A number of command line options are available when launching a transform as a Python class.
The following is a current --help output (a work in progress) for
the NOOPTransform
(note the --noop_sleep_sec option):
usage: noop_python_runtime.py [-h] [--noop_sleep_sec NOOP_SLEEP_SEC] [--noop_pwd NOOP_PWD] [--data_s3_cred DATA_S3_CRED] [--data_s3_config DATA_S3_CONFIG] [--data_local_config DATA_LOCAL_CONFIG] [--data_max_files DATA_MAX_FILES]
[--data_checkpointing DATA_CHECKPOINTING] [--data_data_sets DATA_DATA_SETS] [--data_files_to_use DATA_FILES_TO_USE] [--data_num_samples DATA_NUM_SAMPLES] [--runtime_pipeline_id RUNTIME_PIPELINE_ID]
[--runtime_job_id RUNTIME_JOB_ID] [--runtime_code_location RUNTIME_CODE_LOCATION]
Driver for noop processing
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--noop_sleep_sec NOOP_SLEEP_SEC
Sleep actor for a number of seconds while processing the data frame, before writing the file to COS
--noop_pwd NOOP_PWD A dummy password which should be filtered out of the metadata
--data_s3_cred DATA_S3_CRED
AST string of options for s3 credentials. Only required for S3 data access.
access_key: access key help text
secret_key: secret key help text
url: optional s3 url
region: optional s3 region
Example: { 'access_key': 'access', 'secret_key': 'secret',
'url': 'https://s3.us-east.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud',
'region': 'us-east-1' }
--data_s3_config DATA_S3_CONFIG
AST string containing input/output paths.
input_folder: Path to input folder of files to be processed
output_folder: Path to output folder of processed files
Example: { 'input_folder': 's3-path/your-input-bucket',
'output_folder': 's3-path/your-output-bucket' }
--data_local_config DATA_LOCAL_CONFIG
ast string containing input/output folders using local fs.
input_folder: Path to input folder of files to be processed
output_folder: Path to output folder of processed files
Example: { 'input_folder': './input', 'output_folder': '/tmp/output' }
--data_max_files DATA_MAX_FILES
Max amount of files to process
--data_checkpointing DATA_CHECKPOINTING
checkpointing flag
--data_data_sets DATA_DATA_SETS
List of sub-directories of input directory to use for input. For example, ['dir1', 'dir2']
--data_files_to_use DATA_FILES_TO_USE
list of file extensions to choose for input.
--data_num_samples DATA_NUM_SAMPLES
number of random input files to process
--runtime_pipeline_id RUNTIME_PIPELINE_ID
pipeline id
--runtime_job_id RUNTIME_JOB_ID
job id
--runtime_code_location RUNTIME_CODE_LOCATION
AST string containing code location
github: Github repository URL.
commit_hash: github commit hash
path: Path within the repository
Example: { 'github': 'https://github.com/somerepo', 'commit_hash': '1324',
'path': 'transforms/universal/code' }