My first web app using React and Node 🎉
Users can register and log in as either Admin or User.
- Admin can manage users and tasks:
- update users info (name, breed, admin status)
- delete users
- assign tasks to users
- add users to previous tasks
- delete tasks
- User can only see tasks that are assigned to them.
- User can check off task
- General board where users can interact
- Comment section for each task
- Admin can set deadlines for tasks
- Calendar feature to see all tasks
- Admin and User can change their own passwords.
This project requires the following tools:
- Node.js: an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment
- NPM: a package manager for Node.js
- PostgreSQL: a relational database system
Clone repository
In your folder, run following commands:
git clone
cd react-node-project
Install dependencies
This project needs to install dependencies for both backend server and frontend.
# in project root directory, install backend dependencies
npm install
# install frontend dependencies
cd client
npm install
Create environment variables
Before starting the app, you need to create a .env
file in root directory with the following variables:
DB_HOST= # http://localhost
is the password of the app's first Admin, but it only works before seeding. Undo most recent seeds by running npx sequelize-cli db:seed:undo
Run server
To start the app, you can run these commands in the project directory:
# start migrating
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
# start server
npm start
Create a new account from register form and log in to see User's display.
Or log into Admin's account created from seeder:
Username: bimbim
Password: [ADMIN_PASSWORD] // or "sunshine" if ADMIN_PASSWORD is empty
for the demo is not publicly accessible.