Pointer arithmetic is not possible with Forward Iterators. Also, only post and preincrement ++ are available. RAIs have valid decrement operations and give random access to the underlying data - operator[];
InputIterator only lets us read the dereferenced value. - std::iterator_traits::value_type == const smth OutputIterator lets us write to the dereferenced value.
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Unter gottschlin_list.h
zu finden.
nachträglich hinzugefügt.
Alle tests aus der Vector test suite sind erfolgreich gelaufen.
In den letzten Zeilen von list_test.cpp
auch insert_after
- falls dies nicht die richtige Funktionsweise ist, sehr froh auf Hinweise...
No questions. Tests passed.
No questions.
Talks watched, enjoyed both.
No questions.
Implementation is more efficient for RAIs because of the use of std::advance(). https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator/advance
However, if InputIt additionally meets the requirements of RandomAccessIterator, complexity is constant.
No questions.
No questions.
Still working on it.
No questions.
Solved after hints in e-mail exchange.
No questions.
Watched both talks, NRVO sticked after the first one. Small string optimization after the second one. Andrei Alxandrescu's talks are way more entertaining.
No questions.
Included move constructor and assignment to gottschling_list.h
and godbolt link with test.
No questions.
Sparse array has no ownership, default move semantics work. Will only be able to validate with working sparse_array.h
Not being color-blind makes it possible to see if move semantics work as expected, poor dogs.