class KMeans
This class is a KMeans clusterer with an intelligent starting cluster selection. Data points can be added to a cluster with a weighing, rather than adding a point multiple times. Each cluster stores a mean (centroid) vector and points are moved to closer clusters until such movement no longer occurs.
The clusterer is constructed with the number of clusters to work with, and the dimensionality of the space over which clustering is taking place. The constructor instantiates the required number of Cluster objects.
constructor: (numClusters, numDimensions) ->
@numClusters = numClusters
@clusters = ((new Cluster numDimensions) for i in [0...numClusters])
Initialise the list of points to cluster. Each point is a pair of [data, weight] where data is a vector value. The weights may refer to how many times a vector is represented within the full set of data points.
setPoints: (points) ->
@dataPoints = ((new DataPoint data, weight) for [data, weight] in points)
This method performs the clustering of the added data points into Cluster objects. Each clustering step returns how many points moved between clusters, and clustering stops when no more moves are made. Returned are the cluster objects after clustering.
performCluster: () ->
movesMade = @clusterStep()
break if movesMade is 0
return @clusters
With KMeans it is important that the selection of the initial cluster centers are spread out over the data points. This method intelligently selects an initial center point for each cluster, based on a randomised first choice.
initClusters: () ->
# select intelligent initial cluster centers
numPoints = @dataPoints.length
# choose an initial center uniformly at random
firstCenterIndex = Math.floor (Math.random() * numPoints)
@clusters[0].addPoint @dataPoints[firstCenterIndex]
# init the other clusters with centers at a balanced distance
for cluster in @clusters[1..]
maxDist = 0
bestCenter = null
# find a point furthest from all the current centers
for point in @dataPoints
# skip already assigned centers
if not point.cluster?
minDist = @nearestClusterDistance point
if minDist > maxDist
# the nearest cluster is farther than
# the farthest point
maxDist = minDist
bestCenter = point
cluster.addPoint bestCenter
This method finds the distance to the nearest cluster from a DataPoint (used by initClusters). It does not keep track of which cluster is at this distance.
nearestClusterDistance: (point) ->
for cluster in @clusters when (cluster? and cluster.size > 0)
minDist = Math.min minDist, (cluster.getDistanceTo point)
return minDist
This method finds the Cluster nearest a DataPoint.
nearestClusterTo: (point) ->
nearestCluster = null
nearestDistance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
for cluster in @clusters when (cluster? and cluster.size > 0)
if not nearestCluster?
# ensure a nearestCluster is always assigned
nearestCluster = cluster
nearestDistance = nearestCluster.getDistanceTo point
distance = cluster.getDistanceTo point
if distance < nearestDistance
# nearest cluster so far
nearestCluster = cluster
nearestDistance = distance
return nearestCluster
This method attempts to reassign a DataPoint to a new Cluster. A data point is assigned to the given cluster if it has not yet been assigned to a cluster, or if the cluster to which it was previously assigned has more than 1 data point (the last data point in a cluster will not be removed).
This method returns true if (and only if) the point was indeed assigned to a new cluster.
reassignPoint: (point, cluster) ->
currentCluster = point.cluster
wasAbleToAssign = false
if not currentCluster?
# no cluster associated with this point,
# add it to the new cluster
cluster.addPoint point
wasAbleToAssign = true
else if currentCluster.size > 1 and cluster isnt currentCluster
# move it from its current cluster to a
# nearer cluster
currentCluster.removePoint point
cluster.addPoint point
wasAbleToAssign = true
return wasAbleToAssign
This method runs each step of the clustering, returning how many points were moved between clusters in this step. Each point is moved from its existing cluster to the cluster which is currently nearest to the data point. Points are not moved if it would cause a cluster to become empty, and if the point is already in its nearest cluster then this is not counted.
clusterStep: ->
numMoves = 0
# reassign points to their nearest cluster
# and increment the number of moves made when reassignment succeeds
for point in @dataPoints
nearestCluster = @nearestClusterTo point
numMoves++ if @reassignPoint point, nearestCluster
return numMoves
Stores a data vector, a weighting and the current cluster to which this point is assigned.
class DataPoint
constructor: (@data, @weight=1, @cluster=null) ->
Stores the size (cardinality) of the cluster, the sum of all the data points (multiplied by weights) contained within the cluster as well as the dimensionality of the data vector.
class Cluster
A cluster is constructed with the dimensionality of the space being clustered. Its starting size is 0, and no sum is initialised. An array with the length of the number of dimensions is allocated for convenient looping.
constructor: (numDimensions) ->
@size = 0
@dimensions = [0...numDimensions]
@sum = (0 for i in @dimensions)
When a DataPoint is added to a cluster, the point's data vector scaled by its weight is added to the cluster's sum. The cardinality is also increased by the point's weight. The combination of sum and size stores the cluster's mean. This operation therefore shifts the mean of the cluster by the addition of a weighted data point.
addPoint: (point) ->
@size += point.weight
@sum[i] +=[i] * point.weight for i in @dimensions
point.cluster = @
removePoint is the inverse of addPoint, subtracting the weighted point from the cluster. This operation shifts the mean of the cluster by the subtraction of the weighted data point.
removePoint: (point) ->
point.cluster = null
@size -= point.weight
@sum[i] -=[i] * point.weight for i in @dimensions
This method calculates the mean from the sum and size of the cluster.
getMean: () -> (@sum[i] / @size for i in @dimensions)
The getDistanceTo method is called on a Cluster to determine the distance from a given DataPoint to the cluster. The distance function implemented is the square of the Euclidean distance of the data point to the mean of the cluster.
getDistanceTo: (point) ->
centroid = @getMean()
squaredDist = 0
for i in @dimensions
diff = centroid[i] -[i]
squaredDist += diff * diff
return squaredDist