HAT Data Feed structure
- source: string
- date: UNIX timestamp
- types: Array of strings, e.g. (photo, post, event, link, video, place)
- title: Object (optional)
- text: String
- action: String name of an icon?
- content: object
- text: String
url: String
- location: optional object
- geo: optional object (longitude, latitude, etc)
- address: optional object (normal address with street, city, country, etc)
- tags: Optional array of strings (home, work, etc)
"source": "fitbit",
"date": 1509312799,
"text": "You walked 3789 steps",
"action": "steps"
"content": null,
"location": null
"source": "facebook",
"date": 1509265200,
"text": "You posted this photo",
"action": null
"text": null,
"media": [
"url": "https://camo.githubusercontent.com/f92f247a903901becb770b14354654061fdaaa4b/687474703a2f2f696d672e796f75747562652e636f6d2f76692f79317478596a6f535151632f302e6a7067"
"source": "twitter",
"date": 1509264200,
"text": "You retweeted",
"action": null
"text": "Son: Dad can we go to a haunted house this year?\nMe: What's wrong with the one we live in?\nSon: What?!?\nMe: Goodnight son."
"source": "instagram",
"date": 1509255200,
"text": "You posted this photo",
"action": null
"text": "Commuting to my new desk #worklifebalance",
"media": [
"url": "https://media.wired.com/photos/59327d844dc9b45ccec5e7ca/master/pass/bikedesk.jpg"
"source": "hat",
"date": 1509245200,
"text": "You got yourself a HAT",
"action": null
"text": "Together we can change the Internet."