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Releases: davetron5000/gli


29 Sep 13:45
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  • Fix crashing bug in the _doc command.
  • Dropped official support for 1.8.7. This version of Ruby is long-deprecated and while GLI should continue to work, the tools needed to develop GLI exhibit strange behavior that cause tests to fail. Rather than lock to older versions of the tools or waste time figuring out the problem, I've removed 1.8.7 from .travis.yml. I don't plan to introduce 1.9 or 2.0-only code to GLI, but am not going to spend time making sure it works on 1.8.7


03 Sep 13:19
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  • Since use of arguments :strict requires that subcommand_option_handling :normal also be set, GLI will blow up if that's not the case (as opposed to just not working).
  • Scaffolding now puts subcommand_option_handling :normal in the new app, as was originally intended, but not ever actually done for some reason o_O.
  • Improved documentation around arguments


30 Jul 01:15
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  • Support for "strict" argument parsing. That is, when you specify:

    arg :url

    GLI will check if that arg was given on the command line, and generate an error if not. Note that by default, existing apps will not get this feature without adding arguments :strict to their binfile. Newly-scaffolded apps will have this by default. Thanks @calestar (see #187)


09 Jun 16:23
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These features and fixes brought to you by the conscientious @calestar! Many thanks!

  • New Feature - document multiple arguments by repeated calls to arg

    # previously
    arg_name "src dest [second_dest]"
    # currently
    arg :src
    arg :dest
    arg :second_dest, :optional

    This doesn't enforce required v optional, but paves the way for it, and makes it easier to build up the arguments help string (see #184 and #180, and

  • Better help output when multiple required flags are omitted (see #177 and #182)

  • Getting help with GLI_DEBUG set no longer exits nonzero (getting help without GLI_DEBUG set previously exited zero, so this makes the behavior of getting help more consistent. See #183 and #181. Thanks @calestar!)


22 Apr 12:46
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  • New option, hide_commands_without_desc which, if set to true, will hide commands in the help output that have no desc (basically exposes what the hidden _doc command was already doing). Thanks @blackjid! See #170
  • Updated must_match documentation, see #163


19 Jan 19:14
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  • Synopsis can be shown in a more compact format for complex apps (See #160)
  • Full synopsis now shows flags and switches in the correct location on the command line (See #162)
  • Flags can now be made required and GLI will error if they are omitted (See #161)
  • Generated gemspec now uses git by default to get the file list (See #159, thanks to @JesseHerrick!)

Also, some documentation updates:


19 Jan 19:07
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  • Message printed when initconfig generates the config file (See #158, thanks to @calestar!)


15 Sep 16:03
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  • Fixes #154 courtesy @tokengeek and [@jonhl] allowing --help to work as one would expect with subcommands.


06 Jul 16:38
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  • Can now re-open commands later on, which can allow commands_from extensions. See #152 (which fixes #144 more or less). Thanks @jonhnl for the fix!
  • When a custom on_error block evaluates to false, and GLI_DEBUG is set, GLI will output a message explaining that custom error handling has been skipped. See #151
  • When a user requests help via --help on the command line, the exception used to make that work will not cause the on_error block to be called. See #150


03 Jul 15:01
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  • When the pre block returns a falsey value, it now does so via a special-purpose exception and also provides a message that the preconditions failed (see #146)
  • Previously, doing app --help command would execute command. Now, it acts the same as app help command, i.e. gets help for that command (see #149)