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File metadata and controls

321 lines (241 loc) · 8.94 KB

Quickstart for OCI

Minimum requirements

  • OCI infrastructure must exist with private or public IP.
  • OCI credentials.

1. Declare your infrastructure

Once in the container, you can describe the infrastructure you wish to begin with. Below is an example of an OCI testing infrastructure name "oci_testing":

Create a directory under ./configuration/infrastructure with your infrastructure name:

mkdir ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing

Copy the adaquat template file located under ./configuration/infrastructure_sample:

cp  ./configuration/infrastructure_sample/oci/variables.yml  ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing
vi ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/variables.yml

Adapt at least the below parameter:

  • compartment_id
  • availability_domain
  • security_list
  • subnet_id
# File ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/variables.yml
is_cloud_environement: yes
environment: oci_testing
ansible_user: opc
provider: oci
region_id: eu-zurich-1
compartment_id: ****
availability_domain: *****
security_list: ******
subnet_id: ******

  Environment: Test
  Department: Development YaK
  Business_unit: YaK

  max_size_gb: 100
    xxxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You should now see your infrastructure in the Ansible inventory:

$ ansible-inventory --graph --vars
  |  |--{ami_id = ami-07e51b655b107cd9b}
  |  |--{availability_zone = eu-central-1a}
  |  |--{environment = oci-testing}
  |  |--{instance_type = t3.large}
  |  |--{is_cloud_environment = True}
  |  |--{provider = oci}
  |  |--{region_id = eu-central-1}
  |  |--{security_group_id = sg-*****}
  |  |--{subnet_id = subnet-**********}
  |--{ansible_winrm_read_timeout_sec = 60}
  |--{yak_inventory_type = file}
  |--{yak_local_ssh_config_file = ~/yak/configuration/infrastructure/.ssh/config}
  |--{yak_secrets_directory = /workspace/yak/configuration/infrastructure/secrets}

Here are more details about infrastructure declaration.

2. Declare your first server

Create a directory under your infrastructure ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing with your server name:

mkdir ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/srv01

Copy one of the below server template file for Linux or Windows under ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/srv01:


In our example we choose the Linux templates

cp ./configuration/infrastructure_sample/oci/srv-linux-test-01/variables.yml ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/srv01
vi ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/srv01/variables.yml

Adapt at least the below parameters:

  • hostname
  • host_ip_access: private_ip|public_ip
  • private_ip
    • mode : manual | auto
    • ip : ip_address_value | or leave_it_empty_with_auto
  • public_ip
    • mode : manual | auto | none
      • ip : ip_address_value | or leave_it_empty_with_auto_or_none
# File ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/srv01/variables.yml
hostname: srv01
is_physical_server: no
ansible_user: opc
host_ip_access: public_ip
    mode: auto
    mode: auto
operating_system: Oracle-Linux-8.5-2022.01.24-0
    name: VM.Standard.E4.Flex
    memory_in_gbs: 8
    ocpus: 2

You should now see your server in the Ansible inventory:

$ ansible-inventory --graph
  |  |--oci_testing/srv01
  |  |--oci_testing/srv01

Here are more details about server configuration.

3. Create your secret

A SSH key (for Linux) will be used for your server connection. For Windows, you'll need to generate certificate.

Create a directory secrets under your infrastructure ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing:

mkdir ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/secrets

For Linux (SSH Key)

Generate your default SSH key with the script gen_secret:

cd ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/secrets
cd -

You should now see the SSH key used by your server:

$ ansible-inventory --host oci_testing/srv01
    "ami_id": "ami-07e51b655b107cd9b",
    "ansible_host": "",
    "ansible_ssh_private_key_file": "/workspace/yak/configuration/infrastructure/aws_testing/secrets/sshkey",
    "ansible_ssh_public_key_file": "/workspace/yak/configuration/infrastructure/aws_testing/secrets/",
    "ansible_user": "ec2-user",
. . .

For Windows (Certificate)

cd ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/secrets

# Set the name of the local user that will have the key mapped to

cat > openssl.conf << EOL
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth
subjectAltName = otherName:;UTF8:$USERNAME@localhost

export OPENSSL_CONF=openssl.conf
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -out cert.pem -outform PEM -keyout cert_key.pem -subj "/CN=$USERNAME" -extensions v3_req_client

rm openssl.conf

cd -

More options on the Ansible documentation for Windows managed host.

Here are more details about key management.

4. Copy your OCI Cloud authentication

Use your OCI CLI programmatic access key variables:

export OCI_USER_ID=*****
export OCI_TENANCY=*****
export OCI_REGION=eu-zurich-1
export OCI_USER_KEY_FILE=$HOME/.ssh/oracleidentitycloudservice.pem
export OCI_ANSIBLE_AUTH_TYPE=api_key

Here are more details about the Cloud provider authentification.

5. Deploy your server

ansible-playbook servers/deploy.yml -e target=oci_testing/srv01

Here are more details about the server deployment possibilities

6. Connect to the server

Ping with the Ansible module to ensure the connectivity works:

ansible -m ping oci_testing/srv01

Connect via SSH to the server:

ssh oci_testing/srv01

7. Declare your first component

The component configuration is located under a separated directory structure ./configuration/components

To deploy the disks for your server, you can use a DEMO component

Create a directory under ./configuration/components with your component name DEMO in our case

mkdir ./configuration/components/DEMO

Copy the adaquat template file located under ./configuration/components_sample/DEMO:

cp  ./configuration/components_sample/DEMO/variables.yml  ./configuration/components/DEMO
vi ./configuration/components/DEMO/variables.yml

Now you can update the parameters for your required filesystem or windows disks

# File ./configuration/components/DEMO/variables.yml
# Copyright: (c) 2023, dbi services, distributed without any warranty under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3
component_type: os_storage/storage

# Variable indicated in the manifest and declaring the servers belonging to group 'my_servers'
    - oci_testing/srv01

        - { size_gb: 5, filesystem_type: "xfs", mount_point: "/u01" }
        - { size_gb: 5, filesystem_type: "xfs", mount_point: "/u02" }
        - { size_gb: 5, drive_letter: F, partition_label: data   }
        - { size_gb: 5, drive_letter: G, partition_label: backup }

8. Set the inventory to your DEMO component

sc DEMO 
ansible-inventory --graph 

9. Deploy the storage of your DEMO component

This Ansible playbook will deploy the storage of the component attached to your server:

ansible-playbook servers/deploy.yml -e target=oci_testing/srv01

Once completed, connect via SSH to the server and look at the storage layout:

$ ssh oci_testing/srv01 df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs              3.7G     0  3.7G   0% /dev
tmpfs                 3.7G  8.0K  3.7G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                 3.7G   17M  3.7G   1% /run
tmpfs                 3.7G     0  3.7G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/nvme0n1p1         10G  1.8G  8.3G  18% /
tmpfs                 757M     0  757M   0% /run/user/1000
/dev/mapper/data-u01  4.0G   62M  4.0G   2% /u01
/dev/mapper/data-u02   12G  119M   12G   1% /u02

You are now ready to operate your components on your server!


GNU General Public License v3.0 or later See COPYING to see the full text.