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This demo is a simple deployment of the KubeFed Operator on two OpenShift clusters. A sample application is deployed to both clusters through the KubeFed controller.


The Federation Operator requires at least one OpenShift Container Platform 4.1 cluster.

This walkthrough will use two OCP 4.1 clusters deployed using the Installer-Provisioned Infrastructure installation type.

Install the kubefedctl binary

The kubefedctl tool manages federated cluster registration. Download the v0.1.0-rc3 release and unpack it into a directory in your PATH (the example uses $HOME/bin):

curl -Ls | tar xz -C ~/bin

Verify that kubefedctl is working:

kubefedctl version

kubefedctl version: version.Info{Version:"v0.1.0-rc3", GitCommit:"d188d227fe3f78f33d74d9a40b3cb701c471cc7e", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-06-25T00:27:58Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

Download the example code

Clone the demo code to your local machine:

git clone
cd federation-dev/

Federation deployment

Create the two OpenShift clusters

Follow the Installer Provisioned Infrastructure Instructions for installing two OpenShift 4.1 clusters on AWS. Be sure to employ the --dir option with a distinct directory for each cluster you create.

Configure client context for cluster admin access

The installer creates a kubeconfig file for each cluster. We are going to merge them in the same file so we can use that file later with the kubefedctl tool. As an example, if you use the --dir option to create cluster1 within a directory called cluster1, the kubeconfig will be in cluster1/admin/kubeconfig. See also our video outlining the process of combining kubeconfigs.

First, we will rename the admin context and credentials of each cluster, then merge the two kubeconfig files.

sed -i 's/admin/cluster1/g' cluster1/auth/kubeconfig

sed -i 's/admin/cluster2/g' cluster2/auth/kubeconfig

export KUBECONFIG=cluster1/auth/kubeconfig:cluster2/auth/kubeconfig

oc config view --flatten > /path/to/composed-kubeconfig

export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/composed-kubeconfig
oc config use-context cluster1

Now, our current client context is system:admin in cluster1. The following commands assume this is the active context:

$ oc config current-context
$ oc whoami

The presence and unique naming of the client contexts are important because the kubefedctl tool uses them to manage cluster registration, and they are referenced by context name.

Deploy KubeFed

Federation member clusters do not require KubeFed to be installed on them, but for convenience, we will use one of the clusters (cluster1) to host the KubeFed control plane.

In order to deploy the operator, we are going to use Operator Hub within the OCP4 Web Console.

KubeFed supports two modes of operation: namespace scoped and cluster scoped. This guide will walk through installing namespace scoped KubeFed. For a cluster-scoped guide, click here

A note on namespaces: The KubeFed operator install provides an option to either limit the operator to watch a particular namespace or watch all namespaces cluster-wide (default). This is a different concept from KubeFed itself being either namespace or cluster scoped. In order to deploy namespace scoped KubeFed, you will install the operator to watch all namespaces, the default mode.

  1. Login into cluster1 web console as kubeadmin user.
    1. Login details are reported by the installer and the password is peristed in the file auth/kubeadmin-password.
  2. Create the namespace (OpenShift project) to be federated.
    1. On the left panel click Home -> Projects.
    2. Click Create Project.
    3. Name it test-namespace.
    4. Click Create.
  3. Install KubeFed from Operator Hub.
    1. On the left panel click Catalog -> Operator Hub.
    2. Select KubeFed from operator list.
    3. If a warning about use of Community Operators is shown click Continue.
    4. Click Install.
    5. Under Installation Mode, ensure All namespaces on the cluster (default) is selected.
    6. Click Subscribe.
  4. Check the Operator Subscription status.
    1. On the left panel click Catalog -> Operator Management.
    2. Click Operator Subscriptions tab.
    3. Ensure the Status is "Up to date" for the kubefed-operator subscription.
    4. Note the namespace the operator has installed into is openshift-operators
  5. Create a KubeFedWebHook resource.
    1. On the left panel click Catalog -> Installed Operators.
    2. Select test-namespace from the drop down list for Project
    3. Click Kubefed Operator.
    4. Under Provided APIs, find KubeFedWebHook, and click Create New.
    5. The default values should be fine. Click Create.
  6. Create a KubeFed resource to instantiate the KubeFed controller.
    1. On the left panel click Catalog -> Installed Operators.
    2. Select test-namespace from the drop down list for Project
    3. Click Kubefed Operator.
    4. Under Provided APIs, find KubeFed, and click Create New.
    5. Ensure the namespace is test-namespace and the scope is Namespaced then click Create.

