The BOSS2 OLED application runs on Python 3.4 and higher.
It handles the front panel display and user interface, including:
- volume settings
- controlling Allo Boss2 amixer controls
- filter settings
- RMS voltage level
Tested on:
- RoPieee
- RoPieee XL
- MoOde
- DietPi
- Volumio
- Max2play
- Login as root user
cd /tmp
git clone
cd boss2_oled_p3
After installation, the splash screen should appear on the front panel display for a brief moment, and should then display the main screen with volume setting and bitstream info if audio is playing.
sudo /opt/boss2_oled/
- Login as root user
cd /opt/
git clone
cd boss2_oled_p3
Automatically downloads and installs required packages for the respective OS and reboots. Every reboot starts boss2_oled display, checks the Boss2 sound device on startup. If no Boss2 hardware is found the application exits.
If Python 2 is not installed, install manually.
Required packages after installing python2:
apt-get -y update apt-get install python3 apt-get -y install python3-rpi.gpio (if doesnt work install pip and then run pip2 install RPi.GPIO==0.7.0) apt-get -y install python3-pip apt-get -y install python3-smbus (if does not work then run pip2 install smbus) apt-get -y install python3-pil (or apt-get -y install python3-pillow)
Enable i2c manually or check i2cdetect -y 1
Resize FS on webGUI ssh login with user tc Password piCore
tce-load -wi python3.8-Pillow.tcz
tce-load -wi python3.8-smbus.tcz
tce-load -wi python3.8-rpi-gpio.tcz
tce-load -wi iproute2.tcz
sudo su
cd /opt/
tar -xzvf boss2_oled_p3.tar.gz
On web GUI Tweaks page user commands type below line and save:
sh /opt/boss2_oled_p3/
On executing ./ will install the required packages and add the startup service to start on every reboot. If for any reason you need to manually disable it on startup, follow the steps below.
- ssh enable on GUI
- Login via SSH (username:
, password:ropieee
for disabling the boss2 oled application execute below command on ssh login $systemctl disable ropieee-boss2-oled.service $reboot
To start agin the service execute below command and reboot. $systemctl enable ropieee-boss2-oled.service $reboot
- Login via SSH (username:
, password:osmc
To disable the service:
systemctl stop boss2oled.service systemctl disable boss2oled.service
To re-enable the service:
systemctl enable boss2oled.service systemctl start boss2oled.service
- Login via SSH (username:
, password:dietpi
To disable the service:
systemctl disable boss2oled.service reboot
To re-enable the service:
systemctl enable boss2oled.service reboot
- Login via SSH (username:
, password:moodeaudio
) sudo su
For disabling start up service, follow the steps below:
nano /etc/rc.local
delete or comment these 2 lines:
boss2flag=1 sudo python3 /opt/boss2_oled_p3/ &
- Login via SSH (username:
, password:volumio
) su
(password: volumio)
For disabling start up service, follow the steps below:
nano /etc/rc.local
delete or comment these 2 lines:
boss2flag=1 sudo python3 /opt/boss2_oled_p3/ &
- Login via SSH (username:
, password:max2play
) sudo su
For disabling start up service, follow the steps below:
nano /etc/rc.local
delete or comment these 2 lines:
boss2flag=1 sudo python3 /opt/boss2_oled_p3/ &