n",
+ " type: tax_rate\n",
+ "- description: A specific category of tax, such as income tax, sales tax, etc.\n",
+ " type: tax_type\n",
+ "- description: An event affecting financial statements, such as a benefit or provision.\n",
+ " type: financial_event\n",
+ "- description: The cause or explanation for an event or action.\n",
+ " type: reason\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when a financial event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Connects a financial event to its numerical value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Associates a financial event with a tax rate.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rate\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the type of tax related to a financial event.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_type\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial event to its underlying reason.\n",
+ " edge_type: due_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reason\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial figure to a corresponding tax rate.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 745:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific period used for accounting purposes and preparing financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: An accounting technique used to offset future tax liabilities.\n",
+ " type: valuation_allowance\n",
+ "- description: Attributes of tax calculation including federal, state, or foreign\n",
+ " components.\n",
+ " type: tax_attribute\n",
+ "- description: Specific sections of tax code that impose limitations or rules.\n",
+ " type: tax_code_section\n",
+ "- description: Rules and limitations that apply to tax calculations and losses.\n",
+ " type: tax_rule\n",
+ "- description: Income that is subject to tax according to law.\n",
+ " type: taxable_income\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a valuation allowance is applied during a fiscal\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " edge_type: valuation_allowance_applied\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a valuation allowance is maintained for specific\n",
+ " tax attributes.\n",
+ " edge_type: valuation_allowance_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_attribute\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a tax rule is imposed by a specific section of\n",
+ " the tax code.\n",
+ " edge_type: tax_rule_imposed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rule\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_code_section\n",
+ "- description: A relationship linking valuation allowance to the tax rules that necessitate\n",
+ " it.\n",
+ " edge_type: valuation_allowance_due_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rule\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a valuation allowance is maintained due to a lack\n",
+ " of sufficient taxable income.\n",
+ " edge_type: valuation_allowance_due_to_lack\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - taxable_income\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 746:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A sovereign state recognized in international law.\n",
+ " type: Country\n",
+ "- description: An item or service that is created, manufactured, or offered for sale.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: A transaction involving the exchange of a product for a monetary value.\n",
+ " type: Sale\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the country in which a product is created or manufactured.\n",
+ " edge_type: originates_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the country where the product is sold.\n",
+ " edge_type: sold_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the sales transactions that occur within a specific country.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_sales\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Sale\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 747:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a percentage value.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the percentage of international sales as part of net revenue\n",
+ " for a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: international_sales_percentage_of_net_revenue\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that transactions are conducted in a specific type of currency,\n",
+ " primarily used in sales.\n",
+ " edge_type: transactions_denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 748:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 749:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or publication.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 750:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the overall state of financial health or stability of an\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 751:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A broad or specific area of discussion or study.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "- description: Specific aspects or elements related to finance and economic management.\n",
+ " type: financial_aspect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a topic involves or covers information about a financial\n",
+ " aspect.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_aspect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 752:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a quantifiable financial measure such as cash, investments,\n",
+ " or revenue.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific event or action that impacts financial metrics,\n",
+ " such as an acquisition or issuance of debt.\n",
+ " type: financial_event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a quantifiable percentage value.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the value of a financial metric on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value_on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric is affected by a financial event.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial event is part of or initiated by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the percentage value of a financial metric on a specific\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_percentage_value_on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 753:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an action or process, such as operating, investing, and\n",
+ " financing activities.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year, such as 2022 or 2021.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an activity took place in a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 754:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 755:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 756:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measure, specifically denoting scale or size.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is expressed in a specific unit of measurement.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_unit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 757:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial activity within a company's cash flow,\n",
+ " such as operating, investing, or financing activities.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents the result of a financial activity, indicating either a\n",
+ " net increase or decrease in cash and cash equivalents.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow_result\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific cash flow result (increase or decrease in\n",
+ " cash) arises from a particular financial activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow_result\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 758:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used in mathematical expressions and equations.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 759:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol, such as currency symbols, mathematical operators,\n",
+ " or other non-alphanumeric characters.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 760:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values in the text.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used to denote currency, such as '$'.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents the use of parentheses in the text to possibly indicate\n",
+ " negative numbers or special annotations.\n",
+ " type: parentheses\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an association where a number is specified with a currency\n",
+ " symbol, indicating a monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: currency_association\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is enclosed within parentheses, often used\n",
+ " to represent negative values or special notations in financial contexts.\n",
+ " edge_type: parenthetical_association\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - parentheses\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 761:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value or statistic.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_larger_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is smaller than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_smaller_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 762:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary amount, often in the context of financial obligations\n",
+ " or transactions.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, typically used for events or deadlines.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial obligation, such as notes or bonds,\n",
+ " which includes details like interest rates and maturity dates.\n",
+ " type: debt_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Represents an action or occurrence, particularly in a financial context,\n",
+ " such as an acquisition or repayment.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the monetary value associated with a specific debt instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - debt_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date a debt instrument was issued.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_issue_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - debt_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the maturity date of a debt instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_due_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - debt_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the date when an event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Connects an event to the debt instrument(s) involved in it.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - debt_instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 763:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of group, institution, or company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of financial contract or agreement.\n",
+ " type: financial_agreement\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific type of financial agreement that allows borrowing\n",
+ " under specific conditions.\n",
+ " type: credit_facility\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specified sum of money.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has entered into a financial agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: entered_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial agreement has an organization acting as\n",
+ " its administrative agent.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_agent\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial agreement has one or more organizations\n",
+ " acting as lenders.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_lender\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the total principal amount available in a credit facility.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - credit_facility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the duration over which the credit facility is active.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_duration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - credit_facility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a financial agreement was signed.\n",
+ " edge_type: date_of_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that no funds were drawn from a credit facility during a\n",
+ " specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: unused_funds\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - credit_facility\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 764:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an event, such as the establishment of a new program or\n",
+ " the status of a financial instrument at a specific time.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured financial arrangement, like a commercial paper\n",
+ " program, detailing the conditions and limits of financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: financial_program\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial securities or debts, such as commercial paper\n",
+ " notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on which events occur or statuses are reported.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents monetary values in various currencies, detailing amounts\n",
+ " in financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Represents the duration until a financial instrument matures or expires.\n",
+ " type: maturity_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Links an event to the date on which it occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: established_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Links an event to the financial program it relates to.\n",
+ " edge_type: concerns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial program to its maximum allowed principal amount.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_maximum_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial program to the maturity period of its instruments.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_maturity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - maturity_period\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial instrument to the date it was issued.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial instrument to its status on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: status_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial instrument to the price at which it was sold.\n",
+ " edge_type: sold_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 765:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary commitment or obligation.\n",
+ " type: financial_commitment\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific fiscal year.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific amount of money.\n",
+ " type: money_amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Relationship between a financial commitment and the date it was reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: commitment_on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_commitment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Relationship between a financial commitment and the fiscal year it\n",
+ " pertains to.\n",
+ " edge_type: commitment_for_fiscal_year\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_commitment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: Relationship showing the monetary value of a financial commitment.\n",
+ " edge_type: amount_of_commitment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_commitment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - money_amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 766:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different forms of financial resources or instruments.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Resource\n",
+ "- description: Processes or actions related to managing or utilizing financial resources.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Operation\n",
+ "- description: States or conditions of financial aspects or capabilities.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Condition\n",
+ "- description: Specific durations or time frames mentioned in the context of financial\n",
+ " planning or operations.\n",
+ " type: Time_Period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial resource is adequate to support a financial\n",
+ " operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: sufficient_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Resource\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Operation\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a financial resource might be obtainable under certain\n",
+ " financial conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: possibly_accessible\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Resource\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a time period covers the duration of a financial operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Time_Period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 767:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of activity or operation that is performed by an\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 768:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the movement of cash into or out of a business operation.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: A business activity or process that involves financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases goods or services from a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Goods and materials that a business holds for the ultimate goal of\n",
+ " resale.\n",
+ " type: inventory\n",
+ "- description: An individual who works part-time or full-time under a contract of\n",
+ " employment, whether oral or written, express or implied, and has recognized rights\n",
+ " and duties.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents cash received by an operation from its customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: cash_inflow_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "- description: Represents cash paid by an operation for inventory purchases or employee-related\n",
+ " expenses.\n",
+ " edge_type: cash_outflow_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 769:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical entity or value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 770:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document, such as a book, article, or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A part or division of a document, such as chapters or headings.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains a specific section.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 771:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial metric, e.g., net income, revenue, expenses.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial activity, e.g., operating activities, cash outflows,\n",
+ " cash inflows.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents adjustments made to financial metrics, e.g., non-cash adjustments,\n",
+ " changes in assets and liabilities.\n",
+ " type: financial_adjustment\n",
+ "- description: Represents a primary driver or factor influencing financial metrics\n",
+ " or activities.\n",
+ " type: financial_driver\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year when a financial metric, activity, or adjustment\n",
+ " occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " - financial_adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial activity resulted from certain financial\n",
+ " metrics or adjustments.\n",
+ " edge_type: result_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " - financial_adjustment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial adjustment was driven by certain factors\n",
+ " or drivers.\n",
+ " edge_type: driven_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_driver\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship where a financial driver is related to specific\n",
+ " financial adjustments.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_driver\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_adjustment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 772:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value in the context of financial statements\n",
+ " or financial activities.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Represents an activity or event that affects financial statements,\n",
+ " such as income, expenses, or cash flows.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific time frame in financial reporting, such as a\n",
+ " year or a quarter.\n",
+ " type: financial_period\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific item or category in a financial statement, such\n",
+ " as net income, revenue, or assets.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial activity occurred during a specific financial\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_period\n",
+ "- description: Connects a financial activity to its monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: amounts_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial activity or change is primarily due to\n",
+ " another financial activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: due_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial activity results in a change to a specific\n",
+ " financial statement item.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement_item\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a comparison of financial activities across different periods\n",
+ " or scenarios.\n",
+ " edge_type: compared_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 773:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a broad category of actions or tasks.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one activity is a specific instance or type of another,\n",
+ " more general activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 774:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial activities that can include investments, acquisitions,\n",
+ " and asset purchases.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a business or corporation involved in financial\n",
+ " transactions.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A numeric value representing money in transactions.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial activity to the year it occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: activity_by_year\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial activity to the numeric value associated with it.\n",
+ " edge_type: activity_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial activity to a company involved in the activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: activity_related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 775:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial activity or transaction.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific amount of cash involved in a transaction.\n",
+ " type: cash_amount\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year when a transaction or event occurred.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific cash amount was used in a financial activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_amount\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial activity occurred in a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 776:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of action or process, typically involving several\n",
+ " steps, aimed at achieving a particular outcome.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "- description: Refers to activities related to money management, including investment,\n",
+ " borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving, and forecasting.\n",
+ " type: finance\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an activity is specifically related to financial operations\n",
+ " or money management.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - finance\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 777:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial activity or transaction.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary amount in billions or millions.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when a financial activity took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Associates a financial activity with a specific monetary amount.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial activity partially offsets another.\n",
+ " edge_type: offset_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 778:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of activity involving the movement of money in a\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value in a financial context.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific program or plan related to financial activities,\n",
+ " such as stock repurchase programs or employee equity plans.\n",
+ " type: financial_program\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific amount of money was used in a particular\n",
+ " financial activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial activity took place in a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial activity is part of a broader financial\n",
+ " program or plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one monetary amount partially counterbalances another\n",
+ " in financial calculations.\n",
+ " edge_type: offset_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 779:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used to describe any financial practice or transaction.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a hierarchical relationship where one term is a specific\n",
+ " instance or type of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 780:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A record that captures financial information including liabilities\n",
+ " and assets of an organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization has a financial statement that records its financial\n",
+ " status.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_statement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A financial statement that applies to a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: statement_on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: A financial statement specifies the absence of certain financial arrangements.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_no_arrangement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 781:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 782:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document or a book containing structured information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part of a document, usually titled and containing specific\n",
+ " content.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 783:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document, identifiable by its title\n",
+ " or content.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Denotes a specific type of risk mentioned in a document, such as 'market\n",
+ " risk'.\n",
+ " type: risk_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section of a document discusses a specific type of\n",
+ " risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 784:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collection of investments held by an entity.\n",
+ " type: Investment_Portfolio\n",
+ "- description: Represents money borrowed by an entity that must be paid back.\n",
+ " type: Debt\n",
+ "- description: Represents the risk of loss due to changes in interest rates.\n",
+ " type: Interest_Rate_Risk\n",
+ "- description: Represents money in the form of coins or banknotes, especially that\n",
+ " held in deposits.\n",
+ " type: Cash\n",
+ "- description: Represents an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income\n",
+ " or appreciation.\n",
+ " type: Investment\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity that develops, registers and sells securities\n",
+ " for the purpose of financing its operations.\n",
+ " type: Issuer\n",
+ "- description: Represents the evaluation of a potential borrower's ability to repay\n",
+ " debt, based on a predetermined scale.\n",
+ " type: Credit_Rating\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial instrument that holds some type of monetary\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " type: Security\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an investment portfolio or debt is subject to interest\n",
+ " rate risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Investment_Portfolio\n",
+ " - Debt\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Interest_Rate_Risk\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the investments held within an investment portfolio.\n",
+ " edge_type: invests_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Investment_Portfolio\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Investment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the credit rating of the issuer.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_credit_rating\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Issuer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Credit_Rating\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that cash is invested into an investment portfolio.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_investment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Cash\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Investment_Portfolio\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an issuer has developed and registered a security.\n",
+ " edge_type: issuer_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Issuer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Security\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a security is subject to interest rate risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Interest_Rate_Risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 785:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A term related to financial operations and concepts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: The risk of losses in financial markets due to changes in market variables.\n",
+ " type: market_risk\n",
+ "- description: The proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower.\n",
+ " type: interest_rate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial term (e.g., debt) has interest rates that\n",
+ " are fixed, not varying over time.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_fixed_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial term is subject to a specific type of\n",
+ " market risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_market_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_risk\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the market risk has minimal impact on the interest rates.\n",
+ " edge_type: minimal_impact\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 786:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts activities or operations, such as a company\n",
+ " or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Potential for encountering damage or loss in a financial, operational,\n",
+ " or strategic context.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: The process or action of observing and checking the progress or quality\n",
+ " of something over a period of time.\n",
+ " type: monitoring_action\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization keeps track of or oversees a risk or monitoring action.\n",
+ " edge_type: monitors\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " - monitoring_action\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 787:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of risks such as default risk, market risk,\n",
+ " credit risk.\n",
+ " type: risk_type\n",
+ "- description: Methods or strategies used to manage investments in a portfolio.\n",
+ " type: investment_strategy\n",
+ "- description: A collection of investments held by an institution or an individual.\n",
+ " type: investment_portfolio\n",
+ "- description: Financial instruments representing monetary value or ownership such\n",
+ " as bonds, stocks, or marketable debt securities.\n",
+ " type: security\n",
+ "- description: Places or systems where securities are bought and sold.\n",
+ " type: market\n",
+ "- description: Entities that develop, register, and sell securities to finance their\n",
+ " operations.\n",
+ " type: issuer\n",
+ "- description: A person or entity that agrees to be responsible for another's debt\n",
+ " or performance under a contract if the other fails to pay or perform.\n",
+ " type: guarantor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a portfolio is managed to mitigate specific types of\n",
+ " risks.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment_portfolio\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a portfolio uses specific investment strategies.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_strategy\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment_portfolio\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - investment_strategy\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a portfolio includes certain types of securities.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes_security\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment_portfolio\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a security is traded in a specific market.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_market\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the portfolio monitors issuers for changes in credit\n",
+ " ratings.\n",
+ " edge_type: monitors\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment_portfolio\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - issuer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 788:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that invests funds and monitors market conditions.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Financial instruments in which investments can be made.\n",
+ " type: security\n",
+ "- description: A category for grouping securities with similar characteristics.\n",
+ " type: security_class\n",
+ "- description: A strategy or method used by an organization for investing funds.\n",
+ " type: investment_approach\n",
+ "- description: An entity that provides ratings for securities indicating their credit\n",
+ " quality.\n",
+ " type: rating_agency\n",
+ "- description: Economic or market factors that affect investment values and decisions.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "- description: The potential for losing money or the uncertainty of investment outcomes.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization keeps track of market conditions and developments related\n",
+ " to securities.\n",
+ " edge_type: monitors\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ " - security_class\n",
+ "- description: An organization follows a specific strategy for investing funds.\n",
+ " edge_type: adopts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - investment_approach\n",
+ "- description: An organization allocates funds to purchase securities.\n",
+ " edge_type: invests_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ "- description: Securities are assessed and given a credit quality rating by a rating\n",
+ " agency.\n",
+ " edge_type: rated_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - rating_agency\n",
+ "- description: A security is associated with certain levels of risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: An organization takes measures to reduce the level of risk associated\n",
+ " with investments.\n",
+ " edge_type: mitigates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: An investment approach or risk is present or considered at a specific\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: exists_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment_approach\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 789:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business operation or activity, including financial and\n",
+ " commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of money that is used as a medium of exchange in\n",
+ " a country or region.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a good or service that is sold or provided by a business.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an operation involves costs in a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an operation holds assets or liabilities denominated\n",
+ " in a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: carries\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the sales of products or operations are conducted in\n",
+ " a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 790:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achieving\n",
+ " a goal or solution to a problem.\n",
+ " type: strategy\n",
+ "- description: Any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and\n",
+ " a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: The possibility of loss or other adverse effect.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: The reason for which something is done or created, or for which something\n",
+ " exists.\n",
+ " type: purpose\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a strategy employs specific financial instruments.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - strategy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a strategy reduces the possibility of a specific risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: mitigates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - strategy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a strategy takes into account specific risks.\n",
+ " edge_type: considers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - strategy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a strategy explicitly does not pursue certain purposes.\n",
+ " edge_type: excludes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - strategy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - purpose\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 791:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A record that contains information about specific data or events.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, often associated with events or data records.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A legal agreement regarding financial transactions or instruments.\n",
+ " type: financial_contract\n",
+ "- description: A system of money in general use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: A span of time defined by a start and end date or duration.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document contains references or information about\n",
+ " the date or financial contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentions\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " - financial_contract\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the maturation period of a financial contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: matures_within\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the currency is involved in the financial contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 792:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 793:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 794:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents abstract or theoretical ideas not tied to physical entities.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 795:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A measure of the average rate specified in a contract.\n",
+ " type: Contract Rate\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 796:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A concept or term used in finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents an increase or decrease in value.\n",
+ " type: value_change\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial term to its description of value change.\n",
+ " edge_type: described_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value_change\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 797:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific concept or entity related to finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is a subtype or specific instance of\n",
+ " another financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 798:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: A measure or scale of measurement that defines the frequency or intensity\n",
+ " of an occurrence, quantity, or phenomenon.\n",
+ " type: rate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the rate associated with a contract, such as interest rates,\n",
+ " payment rates, etc.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - rate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 799:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial metric or figure.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the unit of measurement for various metrics or quantities.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a financial metric is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 800:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial instrument, such as stocks, bonds, or\n",
+ " derivatives.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of currencies involved in financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates which currency or currencies a financial instrument involves.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 801:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of money that is used in a specific country or region.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 802:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any symbol used in mathematical expressions.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 803:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers are equal.\n",
+ " edge_type: equal_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 804:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol associated with a currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a currency symbol is associated with a specific numerical\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 805:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 806:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, both integers and decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Symbol used to enclose numbers or expressions, typically to indicate\n",
+ " a different computation priority.\n",
+ " type: parenthesis\n",
+ "- description: Symbol used to indicate subtraction or a range.\n",
+ " type: dash\n",
+ "- description: Symbol used to denote currency values or financial context.\n",
+ " type: dollar_sign\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is enclosed within parentheses.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - parenthesis\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates adjacency or sequence between symbols or numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: next_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - dash\n",
+ " - dollar_sign\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - dash\n",
+ " - dollar_sign\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 807:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value, integer or decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: A collection of numbers arranged in a specific order.\n",
+ " type: sequence\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing the total of an addition operation involving\n",
+ " two or more numbers.\n",
+ " type: sum\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is an element of a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sequence\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a sum is the total value calculated by adding all elements\n",
+ " of a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: sum_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - sequence\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sum\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 808:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one numeric value is compared to another numeric value.\n",
+ " edge_type: compares_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 809:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the overall sum or total of a set of values.\n",
+ " type: total\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 810:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used in mathematics or other formal systems.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 811:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Symbol representing a type of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "- description: Symbol used in mathematics.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a currency symbol is also used as a mathematical symbol.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 812:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical symbol used in expressions or equations.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 813:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 814:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in finance that refers to specific financial concepts or\n",
+ " items.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, more general financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 815:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a general association or connection between numbers, which\n",
+ " might indicate sequencing, grouping, or mathematical operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: association\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 816:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the main document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a distinct part or division within a document, identified\n",
+ " by titles or numbers.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subdivision of a section within a document, further detailing\n",
+ " or elaborating on topics.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "- description: Represents a further subdivision within a subsection, detailing more\n",
+ " specific aspects of the document.\n",
+ " type: subsubsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a subsection contains one or more subsubsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsubsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 817:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents sections of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial statements such as balance sheets, income statements,\n",
+ " etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Represents supplementary data or additional information relevant to\n",
+ " financial statements.\n",
+ " type: data\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section contains financial statements or\n",
+ " supplementary data.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " - data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 818:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that produces goods or provides services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 819:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal record or document detailing financial operations.\n",
+ " type: statement\n",
+ "- description: An action or series of actions performed within a business or organization.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a statement includes details about specific operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 820:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: Year\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 821:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 822:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 823:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A unit used for measuring quantities in financial documents.\n",
+ " type: measurement_unit\n",
+ "- description: A type of financial quantity or metric, like revenue, expenses, etc.\n",
+ " type: quantity_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a financial quantity is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - quantity_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - measurement_unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 824:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial measurement or indicator in accounting\n",
+ " and business.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial metric is a component or subcategory of\n",
+ " another broader financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 825:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific symbol used in mathematics or other formal systems.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 826:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one numeric value is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 827:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction of one number from another, resulting in\n",
+ " a difference.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the equality between two numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: equals\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 828:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific process or function within a business context.\n",
+ " type: business_process\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial measurement or result relevant to business\n",
+ " operations.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business process results in or contributes to a specific\n",
+ " financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 829:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents an arithmetic operation or a calculation step.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the number is involved in a specific arithmetic operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_operation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the number is the result of a specific arithmetic operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: result_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 830:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is smaller than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_smaller_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers are equal.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_equal_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 831:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item in a financial statement or report.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial item follows another in a financial statement\n",
+ " sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 832:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is multiplied by another number to yield\n",
+ " a result.\n",
+ " edge_type: multiplied_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is equivalent to another number in value.\n",
+ " edge_type: equals\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 833:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is a part of another number, often used in\n",
+ " formatted numerical sequences or groupings.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 834:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in financial statements or related contexts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A document or record that outlines the financial activities and performance\n",
+ " of an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is mentioned or included in a financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 835:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial concept or term.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Term\n",
+ "- description: Quantitative measure or number associated with financial data.\n",
+ " type: Value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the quantitative value associated with a financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 836:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or scientific formula.\n",
+ " type: formula\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 837:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value, whether integral or decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Relationship denoting that a source number is associated with or represented\n",
+ " by a target number.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 838:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents any non-alphanumeric character or punctuation.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one element follows another in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: followed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a symbol is followed by a number in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: followed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 839:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial metric, such as earnings per share, used in\n",
+ " financial analysis and reporting.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents the type of shares like basic or diluted used in financial\n",
+ " calculations.\n",
+ " type: share_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the share type used as the basis for calculating a financial\n",
+ " metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: calculation_basis\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - share_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 840:\n",
+ "nodes: []\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 841:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers are equal or almost equal.\n",
+ " edge_type: equal_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 842:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the comparison between two numbers, indicating if one is\n",
+ " greater, less, or equal to the other.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 843:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numeric value, such as a price or a measurement.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a comparison between two numeric values, indicating which\n",
+ " is greater, lesser, or equal.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 844:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 845:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written compilation of information, often formal and structured for\n",
+ " specific contexts such as legal, educational, or informational purposes.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity, detailing income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and\n",
+ " equity at a specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Documents that provide additional information and context for understanding\n",
+ " the main content of the financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: accompanying_notes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 846:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numeric value representing an integer.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 847:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific days on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 848:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction of one number from another, where the source\n",
+ " is the minuend and the target is the subtrahend.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 849:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number follows another sequentially in a list or\n",
+ " sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 850:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers are equivalent or represent the same value.\n",
+ " edge_type: equivalent\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the result of a mathematical operation involving numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: operation_result\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 851:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is equal to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_equal_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 852:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a comparison between two numbers, indicating which is greater,\n",
+ " lesser, or if they are equal.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 853:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 854:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or a major section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific item or section listed in the table of contents\n",
+ " of a document.\n",
+ " type: content_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains a specific content item or section\n",
+ " as listed in its table of contents.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 855:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that manufactures, markets, or provides goods and services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 856:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal record used in accounting to capture financial performance\n",
+ " over a specific period.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A financial statement that summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses\n",
+ " incurred during a specific period, typically a fiscal quarter or year.\n",
+ " type: income_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an income statement is a specific type of financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - income_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 857:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 858:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of metric used in financial reporting to represent specific\n",
+ " financial values or performance indicators.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial metric is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, more general financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 859:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical symbols or entities used in mathematical expressions.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 860:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a system of money in common use, particularly in a nation.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the currency in which a numeric value is expressed.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 861:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific concept or entity related to finance, including\n",
+ " financial metrics, instruments, or transactions.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A financial strategy used to reduce or eliminate financial risk.\n",
+ " type: hedge\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is listed or appears in a financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: appears_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is directly related to or describes\n",
+ " aspects of hedging.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - hedge\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 862:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a quantifiable financial data used for assessing the financial\n",
+ " state or performance of a business entity.\n",
+ " type: Financial Metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific financial metric is a subtype of a more general\n",
+ " financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 863:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical symbols or operators.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 864:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 865:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific document containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " individual, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Additional information provided in a document to explain, clarify or\n",
+ " provide a legal basis for information presented.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more financial statements\n",
+ " or notes.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a note is provided alongside a financial statement to\n",
+ " explain or clarify it.\n",
+ " edge_type: accompanies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 866:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 867:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific instance or occurrence that marks a significant point or\n",
+ " period in time.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 868:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 869:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a measure of quantity or scale in a specified unit.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 870:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric or monetary value.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 871:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value, regardless of its format or representation.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 872:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 873:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 874:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values that can be integers, decimals, or other\n",
+ " forms of numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 875:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or a piece of content.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: Section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 876:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any entity that is a corporation, company, institution,\n",
+ " or any group with a collective goal.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 877:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial statement that summarizes a company's assets, liabilities,\n",
+ " and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: Balance Sheet\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business activities, which can be\n",
+ " either publicly traded or privately held.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Resources owned by a company expected to bring future economic benefits.\n",
+ " type: Asset\n",
+ "- description: Financial obligations a company owes to external parties or entities.\n",
+ " type: Liability\n",
+ "- description: The residual interest in the assets of a company after deducting liabilities.\n",
+ " type: Shareholder's Equity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company owns a balance sheet which details its\n",
+ " financial status.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_balance_sheet\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Balance Sheet\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a balance sheet includes various types of assets,\n",
+ " liabilities, and shareholder's equity.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Balance Sheet\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " - Liability\n",
+ " - Shareholder's Equity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 878:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents tangible or intangible items of value owned by an individual,\n",
+ " company, or entity.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 879:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents tangible or intangible resources that have economic value\n",
+ " and are owned by a business, government, or individual.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 880:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item in a financial statement, such as assets, liabilities,\n",
+ " or equity components.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial item falls under a broader category of financial\n",
+ " item, such as 'cash and cash equivalents' being a type of asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 881:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific type of financial measure or indicator.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A classification for assets based on their characteristics or uses.\n",
+ " type: asset_category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric is a specific type of asset category.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 882:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a resource owned or controlled by an entity with future\n",
+ " economic benefits.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset belongs to a broader or more specific category\n",
+ " of assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 883:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or term used in finance such as 'total assets'.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 884:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Financial obligations of a company, such as debts or accounts payable.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: The residual interest in the assets of a corporation after deducting\n",
+ " liabilities, representing ownership interest held by shareholders.\n",
+ " type: stockholders_equity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship denoting that liabilities and stockholders' equity are\n",
+ " components of a company's financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " - stockholders_equity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 885:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial obligation or debt that a company needs to pay within a\n",
+ " short term, usually within a year.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 886:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial category or item in accounting and financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial item is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, more general financial item.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 887:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial element or account in the balance sheet or income\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial report or document containing financial data.\n",
+ " type: financial_document\n",
+ "- description: A specific note referenced in financial documents providing additional\n",
+ " details.\n",
+ " type: financial_note\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial document contains specific financial items.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial item references a specific note for additional\n",
+ " details.\n",
+ " edge_type: reference_note\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_note\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 888:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in finance and accounting.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A written piece containing information about finance.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is mentioned in a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 889:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or entity related to finance such as balance sheet\n",
+ " items, financial metrics, or financial principles.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is a component or part of another financial\n",
+ " term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_component_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term has an effect or influence on another\n",
+ " financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 890:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a quantifiable financial data point such as total liabilities,\n",
+ " stockholders' equity, revenue, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial metric is a component part of another\n",
+ " financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_component_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 891:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured set of information, such as financial statements or notes.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Additional information provided to clarify or expand on specific points\n",
+ " in a document, especially financial statements.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a financial statement includes additional explanatory\n",
+ " notes.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_note\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 892:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a quantity or position in a sequence.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 893:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract mathematical expression, symbol, or operation.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_expression\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 894:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used in mathematical expressions.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 895:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used in mathematical expressions.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 896:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of money used as a medium of exchange within a country\n",
+ " or economic context.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 897:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the Gregorian calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 898:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 899:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents units used for measuring values like millions, billions,\n",
+ " etc.\n",
+ " type: measurement_unit\n",
+ "- description: Represents types of values like par value, book value, etc.\n",
+ " type: value_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a value type is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: expressed_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - value_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - measurement_unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 900:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values, both integers and decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used to denote currency, such as dollars.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the number is quantified or denoted with a specific\n",
+ " currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 901:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an arithmetic operation performed between numbers such as\n",
+ " addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.\n",
+ " edge_type: arithmetic_operation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 902:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, which can be either simple integers or\n",
+ " formatted numbers such as currency or percentages.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents numbers that are enclosed within parentheses, typically\n",
+ " used to indicate negative values or specific annotations in a document.\n",
+ " type: parenthesized_number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a number is associated with one or more parenthesized\n",
+ " numbers, perhaps indicating a subtraction or special annotation related to the\n",
+ " main number.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_parenthesized_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - parenthesized_number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 903:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is smaller than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 904:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the sequential relationship between numbers in a list.\n",
+ " edge_type: next\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 905:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction of one number from another, resulting in\n",
+ " a new number.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the addition of one number to another, resulting in a new\n",
+ " number.\n",
+ " edge_type: addition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a number enclosed in parentheses, often indicating a negative\n",
+ " value or a special context like subtraction.\n",
+ " edge_type: parentheses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 906:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured collection of organized information or data, typically\n",
+ " in written form.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part within a document, usually marked by a header or title.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: The name or heading given to a section, document, or other pieces of\n",
+ " written work to reflect its subject or theme.\n",
+ " type: title\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections within it.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section is identified or named by a title.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - title\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 907:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization that is recognized as a corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 908:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific type of financial document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or type of information within a document.\n",
+ " type: statement\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that owns shares in a company.\n",
+ " type: stockholder\n",
+ "- description: The value of ownership in a company, calculated as total assets minus\n",
+ " total liabilities.\n",
+ " type: equity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more specific statements\n",
+ " or sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a statement pertains to or involves stockholders or\n",
+ " equity.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stockholder\n",
+ " - equity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 909:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 910:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific types of financial instruments or concepts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 911:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific term or concept related to financial accounting\n",
+ " or reporting.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents an event or action that affects financial statements or\n",
+ " accounts.\n",
+ " type: financial_event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific event or action is classified under a broader\n",
+ " financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the sequence of financial events, where one event follows\n",
+ " another.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 912:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or special symbol in the content.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 913:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A legal relationship between an individual and a country.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: A recognition or honor given for achievement in a specific field.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: An organization founded for educational, professional, or social purposes.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has won a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: won_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person works or is employed.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person has studied or received education.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an institution or location is situated within a larger\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 914:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents an arithmetic operation, such as addition or multiplication.\n",
+ " type: operator\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes an arithmetic operation between two numbers resulting in\n",
+ " another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: operation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - operator\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 915:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various financial terms and operations related to company\n",
+ " equity and stock transactions.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific periods during which financial events or conditions\n",
+ " are reported.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific financial activity or event takes place during\n",
+ " a designated time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a sequence of financial events or operations, where one event\n",
+ " follows another.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 916:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical symbol used in expressions.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 917:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific number is denoted in a certain currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denoted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 918:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or financial symbol used in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 919:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of stock that a company has issued and subsequently reacquired.\n",
+ " It may be held in the company's treasury indefinitely, reissued, or retired.\n",
+ " type: Entity\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 920:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial transaction or event related to stock movement.\n",
+ " type: financial_event\n",
+ "- description: Represents various aspects of stock, such as common stock or treasury\n",
+ " stock.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific period or point in time, such as the beginning\n",
+ " or end of a financial reporting period.\n",
+ " type: period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial event occurs during a specific period.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial event involves a particular type of stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a sequential relationship between two periods.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 921:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or financial symbol used in equations or\n",
+ " expressions.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 922:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of money used by a country or economic area.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 923:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, both integers, and decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used to denote currency, such as the dollar sign.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents the use of parentheses to possibly denote negative values\n",
+ " or to group numbers.\n",
+ " type: parentheses\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated with a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is enclosed by parentheses, possibly signifying\n",
+ " a negative value or grouping.\n",
+ " edge_type: enclosed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - parentheses\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 924:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an economic concept or terminology.\n",
+ " type: Economic_Term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 925:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial or accounting term or concept.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: An event that affects the financial state, such as income reports or\n",
+ " changes due to standards.\n",
+ " type: financial_event\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or point in time relating to financial activities.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial event takes place within a specific time\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how a financial event impacts a financial term, such as altering\n",
+ " the balance.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a sequential order between financial events.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 926:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical symbols and operations.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 927:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used in mathematical or monetary contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 928:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values in the document.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents text or characters in the document.\n",
+ " type: text\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a text has a specific numerical value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - text\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 929:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific term used in finance.\n",
+ " type: finance_term\n",
+ "- description: A component listed on an income statement.\n",
+ " type: income_statement_component\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a component of the income statement is a specific term\n",
+ " in finance.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - income_statement_component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - finance_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 930:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item or element within a financial statement, such as\n",
+ " assets, income, balance, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the flow or transition from one financial statement item\n",
+ " to another over a period.\n",
+ " edge_type: flow\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 931:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used in mathematical, scientific, or other specialized\n",
+ " contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 932:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used to denote a type of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 933:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 934:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 935:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific financial terminology or concepts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, more general financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 936:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A nation or territory considered as an organized political community\n",
+ " under one government.\n",
+ " type: Country\n",
+ "- description: A prize or mark of recognition given in honor of an achievement.\n",
+ " type: Award\n",
+ "- description: An institution of higher education and research which awards academic\n",
+ " degrees in various disciplines.\n",
+ " type: University\n",
+ "- description: A branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university.\n",
+ " type: Subject\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has won a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: won_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person has studied.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - University\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the field of study a person is associated with.\n",
+ " edge_type: field_of_study\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Subject\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 937:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of currency or monetary unit.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a numerical value is expressed in a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 938:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of document or written content.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Additional information or clarifications provided in a document, especially\n",
+ " in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more financial statements\n",
+ " or notes.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a note is provided to clarify or add context to a financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: accompanies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 939:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 940:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any significant occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the ending or conclusion of a specific event within a given\n",
+ " timeframe.\n",
+ " edge_type: ended_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 941:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific monetary value in millions.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 942:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of money used in various countries.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value quantifying units such as money, measurements,\n",
+ " or counts.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular amount is expressed in a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 943:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values, including integers and formatted numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used for currencies, such as dollars, euros, etc.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents a dash used as a placeholder or separator.\n",
+ " type: dash\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated with a currency symbol or is\n",
+ " related to a dash used as a separator in lists or data entries.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ " - dash\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 944:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An integer or numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: A typographical character that is not a letter or numeral.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a symbol is associated or paired with a number.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 945:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value, including integers and real numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an arithmetic operation performed between numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: operation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 946:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, including whole numbers and decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used to denote currency, such as '$'.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is denominated in a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 947:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value expressed in digits.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: A form of money used in a particular country or region.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: A value of money specified in a currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a currency value having a specific numerical amount.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents that a currency value is expressed in a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denoted_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 948:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 949:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents types of money.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the type of currency a numerical value is denoted in.\n",
+ " edge_type: denoted_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 950:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 951:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one numerical value is equivalent to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: equal_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 952:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value that represents any quantity or measurement.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a relative comparison between two numbers, such as greater\n",
+ " than, less than, equal to, etc.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 953:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sequence where one number follows another in a given order.\n",
+ " edge_type: sequence_follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 954:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction operation between two numbers, resulting\n",
+ " in another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 955:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where two numbers are equivalent or equal\n",
+ " to each other.\n",
+ " edge_type: equivalence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 956:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 957:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part of a document, typically labeled or numbered.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: The overall content or main material, like a book, report, or paper.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 958:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that is recognized as a single body and engages in business\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 959:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of formal record which details the financial activities\n",
+ " of a business, entity, or individual.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A financial concept indicating the amount of cash and cash equivalents\n",
+ " being transferred into and out of a business.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial statement details various aspects of cash\n",
+ " flows.\n",
+ " edge_type: details\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 960:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A record that outlines the financial activities and status of a business.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A classification of cash flows in financial reporting, such as operating,\n",
+ " investing, and financing activities.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow_category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial statement includes various categories of\n",
+ " cash flows.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 961:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial term or concept.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A document detailing the financial activities and status of a business.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial statement includes specific financial terms\n",
+ " or concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Shows the process of making one financial term agree or correspond\n",
+ " with another, typically within financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: reconcile\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 962:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various financial terms and concepts used in accounting\n",
+ " and finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Describes specific financial actions or events that affect a company's\n",
+ " financial statements.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific term is a type of financial activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 963:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific financial terms and concepts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents changes or modifications in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: change\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific change or modification is a type of financial\n",
+ " term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_kind_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 964:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial entity or item in a balance sheet or cash flow\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of cash flow activity in financial statements, such\n",
+ " as operating or investing activities.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow_activity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial item is part of a broader category of cash\n",
+ " flow activities.\n",
+ " edge_type: category_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow_activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 965:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial transaction or event involving money.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one transaction is specifically for purchasing another\n",
+ " item or asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchase_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one transaction involves the proceeds or returns from\n",
+ " another transaction.\n",
+ " edge_type: proceeds_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a transaction involves the acquisition of a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquisition_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 966:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any specific financial operation or transaction within a\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial activity is a subcategory or specific\n",
+ " instance of another broader financial activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: category_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 967:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various financial activities or transactions of an organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents documents or records related to financial transactions of\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific financial activity is mentioned or recorded\n",
+ " in a financial document.\n",
+ " edge_type: listed_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 968:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of action involving financial transactions or planning.\n",
+ " type: financial_activity\n",
+ "- description: The reason or intent behind a particular action or activity.\n",
+ " type: purpose\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial activity is performed with a specific purpose\n",
+ " or intent.\n",
+ " edge_type: intended_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - purpose\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 969:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial metric or value such as cash amounts, net increases,\n",
+ " or financial activities.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the sequential relationship between financial items in a\n",
+ " report or statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_followed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 970:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 971:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used in mathematics, currency, or other fields.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 972:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A place or geographical area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, including historical, cultural, or fictional\n",
+ " events.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A group or institution formed for a particular purpose, often with\n",
+ " a structured system.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An object made or given shape by humans, such as tools, machines, or\n",
+ " artworks.\n",
+ " type: artifact\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or a mental symbol.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information\n",
+ " or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, event, organization, or artifact is located\n",
+ " in or associated with a particular location.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - artifact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of a particular organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an artifact or concept originated from a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: originated_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - artifact\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person participated in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person created an artifact or document.\n",
+ " edge_type: created\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - artifact\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: An artifact or document represents or symbolizes a concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - artifact\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: A document provides information or evidence about an event, person,\n",
+ " or concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: describes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 973:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 974:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, including integers and floats.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents distinct types of currencies such as USD, EUR, etc.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the type of currency a numerical value is denominated in.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 975:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, which can be positive, negative, or zero.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a pair of parentheses used to enclose numbers or expressions.\n",
+ " type: parentheses\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number or expression is enclosed within parentheses.\n",
+ " edge_type: encloses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - parentheses\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 976:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a generic numeral value, which can be an integer or formatted\n",
+ " in a conventional way such as with commas or parentheses to indicate negative\n",
+ " values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 977:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, which can be in plain or formatted form,\n",
+ " such as including commas or parentheses for negative numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 978:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a comparison or relationship between two numbers, such as\n",
+ " greater than, less than, or equal to.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 979:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one numeric value is larger than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one numeric value is smaller than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 980:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 981:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, expressed in millions.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 982:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, integers or decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of legal tender or money.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a numerical value is expressed in a certain currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 983:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a general relationship or connection between two numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 984:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number follows another in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 985:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a comparative relationship between two numbers, such as greater\n",
+ " than, less than, or equal to.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 986:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol or punctuation mark.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an association or sequence between symbols and numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: association\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 987:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value in currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a grouping of numbers that are listed together.\n",
+ " edge_type: grouped_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number represents an amount of money.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_currency_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 988:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 989:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 990:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value, integer or decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a generic relation between two numbers, without specifying\n",
+ " the nature of the relationship.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 991:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, including integers and real numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is smaller than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 992:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sequence or order between numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 993:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the equivalence between numerical values.\n",
+ " edge_type: equivalence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the comparison between two numbers, indicating which is\n",
+ " greater or lesser.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 994:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a generic relation between numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 995:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document or a section of content that can be identified distinctly\n",
+ " within a larger text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific subdivision of a document, usually identified by a title\n",
+ " or number, representing a thematic grouping of content.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: The main body of text or material within a document or section, which\n",
+ " provides detailed information or discussion on a particular topic.\n",
+ " type: content\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a document includes sections or content.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - content\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section is a part of a larger document.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a section specifically includes detailed\n",
+ " content.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_content\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 996:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, corporation, or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 997:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document detailing a company's financial performance over a specific\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration of time during which events or activities occur.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company produces or is associated with a financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_statement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating the time period that a financial statement\n",
+ " covers.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 998:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 999:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document that contains financial data and statements.\n",
+ " type: financial_document\n",
+ "- description: Specific information related to cash flow within a financial document.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow_information\n",
+ "- description: Money paid out during a specified time period, as noted in financial\n",
+ " documents.\n",
+ " type: cash_payment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial document includes specific cash flow information.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow_information\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that cash flow information provides details about specific\n",
+ " cash payments made during a given time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: details\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow_information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_payment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1000:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial concept, term, or process.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Denotes an action or a computation performed in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: financial_operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a connection where a financial term is linked to a financial\n",
+ " operation that pertains or applies to it.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1001:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical symbol commonly used in equations and formulas.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1002:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numbers, such as integers or decimal values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary symbol or unit, such as dollar, euro, etc.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an association of a number with a currency, indicating a\n",
+ " monetary amount.\n",
+ " edge_type: association\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1003:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an action or process in the context of business or finance.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "- description: A class or division of activities that share common characteristics.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an activity belongs to a specific category.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1004:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial transaction or economic event.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: Represents an asset such as property, equipment, or stock.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company issues stock, either common or treasury, as\n",
+ " part of a transaction.\n",
+ " edge_type: issues_stock\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company settles debt using assets such as stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: settles_debt\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company acquires an asset or another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company transfers assets as part of a transaction.\n",
+ " edge_type: transfers_asset\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1005:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of money.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1006:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1007:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an activity related to a lease that does not involve direct\n",
+ " cash transactions.\n",
+ " type: lease_activity\n",
+ "- description: A contractual arrangement where a lessee agrees to pay the lessor for\n",
+ " use of an asset.\n",
+ " type: lease\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a lease activity involves a specific lease.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lease_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1008:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item of property, both tangible and intangible, that\n",
+ " holds value.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents an obligation or debt owed by a business or individual.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the acquisition of an asset by assuming an associated liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired_by_assuming\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1009:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical or special symbols used in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1010:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of currency, such as dollars, euros, etc.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value associated with monetary transactions.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the relationship where a specific type of currency has a\n",
+ " certain numerical value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1011:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or digital document containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Additional information provided to explain, clarify, or provide context\n",
+ " for something mentioned in a document.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial statement contains additional notes providing\n",
+ " explanations or details.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_note\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1012:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1013:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1014:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1015:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a non-alphanumeric character or symbol used for specific\n",
+ " purposes in writing.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one entity directly follows another in a sequence, such\n",
+ " as in a list or equation.\n",
+ " edge_type: next_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1016:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or a calculated result.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "- description: Represents an arithmetic operation, such as addition, subtraction,\n",
+ " multiplication, or division.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a numerical value is involved in an arithmetic operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: operation_applicable\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the result of an arithmetic operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: operation_result\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "- description: Represents the sequence in which operations occur, especially when\n",
+ " multiple operations are chained.\n",
+ " edge_type: operation_sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1017:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of currency used in monetary transactions.\n",
+ " type: currency_unit\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific amount of money expressed in a currency unit.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a monetary value is expressed in a specific currency\n",
+ " unit.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1018:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1019:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1020:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is placed next to another number in a sequence\n",
+ " or list.\n",
+ " edge_type: next_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1021:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1022:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document, such as a book, article, or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific items listed within a section, such as subsections,\n",
+ " figures, or tables.\n",
+ " type: content_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more specific content items.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1023:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a legally established organization involved\n",
+ " in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1024:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document that provides an overview of a company's financial performance\n",
+ " and position.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Additional details and explanations that accompany financial statements\n",
+ " to provide further insight into a company's financial activities.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a financial statement includes one or more notes\n",
+ " that explain or elaborate on the financial data presented.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_note\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1025:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1026:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization that operates in the semiconductor industry.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents items produced by a company, such as CPUs, GPUs, and other\n",
+ " semiconductor devices.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents technological concepts or components used within a product.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents legal rights to inventions or designs in the form of patents,\n",
+ " copyrights, or trademarks.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company manufactures or creates a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product includes a specific technology as part of\n",
+ " its composition.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company holds the legal rights to a specific piece\n",
+ " of intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company sells or licenses its intellectual property\n",
+ " to others.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells_or_licenses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1027:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a significant occurrence or happening, particularly in a\n",
+ " business context.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the completion of a company acquisition by another company\n",
+ " on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquisition_completed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "- description: Links an event to a specific date on which it occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: document_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1028:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific accounting policy or principle.\n",
+ " type: accounting_policy\n",
+ "- description: Represents the basis of presentation for financial or similar data\n",
+ " in documents.\n",
+ " type: presentation_basis\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section includes specific accounting policies\n",
+ " or the basis of presentation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_policy\n",
+ " - presentation_basis\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1029:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific fiscal year for a company.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents the number of weeks in a fiscal year.\n",
+ " type: week_count\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the ending date of a fiscal year.\n",
+ " edge_type: ends_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the number of weeks in a fiscal year.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_week_count\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - week_count\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1030:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general entity such as a company or a subsidiary.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A document that represents the financial activities and condition of\n",
+ " an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: An instance of commercial activity between entities.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A record summarizing the financial transactions associated with a specific\n",
+ " purpose or entity.\n",
+ " type: account\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity includes another entity or a financial statement\n",
+ " within its structure or reporting.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the removal of accounts or transactions from a financial\n",
+ " statement to avoid double counting or to consolidate records.\n",
+ " edge_type: eliminates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - account\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1031:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific financial terms or concepts such as 'Reclassification'.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents documents or records that summarize financial activities,\n",