If everything works as expected, there should be a kubefed-controller-manager Deployment with two pods running in test-namespace.

oc --context=cluster1 -n test-namespace get pods

NAME                                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kubefed-controller-manager-744f57ccff-q4f6k  1/1       Running   0          3m18s
kubefed-controller-manager-744f57ccff-2jb6b  1/1       Running   0          3m18s

Troubleshooting the operator

Note: There is an issue in the latest version of the operator (as of this writing) where the operator does not properly listen to all namespaces. If, after creating a KubeFed resource, the kubefed-controller-manager deployment is not created in the test namespace, try the following:

  1. In the WebUI, on the left panel click Catalog -> Installed Operators.
  2. Select Openshift Operators from the Projects drop down list.
  3. Click KubeFed Operator.
  4. Click YAML to enter the editor for the CSV YAML content.
  5. Find the string WATCH_NAMESPACE
  6. Ensure fieldPath is set to metadata.annotations['olm.targetNamespaces'].
  7. Click Save to push the update to the operator.

Now we are going to enable some of the federated types needed for our demo application. You can watch as FederatedTypeConfig resources are created for each type by visiting the All Instances tab of the Kubefed Operator under Catalog -> Installed Operators.

for type in namespaces secrets serviceaccounts services configmaps deployments.apps
    kubefedctl enable $type --kubefed-namespace test-namespace 

Register the clusters

Verify that there are no clusters yet (but note that you can already reference the CRDs for federated clusters):

oc get kubefedclusters -n test-namespace

No resources found.

Now use the kubefedctl tool to register (join) the two clusters:

kubefedctl join cluster1 \
            --host-cluster-context cluster1 \
            --cluster-context cluster1 \
            --kubefed-namespace=test-namespace \
kubefedctl join cluster2 \
            --host-cluster-context cluster1 \
            --cluster-context cluster2 \
            --kubefed-namespace=test-namespace \

Note that the names of the clusters (cluster1 and cluster2) in the commands above are a reference to the contexts configured in the oc client. For this process to work as expected you need to make sure that the client contexts have been properly configured with the right access levels and context names. The --cluster-context option for kubefedctl join can be used to override the reference to the client context configuration. When the option is not present, kubefedctl uses the cluster name to identify the client context.

Verify that the federated clusters are registered and in a ready state (this can take a moment):

oc describe kubefedclusters -n test-namespace

Name:         cluster1
Namespace:    test-namespace
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         KubeFedCluster
  Creation Timestamp:  2019-07-16T02:39:05Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    92327
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 e121be84-a772-11e9-ab57-0209a2dfbbc0
  API Endpoint:
  Ca Bundle:    Omitted 
  Secret Ref:
    Name:  cluster1-w2s55
    Last Probe Time:       2019-07-16T02:41:24Z
    Last Transition Time:  2019-07-16T02:41:24Z
    Message:               /healthz responded with ok
    Reason:                ClusterReady
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Ready
  Region:                  us-east-1
Events:  <none>

Name:         cluster2
Namespace:    test-namespace
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         KubeFedCluster
  Creation Timestamp:  2019-07-16T02:40:10Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    92328
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 0794d03e-a773-11e9-829e-0ebfb37fb274
  API Endpoint:
  Ca Bundle:     Omitted
  Secret Ref:
    Name:  cluster2-f6xtm
    Last Probe Time:       2019-07-16T02:41:24Z
    Last Transition Time:  2019-07-16T02:41:24Z
    Message:               /healthz responded with ok
    Reason:                ClusterReady
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Ready
  Region:                  us-east-1
Events:  <none>

Example application

Now that we have kubefed installed, let’s deploy an example app in both clusters through the kubefed control plane.

