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{"name":"You-might-not-need-jquery-plugins","tagline":"In addition to http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/ this is a list of commonly used plugins without dependencies","body":"# You might not need jQuery plugins\r\nWhen [youmightnotneedjquery](http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/) you also might not need jQuery plugins.\r\nThis list will start out with personal preferences, but since the goal is to have a generic list\r\nall input is welcome.\r\n\r\n## Credits:\r\nThe idea for this came from [Lea Verou](https://github.com/LeaVerou) and was discussed at the [lazyweb-request repo](https://github.com/h5bp/lazyweb-requests)\r\nThe groundwork for this was done by [Zack Bloom](https://github.com/zackbloom) & [Adam Schwartz](https://github.com/adamschwartz) in the [youmightnotneedjquery project](https://github.com/HubSpot/youmightnotneedjquery/graphs/contributors)\r\n\r\n## Plugins:\r\n| Plugin |IE 10 | IE 9 | IE 8 |\r\n|-------------|---------|----------|----------|\r\n| __Slider, Carousel__ |\r\n| [lory](http://meandmax.github.io/lory/) | yes | no | no |\r\n| [jssor](https://github.com/jssor/slider)| yes | yes | yes |\r\n| __Thumbnail gallery__ |\r\n| [jssor](https://github.com/jssor/slider)| yes | yes | yes |\r\n| __Scroller__ |\r\n| [scrollerjs](https://github.com/forcedotcom/scrollerjs)| tbd | tbd | tbd |\r\n| [tinyscrollbar](https://github.com/wieringen/tinyscrollbar)| yes | yes | no |\r\n| __Lightbox__ |\r\n|-------------|---------|----------|----------|\r\n| __Tooltip__ |\r\n| [opentip](https://github.com/enyo/opentip) | yes | yes | yes |\r\n| __Drop-Down List__ |\r\n|-------------|---------|----------|----------|\r\n| __Multiselect__ |\r\n|-------------|---------|----------|----------|\r\n| __Dialog__ |\r\n|-------------|---------|----------|----------|\r\n| __(Responsive) Menu__ |\r\n|-------------|---------|----------|----------|\r\n| __Validation__ |\r\n| [validate.js](https://github.com/rickharrison/validate.js/) | yes | yes | yes |\r\n| __Modal / Popup__ |\r\n|-------------|---------|----------|----------|\r\n| __Date picker__ |\r\n| [pikaday](https://github.com/dbushell/Pikaday) | yes | yes | yes |\r\n| __Accordion__ |\r\n|-------------|---------|----------|----------|\r\n| __Autocomplete__ |\r\n| [awesomplete](https://github.com/LeaVerou/awesomplete) | tbd | tbd | tbd |\r\n| __Lazy Loading__ |\r\n| [layzr](https://github.com/callmecavs/layzr.js) | yes | with a shim | no |\r\n| __Sorting / Drag and Drop__ |\r\n| [dragula](http://bevacqua.github.io/dragula/) | yes | yes | yes |\r\n| [sortable](https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable) | yes | yes | no |\r\n","google":"UA-62174685-1","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."}