+ " such as 'prior period amounts' and 'current period presentation'.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term or practice is applied to a specific\n",
+ " financial statement or document.\n",
+ " edge_type: applies_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1032:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to documents that outline the financial status of an entity,\n",
+ " including assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Refers to approximate calculations or judgments made by management\n",
+ " regarding financial statement items such as assets, liabilities, revenues, and\n",
+ " expenses.\n",
+ " type: estimate\n",
+ "- description: A set of guidelines and rules used in managing and reporting financial\n",
+ " transactions, e.g., U.S. GAAP.\n",
+ " type: accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the group of individuals at the helm of an organization responsible\n",
+ " for making strategic decisions.\n",
+ " type: management\n",
+ "- description: Specific sectors within financial management that require subjective\n",
+ " judgment, e.g., revenue allowances, inventory valuation.\n",
+ " type: financial_area\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the preparation of financial statements necessitates\n",
+ " the use of estimates.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that estimates are made in accordance with specific accounting\n",
+ " principles.\n",
+ " edge_type: guided_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that estimates are made by the management of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: made_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that estimates impact the reported amounts in the financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that management's decision-making involves specific financial\n",
+ " areas requiring subjective judgment.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_area\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1033:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents abstract concepts and principles in accounting.\n",
+ " type: Accounting_Concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one accounting concept is a subcategory or specific\n",
+ " instance of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Accounting_Concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Accounting_Concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1034:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases goods or services from a company.\n",
+ " type: Customer\n",
+ "- description: Physical items that are produced or manufactured for sale.\n",
+ " type: Goods\n",
+ "- description: Activities performed by one party for the benefit of another, typically\n",
+ " in exchange for payment.\n",
+ " type: Service\n",
+ "- description: The total income generated by the sale of goods or services before\n",
+ " any costs or expenses are deducted.\n",
+ " type: Revenue\n",
+ "- description: The expense incurred in the production or provision of goods or services.\n",
+ " type: Cost\n",
+ "- description: A financial charge imposed by a government on the company's transactions.\n",
+ " type: Tax\n",
+ "- description: A commitment in a contract to transfer a good or service to a customer.\n",
+ " type: Performance_Obligation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company recognizes revenue when control of goods or services is transferred\n",
+ " to a customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: recognizes_revenue\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Customer\n",
+ " - Goods\n",
+ " - Service\n",
+ " - Revenue\n",
+ "- description: Certain financial charges such as taxes are excluded from the revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: excludes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Revenue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Tax\n",
+ "- description: Certain expenses such as shipping and handling are included in the\n",
+ " cost of goods sold.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Goods\n",
+ "- description: A company derives its revenue primarily from the sale of goods.\n",
+ " edge_type: derives\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Revenue\n",
+ " - Goods\n",
+ "- description: Goods sold represent a performance obligation fulfilled by the company.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Goods\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Performance_Obligation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1035:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases products or services from a company.\n",
+ " type: Customer\n",
+ "- description: An entity that provides products or services to customers.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Items or services offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: Services provided by a company.\n",
+ " type: Service\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement between two parties, typically involving the exchange\n",
+ " of goods, services, or other considerations.\n",
+ " type: Contract\n",
+ "- description: The conditions under which a payment must be made for a product or\n",
+ " service, including the timeframe for payment.\n",
+ " type: Payment_Term\n",
+ "- description: A financial term involving the conditions or considerations given for\n",
+ " the deferral or advance of payments within a contract.\n",
+ " type: Financing_Component\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the purchase of products or services by a customer from\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: buys\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " - Service\n",
+ "- description: Represents the provision of products or services by a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " - Service\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal agreement between a company and a customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_contract_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Customer\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the payment conditions specified in a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_payment_terms\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Payment_Term\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the presence or absence of financing components within the\n",
+ " contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financing_component\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financing_Component\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1036:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A physical or digital item that can be bought, sold, or used.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A category defining the characteristics and intended use of a product.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product belongs to a specific category of product.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1037:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in selling products and has various business\n",
+ " relationships and agreements.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Items that the company sells, which can be categorized into different\n",
+ " types based on customization and other features.\n",
+ " type: Product\n",
+ "- description: Entities or individuals who purchase products from the company. This\n",
+ " includes specific types such as OEMs and distributors.\n",
+ " type: Customer\n",
+ "- description: Original Equipment Manufacturers who purchase products from the company\n",
+ " under specific agreements.\n",
+ " type: OEM\n",
+ "- description: Entities that distribute the company's products, often under specific\n",
+ " terms that include rights like returns and price protection.\n",
+ " type: Distributor\n",
+ "- description: Formal arrangements between the company and its customers, outlining\n",
+ " the terms of sale, return policies, rebates, and other conditions.\n",
+ " type: Agreement\n",
+ "- description: A commitment in an agreement to deliver a product or service under\n",
+ " specified conditions.\n",
+ " type: Performance Obligation\n",
+ "- description: The part of the transaction price that is contingent on the outcome\n",
+ " of future events, such as product returns and rebates.\n",
+ " type: Variable Consideration\n",
+ "- description: A financial reservation made by the company to cover potential losses\n",
+ " from returns, price protections, and rebates.\n",
+ " type: Provision\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the action of the company selling products to customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Customer\n",
+ "- description: Represents the company having formal sales agreements with OEMs and\n",
+ " distributors.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_agreement_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - OEM\n",
+ " - Distributor\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the rights and privileges granted to OEMs and distributors\n",
+ " under the agreements, such as returns and rebates.\n",
+ " edge_type: entitles\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - OEM\n",
+ " - Distributor\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an agreement contains specific performance obligations.\n",
+ " edge_type: comprises\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Performance Obligation\n",
+ "- description: The company's action of estimating the variable consideration based\n",
+ " on historical data and known events.\n",
+ " edge_type: estimates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Variable Consideration\n",
+ "- description: The company's action of recording financial provisions for anticipated\n",
+ " product returns and other allowances.\n",
+ " edge_type: records\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Provision\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1038:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1039:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or publication.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1040:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in business activities, such as sales, marketing,\n",
+ " and promotions.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: An entity or individual that purchases goods or services from a company.\n",
+ " type: Customer\n",
+ "- description: Programs offered by a company to encourage customer engagement and\n",
+ " sales, such as advertising incentives, marketing promotions, and special pricing\n",
+ " arrangements.\n",
+ " type: Incentive_Program\n",
+ "- description: The total income generated by a company from its business activities.\n",
+ " type: Revenue\n",
+ "- description: An instance of buying or selling, or any exchange of goods, services,\n",
+ " or funds between parties.\n",
+ " type: Transaction\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company provides specific programs to promote customer\n",
+ " engagement and sales.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Incentive_Program\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer is involved in or benefits from an incentive\n",
+ " program offered by a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: participates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Incentive_Program\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that participating in an incentive program leads to a reduction\n",
+ " in revenue for the company.\n",
+ " edge_type: reduces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Incentive_Program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Revenue\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that revenue is linked to specific transactions of buying\n",
+ " or selling in a company's operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Revenue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Transaction\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1041:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a limitation or condition applied to variables or elements\n",
+ " in a context.\n",
+ " type: constraint\n",
+ "- description: Represents an element or factor that can change or be adjusted in a\n",
+ " scenario.\n",
+ " type: variable\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a variable is subject to a specific constraint.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_constraint\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - variable\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - constraint\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1042:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item or good that is available for purchase or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Specific features or modifications made to a product to meet unique\n",
+ " requirements or preferences.\n",
+ " type: customization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has been modified or tailored with specific\n",
+ " features to suit individual needs or preferences.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_customization\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1043:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of goods produced and sold by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: The method used by a company to recognize revenue from sales or services.\n",
+ " type: revenue_recognition_method\n",
+ "- description: The series of actions or steps taken to manufacture products.\n",
+ " type: production_process\n",
+ "- description: A legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: A commercial document issued by a buyer committing to pay the seller\n",
+ " for the supply of goods or services.\n",
+ " type: purchase_order\n",
+ "- description: A duty or commitment that a company must fulfill as per the terms of\n",
+ " a contract with a customer.\n",
+ " type: performance_obligation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is part of a specific business segment of\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_segment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the method a company uses to recognize revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: recognizes_revenue\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue_recognition_method\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific method a company uses to recognize revenue or\n",
+ " measure performance obligations.\n",
+ " edge_type: utilizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue_recognition_method\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company manufactures a specific product.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a purchase order is regulated or controlled by a specific\n",
+ " contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: governed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_order\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company fulfills its performance obligations as per\n",
+ " a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: satisfies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_obligation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has no alternative use other than what is\n",
+ " specified in the contract at the inception of the contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_no_alternative_use\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the revenue recognition method is calculated based on\n",
+ " the production process.\n",
+ " edge_type: calculated_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue_recognition_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - production_process\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1044:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of good that is offered for sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A requirement or task that must be fulfilled as part of a contract.\n",
+ " type: performance_obligation\n",
+ "- description: A component of a transaction that can change based on outcomes or contingencies.\n",
+ " type: variable_consideration\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates whether a product is subject to a right of return.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_right_of_return\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types: []\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product arrangement includes a performance obligation.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_obligation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has associated variable considerations.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - variable_consideration\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1045:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement between parties, typically in written form.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: Any individual, company, organization, or body that can enter into\n",
+ " agreements.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: An idea or principle that can be part of an agreement, such as intellectual\n",
+ " property.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An agreement involves one or more entities as parties.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_party\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: An agreement includes specific concepts, such as intellectual property\n",
+ " rights.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves_concept\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1046:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in business activities, such as development\n",
+ " services and licensing intellectual property.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: An entity or individual that enters into business arrangements with\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " type: Customer\n",
+ "- description: A type of work or assistance provided by a company, such as development\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " type: Service\n",
+ "- description: A legal permission granted by a company to a customer, allowing the\n",
+ " use of the company's intellectual property.\n",
+ " type: License\n",
+ "- description: A commitment in a contract that specifies the services or licenses\n",
+ " a company must provide to a customer.\n",
+ " type: Performance Obligation\n",
+ "- description: The income a company earns from its business activities, such as providing\n",
+ " services or licenses.\n",
+ " type: Revenue\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company offering services or licenses to customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Service\n",
+ " - License\n",
+ "- description: A company and a customer establish a business arrangement involving\n",
+ " services or licenses.\n",
+ " edge_type: enters_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " - Customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Service\n",
+ " - License\n",
+ "- description: A performance obligation includes services or licenses as its components.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_component\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Performance Obligation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Service\n",
+ " - License\n",
+ "- description: A company acknowledges revenue from its services or licenses.\n",
+ " edge_type: recognizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Revenue\n",
+ "- description: A company assesses whether a license is distinct within a business\n",
+ " arrangement.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - License\n",
+ "- description: A performance obligation is determined as single or multiple based\n",
+ " on the arrangement specifics.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_deemed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Performance Obligation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Performance Obligation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1047:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases goods or services from a company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A legal permission granted by one party to another, allowing the latter\n",
+ " to perform certain activities.\n",
+ " type: license\n",
+ "- description: A government authority or license conferring a right or title for a\n",
+ " set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or\n",
+ " selling an invention.\n",
+ " type: patent\n",
+ "- description: A category of property that includes intangible creations of the human\n",
+ " intellect.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company grants a license to another entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: licenses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - license\n",
+ "- description: A company holds ownership of a patent or intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: A company transfers a license to a customer, typically involving patents\n",
+ " or intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: transfers_license\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: A company recognizes revenue from a transaction or contract with a\n",
+ " customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: recognized_revenue_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1048:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured agreement or deal between parties.\n",
+ " type: arrangement\n",
+ "- description: Legally recognized exclusive rights to creations of the mind.\n",
+ " type: IP (Intellectual Property)\n",
+ "- description: An approximate calculation or judgment of value, quantity, or extent.\n",
+ " type: estimate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an arrangement includes aspects related to intellectual\n",
+ " property.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - arrangement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - IP (Intellectual Property)\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an arrangement has associated estimates for various\n",
+ " considerations.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_estimate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - arrangement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an arrangement does not have associated estimates for\n",
+ " various considerations.\n",
+ " edge_type: lacks_estimate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - arrangement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1049:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A collection of items held by an entity, typically for sale, use, or\n",
+ " distribution.\n",
+ " type: Inventory\n",
+ "- description: An individual object within an inventory, which can be quantified and\n",
+ " managed.\n",
+ " type: Item\n",
+ "- description: An organization, business, or individual that owns or manages inventories.\n",
+ " type: Entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where an inventory includes specific items.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Inventory\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Item\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an inventory is owned or managed by a particular entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: owned_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Inventory\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Entity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1050:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific entity, such as a company or a product.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or a theoretical construct such as cost, value, or\n",
+ " market conditions.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: An action or series of actions performed by an entity, such as a review\n",
+ " or assessment.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "- description: A state or situation influencing decisions, such as economic conditions\n",
+ " or demand.\n",
+ " type: condition\n",
+ "- description: A sequence of operations or steps taken by an entity, such as inventory\n",
+ " valuation or reserve determination.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An entity takes into account a concept during decision-making or evaluation\n",
+ " processes.\n",
+ " edge_type: considers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: An entity executes an activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: performs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "- description: An entity makes modifications or changes in response to a condition.\n",
+ " edge_type: adjusts_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - condition\n",
+ "- description: An entity assesses or reviews a process to determine outcomes or make\n",
+ " decisions.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: An entity establishes or decides a specific concept after consideration\n",
+ " or evaluation.\n",
+ " edge_type: determines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: A process includes or incorporates an activity as part of its execution.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1051:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a quantity or position in a sequence.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1052:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or element within a document.\n",
+ " type: document_part\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one part of the document contains another part.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_part\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_part\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1053:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Business\n",
+ "- description: A process in which two or more entities are joined to form a single\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " type: Combination\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the action of one business joining with another to form\n",
+ " a new entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: combines_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1054:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A distinct entity or concept, such as a company, asset, or liability.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular\n",
+ " end, such as accounting methods or determination processes.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: A quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part\n",
+ " of someone or something, such as fair value or goodwill.\n",
+ " type: attribute\n",
+ "- description: A formal written record of events or transactions, such as financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An entity implements or employs a process.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: A process encompasses or requires consideration of an attribute.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - attribute\n",
+ "- description: A process results in the establishment or calculation of an attribute.\n",
+ " edge_type: determines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - attribute\n",
+ "- description: An entity officially notes or registers an attribute.\n",
+ " edge_type: records\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - attribute\n",
+ "- description: An attribute is related or connected to an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - attribute\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: An attribute's details or results are noted in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documented_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - attribute\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1055:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general idea or understanding, often abstract in nature.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1056:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening that affects or pertains to a specific situation.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.\n",
+ " type: circumstance\n",
+ "- description: A detailed examination of elements or structure of something.\n",
+ " type: analysis\n",
+ "- description: An element that contributes to a particular result or situation.\n",
+ " type: factor\n",
+ "- description: A reduction in the value of an asset.\n",
+ " type: impairment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company carries out an analysis.\n",
+ " edge_type: performs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - analysis\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an analysis includes or considers specific elements\n",
+ " such as events, circumstances, or factors.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - analysis\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - circumstance\n",
+ " - factor\n",
+ "- description: Shows that an event or circumstance suggests the possibility of an\n",
+ " impairment.\n",
+ " edge_type: indicates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - circumstance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - impairment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1057:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A segment or component of a company evaluated for accounting purposes.\n",
+ " type: Reporting Unit\n",
+ "- description: An evaluation method that uses non-numerical data to assess conditions.\n",
+ " type: Qualitative Test\n",
+ "- description: An evaluation method that uses numerical data to assess conditions.\n",
+ " type: Quantitative Test\n",
+ "- description: A non-numerical element considered in an evaluation or decision-making\n",
+ " process.\n",
+ " type: Qualitative Factor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has the option to perform a type of test.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_option\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Qualitative Test\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the qualitative test is used to assess a reporting unit.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Qualitative Test\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Reporting Unit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the qualitative test takes into account various qualitative\n",
+ " factors.\n",
+ " edge_type: considers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Qualitative Test\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Qualitative Factor\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company does not proceed with a quantitative test\n",
+ " under certain conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: avoids\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Quantitative Test\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1058:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A component of a company, such as a department or division, that is\n",
+ " analyzed for financial reporting purposes.\n",
+ " type: reporting_unit\n",
+ "- description: A financial assessment to determine if the value of goodwill needs\n",
+ " to be adjusted due to the reporting unit's value being less than its carrying\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " type: goodwill_impairment_test\n",
+ "- description: An estimate of the market value of an asset, based on current prices\n",
+ " in an active market.\n",
+ " type: fair_value\n",
+ "- description: The value of an asset according to its balance sheet account balance,\n",
+ " which may differ from its fair value.\n",
+ " type: carrying_value\n",
+ "- description: A valuation method that estimates the present value of expected future\n",
+ " cash flows of an asset or business.\n",
+ " type: income_approach\n",
+ "- description: A valuation method that uses financial ratios and comparisons with\n",
+ " similar companies to determine value.\n",
+ " type: market_approach\n",
+ "- description: A financial loss recorded when the fair value of a reporting unit is\n",
+ " less than its carrying value.\n",
+ " type: goodwill_impairment_charge\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company performs or carries out a goodwill impairment test.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - goodwill_impairment_test\n",
+ "- description: The test utilizes different approaches to determine the reporting unit's\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - goodwill_impairment_test\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - income_approach\n",
+ " - market_approach\n",
+ "- description: The test involves comparing fair value to carrying value of a reporting\n",
+ " unit.\n",
+ " edge_type: compares\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - goodwill_impairment_test\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fair_value\n",
+ " - carrying_value\n",
+ "- description: The outcome of the test may result in a goodwill impairment charge\n",
+ " if the fair value is less than the carrying value.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - goodwill_impairment_test\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - goodwill_impairment_charge\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1059:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents items of value owned by individuals or organizations.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Characterizes properties or qualities of nodes, such as assets.\n",
+ " type: attribute\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset possesses a specific attribute.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_attribute\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - attribute\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1060:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents items of economic value owned by an entity.\n",
+ " type: Asset\n",
+ "- description: Factors or signals that suggest an asset may have lost value.\n",
+ " type: Impairment Indicator\n",
+ "- description: The total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business,\n",
+ " especially as affecting liquidity.\n",
+ " type: Cash Flow\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset is evaluated for potential loss in value based\n",
+ " on certain impairment indicators.\n",
+ " edge_type: review_for_impairment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Impairment Indicator\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that an asset is responsible for generating identifiable cash\n",
+ " flows.\n",
+ " edge_type: generate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Cash Flow\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the action of examining impairment indicators on a periodic\n",
+ " basis.\n",
+ " edge_type: review\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Impairment Indicator\n",
+ " target_types: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1061:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to items or resources owned by a company that have economic\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents the movement of money into and out of a business, specifically\n",
+ " related to an asset or a group of assets.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business and carry out transactions.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Signals or conditions that suggest an asset may be impaired or decreased\n",
+ " in value.\n",
+ " type: impairment_indicator\n",
+ "- description: The estimated price at which an asset can be bought or sold in a current\n",
+ " transaction between willing parties.\n",
+ " type: fair_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company evaluates or estimates the cash flows related to assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: A company possesses or owns assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: A condition or signal suggests an asset may be impaired.\n",
+ " edge_type: indicates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - impairment_indicator\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: A company decreases the recorded value of an asset to its fair value\n",
+ " due to impairment.\n",
+ " edge_type: writes_down\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: The inability of cash flows to recover the recorded value of an asset\n",
+ " leads to impairment.\n",
+ " edge_type: impairs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1062:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item of property owned by a company, which has economic value.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business and capable of owning assets,\n",
+ " employing individuals, and incurring liabilities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A decrease in the estimated recoverable value of an asset, resulting\n",
+ " in a financial loss for a company.\n",
+ " type: impairment_loss\n",
+ "- description: The book value of an asset as recorded in the accounting records of\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " type: carrying_value\n",
+ "- description: The estimated price at which an asset could be sold in the current\n",
+ " market conditions.\n",
+ " type: fair_value\n",
+ "- description: Economic and market factors that can influence the value and operation\n",
+ " of businesses and assets.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "- description: The accounting act of recording an item or event in the financial statements\n",
+ " of a company.\n",
+ " type: recognition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates ownership of assets by a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: A company determines the amount of potential financial loss due to\n",
+ " asset impairment.\n",
+ " edge_type: estimates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - impairment_loss\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the book value of an asset is higher than its current\n",
+ " market value.\n",
+ " edge_type: exceeds\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - carrying_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fair_value\n",
+ "- description: Market conditions influence the value and potential impairment of assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - impairment_loss\n",
+ "- description: Changes in market conditions or impairments may require the recognition\n",
+ " of certain financial adjustments in a company's records.\n",
+ " edge_type: necessitates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ " - impairment_loss\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - recognition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1063:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1064:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of written material, such as books, articles, or\n",
+ " reports.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: A structural part of a document, typically representing chapters, headings,\n",
+ " or subheadings.\n",
+ " type: Section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the sequential order of sections within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1065:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific terms or concepts within the financial domain.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1066:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category that includes any instrument or asset that can be traded\n",
+ " or has monetary value.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A type of financial instrument that is easily convertible into cash\n",
+ " and has a short maturity period.\n",
+ " type: cash_equivalent\n",
+ "- description: The fixed date at which the principal amount of a financial instrument\n",
+ " is due to be paid back.\n",
+ " type: maturity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a cash equivalent is a type of financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cash_equivalent\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a cash equivalent has a specific maturity date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_maturity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cash_equivalent\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - maturity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1067:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A concept or term related to finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, more general financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1068:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial elements like accounts receivable, rebates, and\n",
+ " price protection.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "- description: Represents services provided by a company, such as development services.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: Represents products, possibly including semi-custom products that are\n",
+ " specific to customer requirements.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial item includes another, such as accounts\n",
+ " receivable including rebates.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product or service is specifically related or tailored\n",
+ " to a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a service or product has been recognized as a financial\n",
+ " item, such as revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: recognized_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the expectation of a financial item's future state, such\n",
+ " as billing or collection.\n",
+ " edge_type: expected_to_be\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1069:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases goods or services from another entity.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Methods and procedures used by a company to mitigate risks associated\n",
+ " with extending credit to customers.\n",
+ " type: credit_risk_management\n",
+ "- description: The process of assessing the creditworthiness of a customer.\n",
+ " type: credit_evaluation\n",
+ "- description: Financial instruments such as letters of credit, bank guarantees, or\n",
+ " corporate guarantees used to secure credit.\n",
+ " type: credit_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A financial provision made by a company to cover anticipated losses\n",
+ " from uncollectible accounts receivable.\n",
+ " type: allowance_for_credit_loss\n",
+ "- description: Money owed to a company by its customers for goods or services delivered\n",
+ " or used but not yet paid for.\n",
+ " type: accounts_receivable\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company controls or oversees its credit risk management.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - credit_risk_management\n",
+ "- description: A company performs credit evaluations on new or existing customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - credit_evaluation\n",
+ "- description: A company may demand financial instruments to secure credit under certain\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - credit_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A company keeps a financial provision for covering losses from uncollectible\n",
+ " accounts receivable.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - allowance_for_credit_loss\n",
+ "- description: Accounts receivable signifies an amount owed to the company by its\n",
+ " customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounts_receivable\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1070:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial assets or items acquired with the goal of generating\n",
+ " income or appreciation.\n",
+ " type: Investment\n",
+ "- description: An individual or organization that commits money or capital in order\n",
+ " to gain financial returns.\n",
+ " type: Investor\n",
+ "- description: Items of ownership convertible into cash; total resources of a person\n",
+ " or business, including tangible and intangible items.\n",
+ " type: Asset\n",
+ "- description: The financial profit or gain derived from an investment, which could\n",
+ " include interest, dividend, or capital gains.\n",
+ " type: Financial Return\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where an investor allocates funds to an investment in\n",
+ " expectation of a financial return.\n",
+ " edge_type: invests_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Investor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Investment\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that an investment generates a financial\n",
+ " return.\n",
+ " edge_type: yields\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Investment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Return\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that an investment is comprised of various\n",
+ " assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: consists_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Investment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1071:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument representing borrowed money that must be repaid,\n",
+ " with terms including interest and other conditions.\n",
+ " type: Debt Security\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business and capable of holding\n",
+ " assets, incurring liabilities, and entering into contracts.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Quantitative measures used to assess the financial health and performance\n",
+ " of a business.\n",
+ " type: Financial Metric\n",
+ "- description: Parts of a financial statement, such as balance sheets or income statements,\n",
+ " detailing specific financial information.\n",
+ " type: Financial Statement Component\n",
+ "- description: A financial charge imposed by a government on individuals, entities,\n",
+ " or transactions.\n",
+ " type: Tax\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company categorizes a debt security in a specific financial manner\n",
+ " at acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: classifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Debt Security\n",
+ "- description: Debt securities are valued according to a financial metric, such as\n",
+ " fair value.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Debt Security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Metric\n",
+ "- description: Financial metrics are included in specific parts of a financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Statement Component\n",
+ "- description: A company assesses debt security for specific financial conditions\n",
+ " or impairments.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Debt Security\n",
+ "- description: The financial metric includes certain elements net of tax.\n",
+ " edge_type: attribution_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Tax\n",
+ "- description: A company's intention related to the management or use of a debt security,\n",
+ " such as the intent to sell within a specific timeframe.\n",
+ " edge_type: intent_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Debt Security\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1072:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Securities that are not readily tradable on public exchanges and involve\n",
+ " investments in privately-held companies.\n",
+ " type: Non-marketable Security\n",
+ "- description: A company in which investments are made by another company.\n",
+ " type: Investee\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or situation that might impact the value or status of\n",
+ " an investment.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A condition or fact that affects the situation of an entity or investment.\n",
+ " type: Circumstance\n",
+ "- description: The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of\n",
+ " someone or something.\n",
+ " type: Assessment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company makes investments in an investee.\n",
+ " edge_type: invests_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Investee\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a company uses a specific accounting\n",
+ " method for a type of security.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_accounting_method\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Non-marketable Security\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company assesses an investee for various factors\n",
+ " such as financial condition, business milestones, and prospects.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Investee\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that the value or status of a non-marketable\n",
+ " security is impacted by certain events or circumstances.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Non-marketable Security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Circumstance\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a company performs an assessment.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Assessment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1073:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A method of determining the estimated market value of an asset or liability\n",
+ " type: Fair Value Measurement\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1074:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A monetary contract between parties that can be traded and includes\n",
+ " cash, evidence of ownership in an entity, or a contractual right to receive or\n",
+ " deliver cash or another financial instrument.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer\n",
+ " a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " type: fair_value\n",
+ "- description: An alternate accounting method for certain investments that do not\n",
+ " have readily determinable fair values.\n",
+ " type: measurement_alternative\n",
+ "- description: An investment representing ownership of shares in a company, providing\n",
+ " the right to a portion of the company's earnings and assets.\n",
+ " type: equity_investment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial instrument is valued at a fair value.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fair_value\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company uses a specific accounting method for certain\n",
+ " transactions or assessments.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_accounting_method\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - measurement_alternative\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company owns equity investments.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_investment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_investment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1075:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or theory that is not associated with any specific\n",
+ " instance.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: A specific level or position within a structured ranking system.\n",
+ " type: hierarchy_level\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a concept includes various levels within a hierarchical\n",
+ " structure.\n",
+ " edge_type: consists_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - hierarchy_level\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1076:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to items of value owned by an individual or entity.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Refers to financial obligations or debts owed by an individual or entity.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: A classification based on the assumptions used to price assets or liabilities.\n",
+ " type: fair_value_measurement_category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset or liability is classified into a specific\n",
+ " fair value measurement category.\n",
+ " edge_type: categorized_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fair_value_measurement_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1077:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a classification level for the pricing of assets or liabilities.\n",
+ " type: price_level\n",
+ "- description: Indicates if a market is active or inactive.\n",
+ " type: market_status\n",
+ "- description: Represents either an asset or a liability.\n",
+ " type: asset_or_liability\n",
+ "- description: The quoted price for an asset or liability.\n",
+ " type: price_quote\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the price level classification of a quoted price.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_price_level\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - price_quote\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - price_level\n",
+ "- description: Indicates whether the market, where the price was quoted, is active\n",
+ " or inactive.\n",
+ " edge_type: market_activity_status\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - price_quote\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_status\n",
+ "- description: Associates a quoted price with a specific asset or liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: price_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - price_quote\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset_or_liability\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1078:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An item of property or a resource having economic value that an individual,\n",
+ " corporation, or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide\n",
+ " future benefit.\n",
+ " type: Asset\n",
+ "- description: A financial obligation or debt owed by an individual, corporation,\n",
+ " or country, which requires settling typically through the transfer of financial\n",
+ " assets, provision of services, or other forms of economic value.\n",
+ " type: Liability\n",
+ "- description: A context or venue where entities engage in the exchange of goods and\n",
+ " services, including financial markets where assets and liabilities are traded.\n",
+ " type: Market\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one asset or liability is similar to another, often\n",
+ " used in valuation or comparison contexts.\n",
+ " edge_type: Similar_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " - Liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " - Liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset or liability is actively traded or commonly\n",
+ " found in a specified market.\n",
+ " edge_type: Active_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " - Liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Market\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the valuation of an asset or liability utilizes observable\n",
+ " inputs from a market, such as quoted prices or other corroborated data.\n",
+ " edge_type: Observable_input\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " - Liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Market\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1079:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1080:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a written piece or publication.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part or division of a document, such as a chapter or heading.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1081:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A method used to estimate the fair value of assets or liabilities.\n",
+ " type: valuation_method\n",
+ "- description: Resources owned by a business or individual that have economic value.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Financial obligations owed by a business or individual.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: An estimate of the market value of an asset or liability, based on\n",
+ " current market conditions.\n",
+ " type: fair_value\n",
+ "- description: The volume or level of trading in a market, which influences the valuation\n",
+ " of assets or liabilities.\n",
+ " type: market_activity\n",
+ "- description: Decisions and estimates made by management in the valuation of assets\n",
+ " and liabilities.\n",
+ " type: management_judgment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the fair value of an asset or liability is estimated\n",
+ " using a specific valuation method.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a valuation method requires significant management judgment\n",
+ " or estimation.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - management_judgment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the valuation method is supported by certain levels\n",
+ " of market activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: supported_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1082:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A real estate entity or physical location owned or managed by an individual\n",
+ " or organization.\n",
+ " type: property\n",
+ "- description: Tools or machinery used for specific tasks, typically owned by an individual\n",
+ " or organization.\n",
+ " type: equipment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a property houses or accommodates certain equipment.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - property\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1083:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of tangible or intangible resources owned\n",
+ " by an entity.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: A method used to allocate the cost of an asset over its useful life.\n",
+ " type: depreciation_method\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or range of time.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the initial monetary value of an asset at a specific time.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset's value is reduced over time using a specific\n",
+ " depreciation method.\n",
+ " edge_type: depreciated_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - depreciation_method\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the estimated period over which an asset remains useful or\n",
+ " economically viable.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_lifespan\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1084:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified\n",
+ " period in exchange for a specified rent or other forms of payment.\n",
+ " type: lease\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1085:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A contractual agreement where one party allows another to use an asset\n",
+ " for a specified time in return for payment.\n",
+ " type: lease\n",
+ "- description: An economic resource that is owned or controlled by a company.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: A company's legal financial debts or obligations that arise during\n",
+ " the course of business operations.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed by a group of individuals to engage in and operate\n",
+ " a business.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: The proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower,\n",
+ " typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan outstanding.\n",
+ " type: interest_rate\n",
+ "- description: A financial statement that reports a company's assets, liabilities,\n",
+ " and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: balance_sheet\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company owning or controlling an asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_asset\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company's legal financial debts or obligations.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_liability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company using a specific interest rate to calculate financial\n",
+ " metrics.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ "- description: Represents the act of a company recording financial information on\n",
+ " a balance sheet.\n",
+ " edge_type: records_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - balance_sheet\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1086:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of money that is used as a medium of exchange in\n",
+ " a country or economic zone.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "- description: An act of buying or selling something; a business deal or action.\n",
+ " type: Transaction\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.\n",
+ " type: Country\n",
+ "- description: A region in which economic laws are applied that are typically different\n",
+ " from the rest of the country or area, often to encourage economic development.\n",
+ " type: Economic_Zone\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the country or economic zone where the currency is officially\n",
+ " used.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ " - Economic_Zone\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the location where a transaction takes place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ " - Economic_Zone\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the currency used in a transaction.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1087:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A company controlled by another company, typically referred to as the\n",
+ " parent company.\n",
+ " type: Subsidiary\n",
+ "- description: A system of money in general use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "- description: Resources owned by a company, regarded as having value and available\n",
+ " to meet debts, commitments, or legacies.\n",
+ " type: Asset\n",
+ "- description: A company's legal financial debts or obligations that arise during\n",
+ " the course of business operations.\n",
+ " type: Liability\n",
+ "- description: Records that contain the financial activities and status of a company.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Record\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company has control over another.\n",
+ " edge_type: controls\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Subsidiary\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the currency a subsidiary uses as its primary economic environment\n",
+ " currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Subsidiary\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Currency\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial figures of assets or liabilities are converted\n",
+ " from one currency to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: translated_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " - Liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Currency\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a change in assets or liabilities results in a corresponding\n",
+ " financial record change.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " - Liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Record\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1088:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A form of money used in a particular country or economic context.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Resources owned by a company, capable of being measured in monetary\n",
+ " terms.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Financial obligations of a company, measurable in monetary terms.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: The rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another.\n",
+ " type: exchange_rate\n",
+ "- description: A business operation involving the transfer of goods, services, or\n",
+ " funds.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A specific span of time in a financial context.\n",
+ " type: period\n",
+ "- description: The net profits of a company after all expenses and taxes have been\n",
+ " deducted.\n",
+ " type: earnings\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial value of an asset, liability, or transaction\n",
+ " is measured in a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the value of an asset, liability, or transaction has\n",
+ " been recalculated using a specific exchange rate into a different currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: remeasured_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " - exchange_rate\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific exchange rate was valid or applied during\n",
+ " a particular period.\n",
+ " edge_type: in_effect_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - exchange_rate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the results or effects of a transaction are reflected\n",
+ " in the earnings of a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: include_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - earnings\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1089:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of expenses.\n",
+ " type: Expense\n",
+ "- description: Represents various categories that expenses can be categorized into.\n",
+ " type: Category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an expense is categorized under a specific category.\n",
+ " edge_type: categorized_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1090:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category of costs incurred by a company, such as marketing, advertising,\n",
+ " or administrative expenses.\n",
+ " type: expense_type\n",
+ "- description: A specific year in which financial activities of a company are recorded\n",
+ " and reported.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing money, such as costs or revenues in\n",
+ " millions of dollars.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific type of expense is classified or recorded\n",
+ " under another type of expense in financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an expense was incurred in a specific fiscal year.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: Connects an expense type to its corresponding monetary value in a given\n",
+ " fiscal year.\n",
+ " edge_type: amounts_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1091:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1092:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured representation of a piece of written content, such as\n",
+ " a book, report, or article.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific division of a document, typically characterized by a title\n",
+ " and encompassing a particular subject or topic.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one section comes directly after another in the sequence\n",
+ " within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1093:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general term for any core idea or principle that can be defined within\n",
+ " a specific domain.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "- description: A specific piece of written material that provides information or discussion\n",
+ " about a particular subject.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document provides information or discussion about\n",
+ " the concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1094:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts business operations.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A financial derivative that gives the holder the right, but not the\n",
+ " obligation, to purchase or sell stock at a set price within a specific time frame.\n",
+ " type: stock_option\n",
+ "- description: Restricted stock unit, a type of compensation issued by an employer\n",
+ " to an employee in the form of company stock.\n",
+ " type: rsu\n",
+ "- description: The value of a company's shares traded on the stock market.\n",
+ " type: stock_price\n",
+ "- description: A mathematical model used to estimate the fair value of financial instruments.\n",
+ " type: valuation_model\n",
+ "- description: A structured policy for compensating employees, which includes various\n",
+ " forms of pay and benefits.\n",
+ " type: compensation_plan\n",
+ "- description: The period over which an employee earns the right to fully own financial\n",
+ " incentives or stock options given by the employer.\n",
+ " type: vesting_period\n",
+ "- description: Criteria defined by a company that must be met to trigger compensation\n",
+ " or other contractual benefits.\n",
+ " type: performance_condition\n",
+ "- description: Economic or market-based circumstances that impact the valuation of\n",
+ " financial instruments or compensation plans.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company calculates the cost of stock options or RSUs.\n",
+ " edge_type: estimates_cost\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option\n",
+ " - rsu\n",
+ "- description: The valuation of stock options or RSUs is based on specific models\n",
+ " or market prices.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option\n",
+ " - rsu\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_model\n",
+ " - stock_price\n",
+ "- description: A company employs a specific model to estimate financial values.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_model\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_model\n",
+ "- description: A company recognizes compensation expenses over the vesting period\n",
+ " of awards.\n",
+ " edge_type: recognizes_expense\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - vesting_period\n",
+ "- description: An RSU may involve specific performance or market conditions that affect\n",
+ " its valuation or recognition.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves_condition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - rsu\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance_condition\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1095:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A concept or idea that might occur or might be true, often used in\n",
+ " planning or decision making.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1096:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business entity involved in various activities and legal\n",
+ " matters.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal case or proceeding in which the Company may be involved.\n",
+ " type: Legal_Action\n",
+ "- description: Represents a claim made by a tax agency against the Company related\n",
+ " to taxes.\n",
+ " type: Tax_Claim\n",
+ "- description: Represents environmental issues or government clean-up activities related\n",
+ " to the Company's past or current operations.\n",
+ " type: Environmental_Matter\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial reserves set aside by the Company to cover potential\n",
+ " losses from commitments or contingencies.\n",
+ " type: Reserve\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the Company is involved in various legal, tax, or environmental\n",
+ " matters.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Legal_Action\n",
+ " - Tax_Claim\n",
+ " - Environmental_Matter\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the Company evaluates the likelihood of adverse outcomes\n",
+ " and the potential financial impact, leading to the establishment of reserves.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Reserve\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the amount of financial reserves may change due to new\n",
+ " developments or changes in circumstances.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_change\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Reserve\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Reserve\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1097:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a written document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a broad concept related to economics.\n",
+ " type: economic_concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document covers or discusses a specific economic\n",
+ " concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - economic_concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1098:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that operates commercially and is involved in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Financial benefits derived from differences in tax calculations expected\n",
+ " to be realized in future.\n",
+ " type: tax_asset\n",
+ "- description: Financial obligations related to taxes due to governmental authorities.\n",
+ " type: tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: A reduction in tax obligations that can be used to offset tax liabilities.\n",
+ " type: tax_credit\n",
+ "- description: A governmental area where specific tax laws and regulations are applied.\n",
+ " type: taxing_jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: A governmental organization responsible for the administration of tax\n",
+ " laws.\n",
+ " type: tax_authority\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company possesses deferred tax assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_tax_asset\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company possesses deferred tax liabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_tax_liability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the jurisdictions in which a company operates and is subject\n",
+ " to tax laws.\n",
+ " edge_type: operates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - taxing_jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company's tax positions are evaluated by a tax authority.\n",
+ " edge_type: examined_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_authority\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company offers or allows for tax credits either as\n",
+ " carryforwards or immediate use.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_credit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1099:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific method or set of methods used to calculate and collect taxes.\n",
+ " type: tax_policy\n",
+ "- description: A specific time frame for which tax calculations and liabilities are\n",
+ " determined.\n",
+ " type: tax_period\n",
+ "- description: A modification in the accounting methods or principles of a company.\n",
+ " type: accounting_change\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: The effect that changes in tax policies or calculations have on financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " type: tax_impact\n",
+ "- description: An obligation to pay taxes to a governmental authority.\n",
+ " type: tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Non-physical assets that have value, such as intellectual property\n",
+ " or goodwill.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: The portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share\n",
+ " of common stock.\n",
+ " type: earnings_per_share\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company has changed its method of handling a specific\n",
+ " tax policy.\n",
+ " edge_type: changed_method\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_policy\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific tax policy applies to a particular tax period.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_policy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an accounting change has specific tax impacts.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_impact\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific tax impact affects a financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_impact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company incurs a specific tax liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has recorded an intangible asset or a tax\n",
+ " liability in its financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: records\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " - tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an accounting change impacts earnings per share.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - earnings_per_share\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1100:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A geographical place, such as a country, city, or institution.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, including historical, social, or personal\n",
+ " events.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "- description: A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information\n",
+ " or evidence.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: An object made or given shape by humans, such as a tool or a work of\n",
+ " art, especially an object of archaeological interest.\n",
+ " type: Artifact\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where a person died.\n",
+ " edge_type: died_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a location is situated within another location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person created a document or an artifact.\n",
+ " edge_type: created\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " - Artifact\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person took part in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1101:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entire document or a major section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or a sub-section within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1102:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A measure used to evaluate the financial health or performance of a\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A modification or adjustment to the rules or methods used by an entity.\n",
+ " type: policy_change\n",
+ "- description: A period of 365 days used for calculating time in most parts of the\n",
+ " world.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A stance or decision made regarding tax liabilities and assets.\n",
+ " type: tax_position\n",
+ "- description: An effect on the financial conditions or results of an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_impact\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company reports its financial activities in a financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: reports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A financial statement contains various financial metrics.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A company implements a modification or adjustment to its policies.\n",
+ " edge_type: changes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - policy_change\n",
+ "- description: A policy change takes place within a specified year.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - policy_change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: A policy change causes a financial impact.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - policy_change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_impact\n",
+ "- description: A policy change aligns with the substance of tax positions.\n",
+ " edge_type: aligns_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - policy_change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1103:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial statement of an entity, including balance sheets,\n",
+ " income statements, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Represents any organization or individual relevant to the financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents additional, detailed information that complements or expands\n",
+ " upon the main financial statement data.\n",
+ " type: supplemental_information\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial statement includes additional detailed information.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_supplemental_information\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - supplemental_information\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the financial statement or supplemental information is about\n",
+ " a specific entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " - supplemental_information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1104:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item that is part of financial statements.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial item is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1105:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates, typically used for events or data reporting.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial values or measures such as revenue, profit, accounts\n",
+ " receivable.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Types of products, includes categories like custom products, standard\n",
+ " products.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Types of services, includes categories like development services, consulting\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " type: service_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric was reported on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric involves a specific type of product\n",
+ " or service.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " - service_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an expectation for a financial metric by a specific date,\n",
+ " such as billing or collection.\n",
+ " edge_type: expectation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1106:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collection of items held in stock by a business or organization.\n",
+ " type: inventory\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual piece or unit of stock in an inventory.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "- description: Represents a commercial or industrial enterprise.\n",
+ " type: business\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a specific purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an inventory includes specific items.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - inventory\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - item\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an inventory is owned or managed by a business or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: owned_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - inventory\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1107:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1108:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1109:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of raw materials or substances used in production.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: A stage in the production process where materials are transformed or\n",
+ " processed.\n",
+ " type: production_stage\n",
+ "- description: Represents the final goods produced at the end of the production process.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the process where raw materials are used or transformed in\n",
+ " a specific stage of production.\n",
+ " edge_type: transforms_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - production_stage\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the transition from a production stage to the resulting finished\n",
+ " goods.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - production_stage\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1110:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the total or specific stock of goods or materials held by\n",
+ " an entity.\n",
+ " type: inventory\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1111:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of money that can be used in financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1112:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of money used as a medium of exchange, typically\n",
+ " issued by a government or other official authority.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1113:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value in millions.\n",
+ " type: money_amount\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1114:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, which can be integers or real numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is a multiple of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_multiple_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1115:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item of value owned by an entity.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: An organization or individual that owns assets or has financial activities.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates ownership of an asset by an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1116:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1117:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1118:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various types of tangible assets.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents the accumulated depreciation of assets over time.\n",
+ " type: depreciation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset is a specific type or category of another asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Connects an asset to its accumulated depreciation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_depreciation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - depreciation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1119:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial metric or item relevant in accounting and financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the source financial item is a specific instance or\n",
+ " type of the target financial item.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1120:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical symbols or operations.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1121:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A unit of exchange used in financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1122:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value expressed in millions.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is related to another as part of a sequence\n",
+ " or calculation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1123:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary amount in millions associated with a financial\n",
+ " metric.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial metric such as 'depreciation expense'.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric has a specific monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year in which a financial figure is reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: in_year\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1124:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents items of value owned by a company or individual.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset is a specific type or category of another asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1125:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1126:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1127:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value, often representing a quantity or measurement in\n",
+ " specific units.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a numerical value is measured, e.g., millions.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1128:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: A specific kind of contract categorized by its purpose or content.\n",
+ " type: contract_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the type or category of a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1129:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item of value owned by an entity.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company, organization, or individual owning assets.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the entity owns the asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one asset is a specific type or category of another\n",
+ " asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1130:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical or special symbols.\n",
+ " type: Symbol\n",
+ "- description: Denotes a form of currency.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the symbol is used to represent a particular form of\n",
+ " currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: symbol_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1131:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A system of money in general use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1132:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of currency, such as dollars.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated with a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1133:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A contract or legal arrangement between parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: The transfer of money or other agreed upon medium from one party to\n",
+ " another.\n",
+ " type: payment\n",
+ "- description: An entity that supplies goods or services.\n",
+ " type: vendor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a payment is made to ensure long-term supply capacity\n",
+ " from a vendor.\n",
+ " edge_type: secure_capacity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - payment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - vendor\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that an agreement involves a specific type\n",
+ " of payment.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - payment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1134:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1135:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where one number is the sum of two or more\n",
+ " numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_sum_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1136:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the number is a positive value.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_positive\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the number is a negative value.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_negative\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the sum of two numbers resulting in another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: addition_result\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1137:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value that can be represented as an integer or a formatted\n",
+ " string potentially containing commas for readability.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1138:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or a part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or a body of work.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or several sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1139:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in accounting that refers to specific concepts or items.\n",
+ " type: accounting_term\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of liability accounted for in financial statements.\n",
+ " type: liability_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific liability is a type of accounting term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1140:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1141:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1142:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category that classifies different forms of financial obligations\n",
+ " or liabilities.\n",
+ " type: liability_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A hierarchical relationship showing that one liability type is a specific\n",
+ " instance or category of another liability type.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1143:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific concept related to finance, such as an account\n",
+ " type or financial metric.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, broader financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1144:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or operational symbol in the text.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1145:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of money used as a medium of exchange.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1146:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values expressed in the text.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1147:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial concepts or terms.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1148:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Different classifications of revenue such as development services,\n",
+ " IP licensing, and product revenue.\n",
+ " type: revenue_type\n",
+ "- description: Metrics related to financial data, such as revenue expected to be recognized.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement for services or goods between two parties.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: Specific durations used in financial contexts, such as 'more than one\n",
+ " year' or 'next 12 months'.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a certain type of revenue is linked to a specific contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ "- description: Links financial metrics to the specific time periods when they are\n",
+ " expected to be recognized.\n",
+ " edge_type: expected_recognition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that certain types of revenue are not included under specified\n",
+ " contracts.\n",
+ " edge_type: excludes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1149:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A classification for different types of revenue generated by a company.\n",
+ " type: Revenue Type\n",
+ "- description: A period of 365 or 366 days, in the Gregorian calendar, used for calculating\n",
+ " time in a standardized manner.\n",
+ " type: Year\n",
+ "- description: A proportion or share in relation to a whole, expressed as a fraction\n",
+ " of 100.\n",
+ " type: Percentage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company generates a specific type of revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: revenue_of_type\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Revenue Type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the percentage share of a specific type of revenue in relation\n",
+ " to the company's total revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: revenue_percentage\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Revenue Type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Percentage\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year in which the revenue percentage is reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Percentage\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1150:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document, such as a chapter, topic,\n",
+ " or note.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a general subject or area of interest within a document.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific section of a document discusses a particular\n",
+ " topic.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1151:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts business operations.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A metric used to assess financial performance, such as net revenue\n",
+ " or operating income.\n",
+ " type: financial_measure\n",
+ "- description: A one-year period used for financial reporting and budgeting.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: A decision made by the management of a company.\n",
+ " type: management_decision\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a person holds a specific position at a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a person reviews and assesses performance using a specific\n",
+ " financial measure.\n",
+ " edge_type: reviews_performance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_measure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a company updated its segment reporting structure during\n",
+ " a specific fiscal year.\n",
+ " edge_type: updates_structure\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a person allocates resources within a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocates_resources\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a company retrospectively adjusted data for a specific fiscal\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " edge_type: adjusts_data\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1152:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A business unit or area within a company that is tracked for financial\n",
+ " reporting and management purposes.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to conduct business, which can have multiple\n",
+ " segments based on its operational areas.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a company includes a particular segment\n",
+ " as part of its operations and reporting structure.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_segment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1153:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An institution dedicated to education.\n",
+ " type: education_institution\n",
+ "- description: A specific academic role or job within an educational institution.\n",
+ " type: academic_position\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a person has studied at a particular\n",
+ " education institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - education_institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a person currently holds a specific\n",
+ " academic position in an educational institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - academic_position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1154:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents categories of products.\n",
+ " type: product_category\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific products or types of products.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific segment of a business or market.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a segment includes one or more categories of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_category\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product category contains one or more specific products\n",
+ " or types of products.\n",
+ " edge_type: category_contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_category\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1155:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, especially one that is notable.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose or function.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written, printed, or electronic piece of information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where a person died.\n",
+ " edge_type: died_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is or was a member of a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event is recorded or reported in a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documented_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date on which an event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: happened_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1156:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A broad category of products grouped based on their application or\n",
+ " target market.\n",
+ " type: product_segment\n",
+ "- description: A specific item or technology developed and produced for use or sale.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A type of product specifically designed to fulfill a particular function\n",
+ " or task.\n",
+ " type: device\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product segment contains specific products.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product is a type of device, which is a more specific\n",
+ " categorization within products.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - device\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1157:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A nation or territory considered as an organized political community\n",
+ " under one government.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A large town or a densely populated area recognized as an urban area.\n",
+ " type: city\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, especially one of significance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business or\n",
+ " government.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - city\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the country a person holds citizenship in.\n",
+ " edge_type: citizen_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the location where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - city\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1158:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific area of a business or market focusing on a particular type\n",
+ " of product or service.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: An item or service offered for sale, which can be a physical item or\n",
+ " a digital service.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a business segment encompasses specific products or\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1159:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, often significant in nature.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A place where events occur or individuals reside, work, or visit.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a collective goal, such as a business,\n",
+ " institution, or association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: An object made or given shape by humans, such as tools, machines, or\n",
+ " artworks.\n",
+ " type: artifact\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the membership of a person in an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents the occurrence of an event at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a person's participation in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Represents the creation of an artifact by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: created\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - artifact\n",
+ "- description: Represents the timing of an event on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: took_place_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1160:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a category of products such as CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and Adaptive\n",
+ " SoCs.\n",
+ " type: product_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents a broader classification of products, in this case, embedded\n",
+ " products.\n",
+ " type: product_category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product type is a part of a broader product category.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1161:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A collection of intellectual property rights owned by a company or\n",
+ " an individual.\n",
+ " type: IP_portfolio\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the action where a company sells or licenses parts of its\n",
+ " intellectual property portfolio.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells_or_licenses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - IP_portfolio\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1162:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A division or aspect of an organization that is used for strategic\n",
+ " reporting and analysis.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: A classification or grouping used within an organization, often for\n",
+ " accounting or management purposes.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "- description: Financial outlays or costs incurred by an organization.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "- description: An entry recording a sum received, typically reducing the amount of\n",
+ " expenses.\n",
+ " type: credit\n",
+ "- description: Chief Operating Decision Maker - a role or person in an organization\n",
+ " responsible for making strategic decisions.\n",
+ " type: CODM\n",
+ "- description: The process of gradually writing off the initial cost of an asset.\n",
+ " type: amortization\n",
+ "- description: Non-physical assets like patents, trademarks, and copyrights.\n",
+ " type: intangible\n",
+ "- description: Payment or remuneration given to employees for their work or services.\n",
+ " type: compensation\n",
+ "- description: The process of acquiring control of another company or asset.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: The granting of permission to use intellectual property or other rights.\n",
+ " type: licensing\n",
+ "- description: Financial benefit or profit gained from various activities or transactions.\n",
+ " type: gain\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a category is not considered a reportable segment within\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_not_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a category includes specific expenses and credits.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " - credit\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that the CODM does not consider certain expenses and credits\n",
+ " when evaluating the performance of segments.\n",
+ " edge_type: does_not_consider\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - CODM\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " - credit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that amortization is specifically related to intangible assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amortization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible\n",
+ "- description: Specifies types of expenses or credits.\n",
+ " edge_type: type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition-related intangible\n",
+ " - employee stock-based compensation expense\n",
+ " - acquisition-related cost\n",
+ " - licensing gain\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " - credit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1163:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1164:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1165:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or a part of a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the whole document or manuscript.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1166:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital piece of information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1167:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A place where events occur or where entities exist.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A group or structure of people working towards a common goal.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Represents the affiliation or membership of a person with an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when an event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: happened_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one location is situated within another location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1168:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured data representation consisting of rows and columns.\n",
+ " type: table\n",
+ "- description: A concept or entity that encompasses the entirety or sum of something,\n",
+ " such as 'net profit' or 'net weight'.\n",
+ " type: net\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the table contains summarized information about the\n",
+ " net concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_summary_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - table\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - net\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1169:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Monetary income generated by an organization through its business activities.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: Activities or processes carried out by an organization to perform its\n",
+ " business functions.\n",
+ " type: operating\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where operating activities lead to the generation of\n",
+ " revenue.\n",
+ " edge_type: generates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operating\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1170:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the earnings or revenue generated by an individual, business,\n",
+ " or entity.\n",
+ " type: income\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1171:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part of a larger entity, often used in business or organizations\n",
+ " to define specific areas of operation.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: A numerical measure expressing the financial performance or position\n",
+ " of a business, such as profit, loss, or revenue.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a segment of a business has a particular financial metric,\n",
+ " such as loss or profit.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1172:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1173:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific duration of time, like a year or a month.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the conclusion of one time period and the potential transition\n",
+ " to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: ended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1174:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1175:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1176:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1177:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, typically used to indicate quantities\n",
+ " or measurements.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1178:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial metric or concept such as net revenue, gross\n",
+ " profit, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1179:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A broad category representing a specific sector of the economy or a\n",
+ " field of professional activity.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular\n",
+ " area such as computing or electronics.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular technology is part of, or used within,\n",
+ " a specific industry.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1180:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial metric such as revenue or income.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial metric is a specific type or category\n",
+ " of another financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1181:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of money used as a medium of exchange in an economy.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1182:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A mathematical or special character used in expressions.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1183:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents currency symbols.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated with a currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1184:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used to denote a type of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the number is expressed in the currency denoted by the\n",
+ " symbol.\n",
+ " edge_type: denotes_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1185:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1186:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category of a business that focuses on a specific area of products\n",
+ " or services.\n",
+ " type: business_segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Identifies the categorization of one business segment under another,\n",
+ " more general segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: categorizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1187:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A concept or term used in the financial, accounting, or economic contexts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A hierarchical relationship where the source is a subtype or specific\n",
+ " instance of the target.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1188:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used in mathematics or currency.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1189:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A medium of exchange in the form of money, used in various transactions.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1190:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, potentially related to financial data\n",
+ " or quantities.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "- description: Represents the system of money used in a financial transaction.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the currency in which a financial amount is denominated.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1191:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific amount of money.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used to denote a type of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific amount of money is expressed in a particular\n",
+ " type of currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denoted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1192:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values in general.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1193:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A higher number contains a lower number, often seen in contexts involving\n",
+ " total counts and subsets.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1194:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A broad classification or group used for organizing items or concepts.\n",
+ " type: category\n",
+ "- description: Specific objects or units that can be classified within a category.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents that a category contains or encompasses specific items.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - category\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1195:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1196:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1197:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the Gregorian calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1198:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement, such as millions.\n",
+ " type: measurement_unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the measurement unit for a numerical value.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - measurement_unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1199:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific terms used in finance.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Term\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific value of money.\n",
+ " type: Monetary_Value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the monetary value associated with a financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Monetary_Value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1200:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific type of financial metric or transaction.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial item is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, more general financial item.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1201:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or entity related to finance, like profit, loss,\n",