Verify that our test-namespace is present in both clusters now:

oc --context=cluster1 get ns | grep test-namespace
oc --context=cluster2 get ns | grep test-namespace

test-namespace                 Active    36m
test-namespace                 Active    3m21s

The container image we will use for our example application (nginx) requires the ability to choose its user id. Configure the clusters to grant that privilege:

for c in cluster1 cluster2; do
    oc --context ${c} \
        adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid \

Deploy the application

The sample application includes the following resources:

  • A Deployment of an nginx web server.
  • A Service of type NodePort for nginx.
  • A sample ConfigMap, Secret and ServiceAccount. These are not actually used by the sample application (static nginx) but are included to illustrate how Kubefed would assist with more complex applications.

The sample-app directory contains definitions to deploy these resources. For each of them there is a resource template and a placement policy, and some of them also have overrides. For example: the sample nginx deployment template specifies 3 replicas, but there is also an override that sets the replicas to 5 on cluster2.

Instantiate all these federated resources:

oc apply -R -f sample-app

Verify that the application is running

Verify that the various resources have been deployed in both clusters according to their respective placement policies and cluster overrides:

for resource in configmaps secrets deployments services; do
    for cluster in cluster1 cluster2; do
        echo ------------ ${cluster} ${resource} ------------
        oc --context=${cluster} -n test-namespace get ${resource}

Verify that the application can be accessed:

for cluster in cluster1 cluster2; do
  echo ------------ ${cluster} ------------
  oc --context=${cluster} -n test-namespace expose service test-service
  url="http://$(oc --context=${cluster} -n test-namespace get route test-service -o jsonpath='{}')"
  curl -I $url

Modify placement

Now modify the test-deployment federated deployment placement policy to remove cluster2, leaving it only active on cluster1:

oc -n test-namespace patch federateddeployment test-deployment \
    --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"placement":{"clusters":[{"name": "cluster1"}]}}}'

Observe how the federated deployment is now only present in cluster1:

for cluster in cluster1 cluster2; do
    echo ------------ ${cluster} deployments ------------
    oc --context=${cluster} -n test-namespace get deployments

Now add cluster2 back to the federated deployment placement:

oc -n test-namespace patch federateddeployment test-deployment \
    --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"placement":{"clusters": [{"name": "cluster1"}, {"name": "cluster2"}]}}}'

And verify that the federated deployment was deployed on both clusters again:

for cluster in cluster1 cluster2; do
    echo ------------ ${cluster} deployments ------------
    oc --context=${cluster} -n test-namespace get deployments

Clean up

To clean up the test application run:

oc delete -R -f sample-app
for cluster in cluster1 cluster2; do
  oc --context=${cluster} -n test-namespace delete route test-service

This leaves the two clusters with federation deployed. If you want to disable federation:

  1. Login into cluster1 web console as kubeadmin user
    1. Login details were reported by the installer
  2. Ensure the active project is test-namespace
  3. Delete the CVS (Cluster Service Version)
    1. On the left panel click Catalog -> Installed Operators
    2. Click the three dots icon on the federation entry
    3. Click Delete Cluster Service Version

What’s next?

This walkthrough does not go into detail about the components and resources involved in cluster federation. Feel free to explore the repository to review the YAML files that configure KubeFed and deploy the sample application. See also the upstream KubeFed repository and its user guide, on which this guide is based.

Beyond that: More advanced aspects of cluster federation like managing ingress traffic or storage rely on supporting infrastructure for the clusters will be topics for more advanced guides.