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Installing TAS for K8S on KIND - Walkthrough Video


Preqrequisites MAC Install CMD
homebrew ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
kubectl brew install kubernetes-cli
docker Download from and Install dmg
kind brew install kind
BOSH cli brew install cloudfoundry/tap/bosh-cli
kapp, kbld, ytt brew tap k14s/tap;brew install ytt kbld kapp
cf cli brew install cloudfoundry/tap/cf-cli
jq brew install jq
yq brew install yq
helm brew install helm
k9s (not really required, but helpful) brew install derailed/k9s/k9s
TAS for K8s

Installing TAS for K8s on KIND

  1. Verify Docker has at least 8GB of RAM
  2. Create work directory and cd into it.
    mkdir tasdesktop; cd tasdesktop
  3. Download a KIND Cluster Configuration file
    curl > cluster.yml
  4. Create your KIND cluster
    kind create cluster --name tasdesktop --config=cluster.yml --image kindest/node:v1.16.4
  5. Download the tas4k8s tarball and place it in into tasdesktop directory and untar it
  6. Download remove-resource-requirements config file
    curl > custom-overlays/remove-resource-requirements.yml
  7. Download use-nodeport-for-ingress.yml
    curl > custom-overlays/use-nodeport-for-ingress.yml
  8. Move load-balancer config file out of active configuration
    mv custom-overlays/replace-loadbalancer-with-clusterip.yaml config-optional/.
  9. Create a config-values directory
    mkdir config-values
  10. Create the System Registry file and then fill it in with appropriate values
    cat > config-values/system-registry-values.yml <<EOF
  11. Create the App Registry file and then fill it in with appropriate values
    cat > config-values/app-registry-values.yml <<EOF
        hostname: ""
        repository: "YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME"
        username: "YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME"
        password: "YOUR DOCKERHUB PW"
  12. Generate defaults for the install
     bin/ -d "" > config-values/deployment-values.yml
  13. Install TAS on K8S
    ./bin/ ./config-values

Test TAS for Kubernetes Install

  1. Login to the API Server
    cf api --skip-ssl-validation
    cf auth admin "$(bosh interpolate config-values/deployment-values.yml --path /cf_admin_password)"
  2. Enable diego_docker feature flag (temp BETA requirement)
    cf enable-feature-flag diego_docker
  3. Create Org and Space for test
    cf create-org test-org
    cf create-space -o test-org test-space
    cf target -o test-org -s test-space
  4. Push Test App
    cf push demo-app -o rseroter/simple-k8s-app-kpack

Minibroker Install

  1. Create Namespace for minibroker and Install with helm
    kubectl create ns minibroker
    helm repo add minibroker
    helm  repo update
    helm install  minibroker --namespace minibroker minibroker/minibroker --set "deployServiceCatalog=false" --set "defaultNamespace=minibroker"
  2. Create Service Broker in TAS for K8s and enable access to the services
    cf create-service-broker minibroker user pass http://minibroker-minibroker.minibroker.svc.cluster.local
    cf service-access
    cf enable-service-access mysql
    cf enable-service-access redis
    cf enable-service-access mongodb
    cf enable-service-access mariadb
  3. Verify services are available in the Marketplace
    cf marketplace
  4. Create a mariadb service instance
    cf create-service mariadb 10-3-22 mariadb-svc -c '{"db": {"name": "my_database"}}'
  5. Monitor the creation until it reports create succeeeded
    cf service

Deploying the Demo Application

  1. Clone the Demo App Repo and then go into the repo sirectory
    git clone
    cd todos-pcf
  2. Push todos-ui to TAS4K8s. This is an example of pushing a prebuilt Docker container from a Repo. The Dockerfile is included if you would like to build your own version and push it to your own Docker Repo. Just remember to change the manifest.yml.
    cd todo-ui
    cf push 
  3. Push todo-service to TAS4K8s. This is an example of pushing source code to TAS4K8s. The embedded Tanzu Build Service will build the source code and then package it in a container with all its dependencies.
    cd ../todo-service
    cf push
  4. After the push succeeds, browse to

Restarting TAS Cluster

If you want to shutdown the KIND docker container, or it shuts down for any reason, the KIND cluster will not restart automatically. Create a and run it to restart your KIND Cluster.

  1. Install yq (brew install yq)
  2. Create and make it executable
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    for container in $(kind get nodes --name ${KIND_CLUSTER}); do
        [[ $(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' $container) == "true" ]] || docker start $container
    sleep 1
    docker exec ${KIND_CLUSTER}-control-plane sh -c 'mount -o remount,ro /sys; kill -USR1 1'
    kubectl config set clusters.${KIND_CTX}.server $(kind get kubeconfig --name ${KIND_CLUSTER} -q | yq read -j - | jq -r '.clusters[].cluster.server')
    kubectl config set clusters.${KIND_CTX}.certificate-authority-data $(kind get kubeconfig --name ${KIND_CLUSTER} -q | yq read -j - | jq -r '.clusters[].cluster."certificate-authority-data"')
    kubectl config set users.${KIND_CTX}.client-certificate-data $(kind get kubeconfig --name ${KIND_CLUSTER} -q | yq read -j - | jq -r '.users[].user."client-certificate-data"')
    kubectl config set users.${KIND_CTX}.client-key-data $(kind get kubeconfig --name ${KIND_CLUSTER} -q | yq read -j - | jq -r '.users[].user."client-key-data"')