diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index df5dbe3..d16d2d0 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ All of the following commands should be run in `ckan-cloud-docker` (unless state >**Note**: Depending on any custom configurations you have, you might need to adjust the variables in `db/migration/upgrade_databases.sh` (and others, such as your custom `docker-compose` file, or your custom `.ini` file) to match your setup. ->**Important**: While following the migration steps, you will create backups of the DBs to migrate to the new upgraded CKAN instance. A more robust backup is recommended, in the case that you need to revert to the old CKAN 2.7 instance (). It's recommended to either take a snapshot (or similar) of your server before beginning the migration, or to make a full copy of `/var/lib/docker` (or wherever your Docker data is stored) to ensure you can revert if needed. If your cloud server doesn't have space to store the copy (the copy will likely require at least 50GB of free space), you will need to copy it to another server or storage location (e.g., S3, Google Cloud Storage, or locally using `scp`, `rsync`, etc.). For steps on how to revert to the old CKAN 2.7 instance _without_ a full system or Docker data backup, see the [Reverting to the old CKAN 2.7 instance](#reverting-to-the-old-ckan-27-instance) section below. +>**Important**: While following the migration steps, you will create backups of the DBs to migrate to the new upgraded CKAN instance. A more robust backup is recommended, in the case that you need to revert to the old CKAN 2.7 instance. It's recommended to either take a snapshot (or similar) of your server before beginning the migration, or to make a full copy of `/var/lib/docker` (or wherever your Docker data is stored) to ensure you can revert if needed. If your cloud server doesn't have space to store the copy (the copy will likely require at least 50GB of free space), you will need to copy it to another server or storage location (e.g., S3, Google Cloud Storage, or locally using `scp`, `rsync`, etc.). For steps on how to revert to the old CKAN 2.7 instance _without_ a full system or Docker data backup, see the [Reverting to the old CKAN 2.7 instance](#reverting-to-the-old-ckan-27-instance) section below. 1. Start up your _current_ instance (if it's not running already, **don't pull the latest changes yet**): `make start O=vital-strategies` 2. Reset any repo changes that might have accidentally been commited: `git reset --mixed HEAD`