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+layout: post-en
+feed: false
+published: true
+title: 'DBCLS will begin "review process" of the NBDC human database.'
+- services
+category: en
+NBDC Human Database will be available from Apr 2024 at the Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS) in cooperation with DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ), on behalf of NBDC.
+Prior to the formal website launch, the DBCLS will begin review of applications on February 1.
+The guidelines necessary for the start of the review process were discussed at [the Data Sharing Subcommittee](https://dbcls.rois.ac.jp/PDF/20240201DataSharingSubcommittee_en.pdf) of the DBCLS, and the following guidelines have been finalized.
+-[NBDC Human Data Sharing Guidelines](https://dbcls.rois.ac.jp/PDF/20240201humandata_sharing_guidelines_en.pdf)
+-NBDC Human Data Security Guidelines [for Data Submitters](https://dbcls.rois.ac.jp/PDF/20240201humandata_security_guidelines_submitters_en.pdf), [for Data Users](https://dbcls.rois.ac.jp/PDF/20240201humandata_security_guidelines_users_en.pdf) and [for Database Center Operation Managers](https://dbcls.rois.ac.jp/PDF/20240201humandata_security_guidelines_database_managers_en.pdf)
+The revisions were made mainly due to the change in the operating entity. The basic rules remain unchanged, and the members of [the Human Data Review Board](https://dbcls.rois.ac.jp/PDF/20240201HumanDataReviewBoard_en.pdf), which is in charge of reviewing the applications, are also unchanged.
+Please note that NBDC will continue to provide non-review service. such as receiving applications and inquiry-responses, until the end of March.
+If you have any questions, please feel free to contact at
+Secretariats of Data Sharing Subcommittee and Human Data Review Board (DBCLS)
+The NBDC Human Databases is a platform to promote sharing and utilization of human data while considering protection of personal information. Since its launch in October 2013, it has been developed and provided by the Department of NBDC Program in cooperation with the Bioinformation and DDBJ Center at the National Institute of Genetics (NIG), ROIS.