+ " revenue, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial concept is a specific instance or type of\n",
+ " another financial concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1202:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or logical symbol used in expressions.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents a complete mathematical or logical expression.\n",
+ " type: expression\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an expression includes one or more symbols or other\n",
+ " sub-expressions.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expression\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - expression\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1203:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or other symbol used in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1204:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is smaller than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the absolute or specific value of a number, often used to\n",
+ " represent the magnitude of negative numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1205:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of currency, typically associated with a monetary\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical operation or function.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is expressed in a certain currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a mathematical operation or function applied between numbers\n",
+ " or involving numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: operation_between\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1206:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the addition of two numbers resulting in another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: addition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1207:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A part of a company that can be clearly distinguished operationally\n",
+ " and for reporting purposes, often by distinct products or services.\n",
+ " type: Operating Segment\n",
+ "- description: Resources owned by a company that are expected to bring economic benefits.\n",
+ " type: Asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company does not assign assets specifically to its\n",
+ " operating segments.\n",
+ " edge_type: does_not_allocate_assets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Operating Segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company's management does not use asset information\n",
+ " to evaluate its operating segments.\n",
+ " edge_type: does_not_evaluate_with_assets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Operating Segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1208:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A geographic area defined by national or international boundaries.\n",
+ " type: geographic region\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases goods or services from a business.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: The location associated with the billing address of a customer.\n",
+ " type: billing location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer or a billing location is situated within\n",
+ " a specific geographic region.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " - billing location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - geographic region\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a customer's billing address is located\n",
+ " at a specific billing location.\n",
+ " edge_type: bills_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - billing location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1209:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1210:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1211:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1212:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A measurement unit used for quantifying an entity or concept.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1213:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A country represents a distinct territorial body or a significant administrative\n",
+ " division in the world.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A region represents a larger area that can be a part of a world division\n",
+ " or encompass multiple countries.\n",
+ " type: region\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a country is part of a larger region or global division.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - region\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1214:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A character or sign used to represent an object, function, or process,\n",
+ " e.g., the symbol for a currency or an operation in mathematics.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1215:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used to denote currency, such as dollars.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the number is expressed in the currency denoted by the\n",
+ " symbol.\n",
+ " edge_type: denoted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1216:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values, both integers and decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used to denote currency, such as dollar signs.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the number following this symbol is a monetary value\n",
+ " in the currency denoted by the symbol.\n",
+ " edge_type: denotes_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1217:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1218:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents total sales transactions.\n",
+ " type: sales\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases goods or services.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A type of customer not affiliated with the company.\n",
+ " type: external_customer\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents sales transactions made to external customers.\n",
+ " edge_type: sales_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - sales\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - external_customer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1219:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or special symbol in the text.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1220:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1221:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document, such as a book or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: content_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more specific sections or\n",
+ " chapters.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content_section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the sequential order of sections or chapters within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - content_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1222:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An entity purchasing goods or services from a company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A specific period of 365 days used for chronological organization.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: The total amount of money received by a company for goods sold or services\n",
+ " provided during a specific period.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the transaction where a company sells goods or services\n",
+ " to a customer.\n",
+ " edge_type: sales_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ "- description: Represents the customer's contribution to a company's total consolidated\n",
+ " net revenue for a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: accounts_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ "- description: Represents the period during which the revenue was generated.\n",
+ " edge_type: during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1223:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one year has ended and another year has begun, marking\n",
+ " a transition in time.\n",
+ " edge_type: ended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1224:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in a standardized format (YYYY-MM-DD).\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1225:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1226:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1227:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of interaction between two people.\n",
+ " edge_type: interaction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1228:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents operators used in mathematical operations.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Operator\n",
+ "- description: Represents various symbols that are part of mathematical expressions.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: Number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical operation between numbers and operators.\n",
+ " edge_type: operation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Number\n",
+ " - Mathematical_Operator\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the use of numbers, operators, and symbols in a mathematical\n",
+ " expression.\n",
+ " edge_type: expression\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Number\n",
+ " - Mathematical_Operator\n",
+ " - Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1229:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical operation involving numbers and operators.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values involved in operations.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the mathematical operator used in operations, such as addition,\n",
+ " subtraction, multiplication, division, or modulus.\n",
+ " type: operator\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the operator used in a mathematical operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_operator\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operator\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the operands involved in a mathematical operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_operand\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1230:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.\n",
+ " type: Country\n",
+ "- description: A system of communication used by people in a particular country or\n",
+ " region.\n",
+ " type: Language\n",
+ "- description: An organization that provides instructional services to individuals\n",
+ " or groups.\n",
+ " type: Educational_Institution\n",
+ "- description: A recognition given to a person for their achievements.\n",
+ " type: Award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person can communicate in a particular language.\n",
+ " edge_type: speaks\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Language\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has studied at a particular educational institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Educational_Institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has won a particular award.\n",
+ " edge_type: won\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1231:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents statistical or numerical data.\n",
+ " type: StatisticalData\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1232:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity that purchases goods or services.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific category or division of products.\n",
+ " type: product_segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer purchased products from a specific segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchased\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1233:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a property or equipment, typically an asset with a long-term\n",
+ " usage and value.\n",
+ " type: property_equipment\n",
+ "- description: A defined area or region, which can be a country, state, city, or any\n",
+ " other delineated area.\n",
+ " type: geographic_area\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a property or equipment is situated or registered in\n",
+ " a specific geographic area.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - property_equipment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - geographic_area\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1234:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1235:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1236:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement or scale.\n",
+ " type: Measurement\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1237:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A political and geographical entity representing a nation or territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1238:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any symbol used in mathematical expressions.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1239:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents any symbol used to denote currency, such as $.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated with a particular currency, reflecting\n",
+ " amounts.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1240:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific terms used in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values associated with financial metrics.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term has a specific numerical value associated\n",
+ " with it.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1241:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol in a mathematical or other formal context.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1242:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document, which can be identified by\n",
+ " a title or number.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A concept, practice, or idea that is applicable in the context of business\n",
+ " operations.\n",
+ " type: business_concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section primarily focuses on or elaborates\n",
+ " about a specific business concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1243:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening, particularly one of\n",
+ " significance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, typically a company,\n",
+ " institution, or association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization has acquired another organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquisition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1244:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An event where one company acquires another or its assets.\n",
+ " type: acquisition_event\n",
+ "- description: A specific day on which an event occurs.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: The monetary value assigned to a transaction.\n",
+ " type: transaction_value\n",
+ "- description: The total amount paid or committed by one company to acquire another,\n",
+ " including adjustments.\n",
+ " type: purchase_consideration\n",
+ "- description: A category or field of technological specialization.\n",
+ " type: technology_area\n",
+ "- description: A group of customers that a company serves.\n",
+ " type: customer_base\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: The date on which a company completed an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: One company acquires another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Associates an acquisition event with its transaction value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_transaction_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction_value\n",
+ "- description: Associates an acquisition event with its purchase consideration, considering\n",
+ " any adjustments.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_purchase_consideration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_consideration\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company specializes in a specific area of technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: specializes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology_area\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the group of customers that a company serves.\n",
+ " edge_type: serves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - customer_base\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1245:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1246:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: The legal relationship between an individual and a country.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: An organization dedicated to education.\n",
+ " type: education_institution\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A recognition given for achievement.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating where a person studied.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - education_institution\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating where an education institution is located.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - education_institution\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a person has won an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: won_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1247:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sequence or order of numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1248:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A single document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A part or division of a document, typically signified by a heading\n",
+ " or title.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A title or label of a section.\n",
+ " type: heading\n",
+ "- description: A subdivision of a heading, indicating a further breakdown of content\n",
+ " within a section.\n",
+ " type: subheading\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Connects a section to its heading.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_heading\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - heading\n",
+ "- description: Connects a heading to its subheading.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_subheading\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - heading\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subheading\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1249:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the total financial value or other terms agreed upon for\n",
+ " a purchase.\n",
+ " type: purchase_consideration\n",
+ "- description: Represents the distribution or assignment of financial resources or\n",
+ " responsibilities in various categories or areas.\n",
+ " type: allocation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates how the purchase consideration is distributed or assigned\n",
+ " to different categories or areas.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocated_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_consideration\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - allocation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1250:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1251:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various types of assets a company may hold.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents various types of liabilities a company may have.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: Represents items that can appear on a company's balance sheet, including\n",
+ " assets and liabilities.\n",
+ " type: balance_sheet_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset or liability is a type of balance sheet item.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - balance_sheet_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1252:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical expressions or equations.\n",
+ " type: equation\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1253:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in the context of financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1254:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or special symbol.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1255:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Resources owned by a company that have economic value.\n",
+ " type: Asset\n",
+ "- description: Financial obligations of a company.\n",
+ " type: Liability\n",
+ "- description: The process of assigning a purchase price to various assets and liabilities\n",
+ " in a corporate acquisition.\n",
+ " type: Purchase Price Allocation\n",
+ "- description: Methods used to estimate the economic value of an asset or liability.\n",
+ " type: Valuation Technique\n",
+ "- description: The estimated market value of an asset or liability.\n",
+ " type: Fair Value\n",
+ "- description: Changes made to initial estimates or values.\n",
+ " type: Adjustment\n",
+ "- description: An intangible asset that arises when a buyer acquires an existing business.\n",
+ " type: Goodwill\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company assigns resources or responsibilities to assets or liabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " - Liability\n",
+ "- description: A company employs a specific method or technique.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Valuation Technique\n",
+ "- description: An estimation or value is derived from a particular method or adjustment.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Fair Value\n",
+ " - Valuation Technique\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Adjustment\n",
+ "- description: The value is likely to change depending on specific adjustments.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Fair Value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Adjustment\n",
+ "- description: The effect or outcome of a change leads to a specific result in an\n",
+ " asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Goodwill\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1256:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An asset that is not physical in nature, such as goodwill.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: A division or segment within a company that focuses on specific business\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company_segment\n",
+ "- description: The process or event of one company purchasing another or its assets.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: Potential for business growth or expansion in a specific area or market.\n",
+ " type: market_opportunity\n",
+ "- description: The classification of an item or activity for tax purposes, such as\n",
+ " being deductible or not deductible.\n",
+ " type: tax_status\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an intangible asset is designated to a specific company\n",
+ " segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: assigned_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company_segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an intangible asset originated from the acquisition\n",
+ " of another company or its assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: arises_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the value or recognition of an intangible asset is due\n",
+ " to specific market opportunities.\n",
+ " edge_type: attributed_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - market_opportunity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the tax treatment or classification of an intangible asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_tax_status\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_status\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1257:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1258:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value in the document.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1259:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document or text containing the content.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a major division of content within a document, typically\n",
+ " distinguished by a title or number.\n",
+ " type: Section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a division of content within a section, typically more specific\n",
+ " and detailed.\n",
+ " type: Subsection\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific subjects or themes discussed within sections or\n",
+ " subsections.\n",
+ " type: Topic\n",
+ "- description: Represents the specific page or range of pages on which content appears\n",
+ " in the document.\n",
+ " type: Page_Number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document, section, or subsection includes one or more\n",
+ " sections, subsections, or topics.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ " - Subsection\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ " - Subsection\n",
+ " - Topic\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific page number or range where a section, subsection,\n",
+ " or topic can be found within the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ " - Subsection\n",
+ " - Topic\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Page_Number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1260:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A non-physical asset that provides economic benefit or value, often\n",
+ " in the form of intellectual property, goodwill, or brand recognition.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1261:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a whole number.\n",
+ " type: integer\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1262:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of developed technology.\n",
+ " type: Technology\n",
+ "- description: Represents relationships with customers.\n",
+ " type: CustomerRelationship\n",
+ "- description: Represents pending or future commitments or orders from customers.\n",
+ " type: CustomerBacklog\n",
+ "- description: Represents trademarks associated with products.\n",
+ " type: Trademark\n",
+ "- description: Represents identifiable non-physical assets.\n",
+ " type: IntangibleAsset\n",
+ "- description: Represents activities or projects focused on the research and development\n",
+ " of new products or technologies.\n",
+ " type: ResearchDevelopment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates whether the intangible asset is subject to amortization.\n",
+ " edge_type: subjectToAmortization\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - IntangibleAsset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - IntangibleAsset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the research and development activity is not subject\n",
+ " to amortization.\n",
+ " edge_type: notSubjectToAmortization\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - ResearchDevelopment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - ResearchDevelopment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1263:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1264:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1265:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1266:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An asset that is not physical in nature, such as patents, copyrights,\n",
+ " trademarks, know-how, and goodwill.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: An event where one entity acquires assets from another.\n",
+ " type: acquisition_event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that intangible assets were acquired during an acquisition\n",
+ " event.\n",
+ " edge_type: assets_acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1267:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1268:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical and non-linguistic symbols used in various\n",
+ " contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1269:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol, such as a mathematical or currency symbol.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1270:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A quantifiable value or amount.\n",
+ " type: measure\n",
+ "- description: A unit of monetary value.\n",
+ " type: currency_unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a measure is expressed in a specific currency unit.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - measure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1271:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical entities that can be a part of mathematical operations\n",
+ " or sequences.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1272:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific number of years.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one year amount is considered as the useful life duration\n",
+ " for another year amount.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_useful_life\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1273:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents any group or body formed for a specific purpose, such as\n",
+ " a company, institution, or association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographic place, including countries, cities, or specific\n",
+ " addresses.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents occurrences or happenings that are notable or organized,\n",
+ " such as conferences, meetings, or historical events.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents written, printed, or digital content that provides information\n",
+ " or records, such as books, articles, or reports.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is or was a member or part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affiliated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the geographic location of an organization or event.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was written or created by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an event took place geographically.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1274:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A method used to determine the fair value of assets.\n",
+ " type: valuation_method\n",
+ "- description: Items or properties owned by a business that have monetary value.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the fair value of an asset is determined using a specific\n",
+ " valuation method.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1275:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the accumulated orders from non-cancellable customer contracts.\n",
+ " type: customer_backlog\n",
+ "- description: A method used to determine the fair value of assets or contracts.\n",
+ " type: valuation_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the customer backlog is evaluated using a specific valuation\n",
+ " method.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer_backlog\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1276:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific product or brand.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: A type of intellectual property representing a recognizable sign, design,\n",
+ " or expression which identifies products or services of a specific source from\n",
+ " those of others.\n",
+ " type: trademark\n",
+ "- description: A method or approach used to assess the value of assets, businesses,\n",
+ " or intellectual property.\n",
+ " type: valuation_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a product has a specific trademark associated with it.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_trademark\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - trademark\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the valuation of a trademark is performed using a specific\n",
+ " method.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - trademark\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1277:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A technique used to estimate the value of an asset.\n",
+ " type: valuation_method\n",
+ "- description: A broader category or strategy used in asset valuation.\n",
+ " type: valuation_approach\n",
+ "- description: Items of ownership convertible into cash.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: A specific procedure or set of rules used within a valuation method.\n",
+ " type: valuation_technique\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a valuation method incorporates specific techniques.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_technique\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a method is a part of a broader valuation approach.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_approach\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset's value is estimated using a specific valuation\n",
+ " method.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1278:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents intangible assets that a company owns, which are subject\n",
+ " to amortization.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents the economic benefits that accrue from intangible assets.\n",
+ " type: economic_benefit\n",
+ "- description: The process of expensing the cost of an intangible asset over its useful\n",
+ " life.\n",
+ " type: amortization\n",
+ "- description: Direct costs attributable to the production of goods sold by a company.\n",
+ " type: cost_of_sales\n",
+ "- description: Expenses incurred during the normal operations of a business that are\n",
+ " not directly tied to production, such as selling, general, and administrative\n",
+ " expenses.\n",
+ " type: operating_expense\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An intangible asset is subject to the process of amortization.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amortization\n",
+ "- description: An intangible asset has a useful life over which it is amortized.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_useful_life\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amortization\n",
+ "- description: An intangible asset generates economic benefits.\n",
+ " edge_type: generates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - economic_benefit\n",
+ "- description: Amortization expenses are allocated to cost of sales and operating\n",
+ " expenses based on the benefit received.\n",
+ " edge_type: amortized_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amortization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost_of_sales\n",
+ " - operating_expense\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1279:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized entity that performs economic activities, such\n",
+ " as a company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period\n",
+ " and within certain cost and other limitations.\n",
+ " type: project\n",
+ "- description: Non-physical assets owned by an organization, such as intellectual\n",
+ " properties, brand names, etc.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or change in circumstances that can impact projects or\n",
+ " assets.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization legally possesses an intangible asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: An organization is undertaking a specific project.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_project\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - project\n",
+ "- description: An intangible asset has been assigned a specific monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ "- description: A project is influenced or affected by certain events.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - project\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: An organization evaluates an intangible asset for any reduction in\n",
+ " the recoverable amount.\n",
+ " edge_type: tests_for_impairment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: An organization depreciates an intangible asset over its estimated\n",
+ " useful life.\n",
+ " edge_type: amortizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1280:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, often marked by a date or period.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity, such as a company or institution, involved in business\n",
+ " or another specific activity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal record that quantifies the financial activities and position\n",
+ " of a business, individual, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A division or part of an organization dealing with a specific area\n",
+ " of its operations or market.\n",
+ " type: business_segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial statement encompasses certain events or\n",
+ " results.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event or occurrence is related or due to a specific\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: attributable_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization's activities or results are categorized\n",
+ " or grouped under a specific business segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1281:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents significant occurrences or actions, such as acquisitions,\n",
+ " cost recordings, or financial adjustments.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents organizations, groups, or other entities, such as a company.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific financial values or costs, such as acquisition-related\n",
+ " costs, inventory adjustments, or compensation charges.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents structured financial reporting documents, like Consolidated\n",
+ " Statements of Operations.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific event led to the recording of a financial\n",
+ " metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: records\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric is detailed or included in a specific\n",
+ " financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: appears_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric or cost is associated with a particular\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity may experience or incur a specific financial\n",
+ " metric or cost in the future.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_incur\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1282:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business organization involved in commercial,\n",
+ " industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An event where one company takes over another company either partially\n",
+ " or completely.\n",
+ " type: acquisition_event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where one company takes over another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company is involved in an acquisition event\n",
+ " as either the acquirer or the target.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition_event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1283:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any business or corporate entity involved in commercial,\n",
+ " industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific amounts of money, including total purchase considerations\n",
+ " and values of transactions.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Represents quantities of shares of company stock.\n",
+ " type: stock_shares\n",
+ "- description: Represents the price of a company's stock per share.\n",
+ " type: stock_price\n",
+ "- description: Represents goods or services offered by a company.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company has acquired another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a transaction or significant corporate\n",
+ " event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: transaction_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the total financial amount involved in a purchase or acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchase_consideration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the number of shares issued by a company to another entity's\n",
+ " stockholders.\n",
+ " edge_type: stock_issued\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_shares\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the value of a stock per share on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: stock_value_per_share\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_price\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the products a company offers.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers_product\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1284:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts business operations.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A record that summarizes the financial performance and position of\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A division within a company that focuses on specific business activities.\n",
+ " type: business_segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial statement is part of a company's overall\n",
+ " records.\n",
+ " edge_type: included_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period that the financial statement covers.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the business segment under which the financial results are\n",
+ " reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1285:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1286:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a document, such as a book or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A division or part of a document, often designated by a title or number.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1287:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the total value or amount allocated for a purchase.\n",
+ " type: purchase_consideration\n",
+ "- description: Different categories or aspects where the purchase consideration is\n",
+ " allocated.\n",
+ " type: allocation_category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a portion of the purchase consideration is allocated\n",
+ " to a specific category.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocated_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_consideration\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - allocation_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1288:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, often used in financial or statistical\n",
+ " data.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1289:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various types of assets a company might have, such as cash,\n",
+ " investments, and property.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents various types of liabilities a company might have, including\n",
+ " debts and financial obligations.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial metrics or summary figures such as total assets\n",
+ " and total liabilities.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an asset or liability is categorized under a broader\n",
+ " financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1290:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical or other types of symbols used in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1291:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1292:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial transaction, such as a purchase.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: Represents something of value that is exchanged in a transaction.\n",
+ " type: consideration\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a transaction involves a specific consideration.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_consideration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - consideration\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1293:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical or special symbols.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1294:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general node representing any entity involved in business or financial\n",
+ " operations.\n",
+ " type: Entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents tangible or intangible assets in a financial context.\n",
+ " type: Asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents debts or obligations incurred by an entity.\n",
+ " type: Liability\n",
+ "- description: Techniques used to estimate the value of assets, liabilities, or other\n",
+ " financial instruments.\n",
+ " type: Valuation Technique\n",
+ "- description: An approximation or educated guess about a value, often used in financial\n",
+ " contexts.\n",
+ " type: Estimate\n",
+ "- description: A supposition or accepted fact used as a base for reasoning or decision-making\n",
+ " in business.\n",
+ " type: Assumption\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity has allocated resources or values to specific\n",
+ " assets or liabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocated_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Asset\n",
+ " - Liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a valuation technique is based on specific estimates\n",
+ " or assumptions.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Estimate\n",
+ " - Assumption\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Valuation Technique\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity uses a specific valuation technique for estimating\n",
+ " values.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Valuation Technique\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Entity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1295:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that manufactures, buys, or sells goods or services\n",
+ " in exchange for money.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific area of a company focused on a specific type of product\n",
+ " or service.\n",
+ " type: business_segment\n",
+ "- description: A concept related to finance, such as assets, liabilities, revenue,\n",
+ " etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial concept is allocated or assigned to a specific\n",
+ " business segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: assigned_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - business_segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial concept is expected to yield benefits or\n",
+ " advantages to a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: expected_benefit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the implications or effects a financial concept has on a\n",
+ " company's taxation.\n",
+ " edge_type: tax_implication\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1296:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An asset that is not physical in nature, such as patents, copyrights,\n",
+ " trademarks, and goodwill.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: The total amount or value exchanged to acquire an asset, often during\n",
+ " an acquisition of a business or assets.\n",
+ " type: purchase_consideration\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the allocation of purchase consideration to different intangible\n",
+ " assets during an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocated_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_consideration\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1297:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general category representing an abstract idea or category in various\n",
+ " domains.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the hierarchical relationship where one concept is a subtype\n",
+ " or specific instance of another, more general concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1298:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a general idea or topic.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "- description: Denotes a specific term or value used in mathematical calculations.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a mathematical term is a specific instance or type of\n",
+ " a broader concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Mathematical_Term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1299:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured organization dedicated to a specific purpose,\n",
+ " such as education or governance.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents the status of belonging to a particular nation.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person works for an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: employed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person received education from an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a person's nationality.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1300:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents non-physical assets owned by a company.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates whether an intangible asset is subject to amortization.\n",
+ " type: amortization_status\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates whether an intangible asset is subject to amortization or\n",
+ " not.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amortization_status\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amortization_status\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1301:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: a numerical value or quantity\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: a mathematical operation, such as addition, subtraction, etc.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: indicates that a number is used in a specific operation\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1302:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value.\n",
+ " type: Number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1303:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A place where events occur or are set, or that is relevant to the narrative.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity consisting of multiple people or entities, structured\n",
+ " to achieve particular aims.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A physical or abstract item that is relevant to the narrative or context.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: An idea, theory, or abstract principle relevant to the narrative or\n",
+ " context.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person or object is, or was located.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of or affiliated with an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Denotes participation of a person or an organization in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Shows a relationship or connection between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: Indicates ownership of an object by a person or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1304:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1305:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various symbols or special characters in the text.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1306:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A measurement unit used to quantify and express values.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1307:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers are equal in value.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_equal_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1308:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a time duration in years.\n",
+ " type: duration\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1309:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area or place.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or establishment, especially one involved\n",
+ " in education or research.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening, particularly one of\n",
+ " significance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a general notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical item or artifact.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: Represents a piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides\n",
+ " information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a recognition or prize given for achievement.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an institution, event, or object is situated within\n",
+ " or takes place in a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a connection or relationship between entities, such as affiliation,\n",
+ " participation, or relevance.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place from which a person, concept, object, document,\n",
+ " or event originated.\n",
+ " edge_type: originated_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an award was given to a person or institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1310:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents intangible assets, which are non-physical resources and\n",
+ " rights owned by an entity.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: An event where one entity acquires assets from another entity.\n",
+ " type: acquisition_event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the acquisition of an intangible asset during an acquisition\n",
+ " event.\n",
+ " edge_type: asset_acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1311:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of monetary unit.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1312:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A method used for determining the value of an asset.\n",
+ " type: valuation_method\n",
+ "- description: A category or type of asset.\n",
+ " type: asset_type\n",
+ "- description: A general approach or strategy used in asset valuation.\n",
+ " type: valuation_approach\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates which valuation approach a specific valuation method utilizes.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_approach\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the type of asset for which the value is determined using\n",
+ " a specific valuation method.\n",
+ " edge_type: determined_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1313:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents the fair value of existing contractual relationships\n",
+ " and customer loyalty.\n",
+ " type: customer_relationship\n",
+ "- description: A method used for evaluating the worth or value of an asset or entity.\n",
+ " type: valuation_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the method used to determine the value of a customer relationship.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer_relationship\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1314:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value that can be represented in various forms such as\n",
+ " integers, decimals, etc.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1315:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter in a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or publication.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1316:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the fair value of non-cancellable customer contract orders.\n",
+ " type: customer_backlog\n",
+ "- description: A valuation method that uses future income to determine current value.\n",
+ " type: income_approach\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of income approach that considers future earnings over\n",
+ " multiple periods.\n",
+ " type: multi_period_excess_earnings_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a customer backlog's valuation uses a specific approach.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer_backlog\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - income_approach\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that a method is a type of another method.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - multi_period_excess_earnings_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - income_approach\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1317:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific brand or trademark associated with a company\n",
+ " or product.\n",
+ " type: brand\n",
+ "- description: A specific method used to determine the financial value of an asset.\n",
+ " type: valuation_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the brand's value was assessed using a specific valuation\n",
+ " method.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - brand\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1318:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A method used to determine the value of an asset or a financial concept.\n",
+ " type: valuation_method\n",
+ "- description: A broad category or strategy used in the valuation of assets, incorporating\n",
+ " various methods.\n",
+ " type: valuation_approach\n",
+ "- description: Any item of economic value owned by an individual or corporation, expected\n",
+ " to provide future benefits.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a valuation method applied to determine the value of an asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a valuation approach includes one or more specific valuation\n",
+ " methods.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_approach\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1319:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An asset that lacks physical substance and represents legal rights\n",
+ " or competitive advantages.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: Advantages or gains realized from an asset or activity, typically measured\n",
+ " in terms of revenue or cost savings.\n",
+ " type: economic_benefit\n",
+ "- description: Direct costs attributable to the production of goods sold by a company.\n",
+ " type: cost_of_sales\n",
+ "- description: Expenses incurred during the normal operations of a business not directly\n",
+ " tied to production.\n",
+ " type: operating_expense\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: The process of spreading the cost of an intangible asset over its useful\n",
+ " life based on the economic benefits received.\n",
+ " edge_type: amortized_over\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - economic_benefit\n",
+ "- description: Connection indicating that economic benefits influence or are part\n",
+ " of cost of sales and operating expenses.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - economic_benefit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost_of_sales\n",
+ " - operating_expense\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1320:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity like a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific initiative or plan undertaken by an organization.\n",
+ " type: project\n",
+ "- description: Non-physical assets owned by an organization, such as patents, trademarks,\n",
+ " or goodwill.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or change in circumstances that could affect the status\n",
+ " of a project or asset.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A monetary value related to financial transactions or valuations.\n",
+ " type: financial_value\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or period in time.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization has legal possession or control over an intangible\n",
+ " asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: A project is associated with or results in the creation of an intangible\n",
+ " asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - project\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: An event causes a change in the status or course of a project.\n",
+ " edge_type: triggers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - project\n",
+ "- description: An intangible asset is assigned or holds a specific financial value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_value\n",
+ "- description: A project is evaluated for potential issues due to an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_tested_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - project\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: An intangible asset is depreciated or written off over a specified\n",
+ " time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: amortizes_over\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1321:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A measure of stock representing partial ownership in a company, often\n",
+ " used in compensation packages.\n",
+ " type: StockUnit\n",
+ "- description: A monetary value, often used to represent costs, expenses, or valuations.\n",
+ " type: FinancialValue\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company takes on or acquires stock units.\n",
+ " edge_type: assumed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - StockUnit\n",
+ "- description: The stock units have a specific financial value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - StockUnit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - FinancialValue\n",
+ "- description: Part of the financial value is included in another financial value.\n",
+ " edge_type: included_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - FinancialValue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - FinancialValue\n",
+ "- description: A financial value is recognized or recorded as a certain type of financial\n",
+ " expense or asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: recognized_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - FinancialValue\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - FinancialValue\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1322:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A document summarizing the financial performance of a company.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A period of twelve months used for financial and calendar purposes.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: The total amount of money received by a company for goods sold or services\n",
+ " provided during a specific period.\n",
+ " type: revenue\n",
+ "- description: The profit realized from a company's business operations after deducting\n",
+ " operating expenses but before taxes and interest.\n",
+ " type: operating_income\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial statement contains details about revenue\n",
+ " and operating income.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " - operating_income\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the revenue and operating income are credited to a specific\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " edge_type: attributable_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " - operating_income\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year for which the revenue and operating income are reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - revenue\n",
+ " - operating_income\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1323:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1324:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A unit of measure used in quantifying data.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1325:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial measurement used in business accounting.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial metric is a subcategory or specific instance\n",
+ " of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1326:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical expression or formula.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_expression\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1327:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial metric or accounting item.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific business unit or segment within a company.\n",
+ " type: company_segment\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary amount.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific financial term does not include a certain\n",
+ " monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: excludes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is accounted for under a specific company\n",
+ " segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company_segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1328:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a business or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A monetary value associated with the expenditure or charge incurred\n",
+ " by a company.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "- description: A classification for types of costs based on their purpose or nature.\n",
+ " type: cost_category\n",
+ "- description: The act of obtaining control or ownership over another company.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a company.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A period of twelve months used for calculating time in the modern Gregorian\n",
+ " calendar.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company incurs a specific monetary cost.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurred_cost\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a specific cost is categorized under a certain\n",
+ " type of expenditure.\n",
+ " edge_type: cost_in_category\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost_category\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a cost is recorded or listed in a financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: listed_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a cost is specifically related to the process\n",
+ " of an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to_acquisition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ "- description: A relationship denoting when a cost or acquisition event took place\n",
+ " in a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1329:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of written material that provides information or data.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A category that describes the nature of information in a document,\n",
+ " such as financial, legal, or educational.\n",
+ " type: information_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes information of a certain type.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - information_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1330:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A numerical representation of a company's financial performance over\n",
+ " a given period.\n",
+ " type: financial_result\n",
+ "- description: A one-year period used for financial reporting and budgeting, which\n",
+ " may not align with the calendar year.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or range in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company has a specific financial result.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_result\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_result\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a financial result covers a specific\n",
+ " fiscal period.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_result\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a fiscal year starts on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: starts_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1331:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific day on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1332:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1333:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit used for quantifying objects or concepts, such as\n",
+ " 'millions'.\n",
+ " type: measurement_unit\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, which might be associated with a measurement\n",
+ " unit.\n",
+ " type: quantity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a quantity is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: quantified_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - quantity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - measurement_unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1334:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial measurement used in business accounting.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a hierarchical or categorical relationship between two financial\n",
+ " metrics, where one is a specific instance or category of the other.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1335:\n",
+ "nodes: []\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1336:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A unit of monetary value.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a quantity of currency.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where an amount is expressed in a specific\n",
+ " currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denoted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1337:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1338:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1339:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1340:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter in a document or book.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or book.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or book contains specific sections or chapters.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1341:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A one-year period used for accounting and financial reporting purposes.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: The outcome of financial activities over a specific period, typically\n",
+ " represented in financial statements.\n",
+ " type: financial_result\n",
+ "- description: Financial information presented as if certain transactions or activities\n",
+ " had occurred.\n",
+ " type: pro_forma_information\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date on which a company's fiscal year ends.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_fiscal_year_end\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Shows that a specific fiscal year contains certain financial results.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes_financial_results\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_result\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the combination of financial results from different periods\n",
+ " or entities within a pro forma statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: combines_financial_results\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - pro_forma_information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1342:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial record detailing the economic activities and conditions\n",
+ " of an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: An act where one company purchases most or all of another company's\n",
+ " shares to gain control of that company.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: A one-year period that companies and governments use for financial\n",
+ " reporting and budgeting.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: A change made to financial statements to correct them or to provide\n",
+ " a more accurate depiction.\n",
+ " type: adjustment\n",
+ "- description: Money spent or cost incurred in an organization's efforts to generate\n",
+ " revenue.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "- description: An asset that is not physical in nature, such as patents, trademarks,\n",
+ " and copyrights.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: A long-term tangible asset that a firm owns and uses in its operations\n",
+ " to generate income.\n",
+ " type: fixed_asset\n",
+ "- description: A form of compensation where employees receive shares of the company's\n",
+ " stock as part of their remuneration.\n",
+ " type: stock_based_compensation\n",
+ "- description: Raw materials, work-in-progress goods and completely finished goods\n",
+ " that are considered to be the part of a business's assets.\n",
+ " type: inventory\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A financial statement that contains certain modifications or corrections.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ "- description: A modification or correction in financial statements that involves\n",
+ " certain costs.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ "- description: A change made in financial statements due to the process of acquiring\n",
+ " another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ "- description: Expenses that are projected or recognized in a specific fiscal year.\n",
+ " edge_type: assumed_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: Adjustments in financial statements that involve various asset types\n",
+ " and compensation methods.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " - fixed_asset\n",
+ " - stock_based_compensation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1343:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents non-physical assets that have value, such as intellectual\n",
+ " property, brand recognition, etc.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair market value\n",
+ " of an acquired company's net identifiable assets.\n",
+ " type: goodwill\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section includes information about intangible\n",
+ " assets or goodwill.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " - goodwill\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1344:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Non-physical assets owned by a business, such as patents, trademarks,\n",
+ " and copyrights.\n",
+ " type: Intangible Asset\n",
+ "- description: The process by which one company purchases most or all of another company's\n",
+ " shares to gain control of that company.\n",
+ " type: Acquisition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the intangible asset is associated with or results from\n",
+ " an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: Related to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Intangible Asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Acquisition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1345:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an intangible asset acquired through acquisition.\n",
+ " type: intangible\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the intangible asset exists as of a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: exists_as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1346:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1347:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general understanding or notion in a particular domain.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one concept is a specific instance or type of another,\n",
+ " more general concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1348:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in accounting or finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1349:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used within financial contexts to describe specific concepts\n",
+ " or metrics.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another more general financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1350:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents terms and concepts used in finance and accounting.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1351:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A unit of measurement for quantities.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1352:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents non-physical assets that hold value for a business.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates whether an intangible asset is subject to amortization.\n",
+ " type: amortization_status\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Connects an intangible asset to its status regarding amortization.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amortization_status\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amortization_status\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1353:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item of value owned by an entity.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or business.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the ownership of an asset by an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1354:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration of time, measured in years or months.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1355:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A location or area that can be identified or described.\n",
+ " type: place\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, often significant in nature.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose or activity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A physical or abstract item that can be identified or described.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: A general idea or understanding that is not tied to a specific instance.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: Any action or series of actions performed by individuals or groups.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, event, organization, or object is situated\n",
+ " within or associated with a specific place.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - place\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of or belongs to a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person took part in a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization holds ownership of a specific\n",
+ " object.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a conceptual relationship or association between an idea\n",
+ " and an event, object, or activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: concept_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1356:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used in mathematical expressions or equations.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1357:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any mathematical or special symbols used in the text.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1358:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1359:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an integer or float number.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1360:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, which could be an integer or a formatted\n",
+ " number.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Relationship indicating that two numbers are equivalent, often used\n",
+ " for formatted and unformatted versions of the same number.\n",
+ " edge_type: equivalence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1361:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1362:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An asset that lacks physical substance and represents acquisition-related\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, typically used for reference in events or\n",
+ " records.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A measure of the significance or importance of something, often in\n",
+ " a financial context.\n",
+ " type: materiality\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the status of an intangible asset at a specific date, including\n",
+ " its materiality.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_status_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " - materiality\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1363:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial expense or cost.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific fiscal year.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an expense occurred in a specific fiscal year.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1364:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial metric or concept, such as expenses or earnings.\n",
+ " type: financial_concept\n",
+ "- description: Represents tangible or intangible assets.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific asset has a recorded financial value or metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the estimated future expense related to a financial concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: estimated_expense\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that there is no expected impairment for an asset, assuming\n",
+ " its condition remains stable.\n",
+ " edge_type: no_impairment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the recording date of a financial metric or value.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1365:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific financial year designated by its calendar year.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1366:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or text.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1367:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a system of money in common use in a particular country\n",
+ " or region.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1368:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a system of money in common use, especially in a nation.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1369:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a numeric value is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1370:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1371:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1372:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A division within a document, often titled to indicate its content.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A smaller division within a section, detailing specific aspects or\n",
+ " topics.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section includes one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1373:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general idea or notion that does not have a physical form.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1374:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Represents an accounting term for an intangible asset that arises when\n",
+ " a buyer acquires an existing business.\n",
+ " type: Goodwill\n",
+ "- description: Represents a division or subset of a business that is responsible for\n",
+ " specific operations and is required to have its financial activities reported\n",
+ " separately.\n",
+ " type: Reportable Segment\n",
+ "- description: Represents a one-year period that companies and governments use for\n",
+ " financial reporting and budgeting.\n",
+ " type: Fiscal Year\n",
+ "- description: Represents an accounting procedure used to determine if the value of\n",
+ " goodwill is not overstated on a company's financial statements.\n",
+ " type: Goodwill Impairment Test\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has redistributed its goodwill balances among\n",
+ " different reportable segments.\n",
+ " edge_type: reassigned_goodwill\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Goodwill\n",
+ " - Reportable Segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company conducts a goodwill impairment test.\n",
+ " edge_type: performs_test\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Goodwill Impairment Test\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the timing of a goodwill impairment test relative to a change\n",
+ " in reportable segments.\n",
+ " edge_type: immediately_before_after\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Goodwill Impairment Test\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Reportable Segment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the fiscal year associated with a company's operations or\n",
+ " reports.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_fiscal_year\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Fiscal Year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the result of a goodwill impairment test, in this case confirming\n",
+ " no impairment.\n",
+ " edge_type: test_outcome\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Goodwill Impairment Test\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Goodwill\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1375:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial value or metric, such as goodwill,\n",
+ " revenue, or profit.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, usually relevant for financial\n",
+ " reporting or historical events.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific division or unit within a company that is responsible\n",
+ " for reporting financial metrics.\n",
+ " type: reporting_unit\n",
+ "- description: Represents a broader category or segment within a company that encapsulates\n",
+ " various reporting units.\n",
+ " type: reportable_segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the value of a financial metric at a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric is assigned to a specific reporting\n",
+ " unit.\n",
+ " edge_type: assigned_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reporting_unit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a reportable segment contains one or more reporting\n",
+ " units.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - reportable_segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reporting_unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1376:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1377:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An event where one organization takes ownership of another organization.\n",
+ " type: acquisition_event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization takes ownership of another organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: An acquisition event is linked to the organization that acquired another.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1378:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a change or modification made to a process or system.\n",
+ " type: adjustment\n",
+ "- description: Represents the act of assigning something or someone to a new task,\n",
+ " role, or location.\n",
+ " type: reassignment\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific part or division within a larger structure or\n",
+ " system.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an adjustment or reassignment was made because of something\n",
+ " specific about the segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: due_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " - reassignment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1379:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1380:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values, typically quantities or measurements.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1381:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part or division of an entity, often used in financial or\n",
+ " organizational contexts.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: A document or statement providing information or data, often used for\n",
+ " analysis or decision making.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "- description: An event or process where something becomes different.\n",
+ " type: change\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a temporal relationship where a segment exists in a certain\n",
+ " state before a change.\n",
+ " edge_type: before_change\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - change\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a segment is documented or detailed within a report.\n",
+ " edge_type: described_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1382:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of organization or business segment focused on large-scale operations,\n",
+ " often comprising multiple departments and a broad range of services.\n",
+ " type: Enterprise\n",
+ "- description: Refers to technology or systems that are designed to perform a specific\n",
+ " function within a larger system or device.\n",
+ " type: Embedded\n",
+ "- description: Pertains to products or services that are partially customized to meet\n",
+ " specific customer requirements, sitting between fully custom and standard offerings.\n",
+ " type: Semi-Custom\n",
+ "- description: A company or brand known for developing and providing technology solutions,\n",
+ " particularly in the field of programmable logic devices.\n",
+ " type: Xilinx\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a type of technology or service is a category under\n",
+ " a larger enterprise or business segment.\n",
+ " edge_type: category_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Embedded\n",
+ " - Semi-Custom\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Enterprise\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the enterprise is specialized in products or services\n",
+ " provided by Xilinx.\n",
+ " edge_type: specializes_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Enterprise\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Xilinx\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1383:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used in mathematical expressions.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1384:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of money used in various countries.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value associated with quantities, measurements,\n",
+ " or money.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the type of currency that a specific amount of money is denominated\n",
+ " in.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1385:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or grammatical symbol.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1386:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1387:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents any symbol used to denote currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated with a specific currency symbol,\n",
+ " representing a monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1388:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or a statistic.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1389:\n",
+ "nodes: []\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1390:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A distinct part or division of a company or organization, often used\n",
+ " to describe different areas of business operations.\n",
+ " type: segment\n",
+ "- description: A modification or reorganization of segments within a company, often\n",
+ " to optimize business operations or reflect strategic shifts.\n",
+ " type: segment_change\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the segments that exist after a modification or reorganization\n",
+ " of company segments has occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: after_change\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - segment_change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - segment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1391:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A sector of the economy focused on certain kinds of activities or services.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "- description: Tools, systems, or software that serve a specific function or improve\n",
+ " performance.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology belongs to a broader industry sector.\n",
+ " edge_type: category_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1392:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1393:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a system of money in common use, especially in a nation.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a character or glyph used to represent something else, like\n",
+ " a currency or concept.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a currency is represented by a specific symbol.\n",
+ " edge_type: represented_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1394:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols or special characters.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a symbol is followed by a number.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a symbol precedes a number.\n",
+ " edge_type: precedes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1395:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1396:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, including integers or numbers in a formatted\n",
+ " string.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1397:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A character representing mathematical or logical concept.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "- description: A mathematical or logical operation indicated by a symbol.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific operation a symbol stands for.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1398:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1399:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized entity involved in commercial, industrial, or\n",
+ " professional activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A one-year period that companies and governments use for financial\n",
+ " reporting and budgeting.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: One of the four divisions of a fiscal year, usually three months long.\n",
+ " type: quarter\n",
+ "- description: An intangible asset that arises when a buyer acquires an existing business,\n",
+ " representing capabilities that are not separately identifiable.\n",
+ " type: goodwill\n",
+ "- description: A procedure to determine if an asset's carrying amount exceeds its\n",
+ " recoverable amount, indicating a possible impairment.\n",
+ " type: impairment_test\n",
+ "- description: A component of an organization that is analyzed for financial reporting\n",
+ " purposes.\n",
+ " type: reporting_unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A fiscal year is divided into quarters.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_quarter\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - quarter\n",
+ "- description: An organization performs an impairment test.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - impairment_test\n",
+ "- description: An impairment test is applied to goodwill.\n",
+ " edge_type: tests\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - impairment_test\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - goodwill\n",
+ "- description: An impairment test is associated with a specific reporting unit.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - impairment_test\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reporting_unit\n",
+ "- description: The outcome of an impairment test indicating the presence or absence\n",
+ " of impairment of goodwill.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_result\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - impairment_test\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - goodwill\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1400:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or note in a document, dealing with specialized\n",
+ " content.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "- description: A type of business arrangement where two or more parties agree to pool\n",
+ " their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task.\n",
+ " type: equity_joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: Entities that are related through common ownership, control, or significant\n",
+ " influence.\n",
+ " type: related_party\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a note or section in a document specifically discusses\n",
+ " or covers topics related to equity joint ventures and related parties.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_joint_venture\n",
+ " - related_party\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1401:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal group of people or other legal entities with a particular\n",
+ " purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A business entity created by two or more parties, generally characterized\n",
+ " by shared ownership, shared returns and risks, and shared governance.\n",
+ " type: joint_venture\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a joint venture is a specific type of organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1402:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any corporate, commercial, or governmental organization.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: A business entity formed from two or more parties, recognized as having\n",
+ " combined assets, operations, and profits.\n",
+ " type: JointVenture\n",
+ "- description: Represents ownership interest held by a company in another entity.\n",
+ " type: EquityInterest\n",
+ "- description: A method or standard by which financial positions and operating results\n",
+ " are calculated and presented.\n",
+ " type: AccountingMethod\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization holds an ownership stake in another\n",
+ " organization or joint venture.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_equity_interest_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - JointVenture\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization is affiliated with another.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_affiliate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific accounting method an organization uses to handle\n",
+ " its financial records and statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_accounting_method\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - AccountingMethod\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has significant control or influence\n",
+ " over a joint venture's operations or decisions.\n",
+ " edge_type: exerts_significant_influence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - JointVenture\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1403:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific service provided by an organization.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "- description: Represents physical substances or items used in the production or operation\n",
+ " processes.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal record of the financial activities and position\n",
+ " of a business, person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Represents a systematic plan or arrangement for a specific purpose\n",
+ " within an organization.\n",
+ " type: program\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization offers specific services.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization aids another or helps in managing a\n",
+ " specific program.\n",
+ " edge_type: assists_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - program\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization oversees the handling or control of\n",
+ " materials.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that transactions regarding certain materials are recorded\n",
+ " within a specific financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_within\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1404:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A business entity created by two or more parties, generally characterized\n",
+ " by shared ownership, shared returns and risks, and shared governance.\n",
+ " type: joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: An agreement or communication carried out between a buyer and a seller\n",
+ " to exchange an asset for payment.\n",
+ " type: financial_transaction\n",
+ "- description: Specific items or accounts listed in the financial statements of a\n",
+ " company, such as assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: The action where a company buys goods or services from a joint venture.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchases_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: The amount of money a company owes to a joint venture, recorded as\n",
+ " a liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: payables_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: The action where a company sells goods or services back to the joint\n",
+ " venture from which it originally purchased them.\n",
+ " edge_type: resales_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: The amount of money a joint venture owes to a company, recorded as\n",
+ " an asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: receivables_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that a transaction or balance is recorded under a particular\n",
+ " item on the financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: included_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1405:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: Year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific type of financial metric or value.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value.\n",
+ " type: Amount\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a company recorded a specific gain in a financial metric\n",
+ " during a certain year.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_gain\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Amount\n",
+ " - Financial_Metric\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the carrying value of a company's investment on a specific\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Amount\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1406:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal group or entity typically involving business or collaborative\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A business enterprise, often characterized by risk and innovative approach.\n",
+ " type: venture\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a venture is a component or subordinate entity within\n",
+ " a larger organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - venture\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1407:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A business entity created by two or more parties, generally characterized\n",
+ " by shared ownership, shared returns and risks, and shared governance.\n",
+ " type: joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, expressed in year, month, and day.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: The monetary worth assigned to an investment.\n",
+ " type: investment_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company owns shares or equity in another company or\n",
+ " joint venture.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_equity_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a joint venture is formed between a company and one\n",
+ " or more other entities.\n",
+ " edge_type: partners_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the monetary value of an investment at a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1408:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1409:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A division or section of a book, usually titled or numbered.\n",
+ " type: chapter\n",
+ "- description: A written work or composition that has been published, typically bound\n",
+ " and with pages.\n",
+ " type: book\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a book includes one or more chapters.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - book\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - chapter\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1410:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Legal rights to inventions, designs, and other creations of the mind.\n",
+ " type: intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: A business arrangement in which two or more parties agree to pool their\n",
+ " resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task.\n",
+ " type: joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement between parties regarding a specific course of\n",
+ " action.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: A significant stage or event in the development of a project.\n",
+ " type: milestone\n",
+ "- description: A good or service that is created through economic activity.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: Financial gain acquired through investments, work, or commercial activity.\n",
+ " type: income\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company provides rights to use intellectual property to a joint venture.\n",
+ " edge_type: licenses_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ "- description: Products developed using specific intellectual property.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ "- description: A company earns financial gains from a joint venture or upon reaching\n",
+ " certain project milestones.\n",
+ " edge_type: receives_income_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ " - milestone\n",
+ "- description: Income and intellectual property are elements associated with a specific\n",
+ " agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - income\n",
+ " - intellectual_property\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: A company has no outstanding debts or expected payments from a joint\n",
+ " venture.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_no_receivables_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - joint_venture\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1411:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group, company, or governmental agency.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, typically related to particular\n",
+ " events or actions.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geopolitical entity, typically recognized as a sovereign\n",
+ " state.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific body of a government, responsible for a certain\n",
+ " area of governance.\n",
+ " type: government_agency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a body of rules that are enforced through social or governmental\n",
+ " institutions to regulate behavior.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the action of a government agency adding an organization\n",
+ " to a specific regulatory or restrictive list.\n",
+ " edge_type: added_to_list\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - government_agency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an organization's adherence to a specific law.\n",
+ " edge_type: compliance_with_law\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a government agency is a component of a broader national\n",
+ " government structure.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - government_agency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1412:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific section of a document, typically labeled and containing\n",
+ " information on a particular topic.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: An asset or contract that can be traded and has monetary value, including\n",
+ " loans, credits, or securities.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section of the document provides information or details\n",
+ " about a specific financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1413:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial obligation where one party owes money to another.\n",
+ " type: debt\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1414:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, usually with day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a quantifiable financial statistic of an organization, such\n",
+ " as debt, revenue, or profit.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has a specific financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date at which a financial metric is recorded.\n",
+ " edge_type: as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1415:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1416:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1417:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of financial obligation or security, such as bonds\n",
+ " or notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: The interest rate associated with a financial instrument.\n",
+ " type: rate\n",
+ "- description: The date on which a financial instrument's principal is due to be paid\n",
+ " back.\n",
+ " type: maturity_date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sum of money that is owed.\n",
+ " type: debt\n",
+ "- description: Adjustments made to the principal amount of debt, such as discounts\n",
+ " and issuance costs.\n",
+ " type: debt_adjustment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the interest rate of a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - rate\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the maturity date of a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: due_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - maturity_date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the total principal amount of the combined financial instruments\n",
+ " classified as debt.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_total\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - debt\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the adjustment applied to the principal amount of debt.\n",
+ " edge_type: adjusted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - debt\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - debt_adjustment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1418:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial concept or element.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Denotes a specific numerical value associated with a financial term.\n",
+ " type: financial_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the numerical value associated with a financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1419:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents abstract mathematical ideas or principles.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_concept\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific propositions or equations in mathematics.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_statement\n",
+ "- description: Represents texts or written works related to mathematics.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has written or created a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document explains or details a mathematical concept\n",
+ " or statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: describes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - mathematical_concept\n",
+ " - mathematical_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a mathematical statement demonstrates the truth of a\n",
+ " mathematical concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: proves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - mathematical_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - mathematical_concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1420:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of currency used in financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, often monetary.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where an amount is expressed in a specific\n",
+ " currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1421:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value, including integers and decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents numbers that include formatting elements such as commas\n",
+ " and parentheses for denoting thousands and negative values, respectively.\n",
+ " type: formatted_number\n",
+ "- description: Represents any non-alphanumeric symbol or punctuation.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers represent the same value, possibly in different\n",
+ " formats.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_same_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - formatted_number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - formatted_number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a numerical range between two numbers, typically separated\n",
+ " by a symbol like a dash.\n",
+ " edge_type: indicates_range\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1422:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or term used in finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a specific type or instance of\n",
+ " another, more general financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1423:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A form of money used as a medium of exchange in an economy.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1424:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is a structured group of people, such as a company or\n",
+ " institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A monetary contract between parties, such as bonds, stocks, or notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A specific amount of money, usually associated with a currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, typically a year, month, or day.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An action where an organization settles a debt or obligation related\n",
+ " to a financial instrument and a specific amount of money.\n",
+ " edge_type: repaid\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the monetary value attached to a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a repayment action took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - repaid\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1425:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general representation of a document or note.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A subject or area of discussion within a document.\n",
+ " type: Topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes a specific topic or subject area.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Topic\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is referenced or discussed within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1426:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Legal documents representing the right to receive financial benefits\n",
+ " such as stocks, bonds, or notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: An instance of buying or selling something; can also include financial\n",
+ " operations like mergers or acquisitions.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A particular point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement or promise in a legal document, especially in contracts\n",
+ " or indentures related to financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: covenant\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company takes on the financial obligations of another entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: assumed_debt\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: The financial instrument is registered or recognized on a specific\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: The financial instrument has scheduled interest payments on specific\n",
+ " dates.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_payment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: The financial instrument includes or is associated with certain covenants\n",
