diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b763f01e..5f65ffe3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -106,6 +106,14 @@ Potato aims to improve the replicability of data annotation and reduce the cost
+### Empathy as Appraisal (paired texts + likert)
+[yaml config](https://github.com/davidjurgens/potato/tree/master/example-projects/empathy) | [Paper](https://aclanthology.org/2020.emnlp-main.45.pdf)
+ [launch] python3 potato/flask_server.py example-projects/empathy/configs/empathy.yaml -p 8000
+ [Annotate] http://localhost:8000/
## Design Team and Support
Potato is run by a small and engergetic team of academics doing the best they can. For support, please leave a issue on this git repo. Feature requests and issues are both welcomed!
diff --git a/example-projects/empathy/configs/empathy.yaml b/example-projects/empathy/configs/empathy.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5ddc8d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example-projects/empathy/configs/empathy.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ "annotation_task_name": "Empathy Annotation",
+ # Potato will write the annotation file for all annotations to this
+ # directory, as well as per-annotator output files and state information
+ # necessary to restart annotation.
+ "output_annotation_dir": "annotation_output/empathy/",
+ # The output format for the all-annotator data. Allowed formats are:
+ # * jsonl
+ # * json (same output as jsonl)
+ # * csv
+ # * tsv
+ #
+ "output_annotation_format": "csv",
+ # If annotators are using a codebook, this will be linked at the top to the
+ # instance for easy access
+ "annotation_codebook_url": "",
+ "data_files": [
+ "example-projects/empathy/data_files/empathy.json"
+ ],
+ # Both the target and observer comments are elements in a list referenced by the "text" key.
+ # See `example-projects/empathy/data_files/empathy.json` for details
+ "item_properties": {
+ "id_key": "id",
+ "text_key": "text",
+ },
+ # To convert the list into a string, we use `list_as_text` as shown below.
+ "list_as_text": {
+ "text_list_prefix_type": 'none',
+ },
+ "user_config": {
+ "allow_all_users": True,
+ "users": [ ],
+ },
+ "annotation_schemes": [
+ {
+ "annotation_type": "likert",
+ "name": "rating",
+ "description": "To what extent does the observer's appraisal of the situation match that of the target speaker?",
+ "min_label": "Not at all",
+ "max_label": "Completely",
+ "size": 5,
+ "sequential_key_binding": True,
+ }
+ ],
+ # The html that changes the visualiztation for your task. Change this file
+ # to influence the layout and description of your task. This is not a full
+ # HTML page, just the piece that does lays out your task's pieces
+ "html_layout": "templates/examples/plain_layout.html",
+ # The core UI files for Potato. You should not need to change these normally.
+ #
+ # Exceptions to this might include:
+ # 1) You want to add custom CSS/fonts to style your task
+ # 2) Your layout requires additional JS/assets to render
+ # 3) You want to support additional keybinding magic
+ #
+ "base_html_template": "templates/base_template.html",
+ "header_file": "templates/header.html",
+ # How many seconds do you want the annotators spend on each instance, after
+ # that, an alert will be sent per alert_time_each_instance seconds.
+ "alert_time_each_instance": 10000000,
+ # This is where the actual HTML files will be generated
+ "site_dir": "potato/templates/",
diff --git a/example-projects/empathy/data_files/empathy.json b/example-projects/empathy/data_files/empathy.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7280b299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example-projects/empathy/data_files/empathy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{ "id": "0", "text": [ "Target: My cat died, and I feel very sad about it.", "Observer: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that. When my cat died it really affected me, too."] }
+{ "id": "1", "text": [ "Target: I just can't beat the third level of Super Mario Brothers and it's totally ruining my day.", "Observer: Ugh yeah, that's so frustrating."] }
diff --git a/images/empathy.png b/images/empathy.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af0bfca6
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/empathy.png differ