class ColorAnalyser
constructor: (img, canvas, maxColorBits=8) ->
@octree = new Octree maxColorBits
@loadCanvas img, canvas
loadCanvas: (img, canvas) ->
context = canvas.getContext '2d'
@imgWidth = img.width
@imgHeight = img.height
canvas.width = @imgWidth
canvas.height = @imgHeight
context.drawImage img, 0, 0
@imageData = context.getImageData 0, 0, @imgWidth, @imgHeight
getPixel: (x, y, channels=3) ->
idx = (y * @imgWidth + x) * 4
([idx + channel] for channel in [0...channels])
detectBackground: () ->
top = (@getPixel x, 0 for x in [0...@imgWidth])
bottom = (@getPixel x, (@imgHeight-1) for x in [0...@imgWidth])
left = (@getPixel 0, y for y in [0...@imgHeight])
right = (@getPixel (@imgWidth-1), y for y in [0...@imgHeight])
border = ((top.concat bottom).concat left).concat right
colorFreqs = {}
for color in border
if colorFreqs[color.toString()]?
colorFreqs[color.toString()] = 1
bgColor = top[0]
mostFrequent = 0
for color, freq of colorFreqs
if freq > mostFrequent
bgColor = color.split(',').map (x) -> parseInt x
mostFrequent = freq
return bgColor
rgbToHsl: (r, g, b) ->
r /= 255
g /= 255
b /= 255
max = Math.max(r, g, b)
min = Math.min(r, g, b)
l = (max + min) / 2
if max == min
h = s = 0 # achromatic
d = max - min
s = if l > 0.5 then d / (2 - max - min) else d / (max + min)
switch max
when r
h = (g - b) / d + (if g < b then 6 else 0)
when g
h = (b - r) / d + 2
when b
h = (r - g) / d + 4
h /= 6
[h, s, l]
# Converts an HSL color value to RGB. Conversion formula
# adapted from
# Assumes h, s, and l are contained in the set [0, 1] and
# returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].
# @param Number h The hue
# @param Number s The saturation
# @param Number l The lightness
# @return Array The RGB representation
hslToRgb: (h, s, l) ->
if s == 0
r = g = b = l # achromatic
hue2rgb = (p, q, t) ->
if t < 0 then t += 1
if t > 1 then t -= 1
if t < 1/6 then return p + (q - p) * 6 * t
if t < 1/2 then return q
if t < 2/3 then return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6
return p
q = if l < 0.5 then l * (1 + s) else l + s - l * s
p = 2 * l - q
r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3)
g = hue2rgb(p, q, h)
b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3)
[r * 255, g * 255, b * 255]
chooseTextColor: (backgroundColor, palette=null) ->
[r, g, b] = backgroundColor
[h, s, l] = @rgbToHsl r, g, b
# rotate hue
h += 0.5
if h > 1 then h -= 1
# invert saturation, and desaturate a little more
s = (1 - s) * 0.25
# invert lightness
l = (1 - l)
# increase contrast for lightness near grey
if l < 0.5
l = -l + 0.5
else if l > 0.5
l = -l + 1.5
l = 1
# if a color palette has been provided, use it to affect the text color
if palette?
lerp = (t, from, to) -> t * to + (1-t) * from
# find the mode color in the palette
[modeColor, modeCount] = palette[0]
for [color, count] in palette
if count > modeCount
modeCount = count
modeColor = color
# convert to HSL
[mR, mG, mB] = modeColor
[mH, mS, mL] = @rgbToHsl mR, mG, mB
# take the minimum saturation so far
s = Math.min s, mS
# shift the hue towards the mode color
h = lerp 0.75, h, mH
# convert back to RGB
rgb = (@hslToRgb h, s, l).map Math.floor
return rgb
analyseImage: (paletteSize, background=null, ignoreGrey=false) ->
if not background? then background = @detectBackground()
[palette, numVectors] = @getClusteredPalette paletteSize, 1, 1024, background, 32, ignoreGrey
return [palette, numVectors]
getClusteredPalette: (numClusters, threshold, paletteSize, exclude, error, ignoreGrey) ->
[palette, numVectors] = @getThresholdedPalette threshold, paletteSize, exclude, error, ignoreGrey
clusterer = new KMeans numClusters, 3
clusterer.setPoints palette
clusters = clusterer.performCluster()
colors = ([cluster.getMean(), cluster.size] for cluster in clusters)
return [colors, numVectors]
getThresholdedPalette: (threshold, paletteSize, exclude, error, ignoreGrey) ->
[colors, numVectors] = @getPalette paletteSize, exclude, error, ignoreGrey
colors.sort (a, b) -> (b[1] - a[1])
newColors = []
sum = 0
for color in colors
newColors.push color
sum += color[1]
break if sum > (numVectors * threshold)
return [newColors, numVectors]
getFilteredPalette: (stdDeviations, paletteSize, exclude, error, ignoreGrey) ->
[colors, numVectors] = @getPalette paletteSize, exclude, error, ignoreGrey
numColors = 0
freqSum = 0
for i in [0...colors.length]
[color, freq] = colors[i]
freqSum += freq
meanFrequency = freqSum / numColors
stdDevSum = 0
for i in [0...colors.length]
[color, freq] = colors[i]
meanDiff = (freq - meanFrequency)
stdDevSum += (meanDiff * meanDiff)
stdDevFrequency = Math.sqrt (stdDevSum/numColors)
filteredColors = ([color, freq] for [color, freq] in colors when Math.abs(freq - meanFrequency) < (stdDevFrequency * stdDeviations))
return [filteredColors, numVectors]
getPalette: (paletteSize, exclude, error, ignoreGrey) ->
if not error? then error = 0
pixelData =
for i in [0...pixelData.length] by 4
r = pixelData[i]
g = pixelData[i+1]
b = pixelData[i+2]
a = pixelData[i+3]
isExcluded = false
if exclude?
[er, eg, eb] = exclude
rIsWithinError = (er - error) < r < (er + error)
gIsWithinError = (eg - error) < g < (eg + error)
bIsWithinError = (eb - error) < b < (eb + error)
isExcluded = rIsWithinError and gIsWithinError and bIsWithinError
excludeGrey = false
if ignoreGrey
rg = Math.abs( r - g ) < error
rb = Math.abs( r - b ) < error
gb = Math.abs( g - b ) < error
excludeGrey = ignoreGrey and rg and rb and gb
isExcluded = isExcluded or excludeGrey
if not isExcluded then @octree.insertVector [r, g, b]
numVectors = @octree.numVectors
return [(@octree.reduceToSize paletteSize), numVectors]