+ " or rules.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - covenant\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1427:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial security, such as bonds, stocks, or\n",
+ " notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: The fixed annual rate paid by a financial instrument.\n",
+ " type: interest_rate\n",
+ "- description: The date on which the principal of a financial instrument is due to\n",
+ " be paid back.\n",
+ " type: maturity_date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the interest rate associated with a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the maturity date of a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_maturity_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - maturity_date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1428:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A monetary contract between parties, like notes or bonds.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Instrument\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a fraction of 100 in financial contexts,\n",
+ " such as interest rates.\n",
+ " type: Percentage\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "- description: An individual or organization that holds or manages property, rights,\n",
+ " or a position of trust for the benefit of another.\n",
+ " type: Trustee\n",
+ "- description: A formal legal agreement, contract, or document, particularly one regarding\n",
+ " financial debts.\n",
+ " type: Indenture\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when a company issues a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Instrument\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "- description: Represents the interest rate associated with a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Percentage\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the terms of a financial instrument are regulated by\n",
+ " a specific indenture.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_governed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Indenture\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a trustee is designated by an indenture to manage or\n",
+ " oversee its obligations.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_trustee\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Indenture\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Trustee\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the dates on which interest payments are due for a financial\n",
+ " instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: interest_payment_dates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the outstanding principal amount of a financial instrument\n",
+ " as of a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: outstanding_amount_as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1429:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1430:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or identifiers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number follows another in a sequence or list.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers are equivalent or equal.\n",
+ " edge_type: equal_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is contained or included within another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: contained_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1431:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document, such as a book, report, or any structured written\n",
+ " content.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section within a document, covering a specific topic or\n",
+ " theme.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within a section, detailing more specific aspects\n",
+ " of the section's topic.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1432:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that issues financial instruments such as notes.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument representing debt with specified interest rates\n",
+ " and maturity dates.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or condition specified in a contract that affects the\n",
+ " rights and obligations of the parties involved.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement or contract between a bond issuer and the bondholders.\n",
+ " type: indenture\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company has the option to repurchase notes before\n",
+ " a specified date.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_redeem\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where the holder of a note has the right to require\n",
+ " the company to repurchase the note under certain conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_right\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a note's terms and conditions are affected by\n",
+ " specific events such as a change of control or default.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where an indenture specifies the conditions and definitions\n",
+ " of certain events affecting the note.\n",
+ " edge_type: defines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - indenture\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1433:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of financial instrument such as stocks, bonds,\n",
+ " notes, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Represents the rate at which interest is paid by a financial instrument.\n",
+ " type: interest_rate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the interest rate associated with a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1434:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of financial security or debt instrument, such\n",
+ " as bonds or notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents the level of activity or significance of events, often in\n",
+ " financial or operational contexts.\n",
+ " type: activity_level\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the level of activity associated with a financial instrument\n",
+ " over a period.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_activity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity_level\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the time period (year) during which the activity level of\n",
+ " a financial instrument is assessed.\n",
+ " edge_type: during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - has_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1435:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of financial instrument, including bonds, stocks,\n",
+ " notes, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date or year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the maturity date or due date for a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: due_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the interest rate associated with a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1436:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company or corporate body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A tool that represents any form of financial value such as stocks,\n",
+ " bonds, or notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, typically used for events or deadlines.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the action of an organization releasing a new financial\n",
+ " instrument into the market.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a financial instrument is due or matures.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_maturity_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the fixed rate of interest that a financial instrument will\n",
+ " yield annually.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - ''\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1437:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial transaction or scheduled payment towards a debt.\n",
+ " type: Payment\n",
+ "- description: A sum of money that is owed or due.\n",
+ " type: Debt\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a payment is made towards a specific debt.\n",
+ " edge_type: applies_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Payment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Debt\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1438:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, corporation, or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of financial commitment or liability, including\n",
+ " debts or payments.\n",
+ " type: financial_obligation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has a financial obligation or liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_obligation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_obligation\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the date at which a financial obligation is assessed or recorded.\n",
+ " edge_type: as_of_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_obligation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1439:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific period or duration for which something is valid or applicable.\n",
+ " type: term\n",
+ "- description: An amount of money that is owed or due.\n",
+ " type: debt\n",
+ "- description: The original sum of money borrowed in a loan, excluding any interest\n",
+ " or fees.\n",
+ " type: principal\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a term or debt includes the principal as a component.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_component\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - term\n",
+ " - debt\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - principal\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1440:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1441:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a text or document containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific symbol or character from the document.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes a specific symbol or character.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1442:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a number, typically in millions.\n",
+ " type: numerical_value\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1443:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A generic document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1444:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A form of money in use in a particular country or region.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1445:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial concept or instrument.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another broader financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1446:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized organizational entity that conducts business.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A formal written agreement or a legal paper.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity that provides financial services, such as a bank.\n",
+ " type: financial_institution\n",
+ "- description: A contract specifying terms and conditions related to financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: financial_agreement\n",
+ "- description: A specific amount of money expressed in terms of a currency.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "- description: A span of time during which something occurs or is expected to occur.\n",
+ " type: duration\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has agreed to and signed a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: entered_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial institution serves a specific role in relation\n",
+ " to a document, e.g., as an administrative agent.\n",
+ " edge_type: acts_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_institution\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial agreement specifies a certain monetary value\n",
+ " for transactions or facilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the span of time for which a financial agreement is valid.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_duration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - duration\n",
+ "- description: Associates a document with a specific date of execution or relevance.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1447:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A category or kind of loan as specified in a financial agreement.\n",
+ " type: loan_type\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A formal understanding or arrangement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: The percentage at which interest is calculated on a loan or financial\n",
+ " product.\n",
+ " type: interest_rate\n",
+ "- description: A score or rating given to a borrower, indicating their creditworthiness.\n",
+ " type: debt_rating\n",
+ "- description: Fees associated with financial agreements or transactions.\n",
+ " type: financial_fee\n",
+ "- description: Goals related to environmental sustainability, such as reducing greenhouse\n",
+ " gas emissions.\n",
+ " type: sustainability_target\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the loan choices available to a company under an agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_option\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - loan_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a concept or term is defined within a specific agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: defined_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - loan_type\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ " - debt_rating\n",
+ " - financial_fee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: Describes the interest rate terms associated with a specific type of\n",
+ " loan.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - loan_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ "- description: Describes the fees a company agrees to pay as part of an agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_fee\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_fee\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that financial terms such as fees or rates are influenced\n",
+ " by the achievement of sustainability targets.\n",
+ " edge_type: linked_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_fee\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sustainability_target\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1448:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or a major section of it.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business or commerce.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A company controlled by another company.\n",
+ " type: subsidiary\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement or promise in a legal document.\n",
+ " type: covenant\n",
+ "- description: A specific condition or event that triggers a default under a legal\n",
+ " agreement.\n",
+ " type: event_of_default\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company controls another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_subsidiary\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsidiary\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes certain legal agreements or conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - covenant\n",
+ " - event_of_default\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company adheres to the terms outlined in a covenant.\n",
+ " edge_type: complies_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - covenant\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date when a company's status or condition is\n",
+ " reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1449:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized organization involved in commercial, industrial,\n",
+ " or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Tools used by companies for managing finances, such as credit facilities,\n",
+ " loans, or bonds.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Categories of expenses incurred by a company, such as working capital\n",
+ " or general corporate expenses.\n",
+ " type: expense_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company had no outstanding borrowings under a specific\n",
+ " financial instrument at a given date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_no_borrowings\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company may use a financial instrument in the future\n",
+ " for specific types of expenses.\n",
+ " edge_type: potential_future_use\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1450:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1451:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or textual content\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value in the document\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains specific numeric values\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1452:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a book or any comprehensive written work.\n",
+ " type: book\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section, chapter, or part within a book.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific subject or theme covered in a section of a book.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a book includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - book\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Describes the relationship where a section of a book covers specific\n",
+ " topics or themes.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1453:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any financial instrument such as stocks, bonds, commercial\n",
+ " paper, etc.\n",
+ " type: Financial Instrument\n",
+ "- description: The date on which a financial instrument is due to be paid back or\n",
+ " matures.\n",
+ " type: Maturity Date\n",
+ "- description: The entity that creates and provides a financial instrument.\n",
+ " type: Issuer\n",
+ "- description: An individual or organization that invests in financial instruments.\n",
+ " type: Investor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial instrument has a specific maturity date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_maturity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Maturity Date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial instrument is issued by a particular entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Issuer\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an investor has put money into a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: invested_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Investor\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1454:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A structured plan or initiative, often involving financial instruments,\n",
+ " set up by an organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_program\n",
+ "- description: A document representing an investment or a commitment to pay, such\n",
+ " as stocks, bonds, or notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A specific sum of money.\n",
+ " type: money_amount\n",
+ "- description: The proportion of a loan charged as interest to the borrower, typically\n",
+ " expressed as an annual percentage.\n",
+ " type: interest_rate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization creates or initiates a financial program.\n",
+ " edge_type: establishes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ "- description: A financial program has a specified maximum amount of money allowed.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_maximum_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - money_amount\n",
+ "- description: A financial program has a specific maturity date by which the financial\n",
+ " instruments must be settled or expire.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_maturity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument was issued on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument carries a specific interest rate.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ "- description: An organization sells a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: sells\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1455:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document or section of a document containing specific information\n",
+ " or topics.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Any type of investment that represents an ownership position in a corporation\n",
+ " (stock), a creditor relationship with a corporation or governmental body (bond),\n",
+ " or rights to ownership as represented by an option.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A subject or theme of discussion or study within a document.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a document includes specific topics or sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a document discusses specific financial\n",
+ " instruments.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_about\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a topic specifically talks about different types\n",
+ " of financial instruments.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1456:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of financial asset or security, including stocks,\n",
+ " bonds, derivatives, etc.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Instrument\n",
+ "- description: A measure of the value of a financial instrument, determined based\n",
+ " on current market conditions.\n",
+ " type: Fair_Value\n",
+ "- description: A frequency or regular interval at which a process or measurement takes\n",
+ " place.\n",
+ " type: Recurring_Basis\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial instrument's value is measured and recorded\n",
+ " at this specific value.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Fair_Value\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the frequency or regularity with which the fair value of\n",
+ " a financial instrument is assessed and recorded.\n",
+ " edge_type: measurement_frequency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Fair_Value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Recurring_Basis\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1457:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial measurement or value related to an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the unit of currency used in financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: currency_unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a financial metric is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1458:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place or area.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collective group formed for a specific purpose.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: Object\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, event, organization, or object is situated\n",
+ " within a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " - Object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization is involved in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1459:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in a calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents the level of complexity, intensity, or priority of a task\n",
+ " or event.\n",
+ " type: level\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the level of complexity, intensity, or priority associated\n",
+ " with a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_level\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - level\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1460:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entire document or a significant portion of text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a significant idea, theme, or subject mentioned in the document.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes a specific concept or theme.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1461:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical place or geographic area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collective group or institution, such as companies, universities,\n",
+ " or non-profits.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening that is significant in time.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a category of information.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the connection of a person being a part of or associated\n",
+ " with an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affiliation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents the physical location where an event occurred or where an\n",
+ " organization is based.\n",
+ " edge_type: location_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a person taking part in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Represents ownership or holding of an object by a person or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: possession\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: Represents the idea or concept being associated with or originated\n",
+ " from a person or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: conceptualization\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1462:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the level of difficulty.\n",
+ " type: difficulty_level\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the difficulty level of a given date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_difficulty_level\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - difficulty_level\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1463:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A recognition or honor received for achievements.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: An establishment dedicated to education and research.\n",
+ " type: academic_institution\n",
+ "- description: The status of belonging to a particular nation.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has received a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person possesses a particular nationality.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has studied at a specific academic institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - academic_institution\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1464:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of investment or financial product.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: An organization such as a bank or fund that deals with financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: financial_institution\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial institution offers a specific financial\n",
+ " instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_institution\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific item is a subtype of another financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1465:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical symbol used in expressions and equations.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1466:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used to denote a type of currency, such as dollars,\n",
+ " euros, etc.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated with a particular currency, specifying\n",
+ " the monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1467:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A mathematical or special symbol used in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1468:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, integers or decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1469:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1470:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any symbol or special character.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one symbol or number follows another in sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1471:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A system of money in general use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: A quantity of money or financial value.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific quantity or amount of money associated with\n",
+ " a currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1472:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers are equal in value.\n",
+ " edge_type: equal_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1473:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a category or type of investment.\n",
+ " type: investment_type\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific investment item or instrument.\n",
+ " type: investment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an investment item is a type of a broader investment\n",
+ " category.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - investment_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1474:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value or number.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1475:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical entity, such as an integer or a decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the operation of subtracting one number from another, resulting\n",
+ " in a new number.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the result of a subtraction operation between two numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: difference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1476:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction of one number from another.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the addition of one number to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: addition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the equality relationship between two numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: equality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1477:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical location, such as a city, country, or institution.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening, which can be historical,\n",
+ " social, or cultural.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point or range in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a group or body that functions as a collective entity, like\n",
+ " companies, governments, or universities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a written, printed, or digital piece of information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a general notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization has a formal connection or\n",
+ " association with an organization or event.\n",
+ " edge_type: affiliated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, organization, or event is situated within\n",
+ " or associated with a specific geographical location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was created or authored by a person or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: produced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a connection or association between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization has ownership of a specific\n",
+ " object.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1478:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value or sequence of numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1479:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is related to another in some context.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1480:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents terms used in accounting and finance.\n",
+ " type: accounting_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents resources owned by a business that are expected to bring\n",
+ " future economic benefits.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a node representing an asset is a type of accounting\n",
+ " term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1481:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different categories of investments.\n",
+ " type: investment_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the categorization or subcategorization of investment types.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - investment_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1482:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or term used in finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a method or standard used for measuring values in finance.\n",
+ " type: measurement_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is quantified or evaluated using a\n",
+ " specific measurement method.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - measurement_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1483:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An organized group of people with a particular purpose, especially\n",
+ " a business, society, association, etc.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, especially one of some importance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A material thing that can be seen and touched.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or a mental symbol.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual being a member or part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event, an organization, or an object is situated\n",
+ " within a particular location.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event has taken place at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: A generic relationship that indicates any form of association or link\n",
+ " between two entities or concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1484:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical entity representing a value, count, or measure.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number has a higher value compared to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1485:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents non-alphanumeric characters or symbols.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents monetary units.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the order or sequence of numbers and symbols.\n",
+ " edge_type: sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1486:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value, including integers and decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of currency value, including amounts with currency\n",
+ " symbols.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1487:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a non-numeric symbol.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the order of numbers or symbols in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1488:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A generic representation of text content.\n",
+ " type: text\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1489:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1490:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity such as a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Any contract that gives rise to both a financial asset of one entity\n",
+ " and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time expressed in terms of day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A categorization of the hierarchy used to assess fair value of assets\n",
+ " and liabilities, specifically indicating the level within the hierarchy.\n",
+ " type: fair_value_measurement_level\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization does not hold any financial instruments\n",
+ " of a specific type at a specific fair value level on a certain date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_no_financial_instruments\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " - fair_value_measurement_level\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1491:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of financial investment, including stocks, bonds,\n",
+ " mutual funds, etc.\n",
+ " type: investment\n",
+ "- description: A fiduciary arrangement where assets are held by a third party on behalf\n",
+ " of a beneficiary.\n",
+ " type: trust\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A plan established by an organization detailing how employees will\n",
+ " be compensated, including salaries, bonuses, and other financial benefits.\n",
+ " type: compensation_plan\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an investment is held within a trust.\n",
+ " edge_type: held_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - trust\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has established a trust or a compensation\n",
+ " plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: establishes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - trust\n",
+ " - compensation_plan\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a trust is used to maintain a compensation plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - trust\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - compensation_plan\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1492:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial assets such as cash equivalents or short-term\n",
+ " investments.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A condensed version of information, focusing on main points.\n",
+ " type: summary\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a summary node condenses the information about a financial\n",
+ " instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: summarizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - summary\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1493:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1494:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A distinct and fundamental idea or notion, which acts as a subject\n",
+ " of discourse.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "- description: A numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed.\n",
+ " type: Value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that a concept is quantified or measured\n",
+ " by a specific value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1495:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept in finance or economics.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, more general financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1496:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific term or concept used in finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, more general financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1497:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A theoretical assessment of the proper value of an asset or company.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1498:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of security or investment vehicle which includes diverse forms\n",
+ " such as securities and deposits.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A governing authority or a recognized administrative structure of a\n",
+ " country or area.\n",
+ " type: government\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a bank or fund that deals with financial transactions\n",
+ " and investments.\n",
+ " type: financial_organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a financial instrument is issued\n",
+ " by a government or financial organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - government\n",
+ " - financial_organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1499:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used in mathematical, scientific, or other academic\n",
+ " contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1500:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or other symbol used in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1501:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used to denote a type of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a numeric value is denoted by a specific currency symbol,\n",
+ " implying a monetary amount.\n",
+ " edge_type: denoted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1502:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1503:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific amount of money in millions.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1504:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction of one number from another, resulting in\n",
+ " a new number.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1505:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction between two numbers, where the source is\n",
+ " the minuend and the target is the subtrahend.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1506:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1507:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Any contract that gives rise to both a financial asset of one entity\n",
+ " and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A specific state or condition of a financial instrument, reflecting\n",
+ " aspects like gains or losses.\n",
+ " type: financial_position\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company holds or does not hold a particular financial\n",
+ " position or instrument at a given time.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_position\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the date at which a financial position is evaluated or reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_position\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1508:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1509:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1510:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an asset in which money is put into for potential future\n",
+ " returns.\n",
+ " type: investment\n",
+ "- description: The fixed date at which the investment pays back its principal amount.\n",
+ " type: maturity\n",
+ "- description: A category or status assigned to an investment based on specific rules\n",
+ " or criteria.\n",
+ " type: classification\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date or period at which an investment is set to mature.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_maturity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - maturity\n",
+ "- description: Describes how an investment is categorized, such as 'available-for-sale'.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_classified_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - classification\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1511:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1512:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1513:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A theoretical or abstract idea, often used in academic and professional\n",
+ " contexts.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one concept is a specific instance or subtype of another,\n",
+ " more general concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1514:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A basic or abstract idea or term, such as 'Fair Value'.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1515:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A theoretical concept in computer science that helps in analyzing the\n",
+ " average time complexity over a sequence of operations.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1516:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1517:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, often used to quantify or measure something.\n",
+ " type: quantity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement used to quantify characteristics like\n",
+ " length, volume, weight, etc.\n",
+ " type: measurement_unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a quantity is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - quantity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - measurement_unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1518:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific time range for an event or obligation.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a due date or obligation falls within a specific time\n",
+ " period relative to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: due_within\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1519:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or special symbol in the content.\n",
+ " type: Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1520:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol, character, or special notation in the text.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1521:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, both integers and formatted numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1522:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value, including integers and decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of money or financial value.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific number is denoted in a particular currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1523:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing any real or integer number.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: A currency symbol or code indicating the type of money used.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the currency type associated with a numerical value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1524:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An asset or liability that represents an investment, obligation, or\n",
+ " means of payment.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A method or approach used to estimate the value of a financial instrument.\n",
+ " type: valuation_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the method used to estimate the value of the financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1525:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any financial instrument such as stocks, bonds, or long-term\n",
+ " debt.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial metrics such as carrying amounts, fair values,\n",
+ " or interest rates.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization owns or is associated with a financial\n",
+ " instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_instrument\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial instrument has specific financial metrics\n",
+ " associated with it.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1526:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1527:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1528:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an accounting concept or term relevant in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: Accounting_Term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1529:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A concept or phrase that is used in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: term\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or source containing information relevant\n",
+ " to the term.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A numerical or qualitative assessment associated with a term.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a term is defined or explained in a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: defined_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a term is associated with a specific value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1530:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a term or concept used in accounting.\n",
+ " type: accounting_term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1531:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any financial item or term in a document.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial item is a subset or component of another\n",
+ " financial item.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1532:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A form of money in circulation, generally accepted as a medium of exchange\n",
+ " in a specific region or country.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1533:\n",
+ "nodes: []\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1534:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1535:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of money.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement, specifically used for quantifying.\n",
+ " type: measurement_unit\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: numerical_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a numerical value is quantified or denominated in a\n",
+ " specific measurement unit or currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - numerical_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - measurement_unit\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1536:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numeric value representing an amount or measurement.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1537:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a non-alphanumeric symbol.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents a space character.\n",
+ " type: space\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one element is directly next to another in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: adjacent_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - space\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - space\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1538:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Debt that is due for payment beyond the next 12 months.\n",
+ " type: Long-term debt\n",
+ "- description: A category of inputs used for valuing assets and liabilities, including\n",
+ " quoted prices for similar instruments in less active markets.\n",
+ " type: Level 2 inputs\n",
+ "- description: The current price at which an asset or liability could be bought or\n",
+ " sold.\n",
+ " type: Quoted price\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument similar in nature to another, used for comparison\n",
+ " or valuation purposes.\n",
+ " type: Comparable instrument\n",
+ "- description: A market where there are few transactions for the asset or liability,\n",
+ " leading to less frequent pricing updates.\n",
+ " type: Inactive market\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the valuation basis of a company's long-term debt using specific\n",
+ " inputs.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " - Long-term debt\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Level 2 inputs\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the inclusion of various components within Level 2 inputs\n",
+ " for valuation purposes.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Level 2 inputs\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Quoted price\n",
+ " - Comparable instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that prices or instruments are specifically related to the\n",
+ " company or its long-term debt.\n",
+ " edge_type: for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Quoted price\n",
+ " - Comparable instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " - Long-term debt\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the quoted prices or comparable instruments are found\n",
+ " in inactive markets.\n",
+ " edge_type: in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Quoted price\n",
+ " - Comparable instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Inactive market\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1539:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A written record that conveys the financial activities and conditions\n",
+ " of a business or entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A record summarizing all the information pertaining to a single item\n",
+ " in the accounting equation.\n",
+ " type: account\n",
+ "- description: A fixed or limited period for which something, such as an agreement\n",
+ " or investment, lasts or is intended to last.\n",
+ " type: term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has a specific account.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_account\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - account\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has issued a financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_statement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an account operates under certain terms.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_term\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - account\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the fair value of one account approximates the carrying\n",
+ " value of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: approximates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - account\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - account\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1540:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A tool or asset used in financial transactions, like stocks, bonds,\n",
+ " or derivatives.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Instrument\n",
+ "- description: A method or standard by which financial instruments are valued or assessed.\n",
+ " type: Measurement_Basis\n",
+ "- description: The regularity with which a measurement basis is applied to assess\n",
+ " the value of financial instruments.\n",
+ " type: Measurement_Frequency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes how and how often a financial instrument is assessed for\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Measurement_Basis\n",
+ " - Measurement_Frequency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1541:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial assets, including securities and other financial\n",
+ " instruments.\n",
+ " type: financial_asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific amount of money.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization holds a specific financial asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_asset\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents the value of a financial asset on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: asset_value_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1542:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A deal or financial agreement where assets are traded.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A financial contract between parties, such as stocks, bonds, or derivatives.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A type of financial instrument whose value is dependent on an underlying\n",
+ " asset or group of assets.\n",
+ " type: derivative\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific entity is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another, more general entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - derivative\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a transaction involves one or several financial instruments.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1543:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A form of money issued by a government or central authority.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "- description: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: Contract\n",
+ "- description: A strategy used to limit or offset probability of loss from fluctuations\n",
+ " in the prices of commodities, currencies, or securities.\n",
+ " type: Hedge\n",
+ "- description: The systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions\n",
+ " of a business.\n",
+ " type: Accounting\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a contract is specifically recognized as a hedge.\n",
+ " edge_type: designated_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Hedge\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a contract involves specific currencies.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Currency\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a hedge strategy is related to accounting methods or\n",
+ " principles.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Hedge\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Accounting\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1544:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A system of money in general use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment,\n",
+ " sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: An instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A particular day or year when an event occurs or occurred.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: The importance, worth, or usefulness of something.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "- description: A thing for which someone is responsible, especially a debt or financial\n",
+ " obligation.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company engaging in a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: enters_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ "- description: A contract intended to protect against risk in a transaction.\n",
+ " edge_type: hedges_exposure\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ "- description: A transaction conducted in a specified currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: in_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "- description: A contract or liability having a specified monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "- description: Indicating the date when a value is recorded or a contract is in effect.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: The monetary value of a contract recorded as a liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1545:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: A system of money in general use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: A financial strategy used to manage risk associated with currency,\n",
+ " commodity prices, or interest rates by reducing or eliminating financial risks.\n",
+ " type: accounting_hedge\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a contract is not officially designated as a specific\n",
+ " type of risk management strategy.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_not_designated_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_hedge\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a contract involves dealing with a certain type of currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1546:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: Contract\n",
+ "- description: A system of money in general use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "- description: A specific day in a calendar.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "- description: The importance, worth, or usefulness of something.\n",
+ " type: Value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An action where a company engages in a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: enters_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Contract\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the status or classification of a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: designated_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Contract\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the currency used in a contract.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Currency\n",
+ "- description: Associates a contract with its monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Value\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the date on which a contract is set to mature.\n",
+ " edge_type: matures_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "- description: Associates a value with a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1547:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of document that contains financial information, such as a Consolidated\n",
+ " Statement of Cash Flows.\n",
+ " type: financial_document\n",
+ "- description: Represents the movement of money into or out of a business, project,\n",
+ " or financial product.\n",
+ " type: cash_flow\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument whose value is based on one or more underlying\n",
+ " assets.\n",
+ " type: derivative_instrument\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that the cash flows are classified within a specific category\n",
+ " of a financial document.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_classified_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a cash flow is associated or linked to a derivative\n",
+ " instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cash_flow\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - derivative_instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1548:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1549:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general or abstract idea, theory, or term.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes a specific aspect or attribute of a concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_aspect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1550:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in finance, economics, or accounting.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1551:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, either whole or fractional.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers are equivalent or represent the same value.\n",
+ " edge_type: equivalence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1552:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numeric value, which can be integer or decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1553:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or a major part of it.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter of a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sub-section within a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: sub_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific item or topic listed within a section or sub-section.\n",
+ " type: content_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document, section, or sub-section includes one or\n",
+ " more sections, sub-sections, or content items.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - sub_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - sub_section\n",
+ " - content_item\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a content item is related to or covered within a specific\n",
+ " section or sub-section.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - content_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - sub_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1554:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A section or part of a larger document, often characterized by a specific\n",
+ " heading or title.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A category of risk, often used in financial, business, or insurance\n",
+ " contexts to classify specific types of risks.\n",
+ " type: risk_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document section is specifically discussing or addressing\n",
+ " a particular type of risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1555:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of financial instruments that a company\n",
+ " might use or invest in.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company invests in or holds certain types of financial\n",
+ " instruments.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_investment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Describes a relationship where a financial instrument subjects a company\n",
+ " to certain risks.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1556:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Financial assets or vehicles where money can be placed with the expectation\n",
+ " of a favorable monetary return.\n",
+ " type: investment\n",
+ "- description: Organizations such as banks or credit unions that provide financial\n",
+ " services.\n",
+ " type: financial_institution\n",
+ "- description: The rating or evaluation of the creditworthiness of a debtor or financial\n",
+ " instrument.\n",
+ " type: credit_quality\n",
+ "- description: A type of unsecured, short-term debt instrument issued by a corporation,\n",
+ " typically for the financing of accounts receivable, inventories, and meeting short-term\n",
+ " liabilities.\n",
+ " type: commercial_paper\n",
+ "- description: A fixed income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor\n",
+ " to a borrower.\n",
+ " type: bond\n",
+ "- description: A form of short-term borrowing for dealers in government securities.\n",
+ " type: repurchase_agreement\n",
+ "- description: Financial instruments that represent some type of financial value,\n",
+ " often an ownership position in a publicly-traded corporation, a creditor relationship\n",
+ " with a governmental body or a corporation, or rights to ownership as represented\n",
+ " by an option.\n",
+ " type: security\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization allocates funds to a particular investment.\n",
+ " edge_type: invests_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the credit rating assigned to a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_credit_rating\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - investment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - credit_quality\n",
+ "- description: Shows the credit quality assigned to a specific financial instrument\n",
+ " like commercial paper or bonds.\n",
+ " edge_type: rated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - commercial_paper\n",
+ " - bond\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - credit_quality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a repurchase agreement is backed by certain securities\n",
+ " as collateral.\n",
+ " edge_type: secured_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - repurchase_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1557:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: An entity that purchases goods or services from a company.\n",
+ " type: Customer\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time expressed in terms of day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "- description: The total amount of money owed to a company by its customers.\n",
+ " type: Receivable_balance\n",
+ "- description: The risk of loss due to a debtor's non-payment of a loan or other line\n",
+ " of credit.\n",
+ " type: Credit_risk\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company has an entity that purchases goods or\n",
+ " services from it.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_customer\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Customer\n",
+ "- description: The total receivable balance of a company as recorded on a specific\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: receivable_as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Receivable_balance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "- description: A customer's contribution to the total receivable balance of a company\n",
+ " expressed as a percentage.\n",
+ " edge_type: accounted_for_percentage\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Receivable_balance\n",
+ "- description: A company's evaluation of the potential credit risk associated with\n",
+ " its receivables.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses_credit_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Credit_risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1558:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A business entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A party or institution that participates in a financial transaction\n",
+ " or contract with another party.\n",
+ " type: counterparty\n",
+ "- description: A financial agreement used to manage or mitigate the risk associated\n",
+ " with changes in foreign currency exchange rates.\n",
+ " type: foreign_currency_hedge_contract\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is at risk of losses due to a specific factor\n",
+ " or event.\n",
+ " edge_type: exposed_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - foreign_currency_hedge_contract\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a counterparty is a participant in a financial contract\n",
+ " or transaction.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - counterparty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - foreign_currency_hedge_contract\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a counterparty has met its financial responsibilities\n",
+ " towards a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: fulfilled_obligations\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - counterparty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1559:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a quantitative measure used in financial analysis and reporting.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section of a document discusses a specific financial\n",
+ " metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1560:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a measurable value or calculation, such as earnings per\n",
+ " share.\n",
+ " type: Metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a computational or procedural approach used for calculations.\n",
+ " type: Method\n",
+ "- description: Represents an element or variable that influences a calculation or\n",
+ " outcome.\n",
+ " type: Factor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a metric is computed using a specific method.\n",
+ " edge_type: computed_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Method\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a method of computation is based on specific factors.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Factor\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1561:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A concept or term used in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A method or technique used for calculating a specific financial metric.\n",
+ " type: calculation_method\n",
+ "- description: A tool or security used in financial transactions or investments.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or date range relevant to financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is calculated using a specific method.\n",
+ " edge_type: calculated_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - calculation_method\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a calculation method is applied to a specific financial\n",
+ " instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: applies_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - calculation_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the maturity or due date of a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: due_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1562:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in finance representing a specific concept or element.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A method used to compute or calculate values in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: calculation_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is used within a specific calculation\n",
+ " method.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_used_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - calculation_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1563:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific duration of time, such as a year or a fiscal\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1564:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1565:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1566:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1567:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A unit of measurement or quantification used in financial and other\n",
+ " data.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "- description: The type of data being measured or quantified, such as financial amounts\n",
+ " or statistical metrics.\n",
+ " type: data_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a particular type of data is quantified.\n",
+ " edge_type: unit_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - data_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1568:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a term used in mathematical expressions or equations.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_term\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1569:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial metric or measure used in financial\n",
+ " reporting and analysis.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of share in a company, such as basic or potentially\n",
+ " dilutive shares.\n",
+ " type: share_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes how a type of share affects or influences a financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: impact_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - share_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1570:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used in mathematical expressions.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents different forms of currency used globally.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a mathematical symbol is used to represent a type of\n",
+ " currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1571:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a quantity or measurement.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: A system of money in general use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit of currency in which a numerical value is expressed.\n",
+ " edge_type: denoted_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1572:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Symbol or representation of a type of money.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Relationship where a numerical value is expressed in a specific currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1573:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1574:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any financial term, concept, or instrument.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value indicating a portion of a whole in percent\n",
+ " form.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of formal document or record, such as notes, bonds,\n",
+ " or agreements.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is directly associated or connected\n",
+ " with a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document has a specific percentage associated with\n",
+ " it, often related to interest rates or ownership stakes.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_percentage\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1575:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific measure or value related to financial performance\n",
+ " or state.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A document that reports financial data relevant to a business, individual,\n",
+ " or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric is reported or included within a\n",
+ " financial document.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1576:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any mathematical or special symbol used in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1577:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of monetary value.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the currency associated with a numerical value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1578:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A mathematical value representing a quantity or amount.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: A system of money in general use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is quantified or denominated in a particular\n",
+ " currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1579:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers are listed in a sequence separated by a\n",
+ " comma.\n",
+ " edge_type: comma_separated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1580:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a term or concept used in mathematics.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one mathematical term is a part of another, larger mathematical\n",
+ " concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - mathematical_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - mathematical_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1581:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial concepts or terms.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of computation or calculation method.\n",
+ " type: calculation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a calculation is a specific type of financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - calculation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1582:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1583:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1584:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values or figures.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1585:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various financial securities such as stocks, bonds, notes,\n",
+ " and derivatives.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: An entity that operates as a business and can issue financial instruments.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An individual who works for a company and may be a participant in equity\n",
+ " plans.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: A scheme offered by a company that allows employees to own a stake\n",
+ " in the company.\n",
+ " type: equity_plan\n",
+ "- description: A derivative that provides the right, but not the obligation, to buy\n",
+ " or sell a security at a predetermined price before a certain date.\n",
+ " type: warrant\n",
+ "- description: A type of debt security that obligates the issuer to pay the holder\n",
+ " a fixed amount of interest plus principal at maturity.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company issues various types of financial instruments.\n",
+ " edge_type: issues\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: An employee participates in an equity plan offered by a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: participates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_plan\n",
+ "- description: An equity plan may be linked to warrants, allowing employees special\n",
+ " rights to purchase company stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: linked_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equity_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - warrant\n",
+ "- description: A note has a specified interest rate that it pays to holders.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1586:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific concept or entity in finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a hierarchical or class-subclass relationship between financial\n",
+ " concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1587:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction between two numbers, where the source is\n",
+ " decreased by the target to yield a result.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1588:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1589:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value, integer or decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sequence or list of numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1590:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents quantitative financial metrics used in analyzing a company's\n",
+ " performance.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Metric\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has a specific financial metric, such as earnings\n",
+ " per share, revenue, etc.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1591:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term related to financial or economic contexts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term is a subtype or specific instance\n",
+ " of another broader financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1592:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any mathematical symbol used in expressions or equations.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1593:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical comparison between two numbers, such as greater\n",
+ " than, less than, or equal to.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1594:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A form of money used in a particular country or economic context.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: A numerical amount representing the worth or quantity of something.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the value or amount associated with a currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1595:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes a comparative relationship between two numbers, such as greater\n",
+ " than, less than, or equal to.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1596:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any financial instruments such as shares or notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific events or actions related to financial instruments,\n",
+ " such as conversions, issuances, or exclusions from calculations.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or point in time, such as a year or date.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value associated with financial instruments or events,\n",
+ " such as quantities or percentages.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial calculation or method, such as earnings per\n",
+ " share calculation.\n",
+ " type: calculation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial instrument was excluded from a specific\n",
+ " financial calculation.\n",
+ " edge_type: excluded_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - calculation\n",
+ "- description: Links events or values to specific financial instruments, such as the\n",
+ " conversion of notes or the issuance of shares.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place during a specific time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the quantity or percentage value associated with a financial\n",
+ " instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1597:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1598:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or a significant part of it.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1599:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document, usually identified by\n",
+ " a title or number.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: An asset like stocks or bonds that can be traded in financial markets.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: Different forms of payment or rewards given to employees, which may\n",
+ " include monetary payments, stock options, etc.\n",
+ " type: compensation_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section of a document is specifically about a particular\n",
+ " financial instrument or type of compensation.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " - compensation_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1600:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument representing ownership in a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: security\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the security grants the holder partial ownership of\n",
+ " the company.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents_ownership_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1601:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents shares of a company's common stock.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: An entity that can issue stocks or be involved in financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has a certain amount of common stock outstanding.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_shares\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1602:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1603:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1604:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1605:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value, can represent data such as quantities or statistics.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: A unit of measurement that quantifies a numerical value, such as 'millions'.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit of measurement for a numerical value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_unit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1606:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial transaction involving common stock.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or time frame for financial reporting.\n",
+ " type: period\n",
+ "- description: An entity or corporation involved in financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates what type of financial transaction involving a company occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: transaction_type\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a transaction took place during a specific reporting period.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the stock was issued by a specific company.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1607:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value in the schema.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or logical operation in the schema.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is involved in an operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the outcome of an operation, pointing to the resulting number.\n",
+ " edge_type: result_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1608:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, including integers and real numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sequence or series of numbers or elements.\n",
+ " type: sequence\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a sequence includes a particular number or element.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - sequence\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1609:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents common financial terms or concepts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific time frames or durations.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific time period has a certain financial balance\n",
+ " at the end.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_balance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1610:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A scheme or plan of action, especially in a business or project.\n",
+ " type: Program\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one program is a specific instance or type of another,\n",
+ " more general program.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Program\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1611:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is a structured group of people, such as a company or\n",
+ " corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A group of individuals elected to represent shareholders and manage\n",
+ " the organization's affairs.\n",
+ " type: board_of_directors\n",
+ "- description: A program authorized by an organization to buy back its own shares\n",
+ " from the marketplace.\n",
+ " type: stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time expressed in terms of day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A quantity of money expressed in numerical terms.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization has a board of directors managing its affairs.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_board\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - board_of_directors\n",
+ "- description: The board of directors approved a stock repurchase program.\n",
+ " edge_type: approved_program\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - board_of_directors\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ "- description: The date on which the stock repurchase program was authorized.\n",
+ " edge_type: program_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: The financial amount authorized for the stock repurchase program.\n",
+ " edge_type: program_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_repurchase_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1612:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally constituted group of people that acts as a single entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A structured plan involving financial activities, such as stock repurchases.\n",
+ " type: financial_program\n",
+ "- description: Financial instrument representing ownership in a company.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time expressed in a year, month, and day.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A specified sum of money expressed in a unit of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization buys back shares of its own stock on a specific date\n",
+ " for a specified amount.\n",
+ " edge_type: repurchased_stock\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Available funds left in a financial program as of a certain date.\n",
+ " edge_type: remaining_funds\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Ownership or association of a financial program with an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: program_property\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1613:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the various forms of payment provided to employees, including\n",
+ " wages, bonuses, and benefits.\n",
+ " type: Compensation\n",
+ "- description: Represents ownership in a company, typically issued as shares.\n",
+ " type: Stock\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that stock is a specific form of compensation.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Compensation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1614:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts business operations.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A plan or scheme designed to provide company employees with stock options\n",
+ " or similar incentives.\n",
+ " type: equity_program\n",
+ "- description: An individual who works for a company.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity that owns shares in a company.\n",
+ " type: stockholder\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, typically associated with a day, month, and\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A detailed arrangement or strategy, approved by stockholders, to issue\n",
+ " stock options to employees.\n",
+ " type: equity_plan\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company establishes and puts into action an equity program.\n",
+ " edge_type: implements\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_program\n",
+ "- description: An equity program is aimed at benefiting employees.\n",
+ " edge_type: targets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equity_program\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ "- description: Stockholders give formal consent for an equity plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: approved\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stockholder\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_plan\n",
+ "- description: An equity plan is approved or established on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equity_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1615:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific plan or program designed by a company, often involving financial\n",
+ " or stock-related strategies.\n",
+ " type: plan\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument that gives the holder the right to buy or sell\n",
+ " a stock at a predetermined price within a specific time frame.\n",
+ " type: stock_option\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business and commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A form of recognition or a financial benefit given to individuals or\n",
+ " entities, often as part of employment terms.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a plan includes specific stock options.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_option\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option\n",
+ "- description: Describes the period over which a stock option vests under a specific\n",
+ " plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: vests_over\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ "- description: Describes the expiration period of a stock option under a specific\n",
+ " plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: expires_after\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ "- description: Describes the action of a company taking back awards that were previously\n",
+ " granted but forfeited.\n",
+ " edge_type: reacquires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an award is available to be granted again under a plan\n",
+ " after being reacquired.\n",
+ " edge_type: available_for_grant\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ "- description: Describes the process of reissuing a previously forfeited and reacquired\n",
+ " award as a new award.\n",
+ " edge_type: reissues_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1616:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A business entity that can perform various actions, such as granting\n",
+ " stock options and RSUs.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument granted by a company to an employee as part\n",
+ " of the employee's remuneration package.\n",
+ " type: stock_option\n",
+ "- description: A restricted stock unit, a type of compensation issued by an employer\n",
+ " to an employee in the form of company stock.\n",
+ " type: RSU\n",
+ "- description: A structured set of guidelines or rules under which specific actions\n",
+ " are carried out by a company.\n",
+ " type: plan\n",
+ "- description: A type of RSU that vests over a period based on time rather than performance.\n",
+ " type: time-based_RSU\n",
+ "- description: A performance-based restricted stock unit that vests based on the achievement\n",
+ " of predetermined goals.\n",
+ " type: PRSU\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company can issue stock options and RSUs under\n",
+ " a certain plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: can_grant\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option\n",
+ " - RSU\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that RSUs include subtypes such as time-based\n",
+ " RSUs and PRSUs.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - RSU\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time-based_RSU\n",
+ " - PRSU\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating that the granting of stock options and RSUs\n",
+ " by a company is governed by a specific plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: under_plan\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - can_grant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1617:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of financial derivative that gives the holder the right to buy\n",
+ " or sell shares at a predetermined price within a certain period.\n",
+ " type: stock_option\n",
+ "- description: A structured plan or policy allowing the issuance of stock options\n",
+ " to employees or other designated recipients.\n",
+ " type: stock_option_plan\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business, capable of issuing stock\n",
+ " and having shareholders.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A type of security that represents ownership in a corporation and represents\n",
+ " a claim on part of the corporation's assets and earnings.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a stock option is part of a specific stock option plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option_plan\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the exercise price of a stock option relative to the stock.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_exercise_price\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the market value of the company's stock on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_market_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1618:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of award that can be granted to employees, directors, or consultants,\n",
+ " involving future issuance of common stock shares.\n",
+ " type: RSU\n",
+ "- description: An individual who works for a company.\n",
+ " type: Employee\n",
+ "- description: An individual who is part of the board of directors of a company.\n",
+ " type: Director\n",
+ "- description: An external advisor or expert hired by a company to provide specific\n",
+ " services or advice.\n",
+ " type: Consultant\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business and transactions.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A type of equity security that represents ownership in a company.\n",
+ " type: Common Stock\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an RSU has been awarded to an employee, director, or\n",
+ " consultant.\n",
+ " edge_type: granted_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - RSU\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Employee\n",
+ " - Director\n",
+ " - Consultant\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the RSU obligates the company to issue shares.\n",
+ " edge_type: obligates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - RSU\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that common stock represents ownership in the company.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Common Stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1619:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Performance-based Restricted Stock Units (PRSUs) are a type of stock\n",
+ " award given to senior executives that vary based on performance metrics.\n",
+ " type: PRSUs\n",
+ "- description: A high-ranking officer in a company, typically part of the leadership\n",
+ " or management team.\n",
+ " type: senior executive\n",
+ "- description: Criteria or standards used to measure the performance of an organization\n",
+ " or individual, which can be financial, non-financial, or based on market conditions.\n",
+ " type: performance metric\n",
+ "- description: The initial number of shares allocated to a recipient of a PRSU award,\n",
+ " subject to adjustment based on performance.\n",
+ " type: Target Shares\n",
+ "- description: An individual who receives an award, such as shares, based on specified\n",
+ " criteria.\n",
+ " type: award recipient\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that PRSUs are awarded to senior executives.\n",
+ " edge_type: granted_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - PRSUs\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - senior executive\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the allocation and final number of PRSUs are contingent\n",
+ " on specific performance metrics.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - PRSUs\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - performance metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that PRSUs initially reflect a target number of shares, known\n",
+ " as Target Shares.\n",
+ " edge_type: reflects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - PRSUs\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Target Shares\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the actual number of shares received may vary and are\n",
+ " given to the award recipient.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Target Shares\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award recipient\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1620:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1621:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction operation between two numbers, where the\n",
+ " source number is decreased by the target number.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the addition operation between two numbers, where the source\n",
+ " number is increased by the target number.\n",
+ " edge_type: addition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1622:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document, including books, reports, or articles.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A part of a document that covers a specific topic or theme.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A more detailed part of a section, focusing on a specific aspect of\n",
+ " the section's topic.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "- description: The name or title of a document, section, or subsection.\n",
+ " type: title\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or section includes one or more sections\n",
+ " or subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "- description: Associates a document, section, or subsection with its title.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - title\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1623:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who works for a company or organization.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: A structured financial or operational arrangement, usually set by an\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " type: plan\n",
+ "- description: A specific time frame in which certain actions or events are scheduled\n",
+ " to take place.\n",
+ " type: offering_period\n",
+ "- description: The amount of money that an employee earns from their job.\n",
+ " type: earnings\n",
+ "- description: A unit of ownership in a company, typically traded on a stock market.\n",
+ " type: stock_share\n",
+ "- description: A restriction or cap on a certain action or quantity.\n",
+ " type: limitation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An employee takes part in an offering period.\n",
+ " edge_type: participates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - offering_period\n",
+ "- description: An employee possesses or earns a certain amount of money.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - earnings\n",
+ "- description: An employee reserves a portion of their earnings for a specific purpose.\n",
+ " edge_type: withholds_earnings\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - earnings\n",
+ "- description: An employee purchases stock shares.\n",
+ " edge_type: buys\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_share\n",
+ "- description: An offering period is regulated or controlled by a specific plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: governed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - offering_period\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ "- description: Earnings are constrained or limited by certain conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - earnings\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - limitation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1624:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that operates as a commercial business or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A formal plan under which a company issues or reserves stock options,\n",
+ " shares, or other equity to employees or other parties.\n",
+ " type: stock_plan\n",
+ "- description: Shares of a company that represent ownership and may be issued, reserved,\n",
+ " or granted under various plans.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, typically used to mark events or conditions.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of stock plan focused on issuing stock options and\n",
+ " awards to motivate employees.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has established a specific stock plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_stock_plan\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_plan\n",
+ "- description: Represents the availability of stock for grants or issuance under a\n",
+ " specific plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: stock_availability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has taken over an equity incentive plan from\n",
+ " another entity, typically through acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: assumed_plan\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the date on which the stock availability or plan assumption\n",
+ " is recorded.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_plan\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1625:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general idea or understanding that can be abstract or concrete.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: The process of determining the present value of an asset or a company.\n",
+ " type: valuation\n",
+ "- description: Money spent or cost incurred in an organization's efforts to generate\n",
+ " revenue, representing the cost of doing business.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is a specific instance or type of concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1626:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of cost incurred by a company.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities of a business, person,\n",
+ " or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: The process of assigning a cost or resource to different departments,\n",
+ " activities, or periods.\n",
+ " type: allocation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that an expense was distributed or assigned within a financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: allocated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1627:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an event or occurrence, such as a year ending.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1628:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format of day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1629:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, which could be an absolute number, percentage,\n",
+ " or any quantitative measure.\n",
+ " type: numeric_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the association of a numeric value with a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: value_on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - numeric_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1630:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1631:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial metric or expense reported by a company.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific financial metric is a subcategory or specific\n",
+ " instance of another financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1632:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various financial metrics related to a company's performance.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents concepts related to taxation.\n",
+ " type: tax_concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric has been adjusted to account for\n",
+ " a taxation concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: net_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1633:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific symbol, character, or mathematical notation.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1634:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a specific purpose or\n",
+ " activity, such as companies, universities, or government bodies.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical place or geographic area.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening that is notable or organized,\n",
+ " such as conferences, battles, or natural disasters.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a man-made object or work, such as books, artworks, or technological\n",
+ " devices.\n",
+ " type: Artifact\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a general notion that is not tied to\n",
+ " a specific instance.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization, event, or artifact is located in a\n",
+ " specific place.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Artifact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event or artifact is a part of another event.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Artifact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1635:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used for currency such as $, €, £, etc.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Associates a numerical value with a currency symbol, indicating a monetary\n",
+ " amount.\n",
+ " edge_type: denotes_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1636:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the sum of one or more numbers resulting in another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: sum\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction of one or more numbers resulting in another\n",
+ " number.\n",
+ " edge_type: difference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a number formatted in a specific way, such as with commas\n",
+ " or parentheses for negative values.\n",
+ " edge_type: formatted\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a number denoted as a monetary value, often prefixed with\n",
+ " a currency symbol.\n",
+ " edge_type: currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1637:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used to denote a specific type of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the symbol is used to denote a specific numeric value\n",
+ " in terms of a currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: denotes_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1638:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or symbols.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents non-alphanumeric characters or special symbols.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number or symbol is grouped or associated with another\n",
+ " number, often used to represent complex structures or operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: grouping\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1639:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1640:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial concept or instrument.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, such as price or cost.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "- description: Represents an assumption used in financial calculations or evaluations.\n",
+ " type: assumption\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the association between a financial term and its numeric\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " edge_type: value_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period when a particular value is applicable.\n",
+ " edge_type: value_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Links an assumption to the financial term it was used for.\n",
+ " edge_type: assumption_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1641:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, usually expressed in terms of\n",
+ " day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1642:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1643:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the Gregorian calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1644:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific term or concept used in finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term has a specific property or characteristic\n",
+ " relevant to another financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_property\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1645:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a percentage value.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is expressed as a percentage.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_expressed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1646:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a percentage value.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one percentage is being compared to another.\n",
+ " edge_type: comparison\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1647:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a percentage value.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1648:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents shares in the equity of a company.\n",
+ " type: Stock\n",
+ "- description: A financial derivative that gives the right, but not the obligation,\n",
+ " to buy or sell stock at a specific price before a certain date.\n",
+ " type: Option\n",
+ "- description: A statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for a given security\n",
+ " or market index.\n",
+ " type: Volatility\n",
+ "- description: The amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender\n",
+ " to a borrower for the use of assets.\n",
+ " type: Interest Rate\n",
+ "- description: A financial ratio that shows how much a company pays out in dividends\n",
+ " each year relative to its stock price.\n",
+ " type: Dividend Yield\n",
+ "- description: The length of time until a financial instrument reaches its maturity\n",
+ " date or the duration of a financial agreement.\n",
+ " type: Term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization uses a specific type of volatility in\n",
+ " its operations or assessments.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Volatility\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an option has a specific term or duration.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Option\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an interest rate is calculated based on a specific term.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Interest Rate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has specific expectations regarding\n",
+ " its dividend yield.\n",
+ " edge_type: expects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Dividend Yield\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1649:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of financial instrument that gives the holder the\n",
+ " right to purchase company stock at a specific price before a certain date.\n",
+ " type: stock_option\n",
+ "- description: Represents any action or series of actions involving stock options,\n",
+ " such as grants, exercises, or expirations.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "- description: Refers to data or details that provide more knowledge about stock options\n",
+ " and their activities.\n",
+ " type: information\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the activity involves or is related to a specific stock\n",
+ " option.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the information provides details about a specific stock\n",
+ " option activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1650:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or specific terminology used in finance.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Term\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: Number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term has a specified numeric value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_quantity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1651:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific concept or term used in finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: The set price at which an option can be exercised, usually referring\n",
+ " to stock options.\n",
+ " type: exercise_price\n",
+ "- description: A specific method or formula used to calculate or determine a value.\n",
+ " type: calculation_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an exercise price is a specific type of financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - exercise_price\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific calculation method is used to determine the\n",
+ " exercise price.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - calculation_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - exercise_price\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1652:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any abstract or concrete concept, including theories, methodologies,\n",
+ " or principles.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a general association or connection between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1653:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A measurable quantity that represents a specific aspect of a contract\n",
+ " or financial instrument.\n",
+ " type: metric\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement between two or more parties that defines specific\n",
+ " obligations and rights.\n",
+ " type: contract\n",
+ "- description: A span of time measured in specific units such as years, months, or\n",
+ " days.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a contract has a specific measurable metric associated\n",
+ " with it.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - contract\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a metric is quantified in a specific unit of time.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1654:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A quantitative measure, often financial, used in business and economics.\n",
+ " type: metric\n",
+ "- description: A standard of measurement used to quantify and compare different entities.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a metric is quantified.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1655:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial balance or amount at a specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: balance\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific balance is associated with a particular date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_balance_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - balance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1656:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or action.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one event is a specific type or category of another\n",
+ " event.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1657:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial balance value.\n",
+ " type: balance\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the financial balance value on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: balance_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - balance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1658:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event or right can be exercised on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: exercisable_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1659:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value in the sequence.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number follows another in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1660:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values which can be of any standard numeric type\n",
+ " including integers and floating-point numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1661:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of currency like dollars, euros, etc.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value specifying an amount of money.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the type of currency an amount of money is denominated in.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1662:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1663:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1664:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the source document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific part or division within a document, such as a chapter, paragraph,\n",
+ " or numbered section.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value or figure mentioned or used within the document.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes certain sections or numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section is a part of a larger document.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is mentioned or used within a specific section\n",
+ " or the entire document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1665:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value that can represent an entity, quantity, or measurement.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1666:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year for financial reporting.\n",
+ " type: financial_year\n",
+ "- description: Represents the total intrinsic value of exercised stock options for\n",
+ " a given year.\n",
+ " type: intrinsic_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Associates a financial year with the intrinsic value of the stock options\n",
+ " exercised during that year.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_intrinsic_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intrinsic_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1667:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1668:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a distinct section or chapter in a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: sub_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or publication.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or section includes one or more sections\n",
+ " or subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - sub_section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or part of a document has a specific title\n",
+ " or heading.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_title\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - sub_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - sub_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1669:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that engages in business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, usually expressed in terms of day, month,\n",
+ " and year.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "- description: A specific amount of money.\n",
+ " type: Monetary_Value\n",
+ "- description: A length of time, usually measured in years, months, or days.\n",
+ " type: Time_Period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company has an amount of expense that is not\n",
+ " yet formally recognized in financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_unrecognized_expense\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Monetary_Value\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company plans to recognize an expense or value\n",
+ " over a specified period of time.\n",
+ " edge_type: will_recognize_over\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Time_Period\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating the status of a company's financials as of\n",
+ " a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1670:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a restricted stock unit, which is a type of stock option\n",
+ " granted to employees.\n",
+ " type: RSU\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: Year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value, specifically the weighted-average grant\n",
+ " date fair value of an RSU per share.\n",
+ " type: Value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the weighted-average grant date fair value of an RSU per\n",
+ " share in a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - RSU\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Value\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific value pertains to a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: in_year\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1671:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a Record of Stock Unit (RSU) activity, including grants,\n",
+ " vests, and other related transactions.\n",
+ " type: RSU_activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific period during which certain events or activities\n",
+ " occur.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the RSU activity took place during a specific time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - RSU_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1672:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, such as a quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual unit of stock or ownership in a company or\n",
+ " financial asset.\n",
+ " type: share\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the number of shares represented by the numeric value.\n",
+ " edge_type: quantity_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - share\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1673:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific concept or terminology used in finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is measured or calculated as of a specific\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_measurement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1674:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a general or abstract idea, often used in various domains.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: A human individual, often involved in actions, events, or possessing\n",
+ " certain characteristics.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A classification or type of value, such as intrinsic, market, or book\n",
+ " value.\n",
+ " type: value_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a concept, such as a financial metric, is categorized\n",
+ " by a specific type of value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value_type\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - value_type\n",
+ "- description: Links a person or another concept to a concept, indicating involvement\n",
+ " or relevance.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1675:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A quantitative measure used in various domains.\n",
+ " type: metric\n",
+ "- description: A duration or length of time.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes how the metric is quantified in terms of a specific time\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1676:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial or economic metric, such as revenue, expenses,\n",
+ " etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents the price of a single share of a company's stock.\n",
+ " type: share_price\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a financial metric is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the share price is not measured in the specified unit.\n",
+ " edge_type: excluded_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - share_price\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1677:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Shares that have not yet met the conditions required to be fully owned\n",
+ " by the shareholder.\n",
+ " type: unvested_shares\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, typically structured as year, month, and\n",
+ " day.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date when the status of unvested shares is reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - unvested_shares\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1678:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity that is recognized as a business corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a status or condition that applies to business transactions\n",
+ " or conditions.\n",
+ " type: status\n",
+ "- description: Represents ownership or interest in the form of stocks or shares in\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " type: equity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the condition or status currently held by a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_status\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - status\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is involved in actions or transactions related\n",
+ " to equities.\n",
+ " edge_type: engages_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity\n",
+ "- description: Links equity to its current status such as granted, forfeited, or vested.\n",
+ " edge_type: equity_condition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - status\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1679:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A unit of ownership in a company or financial asset.\n",
+ " type: share\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time expressed in terms of day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that shares are unvested as of a particular date.\n",
+ " edge_type: unvested_as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - share\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1680:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, either a whole number or a number surrounded\n",
+ " by parentheses.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol used to separate numbers in the sequence.\n",
+ " type: separator\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number or separator follows another in the sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - separator\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1681:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the order of numbers in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1682:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of money used in a specific country or region.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: A quantity of money, resources, or other measurable elements.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the type of currency that an amount is denominated in.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1683:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1684:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1685:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary amount in millions.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the total fair value of time-based RSUs vested in a particular\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " edge_type: vested_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1686:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A business entity or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A measurable value representing financial performance, situation, or\n",
+ " cash flow of a company.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration of time.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has a specific financial metric.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_financial_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents the duration over which a financial metric will be recognized.\n",
+ " edge_type: metric_recognition_duration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1687:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents Performance-based Restricted Stock Units, a form of stock-based\n",
+ " compensation.\n",
+ " type: PRSUs\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: Year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value, specifically the weighted-average grant\n",
+ " date fair value of PRSUs.\n",
+ " type: Value\n",
+ "- description: Represents an assumption used to calculate the fair value of PRSUs.\n",
+ " type: Assumption\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year in which PRSUs were granted.\n",
+ " edge_type: granted_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - PRSUs\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ "- description: Connects a year to the specific monetary value of PRSUs granted in\n",
+ " that year.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Value\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the value of PRSUs was calculated using specific assumptions.\n",
+ " edge_type: calculated_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Assumption\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1688:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1689:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1690:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format of day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1691:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific measurement or value related to financial performance or\n",
+ " conditions, such as interest rates, dividends, or volatility.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A specified duration of time, typically measured in years, used in\n",
+ " financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric is measured over a specific time\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_type\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1692:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a range of percentages, typically used to express variability\n",
+ " or uncertainty in data.\n",
+ " type: percentage_range\n",
+ "- description: Represents a range of numbers, used to express quantities, measurements,\n",
+ " or variability.\n",
+ " type: number_range\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1693:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value expressed as a percentage.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1694:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a percentage value.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "- description: Represents a range of values, typically numeric.\n",
+ " type: range\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a range encompasses a specific percentage value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_percentage_range\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - range\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a range encompasses specific numeric values.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_numeric_range\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - range\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1695:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A type of security that signifies ownership in a corporation and represents\n",
+ " a claim on part of the corporation's assets and earnings.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "- description: The amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender\n",
+ " to a borrower for the use of assets.\n",
+ " type: interest_rate\n",
+ "- description: A line that plots the interest rates, at a set point in time, of bonds\n",
+ " having equal credit quality but differing maturity dates.\n",
+ " type: yield_curve\n",
+ "- description: Performance-based restricted stock units granted by a company to its\n",
+ " employees as part of their compensation.\n",
+ " type: PRSUs_grant\n",
+ "- description: A financial ratio that shows how much a company pays out in dividends\n",
+ " each year relative to its stock price.\n",
+ " type: dividend_yield\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the company's utilization of different financial instruments\n",
+ " or metrics.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ " - PRSUs_grant\n",
+ " - dividend_yield\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the interest rate is determined based on the characteristics\n",
+ " of the yield curve.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - interest_rate\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - yield_curve\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the term of the PRSUs grant is approximated by the term of\n",
+ " the yield curve.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_term\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - PRSUs_grant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - yield_curve\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the company's expectation regarding dividend payments.\n",
+ " edge_type: expects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - dividend_yield\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1696:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific activity or event associated with PRSU.\n",
+ " type: Activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents general information related to PRSU activities.\n",
+ " type: Information\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific activity is associated with certain information.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Information\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1697:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, such as quantities or amounts.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of ownership in a company or financial asset.\n",
+ " type: share\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the quantity or number of shares involved.\n",
+ " edge_type: quantity_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - share\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1698:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or term used in finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Describes a specific method or formula used for calculating values\n",
+ " in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: calculation_method\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific calculation method is classified under a\n",
+ " broader financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - calculation_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1699:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A basic or elementary concept that can be used to describe ideas, methods,\n",
+ " or values.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one concept is a specific instance or type of another,\n",
+ " more general concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1700:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A quantifiable measurement used to assess certain attributes or performance.\n",
+ " type: metric\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration of time.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit of time in which a metric is quantified.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1701:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial metric or value.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a financial metric is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1702:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Shares that have not yet met the conditions for ownership by the shareholder.\n",
+ " type: Unvested_Shares\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, typically used to mark events or timelines.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the point in time associated with the status or count of\n",
+ " unvested shares.\n",
+ " edge_type: As_Of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Unvested_Shares\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1703:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the state or condition of an object or entity.\n",
+ " type: status\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the state or condition that an object or entity currently\n",
+ " has.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_status\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - status\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1704:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of ownership in a company or financial asset.\n",
+ " type: share\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the shares that are unvested as of a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: unvested_as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - share\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1705:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical operation between two numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: operation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1706:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction operation between two numeric values.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the result of a mathematical operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: result\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1707:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of money or medium of exchange used in a particular\n",
+ " country or economic context.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value quantifying units, such as money, weight,\n",
+ " or other measurable items.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the type of currency an amount of money is denominated in.\n",
+ " edge_type: denominated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1708:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1709:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1710:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: Year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value in millions.\n",
+ " type: Currency_Amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the total fair value of PRSUs vested in a specific year.\n",
+ " edge_type: vested_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Currency_Amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1711:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific amount of money.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: A category or type of expenses incurred by a company.\n",
+ " type: expense_type\n",
+ "- description: A defined span of time.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has an amount of money that is yet to be recognized\n",
+ " as an expense.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_unrecognized_expense\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: The duration over which an expense is recognized by a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: expense_recognition_duration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Connects a specific amount of money to a particular type of expense.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - expense_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1712:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1713:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general type representing any document or written piece.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section within a document, such as chapters, parts, or\n",
+ " other major divisions.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within the main sections of a document, detailing\n",
+ " more specific parts or segments.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1714:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific stock plan, such as an Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP).\n",
+ " type: StockPlan\n",
+ "- description: A specific year during which certain events or data points are relevant.\n",
+ " type: Year\n",
+ "- description: Numerical or qualitative value relevant to a financial or performance\n",
+ " metric.\n",
+ " type: Value\n",
+ "- description: A condition or premise used for calculations or projections in financial\n",
+ " contexts.\n",
+ " type: Assumption\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a Stock Plan or a specific Year has associated numerical\n",
+ " values like average grant date fair value per share.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - StockPlan\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Value\n",
+ "- description: Shows that calculations or projections for a Stock Plan or Year use\n",
+ " specified assumptions or conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_assumptions\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - StockPlan\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Assumption\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1715:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1716:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1717:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1718:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents various financial metrics or parameters used in financial\n",
+ " analysis and modeling.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric has a specific value, often numerical,\n",
+ " associated with it.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial metric is measured in a specific unit, such\n",
+ " as percentage, years, or currency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_unit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1719:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a range of percentages, typically indicating a variation\n",
+ " or spread in data.\n",
+ " type: percentage_range\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific percentage value, used to denote a precise point\n",
+ " or rate in data.\n",
+ " type: percentage_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific percentage value is a part of a broader percentage\n",
+ " range.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - percentage_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage_range\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1720:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a percentage value.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a range between two percentage values.\n",
+ " edge_type: range\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1721:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a percentage value.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "- description: Represents a range of percentage values, usually denoted as 'start%\n",
+ " - end%'.\n",
+ " type: range\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a percentage is part of a specified range.\n",
+ " edge_type: range_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - range\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1722:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A corporate entity involved in business activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Financial equity representing ownership in a company.\n",
+ " type: Stock\n",
+ "- description: The proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower,\n",
+ " typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan outstanding.\n",
+ " type: Interest Rate\n",
+ "- description: A graph showing the interest rates of U.S. Treasury securities as a\n",
+ " function of different maturity dates.\n",
+ " type: Treasury Yield Curve\n",
+ "- description: An Employee Stock Purchase Plan grant which allows employees to purchase\n",
+ " company stock at a discount.\n",
+ " type: ESPP Grant\n",
+ "- description: The dividend per share, divided by the price per share, indicating\n",
+ " the earnings a company pays out to investors.\n",
+ " type: Dividend Yield\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company utilizes various financial instruments or\n",
+ " entities in its operations or financial planning.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Stock\n",
+ " - Interest Rate\n",
+ " - Treasury Yield Curve\n",
+ " - ESPP Grant\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has a specific dividend yield, which could\n",
+ " be zero if it does not expect to pay dividends.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Dividend Yield\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the ESPP grant term corresponds to a specific term on\n",
+ " the U.S. Treasury yield curve.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - ESPP Grant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Treasury Yield Curve\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1723:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a transaction involving stocks, including details such as\n",
+ " number of shares, purchase price, and total proceeds.\n",
+ " type: stock_transaction\n",
+ "- description: Represents an expense related to compensation, including unrecognized\n",
+ " amounts and recognition periods.\n",
+ " type: compensation_expense\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a stock transaction executed by a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_transaction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock_transaction\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the compensation expense related to a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_compensation_expense\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - compensation_expense\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1724:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal recognition given to an individual, organization, or entity\n",
+ " for achievement or merit.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company,\n",
+ " institution, or association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one award replaces another award.\n",
+ " edge_type: replaces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1725:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that conducts business operations, such as acquisitions and\n",
+ " issuance of equity.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: An individual who works for a company and may receive benefits like\n",
+ " equity awards.\n",
+ " type: Employee\n",
+ "- description: A financial benefit given to employees, often in the form of shares\n",
+ " or stock options.\n",
+ " type: Equity Award\n",
+ "- description: A measure of corporate equity, often used in compensation packages.\n",
+ " type: Stock Unit\n",
+ "- description: The estimated worth of an asset, used in financial reporting and analysis.\n",
+ " type: Fair Value\n",
+ "- description: The process by which one company acquires another.\n",
+ " type: Acquisition\n",
+ "- description: Work or duties performed by employees, often recognized in financial\n",
+ " terms.\n",
+ " type: Service\n",
+ "- description: The time period during which an employee earns rights to equity or\n",
+ " other benefits.\n",
+ " type: Vesting Period\n",
+ "- description: Financial cost incurred by a company.\n",
+ " type: Expense\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company issues an equity award to employees.\n",
+ " edge_type: issues\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Equity Award\n",
+ "- description: A company assumes existing equity awards during an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: assumes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Equity Award\n",
+ "- description: An existing equity award is replaced with a new one, generally under\n",
+ " similar terms.\n",
+ " edge_type: replaces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Equity Award\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Equity Award\n",
+ "- description: A company has employees.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_employee\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Employee\n",
+ "- description: Equity awards or stock units have an assigned fair value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_fair_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Equity Award\n",
+ " - Stock Unit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Fair Value\n",
+ "- description: Employees perform services for a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_service\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Employee\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Service\n",
+ "- description: The fair value of an equity award can be related to the services performed\n",
+ " by employees.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Fair Value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Service\n",
+ "- description: Part of the fair value of an acquisition can be allocated to different\n",
+ " components.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Fair Value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Acquisition\n",
+ "- description: A company incurs expenses.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Expense\n",
+ "- description: Expenses, such as those from equity awards, are recognized over a vesting\n",
+ " period.\n",
+ " edge_type: over_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Vesting Period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1726:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A general subject or area of interest covered in the document.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section addresses or covers a specific topic.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1727:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a collective goal, such as a company\n",
+ " or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A program offered by an organization to provide various benefits to\n",
+ " its employees, such as retirement plans.\n",
+ " type: benefit_plan\n",
+ "- description: A specified amount of money, expressed in a currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: A calendar year, indicating a specific time period.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization that provides a specific benefit plan to its employees.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - benefit_plan\n",
+ "- description: An organization that operates or has activities in a specific country.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: The amount of money an organization contributes to a specific plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: contribution_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when a specific amount of money was recorded or contributed.\n",
+ " edge_type: during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1728:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Refers to any concept, term, or item that is relevant to financial\n",
+ " or accounting practices.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section discusses a specific financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1729:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific component or category that contributes to the\n",
+ " total income.\n",
+ " type: income_component\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one income component is a part of or contributes to\n",
+ " another, larger income component.\n",
+ " edge_type: contributes_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - income_component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - income_component\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1730:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific period of 12 months used for calendaring and organizing\n",
+ " chronological information.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1731:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1732:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, possibly including units.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Associates a date with a numeric value or set of values.\n",
+ " edge_type: numerical_association\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1733:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1734:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A geographical area, which can be a country, city, or any other defined\n",
+ " area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents that one location is within another, more encompassing location.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1735:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an amount of money received by an entity, typically measured\n",
+ " over a specific time period.\n",
+ " type: income\n",
+ "- description: Represents income received from investments in other companies in which\n",
+ " the entity has partial ownership but not complete control.\n",
+ " type: equity income\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company in which another entity has made an investment.\n",
+ " type: investee\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the total income includes certain types of income or\n",
+ " involves certain entities.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - income\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity income\n",
+ " - investee\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the entity has an investment in the investee company.\n",
+ " edge_type: investment_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - investee\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1736:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific place or geographical area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collection of people with a common purpose or function.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening, often organized or significant.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a general notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the source is situated within or at the target location.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the person is a part of or belongs to the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the event took place at the specified location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a general association or relation between concepts or objects.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1737:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any mathematical or operational symbol.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1738:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values, integers or decimals, without currency or\n",
+ " unit.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value with an associated currency symbol, such\n",
+ " as dollars.\n",
+ " type: currency_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Links a currency value to its numerical representation without currency\n",
+ " symbol.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1739:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of currency symbol.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the association between a numerical value and a currency\n",
+ " symbol.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1740:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1741:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1742:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a complete document such as a book or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a distinct section within a document, which could be a chapter,\n",
+ " part, or any other segment defined by the document's structure.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a smaller division within a section, providing more specific\n",
+ " information or topics.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section includes one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1743:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific rule or set of rules in the tax law.\n",
+ " type: Tax Provision\n",
+ "- description: Financial advantage or reduction provided under a tax provision.\n",
+ " type: Benefit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific tax provision provides a certain benefit.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Tax Provision\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Benefit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1744:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1745:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1746:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement or scale.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that measurements or data were recorded on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1747:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific day in the Gregorian calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1748:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal relationship between an individual and a country.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: Represents all forms of formal schooling and learning environments.\n",
+ " type: education\n",
+ "- description: Represents formal recognitions or honors given to individuals or groups.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: Represents organizations such as schools, universities, or any formal\n",
+ " group.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific type of job or career.\n",
+ " type: profession\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific occasions or significant happenings.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Connects a person to an educational institution where they studied.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has won a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: won_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the profession of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - profession\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person attended a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended_event\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1749:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a governing body at various levels.\n",
+ " type: Government\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one governing body is part of a larger governing framework.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Government\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Government\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1750:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or special symbol.\n",
+ " type: Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1751:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1752:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is larger than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is smaller than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: lesser_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two numbers are equal in value.\n",
+ " edge_type: equal_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1753:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual numerical value, such as an integer or a decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number comes immediately before another in a sequence\n",
+ " or order.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1754:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together\n",
+ " along one side and bound in covers.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, especially one of significance.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business, government\n",
+ " department, charity, etc.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: A particular day, month, or year, especially as expressed in numbers\n",
+ " or words.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A person who has written or created a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: author_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "- description: A person who is a part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: An event or organization that is situated within a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: An event that took place on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "- description: A person who was born on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1755:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different levels of governmental organization.\n",
+ " type: government_level\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the geographical area covered by a certain level of government.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the level of government that governs a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_government\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - government_level\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1756:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A concept or term used in finance, accounting, or related fields.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a financial term is explained or defined within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: defined_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1757:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol or character in mathematics or general contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1758:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or a number in the text.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an association or relationship between two numbers, often\n",
+ " representing a sequence or a related set of values.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1759:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1760:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value in dollars.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is immediately followed by another number\n",
+ " in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is enclosed by parentheses, suggesting a possible\n",
+ " different interpretation or categorization of the number.\n",
+ " edge_type: enclosed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1761:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any generic relationship between two numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_relation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1762:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a type of tax, such as statutory federal income tax or total\n",
+ " income tax provision.\n",
+ " type: tax_category\n",
+ "- description: A process or report that compares different financial data points to\n",
+ " explain differences and similarities.\n",
+ " type: reconciliation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the reconciliation process involves comparing different\n",
+ " tax categories.\n",
+ " edge_type: compares\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - reconciliation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1763:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, such as a year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1764:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on a calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1765:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1766:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1767:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A unit of measurement used in quantifying numerical data.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1768:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different categories of taxes, deductions, and financial\n",
+ " adjustments related to tax calculations.\n",
+ " type: TaxCategory\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one tax category is a specific instance or subset of\n",
+ " another broader tax category.\n",
+ " edge_type: sub_category_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - TaxCategory\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - TaxCategory\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1769:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols, signs, or special characters used in mathematical\n",
+ " or other specialized contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1770:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used for currency, e.g., dollar sign ($).\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the association of a currency symbol with a number, typically\n",
+ " representing a monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1771:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents an operation or action performed on numbers, such as arithmetic\n",
+ " operations or formatting.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collection of numbers or operations, typically encapsulated\n",
+ " or grouped together, such as numbers within parentheses.\n",
+ " type: group\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a group contains one or more numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - group\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents an operation acting on one or more numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: performs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1772:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collection of numbers grouped together, often enclosed\n",
+ " in parentheses.\n",
+ " type: group\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a group contains one or more numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - group\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1773:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in finance that refers to concepts or items related to\n",
+ " financial management, accounting, or economics.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: An action or process involving financial transactions, management,\n",
+ " or implications.\n",
+ " type: financial_action\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is classified as a type of financial\n",
+ " action.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_action\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1774:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A mathematical or special character used in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1775:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A monetary value specified in a financial context, such as income,\n",
+ " expense, tax benefit, or credit.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: A calendar period of 12 months.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: The percentage at which an individual or corporation is taxed.\n",
+ " type: tax_rate\n",
+ "- description: A specific category of taxes like income tax, R&D tax credit, or FDII\n",
+ " tax benefit.\n",
+ " type: tax_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a company has documented or reported a specific financial\n",
+ " figure.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when a financial figure was recorded or applicable.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Links a financial figure to its corresponding tax rate.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_rate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rate\n",
+ "- description: Associates a financial figure with a specific type of tax or financial\n",
+ " benefit.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_of_type\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1776:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific legislation or legal act.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific company or business entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific financial or economic terms or concepts.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific country.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific financial processes or actions.\n",
+ " type: financial_process\n",
+ "- description: Represents benefits received from tax laws or regulations.\n",
+ " type: tax_benefit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when a law or regulation started to be effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: started_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a law mandates a specific financial process.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_process\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the outcome or effect of a financial process on a financial\n",
+ " term.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial term causes an increase in another financial\n",
+ " term.\n",
+ " edge_type: increases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a specific financial term or process took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: incurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a tax benefit is linked with a specific financial situation\n",
+ " or outcome.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_benefit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1777:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A sovereign state or territory.\n",
+ " type: Country\n",
+ "- description: An event where one company takes over another.\n",
+ " type: Acquisition\n",
+ "- description: A financial benefit granted to promote specific economic activities.\n",
+ " type: Tax_Incentive\n",
+ "- description: The percentage at which income or profits are taxed.\n",
+ " type: Tax_Rate\n",
+ "- description: Earnings or revenue generated by a company.\n",
+ " type: Income\n",
+ "- description: Financial loss calculated before taxes are applied.\n",
+ " type: Pre-Tax_Loss\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or span of years.\n",
+ " type: Time_Period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Specifies which country a company operates or is registered in.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a consequence or outcome for a company due to an event or\n",
+ " condition.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Tax_Incentive\n",
+ " - Pre-Tax_Loss\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ "- description: Specifies what a tax incentive affects, such as income or tax rates.\n",
+ " edge_type: applies_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Tax_Incentive\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Income\n",
+ " - Tax_Rate\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a country has provided a tax incentive.\n",
+ " edge_type: granted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Tax_Incentive\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Country\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the duration over which a tax incentive is effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_duration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Tax_Incentive\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Time_Period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tax incentive follows or is a result of an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Acquisition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Tax_Incentive\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1778:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1779:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a distinct section or chapter of a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or publication.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1780:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in professional or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific financial aspect, such as income, tax provision, or tax\n",
+ " benefit.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "- description: A nation recognized as a distinct entity in political geography.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A tax incentive that reduces a company's tax bill directly.\n",
+ " type: tax_credit\n",
+ "- description: A monetary value associated with financial transactions.\n",
+ " type: financial_amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company logs a financial item in its records.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "- description: A financial item occurs or is applicable within a specific country.\n",
+ " edge_type: in_country\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: A financial item's impact is reduced by a specified financial amount.\n",
+ " edge_type: partially_offset_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_amount\n",
+ "- description: A financial item or tax credit has a specific monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " - tax_credit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_amount\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1781:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or action related to financial adjustments.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A sovereign state recognized as a distinct entity in political geography.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A specific monetary value mentioned in a financial context.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Different categories or types of taxes.\n",
+ " type: tax_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place in a specific country.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Connects an event to its monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Associates a financial event with a specific type of tax.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1782:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, often used for referencing financial data\n",
+ " or events.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Any financial element that can be part of an asset, liability, income,\n",
+ " expense, etc., in accounting or financial reporting.\n",
+ " type: financial_component\n",
+ "- description: Elements specifically related to taxation, such as deferred income\n",
+ " taxes, tax carryovers, and temporary differences.\n",
+ " type: tax_component\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company possesses certain financial or tax-related\n",
+ " elements.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_component\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_component\n",
+ " - tax_component\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the point in time when a financial or tax component was reported\n",
+ " or recorded.\n",
+ " edge_type: reported_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_component\n",
+ " - tax_component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1783:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1784:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates in the Gregorian calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1785:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measure.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1786:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific concept related to finance or accounting.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A type of written or digital text that discusses or mentions various\n",
+ " concepts.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is discussed or mentioned within a\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1787:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific term related to finance and accounting.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific credits available in tax accounting to offset certain\n",
+ " types of expenses or investments.\n",
+ " type: tax_credit\n",
+ "- description: Represents obligations that a company must eventually pay, related\n",
+ " to finance and accounting.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: Represents various types of costs incurred by a company, which could\n",
+ " be either operational or capital in nature.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific tax credit is a type of financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_credit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular liability is a type of financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific cost is a type of financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1788:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or item related to finance, accounting, or money\n",
+ " management.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of written content that can contain financial data,\n",
+ " reports, or analysis.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes or mentions a specific financial\n",
+ " term.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1789:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or term used in finance, such as a specific type\n",
+ " of financial metric or accounting practice.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is a subtype or specific instance of\n",
+ " another, more general financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1790:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any symbol, character, or mathematical notation.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1791:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the addition of two numbers resulting in another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: addition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction of one number from another, resulting in\n",
+ " another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a group of numbers forming a sum or total.\n",
+ " edge_type: grouping\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1792:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific terms or concepts used in financial contexts, such\n",
+ " as taxes, assets, or valuation allowances.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values that might be associated with financial\n",
+ " calculations or statistics.\n",
+ " type: numeric_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term has a specific numeric value associated\n",
+ " with it, such as a tax amount or asset value.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - numeric_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1793:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A term used in finance and accounting.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A document related to financial information or transactions.\n",
+ " type: financial_document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is mentioned or defined in a financial\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1794:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents non-physical assets of a company, which can include trademarks,\n",
+ " patents, copyrights, and goodwill.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal right to use a specific asset for a set period under\n",
+ " lease agreements.\n",
+ " type: right_of_use_asset\n",
+ "- description: Represents earnings generated from a company's operations in foreign\n",
+ " countries.\n",
+ " type: foreign_earning\n",
+ "- description: Refers to Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income, a category under US tax\n",
+ " law that targets income earned by controlled foreign corporations.\n",
+ " type: GILTI\n",
+ "- description: Represents assets that do not fit typical categories, including miscellaneous\n",
+ " or uncommon asset types.\n",
+ " type: other_asset\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1795:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific financial concept or item, such as an asset,\n",
+ " liability, revenue, or expense.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific financial term is a broader category or type\n",
+ " of another financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1796:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of money used in exchange for goods and services.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1797:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, which may indicate counts, identifiers,\n",
+ " or other numeric data.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a non-specific relationship or association between two numbers,\n",
+ " such as grouping or sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1798:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A corporate entity involved in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: The process of one company acquiring control over another.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: A tax obligation that a company needs to pay in the future, not immediately.\n",
+ " type: deferred_tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Non-physical assets owned by a company, such as patents, trademarks,\n",
+ " and copyrights.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income, a category for foreign income under\n",
+ " U.S. tax law.\n",
+ " type: GILTI\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company has gained control over another through\n",
+ " acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has recognized deferred tax liabilities in\n",
+ " its financial records.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_deferred_tax_liabilities\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - deferred_tax_liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the deferred tax liability is associated with specific\n",
+ " intangible assets or GILTI.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - deferred_tax_liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ " - GILTI\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1799:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific law or regulation.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial terms or concepts such as taxable income, amortization,\n",
+ " or assets.\n",
+ " type: financial_concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year from which a law or regulation became effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: effective_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Describes the financial impact or result caused by a law or regulation.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the financial actions or records made by a company, such\n",
+ " as recording assets or liabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1800:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1801:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: A sequence of numbers that follows a specific arithmetic pattern.\n",
+ " type: arithmetic_sequence\n",
+ "- description: A number enclosed in parentheses, typically used to denote negative\n",
+ " values or subtractions.\n",
+ " type: parenthetical_number\n",
+ "- description: A number that contains multiple components, such as a sum or difference,\n",
+ " often separated by commas or other delimiters.\n",
+ " type: composite_number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is part of an arithmetic sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of_sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - arithmetic_sequence\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the parenthetical number represents a negative value\n",
+ " or subtraction from another number.\n",
+ " edge_type: negative_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - parenthetical_number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is a component of a composite number.\n",
+ " edge_type: component_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - composite_number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1802:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sequence or ordering of numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1803:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entire document or a significant part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a chapter or major section within a document.\n",
+ " type: chapter\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within a chapter or section of a document.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains chapters or a chapter contains subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - chapter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - chapter\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1804:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or action, often financial or business-related,\n",
+ " which is part of a sequence or process.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A concept used in finance, such as taxes, allowances, or valuations.\n",
+ " type: financial_concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one event is a component or section of another larger\n",
+ " event.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event is directly connected or pertinent to a specific\n",
+ " financial concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1805:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on a calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1806:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on a calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1807:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1808:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value expressed in units.\n",
+ " type: numerical_value\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1809:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial term or concept.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Term\n",
+ "- description: Represents an event or action in financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship or association between two financial terms.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Term\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial event occurs within the context or as part\n",
+ " of a financial term.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1810:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used in mathematical expressions.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1811:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific financial terms or concepts.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Term\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific periods or moments in time.\n",
+ " type: Time_Period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the relationship between a financial term and a specific\n",
+ " period of time when it is applicable or relevant.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Time_Period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1812:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any symbol used in mathematics, such as operators, constants,\n",
+ " or special characters.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1813:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: The legal relationship between an individual and a state, usually denoting\n",
+ " where the individual is from.\n",
+ " type: Nationality\n",
+ "- description: An organization founded for a specific purpose, such as education or\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " type: Institution\n",
+ "- description: A geographical place or area.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: A recognition given to an individual or group for their achievements.\n",
+ " type: Award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds the nationality of a specific state.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has studied at a particular educational institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an institution is situated within a specific geographical\n",
+ " area.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has received a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1814:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a monetary value, typically associated with a currency symbol.\n",
+ " type: money\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is part of a monetary value, often denoted\n",
+ " with a currency symbol next to it.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - money\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1815:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents non-alphanumeric symbols or characters.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one item is immediately adjacent to another in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: next_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1816:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical entities or values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the subtraction operation between numbers, where the source\n",
+ " is the minuend and the target is the subtrahend.\n",
+ " edge_type: subtraction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Represents the division operation between numbers, where the source\n",
+ " is the dividend and the target is the divisor.\n",
+ " edge_type: division\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1817:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place, such as a city, country, or any other\n",
+ " defined area.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a group or body, such as a company, institution, or any\n",
+ " other entity that functions as a collective.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening, often at a particular\n",
+ " time and place.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point or range in time.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is or was a member of a particular organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when an event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: happened_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific location is within a larger geographical\n",
+ " area.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1818:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or geographic area.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: An establishment dedicated to education and learning.\n",
+ " type: Educational Institution\n",
+ "- description: A legal relationship between an individual and a country.\n",
+ " type: Nationality\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the birthplace of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person received education.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Educational Institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Nationality\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1819:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: An event or action in the financial context, such as tax adjustments,\n",
+ " releases, or recoveries.\n",
+ " type: financial_event\n",
+ "- description: A concept or item in the financial domain, such as deferred tax assets\n",
+ " or tax credits.\n",
+ " type: financial_concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial event was documented or occurred in a specific\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Shows that a financial event involves or pertains to a specific financial\n",
+ " concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1820:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific set of rules and regulations governing a particular\n",
+ " area or activity.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial charges or levies imposed by a government on individuals,\n",
+ " entities, or transactions.\n",
+ " type: tax\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographic or political area within which legal authority\n",
+ " is applied and enforced.\n",
+ " type: jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: Represents the profits or financial gains generated by an entity or\n",
+ " individual.\n",
+ " type: earnings\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, often used to mark events or deadlines.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the earnings are liable to the specified tax.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - earnings\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the tax is regulated or controlled by the specified\n",
+ " law.\n",
+ " edge_type: governed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the law or tax is enforced or valid within the specified\n",
+ " jurisdiction.\n",
+ " edge_type: applied_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " - tax\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when the earnings were reported or documented.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - earnings\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1821:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A business entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A one-year period that companies and governments use for financial\n",
+ " reporting and budgeting.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: An accounting practice used to recognize a portion of a deferred tax\n",
+ " asset that may not be realized.\n",
+ " type: valuation_allowance\n",
+ "- description: Characteristics of a taxpayer's profile that influence tax calculations,\n",
+ " such as losses or credits.\n",
+ " type: tax_attribute\n",
+ "- description: A defined geographical area where specific tax laws apply.\n",
+ " type: tax_jurisdiction\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company holds or keeps a particular financial accounting measure.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ "- description: A valuation allowance is set against specific tax attributes.\n",
+ " edge_type: applies_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_attribute\n",
+ "- description: Associates a valuation allowance with a specific fiscal year.\n",
+ " edge_type: for_fiscal_year\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: A valuation allowance is maintained due to specific tax laws applicable\n",
+ " within a jurisdiction.\n",
+ " edge_type: under_law\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_allowance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_jurisdiction\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1822:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific date or year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A specific financial value, often denoted in millions.\n",
+ " type: amount\n",
+ "- description: A specific geographical area or jurisdiction.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Different elements related to tax such as net operating losses, tax\n",
+ " credits, or deferred tax assets.\n",
+ " type: tax_component\n",
+ "- description: Rules or regulations that apply to tax components, including limitations\n",
+ " or expiration conditions.\n",
+ " type: tax_rule\n",
+ "- description: Formal records like balance sheets or tax returns.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Positions or stances taken by a company regarding tax matters, which\n",
+ " can involve uncertainty or specific strategies.\n",
+ " type: tax_position\n",
+ "- description: A financial provision for potential future liabilities, such as taxes.\n",
+ " type: reserve\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A tax component has a specific monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amount\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amount\n",
+ "- description: A tax component is specific to a location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: A tax component has an expiration date.\n",
+ " edge_type: expires_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: A tax component is subject to certain rules or limitations.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_rule\n",
+ "- description: Tax components, positions, and reserves are recorded in specific documents.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_component\n",
+ " - tax_position\n",
+ " - reserve\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: A tax position results in a specific tax component being affected,\n",
+ " such as deferred tax assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: results_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_position\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_component\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1823:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A financial obligation representing taxes owed.\n",
+ " type: tax_payable\n",
+ "- description: The process or act of one entity taking over another.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: A company's financial obligations.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: A stance or claim regarding tax responsibilities and rules.\n",
+ " type: tax_position\n",
+ "- description: Legal proceedings related to disputes over tax laws and obligations.\n",
+ " type: tax_court_case\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a company recorded a specific amount of tax payable.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_payable\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a company has taken on certain liabilities.\n",
+ " edge_type: assumed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "- description: Connects tax positions and liabilities to an acquisition event.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_position\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ "- description: Shows a company's conclusion regarding a tax position.\n",
+ " edge_type: concluded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_position\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a company is monitoring developments in tax court cases.\n",
+ " edge_type: monitor\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_court_case\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1824:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1825:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or content.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific subsection within a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains sections or subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a subsection is part of a larger section.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1826:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A financial accounting term for potential tax benefits claimed by a\n",
+ " company that are not yet recognized in the financial statements due to uncertainty\n",
+ " regarding their realization.\n",
+ " type: Unrecognized Tax Benefit\n",
+ "- description: A process of ensuring that two sets of records (usually the balances\n",
+ " of two accounts) are in agreement.\n",
+ " type: Reconciliation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company has potential tax benefits that are\n",
+ " not recognized in its financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_unrecognized_tax_benefit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Unrecognized Tax Benefit\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where unrecognized tax benefits are subjected to a reconciliation\n",
+ " process to verify their accuracy and completeness.\n",
+ " edge_type: undergoes_reconciliation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Unrecognized Tax Benefit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Reconciliation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1827:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1828:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1829:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1830:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unit of measurement.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: quantity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a quantity is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - quantity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1831:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific financial concepts or activities related to accounting\n",
+ " and taxation.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year, used in the context of financial\n",
+ " reporting.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes an action where a value or concept related to finances sees\n",
+ " an upward adjustment.\n",
+ " edge_type: increase\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Describes an action where a value or concept related to finances sees\n",
+ " a downward adjustment.\n",
+ " edge_type: decrease\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1832:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an event or occurrence.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: time\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes when an event occurs or is scheduled to occur.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1833:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A form of money in use in a particular country.\n",
+ " type: currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1834:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical symbol or operation commonly used in mathematical\n",
+ " expressions.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1835:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values in a sequence or calculation.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used to denote currency, such as the dollar sign.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents numbers enclosed in parentheses, typically used to denote\n",
+ " specific annotations or contexts in data.\n",
+ " type: parenthetical\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated with a particular currency symbol,\n",
+ " denoting a monetary value.\n",
+ " edge_type: currency_association\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is associated or annotated by another number\n",
+ " enclosed in parentheses.\n",
+ " edge_type: annotation_association\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - parenthetical\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1836:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific symbol or punctuation in the text.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one entity (number or symbol) immediately follows another\n",
+ " in the sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: next_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1837:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date, typically used for marking financial data\n",
+ " points or events.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A value, generally in terms of money, that relates to financial performance\n",
+ " or obligations.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Official rules or guidelines that govern company operations and decision-making\n",
+ " processes.\n",
+ " type: company_policy\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: The act of obtaining control of another business entity or asset.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Associates a date with the amount of unrecognized tax benefits on that\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_unrecognized_tax_benefits\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Associates a company with its established policies regarding operational\n",
+ " or financial matters.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_policy\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company_policy\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company policy is recorded on a specific financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: records_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company_policy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Associates a date with the amount of accrued penalties and interest\n",
+ " related to tax matters on that date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_accrued_penalties_interest\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Associates the financial figures assumed from an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: assumes_from_acquisition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ "- description: Associates a date with the amount of long-term liabilities recorded\n",
+ " on that date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_long_term_liabilities\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1838:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entity of the company.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A nation or state with its own government.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: A one-year period that companies and governments use for financial\n",
+ " reporting and budgeting.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: An official body responsible for tax collection and administration.\n",
+ " type: tax_authority\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company is liable for taxation in a particular country.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to_taxation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company's earnings in a particular country are subject\n",
+ " to local country income tax.\n",
+ " edge_type: earnings_subject_to_tax\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the tax years in a country that are open for audit.\n",
+ " edge_type: open_for_audit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the fiscal year's tax returns are being audited by a\n",
+ " specific tax authority.\n",
+ " edge_type: under_audit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax_authority\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1839:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business entity or corporation.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: An examination by authorities to assess accuracy of tax returns and\n",
+ " payments.\n",
+ " type: Tax_Audit\n",
+ "- description: Financial advantage granted to taxpayers by the government.\n",
+ " type: Tax_Benefit\n",
+ "- description: A geographical area or region, including countries and states.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is undergoing a tax audit.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_tax_audit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Tax_Audit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a tax audit is taking place.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_location\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Tax_Audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has tax benefits that are uncertain.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_tax_benefit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Tax_Benefit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the outcome of a tax audit may impact the tax benefits\n",
+ " of a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_affect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Tax_Audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Tax_Benefit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1840:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document containing financial data and statements.\n",
+ " type: financial_document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or annotation within a financial document that provides\n",
+ " additional details on a topic.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "- description: Money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through\n",
+ " investments.\n",
+ " type: income\n",
+ "- description: Money spent or cost incurred in an organization's effort to generate\n",
+ " revenue, representing the cost of doing business.\n",
+ " type: expense\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial document includes one or more specific notes.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ "- description: A note provides detailed information about specific types of income\n",
+ " or expenses.\n",
+ " edge_type: details\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - income\n",
+ " - expense\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1841:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a component of financial data, such as income or expense.\n",
+ " type: financial_component\n",
+ "- description: A category in financial reporting that groups similar types of financial\n",
+ " components, e.g., 'Other income (expense), net'.\n",
+ " type: financial_category\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial component is part of a specific financial\n",
+ " category.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_category\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1842:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific event or occurrence.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when an event occurs relative to another event.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1843:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1844:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1845:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1846:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numeric representation, typically used for quantifying or measuring.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1847:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of financial record, transaction, or monetary metric.\n",
+ " type: financial_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one financial item includes or is broken down into another\n",
+ " financial item.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_subcategory\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1848:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical symbol or operator.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1849:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a system of money in common use in a specific country or\n",
+ " region.\n",
+ " type: Currency\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1850:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a non-alphanumeric character or punctuation.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "- description: A mathematical operation or grouping symbol.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the components of a mathematical or logical expression,\n",
+ " indicating sequence or grouping.\n",
+ " edge_type: expression_component\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - symbol\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1851:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical operation like addition or subtraction.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: Represents a grouping of numbers and operations, typically encapsulated\n",
+ " by parentheses.\n",
+ " type: group\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a group contains numbers or operations or other groups.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - group\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " - group\n",
+ "- description: Indicates adjacency or sequential occurrence between numbers and operations\n",
+ " in a non-grouped context.\n",
+ " edge_type: adjacent\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1852:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific section within a document, typically identified by a title\n",
+ " or number.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A promise or agreement to do something, typically involving financial\n",
+ " or legal obligations.\n",
+ " type: commitment\n",
+ "- description: A formal assurance, usually in writing, that certain conditions will\n",
+ " be fulfilled, especially relating to the quality or durability of a product or\n",
+ " service.\n",
+ " type: guarantee\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section includes information about commitments\n",
+ " or guarantees.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - commitment\n",
+ " - guarantee\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1853:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A contract where one party allows another to use an asset for a period\n",
+ " of time in exchange for payment.\n",
+ " type: lease\n",
+ "- description: An item or resource owned by a person, company, or entity, which has\n",
+ " economic value.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in a legal agreement or transaction.\n",
+ " type: party\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a party grants the use of an asset under the terms\n",
+ " of a lease.\n",
+ " edge_type: leases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - party\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a party legally owns an asset.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - party\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1854:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A business or corporate entity, such as a company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A location or building used for a specific purpose, like data centers\n",
+ " or research and development facilities.\n",
+ " type: facility\n",
+ "- description: Tools or machinery used for specific tasks.\n",
+ " type: equipment\n",
+ "- description: A contractual agreement where one party allows another to use property\n",
+ " or equipment for a specified time under certain conditions.\n",
+ " type: lease\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has a lease agreement for using a facility\n",
+ " or equipment.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_lease\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - facility\n",
+ " - equipment\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the expiration date of a lease.\n",
+ " edge_type: expires_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a lease includes an option to extend its duration.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_option_to_extend\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1855:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an integer or a real number.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1856:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, such as integers or real numbers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents an arithmetic operation or mathematical function, such as\n",
+ " addition or multiplication.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is a component or subset of another number,\n",
+ " typically used in expressions where numbers are grouped or segmented.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_part\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is involved in performing a specific operation,\n",
+ " typically as an operand.\n",
+ " edge_type: performs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1857:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a number within parentheses, indicating a special or distinct\n",
+ " grouping of the number.\n",
+ " type: parenthetical_number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number or parenthetical number is immediately next\n",
+ " to another, either to the left or right.\n",
+ " edge_type: next_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - parenthetical_number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - parenthetical_number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1858:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An element or section within a document or publication.\n",
+ " type: content\n",
+ "- description: A complete piece of written, printed, or electronic matter.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more content sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1859:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business or corporation.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a calendar year.\n",
+ " type: Year\n",
+ "- description: Represents financial costs incurred by a company.\n",
+ " type: Expense\n",
+ "- description: Represents different types of leases such as operating, variable, or\n",
+ " finance leases.\n",
+ " type: Lease Type\n",
+ "- description: Represents the movement of cash into or out of a business.\n",
+ " type: Cash Flow\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company recorded a specific amount of expense in a\n",
+ " given year.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_expense\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Expense\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the type of lease associated with an expense.\n",
+ " edge_type: expense_type\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Expense\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Lease Type\n",
+ "- description: Identifies costs such as operating expenses and property taxes linked\n",
+ " with the usage of facilities under specific lease types.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_cost\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Lease Type\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Expense\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the amount of cash paid by a company for certain activities\n",
+ " in a specific year, included in operating cash flows.\n",
+ " edge_type: paid_cash\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " - Year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Cash Flow\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1860:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Additional or supporting information related to a primary topic or\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " type: supplemental_information\n",
+ "- description: A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified\n",
+ " time in exchange for a specified rent or other conditions.\n",
+ " type: lease\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that supplemental information is pertinent to a lease.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - supplemental_information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1861:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1862:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A quantitative measure used in financial analysis.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A contractual agreement where one party allows another to use an asset\n",
+ " for a specified time in return for payment.\n",
+ " type: lease\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a lease has specific financial metrics associated with\n",
+ " it.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_metric\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1863:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific monetary obligation under a lease agreement.\n",
+ " type: lease_payment\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when a lease payment is due.\n",
+ " edge_type: due_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lease_payment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1864:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific year in the Gregorian calendar.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A payment made under a lease contract.\n",
+ " type: lease_payment\n",
+ "- description: A charge for borrowed money, generally a percentage of the amount borrowed.\n",
+ " type: interest\n",
+ "- description: The current value of a future sum of money or stream of cash flows\n",
+ " given a specified rate of return.\n",
+ " type: present_value\n",
+ "- description: The part of a financial obligation that is due within one year of the\n",
+ " balance sheet date.\n",
+ " type: current_portion\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a specific year has an associated lease payment.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_payment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - lease_payment\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a lease payment has associated interest subtracted\n",
+ " to arrive at net value.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_interest\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lease_payment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - interest\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating the present value of net lease payments after\n",
+ " interest adjustments.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_present_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lease_payment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - present_value\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating the portion of the present value that is\n",
+ " due within the current year.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_current_portion\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - present_value\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - current_portion\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1865:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a symbol in mathematical or other formal contexts.\n",
+ " type: Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1866:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A unit of measurement used in quantifying data.\n",
+ " type: unit\n",
+ "- description: The numeric value of data, often used in statistical or demographic\n",
+ " contexts.\n",
+ " type: quantity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the unit in which a quantity is measured.\n",
+ " edge_type: measured_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - quantity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - unit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1867:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific term or concept used in finance.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: A financial obligation or debt recorded in the accounting records of\n",
+ " a business.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term is a type of liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1868:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area or a specific place.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a corporate or institutional entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening, usually at a certain\n",
+ " time and place.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Connects a person to the location where they were born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Connects a person to their employer or the organization they work for.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Connects organizations, events, or objects to the geographical areas\n",
+ " or specific places where they are located.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Connects a person to an event they have attended.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1869:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal agreement allowing use or occupation of property during a specified\n",
+ " time for a specified payment.\n",
+ " type: lease\n",
+ "- description: A condition or requirement in a legal document.\n",
+ " type: provision\n",
+ "- description: Payments made under the terms of a lease.\n",
+ " type: lease payment\n",
+ "- description: An index measuring the average price change of goods and services typically\n",
+ " purchased by households.\n",
+ " type: consumer price index\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a lease includes certain provisions.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lease\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - provision\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that lease payments are influenced by changes in the consumer\n",
+ " price index.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lease payment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - consumer price index\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1870:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An obligation, promise, or responsibility that a person or entity has\n",
+ " agreed to fulfill.\n",
+ " type: commitment\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1871:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A business entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Obligations to acquire goods or services, typically under specific\n",
+ " terms and conditions.\n",
+ " type: purchase_commitment\n",
+ "- description: A thin slice of semiconductor material used in electronics for the\n",
+ " fabrication of integrated circuits.\n",
+ " type: wafer\n",
+ "- description: A base material on which other materials or layers are deposited during\n",
+ " manufacturing processes.\n",
+ " type: substrate\n",
+ "- description: A legal instrument governing the use or redistribution of software.\n",
+ " type: software_license\n",
+ "- description: Legal agreements allowing the use of specific technologies under defined\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " type: technology_license\n",
+ "- description: Legal agreements that grant rights to use intellectual property.\n",
+ " type: IP_license\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has obligations under purchase commitments.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_obligation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_commitment\n",
+ "- description: Shows what goods or services are included in a purchase commitment.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - purchase_commitment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - wafer\n",
+ " - substrate\n",
+ " - software_license\n",
+ " - technology_license\n",
+ " - IP_license\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1872:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a concept or element related to finances, such as an obligation\n",
+ " or asset.\n",
+ " type: financial_term\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents an amount of money.\n",
+ " type: monetary_value\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial term had a specific value at a given date.\n",
+ " edge_type: commitment_at_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_term\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " - monetary_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1873:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar year.\n",
+ " type: Year\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1874:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or financial symbol used in equations or\n",
+ " expressions.\n",
+ " type: symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1875:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, often used in quantitative data.\n",
+ " type: numeric_value\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1876:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An obligation or pledge to perform some action.\n",
+ " type: commitment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An obligation to buy something unconditionally.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchase\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - commitment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - commitment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1877:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents the belonging to a specific nation.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal recognition or honor given to a person.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific area of academic or professional interest.\n",
+ " type: field_of_study\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization dedicated to education or research.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Connects a person to their nationality.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Connects a person who has received a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Represents the employment or affiliation of a person with an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Connects a person to their area of academic or professional study.\n",
+ " edge_type: studies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - field_of_study\n",
+ "- description: Connects a person to an institution where they studied.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1878:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: An entity that provides goods or services to another entity, typically\n",
+ " in a business-to-business context.\n",
+ " type: Supplier\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement to buy specific goods or services under agreed-upon\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " type: Purchase Commitment\n",
+ "- description: Circumstances or factors affecting the business environment and operations.\n",
+ " type: Business Condition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a collaborative or transactional relationship between a company\n",
+ " and a supplier.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Supplier\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is actively managing the timings related to\n",
+ " a purchase commitment.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages_timing\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Purchase Commitment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company takes into account various business conditions\n",
+ " in its decision-making process.\n",
+ " edge_type: considers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Business Condition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1879:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1880:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical or logical operation symbol.\n",
+ " type: operator\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is immediately followed by another number or\n",
+ " an operator in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: next_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - operator\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an operator is immediately followed by a number in a\n",
+ " sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: next_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - operator\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1881:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value, either integer or with decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: A number that is enclosed within parentheses, indicating a special\n",
+ " or distinct status.\n",
+ " type: parenthesized_number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number appears immediately after another number\n",
+ " in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - parenthesized_number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - parenthesized_number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1882:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is less than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_less_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1883:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or a major section of a document.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a chapter or significant subsection within a document.\n",
+ " type: Chapter\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific topic or subject matter covered within a chapter.\n",
+ " type: Topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more chapters.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Chapter\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a chapter covers one or more specific topics.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Chapter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1884:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A text or written content.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A concept or principle used in the legal domain, such as warranties\n",
+ " or indemnities.\n",
+ " type: legal_concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains discussion or mention of a specific\n",
+ " legal concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1885:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that manufactures and sells products.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Items or services offered by the company to its customers.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "- description: An entity or individual who purchases products from the company.\n",
+ " type: customer\n",
+ "- description: A guarantee provided by the company, covering specific aspects of the\n",
+ " product such as defects and workmanship for a certain period.\n",
+ " type: warranty\n",
+ "- description: Expenses accrued by the company related to the warranties of sold products.\n",
+ " type: warranty_cost\n",
+ "- description: An accounting term for the direct costs attributable to the production\n",
+ " of the goods sold by a company.\n",
+ " type: cost_of_sales\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: The company provides warranties for its products.\n",
+ " edge_type: offers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - warranty\n",
+ "- description: Customers buy products from the company.\n",
+ " edge_type: purchases\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - customer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: The warranty applies to specific products, covering defects and workmanship\n",
+ " under certain conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - warranty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: The warranty has a specific time duration, such as one to three years,\n",
+ " depending on the product type and terms.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_duration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - warranty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "- description: The company accumulates warranty costs for the products sold.\n",
+ " edge_type: accrues\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - warranty_cost\n",
+ "- description: Warranty costs are recorded under the cost of sales in financial accounts.\n",
+ " edge_type: assigned_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - warranty_cost\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost_of_sales\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1886:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that produces goods or provides services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific 12-month period used for calendrical or fiscal purposes.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: A company's financial obligation or responsibility.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: A guarantee given on a product that specifies the conditions under\n",
+ " which repairs or exchanges will be made if the product does not function as promised.\n",
+ " type: product_warranty\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has a specific type of financial obligation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_liability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a liability is specifically related to a product warranty.\n",
+ " edge_type: concerns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_warranty\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the year in which a liability was recorded or changed.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1887:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar, formatted as 'Month Day,\n",
+ " Year'.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1888:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1889:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a financial state at a specific point in time, such as beginning\n",
+ " or ending balance.\n",
+ " type: balance\n",
+ "- description: Represents allocations or provisions made during a financial period.\n",
+ " type: provision\n",
+ "- description: Represents settlements or reconciliations made during a financial period.\n",
+ " type: settlement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one balance follows another in sequence, from beginning\n",
+ " to ending.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - balance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - balance\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that provisions or settlements affect the state of a balance.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - provision\n",
+ " - settlement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - balance\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1890:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the symbol used for a specific type of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1891:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A symbol used to represent a type of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1892:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, which can be an integer or decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a relationship between a number and its unit of measurement\n",
+ " or monetary denomination.\n",
+ " edge_type: denomination\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1893:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents symbols used to denote currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_symbol\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a number is expressed in terms of a specific currency\n",
+ " represented by the symbol.\n",
+ " edge_type: denotes_currency\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_symbol\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1894:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business activities, including contractual relationships\n",
+ " and indemnification.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: An entity or group that enters into contractual relationships with\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " type: Party\n",
+ "- description: A request or demand for something as due, often legally.\n",
+ " type: Claim\n",
+ "- description: A disadvantage or detriment that occurs from an event.\n",
+ " type: Loss\n",
+ "- description: A written guarantee, issued to the purchaser of an article by its manufacturer,\n",
+ " promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time.\n",
+ " type: Warranty\n",
+ "- description: A commitment by one party to compensate another for the losses suffered\n",
+ " due to specific acts or omissions.\n",
+ " type: Indemnification\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company agrees to compensate or secure another\n",
+ " party against losses or claims.\n",
+ " edge_type: indemnifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Party\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where an indemnification covers certain claims or losses.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Indemnification\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Claim\n",
+ " - Loss\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a warranty assures the repair or replacement of\n",
+ " a product by a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Warranty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Product\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1895:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document or section of a text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific note or annotation within a document.\n",
+ " type: note\n",
+ "- description: A condition or situation that depends on another.\n",
+ " type: contingency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains specific notes or annotations.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a note is related to or discusses a contingency.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - note\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - contingency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1896:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, firm, or other types of organizations.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents actions or operations conducted by organizations or individuals,\n",
+ " such as business processes or legal actions.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is involved in a particular activity,\n",
+ " such as a litigation or business process.\n",
+ " edge_type: engages_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1897:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general type that covers any specific or general entity, such as\n",
+ " companies or organizations.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A judicial entity where legal cases are filed and heard.\n",
+ " type: court\n",
+ "- description: A form of intellectual property that gives its holder exclusive rights\n",
+ " to a specific invention.\n",
+ " type: patent\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific points in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An entity files a legal lawsuit against another entity or in a specific\n",
+ " court.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_lawsuit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ "- description: An entity claims that another entity infringes on a specific patent.\n",
+ " edge_type: alleges_infringement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one entity is associated or affiliated with another\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1898:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company, institution, or any other form\n",
+ " of organized group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A point in time, typically used to mark specific events or periods.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A legal case involving disputes resolved in a court or similar legal\n",
+ " setting.\n",
+ " type: court_case\n",
+ "- description: A formal judgment or order given by a court in the context of a legal\n",
+ " case.\n",
+ " type: court_decision\n",
+ "- description: A government authority or license conferring a right or title for a\n",
+ " set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or\n",
+ " selling an invention.\n",
+ " type: patent\n",
+ "- description: An administrative unit of the government responsible for the oversight\n",
+ " and administration of specific functions.\n",
+ " type: government_agency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that claims or parts of a case were dismissed or dropped\n",
+ " by the court.\n",
+ " edge_type: dismissed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - court_case\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - court_case\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the court approved a request or motion within the context\n",
+ " of a legal case.\n",
+ " edge_type: granted\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - court_case\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - court_case\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the legal case involves specific organizations or patents.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - court_case\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a formal decision, such as a legal ruling or judgment,\n",
+ " was issued by a government agency.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - court_decision\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - government_agency\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a patent's claims were invalidated by a court ruling\n",
+ " or decision.\n",
+ " edge_type: invalidates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - court_decision\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1899:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company, institution, or other legal entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A judicial body that hears and resolves disputes.\n",
+ " type: court\n",
+ "- description: Documents related to legal matters, such as patents, notices, or decisions.\n",
+ " type: legal_document\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization files a notice of appeal to a court regarding a legal\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_notice_of_appeal\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ " - legal_document\n",
+ "- description: A court confirms or upholds a decision related to a legal document.\n",
+ " edge_type: affirmed_decision\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_document\n",
+ "- description: One legal document is related to another, such as referencing a patent\n",
+ " in a decision.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1900:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1901:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is greater than another.\n",
+ " edge_type: greater_than\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1902:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A major structural component of a document, representing a division\n",
+ " that encompasses a grouping of related content.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A complete piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides\n",
+ " information or evidence or that serves as an official record.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the inclusion of one or more sections within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1903:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or organization involved in legal actions.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal action or significant legal event, such as filing\n",
+ " a lawsuit, being served, or responding legally.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal grant of property rights for an invention.\n",
+ " type: patent\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is involved in a legal event.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event occurred on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a legal event involves specific patents.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1904:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A governmental body where legal disputes are adjudicated.\n",
+ " type: court\n",
+ "- description: A specific day when an event occurs.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A specific geographical area or place.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A form of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right\n",
+ " to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a certain period\n",
+ " of years.\n",
+ " type: patent\n",
+ "- description: A legal case brought to a court of law in which a plaintiff is seeking\n",
+ " a legal remedy.\n",
+ " type: lawsuit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company files a lawsuit against another party.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_lawsuit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - lawsuit\n",
+ "- description: The lawsuit is directed against a specific company.\n",
+ " edge_type: lawsuit_against\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lawsuit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: The lawsuit involves specific patents.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves_patent\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lawsuit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: The date on which the lawsuit was filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lawsuit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: The court where the lawsuit is adjudicated.\n",
+ " edge_type: held_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - lawsuit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ "- description: The court or company is situated in a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1905:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal process through which legal judgments are made, including\n",
+ " lawsuits, trials, etc.\n",
+ " type: legal_proceeding\n",
+ "- description: A financial characteristic or component of an organization such as\n",
+ " financial condition, cash flows, or results of operations.\n",
+ " type: financial_aspect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization is involved in a legal proceeding.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_legal_proceeding\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_proceeding\n",
+ "- description: An organization believes a certain event or condition will affect a\n",
+ " specific financial aspect.\n",
+ " edge_type: believes_effect_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_aspect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1906:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is a recognized group of people with a particular purpose,\n",
+ " such as a business, government body, charity, etc.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, specifically one of significance in legal,\n",
+ " historical, or social contexts.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization that is directly involved in an event, particularly\n",
+ " in legal, historical, or social contexts.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1907:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, firm, or other types of organizations.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a court where legal cases are heard and decided.\n",
+ " type: court\n",
+ "- description: Represents a patent which is a form of intellectual property rights\n",
+ " granting exclusive rights to an invention.\n",
+ " type: patent\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal arrangement between parties regarding certain actions\n",
+ " or conditions.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has filed a legal complaint with a court.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_complaint\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization alleges that another entity infringes\n",
+ " on a specific patent.\n",
+ " edge_type: alleges_infringement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the technological or functional relationship between different\n",
+ " patents.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has entered into a formal agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: entered_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date when an event involving an organization,\n",
+ " court, or agreement occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: date_of_event\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1908:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, institution, or group.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of legal action such as lawsuits, trials, or legal\n",
+ " rulings.\n",
+ " type: Legal_Event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a party or participant in a legal\n",
+ " event.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Legal_Event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1909:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that manufactures, provides services, or is involved\n",
+ " in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, typically expressed in terms of day, month,\n",
+ " and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A form of intellectual property that gives its holder the right to\n",
+ " exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a limited period\n",
+ " of time.\n",
+ " type: patent\n",
+ "- description: An action taken by one party against another in a court of law, such\n",
+ " as filing a lawsuit or counterclaim.\n",
+ " type: legal_action\n",
+ "- description: A mutual arrangement between parties that outlines specific conditions\n",
+ " or terms.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: Applications of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially\n",
+ " in industry.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company initiates legal action against another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_lawsuit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: A company claims that another entity is illegally using their patented\n",
+ " technology.\n",
+ " edge_type: alleges_infringement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: Two companies reach a resolution in their legal dispute.\n",
+ " edge_type: resolved_litigation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Companies agree to work together in developing new technological solutions.\n",
+ " edge_type: pursue_collaboration\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "- description: Specifies when a legal action took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: date_of_action\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: An agreement includes a commitment to a specific technological project\n",
+ " or collaboration.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1910:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is a structured group of people with a specific purpose,\n",
+ " such as a company, institution, or association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, particularly one that is notable and has\n",
+ " specific relevance to the context, such as legal cases, meetings, or public gatherings.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is directly involved or implicated in\n",
+ " an event, typically highlighting participation or impact in that event's context.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1911:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A legal institution where disputes are settled and justice is administered.\n",
+ " type: court\n",
+ "- description: A government body or other organization that has authority to implement\n",
+ " certain policies or regulations.\n",
+ " type: commission\n",
+ "- description: A form of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right\n",
+ " to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a certain period\n",
+ " of time.\n",
+ " type: patent\n",
+ "- description: A negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between parties\n",
+ " as to a course of action.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company files a legal complaint against another party in a court\n",
+ " or commission.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_complaint\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ " - commission\n",
+ "- description: A company claims that another entity is infringing on specific patents.\n",
+ " edge_type: alleges_infringement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the subject matter or focus area of a patent.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - patent\n",
+ "- description: A company enters into a legally binding agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: entered_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: Associates a specific date with an event such as a filing or an agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: date_of_event\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - court\n",
+ " - commission\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: Describes the impact or consequence of an agreement on a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_effect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1912:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1913:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or manuscript.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter within the document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1914:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific issue affecting the environment, such as pollution or deforestation.\n",
+ " type: environmental_issue\n",
+ "- description: A rule or set of rules adopted and enforced by a governmental or other\n",
+ " institution to address specific issues.\n",
+ " type: policy\n",
+ "- description: A group or body of individuals structured to achieve a particular purpose,\n",
+ " often related to environmental advocacy or regulation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, especially one that is notable and impacts\n",
+ " environmental matters.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or area, often referenced in the context of environmental\n",
+ " issues or events.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may influence, study, or be affected by environmental\n",
+ " issues.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a policy is designed to address a specific environmental\n",
+ " issue.\n",
+ " edge_type: addresses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - policy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - environmental_issue\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is responsible for organizing an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: organizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event takes place in a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has an influence over an environmental issue.\n",
+ " edge_type: influences\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - environmental_issue\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1915:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that conducts business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific location, especially one related to environmental or industrial\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: site\n",
+ "- description: Substances or components, often used in industrial or manufacturing\n",
+ " processes.\n",
+ " type: material\n",
+ "- description: Substances with specific chemical compositions used in various industries.\n",
+ " type: chemical\n",
+ "- description: A sector of the economy involving the manufacturing or production of\n",
+ " goods.\n",
+ " type: industry\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is held accountable for activities at a site.\n",
+ " edge_type: responsible_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - site\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the geographical placement of a site within the area of a\n",
+ " company's operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - site\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a material was emitted or discharged, typically into\n",
+ " the environment, at a site.\n",
+ " edge_type: released\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - material\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - site\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a chemical is utilized within a specific industrial\n",
+ " process.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - chemical\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a process is associated with a broader industry sector.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - industry\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1916:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A company or other formal group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A body of the government responsible for regulation and oversight.\n",
+ " type: government_agency\n",
+ "- description: A formal directive issued by a government agency or court relating\n",
+ " to a specific action or compliance requirement.\n",
+ " type: legal_order\n",
+ "- description: A formal agreement between two or more parties outlining responsibilities\n",
+ " and actions.\n",
+ " type: legal_agreement\n",
+ "- description: Financial expenditures related to specific actions or requirements.\n",
+ " type: cost\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization received a legal order from a government agency.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_order\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_order\n",
+ "- description: A government agency issued a legal order.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_order\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - government_agency\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_order\n",
+ "- description: An organization entered into a legal agreement with other parties.\n",
+ " edge_type: entered_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_agreement\n",
+ "- description: An organization agrees to assume financial responsibilities for specified\n",
+ " costs.\n",
+ " edge_type: assume_cost\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ "- description: An organization is held responsible for specified costs.\n",
+ " edge_type: responsible_for_cost\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - cost\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1917:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A generic type representing any specific entity such as a company or\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific monetary values or costs.\n",
+ " type: financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Represents obligations or debts that an entity is responsible for.\n",
+ " type: liability\n",
+ "- description: Represents potential financial recoveries from insurance claims related\n",
+ " to liabilities.\n",
+ " type: insurance_recovery\n",
+ "- description: Represents efforts and actions taken to remedy or rectify a situation,\n",
+ " such as environmental cleanups.\n",
+ " type: remediation_effort\n",
+ "- description: Represents forecasts or estimations about future events or outcomes.\n",
+ " type: prediction\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity holds a specific liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_liability\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the calculated financial estimate associated with a liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_estimated_cost\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_figure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that potential recoveries, such as insurance, are not included\n",
+ " in the cost estimations for a liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: excludes_recovery\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - insurance_recovery\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that remediation efforts have an impact on the nature or\n",
+ " extent of a liability.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - remediation_effort\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - liability\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that there is uncertainty in predicting the outcomes or progress\n",
+ " of efforts, such as remediation efforts.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_uncertainty\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - prediction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - remediation_effort\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity holds a belief or expectation regarding future\n",
+ " events or outcomes, particularly concerning financial impacts.\n",
+ " edge_type: believes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - prediction\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1918:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any legal issue, dispute, or case.\n",
+ " type: legal_matter\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1919:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, corporation, or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal proceeding in which the organization is involved,\n",
+ " either as a defendant or plaintiff.\n",
+ " type: legal_case\n",
+ "- description: Represents any financial aspect of an organization, such as financial\n",
+ " position, results of operations, or cash flows.\n",
+ " type: financial_aspect\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a participant in a legal case, either\n",
+ " as a plaintiff or a defendant.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_case\n",
+ "- description: Describes the effect of a legal case on various financial aspects of\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: impact_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_case\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_aspect\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1920:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1921:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document containing the table of contents.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1922:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written account or statement, officially detailing factual information\n",
+ " or events.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people cooperating to achieve a common goal,\n",
+ " typically in a business or professional context.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A business entity that provides accounting services to clients, including\n",
+ " auditing, bookkeeping, and tax preparation.\n",
+ " type: accounting_firm\n",
+ "- description: A formal document produced by an accounting firm or department, detailing\n",
+ " financial information and assessments.\n",
+ " type: accounting_report\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an accounting report was created or issued by a specific\n",
+ " accounting firm.\n",
+ " edge_type: produced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_firm\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the accounting report is related to or concerns a specific\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1923:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is a structured group, such as a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member or part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is communicating or directing information specifically\n",
+ " to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: addressing\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1924:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of written or digital content, such as reports, articles,\n",
+ " or books.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A statement expressing a belief, view, or judgment about something,\n",
+ " which may not necessarily be based on fact or knowledge.\n",
+ " type: opinion\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains or expresses an opinion.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_opinion\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - opinion\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an opinion specifically relates to or focuses on financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: focuses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - opinion\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1925:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing a business or corporate institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Documents that provide an overview of the financial condition of an\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A document that provides the findings of an audit, including opinions\n",
+ " on the accuracy of financial statements.\n",
+ " type: audit_report\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, often used to reference the timing of financial\n",
+ " or operational events.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has been audited and an audit report\n",
+ " exists for it.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_audit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - audit_report\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the period that the audit report covers.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit_report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an audit report includes specific financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit_report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial statements of an organization conform\n",
+ " to a specific accounting standard.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows_standard\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1926:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, institution, or similar entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any official document, report, framework, or similar written\n",
+ " material.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date or year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization has audited another organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: audited_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date or period when an organization was audited.\n",
+ " edge_type: audited_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is based on the principles or criteria\n",
+ " established in another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date when a document was issued.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date when an opinion was expressed in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: expressed_opinion_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1927:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the rules and guidelines that companies follow in reporting\n",
+ " financial data.\n",
+ " type: accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: Represents a modification or alteration in something.\n",
+ " type: change\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a change has occurred in an accounting principle.\n",
+ " edge_type: change_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_principle\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1928:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A written record that conveys the business activities and the financial\n",
+ " performance of a company.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A particular manner or technique used to organize and maintain financial\n",
+ " records and calculate taxes.\n",
+ " type: accounting_method\n",
+ "- description: A financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer by a governmental\n",
+ " organization in order to fund various public expenditures.\n",
+ " type: tax\n",
+ "- description: The discrepancy between tax calculated by different methods or during\n",
+ " different periods.\n",
+ " type: tax_difference\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company has chosen a specific accounting method.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_elected\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_method\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a particular topic or method is mentioned within a financial\n",
+ " statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: discussed_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_method\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tax difference is associated with a specific tax.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tax_difference\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tax\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1929:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty.\n",
+ " type: Opinion\n",
+ "- description: The underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument, or process.\n",
+ " type: Basis\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where an opinion is supported or justified\n",
+ " by a certain basis.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_basis\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Opinion\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Basis\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1930:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal piece of writing such as a report, statement, or record.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An organization responsible for enforcing specific regulations and\n",
+ " overseeing certain aspects of a sector or system.\n",
+ " type: regulatory_body\n",
+ "- description: Legal statutes and regulations governing behavior or activities.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: A systematic review or assessment of information or documents.\n",
+ " type: audit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is responsible for the creation, maintenance,\n",
+ " or accuracy of a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_responsibility\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization performs or carries out an audit.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is officially listed or recognized by\n",
+ " a regulatory body.\n",
+ " edge_type: registered_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulatory_body\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is obligated to adhere to specific laws\n",
+ " or regulations.\n",
+ " edge_type: must_comply_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization provides its judgement or evaluation\n",
+ " concerning a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: opinion_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1931:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An examination of financial statements to ensure accuracy and compliance\n",
+ " with standards.\n",
+ " type: audit\n",
+ "- description: A set of norms or criteria used to measure or guide actions, such as\n",
+ " those set by the PCAOB for audits.\n",
+ " type: standard\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: An error or inaccuracy in presented financial statements, whether unintentional\n",
+ " or due to fraud.\n",
+ " type: misstatement\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions conducted for a specific purpose, such as assessing\n",
+ " risks or evaluating financial statements during an audit.\n",
+ " type: procedure\n",
+ "- description: Information or details used to support the accuracy or truth of a statement,\n",
+ " often used in legal or financial contexts.\n",
+ " type: evidence\n",
+ "- description: A rule or standard that guides the recording and reporting of financial\n",
+ " transactions.\n",
+ " type: accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity,\n",
+ " or extent of something.\n",
+ " type: estimate\n",
+ "- description: The individuals or teams that organize, plan, and run a company or\n",
+ " part of a company.\n",
+ " type: management\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an audit was conducted in accordance with specific standards.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducted_according_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - standard\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an audit aims to obtain assurance about the absence\n",
+ " of significant misstatements.\n",
+ " edge_type: aims_to_obtain\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - misstatement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an audit includes various procedures.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes_procedures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that certain procedures during an audit are carried out in\n",
+ " response to potential misstatements.\n",
+ " edge_type: responds_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - misstatement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that certain procedures evaluate accounting principles, estimates,\n",
+ " or the presentation of financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_principle\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an audit provides a basis for making certain estimates\n",
+ " or judgments.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_basis_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1932:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value in the context.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1933:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general representation of a document or a publication.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document, such as a chapter\n",
+ " or a subsection.\n",
+ " type: content_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more specific sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1934:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or issue that is significant in the context of an\n",
+ " audit.\n",
+ " type: Audit_Matter\n",
+ "- description: A systematic review and examination of data, records, or performance.\n",
+ " type: Audit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an audit matter is a significant part of a specific\n",
+ " audit.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Audit_Matter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Audit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1935:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific issue or topic identified during the audit of financial\n",
+ " statements that requires significant attention or complex judgment.\n",
+ " type: audit_matter\n",
+ "- description: A group responsible for overseeing the auditing process and communication\n",
+ " within an organization.\n",
+ " type: audit_committee\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A formal statement expressing the auditor's conclusions regarding the\n",
+ " financial statements as a whole.\n",
+ " type: opinion\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an audit matter is directly associated with or affects\n",
+ " a financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit_matter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that an audit matter has been reported or discussed with the\n",
+ " audit committee.\n",
+ " edge_type: communicated_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit_matter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - audit_committee\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that the communication of certain information does not change\n",
+ " an existing opinion.\n",
+ " edge_type: does_not_alter\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - communication\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - opinion\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1936:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item that is part of a business's inventory.\n",
+ " type: InventoryItem\n",
+ "- description: A method used to assess the value of inventory items.\n",
+ " type: ValuationMethod\n",
+ "- description: Represents the calculated value of an inventory using a specific method.\n",
+ " type: InventoryValuation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates which valuation method is used for a specific inventory item.\n",
+ " edge_type: valued_using\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - InventoryItem\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - ValuationMethod\n",
+ "- description: Connects an inventory item to its valuation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_valuation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - InventoryItem\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - InventoryValuation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1937:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general term for any kind of physical substance.\n",
+ " type: Matter\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1938:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A quantifiable measure used to evaluate financial performance of a\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Reasons for adjusting the inventory carrying value, such as excess\n",
+ " inventory or market conditions.\n",
+ " type: inventory_adjustment_reason\n",
+ "- description: Activities or decisions made by a company's management.\n",
+ " type: management_activity\n",
+ "- description: The state of the market affecting a business, including factors like\n",
+ " demand, competition, and economic environment.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "- description: A belief or expectation that management uses to make decisions or forecasts.\n",
+ " type: assumption\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A financial metric recorded or applicable on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_metric\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: A company issues or is associated with a specific financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: reports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Financial statement includes details about inventory adjustment and\n",
+ " its reasons.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_inventory_adjustment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inventory_adjustment_reason\n",
+ "- description: Management's activity or decision-making process involves certain assumptions.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - management_activity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ "- description: Market conditions affect the assumptions made by management.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1939:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the textual content or document being analyzed.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific issue or topic addressed during an audit.\n",
+ " type: audit_matter\n",
+ "- description: The series of actions or steps taken during an audit to address specific\n",
+ " matters.\n",
+ " type: audit_process\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document discusses or deals with a specific audit\n",
+ " matter.\n",
+ " edge_type: addresses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - audit_matter\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the process or steps taken to address a specific audit matter\n",
+ " in the context of an audit.\n",
+ " edge_type: follows\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit_process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - audit_matter\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1940:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: A thing with distinct and independent existence.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.\n",
+ " type: assumption\n",
+ "- description: The ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.\n",
+ " type: judgment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An entity has control over a process.\n",
+ " edge_type: controls\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: An entity assesses the design and effectiveness of a process.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: An entity formulates an assumption.\n",
+ " edge_type: develop\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ "- description: An entity arrives at a judgment.\n",
+ " edge_type: make\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - judgment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1941:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A defined series of actions or operations which accomplishes a particular\n",
+ " task.\n",
+ " type: procedure\n",
+ "- description: Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation.\n",
+ " type: data\n",
+ "- description: A change or modification made to correct or improve something.\n",
+ " type: adjustment\n",
+ "- description: A prediction or estimate of future events, especially coming weather\n",
+ " or a financial or economic trend.\n",
+ " type: forecast\n",
+ "- description: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.\n",
+ " type: assumption\n",
+ "- description: Something that exists as a unit, such as an organization or system.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: One of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation.\n",
+ " type: factor\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A procedure is applied to examine the validity or accuracy of data,\n",
+ " assumptions, or adjustments.\n",
+ " edge_type: tests\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - data\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ "- description: A procedure involves examining similarities or differences between\n",
+ " sets of data.\n",
+ " edge_type: compares\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - data\n",
+ "- description: A procedure is used to assess or judge forecasts, adjustments, or factors.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - forecast\n",
+ " - adjustment\n",
+ " - factor\n",
+ "- description: A procedure is used to examine factors in detail to understand their\n",
+ " properties or explore their implications.\n",
+ " edge_type: analyzes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - factor\n",
+ "- description: A procedure executes a particular task on data, such as sensitivity\n",
+ " analysis.\n",
+ " edge_type: performs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1942:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1943:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a division or part of a document, often marked by a title\n",
+ " or number.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A smaller division within a section, typically with its own heading.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains sections or subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a subsection is part of a larger section.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1944:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Business\n",
+ "- description: The act of merging or uniting multiple entities into one.\n",
+ " type: Combination\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the merging or uniting of one business with another.\n",
+ " edge_type: combines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Business\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1945:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Any physical substance or material that occupies space and has mass.\n",
+ " type: matter\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1946:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any business, company, or other organized body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific period used for accounting purposes, typically lasting one\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " type: financial_year\n",
+ "- description: An instance of buying or selling something; in a business context,\n",
+ " it often involves companies or assets.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A written, typed, or electronic record that provides information or\n",
+ " evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific amount of money, expressed in terms of currency.\n",
+ " type: currency_amount\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization has acquired another.\n",
+ " edge_type: completed_acquisition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: The monetary value associated with a transaction.\n",
+ " edge_type: transaction_value\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - currency_amount\n",
+ "- description: Links a transaction to a specific type of document that describes or\n",
+ " governs it.\n",
+ " edge_type: transaction_type\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a transaction occurred during a specific financial year.\n",
+ " edge_type: during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1947:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: The act of obtaining control over another company or assets.\n",
+ " type: acquisition\n",
+ "- description: Non-physical asset that adds value to a company, such as intellectual\n",
+ " property or customer relationships.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: Uncertainty in determining values due to reliance on assumptions and\n",
+ " forecasts.\n",
+ " type: estimation_uncertainty\n",
+ "- description: A belief or expectation regarding future events affecting business\n",
+ " evaluations.\n",
+ " type: assumption\n",
+ "- description: The state of the economy at a given time, influencing business decisions\n",
+ " and valuations.\n",
+ " type: economic_condition\n",
+ "- description: The state of the market environment, influencing prices, demand, and\n",
+ " business strategies.\n",
+ " type: market_condition\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company has made an acquisition.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_acquisition\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - acquisition\n",
+ "- description: A company owns or acquires intangible assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_intangible_asset\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: A company faces estimation uncertainty in its business operations or\n",
+ " evaluations.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_estimation_uncertainty\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimation_uncertainty\n",
+ "- description: Estimation uncertainty is based on certain assumptions.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - estimation_uncertainty\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ "- description: Assumptions about future business performance can be affected by economic\n",
+ " and market conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - economic_condition\n",
+ " - market_condition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1948:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A systematic evaluation or examination of a process, system, or organization.\n",
+ " type: audit\n",
+ "- description: A specific issue, topic, or concern being addressed or investigated.\n",
+ " type: matter\n",
+ "- description: A step or measure taken during an investigation or examination.\n",
+ " type: action\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an audit focuses on or investigates a particular matter.\n",
+ " edge_type: addresses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - matter\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an audit involves certain actions or steps.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1949:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Mechanisms or procedures established to manage or regulate processes\n",
+ " within a company.\n",
+ " type: control\n",
+ "- description: Tools, systems, or methods that use scientific knowledge for practical\n",
+ " purposes.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "- description: Interactions and engagements a company has with its customers, considered\n",
+ " as assets.\n",
+ " type: customer_relationship\n",
+ "- description: A framework or methodology used to calculate the value of assets.\n",
+ " type: valuation_model\n",
+ "- description: A belief or statement taken as true without proof in the context of\n",
+ " a process or model.\n",
+ " type: assumption\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company has specific controls in place to manage aspects of its operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_control\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ "- description: Controls ensure the proper functioning or validation of various elements\n",
+ " like technology or customer relationships.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_model\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " - customer_relationship\n",
+ "- description: Valuation models utilize certain assumptions to estimate values.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_model\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1950:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents intangible assets such as developed technology and customer\n",
+ " relationships.\n",
+ " type: intangible_asset\n",
+ "- description: Actions taken to assess and verify financial information or processes.\n",
+ " type: audit_procedure\n",
+ "- description: The specific approach or set of procedures used to determine the value\n",
+ " of an asset.\n",
+ " type: valuation_methodology\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A professional expert in assessing the value of assets.\n",
+ " type: valuation_specialist\n",
+ "- description: Quantitative or qualitative information used in analysis and decision-making.\n",
+ " type: data\n",
+ "- description: A belief or statement taken as true without proof, used as a basis\n",
+ " for reasoning or calculation.\n",
+ " type: assumption\n",
+ "- description: An approximate calculation or judgement of the value, number, quantity,\n",
+ " or extent of something.\n",
+ " type: estimate\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company uses a specific valuation methodology.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_methodology\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the assessment or examination of methodologies, assumptions,\n",
+ " or data by an audit procedure.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit_procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_methodology\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ " - data\n",
+ "- description: Shows that specialists are involved in an audit procedure.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit_procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_specialist\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a valuation specialist creates or formulates estimates.\n",
+ " edge_type: develops\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - valuation_specialist\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the comparison of estimates or assumptions against other\n",
+ " standards or benchmarks in an audit procedure.\n",
+ " edge_type: compares\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit_procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - estimate\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ "- description: Shows that data underpins or substantiates assumptions made in a valuation\n",
+ " or audit.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - data\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - assumption\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1951:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any distinct entity that is a group or company, such as\n",
+ " businesses, institutions, or associations.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1952:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a legally recognized group of people with\n",
+ " a specific purpose, such as a company, government, or non-profit.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A calendar year, identifying a specific 12-month period in history.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization (source) has been audited by another\n",
+ " organization (target).\n",
+ " edge_type: audited_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the starting year from which an ongoing event or relationship\n",
+ " associated with an organization began.\n",
+ " edge_type: since\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1953:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific urban area within a country, usually recognized by its government\n",
+ " and administrative boundaries.\n",
+ " type: city\n",
+ "- description: A larger administrative division within a country that contains cities\n",
+ " and other municipalities.\n",
+ " type: state\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a city is situated within the boundaries of a state.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - city\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - state\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1954:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1955:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1956:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of document, such as a book, report, or article.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A division within a document, often demarcated by titles or headers.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A specific subject or theme discussed within a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section specifically addresses or covers a particular\n",
+ " topic.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1957:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written record containing information or findings.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A legally constituted group of people that forms a business, institution,\n",
+ " or other entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A business entity that provides accounting services to clients, including\n",
+ " audits, financial analysis, and tax preparation.\n",
+ " type: accounting_firm\n",
+ "- description: A type of accounting firm that is registered to provide auditing and\n",
+ " other financial services to public companies.\n",
+ " type: public_accounting_firm\n",
+ "- description: A category or classification of a report based on its purpose or content.\n",
+ " type: report_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is issued or published by a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is a subtype or a specific example of another\n",
+ " broader category.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_a\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - public_accounting_firm\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_firm\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the category or type of a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - report_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1958:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized group of people who share a common focus, such\n",
+ " as a business or charity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information\n",
+ " or evidence or that serves as an official record.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is directed towards an organization or person.\n",
+ " edge_type: addressed_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1959:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general representation of any document or article.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A statement or view formed about something, not necessarily based on\n",
+ " fact or knowledge.\n",
+ " type: opinion\n",
+ "- description: Processes put in place by an organization to ensure the integrity of\n",
+ " financial and accounting information, promote accountability, and prevent fraud.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "- description: The process of producing statements that disclose an organization's\n",
+ " financial status to management, investors, and the government.\n",
+ " type: financial_reporting\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document addresses or mentions the target concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - opinion\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ " - financial_reporting\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1960:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is a structured group of people, such as companies,\n",
+ " institutions, or associations.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, particularly used for events or deadlines.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A document that provides information or accounts of certain events\n",
+ " or analysis.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "- description: Standards or principles by which something is judged or decided.\n",
+ " type: criteria\n",
+ "- description: A basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text.\n",
+ " type: framework\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization conducts an audit on another organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: audited\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Criteria are established within a particular framework.\n",
+ " edge_type: established\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - criteria\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - framework\n",
+ "- description: The report is based on certain criteria.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - criteria\n",
+ "- description: The time point at which the report or analysis is relevant or applicable.\n",
+ " edge_type: as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1961:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized group or entity that functions as a single unit.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Documents that present the financial status and activities of an organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A document containing comprehensive information about an organization's\n",
+ " financial activities, typically including audited statements and notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_report\n",
+ "- description: A document produced by an auditor that contains the results of the\n",
+ " audit, including opinions on financial statements.\n",
+ " type: audit_report\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where an organization's financial statements\n",
+ " are audited.\n",
+ " edge_type: audited\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or statement is associated with a specific\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " - financial_report\n",
+ " - audit_report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial report includes various financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an audit report includes an opinion on the financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: expressed_opinion\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit_report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1962:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A subjective belief or viewpoint held by an individual or group.\n",
+ " type: Opinion\n",
+ "- description: The foundational information or reasoning that supports an opinion.\n",
+ " type: Basis\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an opinion is formed or supported by a particular basis.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Opinion\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Basis\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1963:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally constituted group or institution like a company or regulatory\n",
+ " body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written, printed, or electronic piece of information, such as a report\n",
+ " or audit.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.\n",
+ " type: regulation\n",
+ "- description: A system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental\n",
+ " institutions to regulate behavior.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: A systematic examination or inspection, typically of an organization's\n",
+ " financial operations.\n",
+ " type: audit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is responsible for maintaining or managing\n",
+ " the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_responsibility\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization expresses an opinion based on the audit.\n",
+ " edge_type: express_opinion\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is required to follow specific laws\n",
+ " or regulations.\n",
+ " edge_type: must_comply_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization performs or carries out the audit.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1964:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a structured group of people, such as companies,\n",
+ " institutions, or associations.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A set of established norms, criteria, or requirements that are used\n",
+ " as a reference.\n",
+ " type: standard\n",
+ "- description: A systematic examination or assessment of something, typically for\n",
+ " verification of compliance or quality.\n",
+ " type: audit\n",
+ "- description: Processes and procedures implemented within an organization to ensure\n",
+ " the integrity of financial and accounting information, promote accountability,\n",
+ " and prevent fraud.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "- description: Confidence provided by one party to another about the fulfillment of\n",
+ " an obligation or quality of information.\n",
+ " type: assurance\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the audit was carried out by a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the audit was performed in accordance with specific\n",
+ " standards.\n",
+ " edge_type: compliance_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - standard\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the aim of the audit, which is to provide assurance.\n",
+ " edge_type: goal_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - assurance\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the audit focuses on the evaluation of internal control.\n",
+ " edge_type: focus_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1965:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A systematic examination, including obtaining an understanding of internal\n",
+ " control, assessing risks, testing, and evaluating effectiveness.\n",
+ " type: audit\n",
+ "- description: Systems and processes designed to ensure the reliability of financial\n",
+ " reporting and compliance with laws.\n",
+ " type: internal control\n",
+ "- description: The potential of encountering a material weakness in financial reporting.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: Steps or actions taken during an audit to assess and evaluate internal\n",
+ " control and risks.\n",
+ " type: procedure\n",
+ "- description: The auditor's conclusion based on the audit's findings.\n",
+ " type: opinion\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the components or actions included in the audit process.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal control\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "- description: The audit evaluates the likelihood of risks.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: The audit examines and assesses the effectiveness of internal controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: tests_and_evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal control\n",
+ "- description: The audit lays the foundation for the auditor's opinion.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_basis_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - audit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - opinion\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1966:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general category that includes ideas, theories, or subjects.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: Constraints or restrictions on a concept's application or effectiveness.\n",
+ " type: limitation\n",
+ "- description: Processes implemented by an organization to ensure the integrity of\n",
+ " financial reporting and compliance with laws and regulations.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "- description: The process of producing statements that disclose an organization's\n",
+ " financial status to management, investors, and the government.\n",
+ " type: financial_reporting\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the internal control processes are specifically designed\n",
+ " to oversee or manage the concept of financial reporting.\n",
+ " edge_type: focus_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_reporting\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the internal control processes have certain constraints\n",
+ " or restrictions.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_limitation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - limitation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1967:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A process designed to ensure the reliability of financial reporting\n",
+ " and compliance with accounting standards.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Standard guidelines and rules followed in the preparation of financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " type: accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: An instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: Any item of economic value owned by an individual or corporation, especially\n",
+ " that which could be converted to cash.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "- description: The group of people responsible for running a company or organization.\n",
+ " type: management\n",
+ "- description: A member of the governing board of a company or organization.\n",
+ " type: director\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relation where a company implements and maintains internal control\n",
+ " over financial processes.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_control\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "- description: A relation where internal control processes ensure adherence to accounting\n",
+ " principles.\n",
+ " edge_type: ensures_compliance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: A relation where a company prepares financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: prepares\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A relation where transactions reflect the disposition or acquisition\n",
+ " of assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: reflects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "- description: A relation where company management or directors authorize transactions.\n",
+ " edge_type: authorizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ " - director\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ "- description: A relation where internal control mechanisms detect unauthorized use\n",
+ " or acquisition of assets.\n",
+ " edge_type: detects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1968:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1969:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or a significant text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A division within the document, representing a major topic or chapter.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A smaller division within a section, often a specific topic or point\n",
+ " covered.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains sections or a section contains subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1970:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Refers to mechanisms or procedures designed to manage or regulate a\n",
+ " process or system.\n",
+ " type: control\n",
+ "- description: An error, inaccuracy, or omission in financial reporting or documentation.\n",
+ " type: misstatement\n",
+ "- description: An estimation or forecast of future outcomes based on current or past\n",
+ " data.\n",
+ " type: projection\n",
+ "- description: The degree to which a process, action, or control achieves its intended\n",
+ " result or outcome.\n",
+ " type: effectiveness\n",
+ "- description: A state or circumstance that can affect the operation or outcome of\n",
+ " a process.\n",
+ " type: condition\n",
+ "- description: Adherence to rules, regulations, or standards.\n",
+ " type: compliance\n",
+ "- description: A principle or rule to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.\n",
+ " type: policy\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner.\n",
+ " type: procedure\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the control may not be effective in preventing or detecting\n",
+ " errors or inaccuracies.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_not_prevent_or_detect\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - misstatement\n",
+ "- description: Connects a projection to the effectiveness it estimates or forecasts.\n",
+ " edge_type: projection_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - projection\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - effectiveness\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the projection's accuracy is at risk due to potential\n",
+ " changes in conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: subject_to_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - projection\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the control may become insufficient due to changes in\n",
+ " conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_become_inadequate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - condition\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the level of adherence to specific policies or procedures.\n",
+ " edge_type: degree_of_compliance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - compliance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - policy\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the compliance with policies or procedures may worsen\n",
+ " due to changes in conditions.\n",
+ " edge_type: may_deteriorate\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - compliance\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - condition\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1971:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or corporate entity, such as a company or firm.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A geographical place, such as a country, city, or address.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization operates or is headquartered in a specific\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1972:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A populated urban area within a larger administrative division.\n",
+ " type: city\n",
+ "- description: A large administrative division within a country, usually having its\n",
+ " own government.\n",
+ " type: state\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a city being geographically and administratively part of\n",
+ " a state.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - city\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - state\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1973:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format of day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1974:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1975:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or book.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: Section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1976:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a distinct section or item within a document, often characterized\n",
+ " by a specific topic or heading.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A professional who manages financial accounts, including auditing and\n",
+ " preparing financial reports.\n",
+ " type: accountant\n",
+ "- description: Concepts or practices related to the management and reporting of financial\n",
+ " transactions.\n",
+ " type: accounting_concept\n",
+ "- description: Documents or information that reveal financial details about an entity,\n",
+ " necessary for transparency and regulatory compliance.\n",
+ " type: financial_disclosure\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document section covers topics or issues related\n",
+ " to the target entities or concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accountant\n",
+ " - accounting_concept\n",
+ " - financial_disclosure\n",
+ "- description: Represents a professional conflict or difference in opinion between\n",
+ " accountants and specific accounting practices or disclosures.\n",
+ " edge_type: disagreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accountant\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_concept\n",
+ " - financial_disclosure\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1977:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual with distinct personal identity.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a collective goal.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A scheduled or notable occurrence.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A material thing that can be seen and touched.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or a general notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "- description: A written, drawn, printed, or electronic record that provides information\n",
+ " or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A particular day, month, or year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is situated within a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date on which an event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that something (event, object, concept) is recorded or detailed\n",
+ " in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documented_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document pertains to or is about a specific event,\n",
+ " object, or concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: concerns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1978:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents methods or practices implemented to manage or regulate actions\n",
+ " within an organization.\n",
+ " type: control_procedure\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section describes certain control procedures.\n",
+ " edge_type: describes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - control_procedure\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1979:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written document that describes specific controls and procedures.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific method or procedure designed to manage or regulate a process\n",
+ " or system.\n",
+ " type: control\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner to achieve\n",
+ " a specific result.\n",
+ " type: procedure\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document outlines or details certain controls or procedures.\n",
+ " edge_type: describes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1980:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of business, company, or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents written or digital documents such as reports, forms, and\n",
+ " other official papers.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Refers to methods, processes, or protocols designed to manage or regulate\n",
+ " specific actions or operations within an organization.\n",
+ " type: control_procedure\n",
+ "- description: Represents the group of individuals responsible for the strategic decision-making\n",
+ " within an organization.\n",
+ " type: management\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual or human being, particularly in a specific\n",
+ " role within an organization.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents data, facts, or details that are used or required in specific\n",
+ " contexts and processes.\n",
+ " type: information\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has put certain control procedures into\n",
+ " practice.\n",
+ " edge_type: implements\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - control_procedure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a control procedure is intended to manage or handle\n",
+ " specific information effectively.\n",
+ " edge_type: designed_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - control_procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - information\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document, such as a report, is officially submitted\n",
+ " to an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: reports_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document necessitates specific information to be complete\n",
+ " or valid.\n",
+ " edge_type: requires\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - information\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that information is conveyed or transmitted to the management\n",
+ " team for decision-making purposes.\n",
+ " edge_type: communicated_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of a management team within an\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1981:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A corporate or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual, often holding a specific role within an organization.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A formal written report or filing, usually legal or corporate in nature.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, often relevant to events or deadlines.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: The act of assessing or appraising the quality or performance of a\n",
+ " process or system.\n",
+ " type: evaluation\n",
+ "- description: Mechanisms or procedures implemented within an organization to regulate\n",
+ " and guide activities.\n",
+ " type: control\n",
+ "- description: An aim or desired result that an organization or individual plans to\n",
+ " achieve.\n",
+ " type: goal\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization executes or carries out an evaluation.\n",
+ " edge_type: conducts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - evaluation\n",
+ "- description: An evaluation involves the participation or oversight of specific individuals.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - evaluation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: An evaluation focuses on a specific control or set of controls within\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: targets\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - evaluation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ "- description: An organization formally presents findings or conclusions in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: reports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: An individual evaluates or judges the effectiveness of a control.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ "- description: An evaluation takes place on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - evaluation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: A process is designed to achieve a specific goal.\n",
+ " edge_type: aims_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - goal\n",
+ "- description: An organization makes changes to a control.\n",
+ " edge_type: modifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ "- description: An organization upholds or keeps a control in operation.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - control\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1982:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government department.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written, drawn, or printed work, especially of a formal nature.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured record detailing the financial activities and condition\n",
+ " of a business, organization, or individual.\n",
+ " type: financial_report\n",
+ "- description: The group of people responsible for controlling and directing an organization\n",
+ " or one of its units.\n",
+ " type: management\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an organization or management group produces a document or\n",
+ " financial report.\n",
+ " edge_type: produces\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - financial_report\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document specifically deals with or focuses on financial\n",
+ " reports.\n",
+ " edge_type: focuses_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_report\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1983:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may hold a specific role or responsibility within\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose or focus, such\n",
+ " as a company or board of directors.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: A formal written work, such as financial statements or policies.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for\n",
+ " a system of belief or behavior.\n",
+ " type: principle\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A person oversees or manages the execution of a process.\n",
+ " edge_type: supervises\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: An organization implements or causes a process to occur.\n",
+ " edge_type: effects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: A process ensures the reliability or credibility of a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_assurance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: A document adheres to established principles or standards.\n",
+ " edge_type: complies_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - principle\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1984:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that maintains information about transactions and asset dispositions.\n",
+ " type: record\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in business activities, possessing assets and engaging\n",
+ " in transactions.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An activity involving the exchange or transfer of assets between entities.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: Resources owned by a company that have economic value.\n",
+ " type: asset\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company keeps records.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - record\n",
+ "- description: A record shows details of transactions and asset dispositions.\n",
+ " edge_type: reflects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - record\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " - asset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1985:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence involving the exchange or transfer of resources, documented\n",
+ " for financial purposes.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A formal record representing the financial activities and condition\n",
+ " of a business, entity, or individual.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Standard rules and guidelines that regulate the field of accounting.\n",
+ " type: accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: A document acknowledging the receipt of goods or services.\n",
+ " type: receipt\n",
+ "- description: The action of spending funds.\n",
+ " type: expenditure\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business activities, which can be\n",
+ " privately or publicly owned.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: The group of individuals who oversee and direct the operations and\n",
+ " strategies of a company or organization.\n",
+ " type: management\n",
+ "- description: A person elected by shareholders to help set policies and make decisions\n",
+ " for a company or organization.\n",
+ " type: director\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A transaction is recorded following specific accounting principles.\n",
+ " edge_type: recorded_in_accordance_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_principle\n",
+ "- description: Transactions need to be recorded to permit the preparation of financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: necessary_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Financial actions such as expenditures and receipts that are approved\n",
+ " by management or directors.\n",
+ " edge_type: authorized_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - expenditure\n",
+ " - receipt\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ " - director\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1986:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A state of confidence or security, often in the context of financial\n",
+ " or operational processes.\n",
+ " type: assurance\n",
+ "- description: Resources owned by a company, which can include both tangible and intangible\n",
+ " assets.\n",
+ " type: company_asset\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Processes adopted within an organization to maintain the integrity\n",
+ " of financial and accounting information, promote accountability, and prevent fraud.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An internal control system that helps in providing confidence in financial\n",
+ " or operational processes.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_assurance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - assurance\n",
+ "- description: An internal control that safeguards company assets from unauthorized\n",
+ " acquisition, use, or disposition.\n",
+ " edge_type: protects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company_asset\n",
+ "- description: How company assets can influence or alter financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company_asset\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1987:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.\n",
+ " type: process\n",
+ "- description: Characteristics or behaviors exhibited by humans, such as diligence,\n",
+ " compliance, judgment, or failure.\n",
+ " type: human_attribute\n",
+ "- description: Actions taken by the management of an organization, such as establishing\n",
+ " or maintaining systems.\n",
+ " type: management_action\n",
+ "- description: The potential for losing something of value or the possibility of an\n",
+ " unwanted outcome.\n",
+ " type: risk\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business or other activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Measures or mechanisms put in place to reduce risks or protect against\n",
+ " specific threats.\n",
+ " type: safeguard\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a process has inherent limitations due to human attributes.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_limitation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - human_attribute\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that management actions are responsible for a particular\n",
+ " process.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_responsible_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - management_action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a process has associated risks.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a process or management action is part of a company's\n",
+ " operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - process\n",
+ " - management_action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a safeguard is designed to reduce a specific risk.\n",
+ " edge_type: reduce_risk\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - safeguard\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - risk\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1988:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1989:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or publication.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1990:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents any company, firm, commission, or other organizational\n",
+ " body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a report, framework, or any written material used by organizations.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An assessment or examination process of a specific aspect within an\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " type: evaluation\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time relevant to the entities involved\n",
+ " in the knowledge graph.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A conclusion or result of an evaluation regarding a specific aspect\n",
+ " within an organization.\n",
+ " type: assessment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has utilized a document for a specific\n",
+ " purpose.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has conducted an evaluation about a\n",
+ " specific aspect.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - evaluation\n",
+ "- description: Links an assessment to the specific date when the assessment's conclusion\n",
+ " is relevant.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_effectiveness\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - assessment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has issued a report or document about\n",
+ " a specific topic.\n",
+ " edge_type: issues_report\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1991:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A process designed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial\n",
+ " reporting.\n",
+ " type: Internal_Control\n",
+ "- description: The process of producing statements that disclose an organization's\n",
+ " financial status to management, investors, and the government.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Reporting\n",
+ "- description: An alteration in the state or condition of something, often in a specific\n",
+ " context or environment.\n",
+ " type: Change\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the internal control is designed to oversee or regulate\n",
+ " the process of financial reporting.\n",
+ " edge_type: control_over\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Internal_Control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial_Reporting\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that there is a modification or adjustment in the internal\n",
+ " control.\n",
+ " edge_type: change_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Internal_Control\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1992:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Processes and systems designed to ensure the accuracy and integrity\n",
+ " of financial reporting.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "- description: A three-month period within a financial year used for accounting purposes\n",
+ " and financial reporting.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_quarter\n",
+ "- description: Business activities and procedures of an organization.\n",
+ " type: operation\n",
+ "- description: Technological systems used by an organization to manage and store data.\n",
+ " type: information_system\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization maintains and manages internal controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_internal_control\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "- description: A fiscal quarter can influence the effectiveness or state of internal\n",
+ " controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects_internal_control\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_quarter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "- description: An organization is combining operations and information systems into\n",
+ " its existing structures.\n",
+ " edge_type: integrating\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - operation\n",
+ " - information_system\n",
+ "- description: An organization actively checks and maintains its internal controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: monitors_internal_control\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1993:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document, identified by a unique\n",
+ " identifier or title.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains a specific section.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1994:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose or objective,\n",
+ " such as a governmental body or a company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal piece of writing that provides information or serves a specific\n",
+ " purpose, such as a law, regulation, or license.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific act or decision made by an organization or individual, typically\n",
+ " involving legal or official matters.\n",
+ " type: action\n",
+ "- description: Any goods or commodities, especially manufactured items, that are produced\n",
+ " for sale or use.\n",
+ " type: product\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: When one organization officially categorizes another organization in\n",
+ " a specific way under legal or official terms.\n",
+ " edge_type: designates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: When an organization produces and releases a document that serves a\n",
+ " legal or regulatory function.\n",
+ " edge_type: issues\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: When a document grants permission or legal power to carry out a specific\n",
+ " action.\n",
+ " edge_type: authorizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ "- description: Describes how a specific action pertains to or affects a certain product.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - action\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1995:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that is engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A formal written, printed, or electronic text that provides information\n",
+ " or serves as an official record.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A distinct territorial body or political entity recognized as a nation.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: An official permission or permit to do, use, or own something.\n",
+ " type: license\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: When one company takes ownership of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: acquired\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: When a company conducts activities within a specific country.\n",
+ " edge_type: operates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "- description: When a company formally submits or registers a document with an authority.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_document\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: When a country or its designated authority grants a license permitting\n",
+ " specific activities.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_license\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - license\n",
+ "- description: When a company halts its operations or activities in a specific country.\n",
+ " edge_type: suspended_activities\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1996:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, corporation, firm, or subsidiary.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents actions or business operations conducted by organizations.\n",
+ " type: activity\n",
+ "- description: Represents any financial metric such as revenue, profits, etc.\n",
+ " type: financial_metric\n",
+ "- description: Represents products or services that organizations can sell or provide.\n",
+ " type: product_service\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization did not generate revenue from a particular\n",
+ " activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_no_revenue_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization did not earn net profits from a particular\n",
+ " activity.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_no_net_profits_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - activity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization does not sell a specific product or\n",
+ " provide a specific service.\n",
+ " edge_type: does_not_sell\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - product_service\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1997:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical or administrative area with specific legal\n",
+ " authority.\n",
+ " type: jurisdiction\n",
+ "- description: Represents a process of examining or reviewing for compliance or quality.\n",
+ " type: inspection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section involves certain jurisdictions or\n",
+ " inspections.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - jurisdiction\n",
+ " - inspection\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a jurisdiction legally blocks or disallows certain inspections.\n",
+ " edge_type: prevent\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - jurisdiction\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - inspection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1998:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An organization founded for a specific purpose, such as education or\n",
+ " business.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A location or geographical area.\n",
+ " type: place\n",
+ "- description: An honor or recognition given to a person or institution for their\n",
+ " achievements.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, especially one of importance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A status signifying belonging to a particular nation.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a person's origin from a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - place\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the current workplace of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents a person who has studied or been a part of an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents winning an award by a person or institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: won\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the location where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - place\n",
+ "- description: Represents a person's legal affiliation or identification with a nation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 1999:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2000:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured collection of information, such as a book, report, or\n",
+ " research paper.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific part or division of a document, focusing on a particular\n",
+ " theme or topic.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: An individual entry or element within a section of a document, providing\n",
+ " detailed information about a specific topic.\n",
+ " type: content_item\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Shows that a section encompasses one or more content items.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content_item\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2001:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_part\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2002:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who is a member of the board of directors of a company.\n",
+ " type: director\n",
+ "- description: An individual who holds a senior management position in a company,\n",
+ " responsible for high-level decision making.\n",
+ " type: executive_officer\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business and recognized as separate\n",
+ " from its owners.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: The system of rules, practices, and processes by which a company is\n",
+ " directed and controlled.\n",
+ " type: corporate_governance\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a director is a member of the board of directors of\n",
+ " a specific company.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - director\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an executive officer holds a senior management position\n",
+ " at a specific company.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - executive_officer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company follows a specific system of corporate governance.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_governance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - corporate_governance\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2003:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any document or report, such as a proxy statement or corporate\n",
+ " governance document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity like a company or organization.\n",
+ " type: corporate_entity\n",
+ "- description: A group of individuals elected or appointed to oversee the activities\n",
+ " of a corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: board_of_directors\n",
+ "- description: A scheduled occurrence such as an annual meeting or election.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A high-ranking official in a corporate entity, responsible for major\n",
+ " decisions.\n",
+ " type: executive_officer\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document, detailing particular information\n",
+ " or topics.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that information from one document is formally included in\n",
+ " another by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Represents that a document contains specific sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where the board oversees and makes decisions\n",
+ " for the corporate entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - board_of_directors\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - corporate_entity\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event such as an annual meeting is held by a corporate\n",
+ " entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: hosts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - corporate_entity\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an executive officer is a member of the board of directors.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_member\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - board_of_directors\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - executive_officer\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where an event is officially recorded or\n",
+ " reported in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2004:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A section of a document, such as a report or filing.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A specific subject matter or area of discussion within a document.\n",
+ " type: topic\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section is specifically discussing a particular\n",
+ " topic.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - topic\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2005:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific part of a document, designated by a title or heading.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A calendar period of 365 days.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "- description: Payment or benefits provided for services or employment.\n",
+ " type: compensation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more specific sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section of a document is focused on topics related\n",
+ " to compensation.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - compensation\n",
+ "- description: Connects a specific year to compensation data or policies relevant\n",
+ " to that year.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - compensation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2006:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A section or part of a document, identified by a numerical or textual\n",
+ " identifier.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "- description: Financial instruments that represent an ownership position in a corporation\n",
+ " (stock), a creditor relationship with a corporation or governmental body (bond),\n",
+ " or rights to ownership as represented by an option.\n",
+ " type: security\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A group of people structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue\n",
+ " collective goals.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization holds ownership of a security.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has a managerial role or authority over an\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: manages\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an item in a document describes a person, organization,\n",
+ " or security.\n",
+ " edge_type: described_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - security\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2007:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity or individual who owns shares in a company.\n",
+ " type: stockholder\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business or other activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A type of security that signifies ownership in a corporation and represents\n",
+ " a claim on part of the corporation's assets and earnings.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the ownership of stock by a stockholder in a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stockholder\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a stock is issued by a particular company.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2008:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of written or electronic text that contains information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific part or segment of a document that deals with a particular\n",
+ " topic.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A mention or citation of one document within another.\n",
+ " type: document_reference\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more specific sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section of one document is mentioned or cited in another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: referenced_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2009:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A section or part of a document, identified by a number or title.\n",
+ " type: item\n",
+ "- description: A specific connection or interaction between entities, often regulated\n",
+ " or defined by certain criteria.\n",
+ " type: relationship\n",
+ "- description: An instance of buying, selling, or exchanging goods, services, or financial\n",
+ " assets.\n",
+ " type: transaction\n",
+ "- description: A member of the board of directors of a company, responsible for overseeing\n",
+ " the management and governance of the company.\n",
+ " type: director\n",
+ "- description: The quality of being free from control, influence, or support from\n",
+ " other entities, especially in a corporate governance context.\n",
+ " type: independence\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an item discusses specific relationships.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_relationship\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - item\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - relationship\n",
+ "- description: Connects a relationship to transactions that are related to or result\n",
+ " from it.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_transaction\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - relationship\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - transaction\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the status of a director as being independent, typically in\n",
+ " the context of corporate governance.\n",
+ " edge_type: director_independence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - director\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - independence\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2010:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Information or data contained within a document or section.\n",
+ " type: content\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section of a document refers to specific content or\n",
+ " data.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2011:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section of a document, often titled and focused\n",
+ " on a particular topic.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: Represents fees related to accounting services, which may include audits,\n",
+ " financial consulting, and other accounting tasks.\n",
+ " type: accounting_fee\n",
+ "- description: Represents various services that can be provided, such as accounting,\n",
+ " consulting, or other specific professional services.\n",
+ " type: service\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section discusses or covers topics related\n",
+ " to accounting fees or services.\n",
+ " edge_type: discusses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_fee\n",
+ " - service\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2012:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific document or report, such as a Proxy Statement.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document that contains related information.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Specific information, details, or data found within a section of a\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " type: content\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more specific sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section of a document refers to or incorporates specific\n",
+ " content by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2013:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of written or digital work that contains information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific part or segment of a document, usually identified by a title\n",
+ " or heading.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections within its\n",
+ " structure.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section is explicitly not incorporated by reference\n",
+ " into another document, meaning it does not form a legal part of the other document.\n",
+ " edge_type: not_incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2014:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or a number.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2015:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document or text that contains the table of contents.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or chapter within the document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific subsection within a section of the document.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2016:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_part\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2017:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section within a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A type of document that includes financial data and related information.\n",
+ " type: financial_document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial document includes one or more specific sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2018:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A record that outlines the financial activities and conditions of a\n",
+ " business or entity.\n",
+ " type: Financial_Statement\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2019:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written or electronic record that provides information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific part of a document, usually labeled for easy reference.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains a specific section.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific section of a document is mentioned in another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization releases a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: publishes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2020:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured compilation of financial data, typically involving multiple\n",
+ " aspects of a company's financial performance and position.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " subsidiary, or other organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A firm that offers audit and analysis services for financial statements\n",
+ " and other financial activities.\n",
+ " type: accounting_firm\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document contains one or more financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial statement has been examined and verified\n",
+ " by an accounting firm.\n",
+ " edge_type: audited_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_firm\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2021:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents different components or sections of a document such as schedules,\n",
+ " notes, or statements.\n",
+ " type: Document_Component\n",
+ "- description: Represents the rationale or cause for an action or decision, such as\n",
+ " information being unnecessary, inapplicable, or included elsewhere.\n",
+ " type: Reason\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates why a specific component of a document, like schedules, was\n",
+ " omitted or excluded.\n",
+ " edge_type: omission_reason\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document_Component\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Reason\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2022:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item or collection of items on display in a museum, gallery,\n",
+ " or similar venue.\n",
+ " type: exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2023:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written record or report, such as an Annual Report or Form\n",
+ " 10-K.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A supplemental document or piece of evidence that is attached to or\n",
+ " incorporated by reference into a main document, such as an annual report.\n",
+ " type: exhibit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more exhibits as part of\n",
+ " its content or references.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - exhibit\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an exhibit is referenced by or incorporated into a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: referenced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - exhibit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2024:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any item or feature displayed in a museum or show.\n",
+ " type: Exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2025:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item or collection displayed in a museum, gallery, or\n",
+ " similar venue.\n",
+ " type: exhibit\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical place where exhibits are displayed.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific event related to exhibits such as exhibitions,\n",
+ " openings, or special presentations.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an exhibit is displayed at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: displayed_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - exhibit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an exhibit is part of a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of_event\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - exhibit\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event occurs at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2026:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that engages in business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is a party involved in or mentioned by the\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: party_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document pertains to a merger involving the company.\n",
+ " edge_type: merger_agreement\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2027:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents official documents or reports.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal entity registered as a company.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when a document was filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is associated with a specific company.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates another by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2028:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written item that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity and\n",
+ " recognized as such in law.\n",
+ " type: corporation\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is officially part of a corporation's records.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - corporation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date associated with a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2029:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document, such as a report or a form.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date or time period.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is issued or owned by a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period a document covers or relates to.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document references or incorporates content from\n",
+ " another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2030:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any structured group or institution, such as companies,\n",
+ " governmental bodies, or other entities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of recorded information or data, such as bylaws,\n",
+ " reports, or amendments.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, usually related to events or actions.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is associated with or pertains to the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: document_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which the document was last amended.\n",
+ " edge_type: amended_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2031:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific file or written content, such as an exhibit or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or government agency.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Equity securities representing ownership in a company.\n",
+ " type: stock\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as a part of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a stock is issued by a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: issues\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity such as an organization or stock is mentioned\n",
+ " or detailed in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - stock\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2032:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or record.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the incorporation of one document's content into another.\n",
+ " type: document_reference\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the date on which a document reference was incorporated.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporation_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_reference\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is incorporated by reference into another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporation_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_reference\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2033:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2034:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written or electronic record that provides information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Describes the involvement of an organization in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially recognized or\n",
+ " recorded.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially filed or submitted\n",
+ " to an authority.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2035:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values in a document.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2036:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or financial document such as an indenture, note, or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized group with a particular purpose, such as a corporation\n",
+ " or bank.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document prescribes the rules or terms for another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an agreement or relationship documented between two organizations.\n",
+ " edge_type: between\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially recognized or\n",
+ " becomes effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is officially submitted and recorded as\n",
+ " a specific type or part of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is included by reference within another document,\n",
+ " implying it is part of or legally included in the latter.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2037:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2038:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written piece of content, such as a contract, report, or indenture.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a particular purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or bank.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization that has participated or is mentioned in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: The date on which a document is officially recognized or relevant.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or registered under another document's\n",
+ " context.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2039:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2040:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing an integer.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number is immediately followed by another number\n",
+ " in a sequence.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_followed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one number skips another number in a sequence, e.g.,\n",
+ " from 55 to 57, skipping 56.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_skipped_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2041:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or book.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2042:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2043:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or official document such as a report or indenture.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal group of people or entities such as companies or banks.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document defines the rules or guidelines for another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is mentioned or involved in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially dated.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2044:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or formal document outlining specific terms and agreements.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An organization or company involved in business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: corporate_entity\n",
+ "- description: A monetary contract between parties, like bonds, stocks, or notes.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a fraction of a hundred in financial\n",
+ " contexts.\n",
+ " type: percentage\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time relevant to events or deadlines.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A document that defines or regulates the terms of a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ "- description: A financial instrument that is released or created by a corporate entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - corporate_entity\n",
+ "- description: The maturity or expiration date of a financial instrument.\n",
+ " edge_type: due_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_instrument\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: A document states a specific percentage rate, often related to financial\n",
+ " terms.\n",
+ " edge_type: specifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - percentage\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2045:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is a company, corporation, or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal written or digital record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when a document was created or is relevant to.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed under the designation of another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a document is associated with, or pertains to, a specific\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2046:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2047:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or formal document, such as an indenture or a report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal group of people, typically established for a specific purpose,\n",
+ " such as a company or trust.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the date on which a document was created or filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an organization's involvement with a document, either as\n",
+ " a creator, filer, or other role.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as part of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2048:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2049:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record containing specific information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A specific type or format of a document, often designated by a number\n",
+ " or name.\n",
+ " type: form\n",
+ "- description: A detailed account or statement about a specific event or situation.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when a document was formally agreed upon or ratified.\n",
+ " edge_type: signed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is mentioned in or has a role in a document\n",
+ " or report.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains a specific form or type of content.\n",
+ " edge_type: includes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - form\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is cited or used as a reference in a report.\n",
+ " edge_type: referenced_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2050:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value, integer or decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2051:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unique text or written work, such as a report, plan, or\n",
+ " any official filing.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company, government body, or any other institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates which organization filed the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date when the document was filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates or cites another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2052:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or formal document such as a plan, report, or summary.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or governmental body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document becomes effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_effective_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is linked or pertains to a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2053:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document, such as a report or a legal filing.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific organization, company, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date or time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was filed or submitted by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document or agreement became effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: effective_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document amends or revises another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: amendment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is incorporated by reference into another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2054:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document, such as a report or plan.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific date or period.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as part of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the date on which a document becomes effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: effective_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is included in another by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is issued or published by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2055:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values that can be integers or decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2056:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific piece of written content, such as a report, agreement, or\n",
+ " any other formal writing.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a particular purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time expressed in terms of day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is connected or related to an organization,\n",
+ " person, or another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is associated with a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2057:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, such as integers or decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2058:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date or year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization, such as a company or governmental body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific form used for official or legal purposes.\n",
+ " type: form\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific agreement or contract.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is officially submitted or registered under\n",
+ " a specific form.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - form\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document or agreement is connected to a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is relevant or applicable to a specific\n",
+ " date or time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one agreement modifies or revises another agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: amends\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2059:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value that can represent various quantitative details.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2060:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any textual or digital document, such as reports, agreements,\n",
+ " or filings.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents entities such as companies, institutions, or any group-based\n",
+ " entities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document being filed or recorded under another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is linked or related to a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document makes reference to another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: refers_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the period or specific date that a document is relevant to\n",
+ " or covers.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2061:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or official document, such as an agreement or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people, such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is related to an organization, person, or\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or recorded under another document's\n",
+ " designation.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the content of one document is officially included within\n",
+ " another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_incorporated_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2062:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of written, visual, or digital content.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a particular purpose,\n",
+ " such as a business or government body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, organization, or date is referenced within\n",
+ " a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date on which a document was filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document that is an agreement or a transaction between\n",
+ " an organization and a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: between\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2063:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2064:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal written document, such as an agreement, report\n",
+ " or exhibit.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal group of people, such as a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the date on which a document is dated.\n",
+ " edge_type: document_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization that is a party or is otherwise involved\n",
+ " in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_organization\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document references another within its content.\n",
+ " edge_type: reference_document\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2065:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal entity such as a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or digital document that contains information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, typically relevant to events or\n",
+ " document filings.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document was filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is mentioned or involved in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_organization\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document references or incorporates another document\n",
+ " by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2066:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal written agreement or file.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a party to, or otherwise involved\n",
+ " in, a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document was created or became effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or registered under another document,\n",
+ " typically an exhibit or a legal filing.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2067:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of document, such as a report or form.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents any organization, such as a company or government entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is issued by or associated with a specific\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period that the document covers.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2068:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2069:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A section or division of a book marked by a specific topic or theme.\n",
+ " type: chapter\n",
+ "- description: A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together\n",
+ " along one side and bound in covers.\n",
+ " type: book\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a book includes one or more chapters.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - book\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - chapter\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2070:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity such as a company or partnership.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A geographical place, such as a city, state, or property address.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization grants or gives consent to a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: consent_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: An organization is situated or has a place of business at a specific\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2071:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written item that can include reports, exhibits, and other\n",
+ " forms of official documentation.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, often related to events, documents, or periods.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that is registered and operates as a business or organization.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: The category or form of a document, such as a report, form, or exhibit.\n",
+ " type: document_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date a document is associated with.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the type or category of the document filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the integration or inclusion of one document's content by\n",
+ " reference into another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the affiliation or connection of a document to a specific\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the period covered or represented by a document, often used\n",
+ " for reports.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2072:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2073:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any document or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents any legal or corporate entity involved in a document.\n",
+ " type: entity\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates mentioned within documents.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a reference or citation to another document.\n",
+ " type: reference\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity or date is mentioned within a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - entity\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is incorporated by reference within another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is filed under a specific reference within\n",
+ " another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - reference\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2074:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, typically named or designated by a role or\n",
+ " position.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a collective goal, such\n",
+ " as companies, institutions, or associations.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a written or digital record that provides information or\n",
+ " evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, typically related to events or\n",
+ " document validity.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an employment agreement or contract between an individual\n",
+ " and an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: employment_agreement_between\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document or agreement becomes valid or\n",
+ " enforceable.\n",
+ " edge_type: effective_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document references or incorporates information\n",
+ " from another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporation_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2075:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2076:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a job or official position within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured framework or program, often related to business\n",
+ " or finance.\n",
+ " type: plan\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is filed under the authority or within the\n",
+ " archives of a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is directly related to or describes a specific\n",
+ " plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially recognized or\n",
+ " relevant.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a job position is mentioned within a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2077:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific document or file, such as an offer letter, report, or filing.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity that is a structured group of people, such as a company or\n",
+ " corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, usually expressed in day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document was written or created by a person or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Used to show that the document is directly related to or concerns a\n",
+ " specific person.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document was officially filed or recorded.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is officially included or referenced within\n",
+ " another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2078:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any business, corporation, or formal group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific day, month, or year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization files a document officially as part of compliance or\n",
+ " disclosure requirements.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_document\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: The date when the document officially comes into effect.\n",
+ " edge_type: document_effective_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates information or content from\n",
+ " another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: referenced_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2079:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2080:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written or digital record containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A title or role within a corporation or business, specifying a level\n",
+ " of authority or function.\n",
+ " type: corporate_position\n",
+ "- description: A plan offered by a company to its employees as part of compensation\n",
+ " or benefits, often involving stock options or other equity-based incentives.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: The act of submitting official or legal documents to a relevant authority\n",
+ " or repository.\n",
+ " type: filing\n",
+ "- description: A document detailing the financial performance, assets, liabilities,\n",
+ " and other financial activities of an entity over a specific period.\n",
+ " type: financial_report\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the content or data from one document is formally included\n",
+ " or referenced in another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_incorporated_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that a document is submitted under a particular category\n",
+ " or type of filing.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - filing\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that an equity incentive plan is designated or intended for\n",
+ " certain positions within a corporation.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - corporate_position\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a filing or its contents are a segment of a broader financial\n",
+ " report.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - filing\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_report\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2081:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values which can be integers or decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2082:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company, corporation, firm, or any other\n",
+ " form of an organized group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written, drawn, or printed piece of information that is meant to\n",
+ " convey information or record data.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formally arranged understanding or arrangement between two or more\n",
+ " parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a party to an agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_party_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially recognized or\n",
+ " relevant.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is included or attached to another document\n",
+ " by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2083:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2084:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, typically expressed as a year, month, and\n",
+ " day.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and\n",
+ " a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_instrument\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document was submitted as a part of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a generic associative relationship between entities.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2085:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value, such as measurements, quantities, or\n",
+ " identifiers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2086:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or record.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization, typically a business or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal arrangement or contract between parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: Represents a plan offering equity to employees as part of compensation\n",
+ " or incentive.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: Represents a comprehensive report on a company's activities throughout\n",
+ " the preceding year.\n",
+ " type: annual_report\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is filed as a part of an annual report.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - annual_report\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the content of one document is formally included in\n",
+ " another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an agreement or plan is specifically related to a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the agreement covers specific positions within a company,\n",
+ " such as senior roles.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2087:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2088:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of legal or formal document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Any entity such as a company, government body, or other institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A scheduled or historical occurrence.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Types of agreements or contracts.\n",
+ " type: agreement_type\n",
+ "- description: Types of formal reports or filings.\n",
+ " type: report_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was filed in relation to a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is related or relevant to a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates another by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporates_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the occurrence date of an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the type of agreement a document represents.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_of_type\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the type of report a document represents.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_of_type\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - report_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2089:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2090:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A text or digital file that provides information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific position or title held within a corporation.\n",
+ " type: corporate_role\n",
+ "- description: A corporate program designed to offer stock options or similar benefits\n",
+ " to employees or executives.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: A comprehensive report on a company's activities throughout the preceding\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " type: annual_report\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document references or incorporates information\n",
+ " from another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is submitted or recorded under another official\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document concerns or is applicable to a specific\n",
+ " corporate role.\n",
+ " edge_type: for_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - corporate_role\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is part of or governed by a specific equity\n",
+ " incentive plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: under_plan\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is associated with or part of an annual report.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - annual_report\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2091:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numeric value, which can be an integer or a decimal.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2092:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any formal or informal document, such as agreements, reports,\n",
+ " or plans.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar date or year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A job or role within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or registered under the name or\n",
+ " reference of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is related to a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period a document relates to or covers.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is relevant to a specific job position or\n",
+ " role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2093:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric data, including integers and decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2094:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal or official piece of writing containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A group of people organized for a particular purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A role or rank within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: A detailed proposal for achieving something, often in a business or\n",
+ " policy context.\n",
+ " type: plan\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, often a day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document has been submitted as a part of another,\n",
+ " or under another's designation.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document, position, or plan is part of or owned\n",
+ " by the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document provides details about a position, date,\n",
+ " or plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: specifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2095:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: numeric_value\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2096:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a textual or digital document, such as a contract, report,\n",
+ " or any other form of written material.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company, institution, or any other group that has\n",
+ " a structured form.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time or a period in time, relevant to events, reports,\n",
+ " or timelines.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A plan established by an organization to provide equity-based incentives\n",
+ " to employees, usually involving stock options or similar benefits.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates reference or content from\n",
+ " another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_incorporated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is associated with a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period or specific date when a document was filed\n",
+ " or reported.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_file_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an equity incentive plan is designed and implemented\n",
+ " to govern employee incentives within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: governs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2097:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of document, such as plans, reports, or exhibits.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially dated or filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as a part of another, larger document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates content from another document\n",
+ " by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is related to or concerns the specified\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2098:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document being analyzed.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value mentioned in the document.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document contains a specific numerical value.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2099:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or a book.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter in a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2100:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2101:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written piece that provides information or records data.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company, institution, or association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, or year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A mention or citation of one document within another.\n",
+ " type: document_reference\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document was amended.\n",
+ " edge_type: amended_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is filed under a specific reference within\n",
+ " another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_reference\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is associated with a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2102:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific time of day.\n",
+ " type: time\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2103:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general type representing any written or digital document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, corporation, or other form of organized group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A company-specific plan offering equity to employees as part of compensation.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: A detailed written account of a specific topic, often related to business\n",
+ " or financial matters.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or registered under another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates ownership or association of documents and plans with a specific\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period a report or similar document covers.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is included or referenced within another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2104:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2105:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any kind of document or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, institution, or collective entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal or legal arrangement, contract, or understanding\n",
+ " between entities.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: Represents a job title or role within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, often used for events or deadlines.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was filed or submitted by a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates content from another by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporate_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific position or job title is relevant to, or\n",
+ " a focus of, an agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "- description: Represents the date a document is associated with, such as a filing\n",
+ " or event date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2106:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values in various formats.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2107:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of written material, such as an agreement, report, or plan.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A commercial organization or business entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A period used for calculating annual financial statements in businesses\n",
+ " and other organizations.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_year\n",
+ "- description: A particular day or year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A job title or role within a company.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or recorded under the designation\n",
+ " of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates ownership or association of documents and fiscal years with\n",
+ " a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the span of a fiscal year over specific dates.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_year\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is relevant or applies to certain job positions.\n",
+ " edge_type: applicable_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2108:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document, such as a report, amendment, or filing.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document was issued or created by the organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date when the document was issued or became effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document references or incorporates content from\n",
+ " another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: referenced_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2109:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2110:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal piece of writing that records information, such as an agreement\n",
+ " or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A collective group formed for a particular purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or government agency.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A legal document outlining the terms under which stock options are\n",
+ " offered by an employer to an employee.\n",
+ " type: stock_option_agreement\n",
+ "- description: A plan offering stock options or other equity to employees as part\n",
+ " of their compensation.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: A comprehensive report on a company's activities throughout the preceding\n",
+ " year.\n",
+ " type: annual_report\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or registered under another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the stock option agreement is based on or related to\n",
+ " a specific equity incentive plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - stock_option_agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is a part of the records or filings of\n",
+ " a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is associated with a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2111:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2112:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written work or record, often official or legal in nature.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people or entities that form a business, institution,\n",
+ " or any collective unit.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A plan offered by a company to its employees as a form of non-cash\n",
+ " compensation that includes options to buy company stock.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: A job or role held by a person within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, or year when an event occurs or is fixed to\n",
+ " occur.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is filed or registered under the name of\n",
+ " a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the content or subject matter of the document is about\n",
+ " a specific plan or program.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a plan or program includes or applies to specific job\n",
+ " positions within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date when a document was filed or an event described\n",
+ " in the document occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2113:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, either integers or decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2114:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific document, such as an agreement or a report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A company or any other form of organized group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A plan involving equity incentives such as stock options.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as part of another, larger document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is related to or concerns an organization,\n",
+ " a specific date, or an equity incentive plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates another by reference within\n",
+ " its content.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2115:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of documented material, such as an offer letter,\n",
+ " report, or other formal documentation.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organized entity registered as a business, such as a\n",
+ " corporation or a partnership.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company authored or issued a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is specifically addressed to a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: addressed_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially dated or signed.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document was filed or recorded officially.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document formally includes or references another\n",
+ " document by incorporation.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2116:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general representation of any written or digital document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal group or entity such as companies, institutions, or associations.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, often used to mark events or document timestamps.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person authored or created a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is associated with or pertains to a specific\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date a document was created, filed, or references a specific\n",
+ " event.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2117:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document, such as a contract, grant notice, or\n",
+ " report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents any established group or entity, such as companies, institutions,\n",
+ " or governmental bodies.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, often used for events or document\n",
+ " timestamps.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was issued or created by a particular organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is specifically named or involved in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_person\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Represents the date associated with a document, such as the date of\n",
+ " issue or event.\n",
+ " edge_type: document_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2118:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people working together towards a common goal,\n",
+ " such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A measure of stock granted to an individual as part of compensation,\n",
+ " often with specific conditions attached.\n",
+ " type: stock_unit\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization issued a grant notice document.\n",
+ " edge_type: grant_notice\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Associates a document with a specific person.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document was created or became effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is officially included within another document\n",
+ " as a reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document has been filed as an exhibit to another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as_exhibit\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2119:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any document, like an amendment, report, or plan.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or company, such as Advanced Micro Devices,\n",
+ " Inc.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the association of a document with a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as a part of another, such as\n",
+ " an exhibit filed in a report.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Represents the connection of a document with an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2120:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2121:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal document or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on which an event occurred or is relevant.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity like a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents the type or category of a document, such as a plan, report,\n",
+ " etc.\n",
+ " type: document_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date associated with a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as part of another document, such\n",
+ " as an exhibit in a report.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is owned or published by a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document falls under a specific category or type.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2122:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2123:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A legal document outlining terms and conditions between parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "- description: A formal group or company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A plan offering equity as part of compensation to employees.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: A specific three-month period used for financial reporting and accounting.\n",
+ " type: fiscal_quarter\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was filed under the name of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_under\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates content from another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an agreement or a time period is part of a broader plan\n",
+ " or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " - fiscal_quarter\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document covers a specific fiscal period.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fiscal_quarter\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2124:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2125:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A part of a document that covers a specific topic or theme.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one section contains another, typically used to show\n",
+ " hierarchical structure in documents such as books, reports, or articles.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2126:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numeric value representing a data point.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2127:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific text or report, usually legal or corporate in nature.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized business entity.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A job title or role within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: A plan offered by a company to its employees, involving the option\n",
+ " to purchase company stock.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as a part of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document references or includes information about\n",
+ " another entity or concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentions\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2128:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a quantity or a measurement.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2129:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written or digital record containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A position or title held by individuals within an organization.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or government body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A plan offered by a company to its employees as part of their compensation,\n",
+ " involving the granting of equity-based incentives such as stock options or shares.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, specifically recognized in a formal context\n",
+ " like a report or a meeting.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has written or significantly contributed to\n",
+ " a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a role or plan is part of or owned by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was officially submitted as part of a formal\n",
+ " event, such as a filing or report.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event is detailed or reported in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2130:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document or text being analyzed.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or corporate entity involved in business\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A formal arrangement or contract between two or more parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company or agreement is mentioned or referenced within\n",
+ " a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is a party to an agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: party_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2131:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A record or written account of particular events, transactions, or\n",
+ " situations, typically formal and official in nature.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A group of people organized for a particular purpose, typically a business,\n",
+ " government, or society.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year on which an event occurs or occurred.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document has been officially submitted or recorded\n",
+ " as another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document makes reference to another document, incorporating\n",
+ " it by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: referenced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was officially issued or released by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Connects a document to the specific date on which it was issued or\n",
+ " relevant.\n",
+ " edge_type: date_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2132:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or a legal agreement.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity that is a company or a corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a modification or revision to an existing document, specifically\n",
+ " a legal agreement.\n",
+ " type: amendment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a party to or is involved in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document has been modified or amended by another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amendment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amendment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2133:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business entity or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal or official document such as contracts, reports,\n",
+ " filings, etc.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or registered under another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is officially included or referenced in\n",
+ " another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Associates a document with a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Connects a company to a document they are associated with.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2134:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or text input.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company, business, or any other organizational\n",
+ " body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A category or type of document, such as an agreement, report, or amendment.\n",
+ " type: document_type\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value or identifier.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity such as an organization, document type, or\n",
+ " number is mentioned or referenced within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - document_type\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2135:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of organization, such as companies, corporations,\n",
+ " firms, enterprises, or institutions.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal or official document, such as contracts, agreements,\n",
+ " reports, or filings.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization is affiliated or associated with another\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: affiliated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document was signed or officially recognized.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as part of another larger document,\n",
+ " such as an exhibit filed with a report.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time period that a document covers or relates to.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2136:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document, identified by its title and relevant\n",
+ " entities involved.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, institution, or formal group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific amendment to an agreement, including its sequence\n",
+ " number and related parties.\n",
+ " type: agreement_amendment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a party to or otherwise involved\n",
+ " in a document or agreement amendment.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - agreement_amendment\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an amendment modifies or is a continuation of a particular\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: amends\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - agreement_amendment\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2137:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written, printed, or digital record that provides information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A type of official document filed with a regulatory body, such as a\n",
+ " quarterly report or annual report.\n",
+ " type: filing_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the date on which a document was filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates which organization filed a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document references or is incorporated by another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific type of filing of a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - filing_type\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2138:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific textual or written piece, such as an agreement, amendment,\n",
+ " or contract.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents a legally recognized business or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A classification of agreements based on their nature or purpose, such\n",
+ " as supply agreements, partnership agreements, etc.\n",
+ " type: agreement_type\n",
+ "- description: A specific revision or modification number applied to an existing document\n",
+ " or agreement.\n",
+ " type: amendment_number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is a party to or involved in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is classified as a specific type of agreement.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_type_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - agreement_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document has been amended or modified a certain number\n",
+ " of times.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amendment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amendment_number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2139:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, corporation, or similar entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of written or digital document, such as reports,\n",
+ " contracts, or legal filings.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates or time periods.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as a part of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is associated with an organization or a specific\n",
+ " date.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2140:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or agreement.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization, such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents the specific amendment number of a document.\n",
+ " type: amendment_number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a party to a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document has a specific amendment number.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amendment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amendment_number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2141:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, corporation, or formal business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any formal document, such as contracts, agreements, reports,\n",
+ " etc.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially dated or recognized.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated_as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Represents the action of a document being filed or submitted as part\n",
+ " of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is legally or formally included or referred\n",
+ " to within another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2142:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific document or legal text, such as an agreement or amendment.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity like a company or corporation involved in legal or business\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific number identifying the amendment of a document.\n",
+ " type: amendment_number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A document is amended and the amendment is identified by a specific\n",
+ " number.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amendment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amendment_number\n",
+ "- description: An organization that is a party to a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: party_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2143:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a business entity or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A formal piece of writing, such as a report or contract.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, or year relevant to events or documents.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document was officially filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a connection or relevance of a document to a specific company.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is legally or formally included in the records\n",
+ " of a company by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2144:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity such as a business, corporation, or any formal\n",
+ " group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents formal written agreements, amendments, reports, or any official\n",
+ " paper documents.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents the specific amendment number to a document.\n",
+ " type: amendment_number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a party to or is involved in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Links a document to its specific amendment number, indicating the modification\n",
+ " or revision number of the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amendment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amendment_number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2145:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a corporate or institutional entity like a company or university.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of written, digital, or printed information material,\n",
+ " such as reports, articles, or contracts.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, usually associated with events\n",
+ " or document timestamps.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or registered under another document\n",
+ " in a legal or administrative context.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the content of one document is officially included and\n",
+ " referenced in another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Associates a document with a specific date indicating when it was created\n",
+ " or officially recognized.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is relevant or related to another, often\n",
+ " used in legal, educational, or corporate contexts.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2146:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A record or written item, often formal and pertaining to official or\n",
+ " significant matters.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government department.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization\n",
+ " or individual.\n",
+ " type: policy\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, or year, often used to mark an event or record\n",
+ " time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is part of or owned by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document mentions or cites another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document outlines or specifies a policy.\n",
+ " edge_type: defines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - policy\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date when a document was created, revised, or filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2147:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical data, including decimals and integers.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2148:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any document or report, such as agreements, plans, or quarterly\n",
+ " reports.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: The type or category of a document, such as 'Equity Incentive Plan'\n",
+ " or 'Quarterly Report'.\n",
+ " type: document_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is filed under a specific document type.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates another by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is associated with a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date or period a document covers.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2149:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value, such as integers or decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2150:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or report, such as an agreement or a quarterly\n",
+ " report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity like a company or an institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar date or a period of time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document, such as an exhibit.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is filed as a specific section within another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is related to a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document covers a specific fiscal period or date.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2151:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2152:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific document, such as a report, agreement, or plan.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity like a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or range of time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: The type or category of a document, such as a 'Stock Option Agreement'\n",
+ " or 'Quarterly Report'.\n",
+ " type: document_type\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is filed under a specific document type.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_type\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is related to an organization or another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date or time period a document covers.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates another by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporates_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2153:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2154:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a distinct section of a document, such as a chapter, heading,\n",
+ " or subsection.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents the entire document or book including all its contents.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the sequential order of sections within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: preceded_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2155:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or contractual document such as an agreement or amendment.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that engages in business activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A numeric or alphanumeric identifier that specifies the sequence of\n",
+ " amendments for a document.\n",
+ " type: amendment_number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document has been amended a certain number of times,\n",
+ " represented by an amendment number.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_amendment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - amendment_number\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company is a party to or otherwise involved in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_company\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2156:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a company or legal entity that is mentioned in the document.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legally binding document or a report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document is officially dated.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated_as_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed as part of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is incorporated by reference into another\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2157:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a quantity or measurement.\n",
+ " type: value\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2158:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written agreement or modification to an agreement.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized group with a specific purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is a party to a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date a document was signed or became effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is officially submitted and recorded as part\n",
+ " of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2159:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal or formal document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organized group of people with a particular purpose,\n",
+ " especially a business or company.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the specific date associated with a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the involvement of organizations or individuals in the context\n",
+ " of a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: involved\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2160:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any document, such as reports, forms, or exhibits.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity like a company, bank, or any institutional body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a role or position within an organization, such as administrative\n",
+ " agent or lender.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has a specific role or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "- description: Associates a document with a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: document_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization or role is mentioned or involved in\n",
+ " a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2161:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal or official written item, such as a plan, report, or filing.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An organized entity recognized by law as a legal person, engaged in\n",
+ " business or industrial activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, or year identified in the Gregorian calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A program established by a company to provide equity-based compensation\n",
+ " to its employees or executives.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a company is associated with a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_document\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: The date on which a document or plan officially takes effect.\n",
+ " edge_type: effective_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: The date on which a document was filed or registered.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2162:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2163:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a unique document, such as a report, plan, or filing.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date or time period.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization such as a company or government entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or recorded under another document,\n",
+ " usually in a legal or corporate context.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is owned or published by a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document makes reference to another document within\n",
+ " its content.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the content of a document is relevant to a specific\n",
+ " date or time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2164:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any formal or informal document, including letters, reports,\n",
+ " and filings.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Any company, institution, or group, formal or informal.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates which organization authored or created the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: written_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the primary recipient or intended audience of the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: addressed_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Signifies the date on which the document was created or is relevant.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Represents one document being officially submitted or recorded as part\n",
+ " of another larger document or filing.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is included or referenced in another document\n",
+ " for legal or record-keeping purposes.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2165:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2166:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific document, such as a contract, agreement, or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A job title or organizational role within a company.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: A structured plan designed to offer company shares to employees as\n",
+ " part of compensation.\n",
+ " type: equity_plan\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is officially included in another by reference.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_by_reference\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is officially filed as part of another\n",
+ " document, such as an exhibit in a report.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship or relevance between documents, organizations,\n",
+ " equity plans, or positions.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - equity_plan\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2167:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values, which can be integers or decimals.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2168:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a corporation or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, especially in a professional or formal context.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a job title or role within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: Represents a plan outlining equity-based compensation, such as stock\n",
+ " options or restricted stock units.\n",
+ " type: equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which a document was filed.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document incorporates content from another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is related to a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document outlines or describes an equity incentive\n",
+ " plan.\n",
+ " edge_type: describes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an equity incentive plan is designed for a specific\n",
+ " position or role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: for_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - equity_incentive_plan\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2169:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written record or statement, official or legally binding in\n",
+ " nature.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A formal group of people with a particular purpose, e.g., a business\n",
+ " or government department.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, especially as it relates to the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one document is filed or recorded under the designation\n",
+ " of another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document has an official or effective date.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is linked or related to a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2170:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital formal communication or record.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people working towards common goals, such as\n",
+ " a company or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, typically expressed in terms of day, month,\n",
+ " and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is related to an organization or a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Represents the date a document is associated with or relevant to.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a document being referenced by another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_referenced_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2171:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual, usually involved in the context of employment, agreements,\n",
+ " or legal actions.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a collective goal, often involved\n",
+ " in business or legal activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides\n",
+ " information or evidence or serves as an official record.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, and year that can be used to mark events, deadlines,\n",
+ " or other significant occurrences.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a person or organization is linked to a document,\n",
+ " typically through roles or participation in the creation or subject matter of\n",
+ " the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: A relationship indicating when a document was created, filed, or became\n",
+ " effective.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: A relationship denoting that a document is filed under another document\n",
+ " or within an organization for legal or record-keeping purposes.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2172:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area, such as a country, city, or institution.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents the national identity of a person.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: Represents a recognition or honor given to individuals or groups.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific area of academic or professional interest.\n",
+ " type: field_of_study\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: nationality_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person is employed or conducts professional activities.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an award won by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: won_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the field of study a person is associated with or educated\n",
+ " in.\n",
+ " edge_type: studies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - field_of_study\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2173:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital form of communication, typically official or formal\n",
+ " in nature.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government department.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point in time, often indicated by a day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when the document was created or relevant.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the organization that produced or issued the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2174:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2175:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A business entity that produces, buys, or sells goods or provides services\n",
+ " in exchange for money.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A company that is completely or partly owned and partly or wholly controlled\n",
+ " by another company.\n",
+ " type: subsidiary\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company holds ownership over another company, typically\n",
+ " a subsidiary.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsidiary\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2176:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific section of a document, which can be identified by a number\n",
+ " and a title.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A complete set of written or printed pages, usually bound together\n",
+ " and constituting any written work or record.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A business or company, especially one involving in professional services\n",
+ " like accounting or law.\n",
+ " type: firm\n",
+ "- description: A professional service provided by firms or individuals related to\n",
+ " the management of financial records, audit, and financial analysis.\n",
+ " type: accounting_service\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document includes a particular section, which is\n",
+ " part of its content.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the firm offers a particular type of professional service.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_service\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - firm\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_service\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the firm has given its consent or approval within the\n",
+ " context of the specified document section.\n",
+ " edge_type: consent_provided_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - firm\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2177:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2178:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: 'A formal legal document that grants one person the authority to act\n",
+ " on behalf of another. '\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An individual who can be granted authority or can grant authority to\n",
+ " another in a legal document.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where one person grants legal authority to another person\n",
+ " to act on their behalf.\n",
+ " edge_type: grants_authority\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2179:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific entity representing a document, such as a certification\n",
+ " or report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A person holding a significant managerial position, such as a Chief\n",
+ " Executive Officer.\n",
+ " type: executive\n",
+ "- description: A law or legislative act established by a governmental body.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where an executive certifies a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: certification_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - executive\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a document is created or issued in accordance\n",
+ " with a specific act.\n",
+ " edge_type: pursuant_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2180:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, especially in roles or specific actions.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legislative or regulatory act.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific year.\n",
+ " type: year\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the content or focus of the document is related to a\n",
+ " specific act.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the year an act was enacted or specified.\n",
+ " edge_type: specified_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - year\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, typically in an official capacity, has certified\n",
+ " the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: certified_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2181:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or official document, such as certifications, laws, or regulations.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An individual involved in a legal or business context, such as an executive\n",
+ " or an officer.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A legislative act or law passed by a governing body.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has certified a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: certification_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is created or follows in accordance with\n",
+ " a specific act.\n",
+ " edge_type: pursuant_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2182:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2183:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or book.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document, such as chapters, prefaces,\n",
+ " appendices, etc.\n",
+ " type: content_section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more content sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - content_section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2184:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific section or part of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: A legislative act or law.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "- description: An individual responsible for overseeing the financial activities of\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_officer\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the content of the document section is related to or\n",
+ " governed by a specific act.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document section involves the certification of a\n",
+ " financial officer.\n",
+ " edge_type: certification_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_officer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2185:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any form of documentation or written content.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a file containing data, typically used for storage and processing\n",
+ " in digital formats.\n",
+ " type: data_file\n",
+ "- description: Represents a label or identifier that categorizes or describes an attribute\n",
+ " in a document or data.\n",
+ " type: tag\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a data file includes or holds a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - data_file\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tag expected or required in a data file is absent\n",
+ " from it.\n",
+ " edge_type: missing\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - data_file\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tag\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a tag is used to categorize or describe an aspect of\n",
+ " a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: categorizes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - tag\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2186:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A structured format for presenting information, such as a file or a\n",
+ " text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific method, system, or technique, especially one in the field\n",
+ " of computing and digital formats.\n",
+ " type: technology\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a technology is included within the structure or content\n",
+ " of a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_embedded_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - technology\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2187:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any document or file.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured classification or categorization system.\n",
+ " type: taxonomy\n",
+ "- description: Represents an addition or expansion to an existing system or document.\n",
+ " type: extension\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific format or standard used for documents and data,\n",
+ " such as XBRL.\n",
+ " type: format\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes an addition or expansion.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_extension\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - extension\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document employs a specific format or standard.\n",
+ " edge_type: uses_format\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - format\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes a structured categorization system.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_taxonomy\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - taxonomy\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2188:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal document or file containing specific data or information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific extension or addition to a standard taxonomy, used to provide\n",
+ " additional details or adjustments.\n",
+ " type: taxonomy_extension\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents that a document includes or embodies a taxonomy extension.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - taxonomy_extension\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2189:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or file.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured classification or categorization system.\n",
+ " type: taxonomy\n",
+ "- description: A collection of links that define relationships within an XBRL taxonomy.\n",
+ " type: linkbase\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document defines a taxonomy.\n",
+ " edge_type: defines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - taxonomy\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one taxonomy is an extension of another.\n",
+ " edge_type: extension_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - taxonomy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - taxonomy\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a taxonomy contains a linkbase.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - taxonomy\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - linkbase\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2190:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific document or file.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A system or set of principles for classification or categorization.\n",
+ " type: taxonomy\n",
+ "- description: A name, title, or identifier assigned to something.\n",
+ " type: label\n",
+ "- description: A collection of links connecting items in an XBRL document.\n",
+ " type: linkbase\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document extends a particular taxonomy.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_extension\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - taxonomy\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document includes a linkbase as a component.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_component\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - linkbase\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the linkbase assigns or uses labels.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_label\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - linkbase\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - label\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2191:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any textual or digital file containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured classification or categorization system used in various\n",
+ " disciplines.\n",
+ " type: taxonomy\n",
+ "- description: An addition or modification to an existing structure or system.\n",
+ " type: extension\n",
+ "- description: A collection of links that connect pieces of data or taxonomy elements,\n",
+ " often used in XML-based standards like XBRL.\n",
+ " type: linkbase\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document specifies or describes a taxonomy, extension,\n",
+ " or linkbase.\n",
+ " edge_type: defines\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - taxonomy\n",
+ " - extension\n",
+ " - linkbase\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2192:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A general representation of any document or file.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific content or data within a file.\n",
+ " type: file_content\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains specific content or data.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - file_content\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document does not contain specific content or data.\n",
+ " edge_type: excludes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - file_content\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2193:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital file containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A label or identifier that categorizes or marks information within\n",
+ " a document.\n",
+ " type: tag\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more tags.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - tag\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2194:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: document_section\n",
+ "- description: An organization that governs, regulates, or oversees specific activities\n",
+ " or practices.\n",
+ " type: regulatory_body\n",
+ "- description: A request made for legal or regulatory purposes, such as for confidentiality.\n",
+ " type: legal_request\n",
+ "- description: Refers to the status or condition under legal or regulatory frameworks,\n",
+ " such as materiality or confidentiality.\n",
+ " type: legal_status\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section includes another section as a sub-part.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_section\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section has been filed with a regulatory\n",
+ " body.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulatory_body\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a regulatory body has approved or granted a legal request.\n",
+ " edge_type: granted_request\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - regulatory_body\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_request\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document section possesses a certain legal status.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_status\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document_section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_status\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2195:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information\n",
+ " or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A document or item used as evidence in a legal or official setting.\n",
+ " type: exhibit\n",
+ "- description: An act of asking for something formally or officially.\n",
+ " type: request\n",
+ "- description: The transfer of money or goods in exchange for a product or service.\n",
+ " type: payment\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization provides or supplies a document or item.\n",
+ " edge_type: furnishes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - exhibit\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: A document or item is provided following a formal or official ask.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_request\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - exhibit\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - request\n",
+ "- description: A request is fulfilled contingent upon the transfer of money or goods.\n",
+ " edge_type: with_payment\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - request\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - payment\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2196:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of document, such as a legal or financial report.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A part of a document, often titled and numbered, that contains related\n",
+ " content.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2197:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or region, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, can be historical, fictional, or\n",
+ " planned.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a common purpose, including companies,\n",
+ " institutions, societies, etc.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: A point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "- description: A written, printed, or electronic piece of information.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the birthplace of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents the location where a person died.\n",
+ " edge_type: died_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is or was a member of a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents the location where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date when an event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event, person, or organization is documented within\n",
+ " a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documented_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2198:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2199:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a complete document, book, or other comprehensive written\n",
+ " material.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a division within a document, such as chapters, parts, or\n",
+ " other major segments.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subdivision of a section, which could include sub-chapters\n",
+ " or smaller parts within a section.\n",
+ " type: sub-section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document includes one or more sections or sub-sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - sub-section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section is divided into one or more sub-sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: subdivides_into\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - sub-section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2200:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A mark or symbol made by an individual, typically on a document, to\n",
+ " signify agreement, acknowledgment, or authorization.\n",
+ " type: signature\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2201:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal written text submitted for a specific purpose.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An entity such as a company or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has created or written a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has the authority to approve and issue a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: authorized_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document acts on behalf of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2202:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2203:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized group or entity that engages in business or other\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2204:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the document or text being analyzed.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual who has written or contributed to a document.\n",
+ " type: author\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was authored or co-authored by an individual.\n",
+ " edge_type: written_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - author\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2205:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A role or job title within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person currently holds a specific position within\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2206:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may sign or be involved in legal or corporate documentation.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or government entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific mandate established by law that dictates certain actions\n",
+ " or behaviors.\n",
+ " type: legal_requirement\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A role or position held by a person in a legal, professional, or organizational\n",
+ " context.\n",
+ " type: capacity\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a person who has signed a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: signed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a person acting in the interest of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_behalf_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Describes the role or position that a person holds while performing\n",
+ " an action.\n",
+ " edge_type: in_capacity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - capacity\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the date on which a document was signed or an event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: on_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Specifies that a legal requirement directs certain actions or behaviors\n",
+ " of organizations or individuals.\n",
+ " edge_type: mandates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_requirement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2207:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A person's name written in a stylized and unique way as proof of identity\n",
+ " or intent.\n",
+ " type: signature\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2208:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the title of a document or section within a document.\n",
+ " type: title\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2209:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, usually in the format of year,\n",
+ " month, and day.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2210:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two person nodes represent the same individual.\n",
+ " edge_type: same_identity\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2211:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A position or title held by a person in an organization or society.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a common purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or government entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds or occupies a specific role or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "- description: Connects a role to the organization where this role is recognized or\n",
+ " applicable.\n",
+ " edge_type: role_in_organization\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2212:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2213:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two persons are the same individual.\n",
+ " edge_type: same_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2214:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual holding or associated with a specific position or role.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific job or role held by a person within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a particular position within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2215:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2216:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual with a unique identity.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that two person nodes represent the same individual.\n",
+ " edge_type: same_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2217:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or employee within an organization.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific job title or role within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: A company, corporation, or any other form of an institutional entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person occupies a specific job title or role within\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "- description: Connects a position to the organization where it is held.\n",
+ " edge_type: position_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2218:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2219:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or a specific human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2220:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A job or role within an organization such as a company or board.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a common purpose, such as a company,\n",
+ " non-profit, or board.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person occupies a specific job or role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2221:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2222:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2223:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A motion picture or movie.\n",
+ " type: film\n",
+ "- description: A position or part played by a person in a particular context.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person directed a film.\n",
+ " edge_type: directed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - film\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds or performs a specific role.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2224:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2225:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2226:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may have various roles or professions.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific function or position held by a person.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a person holds a specific role or\n",
+ " position.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2227:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2228:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2229:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may hold various roles or professions.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A type of job or occupation.\n",
+ " type: profession\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific profession.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_profession\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - profession\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2230:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2231:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or position.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: An organization founded for a specific purpose, often educational or\n",
+ " professional.\n",
+ " type: Institution\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A written, printed, or electronic piece of information.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where the person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where the person is employed or conducts work.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where the person has studied.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates who wrote or created the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ "- description: Generic relationship indicating various forms of association.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2232:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that represents an individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2233:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, typically involved in creative or administrative\n",
+ " roles in various fields.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific position or job title held by individuals in\n",
+ " various professions.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific position or job title.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2234:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2235:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual identified by a name.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2236:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may hold various roles or titles.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific position or job that a person can hold.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific role or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2237:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2238:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2239:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may hold a specific role or title.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific position or title that a person can hold.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Relation where a person holds or occupies a specific role.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2240:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format 'Month Day, Year'.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2241:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A physical place or geographic area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose or activity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening at a specific time and place.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, event, organization, or object is located\n",
+ " in a specific geographic area.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, event, or object is part of a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event occurred at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization owns a specific object.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or object symbolically represents a concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2242:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2243:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may hold various roles or statuses, such as a director.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific function or position held by an individual, such as a director.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific role or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2244:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2245:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information\n",
+ " or evidence or that serves as an official record.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A person who writes books or creates other written works in literary\n",
+ " or journalistic contexts.\n",
+ " type: author\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was written or created by an author.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - author\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2246:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific function or position held by a person.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific role or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2247:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2248:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an exhibit, which could be a display, document, or any other\n",
+ " form of presentation in a specific context.\n",
+ " type: exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2249:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A corporate or institutional entity such as a company or nonprofit.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A group of individuals elected to represent shareholders and govern\n",
+ " the organization.\n",
+ " type: board_of_directors\n",
+ "- description: A location specification, including details such as street, city, and\n",
+ " state.\n",
+ " type: address\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization is governed by a board of directors.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_board\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - board_of_directors\n",
+ "- description: An organization is located at a specific address.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - address\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2250:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the gender of individuals.\n",
+ " type: gender\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an individual belongs to a particular gender.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - gender\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - gender\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2251:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized group with a specific purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record that provides information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "- description: A specific procedure or set of rules used in financial accounting and\n",
+ " reporting.\n",
+ " type: accounting_method\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " individual, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A modification or update in the accounting methods or practices used\n",
+ " by an organization.\n",
+ " type: accounting_change\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization releases a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: publishes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: A document provides details about a specific accounting change.\n",
+ " edge_type: describes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_change\n",
+ "- description: An accounting change takes place on a specific date.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurs_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: An accounting change is relevant to a specific financial statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: applies_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: An accounting change involves a particular accounting method.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_change\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_method\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2252:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal or informal expression used in written communication to address\n",
+ " or conclude correspondence.\n",
+ " type: salutation\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2253:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized group with a collective goal, which might include\n",
+ " businesses, governments, non-profits, etc.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2254:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A designated area with established boundaries recognized as a city.\n",
+ " type: city\n",
+ "- description: A defined region with governing authority, part of a larger country.\n",
+ " type: state\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a city is situated within a state.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - city\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - state\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2255:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific day on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2256:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A company controlled by another company through ownership of more than\n",
+ " half of its voting stock.\n",
+ " type: subsidiary\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company holds a controlling interest in another\n",
+ " company.\n",
+ " edge_type: controls\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsidiary\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2257:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or geographic area.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: A group or institution formed for a particular purpose.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, usually significant in nature.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Physical items or artifacts.\n",
+ " type: Object\n",
+ "- description: Abstract ideas or notions.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person, organization, event, or object is located.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member or part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates participation of a person or organization in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates ownership of an object by a person or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Object\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship or linkage between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2258:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity that is a registered business or corporation.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company is affiliated with another, potentially\n",
+ " through ownership or partnership.\n",
+ " edge_type: affiliation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2259:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographic area or place.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a group or institution formed for a particular purpose.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time or period.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when an event occurred.\n",
+ " edge_type: happened_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2260:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents the legal relationship between an individual and a state\n",
+ " that denotes origin, descent, or naturalization.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal recognition or honor given to an individual or\n",
+ " group for their achievements or contributions.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: Represents an established organization or foundation, typically involved\n",
+ " in education, public service, or similar activities.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has received an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_won\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is or was a member of a specific institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2261:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2262:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or textual input.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: Number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains a specific number.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2263:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a mathematical symbol used in expressions and equations.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2264:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2265:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area or place.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a place of learning such as schools, colleges, or universities.\n",
+ " type: educational_institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents the belonging or association of a person to a specific nation.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: Represents a form of recognition given to an individual or group.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a person has studied at an educational\n",
+ " institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - educational_institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a person was born in a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Describes a person's nationality.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a person has received an award from\n",
+ " an entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2266:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A company that is controlled by another company, typically referred\n",
+ " to as the parent company.\n",
+ " type: subsidiary\n",
+ "- description: A company that has control over one or more subsidiaries.\n",
+ " type: parent_company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the controlling relationship where a parent company has\n",
+ " authority over a subsidiary.\n",
+ " edge_type: controls\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - parent_company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsidiary\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2267:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, corporation, or business entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a nation or sovereign state.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "- description: Represents a city or urban area.\n",
+ " type: city\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is based or has a significant presence\n",
+ " in a specific city or country.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - city\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2268:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A geographical place, such as a country, city, or building.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a common purpose, such as a company,\n",
+ " university, or government.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, often of significance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A physical or abstract item, such as a book, tool, or concept.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: A span of time, which could be specific dates, years, or eras.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "- description: A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, organization, or event is situated within\n",
+ " a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place during a specific time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_during\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or organization possesses or controls an object.\n",
+ " edge_type: owns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has created or written a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: author_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2269:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents mathematical symbols used in expressions or equations.\n",
+ " type: Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values used in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: Number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a mathematical symbol is used in conjunction with a\n",
+ " number in mathematical expressions or equations.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Mathematical_Symbol\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2270:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2271:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2272:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A numerical value representing a quantity or position in a sequence.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2273:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2274:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual, typically denoted by their name or a unique identifier.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific place, can be a city, country, or any geographical area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An organization involved in the educational, professional, or social\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, often of significance, and usually\n",
+ " time-bound.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A document or piece of work that is written, printed, or electronically\n",
+ " published.\n",
+ " type: publication\n",
+ "- description: A recognition or honor given for excellence in a certain field.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the birthplace of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Denotes where a person received education.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Denotes a person's attendance at an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has written or created a publication.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - publication\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has been given an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: awarded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2275:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any mathematical expression or notation.\n",
+ " type: mathematical_expression\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2276:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2277:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific geographical area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, typically of significance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A physical or abstract item.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or a general notion.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is located within a specific geographical\n",
+ " area.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that something is a part of or involved in an event or organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: A general relationship type indicating any form of association or connection\n",
+ " between entities or concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2278:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2279:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or a quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2280:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2281:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2282:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: The belonging of a person to a specific nation.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: An institution where educational activities occur.\n",
+ " type: place_of_learning\n",
+ "- description: A recognition given to a person for their achievements.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person has received education.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - place_of_learning\n",
+ "- description: Indicates an award won by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: won_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2283:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a common purpose.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or happening, typically involving multiple participants.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A particular place or physical setting.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: A physical item or artifact.\n",
+ " type: Object\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or mental construct.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event, organization, or object is located at a specific\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " - Object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a participant in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participant_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person, organization, event, or object is associated\n",
+ " with a concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2284:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or digit.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2285:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numeric values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2286:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: Number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2287:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity that is a company, corporation, firm, or an equivalent\n",
+ " form of institutional business.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, particularly used for events or\n",
+ " statuses.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization is a subsidiary of another organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_subsidiary\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date when the list of subsidiaries was reported or updated\n",
+ " for an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: list_date\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2288:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific display or presentation, usually part of a larger\n",
+ " event or collection.\n",
+ " type: Exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2289:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A political subdivision of a country, such as a state in the United\n",
+ " States.\n",
+ " type: state\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a state is incorporated or organized under the jurisdiction\n",
+ " of another state.\n",
+ " edge_type: incorporated_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - state\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - state\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2290:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A geographical and political entity representing a nation or territory.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a country instance is the same as another instance of\n",
+ " itself, used for counting multiple mentions.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_instances\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2291:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents numerical values or quantities.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2292:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that manufactures, sells, or provides services.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company is a subsidiary of another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_subsidiary_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company is associated with another through business\n",
+ " operations or legal arrangements.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2293:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2294:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2295:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an integer or numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2296:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2297:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents any numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "- description: Represents any character or symbol.\n",
+ " type: character\n",
+ "- description: Represents a parenthesis symbol.\n",
+ " type: parenthesis\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains numbers, characters, or parenthesis.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " - character\n",
+ " - parenthesis\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a sequence of characters or numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - character\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - character\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2298:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a written work, typically published and bound.\n",
+ " type: Book\n",
+ "- description: Represents a person who has written a book or other literary works.\n",
+ " type: Author\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal recognition given to individuals for excellence\n",
+ " or achievement in a specific field.\n",
+ " type: Award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where an author has written a book.\n",
+ " edge_type: wrote\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Author\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Book\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a person has received an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2299:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization such as a university, company, or other\n",
+ " entity that can employ or be associated with people.\n",
+ " type: Institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area such as a country, city, or other specific\n",
+ " place.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening, such as a conference,\n",
+ " meeting, or historical event.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides\n",
+ " information or evidence.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a general idea, theory, or abstract principle.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the geographical origin or current residence of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is employed by or associated with a specific\n",
+ " institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an institution or event is situated within a specific\n",
+ " geographical area.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has attended a specific event.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has written or created a specific document.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document discusses or refers to a specific concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2300:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2301:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numeric value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2302:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value or quantity.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2303:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: An organized group of people with a particular purpose.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: A place where events occur or are situated.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Occurrences or happenings that are notable within a specific context.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information or\n",
+ " evidence.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: An abstract idea or a mental symbol.\n",
+ " type: Concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that a person is a part of or affiliated with an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the entity is referenced or discussed within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the content of a document is derived from or inspired\n",
+ " by a particular concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2304:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place, such as a city or country.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an organization or establishment dedicated to education\n",
+ " or research.\n",
+ " type: institution\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening that is notable.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical or digital record that provides information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a theoretical construct.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the place where the person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the institution where the person is employed or conducts\n",
+ " work.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates any kind of familial, social, or professional relationship\n",
+ " between two people.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the location where the event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the person who wrote or created the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document discusses or is derived from the specified\n",
+ " concept.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2305:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific occurrence or happening, often significant in\n",
+ " nature.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place or area.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a group or structure formed for a specific purpose, often\n",
+ " involving multiple people.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a written, printed, or digital record that provides information\n",
+ " or evidence.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person was present at an event or is part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: attended\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place, an organization is based, or a\n",
+ " person resides in a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has written or created a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2306:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or content, typically identified by\n",
+ " a number or title.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2307:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document contains the numerical value.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2308:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a text or literary work.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a structured group of people with a common purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific place or geographic area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening, usually at a specific time and\n",
+ " place.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a physical item or artifact.\n",
+ " type: object\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a broad category of items or phenomena.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was written or created by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member or part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: belongs_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization, event, or object is situated within\n",
+ " a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - object\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a connection or association between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2309:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A sovereign state recognized as a separate entity in political geography.\n",
+ " type: country\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the geographical adjacency between two countries.\n",
+ " edge_type: shares_border_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - country\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2310:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual, typically identified by name.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: An organization founded for a specific purpose, such as education or\n",
+ " research.\n",
+ " type: Institution\n",
+ "- description: A position or function assumed or part played by a person in a particular\n",
+ " situation.\n",
+ " type: Role\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening, usually marking a particular\n",
+ " time or importance.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A physical or digital record containing information.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person works or worked for an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: employed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ "- description: Specifies the role or position held by a person within an institution\n",
+ " or event.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Role\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place at a specific institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event is recorded or reported in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: documented_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2311:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a number or a numerical value.\n",
+ " type: number\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a sequential relationship between numbers.\n",
+ " edge_type: sequence\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - number\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2312:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any business or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one company is a subsidiary of another company.\n",
+ " edge_type: subsidiary_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates ownership of one company by another company or person, typically\n",
+ " specified by a percentage.\n",
+ " edge_type: owned_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2313:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an exhibit in a museum or gallery, identified by a number\n",
+ " or title.\n",
+ " type: Exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2314:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or electronic record containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An organization comprised of accountants that provides auditing, tax\n",
+ " preparation, and financial advisory services.\n",
+ " type: accounting_firm\n",
+ "- description: A formal permission or approval given by an entity or individual.\n",
+ " type: consent\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document includes a formal permission or approval.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_consent\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - consent\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the formal permission or approval is issued by an accounting\n",
+ " firm.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - consent\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_firm\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2315:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital reference material.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people working together for a business or cause.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An official document filed by companies to register new securities\n",
+ " for offering to the public.\n",
+ " type: registration_statement\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization gives permission or agrees to something\n",
+ " documented.\n",
+ " edge_type: consent_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an entity is referenced within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - registration_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2316:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or a human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific place or area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity formed for a specific purpose.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information\n",
+ " or evidence.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is or was a part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was written by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: authored_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2317:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a dot symbol in various contexts.\n",
+ " type: dot\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one dot is immediately adjacent to another dot.\n",
+ " edge_type: next_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - dot\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - dot\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2318:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A geographic area or a specific place.\n",
+ " type: Location\n",
+ "- description: A significant occurrence or happening.\n",
+ " type: Event\n",
+ "- description: A group or body with a collective purpose.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific point or period in time.\n",
+ " type: Date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person was born.\n",
+ " edge_type: born_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where a person died.\n",
+ " edge_type: died_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates membership or involvement in an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: part_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates where an event took place.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates when an event happened.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Date\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2319:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A symbol used to mark items in a list.\n",
+ " type: bullet_point\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2320:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or official document filed with a regulatory body.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized organization involved in commercial, industrial,\n",
+ " or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: An organized scheme or method, such as an equity incentive plan or\n",
+ " an employee stock purchase plan.\n",
+ " type: plan\n",
+ "- description: A specific form or format required for regulatory filings, such as\n",
+ " Form S-8 or Form S-4.\n",
+ " type: regulatory_form\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document is specifically related to a company, a plan,\n",
+ " or another document form.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - plan\n",
+ " - regulatory_form\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document was filed by a specific company.\n",
+ " edge_type: filed_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship such as a merger between companies.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2321:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical place, such as a city, country, or building.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: Represents a collective group or entity formed to achieve a particular\n",
+ " aim.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an occurrence or happening, significant in specific contexts.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: Represents a man-made object or work, such as a book, artwork, or tool.\n",
+ " type: artifact\n",
+ "- description: Represents an abstract idea or a fundamental category of knowledge.\n",
+ " type: concept\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a source is situated within or associated with a target\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " - artifact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a part of or affiliated with an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event took place at a specific location.\n",
+ " edge_type: occurred_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an artifact was created or authored by a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: created_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - artifact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates a relationship or association between two concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - concept\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2322:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A textual or digital document, such as a report, form, or statement.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people, such as a company or corporation, that\n",
+ " forms a single entity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific day, month, or year identified in the context.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the date on which the document is officially associated or\n",
+ " released.\n",
+ " edge_type: dated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - date\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the organization is referred to within the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentions\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document addresses or relates to another document.\n",
+ " edge_type: concerns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2323:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, firm, or institution.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a geographical area such as a country, city, or address.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is based or has a presence in a specific\n",
+ " location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2324:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a city or urban area.\n",
+ " type: city\n",
+ "- description: Represents a state or region within a country.\n",
+ " type: state\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a city is geographically located within a state.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - city\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - state\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2325:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2326:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an item or document that is presented or used as evidence\n",
+ " in a legal context.\n",
+ " type: Exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2327:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A type of legal document.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Specific legal terms or concepts relevant in the document.\n",
+ " type: legal_term\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains specific legal terms or concepts.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_term\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2328:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A written or printed piece of information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A person's name written in a unique way to signify agreement or consent.\n",
+ " type: signature\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a signature present on a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_signature\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - signature\n",
+ "- description: Represents one person appointing another as a representative or in\n",
+ " a specific role.\n",
+ " edge_type: appoints\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2329:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who can be represented as an attorney-in-fact, agent,\n",
+ " or principal.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A formal written item that can be signed or filed, such as an annual\n",
+ " report or amendment.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A structured group or entity, such as a company like Advanced Micro\n",
+ " Devices, Inc.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A public authority or government agency, such as the Securities and\n",
+ " Exchange Commission.\n",
+ " type: government_agency\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one person appoints another as an attorney-in-fact or\n",
+ " agent.\n",
+ " edge_type: appoints\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person signs a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: signs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person files a document with a government agency or\n",
+ " similar entity.\n",
+ " edge_type: files\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document, like an annual report, represents an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: represents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has the authority to act on behalf of or interact\n",
+ " with a government agency.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_authority\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - government_agency\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2330:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A handwritten depiction of someone's name, often used as a form of\n",
+ " identification or authorization.\n",
+ " type: Signature\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2331:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a single document or text, characterized by its title and\n",
+ " content.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2332:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific point in time, typically described in terms of\n",
+ " day, month, and year.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2333:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A form of recognition given to an individual or group.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose or activity.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: An individual's belonging to a nation, often determined by birth or\n",
+ " naturalization.\n",
+ " type: nationality\n",
+ "- description: An educational organization focused on higher learning and research.\n",
+ " type: academic_institution\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the nationality of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_nationality\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - nationality\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is employed by an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has studied at an academic institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: studied_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - academic_institution\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has received a specific award.\n",
+ " edge_type: received_award\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2334:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, typically mentioned by their role or title.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific position or job title held by an individual.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific job title or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2335:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2336:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: an individual human being\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2337:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2338:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A job title representing a specific role within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2339:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2340:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2341:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: represents an individual, typically with a given name and surname.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2342:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may hold various roles or positions.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific position or job title within an organization.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company,\n",
+ " institution, or association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific role or position within an\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "- description: Connects a role to an organization indicating where the role is based.\n",
+ " edge_type: position_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2343:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2344:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2345:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a collective goal.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A role or job that a person holds within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: An educational institution from which a person has graduated.\n",
+ " type: alma_mater\n",
+ "- description: An accolade or honor received by a person or organization.\n",
+ " type: award\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a person is part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a person holds a specific position within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a person has graduated from an educational institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: graduated_from\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - alma_mater\n",
+ "- description: A relationship where a person or organization has received an award.\n",
+ " edge_type: recipient_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - award\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2346:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific position or job title within an organization.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2347:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2348:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2349:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government body.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A geographical place, such as a country, city, or other notable area.\n",
+ " type: location\n",
+ "- description: A position or part played by a person or thing in a particular context.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "- description: An occurrence or happening, especially one of significance.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is employed by or associated with an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: works_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization or event is situated within a specific\n",
+ " geographical location.\n",
+ " edge_type: located_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - location\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person actively holds a position or role within an\n",
+ " organization or context.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person was involved or took part in an event.\n",
+ " edge_type: participates_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2350:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character in any given context.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A position or job title held by a person.\n",
+ " type: Role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person occupies a specific role or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2351:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2352:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2353:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human individual.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2354:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual, typically someone known publicly or relevant to the\n",
+ " context.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A position or job function that an individual can perform.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person performs or is assigned a specific role.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2355:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates in a calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2356:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2357:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific exhibit in a museum or gallery.\n",
+ " type: Exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2358:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a string of text or a name.\n",
+ " type: text\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the name of a person.\n",
+ " edge_type: named\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - text\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2359:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2360:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2361:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2362:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2363:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2364:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, human figure.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2365:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2366:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: an individual human being\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2367:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2368:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may hold various roles or professions.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific function or position that a person can hold.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific role or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2369:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a job or professional role.\n",
+ " type: Occupation\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds or performs a specific occupation.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_occupation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Occupation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2370:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who can be involved in various activities or roles such\n",
+ " as directing.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A specific position or function that a person can hold, such as director.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific role or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2371:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who directs films, plays, or other artistic productions.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the relationship where a person directs an artistic production\n",
+ " such as a film or play.\n",
+ " edge_type: directs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - artistic_production\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2372:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual, typically identified by a name.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A creative cinematic work.\n",
+ " type: film\n",
+ "- description: A specific function or position held by an individual in a particular\n",
+ " context.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person directed a film.\n",
+ " edge_type: directed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - film\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific role.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific role is associated with a film.\n",
+ " edge_type: role_in_film\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - film\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2373:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific calendar date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2374:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2375:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2376:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2377:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2378:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or entity involved in the context of the document.\n",
+ " type: Person\n",
+ "- description: A formal declaration or verification of certain facts, typically regarding\n",
+ " compliance or qualifications.\n",
+ " type: Certification\n",
+ "- description: A formal piece of writing that records information, such as certifications,\n",
+ " laws, or other official material.\n",
+ " type: Document\n",
+ "- description: A law or statute enacted by a governmental body.\n",
+ " type: Act\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the person has declared or verified the information\n",
+ " in the certification.\n",
+ " edge_type: certifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Certification\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the certification is made in accordance with the act.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Certification\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Act\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document cites or is based on the act.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Act\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the certification is issued or created by the person.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Certification\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Person\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2379:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person officially confirms or acknowledges a statement.\n",
+ " edge_type: certify\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2380:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who can perform activities and hold opinions or positions.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A written or printed work that contains information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An organized entity recognized by law that engages in business or industrial\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has examined or scrutinized the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: reviewed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the company is referred to or discussed in the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2381:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document containing statements about specific topics or events.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "- description: A declarative expression within a report, conveying information or\n",
+ " facts.\n",
+ " type: statement\n",
+ "- description: A piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news\n",
+ " article.\n",
+ " type: fact\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration of time to which certain events or statements relate.\n",
+ " type: period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a report includes one or more statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a statement in a report references one or more facts.\n",
+ " edge_type: refers_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fact\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a report addresses events or statements specific to\n",
+ " a defined period of time.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a fact pertains or is relevant to a specific period.\n",
+ " edge_type: related_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fact\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2382:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document that provides an overview of a company's financial condition,\n",
+ " results of operations, and cash flows.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A document summarizing specific information, often related to the financial\n",
+ " or operational status of a company.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a report includes financial statements that present\n",
+ " certain aspects of a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: presents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial statement covers the financial aspects of\n",
+ " a company for specified periods.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2383:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or group of individuals who can hold responsibilities\n",
+ " or perform actions.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An entity involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A series of actions conducted in a certain way to achieve a particular\n",
+ " end.\n",
+ " type: procedure\n",
+ "- description: A document that presents information in an organized format for a specific\n",
+ " audience and purpose.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "- description: A prescribed guide for conduct or action established by an authority.\n",
+ " type: rule\n",
+ "- description: A length of time during which an event or condition exists or persists.\n",
+ " type: period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds responsibility for the establishment\n",
+ " or maintenance of a procedure.\n",
+ " edge_type: responsible_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has set up or created a procedure.\n",
+ " edge_type: establish\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person actively keeps a procedure in a specified condition\n",
+ " or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: maintain\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has conceptualized or planned the structure\n",
+ " of a procedure.\n",
+ " edge_type: design\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person oversees the implementation or ongoing process\n",
+ " of a procedure.\n",
+ " edge_type: supervise\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2384:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that designs and supervises internal controls over financial\n",
+ " reporting.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Mechanisms or procedures implemented to ensure the reliability of financial\n",
+ " reporting.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "- description: The process of producing financial statements that reflect the financial\n",
+ " status of an organization.\n",
+ " type: financial_reporting\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A standard guideline for financial accounting.\n",
+ " type: accounting_principle\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization designs internal controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: designs\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "- description: An organization supervises the design of internal controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: supervises\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "- description: Internal controls provide assurance for the reliability of financial\n",
+ " reporting.\n",
+ " edge_type: provides_assurance\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_reporting\n",
+ "- description: Financial reporting supports the preparation of financial statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: supports_preparation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_reporting\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Financial statements comply with accounting principles.\n",
+ " edge_type: complies_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_principle\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2385:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company or corporate entity.\n",
+ " type: Organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents systems or procedures used by an organization to manage\n",
+ " and disclose information.\n",
+ " type: Disclosure Control\n",
+ "- description: Represents the assessment or analysis of a system or procedure.\n",
+ " type: Evaluation\n",
+ "- description: A document presenting specific information or findings.\n",
+ " type: Report\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or segment of time.\n",
+ " type: Time Period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization conducted an evaluation.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Evaluation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has specific controls or procedures.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_control\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Disclosure Control\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization presented a report.\n",
+ " edge_type: presented\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Report\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a report covers a specific period of time.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Time Period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the conclusions or content of a report are based on\n",
+ " a specific evaluation.\n",
+ " edge_type: based_on\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Evaluation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2386:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A defined entity such as a company, institution, or any other formal\n",
+ " group.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A document that provides an overview of a company's financial condition,\n",
+ " including but not limited to annual reports and quarterly reports.\n",
+ " type: financial_report\n",
+ "- description: A specific occurrence or action, particularly one that influences or\n",
+ " triggers other processes or conditions.\n",
+ " type: event\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or point in time, such as a fiscal quarter or year.\n",
+ " type: time_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization has issued a financial report.\n",
+ " edge_type: reports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_report\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial report includes information about a specific\n",
+ " time period.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - time_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a financial report includes information about a specific\n",
+ " event, particularly changes in internal control over financial reporting.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains_disclosure\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an event has a material effect on an organization, especially\n",
+ " its internal controls or operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - event\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2387:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who can be an officer, auditor, or member of an audit\n",
+ " committee.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group such as a company, audit committee, or board of\n",
+ " directors.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A report or other formal written material, such as an evaluation of\n",
+ " internal control over financial reporting.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a member or part of an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: member_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one person has shared or revealed information to another\n",
+ " person.\n",
+ " edge_type: disclosed_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person fulfills a specific function or role within\n",
+ " an organization, such as an officer or auditor.\n",
+ " edge_type: performs_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has examined or assessed a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that one organization is accountable to or overseen by another\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: reports_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2388:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific exhibit, identified by a unique identifier such\n",
+ " as a number or name.\n",
+ " type: Exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2389:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a significant deficiency in systems or processes.\n",
+ " type: deficiency\n",
+ "- description: Represents a substantial weakness in systems or processes that could\n",
+ " have adverse effects.\n",
+ " type: material_weakness\n",
+ "- description: A process designed to ensure the integrity of financial reporting and\n",
+ " compliance.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "- description: An organized entity engaged in business or commercial activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Data relating to the financial status or operations of a company.\n",
+ " type: financial_information\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents how deficiencies or weaknesses can impact a company's activities.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - deficiency\n",
+ " - material_weakness\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Describes how internal controls help a company manage and report financial\n",
+ " information.\n",
+ " edge_type: ensures\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a deficiency or weakness is associated with internal\n",
+ " controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - deficiency\n",
+ " - material_weakness\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "- description: Shows how a company records and reports its financial status and operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: reports\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_information\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2390:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An act of deception, especially involving financial misconduct.\n",
+ " type: fraud\n",
+ "- description: An individual who works for a company.\n",
+ " type: employee\n",
+ "- description: Individuals or a group responsible for the strategic decision-making\n",
+ " process and overall control within the company.\n",
+ " type: management\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Processes designed to ensure the reliability of financial reporting,\n",
+ " effectiveness of operations, and compliance with laws and regulations.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An act of fraud implicates the involvement of employees or management.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fraud\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ "- description: Employees or management have a significant role in internal control.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - employee\n",
+ " - management\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "- description: A company possesses internal control processes.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2391:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific day in the Gregorian calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2392:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A position or function assumed or part by an individual.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person currently holds or occupies a specific role.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2393:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific document or form.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, typically involved in the context of the\n",
+ " document.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific job title or position within an organization.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legislative or regulatory act that imposes requirements\n",
+ " or standards.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is the primary subject or focus of a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_subject_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person officially holds or occupies a specific role\n",
+ " or position.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is related to, or governed by, a specific\n",
+ " act.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2394:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, either fictional or real.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person officially confirms or attests the truth of\n",
+ " a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: certifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2395:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any type of document, such as forms, reports, articles,\n",
+ " etc.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an entity such as companies, institutions, or any group\n",
+ " of people with a common goal.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has examined or evaluated the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: reviewed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an organization is referred to or involved in the content\n",
+ " of the document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2396:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document providing detailed information on a specific topic or period.\n",
+ " type: report\n",
+ "- description: A declaration or assertion made about a fact or circumstance.\n",
+ " type: statement\n",
+ "- description: A piece of information considered to be objectively verifiable.\n",
+ " type: fact\n",
+ "- description: A specific span of time relevant to the context.\n",
+ " type: period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a report includes one or more statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a statement relates to specific facts or a period.\n",
+ " edge_type: concerns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - fact\n",
+ " - period\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2397:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An official record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Data or details regarding the financial status, operations, or performance\n",
+ " of a company.\n",
+ " type: financial_information\n",
+ "- description: A commercial business or enterprise.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A specific duration or interval of time for which a report provides\n",
+ " data or information.\n",
+ " type: report_period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial statement or information provides details\n",
+ " about the company for a specific period.\n",
+ " edge_type: presents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " - financial_information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - report_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial statement or information evaluates or\n",
+ " describes the financial condition of the company.\n",
+ " edge_type: assesses\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " - financial_information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial statement details the financial status\n",
+ " or operations of the company for a specific period.\n",
+ " edge_type: describes\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " - report_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the financial statement or information is contained\n",
+ " within a report.\n",
+ " edge_type: included_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " - financial_information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - report\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2398:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who may hold responsibilities or roles within an organization.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a collective goal, such as a company\n",
+ " or subsidiary.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formalized method or set of practices established within an organization.\n",
+ " type: procedure\n",
+ "- description: A formal written report or statement, often used for compliance or\n",
+ " reporting purposes.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Data or facts that are relevant or material to a context or entity.\n",
+ " type: information\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds accountability for establishing or maintaining\n",
+ " a procedure within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: responsible_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has set up or created a specific procedure\n",
+ " within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: establish\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has planned or conceptualized a procedure.\n",
+ " edge_type: design\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ "- description: A procedure specifically aims to guarantee that certain information\n",
+ " is disclosed or made known.\n",
+ " edge_type: ensure_disclosure_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - procedure\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - information\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the information pertains or is relevant to a specific\n",
+ " organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: relate_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - information\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is involved in the creation or formulation\n",
+ " of a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: prepare\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2399:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity representing an individual or group responsible for an action.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A system or process designed to ensure the reliability of financial\n",
+ " reporting and compliance with laws, policies, and regulations.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "- description: The process of producing statements that disclose an organization's\n",
+ " financial status to management, investors, and the government.\n",
+ " type: financial_reporting\n",
+ "- description: A formal record of the financial activities and position of a business,\n",
+ " person, or other entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: A rule or guideline that governs the accounting practices, such as\n",
+ " generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).\n",
+ " type: accounting_principle\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person or group was responsible for creating or influencing\n",
+ " the design of an internal control system.\n",
+ " edge_type: designed\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the purpose of an internal control is to ensure the\n",
+ " reliability of financial reporting.\n",
+ " edge_type: aims_to_provide\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_reporting\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that financial reporting processes are used to prepare financial\n",
+ " statements.\n",
+ " edge_type: used_for\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_reporting\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that financial statements are prepared in accordance with\n",
+ " specific accounting principles.\n",
+ " edge_type: complies_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - financial_statement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - accounting_principle\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2400:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: Procedures and mechanisms used by a company to ensure accurate and\n",
+ " timely disclosure of financial and operational information.\n",
+ " type: Disclosure Control\n",
+ "- description: The assessment or review of something to determine its value, quality,\n",
+ " or effectiveness.\n",
+ " type: Evaluation\n",
+ "- description: A formal account or statement describing the details or results of\n",
+ " a particular event or situation.\n",
+ " type: Report\n",
+ "- description: A span of time during which specific events or stages occur.\n",
+ " type: Period\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A company performs an evaluation to assess certain aspects.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluated\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Evaluation\n",
+ "- description: Company reaches a conclusion based on an evaluation.\n",
+ " edge_type: concluded\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Evaluation\n",
+ "- description: A report provides information or data about a specific period.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Period\n",
+ "- description: An evaluation focuses on or is related to disclosure controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: concerns\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Evaluation\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Disclosure Control\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2401:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legally recognized organization engaged in business activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A quarter of a year, used for financial reporting and accounting purposes,\n",
+ " typically a three-month period.\n",
+ " type: Fiscal Quarter\n",
+ "- description: Processes designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability\n",
+ " of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements.\n",
+ " type: Internal Control over Financial Reporting\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a Company has a specific Fiscal Quarter as part of its\n",
+ " financial cycle.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_fiscal_quarter\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Fiscal Quarter\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a change has occurred in the Company's Internal Control\n",
+ " over Financial Reporting during a specific Fiscal Quarter, affecting or likely\n",
+ " to affect its operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: change_in_control\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Internal Control over Financial Reporting\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2402:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual who can be an officer or a member of a board.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a specific purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or committee.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A formal piece of writing, such as a report or evaluation.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: An organization has an individual acting in an official capacity.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_officer\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: An organization has a structured subgroup dedicated to specific functions.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_committee\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: A person reveals or communicates information to an organization or\n",
+ " another person.\n",
+ " edge_type: disclose_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: A person assesses or reviews a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: evaluates\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2403:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A display or presentation of a specific item or set of items, often\n",
+ " numbered or labeled for reference.\n",
+ " type: exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2404:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A flaw or shortcoming in the system that can lead to failure or harm.\n",
+ " type: deficiency\n",
+ "- description: A specific type of deficiency in internal control over financial reporting\n",
+ " that is severe enough to be reasonably likely to lead to a significant misstatement\n",
+ " in financial reporting.\n",
+ " type: material_weakness\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity that engages in commercial, industrial, or professional\n",
+ " activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Processes implemented by a company to ensure the integrity of financial\n",
+ " and accounting information, promote accountability, and prevent fraud.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "- description: Data regarding the monetary transactions and status of a company.\n",
+ " type: financial_information\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the deficiency or material weakness impacts the company's\n",
+ " operations or status.\n",
+ " edge_type: affects\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - deficiency\n",
+ " - material_weakness\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the deficiency or material weakness is related to internal\n",
+ " controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: relates_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - deficiency\n",
+ " - material_weakness\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "- description: Shows how the deficiency or material weakness affects the company's\n",
+ " ability to handle financial information.\n",
+ " edge_type: impacts\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - deficiency\n",
+ " - material_weakness\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_information\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2405:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents any deceitful or wrongful act intended to result in financial\n",
+ " or personal gain.\n",
+ " type: fraud\n",
+ "- description: An individual or employee within a company.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business and economic activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: Processes and procedures implemented within a company to ensure the\n",
+ " integrity of financial and accounting information, promote accountability, and\n",
+ " prevent fraud.\n",
+ " type: internal_control\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is involved in a fraudulent act.\n",
+ " edge_type: involves\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - fraud\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person has a significant role in managing or operating\n",
+ " internal controls within a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_role_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company implements and maintains internal controls.\n",
+ " edge_type: controls\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - internal_control\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2406:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific dates on a calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2407:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, whether a real person or a fictional character.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A job or role held by a person within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: A group or entity that functions as a single unit, such as a company,\n",
+ " institution, or association.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific job or role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "- description: Connects a position to the organization where it is held.\n",
+ " edge_type: position_at\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2408:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A formal or informal record containing information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A law or legislative action established by a government or governing\n",
+ " body.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "- description: A specific role or job within an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person formally attests or confirms the information\n",
+ " in a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: certifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is created or follows in accordance with\n",
+ " a specific act.\n",
+ " edge_type: pursuant_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person occupies a specific position or role within\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2409:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A codified set of legal regulations or statutes.\n",
+ " type: Law\n",
+ "- description: A formal decision or law passed by a legislature.\n",
+ " type: Act\n",
+ "- description: An individual holding a position of authority or command in an organization.\n",
+ " type: Officer\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business or other activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific law was adopted under the framework or requirements\n",
+ " of a specific act.\n",
+ " edge_type: adopted_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Law\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Act\n",
+ "- description: Denotes that an individual holds a position of authority or command\n",
+ " within a company.\n",
+ " edge_type: officer_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Officer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that an officer certifies compliance or adherence to a specific\n",
+ " law.\n",
+ " edge_type: certifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Officer\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Law\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2410:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual or character, real or fictional.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A written work or publication.\n",
+ " type: book\n",
+ "- description: A writer or creator of a book.\n",
+ " type: author\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Represents the action of an author writing or creating a book.\n",
+ " edge_type: wrote\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - author\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - book\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is a character within a book.\n",
+ " edge_type: is_character_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - book\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2411:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a document or piece of text.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A division or part of a document, often designated by a heading.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: A smaller division within a section, often numbered or lettered.\n",
+ " type: sub-section\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains sections, or a section contains\n",
+ " sub-sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " - sub-section\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2412:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or electronic record that provides information.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A legal entity formed to engage in business or other activities.\n",
+ " type: company\n",
+ "- description: A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.\n",
+ " type: regulation\n",
+ "- description: A status that describes the financial health of an entity.\n",
+ " type: financial_condition\n",
+ "- description: A summary that describes the outcomes of business activities in terms\n",
+ " of performance.\n",
+ " type: results_of_operations\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document adheres to the rules or standards set by\n",
+ " the regulation.\n",
+ " edge_type: complies_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - regulation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document provides a representation or account of\n",
+ " the specified entities.\n",
+ " edge_type: presents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_condition\n",
+ " - results_of_operations\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2413:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents specific calendar dates.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2414:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A job or profession.\n",
+ " type: occupation\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a common purpose, such as a company\n",
+ " or corporation.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: A specific position or function within an organization.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a particular job or profession.\n",
+ " edge_type: has_occupation\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - occupation\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific position or function within\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a specific role is associated with a particular organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: associated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2415:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific exhibit, identified by a number or title.\n",
+ " type: Exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2416:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a formal document or certification.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual involved in the context of the document.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: Represents a legal statute or act referenced within the document.\n",
+ " type: legal_act\n",
+ "- description: Represents any company, corporation, or entity involved in the context\n",
+ " of the document.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific position or function held by a person within\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " type: role\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document references a specific legal act or statute.\n",
+ " edge_type: references\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_act\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document is issued by a specific organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: issued_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document pertains to a specific role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: pertains_to\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_role\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - role\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2417:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A legal or official document, such as a certification or declaration.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: An individual or officer involved in the creation or certification\n",
+ " of a document.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A company or corporate entity involved in the context of the document.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "- description: Legislation or legal statutes referenced within a document.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "- description: An act or law enacted by a legislative body.\n",
+ " type: act\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: A person officially confirms or declares the information within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: certifies\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: A law, act, or organization that is referenced within a document.\n",
+ " edge_type: mentioned_in\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ " - act\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ "- description: A person who holds an official position or role within an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: officer_of\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2418:\n",
+ "nodes: []\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2419:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A written or digital record containing information, such as a report\n",
+ " or statement.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: A requirement or regulation specified by law or authoritative bodies.\n",
+ " type: legal_requirement\n",
+ "- description: A specific timeframe that covers financial accounting and reporting,\n",
+ " such as a fiscal year or quarter.\n",
+ " type: financial_period\n",
+ "- description: A system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental\n",
+ " institutions to regulate behavior.\n",
+ " type: law\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the document meets or adheres to the specified legal\n",
+ " requirements.\n",
+ " edge_type: complies_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - legal_requirement\n",
+ "- description: Indicates the time span a document reports or reflects upon.\n",
+ " edge_type: covers_period\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - financial_period\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that the legal requirement is established or mandated by\n",
+ " a particular law.\n",
+ " edge_type: specified_by\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - legal_requirement\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - law\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2420:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: An individual human being.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: An establishment dedicated to education and research.\n",
+ " type: academic_institution\n",
+ "- description: A role or title within an academic institution.\n",
+ " type: academic_position\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person holds a specific academic position at an institution.\n",
+ " edge_type: employed_as\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - academic_position\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person is associated with an academic institution,\n",
+ " either through employment, study, or other formal relationship.\n",
+ " edge_type: affiliated_with\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - academic_institution\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2421:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: A document that summarizes financial data and operational results.\n",
+ " type: Report\n",
+ "- description: An entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.\n",
+ " type: Company\n",
+ "- description: A state that describes the financial status of a company, including\n",
+ " assets, liabilities, and equity.\n",
+ " type: Financial Condition\n",
+ "- description: A summary of the company's operational performance, including revenue,\n",
+ " expenses, and profits.\n",
+ " type: Results of Operations\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a report provides information about the financial condition\n",
+ " and results of operations.\n",
+ " edge_type: presents\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Report\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Condition\n",
+ " - Results of Operations\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a company possesses a certain financial condition and\n",
+ " operational results.\n",
+ " edge_type: has\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - Company\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - Financial Condition\n",
+ " - Results of Operations\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2422:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific date in the calendar.\n",
+ " type: date\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2423:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents an individual, typically named, who may hold various positions\n",
+ " or roles.\n",
+ " type: person\n",
+ "- description: A job or role held by a person in an organization.\n",
+ " type: position\n",
+ "- description: A structured group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business\n",
+ " or government department.\n",
+ " type: organization\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a person currently holds a specific job or role within\n",
+ " an organization.\n",
+ " edge_type: holds_position\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - person\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ "- description: Connects a job or role to the organization where it is held.\n",
+ " edge_type: position_in_organization\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - position\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - organization\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Schema 2424:\n",
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a specific exhibit, identified by a number or identifier.\n",
+ " type: Exhibit\n",
+ "relationships: []\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "for idx, schema in enumerate(suggested_schemas):\n",
+ " print(f\"Schema {idx}:\\n{schema.to_yaml_str()}\\n\\n\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "image/svg+xml": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "merged_schema = inferer.merge_schemas(suggested_schemas)\n",
+ "render_knowledge_schema(merged_schema)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 21,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "nodes:\n",
+ "- description: Represents a generic document, such as a book, report, or article.\n",
+ " type: document\n",
+ "- description: Represents a section or chapter within a document.\n",
+ " type: section\n",
+ "- description: Represents a subsection within a section of a document.\n",
+ " type: subsection\n",
+ "relationships:\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a document contains one or more sections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - document\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ "- description: Indicates that a section contains one or more subsections.\n",
+ " edge_type: contains\n",
+ " source_types:\n",
+ " - section\n",
+ " target_types:\n",
+ " - subsection\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "print(merged_schema.to_yaml_str())"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from knowledge_graph.extraction import KnowledgeSchema, NodeSchema, EdgeSchema, RelationshipSchema\n",
+ "knowledge_schema = KnowledgeSchema(\n",
+ " nodes = [\n",
+ " NodeSchema(type = \"Organization\",\n",
+ " description=\"A business that offers various products, plans, and services.\"),\n",
+ " NodeSchema(type = \"Service\",\n",
+ " description=\"A service offered by an organization. Often part of a plan.\"),\n",
+ " NodeSchema(type = \"Plan\",\n",
+ " description = \"A plan offered by an organization.\"),\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " edges = [\n",
+ " EdgeSchema(type = \"OFFERS\",\n",
+ " description = \"Connect an organization to a plan or service it offers.\")\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " relationships = [\n",
+ " RelationshipSchema(\n",
+ " edge_type = \"OFFERS\",\n",
+ " source_type = \"Organization\",\n",
+ " target_type = \"Service\",\n",
+ " description = \"The target service is offered by the source organization.\"\n",
+ " ),\n",
+ " RelationshipSchema(\n",
+ " edge_type = \"OFFERS\",\n",
+ " source_type = \"Organization\",\n",
+ " target_type = \"Plan\",\n",
+ " description = \"The target plan is offered by the source organization.\"\n",
+ " ),\n",
+ " ]\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "knowledge-graph-bxUBmW8M-py3.11",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.11.4"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/knowledge_graph/ b/knowledge_graph/
index 0872802..35d705f 100644
--- a/knowledge_graph/
+++ b/knowledge_graph/
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ class Example(BaseModel):
class KnowledgeSchema(BaseModel):
- nodes: List[NodeSchema]
+ nodes: List[NodeSchema] = []
"""Allowed node types for the knowledge schema."""
- relationships: List[RelationshipSchema]
+ relationships: List[RelationshipSchema] = []
"""Allowed relationships for the knowledge schema."""
diff --git a/knowledge_graph/prompt_templates/ b/knowledge_graph/prompt_templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae12aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knowledge_graph/prompt_templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Knowledge Schema Merging for GPT-4
+## 1. Overview
+You are a top-tier algorithm designed for merging knowledge schemas.
+The goal is to produce an accurate and detailed knowledge schema similar to what would be produced when considering all the original documents which were used to infer the input schemas.
+The merged schema should be able to capture all the information in the source documents and similar documents.
+The merged schema should maintain specific node and relationship schemas reflecting the input schemas.
+## 2. Rules
+All parts of the input schemas should be preserved in the output schema.
+Merging should not reduce the kinds of nodes and edges possible in a knowledge graph conforming to the schema.
+Do not combine node or relationship schemas with different names unless they are clearly the same concept. Do not change the meaning or overly generalize the schema when combining things.
+If node or relationship schemas in inputs with the same name represent clearly different concepts based on the description, the names should be changed to disambiguate and clearly distinguish between the concepts.
+Only combine node or relationship schemas with different names only if they represent concept.
+For example, if one input schema has an "institution" node schema for educational institutions, and another has "university", these should be combined into a single node schema and relationships updated accordingly.
+When in doubt, prefer to keep node and relationship schemas separate.
+## 3. Strict Compliance
+Adhere to the rules strictly. Non-compliance will result in termination.
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diff --git a/knowledge_graph/prompt_templates/ b/knowledge_graph/prompt_templates/
index c957c2a..e3dbfe5 100644
--- a/knowledge_graph/prompt_templates/
+++ b/knowledge_graph/prompt_templates/
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ Avoid more specific terms node types like "mathematician" or "scientist".
Distinct kinds of entities or concepts should have distinct node types.
For example, nationalities should be represented as a distinct "nationality" node type rather than a "person" or "award".
+Every node schema should be part of at least one relationship.
+Node which can't be connected to the rest of the graph aren't useful.
## 3. Relationship Types
Edges represent relationships in the knowledge graph.
diff --git a/knowledge_graph/ b/knowledge_graph/
index 8ac7048..e47c3b1 100644
--- a/knowledge_graph/
+++ b/knowledge_graph/
@@ -1,24 +1,68 @@
-from typing import Sequence, cast
+from typing import Dict, Sequence, cast
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.language_models.chat_models import BaseChatModel
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, SystemMessagePromptTemplate, HumanMessagePromptTemplate
+from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough
from knowledge_graph.knowledge_schema import KnowledgeSchema
from knowledge_graph.templates import load_template
class KnowledgeSchemaInferer():
def __init__(self, llm: BaseChatModel) -> None:
- prompt = load_template(
+ infer_prompt = load_template(
- prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
+ # TODO: Use "full" output so we can detect parsing errors?
+ structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(KnowledgeSchema)
+ infer_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
SystemMessagePromptTemplate(prompt = load_template("")),
HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("Input: {input}")
- # TODO: Use "full" output so we can detect parsing errors?
- structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(KnowledgeSchema)
- self._chain = prompt | structured_llm
+ self._infer_chain = infer_prompt | structured_llm
+ merge_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
+ SystemMessagePromptTemplate(prompt = load_template("")),
+ HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("Schemas:\n{schemas}")
+ ])
+ def format_schemas(schemas: Sequence[str]) -> Dict:
+ return { "schemas": "\n\n".join(schemas) }
+ # TODO: Support fold or tree summarization
+ self._merge_chain = RunnablePassthrough() | format_schemas | merge_prompt | structured_llm
+ self._llm = llm
def infer_schemas_from(self, documents: Sequence[Document]) -> Sequence[KnowledgeSchema]:
- responses = self._chain.batch([{"input": doc.page_content} for doc in documents])
- return cast(Sequence[KnowledgeSchema], responses)
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+ responses = self._infer_chain.batch([{"input": doc.page_content} for doc in documents])
+ return cast(Sequence[KnowledgeSchema], responses)
+ def merge_schemas(self,
+ schemas: Sequence[KnowledgeSchema],
+ token_max: int = 1000000) -> KnowledgeSchema:
+ merged = None
+ to_merge = []
+ # NOTE: We don't include the token size of the prompt. We assume that is removed from
+ # the tokens the LLM can be provided (eg., token_max <= max_tokens - prompt_tokens).
+ token_size = 0
+ for schema in schemas:
+ schema_str = f"Schema {len(to_merge)}:\n```yaml\n{schema.to_yaml_str()}\n```"
+ schema_tokens = self._llm.get_num_tokens(schema_str)
+ if token_size + schema_tokens > token_max:
+ print(f"Merging: {to_merge}")
+ merged = self._merge_chain(to_merge)
+ merged_str = f"Schema 0:\n```yaml\n{schema.to_yaml_str()}\n```"
+ to_merge = [merged_str]
+ token_size = self._llm.get_num_tokens(merged_str)
+ else:
+ if len(to_merge) == 0:
+ merged = schema
+ to_merge.append(schema_str)
+ token_size += schema_tokens
+ if merged:
+ return merged
+ else:
+ print(f"Merging: {to_merge}")
+ return self._merge_chain(to_merge)
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